MM Split valuation




SAP 移动类型和评估类型详解By Stone.Fu 2004---如有错误,望高手指点某公司为例:company :1000plants:1100,1200,1300,1400 .1.Activate split material valuation激活分割物料评估,同一个物料的库存在不同的工厂,不同时期或同一工厂的物料可多种评估比如by 采购类型等,by 批次等.2.关于valuation的几个概念Valuation type :Uniquely identifies stocks of a material that are subject to split valuation. 唯一表示物料库存评估Valuation category : The valuation category defines the valuation types allowed for a material. Determines whether stocks of the material are valuated together or separately. that is, the criteria by which stocks can be valuated.定义使用何种评估类型,怎样评估Valuation area :If valuation at your company is at plant level, the valuation area is the plant. If valuation is at company code level, the valuation area is the company code.评估范围:工厂级或公司级. 比如某company 1000下有四个plant,则自动建立了和plant同名的四个valuation area.Valuation group:The valuation grouping code makes it easier to set automatic account determination. Within the chart of accounts , you assign the same valuation grouping code to the valuation areas you want to assign to the same account.Valuation grouping codes either reflect a fine distinction within a chart of accounts or they correspond to a chart of accounts.Valuation group的作用是将评估范围分组,比如你有多个公司其中每公司又有多个plants,就可以使用分组SAP标准:We recommend that you only use a valuation grouping code within a chart of accounts in order to prevent account determination from becoming confusing.如有公司2000下有2100, 2200两plants可在建立一个valuation group2100 (2000)2200 (2000)Valuation class :简单说真正对应到会计科目SAP对其功能这样说1.允许将同一物料post到不同GL account,比如不同工厂公司相同物料为了核算的可对应到不同的科目2.不同的物料到同一科目3.对应到和评估相关的(会产生会计凭证)movement type给出会计科目3. T-code :OMWC(配置分割评估)Enter后选取local definitions.系统自动带出定义的四个工厂,4.T-code: OMWM (激活valuation grouping code)5.T-code: OMWD将valuation area grouping6.T-code: OMSK选第一按钮Account cat. Reference,看到SAP 预设的9种类account category按第三个按钮material type/accont category reference 如图.我记得有个问题是改material type,姑且不谈物料视图的问题,只要account category相同的比如下面raw material, packaging, indirect就可使用t-codeL:MMAM任意互相更改.第二按钮定义valuation class .(省略).7. T-code :OMJJ通常你可以copy 一个已经存在的movement type然后稍微修改它就可使用. Short texts描述,allowed transactions在此T-code出现,比如MB1C就看不到movement type 101,看看account grouping.val . string, posting string value定义movement type 对应的科目规则, TEKey(transaction/Event Key)决定会计科目和Line item的posting keys,有SAP定义的一套, KON, GBB,PRD就是其中一部分transaction/Event Key,不能增加或修改,详细看报OBYC.Acct modif可理解为在同一个Transaction/Event中将对应的会计科目再细分出来. Acct modif通常是一个SAP自定义的account grouping,必要时也可自己定义关于此,必须清楚account group和account type等的概念,这儿省略.Account grouping for GBB(附)For the transaction/event GBB (offsetting entry for inventory posting), the following account groupings have already been assigned to the relevant movement types:•AUF: for goods receipts for production orders with account assignment•BSA: for intial entries of stock balances•INV: for expense/revenue from inventory differences•VAX: for goods issues for sales orders without account assignment object•VAY: for goods issues for sales orders with account assignment object•VBO: for consumptiom from stock of material provided to vendor•VBR: for internal goods issues (e.g., for cost center)•VKA: for consumption for sales order without SD•VNG: for scapping/destruction•VQP: for sampling•ZOB: for goods receipts without purchase orders•ZOF: for goods receipts without production orders看下图更容易理解 (FromT-code :OBYC)TB3是自定义的acct. modif. 用来表示出售原料,包装材料和间接物料所对应的会计科目8: T-code :OMWBEnter后按第一按钮account assignment到T-code :OBYC第三按钮GL accounts看个valuation area(Plant级)对应的GL AccountsT-code:OBYC, OMJJ和OBYC是两个最重要的New a movementtype的t-code.9.T-Code :OBYC (Account assignment)Enter.看一个BSX account的assignment .首先Choose BSX 后double click将valuation modif. And valuation class都选上.Why?记得Valuation group吗? 就是说如可能多公司多工厂如何分配account,如何区别?比如有两公司1000,(有plants1100,1200,1300,1400) , company2000(plants:2100,2200).对应一个charts of account.还记得物料accounting 1 view.比如物料A在两公司的某plant都有.对company 1000.Valuation modif. 填1000对company 2000.Valuation modif. 填2000然后valuation class和会计科目可以相同. 这样就唯一标识出了一个valuation class开始assign account(省略)后续!。

第18节 SAP分割评估管理

第18节 SAP分割评估管理

SAP物料分割评估目录1、概述 (2)2、后台配置 (3)1)、OX14,定义评估级别在工厂: (3)2)、激活分割评估OMW0 (3)3)、创建全局性分类OMWC (3)3)、创建全局性类型,也就是评估类型(Valuation Type): (4)4)、分配评估类型到评估类别 (5)5)、激活评估类别允许的评估范围(工厂); (6)3、前台业务 (7)1)、MM01创建物料主数据: (7)2)、MM01扩展物料主数据 (8)3)、MB1C初始化库存: (9)4)、MIGO+561初始化库存, (10)5)、ME51N创建PR时, (10)6)、ME21N创建PO (11)7)、收货业务MIGO (12)8)、发货业务MIGO (12)9)、查看库存MMBE (13)SAP物料分割评估1、概述在SAP中,物料的分割评估是指,对同一个物料做不同的价值指派。


分割评估(Split Valuation):对同一物料、在同一工厂、按照不同的维度,设置不同的价格;评估类别(Valuation Category ):是分割评估的维度,也就是说按照什么标准设置物料的不同价格,例如,按照物料获得方式、按照物料产地、按照物料等级等等;评估类型(Valuation Type ):是评估类别也就是分割维度的具体内容,例如,按照物料的获得方式,可分为自产、外购等,按照物料产地可分为中国、美国、意大利等,按照物料等级可分为A级、B级、C级,或一级、二级、三级等等;评估类(Valuation Class ):与会计科目的确定有关,是确定会计科目的要素之一;批次(Batch):分割评估跟批次管理级别相同,库存地点之下。

2、后台配置1)、OX14,定义评估级别在工厂:2)、激活分割评估OMW03)、创建全局性分类OMWC也就是评估类别(Valuation Category):点击“创建”保存无效。



SAP 分割评估(Split Valuation)功能的启用同一物料的使用,既有“自制件”,又有“外购件”。





SAP系统提供的“分割评估”(Split Valuation)功能是解决此类问题的完美解决方案。



由于“分割评估”涉及技术部分更多,将主要步骤分享如下:一、后台定义部分(1)激活“分割评估”功能;(2)定义“评估类型”(Valuation Type)(如本文中提到“自制件”、“外购件”两种评估类型,并选择相应帐户分类参考参数(与评估类相关),评估类型是评估类别的细分);(3)定义“评估类别”(Valuation Category)(分割评估的标准,将其中的评估类型与相应工厂激活);(4)定义“评估区域”(Valuation Area)(评估区域可以公司范围内,也可以在工厂范围内)二、前台操作部分(1)定义物料主数据,将评估类别定义在会计视图中(其价格控制须选移动平均价V);(2)定义“评估类型”为自制件的物料主数据(其评估级别与价格控制据需要填制);(3)定义“评估类型”为外购件的物料主数据(其评估级别与价格控制据需要填制);注:前台操作第一步为第二步、第三步奠定基础,起作用的将是各制带评估类别的物料。



Sap MM 模块中,有关于物料评估的名词不少,下面将这些名词归集起来,主要有:一、与自动过账相关的valuation level 评估层次valuation area 评估范围valuation group 评估分组valuation class 评估类二、与分割评估有关的评估类型 valuation type评估类别 valuation category分割评估 split valuation一、与自动过账相关的评估层次是用来确定物料是在哪一个层次来进行价值评估的,这里所说的层次有两个,即工厂(plant)和公司代码(company code)。

在系统中,我们可以通过事务代码 OX14 来设置评估层次:注意:1. 启用了 Product Plan,Product Cost Accounting 这两个组件( Component ),或者系统是零售系统( Retail System ),必须定义在工厂级别。

2. 一旦定义了 valuation level ,便不可更改。

3. 这一设置对整个集团都是生效的。




比如某 company 1000 下有四个 plant,则自动建立了和 plant 同名的四个valuation area.Valuation group 的作用是将评估范围分组,比如你有多个公司其中每公司又有多个 plants,就可以使用分组如果一个公司下有两个工厂。

V.Area 设置在公司代码层,则两个工厂间有物料挪移时不会生成会计凭证;反之设置在工厂层就会生成会计凭证在 sap 中时常用到分组的方法,使一些配置和操作变得更简单,例如物料组、成本中心组、成本要素组等等。



SAP MM 面试题Inventory ManagementQuestion 1In the purchase order on which the goods receipt is based, you defined a purchase order price unit that differs from the purchase order unit.What is the significance of the purchase order price unit and what should you take note of in the case of a goods receipt?1. The purchase order price unit is stored in the material master record or purchasing info record and defines the unit of measure in which the material is ordered.2. The system establishes the relationshipbetween Inventory Management the purchase order price unit and the purchase order unit by unit conversion in the purchase order.3. At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the purchase order unit and the quantity in the purchase order price unit have to be entered, however, the quantity in purchase order price unit is calculated by the system. You have to change it, when the calculated quantity differs from reality.4. Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification, the material is valuated on the basis of the purchase order unit.Question 2You enter a goods issue and receive the following message: "W: On , only 0.000 pieces are available".What do you conclude from this?1. No stocks of the material exist anywhere in the entire plant. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.2. Only the specified storage location does not contain any stocks of the material. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.3. The material exists in the specified storage location on the current day, however, it is unavailable, because of other reservations.4. The message represents a warning which you can ignore by pressing the ENTER key.Question 3At which level is physical inventory carried out in Inventory Management ?1. At material level2. At material/stock type level3. At material/plant/stock type level4. At material/plant/storage location/stock type levelQuestion 4What options do you have after entering a physical inventory count for a raw material?1. You can initiate a recount.2. You can print a list of differences to determine the materials you have to recount.3. You can post an inventory difference, whereby a material document and an accounting document are created in the background.4. You can post the inventory difference, whereby only an accounting document is created in the background.Question 5How do you replicate a delivery free of charge in R/3’s Materials Management?1. You enter a purchase order with the purchase order price. Then, however, you post the receipt with reference to the purchase order using a non-valuated movement type.2. You enter a purchase order item, set its invoice indicator to blank and its purchase order price to zero, and then post the goods receipt.3. You do not enter a purchase order, but post the delivery free of charge using a specific movement type in Inventory Management.4. You create the material with the material type UNBW and then post the goods receipt without reference to the purchase order.Question 6When does the system automatically create a storage location view in the material master record?1. At the first goods receipt into special stocks the system creates a special stock - storage location view with the number 9999.2. Automatic creation of storage locations (views) must be permitted for the plant.3. In customizing, you can define for movement types whether at goods movement the system creates a storagelocation view automatically.4. If the first goods receipt of a material is posted to a cost center and you have set the automatic creation of storage location views for the plant and movement type, the system creates the storage location view automatically.Question 7Which of the following statements about movement types are true?1. The movement type influences the update of material stock account and consumption account.2. In the standard SAP system, you can enter per material document only goods movements of one movement type.3. Goods movements, that are created from otherapplication areas (for example a delivery in SD), are not described with movement types.4. The movement type used controls field selection for the goods movement transaction.5. If you use special stock indicators you can create different stock and value updates of a material for one and the same movement type.ValuationQuestion1Which of the following statements on procuring a material of material type NLAG are correct?1. The purchase order must be account assigned.2. The goods receipt must always be non-valuated.3. When you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignment as long as the goods receipt was non-valuated.4. When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in Financial Accounting.Question 2Which of the following stock transfers/transfer postings are relevant to valuation?1. Stock transfer from storage location to storagelocation within the same plant or company code.2. Stock transfer from consignment stores of vendor XY to our unrestricted-use stock in storage location 0001.3. Transfer posting from stock in quality inspection in storage location 001 to stock in quality inspection in storage location 0002 within the same plant.4. Stock transfer of a material from storage location 0001 from plant 0001 to plant 0002. The plants belong to the same company, however the valuation areas are different (valuation level is plant).Question 3Which of the following statements about valuation classes are true?1. The valuation class is maintained in the material master record at the storage location level. With that, asplit valuation per storage location is possible.2. The valuation class is maintained in the material master record at valuation area level. With that, different account determination is possible for the materials of one material type. For example, you can have different material stock accounts for different materials of the same material type.3. The valuation class is a standard class of the classification system. A characteristic of this class refers to the moving average price or standard price in the accounting view in the material master record. With that, it is possible to search for materials with similar prices. The search is possible with direct values, intervals and greater than / less than relationships.4. The valuation classes will be tied to one or more material types via an account category reference.Question 4Which of the following statements on price control in the SAP R/3 system are correct?1. Price control “Sâ€? allows only purchase orders with constant prices. Therefore, for purchased materials with price control “Sâ€?, you should arrange outline agreements to protect the constant price.2. Price control “Vâ€? is recommended for purchased materials.3. If a goods issue is posted between when you post the goods receipt and when you post the invoice, and this leads to the total stock being smaller that the quantity to be settled, the system posts any differences between the purchase order price and the invoice for the quantity consumed (stock shortage) to a price difference account, irrespective of the price control that the material is subject to.4. The importance of price control “Vâ€? depends onwhether the material ledger is active or not. If you are not working with the material ledger, price control “Vâ€? means that you are using the moving average price. This means that the value of the stock account and the price per price unit is adjusted for existing stocks.5. In the case of differences between the purchase order price and the valuation price in the material master, the difference is posted to a GR/IR clearing account at goods receipt if you are working with price control “Sâ€?. This is then cleared when the invoice is posted.Material RequirementsPlanningQuestion 1Which prerequisites must be fulfilled before a new MRPlist can be created for amaterial?1. The material was included in the planning run.2. The creation indicator allows the creation ofMRP lists.3. The material has been assigned an MRP group.4. The material has been assigned an MRP profile.5. The planning run is carried out in the background.Question 2Which data must you have maintained in the system so that schedule lines are automatically created as a result of the planning run for forecast-based planning?1. MRP procedure VV is defined in the material master record; past consumption values exist; a scheduling agreement exists; a source list with the scheduling agreement as the supply source is defined as relevant to planning; a forecast exists; a planning run is executed with an appropriate setting for the automatic creation of schedule lines.2. MRPprocedure VV is defined in the material master record; a scheduling agreement exists; a quota arrangement exists and is defined as relevant to planning; a forecast exists; a planning run is executed with an appropriate setting for the automatic creation of schedule lines.3. MRP procedure VV is defined in the material master record; a scheduling agreement exits; a source list with the scheduling agreement as the supply source is defined as relevant to planning; a forecast exists; a planning run is executed with an appropriate setting for the automatic creation of schedule lines.4. MRP procedure VV is define in the material master record; past consumption values exist; a scheduling agreement exists; a quota arrangement relevant to planning exists; a forecast exists; a planning run is executed with an appropriate setting for the automatic creation of schedule lines.Question 3Which MRP procedures are used in consumption-based planning?1. Forecast-based Planning2. Material requirements Planning3. Manual reorder point Planning4. Systematic materials Planning5. Time-phased materials PlanningPurchasingQuestion 1How can a purchasing info record be generated?1. Manual entry2. Update from purchase order3.Update from purchase requisition4. Update from RFQQuestion 2Purchase orders can be outputted (printed or transmitted) in different languages. Where does the system obtain the information determining the language in which a PO is to be printed?1. Customizing setting2. The language must be specified when you log on to the system. This is then used as the basis for system printing.3. You specify the language to be generally used for communication purposes for each vendor in the vendor master record.4. The language from the PO header is used.5. The language is defined via the material short text. Question 3How is the outputting(printing/transmission) of purchase orders controlled?1. As a rule, the system attempts to determine a message record for each message type in the message schema by means of an access sequence.2. A message record in the PO header contains all the information that is necessary for outputting, such as the printer and the transmission time-spot.3. Printing only takes place if the print indicator has been set in the PO item.4. Printing only takes place if at least one message record can be found.Question 4What is an access sequence?1. The access sequence is used within the context of the"condition technique" to find condition records.2. An access sequence can comprise several condition tables.3. An access sequence defines which condition records are allowed and the sequence in which they are selected.4. An access sequence is assigned to the condition types that are to be determined automatically.5. Within an access sequence you can define, that after the first successful access at a condition record the system is not searching another records.Question 5How does the system determine the conditionswhen creating a purchase order?1. The system uses an access sequence stored in Customizing to determine the appropriate info record.2. If the info record concerned was created manually, you can copy the conditions directly from the info record to the purchase order.3. If the info record concerned was created automatically, there is only a reference to the previous purchase order, from which the system then determines the conditions.4. You can enter the conditions manually. However, you cannot use scale prices.Question 6Which statements regarding the release(approval) of purchase requisitions with classification are correct?1. The assignment of the release strategy is effected automatically via the values assigned to the class characteristics.2. The release status describes which follow-on actions are possible in connection with the purchase requisition (for example, release for issue of RFQs, release for issue of RFQsand PO).3. The purpose of the release strategy is to exercise control over the transmission of the purchase requisition.Question 7In which way can you obtain information on purchase orders issued to a vendor that have not yet been invoiced?1. You make use of a list that displays all the purchase orders issued to a certain vendor. You limit the POs shown on the list to those that have not yet been invoiced by the appropriate definition of the Scope of List.2. You make use of a list that displays all the purchase orders issued to a certain vendor. You limit the POs shown on the list to those that have not yet been invoiced by means of the selection parameters.3. The selection parameters and list scopes are predefined by SAP and cannot be changed.Question 8How does the system assign prices to items when creating a purchase order? To what extent can you use these prices in subsequent purchase orders?1. You can enter conditions manually. However, you cannot use scale prices.2. The conditions for the purchase order items are saved as conditions in the info record. The system then proposes these prices in subsequent purchase orders.3. Info records that the system created automatically from the purchase order only contain the reference to the previous purchase order, from which the system determines the conditions.4. If there is no info record, and if the purchase order item is created with reference to a purchase requisition item that has a material master record, the system assumes the price from the purchase requisition.Question 9What does the purchasing document type control?1. Number assignment2. Permitted item categories3. The eligibility of scaled prices in contracts4. The eligibility of scaled prices in scheduling agreements5. Which header texts, appendix texts, and item texts are printedQuestion 10:You wish to procure a material using a purchase order. You wish to take delivery of the material at different times. A graduated discount scale exists for the material. How do you proceed if you wish to take advantage of the discount arrangement?A Enter several order items with the same material number and different delivery datesB Enter one order item with the material number and assign the material to different accountsC Enter an order item with the material number and create a number of schedule linesD Enter a number of purchase orders for the material and specify different delivery datesInvoice VerificationQuestion 1Which options for handling cash discounts are available in R/3?1. Gross or net posting at the time of goods receipt2. Gross or net posting at the time of invoice receipt3. Gross or net posting at the time of purchase orderentry4. Deduction of cash discount during the payment run in Financial Accounting5. Gross or net posting when the invoice is releasedQuestion 2Which of the following statements on purchasing transactions using foreign currencies are correct?1. An exchange rate can be entered in the order header. This is only for statistical purposes to be able to analyze fluctuations.2. At goods receipt the system uses the current exchange rate.3. You can configure the system so that it uses the current exchange rate in Invoice Verification.4. You can configure the system so that it uses the exchange rate from the purchase order in InvoiceVerification.5. You can configure the system so that it uses the exchange rate from the order header in Invoice Verification. Question 3What must you take into account if you want to post an invoice before the goods receipt? What are the consequences of using this procedure?1. You must set the GR-based invoice verificationindicator in the purchase order at the latest.2. Before you enter the invoice, you must set the GR-based invoice verification indicator in the vendor master record.3. The system cannot refer to the quantity to be settled and the corresponding amount. You must enter this information manually every time.4. The system identifies a quantity variance and blocks the invoice for payment (provided that the appropriate tolerance limits are exceeded).Master DataQuestion 1Which of the following statements about the material number are true?1. You can extend the length of the material number to a maximum of 40 characters. You configure this in Customizing.2. When you create a material, the system checks if the material number falls within a number range defined in Customizing, depending on the material type.3. The system checks the existence of the material number in all transactions that work with material master records.4. When you create a new material master record without specifying a material number, the system always generates a material number automatically.5. You can use a template to format the material number, which you configure in Customizing. It applies to all material master records in an R/3 System.Question 2What controls the account group in the vendor master?1. Account determination2. Field selection in the vendor master3. Type of number assignment for vendor master4. Particular use of vendor master recordQuestion 3:Which of the following statements on procuring a material of the material type NLAG are correct?A. The purchase order must be acount assigned.B. The goods receipt must always be unvaluated.C. when you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignement as long as the goods receipt was unvaluated.D. When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in Financial Acccounting.。



SAP MM 评估类型评估类别同一物料的使用,既有“自制品”,又有“外购品”,并且其来源不同,如同一外购品由不同的供应商提供,价格也不相同。




SAP系统提供的“分割评估”(Split Valuation)功能是解决此类问题的完美解决方案。



由于“分割评估”涉及技术部分更多,将主要步骤分享如下:一、后台定义部分(1)激活“分割评估”功能;(2)定义“评估类型”(Valuation Type)(如本文中提到“自制品”、“外购品”两种评估类型,并选择相应帐户分类参考参数(与评估类相关),评估类型是评估类别的细分);(3)定义“评估类别”(Valuation Category)(分割评估的标准,将其中的评估类型与相应工厂激活);(4)定义“评估区域”(Valuation Area)(评估区域可以公司范围内,也可以在工厂范围内)二、前台操作部分(1)定义物料主数据,将评估类别定义在会计视图中(其价格控制须选移动平均价V);(2)定义“评估类型”为自制品的物料主数据(其评估级别与价格控制据需要填制);(3)定义“评估类型”为外购品的物料主数据(其评估级别与价格控制据需要填制);注:前台操作第一步为第二步、第三步奠定基础,起作用的将是各制带评估类别的物料。



1. 什么是分割评估?对同一个物料(号)做不同的价值指派。


英文叫Split Valuation。

2. 什么时候使用分割评估?<1> 自产的物料和外购的价值不一样<2> 不同的制造商制造的相同的物料,具有不同的价格<3> 相同物料不同批次具有不同的价格<4> 破损及维修后的物料和新的物料价值不一样<5> 其他3. 第一印象:何处体现分割评估?<1> 体现在库存标记上,用Batch区分从这里可以看到,库存管理的层级,最大是Company Code、其次是Plant、再次是Storage Location,最后可以到Batch。

(思考:如果启用序列号管理,最小单位应该是什么呢?)<2> 体现在物料属性(主数据)上<3> 体现在物料凭证上<4> 体现在相关的业务单据上<5> 所有与评估相关的事务,如GR,GI,IR,IM等,都在特定的分割库存层次上执行4. 必须要了解的概念:Valuation Structur e<1> 什么是评估结构SAP使用一个完整的估价结构,来完成对物料的评估。

它包含下列要素:Valuation Area、Valuation C lass、Valuation Category、Valuation Type、Material Type、Movement Type。

<2> Valuation Area它解答在哪一个范围内执行分割评估。

可以在Company Code下,还可以在Plant下。

<3> Valuation C lass将具有相同特点的物料分在同一个Valuation C lass内,而不需要对其分开来管理、记到不同的库存科目上。

所以,Valuation C lass 是和会计科目确定有关系的。



One-time Vendor
Account group Onetime X
Vendor master record
Description Language Reconciliation acct Currency
Purchase order
Invoice Verification
Vendor address
Vendor Account Group
Account group
Type of number assignment
Interval for number assignment
Field selection
SAP AG 2001, Material Management , CMMG IT -- 13
Italy Quantity
40 4.00
Valuation type France Quantity S price 60 6.00
Storage location
Stor . Location 0001 Quantity 30
Stor . Loc 0002 Quantity 70
1.1.99 - 30.6.99
1.7.99 - 31.12.99
Source list
Vendor 1 allowed Vendor 2 allowed Vendor 3 allowed
Vendor 1 fixed
Material M1 Plant 1000
SAP AG 2001, Material Management , CMMG IT -- 16
Purchasing group
SAP AG 2001, Material Management , CMMG IT -- 5



ACCA--财务管理英语solepropsietorship独资企业partnership合伙企业corporatefinance公司财务corporate公司closelyheld私下公司publiccompany公众公司GoldmanSachs高盛银行pensionfund养老基金insurancecompany保险公司boardofdirector董事会separationofownershipandmanagement所有权与管理权的分离limitedliability有限责任articlesofincorporation公司章程realasset实物资产financialasset金融资产security证券financialmarket金融市场capitalmarket资本市场moneymarket货币市场investmentdecision投资决策capitalbudgetingdecision资本预算决策financingdecision融资决策financialmanager财务经理treasurer司库controller总会计师CFO首席财务官principal-agentproblem委托代理问题principal委托人agent代理人agencycost代理成本informationasymmetry信息不对称signal信号efficientmarketshypothesis有效市场假说presentvalue现值discountfactor贴现因子rateofreturn收益率discountrate贴现率hurdlerate门坎比率opportunitycostofcapital资本机会成本netpresentvalue净现值cashoutflow现金支出netpresentvaluerule净现值法则rate-of-returnrule收益率法则profitmaximization利润最大化doingwell经营盈利doinggood经营造益collateral抵押品warrant认股权证convertiblebond可转换债券primaryissue一级发行prinarymarket一级市场secondarytansaction二级交易secondarymarket二级市场over-the-counter(OTC)场外交易financialintermediary金融中介zero-stage启动阶段businessplan创业计划书first-stagefinancing第一阶段融资after-the-moneyvaluation注资后的价值papergain账面利润mezzaninefinancing引渡融资angelinvestor天使投资者venturecapitalfund创业投资基金limitedprivatepartnership有限合伙企业generalpartner普通合伙人limitedpartner有限合伙人small-businessinvestmentcompanies (SBIC)小企业投资公司initialpublicoffering(IPO)首次公开发行primaryoffering首次发行secondaryoffering二次发行underwriter承销商syndicateofunderwriter承销辛迪加registrationstatement注册说明书prospectus招股说明书roadshow路演greenshoeoption绿鞋期权spread差价offeringprice发售价格underpricing抑价winner’scurse成功者灾难bookbuilding标书登记fixedpriceoffer定价发售auction拍卖discriminationauction差价拍卖uniform-priceauction一价拍卖generalcashoffer一般现款发行rightissue附权发行shelfregistration上架注册priorapproval事前许可boughtdeal买方交易seasonedissue新增发行knowledgeableinvertor成熟的投资者qualifiedinstitutionalbuyer有资格的机构买者recorddate登记日withdividend附有红利cumdividend附息exdividend除息legalcapital法定资本regularcashdividend正常现金红利extra额外的specialdividend特别红利stockdividend股票红利automaticdividendreinvestmentplans(DRIP)红利自动转投计划transferofvalue价值转移capitalstructure资本结构MM’spropositionMM定理weighted-averagecostofcapital(WACC)加权平均资本成本margindebt保证金借款floating-ratenote浮动利率票据money-marketfund货币市场基金interest-rateceiling利率上限trade-offtheory权衡理论righttodefault违约权leveragebuy-out(LBO)杠杆收购asymmetricinformation信息不对称financialslack银根宽松costofdebt负债成本costofequity权益成本terminalvalue清算价值cashflowtoequity权益现金流rebalancing重整projectfinancing项目融资adjustedcostofcapital调整资本成本equivalentloan等值贷款offsettingtransaction反向交易depreciablebasis折旧基数adjustedpresentvalue(APV)调整现值calloption看涨期权exerciseprice执行价格strikeprice敲定价格exercisedate到期日Europeancall欧式看涨期权Americancall美式看涨期权positiondiagram头寸图putoption看跌期权SalomonBrothers所罗门兄弟公司termstuctureofinterestrate利率期限结构annuity年金perpetuity永久年金annuityfactor年金因子annuitydue即期年金futurevalue终值conmpoundinterest复利simpleinterest单利continuouslycompoundedrate连续复利率ConsumerPriceIndex(CPI)消费物价指数currentdollar当期货币nominaldollar名义货币constantdollar不变货币realdollar实际货币realrateofreturn实际收益率inflationrate通货膨胀率principal本金deflation滞胀yieldtomaturity到期收益率marketcapitalizationrate市场资本化率dividendyield红利收益率costofequitycapital权益资本成本payoutratio红利发放率earningspershare(EPS)每股收益returnonequity(ROE)权益收益率discountcashflow贴现现金流growthstock成长股incomestock绩优股presentvalueofgrowthopportunity(PVGO)成长机会的现值price-earningsratio(P/E)市盈率freecashflow(FCF)自由现金流量bookrateofreturn账面收益率capitalinvestment资本投资operatingexpense经营费用paybackperiod回收期discounted-paybackrule贴现回收期法则discounted-cash-flowrateofreturn贴现现金流量的收益率internalrateofreturn(IRR)内部收益率lending贷出borrowing借入profitabilitymeasure盈利指标standardofpfofitability赢利标准modifiedinternalrateofreturn修正内部收益率mutuallyexclusiveprojects互相排斥的项目capitalrationing资本约束profitabilityindex盈利指标softrationing软约束hardrationing硬约束incrementalpayoff增量收入networkingcapital净营运资本sunkcost沉没成本sunk-costfallacy沉没成本悖论overheadcost间接费用salvagevalue残值straight-linedepreciation直线法折旧InternalRevenueService国内税收署taxshield税盾acceleratedcostrecoverysystem加速成本回收折旧法alternativeminimumtax另类最低税taxpreference税收优惠accelerateddepreciation加速折旧projectanalysis项目分析equivalentannualcashflow等价年度现金流marginalinvestment边际投资defaultrisk违约风险riskpremium风险溢酬standarderror标准误差standarddeviation标准差marketportfolio市场组合marketreturm(rm)市场收益率variance方差thelossofadgreeoffreedom自由度损失Delphic德尔菲uniquerisk独特风险unsystematicrisk非系统风险residualrisk剩余风险specificrisk特定风险diversifiablerisk可分散风险marketrisk市场风险systematicrisk系统风险undiversifiablerisk不可分散风险convariance协方差well-diversified有效分散valueadditivity价值可加性efficientportfolio有效投资组合quadraticprogramming二次规划bestefficientportfolio最佳有效投资组合capitalassetpricingmodel(CAPM)资本资产定价模型separationtheorem分离定理securitymarketline证券市场线marketcapitalization市场资本总额small-capstocks小盘股book-to-marketration账面-市值比datamining数据挖掘datasnooping数据侦察consumptionbeta消费贝塔consumptionCAPM消费型资本资产定价模型riskaversion风险厌恶arbitragepricingtheory套利定价理论sensitivityofeachstocktothesefactors每种股票对这些因素的敏感度three-factormodel三因素模型companycostofcapital公司资本成本industrybeta行业贝塔firmvalue公司价值debtvalue负债价值assetvalue资产价值blue-chipfirm蓝筹股financialleverage财务杠杆gearing举债经营financialrisk财务风险unlever消除杠杆relativemarketvaluesofdebt(E/V)负债的相对市场价值taxableincome应税利润after-taxcost税后成本marginalcorporatetaxrate公司边际税率after-taxweighted-averagecostofcapital税后加权平均资本成本cyclicality周期性cyclicalfirms周期性公司operatingleverage经营杠杆revenue收入fixedcosts固定成本variablecosts可变成本rateofoutput产出率certaintyequivalent确定性等价值certainty-equivalentcashflow确定性等价现金流risk-adjusteddiscountrate风险相应贴现率underlyingvariables基础变量sample抽样realoption实物期权decisiontree决策树timingqption安排期权productionoption生产性期权optiontobailout清算选择权economicrent经济租金futuremarket期货市场capitalbudget资本预算strategicplanning战略规划appropriationrequest拨款申请postaudit事后审计stockoptions股票期权privatebenefit私下利益perks特权享受perquisite特权享受overinvestment过度投资generallyacceptedaccountingprinciple(GAAP)公认会计原则qualifieddoption保留意见delegated委托economicvalueadded(EVA)经济附加值tradeloading贸易超载economicdepreciation经济折旧nationalincomeandproductaccounts国民收入与产出账户cap上限合约strip本息剥离债券swap互换bookrunner股份登记员efficientcapitalmarket有效资本市场randomwalk随机游走positivedrift正漂移autocorelationcoefficient自相关系数weakformofefficiency弱有效性semistrongformofefficiency半强有效性strongformofefficiency强有效性marketmodel市场模型acquiringfirm兼并公司acquiredfirm被兼并公司superiorprofit超常利润overreaction反应过度underreaction反应不足indexarbitrageur指数套利者portfolioinsurancescheme证券组合保险策略superiorratesofreturn超常收益exchange-ratepolicy汇率政策applicationdate申购日long-termasset长期资产retainedearnings留存收益financialdeficit资金缺口internalfund内部资金debtpolicy负债政策dividendpolicy红利政策long-termfinancing长期融资totalcapitalization资本总额reserve准备金issuedandoutsanding已发行流通股份issuedbutnotoutsanding已发行未流通股份authorizedsharecapital法定股本总额financialinstitution金融机构cash-flowright现金流要求权controlright控制劝dominantstockholder控股股东majorityvotingsystem多数投票制cumulativevoting累计投票制supermajority绝对多数制proxycontest投票代理权角逐minoritystockholder小股东reversestocksplit逆股票拆细masterlimitedpartnership业主有限责任合伙企业realestateinvestmenttrust(REIT)房地产信托投资基金preferredstock优先股cumulativepreferredstock红利累积优先股lineofcredit授信额度fixed-rate固定利率floating-rate浮动利率coupon息票LondonInterbankOfferedRate(LIBOR)伦敦银行间拆借利率eurobond欧洲债券eurocurrency欧洲货币euro欧元senior优级junior次级subordinated从属secured有担保的collateral抵押品warrant认股权证convertiblebond可转换债券primaryissue一级发行prinarymarket一级市场secondarytansaction二级交易secondarymarket二级市场over-the-counter(OTC)场外交易financialintermediary金融中介zero-stage启动阶段businessplan创业计划书first-stagefinancing第一阶段融资after-the-moneyvaluation注资后的价值papergain账面利润mezzaninefinancing引渡融资angelinvestor天使投资者venturecapitalfund创业投资基金limitedprivatepartnership有限合伙企业generalpartner普通合伙人limitedpartner有限合伙人small-businessinvestmentcompanies (SBIC)小企业投资公司initialpublicoffering(IPO)首次公开发行primaryoffering首次发行secondaryoffering二次发行underwriter承销商syndicateofunderwriter承销辛迪加registrationstatement注册说明书prospectus招股说明书roadshow路演greenshoeoption绿鞋期权spread差价offeringprice发售价格underpricing抑价winner’scurse成功者灾难bookbuilding标书登记fixedpriceoffer定价发售auction拍卖discriminationauction差价拍卖uniform-priceauction一价拍卖generalcashoffer一般现款发行rightissue附权发行shelfregistration上架注册priorapproval事前许可boughtdeal买方交易seasonedissue新增发行knowledgeableinvertor成熟的投资者qualifiedinstitutionalbuyer有资格的机构买者recorddate登记日withdividend附有红利cumdividend附息exdividend除息legalcapital法定资本regularcashdividend正常现金红利extra额外的specialdividend特别红利stockdividend股票红利automaticdividendreinvestmentplans(DRIP)红利自动转投计划transferofvalue价值转移capitalstructure资本结构MM’spropositionMM定理weighted-averagecostofcapital(WACC)加权平均资本成本margindebt保证金借款floating-ratenote浮动利率票据money-marketfund货币市场基金interest-rateceiling利率上限trade-offtheory权衡理论righttodefault违约权leveragebuy-out(LBO)杠杆收购asymmetricinformation信息不对称financialslack银根宽松costofdebt负债成本costofequity权益成本terminalvalue清算价值cashflowtoequity权益现金流rebalancing重整projectfinancing项目融资adjustedcostofcapital调整资本成本equivalentloan等值贷款offsettingtransaction反向交易depreciablebasis折旧基数adjustedpresentvalue(APV)调整现值calloption看涨期权exerciseprice执行价格strikeprice敲定价格exercisedate到期日Europeancall欧式看涨期权Americancall美式看涨期权positiondiagram头寸图putoption看跌期权。



Separation算法1. 简介Separation算法是一种用于图像处理和计算机视觉领域的算法,主要用于将图像中的前景和背景进行分离。




2. 常见的Separation算法以下是几种常见的Separation算法:2.1 GrabCut算法GrabCut算法是一种基于图割(Graph Cut)和高斯混合模型(Gaussian Mixture Model)的前景背景分割算法。




2.2 Mean-Shift算法Mean-Shift算法是一种基于核密度估计的非参数聚类算法,也可以用于图像分割。




2.3 Watershed算法Watershed算法是一种基于图论的分水岭分割算法,它将图像视为一个地形图,并使用水流模拟来进行分割。



然后,该算法使用洪水填充(Flood Fill)技术来模拟水流,并根据水流路径确定区域边界。

3. Separation算法在实际应用中的应用Separation算法在许多实际应用中发挥着重要作用:3.1 图像分割Separation算法可以用于图像分割任务,例如将图像中的前景和背景进行分离。



分割评估– SPLIT VALUATION三 8th, 2011发表评论 | Tr ac kback简述对某些材料,有必要对特别估价域的不同存货分别进行估价。








就是举个例说,比如我们的按照“内部生产的材料和外部采购的材料之间的区别”来有不同的估价,就可以分INTERNAL(内部) AND EXTERNAL(外部)来分如果按照原产生的话呢,可以设定为来自不同的国家,有不同的估价再啰嗦一下上图,有两个小小的术语上图的P,O,Q就叫Valuation Category ,也叫Global Valuation Categories,还叫Global Categories,也许你会说,我顶,就一玩意,怎么这么多名字呢,这个吗?我也没办法,找SAP AG去。

而 INTERNAL , EXTERNAL, ITALY, FRANCE,就叫Valuation Type, 也叫Global Valuation Type,还叫Global Type看了一大堆,总结一句话:相同的物料,在相同的工厂中,如果需要多种不同的价格就用这玩意。

系统原理在建立物料的时候,对此物料设定一个Valuation Category(表示会用这个分割评估)而在后台就会设定这个Valuation Category会有多少种Valuation Type,这样我们在对此物料进行一些TRANSACTION的时候,就可以选择不同的Valuation Type去操作,因此就会有不同的价格如下图表现形式配置SPRO-> Materials Management-> Valuation and Account Assignment-> Split Valuation-> Activate Split Valuation这是一个前提,就是一定要先激这个SPLIT VALUATION才可以进行下一步。






mmsegmentation中解决类别不平衡的损失函数在mmsegmentation中,可以使用Dice Loss(SoftDiceLoss)来解决类别不平衡的问题。

Dice Loss是一种基于交叉熵的损失函数。


Dice Loss的计算公式如下:$\text{DiceLoss}(p, t) = 1 - \frac{2 \cdot \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} p_i \cdot t_i}{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} p_i^2 + \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} t_i^2}$ 其中,$p$表示预测的概率图,在mmsegmentation中一般会经过Softmax函数得到,$t$表示真实的分割标签。

由于Dice Loss是通过计算Dice系数来量化前景的重要性,因此对于类别不平衡的问题,Dice Loss可以自动调整不同类别之间的权重,将更多的关注放在少数类别上,从而缓解类别不平衡问题。

在mmsegmentation中,可以通过在配置文件中的loss项设置损失函数为DiceLoss来使用Dice Loss。

例如:```pythonloss=dict(type='DiceLoss',loss_weight=1.0,class_weight=[1, 2] # 设置前景类别的权重为2,背景类别的权重为1,可以根据具体情况进行调整)```需要注意的是,mmsegmentation还提供了其他的损失函数,如CrossEntropyLoss、LovaszLoss等,可以根据具体场景选择合适的损失函数来解决类别不平衡的问题。



1.Whatisthedifferencebetweenthestocktransferbetweentwoplants belongingtosamecompanycodeandthosebelongingtodifferentcompanycode?2.WhatarethefieldsinPurchasingview?3.Whatarethestepsinautomaticaccountassignmentconfig.4.Howdoyoucreatemovementtypes?Whatarethestepsinvolved?Whenwill yourecommendanewmovementtype?5.Whatismeantbyaccesssequence?Whenitisused?6.HowdoesthePOpickupthepricingschema?7.Whatarethestepsinvolvedincreatingapricingprocedure?8.Whatarethetypesofspecialstocksavailable?9.Whatarethetypesofinforecords?10.Whatismeantbyconsignmentstock?11.Whatarethestepsinvolvedinconsignmentcycle?12.Tellmeaboutthesubcontractingcycle.13.Howisscrapaccountedinsubcontracting?14.Howarethebyproductstakencareofinsubcontracting?15.Tellmeaboutthevariousmovementtypesandusage.16.Whatismeantbyscales?Canscalesbeusedinstandardpurchaseorder?17.Whatisthedifferencebetweenacontractandaschedulingagreement?18.Howdoesthesystemcalculatetaxes?19.Howdoesthesystemcalculatenondeductibletaxes?20.Whatismeantbybatches?Howcanthebatchesbesearched?21.Howisashelf-lifeitemmanagedinSAP?Whatisthefullcycle?22.Whatarethesettingsrequiredforquotaarrangement?23.WhatismeantbyMRPTypeandlotsizing?24.Canitbeconfiguredinsuchawaythattheexternalrequisitionscanalso betakenintoaccountwhileMRPrunsinconsumption-basedplanningifVBisselectedasMRPtype?25.Whatisareferencepurchaseorganization?Whencanitbeused?26.Explaintheconceptofsplitvaluationandwhencanitbeused?Whatarethesettingsrequired?27.Whatarevaluationarea,valuationcategoryandvaluationclass?28.Whatismeantbyacreditmemo?29.HowarefreeitemsmanagedinaPO?30.Whatismeantbyareleasestrategy?31.Whatarereleasegroupsandreleasecodes?32.Whatarethedifferencesbetweenreleaseprocedurewithclassificationandreleaseprocedure withoutclassification?Whenaretheyused?32.IsitpossibletohaveareleaseprocedurewithoutclassificationforaPO?33.WhatisthemaximumnumberoflevelsavailableinSAP?35.Isitpossibletohavescalesinaquotation?1. What is the difference between the stock transfer between two plants belonging to same company code and those belonging to different company code?2. What are the fields in Purchasing view?3. What are the steps in automatic account assignment config.4. How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?5. What is meant by access sequence? When it is used?6. How does the PO pick up the pricing schema?7. What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?8. What are the types of special stocks available?9. What are the types of inforecords?10. What is meant by consignment stock?11. What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?12. Tell me about the subcontracting cycle.13. How is scrap accounted in subcontracting?14. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?15. Tell me about the various movement types and u Sage.16. What is meant by scales? Can scales be used in standard purchase order?17. What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?18. How does the system calculate taxes?19. How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?20. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?21. How is a shelf-life item managed in SAP? What is the full cycle?22. What are the settings required for quota arrangement?23. What is meant by MRP Type and lot sizing?24. Can it be configured in such a way that the external requisitions can also be taken into account while MRP runs in consumption-based planning if VB is selected as MRP type?25. What is a reference purchase organization? When can it be used?26. Explain the concept of split valuation and when can it be used? What are the settings required?27. What are valuation area, valuation category and valuation class?28. What is meant by a credit memo?29. How are free items managed in a PO ?30. What is meant by a release strategy?31. What are release groups and release codes?32. What are the differences between release procedure with classification and release procedure without classification? When are they used?32. Is it possible to have a release procedure without classification for a PO ?33. What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?35. Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?36. What is GR blocked stock? When it can be used?37. What is the movement type for return to vendor? How to reverse it?38. How are the variations in subcontracting taken care of in SAP?39. What are the tools available for data migration in SAP?40. What is LSMW?41. What is the difference between LSMW and CATT?42. How to give specifications for developments?43. How do you plan for a vendor rating system and move about?44. What is RTP?45. What is the movement type used in receipt of RTP?46. How is an item with serial no. managed?47. How do you make variants?48. What are the types of tables in SAP?49. How to inventory excise duty in SAP?50. What are the documents generated in the MIGO 101 movement type? What are the accounts hit?。



SAP_MM_评估类型_评估类别评估类型是SAP(Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung)中的一个重要概念,它用于对物料进行评估和分类。


在SAP MM(Material Management)模块中,评估类型被用于确定物料的评估类别,从而影响物料的计价和成本核算。

评估类型的配置是SAP MM模块中的一项关键任务,它需要根据企业的业务需求和流程进行合理的设置。

下面是一些常见的评估类型和评估类别的示例:1. 标准评估类型(Standard Valuation Type):用于普通物料的评估和分类。


2. 挪移平均评估类型(Moving Average Valuation Type):适合于需求波动较大的物料。


3. 标准价格评估类型(Standard Price Valuation Type):适合于稳定的物料。


4. 批次评估类型(Batch Valuation Type):适合于需要对批次进行跟踪和管理的物料。


5. 分布评估类型(Split Valuation Type):适合于需要对物料进行分区域或者分部门管理的情况。





SAP评估类valuationclass与valuation相关的几个名词的意思valuation classvaluation areavaluation levelvaluation typevaluation categorysplit valuationvaluation class:评估类,有分类、分等级的意思,主要是根据会计对物料评估的要求,对相应类别的物料进行分组,一般会分:原料、自制半成品、外购半成品、成品、包装材料等;有自动记帐过程中,valuation class主要起到抛帐的作用,也就是如果你要区分如原料、成品及其它材料之间的记帐科目的时候,valuation class就是一个分水渠。

valuation level:评估级别,这是一个有别于valuation area的概念,它是一个有上下层次的纬度,就好像你住一楼还是二楼;valuation level分公司代码级别和工厂级别两种,但在SAP系统中只能同时有一个评估级别,要么公司代码级别、要么工厂级别,一般设在工厂。

valuation area:评估范围或区域,这是一个平面(广度)的纬度,也好比你住二楼30平米的地,就这么大,再大就是楼外楼了。


valuation level设置在工厂级别时,valuation area相应地对应的是一个工厂;valuation level设置在公司代码级别时,valuation area相应地对应的是一个公司代码。

valuation typevaluation categorysplit valuation这三个是分割评估的概念定义Valuation class: OMSK定义Valuation Level: OX14定义Valuation aera:首先定义物料在什么层次进行评估(公司代码或工厂),然后OMWD将评估范围群集分组定义Valuationg type及Valuationg category:OMWC激活Split Valuation:OMW0。



Materials Management1. In which of the following cases can you define scales for the condition typea. Purchase orderb. Contractc. Info recordd. Vendore. Quotationf. Scheduling agreement2. What is meant by one-time vendor?You can create special master records for vendors from whom you only procure a material once or very rarely. These are called one-time vendor master records and, in contrast(区别于)to other master records, you can use a vendor master record for several vendors. Therefore, no vendor-specific(具体的) data is stored for one-time vendors. You can control this using the relevant field selection for account groups for one-time vendors. When you create a purchasing or accounting document using a one-time vendor, the system automatically branches(分行,提示) to an additional data screen on which you enter specific data, such as the vendor‟s name, address, or bank details. If an RFQ or a PO is sent to a one-time vendor, the vendor data must be entered manually.3. How do you control the use of Valuation class per material Type?a. By valuation categoryb. By Account groupc. By Account assignment Categoryd. By Material Groupvaluation category Criterion(标准) for the separate valuation of different stocks of a material managed under a single material number.Reasons for "split valuation" may include:•Q uality•B atch•D egree of purity•U se or non-use in promotionsAccount group Attributes which determine the creation of master records. The account group determines:•T he data that is relevant for the master record•A number range from which numbers are selected for the master records. An account group must be assigned to each master record.Account assignment Category Consumable materials debit different account assignment objects depending on the account assignment category specified. The account assignment category determines which category of account assignment is to be debited and which account assignment data you have to prepare. Examples of account assignment categories include: •A sset•C ost center•C ost object•G/L account4. With which master data the account group is useda. Vendor masterb. Material Masterc. Info recordd. Outline agreement5. What determines whether a material can be posted to a stock?a. Material typeb. Material groupc. Material Statusd. MRP controllersMRP controllers The person responsible for a group of materials within MRP in a plant or company. Any material that takes part in material requirements planning must be assigned to an MRP controller.Material Status Indicator in a material master record that restricts the usability of a material. You can restrict the usability of a material for certain functions, for example, by assigning it the status "test part." Tables are used to define how the system is to respond in individual applications, for example, with an error message or a warning, in the case of unpermitted use of a material. You can define the material status for all plants (basic data view), or separately for each plant (plant view).6. What does the account assignment category U stands for? When can we use this account assignment category ?If you do not know the account assignment object for which the consumable material is being procured when the requirement coverage request is created, you can use account assignment category U in the purchase requisition. The system does not require any further details about the account assignment for the relevant item in the purchase requisition.7. What is the purpose of Collective number(汇总号) in RFQ?You can link a number of RFQs that belong together with the help of the collective number. The collective number can have a maximum of ten characters and can be alphanumeric.1)可以将多张询价单连接到一个集合编码上, 集合编码在询价单的单头输入, 这样子就可以通过集合编码查询到多张询价单, 如在价格比较与其他的分析步骤中.2)集合编码是一个最长10位的字符编码(可以包含数字)8. What is release order? What is the difference between the release order and Purchase order?A release order is a purchase order that references a contract. Contracts are outline agreements. They do not contain details of the delivery datesfor each of the items. To inform vendors of which quantities you need for which date, you enter contract release orders for a contract.9. What is distributed contract and Centralized ContractDistributed contracts are centrally agreed contracts that are created in one R/3 system and made available to other R/3 systems for the issue of release orders. They are distinguished from normal contracts by the use of a separate agreement type.Items of a Centralized contract do not relate to just one specific receiving plant.10. At which Organization levels is info record kepta. P. org levelb. Plantc. Company coded. Client11. What are the preconditions for automatically generated delivery schedule lines?A particular advantage of working with scheduling agreements is that delivery schedule lines can be generated automatically by the MRP system provided that certain prerequisites are fulfilled:•T he scheduling agreement must be uniquely defined as the source of supply•A utomatically generated schedule lines must be allowed via thesource list (MRP indicator 2)•A utomatically generated schedule lines must be allowed in the MRPsystem12. When do normally use Account assignment category K? And why?K (cost center). When procuring consumable materials.13. At which level Purchase requisitions are releasedPurchase Organization14. At which level Purchase orders are releasedPurchase Organization15. What is item category and give some two examplesThe item category defines the process used to procure a material or service.•S tandard: You use this item category for materials that are procured externally.•S ubcontracting: The finished product is ordered from a vendor. The components that the vendor needs to manufacture the finished product are entered as …material to be provided“ items.•C onsignment: The vendor makes material available, which you then manage as consignment stock. A liability only arises when material is withdrawn from consignment stock, not when the stock is placed in the consignment stores.•S tock transport orders: The material is transferred from one plant to another.•T hird-party order: You order material from a vendor with the instruction that the vendor should deliver the goods direct to a third party (a customer, for example). The vendor sends your company the material invoice.16. What are release codes in release procedure?Two-character identifier with which a person responsible for processing a document can release (approve) an item of a purchase requisition, a complete purchase requisition, or a complete external purchasing document, or cancel such release (that is, revoke a previously granted approval). If a link to SAP Business Workflow has been defined for the release code, the person involved can also refuse to effect release (withhold approval), thus rejecting the relevant item or document.17. For a normal PO briefly explain the determination of Release StrategyThe release conditions (or criteria) determine which release strategy applies. To be able to work with the release procedure with classification, you must create a release class with characteristics in addition to making the other Customizing settings. You set up a release class with characteristics via the classification system.•T he communication structures CEBAN (for purchase requisitions)and CEKKO (for external purchasing documents) contain all thefields that can be defined as release characteristics.•A ll release conditions must be defined as classificationcharacteristics. Part of the characteristic definition is a link to a field of the communication structures CEBAN or CEKKO•Y ou group together all characteristics that you wish to use in release strategies for purchase requisitions or external purchasingdocuments in a class. The class must be assigned to the class type032. You can define a class for purchase requisitions, a class forexternal purchasing documents, and a class for service entry sheets.The release class is assigned to the release object in Customizing (1= purchase requisition, 2 = external purchasing documents, 3 =service acceptance).18. What is true in the following for blocked stock and GR blocked stocka. Blocked is valuated and GR is non Valuatedb. Blocked is non- valuated and GR is valuatedc. Both are valuatedd. Both are non-valuated19. What is document type for Stock Transport Orders and what are the Prerequisites for transferring stock between two plants?a. Plant to Plantb. Storage Location to Storage Location1. Change Stock Type2. Batch Number3. Material Number20. What is the effect of a goods receipt?a. Both the stock and Quantity gets updatedb. Only Value gets updatedc. Only quantity gets updated. None of the above21. When is the Delivery completed indicator automatically set in Purchase order?a.Once all the quantities are deliveredb.Once all the quantities are invoicedc.Bothd.None of the above22. Write any two differences between Pipeline Procurement and Standard procurement No Inventory Management and No Physical InventoryAvailable in any quantityNo purchasing, no MRPCost are updated in Production Order23. Can we have different output type for the same Document?YesNO24. What are the possible ways of assigning a printer?a.P. group / User parameters/b.P. group/ Material Groupc.P. group / Material Typed.P. Group/P, org25. On which levels you can valuate your materialsPlantCompanyYour choice of valuation level affects the following:•M aintenance of material master records•G/L accounts in which material stocks are managed•I f material stocks are valuated at company code level, all plantstocks of a material are managed in a joint stock account for eachcompany code.•I f material stocks are valuated at plant level, the material stocks foreach plant can be managed in different accounts. You can define aseparate account determination for each plant.•G/L accounts to which transactions are posted in MaterialsManagement26. What is the purpose of Account Grouping Code?The account group is a classifying feature within vendor master records. The account group determines:•t he number interval for the account number of the vendor•w hether the number is assigned by the user or by the system•W hich specifications are necessary and/or possible in the master record.27.BSX and GBB stand for?The transaction keys are used to determine accounts or posting keys for line items which are created automatically by the system. The transaction keys are defined in the system and cannot be changed by the user.GBB Offsetting entry for inventory postingBSX Inventory postingT-code: OBYC28. Can you assign more than one valuation class to a single material number?NO29. What enables us to valuate import and domestic materials differently?Split valuation30. Accounting entries in the following casesGR in the case of Standard PriceStock AccountGR/IR AccountVendor AccountGR in the case of Moving average priceStock AccountGR/IR AccountVendor AccountGR in the case of price difference between material master price and PO price and Material is in SStock AccountGR/IR AccountPrice difference expense/revenueGR in the case of price difference between material master price and PO price and Material is in VStock AccountGR/IR AccountPrice difference Account35. What are the accounting entries in the case of Transferring material Between Storage locations of the same plant????36. What is Gross Posting and Net posting?Gross:If you post the gross amount of an invoice, the R/3 Systemignores the cash discount amount when you enter the invoice; it posts the cash discount amount to a “cash discount” account at the time of payment. Therefore, the cash discount amount is not credited to the stock or cost account.Net: If you post the net amount of an invoice, the R/3 System posts the cash discount amount from a cash discount clearing account to the stock or cost account. The cash discount clearing account is cleared at the time of payment.37. I do Invoice Reduction normally in the case ofa. Mistake in price made by meb. Mistake made by vendorc. Mistake in price made y customerd. None of the above38. During LIV under what circumstances the system generates two Accounting documents?????39. What is the Subsequent credit memo used for?An invoice must be entered as a subsequent debit if a purchase order item has already been invoiced and further costs are incurred.You must enter a credit memo as a subsequent credit if a purchase order item was invoiced at too high a price and now you have received a credit memo.40. How we can post unplanned delivery costAmong the items or post the costs to a separate G/L account.•If the R/3 System distributes unplanned delivery costs among the items, it treats them in the same way as price differences.•If the R/3 System posts unplanned delivery costs to a separate G/L account, they do not appear in the purchase order history.41. What are the ways in which I can Post the unplanned delivery costIf unplanned costs are apportioned among the purchase order items, the offsetting entry is made to the respective stock account or cost account for the individual items, or to a price differences account.42. What is ERS and when do we use thatIn Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS), goods receipts are settled directly without the vendor having to issue an invoice. The R/3 System uses information from the purchase order and the goods receipt. The system creates a message record at the time of settlement, which allows you to send the vendor a letter about the settlement.ERS is defined for each purchase order item. You can use ERS only if it is defined for the PO vendor in the vendor master record. If a purchase order item is to be settled automatically, goods-receipt-based Invoice Verification must also be active for the item.43. What is stochastic block?Procedure for checking invoices. In stochastic blocking, the system blocks invoices for payment at random. The higher the invoice value, the higher the probability of it being stochastically blocked.44. What is one step and two steps transfer process.One step: Posting procedure for physical stock transfers from storage location to storage location or from plant to plant. When using the one-step procedure, you only have to record one transaction in the system to post the removal from storage at the point of issue and placement into storage at the point of receipt. The system creates just one material document for a stock transfer.Two step:Posting procedure for physical stock transfers from storage location to storage location or from plant to plant. With this procedure, it is possible to monitor the stock affected by the transfer since it is designated as "in transfer" at the receiving point and administered as such in the system.45. During a two-step process will value and stock be in transit or only stock be in transit or only value in transitInvolving valuation stock: stockInvolving no valuation stock: stock & value46. Total shelf life – 6 monthsMinimum remaining shelf life is - 4 monthsProduction date during the GR is 01. 01. 2003Calculate the remaining shelf life -Will the system accept this GR or not -47. Difference between the accounting entries of a normal GI and Pipeline item GIA pipeline withdrawal has the following effects:•S tock levels are not changed•C onsumption is updated•A pipeline liability towards the vendor is incurred, which must be accounted for and settled on a periodic basis.48. How do you create returns PO - what will be the Accounting entries in the case of GR For returns to vendor, you do not have to reference the preceding document with which the material you are returning was procured.49. For an Account assigned PO where from the GL accounts are determineda.From OBYCb.From Account assignment in POc.From Bothd.None of the above50. Can we update the prices of Info record from Purchase order – If yes how?? If no what will get updated in the info recordPurchasing info records determine the prices suggested in purchasing documents in two ways:Conditions:Conditions are included if they have been maintained for an info record manually or from a quotation.Last purchase order:If an info record does not contain any conditions, the system reads the number of the last purchasing document in the info record and then suggests the price from this document.51. What is Entry AIDS of Account Determination? Where this is useful52. How an account determination happens with the help of Valuation class – Brief. The valuation class has the following functions:•A llows the stock values of materials of the same material type to be posted to different G/L accounts.•A llows the stock values of materials of different material types to be posted to the same G/L account.•D etermines together with other factors the G/L accounts updated for a valuation-relevant transaction (such as a goods movement).53. What is important in the case of Blanket Orders?a.Account assignment categoryb.Purchasing Groupc.Purchasing Orgd. Validity Period54. What is M and W in contracts?M: Quality contractW: Value contract55. Can M and W can be used in Purchase orders and Scheduling AgreementsNO56. Briefly explain the process of consignment?•T he vendor provides goods that are stored in consignment stores. The vendor remains owner of the material until you withdraw materials from the consignment stores.•T he vendor is informed of material withdrawals on a regular basis.•T he quantity withdrawn is invoiced at certain time intervals. As a result of such withdrawals, the enterprise incurs a liability towards the vendor. Such liabilities are settled periodically.57. Can you use different movement types in one material document?NO58. You have posted a wrong quantity at GR. How do you rectify this?If the quantity is more than PO, a reversal action can be taken.If the quantity is less than PO, an additional GR can be taken.59. How are goods movement documented in MM?Material doc:Account doc:CO doc:60. Which of the following is not a planning run type?CHPL3.NEWPL4.NEUPLRegenerative planning (NEUPL):The system plans all materials which are included in the planning file irrespective of all indicators.Net change planning (NETCH):The system only plans those materials which are provided with the change indicator NETCH.Net change planning in the short-term planning horizon (NETPL):The system only plans those materials provided with the change indicator NETPL. 61. What is a planning file?File that contains a list of all the materials for which a change relevant to requirements planning has occurred and that are therefore automatically flagged for planning.If such a change has taken place, the entry in the planning file is carried out automatically.Each flagged material is taken into account and planned in the next planning run.62. What determines whether a material is to be included in the total planning run?The indicator in the planning files entry.63. Which option do you have in releasing an invoice manually?QDPI64. Are accounting documents created for the following postings?a.Transfer posting from material to material (Y)b.Material type ROH, GR for PO posted to stock (Y)c.Transfer posting from plant to plant in one step (Y)d.Transfer posting from plant to plant in two steps: Removal from stockIf the plants belong to different valuation areas, an accountingdocument is created parallel to the material document for the removal from storage, because the stock is transferred from one plant intoanother.65. What is a firming type in MRP?The firming type determines how procurement proposals are to be firmed and scheduled within the planning time fence during the planning run. Planning time fence: You can protect procurement proposals from any automatic changes to master schedule items in the near future by using the planning time fence.Within the planning time fence, the system does not automatically change procurement proposals during the planning run. That is particularly useful for MPS.Outside of the planning time fence, procurement proposals are created as usual in the planning run. When these procurement proposals move into the planning time fence, they are firmed automatically depending on the setting of the firming type. The system always calculates the end date of the planning time fence dynamically starting from the planning date.66. What is a Planning horizon in MRP?The planning horizon is the period that is set for the "net change planning in the planning horizon." For this type of net change planning, only those materials are planned in the planning run that have a change relevant to MRP within the period (in work days).The length of the planning horizon should at least include the following:p eriod in which customer orders enter•d elivery times•c omplete material processing timeNet change planning: Materials planning run,whereby only those materials are planned which have undergone a change relevant to materials planning since the last planning run.67. What is the movement type for Goods receipt into Warehouse?a.101b.561c.321d.34368. What is the transaction code invoice posting?MIRO69. What is the difference between the transaction code MB5B and MMBE?MB5B: Stock MovementMMBE: Stock Overview70. What is the purpose of reconciliation account?G/L account, to which transactions in the subsidiary ledgers, (such as in the customer, vendor or assets areas), are automatically updated.It is generally the case that several sub ledger accounts post to a common reconciliation account. This ensures that the developments in the sub ledger accounts are accurately reflected in the general ledger (i.e. in line with balance sheet conventions).71. Which of the following is not taken into consideration by the SAP R/3 system during vendor comparison?a. Basic priceb. Discountsc. Taxesd. Freight72. Can the Info record be updated from quotation?Yes73.What does the term ‘parking the invoice’ mean?Parked data of a vendor invoice saved in the SAP System using the "Park Incoming Invoice" function.You park invoice documents if:•Important information for posting the invoice document is still missing (in this case, the balance may not be zero for example)•The business process of invoice entry is performed in several steps (by both clerks responsible purely for invoice entry and by invoice verification staff for instance)When parking documents, you must populate at least the following fields: •Document date•Invoicing party•Vendor•Account assignment objectsThe following updates take place:•Document changes are logged•Data for advance tax returns•I ndex for duplicate invoice check•V endor open items•PO historyParked invoice documents can later be changed, completed, deleted, or posted. However, they can no longer be put "on hold".a)Define the impact of tolerances at GR?Limit up to which invoice variances are accepted by the system without query. If the tolerance limit is exceeded, the relevant items are blocked and payment cannot be effected.74.What is the difference between MRP list and Stock requirement list?The MRP list displays the result of the last planning run. Changes that have occurred between planning runs are ignored in the MRP list.In contrast to this, the system displays all changes in stock, receipts and issues, which have currently occurred, in the stock/requirements list.By using the MRP list and stock/requirements list comparison, you can compare these two evaluations with each other. This means that you can compare the situation at the time of the last planning run with the current stock/requirements situation.75.What does the term ‘source of supply’ mean? Name them.Procurement option for a material.A source of supply can be an external source (vendor) or an internal one (for example, a firm's own plant).The preferred source at any one time can be determined by the system on the basis of quota arrangements, source list records, outline agreements (longer-term purchase arrangements) or info records that have been defined for the material.76.Identify the movement type for a reversal and return to the vendor.77.Briefly explain the physical inventory process.1) Physical Inventory Preparationa) Create a physical inventory document.b) Blocking Materials for Postingc) Print and distribute the physical inventory document.2) Physical Inventory Counta) The stocks are counted for individually for the materials in aphysical inventory document.b) The count results are written on the printout of the physicalinventory document.c) The printout is then directed back to the person responsible, so thathe or she can enter the count into the system and analyze it.3) Physical Inventory Analysisa) Entering the count results in the systemb) Initiating a recount (optional)c) Posting inventory differences78.List all the stock types.The storage location stock and special stocks on a company's own premises are subdivided into three different types:•Unrestricted-use stock•Stock in quality inspection•Blocked stockSpecial stocks with the vendor or customer are subdivided into two different stock types:•Unrestricted-use stock•Stock in quality inspectionIf batch status management is active, a further stock type is supported: "restricted-use stock".80. Which of the following is a time-independent condition?a)Info recordb)POc)Contractd)Scheduling agreement81. Which of the following is not true of contracts?e)Contract can be created with or w/o reference to a POf)Delivery dates and quantities are mentionedg)Validity period is mentionedh)Special item-categories M and W can be used82. What are Firm and trade-off zones in scheduling agreement?Rolling delivery schedules created under scheduling agreements are divided into different time zones indicating the degree to which the lines of the schedule are binding. You can define the following time zones:•Firm zone (zone 1) (go-ahead for production).The schedule lines within this zone count as firm and thus as fullybinding. If you cancel a schedule line that falls within the firm zone, thevendor is entitled to charge you with both production costs and thecosts of procuring input materials incurred by him as a result of the cancellation.•Trade-off zone (zone 2) (go-ahead for procurement of input materials) This is the "semi-firm" zone, giving the vendor the go-ahead to procure necessary input materials to manufacture the item ordered. If youcancel a schedule line within this semi-firm zone, the vendor is only entitled to charge you the material costs. Schedule lines falling within this time zone are thus less binding than those falling within the firm zone.•Planning zone (zone 3) (forecast)All schedule lines that lie beyond the first two zones (that is, delivery is tentatively scheduled for quite a long way into the future) fall within the planning zone.The firm and trade-off zones are printed out in the schedule for the user‟s information. For each schedule line that falls within a certain zone, it is assumed that the relevant material is procured in accordance with the conditions that apply to this zone (e.g. schedule lines falling within the firm zone are fully binding).83. At what level is physical inventory is carried out?a.Plant levelb.Storage location levelc.Pur. org levelpany code level84. What is meant by a Client in SAP R/3 system?A grouping or combination of legal, organizational, business and/or administrative units with a common purpose. the essential organizational elements in MM.Client, Company code, plant, purchasing organization, purchasing group 86. What views have to be maintained in Vendor master to create PO?General:AddressControl87. How can you assign different delivery dates to a PO item?Assign each item a delivery date.88.What is the purpose of Lot-sizing procedure?The system determines material shortages for requirement dates in the net requirements calculation. These shortage quantities must now be covered by receipts. The system calculates the receipt quantity in the lot-size calculation which is carried out during the planning run. You specify how。

Bonded warehouse China

Bonded warehouse China
Basic material set up with ML and Split Valuation
Material Number for Finished Good with price control S at export price Valuation View 2 - Domestic with price control S (Standard) G/L Account 1320005 FG Stock Domestic
G/L Account 1300004 Stock Duty Free
Valuation View 1- Duty Free with price control S (Standard)
PO / GR / IR process
Dummy Invoice for Duty amount
Batch with Duty Paid Invoice 1 for material
Production order 2 Production order 3 Production order 4
Order confirmation
Batch FG for Duty free or Duty paid
ML Cost Component Split at end of period for fixed quantity
Free for payment
Production process
Production order 1
Batch according to FIFO principal (Duty free and Duty paid) Production order 2 Production order 3 Production order 4






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1.激活split valuation:--
->Materials Management
->Valuation and Account Assignment
->Split Valuation
->Activate Split Valuation---=---==-=

2.定义valuation category和valuation type:
->Materials Management
->Valuation and Account Assignment
->Split Valuation
-> Configure Split Valuation
①定义全局的valuation category,独立于valuation area;
②定义全局的valuation type,独立于valuation area;
这里定义了两个valuation type:
它们可使用不同的Acct cat. Reference,确定不同的会计科目;
分配Valuation type到Valuation category:
在Global categories的定义界面,选中要分配的category,选择Types->cat.
如上图,选中valuation type,点击“active”激活;
③确定哪些valuation category用于特定的valuation area;
如上图,选择valuation area,点击Cats.->OU;
如上图,选中要使用的valuation category,激活;
如上图,在Local define中,你还可以修改valuation type和valuation category,这里的修改只影响该valuation area;
3.定义meterial master:
First,创建valuation area层次的master data:
如下图,在material master的accounting view界面,输入Valuation category:‘Y’;
同时,Price control必须用移动平均价:‘V’;
Second,创建valuation type层次的master data:
如下图,在material master的accounting view界面,你定义该valuation type层次下的valuation class,price control等。

Spit valuation 的影响:
TEST:MIGO,561,提示输入valuation type;。
