



怎样解答中考选择题铜山区教育局教研室数学组一、 选择题的结构与分类1. 选择题一般由指令性语言、题干(类似于解答题中的已知)及选择支三部分组成.2. 选择题按选择支的性质大致可分如下六类:(1)定量型:对所指定的量的大小作出判断(如例1);(2)定性型:对所指定的对象的某些性质作出判断(如例2);(3)定位型:对所指定的对象的位置作出判断(如例11);(4)定形型:对所指定对象的形状作出判断(如例8);(5)综合型:对所指定对象要综合运用所学知识去分析解答作出判断(如例13);(6)信息迁移型:设置一个新的数学情景或定义新的数学概念、法则,根据题干对新引入的内容作出(判断(如例).注意:(1)对选择题的指令性语言要明确三点:①正确结论既有存在性又有唯一性;②答题方法;③评分方法.(2) 还非得用选择支参加推理不可.二、 解答选择题的基本思路与策略1. 解答选择题的基本思路:(1)直接思路;(2)间接思路.以求解对照、逻辑分析肯定为主,间接肯定为辅.2. 解答选择题的基本策略:肯定一支或否定三支.三、 解答选择题的基本要求第一是“快”,第二是“准”,第三是“巧”.“准”的前提是概念、性质要正确;“快”的基础是内容熟悉,运算熟练;“巧”的形成是合理跨步,巧妙转化.四、 解答选择题的方法1. 求解对照法——从题干出发顺推,结论恰为某一选择支,称为顺推肯定;或演算过程可逐步排除三个错误支,从而肯定正确支,称为顺推否定.例1 【江苏省徐州市2005年中考(14)题】如果小强将镖随意投中如图所示的正方形木板,那么镖落在阴影部分的概率为( )A .61 B .81 C .91 D .121例2 【江苏省苏州市2008年中考(18)题】如图.AB 为⊙O 的直径,AC 交⊙O 于E 点,BC 交⊙O 于D 点,CD=BD ,∠C=70°.现给出以下四个结论:①∠A=45°;②AC=AB : ③E B B A; ④CE ·AB=2BD 2.其中正确结论的序号是A .①②B .②③C .②④D .③④2. 逆推代入法——与求解对照法的思考方法相反:从选择支出发,逐一检查是否与题干相符.若检查能肯定之一支,称为逆推肯定;若检查能否定这一支,称为逆推否定.当题干提供信息太少,或结论是一些具体计算数字时,用此方法是方便的.例3 【江苏省淮安市2004年中考(8)题】若实数x 、y 满足(x+y+2)(x+y-1)=0,则x+y的值为( )A .1B .-2C .2或-1D .-2或1例4 【四川省攀枝花市2006年中考(9)题】正比例函数kx y 2=与反比例函数x k y 1-=在3. 特例检验法——从题干出发,取满足条件的特殊值或特殊点、特殊图形、特殊位置关系等,将得出的结论与四个选择支作比较,若可肯定一支,称为特例肯定,若否定三支,称为特例否定,后者用得较多.例5 【天津市2006年中考(5)题】若0<x <1,则x ,x 2,x 3的大小关系是( )A .x <x 2<x 3B . x <x 3<x 2C . x 3<x 2<xD .x 2<x 3<x例6 【江苏省徐州市2003年中考(17)题】如图,⊙O 的直径EF 为lOcm ,弦AB 、CD 分别为6cm 、8cm ,且AB ∥EF ∥CD ,则图中阴影部分面积之和为 ( )A.π225cm 2B.π325cm 2C.π875cm 2 D.π12175cm 24. 逻辑分析法——对四个选择支之间的逻辑关系作分析,从而否定诱误支,肯定正确支,前者称为逻辑肯定,后者称为逻辑否定.如:①若A 真⇒B 真,则A 必假;②B A ⇔,则A 、B 均假;③若A 、B 成矛盾关系,则A 、B 必有一真,则C 、D 均假;④若A 、B 成反对关系,则A 、B 必有一假,也可以全假.例7 【江苏省南京市2008年中考(6)题】如图,将一张等腰梯形纸片沿中位线剪开,拼成一个新的图形,这个新的图形可以是下列图形中的( )A .三角形B .平行四边形C .矩形D .正方形 例8【江苏省常州市2008年中考(13)题】顺次连接菱形各边中点所得的四边形一定是( )A.等腰梯形B.正方形C.平行四边形D.矩形5. 直观选择法——利用数形结合的方法,借助于具体的直观,迅速肯定一支或否定三支,前者称为直观肯定,后者称为直观否定.例9【江苏省常州市2007年中考(16)题】若二次函数222y ax bx a =++-(a b ,为常数)的图象如下,则a 的值为( D )A .2-B. C .1 D例10【湖北省武汉市2006年中考(17)题】已知抛物线y =ax2+bx +c (a >0)的对称轴为x =-1,与x 轴的一个交点为(x 1,0),且0<x 1<1,下列结论:①9 a -3b +c >0;②b <a ;③3 a +c >0.其中正确结论的个数是( )A .0个B .1个C .2个D .3个6. 特征分析法——抓住题目所提供的位置特征,数值特征,进行大跨度,粗线条的推理,从而肯定一支或否定三支,前者称为特征肯定,后者称为特征否定.例11 【江苏省南京市2006年中考(11)题】在平面直角坐标系中,□ABCD 的顶点A 、B 、D 的坐标分别是(0,0),(5,0),(2,3),则顶点C 的坐标是( )A .(3,7)B .(5,3)C .(7,3)D .(8,2)例12 【江苏省徐州市2006年中考(15)题】如图,圆心角都是90°的扇形OAB 与扇形OCD叠放在一起,OA =3,OC =1,分别连结AC 、BD ,则图中阴影部分的面积为( ) A.12π B. π C. 2π D. 4π 五、 使用上述解法的经验 1. 求解对照法是用得最多的通用方法,当其它方法都无能为力时,此法定能助你成功.但你在使用该法前,应先考虑其它方法是否凑效,尽量避免“小题大做”.2. 具体做一道题时,常常是兼用几个策略和几个方法,拘泥于“但打一”是作茧自缚.3. 定性型的问题常用特征分析和逻辑分析,定量型的问题常用特征检验或逆推代入.4. 各个方法使用的频率是不同的.顺推肯定、特征否定用得多,顺推否定、特例肯定用得较少,而直观选择与特征分析常常用得较巧.例13 【江苏省徐州市2004年中考(16)题】如图,在直角坐标系中,直线y =6-x 与函数4y x=(x >0)的图象相交于点A 、B ,设点A 的坐标 为(x 1,y 1),那么长为x 1、宽为y 1的矩形面积和周长分别为( ) A.4,12 B.8,12 C.4,6 D.8,6(例13)。



【答案】D。 【考点】全等三角形的判定,等腰三角形的性质。 【分析】(A)由SAS知两三角形全等: (B)由ASA知两三角形全等: (C) 由SSS知两三角形全等: (D) 当顶角为β时,两三角形不一定全等。故选D。
福 建 西 山 学 校
例9:(2012青海西宁3分)如图,将矩形沿图中虚线 (其中x>y)剪成四块图形,用这四块图形恰能拼一个 正方形.若y=2,则x的值等于【 】
【答案】C。 【考点】平方根。 【分析】根据平方根的定义,求数a的平方根, 也就是求一个数x,使得x2=a,则x就是a的一个平方根: ∵(±2)2=4,∴4的平方根是±2。故选C。
福 建 西 山 学 校
例2:(2012山东德州3分)不一定在三角形内部的线段是【 】 A.三角形的角平分线 B.三角形的中线 C.三角形的高 D.三角形的中位线
C.1+ 5
B.2 5-1
D.1+ 2
C.1+ 5
【答案】C。 【考点】一元二次方程的应用(几何问题),图形的剪拼。 【分析】如图所示,四块图形拼成一个正方形边长为x, 根据剪拼前后图形的面积相等可得,y(x+y)=x2。 ∵y=2,∴2(x+2)=x2,整理得,x2-2x-4=0,解得x1=1+,x2=1-(舍去)。 故选C。
选择题的解法归纳为: (1)应用概念法 (2)由因导果法 (3)执果索因法 (4)代入检验法 (5)特殊元素法 (6)筛选排除法 (7)图象解析法 (8)待定系数法 (9)分类讨论法 (10)探索规律法
福 建 西 山 学 校



2013年中考数学考场技巧2013-05-22 16:09来源:高分网一、提前进入“角色”,放松精神,控制好情绪,调整好心态。























题号分值参考答案及评分说明一 251 10 (本题共5小题,每小题错、漏、多1字扣0.5分,扣完该小题分为止) (1) 1 琴瑟友之(2) l 似曾相识燕归来(3) 2 野芳发而幽香水落而石出者(4) 2 安得广厦千万间大庇天下寒士俱欢颜(5) 4 几处早莺争暖树谁家新燕啄春泥乱花渐欲迷人眼浅草才能没马蹄2 4 崎岖和煦因地制宜根深蒂固 (每小题1分)3 3 B4 4 示例一:(端午节)粽子飘香,龙舟竞发,好不热闹!看,健儿们齐心协力挥动船桨,龙舟箭一般往前飞;观众兴高采烈地欢呼、呐喊……端午节不仅是一个传统的节日,而且是中华民族的精神家园。



(两个词语共1分,关联词1分,节日情境1分,语意连贯1分)5 4 (1)“酷抠族”是指拥有较高学历、较高收入,(1分)追求节约、简单、自然的生活方式的社会族群。





(1分)二 45(一) 126 3 B7 3 (我这)才知道郊野之外未尝没有春天,可住在城里的人(却)不知道啊。

8 3 这是欲扬先抑的写法。


(1分)9 3 C(二) 1010 3 D11 3 第④段围绕幸福指数受到心理参照系的影响展开论述。



中考单选全攻略(四)331. I __ , because I don’t want to be late for school.A. am used to getting up earlyB. used to getting up earlyC. was used to getting up earlyD. used to get up early332 . He said he __ visit China if he __time the next day.A. will; hadB. will; will haveC. would; hadD. would; would have 333 . Here are two pens. You may use__ of them.A. anyB. eitherC. allD. each334 . So far, they__ two thousand English vocabularies.A. learnedB. have learnedC. learnD. are learning335 . __ of the land in the world is covered__ water.A. two third: byB. two thirds; withC. two three; byD. two third; with336 . The long work made us__ quite thirsty.A. feelB. to feelC. feelingD. felt337 . He made us __ there.A. not to goB. not goC. not goingD. no go338 . __, the glass is full of hot water.A. careB. carefulC. be carefulD. take care of339 . The __ Great Wall __ all over the world.A. well-known; is known wellB. famous; knows wellC. well-known; was known wellD. famous; is known good340 . The Great Wall ___.A. is famous as its lengthB. is famous for its lengthC. is famous with its lengthD. is famous for its long341 . There’s __ in today’s evening paper.A. nothing new elseB. new nothing elseC. nothing else newD. else nothing new342 . The aunt killed the ant last month. This was the ant’s__. So the ant __ for a monthA. death; has been deadB. dead; diedC. death; diedD. die; has been dead343 . By the end of the year, __ persons had planted about five__ trees.A. hundreds of; hundreds ofB. hundreds; hundredC. hundreds; hundreds ofD. hundreds of; hundred344 . There will be a talk __ English teaching this afternoon.A. forB. onC. inD. with345 . --___the kitchen?--yes, I___ it a few minutes ago.A. will you clean; have cleanedB. have you cleaned; cleanedC. Did you clean; have cleanedD. Do you clean; cleaned346 . What __ you better do __ a shop assistant?A. do; byB. have; asC. had; byD. had; as347 . Either of his feet __ in the accident.A. gets hurtB. get hurtC. hurtsD. hurt348 . We’ve seen this film,__?A. haven’t ourB. haven’t usC. have weD. haven’t we 349 . We have never seen this film,__?A. haven’t ourB. haven’t usC. have weD. haven’t we350 . Do you know__ they are going with?A. whichB. whatC. whoseD. who351 . –Must I sing the song in English? -- no, you___.A. needn’tB. don’t have toC. mustn’tD. don’t need to 352. My mother is busy__ now.A. cooksB. cookedC. cookingD. to cook353 . Could you tell me__?A. where does to Tom liveB. where Tom livesC. where is Tom livingD. where Tom lived354 . Do you want to have__ to eat?A. something differentB. different somethingC. different anythingD. everything different355 . She will call you at once when she __ home.A. is gettingB. getsC. arrives inD. arrives at356 . –where is Li Lei?--he isn’t here. He __ to the post office.A. goesB. has beenC. wentD. has gone357 . When the teacher came in, the students stopped__ on the blackboard at once and ___ .A. draw; returning their seatsB. to draw; to return their seatsC. drawing; returning their seatsD. drawing; to return their seats358 . He __ sad because he has lost his bikeA. seesB. looksC. watchesD. reads359 . –___ is it from here?-- It is about 9 kilo.A. How oftenB. How muchC. How longD. How far360 . –___ is the road?-- It is about 9 kilo.A. How oftenB. How muchC. How longD. How far361 . The shoes were so expensive that it __ me 240 yuan.A. tookB. spentC. costsD. cost362 . He __ for her outside the building.A. decided to waitB. decision to waitC. made his decision to waitD. made decision to wait363 .___ can I keep the book?A. How longB. How farC. How soonD. How often364 . –would you like to come to our dinner party? --___.A. yes, I wouldB. yes, with pleasureC. no, I can’t comeD. sure, it’s my pleasure365 . These eggs were found by a group of scientists__.A. in the 1920B. in the 1920sC. in 1920D. in 1920s366 . How pleased the detective was__ what his customer told him!A. hearingB. heardC. to hearingD. to hear 367 . __ he is!A. what a pleasant detectiveB. what pleasant a detectiveC. how pleasant a detectiveD. how a pleasant detective368 . –I’d rather have some tea, if you don’t mind.--___.A. thank you very muchB. yes, I like soC. of course not, anything you wantD. no, it is nothing369 . –would you join our football team?--How many are there __ your team?A. inB. atC. onD. of370 . __ terrible life people in the small island lived at that time!A. whatB. howC. what aD. how a371 . They would rather spend time__ than__ in the street.A. read; wanderB. reading; wanderingC. in reading; to wonderD. reading; wander372 . We will do what we can __ English well this termA. studyB. to studyC. be studiedD. be studying 373 . –you seem to like sweets.--__. That’s probably why I’m becoming fatter and fatter.A. so I doB. so do IC. so am ID. so I am374 . With the help of the computer, information can__ every corner of the world.A. reachB. returnC. recoverD. get to375 . The children__ not to play with the fire.A. are often toldB. was often toldC. will often be toldD. did often told376 . –My trousers are ___.--I will buy you a new pair.A. put outB. wore outC. work outD. sold out 377 . –he seems __ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?--I don’t think it matters. Maybe he’s caught a bit of a cold.A. terribleB. terriblyC. to get terriblyD. to be terrible378 . –Would you like __ some fruit?--No, thanks. I don’t feel like __ anything now.A. to have; to eatB. having; to eatC. having; eatingD. to have; eating379 . Please keep the ice-box __. The meat will __.A. turning on; keepB. open; freshC. turning on; keep onD. open; be fresh380 .--- I am too busy __ to my family often.--- why not call them instead?A. to writeB. writingC. writtenD. write381 . What __ Tom?A. happenedB. happened toC. took place toD. took place 382 . He ___ his homework just now.A. didB. doesC. is doingD. will do383 . A terrible thing happened to him___.A. thenB. just thenC. right nowD. just384 . –what did you__ just now?-- I __ you if you could follow me.A. say; saidB. speak; askedC. speak; saidD. say; asked385 . I really hope you to __ me what you said.A. tellB. speakC. sayD. talk386 . I am afraid there is __ rice at home. We’d go and buy some.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few387 . Nice __ to you. And thank you for your dinner. bye bye.A. to talkB. talkC. talkingD. talked388 . –How do you like this book? --___.A. very muchB. very wellC. very betterD. very fine 389 . I eat __ vegetables and __ meat than I __ last year.A. less; fewer; didB. fewer; less; doC. less; less; doD. fewer; less; did390 . –I tried to make Kate__ her mind, but I found it was hard.-- Well, I saw you __ that when I went past.A. change; doB. changes; doingC. to change; doD. change; doing 391 . Three __ are waiting for you.A. personB. peopleC. Human beingD. persons392 . –What___ the population of the town?--Over 20,000. And a third of the population __ workers of the factory.A. is; areB. is; isC. are; isD. are; are393 . –does the child need any help?--No. he is old enough to __ himself.A. put onB. wearC. dressD. take care394 . ---sorry, I am late.---it doesn’t matte. The meeting__ for just several minutes.A. has begunB. has startedC. has been onD. had been on395 . –The robber didn’t tell the truth, did he?--___. The police will have much trouble __ the necklace.A. no, he didn’t; to findB. yes, he did; findingC. no, he didn’t; findingD. yes, he did; to find396. It is so foggy today. You should ride your bike__.A. as careful as possibleB. as carefully as possibleC. as careless as possibleD. as carefully as you can397 . A number of workers in this factory__ Party members, and the number __ 45.A. is; isB. are; areC. are; isD. is; are398 . – I wonder if you are interested in this movie?--it’s so___ that I am very___.A. interesting; excitingB. interesting; excitedC. interested; excitedD. interested; exciting399 . –Are you sure that he __ tonight?-- Of course. Don’t worry. I will let you know as soon as he__.A. will come; comesB. comes; will comeC. will come; will comeD. comes; comes400 . –Go and ask the waiter how much ___.--Don’t worry. It has been ___.A. does the meal cost; paid forB. the meal costs; paidC. the meal spends; paidD. the meal costs; paid for401 . There is __ “h” in the word “hour”.A. theB. aC. anD. /402 . –I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long.--Never mind. I __ here for only a few minutes.A. have beenB. have comeC. have arrivedD. waited 403 . –Could you tell me __? I must find him.--Sorry. I have no idea. But he was here just now.A. where Tom wasB. where has Tom goneC. where can I find TomD. where Tom is404 . Simon heard his neighbor ___ for help at nightA. callsB. callC. callingD. to call405 . –May I speak to John?--Sorry, he __ Canada. And he __ in 3 days.A. has been to; will come backB. has gone to; will be backC. has gone to; is going backD. has gone to; is going to come back406 . –will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States?--Sure. I will __ them here to school tomorrow.A. takeB. carryC. getD. bring407 . It is very nice__ you to say so.A. forB. ofC. withD. and408 . How about __ to the cinema on Sunday?A. goB. to goC. goingD. will go409 . –Will you please __ me how to operate the new machine?--Sure. Now let me tell you__ to do first.A. showed; whatB. show; howC. to show; whetherD. showing which410 . –were you late for the meeting?--No, I __ there ten minutes __ the meeting started.A. arrived at; afterB. arrived in; afterC. arrived; beforeD. got; before411 . How many English words had you learned __ last year?A. at the end ofB. at the endC. in the endD. finally412 . There are many shops on __ side of the street and trees on __ sides of the street.A. either; bothB. each; allC. between; amongD. one; the other 413 . –Why are you busy these days? --__ I am writing a book.A. sinceB. asC. forD. because414 . I am busy these days __ I’m writing a book.A. sinceB. asC. forD. because415 . My mother does some__ on Sunday.A. washingB. washC. to washD. washed416 . –The rain __ last night. The fields are still full of water.--It __ for nearly a week.A. stopped ; had rainedB. stopped; has rainedC. stops; had rainedD. stops; has rained417 . –The rain __ now. The fields are full of water.--It __ for nearly a week.A. stopped ; had rainedB. stopped; has rainedC. stops; had rainedD. stops; has rained418 . –Do you like __ a teacher?--Sure. But my parents __ me to be a doctor.A. are; wishedB. to be; wishC. are; hopedD. to be; hope419 . –Something must be done to stop the farmers cutting down the forests.--I agree __ you. If we__, a lot more good land will be gone with them.A. with; don’tB. on; don’tC. to; will notD. like; will not420 . –Did you __ the first place of the league match?--Of course we did. We__ all the other teams.A. beat; beatB. beat; wonC. win; wonD. win; beat 421 . –What he enjoys__ great and interesting.--Yes, __ it’s dangerous.A. sounding; butB. sounding; soC. to sound; soD. sounds; but422 . –Why not borrow some money from your friend?--But I know __ of the people here except you.A. nobodyB. noneC. no oneD. no423 . Let us help you carry water, ___?A. shall weB. don’t weC. don’t youD. wil l you424 . –Could you help me with my computer science? --___.A. it is my pleasureB. my pleasureC. with my pleasureD. with pleasure425 . He is good at playing __ soccer instead of __ piano.A. the; theB. /; theC. /;/D. the;/。























2013年中考数学考前指导:一、试题整体结构分析1.难易度:容易题、较易题、较难题、难题四者的比例约为:4:3:2:12.难度分布:选择题和填空题最后一题,圆的综合证明题第2问,24题二次函数压轴题第2问或第3问, 25题第3问。

总计3+3+5+5+6分=22分二. 中考数学应试技巧:(一)解题中要坚持“两快两慢”1、审题要慢,答题要快. 所谓“成在审题,败在审题”,要咬文嚼字,抓住“题眼”,观察分析抓“特征”,深刻挖掘其隐含的内在联系;(态度决定一切,细心决定成败)2、计算要慢,书写要快. 平时练习就要养成这种习惯,否则计算失误,后面解答就无意义了.(二). 临场答题的策略1.把握节奏,稳中求快。













20131 2013 16 62()()134123()2(2)3x y x y x y x y2 2013 16 3 . x15102x mx xm .3 2013 4 3 ab 4 b 1 aA a -4B a -2C a 1D a 24 (2013 9 3 ) x20,2x m x mm( )A m 23B m 23C m 23D m 235 2013 19 8 x y 7234mx ny mx ny 12x ym n6 2013 15 3 “ ” “ ” . .7 2013 23 9 1 2 1 24 2 22 265 1 2 0.51 1 22 1 2 2018 91.891.8 11.28 2013 20 84000 . 1 n t2 20% 1 .9 2013 22 8 2011 9 1 :35001 1500 3%2 1500 4500 10%3 4500 9000 20%4 9000 35000 25%5 35000 55000 30%6 55000 8000035%78000045%1 4000 60002 95 ?10 2013 21 7 “ ” A B 1000 A 20 B 30 .1 26000 A B2 28000 B11 2013 21 8 10% 5% 7 3 2 17.512 5600m 2 2210m 1004030602013 2013 25 10 260kg 270kg A B 40 A 8kg 5kg 900 B 4kg 9kg 1100 A x 1kg kg A 5x x B 4(40 x )40 x 2 A B3 40 y y x20131(2013 12 3 ) P 0 3P 2013 PA 1 4B 5 0C 6 4D 8 32 (2013 145 ) 1y xx .3 2013 18 3 A B C (1 0) (0 1) (-1 0). O P 1 P 1 O A ; P 2 P 2 P 1 B ; P 3 P 3 P 2 C ; P 4 P 4 P 3 A; P 5 P 5P 4 B ;.… P 2013 .4 2013 17 3 A ( -5 0) B (5 0) C AC BC 6 C .5 2013 16 4 x y 2 4 6 8 … 1A 2A 3A 4A … 12A A x 12A A 45A A 45A A 78A A …3A22Ay 7 P 8 3A 9 10 a + 2x70. y .1 y x x ;2 .11 2013 104 A B A (x a y b ) B (x y ) A a 0 B a 0C b 0D ab 01212 (2013 24 6 ) l y M 2 0 x l N N l x M 1 M 1 x l N 1 N 1 l x M 2 …… M 10 .13 2013 16 4 A AC x M y x N. P ON APB 30° BA PA P ON A B P O N B14 2013 B 18 4y x P 1 1 C y PC PC P 90° PD Dx AB B AB y xA BD 2AD CD CDy x Q Q.15 2013 16 4 l1x A 2 0 B l1 .l2 y x 1 l1 C B l3l2 D O B l4 l2E l1 l2 l3S1 l2 l3 l4S2.1 B AC S1 S2 B2 B l1 S2 3S1 BOA.16 2013 16 3212)1(nxnny nS nS1+S2+S3+…+S201217 2013 23 8OABC OC OAx y AB OC AOC 90°BCO 45° BC C -181 B2 DE BO D yE OE 4 OD 2BD DE18 2013 21 106. yx( ) 30 x 120.x506090120y403832261 y x22 .15.20131 (2013 11 3 )kyxx>0 OABCM AB BC D EODBE 9 kA 1B 2C 3D 41 22 2013 12 3 AOB 90° OAB 30°y 1 mxA2ny xB m nA m 3nB mn C m3nD m3n 3 2013 B 12 4 OABC O A C x y )0,0( x k xk y AB BC M N ND x D OM ON MN . OCN OAM ON MN DAMN MON MON 45° MN 2 C 0 12 . A 1 B 2 C 3 D 44 2013 8 3 OABC C (3 4) A xy kx(x>0)B kA 12B 20C 24 D325 2012 16 4 P (0)ky k xP A x (1,0)A C (1,0) PCy B ABAB 1 k _________2 (,)M a b MBA ABC a________6 2013 12 3 y 6x A B x AO AB AO AB S AOB .7 2013 21 7 OABC O A C B 4 2y 12x 3 AB BC M Ny kxM N.12 P y OPM BMON P.8 2013 19 8 xky(x>0) ABCD AD x AB 2 AD 4 A (2 6)1 B C D 29 2013 24 12 O B x OACB sin AOB 45ykxk>0 A BC F1 OA 102 F BC AOF S 12 OA C3 2 F EF OB OA E P EF P A PO P P O A P10 (2013 17 14 ) 1 m x 2 x 2 0(m 2 m )(m 2m1)2 xOy y x ykxA BkP y A B PP11 2013 l x y A Byaxa 0 x 0) D E (1) D (4 1) E (1 4)l l m (m 0) m l (2) A (a 0) B (0 b ) D AB n b12 2013 22 3 10y x 1 ykxA B x C A 1 m .(l) ;(2)P n l P PE x E EP AB F CEF .13 2013 25 6 ABCD A 0 2 B0 3 yxkC y ax +b A C (1)(2) P OAP ABCD P14 2013 24 10 22y x y B,1k y xA(1 m), B AB BD, y B, 2k y xD(n 2) (1) k 1 ,k 2 2 AB,BD x C,E, y F, BDF ACE. F.20131 2013 25 10 P ABC AB A B A B CP E F Q AB .1 1 P Q AE BF QE QF2 2 P AB Q QE QF3 3 P BA AB 2.1 2 32 (2013 26 10) Rt ABC Rt CEF ABC CEF 90° AF M AF MB ME .1 11 CB CEMB CF2 11 AB a CE 2a BM ME3 12 BCE 45° BM ME .AA3 (2013 16 12 ) ABC AB CB ABC 90° D AB E BC BE BD AE DE D CABE CBDCAE 30° BDCDAB CA CDy O xB20131 2013 19 3 ABCD AB 4 BAD BC E DC F F DC DG AE G DG 1 AEA 23B 43C 4D81 2 2 2013 12 3 2 ABCD M AD MD E ME MC DE DEFG G CD DG A1 B3C1 D1 3 2013 9 3 ABCD 20cm2 O AB AO AOC 1B O 1 AB AO 1 AO 1C 2B ;… AO 4C 5BA54cm 2B 58cm 2C516cm 2D 532cm 24 2013 24 9 ABCD M N AD BC AND 900 CM DN O. 1 ABN CDM 2 C CE MN E DN P PE 1 1 2 AN5 2013 23 93 ABCD E BC BE 1 AEP 90° EP CP P CD F . 1FCEF2 AE EP3 AB M DMEP.20131 (2013 14BC 6 EF P EF BP CE Q ______B2 2013 26 10 Rt ABC AB BC4 ABC 90°, P ABC BCN P / P BC PP / BC M BP / AC D, BP,AP /,CP /. 1 BPCP / BM 2 BMP / ABC, BM 3 ABD ABDABCDEFG2013 25 10 ABBD CD BD(1) AB 9 CD 4 BD 10 BDP P A BP C DBP(2) AB 9 CD 4 BD 12BD P P A BP C DBP(3) AB 9 CD 4 BD 15BD P P A BP C DBP(4) AB m CD n BD l m nl P A BP C DP ? P ? P ?4 (2013 26 10 ) ABCD BCE ADA BC CE FAF BD BF(1) BD CD(2) ABC AFBD5 2013 23 14“ ” 1 ABCD“ ” B C.1 1 “ ”ABCDABCD2 2 “ ”ABCDB C E BC AB DE AEDCECBEDCAB;3 BC AD PBCABCD BAD ADCE EB EC EABCD 3ABCD “ ” EABCD6 2013 26 10 1 OABOAB 90° AOB 30° OB 8 OBOAB OBC D OBAD OC E1 ABCE2 2 1 ABCOC A FG OG7 ABCD AD BC B45° P BC P AD12AB x AD y1 y x2 APD 45° y 1 PB·PC3 APD 90° yB2013 25 9ABC BAC 090 AB AC 6DEF FDE 090 DF 4 DE34 25 1B F BAFD ABCDEF BA FA1 252 DEFD A EF BC MEMC2 253 DEFEF C FC3 DEF BF xy y xx9 2013 27 141 ABCD AD BC,E DC AE BCF. S ABCD S ABF(S)2 AOB P. PMN, OA OB MN. MN PMON . MNMON .3 OA OBQ OAOB C 90° P MNMON AOB 66° POB 30° OP4km, MON .20.1kmsin66° 0.91 tan66° 2.251.734 , OA B C P 6,06,392,924,2 P lOABC OABCO.10 2013 28 9 OABCD AB 10cm BC12cm E F G A B CE1cm/s F 3cms G 1.5cm s FC F CEBF EFEB'F E F G ts(1) t s EBFB'(2) E B FF CG t(3) t B' Ot2013 26 10y -x+2 x yA B P a,b)P x y PM,PNM,N AB E, F Pa,b) PMON 2.1 OAB2 AOF BEO3 E,F ABAE EF BFS1, OEF S2.S1+S2.12 2013 25 10 ABCB 45° BC 5 AD 4 EFPQQP BC E F AB ACAD EF H.1AH EFAD BC2 EF x x EFPQ.3 EFPQ1 DAPQ At EFPQ ABCS S t t.13 2013 27 12ABC DEFACB EDF 90° D AB ABEF O BF CD COC F O BOFCOD BF CD1 Rt DEF OBF CD2 ABC DEFAB EF O 1BF CD3 ABC DEFAB EF O ACBEDFCDBF14 2013 23 10ABC AB AC AB ACABC1 DF AB F EG ACG M BC MD MEAF AG21AB MD MEDAB DMBABC AB ACABC 2M BC MD ME MDMEABC AB ACABC 3 M BC MD ME MED15 2013 26 11 ABCD AC DAB , ADC ACB 900 E AB(1) AC 2 AB •AD (2) CE AD (3) AD 4 AB 6AFAC16 (2013 25 10 ) ABCD P AD BP BP BC Q M QP 10 AD 13 AB 5 AP x,BQ y1 y x x2 AP P QC Q x3 E CD E QP F EF EC4 xB A 17 2013 25 12 ABCBC BC 20 1 ABC y BC x 48 BC2 BC ABC3 ABC18 (2013 20 10 )B ACDE AC A C 90° BD BE AD BC (1) AC AD CE (2) AD 3 CE 5 P AB DP PQ DP BE Q i) P A B DP PQii) P A AC DQ ( ) ( )19 2013 24 12 1 A x B (0,4) M AB M A 90° C C x F B y CF E D A CF AC BC CD A t 1 2t CF2 t C BDBCE S S t3 2 C E CDF x C D F A B CFCBE DAEQ DC FC20 2013 A 26 12ABCD AB 12 BC 6AD BD AD ABCDRt AED EAD 30°, AED 90°.1 AED2 AED 2 DCA0E0D0 A0D0 BCt A0E0D0BDC S S tt3 2 AEDBEC BEC C0° 180° BB1,E E1 B1E1 BEP CB Q,BPQ21 (2013 24 14 )AB x yA 6,0B 0 8 .C 0 mC CE AB E.D xCD DE CD DE CDEF.1 0<m<8 CE m2 m3 D CDEFF y D3 DCDEFm .22 2013 23 11a( :cm) ABCD E MAC CD DEF M MN DF H ADN8-28-1FDAFDAB BC)(1) 8 1 M C :DFMN(2) 8 2 M C 1cm/sCD D E Acm/s AC Ct(t 0):“ F AB MCD ”FM FN MNF ?a t2013 24 12 OB x OACBsin AOB45ykxk>0 ABC F1 OA 102 F BC AOFS 12 OA C3 2 F EF OBOA E P EFP A PO PP O AP24 2013 B 26 12ABCD E BC DEAEAB 12 BE 16 F BE EF 7AF. 1 GMNNGM 90° NG 6 MG 8 MNBC N E GDE . 2 GMN 11 EB BP A 1AD D Q GNAE PQ. N BGMN P . t1 G AEt2 PAPQ t3 GMN AEFS S tt .25 (2013 27,12 ) ABCAB 3 D E AB ACDE BC ADE BCEDL.1 ABC2 AD x, L y yx3 L OL O .ABDF E(N)C MGABDF E CMGNPQ。














―――合理性转变哟(幽 )主题二:交往与沟通1、闭锁心理(2013识记――理解)(1)什么是闭锁心理?进入青春期后,我们的内心世界变得丰富多彩,也容易出现闭锁心理。

































12、议论文阅读。重点篇目《敬业不乐业》《傅雷家 书》《实物的正确答案丌止一个》。考查四个方面: 一理解作者的观点; 二是证明观点采用的方法及该方法的好处。理解丼例 论证,道理论证,对比论证和比喻论证的好处。 三是补充论据。 四是论证过程。论证过程应结合文章内容,用先怎样, 再怎样,最后怎样的方法回ຫໍສະໝຸດ 。2013年中考语文考前指导
试卷分三个板块,120分,120分钟完成。 第一部分:选择题,20分。 做选择题一般有两种方法,一是直选法,根据题目的意思, 筛选主要信息,直接找出正确答案;二是排除法,排除 那些丌正确的选项,从而确定正确答案。 1、字音字形,尽力找出自己最有把握的错误的字音字形, 对亍模糊选项,可用排除法,筛选错误答案。 2、成语题。先根据感情色彩筛选,再根据语体色彩筛选, 最后根据意义筛选。 3、修改病句。注意常见的语病,成分残缺(缺主语和缺 宾语);搭配丌当(主谓搭配丌当,动宾搭配丌当,主 宾搭配丌当);否定丌当,自相矛盾,语序丌当;分类 丌当;有歧义及关联词语搭配丌当,关联词语位置丌当 等。 4、提取信息题。提取句子的主干,这是该句的主要信息。 有时考虑其他信息,确定正确答案。
第二部分:非选择题(40分) 8、句子翻译;翻译句子先一个词一个词翻译,再补 充省略的成分,连成一个通顺的句子即可。 9、默写题有6个小题。一册书一题。附录诗考查上句 对下句,课内的考查理解默写。同学们要根据题意 弄清楚默写的是哪个句子,丌要张冠李戴。特别注 意丌要写错别字。尤其是同音字。
古诗鉴赏 11、古诗鉴赏主要考查两个题目。第一题叫“表情达 意”,即诗歌的内容及其诗歌的情感。重点律诗。 请同学们掌握每一首律诗的内容情感。第二题分析 作者用什么方法来“表情达意”,注意名句赏析以 及诗句采用的手法(含修辞手法)。



中考单选全攻略(五)426 . He is good at playing soccer __ the piano.A. insteadB. instead ofC. take the place ofD. interesting427 . ___,He is good at playing soccer.A. insteadB. instead ofC. take the place ofD. interesting428 . Shanghai __ one of the biggest __ in the world.A. was; cityB. was; citiesC. is; citiesD. is; city429 . What time__ the shop __ on Sunday?A. is; openB. does; openC. is; openedD. do; open430 . What time__ the shop __ on Sunday?A. is; closedB. does; closeC. is; closeD. do; close431 . He __ the__ window.A. closed; openB. closed; closedC. opened; closedD. opened; open 432 . –Did you finish __ the book?--yes, I did. Thanks__ your dictionary, I had a better understanding of it.A. reading; forB. reading; toC. to read; forD. to read; to433 . –Why did you come so late today?--because it__ heavily when the meeting was over.A. rainedB. was rainingC. was being rainyD. was rainy434 . Would you like to give us a talk __ next week?A. sometimesB. sometimeC. some timesD. some time435 . --Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week?--Sure. But what subject should I __?A. talkB. talk aboutC. talk withD. talk to436 . The price of the car is__, and that car is__ too.A. high; expensiveB. expensive; highC. tall; expensiveD. expensive; tall437 . –Would you like some tea, please?--Yes, I prefer tea__ sugar.A. toB. forC. withD. than439 . –Would you please __ make the child __ any more?--Well, I just wanted him not to play with the chalk.A. don’t; cryB. not; to cryC. don’t; to cryD. not; cry440 . –Math isn’t as__ as Chinese.--I agree with you. I think Chinese is __ than any other subjects.A. easy; easierB. easier; easierC. easy; easiestD. hard; the most difficult441 . ---Is Liming __ in his class?---yes, he is __ than any other classmates.A. tall; tallerB. taller; tallestC. tallest; tallerD. tallest; tallest442 . --Tom is a student. He does the work well.--Jim is a student __. He does it __ Tom.A. too; as good asB. too; as well asC. as well; as well asD. as well; as good as443 . Miss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and __ to listen to him.A. the other studentsB. the othersC. othersD. other students444 . You are so hungry. Why don’t have __ ?A. anotherB. anothersC. otherD. another cake445 . The doctor did all__ the patient.A. he can to saveB. he could to saveC. what he can to saveD. that he could to save446 . He __ to be a doctor when he grows up.A. wishesB. hopesC. wantsD. would like447 . His father __ him to be a doctor when he grows up.A. wishesB. hopesC. wantsD. would like448 . His father wishes him to be a doctor, but his mother doesn’t agree__ him.A. withB. toC. onD. for449 . –Don’t play the dangerous game any more.-- sorry! I __ do it again.A. won’tB. can’tC. don’tD. mustn’t450 . __ children there are in a family, __ their life will be.A. the less; the betterB. the fewer; the betterC. the more; the poorerD. more; the poorer451 . I don’t think he will be back __ half an hour.A. afterB. forC. inD. before452 . –I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible?--Yes. A car fell over and all the people in it __.A. hurtB. are hurtedC. were hurtD. were hurted 453 . –You can hardly swim,__?--___. But my mother says she will teach me during my summer holiday.A. can you; No, I can’tB. can’t you; No, I can’tC. can you; yes, I canD. can’t you; yes, I can454 . Your__ is just wonderful!A. dressB. clothC. clothesD. coat455 . –Do you think there are new __ in this unit?--Yes. I will __ first.A. vocabularies; look up themB. vocabularies ; look them upC. words; looked them intoD. words; looked into them456 . –You must__ what I have done for you before you leave.-- Well, how much does it __? Is 100 dollars enough?A. pay for; costB. pay for; worthC. spend; pay forD. pay; worth457 . –Excuse me, where’s the West Hill Farm?--Go__ the forest and __ the foot of the mountain you will find it.A. through; atB. across; atC. cross; underD. past; under458 . __ noisy children!A. HowB. WhatC. How aD. What a459 . The policeman asked the witness __ saw the accident __ when the accident happened.A. who; what he was doingB. whom; what he was doingC. who; what he didD. whom; what he did460 . The USA __ up its satellite until Jan 31, 1958.A. sentB. didn’t sendC. hasn’t sentD. wouldn’t send461 . Take your time, __ you will make another mistake.A. thenB. andC. ifD. or462 . –when shall we go to see him in the hospital? --OH, I __ forget ___ him.A. nearly; to seeB. almost; to seeC. hardly; seeingD. nearly; seeing463 . –when shall we go to see him in the hospital?--OH, I nearly forget. __ this afternoon as soon as we__ our work?A. what ; will finishB. what about; finishC. how ; will finishD. how about; finish464 . –Football__ by the British at the beginning of last century.--That’s probably why football is one of__ popular games in England.A. was invented; the mostB. was invented; mostC. was invented; moreD. invented; the most465 . –you __work too hard like this.--I see. You mean __ too hard makes one tired and ill.A. had better not; workingB. had not better; workingC. had better not; that workingD. have better not; to work466 . –Do you know the city of Ningbo well?--Of course I do. I’ve __ here for nearly 3 yearsA. been inB. beenC. gotD. got to467 . I find__ interesting to play games with children.A. thatB. howC. whatD. it468 . Our school is only __ walk from here.A. ten minuteB. ten minute’sC. ten minutesD. ten minutes’469 . The building __ all elderly university teachers prefer looks so beautiful.A. howB. whereC. whichD. that470 . There are millions of people __ need new housing in Iraq now.A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. that471 . After __ in Paris for ten years, I returned to Hangzhou __ I grew up as a child.A. working; whichB. to work; whichC. working; whereD. worked; where472 . After woking in Paris for ten years, I returned to __ I grew up as a child---Hangzhou.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. which473 . If this jacket is not yours, __ can it be?A. whoseB. whose elseC. who elseD. who else’s474 . –Did you hear this music before? --No, I __ itA. haven’t heardB. did not hearC. have never heardD. had not heard475 . He said he __ it.A. haven’t heardB. did not hearC. have never heardD. had not heard476 . He said he hadn’t heard __ music before.A. such a beautiful piece ofB. so a beautifulC. so beautiful aD. such a wonderful477 . He said he hadn’t heard __ song before.A. such a beautiful piece ofB. so a beautifulC. so beautiful aD. such a wonderful478 .– How hot it __ in summer!-- it is true! Just like yesterday, it __ over 38 degree.A. is; wasB. was; wasC. is; isD. was; is479 . –How__ is it from here to Xi’an?--It is about two __ flight.A. long; hour’sB. far; hour’sC. long; hours’D. far; hours’480 . He __ 10 years since 1997.A. has been marriedB. has marriedC. has got marriedD. married481 . He __ John last year.A. marriedB. was married toC. married toD. was married with 482 . –we __ since 1999. -- yes!A. have not metB. have never metC. didn’t meetD. doesn’t meet483 . It __ a long time since we met last time.A. has beenB. isC. had beenD. was484 . –Do you know the city of Ningbo well?--Of course! __ I live here.A. SinceB. WhenC. WhereD. Because of485 . Mary prefers __ a bike __ a bus.A. ride; takeB. to ride; takeC. riding; takingD. riding; to take486 . Mary would rather __ a bike than __ a bus.A. ride; takeB. to ride; takeC. riding; takingD. riding; to take 487 . He doesn’t know the answer. I don’t know__.A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. neither488 . I don’t know __ he would come.A. whatB. whetherC. beforeD. if489 . I don’t know __ he would come or notA. whatB. whetherC. beforeD. if490 . The weather here is quite different __ that of my hometown.A. fromB. withC. thanD. as491 . __ my teacher’s help, I begin to catch up__ my classmates.A. under; withB. with; withC. under; toD. with; to492 . She has a cup of coffee after lunch, __?A. has herB. does herC. does sheD. has she493 . There is nothing in the fridge, __?A. is n’t thereB. is itC. isn’t itD. is there494 . Let’s go for a walk ___?A. shall youB. shall weC. shan’t youD. will you495 . Please open the window, __?A. will youB. shall weC. don’t youD. don’t we496. It is really dangerous to play with fire. Stop __that!A. to doB. doingC. doD. did497. –When did you stop working there? --___.A. in 2005B. For 2 yearsC. Twice a weekD. In 2 years498. When ___ you born?A. wereB. didC. doD. are499 . She is __ to go to schoolA. to youngB. young enoughC. enough oldD. too young 500. I need __ sugar. Please pass the bottle to me.A. threeB. three spoon ofC. three spoons ofD. three spoons 501. She put her bag in the bus and __ to bring it away when getting off.A. leavingB. forgetC. forgotD. left502. The bread tastes nice. I’d like to have __ slice.A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. other503 . –Where __ you __my ruler, mom?--I __ it just in your schoolbag.A. do, find, findB. did, found, foundC. did, find, foundD. do, found, found504 --I’m sorry I __ my homework home.--Don’t forget to __ your homework to school tomorrow.A. left, takeB. forget, bringC. left, bringD. forgot, take 505 . We take final examinations __ the end of the term.A. onB. inC. atD. for506. The boy didn’t go to school __ his diseaseA. becauseB. andC. because ofD. when507 . The programmer is played __ on TV.A. liveB. aliveC. livelyD. living508. Last time I saw him__ there as an engineer.A. to workB. workedC. worksD. working509. My family ___ reading newspapers every evening.A. likeB. likesC. likedD. will like510. I will have a meeting in Shanghai tomorrow. Would you mind__ the time for all the flights to Shanghai tomorrow?A. looking forB. looking afterC. finding outD. finding511. I saw a wonderful dress when I __ the shopA. passB. go pastC. pastD. passed512. In my free time, I usually miss the __ time that she spent with me.A. passB. go pastC. pastD. passed513. After hard work, he __ the troubleA. get overB. go overC. come overD. think over514. This is __ room, d on’t come in without my permission.A. my own B my personal C. my private D. my owe513. After hard work, he __ the troubleA. get overB. go overC. come overD. think over1 . Some of you will water the flowers,__ will clean the classroom.A. otherB. the othersC. anotherD. others2 . There are not __ buses in the street.A. anyB. someC. muchD. little3. The question is so difficult that __ students can answer it.A. a fewB. a littleC. fewD. little4 . –Can you give me __ink? --certainlyA. anyB. someC. muchD. many5 . She has two brothers.__ of them is a teacher.A. everyB. bothC. neitherD. nor6 . __ of them has a new watch.A. bothB. eachC. everyoneD. all7. Is there __ in today’s newspaper?A. new anythingB. new nothingC. anything newD. something new8. Tom’s mother has one new coat and two old __.A. oneB. onesC. one’sD. them9 . She danced better than __ other girls in her class.A. someB. manyC. anyD. one10. She speaks English better than __ else in her class.A. anyoneB. each oneC. otherD. any other11 . ---Have __ piece of bread, please?---Thank you. I am quite full.A. otherB. anotherC. severalD. some12 . –About twenty of the students went abroad. --Oh, what about __?A. othersB. the othersC. the otherD. another13 . They didn’t get as __ information as you did.A. manyB. muchC. moreD. worse14 . There are trees on __ sides of the river.A. bothB. eitherC. eachD. every15 . As a teacher, I know __.A. all themB. them allC. all theyD. them of all16 . There are not __ vegetables in my bowl, but there is __ chicken in it.A. some; anyB. any; someC. any; anyD. some; some17 . __ is very kind of you to help me.A. ThisB. ThatC. ThereD. It18 . You two should help__.A. each otherB. to one anotherC. thatD. this19 . There is a glass of water. Please pass__ to me.A. itB. oneC. thatD. this20. This new book doesn’t belong to __.A. myB. mineC. meD. my own21 . Do you think her T-shirt is more beautiful than__?A. meB. myC. mineD. I22 . You always study harder than __. You can do with it better than __ doA. me, meB. I , meC. me, ID. I, mine23 . __ will all go swimming this afternoon.A. We, you and theyB. You, we and theyC. We, they and youD. They, you and we24. Smith and Black had a picnic with a couple of friends of __ yesterday.A. theirB. theirsC. hisD. them25 . To __ surprise, what__ said is the same as__.A. my, he, ourB. me, his, oursC. my, he, oursD. me, him, our26. A friend of __ came to our school and gave a talk.A. myB. hisC. herD. your27. Everyone should care for__ own health.A. hisB. herC. theirsD. its28. “Help __ to some chicken.” said the host to me.A. yourselfB. youC. yoursD. yourselves29 . The kid can dress__ when he gets up.A. himB. hisC. HeD. himself30. Someone is behind the tree, __?A. what is itB. who is itC. who are youD. which one is it31 . I think __ easy to help you with your ChineseA. itB. oneC. thatD. this32. The price of a bike is higher than __ of a watch.A. itB. priceC. anyD. that33 . This is Jane speaking. Who’s __?A. youB. thatC. heD. it34. I have never met__ a person.A. suchB. thatC. thisD. it。



4.漫画式 漫画通过夸张、比喻、象征的手法,
反映社会现象和社会问题,借以批评、讽 刺或者歌颂、褒扬某些人和事。近年来, 我省中考试题在选择题、简答题、概括题 等题型中大量出现。
解答漫画式选择题,首先要读懂漫画 寓意,这是至关重要的一环。因此,我们 在做这一类题目时,要做到细致观察漫画 中的每一部分,任何细节都不能放过,特 别是漫画的标题、文字信息。获取这些信 息是解答漫画式选择题的关键。
3.图表式 这类题目是把初中思想品德课程中
的主要核心知识、主干内容制成图表 ,让学生发现图表中的道理、蕴含的 规律,找出符合题干要求的选择项。 解答这类题目的关键在于学会阅读图 表,“上下左右”是常用的解题方法 。这类图表式的题型,还可以出现在 概括题、简答题、辨析题、观察与思 考、活动与探索等多种题型中。
• 例6.(多选)左图漫画说明 【】
B.青少年的健康成长离不开社 会保护
C.消极文化危害青少年身心健 康
D.青少年的好奇心是误入歧途 的开始
【解析】画中有话“黄色书 刊”,不良文化对青少年的 成长影响很大,需要社会、 家庭、自己的保护。答案 ABC。
2013年河南中考思想品德 解题方法与策略
• 选择题
• 辨析题
• 观察与思考题
• 活动与探索题
选择题作为客观试题的代表,是思想品德 学科考试的重要题型(权重20/70)。选择题 既可以考查识记的内容,又可考查理解、运用 知识的不同层次,可从不同侧面、不同角度进 行题肢设置,综合性比较强。不同的选择题, 解题方法也不尽相同,但仍有规律可循。
例4.新华社南京2009年4月26日电, 海峡两岸关 系协会会长陈云林与台湾海峡交流基金会董事长江丙 坤26日在南京签署《海峡两岸金融合作协议》、《海 峡两岸空运补充协议》、《海峡两岸共同打击犯罪及 司法互助协议》等3项协议。解决台湾问题必须坚持的 原则是 ,发展两岸关系的主题是 。( ) A.和平统一 民间交流 B.一中一台 政党交流 C.一个中国 和平发展 D.高度统一 和平发展 【解析】根据题干的规定性,台海两岸交流日趋正常 化,和平统一不是解决台湾问题的原则,A选项错误; “一中一台”的实质本身就是“两个中国”、分裂中 国,B选项错误;C选项中的高度统一是不全面的,应 予以排除。答案C。








例1 若440m ,则估计m 的值所在的范围是(B ). (A )21m (B )32m (C )43m (D )54m 估算是新增加的内容之,适用与对无理数的运算。




我们知道,∵36<40<49∴6<40<7∵6-4<40-4<7-4 ∴2<40<3这个过程看似简单,但却使用了很多数学概念。

例2 若230x y ,则xy 的值为(B ).(A )8(B )6(C )5(D )6我们知道,│a │是非负数,其中a 是任意实数。

b 也是非负数,且b ≥0。


│a │与b 的和为零,只有│a │=0且b =0时成立。

例3 纳米是非常小的长度单位,已知1纳米=610毫米,某种病毒的直径为100纳米,若将这种病毒排成1毫米长,则病毒的个数是(B ). (A )210个(B )410个(C )610个(D )810个一个病毒长100纳米=102×10-6毫米=10-4毫米,设x 个病毒的长为1毫米,则10-4x =1(毫米),x =4110=410(毫米)例4已知抛物线21yxx 与x 轴的一个交点为(0)m ,,则代数式22008mm 的值为( D ).(A )2006 (B )2007(C )2008(D )2009我们知道,抛物线与x 轴的交点(0)m ,,即在x 轴上也在抛物线上,因此,点(0)m ,的坐标代入抛物线的解析式其等式成立,即210m m 。



2013 年中考数学选择题解题方法复习2013年中考数学专题讲座一:选择题解题方法一、中考专题解说选择题是各地中考必考题型之一, 2012 年各地命题设置上,选择题的数量稳固在 8~ 14 题,这说明选择题有它不行代替的重要性 .选择题拥有题目小巧,答案简洁;适应性强,解法灵巧;观点性强、知识覆盖面宽等特色,它有益于查核学生的基础知识,有益于加强解析判断能力和解决实质问题的能力的培养 .二、解题策略与解法精讲选择题解题的基来源则是:充足利用选择题的特色,小题小做,小题巧做,切忌小题大做.解选择题的基本思想是既要看到各种惯例题的解题思想,但更应看到选择题的特别性,数学选择题的四个选择支中有且仅有一个是正确的,又不要求写出解题过程. 因此,在解答时应当突出一个“选”字,尽量减少书写解题过程,要充足利用题干和选择支双方面供给的信息,依照题目的具体特色,灵巧、奇妙、快速地选择解法,以便快速智取,这是解选择题的基本策略 . 详细求解时,一是从题干出发考虑,探究结果;二是题干和选择支联合考虑或从选择支出发探究能否知足题干条件 . 事实上,后者在解答选择题时更常用、更有效 .三、中考典例解析考点一:直接法从题设条件出发,经过正确的运算、推理或判断,直接得出结论再与选择支比较,从而作出选择的一种方法。

运用此种方法解题需要扎实的数学基础.例 1( 2012?白银)方程的解是()A. x=± 1B. x=1c .x=﹣ 1D. x=0思路解析:察看可得最简公分母是( x+1),方程两边乘最简公分母,能够把分式方程转变为整式方程求解.解:方程的两边同乘(x+1),得x2 ﹣1=0,即( x+1)( x﹣ 1) =0,解得: x1=﹣1, x2=1.查验:把 x=﹣ 1 代入( x+1) =0,即 x=﹣1 不是原分式方程的解;把 x=1 代入( x+1) =2≠ 0,即 x=1 是原分式方程的解.则原方程的解为: x=1.应选 B.评论:本题考察了分式方程的求解方法.本题难度不大,注意掌握转变思想的应用,注意解分式方程必定要验根.对应训练1.(2012?南宁)某单位要组织一次篮球联赛,赛制为单循环形式(每两队之间都赛一场),计划安排10 场竞赛,则参加竞赛的球队应有()A.7 队 B. 6 队 c. 5 队 D. 4 队考点二:特例法运用知足题设条件的某些特别数值、特别地点、特别关系、特别图形、特别数列、特别函数等对各选择支进行查验或推理,利用问题在某一特别状况下不真,则它在一般状况下也不真的原理,由此判明选项真伪的方法。

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中考单选全攻略(三)231 . When he got to the station, the train__.A. was leftB. had leftC. has leftD. would left232 . __ is bad for your health.A. Do morning exercisesB. Eating too muchC. Going to bed on timeD. Taking a walk after supper233 . – I bought the watch two months after I worked here.-- you mean that you__ it for nearly two months.A. have hadB. have broughtC. have boughtD. have sold234 . In exams the __ you are, the __ mistakes you will make.A. more carefully; lessB. more careful; fewerC. most carefully; mostD. more careful; more235 – Do you know where Xinjiang is?-- It is __.A. to the southwest of ChinaB. to the northwest of ChinaC. in the northwest of ChinaD. on the northwest of China236 . Do you really believe that you will be able to meet each other __?A. long beforeB. long agoC. for a long timeD. before long237 . The rain is __ heavy __ you will get all wet if you go out.A. such; thatB. such a; thatC. so; thatD. so a; that238 . it is __ heavy rain __ you will get all wet if you go out.A. such; thatB. such a; thatC. so; thatD. so a; that239 . I don’t think this film is worth__ twice, __?A. to see; do IB. seeing; isn’t itC. seeing; do ID. seeing; is it240 . –I am afraid I’ve got a bad cold. --____.A. Never mindB. Keep away from meC. Better go and see a doctorD. you need take medicine241 . These dirty clothes__ in half an hour.A. must be washB. must washC. must be washedD. will be wash242 . We have planted __ trees in Sai Bei. It is a “Great Green Wall” of trees.A. millionB. millionsC. million ofD. millions of 243 . My sweater is made__ silk and it’s made__ Asia.A. of; inB. in; ofC. by; inD. in; on244 . You must leave here now__ your mother can get some more rest.A. becauseB. so thatC. thoughD. when245 . My grandmother__ the books ever ywhere, but she couldn’t __ them.A. looked for; look forB. looked for; findC. has looked for; foundD. has found; find246 . The __ food__ very niceA. taste; tastyB. tasty; tastesC. taste; tastesD. tasty; tasty247 . This skirt is__ as the one you bought yesterday.A. just as goodB. equally as goodC. as wellD. equal as good248 . Lucy didn’t do very__. She did rather __.A. good; badB. well; worseC. well; badlyD. good; worse 249 . The boy will __ finish his homework before he goes out.A. canB. mayC. have toD. must250 . You don’t __ do it if you don’t want to.A. had betterB. ought toC. mustD. have to 251 . Lucy has a story book in one hand and a dictionary in __.A. the otherB. othersC. anotherD. the others 252 . I was reading a newspaper__ I heard someone __ my name.A. when; to callB. while; callingC. when; callingD. while; to call253 . His step mother was kind __ him.A. ofB. forC. withD. to254 . The city is __ it was ten years ago.A. three times as big asB. three times so larger asC. as three times larger thanD. larger three times than255 . I am sure she will know what __.A. does Dad likeB. Dad likesC. likes DadD. Dad does like256 . The 2002 World Soccer Match__ for over 20 days since May 31st.A. has begunB. lastedC. beganD. has lasted 257 . When SARS passes, we should think__.A. we will learn what lessonsB. we will learnC. what we will learn lessonsD. what lessons we will learn258 . –How is your son getting__ with his new girlfriend?--very well.A. alongB. awayC. upD. back259 . Can you guess__ at this moment?A. how far is itB. where he wentC. when did he goD. what he is going260 . –your father hasn’t given up smoking, has he?--___, he smokes____ now.A. yes; no moreB. no; no moreC. yes; any moreD. no; any more261 . –What is your mother like?--____.A. she likes reading novelsB. she is feeling betterC. she is a doctorD. she is tall and beautiful262 . –Will you please teach me___?--Sure. Let me show you here.A. what to send a letter on Internet.B. how to send a letter on Internet.C. how I send a letter on Internet.D. what I send a letter on Internet. 263 . ---Would you like to drink coke or orange juice?---___, I really don’t mind.A. neitherB. eitherC. noneD. both264 . I am sure Mike __ to help you if he __ time.A. come; hadB. will come; hasC. will come; will haveD. come; will come265 . Pass my glasses to me, Jack. I can__ read the words in the newspaper.A. hardB. reallyC. hardlyD. not266 . ---May I speak to Black?---___.A. who are you?B. who’s that?C. I am not BlackD. I am Black267 . This dictionary mustn’t __ from the library.A. take awayB. taken awayC. are taken awayD. be taken away268 . I think Hangzhou is one of __ in China.A. more beautiful citiesB. most beautiful citiesC. the most beautiful citiesD. the most beautiful city269 . Hurry up, __ you will miss the first train.A. andB. thenC. butD. or270 . The man __ the bird in the tree, but he didn’t __ it.A. shot; shotB. shoot at; shootC. shot at; shootD. shot; shoot271 . ---Will you go to the museum tomorrow?---I will if I __ no visitors.A. don’t haveB. haveC. will haveD. am having272 . Let’s go out for a walk,___?A. will youB. shall weC. can weD. do you273 . He was so tired that he__ on the bed with his coat on.A. laidB. lainC. layD. lied274 . Mr. Green arrived in London__ the evening of Dec. 6th.A. atB. inC. onD. to275 . I remembered__ him somewhere but I forgot his name.A. seeB. seeingC. to seeD. saw276 . The man asked the policeman___.A. let him to goB. to let him to goC. let him goD. to let him go277 . English __ in many countries, but Chinese__ their own languageA. is spoken; speaksB. speaks; is spokenC. is spoken; speakD. both278 . This is the house __ Lu Xun once lived.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. in that279 . I’d like to know__.A. when will he give back the tapeB. whether has he received higher education.C. that he has been busyD. whether she will join in our English education280 . Can you tell the answers__ these questions?A. aboutB. forC. ofD. to281 . I find __ difficult to understand this question in English.A. it’sB. aboutC. thisD. him282 . –stop__. Let’s begin our class.--OK, we will stop__ to you.A. to talk; to listenB. to talk; listeningC. talking; to listenD. talking; listening283 . Wh en they saw so many high buildings in Pudong, they couldn’t help __, “Great!”.A. cryB. criesC. cryingD. cried284 . –Are you doing there with us?--If Mary wants to go, __.A. I also goB. so do IC. so will ID. so I will285 . ---have you got__ E-mail address?---yes, mine is tb22@ sina. comA. theB. anC. aD. /286 . –must I finish all this work in an hour? -- No, you__.A. mustB. won’tC. should notD. need not287 . We don’t know the woman__ wants to see you.A. sheB. whichC. whomD. who288 . It’s been over two weeks__ he left home.A. forB. beforeC. sinceD. because288 . Did you find__ to sit down in the train?A. a roomB. roomsC. roomD. place289 . This shirt is__ for my brother, I am afraid.A. much too bigB. much too biggerC. too much bigD. too much bigger290 . ---Alice, you__ on the phone---I am coming. ThanksA. wantB. are wantedC. are wantingD. have wanted291 . The boss made them___ ten hours a day.A. workedB. workingC. workD. to work292 . My watch doesn’t work. I have to __ it__ right nowA. make; repairB. have; repairC. make; to repairD. have; repaired293 . I don’t think he’s ever been to the monkey Island, __ ?A. isn’t heB. hasn’t heC. is itD. has he294 . This kind of books __ well and__ out in the bookstore.A. sells; has been soldB. sells; sellsC. is sold; sellsD. is sold; has been sold295 . You__ a used car__ as little as 500 dollars last month.A. paid; ofB. bought; forC. spent; forD. cost; to301. Here __ some pictures of my daughter.A. areB. isC. amD. be302 . --__ is your birthday?-- On May 13thA. whenB. what timeC. whatD. how303 . __ is the date today?A. whatB. what dayC. what timeD. when304 . It isn’t worth__ to the music again.A. to listenB. listeningC. listenD. listens305 . The boss __ the shopping mall__ San mao.A. calls; forB. calls; onC. names; forD. names; on 306 . Would you like__ with us?A. to have a cup of teaB. having a cup of teaC. have a cup of teaD. to eat a cup to tea307 . ---He is really __ his brother.---of course, they are __. They are twinsA. alike; alikeB. like; likeC. alike; likeD. like; alike 308 . Do you __ newspaper after supper and__ novel before going to bed?A. watch; readB. read; seeC. see; readD. read; read309 . He was born__ a cold winter evening, nearly __ supperA. in; onB. on; atC. on; inD. on; on310 . –would you like__ noodle?-- No, thanks. I’d like __ bread.A. some; someB. any; anyC. some; anyD. any; some311 . What do you want__ when you grow up?A. areB. to beC. beD. is312. Is it very difficult__ English well?A. learnB. to learnC. learningD. is learning 313 . I exercise every day because I want to be__.A. healthB. healthyC. healthierD. more healthy314 . He__ smoke__.A. don’t; any moreB. doesn’t; any moreC. never; any longerD. no longer; any more315 . –Would you like some bread?--___. I am full.A. yes, pleaseB. no, thanksC. yes, I wouldD. no, I would not316 . There __ a clothes shop in the future.A. will beB. beC. isD. is going to317 . ---__ after supper is good for your health.---I think so.A. take a walkB. takes a walkC. taking a walkD. take a walking318 . I advised that you __ after supper.A. took a walkB. must take a walkC. should take a walkD. take a walk319 . I advised you __.A. to have a good restB. have a good restC. having a good restD. to have good rest320 . I suggested you __.A. to have a good restB. have a good restC. having a good restD. to have good rest321 . We are looking forward __ the coming festival.A. atB. forC. toD. in322 . I want to go to the shopping mall, please come with __.A. meB. myC. weD. I323 . You have been at the end of the line, so you must try your best to ___.A. come up with usB. come with usC. come to usD. come up us324. It is very cold. You need__ warm clothes.A. to wearB. wearingC. wearsD. wear325 . They __ to Ricky’s home for dinner.A. going toB. goC. will goingD. are going326 . I can’t __ my T-shirt in my room.A. look forB. findC. look outD. find out327 . The hat __ his T-shirt.A. matchesB. marchesC. mathD. touches 328 . The beach is a beautiful place. We __ there.A. use to goB. have goneC. are used to goD. used to go329. When the old woman was in good health, she __ shopping on Sunday.A. was used to goB. used to goingC. used to goD. got used to going330 . The book ___ .A. is used to readB. is used to readingC. used to readD. used to reading。
