Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems
《计算机科学》ccf等级英文回答:The Chinese Computer Federation (CCF) classifies academic journals in computer science into three levels: A, B, and C. The classification is based on factors such as the journal's impact factor, citation index, and editorial board.A-level journals are the most prestigious andinfluential journals in computer science. They publishhigh-quality research papers that make significant contributions to the field. Examples of A-level journals include the Journal of the ACM, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, and the Communications of the ACM.B-level journals are also reputable journals that publish high-quality research papers. However, they are not as prestigious as A-level journals. Examples of B-leveljournals include the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, the IEEE Transactions on Computers, and the Journal of Computer and System Sciences.C-level journals are less prestigious than A-level andB-level journals. They typically publish papers that are more focused on practical applications of computer science. Examples of C-level journals include the ACM Computing Surveys, the IEEE Software, and the Journal of Object Technology.中文回答:中国计算机学会(CCF)将计算机科学领域的学术期刊分为A、B、C三级。
专业英语 缩写翻译
ABI 应用二进制接口(Application Binary Interface)ACSI 国家信息化咨询委员会(advisory committee for state informatization)ADSL 非对称数字用户线路(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)AI 人工智能(artificial intelligence)AMPS 高级移动电话系统(Advanced Mobile Phone System)API 应用程序接口(Application Programming Interface)ASIC 特定用途集成电路(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)ASTM 美国试验材料学会(American Society for Testing Material)AT&T 美国电话电报公司(American Telephone and Telegraph Company)ATM 异步传输模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)ATOS Origin 源讯公司Auto-ID 自动识别(Auto-ID)AWS 美国航空气象处(Air Weather Service);BAP 基本汇编程序(Basic Assembler Program)BGA 集成电路采用有机载板的一种封装法BOINC 伯克利开放式网络计算 (Berkeley Open Infrastructure For Network Computing ) BSP 板级支持包(Board Support Package)Business Processing 业务处理流程CaaS 通信即服务(communication as a Service)CAN 控制器局域网络(Controller Area Network)CAS 中国科学院(Chinese Academy of SciencesCCTV 中国中央电视台(China Central Television)CDMA2000 电信移动通信系统CIP 预编目录(cataloging in publication)CITYNET 城市间合作网络CMU 卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)CN 通信网络(Communicating Net)CPU 中央处理机(Central Processing Unit)CRA 应答验证 (challenge-response authentication)DARPA 美国国防部高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)DARPA 研究计划署(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)DASH7Data mining 数据挖掘技术(即指从资料中发掘资讯或知识)DDoS 分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of Service)DG INFSO 媒体总司DG INFSO/D4 欧盟委员会DGINFSO‐D4DMM 分布式内存多处理器(distributed memory multiprocessor)DNS 域名服务器(Domain Name Server)DoD 美国国防部(Department of Defense of the United States)DRAM 动态随机存取存储器(Dynamic Random Access Memory)DSL 数字用户线路(Digital Subscriber Line)DSP 数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor)DSS 决策支持系统(Decision Support Systems)DynDNS 动态DNSEAN 欧洲商品编码(Europ Article Number)EAS 电子防窃系统(Electronic Article Surveillance)ECMA 欧洲电脑制造商协会(European Computer Manufactures Association)EPC 电子产品代码(Electronic Product Code)EPCglobal 国际物品编码协会EAN和美国统一代码委员会( UCC )的一个合资公司ERP 企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning)ETSI 欧洲电信标准协会(European Telecommunication Standards Institute)EU-funded CASAGRAS1 coordination 欧盟资助CASAGRAS1协调FAT 文件分配表(File Allocation Table)FP7 欧盟第七框架计划(Framework Program 7)FreeOTFE 免费实时加密FSTC 金融服务技术联盟(Financial Services Technology Consortium)FTP 文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)GM 通用汽车公司(General Motors)GMSA 全球移动通信系统协会(global system for mobile communications association) GPRS 通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service)GPS 全球定位系统(Global Position System)GSM 全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)GUI-based 图形用户界面HP 惠普公司HTML5 HTML5是HTML下一个的主要修订版本,现在仍处于发展阶段HTTP 超文本传输协议(Hyper Text Transport Protocol)HTTPS 安全超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)I²C 两线式串行总线(Inter-Integrated Circuit)IaaS 架构即服务(Infrastructure As A Service)IATA 国际航空运输协会(International Air Transport Association)ICC 集成电路卡(integrated circuit card)ICT 集成电路计算机遥测技术(Integrated Computer Telemetry)iDA 资讯通信发展管理局(infocomm Development Authority)IEC 国际电工技术委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission)IEEE 电气与电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)IETF Internet工程任务组(Internet Engineering Task Force)IMT-2000 国际移动电话系统-2000(International Mobile Telecom System-2000)IOT 物联网(Internet Of Things)IPSec 网际协议安全(Internet Protocol Security)IPSO 因特网协议安全选件(Internet protocol security option )IPv4 IPv4,是互联网协议(Internet Protocol,IP)的第四版IR 指令寄存器(instruction register)ISA 工业标准总线(Industry Standard Architecture)ISM 美国供应管理协会(the Institute for Supply Management , ISM)ISO 国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization)ISTAG IST咨询集团(IST advisory group)IT 信息技术(Information Technology)ITSO_LtdITU 国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union)KAEC 阿卜杜拉国王经济城(King Abdullah Economic City)KVM 基于内核的虚拟机(K Virtual Machine)LAN 局域网(local area network)LCD 液晶显示屏(liquid crystal display)LR-WPAN 低速率无线个人区域网络(Low Rate-Wireless Personal Area Network)LSI 大规模集成电路(Large Scale Integrated circuit)MAC 多路存取计算机(Multi-Access Computer)MAN 城域网(Metropolitan Area Network)MASDAR 马斯达尔MEMS 微电子机械系统(Micro-electromechanical Systems)METI 日本经济贸易产业省(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)MIC 部门内部事务和通讯(the ministry of internal affairs and communications) MIT 麻省理工学院(Massachu-setts Institute of Technology);MPP 大量信息并行处理机,大规模并行处理机(Massively Parallel Processor)MRI 核磁共振成像(Magnatic Resonance Imaging);MSI 中规模集成电路(medium-scale integration)MVNO AdicaNaaS 网络即服务(Network As A Service)NASA 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)NetBSD 一个免费的,具有高度移植性的UNIX-like操作系统NFC 近场通讯(Near Field Communication)NFCIPNIC 网络接口卡(Network Interface Card)NMT 北欧移动电话(Nordic Mobile Telephone)NSF (美国)国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)NTT DoCoMo 移动通信网公司NYU 纽约大学(New York University)OLED 有机发光二极管(Organic Light Emitting Diode)ONS 国家统计局(Office For National Statistics)P2P 点对点技术(peer-to-peer);PaaS 平台即服务(Platform As A Service)PARC 帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Palo Alto Research Center)PC 个人电脑(Personal Computer);PCI 外部控制器接口(Peripheral Component Interconnect)PHY 物理层协议(Physical Layer)PKI 公钥基础设施(Public Key Infrastructure)POTS 普通老式电话服务(Plain Old Telephone Service)QNX 嵌入式实时操作系统(Quick Unix )R&D 研发(Research & Development)RACO 德国雷科resPONDER 响应器RFID 无线射频识别(radio frequency identification devices)RISC 精简指令集计算机(Reduced Instruction-Set Computer)ROM 只读存储器(read only memory)RS-232 串行数据通信的接口标准RTOS 实时操作系统(Real Time Operating System)SaaS 软件即服务(Software as a Service)SAP SAP是目前全世界排名第一的ERP软件SAVVIS 维斯公司SCADA 监测控制和数据采集(supervisory control and data acquisition)SIM 用户身份识别卡(subscriber identity module)SIMD 单指令多数据(Single Instruction Multiple Data)SIMIT 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所SMP 对称多处理机(SymmetricalMulti-Processing)SOC 片上系统(System on a Chip)SPOM 自动程序单芯片微处理(Self Programmable One Chip Microprocessor)SPT 季票 (season parking ticket)SRI 斯坦福研究院(Stanford Research Institute)SSE 单指令多数据流式扩展 ( streaming SIMD extensions)SSI 小规模集成(电路)(Small Scale Integration);SSO 单点登录(single sign-on)T2TITTACS 全接入通信系统(Total Access Communication System)TCB 可信计算基(Trusted Computing Base)TCP/IP 传输控制/网络通讯协定(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)TD-SCDMA 即时分同步的码分多址技术(Time Division-Synchronization Code Division Multiple Access)TEDS 传感器电子数据表(Transducer Electronic Data Sheet)TLS/SSL SSL(Secure Sockets Layer,安全套接层)TPANSmitterTRON 实时操作系统核心程序(The Realtime Operating System Nucleus)U.S.Department of Defence 美国国防部UCC 统一编码委员会(uniform code council inc)UCLA 加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)UHF 超高频(Ultra High Frequency)UML 统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language)UNL 无处不在的网络实验室(ubiquitous networking laboratory)USAID 美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development)USB 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)USDA 美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture)VLSI 超大规模积体电路(Very Large Scale Integrated Circuites)VNP-VNOWAN 广域网(Wide Area Network)WCDMA 宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)Wi-Fi 无线上网技术WROM 一次写/读很多内存(write once/read many memory)WSN 无线传感网络(wireless sensor network)。
SPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent System
PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data Mining
EMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Rank 3:
PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AI
AAI: Australian National Conf on AI
ICS: Intl Conf on Supercomputing
ISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits Conf
HCS: Hot Chips Symp
VLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI Circuits
ICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information Processing
IEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert Sys
ICMS: International Conference on Multiagent Systems
ACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguist ics)
Rank 2:
AID: Intl Conf on AI in Design
AI-ED: World Conference on AI in Education
但是这个排名是大概2000的时候做的,后来没有更新,所以像ISWC 这个会议在其中就看不到。
---------------附,会议排名(from .sg/home/assourav/crank.htm)Computer Science Conference RankingsSome conferences accept multiple categories of papers. The rankings below are for the mos t prestigious category of paper at a given conference. All other categories should be treat ed as "unranked".AREA: DatabasesRank 1:SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of DataPODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB SystemsVLDB: Very Large Data BasesICDE: Intl Conf on Data EngineeringICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryRank 2:SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial DatabasesDEXA: Database and Expert System ApplicationsFODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data OrganizationEDBT: Extending DB TechnologyDOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesDASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsCIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge ManagementSSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB MgmtCoopIS - Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling (ER)Rank 3:COMAD: Intl Conf on Management of DataBNCOD: British National Conference on DatabasesADC: Australasian Database ConferenceADBIS: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information SystemsDaWaK - Data Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryRIDE WorkshopIFIP-DS: IFIP-DS ConferenceIFIP-DBSEC - IFIP Workshop on Database SecurityNGDB: Intl Symp on Next Generation DB Systems and AppsADTI: Intl Symp on Advanced DB Technologies and Integration FEWFDB: Far East Workshop on Future DB SystemsMDM - Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)ICDM - IEEE International Conference on Data MiningVDB - Visual Database SystemsIDEAS - International Database Engineering and Application Symposium Others:ARTDB - Active and Real-Time Database SystemsCODAS: Intl Symp on Cooperative DB Systems for Adv AppsDBPL - Workshop on Database Programming LanguagesEFIS/EFDBS - Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems KRDB - Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesNDB - National Database Conference (China)NLDB - Applications of Natural Language to Data BasesFQAS - Flexible Query-Answering SystemsIDC(W) - International Database Conference (HK CS)RTDB - Workshop on Real-Time DatabasesSBBD: Brazilian Symposium on DatabasesWebDB - International Workshop on the Web and DatabasesWAIM: Interational Conference on Web Age Information ManagementDASWIS - Data Semantics in Web Information SystemsDMDW - Design and Management of Data WarehousesDOLAP - International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAPDMKD - Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryKDEX - Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange WorkshopNRDM - Workshop on Network-Related Data ManagementMobiDE - Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile AccessMDDS - Mobility in Databases and Distributed SystemsMEWS - Mining for Enhanced Web SearchTAKMA - Theory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagementWIDM: International Workshop on Web Information and Data ManagementW2GIS - International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems CDB - Constraint Databases and ApplicationsDTVE - Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual EnterprisesIWDOM - International Workshop on Distributed Object ManagementOODBS - Workshop on Object-Oriented Database SystemsPDIS: Parallel and Distributed Information SystemsAREA: Artificial Intelligence and Related SubjectsRank 1:AAAI: American Association for AI National ConferenceCVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern RecognitionIJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AIICCV: Intl Conf on Computer VisionICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningKDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningKR: Intl Conf on Principles of KR & ReasoningNIPS: Neural Information Processing SystemsUAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AIAAMAS: Intl Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (past: ICAA)ACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics)Rank 2:NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACLAID: Intl Conf on AI in DesignAI-ED: World Conference on AI in EducationCAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and PatternsCSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceECCV: European Conference on Computer VisionEAI: European Conf on AIEML: European Conf on Machine LearningGECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (used to be GP)IAAI: Innovative Applications in AIICIP: Intl Conf on Image ProcessingICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural NetworksICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern RecognitionICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and RecognitionICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AIAMAI: Artificial Intelligence and MathsDAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsWACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionCOLING: International Conference on Computational LiguisticsEMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingEACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational LingusticsCoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningDocEng: ACM Symposium on Document EngineeringIEEE/WIC International Joint Conf on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Rank 3:PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AIAAI: Australian National Conf on AIACCV: Asian Conference on Computer VisionAI*IA: Congress of the Italian Assoc for AIANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in EngineeringANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. SystemsCAIA: Conf on AI for ApplicationsCAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceASADM: Chicago ASA Data Mining Conf: A Hard Look at DMEPIA: Portuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceFCKAML: French Conf on Know. Acquisition & Machine LearningICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural NetworksICCB: International Conference on Case-Based ReasoningICGA: International Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information ProcessingIEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert SysICMS: International Conference on Multiagent SystemsICPS: International conference on Planning SystemsIWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art & Natural Neural NetworksPACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsSCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical IntelligenceSPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent SystemPAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data MiningSMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and CyberneticsPAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery & Data MiningWCNN: The World Congress on Neural NetworksWCES: World Congress on Expert SystemsASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft ComputingPACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and ComputationICCC: International Conference on Chinese ComputingICADL: International Conference on Asian Digital LibrariesRANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingNLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim SymposiumMeta-Heuristics International ConferenceRank 3:ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and AutomationNNSP: Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingICASSP: IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SPGCCCE: Global Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationICAI: Intl Conf on Artificial IntelligenceAEN: IASTED Intl Conf on AI, Exp Sys & Neural NetworksWMSCI: World Multiconfs on Sys, Cybernetics & InformaticsLREC: Language Resources and Evaluation ConferenceAIMSA: Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, ApplicationsAISC: Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic ComputationCIA: Cooperative Information AgentsInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation Pattern MatchingECAL: European Conference on Artificial LifeEKAW: Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and ManagementEMMCVPR: Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionEuroGP: European Conference on Genetic ProgrammingFoIKS: Foundations of Information and Knowledge SystemsIAWTIC: International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commer ceICAIL: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and LawSMIS: International Syposium on Methodologies for Intelligent SystemsIS&N: Intelligence and Services in NetworksJELIA: Logics in Artificial IntelligenceKI: German Conference on Artificial IntelligenceKRDB: Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesMAAMAW: Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent WorldNC: ICSC Symposium on Neural ComputationPKDD: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoverySBIA: Brazilian Symposium on Artificial IntelligenceScale-Space: Scale-Space Theories in Computer VisionXPS: Knowledge-Based SystemsI2CS: Innovative Internet Computing SystemsTARK: Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge MeetingMKM: International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge ManagementACIVS: International Conference on Advanced Concepts For Intelligent Vision Systems ATAL: Agent Theories, Architectures, and LanguagesLACL: International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational LinguisticsAREA: Hardware and ArchitectureRank 1:ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OSISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided DesignDAC: Design Automation ConfMICRO: Intl Symp on MicroarchitectureHPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp ArchitectureRank 2:FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing MachinesSUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceICS: Intl Conf on SupercomputingISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits ConfHCS: Hot Chips SympVLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI CircuitsCODES+ISSS: Intl Conf on Hardware/Software Codesign & System SynthesisDATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceFPL: Field-Programmable Logic and ApplicationsCASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Syste msRank 3:ICA3PP: Algs and Archs for Parall ProcEuroMICRO: New Frontiers of Information TechnologyACS: Australian Supercomputing ConfISC: Information Security ConferenceUnranked:Advanced Research in VLSIInternational Symposium on System SynthesisInternational Symposium on Computer DesignInternational Symposium on Circuits and SystemsAsia Pacific Design Automation ConferenceInternational Symposium on Physical DesignInternational Conference on VLSI DesignCANPC: Communication, Architecture, and Applications for Network-Based Parallel Computing CHARME: Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification MethodsCHES: Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded SystemsNDSS: Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumNOSA: Nordic Symposium on Software ArchitectureACAC: Australasian Computer Architecture ConferenceCSCC: WSES/IEEE world multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications & Computers ICN: IEEE International Conference on Networking Topology in Computer Science ConferenceAREA: Applications and MediaRank 1:I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsSIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceACM-MM: ACM Multimedia ConferenceDCC: Data Compression ConfSIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp SysSIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information RetrievalPECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp \& Comm Sys WWW: World-Wide Web ConferenceRank 2:IEEE VisualizationEUROGRAPH: European Graphics ConferenceCGI: Computer Graphics InternationalCANIM: Computer AnimationPG: Pacific GraphicsICME: Intl Conf on MMedia & ExpoNOSSDAV: Network and OS Support for Digital A/VPADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel \& Dist Simulation WSC: Winter Simulation ConferenceASS: IEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumMASCOTS: Symp Model Analysis \& Sim of Comp \& Telecom Sys PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech \& Tools for CPE NetStore: Network Storage SymposiumMMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingJCDL: Joint Conference on Digital LibrariesRank 3:ACM-HPC: ACM Hypertext ConfMMM: Multimedia ModellingDSS: Distributed Simulation SymposiumSCSC: Summer Computer Simulation ConferenceWCSS: World Congress on Systems SimulationESS: European Simulation SymposiumESM: European Simulation MulticonferenceHPCN: High-Performance Computing and NetworkingGeometry Modeling and ProcessingWISEDS-RT: Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications IEEE Intl Wshop on Dist Int Simul and Real-Time Applications ECIR: European Colloquium on Information RetrievalEd-MediaIMSA: Intl Conf on Internet and MMedia SysUn-ranked:DVAT: IS\&T/SPIE Conf on Dig Video Compression Alg \& TechMME: IEEE Intl Conf. on Multimedia in EducationICMSO: Intl Conf on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationICMS: IASTED Intl Conf on Modelling and SimulationCOTIM: Conference on Telecommunications and Information MarketsDOA: International Symposium on Distributed Objects and ApplicationsECMAST: European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and TechniquesGIS: Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information SystemsIDA: Intelligent Data AnalysisIDMS: Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication ServicesIUI: Intelligent User InterfacesMIS: Workshop on Multimedia Information SystemsWECWIS: Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web/based Information Systems WIDM: Web Information and Data ManagementWOWMOM: Workshop on Wireless Mobile MultimediaWSCG: International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization LDTA: Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and ApplicationsIPDPSWPIM: International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless N etworks and Mobile ComputingIWST: International Workshop on Scheduling and TelecommunicationsAPDCM: Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational ModelsCIMA: International ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence: Methods and Applications FLA: Fuzzy Logic and Applications MeetingICACSD: International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System DesignICATPN: International conference on application and theory of Petri netsAICCSA: ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and ApplicationsCAGD: International Symposium of Computer Aided Geometric DesignSpanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image AnalysisInternational Workshop on Cluster Infrastructure for Web Server and E-Commerce Applications WSES ISA: Information Science And Applications ConferenceCHT: International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat TransferIMACS: International Conference on Applications of Computer AlgebraVIPromCom: International Symposium on Video Processing and Multimedia Communications PDMPR: International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Multimedia Processing & Retrieval International Symposium On Computational And Applied PdesPDCAT: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Tec hniquesBiennial Computational Techniques and Applications ConferenceSymposium on Advanced Computing in Financial MarketsWCCE: World Conference on Computers in EducationITCOM: SPIE's International Symposium on The Convergence of Information Technologies and Com municationsConference on Commercial Applications for High-Performance ComputingMSA: Metacomputing Systems and Applications WorkshopWPMC : International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WSC: Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications HERCMA: Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications PARA: Workshop on Applied Parallel ComputingInternational Computer Science Conference: Active Media TechnologyIW-MMDBMS - Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management SystemsAREA: System TechnologyRank 1:SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & AppsINFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocSPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and ArchitecturePODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingPPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingRTSS: Real Time Systems SympSOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesSOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationCCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityIEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyMOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingUSENIX Conf on Internet Tech and SysICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsPACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil TechRTAS: IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp SystemsRank 2:CC: Compiler ConstructionIPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympIC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingSRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsMPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsEuro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel ComputingFast Software EncryptionUsenix Security SymposiumEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityWCW: Web Caching WorkshopLCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksIPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & CommunicationsCCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceICC: Intl Conf on CommWCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceCSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRank 3:MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsGLOBECOM: Global CommICCC: Intl Conf on Comp CommunicationNOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympCONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel ProcessingVAPP: Vector and Parallel ProcessingICPADS: Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed SystemsPublic Key CryptosystemsAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyInt. Conf on Inofrm and Comm. SecurityFinancial CryptographyWorkshop on Information HidingSmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceICON: Intl Conf on NetworksNCC: Nat Conf CommIN: IEEE Intell Network WorkshopSoftcomm: Conf on Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksINET: Internet Society ConfWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceUn-ranked:PARCO: Parallel ComputingSE: Intl Conf on Systems Engineering (**)PDSECA: workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing with Appli cationsCACS: Computer Audit, Control and Security ConferenceSREIS: Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecuritySAFECOMP: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and SecurityIREJVM: Workshop on Intermediate Representation Engineering for the Java Virtual Machine EC: ACM Conference on Electronic CommerceEWSPT: European Workshop on Software Process TechnologyHotOS: Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating SystemsHPTS: High Performance Transaction SystemsHybrid SystemsICEIS: International Conference on Enterprise Information SystemsIOPADS: I/O in Parallel and Distributed SystemsIRREGULAR: Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured ProblemsKiVS: Kommunikation in Verteilten SystemenLCR: Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable ComputersMCS: Multiple Classifier SystemsMSS: Symposium on Mass Storage SystemsNGITS: Next Generation Information Technologies and SystemsOOIS: Object Oriented Information SystemsSCM: System Configuration ManagementSecurity Protocols WorkshopSIGOPS European WorkshopSPDP: Symposium on Parallel and Distributed ProcessingTreDS: Trends in Distributed SystemsUSENIX Technical ConferenceVISUAL: Visual Information and Information SystemsFoDS: Foundations of Distributed Systems: Design and Verification of Protocols conference RV: Post-CAV Workshop on Runtime VerificationICAIS: International ICSC-NAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent SystemsITiCSE: Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science EducationCSCS: CyberSystems and Computer Science ConferenceAUIC: Australasian User Interface ConferenceITI: Meeting of Researchers in Computer Science, Information Systems Research & Statistics European Conference on Parallel ProcessingRODLICS: Wses International Conference on Robotics, Distance Learning & Intelligent Communic ation SystemsInternational Conference On Multimedia, Internet & Video TechnologiesPaCT: Parallel Computing Technologies workshopPPAM: International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied MathematicsInternational Conference On Information Networks, Systems And TechnologiesAmiRE: Conference on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and EdutainmentDSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksIHW: Information Hiding WorkshopGTVMT: International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques AREA: Programming Languages and Software EngineeringRank 1:POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog LangsPLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Prog Lang Design & ImplOOPSLA: OO Prog Systems, Langs and ApplicationsICFP: Intl Conf on Function ProgrammingJICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: (Joint) Intl Conf/Symp on Logic ProgICSE: Intl Conf on Software EngineeringFSE: ACM Conf on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc: ESEC-FSE) FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/EuropeCAV: Computer Aided VerificationRank 2:CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgTACAS: Tools and Algos for the Const and An of SystemsESOP: European Conf on ProgrammingICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer LanguagesPEPM: Symp on Partial Evalutation and Prog ManipulationSAS: Static Analysis SymposiumRTA: Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsIWSSD: Intl Workshop on S/W Spec & DesignCAiSE: Intl Conf on Advanced Info System EngineeringSSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software ReusabilitySEKE: Intl Conf on S/E and Knowledge EngineeringICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software ReuseASE: Automated Software Engineering ConferencePADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesISRE: Requirements EngineeringICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer SystemsIEEE Intl Conf on Formal Engineering MethodsIntl Conf on Integrated Formal MethodsFOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Comp StructAPLAS: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsMPC: Mathematics of Program ConstructionECOOP: European Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingICSM: Intl. Conf on Software MaintenanceHASKELL - Haskell WorkshopRank 3:FASE: Fund Appr to Soft EngAPSEC: Asia-Pacific S/E ConfPAP/PACT: Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechALP: Intl Conf on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingPLILP: Prog, Lang Implentation & Logic ProgrammingLOPSTR: Intl Workshop on Logic Prog Synthesis & TransfICCC: Intl Conf on Compiler ConstructionCOMPSAC: Intl. Computer S/W and Applications ConfTAPSOFT: Intl Joint Conf on Theory & Pract of S/W DevWCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse EngineeringAQSDT: Symp on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsIFIP Intl Conf on Open Distributed ProcessingIntl Conf of Z UsersIFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Tes ting, And VerificationPSI (Ershov conference)UML: International Conference on the Unified Modeling LanguageUn-ranked:Australian Software Engineering ConferenceIEEE Int. W'shop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Sys. (WORDS)IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems EngineeringThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsFormal Methods PacificInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsJFPLC - International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingL&L - Workshop on Logic and LearningSFP - Scottish Functional Programming WorkshopLCCS - International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceVLFM - Visual Languages and Formal MethodsNASA LaRC Formal Methods WorkshopPASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and EngineeringTLCA: Typed Lambda Calculus and ApplicationsFATES - A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of SoftwareWorkshop On Java For High-Performance ComputingDSLSE - Domain-Specific Languages for Software EngineeringFTJP - Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java ProgramsWFLP - International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic ProgrammingFOOL - International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented LanguagesSREIS - Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information SecurityHLPP - International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applicationsINAP - International Conference on Applications of PrologMPOOL - Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO LanguagesPADO - Symposium on Programs as Data ObjectsTOOLS: Int'l Conf Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and SystemsAustralasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time SystemsPASTE: Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and EngineeringAvoCS: Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical SystemsSPIN: Workshop on Model Checking of SoftwareFemSys: Workshop on Formal Design of Safety Critical Embedded SystemsAda-EuropePPDP: Principles and Practice of Declarative ProgrammingAPL ConferenceASM: Workshops on Abstract State MachinesCOORDINATION: Coordination Models and LanguagesDocEng: ACM Symposium on Document EngineeringDSV-IS: Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive SystemsFMCAD: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided DesignFMLDO: Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and ObjectsIFL: Implementation of Functional LanguagesILP: International Workshop on Inductive Logic ProgrammingISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisITC: International Test ConferenceIWFM: Irish Workshop in Formal MethodsJava GrandeLP: Logic Programming: Japanese ConferenceLPAR: Logic Programming and Automated ReasoningLPE: Workshop on Logic Programming EnvironmentsLPNMR: Logic Programming and Non-monotonic ReasoningPJW: Workshop on Persistence and JavaRCLP: Russian Conference on Logic ProgrammingSTEP: Software Technology and Engineering PracticeTestCom: IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating SystemsVL: Visual LanguagesFMPPTA: Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming Theory and Applications WRS: International Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming FATES: A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software FORMALWARE: Meeting on Formalware Engineering: Formal Methods for Engineering Software DRE: conference Data Reverse EngineeringSTAREAST: Software Testing Analysis & Review ConferenceConference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific ComputingInternational Testing Computer Software ConferenceLinux Showcase & ConferenceFLOPS: International Symposum on Functional and Logic ProgrammingGCSE: International Conference on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering JOSES: Java Optimization Strategies for Embedded Systems。
以下是全球最著名的计算机科学顶级期刊:1.《ACM Transactions on Computer Systems》(ACM TOCS)主题范围:该期刊关注计算机系统的设计、分析、实现和评估等方面,特别是操作系统、网络、分布式系统、数据库管理系统和存储系统等方面的最新研究成果。
影响因子:3.612发行周期:每年4期最新收录论文:Content-Based Data Placement for Efficient Query Processing on Heterogeneous Storage Systems, A Framework for Evaluating Kernel-Level Detectors, etc.2.《IEEE Transactions on Computers》(IEEE TC)主题范围:该期刊刊登计算机科学领域的创新性研究成果,重点关注计算机系统、组件和软件的设计、分析、实现和评估等方面的最新进展。
影响因子:4.804发行周期:每月1期最新收录论文:A Comprehensive View of Datacenter Network Architecture, Design, and Operations, An Efficient GPU Implementation of Imperfect Hash Tables, etc.3.《IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering》(IEEE TSE)主题范围:该期刊涉及软件工程领域的各个方面,包括软件开发、可靠性、维护、测试等方面的最新研究成果。
Mellanox InfiniBand路由器SB7780和SB7880的产品介绍说明书
©2020 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.†For illustration only. Actual products may vary.SB7780 and SB7880 InfiniBand routers enable new levels of subnets isolation and compute-to-storage connectivity, critical to large-scale and diverse data-centers.Scaling-Out Data Centers with EDR 100G InfiniBandHigh Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Data-Intensive and Cloud infrastructures all leverage InfiniBand’s high data throughput, extremely low latency, and smart In-Network Computing acceleration engines to deliver world-leading application performance and scalability, while reducing operational costs and infrastructure complexity. Mellanox’s innovative In-Networking-based Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP)™ technology enables the acceleration of communications frameworks using embedded hardware, resulting in order of magnitude application and performance improvements.In cases where the separation between InfiniBand subnets and keeping connectivity to a central InfiniBand Storage are required, InfiniBand Routers are the ideal solution.Sustained Network PerformanceSB7780 / SB7880 InfiniBand routers are based on Switch-IB ® / Switch-IB ® 2 ASICs, respectively. They offer fully-flexible 36 EDR 100Gb/s ports that can be split among several different subnets. InfinBand routers bring two major enhancements to the Mellanox InfiniBand portfolio:•Increase resiliency by s plitting the data center’s network into several subnets; each subnet runs itsown subnet manager, effectively isolating each subnet from the others’ availability or instability •Enable multiple compute to storage connections while separately isolating login access to each compute subnetWorld-Class DesignSB7780 / SB7880 InfiniBand routers are elegantly designed for performance, serviceability, energy savings and high-availability. They come equipped with two highly efficient, 80 gold+ and energy star certified, power supplies.Their best-in-class design enables the EDR IB routers to support low power consumption, with ATIS weighted power consumption as low as 122W for a fully populated system. This means more power reduction if not all ports are used or fully utilized.SB7780 / SB7880 also have redundant power supplies (1+1) and their fans draw (N+1) both with air shutters for achieving maximal thermal protection.36-port Non-blocking Managed EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand RoutersInfiniBand EDR 100Gb/s RoutersPRODUCT BRIEFSWITCH SYSTEM †© Copyright 2020. Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved. Mellanox, Mellanox logo, MLNX-OS , Switch-IB, and UFM are registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. Switch-IB, UFM and Unified Fabric Manager are trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.350 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 100, Sunnyvale, CA 94085Tel: 408-970-3400 • Fax: Mellanox SB7700 and SB7880 InfiniBand Routerspage 2ManagementThe InfiniBand router’s dual-core x86 CPU runs MLNX-OS ® software package, which delivers complete chassis management of the router’s firmware, power supplies, fans and ports. The router can also becoupled with Mellanox’s Unified Fabric Manager (UFM ®) platforms to manage scale-out InfiniBand computing environments.Revolutionizing data center management, the UFM family of products combine enhanced, real-time network telemetry with AI-poweredcyber intelligence and analytics. The UFM solutions minimize downtime by enabling system admins to quickly detect and respond to potential security threats and operational issues, and predict upcoming failures.Mellanox SB7780 / SB7880–19’’ rack mountable 1U chassis –36 QSFP28 non-blocking ports with aggregate data throughput up to 7Tb/s (EDR)Router Specifications–Compliant with IBTA 1.21 and 1.3 –9 virtual lanes: 8 data + 1 management–256 to 4Kbyte MTU–8X 48K entry linear forwarding databaseManagement Ports–100/1000Mb/s Ethernet ports –RS232 port over DB9–USB port –DHCP–Familiar Industry Standard CLI –Management over IPv6 –Management IP –SNMP v1,v2,v3 –Web UIFabric Management–Unified Fabric Manager (UFM™) AgentConnectors and Cabling–QSFP28 connectors–Passive copper or active fiber cables –Optical modulesIndicators–Per port status LED Link, Activity –System status LEDs: System, fans, power supplies –Port Error LED –Unit ID LEDPhysical Characteristics–Dimensions: 1.7’’ (43.6 mm) H x 16.85’’ (428mm) W x 27’’ (685.8mm) D –Weight: 11kg (24.2lb)Power Supply–Dual redundant slots –Hot plug operation –Input range:100-127 VAC, 200-240VAC–Frequency: 50-60Hz, single phase AC, 4.5A, 2.9ACooling–Front-to-rear or rear-to-front cooling option–Hot-swappable fan unitPower Consumption–Typical Power with Passive Cables (ATIS): 136WFEATURESSafety–CB –cTUVus –CE –CUEMC (Emissions)–CE –FCC–VCCI –ICES –RCMOperating Conditions–Temperature:–Operating 0ºC to 45ºC–Non-operating -40ºC to 70ºC–Humidity:–Operating 10% to 85% non-condensing–Non-operating 10% to 90% non-condensing–Altitude: Operating -60m to 3200mAcoustic–ISO 7779 –ETS 300 753Others–RoHS compliant –Rack-mountable, 1U –1-year warrantyCOMPLIANCETable 1 - Part Numbers and Descriptions*P 2C is connector side outlet; C 2P is connector side inlet.15-7858PB Rev 1.3。
Foundation and application of complex network
Key Terms Page 1of 6 Key TermsKey TermDefinition3G cellular network (249) A computer network that allows users to download data from the Internet at 400 to 700 Kbps using cell phone technology. analog signal (247) Continuous electronic waves. asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) (248) The most widely used types of DSL. backbone (258) A common connecting cable on which all communications travel along. (see also bus) bandwidth (249) A measurement of the width or capacity of the communication channel. base station (254) A network’s centrally located receiver that interprets incoming radio frequencies and routes communications to the appropriate devices. (see also wireless receiver) bits per second (bps) (247) How transfer speed is measured Bluetooth (245) A short-range wireless communication standard that uses microwaves to transmit data over short distances broadband (250) The bandwidth used for high-capacity transmissions. broadcast radio (245) Uses radio signals to send and receive signals from wireless devices. bus (258) A common connecting cable on which all communications travel along. (see also backbone) bus network (258) Each device in the network handles its own communications control. cable modem (249) Use existing television cables to provide high-speed connections to the Internet. cellular service (249) Offer an alternative for mobile devices and laptops. client (251) A node that requests and uses resources available from other nodes. client/server network system (260) A computer network where one computer coordinates and supplies services to other nodes on the network. coaxial cable (244) A high-frequency transmission cable with a single solid-copper core. Communication channel (244) The actual connecting or transmission medium that carries the message. Communication system (243) An electronic system that transmit data from one location to another computer network (251) A communication system that connects two or more computers so that they can exchange information and share resources. connectivity (242) Using computer networks to link people and resources. demodulation (247) The process of converting from analog to digital. dial-up service (248) Using standard telephone lines and conventional modems to link to the Internet or other computers digital signal (247) A representation of the presence or absence of an electronic pulse – on/off digital subscriber line (DSL) (248) Uses existing telephone lines to provide high-speed connections distributed data processing system Computers that can perform processing tasks at their own Key Terms Page 2of 6 (258) dispersed locations. distributed processing (251) A system in which computing power is located and shared at different locations. domain name server (DNS) (250) Converts text-based addresses to IP addresses Ethernet (253) The most common way in which nodes can be connected to one another and communications can be controlled. external modem (247) A modem that stands apart from the computer and typically is connected by a cable to the computer’s serial port. extranet (262) A private network that connects more than one organization. fiber-optic cable (244) Transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. firewall (263) A security system designed to protect an organization’s network against external threats. global positioning system (GPS) (245) Global positioning system (GPS) devices use location information sent by satellites to uniquely determine the geographic location of the device. hierarchical network (258) Consists of several computers linked to a central host computer, but also are hosts to other, smaller computers or peripheral devices. home network (254) Local Area Networks used by individuals in their homes and apartments. host computer (251) A large centralized computer, usually a minicomputer or a mainframe. hub (251) The center or central node for other nodes. infrared (245) A type of wireless connection that uses infrared light waves to communicate over short distances. internal modem (248) A modem that consists of a plug-in circuit board inside the system unit. intranet (262) A private network within an organization that resembles the Internet. IP address (Internet Protocol address) (250) A unique numeric address for every computer on a network. local area network (LAN) (253) Networks with nodes that are in close physical proximity low bandwidth (250) Used for standard telephone communication. (see also voiceband) medium band (250) the bandwidth used in special leased lines to connect minicomputers and mainframes metropolitan area network (MAN) (254) A network that span distances up to 100 miles. microwave (245) A type of communication uses high-frequency radio waves. modem (247) Modulator-demodulator, enables digital microcomputers to communicate across analog telephone lines. modulation (247) The process of converting from digital to analog. network administrator (251, 264) A computer specialist responsible for efficient network operations and implementation of new networks. network gateway (253) A device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to larger networks. network hub (255) A central unit in a network, such as a server. Key Terms Page 3of 6 network interface card (NIC) (251) Expansion cards located within the system unit that connect the computer to a network network operating system (NOS) (251) An operating system that control and coordinate the activities of all computers and other devices on a network. node (251) Any device that is connected to a network. packet (250) Data reformatted or broken down into small parts PC Card modem (248) A modem that is a credit card –size expansion board that is inserted into portable computers peer-to-peer network system (261) A network system where nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers. polling (255) A type of communications where each connecting device is asked whether it has a message to send. protocol (250) Rules for exchanging data between computers proxy server (263) A computer through which all communications between the company’s internal n etworks and the outside world must pass. ring network (258) Each device is connected to two other devices, forming a ring with no central computer satellite (245) A type of communication that uses satellites orbiting about 22,000 miles above the earth as microwave relay stations. satellite/air connection service (249) Use satellites and the air to download or send data to users at a rate seven times faster than dial-up connections. server (251) A node that shares resources with other nodes. star network (255) A number of small computers or peripheral devices are linked to a central unit. strategy (260) A way of coordinating the sharing of information and resources T1, T2, T3, T4 lines (248) Special high-speed lines leased from telephone companies. telephone line (244) A type of cable that uses 2, 4, or 8 pairs of copper wire. terminal network (260) A network system where processing power is centralized in one large computer, usually a mainframe. time-sharing system (258) Several users can share resources (time) on a central computer. topology (255) How a network is arranged or configured transfer rate (247) The speed at which data can be transmitted Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (250) The standard protocol for the Internet voiceband (250) Used for standard telephone communication. (see also low bandwidth) wide area network (WAN) (254) A countrywide or worldwide network that spans distances greater than 100 miles. Wi-FI (wireless fidelity) (245) A wireless standard used to connect computers to each other and to the Internet. wireless LAN (WLAN) (254) Local area network that uses wireless devices to connect nodes together. wireless modem (248) A modem that may be internal, external, or a PC Card sends and receives through the air. wireless receiver (254) A network’s centrally located receiver that interprets incoming radio frequencies and routes communications to the appropriate devices. (see also base station) Crossword Puzzle Answers:AcrossNum. Clue Answer 5 Interprets and routs incoming radio frequencies. Base station7 Continuous electronic waves. Analog9 Configuration of a network. topology10 Network interface card. NIC11 Transfer speed or transfer rate. bps12 Short range wireless communication standard. bluetooth14 Measurement of the width of the communication channel. bandwidth DownNum. Clue Answer 1 Node that requests and uses resources available from other nodes. client 2 Each device in the network handles its own communications. Bus network 3 Device that allows links between LANs. Network gateway 4 Process that converts digital to analog. modulation6 Pieces of a message sent over the Internet. packets8 Global positioning system. GPS13 Any device that is connected to a network. node15 Uses existing telephone lines to provide high-speed connections. DSL 16 Central node for other nodes. hubNum Multiple ChoiceAnswers Matching Answers1 C G 2 B B 3 A A 4 D I 5 C H 6 D E 7 B C 8 B J 9 B D 10 D F Open Ended Questions:to another 2.Identify and describe the various physical and wireless communication channels.PhysicalTelephone lines - consist of twisted-pair cable made up of hundreds of copper wires. Coaxial cable- a high-frequency transmission cable with a single solid-copper core. Fiber-optic cable - transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass. WirelessInfrared - uses infrared light waves to communicate over short distances. Broadcast radio sends and receive radio signals through transceivers. Microwave - uses high-frequency radio waves. Satellite - uses satellites orbiting above the earth as microwave relay stations. 3.Identify the standard Internet protocol and discuss its essential features.The standard protocol for the Internet is TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol). Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called an IP address. Information is reformatted or broken down into small parts called packets. 4.Define and discuss the four principal network topologies.S tar network - a number of small computers or peripheral devices are linked to a central unit. Bus network - each device in the network handles its own communications control. Ring network - each device is connected to two other devices, forming a ring. Hierarchical network— consists of several computers linked to a central host computer, and also hosts to other, smaller computers or to peripheral devices. 5.Define and discuss the three most common network strategies.Terminal network system,- processing power is centralized in one large computer, usually a mainframe. - use one computer to coordinate and supply services to other Client/server network systems - use one computer to coordinate and supply services to other nodes on the network. Peer-to-peer network system, nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers. Answers to End of Chapter materials Page 5 of 6 Focus Applying Technology Expanding YourKnowledgeWriting AboutTechnologyEthical Electronic Monitoring Digital Rights Management Web Tools Palm How Napster and Gnutella Work Software Tools Home Networking Distributed Computing How Wireless Home Networks Work Hotspots Writing Skills Ethical focusWriting About Technology exercise #1 Electronic Monitoring explores the FBI Carnivore monitoring system and how it affects personal privacy. Writing About Technology exercise #2 Digital Rights Management explores the issue of sharing copyrighted material over the Internet and how it affects software piracy. Applying Technology exercise #3 Palm explores how Palms work with the Internet and looks at the types of information are available. Expanding Your Knowledge #2 How Napster and Gnutella Work looks at the different types of network architectures employed by each program and their efficiencies. Applying Technology exercise #1 Home Networking works with the Making it Work for you section in exploring the different types of home networking and how to configure Applying Technology exercise #2 Distributed Computing has the students research the concept of distributed computing, how it works, and why it is beneficial. Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #1 How Wireless Home Networks Work has the students discover basic features and functionalities of home networking and how they can Expanding Your Knowledge exercise #3 Hotspots has the student explore the technology of public Internet access and what is necessary to use it. 。
AREA: Artificial Intelligence and Related SubjectsRank 1:AAAI: American Association for AI National ConferenceCVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern RecognitionECCV: European Conference on Computer VisionIJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AIICCV: Intl Conf on Computer VisionICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningKDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningKR: Intl Conf on Principles of KR & ReasoningNIPS: Neural Information Processing SystemsUAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AIICAA: International Conference on Autonomous AgentsACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics) Rank 2:NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACLAID: Intl Conf on AI in DesignAI-ED: World Conference on AI in EducationCAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and PatternsCSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual ConferenceEAI: European Conf on AIEML: European Conf on Machine LearningGP: Genetic Programming ConferenceIAAI: Innovative Applications in AIICIP: Intl Conf on Image ProcessingICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural NetworksICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern RecognitionICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AIAMAI: Artificial Intelligence and MathsDAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis SystemsWACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer VisionCOLING: International Conference on Computational LiguisticsEMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingEACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational Lingustics CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningRank 3:PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AIAAI: Australian National Conf on AIACCV: Asian Conference on Computer VisionAI*IA: Congress of the Italian Assoc for AIANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in EngineeringANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. SystemsCAIA: Conf on AI for ApplicationsCAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence ConferenceASADM: Chicago ASA Data Mining Conf: A Hard Look at DMEPIA: Portuguese Conference on Artificial IntelligenceFCKAML: French Conf on Know. Acquisition & Machine LearningICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural NetworksICCB: International Conference on Case-Based ReasoningICGA: International Conference on Genetic AlgorithmsICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information ProcessingIEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert SysICMS: International Conference on Multiagent SystemsICPS: International conference on Planning SystemsIWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art & Natural Neural NetworksPACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert SystemsSCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical IntelligenceSPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent SystemPAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data MiningSMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and CyberneticsPAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery & Data MiningWCNN: The World Congress on Neural NetworksWCES: World Congress on Expert SystemsINBS: IEEE Intl Symp on Intell. in Neural \& Bio SystemsASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft ComputingPACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation ICCC: International Conference on Chinese ComputingICADL: International Conference on Asian Digital LibrariesRANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingNLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim SymposiumOthers:ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and AutomationNNSP: Neural Networks for Signal ProcessingICASSP: IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SPGCCCE: Global Chinese Conference on Computers in EducationICAI: Intl Conf on Artificial IntelligenceAEN: IASTED Intl Conf on AI, Exp Sys & Neural NetworksWMSCI: World Multiconfs on Sys, Cybernetics & InformaticsLREC: Language Resources and Evaluation ConferenceAREA: Hardware and ArchitectureRank 1:ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OSISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureICCAD: Intl Conf on Computer-Aided DesignDAC: Design Automation ConfMICRO: Intl Symp on MicroarchitectureHPCA: IEEE Symp on High-Perf Comp ArchitectureRank 2:FCCM: IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines SUPER: ACM/IEEE Supercomputing ConferenceICS: Intl Conf on SupercomputingISSCC: IEEE Intl Solid-State Circuits ConfHCS: Hot Chips SympVLSI: IEEE Symp VLSI CircuitsISSS: International Symposium on System SynthesisDATE: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe ConferenceRank 3:ICA3PP: Algs and Archs for Parall ProcEuroMICRO: New Frontiers of Information TechnologyACS: Australian Supercomputing ConfUnranked:Advanced Research in VLSIInternational Symposium on System SynthesisInternational Symposium on Computer DesignInternational Symposium on Circuits and SystemsAsia Pacific Design Automation ConferenceInternational Symposium on Physical DesignInternational Conference on VLSI DesignAREA: ApplicationsRank 1:I3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D GraphicsSIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceACM-MM: ACM Multimedia ConferenceDCC: Data Compression ConfSIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelling of Comp SysSIGIR: ACM SIGIR Conf on Information RetrievalPECCS: IFIP Intl Conf on Perf Eval of Comp \& Comm SysWWW: World-Wide Web ConferenceRank 2:EUROGRAPH: European Graphics ConferenceCGI: Computer Graphics InternationalCANIM: Computer AnimationPG: Pacific GraphicsNOSSDAV: Network and OS Support for Digital A/VPADS: ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel \& Dist Simulation WSC: Winter Simulation ConferenceASS: IEEE Annual Simulation SymposiumMASCOTS: Symp Model Analysis \& Sim of Comp \& Telecom Sys PT: Perf Tools - Intl Conf on Model Tech \& Tools for CPENetStore: Network Storage SymposiumMMCN: ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and NetworkingJCDL: Joint Conference on Digital LibrariesRank 3:ACM-HPC: ACM Hypertext ConfMMM: Multimedia ModellingICME: Intl Conf on MMedia & ExpoDSS: Distributed Simulation SymposiumSCSC: Summer Computer Simulation ConferenceWCSS: World Congress on Systems SimulationESS: European Simulation SymposiumESM: European Simulation MulticonferenceHPCN: High-Performance Computing and NetworkingGeometry Modeling and ProcessingWISEDS-RT: Distributed Simulation and Real-time ApplicationsIEEE Intl Wshop on Dist Int Simul and Real-Time ApplicationsECIR: European Colloquium on Information RetrievalUn-ranked:DVAT: IS\&T/SPIE Conf on Dig Video Compression Alg \& Tech MME: IEEE Intl Conf. on Multimedia in EducationICMSO: Intl Conf on Modelling, Simulation and OptimisationICMS: IASTED Intl Conf on Modelling and SimulationAREA: System Technology (Including networking and security)Rank 1:SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & Apps SPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and ArchitecturePODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingPPoPP: Principles and Practice of Parallel ProgrammingMassPar: Symp on Frontiers of Massively Parallel ProcRTSS: Real Time Systems SympSOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS PrinciplesOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and ImplementationCCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecurityS&P (Oakland): IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyMOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and NetworkingMOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and ComputingICNP: Intl Conf on Network ProtocolsOPENARCH: IEEE Conf on Open Arch and Network ProgPACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and Compil TechINFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm SocRank 2:USENIX Symp on Internet Tech and SysCC: Compiler ConstructionIPDPS: Intl Parallel and Dist Processing SympMOBISYS: International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services SenSys: ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor SystemsICPP: Intl Conf on Parallel ProcessingICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp SystemsSRDS: Symp on Reliable Distributed SystemsMPPOI: Massively Par Proc Using Opt InterconnsASAP: Intl Conf on Apps for Specific Array ProcessorsEuro-Par: European Conf. on Parallel ComputingUsenix Security SymposiumNDSS: ISOC Network and Distributed System Security SymposiumESORICS: European Symposium on Research in Computer SecurityRAID: International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion DetectionDSN: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and NetworksACSAC: Annual Computer Security Applications ConferenceWCW: Web Caching WorkshopLCN: IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer NetworksIPCCC: IEEE Intl Phoenix Conf on Comp & CommunicationsCCC: Cluster Computing ConferenceICC: Intl Conf on CommWCNC: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceIPSN: International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor NetworksIPTPS: Annual International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer SystemsCSFW: IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopRank 3:MPCS: Intl. Conf. on Massively Parallel Computing SystemsGLOBECOM: Global CommIMC: Internet Measurement ConferenceIC3N: Intl Conf on Comp Comm and NetworksICCC: Intl Conf on Comp CommunicationNOMS: IEEE Network Operations and Management SympCONPAR: Intl Conf on Vector and Parallel ProcessingVAPP: Vector and Parallel ProcessingICPADS: Intl Conf. on Parallel and Distributed SystemsPublic Key CryptosystemsFast Software EncryptionSecureComm: Int. Conf on Security and Privacy for Emerging Areas in Communication NetworksAsiaCCS: ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security ACNS: International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network SecurityAnnual Workshop on Selected Areas in CryptographyAustralasia Conference on Information Security and PrivacyInt. Conf on Inofrm and Comm. SecurityFinancial CryptographyWorkshop on Information HidingSmart Card Research and Advanced Application ConferenceICON: Intl Conf on NetworksIMSA: Intl Conf on Internet and MMedia SysNCC: Nat Conf CommIN: IEEE Intell Network WorkshopSoftcomm: Conf on Software in Tcomms and Comp NetworksINET: Internet Society ConfWorkshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerceEEE: IEEE Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (Suggested by Roy Grønmo. Thanks)Un-ranked:PARCO: Parallel ComputingSE: Intl Conf on Systems EngineeringAREA: Programming Languages and Software EngineeringRank 1:POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of Prog LangsPLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Prog Lang Design & ImplOOPSLA: OO Prog Systems, Langs and ApplicationsICFP: Intl Conf on Function ProgrammingJICSLP/ICLP/ILPS: (Joint) Intl Conf/Symp on Logic ProgICSE: Intl Conf on Software EngineeringFSE: ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc: ESEC-FSE when held jointly)FM/FME: Formal Methods, World Congress/EuropeCAV: Computer Aided VerificationRank 2:CP: Intl Conf on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgTACAS: Tools and Algos for the Const and An of SystemsESOP: European Conf on ProgrammingICCL: IEEE Intl Conf on Computer LanguagesPEPM: Symp on Partial Evalutation and Prog ManipulationSAS: Static Analysis SymposiumRTA: Rewriting Techniques and ApplicationsESEC: European Software Engineering ConfIWSSD: Intl Workshop on S/W Spec & DesignCAiSE: Intl Conf on Advanced Info System EngineeringITC: IEEE Intl Test ConfIWCASE: Intl Workshop on Cumpter-Aided Software EngSSR: ACM SIGSOFT Working Conf on Software ReusabilitySEKE: Intl Conf on S/E and Knowledge EngineeringICSR: IEEE Intl Conf on Software ReuseASE: Automated Software Engineering ConferencePADL: Practical Aspects of Declarative LanguagesISRE: Requirements EngineeringICECCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Eng. of Complex Computer SystemsIEEE Intl Conf on Formal Engineering MethodsIntl Conf on Integrated Formal MethodsFOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Comp StructRank 3:FASE: Fund Appr to Soft EngAPSEC: Asia-Pacific S/E ConfPAP/PACT: Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint TechALP: Intl Conf on Algebraic and Logic ProgrammingPLILP: Prog, Lang Implentation & Logic ProgrammingLOPSTR: Intl Workshop on Logic Prog Synthesis & TransfICCC: Intl Conf on Compiler ConstructionCOMPSAC: Intl. Computer S/W and Applications ConfCSM: Conf on Software MaintenanceTAPSOFT: Intl Joint Conf on Theory & Pract of S/W DevWCRE: SIGSOFT Working Conf on Reverse EngineeringAQSDT: Symp on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev ToolsIFIP Intl Conf on Open Distributed ProcessingIntl Conf of Z UsersIFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification,Testing, And VerificatiPSI (Ershov conference)UML: International Conference on the Unified Modeling LanguageEDOC: IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing (Suggested by Roy Grønmo.)Un-ranked:Australian Software Engineering ConferenceIEEE Int. W'shop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Sys. (WORDS)IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems EngineeringThe Northern Formal Methods WorkshopsFormal Methods PacificInt. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical SystemsJFPLC - International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint ProgrammingL&L - Workshop on Logic and LearningSFP - Scottish Functional Programming WorkshopHASKELL - Haskell WorkshopLCCS - International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer ScienceVLFM - Visual Languages and Formal MethodsNASA LaRC Formal Methods Workshop(1) FATES - A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software(1) Workshop On Java For High-Performance Computing(1) DSLSE - Domain-Specific Languages for Software Engineering(1) FTJP - Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs(*) WFLP - International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (*) FOOL - International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented L anguages (*) SREIS - Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Sec urity(*) HLPP - International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications (*) INAP - International Conference on Applications of Prolog(*) MPOOL - Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages(*) PADO - Symposium on Programs as Data Objects(*) TOOLS: Int'l Conf Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems(*) Australasian Conference on Parallel And Real-Time SystemsAREA: Algorithms and TheoryRank 1:STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of ComputingFOCS: IEEE Symp on Foundations of Computer ScienceCOLT: Computational Learning TheoryLICS: IEEE Symp on Logic in Computer ScienceSCG: ACM Symp on Computational GeometrySODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete AlgorithmsSPAA: ACM Symp on Parallel Algorithms and ArchitecturesPODC: ACM Symp on Principles of Distributed ComputingISSAC: Intl. Symp on Symbolic and Algebraic ComputationCRYPTO: Advances in CryptologyEUROCRYPT: European Conf on CryptographyRank 2:CONCUR: International Conference on Concurrency TheoryICALP: Intl Colloquium on Automata, Languages and ProgSTACS: Symp on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceCC: IEEE Symp on Computational ComplexityWADS: Workshop on Algorithms and Data StructuresMFCS: Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceSWAT: Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm TheoryESA: European Symp on AlgorithmsIPCO: MPS Conf on integer programming & comb optimization LFCS: Logical Foundations of Computer ScienceALT: Algorithmic Learning TheoryEUROCOLT: European Conf on Learning TheoryWDAG: Workshop on Distributed AlgorithmsISTCS: Israel Symp on Theory of Computing and SystemsISAAC: Intl Symp on Algorithms and ComputationFST&TCS: Foundations of S/W Tech & Theoretical CSLATIN: Intl Symp on Latin American Theoretical Informatics RECOMB: Annual Intl Conf on Comp Molecular BiologyCADE: Conf on Automated DeductionIEEEIT: IEEE Symposium on Information TheoryAsiacryptRank 3:MEGA: Methods Effectives en Geometrie AlgebriqueASIAN: Asian Computing Science ConfCCCG: Canadian Conf on Computational GeometryFCT: Fundamentals of Computation TheoryWG: Workshop on Graph TheoryCIAC: Italian Conf on Algorithms and ComplexityICCI: Advances in Computing and InformationAWTI: Argentine Workshop on Theoretical InformaticsCATS: The Australian Theory SympCOCOON: Annual Intl Computing and Combinatorics ConfUMC: Unconventional Models of ComputationMCU: Universal Machines and ComputationsGD: Graph DrawingSIROCCO: Structural Info & Communication ComplexityALEX: Algorithms and ExperimentsALG: ENGG Workshop on Algorithm EngineeringLPMA: Intl Workshop on Logic Programming and Multi-AgentsEWLR: European Workshop on Learning RobotsCITB: Complexity & info-theoretic approaches to biologyFTP: Intl Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving (FTP)CSL: Annual Conf on Computer Science Logic (CSL)AAAAECC: Conf On Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algms & ECCDMTCS: Intl Conf on Disc Math and TCSUn-ranked:Information Theory WorkshopAREA: Data BasesRank 1:SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of DataPODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principles of DB SystemsVLDB: Very Large Data BasesICDE: Intl Conf on Data EngineeringICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryRank 2:SSD: Intl Symp on Large Spatial DatabasesDEXA: Database and Expert System ApplicationsFODO: Intl Conf on Foundation on Data OrganizationEDBT: Extending DB TechnologyDOOD: Deductive and Object-Oriented DatabasesDASFAA: Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsCIKM: Intl. Conf on Information and Knowledge ManagementSSDBM: Intl Conf on Scientific and Statistical DB MgmtCoopIS - Conference on Cooperative Information SystemsER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling (ER)Rank 3:COMAD: Intl Conf on Management of DataBNCOD: British National Conference on DatabasesADC: Australasian Database ConferenceADBIS: Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems DaWaK - Data Warehousing and Knowledge DiscoveryRIDE WorkshopIFIP-DS: IFIP-DS ConferenceIFIP-DBSEC - IFIP Workshop on Database SecurityNGDB: Intl Symp on Next Generation DB Systems and AppsADTI: Intl Symp on Advanced DB Technologies and IntegrationFEWFDB: Far East Workshop on Future DB SystemsMDM - Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM) ICDM - IEEE International Conference on Data MiningVDB - Visual Database SystemsIDEAS - International Database Engineering and Application SymposiumOthers:ARTDB - Active and Real-Time Database SystemsCODAS: Intl Symp on Cooperative DB Systems for Adv AppsDBPL - Workshop on Database Programming LanguagesEFIS/EFDBS - Engineering Federated Information (Database) SystemsKRDB - Knowledge Representation Meets DatabasesNDB - National Database Conference (China)NLDB - Applications of Natural Language to Data BasesKDDMBD - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases Meeting FQAS - Flexible Query-Answering SystemsIDC(W) - International Database Conference (HK CS)RTDB - Workshop on Real-Time DatabasesSBBD: Brazilian Symposium on DatabasesWebDB - International Workshop on the Web and DatabasesWAIM: Interational Conference on Web Age Information Management(1) DASWIS - Data Semantics in Web Information Systems(1) DMDW - Design and Management of Data Warehouses(1) DOLAP - International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP(1) DMKD - Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery(1) KDEX - Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop(1) NRDM - Workshop on Network-Related Data Management(1) MobiDE - Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access(1) MDDS - Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems(1) MEWS - Mining for Enhanced Web Search(1) TAKMA - Theory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagement(1) WIDM: International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management(1) W2GIS - International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems* CDB - Constraint Databases and Applications* DTVE - Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual Enterprises* IWDOM - International Workshop on Distributed Object Management* IW-MMDBMS - Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management Systems* OODBS - Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems* PDIS: Parallel and Distributed Information SystemsAREA: MiscellaneousRank 1:Rank 2:AMIA: American Medical Informatics Annual Fall SymposiumDNA: Meeting on DNA Based ComputersRank 3:MEDINFO: World Congress on Medical InformaticsInternational Conference on Sequences and their ApplicationsECAIM: European Conf on AI in MedicineAPAMI: Asia Pacific Assoc for Medical Informatics ConfSAC: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied ComputingICSC: Internal Computer Science ConferenceISCIS: Intl Symp on Computer and Information SciencesICSC2: International Computer Symposium ConferenceICCE: Intl Conf on Comps in EduEd-MediaWCC: World Computing CongressPATAT: Practice and Theory of Automated TimetablingNot Encouraged (NO INTENTION TO OFFEND THESE ORGANIZERS):International Multiconferences in Computer ScienceSCI: World Multi confs on systemics, sybernetics and informaticsSSGRR: International conf on Advances in Infrastructure for e-B, e-Edu and e-Science and e-MedicineIASTED conferences。
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三、《Science China《》杂志CSCD核心期刊SCI核心期刊Science China(Information Sciences)月刊,邮发代码:80-210,创刊时间于2001年。
Rank ISSN Abbreviated Journal Title32150718-915X REV CONSTR32790733-9445J STRUCT ENG45331016-8664STRUCT ENG INT61851464-4177STRUCT CONCRETE80941940-1493J BUILD PERFORM SIMU 32760733-9402J ENERG ENG32810733-947X J TRANSP ENG28680350-2465GRADEVINAR32800733-9453J SURV ENG32820733-9488J URBAN PLAN DEV 50751076-0342J INFRASTRUCT SYST 54611226-7988KSCE J CIV ENG59651392-3730J CIV ENG MANAG63931478-4629P I CIVIL ENG-ENG SU 73661735-0522INT J CIV ENG85572228-6160IJST-T CIV ENG2270005-6650BAUINGENIEUR-GERMANY 4570013-8029ENG J AISC12790038-9145STAHLBAU14160049-4488TRANSPORTATION17320141-0296ENG STRUCT17800143-974X J CONSTR STEEL RES 19560167-4730STRUCT SAF19660167-6105J WIND ENG IND AEROD 21340191-2615TRANSPORT RES B-METH 21880197-6729J ADV TRANSPORT23960263-8231THIN WALL STRUCT 27910315-1468CAN J CIVIL ENG30640378-7788ENERG BUILDINGS31660553-6626PERIOD POLYTECH-CIV 35310885-7024CIVIL ENG35490886-7798TUNN UNDERGR SP TECH 35570887-3801J COMPUT CIVIL ENG 35590887-3828J PERFORM CONSTR FAC 36550893-1321J AEROSPACE ENG38980926-5805AUTOMAT CONSTR39730932-8351BAUTECHNIK43280965-089X P I CIVIL ENG-CIV EN 43290965-0903P I CIVIL ENG-MUNIC 43300965-0911P I CIVIL ENG-STR B 43310965-092X P I CIVIL ENG-TRANSP 45571021-2019J S AFR INST CIV ENG 46231028-6608CIV ENG ENVIRON SYST 51571084-0702J BRIDGE ENG52461093-9687COMPUT-AIDED CIV INF 54591226-6116WIND STRUCT55411300-3453TEK DERGI58091366-5545TRANSPORT RES E-LOG 58351369-4332ADV STRUCT ENG 66921541-7794STRUCT DES TALL SPEC 68741558-3058INT J ARCHIT HERIT 70521598-2351INT J STEEL STRUCT 77671822-427X BALT J ROAD BRIDGE E 2390006-3207BIOL CONSERV 4620013-9157ENVIRONMENT 11300032-2474POLAR REC13850045-6535CHEMOSPHERE 14010047-2425J ENVIRON QUAL 14120048-9697SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 16270098-8472ENVIRON EXP BOT 17230140-1963J ARID ENVIRON 18600160-4120ENVIRON INT 19090165-0009CLIMATIC CHANGE 19110165-0203NAT RESOUR FORUM 19680167-6369ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS 24160265-931X J ENVIRON RADIOACTIV 24710269-7491ENVIRON POLLUT 25330275-7540CHEM ECOL25480277-5212WETLANDS26550301-4797J ENVIRON MANAGE 29430364-152X ENVIRON MANAGE 30210376-8929ENVIRON CONSERV 31210393-5965AEROBIOLOGIA 34250791-7945BIOL ENVIRON 35850888-8892CONSERV BIOL 36220890-8575NAT RESOUR MODEL 36410892-0753COAST MANAGE 38340921-8009ECOL ECON40500944-1344ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R 42080957-4352INT J ENVIRON POLLUT 42320959-3330ENVIRON TECHNOL 42330959-3780GLOBAL ENVIRON CHANG 42630960-3115BIODIVERS CONSERV 44561001-0742J ENVIRON SCI-CHINA 44651002-0063CHINESE GEOGR SCI 45431018-4619FRESEN ENVIRON BULL 47731051-0761ECOL APPL49411064-3389CRIT REV ENV SCI TEC 51231080-7039HUM ECOL RISK ASSESS 51861088-1980J IND ECOL54761230-1485POL J ENVIRON STUD 55761311-5065J ENVIRON PROT ECOL 57091352-2310ATMOS ENVIRON 57201354-1013GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL 60811436-3798REG ENVIRON CHANGE 60941438-4957J MATER CYCLES WASTE 62351470-160X ECOL INDIC64731522-6514INT J PHYTOREMEDIAT65331527-5922ENVIRON FORENSICS 66791540-9295FRONT ECOL ENVIRON 67121543-5938ANNU REV ENV RESOUR 70271582-9596ENVIRON ENG MANAG J 70981612-9202ECOHEALTH71631648-6897J ENVIRON ENG LANDSC 72261672-6316J MT SCI-ENGL 73721735-1472INT J ENVIRON SCI TE 75291748-9326ENVIRON RES LETT 77191790-7632GLOBAL NEST J 77901842-4090CARPATH J EARTH ENV 78211862-4065SUSTAIN SCI 79731898-6196ECOL CHEM ENG SFull TitleRevista de la ConstrucciónJOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGStructural Engineering InternationalStructural ConcreteJournal of Building Performance SimulationJOURNAL OF ENERGY ENGINEERINGJOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERINGGRADEVINARJOURNAL OF SURVEYING ENGINEERINGJOURNAL OF URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTJOURNAL OF INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMSKSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERINGJOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENTPROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-ENGINEERING SUSTAINA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERINGIranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engine BauingenieurENGINEERING JOURNAL-AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION INC StahlbauTRANSPORTATIONENGINEERING STRUCTURESJOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCHSTRUCTURAL SAFETYJOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICALJOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATIONTHIN-WALLED STRUCTURESCANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERINGENERGY AND BUILDINGSPeriodica Polytechnica-Civil EngineeringCIVIL ENGINEERINGTUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGYJOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERINGJOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIESJOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERINGAUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTIONBautechnikPROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-CIVIL ENGINEERING PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-MUNICIPAL ENGINEER PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-STRUCTURES AND BUILD PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORTJournal of the South African Institution of Civil EngineeringCIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMSJournal of Bridge EngineeringCOMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERINGWIND AND STRUCTURESTeknik DergiTRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGSTRUCTURAL DESIGN OF TALL AND SPECIAL BUILDINGSInternational Journal of Architectural HeritageInternational Journal of Steel StructuresBaltic Journal of Road and Bridge EngineeringBIOLOGICAL CONSERVATIONENVIRONMENTPOLAR RECORDCHEMOSPHEREJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANYJOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTSENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONALCLIMATIC CHANGENATURAL RESOURCES FORUMENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENTJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITYENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONCHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGYWETLANDSJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIONAEROBIOLOGIABIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT-PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY CONSERVATION BIOLOGYNATURAL RESOURCE MODELINGCOASTAL MANAGEMENTECOLOGICAL ECONOMICSENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCHINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGYGLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATIONJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINAChinese Geographical ScienceFRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETINECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONSCRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYHUMAN AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENTJOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGYPOLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIESJournal of Environmental Protection and EcologyATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENTGLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGYRegional Environmental ChangeJournal of Material Cycles and Waste ManagementECOLOGICAL INDICATORSINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATIONENVIRONMENTAL FORENSICSFRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENTANNUAL REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCESEnvironmental Engineering and Management JournalECOHEALTHJournal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape ManagementJournal of Mountain ScienceInternational Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Environmental Research LettersGlobal NEST JournalCarpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental SciencesSustainability ScienceEcological Chemistry and Engineering S-Chemia I Inzynieria EkologicznaCategory Subcategory CountryCONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, CIVIL CHILE CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, CIVIL UNITED STATES CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, CIVIL SWITZERLAND CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING, CIVIL GERMANY CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ENGLAND ENERGY & FUELS ENGINEERING, CIVIL UNITED STATES ENGINEERING, CIVIL TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UNITED STATES ENGINEERING, CIVIL CROATIA ENGINEERING, CIVIL UNITED STATES ENGINEERING, CIVIL UNITED STATES ENGINEERING, CIVIL UNITED STATES ENGINEERING, CIVIL SOUTH KOREA ENGINEERING, CIVIL LITHUANIA ENGINEERING, CIVIL ENGLAND ENGINEERING, CIVIL IRAN ENGINEERING, CIVIL IRAN工程技术工程:土木GERMANY工程技术工程:土木UNITED STATES 工程技术工程:土木GERMANY工程技术工程:土木NETHERLANDS 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1.984 1137 1.739 1.466 1.179 1.298 1.936 1.321 1.2174080.5620.7320.6520.7680.6810.529 1.077 62057.4418.4127.6159.1138.820 6.922 5.065 2122 5.892 5.056 4.968 6.419 3.737 3.657 4.667 1268 1.065 1.258 1.117 1.004 1.4350.8850.000 1164 2.451 2.267 2.196 1.702 1.640 2.089 2.315 2090.6230.732 1.041 1.958 1.333 1.5080.000 6110.9630.7630.664 1.0000.6320.4000.000 1680 2.190 1.794 1.844 3.051 3.157 1.4170.000 4998 3.906 4.090 3.582 3.631 3.049 3.342 1.719 4790.4680.6600.6980.5360.4500.5650.000 2810.6300.727 1.495 1.450 1.5790.6060.286 568 3.119 3.372 2.1890.886 1.222 1.6510.000 2190.5530.5580.3820.4230.2940.6150.000IF 2007-20085-YearImpactFactorImmediacyIndexArticlesCitedHalf-LifeEigenfactor ScoreArticleInfluenceScoreJCR-2014收录中科院JCR大类学科0.0000.1870.000150.000090.040收录工程:土木0.000 1.9110.316225>10.00.010860.842收录工程:土木0.0000.0000.018577.70.000940.000收录工程:土木0.000 1.1230.15751 3.90.001040.537收录工程:土木0.000 2.1750.65529 3.50.001100.608收录结构与建筑技术0.000 1.2880.15645 6.00.000430.227收录工程:土木0.000 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4.6970.6723057.90.04415 1.686收录环境科学1.2932.2610.312168.50.001440.985收录环境科学0.4150.7350.05040>10.00.000600.233收录环境科学2.7393.8540.5719237.40.067030.934收录环境科学0.000 2.9720.703212>10.00.015000.881收录环境科学2.1824.4140.9211751 6.30.07020 1.126收录环境科学1.810 3.746 1.068148 6.60.010680.901收录环境科学1.3492.0560.3281318.70.009520.627收录环境科学2.797 6.657 1.047254 6.50.02300 1.784收录环境科学2.890 4.6100.6702737.00.03837 1.916收录环境科学0.709 1.4830.042249.30.001000.525收录环境科学0.885 1.9180.229695 5.20.022160.441收录环境科学0.963 2.3220.309259 6.90.007560.560收录环境科学3.1354.7550.9914417.00.04408 1.213收录环境科学0.475 1.1690.13865 6.80.001240.258收录环境科学0.973 1.9190.3071278.70.005000.581收录环境科学1.446 3.8950.470396 5.30.03805 1.059收录环境科学1.2402.3400.3791959.30.011310.737收录环境科学1.1433.0840.14734>10.00.00342 1.125收录环境科学0.944 1.5560.237389.00.001200.383收录环境科学0.0200.7310.000258.70.000280.169收录环境科学3.934 5.1990.935168>10.00.02382 2.065收录环境科学0.3830.9910.000258.50.000810.438收录环境科学0.911 1.213 1.345297.80.000940.339收录环境科学1.549 3.9290.3392397.10.02571 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5.60.003070.828收录环境科学0.0000.7850.03132 4.80.000400.144收录环境科学0.000 1.1110.083132 4.30.001370.238收录环境科学0.000 2.4910.300227 4.30.003460.480收录环境科学1.200 4.4190.563327 3.10.02683 1.825收录环境科学0.0000.7100.18953 6.30.000810.184收录环境科学0.0000.7420.130100 3.00.000530.102收录环境科学0.0002.9140.444363.80.001370.674收录环境科学0.0000.6710.082494.70.000450.132收录环境科学中科院JCR 大类分区IF升降SCI收录本土期刊包含港澳Logo 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基于功能保持的特征金字塔目标检测网络徐成琪1,2,3 洪学海1,4摘 要 针对特征金字塔网络在多尺度与小目标检测上的问题,提出基于功能保持的特征金字塔目标检测网络.首先在主网络中选择特征图构建特征金字塔,针对不同尺度的特征图,通过功能保持融合模块自上而下地进行低损失的特征融合.功能保持融合模块有效保留高层的强语义信息,增强底层特征图对小目标的表示能力.再利用网络两个阶段的特征描述目标,提升检测精度.最后,充分利用上下文信息进一步增强对多尺度目标的判别能力.在PASCAL VOC公共数据集上的实验表明,文中网络检测效果较优.同时,通过检测效果图可看出,文中网络在目标遮挡㊁模糊等情况下的检测效果也较优.关键词 功能保持,特征融合,二阶段检测,特征金字塔网络引用格式 徐成琪,洪学海.基于功能保持的特征金字塔目标检测网络.模式识别与人工智能,2020,33(6):507-517.DOI 10.16451/ki.issn1003⁃6059.202006004中图法分类号 TP391.41Feature Pyramid Object Detection NetworkBased on Function MaintenanceXU Chengqi1,2,3,HONG Xuehai1,4ABSTRACT To solve the problem of feature pyramid network in multi⁃scale and small object detection,a feature pyramid object detection network based on function maintenance is proposed.Firstly, feature maps are selected in the backbone convolutional architecture to build feature pyramid.For these feature maps of different scales,feature fusion with low loss is carried out from top to bottom using function maintenance fusion module.The strong high⁃level semantic information is maintained more effectively,and the representation ability for small object of low⁃level feature maps is greatly enhanced. The detection precision is improved by two⁃stage features of the proposed network to describe the objects. Finally,context information is fully utilized to further enhance the ability to distinguish multi⁃scale object.Experiments on PASCAL VOC public dataset show that the detection result of the proposed network is satisfactory.Moreover,the proposed network achieves better results in the case of object occlusion and blur as well.收稿日期:2020-01-08;录用日期:2020-06-17 Manuscript received January8,2020; accepted June17,2020国家重点研发计划项目(No.2016YFC1401706)㊁江西省重点研发计划项目(No.S2019ZPYFB0553)资助Supported by National Key R&D Program of China(No.2016YF C1401706),Key R&D Program of Jiangxi Province(No.S2019Z PYFB0553)本文责任编委兰旭光Recommended by Associate Editor LAN Xuguang1.中国科学院计算技术研究所信息技术战略研究中心 北京1001902.中国科学院大学计算机科学与技术学院 北京1000493.上饶市中科院云计算中心大数据研究院研发中心 上饶3340004.中国科学院计算机网络信息中心信息化发展战略与评估中心 北京1001901.Strategy Research Center of Information Technology,Institute of Computing Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing1001902.School of Computer Science and Technology,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing1000493.R&D Center,Institute of Big Data,Cloud Computing Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shangrao3340004.Center of Information Development Strategy and Evaluation, Computer Network Information Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100190第33卷 第6期模式识别与人工智能Vol.33 No.6 2020年6月Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Jun. 2020Key Words Function Maintenance,Feature Fusion,Two⁃Stage Detection,Feature Pyramid Network Citation XU C Q,HONG X H.Feature Pyramid Object Detection Network Based on Function Mainte⁃nance.Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2020,33(6):507-517. 近些年,基于深度学习的图像目标检测算法通过卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)进行目标检测,大幅提升检测精度.基于深度学习的目标检测算法依据结构差异主要分为基于回归的检测算法和基于区域建议的检测算法.基于回归的目标检测算法主要有基于单级式的目标检测算法(You Only Look Once,YOLO)[1-3]㊁单步检测器(Single Shot Detector,SSD)[4]㊁视网膜检测网络(RetinaNet)[5]㊁单步精炼目标检测网络(Single⁃Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection, RefineDet)[6]等.该类型算法主要通过主网络提取的特征进行一次回归与多分类计算,得到结果.基于区域建议的检测算法主要有基于区域的卷积神经网络(Region⁃Based CNN,R⁃CNN)[7]㊁空间金字塔池化网络(Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks,SPPNET)[8]㊁快速的基于区域的卷积神经网络(Fast Region Based CNN,Fast⁃RCNN)[9]㊁更快的基于区域的卷积神经网络(Faster Region Based CNN,Faster⁃RCNN)[10]㊁基于区域的全卷积网络(Region⁃Based Fully Convolutional Networks, R⁃FCN)[11]㊁特征金字塔网络(Feature Pyramid Net⁃works,FPN)[12]等.该类型算法分两个阶段进行检测.第一阶段主要负责对图像中提取的特征进行粗略回归与简单的二分类,得到一系列建议区域(Proposal).第二阶段主要利用第一阶段检测得到的proposal框进行进一步的回归与分类计算,得到结果.目前,学者们提出很多其它优秀的目标检测算法[13-21].然而,上述算法针对目标多尺度变化的问题更多地依赖于初始锚框(Anchor)的尺度和比例变化,不能较好地解决目标检测中尺度变化的问题.目前,针对多尺度目标检测的算法也有很多.其中图像金字塔的方法能大幅提升多尺度目标检测的精度,主要是因为在图像金字塔中产生的多个分辨率的特征图都具有较强的语义信息,对小目标的表示能力也较强.图像金字塔的尺度归一化方法(Scale Normalization for Image Pyramid,SNIP)[22-23]在图像金字塔中寻找合适大小尺度的目标进行训练,然而图像金字塔需要耗费大量的计算量和计算时间,不具有实用价值.另一种多尺度目标检测方法是充分利用CNN中产生的多个大小不同的特征图.其中像超网络(HyperNet)[24]和内外网络(Inside⁃Outside Net,ION)[25]等组合不同层次的特征图,产生特征更丰富㊁表示能力更强的特征图,用于检测,缓解多尺度问题.SSD和多尺度卷积神经网络(Multi⁃scale CNN, MS⁃RCNN)[26]等选取主网络中相应的不同分辨率的特征层,构建特征金字塔.SSD利用6层大小不同的特征图检测尺度不同的目标,因为每层特征图具有不同大小的感受野,不同尺度的目标可以选择与之大小匹配的相应感受野的特征图进行检测,所以在一定程度上提升多尺度目标检测的性能.然而SSD的底层特征图具有的语义信息较弱,对小目标的表示能力不足,影响检测精度.为了增强底层特征的语义信息,FPN利用一个自上而下的连接将高层特征不断传至底层进行融合,增强小目标检测的精度,有效提升多尺度目标检测的性能.然而,FPN存在特征融合过程损失较大和单阶段特征描述不足等问题.针对上述问题,本文提出基于功能保持的特征金字塔目标检测网络(Feature Pyramid Object Detec⁃tion Network Based on Function Maintenance, FMFPD),有效增强特征金字塔中每层的语义特征.相比目前主流的目标检测算法,该模型更有效地解决尺度变化的问题,尤其是小目标检测的问题,大幅提升检测精度,同时在目标遮挡㊁模糊等情况下依然具有较优的检测性能.1 基于功能保持的特征金字塔目标检测网络在目标检测中,传统的检测算法只在CNN中的某一层进行检测,而单层特征具有的感受野和语义等信息较有限,不适合多尺度的目标检测.FPN提出利用特征融合的特征金字塔网络,网络结构如图1所示.该结构虽然在一定程度上缓解多尺度检测的问题,但在特征融合的过程中,FPN大量流失高层的强语义特征,使传至低层特征图中的语义信息较弱,对多尺度与小目标的表示能力不足.同时,FPN作为基于区域建议的检测算法,都是在融合后的特征图上进行两个阶段的检测,对多尺度目标的描述特征805模式识别与人工智能(PR&AI) 第33卷不充足.FPN 对多尺度目标检测还缺乏上下文信息.因此,FPN 在多尺度目标检测中存在不足,尤其是小目标检测.图1 FPN 网络结构Fig.1 Structure of FPN基于FPN,本文设计功能保持的特征融合模块,有效减少高层语义信息的流失,增强多尺度与小目标的表示能力.并将网络两个阶段的特征分别用于两个阶段的检测,增强对多尺度目标的描述.最后,设计上下文感知模块,增加多尺度目标的上下文信息.FMFPD 有效提升对多尺度与小目标的检测效果和检测精度.1.1 网络结构设计FMFPD 网络的目标是利用CNN 的内在层次结构,自然构建一个每层都具有较强语义信息的特征金字塔,近似图像金字塔的检测效果.FMFPD 是一个全卷积网络,主干网络采用ResNet101[27],整个检测网络结构如图2所示.ResNet图2 FMFPD 结构图Fig.2 Structure of FMFPD由图2可见,与FPN 特征金字塔检测网络类似,都包含一个自下而上的连接㊁一个自上而下的连接和横向连接.在FPN 的基础上,FMFPD 主要设计功能保持特征融合模块(Function Maintenance Fusion Module,FMFM),自上而下低损失地融合不同层的特征.设计尺度可适应性区域建议网络(Scale Adaptive Region Proposal Network,SARPN),动态分配不同尺度的建议区域(Proposal)到不同的二阶段特征图,用于进一步检测.然后,FMFPD 在一阶段特征图上生成proposal,在二阶段特征图上进一步精炼检测结果,充分利用两个阶段的特征描述目标.最后,设计上下文感知模块(Context⁃Aware Module),辅助网络动态获取相应目标的上下文特征.为了将不同层特征图之间的感受野差距拉大,在主干网络ResNet101中每个卷积层的卷积步长都设为2,因此不同卷积层中的特征图大小都各不相同,而在每个卷积层内的特征图大小都相同.首先选择每层中的最后一个特征图构建主网络的特征金字塔,表示为集合C ={C 2,C 3,C 4,C 5,C 6}.主网络中深层特征具有较好的语义信息,表示能力较强.在FPN 中,为了方便融合,传统的特征融合方法首先将主网络特征金字塔C 中的每个特征图都进行1×1的卷积,通道数都压缩到和最底层特征图C 2通道数一样的256维.再将高层特征图上采样到和低层特征图相同的分辨率,融合两者,自上而下地产生每层的特征图,得到融合后的特征金字塔.最后为了防止混叠效应,在得到的每个特征图上还会加入一个3×3的卷积.然而,研究发现,在该融合过程中,针对每层特征图不断的压缩操作使每层的信息会有所流失,尤其是高层特征图信息流失严重,使传到底层特征图中的语义信息较弱,对多尺度目标尤其是小目标的表示能力不足.统计发现,网络传到最底层特征图上进行检测的proposal 数量超过总量的一半,因此,底层小目标的检测精度直接影响网络整体的检测性能.为了解决这一问题,本文提出FMFM 模块,进行不同特征图之间的融合,网络结构如图3所示.首先通过上采样操作将上一层特征图扩大到和本层特征图具有相同分辨率的大小.再利用3×3的卷积核将得到的特征图的通道数C 仅压缩一半,使高层的强语义信息流失较少,并且上层传出的特征图和本层特征图的尺度与通道数都相同,方便后续融合操作.本文也尝试其它大小的卷积核,相比3×3的卷积核,较小的1×1卷积核使精度有所下降,而较大的5×5卷积核对检测精度几乎没有提升,反而增加较多的计算量,因此,FMFM 选择3×3大小的卷905第6期 徐成琪等:基于功能保持的特征金字塔目标检测网络积核.针对横向连接传来的特征图,FMFM 不压缩它们的通道数.得到两个方向传出的特征图之后,通过element⁃wise 相加操作融合两层的特征图,得到本层特征图.图3 FMFM 结构图Fig.3 Structure of FMFM同时,为了防止这种机械化融合带来的性能瓶颈问题,提出动态融合的方法(Dynamic Fusion,DF),分别对自上而下的特征图和横向的特征图赋予权重,通过神经网络自学习每层的权重w i 和1-w i ,有选择性地保留高层提供的有效特征.最后在模块内部通过一个3×3的卷积防止上采样融合的混叠效应.该模块不仅保持本层特征图较多的信息,同时也保持上层特征图较多的信息,增强底层特征图对小目标的表示能力.同时,为了使每层的参数能得到更多的训练,也为了减小模型的复杂度,FMFPD 在一阶段区域建议网络(Region Proposal Network,RPN)检测和二阶段检测都采用共享卷积.因此,将所有得到的特征图再进行3×3㊁通道数为256的卷积,得到最终融合后的特征图,组成融合后的特征金字塔,将其表示为集合P ={P 2,P 3,P 4,P 5}.需要注意的是,FMFM 在最顶层没有纵向传来的特征图,在最底层不用纵向传出.FMFM 模块的流程表示如下:P i =a (f 3n (C i )(C i )),P i +1为空a (f 3n (P i+1)/2(w i a (f 3n (P i+1)/2(U (P i +1)))⊕(1-w i )C i )),{其它其中,C i 表示主网络特征金字塔中第i 层的特征图,P i 表示融合后的特征金字塔中第i 层的特征图,n 函数表示求特征图的通道数,f 3n 表示执行卷积核为3×3㊁通道数为n 的卷积操作,U 表示上采样操作,⊕表示element⁃wise 的相加操作,w i表示特征融合时上层特征图权值,1-w i 表示特征融合时本层特征图的权值,a 表示激活函数.为了直观验证本模块的有效性,依次将原图㊁原始特征图相应的热力图㊁加入FPN 或FMFM 模块之后的热力图分别可视化后进行对比,如图4所示.(a)原图(b)原始热力图(a)Original image(b)Original heatmap(c)FPN 热力图(d)FMFM 热力图(c)Heatmap of FPN(d)Heatmap of FMFM图4 不同方法的热力图Fig.4 Heatmap by different methods015模式识别与人工智能(PR&AI) 第33卷由图4可以看出,融入FMFM 模块之后相应层的热力图对多尺度与小目标的激活区域更准确.同时,在二阶段检测时,去除特征金字塔P 中的P 6层,主要是因为特征图太小,二阶段检测过程中大部分感兴趣区域(Region of Interest,ROI)在P 6上采样的特征点太少,因此P 6只用于在一阶段的特征图中部署最大尺度的初始锚框(Anchor).最后,将得到的融合后的特征图分别用于两个阶段的检测.FMFPD 继续沿用FPN 中的ROI 分配策略,并重新封装成SARPN 模块,使每层能采样的ROI 特征点尽可能均匀,并且使极大㊁极小ROI 也能得到分配.特征图分配策略如下:k =æèççæèççmax min ⌊log æèçç2wh öø÷÷56+2」,öø÷÷2,öø÷÷5,其中,w 表示ROI 区域的宽度,h 表示ROI 区域的高度.因为二阶段网络只有4层,即第2层至第5层,因此,将所有的ROI 全都分配到不同的层上,极大㊁极小ROI 框分别分配到最高层和最低层,最终得到的k 即为相应ROI 映射的层索引.图5为SARPN 结构图.由图可看出,网络将ROI 分成大小不同的4个集合,分别为(0,1122),[1122,2242),[2242,4482),[4482,+∞).分别传至P 2,P 3,P 4,P 5层上进一步检测,使大部分ROI 在特征金字塔P 上能采样较充分的特征点.P图5 SARPN 结构图Fig.5 Structure of SARPN从图2中FMFPD 网络结构可看出,本文网络具有两个阶段的特征金字塔C 和P .RefineDet [6]指出一个优秀的检测算法应具有3个优点:两个阶段的分类㊁两个阶段的回归和两个阶段的特征.因此,为了更充分地描述目标,在FMFPD 中尝试充分利用两个阶段的特征图进行两个阶段的检测.在特征金字塔C 上构建相应的RPN 网络,在特征融合后的金字塔P 上执行感兴趣区域池化(ROIpooling)操作.由图2也可看出,在一阶段的特征图上生成proposal 框,并传至二阶段的特征图上进行进一步检测,充分利用C ㊁P 两个阶段的特征.最后构建和Fast⁃RCNN一样的两个全连接层,用于对所有的ROI 进行进一步分类和回归.实验表明,相比单阶段特征图,FMFPD 采用两个阶段的特征金字塔描述目标,进一步提高检测精度.在一些复杂情况下,即使拥有再有效的网络也较难准确检测目标.如图6所示,若单独把红色矩形框区域取出送给网络进行检测判断,网络可能无法检测目标或判断错误.即使拥有再优秀的分类器,在小目标特征不充足的情况下,也很难做出正确判断.图6 包含小目标的图像Fig.6 Image containing small objects但是,受人类视觉的启发,若利用目标周围的上下文信息进行辅助判断,可缓解小目标检测的问题.例如图6中红色矩形框区域周围的区域是绿色的草地,可以初步判断该目标可能是羊或牛等一些动物,再根据较大一点的上下文信息可知,在该目标附近已经有一些较大的目标被识别为羊,因此该小目标可以以较高的置信度判断为羊.由此可看出,上下文信息对于检测多尺度目标等复杂场景的重要性,可引入相应目标的上下文信息,辅助检测网络对小目标的判断,甚至一些其它具有挑战性的复杂目标.本文利用3个大小不同的卷积核动态获取相应目标的上下文信息.它引导网络根据不同的场景自发激活相应区域的语义特征,因此是一个自学习的过程.将上下文感知模块插入基于功能保持的特征金字塔网络的检测头部,辅助其对多尺度目标的判断,进一步提升目标检测的性能.该模块的网络结构如图7所示.同时,为了节省参数量,FMFPD 使用2个3×3的卷积核代替一个5×5的卷积核.最终得到二阶段检测特征图.因此,该模块的操作表示如下:F i =f 3(f 3(P i ))+f 3(P i )+f 1(P i ),其中,P i 表示第i 层传来的特征图,f x 表示卷积核大小为x 的卷积操作,+表示沿通道维度的拼接操作,F i 表示得到的特征图.115第6期 徐成琪等:基于功能保持的特征金字塔目标检测网络图7 上下文感知模块结构Fig.7 Structure of context⁃aware module1.2 联合优化网络在构建整个检测网络之后,为了使网络能够端到端地进行学习,采用联合损失函数训练网络:L=L rpn+λL refine,其中,λ=1.总的损失分别包含RPN阶段损失和二阶段精炼过程的损失.两个阶段的损失又包含分类损失和回归损失,在RPN阶段网络需要对所有anchor进行分配标签,将anchor分成正样本有如下两条准则,满足一条即可:1)如果一个anchor和任意一个真实框(Ground⁃Truth)之间的交并比(Intersection over Union,IoU)超过0.7,分为正样本.2)如果一个真实框和某一个anchor拥有最高的IoU,分为正样本.如果一个anchor和所有的真实框之间的IoU都小于0.3,分为负样本.而那些未分配标签的anchor 设为无关样本,不参与网络的训练过程.因此,网络RPN阶段的损失可定义为L rpn=1N(L cls+αL loc),其中,L cls表示二分类损失,L loc表示回归损失,α表示回归损失的权重,α=1.分类损失L cls为针对两个类别的交叉熵损失:L cls=∑Ni=1L cross_entropy(c i,x i).其中:N表示选择的样本数量,这里默认设为256,和Faster⁃RCNN一样,为了解决正负样本不均衡问题,网络会随机选择128个正样本,若无足够的正样本,剩下的使用负样本填充;i表示anchor的索引;c i表示网络预测第i个anchor包含目标的概率;x i表示第i个anchor的真实标签,若是正样本,为1,若是负样本,为0;L cross_entropy表示交叉熵损失函数.回归损失L loc定义为预测框和真实框之间的光滑L1(smooth L1)损失,通过对真实框的中心点坐标的偏移量和宽高的偏移量进行编码,分别通过预测框的中心点偏移量(cx,xy)和宽高偏移量(w,h)计算smooth L1损失:L loc=∑Ni∈Pos∑m∈{cx,cy,w,h}x i smooth L1(l m i-^g m i), ^g cxi=g cx i-d cx id w i,^g cy i=g cy i-d cy i d hi,^g wi=æèççln g w i döø÷÷wi,^g h i=æèççln g h i döø÷÷hi,其中,l m i表示第i个anchor对应预测框的中心点偏移量和宽高偏移量,^g m i表示第i个anchor匹配的ground⁃truth的中心点偏移量和宽高偏移量,g m i表示该ground⁃truth的实际中心点坐标和实际宽高值,d m i 表示第i个anchor的实际中心点坐标和实际宽高值.二阶段的损失函数L refine与RPN阶段类似.首先也需要对所有一阶段RPN传来的proposal分配标签,分配原则和RPN类似,这一阶段如果一个proposal和任意一个真实框之间的IoU超过0.5,即定义为正样本,并且如果一个真实框与一个proposal拥有最高的IoU,也定义为正样本,剩下的所有proposal都定义为负样本.二阶段检测的损失函数为L refine=1N(L′cls+αL′loc),其中N表示样本数量.回归损失L′loc和RPN阶段类似,只针对正样本的proposal计算回归损失.而二阶段的分类损失是多分类的情况,损失计算如下: L′cls=-∑Ni∈Pos∑Mk=1x k i ln(c k i)-∑N i∈Neg x0i ln(c0i).其中:x k i表示第i个proposal框是否属于第k类,如果属于,x k i=1,否则,x k i=0,如果它属于负样本,x0i=1;c k i表示网络预测的第i个proposal属于第k类的概率;c0i表示第i个proposal属于负样本的概率;N表示所有的proposal的数量;M表示所有类别数.1.3 网络的训练策略FMFPD的训练策略与传统目标检测算法相似,利用在ImageNet[28]上预训练好的ResNet101网络作为主干网络,而针对网络的其它层,卷积层都采用均值为0㊁方差为0.01的正态分布进行初始化,全连接层采用均值为0㊁方差为0.001的正态分布进行初始化.为了和传统的目标检测算法进行公平对比, FMFPD未采用难样本挖掘(Online Hard Example Mining,OHEM)[29]㊁焦点的损失(Focal Loss)㊁多尺215模式识别与人工智能(PR&AI) 第33卷度训练(Multi⁃scale Training,MST)等训练技巧.为了解决正负样本不平衡问题,网络在RPN阶段和Faster⁃RCNN一样,先随机选择256个样本,使正负样本比例约为1∶1,若正样本数量少于128个,剩下的使用负样本填充.网络在前60000轮学习率为0.001,60000~80000轮之间学习率为0.0001, 80000轮之后学习率为0.00001.FMFPD在Centos 7.4系统下基于Tensorflow深度学习框架完成训练和测试过程.本文采用的优化算法为基于动量的随机梯度下降法,它在参数更新时会在一定程度上保留之前的更新方向,使梯度更稳定,学习更快.基于动量的随机梯度下降算法的参数更新过程如下:v t=γv t-1+aÑθJ(θ),θ=θ-v t.其中:γ=0.9,为动量因子;a为学习率,本文在这里前60000轮迭代时设为0.001,60000~80000时设为0.0001,80000轮之后设为0.00001.使用动量的梯度下降法会使最终梯度的方向受到前面每个梯度的影响,所以最终也会朝着最优的方向前进,梯度受噪音影响较小.2 实验及结果分析本文实验环境为Intel(R)Xeon(R)E5⁃2620v4 2.10GHz CPU,24GB内存,NVIDIA Geforce GTX⁃1080Ti,64位操作系统.开发语言使用Tensorflow.实验采用PASCAL VOC数据集,数据集包含20个类别,训练数据采用PASCAL VOC2007trainval和PASCAL VOC2012trainval,测试集采用PASCAL VOC2007test.选择当前一系列性能较优的目标检测算法作为对比算法,共有如下3类算法.1)单阶段(One⁃Stage)检测算法.包括YOLOv2 (YOLO Version2,YOLOv2)[2]㊁SSD[4]㊁RefineDet[6]㊁RefineDet512[6]㊁反向连接与目标先验网络(Re⁃verse Connection with Objectness Prior Networks, RON)[30]㊁反卷积的单步检测器(Deconvolutional SSD,DSSD)[31]㊁深度监督的目标检测器(Deeply Supervised Object Detector,DSOD)[32]㊁基于混合模型的目标检测器(Mixture⁃Model⁃Based Object Detector,MMOD)[33].2)尺度敏感(Scale⁃Aware)检测算法.包括FPN[12]㊁HyperNet[24]㊁ION[25]㊁特征融合的单步检测器(SSD with Feature Fusion,F⁃SSD)[34]㊁特征融合和注意力机制的单步检测器(SSD with Feature Fu⁃sion and Attention Module,FA⁃SSD)[34]㊁多尺度的深度特征学习网络(Multi⁃scale Deep Feature Lear⁃ning Network I1,MDFN⁃I1)[35].3)两阶段(Two⁃Stage)检测算法.包括Faster⁃RCNN[10]㊁R⁃FCN[11]㊁多区域的卷积神经网络(Multi⁃region CNN,MR⁃CNN)[36]㊁高级的层弱化特征融合网络(Advanced Layer⁃Weakening Feature Fu⁃sion Network,Advanced LFFN)[37]㊁嵌接的更快的基于区域的卷积神经网络(Scarf Faster⁃RCNN)[38].评价指标包含每秒处理的帧数(Frame per Second,FPS)㊁每个类别的平均精度(Average Precision,AP)㊁平均精度均值(mean AP,mAP).实验结果如表1所示.由表1可看出,FMFPD的mAP值最高,比Faster⁃RCNN提高10.4%,比R⁃FCN提高7%,比MR⁃CNN 提高5.4%,比F⁃SSD提高4.8%,比RefineDet512提高1.8%.同时,FMFPD的FPS是在GTX⁃1080Ti上进行测试的,可以看出基本上和two⁃stage检测算法速度相近.表1 各算法在PASCAL VOC2007test数据集上的检测结果Table1 Detection results of different algorithms on PASCAL VOC2007test dataset算法输入图像大小FPS mAP/%RON384384×3841575.4SSD512512×5121976.8DSOD300300×30017.477.7YOLOv2544×5444078.6DSSD321321×3219.578.6RefineDet300300×30040.380.0RefineDet512512×51224.181.8MMOD512512×51234.182.6HyperNet1000×6000.8876.3ION1000×600 1.2576.5FPN1000×6009.280.3F⁃SSD300×30038.178.8FA⁃SSD300×3003078.1MDFN⁃I1500×5003979.3Faster⁃RCNN1000×600773.2OHEM1000×600774.6R⁃FCN1000×600976.6MR⁃CNN1000×6000.0378.2Advanced LFFN450×450480.7 Scarf Faster⁃RCNN833×50013.882.3FMFPD1000×600 4.183.6315第6期 徐成琪等:基于功能保持的特征金字塔目标检测网络针对本文的基线算法FPN 来说,FMFPD 的mAP 提高3.3%,显著提升检测精度.因为FMFPD充分融合特征金字塔高层的强语义信息,大幅增强底层特征图的表示能力,大幅提升在检测小目标上的精度.同时,FMFM 模块更有效地保留每层特征图的语义信息,增强多尺度目标的表示能力,并且动态融合方法可防止传统融合方法过于机械化的问题.充分利用两个阶段的特征,进一步提升网络的检测精度.而且,上下文感知模块可动态利用相应目标的上下文信息,增强对一些复杂目标的判断与识别能力.因此网络的检测效果明显优于FPN.为了更进一步观察FMFPD 与FPN 的性能差异,将FMFPD 与FPN 在PASCAL VOC2007test 数据集上针对每个类别的检测结果进行对比.对比结果如表2所示,由表可看出,FMFPD 在某些尺度较小的物体上提升显著,例如bird㊁cow㊁sheep㊁bike㊁plant㊁tv 等,部分目标AP 的提升已超过4%.由此可看出FMFPD 检测性能较优.表2 FMFPD 和FPN 的检测性能详细对比Table 2 Detailed comparison of detection performance between FMFPD and FPN%算法训练集aero bike bird boat bottle buscarcat chair cow table dog horse mbike person plant sheep sofa traintvmAPFPN PASCAL VOC 2007+201284.082.984.169.970. VOC 2007+201287.988.087.374.871.491.291.593.765.289.877.695.092.484.187.454.286.382.686.884.383.6 同时,统计所有样本的检测结果,绘制算法的精确率-召回率(Precision⁃Recall,PR)曲线.图8为FMFPD 和FPN 的PR 曲线对比,由图可明显看出,FMFPD 的检测性能优于FPN.图8 FMFPD 与FPN 的PR 曲线对比Fig.8 PR curve comparison between FMFPD and FPN为了证明不同模块在FMFPD 中的有效性,通过消融实验在PASCAL VOC2007test 数据集上对它们分别进行评估.具体来说,为了公平对比,全部使用相同的参数设置,并且全部都在PASCAL VOC2007trainval㊁PASCAL VOC2012trainval 数据集上训练,在PASCAL VOC2007test 数据集上进行测试.实验结果如表3所示.由表可看出,在FMFPD 中,每个模块对于网络的检测精度均有一定贡献,尤其是功能保持融合模块,通过融合高层强语义信息可大幅增强多尺度与小目标检测的精度.表3 网络各个模块的有效性Table 3 Effectiveness of each module of network %FMFM SARPNTwo stage feature Context⁃awareDFmAP80.3 81.6 82.1 82.683.283.6同时,为了更清晰直观地观察每个模块的有效性,本文将每个模块带来的精度提升使用PR 曲线表示.图9对比融入不同模块对应的PR 曲线,由图可直观看到,每个模块均能提升网络的检测精度.图9 FMFPD 融入不同模块后对应的PR 曲线Fig.9 PR curves of FMFPD fusing different modules415模式识别与人工智能(PR&AI) 第33卷。
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课程来源: 课程来源:本课程的开设得到了美国EMC公司、VMware 公司以及Intel公司的支持,课程课件的主要部分由这三 个公司提供。本课程也是2009年度的“教育部-Intel精品 课程”,课程的建设得到了Intel公司的支持。 授课教师:罗英伟、汪小林 授课教师: Email:{lyw, wxl}@ 地址:理科1号楼1335 电话:62767883 上课时间: 上课时间:周二3~4节 上课地点:三教107 上课地点:
了解应对业务连续性需求的存储技术解决方案 了解数据中心的监测、管理的原理、方法与实现 了解系统虚拟化技术的原理、应用及发展情况
课程主要内容(1) 课程主要内容(
第一章 信息管理的复杂性
满足现代需求的数据存储(Meeting Today’s Data Storage Needs) 数据存储的解决方案(Data Storage Solutions) 数据中心的基础构架(Data Center Infrastructure)
本课程由罗英伟、汪小林两位老师共同承担,前三章(共5次课)由 罗英伟老师担任;后五章(共10次课)由汪小林老师担任。
EMC Education Services, Information Storage and Management, Wiley Publishing Inc., 2009. (信息存储与管理:数字信息的存储、管理与保护,罗英伟等译, 信息存储与管理:数字信息的存储、管理与保护,罗英伟等译, 人民邮电出版社, 人民邮电出版社,2009) ) 周敬利、余胜生 等 编著,网络存储原理余技术,清华大学出版社,2005.9. 赵文辉、徐俊、周加林、李晨,网络存储技术,清华大学出版社,2005.3。 David Chisnall, The Definitive Guide to the Xen Hypervisor, Prentice Hall, 2007。 James E. Smith, Ravi Nair, Virtual Machines, Versatile Platforms for Systems and Processes, 电子工业出版社, 2006。『《虚拟机 『《虚拟机 系统与进程的通用平台》 『《虚拟机——系统与进程的通用平台》 系统与进程的通用平台 James E. Smith, Ravi Nair 著,安虹等译,机械工业初版社,2009。』 安虹等译,机械工业初版社, 。 金海等著,计算系统虚拟化——原理与应用,清华大学出版社,2008。 石磊、邹德清、金海,Xen虚拟化技术,华中科技大学出版社,2009。 “虚拟化与云计算”小组著,虚拟化与云计算,电子工业出版社,2009。 Intel开源软件技术中心、复旦大学并行处理研究所著,系统虚拟化——原理与 实现,清华大学出版社,2009。
Why This Course
动态构建 动态部署 相互隔离 动态资源调整 容错支持:在线备份、Checkpoint 资源调度与绿色计算:在线迁移、服务器融合
主要的虚拟化产品:VMware、Xen、KVM 主要的虚拟化产品: 、 、 虚拟化与数据中心 虚拟化与云计算: 虚拟化与云计算:IaaS
本课程从上课时间从第1周至第16周,共15次课,2011年 12月27日(周二)上午8:30~10:30考试。
第一章 2课时(1次课:9.6) 第二章 2课时(1次课:9.13) 第三章 4课时(2次课:9.20、9.27) 课堂讨论一 2课时(1次课:10.11) 第四章 4课时(2次课:10.18、10.25) 第五章 2课时(1次课:11.1) 第六章 2课时(1次课:11.8) 第七章 6课时(3次课:11.15、11.22、11.29 ) 第八章 2课时(1次课:12.6) 课堂讨论二2课时(1次课:12.13) 期终复习(1次课:12.20)
第四章 业务连续性
业务连续性概述(Business Continuity Overview) 备份与恢复(Backup and Recovery) 业务连续性:本地复制(Business Continuity: Local Replication) 业务连续性:远程复制(Business Continuity: Remote Replication)
考核方式 && 课程网站及助教
考核方式 书面作业7次:20%(2012年1月1日之前提交) 2次课堂讨论及报告:40% 期终考试:40%(2011年12月27日考试) 课程网站及助教 课程网站:/course/svt/ 助教:李雁章
数据处理——网络传输 网络传输——数据处理 数据处理 网络传输 数据处理 计算中心——数据中心 数据中心 计算中心
现代信息管理面临信息量大、管理成本居高不下等诸多 挑战。本课程从信息管理的复杂性与现实需求出发,介 绍了满足现代信息管理需求的存储技术和系统虚拟化技 术基础知识,从而使同学们对存储和虚拟化有一个相对 全面的了解。 了解现代信息管理的复杂度与需求 了解存储系统的基本结构 了解网络存储应用于不同环境的构架
第三章 网络存储概述
直连存储(Direct Attached Storage,DAS) 网络附加存储(Network Attached Storage,NAS) 光纤存储局域网络(Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks,SAN) IP存储局域网(IP Storage Area Networks,IP SAN) 内容寻址存储(Content Addressed Storage,CAS)
虚拟机监控层VMM 虚拟机监控层
Why This Course 虚拟化的复兴
虚拟化是将底层物理设备与上层操作系统、 虚拟化是将底层物理设备与上层操作系统、软件 是将底层物理设备与上层操作系统 分离的一种去耦合 去耦合技术 分离的一种去耦合技术 虚拟化的目标是实现 资源利用效率和灵活性 是实现IT资源利用效率和灵活性的 虚拟化的目标是实现 资源利用效率和灵活性的 最大化
主机环境(The Host Environment) 连接(Connectivity) 物理磁盘(Physical Disks) 磁盘阵列(Disk Arrays) 磁盘存储系统(Disk Storage Systems)
课程主要内容(2) 课程主要内容(
存储介质及其控制分析:磁带、光盘、磁盘、闪存 存储产品调查分析:DAS、NAS、FCSAN、IPSAN、CAS 存储产品厂商
IBM、EMC、HP、SUN、NetAppliance、Cisco 联想、浪潮、方正、……
课程主要内容(3) 课程主要内容(
数据中心的监测(Monitoring in the Data Center) 数据中心的管理(Managing in the Data Center)
系统虚拟化概述(System Virtualization Overview) 虚拟化技术标准(Standards for System Virtualization) 最新进展及趋势(Trends of System Virtualization)
课程主要内容(4) 课程主要内容(
CPU虚拟化(Virtualizing CPU) 内存虚拟化(Virtualizing Memory) I/O虚拟化(Virtualizing I/O Devices)
数据中心(Data Center) 虚拟机管理(Management of Virtual Machines) 虚拟机克隆及迁移(Clone and Migration of Virtual Machines)
Why This Course
按需适应的计算系统(操作环境) 按需适应的计算系统(操作环境):应用的运 行环境、测试与开发环境、遗产系统环境 安全的计算系统:不同安全级别的计算系统在 安全的计算系统 同一个物理主机上并存(Levels of Security), 控制信息只能从安全级别低的系统流向安全级 别高的系统 计算系统的备份与重构:本地计算环境构建, 计算系统的备份与重构 到处可用的个性化计算系统,Every Computer is My Computer ……
2~3人一组,自由选择及确定题目 提交一份调查报告15~30分钟
VMware实验及分析 Xen实验及分析 KVM实验及分析
安装及基本使用 性能测试(不同的Benchmark) 虚拟化平台修改 虚拟机管理
hobliyanzhang@ 理科1号楼1336
SINA:全球网络存储工业协会(Storage Network Industry Association) 海量存储标工委:中国电子工业标准化技术协会海量存储标准工作委员会( 2009年8月成立)
Network Storage and System Virtualization Technology
北京大学信息科学技术学院 网络与信息系统研究所 系统虚拟化及空间信息技术实验室()
Why This Course