中华人民共和国国家标准蓄电池名词术语Terminology of ( secondary )cell or batteryGB 2900.71—88UDC 621.355:001.4本标准等效采用IEC 第21技术委员会,国际电工词汇486.21(中央办公室)289号文件《蓄电池名词术语》(1986年1月)。
1 主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了蓄电池名词术语的词条及定义。
2 一般术语及蓄电池类型2.1 蓄电池( secondary )cell or battory能将所获得的电能以化学能的形式贮存并将化学能转变为电能的一种电化学装置。
2.2.单体蓄电池(secondary )cell(rechargeable) cell由电极和电解质组成,构成蓄电池组的基本单元。
2.3 蓄电池组(secondary) battery(rechargeable) batterystorage battery用电气方式连接起来的用作能源的两个或多个单体蓄电池。
2.4 铅酸蓄电池lead-acid battery电极主要由铅制成,电解液是硫酸溶液的一种蓄电池。
2.5 碱性蓄电池alkaline secondary battery电解液是碱性溶液的一种蓄电池。
2.6 铁镍蓄电池nickel-iron battery正极活性物质主要由镍制成,负极活性物质主要由铁制成的一种碱性蓄电池。
2.7 镉镍蓄电池nickel-cadmium battery正极活性物质主要由镍制成,负极活性物质主要由镉制成的一种碱性蓄电池。
2.8 锌银蓄电池silver-zinc secondary battery正极活性物质主要由银制成,负极活性物质主要由锌制成的一种碱性蓄电池。
2.9 镉银蓄电池silver-cadmium battery正极活性物质主要由银制成,负极活性物质主要由镉制成的一种碱性蓄电池。
安全阀安装牢固,无 活动现象 有阶段性气泡产生
切断交流,切换为UPS、 交流供电顺利切换为 电源柜或直流屏 UPS、电源柜或直流 屏
项 目 内 容 基 准 维 护
①每个蓄电池的 浮充电压
用四位半数字万用表测 量当时温度浮充状态下 各单体蓄电池端电压 1、全组均充:用均充 电压上限值进行充电, 充电时间10h以上,严 重时要进行三次充放电 循环 2、单体在线修复:将 活化仪或充电机按正对 正负对负接入在线落后 电池两端,对单体电池 进行充电 对蓄电池进行一个循环 的充放电操作,用均充 电压下限值进行充电。
电池新安装运行前72h内,要求每2h测量一次输出电压,验证充电机输出电 压的稳定性,每年需例行检查,防止充电机老化。 如果充电末期充电电流超过0.05C10A,可能对电池外观和寿命造成永久性的损 坏,请特别注意充电电压。 循环使用时,为防止过充电,建议安装定时器或采取完全充电后自动转为涓 流充电的方式。 当环境温度不是25℃时,应对设置电压进行温度补偿,计算公式: U修正=U25℃-K×(T实际-25) (T实际—环境温度,K—温度补偿系数) 蓄电池充电终止的判断依据 一般情况下,当蓄电池充电达到下述条件之一的,即可视为充电终止。 1)、充入电量为放出电量的1.1~1.2倍。 2)、充电后期充电电流小于0.005C10A(C10=电池的额定容量)。 3)、充电后期充电电流连续3小时不变化。
序号 现 象
个别电池电压偏低 1 备电时间不足
原 因
电池内部短路或微短路 正常的寿命终止 不合理、不正确的使用维护 批量性的电池达不到设计要求 假漏酸 安全阀四周的清洗水未吹干净;
Electrical installations in ships. Part 305 : equipment Accumulator (storage) batteries Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 1: General requirements and methods of test Lead-acid starter batteries; part 2: dimensions of batteries and dimensions and marking of terminals; amendment 1 Lead-acid starter batteries; Part 2: dimensions of batteries and dimensions and marking of terminals; amendment 2 Lead-acid starter batteries. Part 2: Dimensions of batteries and dimensions and marking of terminals Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 4: Dimensions of batteries for heavy trucks; Amendment 1 Lead-acid starter batteries; part 4: dimensions of batteries for heavy trucks Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz - Part 17: Detail specification for interconnection devices which permit multidirectional mating, for use with rechargeable batteries Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz (Mc/S) - Part 3 : Battery connectors; Corrigendum 1 Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz. Part 3 : Battery connectors Lead-acid traction batteries - Part 1: General requirements and methods of tests Lead-acid traction batteries - Part 2: Dimensions of cells and terminals and marking of polarity on cells; Amendment 1 Lead-acid traction batteries - Part 2: Dimensions of cells and terminals and marking of polarity on cells Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-29: Particular requirements for battery chargers; Corrigendum 1
一、一次电池primary battery一次电池即原电池(俗称干电池),只能进行一次放电,放电后不能再充电使其复原的电池。
二、二次电池secondary battery可反复进行充电放电而多次使用的电池,即当一个化学反应转化为电能之后,还可以用电能使化学体系修复,然后再利用化学反应转化为电能。
1、二次电池的共性※电池名称的英文缩写☆镍镉电池Ni-Cd(Nickel-Cadmium)☆镍氢电池Ni-MH(Nickel-Metal)☆锂离子电池Li-ion(Lithium ion)不同材料的名称:△钴酸锂电池LiCoO2(Lithium cobaltate)△锰酸锂电池LiMn2O4(Lithium manganese oxide)△三元材料锂电池Li(NiCoMn)O2()△磷酸铁锂LiFePO4(lithium iron phosphate)不同电解质的名称:△液态锂离子电池LIB/LB(Liquified Lithium-Ion Battery)△聚合物锂离子电池LIP/PLB((Polymer Lithium-Ion Battery)※电池规格型号由英文字母、数字或者英文字母加数字来表示,主要代表电池的类别及外部尺寸的。
☆镍氢、镍镉电池的规格型号:△扣式;△镍氢方型:(宽度:W;高度:T;长度:H)F6:W=17mm,T=6.1mm,H=48mm7/5F6(LF6):W=17mm,T=6.1mm,H=67mm7/5F6T:W=17mm,T=6.1mm,H=76mm4/5F6:W=17mm,T=6.1mm,H=36mm2/3F6:W=17mm,T=6.1mm,H=30mm3/5F6S:W=16mm,T=6.3mm,H=34mmLSD1/3F6S:W=14.5mm,T=6.1mm,H=21mm/23.5mm1/3F6S:W=14.5mm,T=6.1mm,H=21mm/23.5mmF8:W=17mm,T=8.2mm,H=48mm4/5F8:W=17mm,T=8.2mm,H=36mm△镍氢、镍镉圆柱型:(直径:Φ,高度:H,尖头:C,平头:P)AAA:Φ=10mm,H=44mm(C:H=44mm,P:H=43MM;1/4AAA:H=11mm,1/3AAA:H=15mm,2/3AAA:28.5mm) AA:Φ=13.9mm/14.1mm,H=50mm(1600mAh以下为Φ=13.9mm,1800mAh以上为Φ=14.1mm;C:H=50mm,P:H=49mm;1/3AA:H=17mm,2/3AAA:H=28.5mm) A:Φ=16.5mm,H=50mm(2/3A:H=28.5mm,4/5A:H=43mm)65AF:Φ=18mm,H=65mm67AF:Φ=18mm,H=67mmSC:Φ=22.5mm,H=43mm(4/5SC:H=34mm)C:Φ=26mm,H=50mmD:Φ=32mm,H=60mmF:Φ=32mm,H=90mm△液态锂离子电池(锂=L,钴=C,铁=F,圆柱=R)圆柱锂离子电池:磷酸铁锂圆柱电池LFR钴酸锂圆柱电池LCR(如LCR18650:Φ=18mm,H=65mm)动力型圆柱电池LNR锂-亚硫酰氯电池LIR(如LIR14250:Φ=14mm,H=25mm)一次性锂锰电池CR方型铝壳/钢壳(A=A品,AR代表圆角A品电池,AL代表直角A品电池)表示型号:厚*宽*长(如:623450AR,厚=62mm,宽=34mm,长=50mm)厚度为整数时,也可以063450AR聚合物锂离子电池表示型号:厚*宽*长(如:PL623450,厚=62mm,宽=34mm,长=50mm)※电池电压(V或mV)电池电压包括标称电压、开路电压、中值电压、峰值电压和终止电压☆电池的标称电压指的是电池在正常工作过程中表现出来的电压。
英语词汇大全—电池1.Alkaline batteries :碱性电池2.Capacitor batteries:电容电池3. secondary battery 二次电池4. Rechargeable batteries :充电电池5. Primary batteries :原电池6. Lithium batteries :锂电池7. Lithium ion batteries :锂离子电池8. Lithium polymer batteries:锂聚合物电池9. Environmental Protection batteries:环保电池10. Nickel iron batteries :镍铁电池11. Nickel cadmium batteries :镍镉电池12. Carbon zinc batteries :碳锌电池13. Nickel zinc batteries:镍锌电池14. Zinc air batteries:锌空电池15. Silver zinc batteries:银锌电池16. Zinc chloride batteries:银氯化物电池17.Silver oxide batteries :银氧化物电池18. Silver cadmium batteries :银钙电池19. Lead calcium batteries:铅钙电池20. Lead acid batteries:铅酸电池21. Lead-acid starter batteries:起动铅酸电池22. Lead-acid traction batteies:牵引用铅酸电池23. Aircraft lead-acid batteries:航空用铅酸电池24. Sealed lead acid batteries:密封铅酸电池25. Lead-acid batteries for stationary valve-regulated:固定型阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池26. small-sized valve-regulated lead-acid batteries:小型阀控密封式铅酸电池27. Lead-acid batteries for motorcycles:摩托车用铅酸电池28. Lead-acid batteries for disel locomotive:内燃机车用铅酸电池29. Lead-acid batteries for electric road vehicles:电动道路车辆用铅酸电池。
TOPA TECHNOLOGY LIMITEDTOPA BATTERY MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME: NICKEL CADMIUM SEALED CELL BATTERY (Ni-Cd Series)Date issued: 2015/05/05 Last Date Revised: 2019/05/04· Product identifier· Trade name: Ni-CD BATTERY· Article number: Not available · Registration number: Not available· Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against:· Sector of Use Consumer electronics and remote control toys product · Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet · Manufacturer/Supplier: TOPA TECHNOLOGY LIMITED · Full address:· No.86,Puxia Road,Henggang,Longgang,Shenzhen,China · Phone number: +86-755-28319595· FAX: +86-755-28319696· Further information obtainable from: TOPA TECHNOLOGY LIMITED · Emergency telephone number: +86-755-28319595· Classification of the substance or mixture· Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008The product is not classified according to the CLP regulation.· Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC or Directive 1999/45/EC Not Applicable · Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment:The product is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 67/548/EEC, 1999/45/EC and Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008.· Classification system:The classification is according to the latest edition of the Directive 67/548/EEC , 1999/45/EC and Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008, and extended by company and literature data.· Additional information:A sealed Ni-CD battery is not hazardous in normal use on pinciple.The product has not to be labelled due to the calculation procedure of international guideline.The materials contained in this product may only represent below hazard if the integrity of the battery is compromised, physically or electrically abused:R26 Very toxic by inhalation.R45-48/23/25 May cause cancer. Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and if swallowed.R35 Causes severe burns.R62-68-63 Possible risk of impaired fertility. Possible risk of irreversible effects. Possible risk of harm to the unborn child.R42/43 May cause sensitisation by inhalation and skin contact.R50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.· Label elements· Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Void · Hazard pictograms Void · Signal word Void · Hazard statementsSafety data sheet available on request.· Additional information:Important! This product contains substance that is of restricted use under Annex XVII of Regulation (EC)No.1907/2006. For details, please refer to Section 15 and 16 of this Safety Data Sheet.(Contd. on page 2)EUSafety data sheet1907/2006/EC, 1272/2008/EC(Contd. of page 1)· Other hazards· Results of PBT and vPvB assessment· PBT: Not applicable.· vPvB: Not applicable.· Chemical characterization: Mixtures· Description:Mixture of the substances listed below with nonhazardous additions.For the wording of listed risk phrases refer to section 16.· Dangerous components:CAS: 1306-19-0 EINECS: 215-146-2EU number: 048-002-00-0cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)30,0~35,0% T+ R26;N R50/53Muta. Cat. 3, Repr. Cat. 3T Carc. Cat. 2 R45-48/23/25; Xn R62-68-63;Acute Tox. 2, H330; Muta. 2, H341; Carc. 1B, H350;Repr. 2, H361fd; STOT RE 1, H372; Aquatic Acute 1, H400;Aquatic Chronic 1, H410CAS: 7440-02-0 nickel EINECS: 231-111-4 T R48/23; EU number: 028-002-00-7 Carc. Cat. 325,0~30,0% Xn R40; Xi R43Carc. 2, H351; Skin Sens. 1, H317CAS: 1310-58-3 EINECS: 215-181-3EU number: 019-002-00-8potassium hydroxideC R35; Xn R2210,0~15,0%4,0~8,0% Skin Corr. 1A, H314; Acute Tox. 4, H302CAS: 7440-48-4 EINECS: 231-158-0EU number: 027-001-00-9 R53cobaltXn R42/43Resp. Sens. 1, H334; Skin Sens. 1, H317; Aquatic Chronic 4, H413· Non-dangerous components:CAS: 7439-89-6 EINECS: 231-096-4iron15,0~25,0%10,0~12,0%CAS: 7732-18-5EINECS: 231-791-2Pure water· Description of first aid measuresIf exposure to internal materials within battery due to damaged outer casing, the following actions are recommended.· General information:Immediately remove any clothing soiled by the product.Symptoms of poisoning may even occur after several hours; therefore medical observation for at least 48 hours after the accident.Remove breathing equipment only after contaminated clothing have been completely removed.In case of irregular breathing or respiratory arrest provide artificial respiration.· After inhalation:Supply fresh air or oxygen; call for doctor.In case of unconsciousness place patient stably in side position for transportation.· After skin contact: Immediately wash with water and soap and rinse thoroughly.· After eye contact: Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. Then consult a doctor.· After swallowing: Drink plenty of water and provide fresh air. Call for a doctor immediately.(Contd. of page 2)· Information for doctor· Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: No further relevant information available.· Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed:No further relevant information available.· Extinguishing media· Suitable extinguishing agents:CO₂, powder or water spray. Fight larger fires with water spray or alcohol resistant foam.· Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture:Battery may burst and release hazardous decomposition products when exposed to a fire situation.· Advice for firefighters Cool fire exposed batteries to prevent rupture.· Protective equipment: Mouth respiratory protective device.· Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures:Wear protective equipment. Keep unprotected persons away.· Environmental precautions:Do not allow product to reach sewage system or any water sourse.Inform respective authorities in case of seepage into water course or sewage system.Do not allow to enter sewers/ surface or ground water.· Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomite, acid binders, universal binders, sawdust).Use neutralizing agent.Dispose contaminated material as waste according to item 13.Ensure adequate ventilation.· Reference to other sections:See Section 7 for information on safe handling.See Section 8 for information on personal protection equipment.See Section 13 for disposal information.· Handling· Precautions for safe handling:Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the workplace.Open and handle receptacle with care.Prevent formation of aerosols.· Information about fire - and explosion protection: Keep respiratory protective device available.· Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities· Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles: No special requirements.· Information about storage in one common storage facility: Not required.· Further information about storage conditions: Keep container tightly sealed.· Specific end use(s): No further relevant information available.· Additional information about design of technical facilities: No further data; see item 7.(Contd. on page 4)EU(Contd. of page 3)· Control parameters· Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)PEL (USA)0,005 mg/m³as Cd; see 29 CFR 1910,1027as Cd; LFC (LOQ 0,1 mg/m3)0,01* 0,002** mg/m³REL (USA)TLV (USA)as Cd; *inhalable **respirable fraction; BEIMAK (Germany) einamtembare Fraktion; vgl.Abschn.XIII7440-02-0 nickelPEL (USA)REL (USA)1 mg/m³0,015 mg/m³as Ni; See Pocket Guide App. A1,5* 0,2** 0,1*** mg/m³inhal.fraction;*elemental;**insol.,***pds.TLV (USA)MAK (Germany) einatembare Fraktion; vgl.Abschn.XIII1310-58-3 potassium hydroxideREL (USA)TLV (USA)C2 mg/m³Short-term value: C 2 mg/m³7440-48-4 cobaltPEL (USA)0,1* mg/m³as Co; *for metal dust & fume, as Co0,05* mg/m³inorg. compds.: *metal dust & fume, as Co0,02 mg/m³as Co; BEIREL (USA)TLV (USA)MAK (Germany) einatembare Fraktion; vgl.Abschn.XIII· DNELs: Not available· PNECs: Not available· Additional information: The lists valid during the making were used as basis.· Exposure controls· Based on the composition shown in Section 3, the following measures are suggested for occupational safetymeasure· Personal protective equipment· General protective and hygienic measures:Keep away from foodstuffs, beverages and feed.Immediately remove all soiled and contaminated clothingWash hands before breaks and at the end of work.Store protective clothing separately.Avoid contact with the eyes and skin.· Respiratory protection:In case of brief exposure or low pollution use respiratory filter device. In case of intensive or longer exposureuse self-contained respiratory protective device.· Protection of hands:Protective glovesThe glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the product/ the substance/ the preparation.Due to missing tests no recommendation to the glove material can be given for the product/ the preparation/the chemical mixture.Selection of the glove material on consideration of the penetration times, rates of diffusion and thedegradation· Material of gloves:The selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality(Contd. of page 4) resistance of the glove material can not be calculated in advance and has therefore to be checked prior to theapplication.· Penetration time of glove material:The exact break through time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has to beobserved.· Eye protection:Tightly sealed goggles· Information on basic physical and chemical properties· General information· AppearanceForm:Colour:· Odour:· Odour threshold:CylinderSilvery whiteOdourlessNot available· pH-value:6~8· Change in conditionMelting point/Melting range:Boiling point/Boiling range:· Freezing point:Not availableNot availableNot available· Flash point:Not available· Flammability (solid, gaseous):· Ignition temperature:· Decomposition temperature:· Self-igniting:Not availableNot availableNot availableProduct is not selfigniting.· Danger of explosion:Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources ofignition.· Explosion limitsLower:Upper:Not availableNot availableThe substance does not belong to oxidizing substance.· Oxidizing properties:· Vapour pressure:Not available· Density:2,5~4,5 g/cm³Not availableNot availableNot available· Relative density:· Vapour density:· Evaporation rate:· Solubility in / Miscibility withwater:Not available· Segregation coefficient (n-octanol/water): Not available.· ViscosityDynamic:Kinematic:Not available.Not available(Contd. on page 6)EU(Contd. of page 5)· Other information:No further relevant information available.· Reactivity: Data not avaiable· Chemical stability: Stable· Possibility of hazardous reactions:Danger of explosion.Danger of causing burns.· Conditions to avoid: No further relevant information available.· Incompatible materials: No further relevant information available.· Hazardous decomposition products: No dangerous decomposition products known.· Information on toxicological effects· Acute toxicity· LD/LC50 values relevant for classification:1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)Oral LD50 72 mg/kg (rat)1310-58-3 potassium hydroxideOral LD50 273 mg/kg (rat)7440-48-4 cobaltOral LD50 6170 mg/kg (rat)7439-89-6 ironOral LD50 30000 mg/kg (rat)· Primary irritant effect· on the skin: Contact with battery contents may cause strong caustic effect on skin and mucous membranes.· on the eye: Contact with battery contents may cause strong caustic effect.· Sensitization:Sensitization possible through inhalation.Sensitization possible through skin contact.· Additional toxicological information:The product shows the following dangers if leakage occours according to the calculationmethod of the General EU Classification Guidelines for Preparations as issued in the latest version:HarmfulCorrosiveIrritantVery toxicSwallowing will lead to a strong caustic effect on mouth and throat and to the danger of perforation ofesophagus and stomach.Carcinogenic.· Toxicokinetics, metabolism and distribution: No further relevant information available· Acute effects (acute toxicity, irritation and corrosivity): No further relevant information available· Toxicity· Aquatic toxicity: No further relevant information available.· Persistence and degradability: No further relevant information available.· Bioaccumulative potential: No further relevant information avaolable· Behaviour in environmental systems: No further relevant information available(Contd. of page 6)· Bioaccumulative potential: No further relevant information available.· Mobility in soil: No further relevant information available.· Ecotoxical effects· Remark: Very toxic for fish· Additional ecological information· General notes:Water hazard class 3 (German Regulation) (Self-assessment): extremely hazardous for waterDo not allow product to reach ground water, water course or sewage system, even in small quantities.Must not reach sewage water or drainage ditch undiluted or unneutralized.Danger to drinking water if even extremely small quantities leak into the ground.Also poisonous for fish and plankton in water bodies.Very toxic for aquatic organisms· Results of PBT and vPvB assessment· PBT: Not applicable.· vPvB: Not applicable.· Other adverse effects: No further relevant information available.· Waste treatment methods· Recommendation:Must not be disposed together with household garbage. Do not allow product to reach sewage system.· Uncleaned packaging· Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.· UN-Number· ADR, IMDG, IATA UN3028· UN proper shipping name· ADR3028 BA TTE RI ES , DR Y, CON TA INI NG PO TAS SIUMHYDROXIDE, SOLID· IMDG · IATA BATTERIES, DRY, CONTAINING POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE, SOLID, MARINE POLLUTANTBATTERIES, DRY, CONTAINING POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE, SOLID· Transport hazard class(es)· ADR· Class · Label 8 Corrosive substances. 8· IMDG· Class8 Corrosive substances.(Contd. on page 8)EU(Contd. of page 7)· Label· IATA8· Class · Label 8 Corrosive substances. 8· Packing group· ADR, IMDG, IATA Not applicable· Environmental hazards:· Marine pollutant:Product contains environmentally hazardous substances: cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)YesSymbol (fish and tree)· Special precautions for user:· Danger code (Kemler):Warning: Corrosive substances. Not applicable· Transport in bulk according to Annex II ofMARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code:Not applicable.· Transport/Additional information:· ADR· Limited quantities (LQ): 2 kg· UN "Model Regulation":UN3028, BATTERIES, DRY, CONTAINING POTASSIUMHYDROXIDE, SOLID, 8Batteries may explode or leak if inserted improperly, rechargedor disposed of in fire. Do not mix with non-alkaline or used batteries.· Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture· Sara· Section 335(extremely hazadous substances):1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)· Section 313(specific toxic chemical listings):1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)7440-02-0 nickel7440-48-4 cobalt· TSCA(Toxic Substances Control Act):All ingredients are listed.· Proposition 65· Chemical known to cause cancer:7440-02-0 nickel7440-48-4 cobalt· Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for females:None of the ingredients is listed.· Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity foe males:None of the ingredients is listed.(Contd. of page 8)· Chemicals known to cause developmental toxicity:None of the ingredients is listed.· Cancerogenity categories· EPA(Environmental Protection Agency)1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)B1· IARC(International Agency for Research on Cancer)1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric) 7440-02-0 nickel 1 2B7440-48-4 cobalt2B, 2A · NTP(National toxicology Program)1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric) 7440-02-0 nickel K R· TLV(Threshold Limit Value established by ACGIH)1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric) 7440-02-0 nickel A2 A5 A37440-48-4 cobalt· MAK(German Maximum Workplace Concentration)1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric) 7440-02-0 nickel 2 1 27440-48-4 cobalt· NIOSH-Ca(National Institution for Occupational Safety & Health )1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)7440-02-0 nickel· OSHA-Ca(Occupational Safety & Health Administration)1306-19-0 cadmium oxide (nonpyrophoric)· National regulations· Other regulations, limitations and prohibitive regulations· SVHC Candidate List of REACH Regulation Annex XIV Authorisation (20/06/2011)None of the igredients is listed· REACH Regulation Annex XVII Restriction (21/5/2011) 7440-02-0 Nickel· REACH Regulation Annex XIV Authorisation List (18/2/2011) None of the igredients is listed· Chemical safety assessment: A Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carried out.· *************************************************************************************** The contents and format of this MSDS/SDS are in accordance with REGULATION (EC) No. 1272/2008, (EC) No. 1907/2006, REGULATION (EU) No. 453/2010 and EU Commission Directive 1999/45/EC, 67/548/EEC.DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITYThe information in this MSDS/SDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in anyway connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS/SDS was prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this MSDS/SDS information may not be applicable.· Relevant phrasesH302 H314 H317Harmful if swallowed.Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. May cause an allergic skin reaction.Page 10/10Trade name: Ni-CD BATTERY(Contd. of page 9)H330H334H341H350H351H361fdH372H400H410H413Fatal if inhaled.May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled.Suspected of causing genetic defects.May cause cancer.Suspected of causing cancer.Suspected of damaging fertility. Suspected of damaging the unborn child.Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.Very toxic to aquatic life.Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life.R22R26R35R40R42/43R43R45Harmful if swallowed.Very toxic by inhalation.Causes severe burns.Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect.May cause sensitisation by inhalation and skin contact.May cause sensitization by skin contact.May cause cancer.R48/23Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.R48/23/25 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and if swallowed.R50/53R53R62Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.Possible risk of impaired fertility.R63R68Possible risk of harm to the unborn child.Possible risk of irreversible effects.· Recommended restriction of use 7440-02-0 Nickel1. Shall not be used:(a) in any post assemblies which are inserted into pierced ears and other pierced parts of the human body unless the rate of nickel release from such post assemblies is less than 0,2 A g/cm 2 /week (migration limit);(b) in articles intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin such as:- earrings,- necklaces, bracelets and chains, anklets, finger rings,- wrist-watch cases, watch straps and tighteners,- rivet buttons, tighteners, rivets, zippers and metal marks, when these are used in garments,if the rate of nickel release from the parts of these articles coming into direct and prolonged contact with the skin is greater than 0,5 A g/cm 2 / week.(c) in articles referred to in point (b) where these have a non-nickel coating unless such coating is sufficient to ensure that the rate of nickel release from those parts of such articles coming into direct and prolonged contact with the skin will not exceed 0,5 A g/cm 2 / week for a period of at least two years of normal use of the article.2. Articles which are the subject of paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market unless they conform to the requirements set out in that paragraph.3. The standards adopted by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) shall be used as the test methods for demonstrating the conformity of articles to paragraphs 1 and 2.· Abbreviations and acronyms:ADR: Accord européen sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)RID: Règlement international concernant le transport des marchandises dangereuses par chemin de fer (Regulations Concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail)IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous GoodsIATA: International Air Transport AssociationICAO: International Civil Aviation OrganizationGHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of ChemicalsACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsDNEL: Derived No-Effect Level (REACH)PNEC: Predicted No-Effect Concentration (REACH)LC50: Lethal concentration, 50 percentLD50: Lethal dose, 50 percent · ***************************************************************************************End of documentEU。
欧盟委员会法规第1103_2010号 中英对照(关于便携式二次可充电电池和汽车电池与蓄电池容量标签的规定)
REGULATIONSCOMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1103/2010of 29 November 2010establishing, pursuant to Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, rules as regards capacity labelling of portable secondary (rechargeable) and automotive batteries and accumulators(Text with EEA relevance)法规欧盟委员会法规第1103/2010号于2010年11月29日根据欧盟议会和理事会第2006/66/EC号指令,建立可携带二次电池(可充电)和汽车电池与蓄电池的容量标签的法规THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC ( 1 ), and in particular Article 21(2) and 21(7) thereof,欧盟理事会考虑到欧盟运作的协定考虑到欧盟议会和理事会于2006年9月6日颁布的2006/66/EC号关于电池和蓄电池、废弃电池及蓄电池以及废止91/157/EEC的指令,尤其是第21(2)和21(7)条款。
1. 电池行业常用词汇(battery vocabulary): discharge放电charge充电rechargeable可充电的unrechargeable不可充电的table表格Battery Discharge Record Table电池放电数据汇总表station位置battery type 电池型号voltage电压nominal voltage标准电压end-point voltage=cut-off voltage终止电压OCV=open-circuit voltage 开路电压CCV=closed-circuit voltage 闭路电压current 电流SCC=short-circuit current 电路电流resistance电阻load 负载(电阻)circuit 电路V=volt 伏特A=ampere 安培Ω=ohm欧姆duration=discharge time 放电时间discharge pattern/way/method 放电方式discharge condition 放电条件end-point type 结束模式normal end 正常结束shelf-life 保质期storage time 保存期structure 结构dimension=size=measurement 大小尺寸height 高度diameter 直径weight 重量packing / package 包装carton 纸箱inner box内盒inner packing 内包装outer carton=main carton 外包装main mark主麦头size mark侧麦头feature 特性function 功能distortion 变形,扭曲constant temperature test 恒温测试high temperature test 高温测试rust 生锈crinkle皱纹,起皱纹vertical 垂直的full packing 完整包装column=pillar 圆柱columnar=cylindrical 圆柱型的scar 伤疤、伤痕appearance 外观reserve=store 保存reservation=storage保存inflate 充气,膨胀gas inflating 气胀protrude 突出bottom protruding 鼓底G.W.=gross weight 毛重N.W.=net weight 净重discharge curve 放电曲线polarity 极性capacity 容量3. 电池种类词汇:碱性的:alkaline酸性的:acidic碱:alkali酸:acid泄漏:leak, leakage; spill, spillage防漏:leakage-proof, spillage-proof一次电池(原电池):primary battery二次电池(充电电池):secondary battery, rechargeable battery干电池:dry battery湿电池:wet battery环保的:nature-friendly, environment-friendly, environmental protected 铅酸电池:lead acid battery锌锰糊式电池/ S型:Zinc-Manganese battery锌锰纸板式电池(C型电池/ 铵型电池):heavy duty battery锌锰纸板式电池(P型电池/ 锌型电池):super heavy duty battery碱性锌锰电池(碱性电池/ 碱锰电池):alkaline battery水银电池:Silver Oxide Button Cell锂电池:Lithium Battery镍镉充电电池:Ni-Cd (Nickel Cadmium Battery)镍氢充电电池:Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydroxide)锂离子充电电池:Rechargeable Lithium ion battery 铅酸蓄电池:Sealed Lead-acid Battery。
Alkaline batteries :碱性电池Capacitor batteries:电容电池Carbon zinc batteries :碳锌电池Lead acid batteries:铅酸电池Lead calcium batteries:铅钙电池Lithium batteries :锂电池Lithium ion batteries :锂离子电池Lithium polymer batteries:锂聚合物电池Nickel cadmium batteries :镍镉电池Nickel iron batteries :镍铁电池Nickel metal hydride batteries :金属氧化物镍氢电池/镍氢电池Nickel zinc batteries:镍锌电池Primary batteries :原电池Rechargeable batteries :充电电池Sealed lead acid batteries:密封铅酸电池Silver cadmium batteries :银钙电池Silver oxide batteries :银氧化物电池Silver zinc batteries:银锌电池Zinc chloride batteries:银氯化物电池Zinc air batteries:锌空电池Environmental Protection batteries:环保电池Lithium batteries :锂电池Lithium ion batteries :锂离子电池Lithium polymer batteries:锂聚合物电池铅酸蓄电池 Lead-acid battery起动铅酸电池 Lead-acid starter batteries摩托车用铅酸电池 Lead-acid batteries for motorcycles内燃机车用铅酸电池 Lead-acid batteries for disel locomotive电动道路车辆用铅酸电池 Lead-acid batteries for electric road vehicles小型阀控密封式铅酸电池 small-sized valve-regulated lead-acid batteries航空用铅酸电池 Aircraft lead-acid batteries固定型阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池 Lead-acid batteries for stationary valve-regulated铅酸电池用极板 plate for lead-acid battery铅锭 lead ingots牵引用铅酸电池 Lead-acid traction batteies电解液激活蓄电池 electrolyte activated battery更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:valve 排气阀filling device for pleral cells 电池组填充装置negative electrode 负电极negative plate 负极板addition reagent for negative plate 负极板添加剂indicator 指示器top cover 上盖vent plug 液孔塞expanded grid 扩展式板栅specific gravity indicator 比重指示器electrolyte level control pipe 电解液液面控制管electrolyte level indicator 电解液液面指示器electrolyte level sensor 电解液液面传感器hard rubber container 硬橡胶槽envelope separator 包状隔板woven cloth tube 纺布管spongy lead 海绵状铅partition 隔壁over the partition type 越过隔壁型through the partition type 贯通隔壁贯通型separator 隔板(1)battery rack(2)battery stand(3)battery stillage 蓄电池架/蓄电池底垫active material 活性物质glass fiber separator 玻璃纤维隔板glass mat 玻璃纤维绵glass mat tube 玻璃纤维绵管spacing washer 间隔垫圈reinforced fiber separator 强化纤维隔板polarity mark plate 极性标记板pole 极柱pole insulator 极柱绝缘子pole nut 极柱螺母plate 极板plate foot 极板足plate supporter 极板支撑件element 极板群/极群组pole bolt 极柱螺栓plate lug 极板耳dilute sulfuric acid 稀硫酸steel can 金属罐steel container 金属蓄电池槽(1)madribs(2)element rest 鞍子/极群组座tubular plate 管状极板gelled electrolyte 胶体电解液更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:板栅caution label 警告标签synthetic resin separator 合成树脂隔板plastics container 塑料蓄电池槽synthetic fiber separator 合成纤维隔板connector sunken type 沉没型连接器connetor exposed type 露出型连接器safety valve test 安全阀测试ampere-hour efficency 安时效率one charge distance range 一次充电行程gas recombination on negative electrode typecut-off discharge 终止放电/截止放电阴极气体再化合型/阴极气体复合型(1)specific characteristic (2)energy density (1)比特性(2)能量密度recovering charge 恢复充电(1)open circuit voltage(2)off-load voltage 开路电压/空载电压overcharge 过充电gassing 析气overcharge life test 过充电寿命试验accelerated life test 加速寿命试验active material utilization 活性物质利用率theoretical capacity of active material 活性物质的理论容量over discharge 过放电intermittent discharge 间歇放电full charge 完全充电full discharge 完全放电reverse charge 反充电/反向充电quick charge 快速放电allowable minimum voltage 允许最小电压equalizing charge 均衡充电creeping 蠕变group voltage 组电压shallow cycle endurance 轻负荷寿命/轻负荷循环寿命characteristic of electrolyte decrease 电解液减少特性nominal voltage 标称电压high rate discharge 高率放电high rate discharge characteristic 高率放电特性5 second voltage at discharge 放电 5 秒电压(1)cold cranking ampere(2)cold cranking performance(1)冷启动电流(2)冷启动性能cycle life test 循环寿命测试maximum voltage at discharge 最大放电电压30 second voltage at discharge 放电 30 秒电压residual capacity 残存容量(1)hour rate(2) discharge rate (1)小时率(2)放电率更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:self discharge (2) local action (1)自放电(2)局部自放电(1) self discharge rate(2) local action rate (1)自放电率(2)局部自放电率actual capacity 实际容量(1)starting capability(2)cranking ability 启动能力cranking current 启动电流battery clamp test 电池夹钳测试power density 功率密度momentary discharge 瞬间放电modified constant voltage charge 修正恒定电压充电initial capacity 初始容量gas recombination by catalyser type 触媒气体复合式initialcharge 初始充电viberation test 振动试验predetermined voltage 预定电压total voltage 总电压activation test for dry charged battery 干式荷电蓄电池活化试验salting 盐析earthquake-proof characteristics 防震性能dielectric voltage withstand test 电介质耐压试验short time discharge 短时间放电escaped acid mist test 酸雾逸出测试terminal voltage 端子电压cell voltage 单电池电压step charge阶段充电short-circuit current 短路电流storage test 保存测试high rate discharge at low temperature 低温高率放电rated voltage 额定电压rated capacity 额定容量fixed resistance discharge 定阻抗放电constant voltage charge 恒压充电constant voltage life test 恒压寿命测试constant current charge 恒流充电constant voltage constant current charge 恒流恒压充电constant current discharge 恒流放电constant watt discharge 恒功率放电low rate discharge characteristics 低率放电特征trickle charge 涓流充电trickle charge current 涓流充电电流trickle charge life test 涓流充电寿命测试thermal runaway 热失控driving pattern test 运行测试capacity in driving pattern test 运行测试更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:charge急充电floating charge浮充电floating charge voltage 浮充电电压floating charge current 浮充电电流(1)mean voltage (2)average voltage 平均电压on-load voltage 负载电压discharge duration time 放电持续时间(1)final voltage(2)cut-off voltage(3)end voltagedepth of discharge 放电深度discharge voltage 放电电压discharge current 放电电流discharge current density 放电电流密度discharge watt-hour 放电瓦时discharge characteristics 放电特性discharged ampere-hour 放电安时explosion proof test 防爆测试auxiliary charge 补充电maintenance factor 维护率storage characteristics 保存特性终止电压/截止电压gas recombinating efficiencycharge 充电气体复合效率/气体再化合效率charge acceptance test 充电可接受性试验start-of-charge current 充电开始电流charge efficiency 充电效率end-of-charge voltage 充电结束电压specific gravity of electrolyte at the end of charge充电结束时电解液比重charge voltage 充电电压charge current 充电电流charged watt-hour 充电瓦时charge characteristic 充电特性charge ampere-hour 充电安时deep cycle endurance 重负荷循环寿命/重复合寿命weight engergy density 重量能量密度rubber pad 橡胶垫lower level line 下液面线side terminal 侧端子collective exhaust unit 公共的排放单元sintered plaque 烧结极板sintered separator 烧结隔板sintered plate 烧结极板catalyst plug 催化塞spine 芯骨strap 带更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:隔离物insulating tube绝缘管intercell connector连接线/连接条connector cover连接管盖float mounted plug 浮动安装的栓(1)pasted plate (2)grid type plate 涂膏式极板braidd tube 编织管(1)flame-arrester vent plug (2)flam-retardant vent plug 安全塞explosion and splash proof construction 防爆防溅结构baffle 保护板pocket type plate 袋式极板bottom hole-down 底孔向下(固定)bolt fastening terminal 螺栓连接端子male blade 阳片monoblock container 整体槽positive electrode 正极positive plate 正极板leading wire terminal 引线端子retainer mat 止动垫片ribbed separator 肋隔板(1)jumping wire (2)inter low wire 跳线end plate 端板filling plug 注液塞plante plate 形成式极板/普朗特极板tubular plate 管式极板low electric resistance separator 低电阻隔板tapered terminal post 锥形接线柱electrolyte 电解液container 蓄电池槽/蓄电池壳set of container 成套蓄电池槽level-scope mounted plug 透视塞/透视栓handle 手柄jug 取液管(1)connector;(2)plug concent (1)连接器;(2)插座式连接器connector wire 连接线connecting bar 连杆connecting bar cover 连杆帽lead 引线/连接线edge insulator 绝缘卡side frame 侧框架battery cubicle 蓄电池箱perforated separator 多孔隔板burning rod (铅)焊条terminal 端子更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:connector 端子连接条terminal cover 端子盖terminal base 端子座tab 接线片lead bushing 铅套corrugated separator 波形隔板(1)lead dioxide;(2)lead peroxide (1)二氧化铅;(2)过氧化铅(1)woven separator;(2)nonwoven separator (1)织物隔板;(2)非织物隔板vent hole 通气孔exhaust tube 排气管antipolar mass 反极性物质output cable 输出电缆microporous rubber separator 微孔像胶隔板specific gravity indicator 比重计leaf separator 叶片式隔板lid sealing compound 密封剂/封口剂sealing gasket 密封衬垫/垫圈lid 蓄电池盖set of lid 系列的盖方通盖板cover board底板solepiece钢珠steel ball压钢珠press steel ball防爆阀valve preventing explosion大电流(倍率)放电discharge in high rate current 标称电压Normal voltage标称容量normal capacity放电容量discharge capacity充电上限电压limited voltage in charge 放电下限电压更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:voltage in discharge恒流充电constant current charge恒压充电constant voltage charge恒流放电constant current discharge 放电曲线discharge curve充电曲线charge curve放电平台discharge voltage plateau 容量衰减capacity attenuation起始容量initial discharge capacity 流水线pipelining传送带carrying tape焊极耳welding the current collector卷绕wind叠片layer贴胶带stick tape点焊spot welding超声焊ultrasonic weldingThe terminating voltage in discharge of the battery is volt. The limited voltage in charge of the battery is volt.三元素Nickle-Cobalt-Manganese Lithium Oxidethree elements materials钴酸锂Cobalt Lithium Oxide锰酸锂Manganese Lithium Oxide石墨graphite更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:烘箱oven真空烘箱vacuum oven搅拌机mixing devicevacuum mixing device涂布机coating equipment裁纸刀paper knife ,,,,,,cutting knife分条机equipment for cutting big piece to much pieces 辊压机roll press equipment电阻点焊机spot welding machine超声点焊机ultrasonic spot welding machine 卷绕机winder自动叠片机auto laminating machine激光焊机laser welding machine注液机infusing machine真空注液机vacuum infusion machine预充柜pre-charge equipment化成柜formation systems分容柜grading systems测试柜testing systems内阻仪battery inner resistance tester 万用表multimeter转盘式真空封口机turntable type vacuum sealing machine更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:自动冲膜机automatic aluminum membrane shaper序号首字母英文中文1 A aging 老化2 B battery charger3 black-fleck 黑斑4 C cap 盖板充电器5 capacity density 能量密度6 capacity grading 分容7 cathode tab welding 极耳超焊8 cell 电芯9 charge(capacity) retention 荷电(容量)保持10 checking code 检码11 concave spot 凹点12 constant current charge 恒流充电13 constant current discharge 恒流放电14 constant voltage charge 恒压充电15 corrective measures 纠正措施16 crack 裂纹17 cut-off voltage 终止电压18 cycle life 循环寿命19 D dark trace 暗痕20 degrade 降级21 dent 凹痕22 discharge depth 放电深度23 distortion 变形24 drape 打折25 E Electrical and MechanicalServices Department 机电部26 electrolyte 电解,电解液27 empaistic 压纹28 end-off voltage 放电截止电压29 environmentally friendly 对环境友好30 equipment first inspection 设备首检31 erode 腐蚀32 explosion-proof line 防爆线33 F first inspection 首检34 formation 化成35 fracture 断裂36 I inspection 检验37 insulate 绝缘38 internal resistance 内阻更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:J jellyroll 卷芯40 joint 接缝,结合点41 L laser deflecting 偏光42 laser reticle 激光刻线43 laser welding-flatwise weld 激光焊接-平焊laser welding-standing weld 激光焊接-立焊44 leakage 漏液45 leak-checking 测漏46 leaving out of welding 漏焊47 limited charge voltage 充电限制电压48 local action 自放电49 M margin turnly 翘边50 measuring the dimension of cells 电芯卡尺寸51 meet requirement 达到要求52 memory effects 记忆效应53 N nick 划痕54 nominal voltage 标称电压55 notice-board confirmation 看板确认56 nugget 硬块57 O obverse 正面58 open circuit voltage 开路电压59 over charge 过充60 over discharge 过放61 over the thickness 超厚62 P particle 颗粒63 PE membrane PE 膜64 pit 坑点65 placing cells into the box 电芯装盒66 point inspection 点检67 preventive measures 预防措施68 pricking the tapes 扎孔69 process inspection 制程检验70 put the battery piled up 将电芯叠放在一起71 Q qualified products 合格品72 quality assurance 质量保证73 quality control 质量控制74 quality improvement 质量改进75 quality match 品质配对76 quality planning 质量策划77 R rated capacity 额定容量78 recharge 再充电79 refitting the can of cell 电芯壳口整形80 requirment 要求81 reverse 背面,反面更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:rework 返工83 ringing cells into pyrocondensation films84 S safety vent 安全阀85 sand aperture 砂眼86 scar 疤痕87 secondary battery 二次电池88 select appearance 选外观sharp-set 批锋89 short circuit checking 测短路90 smudginess 污物91 spot welding by laser 激光点焊92 spot welding place 点焊位置93 spraying the code 喷码94 spur 毛刺95 sticking the PVC cover boards 贴面垫96 storing 陈化97 storing with high voltage 高压储存98 T tabs deflection 极耳歪斜99 tabs excursion 极耳错位100 technics requiment 工艺要求101 U ultrasonic welding 超声波焊接102 ultrasonic welding strength 超焊强度103 unqualified products 不合格品104 W wave 波浪105 working procedure 工序套热缩膜Voltage:Units of measuring electrical current, all batteries are rated in volts DC.(DirectCurrent). This determines how much energy is needed to power your equipment.Voltage plateau:(电压平台)A slow decrease in voltage over a long period of time. As a rule, the plateauextendsfrom the first voltage drop at the start of the discharge to the bend of thecurveafter which the voltage drops rapidly at the end.Nominal Voltage(标称电压)The voltage of a battery, as specified by the manufacturer, discharging at aspecified rate and temperature.Working voltage(工作电压)The working voltage of a cell or battery begins at its electrical connections assoon as an electrical consumer is connected to it.Discharging voltage, average voltage (放电电压)更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:average discharging voltage is the average value of the dischargingvoltageduring the entire discharging process with a related discharging current.Open circuit voltage (OCV 开路电压)The voltage of a battery when there is no current flowing.Closed-Circuit Voltage (CCV 闭路电压)The potential or voltage of a battery when it is discharging or charging. State of charge:The rate of charge capacity vs. whole capacity.Initial voltage(起始电压)A battery's initial voltage is the working voltage when discharging begins. End-point voltage (End voltage, Cutoff voltage, Final voltage)截止电压Specified closed circuit voltage at which a service output test is terminated. End-of-discharge voltageThe battery voltage when discharge is terminated.End-of-charge voltageThe battery voltage when charge is terminated.Cutoff voltage (V)The battery voltage at which charge or discharge is terminated.Definition: Capacity(容量)The capacity of a cell is defined as how manymilli-amp-hours (mAh) of current the cell canstore and subsequently deliver.One milli-amp (mA) is 1/1000th of an Amp. Somelarger cell capacities are expressed in Amp-hours(Ah).“Rated capacity” is varies with discharge rate,temperature, and cutoff voltage.Rated capacity is different from power or energyExample:If a cell is rated at 1000 mAh, then it can deliverthe following:1000 mA of current for 1 hour500 mA of current for 2 hours200 mA of current for 5 hours2000 mA of current for 1/2 hourDefinition: Energy Density(能量密度,包括体积比能量和质量比能量)The energy density of a cell is a measure of howmuch energy can be stored in the cell per unitvolume or per unit weight.E (watt-hours) = cell voltage x capacity rating更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:Energy density per unit volumeis called the“volumetric energy density” and is expressed interms of watt-hours/liter (wh/l).Energy density per unit weight is called the“gravimetric energy density” and is expressedin terms of watt-hours/kilogram (wh/kg).These measurements are useful when you aretrying to determine which cell has the mostcapacity per unit volume or weight.Discharge自放电of the Li-ion Batteriesstrap 钢带vent 防爆阀 port 注液孔锂离子电池的一致性wound type cylindrical wound type箔圆柱形prismatic design 方形叠片式设计Ageing (老化)-Permanent loss of capacity with frequent use orthe passage of time due to unwanted irreversible chemical reactions in the cell.Anode(阳极) - The electrode in an electrochemical cell where oxidation takes place,releasing electrons.During discharge the negative electrode of the cell is the anode.During charge the situation reverses and the positive electrode of the cell is the anode.Cathode(阴极) - The electrode in an electrochemical cell where reduction takesplace, gaining electrons.During discharge the positive electrode of the cell is the cathode. During chargethe situation reverses andthe negative electrode of the cell is the cathode.Cycle (循环)- A single charge and discharge of a battery.Depth of discharge DOD (放电深度)- The ratio of the quantity of electricity orcharge removed from a cell on discharge to its rated capacity.Internal impedance(交流内阻) - Resistance to the flow of AC current within a cell.It takes into account the capacitive effect of the plates forming the electrodes.Internal resistance(直流内阻)- Resistance to the flow of DC electric current withina cell,causing a voltage drop across the cell in closed circuit proportional to the currentdrain from the cell.A low internal impedance is usually required for a high rate cell.更多电池资讯:电池产品认证指导网站:锂离子电池的内阻英语概念到底用哪个概念,是Internal resistance还是Internalimpedance,一些电池说明书内阻用 Internal resistance,也有的用 Internal impedance,我认为 Internal impedance 较好些,因为国内测的电池内阻基本都是交流内阻,而外文也有这样定义的(我在别的帖子也粘贴过):Internal impedance(交流内阻) - Resistance to the flow of AC current within a cell.It takes into account the capacitive effect of the plates forming the electrodes.Internal resistance(直流内阻)- Resistance to the flow of DC electric current withina cell,causing a voltage drop across the cell in closed circuit proportional to the currentdrain from the cell.A low internal impedance is usually required for a high rate cell.在 IEC6196002 中,只定义为 Internal resistance,而用交流的方法测得的内阻,叫Internal. resistance(交流内阻)用直流的方法测得的内阻,叫 Internal . resistance(直流内阻),其实 Internal.resistance 测得就是阻抗,这样看来不如用 Internal impedance(交流内阻)和 Internal resistance (直流内阻)这两个概念把它们进行分清,以免混淆。
பைடு நூலகம்
价格比锂电要低 ,在同等设计和一样的使用环境下,Ni-
MH电池的寿命一般比Ni-Cd电池长40% 。镍氢电池的缺点
它是我们日常生活中常用的一种电池,这类电池全称为碱 性锌锰电池,它是以锌粉为负极,电解二氧化锰为正极, 以氢氧化钾为电解液制成的电池 。
欧姆电阻遵守欧姆定律;极化电阻随电流密度增加而 增大,但不是线性关系,常随电流密度的对数增大而 线性增大。
如何区分锂电池和锂离子电池:从电池的标识上就能 识别,锂电池为Li、锂离子电池为Li-ion。现在,笔 记本和手机使用的所谓“锂电池”,其实都是锂离子 电池。
目前市面上所使用的锂离子(Li-ion)电池量产的有两 种类型。
1、液体锂离子电池(LiB): 使用液体电解液的锂离子电池。目前市场上80%以上 的锂离子电池均为此类。
三元 复合材料
原电池组 第5部分:电解质为水溶液的电池组的安全
Primary batteries - Part 5: Safety of batteries with aqueous electrolyte (IEC 60086-5:2000)
EN 60095-2-1993+A11-1994
对次级蓄电池和安装蓄电池的安全要求 第3部分:牵引蓄电池
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Part 3: Traction batteries
EN 50338-2000
家用及类似电器的安全性 行走控制的蓄电池电子割草机的特殊要求
EN 2993-1996
航空航天系列 F型规格的镍镉电池
Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries of format F type
EN 45510-2-3-2000
发电站设备的采购指南 第2-3部分:电气设备 固定电池组和充电器
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 2-3: Electrical equipment - Stationary batteries and chargers
EN 2570-1996
航空航天系列 镍镉电池 技术规范
Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries - Technical specification
EN 2985-1996
航空航天系列 A型规格的镍镉电池
Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries of format A type
1. 原始干电池(Primary Dry Battery):原始干电池是最早的电池类型之一,也是最常见的电池类型之一。
2. 镍镉电池(Nickel Cadmium Battery,简称Ni-Cd):镍镉电池是一种可充电电池,通过反复充放电进行循环使用。
3. 镍氢电池(Nickel Metal Hydride Battery,简称Ni-MH):镍氢电池是一种可充电电池,与镍镉电池相比,它具有更高的能量密度和更小的记忆效应。
4. 锂离子电池(Lithium-ion Battery,简称Li-ion):锂离子电池是目前应用最广泛且技术最成熟的可充电电池。
5. 锂聚合物电池(Lithium Polymer Battery,简称Li-Po):锂聚合物电池是一种以聚合物为电解质的锂离子电池。
1. 铅酸电池(Lead-acid Battery)铅酸电池是一种成熟且广泛应用的电池类型,常用于汽车电瓶、太阳能储能系统等。
其反应式如下:负极反应:Pb + HSO4- → PbSO4 + H+ + 2e-正极反应:PbO2 + HSO4- + 3H+ + 2e- → PbSO4 + 2H2O综合反应:Pb + PbO2 + 2H2SO4 → 2PbSO4 + 2H2O2. 锂离子电池(Lithium-ion Battery)锂离子电池以其高能量密度和长循环寿命而备受青睐,常用于移动设备、电动汽车等应用。
其反应式如下:负极反应:LiCoO2 → Li1-xCoO2 + xLi+ + x e-正极反应:C + xLi+ + x e- → LiC综合反应:LiCoO2 + C → Li1-xCoO2 + xLi+ + x e- + LiC3. 锌-空气电池(Zinc-air Battery)锌-空气电池是一种新兴的电池技术,具有高能量密度和低成本等优点,常用于电动车、电网储能等领域。
其反应式如下:负极反应:Zn + 4OH- → Zn(OH)4 2- + 2e-正极反应:2O2 + 4H2O + 4e- → 8OH-综合反应:Zn + 2O2 + 2H2O → Zn(OH)4 2-4. 镍镉电池(Nickel-Cadmium Battery)镍镉电池是一种充放电循环次数多且寿命较长的电池,常用于便携式电子设备、UPS电源等场合。
其反应式如下:负极反应:Cd(OH)2 + 2e- → Cd + 2OH-正极反应:Ni(OH)2 + OH- → NiOOH + H2O + e-综合反应:Cd(OH)2 + 2NiOOH → Cd + 2Ni(OH)2以上是一些常见电池的反应式,不同类型的电池在化学反应中涉及的物质、电子转移和离子迁移过程有所差异。
1.2v nicd放电终止电压
1. 2V NiCd放电终止电压尼克尔镍电池(nickel-cadmium battery)是一种常见的充电电池,其工作原理是通过充电将电池内的化学反应逆转,从而恢复电池的存储能量。
本文将详细介绍2V NiCd电池的放电终止电压问题。
2. 2V NiCd电池的基本原理2V NiCd电池是由镍氢化物阳极和氧化镍阴极以及氢氧化镍电解质组成的充电电池。
3. 放电终止电压的重要性放电终止电压是指在充电过程中,当电池达到特定电压时,停止充电以防止过充。
4. 2V NiCd电池的放电终止电压对于2V NiCd电池,通常情况下,放电终止电压应设置为2.4V左右。
5. 如何设置放电终止电压在实际应用中,可以通过充电控制器或充电管理系统来设置2V NiCd 电池的放电终止电压。
6. 放电终止电压对电池的影响合理设置放电终止电压不仅能防止过充,延长电池寿命,还能提高电池安全性,减少发生过充导致的事故风险。
放电终止电压对于2V NiCd电池来说至关重要。
7. 其他注意事项在设置放电终止电压时,还需注意充电时的环境温度、电流大小等因素,以确保充电的安全可靠。
结论2V NiCd电池的放电终止电压是保证其充电安全、延长使用寿命的重要参数。
8. 放电终止电压的影响放电终止电压的设置不仅对镍氢电池的性能和寿命有着直接的影响,还会对充电系统的设计和使用方式产生影响。
1. 镍豆(Nickel Shot)在电铸过程中,镍豆是一种由纯镍制成的小颗粒或球状物料,用于制作合金零件的原料。
2. 镍基合金(Nickel-based Alloy)镍基合金是一种由镍为主要成分,并添加其他合金元素制成的金属合金材料。
3. 部分熔化(Partial Melting)在电铸工艺中,部分熔化是指镍豆在加热过程中开始溶解并形成液态金属的过程。
4. 粒度分布(Granularity Distribution)镍豆的粒度分布是指镍豆颗粒的大小和分布情况。
5. 细胞内形核(Cellular Nucleation)细胞内形核是指在镍豆熔化过程中,由某些特定的合金元素引发的晶粒形核现象。
6. 凝固过程(Solidification Process)在电铸过程中,凝固过程是指镍豆在模具中冷却并形成固态零件的过程。
7. 悬浮稀释法(Suspension Dilution Method)悬浮稀释法是一种用于调整镍豆成分和性质的方法,通过向镍豆中添加不同比例的合金元素或稀释剂,可以改变镍豆的熔点、流动性等性能,满足不同工艺要求。
镍镉电池(Nickel-Cadmium Battery,NiCd电池)由两种主要元素组成:镍(Nickel,符号Ni)和镉(Cadmium,符号Cd)。
正极材料:镍氢氧化物(Nickel Hydroxide,符号Ni(OH)2)是镍镉电池的正极材料。
负极材料:氧化镉(Cadmium Oxide,符号CdO)是镍镉电池的负极材料。
镍镉电池通常使用氢氧化钾(Potassium Hydroxide,符号KOH)作为电解质。
需要注意的是,由于镉具有环境污染和毒性问题,镉镍电池在一些地区和应用中已经被逐渐淘汰,被更环保的镍氢电池(Nickel-Metal Hydride,NiMH电池)和锂离子电池取代。
各种电池的区别电池分类依材质区分■碳锌电池Heavy Duty Battery亦称为锌锰电池,是目前最普遍之干电池,它有价格低廉和使用安全可靠的特点,基于环保因素的考量,由于仍含有镉之成份,因此必须回收,以免对地球环境造成破坏。
■碱性电池Alkaline Battery亦称为碱性干电池,适用于需放电量大及长时间使用。
■水银电池Silver Oxide Button Cell水银电池,因为污染和电容量之故线已逐渐被锂-锰配方取代■锂电池■镍镉充电电池Ni-Cd(Nickel Cadmium Battery)已为大众早期广泛使用,可重覆约500次之充放电,但约10次充放电后即会产生记忆效应;另一个缺点是,在充放电时,阴极会长出镉的针状结晶,有时会穿透分隔物而引起内部枝状晶体式的短路。
■镍氢充电电池Ni-MH(Nickel Metal Hyoride Battery)为目前市场主流之充电电池,它是使用氧化镍作为阳极,以及吸收了氢的金属合金作为阴极,一般可进行500次以上的充放电循环。
■锂充电电池Rechargeable Lithium ion Battery■铅酸电池Sealed Lead-Acid Battery■太阳能电池在化学电池中,根据能否用充电方式恢复电池存储电能的特性,可以分为一次电池(也称原电池)和二次电池(又名蓄电池,俗称可充电电池,可以多次重复使用)两大类。
英国电池标准(BS battery standards)编号中文名称英文名称BS 2G 239-1992 航空用原活性锂电池规范Specification for primary active lithium batteries for use in aircraftBS 3031-1996 铅酸蓄电池用硫酸规范Specification for sulfuric acid used in lead-acid batteriesBS 3143-2-1990 道路报警信号灯.第2部分:低亮度蓄电池灯规范Road danger lamps - Specification for low-intensitybattery-operated lampsBS 3143-4-1985道路告警信号灯.第4部分:高亮度蓄电池灯规范Road danger lamps - Specification for high intensity battery operated beaconsBS 397-3-1985 主电池.第3部分:不包括第1、第2部分的电池规范Primary batteries. Specification for batteries not includedin Parts 1 and 2BS 4727-2 Group 17-1992 电工、电力、电信、电子学、照明和颜色术语.第2部分:电力工程专用术语.第17集:蓄电池和蓄电池组Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication,electronics, lighting and colour terms - Terms particularto power engineering - Secondary cells and batteriesBS 4974-1975 铅酸电池用水规范Specification for water for lead-acid batteries BS 5142-1974 标准电池规范Specification for standard cellsBS 6132-1983 碱性可充电电池和蓄电池的安全操作实用规程Codeof practice for safe operation of alkaline secondarycells and batteriesBS 6133-1995铅酸固定蓄电池的安全操作实用规程Code of practice for safe operation of lead-acid stationary batteriesBS 6182-3-1982煤矿用固有安全电源.第3部分:第3部分:可反复充电蓄电池组规范Intrinsically safe power supplies for use in coal mines - Specification for rechargeable battery unitsBS 6290-2-1999 铅-酸固定式电池和蓄电池.高性能普兰特阳极式电池规范Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries -Specification for the high-performance Plante positivetypeBS 6290-3-1999 铅-酸固定式电池和蓄电池.平阳极板式电池规范Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries -Specification for the flat positive plate typeBS 6290-4-1997铅酸固定电池和电池组.阀门调节类型分类规范Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries - Specification for classifying valve regulated typesBS 6604-1985 起动器蓄电池安全操作实用Code of practice for safe operation of starter规程batteriesBS AU 91-1965 起动蓄电池圆锥形接线端子的电缆接头尺寸(用正极接地部件的汽车和轻便商用汽车)规范Specification for dimensions of electrical cableconnectors for starter battery taper terminal posts (carsand light commercial vehicles using positive earthsystem)BS DD IEC TS62282-1-2005燃料电池工艺学.术语Fuel cell technologies - TerminologyBS DD IEC/TS 62257-8-1-2007 农村电气化用小型可再生能源和混合系统的建议.第8-1 部分:独立电气化系统用电池和电池管理系统的选择.适合发Recommendations for small renewable energy andhybrid systems for rural electrification -Part 8-1: Selection of batteries and battery managementsystems for stand-alone electrification systems - Specificcase of automotive flooded lead-acid batteries availablein developing countriesBS EN 1175-1-1998 工业货车安全.电气要求.电池供电货车的一般要求Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical requirements -General requirements for battery powered trucksBS EN13385-2002 可运输气瓶.永久的和液化的气体(乙炔除外)用蓄电池驱动车辆.灌装时的检验Transportable gas cylinders - Battery vehicles forpermanent and liquefied gases (excluding acetylene) -Inspection at time of fillingBS EN13720-2002 可运输气瓶.乙炔蓄电池的充电条件Transportable gas cylinders - Filling conditions foracetylene battery vehiclesBS EN13807-2003 移动式气瓶.蓄电池车辆.设计、制造、标识和检验Transportable gas cylinders - Battery vehicles-Design, manufacture, identification and testingBS EN 14035-5-2006 焰火.电池和组合.规范和试验方法Fireworks - Batteries and combinations -Specification and test methodsBS EN 2570-1996 镍镉电池.技术规范Nickel-cadmium batteries - Technical specification BS EN 2985-1996 A型规格的镍镉电池Nickel-cadmium batteries of format A typeBS EN 2986-1996 B型规格的镍镉电池Nickel-cadmium batteries of format B typeBS EN 2987-1996 C型规格的镍镉电池Nickel-cadmium batteries of format C typeBS EN 2988-1996 D型规格的镍镉电池Nickel-cadmium batteries of format D typeBS EN 2991-1996 E型规格的镍镉电池Nickel-cadmium batteries of format E typeBS EN 2993-1996 F型规格的镍镉电池Nickel-cadmium batteries of format F typeBS EN45510-2-3-2000 发电站设备采购指南.电气设备.固定电池组和充电器.第3 部分:固定电池组和充电器Guide for the procurement of power station equipment -Electrical equipment - Stationarybatteries and chargers - Section 3: Stationary batteriesand chargersBS EN 50260-1-2002 手持电池动力的电机驱动工具和电池组的安全性.一般要求Safety of hand-held battery-powered motor-operatedtools and battery packs - General requirementsBS EN50260-2-7-2002 手持电池动力的电机驱动工具和电池组的安全性.喷枪的特殊要求Safety of hand-held battery-powered motor-operatedtools and battery packs - Particular requirements forspray gunsBS EN 50272-2-2001 二次蓄电池和电池装置的安全要求.二次蓄电池Safety requirements for secondary batteriesand battery installations - StationarybatteriesBS EN 50272-3-2002 蓄电池和电池设备的安全性要求.牵引用蓄电池Safety requirements for secondary batteries and batteryinstallations - Part 3: Traction batteriesBS EN 50272-4-2007 二次电池和电池装置的安全要求.便携式仪表用电池Safety requirements for secondary batteriesand battery installations - Batteries for usein portable appliancesBS EN50338-2001 家用和类似用途电器安全性.脚踏控制的电池供电的电剪草机的特殊要求Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -Particular requirements for pedestrian controlled batterypowered electrical lawn-mowersBS EN50338-2006 家用和类似用途电器的安全性.脚踏控制的电池供电的电割草机的特殊要求Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -Particular requirements for pedestrian-controlled batterypowered electrical lawnmowersBS EN 50342-1-2006 铅酸起动蓄电池组.一般要求和试验方法Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 1: Generalrequirements and methods of testBS EN50461-2006 太阳能电池.晶体硅太阳能电池的数据表信息和产品数据Solar cells - Datasheet information and product data forcrystalline silicon solar cellsBS EN60086-1-2001原电池.总则Primary batteries - GeneralBS EN60086-1-2007原电池.总则Primary batteries - GeneralBS EN 原电池组.物理和电气规范Primary batteries - Physical and electrical60086-2-2001 specificationsBS EN60086-2-2007原电池组.物理和电气规范Primary batteries - Physical and electrical specificationsBS EN60086-3-1996原电池.第3部分:手表用电池Primary batteries - Watch batteriesBS EN 60086-3-2005 原电池组.第3部分:纽扣电池Primary batteries - Part 3: Watch batteriesBS EN60086-4-2000原电池.锂电池安全标准. Primary batteries - Safety standard for lithium batteriesBS EN 60086-5-2005 原电池.含水电解质电池安全Primary batteries - Safety of batteries with aqueouselectrolyteBS EN 60095-2-1993 铅酸启动蓄电池组.第2部分:蓄电池尺寸和端子尺寸及标志Lead-acid starter batteries - Dimensions of batteries anddimensions and marking of terminalsBS EN 60095-4-1993 铅酸启动蓄电池组.第4部分:重型商用车辆用蓄电池组的尺寸Lead-acid starter batteries - Dimensions of batteries forheavy commercial vehiclesBS EN60130-17-1999 频率低于3MHz的连接器.使用可充电电池的允许多向连接的互连装置的详细规范Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz- Detailspecification for interconnection devices which permitmulti-directional mating, for usewith rechargeable batteriesBS EN 60254-1-2005 牵引铅酸蓄电池.一般要求和试验方法Lead-acid traction batteries - General requirements andmethods of testBS EN 60254-2-1997 牵引用铅酸蓄电池.第2部分:电池的尺寸、接线端及电池的极性标记Lead-acid traction batteries - Dimensions ofcells and terminals and marking of polarity oncellsBS EN60335-2-29-2004 家用和类似用途电器安全规范.蓄电池充电器的特殊要求Specification for safety of household and similarelectrical appliances - Particular requirements -Particular requirements for battery chargersBS EN60622-2003 含碱性或其它非酸性电解液的蓄电池和蓄电池组.密封镍镉棱柱形可充电单体电池Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline orother non-acid electrolytes - Sealed nickel-cadmiumprismatic rechargeable single cellsBS EN60623-2002 含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次电池和蓄电池.可再充Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline orother non-acid electrolytes -电的棱柱形通气镍镉单电池Vented nickel-cadmium prismatic rechargeable singlecellsBS EN60896-11-2003 固定式铅酸蓄电池组.试验方法和一般要求.透气型Stationary lead-acid batteries - Generalrequirements and methods of test - Vented types-General requirements and methods of testsBS EN60896-21-2005固定式铅酸蓄电池组.阀门调节型.试验方法Stationary lead-acid batteries - Valve regulated types -Methods of testBS EN60896-22-2005固定式铅酸蓄电池组.阀门调节型.要求Stationary lead-acid batteries - Valve regulated types -RequirementsBS EN 60904-5-1996光电器件.第5部分:用开路电压法测定光伏装置的等效电池温度Photovoltaic devices - Determination of the equivalentcell temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices bythe open-circuit voltage methodBS EN 60952-1-2005飞行器用蓄电池组.一般试验要求和性能水平Aircraft batteries - General test requirements andperformance levelsBS EN 60952-2-2005飞行器用蓄电池组.设计和制造要求Aircraft batteries - Design and construction requirementsBS EN 60952-3-2005飞行器用蓄电池组.产品规范及设计与性能的声明(DDP)Aircraft batteries - Product specification anddeclaration of design and performance (DDP)BS EN60993-2002 有泄漏口的镍镉电池用电解质Electrolyte for vented nickel-cadmium cellsBS EN61044-1993 铅酸牵引蓄电池组的临时性充电Opportunity-charging of lead-acid traction batteriesBS EN 61056-1-2003便携式铅酸电池和蓄电池(阀调节型).一般要求、功能特性.试验方法Portable lead-acid cells and batteries (valve-regulatedtypes) - General requirements, functional characteristics- Methods of testBS EN 61056-2-2003便携式铅酸电池和蓄电池(阀调节型).尺寸、接线端和标记Portable lead-acid cells and batteries (valve-regulatedtypes) - Dimensions, terminals and markingBS EN61150-1994 碱性蓄电池.小型电池设计用密封镍镉单块可充电电池Alkaline secondary cells and batteries -Sealed nickel-cadmium rechargeable monobloc batteriesin button cell designBS EN61215-2005 晶体硅地表光伏电池组件.设计合格鉴定和型式批准Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules -Design qualification and type approvalBS EN61427-2005光伏能系统(PVES)用二次电池和蓄电池组.一般要求和试验方法Secondary cells and batteries for photovoltaic energy systems (PVES) —General requirements and methods of testBS EN61429-1997 符合ISO 7000-1135国际可回收符号的蓄电池标记Marking of secondary cells and batteries withthe international recycling symbol ISO 7000-1135BS EN61434-1997含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次充电电池和电池组.碱性二次充电电池和电池组标准电流命名指南Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline ornon-acidic electrolytes - Guide tothe designation of current in alkaline secondary cell andbattery standardsBS EN 61747-4-1998 液晶和固态显示装置.液晶显示模块和电池.基本额定值和特性Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices -Liquidcrystal display modules and cells - Essential ratings andcharacteristicsBS EN 61951-1-2003含碱性或其它非酸性电解质的蓄电池和蓄电池组.便携式密封可再充电单电池.镍镉电池Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline orother non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealedrechargeable single cells - Nickel-cadmiumBS EN 61951-2-2003含碱性或其它非酸性电解质的蓄电池和蓄电池组.便携式密封可再充电单电池.镍金属氢化物电池Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline orother non-acid electrolytes - Portable sealedrechargeable single cells - Nickel-metal hydrideBS EN61959-2004含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次电池和蓄电池.密封的便携式二次电池和蓄电池的机械试验Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline orother non-acid electrolytes - Mechanical tests for sealedportable secondary cells and batteriesBS EN61960-2004包含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次电池和蓄电池.便携式设备用二次锂电池和蓄电池Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline orother non-acid electrolytes - Secondary lithium cells andbatteries for portable applicationsBS EN 61982-1-2006电动道路车辆推进用蓄电池. 第1部分:试验参数Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric roadvehicles -Part 1: Test parametersBS EN 61982-2-2003电动道路车辆驱动用二次电池.动态放电性能试验和动态耐久试验Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric roadvehicles - Dynamic discharge performance test anddynamic endurance testBS EN 61982-3-2002道路电气车辆推进用的二次蓄电池.性能和寿命试验(与交通相容的城市车辆)Secondary batteries for the propulsion ofelectric road vehicles - Performance and lifetesting (traffic compatible, urban usevehicles)BS EN62034-2006电池供电的紧急逃生照明灯用自动试验系统Automatic test systems for battery powered emergency escapelightingBS EN62133-2003 含碱性或其它非酸性电解液的副电池和蓄电池.便携式密封副电池和由它们制成的便携式蓄电池的安全要求Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline orother non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements forportable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries madefrom them, for use in portable applicationsBS EN62259-2004 含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的蓄电池和蓄电池组.部分气体复合的镍镉柱状二次单电池Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline orother non-acid electrolytes - Nickel-cadmium prismaticsecondary single cells with partial gas recombinationBS EN62281-2004 运输途中原电池和二次锂电池及蓄电池组的安全Safety of primary and secondary lithium cellsand batteries during transportBS EN62282-2-2004燃料电池技术.燃料电池模件Fuel cell technologies - Fuel cell modulesBS EN62282-3-1-2007 燃料电池技术•固定燃料电池动力系统.安全Fuel cell technologies - Stationary fuel cellpower systems - SafetyBS EN62282-3-2-2006 燃料电池技术•固定燃料电池动力系统•性能试验方法Fuel cell technologies - Stationary fuel cellpower systems - Performance test methodsBS EN62282-5-1-2007 燃料电池技术.便携式燃料电池动力系统.安全Fuel cell technologies - Portable fuel cell power systems- SafetyBS IEC60092-305-2002 船上电气装置.设备.蓄(储存)电池Electrical installation in ships - Equipment -Accumulator(storage) batteriesBS ISO12819-1999 电池驱动手表寿命的评估方法Methods of evaluation of the lifetime of abattery-powered watchBS ISO 23038-2006 航空航天系统.航空太阳能电池.电子和质子辐射试验方法Space systems - Space solar cells - Electron and protonirradiation test methodsBS ISO 23273-1-2006 燃料电池道路车辆.安全规范.车辆功能安全Fuel cell road vehicles - Safety specifications - Vehiclefunctional safetyBS ISO 23273-2-2007 燃料电池道路车辆.安全规范.以压缩氢为车辆燃料的防止氢爆炸的保护Fuel cell road vehicles - Safety specifications - Protectionagainst hydrogen hazards for vehicles fuelled withcompressed hydrogenBS ISO 燃料电池道路车辆.安全规Fuel cell road vehicles - Safety23273-3-2006 范.人员电击防护specifications - Protection of persons againstelectric shockPD IEC 61955-2000 原电池.限制原电池反向安装岀现危险的研究与措施概况Primary batteries. Summary of research and actionslimiting risks to reversed installation of primary batteries编号中文名称英文名称。
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NICKEL‐CADMIUM BATTERY TECHNOLOGYSPECIFICATIONPRODUCT NAME: nickel-cadmium battery AA600mAhCUSTOMER PRODUCT NO. :V ALID DATE: 2013. 08. 14VERSION: 1DRAFTED BY:APPROVED BY:1. ScopeThis specification applies to sealed nickel-cadmium battery of model number AA 600mAh2.Work PrincipleThe negative polarity of cylindrical nickel-cadmium battery is made of Cadmium.And positive polarity is nickel oxide hydroxide. The electrolyte in the battery is aqueous solution with highly purified potassium hydroxide or Sodium Hydroxide. The current generating reaction equation should be:When discharging, the cadmium in negative polarity has oxidation reaction to produce Cadmium hydroxide. free electron flows into positive polarity via external circuit.nickel oxide hydroxide in positive polarity accepting free electron transferred from the negative polarity restores to nickeloushydroxide. charging is the reverse reaction of recharging.3. Outside Dimension3.1 Dimension: 14.5+0 -1.0×50.5+0 -1.5(mm)3.2 weight: 18g/pc4. Nominal Standard4.1 Nominal voltage : 1.2V4.2 Nominal capacity: 600mAh/0.2C4.3 standard charging time: 60mA (0.1 C) × 16 hours4.4 normal charging time: 120mA (0.2C) × 7.5 hours4.5 quick charging time: 600mA (1C) × 90 minutes4.6 trickle charging: 18~30mA(0.03C~0.05C)4.7 working temperature scope( maximum relative humidity: 85% )standard charging: 0~+55℃quick charging time: 0~+55℃trickle charging: 0~+45℃discharging : -20~+65℃4.8 storage temperature scopeWithin a week:-20~+65℃Within a month:-20~+55℃Within 6 months:-20~+45℃Within 2 years:-20~+30℃5.Battery Performance5.1 Test conditionTest condition Below should apply to battery shipped less than 1 month.It should discharge with 0.2C constant-current to cut-off discharge voltage0.1V .5.2 Test Method and standardTest project unit standard condition remarkShipmentvoltageV/pc 1.20open-circuit voltage V/PC≥1.30After standard charging 1hourinternal resistance mΩ/ pc35Charging 80 minutes with1.0c. keep an interval 1 hour.Test internal resistance byLCR equipment (AC 1KHz)1C discharge min ≥54 Charging 90 minutes with1.0c . keep an interval 30minutes. Discharge with 1callow 3 timecycle. cut-offvoltage is 1v/pchighmagnification discharge (5C) min ReferenceAA battery can’tdischarge as heavycurrentSuper-highmagnification discharge (10C) min ReferenceAA battery can’tdischarge as heavycurrentOver-charge min≥300No leakage ,nodeformationCharging 28 days with 1.0c .keep an interval with scopeof 1 to 4 hours. Discharge to1V with 1c/pcenvironmenttemperature20±5℃Over-discharge No rupture, noexplode. Allowleakage ordeformation1C充电80分钟,0.2C放至0V,然后1.0C放电60分钟Charging 80 minutes with1.0c . Discharge to 0V with0.2c. then Charging 60minutes with 1.0chopower remain % ≥65% Storage 28 days afterstandard charging. Standarddischargeenvironmenttemperature20±5℃Cycle life time ≥500 IEC61951-1( Refer remarkRemark: cycle life {IEC61951-1(}:Before cycle life test, it should discharge with 0.2c constant current to cut-off discharge voltage 1V per one. then proceed below life test within the environment temperature 20±5℃.Cycle time charge Chargestatependingdischarge1 2-484950Charge 16 hours with 0.1cCharge 190 minutes with 0.25cCharge 190 minutes with 0.25cCharge 16 hours with 0.1cnonono1 to 4 hoursDischarge 140 minutes with 0.2c.Discharge 140 minutes with 0.2c.Discharge to 1.0v with 0.25c.Discharge to 1.0v with 0.2c.a.If the voltage lessen to 1v. stop dischargeb.After 50 times cycle discharge , it Allows enough open circuit time for starting the51rd cycle with a exactly 2 week interval. same procedure will be applied at the cycle 100rd,150rd,200rd,250rd,300rd,350rd,400rd and 450rd .Repeat above cycle time 1 to 50 until the voltage in any 50rd cycle discharge to cut-off discharge voltage 1v with discharging time less than 3 hours. Then repeat cycle test for the capability in that 50rd cycle. The life test is end if the discharge time less than 3 hours.The cycle time should be not less than 500 cycles when test is finish.5.3 storageDischarge to 1.0v per one with 0.2C constant-current under the battery testing condition. Store the battery 12 months with open-circuit state, then proceed charge and discharge 5 cycles with 0.2c to 0.5c.battery discharge capability can’t be less than 80% with 0.2c5.4 vibration testBattery quality should keep normal under vibration test condition that amplitude 4mm(0.158inch) and frequency 1000 cycles/minute5.5 drop testBattery quality should keep normal with sample free drop to stave wood at the high 450mm(17.716inches)6 suggestion6.1 Do not charge battery with wrong polarity6.2 Do not burn or damage battery, or cause the battery explosion or release poisonous gas6.3 Do not weld directly on the battery or battery pack6.4 Do not mix old and new batteries.6.5 Stop battery usage for any noise ,high temperature or leakage6.6 Stop battery usage if battery power insufficient6.7 Separate the battery from appliance if battery disuse6.8 Do not drop the battery into water6.9 Do not strike ,press or take apart the battery, or lead the batter to high temperature or fire. Alkalineliquor spilled from battery should be harmful to eye and skin, and damage clothing6.10 Keep the battery away from the children, if swallowed by children, see the doctor immediately.6.11 Wrong operation, such as shirt circuit, over charging or charging inadequate will damage the battery.6.12 Store battery in cool and dry place6.13 Use the suitable charger. Not recommend the constant-voltage charge.6.14 The control mode should be time ,voltage or temperature for battery charging. But don’t use voltage mode within 5 minutes before charging.6.15 It will be effective after confirmation of both sides for this specification. No translation without permission6.16 our company has the right to revise this specification under the condition without inform the user .Specification for Nickle-cadmium battery(battery cell) AA600mAh Nominal voltage 1.2VCapability (mAh)0.2C [1]1C[2]Minimum value600540diameter 14.5+0 -1.0 mm height 50.5+0 -1.5 mmweight[3]about 18ginternal resistance(1000Hz.)≤35m Ω( after charging)chargin gstandard charging0.2C quick charging 1 C trickle chargin gmaximum 0.05C minimum0.03Ce n v i r o n m e n t t e m p e r a t u r echargin gstandardcharging 4]0℃~55℃ 32o F~131o F quick charging [5] 0℃~55℃ 32o F~131o F discharging [6]-20℃~55℃-4o F~131o F 贮存storage6months -20℃~45℃-4o F~113o F 2 years-20℃~30℃-4o F~86o FRemark:[1] Charging 16 hours with 1.0c under temperature 20℃. keep an interval 1 hour. Discharge to 1V with 0.2c[2] Charging 16 hours with 1.0c under temperature 20℃. keep an interval 1 hour. Discharge to 1V with 0.2c [3] Weight is just for information. [4] Charging 16 hours with 0.1c [5] Charging 90 minutes with 1c [6] discharging to 1v every one with 0.2ccharacteristic curve。