专八等级划分专八(Business English Test8)是中国国家外国专家局推出的一项职业英语考试,也是国内企事业单位用于对外贸易、国际合作和人才选拔的重要参考依据。
专八等级划分根据考试成绩来决定,主要包括以下几个级别:1.优秀(A Level)考生在专八考试中达到优秀水平,表明其在商务英语交际和商务实践方面具备较高的综合能力。
2.良好(B Level)考生在专八考试中达到良好水平,表明其在商务英语交际和商务实践方面具备一定的能力。
3.中等(C Level)考生在专八考试中达到中等水平,表明其在商务英语交际和商务实践方面具备一般的能力。
4.及格(D Level)考生在专八考试中达到及格水平,表明其在商务英语交际和商务实践方面具备基本的能力。
5.不及格(E Level)考生在专八考试中达到不及格水平,表明其在商务英语交际和商务实践方面的能力较差。
“O”水准考试的全称是:Cambri dge Genera l Certif icate of Educat ion Ordina ry Level,简称GCEO Level。
“A”水准考试的全称是:Cambri dge Genera l Certif icate of Educat ion Advanc ed Level,简称GCEA Level。
三、O/A水准考试与就业、升学的关系[1] 达到O LEVEL水准,可以直升新加坡四所理工学院(Polyte chnic中文译文理工学院),政府支助读书,每年学费只需1万元人民币;[2]达到O LEVEL水准,可以进入技术学校学习,毕业后就业工资较高。
[3]可以直接在新加坡当地就业;[4]达到O LEVEL水准,属于国际承认的文凭,可凭此成绩申请到英、美、加、澳等其他发达国家的大学就读;[5]以O LEVEL水准为基础,可以继续考A LEVEL;[6]A LEVEL水准考试合格,可以直升新加坡3所大学,A水准高于O水准,就业更容易,工薪更高。
A Level考试在英国及其以外的国家和地区都有着广泛的影响力,特别是在港澳台以及欧洲国家,A Level考试也被公认为是申请海外名校的有力工具。
A Level考试包括两个部分:笔试考试和实验考试。
笔试考试是对A Level课程的汇总和分析,内容包括核心课程内容,实验室和实践内容以及个人发展。
实验室和实践内容属于A Level考试中非常重要的一部分,一般由学生依照指定标准完成实验和实践活动,妥善评估每个学生完成任务的情况。
A Level评分标准也是非常重要的一部分,一般情况下,A Level 的考试分数为总分的67%,剩余的33%是实验室和实践内容的分数。
A Level评分标准具体如下:(1)A Level考试分数:A Level考试的总分由笔试分数和实验室/实践内容分数组成,笔试分数范围为A*(90-100分)、A(80-89分)、B(70-79分)、C(60-69分)、D(50-59分)和E(40-49分),而实验室/实践内容分数范围为A-E(0-10分)。
(2)A Level考试总分:A Level考试的总分计算方法为:笔试分数占总分的67%,实验室/实践内容分数占总分的33%,最终总分按照A*(90100分)、A(8089分)、B(7079分)、C(6069分)、D(5059分)和E(4049分)计算。
(3)考试中其他要求:在A Level考试中,学生还需要完成相应课程的学习,其标准是A Level学习中必须达到相应A-E等级要求。
以上就是A Level评分标准,因其在海外学习领域的重要性,越来越多学生开始努力去提升自己的A Level考试成绩,努力获得最高的分数。
获得A Level最高分将会有助于学生的海外学习申请,让他们在比赛中处于有利的地位,从而更有可能获得海外名校的录取资格。
review level 缩写
review level 缩写
“Review Level”的常见缩写有“RL”和“RevLvl”。
“Review Level”通常指的是回顾或检查的级别、程度或阶段。
在项目管理中,“Review Level”可以表示不同阶段的审查,以确保项目的进展和质量。
在质量控制中,“Review Level”可以表示对产品或服务的检查和评估的严格程度。
在审核过程中,“Review Level”可以表示对文件、记录或流程的审查程度。
总之,“Review Level”的缩写可以根据具体情境和使用习惯而有所不同。
A-Level 课程包含70多门科目供学生选择,一般学生选择3至4门来学,包括但不限于基础数学、进阶数学、物理学、商科、经济学、计算机科学、艺术、艺术与设计、生物、化学、地理、历史、政治学、商业和法律、戏剧、绘画、舞蹈、英语(英语语言学/英语文学)、法语、荷兰语、德语、日语、意大利语、俄语、西班牙语、电影、音乐、法律、传媒、哲学、表演艺术、宗教学、社会学、统计学等。
第二年为A2水准,学生可选择AS 水准中优秀的3门课继续学习,通过考试后获得A-Level证书。
黑布林e级《颠倒的世界》读后感英文Reflections on "The Upside-Down World" from the Blackbury E-Level CollectionIn the enchanting and thought-provoking world of "The Upside-Down World," I found myself lost in a land where reality and illusion were constantly interchangeable. This E-Level offering from the Blackbury series presented a unique challenge to my comprehension, yet it was a challenge that I eagerly accepted.The plot, centered around the idea of a reversed universe, was both intriguing and mind-bending. The characters, despite their seemingly ordinary lives, were forced to navigate this alternate reality, constantly adjusting their perspectives and beliefs. It was an exercise in empathy and understanding, as I tried to imagine what it would be like to live in such a reversed world.The themes explored in this story were profound and meaningful. The idea of what is "normal" and what is "abnormal" was called into question, making me reflect on my own biases and assumptions. It was a reminder that the world is vast and diverse, and there are infinite perspectives to consider.The writing style was engaging and imaginative, creating a vivid and believable world. The descriptions were vivid and engaging, allowing me to picture the Upside-Down World in my mind's eye. The dialogue was natural and flowing, making the characters come alive and feel real.As a reader, I felt a sense of wonder and amazement as I delved into this alternate universe. It was a journey that was both exciting and thought-provoking, making me question my own beliefs and perspectives.Overall, "The Upside-Down World" was an exceptional addition to the Blackbury E-Level collection. It was a story that captured my imagination and left me with a sense of amazement and understanding. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a tale that challenges the boundaries of reality and encourages critical thinking.。
alevel 评分标准
A-Level是英国高中阶段的考试,通常由英国考试委员会(Exam Boards)组织和管理。
1.AS级别(Advanced Subsidiary level):考试成绩按照A-E等级评定,其中A 等级代表最高水平,E等级代表通过。
2.A级别(Advanced level):考试成绩按照A*-U等级评定,其中A*等级代表最高水平,U等级代表未通过。
黑布林英语e级滑板少年读后感Black Bruce English e-level skateboard boy is a book that tells the story of a young boy named Bruce who is passionate about skateboarding. This book not only captures the thrilling world of skateboarding but also explores the challenges and triumphs of pursuing one's passion.The story revolves around Bruce, a teenager who lives in a small town. From a young age, Bruce was fascinated by skateboarding. He would spend hours watching skateboard videos online, studying the techniques and tricks performed by professional skateboarders. Bruce's dream was to become a skilled skateboarder himself.However, Bruce faced numerous obstacles in his pursuit of skateboarding. His parents, like many others in the town, did not understand his passion. They believed that skateboarding was a dangerous and reckless activity. They constantly discouraged Bruce from pursuing his dreams, urging him to focus on more practical and conventional activities.Despite the lack of support from his family, Bruce remained determined. He would sneak out of his house early in the morning to practice skateboarding at a nearby skate park. He would spend hours perfecting his techniques, falling and getting back up again, never giving up.Bruce's dedication and hard work paid off when he was selected to participate in a local skateboarding competition. This was a turning point for Bruce, as he finally gained recognition for his skills and passion. The competition not only showcased his talent but also brought the community's attention to skateboarding as a legitimate sport.Through the ups and downs of Bruce's journey, the book emphasizes the importance of perseverance and following one's passion. It teaches readers that pursuing one's dreams may not always be easy, but with determination and hard work, anything is possible.The author, in a captivating and engaging manner, brings the world of skateboarding to life. The vivid descriptions of skateboarding tricks and competitions make the readers feel as if they are right there, experiencing the thrill and excitement alongside Bruce.Moreover, the book also delves into the emotional aspect of Bruce's journey. It explores the doubts and fears he faces, the moments of frustration and disappointment, and the joy and fulfillment he experiences when he finally achieves his goals. This emotional depth adds a layer of realism to the story and makes it relatable to readers of all ages.In conclusion, Black Bruce English e-level skateboard boy is a compelling and inspiring book that celebrates the power of passion and perseverance. It is a story that encourages readers to pursue their dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem. Through Bruce's journey, readers learn that with dedication and hard work, they can overcome any obstacle and achieve their goals. This book is a must-read for anyone who is passionate about skateboarding or simply looking for an uplifting and motivating story.。
electrical certification e level -回复
electrical certification e level -回复什么是电气认证E 级别以及它的作用?电气认证E 级别是指一种专业的电气技能认证,旨在评估电气技能的水平,确保电气工程师和技术人员具备足够的知识和技能来进行相关工作。
E 级别认证通常由专业的认证机构或组织管理,涵盖了广泛的电气技能领域。
因此,电气认证E 级别的作用就是确保这些专业人员具备足够的知识和技能,以确保电气系统的运行安全和稳定性。
接下来,我们将一步一步回答有关电气认证E 级别的问题。
第一步:了解电气认证E 级别的要求和标准。
不同的认证机构和组织可能会有不同的要求和标准,但一般来说,电气认证E 级别会涵盖以下几个主要方面:1. 安全操作:包括安全规程、安全设备的使用方法等。
2. 电气图纸阅读与理解:能够理解和解读电气图纸和电气原理图等。
3. 电气设备安装与维护:能够正确安装和维护各种电气设备,包括开关、配电箱等。
4. 故障诊断与修复:能够诊断电气系统的故障并进行修复。
5. 电气测量与测试:能够使用各种电气仪器进行测量和测试。
第二步:选择认证机构或组织进行E 级别的认证。
根据所在地区的相关要求和标准,选择一个合适的认证机构或组织进行电气认证E 级别。
在进行电气认证E 级别之前,需要进行相关准备,包括学习相关知识和技能,熟悉各种电气设备和系统的运行原理与操作方法。
根据认证机构或组织的要求,报名参加电气认证E 级别的考试。
AccuAir e-Level TouchPad 控制器用户手册说明书
Operation ManualAUSTRALIA e-Level™: T ouchPad™ Controller Thank you for purchasing the revolutionary e-Level™ system by AccuAir.This system manages the height of up to 4 Air Springs and offers never before seen accuracy in all applications by constantly learning your vehicle’s characteristics. Through the use of advanced height monitoring techniques, this system automatically corrects for changes in load, whether driving or parked, minimizing user input and maximizing accuracy throughout your driving experience. T o enhance the entire system’s performance and reli-ability, the AccuAir e-Level™ also manages your Air Compressor(s) to keep onboard air at an ideal pressure for your application.T o maximize functionality, the AccuAir e-Level™ allows you to select from three distinct vehicle heights through a T ouchPad™ Controller:1.) Ride Height (The height that you will typically drive your vehicle at).2.) Kneel (T ypically set at 10% of your total suspension travel).3.) Raise/Extra Clearance (T ypically set at 90% of your total suspensiontravel to increase mobility and clear driving obstacles).At AccuAir, we pride ourselves on thorough customer service, quality products, and a better driving experience through technologically superior design. Please visit our website or call us toll free to let us know if there is any way that we can help improve your AccuAir experience.(877) AIR-DOWN 247-3 6 9 6 Congratulations!Description Page NumberTable Of ContentsT erms & ConditionsService Disable & General Understanding General OperationSetup ProgrammingOperation Trouble Indication & Diagnosis System Diagram 3 4T erms & Conditions:AccuAir Control Systems, L.L.C. is hereby referred to as ACCUAIR. The Pur-chaser, end-user, or installer is hereby referred to as CUSTOMER.WarrantyACCUAIR will repair or replace any failed components for the life of the vehicle given that the components were installed and operated as intended by ACCUAIR. Upon the return of a failed component(s), ACCUAIR will determine the cause of failure. If it is due to improper installation, or misuse of the system, a repair charge will be assessed and the customer will be contacted before work is performed or replacement parts are shipped. If the failure is due to faulty parts, then ACCUAIR will repair or replace the failed components at their own discretion and in a timely manner.Repairs and ReturnsA Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA) is required for ALL ship-ments to AccuAir Control Systems. This number should be written in large letters on the shipping box. Call AccuAir to receive an RMA number and send items to:AccuAir Control Systems, L.L.C.Attn: Service Department/RMA # ______1241 Johnson Ave. #355San Luis Obispo, Ca, 93401USALegal Disclaimer•ACCUAIR’s products must be installed by a qualified professional installation facility as recommended by ACCUAIR.•System operation and installation is at the CUSTOMER’s own risk. ACCUAIR accepts no liability for damage of property or persons caused by its products, components, accessories, installation instructions or otherwise.•ACCUAIR accepts no responsibility for systems, products or components pro-vided by other manufacturers for use with or around the ACCUAIR system. For components other than ACCUAIR’s, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and operation.2431General Understanding:For simplicity of use and understanding we refer to the four wheels of a vehicle by number. Instead of using “Left Front”, or “Right Front” etc. Refer to the following diagram for labeling:Service Disable:Position #3:(Usually Raised/Extra Clearance)While driving or parked, you may choose topress the Position #3 “ ” Button momentarily. The Position #3 “ ” Indicator Light will flash whileadjusting to Position #3 and become solid once achieved.Position #2: (Ride Height)NOTE: This is also the height that “Lift-On-Start”adjusts to when enabled.While driving or parked, you may choose topress the Position #2 “ ” Button momentarily or release the E-Brake.The Position #2 “ ” Indicator Light will flash while adjusting to Position #2 (Ride Height) and become solid once achieved.Position #1: (Kneel Loading/Unloading)While parked ONL Y (E-Brake ON), you may choose to press the Position #1 “ ” Button momentarily.The Position #1 “ ” Indicator Light will flash whileadjusting to Position #1 and become solid once achieved.All-Down:While parked ONL Y (E-Brake ON), you may choose to automatically lower all four Air Springs to zero height.Y our system must be calibrated to learn your vehicle’s characteristics before the automatic leveling features can be used. This process should be repeated if anysystem components are changed or replaced in the future.Automatic Calibration:With the Ignition ON and the E-Brake ON, hold the Program “ ” Button & the Position #2 “ ” Button for 5 seconds until all of the Position Indicators strobe up and down.The system will then begin adjusting the vehicle throughout its total travel. This process requires no user interaction and should take no more than 15 minutes depending on the size of your Compressor(s) and T ank(s).All of the Position Indicators will continue to strobe throughout calibration. The Position #2 “ ” Indicator will be on solid when calibration is complete, indicating that the system is at Ride Height (Position #2).When calibration is complete the positions will be saved as follows:• Position #1=10% of total suspension travel.• Position #2=50% of total suspension travel.• Position #3=90% of total suspension travel.T o re-save these heights to your preference,Leave the vehicle running to power the Compressor(s) during this procedure.With the Ignition ON and the E-Brake ON, use the Manual Rocker Switches to Raise/Lower all four corners until each corner is at your preferred MAXIMUM TRAVEL and the vehicle is level from side to side.Manual Range T each Calibration:With the Ignition ON and the E-Brake ON, hold the Program “ ” Button & the Position #3 “ ” Button for 5 seconds until all of the Position Indicators strobe up and down.The system will then begin adjusting the vehicle throughout its total travel. This process requires no user interaction and should take no more than 15 minutes depending on the size of your Compressor(s) and T ank(s).All of the Position Indicators will continue to strobe throughout calibration. The Position #2 “ ” Indicator will be on solid when calibration is complete, indicating that the system is at Position #2 (Ride Height).When calibration is complete the positions will be saved as follows:• Position #1=10% of total suspension travel.• Position #2=50% of total suspension travel.• Position #3=90% of total suspension travel.T o re-save these heights to your preference, see page 9.:Y our system must be calibrated to learn your vehicle’s characteristics before the automatic leveling features can be used. This process should be repeated if any system components are changed or replaced in the future.Air Spring to the height that you wish to save using the procedure outlined below. This procedure should be done with the vehicle sitting on flat, level ground. For the best results, make sure that the fender to ground clearance is less than 1/8´´ different from side to side. (For racing applications, corner weight scales may be used. Visit for more details). Once you have achieved the desired height on all corners, see “Saving A New Ride Height” on the page 11.T o Adjust Front Air Springs T ogether (1&2):together.together.together.#3 Air Spring.#3 Air Spring.#4 Air Spring.#4 Air Spring.Saving New Heights Into Memory:Once you have manually adjusted each Air Spring to the height that you wish to save, hold the Position Button #1, #2, or #3 (the Position # that you want thecurrent height saved as), for 3 seconds until the Po-sition Indicatorflashes, then becomes solid.NOTE: This process can be repeated as oftenas desired.Re-Saving Position #3:(Raised/Extra Clearance Height)Press & hold the Position #3 “ ” Button for3 seconds.The Position #3 “ ” Indicator Light will flash,then become solid when saving is complete.Re-Saving Position #2: (Ride Height)Press & hold the Position #2 “ ” Button for3 seconds.The Position #2 “ ” Indicator Light will flash,then become solid when saving is complete.Re-Saving Position #1: (Kneel Height)Press & hold the Position #1 “ ” Button for3 seconds.The Position #1 “ ” Indicator Light will flash,then become solid when saving is complete.T o check or change any of the programmed settings during operation, press the Program “ ” Button momentarily to initiate Programming Mode. WHITE indicates “ON” & RED indicates “OFF” for each of the features listed below: NOTE: Program Mode will exit after 5 seconds or can be exited by pressing the Program Button again and your changes will be saved.White Red ON:OFF:ON:OFF:ON:OFF:150200175Turning Ride-Height-On-Start ON/OFF:Y our system was shipped with Ride-Height-On-Start enabled (ON). Y ou may choose to disable (OFF) or re-enable (ON) this feature. When this feature is ON, the system will automatically re-level the vehicle to Position #2 (Ride Height) every time that the IGN is switched ON. When this feature is OFF, the system will remain at the last height the vehicle was at when the IGN is switched ON.T o T urn Ride-Height-On-Start (ON)/(OFF):Ride-Height-On-StartRide-Height-On-Start OFF.is ON.is OFF.NOTE: Program Mode will exit after 5 secondsor can be exited by pressing the Program But-ton again and your changes will be saved.Turning RideMonitor™ Mode ON/OFF:Y our system was shipped with RideMonitor™ Mode enabled (ON). Y ou may choose to disable (OFF) or re-enable (ON) this feature. When RideMonitor™ Mode is ON, the system will Monitor the vehicle’s height whenever the IGN is ON and make adjustments for changes in load when deemed necessary. When this feature is OFF, the system will only adjust when prompted by pressing the height selection switch – It will not Monitor the vehicle’s height and will not make adjust-ments for changes in load automatically.NOTE: RideMonitor™ Mode should be left ON formaximum accuracy. The only case that it should beturned OFF is if you feel that the system is adjustingtoo often or inaccurately while driving. In this case,first try re-calibrating the system using the instruc-tions on Page 7. If this does not solve the problem,turn the RideMonitor™ Mode OFF and contactAccuAir for further assistance.T o T urn Monitor Mode (ON)/(OFF):RideMonitor™ ModeRideMonitor™ Mode OFF...NOTE:Program Mode will exit after 5 secondsor can be exited by pressing the Program Buttonagain and your changes will be saved.RideMonitor™ Mode Accuracy Level:RideMonitor™ Mode Accuracy Level will determine the acceptable variation from saved height for your vehicle (in other words, the distance away from saved height that it will not make a correction for). If you decide that you would prefer that the system was more or less accurate, you can use the procedure on the following page to either increase the accuracy by 8% (Level 3), or decrease theaccuracy by 15% (Level 1).With the Ignition ON, press the Program “ ” Button. Next press the Position #1 “ ” Button to turn RideMonitor™ Mode to Accuracy Level 1.The Position #1 “ ” Indication will turn on solid .NOTE: Program Mode will exit after 5 seconds or can be exited by pressing the Program Button again and your changes will be saved.LEVEL 2 = Moderate Accuracy & ModerateAdjustments:With the Ignition ON, press the Program “ ” Button. Next press the Position #2 “ ” Button to turn RideMonitor™ Mode to Accuracy Level 2.The Position #2 “ ” Indication will turn on solid .LEVEL 3 = Higher Accuracy & Most Adjustments:With the Ignition ON, press the Program “ ” Button. Next press the Position #3 “ ” Button to turn RideMonitor™ Mode to Accuracy Level 3.The Position #3 “ ” Indication will turn on solid .Turning ActiveStart™ Mode ON/OFF:Once a general height adjustment has been made, the e-Level™ will begin to monitor this position and make corrections if necessary (when RideMonitor™ Mode is ON). The first 5 seconds of RideMonitor™ Mode is called ActiveStart™. For the ActiveStart™ Mode, the system holds a tighter tolerance than regular parked mode and makes precise adjustments if necessary. For the most accurate leveling, this feature should be left ON. For applications where this feature could be a nuisance due to frequent starts and stops and where super accurate leveling is not such a concern, this feature can be turned OFF.T o T urn ActiveStart™ Mode (ON)/(OFF):ActiveStart™ ModeActiveStart™ Mode OFF.ON.OFF.NOTE:Program Mode will exit after 5 secondsor can be exited by pressing the Program Buttonagain and your changes will be saved.T ank Pressure High Pressure T ank Pressure T o Change The T ank Pressure Mode:set T T ank to 175 PSI and the T ank to 200 PSI.is White: T ank Pressure Mode is at 150 PSI .T ank Pressure Mode is at 175 PSI. T ank Pressure Mode 200 PSI.NOTE: Program Mode will exit after 5 seconds or can be exited by pressing the Program But-ton again and your changes will be saved.Changing T ouchPad™ Backlighting Brightness:The T ouchPad™ Controller’s backlighting will turn on automatically whenthe system is on. The Backlighting will change to Nighttime Mode when the headlights are ON. The Brightness of both Modes can be adjusted with the procedure below:NOTE: With the headlights OFF you will be adjusting Daytime Mode with the following procedure. With the headlights ON you will be adjusting Nighttime Mode with the following procedure.NOTE: The T ouchPad™ Backlighting brightnesswill adjust UP & DOWN as you change thesettings.T o Adjust The Backlighing UP or DOWN:NOTE:Program Mode will exit after 5 secondsor can be exited by pressing the Program Buttonagain and your changes will be saved.Operation Trouble Indication/Diagnosis:In the unlikely case of a system component failure during operation, the Position “ ”, “ ”, & “ ” Indications will flash simultaneously and sequentially to indicate the trouble codes outlined below.NOTE: This is the ONLY time that all 3 of the Position Indications will flash simultaneously during use.NOTE:Arrow Legends will light up RED during use.Ride Height Sensor WarningIn the unlikely case of a solenoid valve failure during operation, any of the UP “ ” or DOWN “ ” Arrow Legends will flash RED sequentially to indicate the corner number and direction that has failed.NOTE: This is the ONLY time that any one of the UP “ ” or DOWN “ ” Arrow Legends will flash sequentially and RED during use.If the vehicle system voltage drops below 10.5 volts during operation, thee-Level™ will automatically turn the compressor(s) OFF and show the trouble indication below. The e-Level™ will go back to normal operation once the vehicle system voltage reaches 12.5 volts or the ignition is cycled.In the very unlikely case that the vehicle system voltage raises above 16.0 volts during operation, the e-Level™ will show the trouble indication below, but continue to operate like normal. Prolonged usage in this state may cause damage to system components.- P a g e 24 -- P a g e 25 -o u c h P a d ™ M a n u a l V 2.7 © 2007 A c c u A i r C o n t r o l S y s t e m s , L .L .C .A c c u A i r T o u c h P a d ™ M a n u a l V 2.7 © 2007 A c c u A i r C o n t r o l S y s t e m s , L .L .C .S E N S _11T o u c h P a d ™C o n t r o l l e r。
ue level数据传递
ue level数据传递
1. 变量传递:可以在蓝图中创建公共变量或者在C++中创建成员变量,然后在不同的蓝图或类之间进行访问和修改。
2. 事件传递:可以使用事件调度器来发送和接收事件。
3. 接口传递:可以创建一个接口类,其中定义了一些函数和变量。
4. 游戏实例传递:可以使用游戏实例来传递数据。
5. 调用函数传递:可以通过函数调用来传递数据。
level 翻译
level 翻译【精选】level英/ˈlevl美/[ˈlevl]n.(某时某情况下存在的)数量,程度,浓度;标准;水平;质量,品级;层次,级别;看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式;楼层;平坦的表面;(与地面或过去位置相对的)高度;基准线,基准面;水准器,水准仪;社会地位,阶层;(血等体液中的)物质浓度,含量;<物>级,电平adj.平的,平坦的;水平的;等高的;地位相同的;价值相等的;得分相同;平静的,冷静的;单调的,平淡的;平稳的;合理的,经过斟酌的;均匀的;平均的;(在一段时期内)支付均衡的;<美俚>诚实的,直率的;<物>等势的v.使平坦;使平整;摧毁,夷平(建筑物或树林);使相等;使平等;使相似;(尤指用枪)瞄准,对准adv.<古>直接地;沿水平面(或水平线)1、The model parameters can be interpreted on the molecular level.适用于玻璃态膜的双方式吸收模型和适用于橡胶态膜的Henry定律在这一模型中得到了统一,模型参数也从分子数量级上获得了明确的解释。
2、Correlation analysis was given on aided hearing level and speech recognition abilities.对听觉数量评估与听觉功能评估间结果的相关性进行直线相关分析。
3、Can she take the heat of this level of competition?她承受得了这种水平的比赛的压力吗?4、The library is all on one level.图书馆全部在同一层楼上。
5、It is important not to let production levels fall.重要的是别让产量滑落。
level 相同 英文表达
level 相同英文表达
1.英文表达中的“level 相同”
2.“level 相同”的英文翻译
【1】英文表达中的“level 相同”
在英文中,我们经常需要表达“level 相同”的概念。
【2】“level 相同”的英文翻译
“level 相同”在英文中可以翻译为“the same level”或“equal level”。
以下是一些实际应用中的例句,以帮助您更好地理解如何使用“the same level”或“equal level”来表达“level 相同”的概念:- His skills are at the same level as mine.(他的技能水平和我的一样。
- They both have an equal level of education.(他们的教育背景相同。
- She holds an equal level position in the company.(她在公司中担任同等职位。
通过这些例句,我们可以看出,“the same level”和“equal level”
都可以用来表达“level 相同”的概念。
Level 2.2是Level 2的一个子层级。
Level 2.2的一个蜂箱储藏室
Level 2.2被描述为无边无际且被随机划分成不同区域,占地数百万平方英里。
LECD是指四个评估指标:L(Loss,损失),E(Exposure,暴露),C(Control,控制)和D (Detection,检测)。
二、评估指标及权重1. 损失(Loss):评估可能带来的经济、环境和人员损失。
2. 暴露(Exposure):评估风险事件发生的频率和可能性。
3. 控制(Control):评估已采取的风险控制措施的有效性和程度。
4. 检测(Detection):评估对风险事件的及时发现和识别能力。
三、评估等级划分根据以上评估指标和权重,将LECD风险评价等级划分为五个等级:极低风险(Level 1)、低风险(Level 2)、中风险(Level 3)、高风险(Level 4)和极高风险(Level 5)。
1. 极低风险(Level 1)- 损失等级为L1,暴露等级为E1,控制等级为C1,检测等级为D1。
- 综合得分在0.0-0.3之间。
- 风险程度极低,风险事件发生的可能性和损失程度都非常低。
2. 低风险(Level 2)- 损失等级为L1或L2,暴露等级为E1或E2,控制等级为C1或C2,检测等级为D1或D2。
- 综合得分在0.31-0.6之间。
- 风险程度较低,风险事件发生的可能性和损失程度较低。
3. 中风险(Level 3)- 损失等级为L2或L3,暴露等级为E2或E3,控制等级为C2或C3,检测等级为D2或D3。
level的常用短语:用作名词 (n.)find one's own level用作形容词 (adj.)draw level用作动词 (v.)level against (v.+prep.)level at (v.+prep.)level down (v.+adv.)level off (v.+adv.)level out (v.+adv.)level up (v.+adv.)level with (v.+prep.)level的用法例句:1. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。
2. Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。
英语语法词汇详解levellevel英[ˈlevl]美[ˈlevl]n.等级;水平;水准;程度;高度;水平仪;平地;智力水平;道德水准;社会等级adj.平坦的;无隆起物的;平静的;稳定的;水平的;平齐的;持平的;与…齐平的;并排的;与测量容器口齐平的v.铲平;进入平飞;使相等;使类似;瞄准;坦诚相见;摧毁;夷平;作水准测量;开始平直延伸英文释义:1. [countable] the amount of something that exists in a particular situation at a particular time在特定时间特定情况下存在的某物的数量2. [countable, uncountable] a particular standard or quality【可数,不可数】特定的标准或品质3. [uncountable, countable] a position or rank in a scale of size or importance【不可数,可数】大小或重要性等级中的位置或级别4. [countable] a particular way of looking at, reacting to or understanding something【可数】看待、反应或理解某事的特殊方式5. [countable, uncountable] the height of something in relation to the ground or to what it used to be【可数,不可数】某物相对于地面或过去的高度6. [countable] a floor of a building; a layer of ground【可数】建筑物的一层;一层地面举个例子:1. The noise levels at the site can reach 45 decibels.在这种场所,噪声值可达45分贝。
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A Level班简介
上海师范大学剑桥国际中心将与苏州工业园区星海实验中学高中部携手共建国际课程中心,引进A Level课程,成立“苏州工业园区星海实验中学国际课程中心”。
目前该中心将引进英国剑桥大学国际课程体系,IGCSE课程和A Level课程,它们是英国的国民课程。
1.为了与国际接轨,培养富有爱心与民族精神,热爱和平,珍视环境,兴趣广泛,能力突出,富有个性的适应时代潮流的新型人才,上海师范大学剑桥国际中心将与苏州工业园区星海实验中学高中部携手共建国际课程中心,引进A Level课程,成立“苏州工业园区星海实验中学国际课程中心”。
2.目前该中心将引进英国剑桥大学国际课程体系,IGCSE课程和A Level课程,它们是英国的国民课程,分别是英国的中四、中五课程(相当于中国的高一和高二)和英国大学前的教育课程(相当于中国的高三和大一)。
而其投资公司上海优联教育信息服务有限公司,先后深圳、上海等地引进 A Level课程,尤其是其投资成立的上海师范大学剑桥国际中心,连续三届成绩卓越。
现在苏州工业园区星海实验中学成立“苏州工业园区星海实验中学国际课程中心”和“苏州海外留学专修学院”,逐渐引进A Level课程、AP课程、Pre-U、IB课程等国际知名课程,将星海的国际化品牌做优做大,为园区尽责,为园区争光。
年级的学生,按照IGCSE和A Level课程体系的要求进行教学外,还将由剑桥大学国际考试委员会授权的“剑桥国际考试中心”负责本学校学生的 IGCSE和A Level水平考试,同时进行考前培训和辅导。
1.中心外藉教师全部由上海优联教育咨询服务有限公司负责,在全球英语国家招聘有教师资格的优秀教师,拥有由剑桥大学国际考试委员会认可的教授IGCSE和A Level课程的资格。
○2A Level课程:数学、高等数学、物理、化学、生物学、经济学、商业研究、计算机学、中文、历史、地理、艺术和设计、体育、英语等。
○1剑桥 A Level 课程体系有70门课程可供选,没有必修课。
A Level第一年只需选修4门课程,第二年只需选修3门课程。
包括牛津、剑桥在内的所有英国大学都只需要3到4门 A Level 课程的成绩。
○2数理化学科是中国学生的强项,而A Level数学可选修两门,对于绝大多数中国高中生而言,选择数学就意味着一只脚已踏入了世界一流大学之门。