


来源 :中国船级社
近期生效的 IMO 文件清单
在表 1中罗列了 2018年 1月~7月即将生效的 IMO文件清单 。
名称 (中英文 )
IMDG规贝l J1嗲正案
AmendmentstotheIntemational Mar itime Dangerous Goods (IMDG)CODE

6 船舶标准化工程师 20 1 8/1
f国际标准化动态 -
l International News_
表 1 近期生效的文件清单 【续 )
名称 (中英文 )
条款 生效日期
内容概 要
船舶 适用范 围
关于对海洋环境有害物质 (HME) 和垃圾记录簿的MARI'0L附则 V修 正AI安
中国以最高票连续第 l 5次当选为 IMO A类理事国 。中国交通运输部国际合作司张晓杰副司长在随后召 开的 IMO理事会第 1 19次会议上当选为理事会主席 。
提请业界关注的事项 : 1)脱险通道符号和设备位置标识 (A.1116(30)) 提请业界在船舶设计和建造中参照执行该决议提供的涉及消防和救生方面的与脱险通道和应急设备相关 的图形符号和标识 。 2)IMO船舶识别号方案 (A.1117(30)) 提请业界对扩大范围内的船舶参照执行 (非强制 o 3)近海供应船散装载运和处理有毒有害液体物质规则 (OSV Chemical Code)(A.1 122(30)) 提请业界关注 OSV船在载运和处理有毒有害液体物质时的特殊要求 。 4)极地规则第二阶段工作 提请业界尤其是目前未受管辖的极地运营船舶如渔船、游艇 、科考船的主管机关 、运营方和建造方关注 是否以及如何受影响 ,并积极参与相关研究和讨论 。 5)海洋塑料垃圾问题 提请业界关注此议题进展 ,特别在船舶运营管理 、备品购买 ,塑料物品替代物生产等方面 。


N150 G00X150Z100
N160 M03S1200T0202换精车刀
N170 G00X35Z2
N180 G01Z0F150精车外圆
N190 X38Z-1.5
N200 Z-43
N210 G02 X42Z-45R2
N220 G01Z-70
N230 G00X150Z100
N240 M30程序结束
N80 G01Z-30
N90 G0Z2
N100 X33
N110 G01Z-20
N120 X36Z-30
N130 G0Z2
N140 X30
N150 G01Z0
N160 X32.6Z-1.5
N170 Z-20
N180 X35.5Z-30
N190 X42
N192 G00 X150Z100
N194 M03S1200T0202换刀,准备精车外圆
N200 G0X29Z2
N210 G01Z0F150
N220 X32Z-1.5
N230 Z-20
N240 X35Z-30
N250 X40
N260 X42Z-31
N270 G00X150Z100返回安全换刀点
N280 M30程序结束
N30 G00X50Z0
N40 G01X-1F300车端面
N50 G00X43.6Z2
N60 G01Z-70F300粗车左端外圆
N70 G0X45Z2
N80 X41
N90 G01Z-43
N100 G02X43Z-44R1
N110 G00Z2
N120 X39
N130 G01 Z-43
N140 G02X43Z-45R2

北京和时系统工程 HOLLIAS-LEC G3 系列小型一体化 PLC 软件手册

北京和时系统工程 HOLLIAS-LEC G3 系列小型一体化 PLC 软件手册

本手册内容,包括文字,图表,标志,标识,商标,产品型号,软件程序和版面设计等, 均受《中华人民共和国著作权法》, 《中华人民共和国商标法》和《中华人民共和国专利法》 的保护,并受与之相适用的国际公约中有关著作权,商标权,专利权或其他财产所有权法律 的保护,为北京和利时系统工程股份有限公司专属所有或持有. 本手册仅供商业用户阅读和查询. 在未得到北京和利时系统工程股份有限公司特别授权 的情况下,无论出于何种原因和目的,均不得用任何电子或机械的方法,以任何形式复制和 传递本手册的内容.否则本公司将依法追究法律责任. 我们已经核对本手册中的内容和图表与所述的硬件设备相符, 但是误差难以避免, 并不 能保证完全一致.同时,我们会定期对手册的内容和图表进行检查,修改与维护,恕不另行 通知. 北京和利时系统工程股份有限公司保留全部权利. 1993-2005 Copyright HollySys HOLLiAS-LEC,HollySys,和利时
主界面 ...................................................................................................................................28 标题栏 ...........................................................................................................................29 对象组织器 ...................................................................................................................30 工作区域 .......................................................................................................................30 消息窗口 .......................................................................................................................31 状态栏 ...........................................................................................................................31 文件菜单 .......................................................................................................................31 编辑菜单 .......................................................................................................................32 工程菜单 .......................................................................................................................33 插入菜单 .......................................................................................................................36 其它菜单 .......................................................................................................................37 在线菜单 .......................................................................................................................39 窗口菜单 .......................................................................................................................40 帮助菜单 .......................................................................................................................41 文件工具 .......................................................................................................................41 调试工具 .......................................................................................................................41 编辑工具 .......................................................................................................................42 编程工具 .......................................................................................................................42 程序...............................................................................................................................43



IMO污染预防与应急分委会第5次会议(PPR 5)要点快报中国船级社2018年2月23日一、总体情况国际海事组织污染预防与应急分委会第5次会议(PPR5)于2018年2月5日至9日在伦敦召开。




二、重点讨论议题(一)化学品安全和污染风险评估及IBC规则修正案的准备工作(议题3)会议成立了工作组,基于化学品安全和污染风险评估(ESPH)工作组提交的报告(ESPH 23),完成了对相关化学物质的评估,完成了如下工作。

1. IBC规则、BCH规则修订基于MEPC71和MSC98原则上通过的IBC规则第21章修订草稿,工作组完成了IBC规则第17、18和19章的修订,同时针对易形成硫化氢的散装液体修订了配备硫化氢探测设备的要求(15.15条,对MARPOL附则II也作了协调性修订)。



长期 2年 2年 2年 2年 2年 2年 2年 2年 2年 2年 2年 合同期满 2年 2年 2年 2年 2年
22 工作联系单
05内部沟通管理 BST/Q-
5 23 会议签到表
05内部沟通管理 BST/Q-
130 月采购计划 131 供应商报价单 132 采购合同 133 应付帐款明细表 134 委外加工出库单 135 委外加工明细表
125 采购协议
126 合格供应商名单
供应商质保体系现场 BST/Q-
工装模具保养记录 (冲压)


IMO MSC 94 通过的决议清单
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 决议号 MSC.380(94) MSC.381(94) MSC.382(94) MSC.383(94) MSC.384(94) MSC.385(94) MSC.386(94) MSC.387(94) MSC.388(94) MSC.389(94) MSC.390(94) 名 称 经修订的 1974 年国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)修正案(II-2、VI 和 XI-1 章及附录) 2011 年散货船和油轮检验期间加强检验计划国际规则(2011 ESP 规则)修正案 海上移动式钻井平台构造和设备规则(MODU 规则)(A.414(XI))修正案 1989 年海上移动式钻井平台构造和设备规则(1989 MODU 规则)(A.649(16))修正案 2009 年海上移动式钻井平台构造和设备规则(2009 MODU 规则)(A.1023(26))修正案 极地水域营运船舶国际规则(极地规则) 经修订的 1974 年国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS)修正案(新第 XIV 章-极地船修正案) 2009 年海上移动式钻井平台构造和设备规则(2009 MODU 规则)(A.1023(26))修正案 气胀式救生筏服务站批准条件的建议(A.761(18)修正案 现有的成山角周边海域船舶强制报告系统修正案 海损事故或船舶事故安全调查国际标准和建议操作规则(事故调查规则)修正案
MSC 94 批准的通函清单
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 决议号/通函号 MShC.1/Circ… MSC.1/Circ.1485 MSC.1/Circ.1486 MSC.1/Circ.1487 MSC.1/Circ.1488 MSC.1/Circ.1489 MSC.1/Circ.1490 MSC.1/Circ.1491 名 称

出席国际海事组织(IMO)船舶设计与设备分 委会(DE)53次报告-媒体[1]

出席国际海事组织(IMO)船舶设计与设备分 委会(DE)53次报告-媒体[1]


IMO 67个成员国和 2个联系会员(中国香港,法罗群岛)的代表以及 32个政府间和非政府间组织的观察员出席了会议。

会议由DE主席德国的Anneliese Jost女士主持。

会议共有 25项议程,除全会外,还成立了4 个工作组及 1个起草组: WG1:救生设备工作组(议程3、4、6、8、11、13、19)WG2:货油舱涂层和腐蚀保护(议程7)WG3:客船(非客滚船)船底外部检查的替代安排(议程12)WG1:客船交通船(议程14)DG1:SOLAS,MARPOL和载重线公约应用于油船重大改建的解释(议程16)由交通运输部海事局、外交部、中国船舶工业集团公司、中国船舶重工集团公司部、中国钢铁研究总院和中国船级社以及驻英使馆海事处组成的中国代表团出席了本届会议。










2020年国际海事组织大事记2019年12月,新冠肺炎疫情(COVID-19)暴发,2020年3月12日,世界卫生组织(WHO )宣布新冠肺炎为全球公共卫生突发事件。







(二)提供12步解决方案为满足疫情期间海员换班和期满遣返的需求,IMO 发布第4204 / Add.14号通函,后附《在新冠肺炎疫情大流行期间确保海员安全换班和旅行的建议协议框架》。






(四)海上安全委员会助力解决海员换班危机 2020年9月,IMO海上安全委员会(MSC )第2次特别会议于线上召开。






本方案起草单位:本方案主要起草人:本方案解释单位:目录1适用范围 (12)2引用标准 (13)3术语和缩略语 (14)3.1术语 (14)3.2缩略语 (15)4系统体系结构 (17)4.1OCS网络位置 (17)4.2OCS系统结构 (18)4.2.1功能模块 (18)4.2.2接口 (19)5业务功能要求 (21)5.1通用接口层(Common Interface Function) (21)5.1.1请求消息格式转化 (21)5.1.2话单文件的预处理 (22)5.1.3用户基本资料加载 (23)5.1.4提供路由分发机制 (23)5.1.5应答消息格式转化 (24)5.1.6异常管理 (24)5.2计费控制(Charging Function) (24)5.2.1计费控制流程 (25)基于会话的初始计费控制流程 (25)基于会话的更新计费控制流程 (27)基于会话的中止计费控制流程 (28)基于事件的计费控制流程 (30)5.2.2会话管理 (31)关闭会话 (32)会话状态监控管理 (32)重发鉴权请求检查 (32)5.2.3计费管理 (33)业务识别和计费策略加载 (33)帐户控制 (33)批价控制 (33)(1) 批价得到服务的资费、费用或使用量 (33)(2) 余额临界值的判断和处理 (33)(3) 费率切换点的判断和处理 (34)(4) CCA相关参数的设置 (35)计费信息的更新处理 (35)多业务并发处理 (36)计费话单生成 (36)5.2.4AoC功能 (36)5.2.5异常处理 (37)5.3批价处理(Rating Function) (37)5.3.1费用计算能力 (37)支持事件格式动态识别 (37)支持多种计费对象 (37)支持多种计费元素 (38)支持条件灵活判别 (38)支持灵活的费用计算 (39)5.3.2费用计算方式 (39)正算 (39)预申请额度的计算 (39)最终额度的计算 (40)反算 (40)5.3.3异常处理 (40)5.4.1预留功能 (40)5.4.2返还功能 (41)5.4.3扣费功能 (41)5.4.4补款功能 (41)5.4.5充值功能 (42)周期性充值 (42)累积充值 (42)按帐目充值 (42)充值帐目限制消费 (42)余额帐本余额转移 (43)5.4.6外部余额使用 (43)5.4.7实时余额查询 (43)5.4.8帐户余额监控 (43)触发条件和动作的定义 (43)帐户余额监控动作触发 (44)记录操作日志 (44)5.5计费网关(Charging Gateway Function) (44)5.5.1支持定时话单文件生成 (45)5.5.2支持定量话单文件生成 (45)5.5.3支持定时和定量结合的话单文件生成 (45)6外部接口要求 (46)6.1计费消息输入接口 (47)6.1.1接口概述 (47)6.1.2接口要求 (47)6.2计费话单输入接口 (47)6.2.1接口概述 (47)6.2.2接口要求 (47)6.3与SID的同步接口 (48)6.3.1接口概述 (48)同步数据 (49)客户数据 (49)产品数据 (49)定价数据 (49)计费参数数据 (50)同步要求 (50)同步方式 (51)6.4外部帐户接口 (55)6.4.1接口概述 (55)6.4.2接口要求 (55)6.5实时查询接口 (55)6.5.1接口概述 (55)6.5.2接口要求: (56)6.6话单输出接口 (56)6.6.1接口概述 (56)6.6.2接口要求 (56)6.7通知接口 (56)6.7.1接口概述 (56)6.7.2接口要求 (56)6.8运行维护接口 (57)6.8.1接口概述 (57)6.8.2接口要求 (57)7系统管理要求 (59)7.1运行管理 (59)7.1.1性能管理 (59)7.1.2故障管理 (59)7.1.3配置管理 (61)7.1.4系统运行监控 (61)7.1.5集中检测 (61)7.1.7集中控制 (63)7.1.8数据库运行监控 (63)7.2业务统计 (63)7.2.1业务量统计 (63)7.2.2消息处理时间统计 (63)7.2.3消息处理结果统计 (64)7.3审核校验 (64)7.3.1提供系统处理分析报告 (64)7.3.2提供稽查功能 (64)7.4数据管理 (64)7.4.1SID数据同步 (64)7.4.2OCS产品配置数据管理 (64)产品维护 (65)产品定价数据管理 (65)7.4.3OCS参数数据管理 (66)7.5日志管理 (66)7.5.1统一的分级日志记录机制 (66)7.5.2日志维护功能 (66)7.5.3日志统计查询功能 (66)7.6版本管理 (67)8性能要求 (68)8.1实时性要求 (68)8.2可靠性要求 (68)8.3可扩展性要求 (68)8.4平滑升级要求 (69)8.5拥塞处理要求 (69)8.6容灾备份要求 (69)9基础平台要求 (71)9.1主机要求 (71)9.1.2硬件冗余 (72)9.1.3软件冗余 (72)9.1.4硬件热插拔 (72)9.1.5软件热插拔 (72)9.1.6过负荷控制 (72)9.2网络要求 (73)9.2.1负荷分担 (73)9.2.2网络分段 (73)9.2.3网络冗余 (74)9.3数据库要求 (75)9.3.1并行数据库 (75)9.3.2数据库备份 (76)9.4存储系统要求 (76)9.5操作系统要求 (76)9.6系统备份要求 (77)9.6.1备份恢复方案 (77)9.6.2备份恢复方案构架 (77)9.7容灾要求 (78)9.7.1容灾功能 (78)9.7.2容灾方案构架 (78)9.7.3容灾方案流程 (79)10系统安全要求 (81)10.1安全机制总体原则 (81)10.2基础设施安全机制 (81)10.3操作系统防护机制 (82)10.4用户管理安全机制 (82)10.5会话管理安全机制 (83)10.6远程维护安全机制 (84)10.7日志机制 (85)10.8.1密码设置规则 (85)10.8.2密码更改规则 (86)10.8.3强制密码更改配置 (86)10.8.4密码有效时间和历史记录 (86)10.8.5登录失败锁定规则 (87)10.9数据备份恢复机制 (87)10.9.1备份策略 (87)10.9.2数据备份 (87)10.9.3数据恢复 (88)图表图1:OCS网络组织示意图 (17)图2:OCS系统结构 (18)图3:基于会话的初始计费控制流程 (25)图4:基于会话的更新计费控制流程 (27)图5:基于会话的中止计费控制流程 (28)图6:基于事件的计费控制流程 (30)图7:计费网关流程 (45)图8:OCS系统外部接口 (46)图9:负荷分担 (73)图10:网络分段 (74)图11:网络冗余 (75)图12:备份恢复方案构架 (78)图13:容灾方案构架 (79)图14:容灾方案流程 (80)图15:用户管理安全机制 (83)中国电信在线计费系统(OCS)技术要求1适用范围本要求为中国电信在线计费系统的技术要求,规定了中国电信在线计费系统的相关内容,包括:系统体系架构、业务功能要求、外部接口要求、业务流程、系统功能要求、性能要求、基础平台要求和系统安全要求等方面。


ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้广联达计价软件GBQ4.0操作流程 序号 操作流程 具 体 操 作 方 法 备 注

【进入软件】→【建立项目结构】→【进入单位工程编辑界面】→【输入工程量清单】→【输入工程量】→【清单名称描述】→【分部整理 【工程量清单】 】→【措施项目清单】→【其他项目清单】→【查看报表】→【保存退出】→【生成电子招标书】→【预览和打印报表】→【刻录、导出电子招 编制操作流程 标书】。 双击桌面【广联达计价软件GBQ4.0】→启动【工程文件管理】界面→选择【清单计价】→单击【新建项目】→【新建招标项目】→弹出【新建招 标工程】界面(选择地区标准为“北京”,项目名称输入“白云广场”,项目编号输入“BJ-070621-SG”)→点击【确定】→进入【招标管理】主界面 新建单 。 选中【白云广场】(点击鼠标右键)→选择【新建单项工程】→弹出【新建单项工程】界面→输入(单项工程名称)【“01号楼”】。 项工程 选中【01号楼】(点击鼠标右键)→选择【新建单位工程】→弹出【新建清单计价单位工程】界面(选择清单库“工程量清单项目设置规则 建立项 新建单 (2002-北京)”,清单专业选择“建筑工程”,定额库选择“北京市建设工程预算定额(2001)”,定额专业为“建筑工程”。工程名称输入为土 目结构 位工程 建工程,结构类型选择为框架结构,建筑面积为3600m2)→点击【确定】。(用同样的方法新建给排水工程) 保存文 点击【保存】→弹出【另存为】界面→点击【保存】。 件 进入软 件 土建工 进入单 程 位工程 编辑界 安装工 面 程 查询输 入 选择【土建工程】→点击【进入编辑窗口】(或双击【土建工程】)→弹出【招标管理】界面。

IMO PPR分委会第2次会议 快报-上网发布版

IMO PPR分委会第2次会议   快报-上网发布版


二、重点讨论议题(一)IMO其他机构的决定(议题2)1、关于对SOx废气滤清系统导则的修订(1)对PH值排放标准验证方法的修订分委会同意欧盟国家和挪威提出的基于计算的方法来验证废气洗涤水PH 值,认为通过计算的方法可以准确地预测洗涤水排放后4m处的PH,是可行的。

并对欧盟国家和挪威提出的对2009年废气滤清系统导则中PH值排放标准10.1.2.1(ii)条(舷外4m处的PH值为6.5)验证的修订进行了整合,除增加基于计算的方法来验证该条外,还明确了记录在Scheme A或Scheme B中需验证和提交的信息。












DOI:10.16831/ki.issn1673-2278.2019.05.024IMO船舶设计与建造分委会第6次会议(SDC 6)概况2月4日至8日,国际海事组织(IMO)在英国伦敦召开船舶设计与建造分委会(SDC)第6次会议。


除全会外,此次会议还成立了分舱和破损稳性、船上载运超过12名工业人员的国际航行船舶安全标准(IP规则)和安全系泊操作3个工作组,2011散货船及油船检验期间加强检验程序规则(2011 ESP)起草组,以及完整稳性专家组。

一、修订《海上人命安全公约》(SOALS)II-1/3-8和相关指南(MSC/Circ.1175)以及制定新的适用于所有船舶的安全系泊指南S D C 6会议成立了工作组,完成了S OA L S I I-1/3-8条的修订草案,以及“系泊布置设计指南”草案、“系泊设备维护检验指南”和MSC/Circ.1175的修订草案。


二、审议SOLAS II-1/B-2至B-4部分,使之与B和B-1部分的水密完整性要求保持一致通信组同意修订SOLAS II-1/B-2至B-4部分条款,会议在此修正案基础上进一步修订7-2.5条和17条以保持一致性。



案 ▪ 2009年废气滤清系统导则(MEPC.184(59))修正案 ▪ 2015年有害物质清单编制导则 ▪ 2011年关于装有选择性催化还原(SCR)系统船用柴油机特殊
➢ MEPC通函
➢ 双燃料发动机、气体燃料发动应用MARPOL附则VI Tier III标准指南 (MEPC.1/Circ.854)
极地规则(Polar Code) (MEPC.XXX(68))
➢ 主要内容(Part II-A)(续):
➢ 第5章 防止垃圾污染
➢ 船舶只有在尽可能远离海冰密集度mm)的食品废弃物,且在任何情况下距最近 陆地、最近冰架或最近的固定冰均不得少于12海里;
➢ 主要内容(Part II-B):
➢ 鼓励船舶在北极水域营运时应用MARPOL附则I第43条的要求。 ➢ 在位于水下船体外部有直接海水接触面的需润滑的部件应考虑到无毒
性生物可降解润滑剂或水基系统,例如轴封和回转密封。 ➢ 鼓励A类和B类新造船载运3型船NLS物质的液货舱设有外壳保护; ➢ 在BWM公约生效前应考虑符合D-1条的压载水置换标准或D-2条的压
➢ 第3章 防止包装有害物质污染
➢ 无内容(留空白)
极地规则(Polar Code) (MEPC.XXX(68))
➢ 主要内容(Part II-A)(续):
➢ 第4章 防止生活污水污染
➢ 关于船舶距最近陆地超过3海里或12海里的排放要求同样适用于距 任何冰架或固定冰的排放距离要求;且应尽可能远离海冰密集度超 过1/10的区域;
➢ 因此对2017年1月1日前建造的航行于极地水域的船舶,应允许使用现有 证书直至到期日,因为对这些船没有新结构要求。
➢ 对于在极地水域持续航行超过30天不能满足零排放要求的A类现有船, 应在不迟于2017年1月1日后一年后的首次中间或换证检验(以早者为 准),满足零排放要求。对于这种船,可通过主管机关签发一个批准函 (a letter of approval)的方式替代对IOPP证书的批准。



Table 1: List of ballast water management systems that make use of Active Substances which received Basic Approval from IMO1Name of the system and proposing country 1 Peraclean® Ocean (subsequently changed to SEDNA® Ballast Water Management System (Using Peraclean® Ocean)), Germany Electro-Clean (electrolytic disinfection) system (subsequently changed to Electro-Cleen™), Republic of Korea Special Pipe Ballast Water Management System (combined with Ozone treatment), Japan (subsequently changed to FineBallast OZ (the Special Pipe Hybrid Ballast Water Management System combined with Ozone treatment version)) EctoSysTM electrochemical system, Sweden (subsequently changed to the RWO ballast water management system) PureBallast System, Sweden NK Ballast Water Treatment System, Republic of Korea (subsequently changed to NK-O3 BlueBallast System (Ozone)) Hitachi Ballast Water Purification System (ClearBallast), Japan Resource Ballast Technologies System, South Africa GloEn-PatrolTM Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea OceanSaver® Ballast Water Management System, Norway TG Ballastcleaner and TG Environmentalguard System (subsequently changed to JFE Ballast Water Management System), Japan Greenship Sedinox Ballast Water Management System, the Netherlands Ecochlor® Ballast Water Treatment System, Germany Blue Ocean Shield Ballast Water Management System, ChinaName of manufacturer Degussa GmbH, GermanyDate of Basic Approval 24 March 2006 (MEPC 54)2Techcross Ltd. and Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) Japan Association of Marine Safety (JAMS)24 March 2006 (MEPC 54)313 October 2006 (MEPC 55)4Permascand AB, Sweden, subsequently 13 October 2006 acquired by RWO GmbH, Germany (MEPC 55)5 6Alfa Laval/Wallenius Water AB NK Company Ltd., Republic of Korea13 July 2007 (MEPC 56) 13 July 2007 (MEPC 56)7 8 9Hitachi, Ltd./Hitachi Plant technologies, Ltd. Resource Ballast Technologies (Pty) Ltd. Panasia Co., Ltd.4 April 2008 (MEPC 57) 4 April 2008 (MEPC 57) 4 April 2008 (MEPC 57) 4 April 2008 (MEPC 57) 10 October 2008 (MEPC 58)10 11MetaFil AS (subsequently changed to OceanSaver AS) The Toagosei Group (TG Corporation, Toagosei Co., Ltd. and Tsurumi Soda Co., Ltd.)12Greenship Ltd10 October 2008 (MEPC 58) 10 October 2008 (MEPC 58) 17 July 2009 (MEPC 59)13 14Ecochlor, Inc, Acton, the United States China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO)1More comprehensive information regarding the systems approved until October 2014 is available in document BWM.2/Circ.34/Rev.3.Table 1 (continued)Name of the system and proposing country 15 Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI) Ballast Water Management System (EcoBallast), Republic of Korea AquaTriCombTM Ballast Water Treatment System, Germany SiCURETM Ballast Water Management System, Germany Sunrui Ballast Water Management System (subsequently changed to BalClor Ballast Water Management System), China DESMI Ocean Guard Ballast Water Management System, Denmark Blue Ocean Guardian (BOG) Ballast Water Management System, (subsequently changed to "ARA Ballast" Ballast Water Management System), Republic of Korea Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI) Ballast Water Management System (HiBallast), Republic of Korea Kwang San Co., Ltd. (KS) Ballast Water Management System "En-Ballast", Republic of Korea OceanGuard™ Ballast Water Management System, Norway Severn Trent DeNora BalPure® Ballast Water Management System (subsequently changed to BalPure® BP-500), Germany Techwin Eco Co., Ltd. (TWECO) Ballast Water Management System (Purimar), Republic of Korea AquaStar Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea (subsequently changed to AquaStar™ BWMS and MACGREGOR WATER BALLAST TREATMENT SYSTEM) Kuraray Ballast Water Management System, (subsequently changed to MICROFADETM Ballast Water Management System), Japan ERMA FIRST Ballast Water Management System (subsequently changed to ERMA FIRST BWTS), Greece BlueSeas Ballast Water Management System, Singapore SKY-SYSTEM® with Peraclean® Ocean Ballast Water Management System, JapanName of manufacturer Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Republic of KoreaDate of Basic Approval 17 July 2009 (MEPC 59)16 17 18Aquaworx ATC GmbH Siemens Water Technologies Qingdao Sunrui Corrosion and Fouling Control Company17 July 2009 (MEPC 59) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60)19 20DESMI Ocean Guard A/S 21st Century Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.26 March 2010 (MEPC 60) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60)21Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea Kwang San Co., Ltd.26 March 2010 (MEPC 60) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60)2223 24Qingdao Headway Technology Co., Ltd. Severn Trent De Nora (STDN), LLC25Techwin Eco Co., Ltd.1 October 2010 (MEPC 61) 1 October 2010 (MEPC 61)26AQUA Eng. Co., Ltd.27Kuraray Co., Ltd.1 October 2010 (MEPC 61)28ERMA FIRST ESK Engineering Solutions S.A.15 July 2011 (MEPC 62)29 30Envirotech and Consultancy Pte. Ltd. Katayama Chemical, Inc.15 July 2011 (MEPC 62) 15 July 2011 (MEPC 62)Table 1 (continued)Name of the system and proposing country 31 JFE BallastAce that makes use of NeoChlor Marine® Ballast Water Management System, Japan BallastMaster Ballast Water Management System, Germany BlueWorld Ballast Water Management System, Singapore Neo-PurimarTM Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea "Smart Ballast" Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea DMU ·OH Ballast Water Management System, China EcoGuardianTM Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea KTM-Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea (subsequently changed to MARINOMATE™ Ballast Water Management System) Hamworthy AquariusTM-EC BWMS, the Netherlands (subsequently changed to Aquarius™-EC BWMS) OceanDoctor Ballast Water Management System, China HS-BALLAST Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea GloEn-SaverTM Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea Van Oord Ballast Water Management System, the Netherlands REDOX AS Ballast Water Management System, Norway BlueZoneTM Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea ECOLCELL BTs Ballast Water Management System, Italy Ecomarine-EC Ballast Water Management System, Japan ATPS-BLUEsys Ballast Water Management System, Japan KURITA™ Ballast Water Management System, Japan ElysisGuard ballast water management systemName of manufacturer JFE Engineering CorporationDate of Basic Approval 15 July 2011 (MEPC 62) 15 July 2011 (MEPC 62) 15 July 2011 (MEPC 62) 15 July 2011 (MEPC 62) 2 March 2012 (MEPC 63) 2 March 2012 (MEPC 63) 2 March 2012 (MEPC 63) 5 October 2012 (MEPC 64)32 33 34GEA Westfalia Separator Systems GmbH Envirotech and Consultancy Pte. Ltd. Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.35STX Metal Co., Ltd.36 37Dalian Maritime University Hanla IMS Co., Ltd.38Korea Top Marine (KT Marine) Co., Ltd.39Hamworthy Water Systems Ltd.5 October 2012 (MEPC 64) 5 October 2012 (MEPC 64) 5 October 2012 (MEPC 64) 5 October 2012 (MEPC 64) 17 May 2013 (MEPC 65) 17 May 2013 (MEPC 65) 17 May 2013 (MEPC 65) 4 April 2014 (MEPC 66) 4 April 2014 (MEPC 66) 4 April 2014 (MEPC 66) 4 April 2014 (MEPC 66) 17 October 2014 (MEPC 67)40 41Jiujiang Precision Measuring Technology Research Institute HWASEUNG R&A Co., Ltd.42PANASIA Co., Ltd.43 44 45Van Oord B.V. REDOX Maritime Technologies AS SUNBO INDUSTRIES Co., Ltd., DSEC Co., Ltd., and the Korean Institute of Machinery & Material (KIMM) Azienda Chimica Genovese (ACG) Ecomarine Technology Research Association Panasonic Environmental Systems & Engineering Co., Ltd. Kurita Water Industries Ltd. KALF Engineering Pte. Ltd.46 47 48 49 50Table 2: List of ballast water management systems that make use of Active Substances which received Final Approval from IMO2Name of the system and proposing country 1 2 PureBallast System, Norway SEDNA® Ballast Water Management System (Using Peraclean® Ocean), Germany Electro-CleenTM System, Republic of Korea OceanSaver® Ballast Water Management System, Norway RWO Ballast Water Management System (CleanBallast), Germany NK-O3 BlueBallast System (Ozone), Republic of Korea Hitachi Ballast Water Purification System (ClearBallast), Japan Greenship Sedinox Ballast Water Management System, the Netherlands GloEn-PatrolTM Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea Resource Ballast Technologies System, South Africa JFE BallastAce® Ballast Water Management System, Japan Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (HHI) Ballast Water Management System (EcoBallast), Republic of Korea Special Pipe Hybrid Ballast Water Management System combined with Ozone treatment version (SP-Hybrid BWMS Ozone version), Japan "ARA Ballast" Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea BalClor Ballast Water Management System, China OceanGuardTM Ballast Water Management System, Norway Ecochlor® Ballast Water Management System, GermanyName of manufacturer Alfa Laval/Wallenius Water AB Degussa GmbH, GermanyDate of Final Approval 13 July 2007 (MEPC 56) 4 April 2008 (MEPC 57) 10 October 2008 (MEPC 58) 10 October 2008 (MEPC 58) 17 July 2009 (MEPC 59) 17 July 2009 (MEPC 59) 17 July 2009 (MEPC 59) 17 July 2009 (MEPC 59) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60) 26 March 2010 (MEPC 60)34 5 6 7 8Techcross Ltd. and Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) OceanSaver AS RWO GmbH Marine Water Technology, Germany NK Company Ltd., Republic of Korea Hitachi, Ltd. /Hitachi Plant technologies, Ltd. Greenship Ltd9Panasia Co., Ltd.10 11 12Resource Ballast Technologies (Pty) Ltd. JFE Engineering Corporation Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea13Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.1 October 2010 (MEPC 61)1421st Century Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.1 October 2010 (MEPC 61) 1 October 2010 (MEPC 61) 1 October 2010 (MEPC 61) 1 October 2010 (MEPC 61)15 16 17Qingdao Sunrui Corrosion and Fouling Control Company Qingdao Headway Technology Co., Ltd. Ecochlor Inc, Acton, the United States2More comprehensive information regarding the systems approved until October 2014 is available in document BWM.2/Circ.34/Rev.3.Table 2 (continued)Name of the system and proposing country 18 Severn Trent De Nora BalPure® Ballast Water Management System (subsequently changed to BalPure® BP-500), Germany HiBallast Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea Purimar Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea SiCURE™ Ballast Water Management System, Germany ERMA FIRST Ballast Water Management System (subsequently changed to ERMA FIRST BWTS), Greece MICROFADETM Ballast Water Management System, Japan AquaStarTM Ballast Water Management, Republic of Korea (subsequently changed to AquaStar™ BWMS and MACGREGOR WATER BALLAST TREATMENT SYSTEM) Neo-PurimarTM Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea DESMI Ocean Guard BWMS, Denmark JFE BallastAce that makes use of NEO-CHLOR MARINETM, Japan Smart Ballast BWMS, Republic of Korea AQUARIUS® EC Ballast Water Management System, the Netherlands EcoGuardianTM Ballast Water Management System, Republic of Korea OceanDoctor BWMS, ChinaName of manufacturer Severn Trent De Nora (STDN), LLCDate of Final Approval 1 October 2010 (MEPC 61)19 20 21 22Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Siemens Water Technologies ERMA FIRST E.S.K. Engineering Solutions S.A.15 July 2011 (MEPC 62) 15 July 2011 (MEPC 62) 2 March 2012 (MEPC 63) 2 March 2012 (MEPC 63)23 24Kuraray Co., Ltd. AQUA Eng. Co.2 March 2012 (MEPC 63) 2 March 2012 (MEPC 63)25Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (SHI) DESMI Ocean Guard A/S JFE Engineering Corporation STX Metal Co., Ltd. Wärtsilä Water Systems Limited2 March 2012 (MEPC 63) 5 October 2012 (MEPC 64) 5 October 2012 (MEPC 64) 5 October 2012 (MEPC 64) 17 May 2013 (MEPC 65) 17 May 2013 (MEPC 65) 17 May 2013 (MEPC 65)26 27 28 2930 31Hanla IMS Co., Ltd. Jiujiang Precision Measuring Technology Research Institute and Institute of Marine Materials Science and Engineering of Shanghai Maritime University Nippon Yuka Kogyo Co., and Katayama Chemical, Inc. Evonik Industries AG3233 34 35 36Ballast Water Management System with PERACLEAN® OCEAN (SKY-SYSTEM), Evonik Ballast Water Treatment System with PERACLEAN® OCEAN MARINOMATE™ Ballast Water Management System BlueZone™ Ballast Water Management System KURITA Ballast Water Management System4 April 2014 (MEPC 66) 4 April 2014 (MEPC 66) 17 October 2014 (MEPC 67) 17 October 2014 (MEPC 67) 17 October 2014 (MEPC 67)KT Marine Co. Ltd.SUNBO Industries Co. Ltd. Kurita Water Industries Ltd.Table 3: List of ballast water management systems which received Type Approval Certification by their respective Administrations (resolutions MEPC.175(58) and MEPC.228(65))3Name of the ballast water management system PureBallast System Copy of Type Approval Certificate Provided (MEPC 61/INF.3) Provided (MEPC 58/INF.17) MEPC report granting Final Approval MEPC 56/23, paragraph 2.8 MEPC 57/21, paragraph 2.16Approval Date 1 June 2008Name of the Administration Det Norske Veritas, on behalf of the Norwegian Administration Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, GermanyActive Substance employed Yes, please refer to MEPC 56/2/2, annex 5 Yes, please refer to MEPC 57/2/10, annex 7210 June 2008331 December 2008 17 April 20094524 November 200964 December 200975 March 2010Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Republic of Korea Det Norske Veritas, on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Republic of Korea Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Republic of Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan China Maritime Safety Administration Inspection and Measurement Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of JapanSEDNA® Ballast Water Management System (Using Peraclean® Ocean) ElectroCleenTM System OceanSaver® Ballast Water Management System NK-O3 BlueBallast System (Ozone) GloEn-PatrolTM Ballast Water Management System Hitachi Ballast Water Management System (ClearBallast) BalClorTM Ballast Water Management System JFE BallastAce® Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 59/INF.6) Provided (MEPC 59/INF.17 and MEPC 62/INF.15) Provided (MEPC 60/INF.14) Provided (MEPC 61/2/19) Provided (MEPC 61/INF.21)Yes, please refer to MEPC 58/2/7, annex 7 Yes, please refer to MEPC 58/2/8, annex 4MEPC 58/23, paragraph 2.8 MEPC 58/23, paragraph 2.10Yes, please refer to MEPC 59/2/16, annex 6 Yes, please refer to MEPC 60/2/11, annex 4 Yes, please refer to MEPC 59/2/19, annex 4MEPC 59/24, paragraph 2.8. MEPC 60/22, paragraph 2.7 MEPC 59/24, paragraph 2.8828 January 2011Provided (MEPC 62/INF.29) Provided (MEPC 62/INF.25)Yes, please refer to MEPC 61/2/15, annex 9 Yes, please refer to MEPC 60/2/12, annex 5MEPC 61/24, Paragraph 2.7.3 MEPC 60/22, paragraph 2.7926 May 2010 and 25 March 20113Table 3 above was compiled based on the information provided by the respective AdministrationsTable 3 (continued)Name of the ballast water management system Resource Ballast Technologies System Copy of Type Approval Certificate Provided (MEPC 62/INF.18) MEPC report granting Final Approval MEPC 60/22, paragraph 2.7Approval Date 10 19 April 2011Name of the Administration The South African Department of TransportActive Substance employed Yes, please refer to MEPC 60/2/11, annex 711Renewal 18 January 2013 2 September 2008The South African Department of Transport Office of the Maritime Administration, Marshall IslandsProvided (MEPC 65/INF.26) NEI Treatment Available at System VOS- request 2500-101No Active Substances Not used according to the applicable communication received from the Administration of Marshall Islands (Letter of 10 Dec. 2008)19 January 2010 12 29 April 2009Merchant Shipping Directorate of Malta Lloyd’s Register, as delegated by the Administration of the United Kingdom1312 November 2009Det Norske Veritas, on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate1416 February 2011China Maritime Safety Administration1510 March 2011Det Norske Veritas, on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime DirectorateProvided Please refer to (BWM.2/Circ.25) circular BWM.2/Circ.25 Hyde Provided No Active Substances GUARDIANTM (MEPC used according to the ballast water 59/INF.20) communication management received from the system Administration of United Kingdom (please refer to MEPC 59/INF.20) OptiMarin Provided No Active Substances Ballast System (MEPC used according to the (OBS) 61/INF.4) communication received from the Administration of Norway (please refer to MEPC 61/INF.4) Blue Ocean Provided No Active Substances Shield Ballast (MEPC used according to the Water 62/INF.28) communication Management received from the System Administration of China (please refer to MEPC 62/INF.28) PureBallst 2.0 Provided No Active Substances and (MEPC used according to the PureBallast 62/INF.14) communication 2.0 Ex received from the Administration of Norway (please refer to MEPC 62/INF.14)Not applicable Not applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableTable 3 (continued)Name of the ballast water management system EcoBallast Ballast Water Management System (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.) BSKYTM Ballast Water Management System Copy of Type Approval Certificate Provided (MEPC 63/INF.5) Active Substance employed MEPC report granting Final Approval MEPC 60/22, paragraph 2.13Approval Date 16 16 March 2011Name of the Administration The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Republic of Korea China Maritime Safety AdministrationYes, please refer to MEPC 59/2/16, annex 81728 March 2011Provided (MEPC 62/INF.30)186 June 2011Inspection and Measurement Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, Germany Office of the Maritime Administrator, Republic of the Marshal Islands1927 July 2011FineBallast® OZ (the Special Pipe Hybrid Ballast Water Management System combined with Ozone treatment version) BalPure® BP-500Provided (MEPC 63/INF.12)No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of China (please refer to MEPC 62/INF.30) Yes, please refer to MEPC 61/2/15, annex 6Not applicableMEPC 61/24, paragraph 2.7Provided (MEPC 64/INF.20) Available at requestYes, please refer to MEPC 61/2/21, annex 7 No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of Marshall Islands (Letter of 9 August 2011) Yes, please refer to MEPC 62/2/18, annex 6MEPC 61/24, paragraph 2.7 Not applicable206 August 2011NEI Treatment System VOS-500 to VOS-60002131 October 20112223The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Republic of Korea 7 November Det Norske 2011 Veritas, on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate 11 November The Ministry of 2011 Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Republic of KoreaPurimarTM SystemProvided (MEPC 63/INF.6)MEPC 62/24, paragraph 2.5OceanGuardTM Ballast Water Management System HiBallastTM Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 65/INF.2)Yes, please refer to MEPC 61/2/21, annex 5MEPC 61/24, paragraph 2.7Provided (MEPC 63/INF.4)Yes, please refer to MEPC 62/2/18, annex 5MEPC 62/24, paragraph 2.5Table 3 (continued)Approval Date Name of the Administration Name of the ballast water management system OceanSaver® Ballast Water Management System ERMA FIRST BWTS Copy of Type Approval Certificate Provided (MEPC 64/INF.4) Active Substance employed MEPC report granting Final Approval MEPC 58/23, paragraph 2.102425262722 December Det Norske 2011 Veritas, on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate 10 May 2012 Hellenic Republic, Ministry of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping, General Secretariat of Shipping, Merchant Ships Inspection General Directorate, Design and Construction Directorate 30 May 2012 Inspection and Measurement Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan 12 June 2012 China Maritime Safety AdministrationYes, please refer to MEPC 58/2/8, annex 4Provided (MEPC 64/INF.26)Yes, please refer to MEPC 63/2/11, annex 5MEPC 63/23, paragraph 2.7MICROFADETM Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 64/INF.17)Yes, please refer to MEPC 63/2/11, annex 6MEPC 63/23, paragraph 2.7CyecoTM Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 64/INF.12)2815 June 2012 The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Republic of KoreaAquaStarTM Ballast Water Management System (subsequently changed to AquaStar™ BWMS and MACGREGOR WATER BALLAST TREATMENT SYSTEM)Provided (MEPC 64/INF.18)No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of China (please refer to MEPC 64/INF.12) Yes, please refer to MEPC 63/2/11, annex 7Not applicableMEPC 63/23, paragraph 2.7Table 3 (continued)Approval Date Name of the Administration Name of the ballast water management system ARA PLASMA BWTS Ballast Water Management System CrystalBallast® Ballast Water Management System Copy of Type Approval Certificate Provided (MEPC 64/INF.33) Active Substance employed MEPC report granting Final Approval MEPC 61/24, paragraph 2.72912 July 201230The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, Republic of Korea 20 September The Norwegian 2012 Maritime AuthorityYes, please refer to MEPC 61/2/15, annex 8Provided (MEPC 65/INF.13)317 November 2012The Danish Maritime Authority and the Danish Nature Agency3212 December The Norwegian 2012 Maritime AuthorityDESMI Ocean Guard OxyClean Ballast Water Management System MMC Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 65/INF.5)No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of Norway (please refer to MEPC 65/INF.13) Yes, please refer to MEPC 64/2/6, annex 4Not applicableMEPC 64/23, paragraph 2.6Provided (MEPC 66/INF.9)3320 December The Netherlands 2012 Ministry of Infrastructure and the EnvironmentWärtsilä AQUARIUS® UV ballast water management systemProvided (MEPC 65/INF.11)345 February 2013China Maritime Safety AdministrationBALWAT Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 66/INF.15)355 June 2013French Ministry of Ecology Sustainable Development and EnergyBIO-SEA® Ballast Water Treatment SystemProvided (MEPC 66/INF.10)No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of Norway (please refer to MEPC 66/INF.9) No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of the Netherlands (please refer to MEPC 65/INF.11) No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of China (please refer to MEPC 66/INF.15) No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of France (please refer to MEPC 66/INF.10)Not applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableTable 3 (continued)Approval Date Name of the Administration Name of the ballast water management system JFE BallastAce Copy of Type Approval Certificate Provided (MEPC 66/INF.30 Active Substance employed MEPC report granting Final Approval MEPC 64/23, paragraph 2.6363726 June 2013 Inspection and Measurement Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan 22 August China Maritime 2013 Safety AdministrationYes, please refer to MEPC 64/2/7, annex 5HY™-BWMSProvided (MEPC 66/INF.14)3810 October 2013China Maritime Safety AdministrationNiBallast™ Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 66/INF.12)394 November 2013China Maritime Safety AdministrationCyeco™ Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 66/INF.16)405 November 201341Inspection and Measurement Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan 14 November The Norwegian 2013 Maritime AuthorityFineBallast MFProvided (MEPC 66/INF.28)No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of China (please refer to MEPC 66/INF.14) No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of China (please refer to MEPC 66/INF.12) No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of China (please refer to MEPC 66/INF.16) No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of Japan (please refer to MEPC 66/INF.28)Not applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicableKBAL Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 65/INF.12)422 December 2013China Maritime Safety AdministrationSeascape Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 66/INF.13)No Active Substances Not applicable used according to the communication received from the Administration of Norway (please refer to MEPC 65/INF.12) No Active Substances Not applicable used according to the communication received from the Administration of China (please refer to MEPC 66/INF.13)Table 3 (continued)Approval Date Name of the Administration Name of the ballast water management system Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.0 Ballast Water Management System Copy of Type Approval Certificate Provided (MEPC 67/INF.5) MEPC report granting Final Approval No Active Substances Not applicable used according to the communication received from the Administration of Norway (please refer to MEPC 67/INF.5) No Active Substances Not applicable used according to the communication received from the Administration of Norway (please refer to MEPC 67/INF.6) No Active Substances Not applicable used according to the communication received from the Administration of Japan (please refer to MEPC 67/INF.20) No Active Substances Not applicable used according to the communication received from the Administration of Japan (please refer to MEPC 67/INF.21) Yes, please refer to MEPC 61/2/21, annex 6 No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of Germany (please refer to MEPC 67/INF.27) No Active Substances used according to the communication received from the Administration of Germany (please refer to MEPC 67/INF.28) MEPC 61/24, paragraph 2.7 Not applicable Active Substance employed4330 June 2014 The Norwegian Maritime Authority4420 December The Norwegian 2013 Maritime AuthorityTrojan Marinex™ Ballast Water Management SystemProvided (MEPC 67/INF.6)4527 March 2014464748Inspection and Measurement Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan 18 June 2014 Inspection and Measurement Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan 4 November Federal Maritime 2011 and Hydrographic Agency, Germany 29 April 2011 Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, GermanyMiura BWMS ballast water management systemProvided (MEPC 67/INF.20)ECOMARINE ballast water management systemProvided (MEPC 67/INF.21)Ecochlor® Ballast Water Treatment System, Series 75 Ocean Protection System® OPS-250Provided (MEPC 67/INF.26) Provided (MEPC 67/INF.27)4927 August 2012Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, GermanyBallastMaster ultraV 250 ballast water management system (formerly named AquaTriComb BW 250)Provided (MEPC 67/INF.28)Not applicable。



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IMO污染预防和应对分委会第4届会议概况刘昭青【期刊名称】《中国海事》【年(卷),期】2017(000)003【总页数】2页(P55-56)【作者】刘昭青【作者单位】上海海事局【正文语种】中文2017年1月16-20日,IMO污染预防和应对分委会(PPR)第4届会议在伦敦总部召开,IMO秘书长林基泽致开幕词,分委会主席Sveinung Oftedal先生(挪威)和副主席Flavio Fernandes博士(巴西)主持会议。




该提议工作将旨在探讨可采取何种行动,来确保在指定的硫氧化物(SOx)排放控制区(ECAS)外运作的船舶或不使用等效物如废气清洁系统(Exhaust Gas Cleaning System)的船舶其所用燃油0.50%硫限额以及可促进IMO成员国有效政策落实的行动得到一致和有效的实施。



有关提议拟在该分委会2018年和2019年会议期间完成的工作可包括以下方面:* 考虑从3.50%m/m硫限额转低为0.50%m/m限额可能产生的准备和过渡问题;* 考虑使用0.50%m/m硫限额燃油可能导致对燃料和机械系统的影响;* 考虑到确保遵守和一致实施所必需的验证事项和控制机制以及拟采取行动;* 要制定有关报告燃油不可用性(non-availability)的标准格式草案,如果船舶不能获得合适燃油,其可用于提供证据;* 视情制定有关指导,其可帮助成员国和利益相关者对所交付船上使用燃油的硫含量做评估,其基于考虑有关机制来鼓励验证提供给船舶的燃料满足按燃料交付单(bunker delivery note)所述规定的硫限额;* 要求国际标准化组织(ISO)为世界范围基础上所提供燃料就其船上消耗事宜来考虑ISO 8217标准框架,以期在船用燃料相关的ISO标准和MARPOL公约附则VI第14.1.3条款的实施之间保持一致性;* 考虑到随后产生的任何法规修正案或指导,其对解决所提出问题或另外认为必要的问题是必需的,以确保MARPOL公约附则VI第14.1.3条款的一致实施。


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