ANSI C78.377




CIE(国际照明委员会)标准标准代号标准名称CIE S009:2002 Photobiological Safety 光生物安全要求;CIE 13.3:1995Method of Measuring and Specifying Color Rendering of Light Sources 光源显色的说明和测量方法;CIE 15-2004Colorimetry 色度;CIE 43:1979Photometry of Floodlights投光照明灯具光度测试CIE 63:1984The spectroradiometric Measurement of Light Soures光源的光谱辐射度测量CIE 70:1987 The measurement of absolute luminous intensity distributions绝对发光强度分布的测量;CIE 84:1989 Measurement of luminous flux光通量的测量;CIE 121-1996 The photometry of goniophotometer of luminares灯具的光度学和分布光度学;CIE 127-2007 Measurement of LEDs LED测量方法;CIE 177-2007 Colour Rendering of White LED Light Sources白色LED光源的显色性;推荐性国家标准标准代号标准名称GB/T5702-2003 光源显色性评价方法;GB/T7002-2008 投光照明灯具光度测量的一般要求;GB/T7922-2008 照明光源颜色的测量方法;GB/T9468-2008 灯具分布光度测量的一般要求;GB/T19658-2005 反射灯中心光强和光束角的测量方法(IEC 61341:1994,IDT);GB/T23110-2008 投光灯具光度测试(CIE 43:1979 , IDT);GB/T22907-2008 灯具的光度测试和分布光度学(CIE 121:1996,IDT);GB/T20145-2006 灯和灯系统的光生物安全性(CIE S 009/E:2002,IDT);GB/T24392-2009 灯头温升的测量方法;GB/T24907-2010 道路照明用LED灯性能要求;GB/T24908-2010 普通照明用自镇流LED灯性能要求;GB/T24909-2010 装饰照明用LED灯;GB/T24823-2009 普通照明用LED模块性能要求;GB/T24824-2009 普通照明用LED模块测试方法(CIE 127:2007,NEQ);GB/T24825-2009 LED模块用直流或交流电子控制器性能要求(IEC 62384:2006,MOD);GB/T24826-2009 普通照明用LED和LED模块术语和定义(IEC 62504:2008,NEQ);GB/T24827-2009 道路与街路照明灯具性能要求;强制性国家标准标准代号标准名称GB 7000.1-2007 灯具第1部分:一般要求与试验(IEC 60598-1:2003, IDT);GB 7000.2-2008 灯具第2-22部分:特殊要求应急照明灯具GB 7000.3-1996 庭园用的可移式灯具安全要求GB 7000.4-2007 灯具第2-10部分:特殊要求儿童用可移式灯具GB 7000.5-2005 道路与街道照明灯具的安全要求(IEC 60598-2-3:2002, IDT);GB 7000.6-2008 灯具第2-6部分:特殊要求带内装式钨丝灯变压器或转换器的灯具GB 7000.7-2005 投光灯具安全要求GB 7000.9-2008 灯具第2-20部分:特殊要求灯串GB 7000.201-2008 灯具第2-1部分:特殊要求固定式通用灯具(IEC 60598-2-1:1979+A1:1987, IDT);GB 7000.202-2008 灯具第2-2部分:特殊要求嵌入式灯具(IEC 60598-2-1:1997, IDT);GB 7000.204-2008 灯具第2-4部分:特殊要求可移式通用灯具GB 7000.207-2008 灯具第2-7部分:特殊要求庭院用可移式灯GB 7000.208-2008 灯具第2-8部分:特殊要求手提灯GB 7000.211-2008 灯具第2-11部分:特殊要求水族箱灯具GB 7000.212-2008 灯具第2-12部分:特殊要求电源插座安装的夜灯GB 7000.213-2008 灯具第2-13部分:特殊要求地面嵌入式灯具GB 7000.217-2008 灯具第2-17部分:特殊要求舞台灯光、电视、电影及摄影场所(室内外)用灯具GB 7000.218-2008 灯具第2-18部分:特殊要求游泳池和类似场所用灯具GB 7000.219-2008 灯具第2-19部分:特殊要求通风式灯具GB 7000.16-2000 医院和康复大楼诊所用灯具安全要求GB 7000.17-2003 限制表面温度灯具安全要求GB 7000.18-2003 钨丝灯用特低电压照明系统安全要求GB 7000.19-2005 照相和电影用灯具(非专业用)安全要求GB19651.1-2008 杂类灯座第1部分:一般要求和试验(IEC 60838-1:2004, IDT);GB19651.3-2008 杂类灯座第2-2部分:LED模块用连接器的特殊要求(IEC 60838-2-2:2006, IDT);GB19510.1-2009 灯的控制装置第1部分:一般要求和安全要求(IEC 61347-1:2007, IDT);GB19510.14-2009 灯的控制装置第14部分:led模块用直流或交流电子控制装置的特殊要求(IEC 61347-2-13:2006, IDT);GB 24819-2009 普通照明用LED模块安全要求(IEC 62031:2008,IDT);GB 24906-2010 普通照明用50V以上自镇流LED灯安全要求(IEC 62560,IDT);GB 25991-2010 汽车用LED前照灯路灯标准标准代号标准名称LB/T 001-2009 整体式LED路灯的测量方法;LB/T 002-2009 半导体照明试点示范工程LED道路照明产品技术规范;LB/T 003-2009 LED隧道灯;DB61/T488-2010 道路照明用LED灯;CQC技术规范标准代号标准名称CQC3127-2010 《LED道路/隧道照明产品节能认证技术规范》;CQC3128-2010 《LED筒灯节能认证技术规范》;CQC3129-2010 《反射型自镇流LED灯节能认证技术规范》。


浅谈 LED 照明产品相关标准对色度变化的要求
一、前言 近年来随着固态照明技术的逐渐成熟,LED 应用日益广泛,对整个照明行业带来深远 的发展,同时也带来了一些新的问题。LED 在整个使用寿命当中随温度、寿命的变化而存 在明显的颜色偏移。 此外受发光原理影响及加工工艺及的限制, 不同厂家或不同批次的 LED 灯具都可能因使用芯片不同而会出现较大的色度变化。因此对 LED 标准制定方面就体现新 的要求,LED 光源的色度评价不能完全等同采用传统光源的色度评价方法。 本文主要综合归纳了目前标准中 LED 色度变化的相关概念并做简要的分析阐述。
CIE 1967UCS均匀色 品图(u’,v’)
CIE 1976 L*u*v*
CIE 1960UCS均匀色 品图(u,v)
CIE 1964 W*U*V*
CIE 1976 L*a*b*
CIE 1931-XYZ 标准色度系统 (x,y)
CIE 1964-XRBG系统
uv3000 (u3000 ' u0 ') 2 (v3000 ' v0 ') 2 uv6000 (u6000 ' u0 ') 2 (v6000 ' v0 ') 2
公式 3 公式 4
LED 色度空间不均匀指标△u’v’ 另外考虑 LED 照明产品在不同发光角上可能会表现出不同的颜色特性, 标准 LM-79-09
LED 的颜色漂移△u’v’ 我国节能认证技术规范 CQC3130 中另外定义了 LED 的颜色漂移,规定 LED 产品在
3000h 内的色度变化不能超过和 0.004 且 6000h 内的色度变化不能超过 0.007。 同时该规范制 定 LED 的颜色漂移使用 CIE 1976UCS 色品图即(u’,v’)坐标体系评价色坐标的变化。但该 规范没有明确说明颜色漂移的具体定义以及计算方法。标准 LM-80-2008 旨在讨论 LED 光 源光通量维持率的测量方法, 但其中条款 7.4 提到在整个光通维持率测试期间都应测量 LED 的色度参数并计算色度偏移△u’v’,并且要体现在最终的报告当中。另外在 DOE 为照明产 品定制的产品要求《ENERGY STAR Product Specification for Luminaires》中规定,室内固态 照明产品在第一个 6000hs 内的运行期间,表现在 CIE1976(u’,v’)色度系统中的色度变化 应不超过 0.007, 该值与 CQC 要求数据吻合。 同时 DOE 指明, 该色度变化表示为产品在 6000h 时色度坐标与 0h 的初始色度坐标之间的距离。因此可推断 CQC 所指的颜色漂移也应当是 3000 或 6000 小时的色度坐标与 0 小时时的色度坐标在在 1976(u’,v’ )色度系统中的坐标 距离。 具体计算公式如下所示。






3)EU1194/2012对LED灯的功能要求(Functionality Requirement)如下:对LED灯珠来说,主要要求有3个,第一是显色指数大于等于80(户内)或者65(户外)第二是6千小时光通维持率80%第三是色容差要求小于6个step麦克亚当椭圆(SDCM < 6)三星目前全系列产品是按照美国国家标准ANSIC78.377色度坐标的近似7个step的矩形分bin。


我们产品各CCT色温符合6-step的bin区有:W0:WA,WB,WD,WE,WFV0:V4,V7,V8,VB,VCU0:U6,U7,UA,UB,UE,UFT0:T5,T6,T7,T9,TA,TB,TD,TER0:R3,R4P0:P3,P4详细CIE坐标请见附件2 “ANSI vs IEC”,红色椭圆为6-step,棕色椭圆为4-step (考虑到整灯级别要做到6-step的话,我认为灯珠级别要在4到5 step 间才能达到)4)EU1194/2012对LED灯的能效要求(Energy Efficiency Requirement)分成E到A++共7个等级,如下表所示。



具体EEI计算请参考附件3:“874-2012_Energy Label for lamp and luminaire”。



玻壳 灯丝 导线 感柱 灯头
圆球形玻璃,工作时温度可达100℃ 螺旋状钨丝,工作时温度达2700℃, 由内导线,杜美丝(与玻璃结合)和外导线组成
喇叭型玻璃件,连接外部灯头 连接电源灯座,用焊泥与玻壳相连
参考标准:GB/T7249-2002(IEC60630:1994 , ANSI C78.20-2003)
Energy star program requirements for integral LED lamps V1.1
色温及色容差限值 Duv
色度保持 显色指数 功率因素 最低工作温度 LED操作频率 噪音 强度冲击测试 突波保护
Warm white
Warm white 3000K White 6500K
Nominal power consumption and luminous
>300Lumen 6W 230VAC
210Lumen 5W 230VAC
2W 230VAC
205Lumen 6W 230VAC
2009.9停售100W以上白炽灯, 2012年全面禁用
能源独立和安全法案规定:2012禁止 出售白炽灯,其中包括: 40/60/75/100W白炽灯
立法鼓励新一代节能灯泡取代白炽灯。 青岛企业机关单位2010年停止使用白 炽灯
2008开始停售100W以上白炽灯, 2009年禁售60W以上白炽灯,2012 全面禁用
565Lumen 6.9W 100VAC



DATA SHEETIntroduction Performance Characteristics Mechanical Dimensions Characteristic Curves ReliabilityPacking Specification PrecautionP 2P 3P 5P 6P 9P 10P 11 CITILED COB SeriesStandard TypeRa90 Min. ModelCLU038-1208C41. Introduction1-1. Product Description1-2. FeaturesCITIZEN ELECTRONICS is the first COB manufacture. Our advanced knowledge and packaging technology for many years has excellent reliability and high quality of our products. CITILED COB Series covers a wide range of luminous flux from a 10W incandescent bulb to a 500W mercury lamp in general lighting sources. The element arrangement of LED package is capable of utilizing light more effectively and higher performance.The new version of CITILED COB Series succeed to reduce the thermal resistance significantly. New version creates more options to match luminaire's products design (ex. High performance , Cost effective , Higher lumen density ,Increased allowable max. If). The outline and LES size is same since version 1. 3-step MacAdam ellipse color definition at Tj=85C is available.CLU038-1208C4-273H5M3-F1[1][2][3][4][5][1][2][3][4][5]Product NomenclatureCRI (Ra)CLU03812082700K 90 Min.Product shape Die count in series Die count in parallel Nominal CCT ・Mechanical Dimensions :19.0×19.0×1.4 (mm)・Package Structure :Aluminum Base Chip on Board ・Reference Assembly :M3 screw, Connector ・CRI (Ra):90 Min.・Nominal CCT:2,700K, 3,000K, 3,500K, 4,000K, 5,700K・Chromaticity Range:3-step MacAdam Ellipse, the center refers to ANSI C78.377:2011.2-step MacAdam Ellipse, the center refers to ANSI C78.377:2011.・Thermal Resistance :0.48C/W ・Maximum drive current :1840mA・RoHS compliant・Better die arrangement for optics・Wide range of luminous flux and high efficacy・Improved lumen density compared with previous version ・UL recognized component (E358566)2. Performance Characteristics2-1. Electro Optical Characteristics2-2. Absolute Maximum Ratings( Tj=85C )Ra R9Tc=25C**Min.Min.Min.Typ.Typ.Typ.Min.Typ.Max.CLU038-1208C4-27*H5M3-F12700K 90502,6182,9763,27412272031.*H5M3-F13000K 90502,7233,0953,40412672031.*H5M3-F13500K 90502,7633,1403,45412872031.*H5M3-F14000K 90502,7643,1423,45612872031.*H5M3-F15700K90502,8603,2503,57513372031. :1. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 10% on luminous flux measurements.2. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 3% on forward voltage measurements.3. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 1 on Ra measurements.* : 2 = 2-step MacAdam ellipse , 3 = 3-step MacAdam ellipse**Values of Luminous flux at Tc=25C are provided as reference only.Product codeForward Current( mA )Thermal Resistance Rj-c ( C/W )CRINominal CCTLuminous flux( lm )Efficacy ( lm/W )Voltage( V )T j=85CSymbol RatingPi 77.9*1If 1840*1Ir 1Top -40 ~ +100Tst -40 ~ +100Tc 120*2Tj150*3*1. Input power and forward current are the values when the LED is used within the range of the derating curve in this data sheet.*2. Refer to 3. Outline drawing for Tc measurement point.ParameterInput Power (W)Forward Current (mA)Reverse Current (mA)*3. D.C. Current : Tj = Tc + Rj-c × PiStorage Temperature (C)Case Temperature (C)Junction Temperature (C)Operating Temperature (C)2-3. Chromaticity Characteristics2,700K( 0.4577, 0.4098)3,000K ( 0.4339, 0.4032)3,500K ( 0.4078, 0.3929)4,000K ( 0.3818, 0.3796)5,700K( 0.3287, 0.3417)( Rated current, Tj=85C )Color RegionNominal CCT Center Point ( x, y )Oval parameterMajor Axisa Minor Axisb Ellipse Rotation Angleθ57.280.008340.005560.004080.0027253.173-step 2-step 3-step 2-step 0.007740.005160.004110.002740.009510.006340.004170.0027852.970.009390.006260.004020.0026854.000.007600.005070.002960.0019859.46* Color region stay within 3-step / 2-step MacAdam ellipse from the chromaticity center.* The chromaticity center refers to ANSI C78.377:2011.* θ is the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and the x-axis, and a and b are the major and minor semi-axes of an ellipse. ( Ref. IEC 60081:1997 AnnexD )3-step MacAdam Ellipse.2-step MacAdam Ellipse.Note : Citizen Electronics maintains chromaticity ( x, y ) +/-0.0050.300.350.400.450.300.350.400.450.50yxx-y chart CIE19312-step 3-stepBlack Body Locus3,500K3,000K2,700K4,000K5,700K3. Mechanical Dimensions・Internal Circuit12 s 08 p Protection deviceLED deviceCathodeAnodeUnit : mmTolerances unless otherwise specified : +/-0.3Marking 1 : Serial No.Marking 2 : CRI CCTDies count in parallel Dies count in seriesVer.6T 12 08 ** **Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageForward Current vs. Relative Luminous FluxTc=25C Tc=25CCase Temperature vs. Forward VoltageCase Temperature vs. Relative Luminous FluxIf=720mA If=720mA30. f [V ]If [mA]0%50%100%150%200%250%0500100015002000R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s F l u x [a .u .]If [mA] f [V ]Tc [C]0%20%40%60%80%100%120%0255075100125R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s F l u x [a .u .]Tc [C]4. Characteristic Curves4-1. Forward Current Characteristics / Temperature Characteristics4-2. Optical CharacteristicsSpectrum : CRI(Ra) 90 Min.Tj=85C If=720mA0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%380430480530580630680730780R a d i a t i v e I n t e n s i t yWave length [nm]5,700K4,000K3,500K3,000K2,700K4-2. Optical Characteristics (continued)4-3. Derating CharacteristicsCase Temperaturevs. Allowable Forward Current02004006008001000120014001600180020000255075100125I f [m A ]Tc [C]Radiation Characteristic 0%20%40%60%80%100%X Y80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°-80°-70°-60°-50°-20°-30°-40°-10°90°-90°5. Reliability5-1. Reliability Test5-2. Failure Criteria-40 C × 30 minutes – 100 C × 30 minutes, 100 cycle85 C, 85 %RH for 500 hoursThermal Shock TestContinuous Operation Test High Temperature Storage TestLow Temperature Storage Test Moisture-proof Test IF=720mA Tj=150C (with Al-fin) ×1000hrsTest Item100 C × 1000 hours -40 C × 1000 hours Test ConditionIF=720mA Ta=25C (with Al-fin) ×1000hrs ( Tc=25C )U defines the upper limit of the specified characteristics. S defines the initial value.Note : Measurement shall be taken between 2 hours and 24 hours, and the test pieces should be return to the normal ambient conditions after the completion of each test.Total Luminous FluxΦvIf=720mA<S × 0.85Measuring Item Symbol Measuring ConditionFailure CriteriaForward Voltage Vf If=720mA >U × 1.11. TYPEe.g. CLU038-1208C41715001(2)(1)(3)Example of indication label2. P.No. ( Cutomer's P/N )3. Lot No.e.g. 4. Quantity(1) Last two digit of the year 17 : Year 2017(2) Production month 1 : JanuaryNote: October, November and December are designated X,Y and Z.(3) CE's control number 6. Packing Specification6-1. PackingAn empty tray is placed on top of a 6-tier tray which contain 48 pieces each.(Smallest packing unit: 288 pieces)A label with product name, quantity and lot number is placed on the upper empty tray.Tray (Dimensions: 310×210×12 mm / Materials: Electrically conductive PS)Unit : mmProduct 48 pcs/trayCUSTOMERTYPEP.NO Lot No Q'ty: CLU***-******-******* : ****** : ******* : ***--- ( 1 ) --- ( 2 ) --- ( 3 ) --- ( 4 )7. Precaution7-1. Handling with care for this product-Both the light emitting area and white rim around the light emitting area is composed of resin materials.Please avoid the resin area from being pressed, stressed, rubbed, come into contact with sharp metal nail(e.g. edge of reflector part) because the function, performance and reliability of this product are negatively impacted.-Please be aware that this product should not come into contact with any other parts while incorporating in your lightingapparatus or your other products.-Please be aware that careful handling is required after the attachment of lead wires to prevent the application of any loadto the connections.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-2. Countermeasure against static electricity-Handling of this product needs countermeasures against static electricity because this is a semiconductor product.-Please take adequate measures to prevent any static electricity being produced such as the wearing of a wristband oranti-static gloves when handling this product.-Every manufacturing facility in regard to the product (plant, equipment, machine, carrier machine and conveyance unit)should be connected to ground and please avoid the product to be electric-charged.-ESD sensitivity of this product is over 1,000V (HBM, based on JEITA ED-4701/304).-After assembling the LEDs into your final product(s), it is recommended to check whether the assembled LEDs aredamaged by static electricity (electrical leak phenomenon) or not.-It is easy to find static damaged LED dies by a light-on test with the minimum current value.7-3. Caution of product assembly-Regarding this product assembling on the heat sink, it is recommended to use M3 screw.It might be good for screw tightening on the heat sink to do temporary tightening and final tightening.In addition, please don’t press with excess stress on the product.-The condition of the product assembling on the heat sink and the control of screw tightening torque needs to be optimized according to the specification of the heat sink.-Roughness, unevenness and burr of surface negatively impact thermal bonding between the product and heat sink andincrease heat thermal resistance between them.Confidence of thermally and mechanical coupling between the product and heat sink are confirmed by checkingthe mounting surface and measuring the case temperature of the product.-In order to reduce the thermal resistance at assembly, it might be good to use TIM (Thermal Interface Material) on whole contact surface of the product.In case of using thermal grease for the TIM, it might be good to apply uniformly on the contact surface of the product.In case of using thermal sheet for the TIM, it might be good to make sure that the product is NOT strained by stress when the screws are tightened for assembly.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-4. Thermal Design-The thermal design to draw heat away from the LED junction is most critical parameter for an LED illumination system. High operating temperatures at the LED junction adversely affect the performance of LED’s light output and lifetime.Therefore the LED junction temperature should not exceed the absolute maximum rating in LED illumination system.-The LED junction temperature while operation of LED illumination system depends upon thermal resistance of internal LED package (Rj-c), outer thermal resistances of LED package, power loss and ambient temperature. Please take both of the thermal design specifications and ambient temperature conditions into consideration for the setting of drivingconditions.-For more information, please refer to application note "Thermal Management", "Instruction Manual(COB LEDPackage)".7-5. Driving Current-A constant current is recommended as an applying driving current to this product.In the case of constant voltage driving, please connect current-limiting resistor to each products in series and controlthe driving current to keep under the absolute maximum rating forward current value.-Electrical transient might apply excess voltage, excess current and reverse voltage to the product(s).They also affect negative impact on the product(s) therefore please make sure that no excess voltage, no excess current and no reverse voltage is applied to the product(s) when the LED driver is turn-on and/or turn-off.-For more information, please refer to application note "Driving", "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-6. Lighting at a minimum current value-A minimum current value of lighting of all dice is 40mA.When a minimum current is applied, LED dice may look different in their brightness due tothe individual difference of the LED element, and it is not a failed product.7-7. Electrical Safety-This product is designed and produced according to IEC 62031:2008(IEC 62031:2008 LED modules for general lighting. Safety specification)-Dielectric voltage withstand test has been conducted on this product to see any failure after applyingvoltage between active pads and aluminum section of the product, and to pass at least 500V.-Considering conformity assessment for IEC62031:2008, almost all items of the specification depend uponyour final product of LED illumination system.Therefore, please confirm with your final product for electrical safety of your product.As well, the products comply with the criteria of IEC62031:2008 as single LED package.7-8. Recommended soldering Condition (This product is not adaptable to reflow process.) -For manual solderingPlease use lead-free soldering.Soldering shall be implemented using a soldering bit at a temperature lower than 350C, and shall befinished within 3.5 seconds for one land.No external force shall be applied to resin part while soldering is implemented.Next process of soldering should be carried out after the product has return to ambient temperature.Contacts number of soldering bit should be within twice for each terminal.* Citizen Electronics cannot guarantee if usage exceeds these recommended conditions.Please use it after sufficient verification is carried out on your own risk if absolutely necessary.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-9. Eye Safety-The International Electrical Commission (IEC) published in 2006 IEC 62471”2006 Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems ” which includes LEDs within its scope.When sorting single LEDs according to IEC 62471, almost all white LEDs can be classifiedas belonging to either Exempt Group (no hazard) or Risk Group 1 (low risk).-However, Optical characteristics of LEDs such as radiant flux, spectrum and light distribution are factorsthat affect the risk group determination of the LED, and especially a high-power LED, that emits lightcontaining blue wavelengths,might have properties equivalent to those of Risk Group 2 (moderate risk).-Great care should be taken when directly viewing an LED that is driven at high current, has multipleuses as a module or when focusing the light with optical instruments, as these actions might greatlyincrease the hazard to your eyes.-It is recommended to regard the evaluation of stand-alone LED packages as a referenceand to evaluate your final product.7-10. This product is not designed for usage under the following conditions.If the product might be used under the following conditions, you shall evaluate its effect and appropriate them. In places where the product might:-directly and indirectly get wet due to rain and/or at place with the fear.-be damage by seawater and/or at place with the fear-be exposed to corrosive gas (such as Cl2, H2S, NH3, SOx, NOx and so on) and/or at place with the fear.-be exposed to dust, fluid or oil and/or at place with the fear.Precautions with regard to product use(1) This document is provided for reference purposes only so that CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' products are used as intended. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS or any third party with respect to the information in this document. (2) All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, is current as of the date this document is issued.Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice.Before purchasing or using any CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' products listed in this document, please confirm the latest product information with a CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' sales office, and formal specifications must be exchanged and signed by both parties prior to mass production.(3) CITIZEN ELECTRONICS has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the information included in this document.(4) Absent a written signed agreement, except as provided in the relevant terms and conditions of sale for product, and to the maximum extent allowable by law, CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability whatsoever, including without limitation, indirect, consequential, special, or incidental damages or loss, including without limitation, loss of profits, loss of opportunities, business interruption and loss of data, and disclaims any and all express or implied warranties and conditions related to sale, use of product, or information, including warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness fora particular purpose, accuracy of information, or no infringement.(5) Though CITIZEN ELECTRONICS works continually to improve products' quality and reliability, products can malfunction or fail. Customers are responsible for complying with safety standards and for providing adequate designs and safeguards to minimize risk and avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of a product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption.In addition, customers are also responsible for determining the appropriateness of use of any information contained in this document such as application cases not only with evaluating by their own but also by the entire system.CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability for customers' product design or applications.(6) Please contact CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document, or if you have any other inquiries.CITILED is a registered trademark of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Japanis a trademark or a registered trademark of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. JAPAN.。



CE目前是 LVD+ERP+EMC ,大功率的做CE 还是有点挑战,本人对LVD和EMC不是很精通,关于ERP,测试无非也就是些性能方面,1)实际功率能否满足要求 2)光效能否达到A级 3)寿命,开关能够满足要求,按从今年9月1号开始实施第4阶段算,寿命至少6K,开关次数按你实际启动时间判断,若启动小于0.3S 则一半寿命次数,若大于,则10000次,光升时间,汞齐120S内,非汞齐60秒内,200小时早期失效率小于2%,一般寿命按20个测试,那就是4个,外加UV等等,总的来讲,CE是个自我宣称的东西,自己可以标称自己符合CE,然后按规定打上CE的标志即可以卖到欧洲,但是万一被查到不符,那后果肯定也是很严重的,目前市面上各大测试机构,包括DEKRA(以前的KEMA),BV,TUV(南德,北德,莱茵)等都能做标准代号标准名称CIE S009:2002 Photobiological Safety 光生物安全要求;CIE 13.3:1995 Method of Measuring and Specifying Color Rendering of Light Sources 光源显色的说明和测量方法;CIE 15-2004 Colorimetry 色度;CIE 43:1979 Photometry of Floodlights 投光照明灯具光度测试CIE 63:1984 The spectroradiometric Measurement of Light Soures 光源的光谱辐射度测量CIE 70:1987 The measurement of absolute luminous intensity distributions 绝对发光强度分布的测量;CIE 84:1989 Measurement of luminous flux 光通量的测量;CIE 121-1996 The photometry of goniophotometer of luminares 灯具的光度学和分布光度学;CIE 127-2007 Measurement of LEDs LED 测量方法;CIE 177-2007 Colour Rendering of White LED Light Sources 白色LED 光源的显色性;推荐性国家标准标准代号标准名称GB/T5702-2003 光源显色性评价方法;GB/T7002-2008 投光照明灯具光度测量的一般要求;GB/T7922-2008 照明光源颜色的测量方法;GB/T9468-2008 灯具分布光度测量的一般要求;GB/T19658-2005 反射灯中心光强和光束角的测量方法(IEC 61341:1994,IDT);GB/T23110-2008 投光灯具光度测试(CIE 43:1979 , IDT);GB/T22907-2008 灯具的光度测试和分布光度学(CIE 121:1996,IDT);GB/T20145-2006 灯和灯系统的光生物安全性(CIE S 009/E:2002,IDT);GB/T24392-2009 灯头温升的测量方法;GB/T24907-2010 道路照明用LED 灯性能要求;GB/T24908-2010 普通照明用自镇流LED 灯性能要求;GB/T24909-2010 装饰照明用LED 灯;GB/T24823-2009 普通照明用LED 模块性能要求;GB/T24824-2009 普通照明用LED 模块测试方法(CIE 127:2007,NEQ);GB/T24825-2009 LED 模块用直流或交流电子控制器性能要求(IEC 62384:2006,MOD);GB/T24826-2009 普通照明用LED 和LED 模块术语和定义(IEC 62504:2008,NEQ);GB/T24827-2009 道路与街路照明灯具性能要求;强制性国家标准标准代号标准名称GB 7000.1-2007 灯具第1 部分:一般要求与试验(IEC 60598-1:2003, IDT);GB 7000.2-2008 灯具第2-22 部分:特殊要求应急照明灯具GB 7000.3-1996 庭园用的可移式灯具安全要求GB 7000.4-2007 灯具第2-10 部分:特殊要求儿童用可移式灯具GB 7000.5-2005 道路与街道照明灯具的安全要求(IEC 60598-2-3:2002, IDT);GB 7000.6-2008 灯具第2-6 部分:特殊要求带内装式钨丝灯变压器或转换器的灯具GB 7000.7-2005 投光灯具安全要求GB 7000.9-2008 灯具第2-20 部分:特殊要求灯串GB 7000.201-2008 灯具第2-1 部分:特殊要求固定式通用灯具(IEC60598-2-1:1979+A1:1987, IDT);GB 7000.202-2008 灯具第2-2 部分:特殊要求嵌入式灯具(IEC 60598-2-1:1997, IDT);GB 7000.204-2008 灯具第2-4 部分:特殊要求可移式通用灯具GB 7000.207-2008 灯具第2-7 部分:特殊要求庭院用可移式灯GB 7000.208-2008 灯具第2-8 部分:特殊要求手提灯GB 7000.211-2008 灯具第2-11 部分:特殊要求水族箱灯具GB 7000.212-2008 灯具第2-12 部分:特殊要求电源插座安装的夜灯GB 7000.213-2008 灯具第2-13 部分:特殊要求地面嵌入式灯具GB 7000.217-2008 灯具第2-17 部分:特殊要求舞台灯光、电视、电影及摄影场所(室内外)用灯具GB 7000.218-2008 灯具第2-18 部分:特殊要求游泳池和类似场所用灯具GB 7000.219-2008 灯具第2-19 部分:特殊要求通风式灯具GB 7000.16-2000 医院和康复大楼诊所用灯具安全要求GB 7000.17-2003 限制表面温度灯具安全要求GB 7000.18-2003 钨丝灯用特低电压照明系统安全要求GB 7000.19-2005 照相和电影用灯具(非专业用)安全要求GB19651.1-2008 杂类灯座第1 部分:一般要求和试验(IEC 60838-1:2004, IDT);GB19651.3-2008 杂类灯座第2-2 部分:LED 模块用连接器的特殊要求(IEC60838-2-2:2006, IDT);GB19510.1-2009 灯的控制装置第1 部分:一般要求和安全要求(IEC 61347-1:2007, IDT);GB19510.14-2009 灯的控制装置第14 部分:led 模块用直流或交流电子控制装置的特殊要求(IEC 61347-2-13:2006, IDT);GB 24819-2009 普通照明用LED 模块安全要求(IEC 62031:2008,IDT);GB 24906-2010 普通照明用50V 以上自镇流LED 灯安全要求(IEC 62560,IDT);GB 25991-2010 汽车用LED 前照灯路灯标准标准代号标准名称LB/T 001-2009 整体式LED 路灯的测量方法;LB/T 002-2009 半导体照明试点示范工程LED 道路照明产品技术规范;LB/T 003-2009 LED 隧道灯;DB61/T488-2010 道路照明用LED 灯;CQC 技术规范标准代号标准名称CQC3127-2010 《LED 道路/隧道照明产品节能认证技术规范》;CQC3128-2010 《LED 筒灯节能认证技术规范》;CQC3129-2010 《反射型自镇流LED 灯节能认证技术规范》。







1.LED照明产品标准分类简介LED照明产品按照产品类型分类,可以分为LED灯具产品、LED用控制器产品、LED 光源产品及LED连接器产品等类型;LED照明产品按照标准内容分类,可以分为安全领域标准、性能领域标准、能效领域标准及电磁兼容领域标准等标准;LED照明产品按照标准发布来源分类,可以分为国际标准、欧盟标准、国家标准及我国的行业或地方标准或技术规范,具体分类详见下图。






FluxPanel LED 2x2 生二型号说明书

FluxPanel LED 2x2 生二型号说明书

FluxPanel LED recessed 2x21 Integral control options dimmable to 1% via wireless wall switch. Non-controls options are 0-10V dimmable to 1% for Standard configurations and 5% for Base configurations.2 All options only available with Standard configurations.3 XDIM is 120V only.4 Specify DIM driver option only.5 Not available with 347V option.6 Available in 30L through 54L packages.7 Not available with surface or suspended accessories.8 Maximum of 4 luminaires per controller.9 Emergency and Control options not clean room certified.10 Must order IRT9015 Interact commissioning remote with each system order.11 Must be installed in conjunction with a UL1008 device.12 Must be ordered with an integral controls option.13 Failure to properly select the “BAC” suffix could result in you receiving product that is not BAA compliant product with no recourse for an RMA or refund. This BAC designation hereunder does not address (i) the applicability of, or availability of a waiver under, the Trade Agreements Act, or (ii) the “Buy America” domestic content requirements imposed on states, localities, and other non-federal entities as a condition of receiving funds administered by the Department of Transportation or other federal agencies.14 Consult Signify to confirm whether specific accessories are BAA-compliant.14• FMA22 – 2'x2' “F” mounting frame for NEMA “F” mounting• FSK22 – 2'x2' surface mount field installation kit (factory welded seams)• FSF22 – 2'x2' surface mount field assembly kit (field assembled)• FPZCH48-1D-SC-UNV – adjustable cable hanger kit with straight white 18/5 cord for dimming (two-1 powered, 1 non-powered)• FPZCH48-1D-SC-347 – adjustable cable hanger kit with straight white 18/5 cord for dimming (two-1 powered, 1 non-powered)• SWZDT 1,7,8,9 – SpaceWise wireless controller with daylighting and occupancy, advanced grouping with dwell time functionality(compatible with all 0-10V options, see SWZDT spec sheet)• SBAZ10-CS 1,7,8,9,10 – Interact Ready System Bridge Accessory, refer to Philips System Bridge Accessory specification sheet for options and ordering details• IRT9015 – handheld remote for grouping and configuration (at least one remote required for any SWZCS installation).Ordering guide – Standard configurations available with all choices, unless otherwise noted.Base configurations selections indicated by blue.Example: Day-Brite/CFI FluxPanel LED gen 2 recessed is a highly versatile luminaire designed to provide smooth lighting gradient on the lens surface and ease of installation. Available for use in recessed, suspended, and surface mount orientation, FluxPanel is ideal for general lightingapplications such as open office, schools, healthcare, clean rooms, and retail.Not all product variations listed on this page are DLCApplication• Base configurations are 1 9/16". Standardconfigurations are 3 " Dimensions stated for overall depth, including driver box.• Even distribution of light on the lens providesexceptionally low glare gradient minimizing distractions at the ceiling plane.• General light distribution creates uniform horizontaland vertical illuminance on the work plane and limits scalloping on the walls.• Excellent consistency of correlated color temperature(CCT) per ANSI C78.377.• CRI 80 minimum color rendering with balancedspectrum.• Designed for use with standard Grid (NEMA "G") or Narrow Grid (NEMA "NFG") ceiling T-bars. Drywall or plaster application require use with the FMA22 "F" mounting frame accessory (sold and shipped separately).• Accessory field install kits available for surface (FSF22)and suspended (FPZCH48) mounting.Construction/Finish • Die formed galvanized steel housing.• Extruded aluminum frame post painted with glosswhite enamel finish. Corners are precision welded for seamless aesthetic.• Emergency options available with factory installed battery pack and remote field installed test switch/light with cover plate.• Die formed driver box with standard access plate for ease of wiring, provides tool-free access to driver(s) from above.• Back lit LED arrays with optics provide highlyefficient and unpixilated transfer of light tothe diffuser.• Integral clips accommodate definitive attachment toT-bar grid for recessed applications.• Die formed surface box accessory kit post painted gloss white enamel.Enclosure• Diffuser provides visual comfort and high efficiency.• Flat opal lens is easy to clean and provides a uniform aesthetic on the ceiling plane.• Tight enclosure assembly impedes ingress of dust and insects.Electrical• Up to 130 lm/W efficacy.• High efficiency Advance driver featuring high power factor (>0.90), 120-277V 60/50Hz, and less than 15% THD.• Minimum start temperature -20°C (-4°F).• Standard configurations are 0-10V dimming to 1%. Base configurations are to 5%.• To predict lumen output in emergency mode,multiply emergency pack wattage by luminiare efficacy, then by 1.10. Typical lumen output is 1200lm for BSL10LST, and 850lm for BSL6LST.• Electromagnetic interference (EMI) compliant to FCC Title 47 Part 15 class A.• Flicker and stroboscopic effect compliant to NEMA 77-2017.• TM-21 predicted L70 lumen maintenance up to 90,000 hours per LED manufacturer LM-80 report.• cULus (Base) or cETLus (Standard) listed to UL and CSA standards, suitable for damp locations.• Rated for clean room use - meets ISO14644-1 Class 5-9 (equivalent to Federal Standard No. 209E Class 100-100,000)• Base and Standard configurations are IC rated.• FluxPanel luminaires are Designlights Consortium® Standard and Premium qualified. Please see the DLC QPL list for exact catalog numbers (/QPL ).General Notes• All options factory installed.• All accessories are field installed.• Many luminaire components, such as reflectors, refractors, lenses, sockets, lampholders, and LEDs are made from various types of plastics which can be adversely affected by airborne contaminants. If sulfur based chemicals, petroleum based products, cleaning solutions,or other contaminants are expected in the intended area of use, consult factory for compatibility.• Five year limited luminaire warranty includes LED boards and driver. Visit /warranties for complete warranty information.Dimensions23-3/4"(603mm)23-3/4"(603mm)23-3/4"(603mm)3"(76mm)Emergency driver box shown is 20.5" (521mm) long.Standard non-EM driver box is 10.5" (267mm) long oriented 90° in tabs shown.Note : Base configurations are 1-9/16” deep. Standard configurations are 3” deep.Energy dataWireless Controls OptionsSpaceWise DT (SWZDT)• Standalone daylight and occupancy sensing with advanced grouping, wireless mesh networking and dwell time.• Commissioning via compatible Android phone and Philips Field App• Dimming via compatible Zigbee wireless wall switch only (see link below for details)• Register for the commissioning app at http:// / appregistration/• Integral sensing options may not be combined • For more information including recommended switches, refer to the following: –SWZDT – /systems/ lighting-systems/spacewiseEmergency Options (ER100)• Power Sensing (Factory default) – Recommended UL924 option requires unswitched power sense line, absence of voltage on the normal circuit triggers luminaire to 100% output• Power Interruption Detection (Field option) – Detects AC power interruption >30ms triggers 90 minute emergency mode with luminaire at 100% output Interact Pro scalable sensor for Foundation, Advanced & Enterprise tiers (SWZCS and an evolution of SpaceWise)• SWZCS is a connected sensor with integral occupancy and daylight sensing and supports wireless mesh connectivity.• The sensor works in the Foundation mode (similar to SpaceWise) when configured without a gateway or in an Interact Pro Advanced or Enterprise mode if a compatible gateway is used.• Interact Pro includes an App, a portal and a broad portfolio of wireless luminaires, lamps and retrofit kits all working on the same system.• Startup is implemented via Interact Pro App (Android or iPhone) & BlueTooth connectivity. The App provides flexibility to choose between a gateway or non gateway mode for setup.• Setup with the gateway requires wired internet access to the gateway. It is possible to add a gateway at a later point.• Prepare project configuration steps remotely and use IRT9015 remote onsite to identify and group devices together.• Compatible with:- SWS200 wireless scene switch- Battery powered IP42 presence sensor OCCsensor IA CM WH 10/1- Battery powered IP42 presence & daylightsensor OCC-DL sensor IA CM IP42 WH- LCN3110: Battery powered IP65 presencesensor, OCC sensor IA CM IP65WH-LCN3120: Battery powered IP65 presence& daylight sensor, OCC-DL sensor IA CMIP65 WH• For more information on Interact Pro visit:/interactproscalablesystemRadio only sensor (RADIO)• Integral RADIO only sensor simply enables wireless mesh connectivity to the luminaire without any occupancy or daylight sensing.• Ideal for applications where sensing functionality is managed by other Interact devices andthe luminaire only needs to have wireless connectivity.FoundationAdvanced EnterpriseCurrently supported maximum system sizeTo be able to design the lighting system correctly for the customer, it is important to know the prime characteristics of the system, its possibilities and limitations.2FPZ38L835-2-DS-UNV-DIM0-180 Luminaire Lumens3710 Luminaire Efficacy Rating (LER)125 Total Luminaire Watts29.8 Spacing Criterion (0-180) 1.26。



色度规范和公差四边形以下色度规范由ANSI 编制,其尽可能与现有荧光灯具标准一致,并反映当前(和不久将来)SSL 技术状态和颜色分级能力。

每个以下定义的8个四边形与当前6个ANSI 7步MacAdam 椭圆(符合当前能源之星照明标准)重叠,并因此有与能源之星荧光灯具相同的标称CCT 。

包括2个其它CCTs (4500和5700K )以包含SSL 中其它可行的CCTs 。

每个四边形由CCT 范围和色度图中普郎克轨迹距离来定义,这些定义细节参见ANSI/NEMA/ANSLG C78.377-2008。

示意图1显示了这些色度四边形的曲线图,下表显示了中心点(x,y )坐标及每个四边形的角。

2700 K3000 K3500 K4000 K4500 K5000 K5700 K6500 Kx y x y x y x y x y x y x y X y 中心点0.4578 0.4101 0.4338 0.4030 0.4073 0.3917 0.3818 0.3797 0.3611 0.3658 0.3447 0.3553 0.3287 0.3417 0.3123 0.3282 公差 四边形0.48130.4319 0.4562 0.4260 0.4299 0.4165 0.4006 0.4044 0.3736 0.3874 0.3551 0.3760 0.3376 0.3616 0.3205 0.3481 0.4562 0.4260 0.4299 0.4165 0.3996 0.4015 0.3736 0.3874 0.3548 0.3736 0.3376 0.3616 0.3207 0.3462 0.3028 0.3304 0.4373 0.3893 0.4147 0.3814 0.3889 0.3690 0.3670 0.3578 0.3512 0.3465 0.3366 0.3369 0.3222 0.3243 0.3068 0.3113 0.45930.39440.43730.38930.41470.38140.38980.37160.36700.35780.35150.34870.33660.33690.32210.3261CIE 1931 x, y 色度图示意图1. CIE 1931 显示8个标称CCT 四边形的色度图。



1. 3 R9饱和红色
R9指的是饱和红色,对应红色波长为650nm。当R9<0时,说明光源的红光成份不足,红色 严重失真,光源无法显示红色。R9越大说明对红色的敏感程度越高。比如,医疗设备上内窥 镜上的LED的R9参数一定要高,这样才能看清血管。
1. 4 提高LED显指的方法
提高显色指数需要靠荧光粉去着手,但亮度和显示指数不能同时提高,让荧光粉 的激发光谱宽带加宽,趋向与长波方向,亮度自然会降低。加红粉是目前主流做法, 一般用氮化物红粉或硅酸盐红粉、氮化物会比硅酸盐稳定、光效也较好。
中心点 0.3282 0.3417 0.3553 0.3658 0.3797 0.3917 0.403 0.4101
0.313 0.346 0.38 0.409 0.44 0.463
0.337 0.359 0.38 0.394 0.403 0.42
6530 5665 5028 4503 3985 3465 3075 2725
1. 1 标准色度坐标目标值 1. 2 色容差 1. 3 麦克亚当理论 1. 4 色差 1. 5 色容差的量化 1. 6 欧盟标准5步与7步图 1. 7 各温段的极限值与建议分光色温段 1. 8 能源之星标准5步与7步图 1. 9 欧盟ERP标准与能源之星标准中心点的不同 2. 0 欧盟标准5步与能源之星标准5步对比图
3768-4338K 3800-4300K
3216-3711K 3300-3700K 7步
3728-4394K 3750-4350K

Bridgelux Vesta Series Edge产品数据表单说明书

Bridgelux  Vesta  Series Edge产品数据表单说明书

® Vesta® Series Edge Product Data Sheet DS157IntroductionVesta Series Edge delivers adaptable light in a solid state lighting package. Vesta Series products tap into the powerful mediums of light and color to influence experience, well-being, and human emotion. They allow designers to mimic daylight to increase productivity and well-being and retailers to influence shopper behavior. Vesta Series Edge is designed for tunable white edge lighting applications such as commercial panel lights.Benefits• Ideal for selectable CCT or human centric lighting applications • Drop in replacement for 2x2 panel lights• Aluminum PCB enables excellent thermal coupling • Long lifetime (L70, B50 > 50,000 hours)• High quality, true color reproduction• Reliable use at elevated currents for greater design flexibilityFeatures • Slim in-line tunable white module for use in edge lit systems • Excellent color mixing with a very short mixing dis-tance • 2700K to 5000K tunable range with CRI >90• Delivers 2730 lm with up to 2X overdrive capability to 5320 lm • High efficacy up to 143lm/W• Metal core PCB for advanced thermal performanceContentsProduct Feature Map2 Product Nomenclature2 Product Selection Guide3 Electrical Characteristics3 Absolute Maximum Ratings4 Performance Curves5 Typical Radiation Pattern7 Typical Color Spectrum8 Mechanical Dimensions9 Color Binning Information10 Packaging and Labeling11 Design Resources12 Precautions12 Disclaimers12 About Bridgelux13Product Feature MapBridgelux Vesta Series Edge modules are fully engineered devices that provide consistent thermal and opticalperformance on an engineered mechanical platform. The Edge products incorporate several features to simplify design integration and assembly. Please visit for more information on the Vesta Series family of products.Product NomenclatureThe part number designation for Bridgelux Vesta Series Edge is explained as follows:1,2,3,4 5,6 7,8,9,10,11,12 13,14,15,16 17 18,19,20,21 22 23 24Product FamilyFlux Designator2000 = 2xxx lumen rangeMinimum CRI G = 90 CRICCT Range 27 = 2,700K50 = 5,000KDiscrete solder pads to attach wires in narrowluminaire frameDesigned to comply with global safety standards for creepage and clearance distancesPolarity symbolsTunable White LinearBXEBTL L0570A 2750G 2000E A3Nominal DimensionsL = Linear0570 = 570mm longA = 6mm wide-----Configuration E = EdgeVersionColor Accuracy 3 = 3 SDCMSmall SMD pitch designed to im -prove color mixing and maximize flux capabilityProduct Selection Guide & Electrical CharacteristicsThe following product configurations are available:)Table 1:Selection Guide, Measurement Data (T= 25°C.cNotes for Table 1:1. CRI values are minimums. Minimum R9 value is 50,2. Nominal CCT as defined by ANSI C78.377-2011.3. Products tested at nominal test current where center case temperature point Tc= 25° C. Values may vary depending on the thermal design of theluminaire and/or the environment to which the product is subjected.4. Bridgelux maintains a ±7% tolerance on flux measurements.5. Minimum performance values are provided as reference only and are not a guarantee of performance.Table 2:Electrical CharacteristicsNotes for Table 2:1. Voltage minimum and maximum are provided for reference only and are not a guarantee of performance.2. Bridgelux maintains a tolerance of ± 0.10 V on forward voltage measurements.3. This product has been designed and manufactured per IEC 62031:2014. This product has passed dielectric withstand voltage testing at 1500V. The working voltage designated for the insulation is 250V. The maximum allowable voltage across the array must be determined in the end product application.4. Typical coefficient of forward voltage tolerance is ± 0.1 mV for nominal current.5. Vf min hot and max cold values are provided as reference only and are not guaranteed. These values are provided to aid in driver design andselection over the operating range of the product.Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 3: Maximum RatingsNotes for Table 3:1. For IEC 62717 requirement, please consult your Bridgelux sales representative.2. Refer to Bridgelux Design Guide for handling Vesta Series Edge modules.3. Lumen maintenance and lifetime predictions are valid for drive current and case temperature conditions used for LM-80 testing asincluded in the applicable LM-80 test report for the SMDs used in this product. Contact your Bridgelux sales representatives for the LM-80 report.4. Maximum Drive Current is maximum combined drive currents between both 2700K and 5000K channels. For example, if 1200mAis applied to the 2700K channel, no current may be applied to the 5000K channel of the module. If 600mA is applied to the 2700K channel, then a maximum of 600mA may be applied to the 5000K channel.5. Maximum Total Drive Current is defined as the sum of the drive currents of both the 2700K and 5000K channels.Figure 1: Current vs. Forward Voltage, T=25°CFigure 3: Relative Flux vs. Case TemperatureFigure 7: Color Shift vs. Warm White Current RatioTypical Radiation PatternFigure 8: Typical Spatial Radiation PatternNotes for Figure 8:1. Typical viewing angle is 120⁰.2. The viewing angle is defined as the off axis angle from the centerline where Iv is ½ of the peak value.Typical Color Spectrum Figure 9: Typical Color SpectrumNote for Figure 9:1. Color spectra measured at nominal current for Tj = Tc= 25°C.Mechanical DimensionsFigure 10: Mechanical DrawingNotes for Figure 10:1. Solder pads are labeled “+” to denote positive polarity, and “-” to denote negative polarity.2. "W" label represents 2700K (warm white) channel and "C" label represents 5000K (cool white) channel3. Drawing dimensions are in millimeters.4.Unless otherwise specified, the tolerances are ± 0.10mm..Table 4: DimensionsTable 5:Wiring RecommendationsColor Binning InformationFigure 11: Graph of Test Bins in xy Color SpaceNote for Figure 11:1. Color binning at solder point temperature (Tsp) of SMDs at 85°C.Table 6: Bin Coordinates and Associated Typical CCTNotes for Table 61. Color binning at solder point temperature (Tsp) of SMDs at 85°C.2. Bridgelux maintains a tolerance of ± 0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space.Packaging and Labeling Figure 12: Packaging and LabelingTable 7: Packaging StructureDesign ResourcesDisclaimersPrecautionsApplication NotesBridgelux has developed a comprehensive set of application notes and design resources to assist customers in successfully designing with the Vesta Series product family. For a list of resources under development, visit . Optical Source ModelsPhotometric files are available for this product. For a list of available formats, visit .MINOR PRODUCT CHANGE POLICYThe rigorous qualification testing on products offered by Bridgelux provides performance assurance. Slight cos-metic changes that do not affect form, fit, or function may occur as Bridgelux continues product optimization.CAUTION: CHEMICAL EXPOSURE HAZARDExposure to some chemicals commonly used in luminaire manufacturing and assembly can causedamage to the linear products. Please consult Bridgelux Application Note for additional information.CAUTION: EYE SAFETYEye safety classification for the use of Bridgelux Vesta Series is in accordance with IEC/TR62778: Application of IEC 62471 for the assessment of blue light hazard to light sources and luminaires. Vesta Series Edge is classified as Risk Group 1 when operated at or below the maximum drive current. Please use appropriate precautions. It is important that employees working with LEDs are trained to use them safely.CAUTION: RISK OF BURNDo not touch the Vesta Series Edge module during operation. Allow the linear products to cool for a suffi-cient period of time before handling. The module may reach elevated temperatures that could burn skin when touched.3D CAD ModelsThree dimensional CAD models depicting the product outline of all Bridgelux modules are available in both IGES and STEP formats. Please contact your Bridgelux sales representative for assistance.CAUTIONCONTACT WITH LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE (LES) Avoid any contact with the LES. Do not touch the LES of the linear products or apply stress to the LES (yellow phosphor resin area). Contact may cause damage to the linear products.Optics and reflectors must not be mounted in contact with the LES (yellow phosphor resin area). Optical devices may be mounted on the top surface of the linear products. Use the mechanical features of thelinear product housing, edges and/or mounting holes to locate and secure optical devices as needed.STANDARD TEST CONDITIONSUnless otherwise stated, the linear product testing is performed at the nominal drive current.About Bridgelux: Bridging Light and Life™© 2019 Bridgelux, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Bridgelux, the Bridgelux stylized logo design, and Vesta are registered trademarks of Bridgelux, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Bridgelux Vesta Series Edge Data Sheet DS157 Rev. A (03/2019)46430 Fremont Blvd Fremont, CA 94538 USA Tel (925) At Bridgelux, we help companies, industries and people experience the power and possibility of light. Since 2002, we’ve designed LED solutions that are high performing, energy efficient, cost effective and easy to integrate. Our focus is on light’s impact on human behavior, delivering products that create better environments, experiences and returns—both experiential and financial. And our patented technology drives new platforms for commercial and industrial luminaires.For more information about the company, please visit /Bridgelux /Bridgelux/user/Bridgelux/company/bridgelux-inc-_2WeChat ID: BridgeluxInChina。



《LED筒灯节能认证技术规范》3.1引用标准本技术规范引用了筒灯的安全标准、电磁兼容标准、以及相关的测试标准,具体如下:GB7000.1 灯具第1部分:一般要求与试验GB7000.201 灯具第2-1部分:特殊要求固定式通用灯具GB7000.202 灯具第2-2部分:特殊要求嵌入式灯具GB17743 电气照明和类似设备的无线电骚扰特性的限值和测量方法GB 17625.1 电磁兼容限值谐波电流发射限值(设备每相输入电流≤16A)GB/T 9468 灯具分布光度测量的一般要求3.2定义本节对LED筒灯产品定义,并且给出了与产品性能评价相关的指标的定义:1.LED筒灯 LED downlightLED光源和保持其启动和稳定燃点所需元件一体化的或驱动装置分离式LED下射灯LED下射灯。

2.额定值 rated values额定工作条件下LED筒灯的参数值,该值由产品生产商或责任销售商指定。

3.额定光通量rated luminous flux初始光通量的额定值,该值由产品生产商或责任销售商指定。

4.额定相关色温rated correlated color temperature相关色温的额定值,该值由产品生产商或责任销售商指定。

5.初始值 initial value老炼1000小时的LED筒灯稳定工作时的光电参数值,初始值用于评价自镇流LED 筒灯的初始性能。

6.初始光通量initial luminous fluxLED筒灯所发出的总光通量的初始值,单位为流明(lm)。

7.初始光效initial efficacyLED筒灯光效的初始值,该参数是初始光通量与系统实测总功率的比值,单位为流明每瓦(lm/W)。

8.初始相关色温initial correlated color temperatureLED筒灯相关色温的初始值,单位为开尔文(K)。

9.初始显色性initial color rendering indexLED筒灯显色指数的初始值。

ANSI NEMA ANSLG C78.377-2008 固态照明色度指标(英文原版)

ANSI NEMA ANSLG C78.377-2008 固态照明色度指标(英文原版)

ANSI_NEMA_ANSLGC78.377-2008American National Standardfor electric lamps—Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid StateLighting Products---` , , ` , ` , , ` , , ` -` -` ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` , , ` --ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008 American National Standard Approved: January 9, 2008 Secretariat: American National Standard Lighting Groupfor electric lamps:Specifications for the Chromaticity ofSolid State Lighting Products --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. It is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. Users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupAmerican National StandardApproval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. An American National Standard implies a concensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. It is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.Copyright © 2008 by American National Standard Lighting Group All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008 Foreword(This foreword is not part of American National Standard C78.377-2008.)This is a new standard recently developed by the industry.Suggestions for improvement of this standard should be submitted to the SecretariatC78, American National Standard Lighting Group, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209.This standard was processed and approved by the Accredited Standards Committee on Electric Lamps, C78, and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association Solid State Lighting Section technical work group (known at the time as 78 Work Group 09). Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for that approval.Amendment / Change CDV RVRevision C78_4270 C78_4271 Dennis Holt, Chair, ASC78Yoshi Ohno, Technical CoordinatorRandolph N. Roy, ANSLG SecretariatMatt Clark, Senior EditorCopyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 3 of 17ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008 Table of Contents Foreword (3)Organization of this standard (5)1. Scope (6)1.1 Important Patent Disclaimer (6)2. Normative references (6)3. Chromaticity specification basis (7)4. Nominal CCT and Target CCT (7)5. Chromaticity requirements (7)Table 1 (Nominal CCT categories) (8)6. Color Rendering Index (R a) (9)6.1 Definition (9)6.2 Specification (9)Annex A (Informative) (10)A.1 Introduction (10)Table A1 (11)Figure A1, Part 1 (Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in Table 1 on the CIE (x, y) chromaticity diagram) (12)Figure A1, Part 2 (Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in Table 1 on the CIE (u’, v’) chromaticity diagram) (13)A.2 FL chromaticity-based system (14)A.3 Flexible CCT system (15)Figure A2 (An example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of3200 K) (16)A.4 Choice of chromaticity specification method (17)Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 5 of 17Organization of this standardThis standard has been arranged in two parts.One part includes information on the chromaticity specification basis, explanation of a nominal CCT and target CCT, details of SSL chromaticity requirements, and definition and specification of color rendering index. This part includes tabled information relative to these portions of the standard.The other part is comprised of a large informative annex, which provides some background information and the technical context in which this chromaticity specification for the SSL products was developed.The annex includes tabled information on the chromaticity coordinates of the center points and the four corners of each quadrangle for convenience of plotting these quadrangles.The annex also includes three graphical representations split into two figures (A1 and A2) of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in the tabled information on the CIE (x,y ) chromaticity diagram and the (u’,v’) chromaticity diagram (Figure A1), and an example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of 3200K (Figure A2).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting Group1.ScopeThe purpose of this standard is to specify the range of chromaticities recommended for general lighting with solid state lighting (SSL) products, as well as to ensure that the white light chromaticities of the products can be communicated to consumers. This standard applies to LED-based SSL products with control electronics and heat sinks incorporated, that is, those devices that require only AC mains power or a DC voltage power supply to operate. This document does not cover products that require external operating circuits or additional external heat sinks. This document covers fixtures incorporating light sources as well as integrated LED lamps 1. This document does not cover fixtures sold without a light source. The chromaticity requirement in this standard is for general indoor lighting applications. For other applications, chromaticities of light broader than the range specified in this standard are often acceptable. This standard does not cover SSL products for outdoor applications. This standard also does not cover SSL products for some indoor applications that intentionally produce tinted or colored light.1.1Important Patent DisclaimerIt is possible that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. When this document was approved for publication, NEMA or ANSLG did not know of any patent applications, patents pending, or existing patents. NEMA or ANSLG shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.2 Normative referencesANSI C78.376-2001, Specifications for the chromaticity of fluorescent lamps.CIE 13.3-1995, Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, Method of Measuring and Specifying Colour Rendering of Light Sources.CIE 15: 2004, Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, Colorimetry, 3rd edition.IESNA LM-79-072, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, Approved Method for the Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products.Specification of Small Chromaticity Differences , D. L. MacAdam, Journal of Optical Society of America, 33-1, 1943, pp 18-26. (referred to hereafter as “MacAdam ellipses”).U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star Program Requirements for CFLs Partner Commitments – version 4.0, 2007.1Integrated LED lamps are light sources with a standardized base that are meant to connect to the branch circuit via a standardized lampholder/socket, (e.g., replacement of incandescent lamps with screw base). 2To be published--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 7 of 173.Chromaticity specification basisThe chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature (CCT) values used in this specification are based on the CIE 3 colorimetry system. The specifications in this standard are in part based on ANSI C78.376 on chromaticity specifications forfluorescent lamps but modified to meet the needs of SSL products. The fluorescent lamp chromaticity tolerances are based on MacAdam ellipses that define perceptible color differences.While the chromaticity of light is expressed by chromaticity coordinates such as (x, y ) and (u’, v’), the chromaticity of white light can also be expressed by CCT and the distance from the Planckian locus. CCT is a more intuitive measure of the shade of white light than (x, y ). Since CCT is defined based on the (u’, 2/3 v’) chromaticity diagram 4, the distance from the Planckian locus should be determined on the same diagram. It should be expressed as a signed value to indicate whether the chromaticity is above or below the Planckian locus. As such a distance parameter with respect to the Planckian locus is not officially defined by the CIE, “Duv” is defined in this document as the closest distance from the Planckian locus on the (u', 2/3 v') diagram, with + sign for above and - sign for below the Planckian locus.4. Nominal CCT and Target CCTNominal CCT is used to specify and communicate white light chromaticity information of a product, and, in this document, is a CCT value at 100 K steps that is closest to the target CCT of the product. A target CCT is the CCT value that the product is designed to produce. Individual samples of the product may deviate from the target CCT due to production variation, which is normally controlled to be within a production tolerance. The same applies to target Duv. The target CCT and target Duv are also the center points of the tolerance range of these parameters in this document.5. Chromaticity requirementsSSL products covered in this standard shall have chromaticity values that fall into one of the nominal CCT categories listed in Table 1. SSL products with a given nominal CCT shall have the defined target CCT and Duv, and the values of individual samples shall be within the tolerances of CCT and Duv as listed in Table 1. Measurement of chromaticity shall be made in accordance with methods given in the measurement standard IESNA LM-79.3 International Commission on Illumination4equivalent to the CIE 1960 (u, v ) diagram, now obsolete.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupTable 1 - Nominal CCT CategoriesNominal CCT 1)Target CCT andtolerance (K)Target Duv and tolerance2700 K 2725 ±145 0.000 ± 0.006 3000 K 3045 ±175 0.000 ± 0.006 3500 K 3465 ±245 0.000 ± 0.006 4000 K 3985 ±275 0.001 ± 0.006 4500 K 4503 ±243 0.001 ± 0.006 5000 K 5028 ±283 0.002 ± 0.006 5700 K 5665 ±355 0.002 ± 0.006 6500 K 6530 ±510 0.003 ±0.006Flexible CCT (2700 - 6500 K)T 2)±∆T 3)D uv 4)± 0.0061) Six of the nominal CCTs correspond to those in the fluorescent lamp specification [2]: 2700 K, 3000 K (Warm White), 3500 K (White), 4100 K (Cool White), 5000 K, and 6500 K (Daylight), respectively. 2) T is chosen to be at 100 K steps (2800, 2900, …., 6400 K), excluding those eight nominal CCTs listed in Table 1. 3) ∆T is given by ∆T =0.0000108×T 2+0.0262×T +8.4) D uv is given by. D uv =57700×(1/T )2−44.6×(1/T )+0.0085Note 1: The chromaticity tolerances specified above are given as quadrangles ratherthan ellipses on the chromaticity diagrams. The sizes of the quadrangles correspond approximately to those of 7-step MacAdam ellipses used in thecompact fluorescent lamp chromaticity specification. See Annex A for a graphical representation of the specifications in Table 1.Note 2: The range of Flexible CCT values overlaps with the ranges of the other eight defined CCTs. Flexible CCT is used to specify products that have nominal CCTs other than the defined eight nominal CCTs in Table 1.Note 3: The values of nominal CCT are used to specify and communicate chromaticityinformation of the product.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-20086. Color Rendering Index (R a)6.1 DefinitionColor rendering index (CRI) is a measure of how similar object colors appear under illumination by a test source compared to the object colors under a reference illuminant (Planckian radiation or a phase of daylight) of the same CCT. For the purposes of this standard, reference to CRI as a characteristic of SSL products is taken to mean the “General CRI” identified as R a in CIE 13.3. R a is calculated from the relative spectral power distribution of the source.6.2 SpecificationThe average of the R a of SSL product samples shall be equal to or higher than thespecified minimum R a, with all individual samples equal to or greater than the average R a value minus 3. Measurement of the spectral power distribution of the product sample shall be in accordance with IESNA LM-79. The calculation of R a shall be in accordance with CIE 13.3.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 9 of 17ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting Group Page 10 of 17ANNEX(Informative)A.1 IntroductionThis annex provides some background information and the technical context in which this chromaticity specification for SSL products was developed.The purposes of this standard are, first, to specify the range of chromaticities recommended for general lighting with solid state lighting products to ensure high quality white light and, second, to categorize chromaticities with given tolerances so that the white light chromaticity of the products can be communicated to consumers. For this second purpose, the existing chromaticity standard (ANSI C78.376) for fluorescent lamps (FLRs) uses six nominal CCTs, some of which are given names such as Warm White (3000 K), Cool White (4100 K), and Daylight (6500 K). These names are often printed on product packages to communicate nominal CCT of the products to consumers. 2700 K and 5000 K, however, do not have names. Each of the six FLR lamp nominal CCTs has tolerances given as ellipses in the (x, y ) chromaticity diagram. Four-step MacAdam ellipses are used in ANSI C78.376 and seven-step MacAdam ellipses are used in the Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star program (version 4.0) for Compact Fluorescent Lamps.This chromaticity specification for SSL products was developed, on one hand, to be as consistent as possible with the existing fluorescent lamp standards, since major applications, at least in the initial stages of commercialization, are considered to be for replacement of existing fluorescent lamps and luminaires as well as those of incandescent lamps. On the other hand, there are several different requirements to be considered to best reflect the current (and near future) state of the SSL technologies. Since the SSL technologies are still at their early stages, control and stability of chromaticity of light are not as well established as with fluorescent lamps. These aspects were considered to some extent when determining the tolerances of chromaticity in this standard, while acknowledging that smaller tolerances would be preferred. Therefore, this standard is of interim nature, and the contents of this standard will need to be updated as SSL technologies advance and more applications are developed.Figure A1 shows the graphical representation of the specification of the SSL products as listed in Table 1 on the (x, y ) and (u’, v’) diagrams. The (u’,v’) diagram is more uniform than the (x, y ) diagram and is better suited for evaluating color differences of light sources. Table A1 below shows the (x, y ) chromaticity coordinates of the center points and the four corners of each quadrangle for convenience of plotting these quadrangles. Note that the sides of the quadrangles along the Planckian locus are not exactly straight lines but slightly curved so that the Duv value is constant.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting Group Page 12 of 17Figure A1, Part 1 Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in Table 1, on the CIE (x,y ) chromaticity diagram --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 13 of 17Figure A1, Part 2Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in Table 1, on the CIE(u’,v’) chromaticity diagram--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008 This standard includes two systems of chromaticity specification, one based on the ANSI C78.376 fluorescent lamp (FLR) standard with fixed target CCTs (the first eight nominal CCTs in Table 1), and another based on flexible CCT (Flexible CCT inTable 1). Either of the two systems may be used.A.2 FL chromaticity-based systemThis system may be used for applications targeting replacement of existing fluorescent lamps or luminaries by SSL products, thus keeping consistency with FLR chromaticity specifications as much as possible. This same system (2700K, 3000 K) may be used for the replacement of incandescent and halogen systems. Eight nominal CCTs are specified, six of which are consistent with the ANSI C78.376 FLR specification. The chromaticity tolerance ranges are given by quadrangles that are mostly overlapping with the 7-step MacAdam ellipses defined in the CFL Energy Star specification (version 4.0) for the six nominal CCTs.Quadrangles rather than ellipses are used for SSL products for the following reasons: 1) quadrangles are commonly used in chromaticity binning of LED products, 2) due to cost-effective binning of LEDs and products, the gaps between chromaticity ranges need to be as small as possible, and 3) quadrangles can be specified by the CCT and Duv, and it is easier to judge product acceptance using the quadrangles than using ellipses. Eight quadrangles are defined to cover the CCT range from 2700 K to 6500 K. From the current state of SSL technologies, it was considered that continuous coverage of the broad CCT range was extremely important for cost-effective yield of white LEDs produced. If there are gaps between quadrangles, many products or sources would need to be rejected. To address this concern, two additional nominal CCTs (4500 K and 5700 K) have been added to fill the gaps between the quadrangles of 4000 K and 5000 K and between 5000 K and 6500 K of the original FLR nominal CCTs. Furthermore, the size and positions of all the quadrangles are adjusted so that there are no gaps and no overlaps in between them. With these adjustments, the entire CCT range from 2700 K to 6500 K is covered continuously with the eight quadrangles with no gaps, while still maintaining reasonable consistency with the six FLR chromaticities. To achieve this and to maintain approximately equal tolerance ranges, the target chromaticities were moved slightly from the FLR target chromaticities.Some nominal CCT names (Warm White, White, Cool White, and Daylight) have been used in the ANSI C78.376 FLR specification for many years, and these names have been used as a means of communication with general consumers. However, nominal CCTs of 2700 K and 5000 K did not have names. Two new nominal CCTs have been added in this standard, so there are four CCTs that do not have names. The committee considered that adding four new names, making eight names in total, would not successfully work as an effective means of communication. The committee decided not to use such names, and instead, recommends using the value of nominal CCT or some as yet unspecified alternate means to communicate the nominal CCT to general consumers.Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 14 of 17ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting Group Page 15 of 17There was a view that specifying only the ranges of tolerance without target point CCT and Duv would be sufficient. Target CCT and Duv, however, are given in this document with an expectation that products are designed to produce these center points so that individual variation of chromaticity will center around the target point, and thus, the average chromaticity of products among different manufacturers should match closely. Also, if the tolerance ranges are reduced in the future, the same target CCT and Duv should be used so that continuity of chromaticity is maintained.A.3 Flexible CCT systemUnder the FLR chromaticity-based system described above, nominal CCTs are limited to the eight values given in Table 1. There were concerns that this limitation may inappropriately restrict the flexibility of SSL technology. For example, some products may have variable CCT, meeting the chromaticity requirements at each controlled CCT. Another point of view was that, when SSL products are used in new installations, consistency with FLR may not be relevant. SSL products having a nominal CCT of 3200 K or 3700 K, for example, may provide a more desired shade of white light for some users, while keeping the same relative chromaticity tolerance.Considering these points of view, the second system based on flexible CCT (Flexible CCT in Table 1) was proposed and accepted. Under this system, any CCT between 2700 K and 6500 K at 100 K steps can be used for nominal CCT. The tolerances of CCT and Duv are calculated using the defined equations and a corresponding quadrangle is given, which has approximately the same size as the 7-step MacAdam ellipses. See an example in Fig. A2. To avoid confusion and to maintain consistent tolerance ranges, Flexible CCT is only to be used to specify products that have nominal CCTs other than the defined eight nominal CCTs in Table 1.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 16 of 17Figure A2An example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of 3200 K.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 17 of 17Note that the value of the center Duv gradually shifts from 0.000 for low CCTs to 0.003 at 6500 K (on both the FLR-based and Flexible CCT systems) based on the fact that the reference daylight (CIE standard illuminant D65) has a Duv of 0.003. This deviates from the center point of the Daylight FLR specification, which was based on available lamp products at the time the original standard was developed and does not represent Duv of real daylight. For this reason, the Duv values and target CCTs in this standard do not follow exactly those of the FLR specification but are chosen to be reasonably close to the FLR specification.Since nominal CCT names are abandoned in this standard, chromaticity information must be communicated by nominal CCT. It is known, however, that the four-digit CCT values are not effective for communicating nominal CCTs to general consumers, and a different approach for this communication will be necessary. It is recommended that information on nominal CCT (e.g., an alternative index or figure to indicate CCT) be shown on product package for communicating nominal CCTs. To avoid confusion in the market, it is recommended that a unified method be developed for all SSL products.A.4 Choice of chromaticity specification methodDepending on intended applications and whether compatibility of chromaticity with fluorescent lamps is considered important, manufacturers can choose one of the two specification systems to design the chromaticity of SSL products and to communicate the nominal CCT. A concern was raised as to whether the existence of two methods may cause confusion in the industry and market. However, since the SSL technologies are still in their early stages, it was decided to keep both specification systems in this standard.Another consideration is that the chromaticity tolerance ranges (currently similar to those of the DOE - CFL Energy Star v4.0) may be reduced in the future. The ANSI C78.376 specification for FLR uses four-step MacAdam ellipses, and it is anticipated that similar level of tolerances can be adopted as SSL technologies advance in the future. When this occurs, the tolerance quadrangles will become smaller, and the quadrangles of the FLR-chromaticity-based system would no longer cover the chromaticity space continuously. In this case the Flexible CCT system would provide continuous coverage.In section 6, Color Rendering Index (CRI) is referred to as the metric to be used. While recognizing the fact that CRI is outdated and known to have problems when used for some white LED spectra, a decision was made to use the CRI for this ANSI standard version since the CRI is still the only internationally agreed metric for color rendering of light sources. Work is in progress in the CIE to develop an improved metric. When such a new CIE standard on color rendering is published, this ANSI C78.377 standard is to be revised to update the specification for color rendering. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。

ProLight Opto 1616高功率LED灯光技术数据手册说明书

ProLight Opto 1616高功率LED灯光技术数据手册说明书

No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, ProLight PQ2A-4FxE-xxFC 4W Power LEDTechnical Datasheet Version: 2.02021/03Features‧Best Moisture Sensitivity:JEDEC Level 1‧RoHS compliant‧Very wide Viewing AngleMain Applications‧Entertainment Lighting ‧Commercial Lighting ‧Indoor Lighting ‧Outdoor Lighting ‧Stage Lighting‧Consumer Portable ‧Architectural‧High-End PortableIntroduction‧ProLight 1616, is one of the smallest high power LED footprint available by ProLight Opto, has offered extended solid-state lighting design possibilities. The 1616’s combination of consistent design across all configurations and its small size permit improved color mixing and optical control, compared to the larger 3535 LED. ProLight 1616 is designed with ProLight unique packaging technology which providing high stability reliability.‧1616 qualifies as the JEDEC Level 1 MSL sensitivity level and suitable for SMD process, Pb free reflow soldering capability, and full compliance with EU education of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) legislation.白光Emitter Mechanical DimensionsNotes:1. Drawing not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.3. Unless otherwise indicated, tolerances are ±0.10mm.4. Please do not solder the emitter by manual hand soldering, otherwise it will damage the emitter.5. Please do not use a force of over 0.3kgf impact or pressure on the lens of the LED, otherwiseit will cause a catastrophic failure.2No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,Flux Characteristics, T J = 25°CColor Part NumberEmitterLuminous Flux ΦV(lm)@350mA Refer @700mA Refer @1000mAMin.Typ.Min.Typ.Min.Typ.White PQ2A-4FWE-FC110125200228248281 Neutral White PQ2A-4FNE-FC110120200219248270 Warm White PQ2A-4FVE-FCR890100164182203225 PC Amber PQ2A-4FPE-AFC7080126144156180 PC Yellow Green PQ2A-4FPE-YGFC110128200233248288●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements.●Please do not drive at rated current more than 1 second without proper heat sink.Electrical Characteristics, T J= 25°CForward Voltage VF(V)ThermalRefer Refer Resistance@350mA @700mA@1000mA Junction to Slug Color Min.Typ.Max.Typ.Typ.(°C/ W)White 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36 Neutral White 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36Warm White 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36PC Amber 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36PC Yellow Green 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.36●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±0.1V for Voltage measurements.Optical Characteristics at 350mA, T J= 25°CTotalincluded ViewingDominant Wavelength λDAngle AngleRadiationColor or Color Temperature CCT(degrees)(degrees)Pattern Min.Typ.Max.θ0.90V 2 θ1/2LambertianWhite4800 K5600 K6450 K160130 Neutral White4200 K4500 K4800 K160130 Warm White2580 K2900 K3250 K160130 PC Amber587.5 nm589.7 nm592.5 nm160130 PC Yellow Green566.0 nm567.5 nm569.0 nm160130●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±1nm for dominant wavelength measurements.●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±5% for CCT measurements.No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,3No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, ParameterWhite/Neutral White/Warm White/PC Amber/PC Yellow Green DC Forward Current (mA)1000Peak Pulsed Forward Current (mA)1500 (less than 1/10 duty cycle@1KHz)ESD Sensitivity2KV (HBM per MIL-STD-883E Method 3015.7)LED Junction Temperature 125°C Operating Board Temperature -40°C -105°Cat Maximum DC Forward Current Storage Temperature -40°C -120°C Soldering Temperature JEDEC 020c 260°CAllowable Reflow Cycles 3Reverse VoltageNot designed to be driven in reverse bias4Absolute Maximum RatingsPhotometric Luminous Flux Bin Structure at 350mAColorBin Code MinimumMaximumAvailable Photometric Flux (lm)Photometric Flux (lm)Color Bins WhiteV1110120AllV2120130W2, W3, X1, X4 【1】W1130140【1】Neutral WhiteV1110120AllV2120130【1】Warm WhiteU190100AllU2100110【1】PC AmberT170803T280902U190100【1】PC Yellow GreenV1110120All V2120130AllW1130140【1】●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±7% on flux and power measurements.●The flux bin of the product may be modified for improvement without notice. ●【1】The rest of color bins are not 100% ready for order currently. Please ask for quote and order possibility.No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.300.320.340.360.380.400.420.280.300.320.340.360.380.40yXColor Range ANSI C78.377WhitePlanckian (BBL)5650 K4800 K V2V3V1V45000 KW2W3W1W45300 K6000 KX1X46450 K 6970 K5White Binning Structure Graphical RepresentationBin Code x y Typ. CCT(K)Bin Code x yTyp. CCT(K)V10.3464 0.36884870W40.3293 0.34235475 0.3551 0.3760 0.3371 0.34930.3533 0.3624 0.3366 0.33690.3452 0.3558 0.3294 0.3306V40.3452 0.35584870W20.3207 0.34625830 0.3533 0.3624 0.3292 0.35390.3515 0.3487 0.3293 0.34230.3441 0.3428 0.3215 0.3353V20.3376 0.36165155W30.3215 0.33535830 0.3464 0.3688 0.3293 0.34230.3452 0.3558 0.3294 0.33060.3371 0.3493 0.3222 0.3243V30.3371 0.34935155X10.3123 0.33856240 0.3452 0.3558 0.3207 0.34620.3441 0.3428 0.3215 0.33530.3366 0.3369 0.3136 0.3283W10.3292 0.35395475X40.3136 0.32836240 0.3376 0.3616 0.3215 0.33530.3371 0.3493 0.3222 0.32430.3293 0.3423 0.3150 0.3180●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005White Bin StructureNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,6No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.300.320.340.360.380.400.420.300.320.340.360.380.400.42yXColor RangeANSI C78.377Neutral WhitePlanckian (BBL)4200 K4800 KU2U3U1U44500 KBin Code x y Typ. CCT (K)Bin Code x y Typ. CCT (K)U10.36410.3804 4350U20.35480.3736 46500.37360.3874 0.36410.3804 0.37020.3722 0.36150.3659 0.36150.3659 0.3530.3597 U40.3615 0.3659 4350U30.3530 0.3597 46500.3702 0.3722 0.3615 0.3659 0.3670 0.3578 0.3590 0.3521 0.35900.35210.35120.3465●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.0057Neutral White Binning Structure Graphical RepresentationNeutral White Bin StructureNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.340.360.380.400.420.440.460.380.400.420.440.460.480.50yXColor RangeANSI C78.377Warm WhitePlanckian (BBL)3050 K3250 KN1N2N0N4N32850 K3150 K2950 K2580 K2700 K2650 K2800 KM1M2M0M4M38Warm White Binning Structure Graphical RepresentationBin Code x y Typ. CCT(K)Bin Code x yTyp. CCT(K)M10.481 0.4322650N10.443 0.4212950 0.469 0.429 0.456 0.4260.459 0.410 0.447 0.4080.470 0.413 0.435 0.403M40.470 0.4132650N40.435 0.4032950 0.459 0.410 0.447 0.4080.448 0.392 0.437 0.3890.459 0.394 0.426 0.385M00.448 0.3992700N00.424 0.3923050 0.457 0.418 0.432 0.4100.470 0.421 0.445 0.4140.459 0.402 0.436 0.396M20.469 0.4292800N20.430 0.4173150 0.456 0.426 0.443 0.4210.447 0.408 0.435 0.4030.459 0.410 0.422 0.399M30.459 0.4102800N30.422 0.3993150 0.447 0.408 0.435 0.4030.437 0.389 0.426 0.3850.448 0.392 0.415 0.381●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005Note:1. Although several bins are outlined, product availability in a particular bin varies by production runand by product performance. Not all bins are available in all colors.2. ProLight SmartBin is working to make the color bin smarter, by selecting that intelligence is infusedinto major M0 ,N0bin with minor M1-M4 , N1-N4 bins and processes that make assembly easilyWarm White Bin StructureNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,9No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.360.380.400.420.440.460.480.500.520.540.560.580.600.62yxPlanckian(BBL)2PC AmberSpectrum Locus3wd = 587.5 nmwd = 589.7 nmwd = 592.5 nmPC Amber Binning Structure Graphical Representation10PC Amber Bin Structure Bin Codex y Bin Codex y 20.5470 0.4250 30.5610 0.4160 0.5610 0.4160 0.5730 0.4260 0.5730 0.4260 0.5900 0.4100 0.56100.43900.57000.4100●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 0.440.460.480.500.520.540.560.580.600.620.640.660.280.300.320.340.360.380.400.420.440.460.480.50yxA0PC Yellow GreenSpectrum Locuswd = 566.0 nmwd = 569.0 nm11Color BinPC Yellow Green Binning Structure Graphical RepresentationPC Yellow Green Bin Structure Bin Code x y A00.38190.50550.41910.57900.43270.56550.39720.4986●Tolerance on each color bin (x , y) is ±0.005Forward Voltage Bin Structure at 350mAColor Bin Code Minimum Voltage (V)Maximum Voltage (V)White A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4Neutral White A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4Warm White A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4PC Amber A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4PC Yellow Green A 2.8 3.0B 3.0 3.2 D 3.2 3.4●ProLight maintains a tolerance of ±0.1V for Voltage measurements.Note: Although several bins are outlined, product availability in a particular bin varies by production run and by product performance. Not all bins are available in all colors.12No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 1.0350400450500550600650700750800850R e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)Standard Eye Response CurveWarm White3. Warm White0. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)Standard Eye Response CurveWhite130. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)Standard Eye Response CurveNeutral White1. White2. Neutral WhiteNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 4. PC Amber0. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm) e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)5. PC Yellow Green14No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 02040608010012014016020406080100120R e l a t i v e L i g h t O u t p u t (%)Junction Temperature, T J (℃)Relative Light Output vs. Junction Temperature at 350mAWhite, Neutral White, Warm White,PC Amber, PC Yellow GreenLight Output Characteristics1502004006008001000120012345A v e r a g e F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )Forward Voltage (V) e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s F l u xForward Current (mA)Forward Current Characteristics, T J = 25°CTypical Representative Spatial Radiation Pattern16No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,Soak RequirementsLevel Floor Life Standard Accelerated Environment Time Conditions Time (hours)Conditions Time (hours)Conditions1Unlimited≤30°C /168 +5/-085°C /NA NA 85% RH85% RH●The standard soak time includes a default value of 24 hours for semiconductor manufature'sexposure time (MET) between bake and bag and includes the maximum time allowed out ofthe bag at the distributor's facility.●Table below presents the moisture sensitivity level definitions per IPC/JEDEC's J-STD-020C.Soak Requirements Level Floor Life Standard Accelerated Environment Time Conditions Time (hours)Conditions Time (hours)Conditions1Unlimited≤30°C /168 +5/-085°C /NA NA 85% RH85% RH2 1 year≤30°C /168 +5/-085°C /NA NA 60% RH60% RH2a 4 weeks≤30°C /696 +5/-030°C /120 +1/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH3168 hours≤30°C /192 +5/-030°C /40 +1/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH472 hours≤30°C /96 +2/-030°C /20 +0.5/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH548 hours≤30°C /72 +2/-030°C /15 +0.5/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH5a24 hours≤30°C /48 +2/-030°C /10 +0.5/-060°C / 60% RH60% RH60% RH6Time on Label≤30°C / Time on Label30°C /NA NA (TOL)60% RH(TOL)60% RHMoisture Sensitivity Level -JEDEC Level 1No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,17Stress Test Stress ConditionsStressDurationFailure CriteriaRoom Temperature25°C, I F= max DC (Note 1)1000 hours Note 2 Operating Life (RTOL)Wet High Temperature85°C/60%RH, I F= max DC (Note 1)1000 hours Note 2 Operating Life (WHTOL)Wet High Temperature85°C/85%RH, non-operating1000 hours Note 2 Storage Life (WHTSL)High Temperature110°C, non-operating1000 hours Note 2 Storage Life (HTSL)Low Temperature-40°C, non-operating1000 hours Note 2 Storage Life (LTSL)Non-operating-40°C to 120°C, 30 min. dwell,200 cycles Note 2 Temperature Cycle (TMCL)<5 min. transferMechanical Shock 1500 G, 0.5 msec. pulse,Note 3 5 shocks each 6 axisNatural Drop On concrete from 1.2 m, 3X Note 3 Variable Vibration 10-2000-10 Hz, log or linear sweep rate,Note 3 Frequency20 G about 1 min., 1.5 mm, 3X/axisSolder Heat Resistance260°C ±5°C, 10 sec.Note 3 (SHR)Solderability Steam age for 16 hrs., then solder dip Solder coverage at 260°C for 5 sec.on leadNotes:1. Depending on the maximum derating curve.2. Criteria for judging failureItem Test Condition Criteria for Judgement Min.Max.Forward Voltage (V F)I F= max DC--Initial Level x 1.1Luminous Flux orI F= max DC Initial Level x 0.7--Radiometric Power (ΦV)Reverse Current (I R)V R= 5V--50 μA* The test is performed after the LED is cooled down to the room temperature.3. A failure is an LED that is open or shorted.Qualification Reliability TestingNo. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,18No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, ●All dimensions are in millimeters.TYPE A.19Recommended Solder Pad DesignStandard Emitter TYPE B.No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 20Reflow Soldering ConditionProfile FeatureSn-Pb Eutectic Assembly Pb-Free Assembly Average Ramp-Up Rate 3°C / second max.3°C / second max.(T Smax to T P )Preheat–Temperature Min (T Smin )100°C 150°C –Temperature Max (T Smax )150°C 200°C –Time (t Smin to t Smax )60-120 seconds 60-180 seconds Time maintained above:–Temperature (T L )183°C 217°C –Time (t L )60-150 seconds60-150 secondsPeak/Classification Temperature (T P )240°C 260°C Time Within 5°C of Actual Peak 10-30 seconds 20-40 seconds Temperature (t P )Ramp-Down Rate6°C/second max.6°C/second max.Time 25°C to Peak Temperature6 minutes max.8 minutes max.●We recommend using the M705-S101-S4 solder paste from SMIC (Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd.) for lead-free soldering.●Do not use solder pastes with post reflow flux residue>47%. (58Bi-42Sn eutectic alloy, etc) This kind of solder pastes may cause a reliability problem to LED.●All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.●Repairing should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable, a double-head soldering iron should be used. It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDs will or will not be damaged by repairing.●Reflow soldering should not be done more than three times.●When soldering, do not put stress on the LEDs during heating.●After soldering, do not warp the circuit board.t 25°C to Peakt S PreheatTimeT e m p e r a t u r eCritical Zone T L to T PRamp-upRamp-downT SmaxT Smint Pt LT PT L25IPC-020cNotes:1. Drawing not to scale.2. All dimensions are in millimeters.3. Unless otherwise indicated, tolerances are ±0.10mm.21 No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,Notes:1. Empty component pockets sealed with top cover tape.2. 1000 and 2000 pieces per reel.3. Drawing not to scale.4. All dimensions are in millimeters.22 No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320,No. 89, Xiyuan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, 23Precaution for UseHandling of Silicone Lens LEDsNotes for handling of silicone lens LEDs●Please do not use a force of over 0.3kgf impact or pressure on the silicone lens,otherwise it will cause a catastrophic failure.●The LEDs should only be picked up by making contact with the sides of the LED body.●Avoid touching the silicone lens especially by sharp tools such as Tweezers.●Avoid leaving fingerprints on the silicone lens.●Please store the LEDs away from dusty areas or seal the product against dust.●When populating boards in SMT production, there are basically no restrictionsregarding the form of the pick and place nozzle, except that mechanical pressureon the silicone lens must be prevented.●Please do not mold over the silicone lens with another resin. (epoxy, urethane, etc)●StoragePlease do not open the moisture barrier bag (MBB) more than one week. This may cause the leads of LED discoloration. We recommend storing ProLight’s LEDs in a dry box after opening the MBB. The recommended storage conditions are temperature 5 to 30°C and humidity less than 40% RH. It is also recommended to return the LEDs to the MBB and to reseal the MBB.●The slug is is not electrically neutral. Therefore, we recommend to isolate the heat sink.●We recommend using the M705-S101-S4 solder paste from SMIC (Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd.) for lead-free soldering.●Do not use solder pastes with post reflow flux residue>47%. (58Bi-42Sn eutectic alloy, etc) This kind of solder pastes may cause a reliability problem to LED.●Any mechanical force or any excess vibration shall not be accepted to apply during cooling process to normal temperature after soldering.●Please avoid rapid cooling after soldering.●Components should not be mounted on warped direction of PCB.●Repairing should not be done after the LEDs have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable,a heat plate should be used. It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDs will or will not be damaged by repairing.●This device should not be used in any type of fluid such as water, oil, organic solvent and etc.When cleaning is required, isopropyl alcohol should be used.●When the LEDs are illuminating, operating current should be decide after considering the package maximum temperature.●The appearance, specifications and flux bin of the product may be modified for improvement without notice. Please refer to the below website for the latest datasheets./。

CITIZEN 电子有限公司 LED 包装说明书

CITIZEN 电子有限公司 LED 包装说明书

AnodeMarking 1Cathode(Tc Measurement Point)Marking 2Marking 1 : Serial No.Marking 2 : 12 05 27 M1YProduct 48pcs/tray3. Precautions for product assembly-When the LED package is attached to the heat sink by M3 screws, please be careful not to apply4. Insulation of the thermal section from the heat sink section of the LED has been confirmedup to 500V. However, for voltages higher than 500V, the customer should confirm the level of insulation Recommended installation screw pitch19.019.07. Lighting at a low currentA minimum current value of lighting of all dice is 25mA.When a minimum current is applied, LED dice may look different in their brightness due tothe individual difference of the LED element, and it is not a failed product.8. Please be aware that this product should not come into contact with any other partsin assembled status.9. Drive circuit- A constant current circuit is recommended as a drive circuit.And when two or more LED packages are connected, the series connectionbetween each package is recommended.- Please design a circuit that prevents any reverse voltage (excess current) from beingapplied to this product instantaneously when the circuit is ON or OFF.10. Heat generation- As this product is designed with consideration of the heat release property of module,a heat release design is required to use this product efficiently.Please ensure that heat generation is not in excess of the absolute maximum rating.(Refer to 4-1 Performance)- Factors responsible for an increase in temperature include heat generation attributed toambient temperature conditions or power dissipation. Thus, drive conditions should betaken into consideration, depending on ambient temperature (Ta).11. Recommended soldering condition (This product is not adaptable to reflow process)- Manual soldering- Soldering shall be implemented using a soldering bit of 40W or less with a temperature350°C or less within 3.5 seconds for one land.(Recommended condition in a case of lead-free solder condition)- No external force shall be applied to resin part during soldering.- Next process of soldering should be carried out after the product has returned to ambient temperature. - For soldering correction- Regarding soldering correction, above conditions shall be used.- Contacts number of soldering bit should be within twice for each terminal as a correction.* Citizen Electronics cannot guarantee if usage exceeds this recommended conditions.Please use it after sufficient verification is carried out on your own risk if necessary.Symbol CITILED12. Eye Safety- The International Electrical Commission (IEC) published in 2006 IEC 62471”2006 Photobiological safety oflamps and lamp systems” which includes LEDs within its scope.When sorting single LEDs according to IEC 62471, most white LEDs can be classified as belonging toeither Exempt Group or Risk Group 1.- However, Optical characteristics of LEDs such as radiant flux, spectrum and light distribution are factors that affect the risk group determination of the LED, and especially a high-power LED,that emits light containing blue wavelengths, may have properties equivalent to those of Risk Group 2.- Great care should be taken when directly viewing an LED that is driven at high current,has multiple uses as a module or when focusing the light with optical instruments,as these actions may greatly increase the hazard to your eyes.- It is recommended to regard the evaluation of stand-alone LED packages as a reference and to evaluate the customer's final product.13. The use of Class 2 power supply is assumed for this product.14. If the product might to be used under the following conditions, the customer must evaluateits approproateness them. This product is not designed for use under the following places where the product might:- get wet due to rain- suffer from damage caused by salt.- be exposed to corrosive gas such as Cl, H2S, NH3, SO2, Nox and so on.- be exposed to dust, fluid or oil.Symbol CITILEDDATA SHEET11/11 9. Precautions with regard to product use1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that CITIZEN ELECTRONICS'products are used as intended. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS neither makes warranties orrepresentations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information containedin this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any otherrights of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS or any third party with respect to the informationin this document.2. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts,is current as of the date this document is issued.Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice.Before purchasing or using any CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' products listed in this document,please confirm the latest product information with a CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' sales office,and formal specifications must be exchanged and signed by both parties prior to mass production.3. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS has used reasonable care in compiling the informationincluded in this document,but CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred asa result of errors or omissions in the information included in this document.4. Absent a written signed agreement, except as provided in the relevant terms and conditions ofsale for product, and to the maximum extent allowable by law, CITIZEN ELECTRONICSassumes no liability whatsoever, including without limitation, indirect, consequential, special,or incidental damages or loss, including without limitation, loss of profits, loss of opportunities,business interruption and loss of data, and disclaims any and all express or implied warrantiesand conditions related to sale, use of product, or information, including warrantiesor conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information,or no infringement.5. Though CITIZEN ELECTRONICS works continually to improve products' quality and reliability,products can malfunction or fail. Customers are responsible for complying with safety standardsand for providing adequate designs and safeguards to minimize risk and avoid situationsin which a malfunction or failure of a product could cause loss of human life,bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption.In addition, customers are also responsible for determining the appropriateness ofuse of any information contained in this document such as application cases not only withevaluating by their own but also by the entire system.CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability for customers' product design or applications.6. Please contact CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' sales office if you have any questions regardingthe information contained in this document, or if you have any other inquiries.CITIZEN Micro HumanTech is a registered trademark of Citizen Holding Co., Japan.CITILED is a registered trademark of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. JapanSymbol CITILEDName CLL030-1205A1-273M1A2CITIZEN ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. JAPANRef.CE-P1527 10/11。

Bridgelux Vesta SE Series Tunable White Gen 2 13mm

Bridgelux Vesta SE Series Tunable White Gen 2 13mm

® Vesta®SE Series Tunable White Product Data Sheet DS362Product Feature MapBridgelux arrays are fully engineered devices that provide consistent thermal and optical performance on an engineered mechanical platform. The arrays incorporate several features to simplify design integration and assembly. Please visit www. for more information on the Vesta SE Series family of products.Optic alignment holes, x2Polarity indication marks simplifymanufacturing operator instructionsMounting holes, x2, Zhaga Book 10, D50module compatibleVesta Tunable White Array is solder connected with holder, simplifying assembly processc ) Measurement Pointarray provides full manufacturing traceabilityprobing, x4Product NomenclatureThe part number designation for Bridgelux Vesta SE Series arrays is explained as follows:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12131415 16 1718 1920Product FamilyCCT Bin Options3 = 3 SDCM for 2700K, 5000K, 6500K 5 = 3 SDCM for 3000K/4000K and 5 SDCM for 1800K Form Factor Designator20A0 = 13mm LESMinimum CRIG = 90 CRI S = ThriveArray Configuration A = 18WNominal CCT 18 = 1800K 27 = 2700K 30 = 3000K 40 = 4000K 50 = 5000K 65 = 6500KBXRV - TR – 2750 G -20A0 – A – 23 - S2Tunable White ArrayGen. 2Special EditionVesta integrated array with holder Holder Version 2 = Version 2Mounting holes, x2Product Selection GuideThe following product configurations are available:Table 1:Selection Guide, Measurement DataNotes for Table 1:1. Nominal CCT as defined by ANSI C78.377-2017.2. For CRI 92-93 products, the minimu m CRI value is 90 and the minimum R9 value is 50. For CRI 98 Thrive products, the minimum CRI value is 95, Bridgeluxmaintains a ±3 tolerance on all R9 values.3. Products tested under pulsed condition (10ms pulse width) at nominal test current where Tj (junction temperature) = Tc(case temperature) = 25°C.4. Typical performance values are provided as a reference only and are not a guarantee of performance.5. Bridgelux maintains a ±7% tolerance on flux measurements.6. Typical stabilized DC performance values are provided as reference only and are not a guarantee of performance.7. Typical performance is estimated based on operation under DC (direct current) with LED array mounted onto a heat sink with thermal interfacematerial and the case temperature maintained at 85°C. Based on Bridgelux test setup, values may vary depending on the thermal design of the luminaire and/or the exposed environment to which the product is subjected.8. Minimum flux values at nominal test current are guaranteed by 100% test.CRI and TM30 Characteristics for Vesta SE with ThriveTable 2: Typical Color Rendering Index and TM-30 Values at T c =85°CNote for Table 2:1. Applicable for part numbers BXRV-TR-xxxxS-20A0-A-23-S2 with the Thrive spectrum2. Bridgelux maintains a tolerance of ± 3 on Color Rendering Index R1-R15 measurements and TM-30 measurements.102030405060708090100L o c a l C o l o r F i d e l i t y (R f ,h j )Hue-Angle Bin (j )Figure 1: 2700K Thrive TM-30 Graphs12345166789101511121314D uv96CCT990.0022R gR f2782 KFigure 2: 5000K Thrive TM-30 GraphsFigure 3: 6500K Thrive TM-30 Graphs102030405060708090100L o c a l C o l o r F i d e l i t y (R f ,h j )Hue-Angle Bin (j )10203040506070809010012345678910111213141516L o c a l C o l o r F i d e l i t y (R f ,h j )Hue-Angle Bin (j )12345166789101511121314D uv96CCT990.0026R gR f5000 K12345166789101511121314D uv96CCT990.0042R gR f6553 KAverage Spectral DifferenceSpectral Matching to Natural LightThe lighting market is in the early stages of adoption of human-centric lighting (HCL). HCL encompasses the effects of lighting on the physical and emotional health and well-being of people. Throughout evolution, the human visual system has evolved under the natural light of sun and fire. These light sources have standardized industry spectral power definitions that describe the state of natural light. However, conventional metrics such as CCT, CRI, and TM-30 fail to adequately quantify the naturalness, or closeness of these light sources to the standardized natural spectra. Due to a lack of an industry standard metric to quantitatively measure the naturalness of a light source, Bridgelux has pioneered a new metric that takes the guesswork out of comparing LED light sources to natural light.Average Spectral Difference, or ASD, is calculated by measuring the absolute difference between two spectra at discrete wavelengths. These values are aver-aged across a wavelength range derived from the photopic response curve, or V(λ); a luminous efficiency function describing the average spectral sensitivity of human perception of brightness. The range of 425nm to 690nm was selected to remove the tails of the V(λ) gaussian distribution below 1% of the peak value at 555nm, covering 99.9% of the area under the photopic response curve. Natural light is defined following the approach of IES TM-30; black body curves for light sources of ≤4000K and the CIE standard illuminant D for light sources of ≥ 5000K.Natural light has an ASD of 0%; lower ASD values indicate a closer match to natural light. Thrive is engineered to provide the closest match to natural light available using proprietary chip, phosphor and packaging technology, resulting in an ASD between 8% to 11% for all CCTs used in Vesta products. By compar-ison, standard 80, 90, and 98 CRI light sources have ASD values that are 100% to 300% larger than Thrive. To learn more about the ASD metric, please review the Bridgelux whitepaper: Average Spectral Difference, a new method to make objective comparisons of naturalness between light sources; or contact your Bridgelux sales representative.=85°CTable 3: Typical ASD Values at TcElectrical CharacteristicsTable 4:Electrical CharacteristicsNotes for Table 4:1. Parts are tested in pulsed conditions, Tc= 25°C. Pulse width is 10ms.2. Voltage minimum and maximum are provided for reference only and are not a guarantee of performance.3. Bridgelux maintains a tester tolerance of ± 0.10V on forward voltage measurements.4. Typical temperature coefficient of forward voltage tolerance is ± 0.1mV for nominal current.5. Thermal res istance value was calculated using total electrical input power; optical power was not subtracted from input power. The thermal interfacematerial used during testing is not included in the thermal resistance value.6. Vf min hot and max cold values are provided as reference only and are not guaranteed by test. These values are provided to aid in driver design andselection over the operating range of the product.7. This product has been designed and manufactured per IEC 62031:2018. This product has passed dielectric withstand voltage testing at 500 V. The workingvoltage designated for the insulation is 60V DC. The maximum allowable voltage across the array must be determined in the end product application.Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 5: Maximum RatingsNotes for Table 5:1. For IEC 62717 requirement, please contact Bridgelux Sales Support.2. See Bridgelux Application Note AN101 for more information.3. Lu men maintenance and lifetime predictions are valid for drive current and case temperature conditions used for LM-80 testing as included in theapplicable LM-80 test report. Contact your Bridgelux sales representatives for the LM-80 report.4. Maximum Drive Current is maximum combined drive currents between both 2700K and 6500K channels. For example, if 700mA is applied to one channel,no current may be applied to the other channel of the array. If 300mA is applied to one channel, then a maximum of 400mA can be applied to the other channel.5. Bridgelux reco mmends a maximum duty cycle of 10% and pulse width of 20ms when operating LED arrays at the maximum peak pulsed current specified.Maximum peak pulsed currents indicate values where the LED array can be driven without catastrophic failures.Figure 5: Forward Voltage vs. Forward Current, T c =25°CFigure 6: Relative Flux vs. Drive Current, T c =25°CFigure 7: Relative Flux vs. Case TemperatureFigure 8: Relative Voltage vs. Case Temperature96%97%98%99%100%101%525456585105125R e l a t i v e V o l t a g e (%)Case Temperature (˚C)1800K, 2700K3000K, 4000K, 5000K, 6500K80%85%90%95%100%105%525456585105125R e l a t i v e L O PCase Temperature (˚C) Cooler WhiteWarmer White25C PulsedFigure 9: CCT vs. Relative CurrentFigure 10: CCT vs. Relative Current010020030040050060070080030313233343536373839C u r r e n t (m A )Voltage (V)3000K, 4000K, 5000K, 6500K 1800K, 2700K0%20%40%60%80%100%120%140%160%0100200300400500600700800R e l a t i v e L O P (%)Current (mA)1800K, 2700K3000K, 4000K, 5000K, 6500K200030004000500060000. 1.0C C T (K )Relative Current0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.01.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Relative Current2700K 5000K2000300040005000600070000. 1.0C C T (K )Relative Current2700K 6500K0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.01.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Relative CurrentBXRV-TR-xxxxG-20A0-A-2x-S2BXRV-TR-xxxxG-20A0-A-2x-S2BXRV-TR-xxxxG-20A0-A-2x-S2BXRV-TR-xxxxG-20A0-A-2x-S2BXRV-TR-2750G-20A0-A-23-S2BXRV-TR-2765G-20A0-A-23-S2Figure 13: Relative Flux vs. Relative CurrentFigure 14: Relative Flux vs. Relative CurrentFigure 15: Relative Flux vs. Relative CurrentTypical Radiation PatternFigure 20: Typical Spatial Radiation PatternNotes for Figure 20:1. Typical viewing angle is 130⁰.2. The viewing angle is defined as the off axis angle from the centerline where Iv is ½ of the peak value. Figure 21: Typical Polar Radiation Pattern0. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)Typical Color SpectrumFigure 22: 2700K - 5000K with ThriveNote for Figure 22:1. Color spectra measured at nominal current and T c = 85°C.BXRV-TR-2750S-20A0-A-23-S20. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength (nm)BXRV-TR-2765S-20A0-A-23-S2Figure 23: 2700K - 6500K with ThriveNote for Figure 23:1. Color spectra measured at nominal current and T c = 85°C.Figure 24: 2700K - 5000K with 90 CRINote for Figure 24:1. Color spectra measured at nominal current and T c = 25°C. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o n (%)Wavelength (nm)2700K 3000K 4000K 5000KBXRV-TR-2750G-20A0-A-23-S20. e l a t i v e S p e c t r a l P o w e r D i s t r i b u t i o n (%)Wavelength (nm)2700K3000K 4000K 5000K6500KBXRV-TR-2765G-20A0-A-23-S2Figure 25: 2700K - 6500K with 90 CRINote for Figure 25:1. Color spectra measured at nominal current and T c = 25°C.Figure 26: 1800K - 3000K with 90 CRINote for Figure 26:1. Color spectra measured at nominal current and T c = 25°C.-20%0%20%40%60%80%100%120%380480580680780N o r m a l i z e d I n t e n s i t y (%)Wavelength (nm)1800K3000KBXRV-TR-1830G-20A0-A-25-S20%20%40%60%80%100%120%380480580680780N o r m a l i z e d I n t e n s i t y (%)Wavelength (nm)1800K 4000KBXRV-TR-1840G-20A0-A-25-S2Figure 27: 1800K - 4000K with 90 CRINote for Figure 27:1. Color spectra measured at nominal current and T c = 25°C.6500K 5000K 4000K 3500K 3000K 2700K5000K 4000K 3500K 3000K 2700KMechanical DimensionsFigure 28: Mechanical Drawing SpecificationsNotes for Figure 28:1. Connectors are labeled “+” to denote positive polarity and “-” to denote negative polarity of the warmer white and cooler white channels.2. Poke-In connectors accept solid and stranded wires with AWG wire sizes 20 - 24.3. Recommended wire strip length is 7.0mm +/-0.5mm.4. Wires may be released by pushing into the wire release hole on the poke in connector. Bridgelux recommends the use of BJB tool 46.141.U801.89.5. Mounting holes (2X) are for M3screws.6. Bridgelux recommends two tapped holes for mounting screws with 31.4 ± 0.10mm center-to-center spacing.7. Scre ws with flat shoulders (pan, dome, button, round, truss, mushroom) provide optimal torque control. Do not use flat, countersink, or raised head screws.8. The maximum mounting screw torque value is 0.3 N-m (2.7 lbf-in).9. Drawings are not to scale.10. D rawing dimensions are in millimeters.11. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are ± 0.10mm.Color Binning InformationFigure 29: Graph of Bins in xy Color Space, Tc=85CNotes for Table 6:1. The x,y center points are the center points of the respective ANSI bins in the CIE 1931 xy Color Space2. Products are binned at Tc=85°C3. Bridgelux maintains a tolerance of +/-0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 Color SpaceFigure 30: Definition of the McAdam ellipsec = 85ºCPackaging and LabelingFigure 31: Packaging SpecificationsNotes for Figure 31:1. Each plastic tray holds 100 arrays.2. Each tray is sealed in an anti-static bag. One such bag is placed in a small box and shipped. Depending on quantities ordered, a bigger shipping box,containing multiple small boxes may be used to ship products.3. Each bag and small box is labeled as shown above.4. The dimensions of the small shipping box are 350 x 245 x 67 mm.Figure 32: Product LabelingBridgelux arrays have laser markings on the back side of the substrate to help with product identification. In addition to the product identification markings, Bridgelux arrays also contain markings for internal Bridgelux manufacturing use only. The image below shows which markings are for customer use and which ones are for Bridgelux internal use only. The Bridgelux internal manufacturing markings are subject to change without notice, however these will not impact the form, function or performance of the array.product part number and otherBridgelux internal productioninformation.1830G06A 13Design Resources Design ResourcesDisclaimersPrecautionsApplication NotesVesta SE Series Tunable White arrays are intended for use in dry, indoor applications. Bridgelux has developed a comprehensive set of application notes and design resources to assist customers in successfully designing with the Vesta SE Series product family of LED arrayproducts. For a list of resources under development, visit . Optical Source ModelsOptical source models and ray set files are available for all Bridgelux products. For a list of available formats, visit .MINOR PRODUCT CHANGE POLICYThe rigorous qualification testing on products offered by Bridgelux provides performance assurance. Slight cos -metic changes that do not affect form, fit, or function may occur as Bridgelux continues product optimization.CAUTION: CHEMICAL EXPOSURE HAZARD Exposure to some chemicals commonly used in luminaire manufacturing and assembly can cause damage to the LED array. Please consult Bridgelux Application Note for additional information.CAUTION: EYE SAFETYEye safety classification for the use of Bridgelux Vesta Series is in accordance with IEC/TR62778 specification ‘IEC 62471 for the assessment of blue light hazard to light source and luminaires’. Vesta Series Tunable White arrays are classified as Risk Group 1 when operated at or below the maximum drive current. Please use appropriateprecautions. It is important that employees working with LEDs are trained to use them safely.CAUTION: RISK OF BURNDo not touch the Vesta Series LED array duringoperation. Allow the array to cool for a sufficient period of time before handling. The Vesta Series LED array may reach elevated temperatures such that could burn skin when touched.3D CAD ModelsThree dimensional CAD models depicting the product outline of all Bridgelux Vesta SE Series LED arrays are available in both IGS and STEP formats. Please contact your Bridgelux sales representative for assistance.LM80Please contact your Bridgelux sales representative for more information.CAUTIONCONTACT WITH LIGHT EMITTING SURFACE (LES) Avoid any contact with the LES. Do not touch the LES of the LED array or apply stress to the LES (yellow phosphor resin area). Contact may cause damage to the LED array.Optics and reflectors must not be mounted in contact with the LES (yellow phosphor resin area). Optical devices may be mounted on the top surface of the Vesta Series LED array. Use the mechanical features of the LED array housing, edges and/or mounting holes to locate and secure optical devices as needed.STANDARD TEST CONDITIONSUnless otherwise stated, array testing is performed at the nominal drive current.About Bridgelux: Bridging Light and Life™© 2021 Bridgelux, Inc. All rights reserved 2021. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Bridgelux, the Bridgelux stylized logo design and Vesta are registered trademarks of Bridgelux, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Bridgelux Vesta SE Series Tunable White Gen 2 13mm Integrated Array with S2 Holder Product Data Sheet DS362 Rev. A (03/2021)46430 Fremont Blvd Fremont, CA 94538 USA Tel (925) At Bridgelux, we help companies, industries and people experience the power and possibility of light. Since 2002, we’ve designed LED solutions that are high performing, energy efficient, cost effective and easy to integrate. Our focus is on light’s impact on human behavior, delivering products that create better environments, experiences and returns—both experiential and financial. And our patented technology drives new platforms for commercial and industrial luminaires.For more information about the company, please visit /Bridgelux /Bridgelux/user/Bridgelux/company/bridgelux WeChat ID: BridgeluxInChina。



LED灯具色容差的影响因素曾天赐【摘要】Influenced by the structure and optical material, the color tolerance adjustment of LED lamp may occur color offset in the LED lighting. We studied the color offset problem of LED lamp,and explored how to improve the lighting quality of LED lighting.%在LED照明应用中,受结构和光学原材料的影响,LED灯具的色容差会发生色漂移现象.我们探讨了LED灯具的色漂移问题,并探索了如何提升LED照明的光品质.【期刊名称】《照明工程学报》【年(卷),期】2018(029)002【总页数】5页(P35-38,52)【关键词】LED;SDCM;色容差;色漂移;灯具【作者】曾天赐【作者单位】飞利浦灯具 (上海) 有限公司,上海 200233【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM923.01引言鉴于照明的需求日益增长,应用市场上对LED灯具的光色品质的要求也越来越苛刻,其中对LED灯具色容差的要求也起来越高。







ANSI C78.377-2008标准中文版

ANSI C78.377-2008标准中文版

ANSI_NEMA_ANSLGC78.377-2008美国国家标准用於电灯-固态照明产品的色度指标(翻译者注:本标准的PDF英文原稿文件名为ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78 377-2008_web.pdf)ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008美国国家标准批准于: 2008 年1月9日秘书处: 美国国家标准照明组用於电灯:固态照明产品的色度指标An American National Standard implies a concensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. It is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard.美国国家标准以其覆盖范围和条款蕴涵了对那些受到充分关注事物的一致意见。




The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute.美国国家标准委员会并不开发标准,而且在任何情况下都不会对任一美国国家标准作出解释。

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ANSI_NEMA_ANSLGC78.377-2008American National Standardfor electric lamps—Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid StateLighting ProductsANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008 http//:American National Standard Approved: January 9, 2008 Secretariat: American National Standard Lighting Groupfor electric lamps:Specifications for the Chromaticity ofSolid State Lighting ProductsAn American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. It is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. Users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008American National Standard Approval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. An American National Standard implies a concensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simplemajority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensusrequires that all views and objections be considered, andthat a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. Theexistence of an American National Standard does not inany respect preclude anyone from manufacturing,marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, orprocedures not conforming to the standard. It is intended asa guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and thegeneral public.The American National Standards Institute does notdevelop standards and will in no circumstances give aninterpretation of any American National Standard.Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority toissue an interpretation of an American National Standard inthe name of the American National Standards Institute.Requests for interpretations should be addressed to thesecretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard maybe revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of theAmerican National Standards Institute require that action betaken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw thisstandard. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by calling orwriting the American National Standards Institute.Copyright © 2008 by American National Standard Lighting GroupAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of Americahttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupForeword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard C78.377-2008.)This is a new standard recently developed by the industry.Suggestions for improvement of this standard should be submitted to the Secretariat C78, American National Standard Lighting Group, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209.This standard was processed and approved by the Accredited Standards Committee on Electric Lamps, C78, and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association Solid State Lighting Section technical work group (known at the time as 78 Work Group 09). Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for that approval.Amendment / Change CDV RVRevision C78_4270C78_4271Dennis Holt, Chair, ASC78Yoshi Ohno, Technical Coordinator Randolph N. Roy, ANSLG Secretariat Matt Clark, Senior Editorhttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Table of ContentsForeword (3)Organization of this standard (5)1. Scope (6)1.1 Important Patent Disclaimer (6)2. Normative references (6)3. Chromaticity specification basis (7)4. Nominal CCT and Target CCT (7)5. Chromaticity requirements (7)Table 1 (Nominal CCT categories) (8)6. Color Rendering Index (R a ).......................................................................................9 6.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................9 6.2 Specification. (9)Annex A (Informative) (10)A.1 Introduction (10)Table A1 (11)Figure A1, Part 1 (Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSLproducts in Table 1 on the CIE (x, y ) chromaticity diagram) (12)Figure A1, Part 2 (Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSLproducts in Table 1 on the CIE (u’, v’) chromaticity diagram) (13)A.2 FL chromaticity-based system...................................................................................14 A.3 Flexible CCT system.. (15)Figure A2 (An example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of3200 K) (16)A.4 Choice of chromaticity specification method (17)http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupOrganization of this standardThis standard has been arranged in two parts.One part includes information on the chromaticity specification basis, explanation of a nominal CCT and target CCT, details of SSL chromaticity requirements, and definition and specification of color rendering index. This part includes tabled information relative to these portions of the standard.The other part is comprised of a large informative annex, which provides some background information and the technical context in which this chromaticity specification for the SSL products was developed.The annex includes tabled information on the chromaticity coordinates of the center points and the four corners of each quadrangle for convenience of plotting these quadrangles.The annex also includes three graphical representations split into two figures (A1 and A2) of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in the tabled information on the CIE (x,y ) chromaticity diagram and the (u’,v’) chromaticity diagram (Figure A1), and an example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of 3200K (Figure A2).http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-20081.ScopeThe purpose of this standard is to specify the range of chromaticities recommended for general lighting with solid state lighting (SSL) products, as well as to ensure that the white light chromaticities of the products can be communicated to consumers. This standard applies to LED-based SSL products with control electronics and heat sinks incorporated, that is, those devices that require only AC mains power or a DC voltage power supply to operate. This document does not cover products that require external operating circuits or additional external heat sinks. This document covers fixtures incorporating light sources as well as integrated LED lamps 1. This document does not cover fixtures sold without a light source. The chromaticity requirement in this standard is for general indoor lighting applications. For other applications, chromaticities of light broader than the range specified in this standard are often acceptable. This standard does not cover SSL products for outdoor applications. This standard also does not cover SSL products for some indoor applications that intentionally produce tinted or colored light.1.1Important Patent DisclaimerIt is possible that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. When this document was approved for publication, NEMA or ANSLG did not know of any patent applications, patents pending, or existing patents. NEMA or ANSLG shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.2 Normative referencesANSI C78.376-2001, Specifications for the chromaticity of fluorescent lamps.CIE 13.3-1995, Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, Method of Measuring and Specifying Colour Rendering of Light Sources.CIE 15: 2004, Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, Colorimetry, 3rd edition.IESNA LM-79-072, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, Approved Method for the Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products.Specification of Small Chromaticity Differences , D. L. MacAdam, Journal of Optical Society of America, 33-1, 1943, pp 18-26. (referred to hereafter as “MacAdam ellipses”).U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star Program Requirements for CFLs Partner Commitments – version 4.0, 2007.1Integrated LED lamps are light sources with a standardized base that are meant to connect to the branch circuit via a standardized lampholder/socket, (e.g., replacement of incandescent lamps with screw base). 2To be publishedhttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting Group3.Chromaticity specification basisThe chromaticity coordinates and correlated color temperature (CCT) values used in this specification are based on the CIE 3 colorimetry system. The specifications in this standard are in part based on ANSI C78.376 on chromaticity specifications forfluorescent lamps but modified to meet the needs of SSL products. The fluorescent lamp chromaticity tolerances are based on MacAdam ellipses that define perceptible color differences.While the chromaticity of light is expressed by chromaticity coordinates such as (x, y ) and (u’, v’), the chromaticity of white light can also be expressed by CCT and the distance from the Planckian locus. CCT is a more intuitive measure of the shade of white light than (x, y ). Since CCT is defined based on the (u’, 2/3 v’) chromaticity diagram 4, the distance from the Planckian locus should be determined on the same diagram. It should be expressed as a signed value to indicate whether the chromaticity is above or below the Planckian locus. As such a distance parameter with respect to the Planckian locus is not officially defined by the CIE, “Duv” is defined in this document as the closest distance from the Planckian locus on the (u', 2/3 v') diagram, with + sign for above and - sign for below the Planckian locus.4. Nominal CCT and Target CCTNominal CCT is used to specify and communicate white light chromaticity information of a product, and, in this document, is a CCT value at 100 K steps that is closest to the target CCT of the product. A target CCT is the CCT value that the product is designed to produce. Individual samples of the product may deviate from the target CCT due to production variation, which is normally controlled to be within a production tolerance. The same applies to target Duv. The target CCT and target Duv are also the center points of the tolerance range of these parameters in this document.5. Chromaticity requirementsSSL products covered in this standard shall have chromaticity values that fall into one of the nominal CCT categories listed in Table 1. SSL products with a given nominal CCT shall have the defined target CCT and Duv, and the values of individual samples shall be within the tolerances of CCT and Duv as listed in Table 1. Measurement of chromaticity shall be made in accordance with methods given in the measurement standard IESNA LM-79.3 International Commission on Illumination4equivalent to the CIE 1960 (u, v ) diagram, now obsolete.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Table 1 - Nominal CCT CategoriesNominal CCT 1)Target CCT andtolerance (K)Target Duv and tolerance2700 K 2725 ±145 0.000 ± 0.006 3000 K 3045 ±175 0.000 ± 0.006 3500 K 3465 ±245 0.000 ± 0.006 4000 K 3985 ±275 0.001 ± 0.006 4500 K 4503 ±243 0.001 ± 0.006 5000 K 5028 ±283 0.002 ±0.006 5700 K 5665 ±355 0.002 ± 0.006 6500 K 6530 ±510 0.003 ±0.006Flexible CCT (2700 - 6500 K)T 2)±∆T 3)D uv 4)± 0.0061) Six of the nominal CCTs correspond to those in the fluorescent lamp specification [2]: 2700 K, 3000 K (Warm White), 3500 K (White), 4100 K (Cool White), 5000 K, and 6500 K (Daylight), respectively. 2) T is chosen to be at 100 K steps (2800, 2900, …., 6400 K), excluding those eight nominal CCTs listed in Table 1. 3) ∆T is given by ∆T =0.0000108×T 2+0.0262×T +8.4) D uv is given by. D uv =57700×(1/T )2−44.6×(1/T )+0.0085Note 1: The chromaticity tolerances specified above are given as quadrangles ratherthan ellipses on the chromaticity diagrams. The sizes of the quadrangles correspond approximately to those of 7-step MacAdam ellipses used in thecompact fluorescent lamp chromaticity specification. See Annex A for a graphical representation of the specifications in Table 1.Note 2: The range of Flexible CCT values overlaps with the ranges of the other eight defined CCTs. Flexible CCT is used to specify products that have nominal CCTs other than the defined eight nominal CCTs in Table 1.Note 3: The values of nominal CCT are used to specify and communicate chromaticityinformation of the product.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 9 of 176. Color Rendering Index (R a )6.1 DefinitionColor rendering index (CRI) is a measure of how similar object colors appear underillumination by a test source compared to the object colors under a reference illuminant(Planckian radiation or a phase of daylight) of the same CCT. For the purposes of thisstandard, reference to CRI as a characteristic of SSL products is taken to mean the“General CRI” identified as R a in CIE 13.3. R a is calculated from the relative spectralpower distribution of the source.6.2 SpecificationThe average of the R a of SSL product samples shall be equal to or higher than thespecified minimum R a , with all individual samples equal to or greater than the averageR a value minus 3. Measurement of the spectral power distribution of the product sampleshall be in accordance with IESNA LM-79. The calculation of R a shall be in accordancewith CIE 13.3.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 10 of 17ANNEX(Informative)A.1 IntroductionThis annex provides some background information and the technical context in whichthis chromaticity specification for SSL products was developed.The purposes of this standard are, first, to specify the range of chromaticitiesrecommended for general lighting with solid state lighting products to ensure highquality white light and, second, to categorize chromaticities with given tolerances so thatthe white light chromaticity of the products can be communicated to consumers. Forthis second purpose, the existing chromaticity standard (ANSI C78.376) for fluorescentlamps (FLRs) uses six nominal CCTs, some of which are given names such as WarmWhite (3000 K), Cool White (4100 K), and Daylight (6500 K). These names are oftenprinted on product packages to communicate nominal CCT of the products toconsumers. 2700 K and 5000 K, however, do not have names. Each of the six FLRlamp nominal CCTs has tolerances given as ellipses in the (x, y ) chromaticity diagram.Four-step MacAdam ellipses are used in ANSI C78.376 and seven-step MacAdamellipses are used in the Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star program (version 4.0)for Compact Fluorescent Lamps.This chromaticity specification for SSL products was developed, on one hand, to be asconsistent as possible with the existing fluorescent lamp standards, since majorapplications, at least in the initial stages of commercialization, are considered to be forreplacement of existing fluorescent lamps and luminaires as well as those ofincandescent lamps. On the other hand, there are several different requirements to beconsidered to best reflect the current (and near future) state of the SSL technologies.Since the SSL technologies are still at their early stages, control and stability ofchromaticity of light are not as well established as with fluorescent lamps. Theseaspects were considered to some extent when determining the tolerances ofchromaticity in this standard, while acknowledging that smaller tolerances would bepreferred. Therefore, this standard is of interim nature, and the contents of thisstandard will need to be updated as SSL technologies advance and more applicationsare developed.Figure A1 shows the graphical representation of the specification of the SSL productsas listed in Table 1 on the (x, y ) and (u’, v’) diagrams. The (u’,v’) diagram is moreuniform than the (x, y ) diagram and is better suited for evaluating color differences oflight sources. Table A1 below shows the (x, y ) chromaticity coordinates of the centerpoints and the four corners of each quadrangle for convenience of plotting thesequadrangles. Note that the sides of the quadrangles along the Planckian locus are not exactly straight lines but slightly curved so that the Duv value is constant.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 12 of 17Figure A1, Part 1Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in Table 1, on the CIE(x,y ) chromaticity diagramhttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 13 of 17Figure A1, Part 2Graphical representation of the chromaticity specification of SSL products in Table 1, on the CIE(u’,v’) chromaticity diagramhttp//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 14 of 17This standard includes two systems of chromaticity specification, one based on the ANSI C78.376 fluorescent lamp (FLR) standard with fixed target CCTs (the first eight nominal CCTs in Table 1), and another based on flexible CCT (Flexible CCT inTable 1). Either of the two systems may be used.A.2 FL chromaticity-based systemThis system may be used for applications targeting replacement of existing fluorescent lamps or luminaries by SSL products, thus keeping consistency with FLR chromaticity specifications as much as possible. This same system (2700K, 3000 K) may be used for the replacement of incandescent and halogen systems. Eight nominal CCTs are specified, six of which are consistent with the ANSI C78.376 FLR specification. The chromaticity tolerance ranges are given by quadrangles that are mostly overlapping with the 7-step MacAdam ellipses defined in the CFL Energy Star specification (version 4.0) for the six nominal CCTs.Quadrangles rather than ellipses are used for SSL products for the following reasons: 1) quadrangles are commonly used in chromaticity binning of LED products, 2) due to cost-effective binning of LEDs and products, the gaps between chromaticity ranges need to be as small as possible, and 3) quadrangles can be specified by the CCT and Duv, and it is easier to judge product acceptance using the quadrangles than using ellipses. Eight quadrangles are defined to cover the CCT range from 2700 K to 6500 K.From the current state of SSL technologies, it was considered that continuous coverage of the broad CCT range was extremely important for cost-effective yield of white LEDs produced. If there are gaps between quadrangles, many products or sources would need to be rejected. To address this concern, two additional nominal CCTs (4500 K and 5700 K) have been added to fill the gaps between the quadrangles of 4000 K and 5000 K and between 5000 K and 6500 K of the original FLR nominal CCTs. Furthermore, the size and positions of all the quadrangles are adjusted so that there are no gaps and no overlaps in between them. With these adjustments, the entire CCT range from 2700 K to 6500 K is covered continuously with the eight quadrangles with no gaps, while still maintaining reasonable consistency with the six FLR chromaticities. To achieve this and to maintain approximately equal tolerance ranges, the target chromaticities were moved slightly from the FLR target chromaticities.Some nominal CCT names (Warm White, White, Cool White, and Daylight) have been used in the ANSI C78.376 FLR specification for many years, and these names have been used as a means of communication with general consumers. However, nominal CCTs of 2700 K and 5000 K did not have names. Two new nominal CCTs have been added in this standard, so there are four CCTs that do not have names. The committee considered that adding four new names, making eight names in total, would not successfully work as an effective means of communication. The committee decided not to use such names, and instead, recommends using the value of nominal CCT or some as yet unspecified alternate means to communicate the nominal CCT to general consumers.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 15 of 17There was a view that specifying only the ranges of tolerance without target point CCT and Duv would be sufficient. Target CCT and Duv, however, are given in this document with an expectation that products are designed to produce these center points so that individual variation of chromaticity will center around the target point, and thus, the average chromaticity of products among different manufacturers should match closely. Also, if the tolerance ranges are reduced in the future, the same target CCT and Duv should be used so that continuity of chromaticity is maintained.A.3 Flexible CCT systemUnder the FLR chromaticity-based system described above, nominal CCTs are limited to the eight values given in Table 1. There were concerns that this limitation may inappropriately restrict the flexibility of SSL technology. For example, some products may have variable CCT, meeting the chromaticity requirements at each controlled CCT. Another point of view was that, when SSL products are used in new installations, consistency with FLR may not be relevant. SSL products having a nominal CCT of 3200 K or 3700 K, for example, may provide a more desired shade of white light for some users, while keeping the same relative chromaticity tolerance.Considering these points of view, the second system based on flexible CCT (Flexible CCT in Table 1) was proposed and accepted. Under this system, any CCT between 2700 K and 6500 K at 100 K steps can be used for nominal CCT. The tolerances of CCT and Duv are calculated using the defined equations and a corresponding quadrangle is given, which has approximately the same size as the 7-step MacAdam ellipses. See an example in Fig. A2. To avoid confusion and to maintain consistent tolerance ranges, Flexible CCT is only to be used to specify products that have nominal CCTs other than the defined eight nominal CCTs in Table 1.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 16 of 17Figure A2An example of chromaticity tolerance of Flexible CCT at nominal CCT of 3200 K.http//:ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008Copyright 2008 © American National Standard Lighting GroupPage 17 of 17Note that the value of the center Duv gradually shifts from 0.000 for low CCTs to 0.003 at 6500 K (on both the FLR-based and Flexible CCT systems) based on the fact that the reference daylight (CIE standard illuminant D65) has a Duv of 0.003. This deviates from the center point of the Daylight FLR specification, which was based on available lamp products at the time the original standard was developed and does not represent Duv of real daylight. For this reason, the Duv values and target CCTs in this standard do not follow exactly those of the FLR specification but are chosen to be reasonably close to the FLR specification.Since nominal CCT names are abandoned in this standard, chromaticity information must be communicated by nominal CCT. It is known, however, that the four-digit CCT values are not effective for communicating nominal CCTs to general consumers, and a different approach for this communication will be necessary. It is recommended that information on nominal CCT (e.g., an alternative index or figure to indicate CCT) be shown on product package for communicating nominal CCTs. To avoid confusion in the market, it is recommended that a unified method be developed for all SSL products.A.4 Choice of chromaticity specification methodDepending on intended applications and whether compatibility of chromaticity with fluorescent lamps is considered important, manufacturers can choose one of the two specification systems to design the chromaticity of SSL products and to communicate the nominal CCT. A concern was raised as to whether the existence of two methods may cause confusion in the industry and market. However, since the SSL technologies are still in their early stages, it was decided to keep both specification systems in this standard.Another consideration is that the chromaticity tolerance ranges (currently similar to those of the DOE - CFL Energy Star v4.0) may be reduced in the future. The ANSI C78.376 specification for FLR uses four-step MacAdam ellipses, and it is anticipated that similar level of tolerances can be adopted as SSL technologies advance in the future. When this occurs, the tolerance quadrangles will become smaller, and the quadrangles of the FLR-chromaticity-based system would no longer cover the chromaticity space continuously. In this case the Flexible CCT system would provide continuous coverage.In section 6, Color Rendering Index (CRI) is referred to as the metric to be used. While recognizing the fact that CRI is outdated and known to have problems when used for some white LED spectra, a decision was made to use the CRI for this ANSI standard version since the CRI is still the only internationally agreed metric for color rendering of light sources. Work is in progress in the CIE to develop an improved metric. When such a new CIE standard on color rendering is published, this ANSI C78.377 standard is to be revised to update the specification for color rendering.http//:。
