Case 4-3 Data Modeling




IBM Rational可视化建模技术IBM Rational 技术白皮书版本 1.0目录1.为什么要建模31.1什么是模型?31.1.1模型是对现实世界的简化和抽象31.1.2模型是沟通的手段31.2什么是可视化建模41.3可视化建模技术的好处41.3.1有效管理系统复杂度41.3.2增强团队的沟通51.3.3提高系统设计的可重用性51.3.4增强系统架构的灵活性52.可视化建模方法62.1用例视图(Use-Case View) 62.2逻辑视图(Logic View) 82.3进程视图(Process View) 92.4实施视图(Implementation View) 102.5部署视图(Deployment View) 103.可视化建模最佳实践113.1建立以构件为基础的软件架构113.2保证模型和代码之间的一致性113.3使用UML统一软件开发生命周期114.可视化建模工具124.1最受欢迎的建模工具Rose 124.2新一代建模工具XDE 13可视化建模技术1.为什么要建模自从90年代中期对象管理组织OMG发布统一建模语言UML(Unified ModelingLanguage)以来,伴随着面向对象技术的发展,可视化建模技术受到越来越多开发人员的追捧。





phase-field modeling

phase-field modeling

Phase field modelsFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchA phase field model is a mathematical model for solving interfacial problems. It has mainly been applied to solidification dynamics,[1]but it has also been applied to other situations such as viscous fingering,[2]fracture dynamics, [3] vesicle dynamics,[4] etc.The method substitutes boundary conditions at the interface by a partial differential equation for the evolution of an auxiliary field (the phase field) that takes the role of an order parameter. This phase field takes two distinct values (for instance +1 and −1) in each of the phases, with a smooth change between both values in the zone around the interface, which is then diffuse with a finite width.A discrete location of the interface may be defined as the collection of all points where the phase field takes a certain value (e.g., 0).A phase field model is usually constructed in such a way that in the limit of an infinitesimal interface width (the so-called sharp interface limit) the correct interfacial dynamics are recovered. This approach permits to solve the problem by integrating a set of partial differential equations for the whole system, thus avoiding theexplicit treatment of the boundary conditions at the interface.Phase field models were first introduced by Fix[5] and Langer,[6] and have experienced a growing interest in solidification and other areas.Contents∙ 1 Equations of the Phase field modelo 1.1 Variational formulationso 1.2 Sharp interface limit of the Phase field equations∙ 2 Multi Phase Field Models∙ 3 Software∙ 4 Further reading∙ 5 References[edit] Equations of the Phase field modelPhase field models are usually constructed in order to reproduce a given interfacial dynamics. For instance, in solidification problems the front dynamics is given by a diffusion equation for either concentration or temperature in the bulk and some boundary conditions at the interface (a local equilibrium condition and a conservation law),[7] which constitutes the sharp interface model.A two phase microstructure and the order parameter φ profile is shown on a line across the domain. Gradual change of order parameter from one phase to another shows diffuse nature of the interface.A number of formulations of the phase field model are based on a free energy functional depending on an order parameter (the phase field) and a diffusive field (variational formulations). Equations of the model are then obtained by using general relations of Statistical Physics. Such a functional is constructed from physical considerations, but contains a parameter or combination of parameters related to the interface width. Parameters of the model are then chosen by studying the limit of the model with this width going to zero, in such a way that one can identify this limit with the intended sharp interface model.Other formulations start by writing directly the phase field equations, without referring to any thermodynamical functional (non-variational formulations). In this case the only reference is the sharp interface model, in the sense that it should be recovered when performing the small interface width limit of the phase field model.Phase field equations in principle reproduce the interfacial dynamics when the interface width is small compared with the smallest length scale in the problem. In solidification this scale is the capillary length d o, which is a microscopic scale. From a computational point of view integration of partial differential equations resolving such a small scale is prohibitive. However, Karma and Rappel introduced the thin interface limit,[8] which permitted to relax this condition and has opened the way to practical quantitative simulations with phase field models. With the increasing power of computers and the theoretical progress in phase field modelling, phase field models have become a useful tool for the numerical simulation of interfacial problems.[edit] Variational formulationsA model for a phase field can be constructed by physical arguments if one have an explicit expression for the free energy of the system. A simple example for solidification problems is the following:where φ is the phase field, u = e / e0 + h(φ) / 2, e is the local enthalpy per unit volume, h is a certain polynomial function of φ, and e0 = L2 / T M c p (where L is the latent heat, T M is the melting temperature, and c p is the specific heat). The term withcorresponds to the interfacial energy. The function f(φ) is usually taken as a double-well potential describing the free energy density of the bulk of each phase, which themselves correspond to the two minima of the function f(φ). The constants K and h0 have respectively dimensions of energy per unit length and energy per unitvolume. The interface width is then given by . The phase field model can then be obtained from the following variational relations:[9]where D is a diffusion coefficient for the variable e, and η andare stochastic terms accounting for thermal fluctuations (and whose statistical properties can be obtained from the fluctuation dissipation theorem). The first equation gives an equation for the evolution of the phase field, whereas the second one is a diffusion equation, which usually is rewritten for the temperature or for the concentration (in the case of an alloy). These equations are, scaling space with l and times with l2 / D:where is the nondimensional interface width, α = Dτ / W2h0,and , are nondimensionalized noises.[edit] Sharp interface limit of the Phase field equationsA phase field model can be constructed to purposely reproduce a given interfacial dynamics as represented by a sharp interface model. In such a case the sharp interface limit (i.e. the limit when the interface width goes to zero) of the proposed set of phase field equations should be performed. This limit is usually taken by asymptotic expansions of the fields of the model in powers of the interface width . These expansions are performed both in the interfacial region (inner expansion) and in the bulk (outer expansion), and then are asymptotically matched order by order. The result gives a partial differential equation for the diffusive field and a series of boundary conditions at the interface, which shouldcorrespond to the sharp interface model and whose comparison with it provides the values of the parameters of the phase field model.Whereas such expansions were in early phase field models performed up to the lower order in only, more recent models use higher order asymptotics (thin interface limits) in order to cancel undesired spureous effects or to include new physics in the model. For example, this technique has permitted to cancel kinetic effects,[8] to treat cases with unequal diffusivities in the phases,[10] to model viscous fingering[2] and two-phase Navier–Stokes flows,[11] to include fluctuations in the model,[12] etc.[edit] Multi Phase Field ModelsMultiple order parameters describe a polycrystalline material microstructure.In multi a phase field model microstructure is described by set of order parameters each one is related to a specific phase or crystallographic orientation. This model is mostly used for solid state phase transformations where multiple grains evolve (e.g. grain growth, recrystallization or first order transformation like austenite to ferrite in ferrous alloys.[edit] Software∙The Mesoscale Microstructure Simulation Project (MMSP) is a collection of c++ classes for grid-based microstructure simulation. ∙The Microstructure Evolution Simulation Software (MICRESS) is a multi-phase field simulation package developed at RWTH-Aachen.[edit] Further reading∙R. Gonzalez-Cinca et al., in Advances in Condensed Matter and Statistical Mechanics, ed. by E. Korucheva and R. Cuerno, NovaScience Publishers (2004) a review on phase field models.∙L-Q Chen, Annual Review of Materials Research, Vol. 32: 113-140 (2002) Phase field models in solidification∙N. Moelans, B. Blanpain, P.Wollants, Calphad, Vol. 32: 268-294 (2008) An introduction to phase-field modeling for microstructure evolution∙I. Steinbach:Phase-field models in Materials Science –Topical Review, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 17 (2009)073001∙S.G.Fries, B.Böttger, J.Eiken,I.St einbach:Upgrading CALPHAD to microstructure simulation: the phase-field method, Int.J.Mat.Res100(2009)2∙R. Qin and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, a critical assessment of the phase field method, 2010, published in Materials Science andTechnology.[edit] References1.^WJ. Boettinger et al. Annual Review of Materials Research Vol. 32:163-194 (2002)2.^ a b R. Folch et al. Phys. Rev. E 60, 1734 - 1740 (1999)3.^ A. Karma et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 045501 (2001)4.^T. Biben et al. Phys. Rev. E 72, 041921 (2005)5.^ G.J. Fix, in Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications, Ed.A. Fasano and M. Primicerio, p. 580, Pitman (Boston, 1983).6.^ J.S. Langer, Models of pattern formation in first–order phasetransitions, in Directions in Condensed Matter Physics p. 165, Ed. G.Grinstein and G. Mazenko, World Scientific, Singapore, (1986).7.^J.S. Langer, Rev. Mod. Phys. 52, 1 (1980)8.^ a b A. Karma and W.J. Rappel Phys. Rev. E 57, 4323 - 4349 (1998)9.^P.C. Hohenberg and B.I. Halperin, Rev. Mod. Phys. 49, 435 (1977)10.^G. B. McFadden et al., Physica D 144, 154-168 (2000)11.^ D. Jacqmin, J. Comput. Phys. 155,96-127 (1999)12.^R. Benítez and L. Ramírez-Piscina Phys. Rev. E 71, 061603 (2005)。

Chapter 05 system modeling

Chapter 05 system modeling
Arrows represent the flow of work from one activity to another.
A solid bar is used to indicate activity coordination. When the flow from more than one activity leads to a solid bar then all of these activities must be complete before progress is possible.
2. Sequence diagrams, which are used to model interactions between system components, although external agents may also be included.
5. State diagrams, which show how the system reacts to internal and external events.
5.1 Context models
Context models show how a system that is being modeled is positioned in an environment with other systems and processes.
Modeling component interaction helps us understand if a proposed system structure is likely to deliver the required system performance and dependability.




⽤例建模需求建模需求分析确定功能性需求和⾮功能性需求需求规约形成需求规约⽂档使需求分析师和客户达成共识⽤例参与者与系统交互的外部⽤户主要和次要参与者主要参与者:启动⽤例,系统必须响应主要参与者次要参与者:除主要参与者不同类型参与者主要参与者:启动⽤例,系统必须响应主要参与者次要参与者:除主要参与者不同类型参与者⼈类参与者外部系统参与者输⼊/输出设备参与者计时器参与者⽤例模型中⽂档化的⽤例⽤例名称: 名称概述: ⽤例描述依赖: 是否依赖其他⽤例,即是否包含或扩展另⼀个⽤例参与者: 主要和次要参与者前置条件: 从⽤例⾓度开始时必须要的条件主序列描述: 参与者和系统之间的交互序列,描述形式是参与者的输⼊和系统的响应可替换序列描述: 主序列的可替换分⽀的叙述性描述,例如性能和安全性需求后置条件: ⽤例终点处为真的条件。

如客户资⾦已取出未解决问题: 尚未解决问题 ⽰例 ⽤例名称: 下单请求 概述: 客户下单从在线购物系统中购买商品,需要验证信⽤卡可⽤ 参与者: 客户 前置条件: 客户已选择⼀个或多个商品 主序列描述: 1.客户提出订单请求和客户账号ID来为购买付款 2.系统检索账户和信⽤卡信息 3.系统检查信⽤卡并创建授权号码 4.系统创建发货单 5.系统确认批准购买并向客户显⽰订单信息 可替换序列描述: 第2步:如果客户没有账号,则系统为其创建⼀个账号 第3步:如果信⽤卡被拒绝,则提⽰输⼊其他信⽤卡或取消订单 后置条件: 系统为客户创建了发货单⽤例关系包含关系包含⽤例:⼀个共同交互序列可以从多个原始的⽤例中抽取出来,形成⼀个新的⽤例即包含⽤例,通常不能单独执⾏,需要作为⼀个具体⽤例的⼀部分执⾏基⽤例:被抽取⾛公共⽤例部分后的就⽤例被称为基⽤例或者具体⽤例包含关系也可以⽤来组织⼀个冗长的⽤例。



一、课程设计题目 《运筹学课程设计》 二、课程设计的目的 1.培养学生理论联系实际的工作作风,严肃认真、实事求是的科学态度和勇于探索的 创新精神。 2.培养学生综合运用所学运筹学知识与运用软件分析和解决工程技术问题的能力。 3.通过课程设计实践,训练并提高学生在运筹学模型建立、综合运用EXCEL和LINGO求 解模型和使用办公软件编写技术文档等方面的能力。 三、课程设计的主要内容和要求(包括原始数据、技术参数、设计要求、工作量要求 等) 1. 自选题目:从教师所给练习册和教材中各选两题,每题10分。 2. 提高题目: 在教师给定的五道题中选择三道题,建立数学模型并求解,每题20分。 1) 智能手机的生产计划 某 IT 制造商生产三种型号的智能手机,每季度的合同需求量如下表所示:
五、主要参考文献 [1] 谢金星, 薛毅. 优化建模与LINDO/LINGO软件. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2005年7 月第1版. [2] 袁新生, 邵大宏, 郁时炼.LINGO和Excel在数学建模中的应用. 北京: 科学出版 社, 2007年1月第1版.
[3] 马建华. 运筹学. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2014年7月第1版. [4] 林健良. 运筹学及实验. 广州:华南理工大学出版社, 2005年9月第1版. [5] 邢光军, 孙建敏等. 实用运筹学:案例、方法及应用. 北京: 人民邮电出版社, 2015年6月第1版. [6] 李引珍. 管理运筹学. 北京:科学出版社, 2012年9月第1版. [7] 陈士成. 实用管理运筹学——基于Excel. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2011年4月第1 版. [8] 叶向. 实用运筹学——运用Excel 2010 建模和求解. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2013年5月第2版. [9] 王泽文. 数学实验与数学建模案例.北京:高等教育出版社, 2012年9月第1版. [10] 张杰, 郭丽杰等. 运筹学模型及其应用. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2012年8月第1 版. [11] Excel Home 编著. Excel应用大全. 人民邮电出版社,2008年3月第1版 [12] 王文平,侯来银,来向红主编. 运筹学. 北京:科学出版社,2007 年.

backward selection procedure -回复

backward selection procedure -回复

backward selection procedure -回复"Backward Selection Procedure" or "backward elimination" is a popular feature selection technique in statistical modeling and machine learning. It is used to identify the most relevant variables or predictors in a dataset by iteratively eliminating the least significant ones through a step-wise process. This article aims to provide a step-by-step explanation of the backward selection procedure and its application in model building.Step 1: Define the Research Question and Collect DataThe first step in any statistical analysis is to clearly define the research question and collect relevant data. This typically involves identifying the variables or predictors that might influence the outcome of interest. The dataset should contain both the outcome variable and potential predictors.Step 2: Choose a Statistical ModelAfter obtaining the dataset, the next step is to choose an appropriate statistical model based on the research question and the nature of the data. Factors such as the type of outcome variable (continuous, binary, or categorical) and the relationship between predictors can guide the selection. Common modelsinclude linear regression, logistic regression, and ANOVA, among others.Step 3: Perform the Initial Model FittingIn this step, we fit the chosen statistical model to the entire dataset, including all the potential predictors. The coefficient estimates and associated statistical tests provide an initial assessment of the relationships between predictors and the outcome variable. This initial model serves as a benchmark for the subsequent backward selection process.Step 4: Set the Level of SignificanceBefore starting the backward selection procedure, it is essential to determine the level of significance or the threshold for deciding whether a predictor should be eliminated. Typically, a p-value of 0.05 or lower is used as the criterion for statistical significance. However, this threshold may vary depending on the context and the desired level of certainty.Step 5: Eliminate the Least Significant PredictorStarting from the initial model, we iteratively eliminate one predictor at a time by comparing their p-values with the chosensignificance level. The predictor with the highest p-value, indicating the least significant relationship with the outcome variable, is removed from the model. The model is then refitted without the eliminated predictor.Step 6: Assess Model Fit and Variable ImportanceAfter removing one predictor, it is crucial to assess the overall fit of the model and the importance of the remaining predictors. Evaluating goodness-of-fit measures such as R-squared (for continuous outcomes) or deviance (for categorical outcomes) helps ensure that the model adequately captures the relationship between the predictors and the outcome variable.Step 7: Repeat Steps 5 and 6Steps 5 and 6 are repeated iteratively until no predictor meets the elimination criterion or until a stopping rule is reached. The stopping rule could be a predetermined number of iterations, a pre-specified number of predictors to retain, or a desired level of model fit. It is crucial to avoid overfitting the model by finding the right balance between model simplicity and explanatory power.Step 8: Validate the Final ModelOnce the backward selection procedure concludes, it is essential to validate the final model using independent data or through techniques such as cross-validation. Validation helps assess the performance and generalizability of the selected model, ensuring that it performs well on unseen data.Step 9: Interpret and Communicate ResultsThe final step involves interpreting the results of the selected model and communicating them effectively. Coefficient estimates, standard errors, confidence intervals, and p-values help understand the direction and magnitude of the relationships between the predictors and the outcome variable. Additionally, providing a clear and concise explanation of the model's predictions or findings improves their understanding and usability.In conclusion, the backward selection procedure is a systematic approach to select the most important predictors for a given research question. Following the steps outlined in this article enables researchers and data analysts to build parsimonious models that capture the essential information in the data, simplify model interpretation, and enhance predictive accuracy.。



Omega学习手册Omega学习手册 0前言 (9)第一章陆地观测系统定义 (10)1.0 技术讨论 (10)1.1 模块简介 (10)1.2 Database and Line Information 观测系统和测线信息 (15)1.3 Geometry Database Creation 观测系统数据库创建 (15)1.4 Primary and Secondary Data Tables (16)1.5 Pattern Specifications (16)1.6 Field Statics Corractions (16)1.7 Trace Editing 道编辑 (19)第二章静校正 (24)第一节2-D 折射静校正(EGRM) (24)1.0 技术讨论 (24)1.1 简介 (24)1.2 第一步——对拾取值进行处理 (25)1.3 第二阶段---建立折射模型 (37)1.4 第3步——计算静校正 (46)1.5 特别选件 (49)1.6 海洋资料处理要考虑的因素 (53)1.7 控制手段 (53)参考文献: (63)3.0 道头总汇: (63)第二节三维折射波静校正 (64)1.0 技术讨论 (64)2.0 二维与三维折射静校正方法 (64)1.2 折射静校正计算原理 (65)1.3 初始值的给定 (67)1.4 最小二乘法延迟时的计算 (67)1.5 iterations (75)1.6 Diving Waves (81)1.7 建立折射模型 (84)1.8 uphole options (86)1.9 water uphole corrections (87)1.10 用井口信息修正风化层速度 (88)1.11 静校正量的计算 (89)1.12 地表基准面和剩余折射静校正 (90)1.13 定义偏移距范围 (91)1.14 定义速度 (91)1.15 延迟时控制 (92)1.16 观测系统、辅助观测系统和一些道头字的输入要求 (92)1.17 输出的库文件和道头字 (96)第三节反射波剩余静校正(miser) (97)2.0 地表一致性剩余静校正 (98)3.0 非地表一致性静校正 (102)第四节反射波最大叠加能量静校正计算 (103)1.0 模块简介: (104)2.0 应用流程: (105)3.0 分子动力模拟法的理论基础: (106)4.0 模块中参数的设计 (106)5.0 应用实例及效果分析 (110)第五节波动方程基准面校正 (113)1.0 技术讨论 (113)1.1 理论基础 (115)1.2 波动方程层替换的应用 (117)1.4 模块算法 (118)1.5 应用的方法 (120)第三章地表一致性振幅补偿 (127)第一节地表一致性振幅补偿–拾取(1) (127)1.0 技术讨论 (127)1.1 概况 (127)1.2 地表一致性振幅补偿流程 (128)1.3 振幅统计 (128)1.4 预处理/道编辑 (129)1.5 自动道删除 (129)1.6 模块输出 (130)1.7 分析时窗 (130)2.0 道头字总结 (131)3.0 参数设置概要 (131)4.0 参数设置 (131)4.3 Amplitude Reject Limits (132)第二节地表一致性振幅补偿–分解(2) (133)目录 (133)一、技术讨论 (134)二、道头字总结 (148)三、参数设置概述 (148)四、参数设置(简) (148)第三节地表一致性振幅补偿–应用(3) (149)目录 (149)一、技术讨论 (150)1.1 背景 (150)1.2 SCAC处理过程的流程图 (150)1.2.1 HIDDEN SPOOLING (151)1.3 模块概论 (152)二、道头字总结 (152)三、参数设置概述 (152)五、参数设置(略) (153)5.1 General (153)5.2 SCAC Term Application (153)5.3 Printout Options (153)第四节剩余振幅分析与补偿 (153)1.0 技术讨论: (153)1.1 背景 (154)1.2 模块的输入和输出 (155)1.3 分析过程概述 (155)1.4 分析参数表 (159)1.5 设置网格范围 (164)1.6 分析用时间门参数设定 (166)1.7 时空域加权 (167)1.8 打印选项参数设置 (168)1 .9 应用过程综述 (168)1.10 应用参数设置 (171)1.11 应用时间门参数设置 (173)1.12 RAC函数的质量控制 (174)1.13 在振幅随偏移距变化(A VO)处理中的注意事项 (175)1.14 背景趋势推算 (176)2.0 道头字总结 (176)3.0 参数设置摘要 (176)4.0 设置参数 (176)4.1 Units (176)4.2 General (176)4.3 Analysis (177)Primary Auto Range: (180)Secondary Auto Range: (180)4.6 Primary Manual Range 用于划分面元的首排序范围确定(手动设置) (180)4.7 Secondary Auto Range:用于划分面元的次排序范围确定(手动设置)1804.8 Analysis Time Gates :分析时间门参数(可选) (181)4.9 Temporal Smoothing Weights at Top of Data (可选) (181)4.10 Temporal Smoothing Weights at Bottom of Data(可选) (181)4.11 Primary Spatial Smoothing Weights(可选) (182)4.12 Secondary Spatial Smoothing Weights(可选) (182)4.13 Application (182)4.14 Application Time Gates (183)5.0 参考流程 (183)第四章 (185)第一节瞬时增益 (185)1.0 技术讨论 (185)第二节指数函数增益 (188)1.1 背景 (188)1.2 梯度平滑 (189)2.0 道头总结 (191)3.0 参数设置概要 (191)4.0 参数设置 (191)4.1 General (191)5.0 应用实例 (192)第四章反褶积 (195)第一节地震子波处理(SWP)指导 (195)辅导班Tutorial (195)辅导班1 快速漫游(Quick Tour) (195)概要 (195)快速漫游: 基本训练 (195)辅导班2 –a 为信号反褶积准备一个子波 (203)辅导班2 –b 从野外信号中消除原始的仪器响应影响 (204)辅导班2–c 建立新的仪器响应和新的整形算子 (209)辅导班2– d 将滤波器保存到带通滤波作业文件中 (211)辅导班3用尖脉冲的逆做特征信号反褶积 (213)第二节子波转换应用指导 (215)子波训练 (215)第三节地表一致性反褶积分析 (218)地表一致性谱分解 (225)地表一致性反褶积算子设计 (249)反褶积算子的应用 (255)第四节谱分析 (273)第五节地表一致性反褶积分析 (297)第六节地表一致性谱分解 (302)第八节地表一致性反褶积算子设计 (320)第九节反褶积算子的应用 (325)第六章动校正 (345)第一节视各向异性动校正 (345)第七章各种理论方法简介 (355)第一节层速度反演方法简介 (355)1.1 层速度反演的几种方法 (355)1.1.1 相干反演 (356)1.1.2 旅行时反演 (357)1.1.3 叠加速度反演 (358)2.1 二维层速度反演 (359)2.1.1 相干反演计算的偏移距范围 (359)2.1.2 单个CMP位置超道集的选择 (359)2.1.3 相干反演中的互相关 (360)2.1.4 不确定值 (360)2.1.5 速度的横向变化 (360)3.1 三维层速度反演 (361)3.1.1 方位角范围 (361)3.1.2 相干反演 (362)3.1.3 叠加速度反演 (363)3.1.4 方位角 (364)3.1.5 DMO (364)3.1.6 射线追踪 (364)第二节射线偏移方法简介 (365)1.1 射线偏移 (365)1.2 向射线偏移与成像射线偏移 (367)第三节层位正演方法简介 (368)1.1 层位正演 (368)1.2 零偏移距正演 (369)1.3 成像射线追踪-从深度域到时间偏移域的零偏移距正演 (369)1.4 CMP射线追踪 (371)1.5 CRP正演 (371)1.6 3D正演 (372)1.7 速度正演 (372)1.8 浮动基准面与静校正的处理 (372)第四节扩展STOLT--FK 偏移 (373)概述 (373)1.0 技术讨论 (373)1.1 背景 (374)1.2 扩展STOLT算法 (374)1.3 扩展STOLT偏移的推荐参数 (376)1.4 截断速度和W因子 (377)1.5 框架速度(frame velocity) (378)1.6 速度的横向变化 (378)1.7 速度输入 (378)1.8 三维偏移 (379)1.9 反偏移 (379)1.10 反偏移到零偏移距的处理 (379)1.11 充零方式镶边 (380)1.12 边界处理 (380)1.13 频率内插 (381)1.14 随机波前衰减 (381)1.15 三维偏移中少道的情形 (381)1.16 时间内插 (381)第五节DMO 准备模块 (381)概述: (382)1.0 技术讨论: (382)1.1 理论基础 (382)1.2 递进叠加文件 (382)1.3 速度监控和非矩形网格 (383)1.4 倾角加权表 (383)1.5 统计分析 (383)1.6 层位属性分析 (384)1.7 位图化(Bitmapping) (384)1.8 均衡DMO (384)1.9 限定边界DMO (385)1.10 随意边界DMO (386)1.11 3D DMO Monitor (389)DMO 倾角校正 (390)(DMO X-T STACK)(2) (390)概述: (390)1.0 技术讨论 (390)1.1 简介 (390)1.2 递进叠加 (390)1.3 倾角时差校正(Dip Moveout)-DMO (391)1.4 处理类型 (392)1.5 DMO应用模式 (392)1.6 算子设计 (393)1.7 递进叠加文件 (393)1.8 固定边界和随意边界中的分片段叠加 (393)1.9 运行时间 (394)1.10 DMO处理流程 (394)DMO 输出模块 .............................................................................................................. - 396 - (DMO X-T OUT)(3)........................................................................................................ - 396 - 第八章多波多分量................................................................................................................ - 397 - 第一节多分量相互均衡.............................................................................................. - 397 -1.0 技术讨论......................................................................................................... - 397 -1.1 引言................................................................................................................. - 397 -1.2 数据的输入/输出............................................................................................ - 397 -1.3 背景介绍......................................................................................................... - 398 -1.4 原理................................................................................................................. - 398 -1.5 道头字集......................................................................................................... - 400 -1.6 三维实例......................................................................................................... - 401 -1.7 操作指南......................................................................................................... - 404 -第二节S波两分量旋转合成....................................................................................... - 408 -1.1 引言................................................................................................................. - 408 -1.2 背景介绍......................................................................................................... - 409 -1.3 输入数据......................................................................................................... - 410 -1.4 旋转的应用..................................................................................................... - 412 -1.5 测算水平方向................................................................................................. - 416 -第三节转换波速度比(Vp/Vs)计算 ..................................................................... - 417 -1.0 技术讨论......................................................................................................... - 418 -1.1 引言................................................................................................................. - 418 -1.2 输入速度和Vp/Vs文件 ................................................................................ - 418 -1.3 输出速度和Vp/Vs文件 ................................................................................ - 420 -1.4 有效Vp/Vs比值计算 .................................................................................... - 420 -1.5 S波速度计算(Vs) .......................................................................................... - 421 -1.6 平均Vp/Vs比值计算 .................................................................................... - 424 -第四节共转换点计算(CCP_BIN) ............................................................................. - 424 -1.0 技术简介......................................................................................................... - 425 -1.1 基础原理......................................................................................................... - 425 -1.2 更新道头字..................................................................................................... - 427 -1.3 输入速度和Vp/Vs比率文件 ........................................................................ - 427 -1.4 共转换点的计算方法..................................................................................... - 428 -1.5 时窗................................................................................................................. - 430 -1.6 操作指导......................................................................................................... - 431 -1.7 有关提高运行效率的指导............................................................................. - 433 - 第九章模型建立.................................................................................................................. - 435 - 第一节地震岩性模型建立.......................................................................................... - 435 -1.0 技术讨论......................................................................................................... - 435 -SLIM处理 ............................................................................................................... - 435 -1.2 概述................................................................................................................. - 436 -1.3 SLIM模型研究 .............................................................................................. - 437 -1.4 输入层的细分................................................................................................. - 441 -第二节地震岩性模拟属性分析.............................................................................. - 442 -1. 0 技术讨论........................................................................................................ - 442 -1.1 地震模拟模型处理......................................................................................... - 442 -1.2 概要............................................................................................................... - 442 -1.3 地震记录输入................................................................................................. - 443 -1.4 合成地震记录剖面图..................................................................................... - 443 -1.5 地球物理属性................................................................................................. - 444 -1.6 测井记录数据................................................................................................. - 445 -1.7 显示................................................................................................................. - 445 -第三节地震正演模拟模型生成................................................................................ - 445 -1.0 技术讨论......................................................................................................... - 445 -1.1 地震正演模拟模型处理................................................................................. - 446 -1.2 概要................................................................................................................. - 446 -1.3 SLIM模型讨论 .............................................................................................. - 446 -1.4 输入层的细分................................................................................................. - 450 -1.5 井记录............................................................................................................. - 451 -1.6 密度是速度的函数......................................................................................... - 451 - 第四节地震岩性模型优化.......................................................................................... - 453 - 技术讨论.................................................................................................................. - 453 -1.1 地震岩性模拟过程......................................................................................... - 453 -1.2 概要................................................................................................................. - 453 -1.3 问题的公式化................................................................................................. - 453 -1.4 计算方法......................................................................................................... - 455 -1.5 影响区域......................................................................................................... - 462 - 第五节地震岩性模拟控制点定义.............................................................................. - 464 -1.0 技术讨论......................................................................................................... - 464 -1.1 概要................................................................................................................. - 464 -1.2 二维控制点组................................................................................................. - 465 -1.3 三维控制点组................................................................................................. - 467 -前言自西方地球物理公司Omega处理系统引进以来,通过我院处理人员的不断开发,目前已成为西北分院的主力处理系统。



摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction



6.2 ATM取款案例2

Use Case:取款 Actor:储户 主事件流: 1、Байду номын сангаасTM系统获得ATM卡和密码; 2、设置事物类型为取款; 3、ATM系统获取要提取的现金数目; 4、验证帐户上是否有足够储蓄金额; 5、输出现金、数据和ATM卡; 6、系统复位。


Use Case:取款 Actor:储户 主事件流: 1、通过读卡机,储户插入ATM卡; 2、ATM系统从卡上读取银行ID、帐号、加密密码、并用主银行系统 验证银行ID和帐号; 3、储户输入密码,ATM系统根据上面读出的卡上加密密码,对密码 进行验证; 4、储户按“快速取款”按钮,并键入取款数量,取款数量应该是 100的倍数; 5、ATM系统通知主银行系统,传递储户帐号和取款数量,并接收返 回的确认信息和储户帐户余额; 6、ATM系统输出现金、ATM卡和显示帐户余额的收据; 7、ATM系统记录事务到日志文件;
1.1 用例的基本定义
1.2 用例要点

ADS Advanced Model Composer

ADS Advanced Model Composer

Introduction to AMC
Advanced Model Composer
The .rat (=RATional) files generated by Momentum’s AFS algorithm contain information about the rational fitting model of single Momentum simulations. There can be multiple .rat files in the model database for a single layout component. The AMC algorithms combine multiple .rat files into one global .pml (Passive Model Library) file. This file contains the multi-dimensional rational/polynomial model that is used to represent the S-data in the user-defined parameter/design space.
1 Advanced Model Composer Introduction to AMC.................................................................................................. Creating AMC Models .............................................................................................. Viewing and Controlling the Model Generation Progress................................... Adding AMC Models to a Design Kit .................................................................. Troubleshooting .................................................................................................. AMC Model Generation Technique........................................................................... Adaptive Model Building Algorithm..................................................................... Adaptive Data Selecting Algorithm ..................................................................... Index 1-1 1-3 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-11 1-11 1-12




THERMALThermal modelThe Thermal module allows to perform a heat flow calculation, by solving theFourier heat conduction equation, including the latent heat release duringsolidification. The typical results which can be obtained are the following :• Temperature distribution• Fraction of solid evolution• Heat flux and thermal gradients• Solidification time• Hot spots• Porosity prediction热分析热分析模块热分析模块执行热流计算,通过傅立叶热传导方程,包含结晶过程的潜热计算。



数据统计建模大赛具体操作流程The data statistics modeling competition is a great opportunity for individuals to showcase their analytical and predictive modeling skills. 这个数据统计建模大赛是一个很好的机会,让个人展示他们的分析和预测建模能力。

The first step in the competition process is to understand the problem statement given by the organizers. 参赛流程的第一步是理解组织者给出的问题陈述。

This involves thoroughly reading through the competition guidelines, data set details, and any specific requirements or constraints. 这包括彻底阅读比赛指南、数据集细节以及任何特定的需求或限制。

Once the problem is understood, the next step is to clean and preprocess the data. 一旦问题被理解,下一步是清理和预处理数据。

This includes handling missing values, dealing with outliers, and transforming variables if necessary. 这包括处理缺失值,处理异常值,以及根据需要转换变量。

After data preprocessing, the modeling phase begins. 在数据预处理之后,建模阶段开始了。

This is where participants use statistical and machine learning techniques to build predictive models. 在这一阶段,参赛者使用统计和机器学习技术来构建预测模型。


¾ 超级计算机...............................................................................................................................1 超级计算环境 2007 年 3 季度运行情况简报 .........................................................................1
● 共197名用户,3季度增加用户6名。 ● 有134名用户利用LSF提交作业,共完成.51000多个作业,用户作业平均规模为5.9个CPU,累计 使用机时112万CPU小时(按Walltime计算)。 ● 2007年3季度,深腾6800的磁盘阵列系统与QsNet网络系统先后发生故障,导致深腾6800的平均 整体使用率有所下降,为83.5%(按Walltime计算),平均CPU利用率69.1%(按CPUtime计算)。CPUtim e与Walltime之比平均为82.7%。 ● 2007年3季度,作业平均等待时间为23.3小时。 ● 已完成作业按规模分布情况:串行作业数量占62.6%,4处理器节点内并行作业数量占21.1%。 而根据作业使用的CPU小时计算,占用机时最多的并行作业规模分别为16处理器、33-63处理器、32处理 器、64处理器,其比例分别为21.8%,18.1%,17.9%和12.4%,串行作业仅使用总机时的2.1%,表明深腾6 800的计算机时还是主要用于较大规模的并行作业计算。
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................2



Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie A. Kolodziejski Chair, Department Committee on Graduate Students
Sparse Recovery and Fourier Sampling by Eric Price
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on August 26, 2013, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science August 26, 2013
Certified by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piotr Indyk Professor Thesis Supervisor





在大部分应用中,这些算法有两个共同点[9]:第一、根据经验风险最小化原则(Empirical Risk Minimization,ERM)[10]训练故障诊断模型。





数据增强算法是邻域风险最小化原则[12](Vicinal Risk Minimization,VRM)的实现方式之一,能够缓解ERM原则所带来的问题。









软件工程术语表软件工程术语表目录1. A (17)abstractclass:抽象类 (17)Abstraction:抽象 (17)accessmodifier:存取权限 (17)accessormethods:存取器方法 (17)acceptance:验收 (17)action:动作 (17)actionsequence:动作序列 (18)actionstate:动作状态 (18)activation激活: (18)activeclass:主动类 (18)activity:活动 (18)activeobject:主动对象 (18)activitygraph:活动图 (18)actor:主角 (19)actorclass:主角类 (19)actor-generalization:主角泛化关系) (19)actualparameter:实参 (19)adhocreview:临时评审 (19)aggregateclass:聚合类 (19)aggregation:聚合关系 (20)AmericanStandardCodeforInformationInterchange(ASCII):美国国家信息交换标准代码 (20)analysis:分析 (20)analysisclass:分析类 (20)analysis&design:分析设计 (20)analysismechanism:分析机制 (21)analysispattern:分析模式 (21)analyst:分析员 (21)API:应用程序编程接口 (21)APPC:高级程序间通信 (21)applicationprogramminginterface(API):应用程序编程接口(21)appraisal:评估 (21)architecturalbaseline:构架基线 (22)architecturalmechanism:构架机制 (22)architecturalpattern:构架模式 (22)architecturalview:构架视图 (22)architecture:构架 (22)artifact:工件 (23)artifactguidelines:工件指南 (23)ASCII:美国国家信息交换标准代码 (23)ASP:活动服务器页 (23)association:关联关系 (23)associationclass:关联类 (23)associationend:关联关系端 (23)asynchronousaction:异步动作 (24)asynchronousreview:异步评审 (24)attribute:属性 (24)2. B (24)baseclass:基类 (24)baseline:基线 (24)Bean (24)BeanInfo (25)behavior:行为 (25)behavioralfeature:行为特性 (25)behavioralmodelaspect:模型的行为侧重面 (25) betatestingBeta:测试 (25) binaryassociation:二元关联关系 (25) binding:绑定 (25)boundaryclass:边界类 (25)breakpoint:断点 (26)build:工作版本 (26)businessactor:业务主角 (26) businessactorclass业务主角类 (26) businesscreation:业务创建 (26) businessengineering:业务工程 (26) businessentity:业务实体 (26) businessimprovement:业务改进 (27) businessobjectmodel:业务对象模型 (27) businessmodeling:业务建模 (27) businessprocess:业务过程 (27) businessprocessengineering:业务过程工程 (27) businessreengineering:业务重建 (27) businessrule:业务规则 (28) businessusecase:业务用例 (28) businessuse-caseinstance:业务用例实例 (28) businessuse-casemodel:业务用例模型 (28) businessuse-casepackage:业务用例包 (28) businessuse-caserealization:业务用例实现 (28) businessworker:业务角色 (28)3. C (29)capsule封装体 (29)cardinality基数 (29)CBD (29)CCB (29)CDR (29)CGI (29)changecontrolboard(CCB)变更控制委员会 (30) changemanagement变更管理 (30)changerequest(CR)变更请求 (30)checklist检查表 (30)checkpoints检查点 (30)class类 (30)classdiagram类图 (30)classhierarchy类分层结构 (31)classlibrary类库 (31)classmethod类方法 (31)classifier分类器 (31)client客户端 (31)client/server客户机/服务器 (31)collaboration协作 (31)collaborationdiagram协作图 (32)COM (32)comment注释 (32)commit提交 (32)CommonGatewayInterface(CGI)公共网关接口 (32) CommonObjectRequestBrokerArchitecture(CORBA) (33) communicate-association通信关联关系 (33) communicationassociation通信关联关系 (33) component构件 (33)componentdiagram构件图 (33)componentmodel构件模型 (33)component-baseddevelopment(CBD)基于构件的开发 (34) compositeaggregation组装关系 (34) compositebean组合Bean (34)compositeclass组装类 (34)compositestate组合状态 (34)compositesubstate组合子状态 (34)composition组装 (35)concrete具体 (35)concreteclass具体类 (35)concurrency并行 (35)concurrentsubstate并行子状态 (35)configuration配置 (35)configurationitem配置项配置中的实体 (36) configurationmanagement配置管理 (36)construction构建 (36)constructor构造函数 (36)container容器 (36)containmenthierarchy容器分层结构 (37)context环境 (37)controlchart控制图 (37)controlclass控制类 (37)conversational会话式 (37)Cookie (37)CORBA (37)CR (38)criticaldesignreview(CDR)关键设计评审 (38)customer客户 (38)cycle周期 (38)4. D (38)database数据库 (38) databasemanagementsystem(DBMS)数据库管理系统 (38) datatype数据类型 (39)DBA数据库管理员 (39)DBCS双字节字符集 (39)DBMS数据库管理系统 (39)DCE分布式计算环境 (39)DCOM分布式对象模型 (39) deadlock死锁 (39)decisionrule决策规则 (39)defect缺陷 (39)defectchecklist缺陷检查表 (40) defectdensity缺陷密度 (40) defectlog缺陷日志 (40) definingmodel定义模型 (40) delegation委托 (40)deliverable可交付工件 (40)de-marshal串行化 (40) demilitarizedzone(DMZ)隔离带 (41) dependency依赖关系 (41) deployment部署 (41) deploymentdiagram部署图 (41) deploymentunit部署单元 (41) deploymentview部署视图 (41) derivedelement派生元素 (42) deserialize反串行化 (42)design设计 (42) designmechanism设计机制 (42) designpackage设计包 (43) designpattern设计模式 (43) designsubsystem设计子系统 (43) developer开发人员 (43) developmentcase开发案例 (43) developmentprocess开发过程 (44)device设备 (44)diagram图 (44)disjointsubstate互斥子状态 (44)DistributedComputingEnvironment(DCE)分布式计算环境(44)distributedprocessing分布式处理 (44)DLL动态链接库 (45)DMZ隔离带 (45)DNS域名服务 (45)document文档 (45)documentdescription文档说明 (45)documenttemplate文档模板 (45)domain领域 (45)domainmodel领域模型 (45)domainnameserver域名服务器 (45)double-bytecharacterset(DBCS)双字节字符集 (46)dynamicclassification动态分类 (46)dynamicinformation动态信息 (46)dynamiclinklibrary(DLL)动态链接库 (46)5. E (46)e-Business电子商务 (46)EJB (47)elaboration精化 (47)element元素 (47)encapsulation封装 (47)encloseddocument附带文档 (47)enhancementrequest扩展请求 (47)EnterpriseJavaBean(EJB) (47)entityclass实体类 (48)entryaction进入动作 (48)error错误 (48)ERP (48)event事件 (48)event-to-methodconnection事件-方法映射 (48) evolution演进 (48)evolutionary演进方式 (49) executablearchitecture可执行构架 (49) exitaction退出动作 (49)export导出 (49)expression表达式 (50)extend扩展 (50)extend-relationship扩展关系 (50)6. F (50)facade外观 (50)factory工厂 (50)fault故障 (50)feature特性 (51)field字段 (51)filetransferprotocol(FTP)文件传输协议 (51) finalstate最终状态 (51)fire击发 (51)Firewall防火墙 (51)flatten串行化 (51)focusofcontrol控制焦点 (52)follow-up跟踪 (52)formalreview正式评审 (52) formalparameter形参 (52)framework框架 (52)FTP文件传输协议 (52)FURPS (52)7. G (53)gateway:网关 (53)generalizableelement:可泛化元素 (53) generalization:泛化关系 (53)generation:代 (53)graphicaluserinterface(GUI):图形用户界面 (53) green-fielddevelopment:零起点开发 (53) guardcondition:警戒条件 (54)GUI (54)8. H (54)homepage主页 (54)HTML (54)HTMLbrowserHTML浏览器 (54)HTTP (54)HTTPrequestHTTP请求 (54)hyperlinks超链接 (55)hypertext超文本 (55) hypertextmarkuplanguage(HTML)超文本标记语言 (55) 9. I (55)IT(Informationtechnology) (55)IDE (55)IEEE (56)IIOP (56)internetORB间协议 (56)IMAP4 (56)implementation实施 (56) implementationinheritance实施继承 (56) implementationmechanism实施机制 (56) implementationmodel实施模型 (57) implementationpattern实施模式 (57)implementationsubsystem实施子系统 (57) implementationview实施视图 (57)import导入 (57)import-dependency导入依赖关系 (58)inception先启 (58)include包含 (58)include-relationship包含关系 (58)increment增量 (58)incremental递增 (58)informalreview非正式评审 (58)inheritance继承 (59)injectionrate缺陷率 (59)input输入 (59)inspection审查 (59)inspectioneffectiveness审查有效性 (59) inspectionefficiency审查效率 (59) inspectionpackage审查包 (59) inspectionsummaryreport审查总结报告 (60)inspector审查者 (60)issue问题 (60)issuelog问题日志 (60)instance实例 (60) integrateddevelopmentenvironment(IDE)集成开发环境 (60) integration集成 (60)integrationbuildplan集成构建计划 (61)interaction交互 (61)interactiondiagram交互图 (61)interface接口/界面 (61)interfaceinheritance接口继承 (61)internaltransition内部转移 (61)Internet互联网 (61)InternetInter-ORBProtocol(IIOP)InternetORB间协议 (62) InternetProtocol(IP)Internet协议 (62) InternetprotocoladdressInternet协议地址 (62)IP (62)IPnumberIP号码 (62)IPSec (62)IPSecurityProtocol(IPSec)IP安全协议 (63)ISAPI (63)ISO (63)ISP (63)iteration迭代 (63)10. J (63)JAR (63)Java (63)Javaarchive(JAR)Java档案文件 (64) JavaDatabaseConnectivity(JDBC)Java数据库连接 (64) JavaFoundationClasses(JFC)Java基础类 (64) JavaBean (64)JDBC (64)JDK (64)JFC (65)JIT (65)JVM (65)11. K (65)keymechanism关键机制 (65)keyword关键字 (65)12. L (65)LAN (65)layer层 (66)LDAP (66)link链接 (66)linkend链接端 (66)listener监听程序 (66)LocalAreaNetwork(LAN)局域网, (66) logicalview逻辑视图 (66)13. M (67)majordefect主要缺陷 (67)management管理 (67)marshal反串行化 (67) measurementdysfunction测量混乱 (67) mechanism机制 (67)message消息 (68)messaging消息传递 (68)metaclass元类 (68)meta-metamodel元-元模型 (68)metamodel元模型 (68)method方法 (68)methodcall方法调用 (69)metric度量 (69)MIB (69)milestone里程碑 (69)MIME (69)minordefect次要缺陷 (69)model模型 (69)modelaspect模型侧重面 (70) modelelaboration模型精化 (70) modelelement模型元素 (70) ModelViewController(MVC)模型视图控制器, (70) modelingconventions建模约定 (70)moderator评审组长 (70)module模块 (71)MOM (71)multipleclassification多重分类 (71) multipleinheritance多重继承 (71)multiplicity多重性 (71) MultipurposeInternetMailExtension(MIME) (71)multi-valued多值 (72)mutatormethods存取器方法 (72)MVC (72)MVS (72)14. N (72)n-aryassociation多元关联关系 (72)n-foldinspectionN重审查 (72)namespace名字空间 (73)NC (73)NCF (73)NNTP (73)node节点 (73)NSAPI (73)NT (73)15. O (74)object对象 (74)objectclass对象类 (74)objectdiagram对象图 (74)objectflowstate对象流状态 (74)objectlifeline对象生命线 (74)objectmodel对象模型 (74)ObjectRequestBroker(ORB)对象请求代理 (75)object-orientedprogramming(OOP)面向对象程序设计 (75)ODBCDriverODBC驱动程序 (75) ODBCDriverManagerODBC驱动程序管理器 (75)OLTP (75)OMG (75)onlinetransactionprocessing(OLTP)联机事务处理 (76)OO (76)OOP (76)OpenDataBaseConnectivity(ODBC)开放数据库连接标准 (76) operation操作 (76)operatingsystemprocess操作系统进程 (76)ORB (77)organizationunit组织单元 (77)originator发起者 (77)output输出 (77)outsidelink外部链接 (77)16. P (77)package包 (77)pairprogramming结对编程 (78)palette调色板 (78)parameter参数 (78)parameterconnection参数连接 (78) parameterizedelement参数化元素 (78)parent父 (78)parentclass父类 (78)participates参与 (79)partition分区 (79)passaround轮查 (79)pattern模式 (79)PDR (79)peerdeskcheck同级桌查 (80)peerreview同级评审 (80) peerreviewcoordinator同级评审协调者 (80)PERL (80)persistentobject永久对象 (80)PGP (80)phase阶段 (80)PKI (81)POP3 (81)Port端口 (81)post-condition后置条件 (81)PRA (81)PRD (81)pre-condition前置条件 (81) preliminarydesignreview(PDR)初步设计评审 (81) primitivetype基础类型 (82)private私有 (82)process进程、过程 (82)processassetslibrary过程资产库 (82) processowner过程拥有者 (82)processview进程视图 (82)processor处理器 (82)product产品 (83)productchampion产品推介人 (83)product-linearchitecture产品线构架 (83) productrequirementsdocument(PRD)产品需求文档 (83) project项目 (83)projectmanager项目经理 (83) ProjectReviewAuthority(PRA)项目评审委员会 (84) projection投影 (84)promotion晋升 (84)property特征 (84)property-to-propertyconnection特征-特征连接 (84) protected保护 (84)protocol协议 (85)prototype原型 (85)proxy代理 (85)pseudo-state伪状态 (85)publishedmodel已发布的模型 (85)17. Q (86)QA (86)qualifier限定词 (86)qualityassurance(QA)质量保证 (86)18. R (86)racecondition竞争状态 (86)rank等级 (86)rationale理由 (86)RDBMS (87)receiveamessage接收消息 (87)receiverobject接收方对象 (87)reception接收 (87)reference引用 (87)refinement改进 (87)relationship关系 (87)release发布版 (88)releasemanager发布经理 (88) RemoteMethodInvocation(RMI)远程方法调用 (88) RemoteProcedureCall(RPC)远程过程调用 (88) report报告 (88)repository储存库 (89)requirement需求 (89)requirementattribute需求属性 (89) requirements需求 (89) requirementsmanagement需求管理 (89) requirementstracing需求跟踪 (89) requirementtype需求类型 (89) resourcefile资源文件 (90) responsibility职责 (90)result结果 (90)resurrect反串行化 (90)review评审 (90)reuse复用 (90)rework返工 (90)RFC (90)RMI (91)RMIcompilerRMI编译器 (91) RMIregistryRMI注册表 (91)risk风险 (91)role角色 (91)RPC (91)RSA (91)rule规则 (91)19. S (92)S/MIME (92)sandbox沙箱 (92)scenario场景 (92) scopemanagement范围管理 (92) semanticvariationpoint语义分歧点 (92) sendamessage发送消息 (92) senderobject发送方对象 (93)SEPA (93)sequencediagram序列图 (93)serialize串行化 (93)server服务器 (93)Servlet (93)SET (94)severity严重性 (94)SHTTP (94)signal信号 (94)signature签名 (94)singleinheritance单重继承 (94)singlevalued单值 (94)single-bytecharacterset单字节字符集 (95)SMTP (95)SNMP (95)SocketSecure套接字保护 (95)SOCKS (95)softwarearchitecture软件构架 (95)SoftwareEngineeringProcessAuthority(SEPA)软件工程过程管理委员会 (96)softwareengineeringprocessgroup(SEPG)软件工程过程组 (96) softwarerequirement软件需求 (96)softwarerequirementsspecifications(SRS)软件需求规约 (96)softwarespecificationreview(SSR)软件规约评审 (96)specification规约 (96)SQL (96)SRR (96)SRS (97)SSL (97)SSR (97)stakeholder受益者,涉众 (97)stakeholderneed涉众需要 (97) stakeholderrequest涉众请求 (97)Startpage起始页 (97)state状态 (97)statechartdiagram状态图 (98)statemachine状态机 (98)staticartifact静态工件 (98) staticclassification静态分类 (98) staticinformation静态信息 (98)stereotype构造型 (98)stimulus激励 (99)structuralfeature结构特性 (99) structuralmodelaspect模型的结构侧重面 (99)stub桩模块 (99)subactivitystate子活动状态 (99)subclass子类 (99)submachinestate子机状态 (99)substate子状态 (100)subsystem子系统 (100)subtype子类型 (100)superclass超类 (100)supertype超类型 (100)supplier提供端 (100)swimlane泳道 (101)synchstate同步状态 (101) synchronousaction同步操作 (101) systemrequirementsreview(SRR)系统需求评审 (101) 20. T (102)taggedvalue标注值 (102)task任务 (102)TCP (102)TCP/IP (102)teamleader团队负责人 (102) technicalauthority技术权威 (102) Telnet (103)template模板 (103)test测试 (103)testcase测试用例 (103) testcoverage测试覆盖 (103) testdriver测试驱动程序 (103) testitem测试项 (103) testprocedure测试过程 (104) thinclient瘦客户机 (104)thread线程 (104)timeevent时间事件 (104) timeexpression时间表达式 (104) timingmark时间标记 (104) toolmentor工具向导 (104) traceability可追踪性 (105)trace追踪 (105)transaction事务 (105) transactionprocessing事务处理 (105) transientobject临时对象 (105) transition产品化/转移 (105)type类型 (106)typeexpression类型表达式 (106) typolist微错清单 (106)21. U (106)UI (106)UML (106)Unicode统一编码 (106) UnifiedModelingLanguage(UML)统一建模语言 (107) uniformresourcelocator(URL)统一资源定位符 (107) URL (107)usage用途 (107)usecase用例 (107)use-casediagram用例图 (107)use-caseinstance用例实例 (107)use-casemodel用例模型 (107)use-caserealization用例实现 (108)use-caseview用例视图 (108)userinterface(UI)用户界面 (108)utility实用工具 (108)22. V (108)validation确认 (108)value值 (109)variable变量 (109)verification验证 (109)version版本 (109)vertex顶点 (109)view视图 (109)viewelement视图元素 (110)viewprojection视图投影 (110)virtualmachine(VM)虚拟机 (110)visibility可见性 (110)vision前景 (110)visualprogrammingtool可视化编程工具 (110)VM (110)VPN (111)23. W (111)walkthrough走查 (111)webapplicationWeb应用程序 (111)webbrowserWeb浏览器 (111)webserverWeb服务器 (111)websiteWeb站点 (111)websystemWeb系统 (112)Widget窗口组件 (112)workbreakdownstructure工作细分结构 (112)workguideline工作指南 (112)workproduct工作产品 (112)worker角色 (112)workflow工作流程 (113)workflowdetail工作流程明细 (113)workspace工作区 (113)workstation工作站 (113)WorldWideWeb(WWW或Web)万维网 (113)WYSIWYG (113)24. X (114)XML (114)1.Aabstractclass:抽象类提供一组子类共有行为的类,但它本身并不具有实例。

Viewpoint Analysis A Case Study

Viewpoint Analysis A Case Study

01989 ACM 0-89791-3051/89/0500/0111$00.75
An example of such a method is CORE [lo]. The principle that more sources of information provide a better understanding of a subject has been used for centuries in court investigation. Different witnesses may have conflicting or complementary recollections. By using this principle in the process of elicitation, the “chances” of detecting correctness and completeness problems will be greater. To effectively profit from this principle it is necessary to compare and analyze different views. The analysis and comparison of viewpoints as proposed by Ross’ SADT [13] and Mullery’s CORE are informal tasks. They are similar to what we [Q] call “Using Informal Checking.” They rely heavily on the “good” systems analyst. Although CORE and SADT advocate the use of viewpoints, neither one has a structured model to explicitly state how to profit from doing so. That is, besides the reliance on inspection procedures and some general guidelines, no model is presented for the use of viewpoints with the results derived from their inspection. In order to properly profit from considering different viewpoints, there is a need for what we call viewpoint re.+ olution. Next, we describe viewpoint resolution and define the terminology used in this framen the task of modeling the users’ expectations in the universe of discourse,’ a systems analyst may encounter, and usually does, different opinions about the problem being addressed. Different systems analysts, when modeling the users’ expectation in the same universe of discourse, produce different models. The same systems analyst when modeling the same universe of discourse may do so by using different perspectives (e.g.., a data model versus a process model). All the above is common knowledge. The important point is that some software engineering methods use this fact with the objective of producing a model that ‘better” mirrors the users’ expectations in the universe of discourse.
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MILESTONE 3 – DATA MODELINGSynopsisThe requirements analysis phase answers the question, “What does the userneed and want from a new system?” The requirements analysis phase iscritical to the success of any new information system. In this milestone, youneed to identify what information systems requirements need to be defined from the system users’ perspectives, and draw graphical, logical, models to document the data requirements for a new and improved system.Data modeling is a technique for organizing and documenting a system’s data. Data modeling is sometimes called database modeling because a data model is usually implemented as a database. Data are viewed as a resource to be shared by as many processes as possible. As a result, data must be organized in a way that is flexible and adaptable to unanticipated business requirements – and that is the purpose of data modeling.In this milestone you will first discover those entities in the system that are or might be described by data. With each entity you identify, you will define it in respect to the business. Then, you will construct a Context Data Model that graphically depicts each of the entities and the relationships they have with each other. Next, you will refine the context data model to include primary and foreign keys. The resulting model is called a Key-Based Data Model. Finally, you refine the key-based data model to include any hierarchies and attributes, and this model is referred to as the Fully Attributed Data Model.ObjectivesAfter completing this milestone, you should be able to:⇒Understand and perform the techniques for entity discovery.⇒Define each entity with respect to the business, and complete an entity/definition matrix.⇒Perform the necessary data modeling techniques to organize, and document the data requirements for the proposed system.⇒Construct the Context, Key-Based, and Fully-Attributed data models.PrerequisitesBefore starting this milestone the following topics should be covered:1.Data modeling – Chapter 7estone 2 SolutionAssignmentNow that you have studied the current system and analyzed some of its problems and opportunities, plus gained approval to proceed, you can now start to identify the business data requirements and graphically model them. In this assignment you will use your results of the previous Milestone and transcripts of an interview with Julius Marx, IT Director of Huxley College. The results of this activity will identify the business data requirements for the proposed system.Exhibit 3.1 is a copy of the transcript of the interview. Refer to the transcript, sample forms, and results from Milestones 1 and 2 for the information necessary to complete the activities.Activitiesplete an Entity/Definition Matrix. Analyze each of the forms referenced bythe user interview, plus any comments made by Julius Marx. Make assumptions where necessary.2.Prepare a Context Data Model.3.Prepare a Key-Based Data Model.4.Prepare a Fully-Attributed Data Model including any generalization hierarchies.Add the data attributes for each entity.Deliverable format and software to be used are according to your instructor’s specifications. Deliverables should be neatly packaged in a binder, separated with a tab divider labeled “Milestone 3.”References:Milestone 2 SolutionProvided by your instructorTranscripts of Interview with Julius Marx and Accompanying SampleForms and ReportExhibits 3.1-3.5TemplatesSee online learning center web site for the textbook. Deliverables:Entity Definition Matrix: Due: __/__/__Time:_______ Context Data Model: Due: __/__/__Time:_______ Key-Based Data Model: Due: __/__/__Time:_______ Fully-Attributed Data Model: Due: __/__/__Time:_______Milestone’s Point Value:_______The following is a copy of the transcript of an interview between Mr. Julius Marx, IT Director, and Frank Baravelli, the systems analyst assigned to the project. The goal of this interview was to obtain sample forms used for processing employee information and to ask questions about them to discover data entities of the system.Exhibit 3.2PC Configuration SheetPrepared by Gary B. Randolph forSystems Analysis & Design Methods 5edby J. L. Whitten, L. D. Bentley, & K. C. Dittman Copyright Irwin/McGraw-Hill 2001Exhibit 3.3 Service RequestPrepared by Gary B. Randolph forSystems Analysis & Design Methods 5edby J. L. Whitten, L. D. Bentley, & K. C. Dittman Copyright Irwin/McGraw-Hill 2001 Exhibit 3.4Purchase Order。
