Inspection report --Helmet at ZHUHAI
Hammer 铁锤Handling charge 装卸费,搬运费Harbour海港Harbour administration bureau(harbour bureau) 港务局Harbour dues港务费Harbourlight 港口灯标Harbouroffice 港监,海监局Harbour supervisionoffice 港务监督Hatch (hatchcover)舱盖Hatchbeam 舱盖横梁Hatchway 舱口Hawse hole 锚链孔Headline头缆Heavingline 撇缆Heavy-dutyforklift trucks巨型堆高机(香港俗称麻鹰)Heavy fog 大雾Heavy lift超重货物,大件Heavylift additional(surcharge)超重附加费Heavy lift derrick重型吊杆Heavy rain 大雨Heavysnow 大雪ﻫHeavyweather 恶劣天气Helm舵轮,舵柄High cube container(HC) 大型集装箱Hirestatement 租金单Hold 船舱ﻫHome port 船籍港Homogeneous cargo同种货物Hook 吊钩Hoop iron missing 铁箍失落Hull 船体,船身ﻫIce-breaker破冰船Identity ofcarrier clause承运人责任条款IMMO危险品类别Import(IM) 进口Import entry 进口报关Import/export tariff 进口/出口税率Import permit 进口许可证Indemnity 赔偿Inflation adjustmentfactor (IAF) 通货膨胀膨胀调整系数Infrastructure(of a port) (港口)基础设施Inland transportation charge 内陆运输费Import manifest 载货清单Inspection certificate 检验证书Inspection ofhold 验舱Insufficient packing包装不足Insulatedcontainer保温集装箱Insurance 保险International MaritimeOrganization (IMO)国际海事组织International Association ofClassificationSocieties (IACS)国际船级社协会International conventionfor safecontainer(CSC) 国际集装箱安全公约International Maritime DangerousGoods Code (IMDG)国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规)International multimodal transportconvention国际多式联运公约International standardizationorganization(ISO) 国际标准化组织International TransportWorkers’ Federation (ITF)国际运输工人联合会Inthe middle 在中间Inventory control 存货控制Inward进港的Inwardcargo 进港货Inwardmanifest 进口舱单Ironnail铁钉Jackladder(jacob’s ladder) 软梯,绳梯Jammedat the side 箱边压坏Joint 结头Joint inspection联检Joint service 联合服务ﻫJointsurvey联合检验Jumbo derrick 重型吊杆Keel 龙骨Kilos. 公斤,千克Kind of Pkgs。
Bulk Liquid – General
Ship 船舶
期 ……………………………………..
间 ……………………………………...
为保证安全作业,下列所有问题的答复均是肯定的,可在相应的方格内清楚地打上(√)标号。如果 不能给予肯定回答,应说明理由,而且船舶和码头之间均达成关于应采取的适当预防措施的协议。 如果认为有的问题不适用,应在备注栏里加以说明。 The safety of operations requires that all questions should be answered affirmatively by clearly ticking (√) in the appropriate box. If an affirmative answer is not available, the reason should be given and agreement reached upon appropriate precautions to be taken between the ship and the terminal. Where any question is considered to be not applicable, then a note to that effect should be inserted in the remarks column.
Inspection Report
Inspection and Assessment Report For Dry Cargo Ships (FOD06) 8Name of Ship: POWER LOONGIMO Number: 9047051Date of Inspection: 29-Mar-2012Place of Inspection: Ulsan, KoreaName of Lead Inspector: S. A. KwonInspector’s signature: ............................................................................................................... Date: .................................................................................................................. 30-Mar-2012Description of RevisionsRev 02: Address on form amendedRev 03: Change of logo and new addressRev 04: Major Revisions to contentRev 05: Redesigned formatRev 06: Clarify Section 7 (ISM Implementation)Rev 07: Add bookmarks and amend questions to read yes for positive responseRev 08: Sections 1.1,2.2, 3.2,3.6, 4.1,4.3, 4.4, 5.2, 6.2, 6.3, 8.1SECTION 1:VESSEL PARTICULARS1.1G ENERAL I NFORMATION1.2P RINCIPAL D IMENSIONS1.3R EGISTRATION,C LASS &I NSURERS1.4S HIP C ONSTRUCTION1.5A DDITIONAL C OMMENTS OR O BSERVATIONS ON V ESSEL P ARTICULARS SECTION. SECTION 2:DOCUMENTATION2.1S TATUTORY AND C LASS S TATUS AND R ECORDS2.2T ECHNICAL2.3I NSPECTIONS2.4O PERATIONAL2.5M ANNING2.6A DDITIONAL C OMMENTS OR O BSERVATIONS ON THE D OCUMENTATION S ECTION. SECTION 3:EFFECTIVENESS OF ISM SYSTEM3.1I NSPECTION &R EVIEW3.2F EEDBACK3.3S AFETY M ANAGEMENT3.4S AFE C ARRIAGE O F C OAL3.5S AFETY E QUIPMENT T ESTS3.6S AFETY C ULTURESECTION 4:SAFETY, SECURITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT4.1C ERTIFICATION4.2S AFETY D OCUMENTATION4.3S AFETY P UBLICATIONS [I N ADDITION TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS]4.4S AFETY P LANS,D RAWINGS &E QUIPMENT4.5S ECURITY M ATTERS4.6E NVIRONMENTAL P LANS AND R ECORDSSECTION 5:STRUCTURAL CONDITION5.1H OLDS5.2H ATCH C OVERS A ND A SSOCIATED A REAS5.3B ALLAST T ANKS5.4S HELL AND D ECK P LATING,F ITTINGS &E QUIPMENT5.5A DDITIONAL C OMMENTS OR O BSERVATIONS ON THE S TRUCTURAL C ONDITION S ECTION. SECTION 6:MACHINERY MANAGEMENT6.1R ECORDS AND M ANUALS6.2O BSERVATION O F C ONDITIONS I N M ACHINERY S PACES6.3S AFETY AND E NVIRONMENT6.4B ALLAST S YSTEMS6.5A DDITIONAL C OMMENTS OR O BSERVATIONS ON THE M ACHINERY M ANAGEMENT S ECTION. SECTION 7:BRIDGE MANAGEMENT7.1B RIDGE E QUIPMENT7.2N AVIGATIONAL P RACTICES7.3A DDITIONAL C OMMENTS OR O BSERVATIONS ON THE B RIDGE M ANAGEMENT S ECTION. SECTION 8:HOLDS - VENTILATION, LIGHTING SECURING8.1E QUIPMENTSECTION 9:CONDITION OF CRANES9.1A DDITIONAL C OMMENTS OR O BSERVATIONS ON THE C ARGO C RANES S ECTION SECTION 10:INSPECTION SUMMARY10.1G ENERAL10.2P HYSICAL I NSPECTION S UMMARY10.3M ANAGEMENT S UMMARY10.4A DDITIONAL C OMMENTS OR O BSERVATIONS ON THE S UMMARY S ECTION.SECTION 1:VESSEL PARTICULARS1.1General Information1.1.1 Year of build [mm/yy]: ................................................................................. 11/921.1.2 Place built: ................................................................................ Tsuneishi, Japan1.1.3 Name of yard: ................................................... T suneishi Ship Building Co., Ltd.1.1.4 Name of Owner from Certificate of Registry: ....................... F ullyfirm Marine Inc.1.1.5 Name of Company on ISM Document of Compliance: A moysailing Maritime Co.,Ltd., China.1.2Principal Dimensions1.2.1 Summer Deadweight [tonnes]: .......................................................... 69,618.0001.2.2 Summer Draft [metres]: 13.2571.3Registration, Class & Insurers1.3.1 Flag: ...................................................................................................... Panama1.3.2 Class & Notation: ...... B V, I + HULL + MACH, Bulk carrier ESP, Heavy cargo,Unrestricted navigation.1.3.3 P&I Club: ................................ C hina Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association 1.4Ship Construction1.4.1 Ship Type: ..................................................................... Bulk Carrier - Ungeared1.4.2 Double/Single skin: ............................................................................ Single-skin1.4.3 Hatch cover type: ................................................................ Side-rolling, 2-panel1.4.4 Suitable for heavy cargoes of 1.780 t/m3 and above: .................................... Y es1.4.5 Is the vessel restricted by SOLAS XII/14: ...................................................... Y es1.4.6 Are cargo holds used for ballast? .................................................................. Y es[If Yes]: At Sea Nos: 4In Port Nos: 41.5Additional Comments or Observations on Vessel Particulars section.The gearless bulk carrier with 7 numbers of cargo holds was built in Tsuneishi ShipBuilding Co., Ltd., Japan on 20 Nov 1992.The vessel Owner changed from Aktieselskabet Dampskibsselskabet Torm to Fullyfirm Marine Inc and Flag changed from Norway to Panama on 06 Jul 2006.Ship's class transferred from DNV to BV on 18 Jun 2010 and Company on ISM DOC changed to current company Amoysailing Maritime Co., Ltd. on 31 Mar 2011. SECTION 2:DOCUMENTATION2.1Statutory and Class Status and Records2.1.1 The vessel's certification as required under statutory and class requirements iscomplete and valid: ....................................................................................... Y es2.2Technical2.2.1 Was the vessel free of Conditions of Class at the time of inspection? ........... Y es[If No, provide details and due date] : ........................................................2.2.2 Are the CSM survey items up to date? ........................................................... No2.2.3 Have records of ultrasonic tests been maintained on board? ........................ Y es[If yes, period for which records are available] : .31 May 2010 to 10 Jun 2010 forSpecial Survey No.4 at COSCO (Lianyungang) Shipyard, China.2.2.4 Are the results of the ultrasonic tests considered satisfactory ....................... Y es2.2.5 Does the vessel have an Enhanced Survey Programme [ESP] report file? ... Y es[If No, reasons for same] : .........................................................................2.2.6 Is vessel history free of major repairs? ........................................................... No[If No, reasons for same] : Repaired the buckling shell plate and brackets in portside of E/R from 10 Jan to 18 Jan 2012 at Daeyang Shipyard, Dalian, China -Confirmed by class BV surveyor (Occasional Survey).2.2.7 Is the vessel free of any extensive steel renewal [>25 tons]? ......................... No[If No, reasons for same] :About 27 tons of steel renewed for the repair of abovementioned item Date of last Special Survey: ............................................................ 18-Jun-20102.2.9 Date of last dry-dock: ...................................................................... 18-Jun-2010 2.3Inspections2.3.1 Is the vessel free of PSCI deficiencies in the last 6 months ............................ No2.3.2 Have all findings been cleared ........................................................................ No[If No, provide details] : The following 4 PSC Inspections carried out within thelast 6 months and the last PSC dated 18 Mar 2012 at Pyeongtaek was not closed;1. On 18 Mar 2012 at Pyeongtaek, Korea - noted 4 deficiencies.1) Familiarization check list for new joined crew not provided ----- 17/102) Gas detector calibration cert. expired ----- 183) Cargo loading/unloading plan not signed & verified by ship and shore ---- 99/104) Navtex printings in bad condition ----- 182. On 08 Dec 2011 at Kalama, USA - 2 deficiencies.1) Fire fighting appliances shall be maintained and ready for use. Four fire hoseswere holed and not ready for use ----- 10 C2) After any survey of ship no change shall be made to structural arrangements.An inset was found on the portside second deck frame 30 which cracked welds atthe transverse frame and wasted the longitudinal stringer ----- 70 AC3. On 29 Oct 2011 at Tang Shan, China - 5 deficiencies.1) Ship hospital flooring badly cracked ----- 15/102) FO sight glass to overflow / drain tank unable to monitor flow - darken by HFOstains ----- 99/103) No.1 stbd D/A engine non-drive end & cylinder covers very oily ----- 99/104) M/E T/B exh. pipe to manifold not fully insulated ----- 99/105) No.1 & 2 D/As exhaust T/B manifolds and cylinder exhaust lines heat insulationmissing ----- 99/104. On 07 Oct 2011 at Geraldton, Australia - 31 deficiencies.1) Current continuous synopsis record not onboard2) Port side midship draft marks at loadline level rusted/worn3) No record /approval on loading manual for compliance with SOLAS Reg 14 -restriction on high density cargo.4) No evidence loading instrument is approved for the vessel.5) Water ingress alarm not switched on (upon switch on, No.3 hold low alarmactivated).6) FWD bosun store emergency dewatering manual valves not lined up foroperation.7) Steering gear hydraulic oil replenish tank only about 20% filled.8) Large quantity of full/empty oil drum not properly secured in steeringcompartment.9) Emergency fire p/p in steering compartment not accessible without passingthrough E/R - Escape hatch hooked from inside.10) Stbd lifeboat - Compass base securing corroded / detached and engine cover/ operator seat detached / broken.11) Crew not familiar with operation of L/B emergency steering, instructionmissing from stbd L/B.12) Ship hospital flooring badly cracked.13) S-VDR error codes recurrence after restarting.14) Port lifeboat engine cover / operator seat not secured.15) Sewage treatment plant air supply switched off and unable to ensure correctflow rate and pressure.16) Three-way valve for sewage line - Overboard & sewage line not lined up forharbour operation.17) F.O sight glass to overflow / drain tank unable to monitor flow - darken byHFO strains.18) Boiler composite return tank contaminated with HFO.19) M/E No.2 unit aft injector double skin pipe outer layer rubbing damage withexhaust v/v cage.20) Emergency generator unable to start on batteries No.2 (lower).21) No.1 Stbd D/A engine non-drive end & cylinder covers very oily (F.O leakalarm activated).22) M/E T/B EXH. pipe to manifold not fully insulated.23) No.1&2 D/As exhaust T/B manifolds and cylinder exhaust lines heat insulationmissing / in poor condition.24) Emergency escape door at E/R tank top level tied open.25) Various F.O / L.O tank level gauges bottom self-closing cocks tied in openposition.26) Main electrical cables pipe spilt open for about one meter just FWD ofaccommodation on main deck.27) Emergency fire pump bilge well self-closing drain valve defective.28) Port paint locker ventilation fan not explosive proof.29) E/R air distribution manifold valve and local valve to F.O tank quick valves airbottle empty.30) The above code 17 deficiencies are objective evidence that the vessel andequipment are not maintained between surveys.31) With reference to the above deficiencies on maint. of ship & equipment, theyare objective evidence that company SMS on ISM code element 10 is noteffective.2.3.3 Is the vessel free of Flag State inspection deficiencies in the last 6 months? . No 2.3.4 Have all findings been cleared: ...................................................................... Y es[If No, provide details] : Last Panama Flag State Inspection carried out on 23Mar 2012 at Mokpo, Korea with following 4 deficiencies;1) Declaration of company endorsed by PMA not up-dated.2) Declaration of deginated person not provided other than Chinese language one.3) Declaration of company security officer not provided other than Chineselanguage one.4) Two(2) sets of self-contained air breathing apparatus with 200% spare aircylinders not provided for IMS BC code fitness.Above all FSI deficiences were rectified and cleared on 29 Mar 2012 at this port. 2.4Operational2.4.1 Are cargo operations planned and recorded in accordance with the BLU Code Yes[If No, provide details] :2.4.2 Are the Loading Instrument operational and test records available ............... Y es[If No, provide details] :2.4.3 Is a Ballast Operations Log maintained ......................................................... Y es 2.5Manning2.5.1 The number of nationalities represented on board are: (1)[Specify nationalities] : All 24 Chinese2.5.2 The working language(s) understood on board is ................................... C hinese 2.6Additional Comments or Observations on the Documentation Section.Class status report has not provided on board since 23 Jul 2010, however the presentClass status report dated 28 Mar 2012 was provided on board during this inspection.2.2.2 : Various CSM survey items overdue - No CSM surveys carried out since 18 Jun2010 as no information was made available on board.Only one volume of Emergency Towing Procedures manual was on board other thanthree volumes.2.2.9 : Last Dry-docking Survey (Special Survey) was performed at Cosco (Lianyungang)Shipyard, China on 18 Jun 2010 and due date of next Special Survey is 17 Jun 2015.2.4.2 : Loading computer system (Software, LOADOMETER 400) was approved by classBV on 18 Jun 2010 and the last periodic test was performed on 23 Feb 2012.Panama ITF Special Agreement was valid until 19 Dec 2012.Regarding English language competency of officers and engineers, they were managing to do their work somehow or other with ordinary level.SECTION 3:EFFECTIVENESS OF ISM SYSTEM3.1Inspection & Review3.1.1 Has Master’s review of SMS been completed in last 12 months.................... Y es3.1.2 Is it effective? ................................................................................................ Y es 3.2Feedback3.2.1 Has there been feedback from the shore management ............................... Y es3.2.2 Comments: The last Master's SMS review was made on 10 Oct 2011 - reported tothe company and feedback from the shore management was provided on 27 Oct2011.3.2.3 Are findings from RightShip Inspections correlated and whole Fleet informed?Yes3.2.4 Comments: RightShip Inspection reports for fleet vessel were filed.3.2.5 Do company procedures and practices for handling of deficiencies require rootcause analysis of each deficiency? ............................................................... Y es3.2.6 Comments: Described in Safety Management Manual "Ch.9" and Procedures "P-09".3.2.7 Do the company procedures and practices include measures to preventrecurrence of deficiencies.............................................................................. Y es3.2.8 Comments: Defined in Safety Management Manual "Ch.9" and Procedures "P-09".3.2.9 Has emergency drill involving Shore Management been conducted in last 12months? ........................................................................................................ Y es3.2.10 Comments: Last emergency drill involving Shore Management carried out on 02Jun 2011 between this vessel and company assuming "Piracy Attack" - detailedscenarios/records were on board.3.2.11 Is there a program for drills and exercises. .................................................... Y es3.2.12 Is it followed and documented? ................................................................... Y es3.2.13 Comments: The last fire-fighting and abandon ship drill were performed on 16 Mar2012.3.2.14 Are Senior Officers aware of MSC/Circ. 1143 (Guide lines on early assessment ofhull damage and possible need for abandonment of bulk carrier) ................. Y es3.2.15 Has any training been completed? ................................................................ Y es3.2.16 Does Management regularly provide vessels with copies of Circulars from Classand Flag? ...................................................................................................... Y es 3.3Safety Management3.3.1 Is induction/familiarization for new crew members conducted ....................... Y es3.3.2 Are records kept? ........................................................................................ Y es3.3.3 Comments: The last induction/familiarization for new crew was conducted on 18Jan 2012.3.3.4 Are all crew members able to understand the language of their documentedresponsibilities and duties?............................................................................ Y es3.3.5 Comments: Each crews responsibilities and duties were defined in SMS manualwritten in Chinese.3.3.6 Is there a culture of continuous improvement – do they learn from pastlapses/deficiencies3.3.6.1 At ship level ...................................................................................... Y es3.3.6.2 At Company level? ............................................................................ Y es3.3.7 Comments: Fleet report of past deficiencies was provided on board as circularletter for continuous improvement.3.4Safe Carriage Of Coal3.4.1 The vessel can be considered suitable for the carriage of coal cargoes as per IMOregulations. [Check all procedures, records, condition of monitoring equipment,sensing devices etc] ...................................................................................... Y es[If No, reasons for same] : Cargo holds were provided with gas sampling holes onhatch covers (P & S).3.5Safety Equipment TestsSpecify which items of safety equipment, if any, were tested by the inspector:[NB Due to multiple fatalities that have been associated with lifeboat drills, specialnote to be taken with regard to the posting of instructions on the safe operationand maintenance of lifeboats and associated equipment]The following equipments were tested and found satisfactory;Emergency fire pump, Emergency generator, Emergency steering gear, Life boat engine, Local operated E/R fire damper, E/R bilge alarm, OCM 15 ppm alarm for Oily waterseparator, Oil mist detector and Self contained breathing apparatus.Life boat (P&S) 5 yearly dynamic load test was performed on 15 Jul 2007 and the lastannual inspection of 5 sets of Life rafts was carried out on 17 Jan 2012.The following deficiencies for Safety equipments were found during this inspection;1) Forward life raft - (1) Portable illuminating light for launching position was not available.(2) The embarkation ladder was not available near the life raft.2) The helicopter equipments were not provided on board.3.6Safety Culture3.6.1 What level of safety consciousness and practice is apparent onboard [includingwhere applicable, legible display of relevant plans, safety notices, use ofprotective clothing etc.] ................................................................. Unsatisfactory3.6.2 Additional Comments or Observations on the Safety, Security and EnvironmentalSection."Safety consciousness" was rated as "Unsatisfactory" owing to the following deficiencies ;1) Port bilge well for bosun store dewatering was obstructed by a lot of paint tin and bothbilge well suction valves were closed other than marking "KEEP OPEN".2) Flash back arresters were not fitted and the rubber hoses were in use between fixedpipe to E/R and Oxygen/Acetylene cylinders on poop deck stores.3) Water leakage was observed from boiler steam return line flange.4) The plastic return flow pipes for sewage treatment plant were dirty with oil stains andpainted partly.SECTION 4:SAFETY, SECURITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 4.1Certification4.1.1 State issuing Authority for the Document of Compliance.BV (Bureau Veritas) for the Government of Panama4.1.2 Date on which the Document of Compliance was issued. .............. 25-Mar-20114.1.3 Date on which the Document of Compliance was last endorsed. ... 10-Feb-20124.1.4 State issuing Authority for the Safety Management CertificateBV for the Government of Panama4.1.5 Date on which the Safety Management Certificate was issued. ....... 06-Jan-20124.1.6 Date of last internal audit. ............................................................... 16-Sep-20114.1.7 Date of last external audit. .............................................................. 16-Sep-20114.1.8 Other general comments on safety certification:4.1.6 : Internal Audit - 2 N/Cs issued and closed out on 16 Sep 2011.4.1.7 : External Audit for ISM initial audit by BV - 5 N/Cs issued and closed out on 18 Oct2011.4.2Safety Documentation4.2.1 Are Safety Committee Meetings undertaken on a regular basis and withacceptable frequency? .................................................................................. Y es4.2.2 Are minutes available for last two meetings? ................................................. Y es4.2.3 The following are reported, investigated and analyzed: Non-conformities ............................................................................... Y es4.2.3.2 Accidents .......................................................................................... Y es4.2.3.3 Hazardous occurrences [near-misses] .............................................. Y es4.2.4 Corrective actions recorded for items in 4.2.3 ............................................... Y es4.2.5 Corrective actions and close-out recorded for internal audits? ...................... Y es4.2.6 Corrective actions and close-out recorded for external audits? ..................... Y es4.2.7 Other general comments on safety documentation:4.2.2 : Last two Safety Committee Meetings were held on 15 Mar 2012 and 15Feb 2012. : The last accident reported on 01 Jan 2012. : The last near-miss was issued on 05 Mar 2012 and only 3 near-missesreported for the previous 12 months - It is recommended that more near-missesshould be reported for continual improvement.4.3Safety Publications [In addition to statutory requirements]4.3.1 Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port [ILO] ........................... Y es4.3.2 Guidelines on early assessment of hull damage and possible need forAbandonment of Bulk Carriers [MSC/Circ.1143] ............................................ Y es4.3.3 Guidelines for the mitigation and management of fatigue. [MSC/Circ.1014] .. Y es4.3.4 Are MSDS available for Cargo/Bunker/Hazardous Materials? ....................... Y es4.3.5 Other general comments on safety publications:4.4Safety Plans, Drawings & Equipment4.4.1 Muster lists. ................................................................................................... Y es4.4.2 Fire Control Plans in accommodation and at gangways. ............................... Y es4.4.3 Contingency plans for emergency response. ................................................. Y es4.4.4 Is Safety Officer’s identity well known to all onboar d? ................................... Y es4.4.5 The SOPEP was filed together with piping diagrams and other key plans, contactlist was up to date. ......................................................................................... Y es4.4.6 IMO signs were displayed.............................................................................. Y es4.4.7 Escape routes were marked. ......................................................................... Y es4.4.8 Safety plans were displayed .......................................................................... Y es4.4.9 Safety notices were displayed. ...................................................................... Y es4.4.10 Permits to work were issued. ......................................................................... Y es4.4.11 Is there evidence that safety equipment is regularly checked? ...................... Y es4.4.12 Is atmosphere testing equipment appropriate and fit for use? ....................... Y es4.4.13 Are calibration records available for atmosphere testing equipment? ............ Y es4.4.14 Are fire main isolation valves operational?..................................................... Y es4.4.15 Other general comments on safety plans, drawings and equipment:4.4.4 : Safety officer is the Chief officer.4.4.5 : SOPEP was approved by Panama Maritime Authority on 21 Jun 2006 andmaintained properly together with the latest contact list dated 31 Dec 2011.4.4.13 : Portable multi gas detector "BW, GasAlert MAX XT" was calibrated on 20 Mar2012.4.5Security Matters4.5.1 Security was at level. (1)4.5.2 Appropriate security system was being implemented .................................... Y es4.5.3 Vessel has a valid Continuous Synopsis Record ........................................... Y es4.5.4 Other general comments on security matters:Owner ID - 5245000, Company ID - 4158975.Last CSR No.11 issued on 07 Feb 2012 and kept the other originals in file.4.6Environmental Plans and Records4.6.1 Bunkering Plan. ............................................................................................. Y es4.6.2 Garbage Management Plan .......................................................................... Y es4.6.3 Ballast Management Plan .............................................................................. Y es4.6.4 Oil Record Book ............................................................................................ Y es4.6.5 Other general comments on environmental plans and records:The last record of "List of system or equipment and record book for Ozone depletingsubstances" was 20 Feb 2012.4.6.2 : Garbages were landed to shore regularly and last landing was on 17 Jan 2012 atDalian, China.4.6.3 : Ballast Management Plan was approved on 06 Feb 2007 by class.4.6.4 : 6.3 M3 of oil sludge were landed to shore facility on 17 Jan 2012 at Dalian, Chinain accordance with the collector's certificate and oil record book.SECTION 5:STRUCTURAL CONDITION[Guidance Note: Any structural item fitted with a doubler should be marked as unsatisfactory and clarification entered in the appropriate comments field.]5.1Holds5.1.1 Bulkheads ........................................................................................ Satisfactory5.1.2 Shell plating Frames, Brackets, Bracket connections ....................... Satisfactory5.1.3 Hopper and Stool sloping plating ...................................................... Satisfactory5.1.4 Tank top plating ................................................................................ Satisfactory5.1.5 Topside tank plating - as seen from hold spaces .............................. Satisfactory5.1.6 Bilges, Suction boxes, Extended spindles etc. .................................. Satisfactory5.1.7 Water ingress sensors ..................................................................... Satisfactory5.1.8 Air vents, Sounding pipes Manhole covers ....................................... Satisfactory5.1.9 Hold ladders - rungs, stanchions, platforms...................................... Satisfactory5.1.10 Protective coatings ..................................................................................... Good5.1.11 Hold ventilation, Fire dampers, Access spaces ................................ Satisfactory5.1.12 Other general comments on hold condition:Cargo hold structures were found in satisfactory with good coating condition.No.4 cargo hold (used for ballast) and No.6 hold were physically inspected.5.2Hatch Covers And Associated Areas5.2.1 Hatch covers tops and sides ............................................................ Satisfactory5.2.2 Hatch covers internal stays and/or stiffeners .................................... Satisfactory5.2.3 Sealing rubber, channels .................................................................. Satisfactory5.2.4 Compression bars and weight bearing pads ..................................... Satisfactory5.2.5 Securing cleats ................................................................................. Satisfactory5.2.6 Track-ways and rollers ..................................................................... Satisfactory5.2.7 Hydraulic system - jacks, pipes & securing cleats ............................ Satisfactory5.2.8 Drains and non-return valves ............................................................ Satisfactory5.2.9 Hatch coaming plates [fwd, aft, port & starboard] ............................. Satisfactory5.2.10 Hatch coaming stays [vertical and horizontal] ................................... Satisfactory。
REPORT ON INSPECTION LCL IN Shanghai warehouseSpt.**Loading Supervision ReportGENERAL SUMMARY:From Fialan (Shanghai)Contact person: James KanContact Tel:+86(21)58358968Contact Fax:+86(21)58359878Inspectorname:James KanDate ofLoading:Spt**. 2012Time of loading start:12:50 Product Description:EquipmentIndustrial SewingMachine HeadFlowmeters, pressuregauges...etc.Time ofloading finish:16:30 Item/Style/SKU No.:LoadingLocation:Warehouse*********** Country of Origin:ChinaDestination Country:UkraineINSPECTION RESULT SUMMARY (Refer to following pages for details)PASSED FAILED PENDING Remarks QUANTITY & ASSORTMENT (Sec D)×CONDITION OF CONTAINER(S) (SecE)×CONDITION OF EXPORT CARTONS(Sec F)×SHIPPING MARKS (Sec G)×OVERALL RESULT PASSEDQUANTITY & ASSORTMENTMark Product DescriptionCBM CTNSCTNSloadedFLN 2401 Fittings 19.15 329 329FLN 2402 Wires/ провода 1.33 2 (большиедеревянныекоробки)2 (большиедеревянныекоробки)FLN 2403 Car Electronics 1.75 43 43 FLN 2404Film0.347 7 FLN 2405plastic seals -пластиковыеуплотнители0.5 3 3FLN 2406reverse osmosis membranes |мембраныобратногоосмоса1.71 2 паллеты 2 паллетыFLN 2208Equipment 10.5 6 6 FLN 2209Industrial Sewing Machine Head9.993 93FLN 2421Flowmeters, pressure gauges - Ротаметры, манометры(product name is :流量计,function: 测试水的流量)2.220 20FLN2430 1.1 45 45Full Loaded CBM 48.48Uonloaded --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONDITION OF EXPORT CARTONS×PASSED - Dry and in good working condition, free from serious damage, suitable for holding and protecting the said cargo, properly palletized.FAILED –Crushed, with large holes, containing other serious damage, not suitable forholding and protecting the said cargo, improperly palletized.Other:CONDITION OF CONTAINER(S)×PASSED - Dry and in good working condition, free from stains, bad odors, large dents and holes, suitable for loading the said cargo.FAILED - Dirty, with stains, torn roof/side panels, broken hinges/handles or closuredevices, etc.Other:CONDITION OF LOADING LOCATIONFactory×Warehouse Other __________________________ LoadingLocation:Weather:Rainy×Sunny Snowy Other _____________ Sheltered Yes ×NoCONTAINER DETAILSContainer Type Container No.Seal No.Loaded CargoItem / Style No.LoadedCartonTotal 550 40GP KKFU 1802565 KK LINEUBA 36828Loaded Goods PositionsPhotosEmpty container show:Container Number show: Seal semi- Container door Show:Start loading show:25% Loading show:Half Loading show:75% Loading show:Fulll loading show: Seal semi- Container door Show:Full Container door Show:Seal number show:Nameplate of the container KK LINE UBA 36828END OF THE REPORT。
EPFS: electronic position-fixing system 电子定位系统IMO: International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织INS: integrated navigation system 综合导航系统ITU: International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟ROV: remotely operated vehicle 遥控水下机械SENC: system electronic navigation chart 系统电子海图SINAD: signal to noise and distortion 信号对噪声和失真比STI: sound transmission index 声音传输指标IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工委员会VDR: voyage data recorder 航行数据记录仪EUT: equipment under test 被试设备UTC: universal time coordination 世界协调时ENTERING PORT 入港What is the position of the pilot boat?引航船的位置在什么地方?Have a heaving line ready at pilot ladder. 在引航员梯旁,把撇缆准备好。
Put on lights at pilot ladder position. 在引航员梯旁,放置照明灯。
Stand by the pilot ladder. 在引航员梯旁守候。
Keep the engines until the pilot boat is clear. 直到引航船离开才可开车。
Keep the pilot boat on the port/ starboard side. 引航船保持在左/右舷。
安检代码之宇文皓月创作00No Action Taken 无不需采纳措施10Deficiency Rectified 缺陷已纠正12All Deficiencies Rectified 所有缺陷已纠正15Rectify Deficiencies At Next Port 在下一港口纠正缺陷16Rectify Deficiencies Within 14 Days 在14天内纠正缺陷17Master Instructed to Rectify Deficiencies Before Departure 要求船长在离港前纠正缺陷18Rectify Deficiencies Within 3 Months 在三个月内纠正缺陷19Entrance Prohibition for ship without Certification 未经认证的船舶禁止靠港20Ship Delayed to Rectify Deficiencies 船舶延期离港以纠正缺陷After Delay Allowed to Sail (*Specify Date) 延期后允许开航(注明日期)30Ship Detained 滞留船舶35Detention Rised (*Specify Date) 解除滞留(注明日期)36Ship allowed to sail after follow-up detention 船舶再次滞留后允许开航40Next Port Informed 通知下一港口50Flag State /Consul Informed 通知船旗国/领事馆55Flag State Consulted 咨询船旗国60Region State Informed 通知本区域成员国70Classification Society Informed 通知船级社80Temporary Substitution of Equipment 临时更换设备Alternative equipment or method used 使用替代设备或方法85Investigation of Contravention of Discharge Provision (MARPOL)违反(MARPOL)排放规定的调查90Letter of warning issued 签发警告信95Re-inspection Connection with Code 90 根据签发的警告信重新检查96Letter of Warning Withdrawn 收回警告信97Destination Unknown Information 目的港信息未知99Other (Specify) 其他(具体说明)表二:Code代码Meaning含义Actions Taken需采纳的措施ADetainedGrounds for detention 滞留的原因BRectifiedDeficiency rectified 缺陷已纠正CBefore DepartureRectify the deficiency before departure在开航前纠正缺陷DWithin 14 daysRectify the deficiency within 14 days(1)在14天内纠正缺陷EAt the next portRectify the deficiency at the next port(1)在下一港口纠正缺陷FAgreed Class ConditionAs in the agreed class condition根据已同意的船级条件GWithin 3 MonthsRectify non-conformity in three months(2)在三个月内纠正缺陷HMajor NCRectify major non-conformity before departure (3)开航前纠正主要分歧格项JAt Agreed repair portAt an agreed repair port (4) 在经允许的港口修理KTemporary repairTemporary Repair to be carried out 进行临时修理LFlag consultedFlag State Consulted 咨询船旗国MLOW issuedLetter of Warning issued 签发警告信NLOW withdrawnLetter of Warming withdrawn 收回警告信OOperation StopedProhibition to continue an operation 禁止继续操纵PTemporary SubstituteTemporary substitute of the equipment临时更换设备QOtherSpecify unusual circumstances (free text)说明异常情况(格式不限。
第一部分:DOCUMENTATION(文件)1.Statutory Certificates(法定证书)2.Other Certificates/Documents/Records(其他证书/文件/记录To note if there is any condition of class(如果有船级条件请注明)3.Documents and Plans to be posted up onboard (船上需张贴的文件和图纸)4.Manuals, Booklets and Record Book (手册,小册子和记录簿)5.NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS(航海出版物)6.AUTICAL RELATED INFORMATION (航海相关资料)7.IMO & OTHER MARITIME RELATED PUBLICATIONS(IMO和其他资料)(船舶应根据船型、货物作业等配备相应的资料)8.LOG/RECORD BOOK ENTRIES (日志/记录薄填写)第二部分:结构和设备1.LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES(救生设备)2.Fire Fighting Systems and Appliances(消防系统和设备)3.NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT(航行设备)4.LOAD LINE and STRUCTURE(载重线和结构)5.PREVENTION OF POLLUTION(防止油污染)6.MACHINERY ITEMS(机器项目)7.ELECTRICAL ITEMS(电气项目)8.GMDSS RADIO INSTALLATION(GMDSS无线电设备)9.SOLAS RELATED OPERATIONALREQUIREMENTS FOR DRILLS (SOLAS有关演习的设备)10.DOCUMENTS/HULL STRUCTURAL CHECK LIST FOR BULK CARRIER (散货船资料/船体结构检查单)11.MARPOL ANNEX VI - IAPP(防污公约附则六-国际防止大气污染)12.部分新公约要求第三部分:INTERNATIONAL SAFETY MANAGEMENT (ISM) CODE(国际安全管理规则)第四部分:STCW78/95 AND ILO(海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约和国际劳工组织公约)3.CREW ACCOMMODATION, HEALTH, WELFARE ,ACCIDENTPREVENTION & MISC.(船员起居,健康,福利,事故预防和其他)( For compliance of ILO Conventions, STCW 95 )(符合ILO公约和STCW 95)第五部分:ISPS CODE。
Scaffolding checklist 脚手架中英检查表
18 其它 Other
检查人 Inspected by:
检ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ日期 Date:
珠海巨涛海洋石油服务有限公司 Zhuhai Jutal Offshore Oil Services Limited 脚手架验收检查表 Scaffolding Checklist
项目名称 Project Name: 序号 No. 1 2 检查项目 Inspection Items 垫板 Sole board 底座 Base Plate 地点 Location: 检查标准 Inspection Standard 设置在底座下方,220mm见方35mm厚木板 Placed below base plate, and 220mm*220mm*35mm. 设置在立杆下方,120mm见方铁板 Placed below standard, and 120mm*120mm. 垂直于地面,与大横杆90°连接,同步同跨内不能同时使用 两个对接扣连接钢管 Perpendicual to ground, 90°to ledger. Sleeve coupler is only allowed on alternate standards. 固定在距钢管底端不大于300mm 处的立杆上 Maximum height to 300mm fixed on standards. 使用直角扣件水平地固定在立杆内侧,同步同跨内不能同时 使用两个对接扣连接钢管 Use right angle coupler to install at inner side of standard, sleeve coupler is only allowed on alternate ledger. 设置在大横杆的上方,小横杆之间的间距不得大于1.5m Set above ledger, and Maximum spacing to 1.5m between the transoms 每五个跨距设置一个斜撑,角度为35°- 55°之间,使用转 扣固定在主节点的内侧 set at between 35° & 55°and shall be fitted at least every 5 bays. 螺栓要上紧,钢管至少要超出扣件50mm,钢板扣必须成对使 用 Must be tightened, edge to be protruded 50mm, Girder coupler to be used in pairs. 编号 No.: 检查结果 Inspection Result 备注 Remarks
船舶安全检查表Ship Safety Inspection Form编号:120101-1No.120101-1港口:检查时间:年月日注:1.考评人员应负责或协调相关部门对发现问题的跟踪,及时封闭相关报告单;2.船舶对缺陷项目应开出“不符合规定情况、事故、险情报告单”,按照体系文件要求给予纠正;船舶对建议项目应自行纠正,公司检查人员将于下次登轮检查时给予验证;3.本表一式二份,一份船舶存档,一份交指定人员存档。
Note:1.The assessor should be responsible for or coordinate with the relevant departments to track the problems found, and close the relevant reports in time;2.The ship shall issue a Report on Non-conformity, Accident and Risk for the defective items and correct them according to the requirements of the system documents; The ship shall correct the proposed items by itself, and the inspection personnel of the company will verify it at the next boarding inspection;3.This form is in duplicate, one for the ship and the other for the designated person.。
国际航行海船法定检验技术规则英文版International Rules for the Survey and Certification of Ocean-Going ShipsChapter 1: General Provisions- Definitions- Scope of application- Responsibilities of the shipowner- Responsibilities of the flag state administrationChapter 2: Structural Inspection- Hull structural integrity- Watertight and weathertight integrity- Superstructure and deckhouse inspection- Ballast and bilge pumping systemsChapter 3: Machinery and Electrical Equipment Inspection- Engine and propulsion system inspection- Boiler and pressure vessel inspection- Electrical equipment and systems inspection- Fire detection and extinguishing systems inspectionChapter 4: Safety Equipment Inspection- Life-saving appliances inspection- Fire-fighting appliances inspection- Navigation and communication equipment inspection- Pollution prevention equipment inspectionChapter 5: Management Systems- Safety management system inspection- Security management system inspection- Environmental management system inspectionChapter 6: Certification and Documentation- Issuance and validity of ship certificates- Record keeping and reporting requirements- Port State Control obligationsChapter 7: Periodic Inspection and Surveys- Periodic inspection intervals- Annual survey requirements- Intermediate survey requirements- Special surveys and inspectionsChapter 8: Exemptions and Equivalents- Procedures for granting exemptions- Procedures for accepting equivalents- Reporting requirements for exemptions and equivalents Chapter 9: Access and Cooperation- Access to the ship and its equipment- Cooperation between flag states and port states- Exchange of information between administrationsChapter 10: Compliance and Enforcement- Consequences of non-compliance with the rules- Detention and restrictions on ship operations- Reporting and oversight of complianceAppendix A: List of Relevant International Conventions and Codes - SOLAS Convention- MARPOL Convention- Load Line Convention- STCW Convention- IMDG Code- IGC Code- ISM CodeAppendix B: Recommended Practices and Guidelines- Standards for hull thickness measurement- Guidelines for engine room fire safety- Recommended practices for lifeboat maintenance- Guidelines for bridge and navigational equipment inspections。
集装箱监装报告英文版REPORT-ON-INSPECTION-CONTAI NER-LOADINGREPORT ON INSPECTION LCL IN Shanghai warehouseSpt.**Loading Supervision ReportGENERAL SUMMARY:From Fialan (Shanghai)Contact person: James KanContact Tel:+86(21)58358968Contact Fax:+86(21)58359878Inspectorname:James KanDate ofLoading:Spt**. 2012Time of loading start:12:50 Product Description:EquipmentIndustrial SewingMachine HeadFlowmeters, pressuregauges...etc.Time ofloading finish:16:30 Item/Style/SKU No.:LoadingLocation:Warehouse*********** Country of Origin:ChinaDestination Country:UkraineINSPECTION RESULT SUMMARY (Refer to following pages for details)PASSED FAILED PENDING Remarks QUANTITY & ASSORTMENT (Sec D)×CONDITION OF CONTAINER(S) (SecE)×CONDITION OF EXPORT CARTONS(Sec F)×SHIPPING MARKS (Sec G)×OVERALL RESULT PASSED QUANTITY & ASSORTMENTMark Product DescriptionCBM CTNSCTNSloadedFLN 2401 Fittings 19.15 329 329FLN 2402 Wires/ провода 1.33 2 (большиедеревянныекоробки)2 (большиедеревянныекоробки)FLN 2403 Car Electronics 1.75 43 43 FLN 2404Film0.347 7 FLN 2405plastic seals -пластиковыеуплотнители0.5 3 3FLN 2406reverse osmosis membranes |мембраныобратногоосмоса1.71 2 паллеты 2 паллетыFLN 2208Equipment 10.5 6 6 FLN 2209Industrial Sewing Machine Head9.993 93FLN 2421Flowmeters, pressure gauges - Ротаметры, манометры(product name is :流量计,function: 测试水的流量)2.220 20FLN2430 1.1 45 45Full Loaded CBM 48.48Uonloaded --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Loaded Goods PositionsCONDITION OF EXPORT CARTONS×PASSED - Dry and in good working condition, free from serious damage, suitable for holding and protecting the said cargo, properly palletized.FAILED – Crushed, with large holes, containing other serious damage, not suitable for holding and protecting the said cargo, improperly palletized.Other:CONDITION OF CONTAINER(S)× PASSED - Dry and in good working condition, free from stains, bad odors, large dents and holes, suitable for loading the said cargo.FAILED - Dirty, with stains, torn roof/side panels, broken hinges/handles or closure devices, etc.Other:CONDITION OF LOADING LOCATIONLoading Location: Factory × Warehouse Other __________________________ Weather: Rainy × SunnySnowyOther _____________ShelteredYes×No CONTAINER DETAILSContainer TypeContainer No.Seal No.Loaded CargoItem / Style No. LoadedCarton40GP KKFU 1802565KK LINEUBA 36828Total 550PhotosEmpty container show: Container Number show:Seal semi- Container door Show: Start loading show:25% Loading show: Half Loading show:75% Loading show:Fulll loading show:END OF THE REPORTSeal semi- Container door Show: Full Container door Show:Seal number show: KK LINE UBA 36828Nameplate of the container。
三副周检月检英文记录内容1. "Weekly Inspection" Record:- Date: (e.g., Monday, March 1)- Location: (e.g., Building A)- Inspector: (e.g., John Smith)Checklist:1. Check fire suppression system:- Inspect fire extinguishers- Ensure fire sprinklers are in good condition 2. Check emergency exits:- Ensure exit signs are properly illuminated - Ensure emergency exit doors are unobstructed 3. Check electrical equipment:- Inspect power outlets for any damage- Test emergency lighting system4. Check safety equipment:- Inspect first aid kits and restock if necessary- Ensure safety barriers are in place and secure5. Check general cleanliness:- Inspect for any spills or obstructions on walkways - Ensure waste bins are emptied regularly2. "Monthly Inspection" Record:- Date: (e.g., March 1-31)- Location: (e.g., Office area)- Inspector: (e.g., Jane Doe)Checklist:1. Check HVAC system:- Inspect air filters and clean or replace as needed- Test heating and cooling functions2. Check plumbing system:- Inspect faucets and pipes for leaks- Test water pressure in sinks and toilets3. Check security systems:- Test alarm systems and ensure they are functioning properly- Check surveillance cameras and adjust if necessary4. Check ergonomic conditions:- Ensure proper ergonomics of workstations (e.g., adjustable chairs, monitor heights)- Address any ergonomic concerns raised by employees5. Check maintenance needs:- Identify any repair or maintenance needs in the area- Schedule necessary repairs or maintenance tasks3. Content will vary depending on the specific context and requirements of the workplace, but the emphasis should be on ensuring the safety, functionality, and cleanliness of the premises.。
排放日期 Date
排放量/Vol. Tonnes
Signa船tur长签名 e of master
日期 Date
Total Number of
Ballast Tank
压舱水来源 B W Source
压舱水更换(最近三次)BWExhange (Last Three Exchange)
使用方法 Method used:
清空Empty/灌注Refill 灌流Flow Through
预计在中国港口排放压舱水情况 Best estimate of BW Discharge in Chinese Port
Arrival Port
Arrival Date
船舶代理 人
压舱水 总量 (吨)
Total Ballast on
压舱水池总 数
Date of Uptake
Location of Uptake
Vol.taken Up(tonnes)
Date of Exchange
Start Point
End Point
更换量(吨) Vol.Exchange (Tonnes)
Name of ship
巡查情况汇报 英文
巡查情况汇报英文As the designated inspector for the recent patrol, I am pleased to report on the findings of the inspection. The patrol was conducted in accordance with the established procedures and guidelines, with the aim of ensuring the safety and security of the area under inspection.During the patrol, the team covered the designated area thoroughly, paying close attention to any signs of potential security threats or safety hazards. The patrol route was carefully planned to cover all key areas, including the perimeter, access points, and any other areas of concern. The team remained vigilant and alert throughout the patrol, ready to respond to any potential issues that may arise.I am pleased to report that the patrol was conducted without any major incidents or security breaches. The team encountered no unauthorized individuals or suspicious activities during the patrol, indicating that the area remains secure and well-protected. The physical barriers and security measures in place were found to be in good working order, providing effective protection for the area.In addition to security concerns, the patrol also focused on identifying and addressing any safety hazards or maintenance issues within the area. The team conducted thorough inspections of the infrastructure, including lighting, signage, and any potential trip or slip hazards. Any issues identified were promptly reported to the relevant authorities for follow-up and resolution.Overall, the patrol was conducted in a professional and thorough manner, with the team demonstrating a high level of competence and dedication to their duties. The findings of the patrol indicate that the area remains secure and well-maintained, with no significant issues requiring immediate attention.In conclusion, I would like to commend the patrol team for their exemplary performance and dedication to ensuring the safety and security of the area. The findings of the patrol indicate that the established security measures are effective in deterringpotential threats, and that the area remains well-maintained and free from safety hazards.I am confident that with continued vigilance and dedication, the area will remain a safe and secure environment for all who frequent it. Thank you for the opportunity to conduct this patrol and provide this report.。
标准评析团体标准《特种设备检验检测机构档案管理规范 文书档案》解读■ 刘 莎(广东省特种设备检测研究院珠海检测院)摘 要:从标准制定的背景及过程、编制原则、适用范围、一般要求、归档范围和分类、档案编号和整理、档案移交装盒、保管利用以及电子化等几个方面,对团体标准《特种设备检验检测机构档案管理规范 文书档案》进行了详细解读,有助于检验检测单位人员理解该标准,有利于该标准的推广应用,指导相关单位的文书档案管理。
关键词:文书档案,管理,解读DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2021.13.027Interpretation of the Association Standard Specification for archivesmanagement of special equipment inspection and testing institute— administrative archivesLIU Sha(Zhuhai Branch, Guangdong Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Research)Abstract: This paper interprets the association standard Specification for archives management of special equipment inspection and testing institute—administrative archives in terms of background and process, rules of compiling, scope of application, general demand, filing scope and classification, file catalog and arrangement, file delivery and packing, storage, utilization and electronization. It helps the personnel of institutions to understand the standard, facilitates the promotion and application of the standard, and guides the management of administrative archives of related institutes. Keywords: administrative archives, management, interpretation文书档案管理是一项系统性工程,也是单位日常管理工作的重要组成部分,是做好其他各项工作的前提和基础。
Written By: 作者Reviewed By:审核REV. ECN History ECN历史记录Date 日期Table of Contents目录TABLE—E。
1 – ENERGY HAZARDS表格E-1兼容危害性...........................................................................................................ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY电磁兼容性 ...............................................................................................................................RADIATION ENERGY辐射电磁波 ................................................................................................................................................20049 4E51 乑23174 5A86 媆35953 8C71 豱`20857 5179 兹34699 878B 螋wMECHANICAL ENERGY机械兼容性............................................................................................................................................TABLE—E.1 – BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS表格E-1生化危害性 ......................................................................BIOLOGICAL 生物学制品...............................................................................................................................................................CHEMICAL 化学制品 ......................................................................................................................................................................BIOCOMPATABILITY ....................................................................................................................................................................TABLE-E。