2300Ft过远台,换近台,Flaps20° V80Kt,报告.
10 11
2000Ft,Flaps30° 开着陆灯,V65Kt,.
赛斯纳172R 直角航线
1800FT以上听ATC指 挥一转弯坡度20°
速度55节 抬前轮
高度2000FT,V100Kt三边宽 度0.6,保持目视跑道
记时12~15″,Flaps10°报告 进入三转弯,坡度30°
下降至高度2000FT 改平飞,V100Kt
能见跑道,保持高度,先左转80°再右转 80°至小航线三边,转弯坡度25°
坡度不大于30°Flaps20° V80Kt,五边检查
赛斯纳172R 标准起落航线
入口柔和收光油门 5~6米拉开始,0.75~1米拉平
高度2500ft改平 三边收油门2100 RPM
Downwind Leg
记时45~ 50″FLAPS10° 进入三转弯,V90KT
记时15~20″ XTK0.9二转弯
RB275°进入四转弯,高度 2800FT平飞,V100Kt
正切远台,记时,报告 保持V100Kt
5 4
高度3900ft改平 三边收油门2100 RPM
Cessna 172 Aircraft检查清单说明书
Wing/Region Tail#Make Cur TTAF Inspection Date S/N Model Cur Tach Time Insp Name Insp CAP ID Insp Phone #Cur Hobbs Time Date Last Annual Tach Time TTAF ADs Validated Current?Date Last 100Hr Tach Time TTAF Date ADs Validated Date Last Oil Chg Tach Time TTAF Date C/W:Date Due ELT Batt Exp Date Date C/W Date Due Date C/W Date Due Y / N / NA Y / N / NA EP:Revision in Acft Y / N / NA Y / N / NA CAPF 71, APR 22 Previous Edition Will Not Be Used OPR/ROUTING: LGM H.Is a legible fireproof ID plate secured to the aircraft fuselage exterior? (CAPR 130-2)P.Aircraft Shoulder Harnesses Installed? (CAPR 130-2)3.Aircraft Exterior Remarks C.Navigation / Position D.Flashing Beacon E.Cabin / Panel F.Instruments E."Not for Hire” Placard Displayed (CAPR 130-2)O.Survival Kit (CAPR 130-2)CAP Aircraft Inspection Checklist Aircraft/Inspector Information 4.Exterior And Interior Lighting For Proper Operation (CFR 91.209)Remarks1.Aircraft Logbooks / Records, POH, AIF & AMRAD J.Serviceable Fire Extinguisher / with gauge Installed (CAPR 130-2)K.Carbon Monoxide Detector – Serviceability, Dated? (CAPR 130-2)L.Cessna Secondary Seat Stop Installed (All Cessnas Prior to 1997)M.Cargo Tie-Down or Net Installed (CFR 91.525, CAPR 130-2)N.Does Aircraft Have All Assigned Software? (CAPR 130-2)A.Is Aircraft Properly Chocked, Tied Down and are Tie downs in good condition? (CAPR 130-2)B.Is aircraft clean? Note obvious Defects, Leaks, Corrosion, ? (Acft Serv Manual, CAPR 130-2)C.Condition of Prop – Nicks, Dents, Leaks, Corrosion, Prop Strike (Acft Service Manual)3)Operating Handbook (Airplane Flight Manual / POH) (Ref: CFR 91.9)4)Current Weight & Balance Data (Ref: Acft Flight Manual / POH)5)Avionics Guide - If applicable to avionics (Cockpit Reference Guide)H.Operating Limits / Placards Displayed (CFR 91.9)I.Avionics or Control Lock Installed (CAPR 130-2)D.Appropriate CAP decals on wings, doors and vertical stabilizer (CAPP 130-2)E.Brakes - No Leaks, Wear, Cracked Pads or Obvious Defects (Acft Service Manual)F.Tires for Proper Air Pressure and Serviceability (Acft Service Manual/STC, CAPR 130-2)nding / Taxi / Pulse lite B.Anti-Collision Strobe A.Mid Cycle/100-Hour/Annual (CFR 91.417, CAPR 130-2)Remarks G .Do AMRAD open discrepancies accurately reflect current status of the aircraft?I . Does aircraft have a complete set of logbooks since new?J . AIF -Current version -Correct -Accurate 1)Current Version of Contents (CAPR 70-1, 9.1.3 & CAPS 72-4)2)All of the sections of the AIF are current (CAPS 72-4)3)Red "Aircraft Grounded" Placard is in the AIF (CAPS 72-4)4)VOR & Fire Extinguisher forms (CAPR 130-2 & CAPS 72-4)5)AIF cover sheet matches most current insp data in logs and AMRAD E.Was a SOAP sample taken at the last 100-hour/annual oil and filter change? (CAPR 130-2)F.Is the engine oil press ure switch within the manufacturer's time change? (CAPR130-2)C.Corrosion Control (CAPR 130-2)D.Alt/Pitot-Static/Transponder (CFR 91.411 & 413)B.ELT Check (CFR 91-207)C.POH Required Revision D.Is interior clean? Note O bvious Defects, Leaks, Corrosion, and Condition of Interior?Remarks A.Required Documents in Aircraft 1)Airworthiness Certificate (Ref: CFR 91.203)G.Engine Cowling for Proper Fit / Fasteners Serviceable and Secure (Acft Service Manual)F."SEAT SLIP WARNING" Placard Displayed (CAPR 130-2)G."Remove Towbar Before Engine Start" Placard Displayed (CAPR 130-2)B.CAP- checklist date NP:K .Weight and Balance - Current weight & balance data in POH (original), copy in AIF and both match maintenance records (POH, AIF & Logbooks)2.Aircraft Interior H .Do AMRAD Aircraft Mx Data entries match logbooks?2)Registration (Ref: CFR 91.203)Equip TypeMake Model S/N VIRB Camera Mount Installed?Audio Panel 1Tow Hook Installed?Audio Panel 2FLIR Installed?Auto-PilotAERONET Installed?COM/GPS 1Vacuum System Installed?COM/GPS 2Airborne Repeater Capable?DFELTID EngineType FM RadioLT MagnetoID RT MagnetoType MFD 1MFD 2PropellerProp GovernorSat PhoneSat Phone DialerCAPF 71, APR 22 Previous Edition Will Not Be Used OPR/ROUTING: LGM5. Installed Aircraft EquipmentGarmin System ID & Type (if equipped)6.Misc Aircraft Information Garmin System ID & Type (if equipped)Instructions for the CAP Aircraft Inspection Checklist1.Aircraft Logbooks / Records, POH, AIF & AMRADItem A. Annotate Date C/W, TACH and TTAF for the last mid cycle, 100hr and annual inspections as recorded in aircraft logbooks. Annotate if ADs were certified current in the logbook at last annual and the date of this validation. Item B.ELT Inspection in logbook: annotate Date C/W, Date Due and Date ELT Battery Expires.Item C. Annotate last corrosion control entry from aircraft logbook and when next corrosion control is due.Item D. Annotate the Altimeter/Pitot-Static/Transponder inspection dates from the logbook.Items E-H. Use AMRAD, aircraft condition and aircraft logbooks to answer these questions.Item I. Ensure aircraft has a complete set of logbooks since aircraft was new. Item J. See AIF and CAPS 72-4Item K. Ensure the weight and balance data in POH (original copy), AIF/ Foreflight match the logbooks.2.Aircraft Interior.Items A.1&2) Airworthiness Certificate and Registration are normally kept in a pouch attached to the sidewall of the aircraft, they must be legible and registration must be current. Ensure they are for the aircraft being inspected.Items A.3&4) Ensure a handbook (POH or AFM) matching the aircraft’s make, model and year is in the aircraft and that it contains the current original copy of the aircraft weight and balance data.Item A.5) Ensure an avionics guide for G1000 or other applicable installed avionics is in aircraft.Item B. CAP-approved checklists are located online in eServices and must match POH revision. NP- Normal Procedures EP - Emergency ProceduresItem C. Enter current required revision of POH and revision of POH in aircraft. The required revision can be found athttps:///TechnicalPublications, create a free account, login, go to Publications>Tech Manual Search and enter the S/N of the aircraft in question and select “AFM/POH/POM” from the manual type dropdown. This will give you a list showing the current POH Revision that is required.Item D. Check for obvious defects, leaks, corrosion, cleanliness, and condition of interior.Items E, F, G, & H Placards: Not for Hire/ Seat Slippage Warning/Remove Towbar/Operating Limits.Item I. Avionics and Control Locks Installed if equipped.Item J. Ensure fire extinguisher is serviceable and properly serviced.Item K. Inspect detectors for serviceability (change of indicator color) and valid expiration date (12 months).Item L. Secondary Seat Stop Installed on the right side of the pilot's seat (All Cessna Aircraft, Prior to 1997 Models).Item M. Cargo Tie-down/Cargo Net: CFR 91.525 requires cargo to be properly secured by a safety belt or other tie-down method.Item N. Does aircraft have all assigned software available for use?Item O. Ensure a survival kit is present and accessible.Item P. Are aircraft shoulder harnesses installed (required on both front seats)?3.Aircraft Exterior.Item A. Ensure tiedowns (if required) meet the requirements in CAPR 130-2 and aircraft is secured per manufacturer’s recommendations.Item B. Check for obvious defects, leaks, corrosion, cleanliness, and condition of paint. Look closely for corrosion and missing or chipped paint.Item C. Inspect propeller for damage and leaks, paying particular attention to nicks and evidence of propeller strike. Also check for excessive rubbing marks between spinner and cowling.Item D. Ensure appropriate decals are installed on wings, doors and vertical stabilizer. See CAPP 130-2.Item E. Check brakes/lines/pads for leaks, wear, cracks, defects.Item F. Tire pressures meet POH/AFM/STC limits and must be within the tolerances established by the manufacturer. Tires must be serviceable IAW manufacturer’s wear limits. Item G. Check the cowling for proper fit and contour. Check the condition of the fasteners holding it in place.Item H. CFR 45-11 requires a fireproof plate that is etched, stamped, or engraved with the builder's name, model designation, and serial number. It must be secured to the exterior of the aircraft near the tail surfaces or adjacent or just aft of the rear-most entrance door. If the aircraft was manufactured before March 7, 1988, the plate can be attached to an accessible interior or exterior location near an entrance; however, the model designation and serial number must also be displayed on the aircraft fuselage exterior.4.Exterior and Interior Lighting for Proper Operation.Items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Check all lights for operation.5.Installed Aircraft Equipment. Record the make, model and S/N for each requested item from the logbook. If the item has not been replaced since the aircraft was new then it will not be in the logbook. DO NOT REMOVE THE ITEM TO CHECK THE SERIAL NUMBER. Check the make, model and S/N of each recorded item that is installed against the ORMS installed equipment list for this aircraft. Contact CAP/LGM to have discrepancies updated.6.Misc Aircraft Information. Inspect aircraft to see if each requested item is installed and indicate the aircraft’s condition in the space provided. Record the Garmin system ID (if applicable), if more than one type MFD is installed then both system IDs should be recorded I.E. G500 and a GTN650 in the same aircraft.Most of the items on the checklist are self-explanatory. The dates and times for the aircraft annual, 100-hour inspections, and oil changes should be in the aircraft logbooks. Tach times should be used to determine when maintenance actions are required and time change items are due replacement.POC for this checklist is CAP/LGM, Maxwell AFB AL, 334-953-9096.。
塞斯纳172标准操纵程序(SOP)——上之前有小伙伴要的超详细的C172 标准操纵程序(SOP)来了,仅供参考。
序言本章为 Cessna 172 NAV III 飞机单人制标准操作程序。
在飞行训练初期,学员可以借助 C172 NAV III QRH(快速参考手册)完成地面程序,但空中程序在熟练后靠记忆来完成。
注:正常检查单(C/L)不是操作检查单(do list),应完成动作或检查再读检查单,很明显,读出检查单时如还没有获得满意的状态应作修正操作。
无论是否带飞,学员在执行前必须喊出明确口令,例如:左转航向 217,上升高度 900,高度 900 改平飞,襟翼 10 度,换通讯频率123.6,调高度表 1010,开着陆灯等。
• 目前在飞行过程中发生的气门卡阻现象均在一个汽缸发生,如果一架 飞机 有两个汽缸同时发生气门卡阻,发动机 极有可能停止工作。同 时我院两次(7934、 7944)在飞行中因气门卡阻而导致推杆弯曲, 出现滑油泄漏的飞机,都在短时间内安全着陆,一旦故障发生在离机 场较远的空域时,发动 机 将极有可能因滑油泄漏过多而失效。
③ 在地面等待时间长以及飞行过程中小功率过富油状态,导致滑油中沉淀物形成速率过
④ 发动机汽缸头温度以及外界气温越高,滑油中的铅化物在气门杆和导套上的沉积附着
使用无铅汽油或者国外的低铅汽油。 避免飞机在地面长时间运行以及在巡航时在确保发动机其它参数 正常的情况下,尽量 调贫 油,使沉淀物的生成速率最小。 特别是夏季温度高,飞行过程中要保持发动机温度不要过高,注意气缸散热。
排气门处沉积物主要成分是铅化物。 排气门杆上的铜表示:铜质气门导套上的 金属铜已熔化,并粘连到气门杆上。
图示部分已发生 金属粘连,导致
2.在飞行的任何阶段突遇发动机瞬间抖动掉转速,发动机参数页面 中有任何一个气缸的EGT突然升高75-100F,并且保持温度不变化。
原因:燃油中所含的液态铅经过燃烧,低于一定温度后成固体铅的 形式排出,其中的一小部分铅在经过电嘴时,卡在了电嘴的 中央极和旁极之间,导致电嘴点火不正常甚至长时间短路, 产生抖动。
发动机序号 自新使用
由于空气静压与气温等诸多因素有关,起飞、转场降落前应通过ATIS了解机场地 面的场压(以英寸汞柱或毫巴为单位)较正高度表(上图红点处的旋钮)。在FS9 里面,按快捷键 B 就可正确较正高度表。(飞行检查时记住要按B噢) 当飞行高度爬升至高于“转换高度”(美国FAA规定为海拔18000英尺,即 FL180),应将高度表较正为29.92英寸汞柱。飞波音737时,如果开FSP的话,你 的副驾驶会毕恭毕敬地跟你说:“我们已经到达过渡高度,长官!”
Copyright © SFS1576
●认识模拟驾舱仪表面板 ●驾驶舱主要仪表功能与应用简述
Copyright © WINDTALKER/1576
推力为飞机加速,但机身所受到的阻力大小 才是真正决定飞行速度的因素。
Copyright © SFS1576
三个轴向,是控制飞机飞行姿态的关键。飞 机的俯仰、侧滚、转向等动作,均由这三个 轴的转动实现的。(注:实际状态中,飞机 是没有安装三支轴的,而是为了便于说明飞 行原理的想象轴) 如图: A、垂直轴(Vertical axis)用于控制飞机 往左或往右偏航。 B、纵轴(Long axis)用于控制飞机进行侧 滚动作(即机身向左或向右倾斜)。 C、横轴(Lateral axis)用于控制飞机进行 俯仰动作(即机头向上抬升或向下俯冲)。
1. 中央红色线条代表飞机本身,上方红色箭头表示飞 机垂直方向。 2. 中央白色横线代表地平线,上方蓝色区块表示天 空,下方棕色区块代表地面。 3. 机身上方黑色线条代表仰角,5 度间隔,故分别为 5、10、15、20 度。 4. 上方蓝色区块周围白色线条代表倾角,由中央向两 侧分别代表10、20、30、60、90度。
技术平台浅谈CESSNA172 R型和S型飞机的维护特点张 竞(中国民航飞行学院新津分院,四川 成都 611430)摘 要:CESSNA172系列飞机是美国塞斯纳公司生产的全金属半硬壳、四座、上单翼飞机。
关键词:CESSNA172R型与S型;差异;分析1 研究背景CESSNA172型飞机是美国塞斯纳飞机公司研制并推出的比较成功的机型系列,于1956年首次投入生产。
图一 CSSSNA172S型飞机2 CESSNA172 R型与S型差异由于CESSNA172 S型飞机较R型飞机更先进,在装机设备和功能上有一定区别,因此在日常维护和定期检修中也应注意其差异,避免造成人为差错。
下面简要介绍下在维护上有差异的部分:2.1 机械方面(一)螺旋桨及桨帽不同:172R飞机螺旋桨件号为1C235/LFA7570,铝制作桨帽;172S飞机螺旋桨件号为1A170E/JHA7660 ,不锈钢桨帽。
1. 引言1.1 引言Cessna172飞机是一款常见的单发螺旋桨飞机,广泛用于通用航空和飞行培训。
2. 正文2.1 问题描述Cessna172飞机冲出跑道是一种常见的意外事件,可能会导致飞机结构损坏。
赛斯纳172R生产厂商:赛斯纳飞机公司飞机型号: CESSNA-172R参考价格:¥239万元 (国内交货含税)塞斯纳172R,美国塞斯纳公司的经典之作,累计生产达35000架之多,安全、舒适,操作性能无以伦比。
主要技术指标:外形尺寸:长:8204mm 高:2718mm 翼展:11000mm2500米高空巡航速度:226公里/小时海平面上最大速度:228公里/小时螺旋桨直径:1905mm2500米高空活动半径:1070公里,4.8小时 3000米高空活动半径:1270公里,6.6小时爬升速度:220米/分钟升限:4110米最大起降重量:1110公斤飞机标准重量:744公斤最大载重:371公斤允许行李:54公斤燃油箱:212升性能数据:英制公制Cruise * 60% power at 10,000 fttimerangeCruise * 80% power at 8,000 ftrangetimeEngine: Textron Lycoming IO-360-L2A160 BHP at 2,400 RPMLanding PerformanceGround rollTotal distance over 50 ft obstaclePower LoadingPropeller: 2-bladed Fixed Pitch, Diameter6.6 hr687nm580nm4.8 hr550 ft1,295 ft15.3 lbs/hp75 in(1,272 km)(1,074 km)(168 m)(395 m)(6.9 kg/hp)(1.91 m)Rate of Climb at Sea LevelService CeilingSpeedMaximum at sea levelCruise, 80% power at 8,000 ftStall Speed, CASFlaps up, power offFlaps down, power offTakeoff PerformanceGround rollTakeoff PerformanceTotal distance over 50 ft obstacle Wing Loading720 fpm13,500 ft123 kts122 kts51 knots47 knots945 ft1,685 ft14.1 lbs/sq ft(219 mpm)(4,115 m)(228 kph)(226 kph)(94 kph)(87 kph)(288 m)(514 m)(68.9kg/sqm)设备清单:GA AVIONICS PACKAGE:GMA-1347 Digital Audio Panel w/Marker Beacon/Intercom Marker Beacon AntennaGTX-33 Transponder-Mode S w-TISTransponder AntennaGIA-63W NAV/COM/GPS/WAAS w/GS #1GIA-63W NAV/COM/GPS/WAAS w/GS #2VHF/GPS Antenna (2)NAV AntennaGDU-1040 Primary Flight Display (PFD)GDU-1040 Multi-Function Display (MFD)GEA-71 Engine/Airframe ComputerCHT/EGT Sensors-All CylindersFuel Flow MeterTachometer/Vacuum SensorsGRS-77 AHRSGDC-74 Air Data Computer w/OAT ProbeGMU-44 MagnetometerPilot Control Wheel-Pitch Trim SwitchME406 Two Frequency Emergency Locator Transmitter Emergency Locator Transmitter External Antenna Emergency Locator Transmitter Remote Mounted Switch Control Wheel Push-To-Talk Switch-Pilot/CopilotMic & Phone Jacks-Pilot/Copilot/PassengersAuxiliary Stereo Input JackLED Lighted Switch PanelLED Lighted Circuit Breaker PanelELECTRICAL POWER:Alternator, 28 Volt, 60 AmpBattery, 24 Volt, 12.75 AH, Manifold TypeElectrical Circuit Panel• Ignition/St arter Switch, Key Operated• Alternator/Battery Master Switch• Split Avionics Master Switch• Circuit Breakers, Electrical• Switches, Electrical• Electrical, J-Box• Alternator Control Unit• Ground Service Receptacle• Battery Current Sensor• Starter Relay• Alternator Relay• Battery Relay• Ground Power RelayAuxiliary Power Jack - 12 VoltENGINE INDICATION SYSTEM (ELECTRONIC):AmmeterVoltmeterVacuumOil Pressure and TemperatureTachometer - Hour RecorderFuel Flow (GPH)LH/RH Fuel QuantityCHT - Cylinder Head TemperatureEGT - Exhaust Gas TemperatureFlight Hour RecorderElectronic ChecklistsAnnunciation – Caution and Warning Alerts (PFD) • LH & RH Low Fuel• Low Vacuum• Low Oil Pressure• Low Voltage• Standby Batt ery• Pitch Trim• Self Test Message Advisories• Traffic (standard TIS)ENVIRONMENTAL:Windshield Defroster, Pilot/CopilotVentilator, Adjustable (6 places)Heating System, Shrouded Mufflerw/Firewall ValveSoundproofingCarbon Monoxide Detection SystemEXTERIOR:Epoxy Corrosion Proofing, All StructureLH Door, Pilot w/Hinged Window, Lock and KeyRH Door, Copilot w/Hinged WindowBaggage Door, w/Lock and KeyRear WindowAll Windows TintedGear Jack PadsFixed Landing GearWhite Polyurethane Exterior PaintRefueling Steps and Handles, Wing Struts and Fuselage Fixed Cabin Entrance StepsTie Down Rings, LH/RH Wing & TailTube Type Tires• Nose - 5.00 X 5• Mains - 6.00 X 6Conical Camber Wing TipsStrut Braced, Camber Lift WingsStatic WicksEXTERIOR LIGHTS:Ground Recognition - Vertical TailNavigation, LH/RH Wing Tip & Vertical TailWing Tip Navigation Light Detectors, LH/RHWing Tip Strobe, LH/RHHigh Intensity Discharge (HID) Landing/Taxi, LH Wing HID Electronic BallastUnderwing Courtesy, LH/RH WingFLIGHT CONTROLS:Hydraulic Brakes, Toe-OperatedParking BrakeStainless Steel Control CablesPilot/Copilot All Purpose Control WheelsElectrical Preselect - FlapsDual Flight Controls - Aileron/Elevator/RudderSteerable Nose WheelAileron and Elevator LockElevator Trim (Manual)FUEL SYSTEM:Electric Auxiliary Fuel PumpEngine Driven Fuel PumpIntegral Fuel Tanks, 53 Gal. UsableFuel Selector Valve, Left/Both/RightFuel ShutoffFuel Strainer, Incorporated with Fuselage Quick DrainFuel Tank Quick Drain, 5 per wingFuel Sampler CupFuel Vapor Return SystemINTERIOR:General interior color scheme is Taupe / CharcoalKydex door sidepanel - decorative fabric insertsFabric Seat Surfaces w/Vinyl trimVinyl grip flooring in crew areaCarpeting in passenger areaAmsafe Inflatable Seat Belts & Shoulder Harness STC, Inertia Reel, Pilot/Copilot Seats Seat Belts & Shoulder Harness, Inertia Reel,Passenger Seats, Rear Seat Bench w/One Piece Reclining BackPassengers, Side WallPilot and Copilot Seats• Adjustable Fore and Aft• Reclining Backs• Vertical AdjustmentApproach Plate Holder, Pilot Control WheelArmrests, Pilot & Copilot - DoorsPilot's Check ListPilot's Operating HandbookFire Extinguisher, Hand HeldGlareshield w/LightingClothes Hanger BarMetal Instrument Panel, w/Removable Subpanels Map/Glove CompartmentBaggage NetRadio Call PlateMap & Storage PocketsSun Visors, Pilot/CopilotCup Holders - PassengersControl Wheel Lock - Pilot/CopilotJepp Manual Storage Console w/Cup Holders Tow BarINTERIOR LIGHTING:LED Pilot/Copilot Cabin Overhead LED Lights LED Passenger Overhead LightInterior Lights Dimming ControlMap Light, Pilot Control WheelSub-Panel Lighting (LED Backlighted)• Flaps• Throttle• Mixture• Environmental Controls (Air and Heat)Switch Panel Lighting (LED Backlighted)• Avionics and Master Swi tches• Dimming Reostats• Landing, Taxi and Nav Switches• Beacon, Strobe, Boost Pump, Pitot Heat• 12 volt Cabin Power• Standby Bat tery SwitchLCD Lighted Glass Panel Displays:• Electronic Flight Instruments• Electronic Avionics Instruments• Electronic Engine InstrumentsAudio Panel (Backlighted)Radio Call Plate (Backlighted)LED Lighted Circuit Breaker PanelCompass Internally LightedPOWER PLANT & ACCESSORIES:Lycoming IO-360-L2A Engine160 HP @ 2400 RPMCertified for 100LL & 100 FuelFuel Injection SystemTubular Steel Engine MountDynafocal Rear MountAutomatic Alternate Engine AirOil CoolerShock Mounted CowlingInduction Air FilterFull Flow Oil FilterThrottle ControlVernier Mixture ControlDual Ignition System, Shielded MagnetoEngine Exhaust MufflerMcCauley Fixed Pitch 2-Blade Metal PropellerPropeller Spinner, PaintedElectric StarterOptional Equipment:Air Conditioning -Keith Products (STC)TAWS-B TerrainADF KR87 Separate control head - displayed on PFD (International only)DME KN63 Integrated control - displayed on PFD (International only)C406N Three Frequency Emergency Locator Transmitter (International only - exchange)Exterior Striping Options:519: Royal Blue and Black – Vinyl StripesCessna Logo, Registration Number and Skyhawk Logo: All Black Vinyl519A: Light Charcoal Metallic and Burgundy – Vinyl StripesCessna Logo, Registration Number and Skyhawk Logo: All Burgundy VinylInterior Options:Leather Seating Surfaces w/ Perforated Leather Insert w/ Vinyl trim。
Cessna 172N 飞行手册说明书
CESSNA 172NPROCEDURES MANUALThis Procedures Manual is property of Inflight Pilot Training. Its use is limited to customers ofCessna 172N ProceduresPre-Maneuver FlowSeat Belts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Secure Fuel……………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….On Mixture………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….Rich Landing Light…… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….On Engine Gauges…..………………………………………………………………………………………………….Green/NormalSlow Flight – Airplane Flying Handbook (AFH) 4-3Clearing Turns……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………Complete Altitude………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………..Minimum 1500’ AGL Maneuver Power……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………1500 RPMCarburetor Heat……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………On Flaps………………………………………………………………………………………………….Extend in Increments to 30°Airspeed……………………………………………………………………… ………………Pitch to maintain above stall horn Altitude…………… ………………………………………………………………….Increase power as necessary to maintain Recovery – if stall horn sounds, buffet occurs, or instructor directs. Power…………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………...Full Carburetor Heat…………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………….…..Off Flaps…………… …………………………………………………Retract in increments (10° increments as airspeed builds)TolerancesHeading…………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………..+/- 10°Altitude…………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………….…..+/- 100 ft. Airspeed…………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………….Above stall horn Steep Turns – 360° left and right – AFH 9-2Clearing Turns……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………Complete Altitude………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………..Minimum 1500’ AGL Reference Point…………………………………………………………………………………………ndmark near horizonManeuver Power………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….…..»2300 RPM Airspeed………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………90 KTS During Turn…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………Slight power increase TolerancesHeading…………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………..+/- 10°Altitude…………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………...+/- 100 ft. Airspeed…………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………….……….+/- 10 KTS Bank Angle……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………….……..45°Power-Off Stall (Approach Configuration) – AFH 4-8Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………… ……………………………………An altitude allowing full recovery by 1500’ AGLManeuver Power…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1500 – 1600 RPM Carburetor Heat……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….On Flaps……………………………………………………………………………………………….…Extend in Increments to 30°Airspeed…………………………………………………………………… ………………….…..…..Pitch and Trim for 65 KTS Altitude…………………………………… …………………………Establish descent, choose an altitude to initiate the stallRecoveryPitch…………………………………..........................Lower pitch, reducing elevator pressure, then back to climb attitude Ailerons……………………………………………………………………..……………..…………Neutral, then level the wings Rudder…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….Control yaw Power……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………….Full Carburetor Heat…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….Off Flaps…………………………… ………………..1st Notch immediately, 2nd Notch with Positive ROC, 3rd Notch at 60 KTS Tolerances Heading……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………….……..+/- 10°Bank Angle……………………………………………………………….. …………………………………..……..20° maximumPower-On Stall (Takeoff/Climb Configuration) – AFH 4-9Clearing Turns……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………Complete Altitude…………………………………… ……………………………………An altitude allowing full recovery by 1500’ AGL Maneuver Power……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1500 RPM Altitude………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Maintain level Airspeed……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Vr or Vy, as desired Power………………………………………………………………………………… ………………..2300 RPM minimum - FullRecoveryPitch………………………………… …………….......Lower pitch, reducing elevator pressure, then back to climb attitude Ailerons………………………………………………………………………….………..…………Neutral, then level the wings Rudder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….Control yaw Power…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….FullTolerances Heading……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…..+/- 10°Bank Angle……………………………………………………………….. ……………………..…………………..20° maximumAccelerated Stall (Commercial/CFI) – AFH 4-10Clearing Turns……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………Complete Altitude…………………………………… ……………………………………An altitude allowing full recovery by 1500’ AGLManeuver Throttle.…………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….…1500 RPM Altitude………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Maintain level Bank Angle…………………………………………………………………………..45°, increase back pressure to reach stall RecoveryPitch………………………………… …………….......Lower pitch, reducing elevator pressure, then back to climb attitude Ailerons………………………………………………………………………….………..…………Neutral, then level the wings Rudder…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….Control yaw Power…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….Full Secondary Stall (CFI) – AFH 4-10Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………… ……………………………………An altitude allowing full recovery by 1500’ AGL ManeuverThrottle.…………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….1500 RPM Flaps……………………………………………………………………………………………….…Extend in Increments to 30°Airspeed…………………………………………………………………… ………………….…..…..Pitch and Trim for 65 KTS Altitude…………………………………… …………………………Establish descent, choose an altitude to initiate the stall Stall Indication………………………………………………….Release back pressure, then immediately increase abruptly RecoveryPitch…………………………………..........................Lower pitch, reducing elevator pressure, then back to climb attitude Ailerons……………………………………………………………………..……………..…………Neutral, then level the wings Rudder…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….Control yaw Power…………..………………………………………………… …………………………………..………………………….Full Flaps…………………………… ………………..1st Notch immediately, 2nd Notch with Positive ROC, 3rd Notch at 60 KTS Elevator Trim Stall (CFI) – AFH 4-12Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………… ……………………………………An altitude allowing full recovery by 1500’ AGL ManeuverThrottle.…………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………..1500 RPM Flaps……………………………………………………………………………………………….…Extend in Increments to 30°Airspeed…………………………………………………………………… ………………….……....Pitch and Trim for 65 KTS Altitude…………………………………… …………………………Establish descent, choose an altitude to initiate the stall Power……………………………… …………………………………………………………………….Full, simulate go-around RecoveryPitch…………………………………..........................Lower pitch, reducing elevator pressure, then back to climb attitude Ailerons……………………………………………………………………..……………..…………Neutral, then level the wings Rudder…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….Control yaw Power…………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Full Flaps…………………………… ………………..1st Notch immediately, 2nd Notch with Positive ROC, 3rd Notch at 60 KTS Crossed Control Stall (CFI) – AFH 4-11Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….CompleteAltitude…………………………………… ……………………………………An altitude allowing full recovery by 1500’ AGLManeuver Throttle.…………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………..1500 RPM Descent…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 65 KTS Enter Turn………… I ncrease Rudder in Direction of Turn, Increase Opposite Aileron, Maintain Elevator Back PressureRecoveryPitch…………………………………..........................Lower pitch, reducing elevator pressure, then back to climb attitude Ailerons……………………………………………………………………..……………..…………Neutral, then level the wings Rudder…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….Control yaw Power…………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Full Chandelles – AFH 9-5Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………..………………………………………..…………… An altitude of at least 1500’ AGL Reference Point……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Selected Maneuver Power……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2300 RPM Airspeed…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………..95 KTS Chandelle………………………………………………………………………………… ………………..……………pleteTolerances Heading……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…..+/- 10°Bank Angle……………………………………………………………….. ……………………..…………………..30° maximum Airspeed…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………Just above stallLazy Eights – AFH 9-6Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………..………………………………………..…………… An altitude of at least 1500’ AGL Reference Point……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Selected Maneuver Power……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2300 RPM Airspeed…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………..95 KTS Lazy Eight…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………pleteTolerances Heading……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…..+/- 10°Bank Angle……………………………………………………………….. ……………………..…………………..30° maximum Airspeed……………………………………………………………. ……………………………….…………………..+/- 10 KTS Altitude……………………………………………………………. …………………………………..+/- 100’ from entry altitudeSteep Spirals – AFH 9-4Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………..………………………..………An altitude allowing 3 complete turns by 1500’ AGLManeuver Power…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..Idle abeam point Steep Spiral………………………………………………………………………………… ….………………plete 3 turns Airspeed…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………..65 KTSTolerances Heading……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…..+/- 10°Bank Angle……………………………………………………………….. ……………………..…………………..60° maximum Airspeed……………………………………………………………. ………………………………………… ………..+/- 10 KTS Altitude…………………………………………………………….………………………………….…plete by 1500’ AGLEights on Pylons – AFH 6-14Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………..………………………………………..………… Pivotal altitude calculated/selected Reference Points. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………Selected Emergency Field.. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………Selected Maneuver Power……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2300 RPM Airspeed…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………..95 KTS Eights on Pylons…..…………………..………………………………………………… ………………..……………pleteTolerances Heading………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..45° entry to first pylon Bank Angle……………………………………………………………….. ……………………..…………………..As necessary Airspeed……………………………………………………………. ………………………………………….………..+/- 10 KTS Altitude…………………………………………….……. ………………………………….…..Begin and end at pivotal altitude Turns Around a Point – AFH 6-8Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………..……………………………..……………………………………..………… 1000’ AGL Reference Point... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………Selected Emergency Field.. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………Selected Maneuver Power……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2300 RPM Airspeed…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………..95 KTS Turn Around Point...…………………..………………………………………………… ………………..……………pleteHeading……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…..+/- 10°Bank Angle……………………………………………………………….. ……………………..…………………..45° maximum Airspeed…………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………+/- 10 KTS Altitude………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………….…..+/- 100’S-Turns Across a Road – AFH 6-10Clearing Turns…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Complete Altitude…………………………………..……………………………..……………………………………..………… 1000’ AGLEmergency Field.. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………SelectedManeuver Power……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2300 RPM S-Turn……………....…………………..…………………………………………………………………..……………plete Airspeed…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………..95 KTSHeading……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…..+/- 10°Bank Angle……………………………………………………………….. ……………………..…………………..45° maximum Airspeed……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….…..+/- 10 KTS Altitude………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………….…..+/- 100’Take-Off’sNormal Take-Off………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………..No Flaps Soft Field Take-Off………………………………………………………………………………………………… …….10° Flaps Short Field Take-Off…………………………………………………………….....55 KTS till Obstacle Clearance, 10° Flaps LandingsNormal Landing……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 65 KTS, 30° Flaps Soft Field Landing…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 65 KTS, 30° Flaps Short Field Landing…………………………………………………………………………………………… 60 KTS, 30° Flaps Power-Off 180 Approach………………………………. 65 KTS, Flaps as required OR with Forward Slip, MAX 20° FlapsTraffic Pattern – AFH CH. 7Downwind:1000’ AGL2300 RPMBrief Landing:RunwayWindApproach Speed Touchdown/Aim PointAbeam TD:Carb Heat1500 RPM85 KTS10 FlapsBase:20 Flaps75 KTS Final:30 Flaps65 KTS Upwind:Flaps UpFull Power70-80 KTSVy – 73 Vx – 59Engine Failure Procedure – AFH 8-25, 26The engine failure procedure is intended to provide the student with a basic procedure in order to correctly set up the aircraft for a power off approach to the emergency landing site. Not included in this procedure are the necessary procedures and checklists to troubleshoot the engine and secure the engine. These will be found in the aircraft POH as well as the Inflight iPad checklists.Emergency landing site, selected due to wind, obstacles, size, terrain.KEY POSITION¼ - ½ mile abeam 1000’ AGL (est.) Proceed directly to KEY POSITION at Best Glide. Completechecklists and communicate asaltitude allows. Aviate, Navigate,Communicate.Spiral as necessary to arrive at Key Position.Depart Key Position and execute the power off approach, using flaps and forward slip as necessary to simulate landing at emergency site. WIND 123Instrument Approach ProcedurePrior to the Approach: Approach.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Briefed Checklists.……………………………………………………………………………………………… Completed as necessary On Initial Approach Segment or Downwind/Base Vector Throttle.……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………..2300 RPM Airspeed.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Cruise Approaching Major Descent Point (1/2 Scale on GS or 2 NM to FAF) Airspeed.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..90 KTS Intercepting Major Descent Point (GS/FAF) Throttle.……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………..1700 RPMCarb Heat …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………On Flaps.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10°Pitch.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2.5° Down Airspeed.……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………….80 - 85 KTSBriefing the ApproachWEATHER – ATIS/Automated WeatherINSTRUMENTS – Set as necessary.RADIOS – Set as necessaryENVIRONMENT – Brief the approachBrief the approach from Top to BottomHeader - Verify Name, Type, and Runway of the approach. Discuss the notes and frequencies and note any changes as necessary. Verify airport lighting. Tune and ID frequencies. Verify airport elevation and TDZE.Planview – Brief current location relative to the airport, IAF, approach segments to the airport, and any procedure turns. Minimum Safe Altitude for the area. Brief runway position relative to Final Approach Course. Is circling required?Profile – Brief fixes, altitudes, and minimums.Missed Approach – Brief the FULL missed approach. The first 2 steps should be memorized.1st Edition, August 2018 10。
【主题】Cessna 172飞机飞行标准在飞行领域,Cessna 172无疑是一款非常受欢迎的单引擎飞机。
作为一名飞行员,我对Cessna 172飞机飞行标准有着深入的了解和独特的见解。
1. Cessna 172飞机简介Cessna 172是由美国雪城飞机公司(Cessna Aircraft Company)研发的单引擎高翼固定翼飞机。
2. Cessna 172飞机飞行标准的重要性在飞行领域,飞行标准是飞行操作的核心。
对于Cessna 172飞机来说,飞行标准更是至关重要。
对Cessna 172飞机飞行标准的深入理解和严格遵守是每一名飞行员都必须具备的素质。
3. Cessna 172飞机飞行标准包括内容Cessna 172飞机飞行标准主要包括以下几个方面:机载设备操作规范、飞机性能参数、危险情况应对、气象条件判断以及飞行程序执行等。
4. 个人观点和理解作为一名飞行员,我对Cessna 172飞机飞行标准有着自己独特的理解和见解。
总结回顾通过本篇文章的撰写,我对Cessna 172飞机飞行标准进行了全面评估和深度探讨。
通过这样的方式,我能更全面地理解和掌握Cessna 172飞机飞行标准。
以上是对Cessna 172飞机飞行标准的全面评估和撰写,希望能对您有所帮助。
二边 Crosswind Leg
三边 Downwind Leg
四边 Base Leg
一边 Departure Leg
五边 Final Approach
赛斯纳172R起落航线 飞行程序演示动画
Copyright © 2004 – 2005 Wangbo CFSO808
10. 红色闪烁信标灯………………………………开
11. 点 混和气…………………………………………发动机点着时,柔和的提到富油(全部推入)
油门1200~1400 RPM 放襟翼20度
进近空速 65KIAS
10 11
五边 Final Approach
13.油门摩擦松紧锁………………………调整 14.频闪灯………………………………按要求 15.无线电和航空电子设备………………置位 16.自动驾驶仪………………………………关 17.襟翼……………………置于起飞位(0度) 18.刹车……………………………………松开
cessna 172飞机全静压系统简介及常见故障分析
技术论坛TECHNOLOGY FORUM中国航班CHINA FLIGHTS 26摘要:飞机的全静压系统对飞机的导航系统起着极为重要的作用,直接影响着飞机的安全性及可靠性。
因此,文章以Cessna 172型号飞机为例,详细的介绍了飞机全静压系统的具体作用和组成部分,并以实例为研究对象,论述了全静压系统常出现的故障,并找出了成因所在,制定了相对有效的解决方案。
《装备维修技术》 2021 年第 3 期(总第 183 期)1. 系统概况CESSNA172 G1000型飞机全静压系统的作用是提供全静压信号,由空速管、静压孔、备用静压开关、大气数据计算机GDC74A、应答机GTX345、静压沉淀槽以及备用空速表、高度和升降速度表组成。
图1 动静压系统原理图2. 系统故障分析根据CESSNA172飞机历年来故障情况来看,全静压系统故障可概括为渗漏和堵塞两种情况。
2.1 堵塞当系统出现堵塞时,故障现象比较明显,主要表现为空速或高度保持不变。
使用一个额定电压24V、容量12.75AH 的铅酸电瓶作为飞机的辅助/应急电源。
B. 2号电气汇流条向以下设备供电:转弯侧滑仪,控诉管家问;航行灯,滑行灯,频闪灯,地图灯,仪表照明。
C. 1号电子汇流条向以下电子设备供电:电子设备冷却风扇,GPS接收机;音频控制板,1号导航/通讯收发机。
D. 2号电子汇流条向以下电子设备供电:2号导航通讯收发机,应答机,ADF接收机。
Cessna172R 飞机贫富油调节程序(飞行手册)1.起动及地面运行阶段:发动机起动后,并且平稳运转时,对于所有的地面运行,采用以下程序:1.1 将油门置于 1200RPM;1.2 将混合比调贫油以获得最大转速;1.3 将油门设置到适当的工作转速(建议 800~1000RPM);2.起飞阶段:机场标高密度高度大于 3000 英尺,起飞前将混合比调贫油,以在全油门、静态运转时获得最大的转速。
3.爬升阶段:密度高度低于 3000 英尺,混合比应使用全富油,密度高度超过3000 英尺时应调贫油,以获得更平稳的运转或最大转速。
4.巡航阶段:当使用 80%或更小功率时,在所有运行阶段和任何高度(包括低于3000 英尺),都应调贫油以获得最大转速。
使用排气温度(EGT)指示器调贫油:在或低于80%(在Lycoming 的文献中,都限制在 75%以下,此说明 172R 要求调贫油的范围更宽,更强烈的体现了调贫油的必要性)功率平飞时,使用排气温度指示器来对油气混合比,以获得最佳或最经济性能。
… 推荐的贫油混合比提供了最佳平飞巡航性能(通常,这接近“最佳功率”或最大转速)。
CESSNA 172 型飞机发动机飞行使用操作方法
CESSNA 172 型飞机发动机飞行使用操作方法说明本方法是在综合了C172飞机飞行手册中的操作程序、LYCOMING发动机公司的SI 1497、SI 1094以及《发动机操作人员手册》中的相关内容,并结合我们的飞机用于飞行训练的特点、机场环境以及使用95#航空汽油的特点编写的,仅限于C172飞机发动机的操作使用。
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A Textron CompanyPilot's ChecklistSkyHAawkModel 172RNA V ⅢA VIONICS OPTIONSeriais 17281241 and OnTHIS CHECKLIST IS CURRENT WITH MODEL 172R NA V III POH (SERIALS 17281241 AND ON) FAA APPROVED U.S. PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK REVISION 3, DATED 22 DECEMBER, 2005. (PART NUMBER 172RPHAUS-03)COPYRIGHT⊙2005CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANYWICHITA, KANSAS, USA ORIGINAL ISSUE 8 MARCH 2005 172RCLAUS-02 REVISION 2 22 DECEMBER 2005NOTICETHE Pilot's CHECKLIST SHOULD NOT BE USED UNTIL THE FLIGHT CREW HAS BECOME COMPLETELY FAMILIAR WITH THE AIRPLANE AND SYSTEMS. ALL NORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURE ITEMS AND COMPLETE PERFORMANCE IN THE PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK AND FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE IN CASE OF CONFLICT. REVISIONSChanges and/or additions to this checklist will be covered by Owner Advisory revisions published by Cessna Aircraft Company. Owner Advisories are mailed automatically at no charge to owners of United States registered airplanes according to FAA records at the time of the issuance. Owner Advisories are mailed automatically to owners of other than United States registered airplanes, to the subscription address provided Cessna on an Owner Advisory Application.NOTEIt is the responsibility of the owner to maintain this checklist in a current statuswhen it is being used for operational purposes.Owners should contact a Cessna Service Station whenever the revision status of their checklist is in question.REVISED MATERIAL INDICATORSA bar will extend the full length of deleted, new or revised text added on new or presently existing pages. This bar will be located adjacent to the applicable text in the outer margin of the page. A bar located adjacent to the figure number in the outer margin will be used to indicate that the figure number only has changed. An asterisk located at the end of a figure number will be used to indicate that an illustration has been revised or is all new material (Ex: Figure 4*). A change bar in the footer will indicate a revision to the header/footer, a new page, format or spelling/grammar changes and/or that information has slipped to or from that page. All revised pages will carry the revision number opposite the page number on the applicable page. A list of revisions is located at the beginning of the Log of Effective Pages.ii 172RCLAUS-02LOG OF EFFECTIVE PAGESUse this page to determine the currency and applicability of your Pilot's Checklist. Pages affected by the current revision are indicated by an asterisk (*) preceding the pages listed under the Page Number column. Following is a description of the Log of Effective Pages columns:Page Number - Pilot's Checklist page number. Page Status - Indicates if the page has been added, revised or deleted by the current revision. Revision Number - Indicates the revision number.REVISION NUMBER DATE ORIGINAL 8 March 2005 REVISION 1 19 July 2005 REVISION 2 22 December 2005 PAGE PAGE REVISION NUMBER STATUS NUMBER i thru iv REVISED 2 * N-1 thru N-24 REVISED 2 ' N-25 thru N-26 DELETED 2 E-1 thru E-20 REVISED 2 * E-21 thru E-22 ADDED 2 ' P-1 thru P-8 REVISED 2CHECKLIST PART NUMBEREach page in this checklist contains the part number of the checklist and the page status of each page. Refer to the following example:Page Status(Original Issue) Checklist Normal/Emergency Procedures ("A" denotes NAV III Avionics Option) U.S. Version Airplane Model 172R (Serials 17281241 and On)NORMAL PROCEDURESTABLE OF CONTENTSAIRSPEEDS FOR NORMAL OPERATIONS .............................................N-2PREFLIGHT INSPECTION .......................................................................N-3BEFORE STARTING ENGINE ................................................................N-11 STARTING ENGINE (WITH BATTERY) ..................................................N-12STARTING ENGINE (WITH EXTERNAL POWER) ................................N-14BEFORE TAKEOFF ................................................................................N-16 TAKEOFF ................................................................................................N-19NORMAL TAKEOFF .........................................................................N-19SHORT FIELD TAKEOFF .................................................................N-19 ENROUTECLIMB...................................................................................N-20 CRUISE...................................................................................................N-20DESCENT ...............................................................................................N-21BEFORE LANDING ................................................................................N-22 LANDING ................................................................................................N-23NORMAL LANDING .........................................................................N-23SHORT FIELD LANDING .................................................................N-23BALKED LANDING ...........................................................................N-23AFTER LANDING ....................................................................................N-24SECURING AIRPLANE ..................................................................N-24AIRSPEEDS AIRSPEEDS FOR NORMAL OPERATIONS Unless otherwise noted, the following speeds are based on a maximum weight of 2450 pounds and may be used for any lesser weight.TAKEOFF: Normal Climb .................................. 70 - 80 KIASShort Field Takeoff, Flaps 100, Speed at 50 Feet ........... 57 KIASENROUTE CLIMB, FLAPS UP: Normal, Sea Level .............................. 75 - 85 KIAS Normal, 10,000 Feet ............................. 70 - 80 KIASBest Rate-of-Climb, Sea Level ........................ 79 KIASBest Rate-of-Climb, 10,000 Feet ....................... 71 KIASBest Angle-of-Climb, Sea Level ........................ 60 KIASBest Angle-of-Climb, 10,000 Feet ....................... 65 KIASLANDING APPROACH: Normal Approach, Flaps UP ....................... 65 - 75 KIASNormal Approach, Flaps FULL ..................... 60 - 70 KIASShort Field Approach, Flaps FULL ...................... 62 KIASBALKED LANDING: Maximum Power, Flaps 200 ........................... 55 KIASMAXIMUM RECOMMENDED TURBULENT AIR PENETRATION SPEED: 2450 POUNDS .................................... 99 KIAS2000 POUNDS .................................... 92 KIAS1600 POUNDS .................................... 82 KIASMAXIMUM DEMONSTRATED CROSSWIND VELOCITY: Takeoff orLanding ................................ 15 KNOTSAll references to sections throughout this checklist refer to the corresponding section of the Pilot's Operating Handbook.NORMAL PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT INSPECTIONFigure 1'NOTE Visually check airplane for general condition during walk- around inspection. Airplane should be parked in a normal ground attitude (refer to Figure 1-1 in the POH) to make sure that fuel drain valves allow for accurate sampling. Use of the refueling steps and assist handles will simplify access to the upper wing surfaces for visual checks and refueling operations. In cold weather, remove even small accumulations of frost, ice or snow from wing, tail and control surfaces. Also, make sure that control surfaces contain no internal accumulations of ice or debris. Prior to flight. check that pitot heater is warm to touch within 30 seconds with battery and pitot heat switches on. If a night flight is planned, check operation of all lights, and make sure a flashlight is available.(Continued Next Page)PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued) O CABIN1. Picot Tube Cover .............................. REMOVE (Check for picot blockage)2. Pilot's Operating Handbook ........... ACCESSIBLE TO PILOT3. Garmin G1000TM Cockpit Reference Guide ................. ACCESSIBLE TO PILOT4. Airplane Weight and Balance ..................... CHECKED5. Parking Brake ..................................... SET6. Control Wheel Lock ............................. REMOVEWHEN THE MASTER SWITCH IS ON, USING AN EXTERNAL POWER SOURCE, OR MANUALLY ROTATING THE PROPELLER, TREAT THE PROPELLER AS IF THE MAGNETOS SWITCH WERE ON. DO NOT STAND, NOR ALLOW ANYONE ELSE TO STAND, WITHIN THE ARC OF THE PROPELLER SINCE A LOOSE OR BROKEN WIRE, OR A COMPONENT MALFUNCTION, COULD CAUSE THE ENGINE TO START.7. MAGNETOS Switch ................................. OFF8. A VIONICS Switch (BUS 1 and BUS 2) ................... OFF9. MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT) ........................ ON10. Primary Flight Display (PFD) ....................... CHECK (Verify PFD is ON)11. FUEL QTY (L and R) ............................. CHECK12. LOW FUEL L and LOW FUEL R Annunciators .......... CHECK (Verify annunciators are not shown on PFD)13. OIL PRESSURE Annunciator ....................... CHECK (Verify annunciator is shown)14. LOW V ACUUM Annunciator ........................ CHECK (Verify annunciator is shown)15. A VIONICS Switch (BUS 1) ............................ ON16. Forward Avionics Fan ............................. CHECK (Verify fan is heard)(Continued Next Page)PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued)O CABIN (Continued) t17. A VIONICS Switch (BUS 1)............................. OFF18. A VIONICS Switch (BUS 2) ..........................:. ON19. Aft Avionics Fan ................................. CHECK (Verify fan is heard)20. A VIONICS Switch (BUS 2)............................ OFF21. PITOT HEAT Switch ................................. ON (Carefully check that pitot tube is warm to the touch within 30 seconds)22. PITOT HEAT Switch ................................ OFF23. LOW VOLTS Annunciator .......................... CHECK (Verify annunciator is shown)24. MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT) ....................... OFF25. Elevator Trim Controls .................... TAKEOFF position26. FUEL SELECTOR Valve ............................ BOTH27. ALT STATIC AIR Valve ..................... OFF (pull full out)28.Fire Extinguisher ................................ CHECK (Verify gage pointer in green arc)(Continued Next Page)PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued)OZ EMPENNAGE1. Baggage Door .................................. CHECK (Lock with key)2. Autopilot Static Source (if installed) ................... CHECK (Verify opening is clear)3. Rudder Gust Lock (if installed) ..................... REMOVE4. Tail Tiedown .............................. DISCONNECT5. Control Surfaces ..... CHECK freedom of movement and security6. Elevator Trim Tab ......................... CHECK security7. Antennas .................. CHECK for security of attachment and general conditionO RIGHT WING TRAILING EDGE1. Flap ...................... CHECK for security and condition2. Aileron ............. CHECK freedom of movement and security(Continued Next Page)PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued)OZ EMPENNAGE1. Baggage Door .................................. CHECK (Lock with key)2. Autopilot Static Source (if installed) ................... CHECK (Verify opening is clear)3. Rudder Gust Lock (if installed) ..................... REMOVE4. Tail Tiedown .............................. DISCONNECT5. Control Surfaces ..... CHECK freedom of movement and security6. Elevator Trim Tab ......................... CHECK security7. Antennas .................. CHECK for security of attachment and general conditionO RIGHT WING TRAILING EDGE1. Flap ...................... CHECK for security and condition2. Aileron ............. CHECK freedom of movement and security(Continued Next Page)PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued) . RIGHT WING1. Wing Tiedown ............................. DISCONNECT2. Main Wheel Tire ................................. CHECK (For proper inflation and general condition (weather checks, tread depth and wear, etc.))3. Fuel Tank Sump Quick Drain Valves .................. DRAIN Drain at least a cupful of fuel (using sampler cup) from each sump location to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel grade before each flight and after each refueling. If water is observed, take further samplesuntil clear and then gently rock wings and lower tail to the ground to move any additional contaminants to the sampling points. Take repeated samples from all fuel drain points until all contamination has been removed. If contaminants are still present, refer to WARNING below and do not fly airplane.NOTE Collect all sampled fuel in a safe container. Dispose of the sampled fuel so that it does not cause a nuisance, hazard or damage to the environment. IF, AFTER REPEATED SAMPLING, EVIDENCE OF CONTAMINATION STILL EXISTS, THE AIRPLANE SHOULD NOT BE FLOWN. TANKS SHOULD BE DRAINED AND SYSTEM PURGED BY QUALIFIED MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL. ALL EVIDENCE OF CONTAMINATION MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE FURTHER FLIGHT.4. Fuel Quantity .............. CHECK VISUALLY for desired level5. Fuel Filler Cap .................. SECURE and VENT CLEAR (Continued Next Page)PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued) O NOSE1.Fuel Strainer Quick Drain Valve ................... .. DRAIN (Located on bottom of fuselage)Drain at least a cupful of fuel (using sampler cup) from valve to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel grade before each flight and after each refueling. If water is observed, take further samples until clear and then gently rock wings and lower tail to the ground to move any additional contaminants to the sampling points. Take repeated samples from all fuel drain points, including the fuel reservoir and fuel selector, until all contamination has been removed. If contaminants are still present, refer to W ARNING below and do not fly airplane.NOTE Collect all sampled fuel in a safe container. Dispose of the sampled fuel so that it does not cause a nuisance, hazard or damage to the environment.WARNING MMMMMOMIllIF, AFTER REPEATED SAMPLING, EVIDENCE OF CONTAMINATION STILL EXISTS, THE AIRPLANE SHOULD NOT BE FLOWN. TANKS SHOULD BE DRAINED AND SYSTEM PURGED BY QUALIFIED MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL. ALL EVIDENCE OF CONTAMINATION MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE FURTHER FLIGHT.2. Engine Oil Dipstick/Filler Cap .............. CHECK OIL LEVEL then checkdipstick/filler cap SECURE. Do not operate with less than 5 quarts. Fill to 8 quarts for extended flight.3. Engine Cooling Air Inlets ............... CLEAR of obstructions4. Propeller and Spinner ............................. CHECK (For nicks and security)(ContinuedNext Page)PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued)O NOSE (Continued)5. Air Filter ............ .. .. ... ........... CHECK (For restrictions by dust or other foreign matter)6. Nosewheel Strut and Tire ....... ............... CHECK (For proper inflation of strut and general condition of tire (weather checks, tread depth and wear, etc.))7. Static Source Opening ................. ......... CHECK (Verify opening is clear))LEFT WING LEADING EDGE1. Fuel Tank Vent Opening ................. CHECK for blockage2. Stall Warning Opening .................. CHECK for blockageTo check the system, place a clean handkerchief over the vent opening and apply suction; a sound from the warning horn will confirm system operation.3. Landing/Taxi Light(s) ................ CHECK for condition and cleanliness of coverO LEFT WING1. Wing Tiedown ............................. DISCONNECT2. Fuel Quantity. .. - ......... CHECK VISUALLY for desired level3. Fuel Filler Cap .................. SECURE and VENT CLEAR4. Fuel Tank Sump Quick Drain Valves .................. DRAIN Drain at least a cupful of fuel (using sampler cup) from each sump location to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel grade before each flight and after each refueling. If water is observed, take further samples until clear and then gently rock wings and lower tail to the ground to move any additional contaminants to the sampling points. Take repeated samples from all fuel drain points until all contamination has been removed. If contaminants are still present, refer to W ARNING on page N-10 and do not fly airplane.(Continued Next Page)PREFLIGHT INSPECTION (Continued) O LEFT WING (Continued) NOTE Collect all sampled fuel in a safe container. Dispose of the sampled fuel so that it does not cause a nuisance, hazard or damage to the environment. I WARNING IF, AFTER REPEATED SAMPLING, EVIDENCE OF CONTAMINATION STILL EXISTS, THE AIRPLANE SHOULD NOT BE FLOWN. TANKS SHOULD BE DRAINED AND SYSTEM PURGED BY QUALIFIED MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL. ALL EVIDENCE OF CONTAMINATION MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE FURTHER FLIGHT.5. Main Wheel Tire ................................. CHECK (For proper inflation and general condition (weather checks, tread depth and wear, etc.)) .LEFT WING TRAILING EDGE1. Aileron ............. CHECK freedom of movement and security2. Flap ...................... CHECK for security and conditionBEFORE STARTING ENGINE1. Preflight Inspection ........................... COMPLETE2. Passenger Briefing ........................... COMPLETE3. Seats and Seat Belts .................... ADJUST and LOCK (Verify inertia reel locking)4. Brakes .................................. TEST and SET5. Circuit Breakers ............................... CHECK IN6. Electrical Equipment ................................ OFF7. A VIONICS Switch (BUS 1 and BUS 2) ................... OFFCAUTIONTHE AVIONICS SWITCH (BUS 1 AND BUS 2) MUST BE OFF DURING ENGINE START TO PREVENT POSSIBLE DAMAGE TO A VIONICS.8. FUEL SELECTOR Valve ............................ BOTH9. FUEL SHUTOFF Valve ..................... ON (push full in)STARTING ENGINE (WITH BATTERY)1. Throttle Control ........................... OPEN 1/4 INCH2. Mixture Control .................. IDLE CUTOFF (pull full out)3. STBY BATT Switch: a. TEST - (Hold for 20 seconds, verify that green TEST lamp does not go off) b. ARM - (Verify that PFD comes on)4. Engine Indicating System .............. CHECK PARAMETERS (Verify no red X's through ENGINE page indicators)5. BUS E Volts .................................... CHECK (Verify 24 VOLTS minimum shown)6. M BUS Volts .................................... CHECK (Verify 1.5 VOLTS or less shown)7. BATT S Amps ................................... CHECK (Verify discharge shown (negative))8. STBY BATT Annunciator .......................... CHECK (Verify annunciator is shown)9. Propeller Area ................................... CLEAR (Verify that all people and equipment are ata safe distance from the propeller)10. MASTER Switch (ALT and BAT) ........................ ON11. BEACON Light Switch ................................ ON NOTE If engine is warm, omit priming procedure steps 12 thru 14 below.12. FUEL PUMP Switch ................................. ON13. Mixture Control ............... SET to FULL RICH (full forward) (Full rich until stable fuel flow is indicated (approximately 3 to 5 seconds), then set to IDLE CUTOFF (full aft) position)14. FUEL PUMP Switch ................................. OFF15. MAGNETOS Switch ............................... START (Release when engine starts) (Continued Next Page)STARTING ENGINE (WITH BATTERY) (Continued)16. Mixture Control ................. ADV ANCE smoothly to RICH (when engine starts)NOTEIf the engine is primed too much (flooded), place the mixture control in the IDLE CUTOFF position, open the throttle control 1/2 to full, and engage the starter motor (START). When the engine starts, advance the mixture control to the FULL RICH position and retard the throttle control promptly.17. OIL Pressure ................................... CHECK (Verify that oil pressure increases into the GREEN ARC range in 30 to 60 seconds)18. AMPS (M BATT and BATT S).......... CHECK charge (positive)19. LOW VOLTS Annunciator .......................... CHECK (Verify annunciator is not shown)20. NA V Lights Switch ......................... ON as required21. A VIONICS Switch (BUS 1 and BUS 2) .................... ONBEFORE TAKEOFF (Continued)CAUTIONTHE G1000 HSI SHOWS A COURSE DEVIATION INDICATOR FOR THE SELECTED GPS, NAV 1 OR NA V 2 NA VIGATION SOURCE. THE G1000 HSI DOES NOT PROVIDE A W ARNING "FLAG" WHEN A V ALID NAVIGATION SIGNAL IS NOT BEING SUPPLIED TO THE INDICATOR. WHEN A V ALID NA VIGATION SIGNAL IS NOT BEING SUPPLIED, THE COURSE DEVIATION BAR (D-BAR) PART OF THE INDICATOR IS NOT SHOWN ON TIME HSI COMPASS CARD. THE MISSING D-BAR IS CONSIDERED TO BE THE WARNING FLAG.WHEN THE KAP 140 AUTOPILOT IS ENGAGED IN NA V, APR OR REVOP-ERATING MODES, IF THE HSI NA VIGATION SOURCE IS CHANGED FROM GPS TO NAVI, AUTOMATICALLY OR MANUALLY (USING THE CDI SOFTKEY), OR MANUALLY FROM NA V2 TO GPS, THE CHANGE WILL INTERRUPT THE NAVIGATION SIGNAL TO THE AUTOPILOT AND WILL CAUSE THE AUTOPILOT TO REVERT TO ROL MODE OPERATION. NO W ARNING CHIME OR PFD ANNUNCIATION WILL BE PROVIDED. THE PREVIOUSLY SELECTED MODE SYMBOL SHOWN ON THE AUTOPILOT DISPLAY WILL BE FLASHING TO SHOW THE REVERSION TO ROL MODE OPERATION. IN ROL MODE, THE AUTOPILOT WILL ONLY KEEP THE WINGS LEVEL AND WILL NOT CORRECT THE AIRPLANE HEADING OR COURSE. SET THE HDG BUG TO THE CORRECT HEADING AND SELECT THE CORRECT NA VIGATION SOURCE ON THE HSI USING THE CDI SOFTKEY BEFORE ENGAGING THE AUTOPILOT IN ANY OTHER OPERATING MODE.26. Autopilot ................................ OFF (if installed)27. CABIN PWR 12V Switch .................... OFF (if installed)28. Wing Flaps ........................ UP - 100 (100 preferred)29. Cabin Windows ..................... CLOSED and LOCKED30. STROBE Lights Switch ............................... ON31. Brakes ...................................... RELEASETAKEOFF NORMAL TAKEOFF1. Wing Flaps ........................ UP - 100 (100 preferred)2. Throttle Control ......................... FULL (push full in)3. Mixture Control ................................... RICH (Above 3000 feet pressure altitiude, lean for maximum RPM)4. Elevator Control ............... LIFT NOSEWHEEL at 55 KIAS5. Climb Airspeed .............................. 70 - 80 KIAS6. Wing Flaps ....................... RETRACT at safe altitudeSHORT FIELD TAKEOFF1. Wing Flaps (100)2. Brakes ......................................... APPLY3. Throttle Control ......................... FULL (push full in)4. Mixture Control ................'...................RICH5. (Above 3000 feet pressure altitiude, lean for maximum RPM) Brakes ...................................... RELEASE6. Elevator Control ...................... SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW7. Climb Airspeed ................................. 57 KIAS8. (Until all obstacles are cleared) Wing Flaps ........................... RETRACT SLOWLY (When airspeed is more than 60 KIAS)ENROUTE CLIMB1. Airspeed ................................... 70 - 85 KIAS2. Throttle Control ......................... FULL (push full in)3. Mixture Control ................................... RICH (Above 3000 feet pressure altitiude, lean formaximum RPM)CRUISE1. Power ................................. 2000 - 2400 RPM (No more than 80% power is recommended)NOTEIf a maximum performance climb is necessary, use speeds shown in the Rate-of-Climb chart in Section 5 of the POH/AFM.2. Elevator Trim Control ............................ ADJUST3. Mixture Control ................................... LEAN (For desired performance or economy)4. FMS/GPS ............. REVIEW and BRIEF OBS/SUSP softkey operation for holding pattern procedure (IFR)DESCENT1. Power .................................... AS DESIRED2. Mixture ....................................... ADJUST (If necessary to make the engine run smoothly)3. Altimeters: a. PFD (BARO) ................................... SET b. Standby Altimeter ............................... SET c. KAP 140 Autopilot (BARO) ............... SET (if installed)4. G1000 ALT SEL ....................................SET5. KAP 140 Altitude Preselect .................. SET (if installed)NOTEThere is no connection between the G1000 ALT SEL feature and the KAP 140 autopilot altitude preselect or altitude hold functions. G1000 and KAP 140 altitudes are set independently.6. CDI Softkey .......................... SELECT NA V source7. FMS/GPS ............. REVIEW and BRIEF OBS/SUSP softkey operation for holding pattern procedure (IFR)CAUTIONTHE G1000 HSI SHOWS A COURSE DEVIATION INDICATOR FOR THE SELECTED GPS, NA V 1 OR NA V 2 NA VIGATION SOURCE. THE G1000 HSI DOES NOT PROVIDE A WARNING "FLAG" WHEN A V ALID NAVIGATION SIGNAL IS NOT BEING SUPPLIED TO THE INDICATOR. WHEN A V ALID NA VIGATION SIGNAL IS NOT BEING SUPPLIED, THE COURSE DEVIATION BAR (D- BAR) PART OF THE INDICATOR IS NOT SHOWN ON THE HSI COMPASS CARD. THE MISSING D-BAR IS CONSIDERED TO BE THE WARNING FLAG.(Continued Next Page)DESCENT (Continued)WHEN THE KAP 140 AUTOPILOT IS ENGAGED IN NA V, APR OR REV OPERATING MODES, IF THE HSI NA VIGATION SOURCE IS CHANGED FROM GPS TO NA V1, AUTOMATICALLY OR MANUALLY (USING THE CDI SOFTKEY), OR MANUALLY FROM NAV2 TO GPS. THE CHANGE WILL INTERRUPT THE NA VIGATION SIGNAL TO THE AUTOPILOT AND WILL CAUSE THE AUTOPILOT TO REVERT TO ROL MODE OPERATION. NO WARNING CHIME OR PFD ANNUNCIATION WILL BE PROVIDED. THE PREVIOUSLY SELECTED MODE SYMBOL SHOWN ON THE AUTOPILOT DISPLAY WILL BE FLASHING TO SHOW THE REVERSION TO ROL MODE OPERATION. IN ROL MODE, THE AUTOPILOT WILL ONLY KEEP THE WINGS LEVEL AND WILL NOT CORRECT THE AIRPLANE HEADING OR COURSE. SET THE HDG BUG TO THE CORRECT HEADING AND SELECT THE CORRECT NA VIGATION SOURCE ON THE HSI USING THE CDI SOFTKEY BEFORE ENGAGING THE AUTOPILOT IN ANY OTHER OPERATING MODE.8. FUEL SELECTOR Valve ............................ BOTH9. Wing Flaps ................................ AS DESIRED (UP - 100 below 110 KIAS) (100 - FULL below 85 KIAS)BEFORELANDING1. Pilot and Passenger Seat Backs ..... MOST UPRIGHT POSITION2. Seats and Seat Belts ................ SECURED and LOCKED3. FUEL SELECTOR Valve ............................ BOTH 14. Mixture Control ................................. .. RICH5. LANDING and TAXI Light Switches ...................... ON6. Autopilot ................................ OFF (if installed) I7. CABIN PWR 12V SWITCH .................. OFF (if installed)LANDINGNORMAL LANDING1. Airspeed .......................... 65 - 75 KIAS (Flaps UP)2. Wing Flaps ................................ AS DESIRED3. (UP - 100 below 110 KIAS) (100 - FULL below 85 KIAS) Airspeed ........................ 60 - 70 KIAS (Flaps FULL)4. Elevator Trim Control ............................ ADJUST5. Touchdown ......................... MAIN WHEELS FIRST6. Landing Roll ................. LOWER NOSEWHEEL GENTLY7. Braking ............................ MINIMUM REQUIREDSHORT FIELD LANDING1. Airspeed .......................... 65 - 75 KIAS (Flaps UP)2. Wing Flaps ....................................... FULL3. Airspeed .............................. 62 KIAS (until flare)4. Elevator Trim Control ............................ ADJUST5. Power ................. REDUCE to idle after clearing obstacle6. Touchdown ......................... MAIN WHEELS FIRST7. Brakes ................................. APPLY HEA VILY8. Wing Flaps ........................................ UPBALKEDLANDING1. Throttle Control ......................... FULL (push full in)2. Wing Flaps .............................. RETRACT to 2003. Climb Speed ................................... 55 KIAS4. Wing Flaps .............. 100 (until obstacles are cleared), then UP (After reaching a safe altitude and 60 KIAS)TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS ..............E-15 HIGH VOLTS ANNUNCIATOR COMES ON OR M BAT AMPS MORE THAN 40 ....................................................E-15 LOW VOLTS。