Analysis of Genetic Effects for Heterosis of Erucic Acid and Glucosinolate Contents in Rapeseed




二、遗传三大基本定律杂交(hybridization):遗传学中经典的也是常用的实验方法,通过不同的基因型的个体之间的交配而取得某些双亲基因重新组合的个体的方法互交(reciprocal cross):甲乙两种具有不同遗传特性的亲本杂交回交(back cross):子一代与亲本之一相交配的一种杂交方法测交(test cross):杂种子一代与隐形纯和类型交配,用来测定杂种F1遗传型的方法纯种(true breeding):指相对与某一或某些形状而言在自交后代中没有分离而可真实遗传的品种显性性状(dominant character):具有相对性状的双亲杂交所产生的子一代中得到表现的那个亲本性状隐性性状(recessive character):没有得到表现的那个亲本性状基因型(genotype):指所研究性状所对应的有关遗传因子表型(phenotype):指在特定环境下所研究的基因型的性状表现纯合体(homozygote):由两个相同的遗传因子结合而成的个体杂合体(heterozygote):由两个不同遗传因子结合而成的个体等位基因(alleles):指一对同源染色体的某一给定位点的成对的遗传因子单因子杂种(Monohybrid):the offspring of two parents that are homozygous for alternate alleles of a gene分离定律:配子形成过程中,成对的遗传因子相互分离,结果,如在杂合体中,半数的配子带有其中一个遗传因子,另一半的配子带有另外一个遗传因子共显性(codominance):宏观上呈显隐性关系的相对性状,在分子水平上却呈共显性关系,即二者的基因都表达从而产生两种不同的蛋白质自由组合规律:形成配子时等位基因分离,非等位基因以同等的机会在配子内自由组合,通过不同基因型配子之间的随机结合,形成F2的表型比例连锁与交换定律:处于同一染色体上的两个或两个以上基因遗传时,联合在一起的频率大于重新组合的频率;配子形成过程中,同源染色体的非姊妹染色单体间发生局部交换的结果导致重组类型的产生交换值(crossing-over value):大小用来表示基因间距离的长短表型模写(phenocopy):环境改变引起的表型改变,有时与某基因引起的表型变化很相似外显率(penetrance):某一基因型个体显示其预期表型的比率,是基因表达的另一变异方式表现度(expressivity):基因的表达程度存在一定的差异,描述基因表达的程度三、染色体与遗传基因型性别决定系统(genotypic sex determination system):与染色体或基因型有关的性别决定系统异配性别(heterogametic sex):产生两种不同的配子同配性别(homogametic sex)性染色体(Sex chromosomes):与性别决定有明显而直接关系的染色体常染色体(Autosomes):性染色体以外的所有染色体巴氏小体(Barr body):又名性染色质体(sex-chromatin body)是一种高度浓缩的、惰性的、异染色质化的小体,它就是失活的X染色体性反转(sex reversal):指生物从一种性别转为另一种性别的现象初级例外子代(primary exceptional progeny):例外子代与它们同一性别的亲本一样,雌蝇偏母,雄蝇偏父,次级例外子代:初级例外雌蝇的例外子代性相关遗传(Sex-related inheritance):指和性别相关连的遗传现象伴性遗传(Sex-linked inheritance):遗传学上,将位于性染色体上的基因所控制的性状的遗传方式交叉遗传(criss-cross inheritance):男性所拥有的来自母系的X连锁基因将来只能传给他女儿的遗传现象限性遗传(sex-limited inheritance):有些基因并不一定位于性染色体上,但它所影响的特殊性状只在某一种性别中出现的遗传方式从性遗传(sex influenced inheritance):有些基因虽然位于常染色体上,但由于受到性激素的作用,因而使得它在不同性别中的表达不同的遗传现象剂量补偿效应(dosage compensation effect):指在XY性别决定机制的生物中,使性连锁基因在两种性别中有相等或近乎相等的有效剂量的遗传效应假显性(pseudo-dominance):又称拟显性,一条染色体上的显性基因缺失,导致同源染色体上的隐性等位基因(非致死)表现效应交换抑制突变(crossover suppressor mutations):由于染色体倒位所造成交换抑制因子(crossover represspr)平衡致死系(balanced lethal system):又称永久杂种(permanent hybrid),紧密连锁或中间具有倒位片段的相邻基因由于生殖细胞的同源染色体不能交换,所以可以用非等位基因的双杂合子,保存非等位基因的纯合隐性致死基因的品系罗伯逊易位(Robertsonian translocation):又称着丝粒融合或整臂融合,发生于近端着丝粒染色体之间的特殊易位方式基数:一个染色体组内含有的染色体数又称基数,用x表示整倍体(euploid):含有一套或多套完整染色体组的个体多倍体(polyploid):超过两个染色体组的个体非整倍体(aneuploid):染色体组内个别染色体数目的增减,使细胞内染色体数目不成完整的染色体组倍数单倍体:是指体细胞内具有本物种配子染色体数目(n)的个体,它可以是天然的,也可以是人工诱变或培育的四、遗传图的制作和基因定位图距(map distance):即两个基因在染色体图上距离的数量单位,它以重组1%去掉%号表示基因在染色体上的一个距离单位,即某基因间的距离为一个图距单位(map unit, mu),现用厘摩(cM)基因定位(gene mapping):指将基因定位于某一特定的染色体上,以及测定基因在染色体上线性排列的顺序与距离两点测交(two-point testcross):指每次只测定两个基因间的遗传距离,这是基因定位的最基本方法三点测交(three-point testcross):就是通过一次杂交和一次测交,同时确定三对等位基因(即三个基因位点)的排列顺序和它们之间的遗传距离干涉(interference):每发生一次单交换时,它的临近基因间也发生一次交换的机会就减少并发系数(coefficient of coincidence,c):干涉的程度,其值为:实际双交换值/理论双交换值负干涉(negative interference):并发系数大于1,即一次交换的发生使第二次发生交换的频率增加了染色体干涉(chromosomal interference)就一个完整的染色体为单位来说的,第一次交换发生后,第二次交换可以在任意两条非姊妹染色单体间进行。



第15卷第4期2008年7月地学前缘(中国地质大学(北京);北京大学)Earth Science Frontiers (Chin a University of Geosciences,Beijing;Peking University)Vol.15No.4J ul.2008收稿日期:2008-03-10;修回日期:2008-03-20基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划/9730项目(2006C B202300);国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(40739906)作者简介:何登发(1967)),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事沉积盆地构造特征和构造控油规律研究。

E -m ail:hedengfa282@2631n et准噶尔盆地车排子-莫索湾古隆起的形成演化与成因机制何登发1, 陈新发2, 况 军2, 周 路3, 唐 勇2, 刘德光211中国地质大学(北京)能源学院;教育部海相储层演化与油气富集机理重点实验室,北京10008321中国石油新疆油田公司,新疆克拉玛依83400031西南石油大学资源与环境学院,四川新都610500H e Deng fa 1, Chen Xinfa 2, Kuang Jun 2, Zhou Lu 3, T ang Yong 2, Liu Deg uang 211S ch ool of Ener gy Re sour ces ,China Univ er sity of Ge osciences (Be ij ing );K ey L abor atory f or M arine R eserv oir Ev olution and H yd rocar-bon A ccu mulation M echanism ,M inistry of Ed ucation ,B eij in g 100083,China21X inj iang Oil Field Comp any ,P etroChina,K ar amay 834000,China31R esource s &Env ir on me nt I nstitu te ,Southw est Petr oleum Univ er sity ,X ind u 610500,ChinaHe Dengfa,C hen Xinfa,Kuang Jun,et al 1Development and genetic mechanism of Chepaiz-i Mosuowan uplif t in Junggar basin 1Earth Science Frontiers ,2008,15(4):042-055Abstract:T he Jung g ar co nt inental blo ck is a neo -crato nic block t hat dev elo ped on the basis of the pre -Cambrian/micr o -0co ntinental blo ck and its surr ounding Ear ly P aleozoic continenta l marg inal accr etion fold belts,andexperienced t he tectonic tr ansitional development in the Carbonifer ous -Permian per iod 1T he Jungg ar basin is asuperimpo sed deposit ional basin dev eloped o n the /neo -crato n 0,w hich resulted fr om the superposit ion o f theintracr atonic depressio n o f the T r iassic to the Paleo gene (T -E)and t he for eland basin of t he Neo gene to theQ uater nar y (N -Q ).T he mult-i stag e activ ities of sur ro unding fault belts and t he heterog eneity of basement hadled to str ong activ ities of the /neo -cratonic blo ck 0in the later st ag es,r esulting in the dev elopment of a lar ge -scale SWW -N EE -trending Chepaiz-i M osuow an uplift in the inter ior o f the Jungg ar basin in t he M iddle and L ateJur assic 1T his uplift has ex perienced a co mplete pro cess )the initial develo pment in the early Yanshanian per iod(J 1s ),rapid g row ing and shaping in the middle Y anshanian period (J 2x ,J 2t ),buried in the late Yanshanianper io d,and tilting and destructed in the H imalayan per iod 1Contr olled by the activit ies o f the sur ro unding faultbelts under the reg ional tr anspression o f the M iddle and L ate Jurassic,it has been an imag e -like rotat edtranspressional structural belt,a composit e uplift w ith an irr egular shape,ow ing to the decoupling of the o ver -ly ing Jurassic -Cr et aceo us st ruct ur al lay er and the underlying Car bo niferous -T riassic structur al layer 1T he Chep -aiz-i M osuow an uplift had a marked inf luence upo n the deposition and o il and gas accumulations 1A series of l-itho lo gic and st ratig ra phic traps have developed on the two slo pes of the uplift 1Cur rent ly ,a number of lar ge andmedium -sized o il and g as fields hav e been found in the ar ea,such as Shinan -21,Shinan -31,M o bei,M o x -izhuang ,and Yo ng feng 1T he Chepa iz-i M osuow an uplift will be an import ant ar ea fo r o il and g as explo ration ofthe litho lo gic and str atig raphic plays in the interior of the Jungg ar basin at the nex t stage 1Key words:/neo-cr aton0;str uctural development;tr anspression;ex plor ation plays;Chepaiz-i M o suo wan uplift; Jungg ar basin摘要:准噶尔地块是在前寒武纪/微0地块与环绕它的早古生代陆缘增生褶皱带的基础上经历石炭)二叠纪过渡阶段的构造演化之后固结形成的新克拉通地块。


பைடு நூலகம்
Fig.1. An example of DNA melting properties in a perpendicular denaturing gradient gel. At a low concentration of denaturant, th e DNA fragment remains double-stranded, but as the concentrati on of denaturant increases, the DNA fragment begins to melt. Th en, at very high concentrations of denaturant,the DNA fragment c an completely melt, creating two single strands.
20.00% 18.00% 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00%
2.00% 0.00%
1. Microbiological characterisation of Robiola di Roccaverano cheese using PCR-DGGE. Bonetta, S.Carraro, E.Rantsiou, K. Cocolin, L. 2008 Food Microbiology.(IF 2.847) 2. Variation in the active diazotrophic community in rice paddy - nifH PCR-DGGE analysis of rhizosphere and bulk soil. Wartiainen, I. ;Eriksson, T. ;Zheng, W. W. ;Rasmussen, U. 2008 Applied Soil Ecology.(IF2.247) 3. Analysis of community structure of a microbial consortium capable of degrading benzo(a)pyrene by DGGE. Luo, Y. R. ; Tian, Y. ;Huang, X. ;Yan, C. L. ;Hong, H. S. ;Lin, G. H. ; Zheng, T. L. 2009 Marine Pollution Bulletin(IF 2.63)



遗传多态性知识一、SNP, LD, Haplotype and Tagger SNP1. 遗传/基因多态性(genetic/gene polymorphism)在一随机婚配的群体中,染色体同一基因座位点上有两种或两种以上的基因型,且各个等位基因在群体中的出现频率皆高于1%。


而种群中频率等于或小于1 %的碱基变异称为突变。




限制性片段长度多态性(restriction fragment length polymorphism. RFLP)是第一代的遗传标记;可变数目的串联重复(variable number of tandem repeat. VNTR)是第二代遗传标记;其中重复单位为2-6个核苷酸称为微卫星或短串联重复;6-12个核苷酸称为小卫星。

Polymorphisms are defined as frequent (occurring in greater than 1% of the population) variations in the human DNA sequence. Most involve a single base pair substitution, known as single nucleotide polymorphisms(1), although more complex variations are also recognised. SNPs are single base pair positions in genomic DNA at which different sequence alternatives (alleles) exist in normal individuals in some population(s), wherein the least frequent allele has an abundance of 1% or greater. In principle, SNPs could be bi-, tri-, or tetra-alletic polymorphisms. Howere, in humans, tri-alletic and tetra-alletic SNPs are rare almost to the point of non-existence, and so SNPs are sometimes simply referred to as bi-allelic markers.单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism.SNP):最早由美国麻省理工学院的人类基因组研究中心Lander于1996年提出,是不同个体基因组DNA序列内特定核苷酸位置上单个碱基的不同.是第三代遗传标记,任一SNP在群体中出现的频率应不小于1%,原则上SNP 可以是双、三、四等位基因多态,在人类三、四等位基因的SNP很少甚至几乎不存在,因此SNP简单指双等位标记,双等位基因的SNP替换包括1个转换C\T(G\A)和3个颠换C\A(G\T)、C\G(G\C)、T\A(A \T),由于核苷酸的5-甲基胞嘧啶脱氢基反应相对比较频繁,使得四种SNPs在基因组中出现的频率不同,在生物体内约2/3是C/T(G/A)转换,并且多存在于非转录序列中。



基因变异Somatic cell genetic defects can not be transmitted to the next generation.对According to current researches, Single nucleotide variants (SNV) and Insertion–deletion variants (indels) are easier to be interpreted than other types of variants.对Variants in introns don’t affect the transcription regulation process.错In some genes, there are mutation hotspots which may contribute a lot to the disease pathogenicity.对Non-homologous equal crossover yields fusion genes.错PART II: FILL IN THE BLANKS.6. Human genetic variants can be classified into fivecategories.Apart from Insertion–deletion variants (indels), Block substitutions, and Inversion variants, what are the rest two categories? single nucleotide variants and copy number variants7. Effects of disease-causing mutations on function of gene product include four aspects, which are discribed as follows: loss of function, gain of function, acquisition of novel property, and abnormal expression: heterochronic or ectopic. Among them, the majority of the cause of pathology is loss of functionStrand slippage can be caused by ( ) and results in insertions and deletions. simple sequence repeats9. Splicing processes affected by mutations in introns which happen in the receptor sites or donor sites bring about intron retention, exon skipping and ( ) activation of cryptic splice sites10.( )mutations in exon coding sequences always create truncated proteins which may have a prior tendency to result in abnomal protein function. Nonsense致病基因的识别填空题Alleles of SNPs that are close together tending to be inherited together can be called as (haplotype)Transgenic animals can be set for modelling diseases and understanding of (gene function )多选题3.The 3 Generation Human Genetic Markers used for linkage analysis can be listed are follows, please sort them in chronological order:Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP),Microsatellite Markers (CA Repeats),Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and HaplotypeSingle Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and Haplotype,Microsatellite Markers (CA Repeats),Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)Microsatellite Markers (CA Repeats),Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP),Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and HaplotypeSingle Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and Haplotype,Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP),Microsatellite Markers (CA Repeats)4.Positional cloning is a method to clone a gene based simply on knowing its position in the genome by linkage analysis without any idea of the function of that gene. We can carry out positional cloning by 3 steps, which can be listed in chronological order are follows.Fine mapping,Disease mapping,Candidate genesFine mapping,Candidate genes,Disease mappingCandidate genes,Disease mapping,Fine mappingDisease mapping,Fine mapping,Candidate genes窗体底端5.Mutation screening strategy includes ( )RT-PCR SSCP / Heteroduplex / dHPLC Sequencing / DNA chip6.Research and clinical testing of inherited monogenic diseases such as LCA can be carried out by ( )Single gene testing Targeted sequence captured panelWhole exome sequencing Whole genome sequencing是非题7.Families collection, linkage analysis and functional study of a gene are all important for position dependent candidate cloning and the identification of a candidate gene.true false8.aCGH (Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization) is a method of testing for SNP (Single Nucleotide Variation).true false9.The Genome Wide Association approach (GWAS) is a method based on the whole genome which can be applied mainly for polygenic disease. Researchers have identified a great many of susceptibility genes that may contribute to disease predisposition by GWAS.true false10.The identification of disease causative mutations can be largely assisted by the reference for related databases such as Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD),etc.true false遗传病的分子机理填空题DNA sequence that is homologous with a known gene but non-functional can be called as a (pseudogene ).A group of adjacent genes that are identical or related can be called as a (gene cluster).选择题3.The effects of gene mutations on protein function include:A.Loss of protein functionB.Gain of protein functionC.Novel property aquirementD.Heterochronic or Ectopic expression or both4.Which type of human globin genes DOESN’T express during prenatal period?A.αB.βC.γD.ξ5.A individual who carries the β0 /β0 genotype w ill present a phenotype called:A.Sickle cell anemia B.Hb Bart’s syndrome C.β-thalassemia trait D.β-thalassemia major6.Diseases can be due to mutations in the following different classes of proteins:A.Transport and storageB.Structure of cells and organsC.Extracellular homeostasisD.Developmental geneexpression E.Control of growth and differentiationF.Intercellular metabolism and communication判断题7.Thalassemias can arise in the following types of mutations: deletions and single nucleotide variations(SNV).true8.The mutation spectrum difference between α-thalassemia andβ-thalassemia is thatα-thalassemia is mainly caused by point mutations and β-thalassemia is mainly caused by deletions.false9.Mutations in different genes of a gene cluster result in the same disease subtype。




⽣活在继续,舞会从来不曾停⽌!在这不平凡的2020年,⽣信SCI发⽂量如何?发⽂趋势⼜如何?有哪些⽣信友好期刊?今天我们就来整体回顾⼀下2020年⽣信SCI⽂章进展!2020年⽣信SCI发⽂量统计⼩编在Pubmed中,通过“gene expression omnibus”、“TCGA”、“bioinformatics”、“biomarker”、“differentially expressed”、“protein protein interaction”、“ROCanalysis”“signature”等关键词进⾏组合检索,再经过筛选、去重复,最终检索到2020年发表的所有⽣信SCI共4165篇,其中纯⽣信(或仅含少量表达检测)⽂章3194篇,剩下的971篇⽣信实验类⽂章,其包含实验占⽐>30%。


那别⼈的⽣信⽂章都是怎么设计的呢?纯⽣信⽂章投哪些期刊⽐较容易接收呢?下⾯我们来⼀探究竟!⽣信友好期刊推荐对2020年所有⽣信⽂章的发表期刊进⾏统计,以下列举出接收⽣信⽂章量⼤于30篇的期刊,根据接收量排序如下:2020⽣信友好期刊接收量2020-IF因⼦Front Oncol181 4.85Biomed Res Int154 2.28Front Genet152 3.26Aging (Albany NY)129 4.83Oncol Lett101 2.31PeerJ93 2.38Cancer Cell Int87 4.18Cancers (Basel)84 6.13Sci Rep77 4.00J Cancer71 3.57Biosci Rep69 2.94BMC Cancer67 3.15Med Sci Monit65 1.92Medicine (Baltimore)62 1.55Cancer Manag Res61 2.89Cancer Med58 3.49J Cell Mol Med57 4.49Ann Transl Med51 3.30PLoS One44 2.74J Cell Physiol39 5.55J Comput Biol37 1.05Mol Med Rep36 2.10J Cell Biochem35 4.24Int J Mol Sci34 4.56J Transl Med34 4.12Am J Transl Res33 3.38DNA Cell Biol33 3.19DNA Cell Biol33 3.19Technol Cancer Res Treat33 2.07Front Mol Biosci30 4.19猫头鹰博⼠(微信:ipaper360)根据接收量>20篇,影响因⼦>3筛选条件,按照期刊影响因⼦排序如下:2020⽣信友好期刊2020-IF因⼦接收量Theranostics8.5821Cancers (Basel) 6.1384Bioinformatics 5.6120J Cell Physiol 5.5539Front Cell Dev Biol 5.2023Front Immunol 5.0922Front Oncol 4.85181Aging (Albany NY) 4.83129Int J Mol Sci 4.5634J Cell Mol Med 4.4957J Cell Biochem 4.2435Front Mol Biosci 4.1930Cancer Cell Int 4.1887J Transl Med 4.1234Sci Rep 4.0077J Cancer 3.5771Cancer Med 3.4958Cancer Biomark 3.4426Oncol Rep 3.4227Am J Transl Res 3.3833Ann Transl Med 3.3051Front Genet 3.26152DNA Cell Biol 3.1933BMC Cancer 3.1567猫头鹰博⼠(微信:ipaper360)以上期刊列表绝对都能称作“⽣信友好期刊”了,⼤家有需要投稿的⽣信⽂章,可以根据影响因⼦在列表中选择合适的期刊哦。



Trimorphic Dimorphic Monomorphic Unknown
Predominantly outcrossing and high genetic diversity
Brazil, South
0 K dynamics and role of stochasticity in populations of Eichhornia paniculata from NE Brazil
Genetics (2010) 184: 381-392
Illumina floral transcriptome sequencing & assembly
• Assembled ~27,000 transcripts from selfers & outcrossers
– Mean transcript size = 884.3 bp, N50 = 1117bp
Phil Trans Roy Soc (2003) 351: 1271-80
100 Animal pollinated species
100 Eichhornia paniculata
N=55 pops
60 20 0
60 20
Restricted to isolated populations in Nicaragua & Mexico Inheritance – quantitative
Neighbour network of genetic relationships among rangewide samples indicates multiple origins of selfing



- 21 -Vegetables 2019.4试验研究茄子花药培养技术要成功应用于育种实践,重点需要解决3个问题:一是提高胚状体诱导和发育成植株的频率,二是确保胚状体是单倍体细胞来源,三是单倍体加倍技术。

单倍体加倍技术已经取得成功[9],本研究将花蕾胚状体诱导频率提高到接近50%,并且获得了双单倍体(D H )株系,今后研究重点是确保胚状体单倍体细胞起源,以提高茄子单倍体诱导技术应用于育种实践的可靠性,大幅度缩短自交系选育的年限,提高茄子杂交品种选育的效率。

综合上述研究结果,茄子花药培养优化的培养程序调整为:花药→诱导培养基S1培养15 d (36 ℃黑暗条件下培养6 d ,25℃光照16 h 黑暗8 h 培养9 d )→分化培养基B2培养20 d →胚成熟培养基培养20 d →出胚花药生根培养20 d →萌发胚胎生根培养基成苗→炼苗移栽。


参考文献[1] 樊绍翥.我国茄子产业发展现状及茄子性状评价方法进展[J].吉林蔬菜,2017(6):43-44.[2] 惠云芝,孙贺新,林岩,等.10个茄子自交系果皮红色素的配合力遗传分析[J].吉林蔬菜,2010,(4):32-34.[3] 刘独臣,房超,李跃建,等.茄子花药培养诱导胚状体成苗[J].西南农业学报,2008,21(6):1643-1646.[4] 杜碧云,崔慧琳,崔群香,等.诱导茄子花药通过胚胎发生途径再生植株[J].江苏农业科学,2016,44(9):192-195.[5] SALAS P, RIVAS-SENDRA A, PROHENS J, etal. Influence of the stage for anther excision and heterostyly in embryogenesis induction from eggplant anther cultures[J]. Euphytica,2012,184(2):235-250.[6] SEVINÇ BA AY , EKÜRE EBNEM ELL ALTIO LU.Effect of genotypical factors on the effectiveness of anther culture in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)[J].Turkish Journal of Biology,2013,37: 499-505.[7] C O R R A L -M A R T ÍN E Z , PAT R I C I A S E G U Í-SIMARRO, et al. Efficient production of callus-derived doubled haploidsthrough isolated microspore culture in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)[J]. Euphytica,2012,187(1):47–61.[8] X I N G Y, Y U Y, L U O X, e t a l. H i g h e ffi c i e n cyorganogenesis and analysis of genetic stability of the regenerants in Solanum melongena [J]. Biologia Plantarum (Prague),2010,54(2):231-236.[9] 崔群香,郝振萍,张爱慧,等.茄子枝条扦插技术研究及其在茄子育种中的应用[J ].金陵科技学院学报,2017,33(3):73-76. 蔬马铃薯的块茎如何形成?取决于光周期和糖转运共同作用2019年3月15日,《Current Biology 》杂志发表了来自瓦格宁根大学题为“Source-Sink Regulation is Mediated by Interaction of an FT Homolog with a SWEET Protein in Potato ”的研究论文。



and then rapidly reannealed. If the DNA sample is heterozygous, perfectly matched hybrids (homoduplexes) and mismatched hybrids (heteroduplexes) are formed (Figure 3). When the temperature is slowly increased again, the DNA begins to melt. Fluorescent signal from a heterozygous DNA sample shows a decrease at two characteristic temperatures, due to the different rates of strand separation in heteroduplex and homoduplex dsDNA (Figure 3). Thus, the shapes of
Figure 2: LightCycler ® 480 ResoLight Dye bound to double-stranded DNA. Saturation of the amplicon leaves no room for relocation events during melting.
Overview of High Resolution Melting Principle continued
melting curves obtained with homozygous and heterozygous samples, respectively, are significantly different. In fact, the HRM technique is so sensitive that, in most cases, it can even detect single base variations between homozygous samples.



热带作物学报2020, 41(4): 737 744Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops胡椒4-香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶Pn4CL基因的克隆及表达分析范睿1,2,胡丽松1,2,伍宝朵1,3,郝朝运1,2,3*1. 中国热带农业科学院香料饮料研究所,海南万宁 571533;2. 农业农村部香辛饮料作物遗传资源利用重点实验室,海南万宁 571533;3. 海南省热带香辛饮料作物遗传改良与品质调控重点实验室,海南万宁 571533摘要:根据胡椒4-香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶(4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase, 4CL)基因的部分序列设计引物,运用RACE方法获得其家族成员的1个全长cDNA,命名为Pn4cl,长度2130 bp,开放阅读框1638 bp,编码545个氨基酸。

预测Pn4CL分子量为59.57 kDa,理论等电点为5.70。

该基因含有AMP-binding(AMP-binding enzyme)、CaiC[Acyl-CoA synthetase (AMP-forming) /AMP-acid ligaseⅡ]、PLN02246、AFD-class I等结合域,具有植物4CL所共有的保守结构域。



Real-time RT-PCR结果表明,该基因受外援激素SA和MeJA诱导表达,同时接种辣椒疫霉菌后,Pn4CL基因的表达量在抗/感2种胡椒中均出现先增加后减少的现象,并且在抗病种质中表达量较高。


关键词:胡椒;4-香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶;克隆与表达中图分类号:S188 文献标识码:ACloning and Expression Analysis of 4-coumarate: coenzyme A Ligase Gene (Pn4CL)in Piper nigrumFAN Rui1,2, HU Lisong1,2, WU Baoduo1,3, HAO Chaoyun1,2,3*1. Spice and Beverage Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Wanning, Hainan 571533, China;2. Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources Utilization of Spice and Beverage Crops, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wan-ning, Hainan 571533, China;3. Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Quality Regulation for Tropical Spice and Beverage Crops, Wanning, Hainan 571533, ChinaAbstract: The full-length cDNA encoding 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL), designated as Pn4CL, was isolated from black pepper using RACE. The sequence of Pn4CL was 2130 bp in length, containing a 1638 bp open reading frame, and encoding a polypeptide of 545 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 59.57 kDa and a PI of 5.70. The protein had four conserved domains of AMP-binding (AMP-binding enzyme), CaiC (Acyl-CoA synthetase (AMP-forming)/AMP-acid ligase), PLN02246, AFD-class I. Pn4CL had a closer relationship with Asarum heterotro-poides and far from the evolution of Rosids by phylogenetic analysis. The subcellular localization indicated that the protein was on the cell membrane. The expression of Pn4CL could be regulated by exogenous MeJA and SA. When infected with Phytophthora capsici Leon, the expression of Pn4CL was significantly higher in the resistant germplasm than that in the susceptible germplasm by real-time RT-PCR.Keywords: Piper nigrum; 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL); cloning and expressionDOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2020.04.015胡椒(Piper nigrum)有非常重要的药用和工业价值[1-3]。


抑制耐万古霉素肠球菌(vancomycin.resistant Enterococcus。 VRE)、厌氧菌和分枝杆菌属。体外试验对链球菌属呈现杀 菌作用。利奈唑胺属于一种合成抗微生物药物,主要抑制细 菌蛋白质合成,其机制为与细菌的50S亚基的23S rRNA结 合,阻止70S起始复合物的形成,从而抑制细菌蛋白质的合 成。该药2000年4月被美国FDA批准作为口服片刺、混悬 剂和注射剂投入使用J“,但是目前还是出现一定的耐药性, 耐药性增长速度也较快¨“,而且也没有糖肽类药物使用广 泛,副反应一直是该药发展的瓶颈。新的抗菌能力强、副反 应小的该类药物还有待进一步开发。 2.3脂肽类抗生素
[1]Van Griethuyson A,Van’t Veen A,Buiting A,et“.Hi曲per-
centage of methicillin—resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates’“tll reduced susoeptibihty to glycopeptides in the Netherlands[J]. Clin Microbi01.2003,41(6):2487—2491. [2]Hiramatsu K.Hanaki H.Methicillin·resistant Staphylococcus flU·
试验。奥利万星有很强的抗菌作用,其半衰期长达144 h,已 进入临床试验后期。 2.2口恶唑烷酮类抗生药
该类药物是新一类抗生素,第一个蟋唑烷酮类药物是 20世纪70年代后期由Dupont公司开发的。但是80年代中 期该类药物中的Dup721和Dupl05由于肝毒性太大而被搁 置。后来美国Pharmacia Upjohn公司以Dupont公司的 Dup72l等为先导物进行结构修饰研发出利奈唑胺(1inez01. id,U100766)和依哌唑胺(eperezolid,U100592),它们具有体 外活性。利奈唑胺抗菌谱广,抑制所有的MRSA(0.1—2



水稻、玉米、大豆、甘蓝、白菜、高粱、黄瓜、西瓜、马铃薯、番茄、拟南芥、杨树、麻风树、苹果、桃、葡萄、花生拟南芥籼稻粳稻葡萄番木瓜高粱黄瓜玉米栽培大豆苹果蓖麻野草莓马铃薯白菜野生番茄番茄梨甜瓜香蕉亚麻大麦普通小麦西瓜甜橙陆地棉梅毛竹桃芝麻杨树麻风树卷柏狗尾草属花生甘蓝物种基因组大小和开放阅读框文献Sesamum indicum L. Sesame 芝麻(2n = 26)293.7 Mb, 10,656 orfs 1Oryza brachyantha短药野生稻261 Mb, 32,038 orfs 2Chondrus crispus Red seaweed爱尔兰海藻105 Mb, 9,606 orfs 3Pyropia yezoensis susabi-nori海苔43 Mb, 10,327 orfs 4Prunus persica Peach 桃226.6 of 265 Mb 27,852 orfs 5Aegilops tauschii 山羊草(DD)4.23 Gb (97% of the 4.36), 43,150 orfs 6 Triticum urartu 乌拉尔图小麦(AA)4.66 Gb (94.3 % of 4.94 Gb, 34,879 orfs 7 moso bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla) 毛竹2.05 Gb (95%) 31,987 orfs 8Cicer arietinum Chickpea鹰嘴豆~738-Mb,28,269 orfs 9 520 Mb (70% of 740 Mb), 27,571 orfs 10Prunus mume 梅280 Mb, 31,390 orfs 11Gossypium hirsutum L.陆地棉2.425 Gb 12Gossypium hirsutum L. 雷蒙德氏棉761.8 Mb 13Citrus sinensis甜橙87.3% of ~367 Mb, 29,445 orfs 14甜橙367 Mb 15Citrullus lanatus watermelon 西瓜353.5 of ~425 Mb (83.2%) 23,440 orfs 16 Betula nana dwarf birch,矮桦450 Mb 17Nannochloropsis oceanica CCMP1779微绿球藻(产油藻类之一)28.7 Mb,11,973 orfs 18Triticum aestivum bread wheat普通小麦17 Gb, 94,000 and 96,000 orfs 19 Hordeum vulgare L. barley 大麦1.13 Gb of 5.1 Gb,26,159 high confidence orfs,53,000 low confidence orfs 20Gossypium raimondii cotton 雷蒙德氏棉D subgenome,88% of 880 Mb 40,976 orfs 21Linum usitatissimum flax 亚麻302 mb (81%), 43,384 orfs 22Musa acuminata banana 香蕉472.2 of 523 Mb, 36,542 orfs 23Cucumis melo L. melon 甜瓜375 Mb(83.3%)27,427 orfs 24Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. cv. Dangshansuli 梨(砀山酥梨)512.0 Mb (97.1%), 42,812 orfs 25,26Solanum lycopersicum 番茄760/900 Mb,34727 orfs 27S. pimpinellifolium LA1589野生番茄739 MbSetaria 狗尾草属(谷子、青狗尾草)400 Mb,25000-29000 orfs 28,29 Cajanus cajan pigeonpea木豆833 Mb,48,680 orfs 30Nannochloropis gaditana 一种海藻~29 Mb, 9,052 orfs 31Medicago truncatula蒺藜苜蓿350.2 Mb, 62,388 orfs 32Brassica rapa 白菜485 Mb 33Solanum tuberosum 马铃薯0.73 Mb,39031 orfs 34Thellungiella parvula条叶蓝芥13.08 Mb 29,338 orfs 35Arabidopsis lyrata lyrata 玉山筷子芥? 183.7 Mb, 32670 orfs 36Fragaria vesca 野草莓240 Mb,34,809 orfs 37Theobroma cacao 可可76% of 430 Mb, 28,798 orfs 38Aureococcus anophagefferens褐潮藻32 Mb, 11501 orfs 39Selaginella moellendorfii江南卷柏208.5 Mb, 34782 orfs 40Jatropha curcas Palawan麻疯树285.9 Mb, 40929 orfs 41Oryza glaberrima 光稃稻(非洲栽培稻)206.3 Mb (0.6x), 10 080 orfs (>70% coverage) 42Phoenix dactylifera 棕枣380 Mb of 658 Mb, 25,059 orfs 43Chlorella sp. NC64A小球藻属40000 Kb, 9791 orfs 44Ricinus communis蓖麻325 Mb, 31,237 orfs 45Malus domestica (Malus x domestica)苹果742.3 Mb 46Volvox carteri f. nagariensis 69-1b一种团藻120 Mb, 14437 orfs 47 Brachypodium distachyon 短柄草272 Mb,25,532 orfs 48Glycine max cultivar Williams 82栽培大豆1.1 Gb, 46430 orfs 49Zea mays ssp. Mays Zea mays ssp. Parviglumis Zea mays ssp. Mexicana Tripsacum dactyloides var. meridionale 无法下载附表50Zea mays mays cv. B73玉米2.06 Gb, 106046 orfs 51Cucumis sativus 9930 黄瓜243.5 Mb, 63312 orfs 52Micromonas pusilla金藻21.7 Mb, 10248 orfs 53Sorghum bicolor 高粱697.6 Mb, 32886 orfs 54Phaeodactylum tricornutum 三角褐指藻24.6 Mb, 9479 orfs 55Carica papaya L. papaya 番木瓜271 Mb (75%), 28,629 orfs 56 Physcomitrella patens patens小立碗藓454 Mb, 35805 orfs 57Vitis vinifera L. Pinot Noir, clone ENTAV 115葡萄504.6 Mb, 29585 orfs 58 Vitis vinifera PN40024葡萄475 Mb 59Ostreococcus lucimarinus绿色鞭毛藻13.2 Mb, 7640 orfs 60 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 莱茵衣藻100 Mb, 15256 orfs 61Populus trichocarpa黑三角叶杨550 Mb, 45000 orfs 62Ostreococcus tauri 绿藻12.6 Mb, 7892 orfs 63Oryza sativa ssp. japonica 粳稻360.8 Mb, 37544 orfs 64Thalassiosira pseudonana 硅藻25 Mb, 11242 orfs 65Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D红藻16.5 Mb, 5331 orfs 66Oryza sativa ssp. japonica粳稻420 Mb, 50000 orfs 67Oryza sativa L. ssp. Indica籼稻420 Mb, 59855 orfs 68Guillardia theta -蓝隐藻,551 Kb, 553 orfs 69Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia拟南芥119.7 Mb, 31392 orfs 70参考文献1 Zhang, H. et al. Genome sequencing of the important oilseed crop Sesamum indicum L. Genome Biology 14, 401 (2013).2 Chen, J. et al. Whole-genome sequencing of Oryza brachyantha reveals mechanisms underlying Oryza genome evolution. Nat Commun 4, 1595 (2013).3 Collén, J. et al. 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The tiny eukaryote Ostreococcus provides genomic insights into the paradox of plankton speciation. PNAS 104, 7705-7710 (2007).61 Merchant, S. S. et al. The Chlamydomonas genome reveals the evolution of key animal and plant functions. Science 318, 245-250 (2007).62 Tuskan, G. A. et al. The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray). Science 313, 1596-1604 (2006).63 Derelle, E. et al. Genome analysis of the smallest free-living eukaryote Ostreococcus tauri unveils many unique features. PNAS 103, 11647-11652 (2006). 64 Project, I. R. G. S. The map-based sequence of the rice genome. Nature 436,793-800 (2005).65 Armbrust, E. V. et al. The genome of the diatom Thalassiosira Pseudonana: ecology, evolution, and metabolism. Science 306, 79-86 (2004).66 Matsuzaki, M. et al. Genome sequence of the ultrasmall unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D. Nature 428, 653-657 (2004).67 Goff, S. A. et al. A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica). Science 296, 92-100 (2002).68 Yu, J. et al. A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica). Science 296, 79-92 (2002).69 Douglas, S. et al. The highly reduced genome of an enslaved algal nucleus. Nature 410, 1091-1096 (2001).70 Kaul, S. et al. Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 408, 796-815 (2000).。



植物[编辑]物种基因组大小和开放阅读框文献Sesamum indicum L. Sesame 芝麻(2n = 26)293.7 Mb, 10,656 orfs 1 Oryza brachyantha短药野生稻261 Mb, 32,038 orfs 2Chondrus crispus Red seaweed爱尔兰海藻105 Mb, 9,606 orfs 3Pyropia yezoensis susabi-nori海苔43 Mb, 10,327 orfs 4Prunus persica Peach 桃226.6 of 265 Mb 27,852 orfs 5Aegilops tauschii 山羊草(DD)4.23 Gb (97% of the 4.36), 43,150 orfs 6 Triticum urartu 乌拉尔图小麦(AA)4.66 Gb (94.3 % of 4.94 Gb, 34,879 orfs 7 moso bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla) 毛竹2.05 Gb (95%) 31,987 orfs 8 Cicer arietinum Chickpea鹰嘴豆~738-Mb,28,269 orfs 9 520 Mb (70% of 740 Mb), 27,571 orfs 10Prunus mume 梅280 Mb, 31,390 orfs 11Gossypium hirsutum L.陆地棉2.425 Gb 12Gossypium hirsutum L. 雷蒙德氏棉761.8 Mb 13Citrus sinensis 甜橙87.3% of ~367 Mb, 29,445 orfs 14甜橙367 Mb 15Citrullus lanatus watermelon 西瓜353.5 of ~425 Mb (83.2%) 23,440 orfs 16 Betula nana dwarf birch,矮桦450 Mb 17Nannochloropsis oceanica CCMP1779微绿球藻(产油藻类之一)28.7 Mb,11,973 orfs 18Triticum aestivum bread wheat普通小麦17 Gb, 94,000 and 96,000 orfs 19 Hordeum vulgare L. barley 大麦1.13 Gb of 5.1 Gb,26,159 high confidence orfs,53,000 low confidence orfs 20Gossypium raimondii cotton 雷蒙德氏棉D subgenome,88% of 880 Mb 40,976 orfs 21Linum usitatissimum flax 亚麻302 mb (81%), 43,384 orfs 22Musa acuminata banana 香蕉472.2 of 523 Mb, 36,542 orfs 23Cucumis melo L. melon 甜瓜375 Mb(83.3%)27,427 orfs 24Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. cv. Dangshansuli 梨(砀山酥梨)512.0 Mb (97.1%), 42,812 orfs 25,26Solanum lycopersicum 番茄760/900 Mb,34727 orfs 27S. pimpinellifolium LA1589野生番茄739 MbSetaria 狗尾草属(谷子、青狗尾草)400 Mb,25000-29000 orfs 28,29Cajanus cajan pigeonpea木豆833 Mb,48,680 orfs 30Nannochloropis gaditana 一种海藻~29 Mb, 9,052 orfs 31Medicago truncatula蒺藜苜蓿350.2 Mb, 62,388 orfs 32Brassica rapa 白菜485 Mb 33Solanum tuberosum 马铃薯0.73 Mb,39031 orfs 34Thellungiella parvula条叶蓝芥13.08 Mb 29,338 orfs 35Arabidopsis lyrata lyrata 玉山筷子芥? 183.7 Mb, 32670 orfs 36Fragaria vesca 野草莓240 Mb,34,809 orfs 37Theobroma cacao 可可76% of 430 Mb, 28,798 orfs 38Aureococcus anophagefferens褐潮藻32 Mb, 11501 orfs 39Selaginella moellendorfii江南卷柏208.5 Mb, 34782 orfs 40Jatropha curcas Palawan麻疯树285.9 Mb, 40929 orfs 41Oryza glaberrima 光稃稻(非洲栽培稻)206.3 Mb (0.6x), 10 080 orfs (>70% coverage) 42Phoenix dactylifera 棕枣380 Mb of 658 Mb, 25,059 orfs 43Chlorella sp. NC64A小球藻属40000 Kb, 9791 orfs 44Ricinus communis蓖麻325 Mb, 31,237 orfs 45Malus domestica (Malus x domestica) 苹果742.3 Mb 46Volvox carteri f. nagariensis 69-1b一种团藻120 Mb, 14437 orfs 47Brachypodium distachyon 短柄草272 Mb,25,532 orfs 48Glycine max cultivar Williams 82栽培大豆1.1 Gb, 46430 orfs 49Zea mays ssp. Mays Zea mays ssp. Parviglumis Zea mays ssp. Mexicana Tripsacum dactyloides var. meridionale 无法下载附表50Zea mays mays cv. B73玉米2.06 Gb, 106046 orfs 51Cucumis sativus 9930 黄瓜243.5 Mb, 63312 orfs 52Micromonas pusilla金藻21.7 Mb, 10248 orfs 53Sorghum bicolor 高粱697.6 Mb, 32886 orfs 54Phaeodactylum tricornutum 三角褐指藻24.6 Mb, 9479 orfs 55Carica papaya L. papaya 番木瓜271 Mb (75%), 28,629 orfs 56Physcomitrella patens patens小立碗藓454 Mb, 35805 orfs 57Vitis vinifera L. Pinot Noir, clone ENTAV 115葡萄504.6 Mb, 29585 orfs 58Vitis vinifera PN40024葡萄475 Mb 59Ostreococcus lucimarinus绿色鞭毛藻13.2 Mb, 7640 orfs 60Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 莱茵衣藻100 Mb, 15256 orfs 61Populus trichocarpa黑三角叶杨550 Mb, 45000 orfs 62Ostreococcus tauri 绿藻12.6 Mb, 7892 orfs 63Oryza sativa ssp. japonica 粳稻360.8 Mb, 37544 orfs 64Thalassiosira pseudonana 硅藻25 Mb, 11242 orfs 65Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D红藻16.5 Mb, 5331 orfs 66Oryza sativa ssp. japonica 粳稻420 Mb, 50000 orfs 67Oryza sativa L. ssp. Indica籼稻420 Mb, 59855 orfs 68Guillardia theta -蓝隐藻,551 Kb, 553 orfs 69Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia拟南芥119.7 Mb, 31392 orfs 70参考文献1 Zhang, H. et al. Genome sequencing of the important oilseed crop Sesamum indicum L. Genome Biology 14, 401 (2013).2 Chen, J. et al. Whole-genome sequencing of Oryza brachyantha reveals mechanisms underlying Oryza genome evolution. Nat Commun 4, 1595 (2013).3 Collén, J. et al. 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P. et al. Draft genome sequence of the oilseed species Ricinus communis. Nat Biotech 28(951-956 (2010).46 Velasco, R. et al. The genome of the domesticated apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.). Nat. Genet. 42, 833-839 (2010).47 Prochnik, S. E. et al. Genomic analysis of organismal complexity in the multicellular green alga Volvox carteri. Science 329, 223-226 (2010).48 Initiative, T. I. B. Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon. Nature 463, 763-768 (2010).49 Schmutz, J. et al. Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean. Nature 463, 178-183 (2010).50 Hufford, M. B. et al. Comparative population genomics of maize domestication and improvement. Nat Genet 44, 808-811 (2012).51 Wei, F. et al. The physical and genetic framework of the maize B73 genome. PLoS Genet 5, e1000715 (2009).52 Huang, S. et al. The genome of the cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. Nat. Genet. 41, 1275-1281 (2009).53 Worden, A. Z. et al. Green evolution and dynamic adaptations revealed by genomes of the marine picoeukaryotes Micromonas. Science 324, 268-272 (2009).54 Paterson, A. H. et al. The Sorghum bicolor genome and the diversification of grasses. Nature 457, 551-556 (2009).55 Bowler, C. et al. The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes. Nature 456, 239-244 (2008).56 Ming, R. et al. The draft genome of the transgenic tropical fruit tree papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus). Nature 452, 991-996 (2008).57 Rensing, S. A. et al. The Physcomitrella genome reveals evolutionary insights into the conquest of land by plants. Science 319, 64-69 (2008).58 Velasco, R. et al. A high quality draft consensus sequence of the genome of a heterozygous grapevine variety. PLoS One 2, e1326 (2007).59 Jaillon, O. et al. The grapevine genome sequence suggests ancestral hexaploidization in major angiosperm phyla. Nature 449, 463-467 (2007).60 Palenik, B. et al. The tiny eukaryote Ostreococcus provides genomic insights into the paradox of plankton speciation. PNAS 104, 7705-7710 (2007).61 Merchant, S. S. et al. The Chlamydomonas genome reveals the evolution of key animal and plant functions. Science 318, 245-250 (2007).62 Tuskan, G. A. et al. The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray). Science 313, 1596-1604 (2006).63 Derelle, E. et al. Genome analysis of the smallest free-living eukaryote Ostreococcus tauri unveils many unique features. PNAS 103, 11647-11652 (2006).64 Project, I. R. G. S. The map-based sequence of the rice genome. Nature 436, 793-800 (2005).65 Armbrust, E. V. et al. The genome of the diatom Thalassiosira Pseudonana: ecology, evolution, and metabolism. Science 306, 79-86 (2004).66 Matsuzaki, M. et al. Genome sequence of the ultrasmall unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D. Nature 428, 653-657 (2004).67 Goff, S. A. et al. A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica). Science 296, 92-100 (2002).68 Yu, J. et al. A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica). Science 296, 79-92 (2002).69 Douglas, S. et al. The highly reduced genome of an enslaved algal nucleus. Nature 410, 1091-1096 (2001).70 Kaul, S. et al. Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 408, 796-815 (2000).动物[编辑]•Anopheles gambiae - 疟蚊•Apis mellifera - 蜜蜂•Bos taurus cattle - 牛•Caenorhabditis briggsae - 一种线虫•Caenorhabditis elegans - 秀丽隐杆线虫,模式生物•Canis lupus familiaris dog- 狗•Ciona intestinalis - 一种海鞘•Ciona savignyi - 一种海鞘•Drosophila melanogaster - 黑腹果蝇,模式生物•Fugu rubripes - 河豚•Gallus gallus - 鸡•Homo sapiens - 人•Mus musculus - 小鼠, 模式生物•Pan troglodytes - 黑猩猩•Rattus norvegicus - 大鼠•Schistosoma haematobium - 埃及血吸虫•Anabaena spec. - Fadenblaualge•Gloeobacter violaceus - primitive Blaualge •Synechococcus spec. - Meeres-Blaualge•Synechocystis spec. - Meeres-Blaualge•Thermosynechococcus elongatus - Thermophile Blaualge。








关键词:抗体药物质谱⼀级构造⾼级构造单克隆抗体药物的展开来源于1975年,Kohler 和Milstein 创建杂交瘤技术,为⼤量制备⿏源单克隆抗体提供了技术条件,创始了⼤范围制备单克隆抗体时期。


[1]1.抗体药物展开新趋向在⽣物药物范畴,抗体药物占领着越来越重要的位置,2015年全球销售排名前10 位的药物中有6 个为抗体药物,分别是humira、enbrel、remicade、rituxan、avastin和Herceptin。



⽬前,FDA 批准的单克隆抗体药物中,⼈源化单抗和全⼈源单抗数量已占领72%[2]1.1抗体药物偶联物(ADC)抗体药物偶联物(ADC)由单克隆抗体和⼩分⼦化合物两局部组成,⼩分⼦化合物通常是毒性很强的抗肿瘤⼩分⼦药物。

经过抗体的靶向作⽤,ADC 的抗体局部和肿瘤细胞外表抗原特异性辨认并分别,经过细胞内吞作⽤,将抗体和⼩分⼦化合物⼀同带进肿瘤细胞内部,并在细胞内部发作⽔解反响,释放出⼩分⼦化合物,从⽽杀死肿瘤细胞。


第28卷第3期 Vol.28 No.3
doi:10. 11733/j. issn. 1007-0435. 2020. 03. 007
2020年 May
5月 2020
严琳玲!张瑜!董荣书,邮恒福!刘国道"!刘一明" (中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所/农业部华南作物基因资源与种质创制重点实验室,海南N州571737)
Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Desmodium Des・ based on Botanical Characters
76份山蚂蝗属(Desmodium Des.种质为材料,对32个植物学性状进行观测,研究其形态学遗传多样性。结果表
明:32个植物学性状中荚果形状和茎毛类型变异系数最大,分别为60. 72%和50.45%,说明山蚂蝗属具有丰富的
categoryhadlargerleafinpodshapes,widercentralleafletsandfewhairs,theseaccessionspotentialyhave highyieldandhighquality,shouldbethecandidateaccessionsforbreeding.Throughthisstudy,characteristics of inter-specific morphological genetic diversity among Desmodium Des. were clarified, which laid the foundationforthebreedingofDe&modium Des. Key words: Leguminous forage; Morphological marker ;Breeding ; South tropics



作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2024, 50(3): 623 632 / ISSN 0496-3490; CN 11-1809/S; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail:***************DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34091大豆叶型性状全基因组关联分析与候选基因鉴定王琼1朱宇翔1,2周密密1张威1张红梅1陈新1陈华涛1,*崔晓艳1,*1 江苏省农业科学院经济作物研究所 / 江苏省高效园艺作物遗传改良重点实验室, 江苏南京 210014;2 扬州大学园艺园林学院, 江苏扬州 225009摘要: 大豆叶片的形状和垂直分布影响群体冠层结构和光合效率并最终影响大豆的产量。

植物叶片大小、形态因着生位置不同而产生差异的现象称为异形叶, 虽然异形叶现象在被子植物中广泛存在, 但目前关于大豆叶片发育过程中异形叶的调控的研究还很有限。

本研究通过对283份大豆种质资源的叶长、叶宽、叶形指数和异形叶指数等叶型相关的性状在江苏南京进行连续2年的考察, 利用全基因组关联分析检测到181个叶型性状相关位点, 其中能够在2个环境或多个性状中重复检测到的位点18个。

利用检测到的与叶型相关的SNP位点, 结合基因的表达谱数据、拟南芥中同源基因的功能, 鉴定与大豆叶片发育和异形叶形成相关的候选基因。

其中在20号染色体的相关位点Chr20:36152820上游发现已知的大豆叶形调控基因Ln (Glyma.20G116200)。

此外, 在19号染色体的相关位点Chr19:45155943附近鉴定到2个候选基因Glyma.19G192700、Glyma.19G194100, 分别被注释为Growth-regulating factor 4 (GRF4)和LITTLE ZIPPER 3 (ZPR3)基因的同源基因, 为阐明大豆异形叶等叶型性状遗传的分子机制奠定了基础。

关键词:大豆; 叶型; 异形叶; 全基因组关联分析; SNP标记Genome-wide association analysis and candidate genes predication of leafcharacteristics traits in soybean (Glycine max L.)WANG Qiong1, ZHU Yu-Xiang1,2, ZHOU Mi-Mi1, ZHANG Wei1, ZHANG Hong-Mei1, CEHN Xin1, CEHNHua-Tao1,*, and CUI Xiao-Yan1,*1 Institute of Industrial Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Horticultural Crop Genetic Improvement, Nan-jing 210014, Jiangsu, China; 2 College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, ChinaAbstract: Leaf shape and vertical distribution of soybean affect canopy structure, photosynthetic efficiency, and yield. The exis-tence of different leaf shapes and sizes on the same plant, which is known as heterophylly, has been observed in many floweringplant species. Yet, the genetic characteristics and genetic basis of heterophylly in soybean remain unknown. In this study, leafcharacteristics such as leaf length, leaf width, leaf shape index, and heterophylly index were investigated in 283 soybean germ-plasm resources for two consecutive years in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. A total of 181 related loci were detected by genome-wideassociation study (GWAS), among which 18 loci could be repeatedly detected in two environments or among multiple traits. Us-ing the loci associated with leaf characteristics, we integrated the GWAS approach with the expression profiling data andgene-based association and functional annotation of orthologs in Arabidopsis to identify candidate genes involved in leaf devel-opment in soybean. The known soybean leaf shape regulatory gene Ln(Glyma.20G116200) was found upstream of locusChr20:36152820. In addition, two candidate genes (Glyma.19G192700 and Glyma.19G194100) were identified near the related本研究由江苏省基础研究计划(自然科学基金)项目(BK20220740), 江苏省种业振兴揭榜挂帅项目(JBGS[2021]057), 江苏省重点研发计划项目(BE2022328)和江苏省农业科技自主创新项目(CX(22)5002)资助。



农业专业英语词汇(H农业专业英语词汇(H-I)农业专业英语词汇(H-I)habit 习性habit of growth 生长习性habitat 生境habitual abortion 习惯性龙habitual area of cold 冷害常袭地habronemosis of horse 马胃虫病hackling machine 亚麻栉梳机haemagglutinating virus 血凝病毒haemagglutination inhibition test 血球凝集抑制反应haemagglutination test 血球凝集反应haematuria 血尿haemoglobin 血红蛋白haemolysis 溶血haemonchosis of ruminant 反刍动物胃虫病haemophilus 嗜血杆菌haemorrhage 出血haemorrhagic enteritis of turkey 火鸡出血性肠炎haemorrhagic septicomia of cattle 牛出血性败血病hail 雹hail damage 雹害hair 毛hair bulb 毛球hair follicle 毛囊hair root 须根hair shaft 毛干hairless bee 老油蜂hairy finger 马唐hairy fruited 毛果的hairy leaved 毛叶的hairy mould 毛霉hairy nerved 毛脉的hairy root of apple 苹果细菌性毛根病hairy rooted 毛根的hairy seeded 毛种子的haldane's law 霍尔登氏法则haldane's rule 霍尔登氏法则half antigen 半抗原half bred 半血种half chromatid 半染色单体half embrio 半胚half lethal concentration 半致死浓度half lethal time 半致死时间half life of decomposition 分解半衰期half life period 半衰期half pinnate 半羽状的half shaft 半轴half synthetic medium 半合成培养基half track tractor 半链轨式拖拉机haliplankton 碱水浮游生物haliplanton 碱水浮游生物halogenated hydrocarbon 卤化烃halophilic 适盐的halophilism 喜盐性halophilous 适盐的halophilous plants 盐土植物halophyte 盐土植物haloplankiton 碱水浮游生物haloplankton 碱水浮游生物halter 缰绳hammer mill 锤式粉碎机hamper 篮hamster 仓鼠hand fertilizer spreader 手动式撒肥机hand hoe 手锄hand mating 辅助交配hand milking 手挤奶hand operated chopper 手摇铡草机hand pump 手动泵hand ridger 手动起垄器hand seed drill 手摇播种机hand seeder 手摇播种机hand stick 体格测量尺handle 柄handrake 手叉hanging capillary water 悬着毛管水hanging water 悬着水haplic andosol 薄层暗色土haplic castanozem 薄层栗钙土haplic chernozem 薄层黑钙土haplic phaeozem 典型黑土haplic xerosol 薄层干旱土haplic yermosol 薄层漠境土haploid 单倍体haploid incompatibility 单倍体不亲和性haploidy 单倍性haplomethod 单倍体法haplont 单倍体haplontic sterility 单倍体不育haplotype 单倍体型hapten 半抗原haptotaxis 钎性haptotropism 向触性hard fibre plants 硬质纤维罪hard leaved 硬叶的hard leaved forest 硬叶林hard wheat 硬质小麦hardened carbonate soil 硬化碳酸盐土壤hardened horizon 硬层hardening 锻炼hardening of fats 脂肪硬化hardness 坚固hardwood 硬材hare 野兔haricot bean 菜豆harmlessness 无害harmonic mean 低平均harness 挽具harrow 耙harrowing 耙地harvest 收获harvest drying 收获干燥harvest fluctuation 产量变动harvest index 产量指数harvest time 收割期harvested product 收获物harvester 收获机harvesting frequency 收获次数harvesting loss 收获期损失harvesting method 收获方法harvesting of cocoon 采茧hastate 戟形的hatchery 孵化场hatchery residue 孵化厂废品hatching 蛋孵化hatching egg 种蛋hatching net 收蚁网hatching of silkworm egg 蚕种催青hatching period of silkworm egg 催青期haulm cutter 茎叶切除器haulm slasher 茎叶切碎器haulm stripper 茎叶切除器haustorium 吸根hay 干草hay and straw press 干草及茎稿压捆器hay bacillus 枯草杆菌hay barn 干草棚hay cart 干草拖车hay cock 干草堆hay drier 干草干燥机hay dryer 干草干燥机hay fork 集草叉hay frame 干草架hay grab 干草抓斗hay loader 干草升运器hay making 割晒干草hay making machine 干草收割机hay meal 干草粉hay pickup baler 干草捡拾压捆机hay press 干草压捆机hay rack 干草架hay rake 搂草机hay silage 半干青贮hay tedder 摊草机hay value 干草价hay yield 干草产量haylage 半干青贮hazardous waste 有害废物hazelnut 榛子head 头head cabbage 结球甘蓝head drying 穗萎蔫head gate 总闸门head on weirs 堰顶水头head rice 雪白大米head smut 丝黑穗病head smut of proso 黍黑穗病head to row test 一穗一列检定header 割穗机headland 田边地角headless maize 无穗玉米headrace channel 导水沟headrace system 引水渠系统health 健康heart 心脏heart rot 心腐病heart wood 心材heat 发情heat balance 热平衡heat capacity 热容量heat conservation 蓄热heat exchange 热交换heat exhaustion 热能消耗heat recovery 热回收heat resistance 耐热性heat stroke 中暑heat treatment 热处理heating 暖房heating apparatus 供暖装置heating by infrared lamp 红外线灯暖房heating manure 发酵厩肥heating method 加热法heating plant 供暖装置heaven tree 臭椿heavy livestock 大型家畜heavy manuring culture 多肥栽培heavy metal 重金属heavy metal element 重金属元素heavy metal pollution 重金属污染heavy rain 大雨heavy soil 重土壤hedge 式hedge cutter 书修剪机heifer 小母牛height of run off 径吝度helicoid cyme 螺形聚伞花序heliograph 日照计heliophilic 适阳的heliophilous 适阳的heliophobic 避阳的heliophobous 避阳的heliophytes 阳地植物heliotaxis 钦性heliotropic 向日性的heliotropism 向日性helium 氦helminth 蠕虫helminthiasis 蠕虫病helminthicide 杀蠕虫剂helminthology 蠕虫学helminthosis 蠕虫病helminthosporium leaf blight and fruit rot of egg plant 茄子黑枯病helminthosporium leaf blight of proso 黍斑点病helminthosporium leaf spot of italian millet 粟胡麻叶枯病helminthosporium leaf spot of rice 稻胡麻叶枯病helminthosporium yellow leaf blotch of wheat 小麦黄斑病helophyte 沼生植物helper phage 辅助噬菌体hematinometer 血红蛋白计hematopoietic function 造血机能hemicellulose 半纤维素hemimetaboly 半变态hemiparasites 半寄生物hemoglobinometer 血红蛋白计hemometer 血红蛋白计hemostasis 止血hemp 大麻hemp intoxication 大麻中毒hemp nettle 瓣花hempseed cake 大麻籽饼hen 母鸡henhouse 鸡舍hennery 鸡舍hepatic cirrhosis 肝硬变heptandrous 具七雄蕊的herb 草herb growing 草本植物栽培herbaceous 草的herbaceous plant 草本植物herbage 饲草herbarium 植物标本herbicide 除莠剂herbicide of acid amide 酸酰胺类除草剂herbicide of aliphatic acid 脂肪酸类除草剂herbivore 食草动物herbivorous 食草的herd 畜群herd book 种畜登记簿herd replacement 群更新herding instinct 合群性hereditary 遗传性hereditary disease 遗传性疾病hereditary factor 遗传因子heredity 遗传性heritability 遗传力hermaphrodite 两性的hermaphrodite flower 两性花hermaphroditic 两性的hermaphroditic zygote 雌雄接合子hermaphroditism 雌雄同体;雌雄同体性hernia 疝herpetology 爬虫学heterakidosis of chicken 鸡盲肠虫病heteroauxin 杂茁长素heterobeltiosis 超亲优势heterocarpous 异形果的heterochlamydeous 异花被的heterochromatin 异染色质heterochromosome 异染色体heterocyst 异形细胞heteroecism 转帜生heterogamete 异形配子heterogamy 异形配对heterogeneity 异质性heterogeneous 异种的heterogenesis 异型有性世代交替heterogenetic antigen 非特异性抗原heteromorphic nuclei 异形核heteromorphic nucleus 异形核heteromorphous mating 异型交配heteropetalous 有不同花瓣的heterophyll 异形叶heterophylly 异形叶性heteroploid 异倍体heteroploidy 异倍性heteropterous 异形翼的heterosis 杂种优势heterosis breeding 杂种优势育种heterosis index 杂种优势指数heterospore 异形孢子heterosporium leaf spot of barley 大麦褐斑病heterosporium leaf spot of spinach 菠菜叶斑病heterostyly 花柱异长heterothallism 异宗配合heterotrophic bacteria 异养细菌heterotrophic microorganism 异养微生物heterotrophism 异养heterotypic division 异型分裂heterotypic mating 异型交配heterozygote 异型接合体heterozygoty 异型接合性hevea 三叶橡胶树hexachlorcyclohexane 六六六hexagynous 六雌蕊的hexandrous 六雄蕊的hexanthous 六花的hexapetalous 六瓣的hexaphyllous 六叶的hexaploid 六倍体hexaploidy 六倍性hexokinase 己糖激酶hibernating character 越年性hibernating egg 越年卵hibernation 冬眠high bog 高位沼泽high bog peat 高位泥炭high bog stage 高位沼泽阶段high frequency drying 高频干燥high frequency recombination 高频重组high frequency transduction 高频转导high molecular polysaccharide 高分子多糖类high moor 高位沼泽high moor peat 高位泥炭high pressure cleaner 高压式清洁器high pressure liquid chromatography 高压液相色谱法high quality seed 优质种子high ridge 高垄high speed liquid chromatography 高速液相色谱法high temperature 高温high temperature damage 高温害high temperature hydrochloric treatment 高温盐酸处理high temperature incubation 高温催青high temperature rearing of silkworm 蚕高温饲育high temperature treatment 高温处理high tide 涨潮high water 涨潮high yield 高产high yield crop 高产罪high yielding variety 高产品种higher fatty acid 高级脂肪酸higher fungi 高等真菌higher plant 高等植物highland 高地highly resistance 高抗highly susceptibility 极感hill 株hill pasture 丘陵放牧地hill planter 穴播机hill seeder 穴播机hill soil 丘陵地土壤hillside combine harvester 坡地联合收获机hillside field 岗田hillside land 坡地hillside tractor 坡地拖拉机hilum 种脐hind brain 后脑hind leg 后腿hind restriction enzyme hind 限制酶hind wing 后翅hindquarter 后腿肉hindu lotus 莲hinny 驴骡hip 屁股hippology 养马学hippopathology 马病理学hippotomy 马解剖学hippuric acid 马尿酸histamine 组胺histidine 组氨酸histocompatibility 组织亲和性histocytological analysis 组织细胞学分析histogen 组织原histogenesis 组织发生histogeny 组织发生histogram 方柱图histoincompatibility 组织不适合性histologic section 组织切片histology 组织学histone 组蛋白historical soil science 历史土壤学histosol 有机土histotherapy 组织疗法hive 蜂箱hive equipment 蜂箱设备hive management 蜂箱管理hoe 锄hoe blade 中耕弃铲hoe opener 锄式开沟器锚式开沟器hoeing machine 锄地机hog area 养猪地区hog flu 猪列性感冒hoist 卷扬机hoisting equipment 升运装置holandric inheritance 限雄遗传hole digger 挖坑机holm oak 麻栎holoblastic 全裂的holoblastic cleavage 全裂holoblastic division 全裂holocarpic 整体产果的holocarpous 整体产果的holoenzyme 全酶hologamy 整体配合hologynic inheritance 限雌遗传holometaboly 全变态holopetalous 全瓣的holotype 完模标本homeostasis 体内平衡homeothermal 温血的homeothermic 温血的homocarpous 同形果的homoeostasis 体内平衡homogamete 同形配子homogamy 同型接合homogenate 均质homogeneity 同质性homogeneity test 齐性测验homogeneous 同种的homogeneous culture 均匀栽培homogeneous subtype 同种亚类homogenization 均质化homogenizer 均化机homograft 同种移植homoiostasis 体内平衡homoiothermal 温血的homoiothermic 温血的homologous chromosome 同源染色体homology 同源homomixis 同型核融合homoplastic transplantation 同种移植homoploidy 同倍性homospore 同型孢子homotypic division 同型分裂homozygosis 纯质性homozygote 同型结合体honey 蜂蜜honey bee 蜜蜂honey extractor 蜂蜜分离器甩蜜器honey gland 蜜槽honey harvest 收蜜honey plant 蜜源植物honey separator 蜂蜜分离器甩蜜器honey yield 产蜜量honeycomb 蜜蜂窝honeycomb extract 蜂窝抽出物hoof 蹄hoof disease 蹄病hoof rot 腐蹄病hook worm 钩虫hookworm disease of dog 犬钩虫病hookworm disease of ruminant 反刍动物钩虫病hoove 臌胀hop 啤酒花hop clover 平铺车轴草hop growing 啤酒花栽培hop picker 啤酒花脱果机hop picking 酒花采摘hop picking machine 啤酒花收获机hop pole 啤酒花支杆hop trefoil 平铺车轴草horizon 层位horizontal distribution 水平分布horizontal infection 平行传播horizontal resistance 水平抗性horizontal zonal soil 水平带性土壤horizontal zone of soil 水平土壤带hormone 激素hormone antagonist 激素拮抗剂hormone deficiency 激素缺乏症hormone herbicide 激素型除草剂hormone preparation 激素剂hormone receptor 激素受体horn 角horn meal 角粉horned animal 有角畜hornless cow 无角牛horse 马horse drawn duster 畜力喷粉器horse hair 马毛horse hoe 畜力中耕锄horse keeping 养马horse latitude 副热带无风带horse manure 马粪horse meat 马肉horse power 马力horse radish 辣根horse rake 马拉搂草机horse science 养马学horseshoe 蹄铁horticultural soil 园艺土壤horticultural tractor 园艺拖拉机horticulture 园艺学horticulture under structure 保护地园艺hose clip 软管夹子hose coupling 软管接头host 宿主寄主host animal 宿织物host controlled modification 宿重制性修饰host insect 宿芝虫host pathogen combinationhost plant 寄植物host range mutant 寄侄围突变体host vector system 宿重体系统hot air drying 烘烤hot bed 温床hot bed culture 温床栽培hot bulb engine 火球式发动机hot fermentation 高温发酵hot nursery bed 温床苗床hot taste 辛辣味hot waste water 高温废水hot water brooder 温水育雏器hot water disinfection 温汤消毒hot water emasculation 温汤去雄hothouse 温室hothouse fruit 温室果实hover 育雏器hull 荚hull of italian millet 谷子麸hulled rice 糙米humic acid 胡敏酸humic acrisol 腐殖质强淋溶土humic andosol 腐殖质暗色土humic cambisol 腐殖质始成土humic ferralsol 腐殖质铁铝土humic gleysol 腐殖质潜育土humic nitosol 腐殖质强风粘磐土humic planosol 腐殖质粘磐土humic podzol 腐殖质灰壤humid climate 湿润气候humid index 湿润指数humid zone 湿润带humidity 湿度humidity for silkworm rearing 蚕饲育湿度humidity index 湿度指数humidity of seedbed 秧田水分humification 腐殖化humification coefficient 腐殖化系数humification degree 腐殖化程度humification depth 腐殖化强度humification process 腐殖化过程humin 胡敏素huminite 胡敏酸肥humor 体液humoral immunity 体液免疫humoral regulation 体液第humosphere 腐殖圈humous soil 腐殖质土壤humus 腐殖酸humus accumulated horizon 腐殖质聚积层humus accumulation 腐殖质沉积humus accumulation energy 腐殖集积能humus age 腐殖质年龄humus balance 腐殖质均衡humus coal 腐殖煤humus content 腐殖质含量humus earth 腐殖土humus eluvial horizon 腐殖淋溶层humus podzolic soil 腐殖质灰化土humus pot of maize seedling 玉米营养钵humus pot of vegetable seedling 蔬菜营养钵humus reserve 腐殖集积量humus siallitization 腐殖质粘土化过程humus sludge 腐殖污泥humus soil 腐植土humus substance 腐殖物质humus type 腐殖型hunger 绝食hungry metabolism 饥饿代谢hurricane 飓风husk 荚husker 玉米去苞叶机husker sheller 玉米脱粒机husker shredder 玉米脱粒粉碎机husking unit 剥玉米苞叶器hyacinth 风信子hyacinth bean 扁豆hyaluronidase 透檬酸酶hybrid 杂种hybrid clover 杂种车轴草hybrid complex 杂种复合体hybrid corn 杂交玉米hybrid index method 杂种指数法hybrid livestock 杂种家畜hybrid maize 杂交玉米hybrid plant 杂种植物hybrid polyploid 杂种多倍体hybrid propagation 杂种繁殖hybrid protein 杂种蛋白质hybrid rice 杂交稻hybrid sterility 杂种不育性hybrid variety 杂种品种hybrid vigour 杂种优势hybrid weakness 杂种弱势hybridal clone 杂种无性系hybridity 杂种性hybridization 杂种交化hydathode 排水器hydrated agent 水化剂hydration 水合hydraulic jump 水跃hydraulic lift 液力起落机构hydraulic model 水工模型hydraulic system 液压系统hydraulics 水力学hydrazide 酰肼hydrocephaly 脑积水hydrochloric acid 盐酸hydrocooler 水冷却器hydrocyanate pesticide 氢氰酸剂农药hydrocyanic acid 氰酸hydrogen 氢hydrogen ion concentration 氢离子浓度hydrogen peroxide 过氧化氢hydrogen sulphide 硫化氢hydrogen sulphide damage 氢硫害hydrogenation 加氢hydrograph 自记水位计hydrolase 水解酶hydrolysis 加水分解hydrolytic acidity 水解性酸度hydrolyzed protein 水解蛋白质hydromechanics 铃力学hydrometry 水文测验学hydromorphic humus 水成腐殖质hydromorphic soil 水成土hydrophillic colloids 喜水性胶体hydrophilous pollination 水媒hydrophily 水媒hydrophobia 狂犬病hydrophobic colloid 疏水胶体hydrophyte 水生植物hydrophytes 水生植物hydroponics 水培hydrostatic pressure 静水压力hydrotaxis 钱性hydrothermograph 水温记录仪hydrotropism 向水性hydroxide 氢氧化物hydroxylase 羟基化酶hydroxylation 羟基化hydroxyproline 羟基脯氨酸hyetometer 雨量计hygiene 卫生hygrogram 湿度自记曲线hygrometer 湿度计hygrophilous 喜湿的hygrophytes 湿生植物hygroscopic 吸湿的hygroscopic water 吸湿水hygroscopicity 吸湿性hygrotaxis 仟性hygrotropism 向湿性hymatomelanic acid 喜马多美朗酸hymenium 子实层hymenolepidosis of chicken 鸡膜壳绦虫病hymenolepidosis of duck 鸭膜壳绦虫病hyoiatrics 猪病学hyology 养猪学hypanthodium 隐头花序hyperacidite 超酸性岩hyperimmune serum 超免疫血清hyperinfection 重传染hyperparasite 复寄生物hyperparasitism 复寄生hyperplasia 增生hyperprolific animal 多产性动物hypersensitivity 过敏性hyperthermia 体温过高hypertrophy 肥大hypha 菌丝hypnospore 休眠孢子hypoblast 下胚层hypocotyl 胚轴hypodermatosis of cattle 牛皮下蝇蛆病hypoglycemia 低血糖hypoglycemia of piglet 小猪低血糖症hypophosphataemia 低磷酸盐血症hypophyllous 叶背生的hypophysis 脑垂体hypoplasia 发育不全hypoploidy 亚倍性hypostasis 下位hypothesis 假设hypothesis distribution 假设分布hypothesis test 假设检验hypothetical population 假设总体hypovitaminosis 维生素缺乏病hysterectomy 子宫切除术i some 颗粒ice 冰ice nucleating bacteria 冰核细菌icterus 黄疸ideal variety 观赏品种idioblast 异细胞idioplasm 异胞质idiotype 特异基因型igneous rock 火成岩igneous rock soil 火成岩土壤ignition loss 烧失量illite 壤土石illitic soil 伊利土illumination 照度illuminometer 照度计illuvial horizon 沉积层imago 成虫imbibition 吸涨immarginate 无边缘的immature 未熟的immature grain 秕粒immaturity 未熟immediate hydrochloric acid treatment 即时盐酸处理immobile layer of compensation ion 补偿离子停止层immobile posture 不动姿势immobilization 固定immobilized biocatalyst 固定生物催化剂immobilized enzyme 固定酶immobilized microorganism 固定化微生物immune 免疫的immune complex 免疫复合物immune response 免疫反应immune serum 免疫血清immune yolk 免疫蛋黄immunity 免疫immunity breeding 免疫培育immunization 免疫化immunodiagnosis 免疫诊断immunodiffusion test 免疫扩散反应immunoelectrophoresis 免疫电泳immunoenzyme technique 免疫酶法immunofluorescence 免疫荧光immunofluorescence method 免疫荧光法immunogenetics 免疫遗传学immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白immunological deficiency 免疫力缺乏immunological disease 免疫性疾病immunological factor 免疫因子immunological technique 免疫学技术immunology 免疫学immunotherapy 免疫疗法imperfect fungi 不完全菌imperfect leaf 不完全叶impermeable soil 不透水性土壤impervious soil 不透水性土壤implantation 移植implement 七imposed rest 促成休眠impossible event 不可能事件impotence 阳痿impoverishment 贫瘠impregnation 受胎impregnation type 受精型improved breed 改良种improved grassland 改良草地improved straw cocooning frame 改良蔟improvement of cold humid land 冷湿地改良impulse labelling 脉冲标记术impurity 不纯净物in situ 原位in vitro 试管内in vitro fertilization 体外受精in vitro selection 试管内育种in vivo 体内inactive capacity 不活性能力inactive humus 非活性腐殖质inarching 靠接inbred line 近交系inbreeding 近亲交配inbreeding coefficient 近交系数inbreeding depression 近交退化inbreeding population 近交群体incandescent lamp 白炽灯inceptisol 始成土incidental species 偶见种incineration 灰化incision 切开inclusion body 包涵体inclusion body hepatitis 包涵体肝炎incompatibility 不亲和性incomplete dominance 不完全显性incomplete flower 不完全花incomplete heat 不完全发情incomplete metamorphosis 不全变态incomplete phage 不完全噬菌体incorporation error 掺入误差increasing rate 增加率incremental agent 增量剂incretion 内分泌incrossbred 品种内异系杂种incrusted soil 结壳土壤incubated egg 孵化蛋incubation 培育incubation for autumn rearing 秋蚕孵化incubation period 孵化期incubative infection 潜伏性感染incubator 孵卵器indefinite bud 不定芽indefinite inflorescence indeterminate inflorescence 无限花序indehiscent 不裂的indehiscent fruit 闭果indented antenna 锯状触角indentity matrix 单位矩阵independence test 独立性测验independent assortment 自由组合independent events 独立事件independent variable 独立变数index 指数india rubber tree 印度橡树indian corn 玉米indian cup 菊花草indian mallow 苘麻indica type rice 籼稻indica type variety 籼型品种indicator animal 指示动物indicator plant 指示植物indigenous 土著的indigested gross of organic material 不消化有机物质总量indigestion 消化障碍indirect fertilizer 间接肥料indirect water hammer 间接水锤indispensable element 必需元素indium 铟individual 个体individual breeding 个别饲养individual feeding 个体饲养individual number 个体数individual variation 个体变异individuality 个体性indole butyric acid 吲哚基丁酸indoleacetic acid 吲哚基醋酸indoor grafting 床接indoor rearing 室内育indoor rearing of oak silkworm 柞蚕室内饲育induced enzyme 适应酶induced flowering 诱发开花induced mutation 诱发突变induced ovulation 诱导排卵induced parturition 诱导分娩induced polyploidy 诱发多倍性induced protein 诱导蛋白质induced resistance 诱导阻力induction 诱发inductivity 感应性inductivity of dense planting 密植感应度indusium 囊群盖industrial cocoon 工业用蚕茧industrial crop 经济罪industrial cross 生产杂交industrial method 工业方法industrial plant 工业植物industrial sewage 工业污水industrial waste 产业废弃物inert humus 非活性腐殖质inert matter 非活性物质inertia starter 惯性起动机infantilismus 腹内发育不全infection 感染infection's rna 感染性rnainfectious arthritis of chicken 鸡传染性关节炎infectious atrophic rhinitis of pig 猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎infectious bronchitis of chicken 鸡传染性支气管炎infectious bursal disease 传染性法氏囊病infectious coryza of chicken 鸡传染性鼻炎infectious disease 传染病infectious enteritis of goose 鹅传染性肠炎infectious enteritis of turkey 火鸡传染性肠炎infectious genetic factor 感染性遗传因子infectious hepatitis of dog 狗传染性肝炎infectious hepatitis of duck 鸭传染性肝炎infectious heredity 感染遗传infectious laryngotracheitis of chicken 鸡传染性喉气管炎infectious necrotic hepatitis of sheep 绵羊传染性肝炎infectious nucleic acid 感染性核酸infectious organ 传染瀑infectious pustular dermatitis of sheep 羊传染性脓疱性皮炎infectious rhinitis of chicken 鸡传染性鼻炎infectious rhinotracheitis of cattle 牛传染性鼻气管炎infectious serositis of duck 鸭传染性浆液膜炎infectious suborbital sinusitis of turkey 火鸡传染性副窦炎infective particle 感染病毒粒子inferent 传入的infertile soil 瘦地infestation 蔓延infiltrating amount in rice field 水田渗透量infiltration 浸润infiltration capacity 渗透能力infiltration gallery 集水暗沟infiltration gravitational water 渗透重力水infiltration pore 渗透孔隙infiltration water 渗入水inflammation 炎症inflammation of muscular gaster 肌胃炎inflorescence 花序influenza of duckling 小鸭列性感冒influenzavirus 列性感冒病毒infrared lamp 红外灯infrared radiation 红外辐射infrared rays 红外线infrared spectrophotometry 红外分光光度法infructescence 果序ingluvies induration 嗉囊阻塞ingluvies obstruction 嗉囊阻塞ingluvitis 嗉囊炎inguinal hernia 腹股沟疝inheritance 遗传性inhibiting hormone of growth 生长抑制激素inhibition 抑制inhibitor 抑制剂initial body 原始体initial cell 原始细胞initial humidity 初期湿度initial stage of origination 发生初期initiator codon 起始密码injection 注射injurious factor 有害因子injurious impurity 有害不纯物injurious insect of castor bean 蓖麻害虫injurious insect of crops 农罪害虫injurious insect of mulberry tree 桑害虫inland lagoon 内陆泻湖inland region 内陆地带inland summer coolness 内陆型寒冷inland water 内陆水inland water environment 内陆水环境inlet rill 引进沟inner glume 内颖inner integument 内珠皮inner seed coat 内种皮innocuousness 无害inoculation 接种inoculation method 接种方法inoculum 接种物inorganic acid 无机酸inorganic acid salt 无机酸盐inorganic amendment 无机改良剂inorganic colloid 无机胶体inorganic compound 无机化合物inorganic fertilizer 无机肥料inorganic matter 无机物inorganic pollution 无机污染inosite 肌醇inositol 肌醇insam 人参insect 昆虫insect control 昆虫防治insect damage 虫害insect disease 昆虫病insect gall 虫瘿insect growth regulator 昆虫生长第剂insect monitoring 害虫预察insect pest 害虫insect pollination 虫媒insect resistance 抗虫性insect specimen 昆虫标本insect transmission 昆虫传播insecticidal action 杀虫酌insecticidal activity 杀虫活性insecticidal microorganism 杀虫微生物insecticide 杀虫剂insecticide atomizer 杀虫剂撒布机insecticide of natural hormone 天然激素型杀虫剂insectiphage 昆虫噬菌体insectivore 食虫动物insectivorous insects 食虫昆虫insectivorous plants 食虫植物insemination 授精insertion 插入insertion mutation 插入突变insolation 日浴insolubility 不溶性inspection 检查inspection of silkworm egg 蚕卵检验installation 装置instar 蚕龄instillation 滴注insulating material 绝缘物insulator 绝缘体insulin 胰岛素intake 进水口intake gate 总闸门intake tower 进水塔intake tunnel 进水隧道integral curve 积分曲线integral plough 悬挂式犁integrated control 综合防治法integrifolious 全缘叶的integument 皮肤intensity 强度intensity factor 强度因素intensity of infestation 侵袭密度intensity of lightning 照度intensive culture 集约栽培intensive farming method 集约农法intensive fattening 集约肥育intensive pasture 集约放牧地inter breed crossing 品种杂交inter plant distance 株距interaction effect 相互酌效果interallelic complementation 等位基因间互补interallelic recombination 等位基因重组interbatch selection 蛾区选择intercalation 插入intercepting drain 截水沟interception channel 拦截渠道interception drain ditch 截僚水沟interchromosomal interference 染色体间干扰intercrop 间作intercropping fodder crop 间浊料罪interface phenomena 界面现象interference action 干扰酌interferon 干扰素intergeneric cross 属间杂交intergeneric hybrid 属间杂种intergeneric hybridization 属间杂种化intergenic arrangement 基因间排列intergenic selectivity 基因间选择性intergradation 间渡interior 内部结构interior leaf 心叶interior wing 后翅intermedial lobe of hypophysis 脑下垂体中叶intermediary metabolism substance 中间代谢物质intermediate host 中间宿主intermediate hybrid 中间杂种intermediate peat 中位泥炭intermediate product 中间产物intermediate region 中间地带intermediate rock 中性岩intermittent irrigation 间歇灌溉intermittent limping 间歇跛行internal agent gleying process 内因潜育化过程internal combustion engine 内燃机internal genitalia 内生殖器internal parasite 体内寄生虫internal secretion 内分泌international active unit 国际活性单位international quarantine 国际检疫international unit 国际单位internode 节间internode elongation period 节间伸长期interpetiolar 叶柄间的interrace hybrid 品种间杂种interruptive form of photosynthesis 光合障碍型intersegmental membrane 节间膜intersex 间性intersexuality 雌雄间性interspecies cross 种间杂交interspecific hybrid 种间染种interspecific hybridization 种间杂种化interspecific sterility 种间不育性interstitial water 孔隙水intertillage weeding 中耕interval estimation 区间估计interval estimation method 区间估计法intervarietal 品种间的intervarietal cross 品种间杂交intestinal bacteria 肠道细菌intestinal disease 肠病intestinal juice 肠液intestinal wall 肠壁intestine 肠intoxicating phenomenon 中毒现象intoxication 中毒intoxication of silkworm by agro chemicals 蚕农药中毒症intoxication of silkworm by injurious gas 蚕毒气中毒症intoxication with snake venom 蛇毒中毒intoxication with sugar beet 甜菜中毒intra specific competition 种内竞争intracellular enzyme 胞内酶intracerebral pathogen index 脑内病原指数intragenic change 基因内变化intragenic crossover 基因内交叉intragenic minimum unit 基因内最小单位intragenic recombination 基因内重组intragenomic conjugation 基因内接合intrahaploid pairing 单倍体配对intranuclear mitosis 核内有丝分裂intraperitoneal filariasis of livestock 家畜腹腔丝状虫病intraracial cross 种族内交配intraspecific competition 种内克争intravital staining 活体染色intrazonal soil 隐域土introduced breed 引入品种。

Journal of Hepatology|扑热息痛过量可阻断肝细胞摄取胆汁酸从而减轻肝毒性

Journal of Hepatology|扑热息痛过量可阻断肝细胞摄取胆汁酸从而减轻肝毒性

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• As a result, each addition of a ribonucleotide is random, based on the relative concentration of the four ribonucleoside diphosphates added to the reaction mixtures. The probability of the insertion of a specific ribonucleotide is proportional to the availability of that molecule, relative to other available ri-bonucleotides.
what do we know ? DNA transcription RNA translation protein relationships are colinear nonoverlapping code (1 mutation, 1 amino acid)
12.2 The triplet Nature of the code
means Of deciphering the ribonucleotide composition of various triplets encoding specific amino acids.
• In contrast to RNA polymerase, polynucleotide phosphorylase requires no DNA template.



动物学报 48(4):452~458,2002A cta Zoologica S i nica 雌性根田鼠的亲属识别与配偶选择3赵亚军①② 赵新全② 李保明① 邰发道③ 王廷正③(①中国农业大学设施农业生物环境工程农业部重点开放实验室,北京100083)(②中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,西宁810008) (③陕西师范大学生命科学院,西安710062)摘 要 在Y 字型选择箱中进行3种不同熟悉处理的配偶选择实验以检验动情雌性根田鼠配偶选择时的亲属识别和近交回避。

(1)动情雌鼠在熟悉雄性同胞和陌生非同胞之间嗅添频次和时间、及自我修饰时间的差异非常显著(P <0101),所作的脊柱前凸反应时间也有显著差异(P <0105),这些行为均多针对于陌生非同胞雄性。


(2)动情雌鼠对陌生雄性非同胞的嗅添频次和时间及所作的脊柱前凸反应时间显著大于陌生同胞雄性(P <0105),而针对陌生雄性非同胞自我修饰时间非常显著地大于针对陌生雄性同胞(P <0101)。


(3)动情雌鼠在熟悉雄性同胞和非同胞之间嗅添时间差异明显(P <0105),嗅添频次的差异更甚(P <0101);所作的脊柱前凸反应时间和社交后自我修饰时间差异也非常显著(P <0101),这些行为也均都偏向于非同胞雄性;结果提示断奶后继续熟悉可维持动情雌鼠对雄性亲属的嗅觉识别记忆力,在交配行为上主动回避亲属雄性。


关键词 根田鼠 动情雌鼠 配偶选择 亲属识别 熟悉 近交回避 一雄多雌制 2001201219收稿,2001212210修回 3国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.30100016和No.39870119)和中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站基金资助项目 第一作者简介 赵亚军,男,33岁,博士。

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