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some constant time2)For the fn'st time some new wavelength assignment problems are studied,including(i)
study the wavelength assignment on optical ring with any fixed converter and propose all algorithm for any general ca5e.(ii)Propose and study the minimum wavelength broadcast and
parallel algorithms oil these models. In the dissertation,we study the two problems.wavelength assignment and parallel algorithms
on optical models.For the wavelength assignment in all-optical network,our research include:(1) For the wavelength assignment on ring optical networks with fixed wavelength converters,we use permutation group to study the ability of wavalensth converters,and design an assignment algorithm,which can give a good assignment scheme in any general case.(2)For the wavelength assignment on ring optical networks with limited wavelength converters.we design an optimal converter with degree 4,and propose art assignment algorithm for it.(3)For the broadcast and multicast on any topology optical network,we propose two problem,called as minimum wavelength broadcast problem and multicast problem,whose object are to optimize the utilization
111e main contributions of the dissertation include:(1)Studying some fundamental algorithm
problems in optical networks and parallel computing based on optical communication·The results
早在上个世纪50年代,当阿瑟·肖洛(A.L.Schawlow,诺贝尔物理奖获得者)等川提 出了激光的概念后,基于光传输的高速通信系统的思想就被提了出来。在60年代中期,实 验室里已经开展了导波光系统的研究[21。1970年,康宁公司制造出世界上第一根低损耗光纤, 不久半导体激光二极管也被发明了,这时光传输系统的真正使用成为了可能,对于全光信息 高速公路的想象激发了研究者、业务提供商和公众的巨大兴趣。在实验室里,大量的研究得 到进行,从70年代早期到80年代后期,光纤传输系统的效能(传输的比特率乘上传输的距 离)大致以指数的速率增长,到80年代中期已经达到了传100公里高达80bps的速率。1988
study other problems in graph theory.
本章摘要:本章概述了光网的发展历史和现状,并指出光网中需要解决的 若干技术问题;然后提出了本文的研究内容,并综述了文中取得的研究成 果;最后给出了全文的组织结构.
随着社会的发展,通信网络已经逐渐成为人们生活中不可缺少的部分。在各个方面得到 了广泛应用。目前大多数实际使用的网络(包括各种电信网络和计算机网络)都是基于电子 信号,尤其是在交换节点上存在大量的电子器件,这种基于电信号的通信技术在适应高速、 大容量的需求时,存在着诸如带宽限制、时钟偏移、高干扰、高功耗等缺点。由此产生了通 信网络中的“电子瓶颈”现象,使得网络存在着带宽的上限,约为40Gbps。近年来随着“信 息高速公路”的提出,各种各样的新兴的通信业务也被提了出来,比如视频点播、电视会议、 远程多媒体教学等.这些业务对于通信网络的带宽有着极高的要求。已经逐渐接近或超过了 传统网络的带宽上限。为了解决这个问题,以满足各种业务对带宽不断增长的要求,基于光 信号的全光网络的概念就被提了出来,并被作为未来通信网络的主要方向得到了广泛地研 究。
For the parallel computing based ell optical communication.we consider two rnodel: RMESH(Reconfigurable MESH)and AROB(Arrays with Reconfignrable Optical Buses).Three fundamental problems in graph theory and computational geometry,including the construct and
(3)Some new technologies have also been proposed in the dissertation for the first time.The
permutation group has been used to study the ability of fixed converters on ring networks.We believe it Can also be used to study other topologies and other converters.The setting of switch
maintenance of minimum spanning tree and the triangulation of simple polygons,are studied Oil
these two models.Parallel algorithms have been proposed,whose time complexity are the best as
according to the adjacent matrix ofa graph is used to embed the graph to a mesh.This technology
has been nse to design algorithms for the minimum spanning tree problem.It can also be used to
best converter with degree 5.
(ii)For the minimum spanning tree and triangulation on RMESH and AROB,the proposed
algorithms improve the known parallel algorithms in time complexity and cost,among which
improve the known ones,consisting of(i)for the wavelength assignment on optical rings with
known limited converters,the converter with degree 4 impmves the
(2)首次研究或提出了光网中的几类波长分配问题,包括:①首次研究了环网上任意 固定波长转换器情况下的波长分配,并提出了一种一般性的算法;②首次提出并研究了任 意拓扑结构网络中的最少波长广播和多播问题,证明了它们的难度,提出了性能优良的近似 算法,并将问题推广到了一般情况。
(3)在研究方法上,首次提出了几种新的方法,包括:①提出用置换群来刻画波长转 换器的转换能力的方法,它能够很好地用于研究固定转换器的情况,可能也能够用于其它拓
Some parallel computation models based on optical technology have been presented.They have many advantages,which make it is possible to design some ultra-fast and practical parallel algorithms 011 these models.So it is very valuable in theoretical and practical aspect to design
all-optical network,has been proposed.Because ofits advantages such as high bandwidth and low delay,it has been selected as the key technology for the next generation network.Many researches are focused on it and many challenging problems are risen.among which wavelength assignment is an important problem.The purpose of wavelength assigtmmat is to increase the utilization of
of wavelength.The two problems are proven to be NP complete.The approximation hardness
results of them are also analysed.Two approximation algorithms are designed.Moreover we generalize them to the csse with wavelength weight.Also done are the analysis of the hardness and the design ofalgorithms for them.
≯ 扑结构和其它转换器的情况;②提出按照图的邻接矩阵设置开关将图嵌入网孔中的
Recently,optical communication technology has been applied and studied in many areaes-In the telecommunication network and computer network,a new interconnect technology,called as
multicast problem on any topology optical network.Their hardness results have been proven.And
approximation algorithms with 900d performance have been designed.
wavelength and improve the network performance.On the other hand,optical technology has also
been used to construct the Iz鼬speed iutemetwork in the tigh-coupled parallel computer system.