《中医妇科学B》第四次1. 妊娠期用药,除下列哪项外,其余均应慎用或禁用 D.健脾和胃[1分]2. 女患者,带下量多,色白或淡黄,质稀薄,无臭气,面色萎黄,神疲纳呆,便溏足肿,舌淡苔白腻,脉细缓。
治疗首选方剂为:C.完带汤 [1分]3. 子晕进一步加重,可发展为:C.子痫 [1分]4. 治疗子肿脾虚证的首选方是:A.白术散 [1分]5. 妊娠恶阻的主要病机是:C.冲气上逆,胃失和降 [1分]6. 带下量多,色淡黄,质稀薄,无味,面色晄白,神疲肢倦,纳少便溏,舌淡苔白腻,脉细缓。
其治法是:C.健脾益气,升阳除湿 [1分]7. 妊娠病胎元正常的治疗原则是:A.治病与安胎并举 [1分]8. 女患者,孕8周,阴道出血5天,开始量少,昨日起量增多,有大血块,腹痛腹坠,阵阵加重,查宫口已开大,见组织物堵塞宫口,此时治疗原则应遵循:B.下胎益母 [1分]9. 女患者,28岁,停经45天,阴道少量出血2天,色黯淡,小腹坠痛,腰膝痠软,小便频数,查尿妊娠试验阳性。
其治法是;E.补肾健脾,益气安胎 [1分]10. 治疗恶阻肝胃不和证的首选方剂是:B.橘皮竹茹汤 [1分]11. 完带汤中除有柴胡、甘草、人参、白术、苍术外,还有:B.山药陈皮黑芥穗车前子白芍 [1分]12. 下列哪项对已破损期异位妊娠有重要诊断意义? E.后穹窿穿刺抽出不凝血[1分]13. 治疗滑胎气血虚弱证的首选方剂是:D.泰山磐石散 [1分]14. 治疗妊娠腹痛虚寒证的首选方是:B.胶艾汤 [1分]15. 妊娠5~6个月后出现腹大异常,胸膈满闷,甚则遍身俱肿,喘息不得卧者,称: E.子满[1分]16. “妊娠病”之名首见于:B.《金匮要略》 [1分]17. 妊娠小便淋痛的症状中,下述哪一项是错误的? E.闭塞不通[1分]18. 下述除哪项外,均属子晕的临床特点:E.昏迷抽搐 [1分]19. 下述哪项为带下病? B.女子带下量多,质粘稠,有秽臭味[1分]20. 女患者,30岁,孕4产0,自然流产2次,现又停经38天,阴道少量出血2天,色黯淡,小腹坠痛,腰膝痠软,小便频数,查尿妊娠试验阳性。
*47.对病情较重,生活不能自理的病人,如大手术后病情较稳定者应采取:[ 1分]
*48.对病情较轻,生活基本能自理的病人,如慢性病、疾病恢复期病人应采取:[ 1分]
*49.对病人病情危重,需绝对卧床休息的病人,如大手术后、瘫痪等病人应采取:[ 1分]
*6.病人适宜的环境是:[ 1分]
*7.脊髓腔穿刺后去枕平卧的主要目的是:[ 1分]
*8.通风的目的哪项是错误的:[ 1分]
*9.医院的环境包括物理环境和:[ 1分]
*10.关于疼痛缓解的依据,下列哪项是不合适的:[ 1分]
*11.病人自己采取随意的姿势卧于床上,并可自由变换卧位,此为:[ 1分]
*12.胃切除术后,采取半坐卧位的目的是:[ 1分]
*13.做膀胱镜检查时,应协助患者采取的体位是:[ 1分]
*14.关于药物止痛,下列叙述哪项不正确:[ 1分]
*15.铺备用床操作中,错误的是:[ 1分]
*16.截石位适用于下列哪种情况:[ 1分]
*18.产妇胎膜早破时,采取头低足高位目的是防止:[ 1分]
*28.在给“疼痛”下护理诊断时,其主观依据是:[ 1分]
本次作业是本门课程本学期的第4次作业,注释如下:一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共10道小题)1. 我国的建设程序分为六个阶段,其中属于第二阶段的主要工作是()。
(A) 可行性研究(B) 设计文件(C) 竣工验收(D) 组织施工正确答案:A解答参考:2. 为保证专业工作队能连续作业,应使m≥n,其适用条件是()。
(A) 单层建筑(B) 多层建筑(C) 与层次无关(D) 工作面正确答案:B解答参考:3. 加快成倍节拍流水步距是各流水节拍的()。
(A) 最小公倍数(B) 最大公约数(C) 平均数(D) 成倍数正确答案:B解答参考:4. 某一工程的工程量为Q,产量定额为S,每天工作一班制,每班工人人数R,共分m段组织施工,则流水节拍为()。
(A)(B)(C)(D)你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]正确答案:A解答参考:5. 可以独立施工,但完工后一般不能独立发挥生产能力和效益的工程,被称为()。
(A) 分项项目(B) 单项工程(C) 单位工程(D) 分项工程正确答案:C解答参考:6. 在网络图中对编号的描述错误的是()。
(A) 箭头编号大于箭尾编号(B) 应从小到大、从左往右编号(C) 可以间隔编号(D) 可以编号重复正确答案:D解答参考:7. 网络图的终点节点无()。
(A) 内向箭线(B) 紧前工作(C) 紧后工作(D) 时差正确答案:C解答参考:8. 在下列施工总平面图设计的步骤中,排序正确的是()。
(A) 引入场外交通——布置仓库——布置场内交通——布置临时用房——布置水电(B) 引入场外交通——布置场内交通——布置仓库——布置临时用房——布置水电(C) 引入场外交通——布置仓库——布置场内交通——布置水电——布置临时用房(D) .引入场外交通——布置场内交通——布置仓库——布置水电——布置临时用房正确答案:A解答参考:9. 分部分项工程施工组织设计以()为编制对象。
(A) 单位工程(B) 分部(分项)工程(C) 专业工程(D) 工程项目正确答案:B解答参考:10. 下列关于单代号网络图的说法中,正确的是()。
心理学(本)第四次作业及答案一、单项选择题,每题2分,共16分1.高级神经活动属强而平衡、不灵活型,与其对应的气质类型是( B )。
A.多血质B. 粘液质C. 胆汁质D. 抑郁质2. 妄想型人格属于( C )。
A.强迫型人格B.冲动型人格C.偏执型人格D.焦虑性人格3. 人格特质理论最早是由(B)提出的。
A. 柏尔曼B. 奥尔波特C. 盖伦D. 希波克拉底4.下列属于成人心理不健康的表现有( C )。
A.乐于交往,有良好的人际关系B. 适应现实生活C. 仍像幼儿那样天真幼稚D. 自尊、自爱、奋发向上5. 人们通过自己的经验形成对某类人或某类事较为固定的看法叫(C)。
A. 光环效应B. 定型C. 刻板印象D. 第一印象6. 个人由于受到群体的影响而改变自己的态度,在认知或行为上与多数人趋于一致的现象叫做( D )。
A. 服从B.去个性化C.依从D.从众7. 思维灵活、行动敏捷、对环境适应力强、但缺乏耐心、稳定性差的气质类型是( A )A. 多血质B. 胆汁质C. 抑郁质D. 粘液质8. (D)是人格中最重要的心理特征,是人格中最本质、最核心的部分,是区别一个人与众不同的明显的和主要的差别所在。
A.情绪B.能力C.气质D.性格二、多选题每题3分,共15分1.下列属于衡量青少年心理健康的的标准的是(ABCDE )A. 正常健康的交往B. 行为方式与社会角色相一致,符合常规C. 现实地认识自我、承认自我、接受自我D. 对挫折有较高的承受力E. 统一的人格、心理保持连续性2. 人的高级的社会性情感主要包括(ABE )A. 理智感B. 道德感C. 恐惧感D. 友谊感E. 美感3. 自我监控是指个体对自己的行为、活动和态度的调控。
A. 自我监督B. 自我检查C. 自我体验D. 情绪自我控制4. 对人格进行测量,主要的测量方法包括(ABCD )等。
A. 自我概念测验B. 情境测验C. 投射测验D. 自陈式量表测验5. 下面哪些方法属于行为主义方法?(ABD)A. 强化法B. 代币制C. 暗示法D. 消退法E. 宣泄疏导法三、简答题(每题6分,共24分)1.简述自我概念的内容。
(C) even if
(D) though
解答参考:[第四单元]A此题考察句型It looks as if/though… “看起来好像……”【译文】看起来好像别的人都回家了。
22. That's the way _______ the world worked.
15. Can you _______ how to do it?
(A) figure in
(B) figure out
(C) figure on
(D) figure among
解答参考:[第四单元]B figure out “弄明白”【译文】你能否弄明白怎麽做?
16. My parents’ divorce _______ a big effect _______ me.
(A) in
(B) about
(C) with
(D) for
解答参考:[第四单元]C此题考察词组搭配be concerned about “关心,担心”;be concerned with “与……有关,忙于”【译文】有四个人在管儿童教育方面的事。
19. This book is written from the _______of the French.
(A) pay
(B) change
(C) draw
(D) divert
解答参考:[第四单元]D divert sth away from“转移(注意力)”【译文】他试图把注意力从那个美人身上移开。
14. The policeman signaled to him to _______ to get the traffic moving again.
统考英语B 第四次作业 阅读理解
![统考英语B 第四次作业 阅读理解](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5e8040c3360cba1aa911da0d.png)
第四次作业(阅读Passage 1 – 6)均为统考必考文章,你碰到原文的可能性非常非常大,请务必认真完成。
Passage 1Laws have been written to govern the use of American National Flag, and to ensure proper respect for the flag. Custom has also governed the common practice in regard to its use. All the armed services have precise regulations on how to display the national flag. This may vary somewhat from the general rules. The national flag should be raised and lowered by hand. Do not raise the flag while it is folded. Unfold the flag first, and then hoist it quickly to the top of the flagpole. Lower it slowly and with dignity. Place no objects on or over the flag. Do not use the flag as part of a costume or athletic uniform. Do not print it upon cushions, handkerchiefs, paper napkins or boxes. A federal law provides that the trademark cannot be registered if it comprises the flag, or badges of the US. When the flag is used to unveil a statue or monument, it shouldn’t serve as a covering of the object to be unveiled. If it is displayed on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground, but let it be carried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony. Take every precaution to prevent the flag from becoming soiled. It should not be allowed to touch the ground or floor, nor to brush against objects.1. How do Americans ensure proper respect for the national flag?A. By making laws.B. By enforcing disciplineC. By educating the publicD. By holding ceremonies.2. What is the regulation regarding the raising of the American National Flag?A. It should be raised by soldiers.B. It should be raised quickly by hand.C. It should be raised only by Americans.D. It should be raised by mechanical means.3. How should the American National Flag be displayed at an unveiling ceremony?A. It should be attached to the status.B. It should be hung from the top of the monument.C. It should be spread over the object to be unveiled.D. It should be carried high up in the air.4. What do we learn about the use of the American National Flag?A. There has been a lot of controversy over the use of flag.B. The best athletes can wear uniforms with the design of the flag.C. There are precise regulations and customs to be followed.D. Americans can print the flag on their cushions or handkerchiefs.5. What is Americans’ attitude towards their National Flag?A. ArbitraryB. Respect.C. HappyD. Brave.Passage 2It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, the daytime serial drama known as the soap opera has suddenly become ―in‖. Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. , college television lounges are filled with soap opera fans who can’t wait to see the next episode in the lives of their favorite characters.Actually, soaps are more than a college favorite; they’re a youth favorite. When school is out, high-school students are in front of their TV sets. One young working woman admitted that she turned down a higher paying job rather than give up watching her favorite serials. During the 1960’s, it was uncommon for young people to watch soap operas. The mood of the sixties was very different from now. It was a time of seriousness, and talk was about social issues of great importance.Now, seriousness has been replaced by fun. Young people want to be happy. It may seem strange that they should turn to soap opera, which is known for showing trouble in people’s lives. But soap opera is enjoyment. Young people can identify with the soap opera character, who, like the college-age viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it. And soap opera gives young people a chance to feel close to people without having to bear any responsibility for their problems.6.What is soap opera?A. Plays based on science fiction stories.B. Plays based on non-fiction stories.C. The daytime serial dramas on TV.D. Popular documentary films on TV.7. What can be the best title of the passage?A. College student viewers.B. Favorite TV serials.C. Soap opera fans.D. College-age viewers.8. Which are not the reasons why the soap opera suddenly becomes ―in‖ according to the passage?A. Because the viewers want to be happy and to enjoy themselves.B. because the soap opera makes young people feel close to their peopleC. Because the viewers can find themselves in the soap opera characters.D. Because the young people have to bear the responsibilities for their troubles.9. What can we learn from the passage?A. College students like soap operas more than any other social groups.B. Young people of sixties liked soap operas more than people today.C. Young viewers have turned themselves from the seriousness of sixties to enjoyment now.D. The young as a whole are trying to look for happy love but in vain.10. What message does the author want to convey to us?A. The people’s favorites to drama works have been changed for a long time.B. The people’s favorites to drama works chan ge along with the times.C. The people’s favorites to drama works is changed by the soap opera.D. The people’s favorites have changed the drama works.Passage 3Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own.Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward of one who has shared the secrets of Nature.Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night.11. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city.B. All the people who work in London prefer to live in the country.C. Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London.D. Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside London.12. With the same money needed for _______, one can buy a little house with a garden in the country.A. getting a small flat with a gardenB. having a small flat with a gardenC. renting a small flat without a gardenD. buying a small flat without a garden13. When the garden is in blossom, the one ______ has been rewarded.A. living in the countryB. having spent time working in the gardenC. having a garden of his ownD. having been digging, planting and watering14. People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that________ if they had to live it outside London.A. their life was meaninglessB. their life was invaluableC. they didn’t deserve a happy lifeD. they were not worthy of their happy life15. The underlined phrase get away from in the 3rd paragraph refers to .A. deal withB. do away withC. escape fromD. prevent fromPassage 4By definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most for the benefits of other –they are people against whom we measure others. They are men and women recognized for shaping our nation’s consciousness and development as well as the lives of those who admire them. Yet, some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very idea of heroism is something beyond us-an artifact of the past. Some maintain that because the Cold War is over and because America is at peace our age is essentially an unheroic one. Furthermore, the overall crime rate is down, poverty has been eased by a strong and growing economy, and advances continue to be made in medical science.Cultural icons are hard to define, but we know them when we see them. They are people who manage to transcend celebrity(明星), who are legendary, who somehow manage to become mythic. But what makes some figures icons and others mere celebrities? That’s hard to answer. In part, their lives have the quality of a story to tell. For instance, the beautiful young Diana Spencer who at 19 married a prince, renounced marriage and the throne, and died atthe moment she found true love. Good looks certainly help. So does a special indefinable charm, with the help of the media. But nothing confirms an icon more than a tragic death -such as Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana.16. The passage mainly deals with __________.A. life and deathB. heroes and heroinesC. heroes and iconsD. icons and celebrities17. Heroes and heroines are usually _______. .A. courageousB. good examples to followC. self-sacrificingD. all of the above18. Which of the following statements is wrong?A. Poverty in America has been eased with the economic growth.B. Superstars are famous for being famous.C. One’s look can contribute to being famous.D. Heroes and heroines can only emerge in war times.19. Beautiful young Diana Spencer found her genuine love _______.A. when she was 19B. when she became a princessC. just before her deathD. after she gave birth to a Prince20. What is more likely to set an icon’s status?A. Good looks.B. Tragic and early deathC. Personal attraction.D. The quality of one’s story.Passage 5Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. Whatever your budget is the choice – from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle—is all part of fun.HostelCheap, good-value hostels are aimed at all types of like-minded travelers, who prefer value over luxury and you don’t have to be young or single to use them. Britain’s independent hostels and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome. Facilities and prices vary, especially in rural areas, where some hostels are a little more than a bunkhouse (临时住房) while others are remarkably comfortable--almost like bargain hotels.Youth HotelsFounded many years ago to ―help all, especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside‖, the Youth Hotels Association i s still going strong in the 21st century. The network of 230 hotels is a perfect gateway for exploring Britain’s towns and countryside.B & BsThe B & B (bed and breakfast) is a great British institution. In essence you get a room in somebody’s house, and small B & Bs may only have one guest room, so you’ll really feel like part of the family. Larger B & Bs may have four or five rooms and more facilities, but just as warm as a welcome.In country areas your B & B might be in a village or an isolated farm surrounded by fields. Prices reflect facilities: and usually run from around £12 to £20 per person. City B & Bs charge about £25 to £30 per person, although they’re often cheaper as you go further out to the suburbs.Pubs & InnsAs well as selling drinks and meals, Britain’s pubs and inns sometimes offer B & B, particularly in country areas. Staying a night or two can be great fun and puts you at the heart of the local community.Rates range from around £15 to £25 per person. Pubs are more likely to have single rooms.21. In this passage the author mainly _____________.A. tells us where to stay while visiting BritainB. advises readers to pay a visit to BritainC. introduces the wonderful public services in BritainD. gives us some information about British life22. ___________ are mainly built for young visitors.A. Pubs & InnsB. Youth HotelsC. HostelsD. B & Bs23. If you travel alone and want to know better about family life in Britain, you’d better stay in __________________.A. Pubs & InnsB. Youth HotelsC. HostelsD. B & Bs24. If you are interested in traveling with your friends but only with limited means, where is the better place for you to stay? ______________.A. Pubs & InnsB. Youth HotelsC. HostelsD. B & Bs25. Which of the following is NOT true according to the last part of the passage?A. Pubs and inns usually provide visitors bed and breakfast.B. All pubs and inns offer visitors bed and breakfast.C. Pubs and inns charge a visitor £25 at the most.D. If you want a single room, you are more likely to get one in pubs.Passage 6What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is ―no‖. It is not the tools a s cientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further. He must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.The scientist’s knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the conditions are different, any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested through investigations,Einstein’s ideas were shown to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.26. What makes a scientist according to the passage?A. The tools he uses.B. The way he uses his tools.C. His ways of learning.D. The various tools he uses.27. ―The scientist, however, goes one step further…‖. The author says this to show____________.A. the important of informationB. the importance of thinkingC. the difference between scientists and ordinary peopleD. the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs.28. A sound scientific theory should be one that ___________________.A. works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other timesB. does not allow any changes even under different conditionsC. can be used for many purposesD. leave no room for improvement29. The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate ______________.A. that measurements are keys to success in scienceB. that accuracy of mathematicsC. that the investigations are important in scienceD. that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations30. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The theory of relativity.B. Exactness is the core of science.C. Scientists are different form ordinary people.D. Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.。
11春开放本科英语II[1]第四次作业开放英语3第四次作业姓名专业学号成绩()1、Is Julie’s husband wearing a suit?A He has just come back from the officeB Yes, he isC Yes, he wearsD He went swimming yester day()2、How much is this blue tablecloth?A The green one is betterB Ten dollars and thirty centsC It’s cheapD Yes, It’s beautiful()3. Marilyn, I’m afraid I have to be leaving nowA That sounds wonderfulB Oh, so early?C Not at allD Good luck!()4.Would you like another slice of Christmas cake?I’m fullA Yes, pleaseB No more, thanksC Why not?D Nothing more()5.Tomorrow is my birthdayA Oh, I have no ideaB I’m glad you like itC Many happy returns of happyD You must be very happy阅读理解1、 People often say that the Englishman's home is his castle. They m ean that the home is very important and personal. Most people in Brit ain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their home s. This means that they can make them personal, and change them in an y way they like. Most houses have a garden, even if it is a small on e, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private space of a person. In a crowded city a person knows that he o r she has a private space which is only for himself or herself and fo r invited friends.People usually like to mark their space. If you are on the beach y ou may have spread your towels around you; in the rain you may have p ut your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you ma y spread your books around you.Once I was traveling on a train to London. I was on a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man opposite to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no space on my side of the table at all. I was unhappy. I thought he thought that he owned the whole table. I had been reading a book about nonverbal (非语言的) c ommunication so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on h is case! When I did this he suddenly became angry and his eyes nearly popped out (突出)of his head. I had taken up his space! A few minu tes later I took my papers off in order to read them. He immediately moved his case to his side of the table.()6、What does the first sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?A:The home matters greatly to Englishmen. B: The castle is mo re important than the home.C:The home is more important than the castle. D:Englishmen usu ally live in homes instead of castles.()7、Which of the following is NOT the reason for most British to live in homes?A:They can make changes in houses in which they live.B:They love houses more than gardens.C:They can own private space like the house and the garden.D:They can keep the private space to themselves and friends.()8、According to Paragraph 2, if you spread your books around yo u in a library, it means ______.A:you want to spread your towels around you further B:you want t o put your coat on the tableC:you can find no space for your books on the seat D: you want to tell others the space belongs to you()9、How did the man opposite to the writer show he owned the who le table?A:He sat in a section for four people. B:He placed his briefcase on the table.C:He was traveling on a train to London. D:He was reading a book.()10、The writer tried to get back his space by ______.A:moving the case off the table B:taking all his papers outC:taking up the space of the man opposite D:showing th e books concerned to the man词汇和结构()11.Twenty people were wounded in the air cra shA quicklyB wronglyC bitterlyD seriously()12.Will you me a favor, please?A doB makeC bringD give()13.The public store is to close at 9:00 p.mno need to worry;it is 7:30 p.mA You haveB They haveC It isD There is()14.There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher co uldn’t make himselfA heardB hearingC to hearD hear()15.Take this medicine twice a day,Peter?Do I have to take it?It so terribleA is tastingB is tastedC tastesD has tasted完型填空Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years 1 6 . At that time, zoos were places 17 people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages that were made 18 concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to k eep clean.19 for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hi de in. The zoo environment was 20 natural. 21 the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive; they behaved in strange ways, and they often became i ll.In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. The animals are given more 22 in large areas so that they can live more23 as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow 24 the areas 25 animals live in.16. A. later B. ago C. before D. aft er17. A. which B. that C. when D. whe re18. A. up of B. into C. of D. for19. A. Unfortunately B. Successfully C. luckily D. Unusually20. A. only B. anything only C. but D. anything but21. A. Despite B. Since C. Now that D. Although22. A. freedom B. food C. drink D. dependence23. A. silently B. comfortably C. difficultlyD. independently24. A. over B. through C. for D. below25. A. that B. where C. when D. the se英译汉1.As is known to all, China is a developing country.2.It is not necessary to do this work.3.They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.Instructions: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。
表面类白色至A.炉贝B.松贝C.青贝D.青贝E.平贝A.天冬B.知母C.泽泻D.重楼E.黄精A.郁金B.麦冬C.百部D.泽泻E.白及A.郁金B.百部C.天麻D.土茯苓E.天冬A.天麻B.石菖蒲C.郁金D.蓬莪术E.姜黄A.浙贝B.松贝C.青贝D.炉贝E.平贝A.泽泻B.百部C.天麻D.浙贝E.石菖蒲A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D EA B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D EA B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D EA B C D EA B C D EA B C D EA B C D EA B C D EA B C D EA B C D E湖北 E.内蒙、A B C D EA B C D EA B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D EA B C D E。
本次作业是本门课程本学期的第4次作业,注释如下:一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共17道小题)1. 《建设工程质量管理条例》在我国建设法规体系中的法律层次属于()。
(A) 建设法律(B) 建设行政法规(C) 建设部门规章(D) 地方性建设法规正确答案:B解答参考:2. 省级城市的总体规划,由()(A) 市人民政府审查同意,报国务院审批。
(B) 市人民政府审查同意,报建设部审批。
(C) 省人民政府审查同意,报国务院审批。
(D) 省人民政府审查同意,报建设部审批。
正确答案:C解答参考:3. 建设单位应当在下列什么时候,向城乡规划主管部门报送有关竣工验收资料?()(A) 工程竣工验收之前(B) 工程竣工验收时(C) 工程竣工验收后三个月内(D) 工程竣工验收后六个月内正确答案:D解答参考:4. 有关总包分包的责任承担表述,不正确的是()。
(A) 总承包单位按照总承包合同的约定对建设单位负责(B) 分包单位按照分包合同的约定对总承包单位负责(C) 总承包单位和分包单位就分包工程对建设单位承担连带责任(D) 总承包单位和分包单位就分包工程依照分包合同的约定对建设单位承担各自的责任正确答案:D5. 依法必须招标的工程建设项目,勘察、设计单项合同估算价在()万元人民币以上的必须进行招标。
(A) 50(B) 100(C) 200(D) 3000正确答案:A解答参考:6. 招标人和投标人应当自(),按照招标文件和中标人的投标文件订立书面合同。
(A) 中标通知书发出之日起二十日内(B) 中标通知书发出之日起三十日内(C) 中标人收到中标通知书之日起二十日内(D) 中标人收到中标通知书之日起三十日内正确答案:B解答参考:7. 下列关于联合体投标的说法,错误的是()。
(A) 联合体各方均应当具备承担招标项目的相应能力(B) 由同一专业的单位组成的联合体,按照资质等级较低的单位确定资质等级(C) 联合体内部各方应当订立共同投标协议,但该协议由于不属于投标文件,因此不必提交招标人(D) 联合体中标的,联合体各方应当共同与招标人签订合同,就中标项目向招标人承担连带责任正确答案:C解答参考:8. 根据我国有关招投标的法律规定,下列投标人提交的投标文件有效的是()。
大学英语4 第四次作业一、单选题 (共85.00分)1.He has more money than the rest of us ________.A.in totallyB.to put togetherC.put togetherD.putting together 正确答案:C2.The crowd started to ________ when the night fell.A.break outB.break offC.break upD.break down 正确答案:C3.I curiously asked her about her ________ behavior.A.oddB.ordinaryC.formalD.normal 正确答案:A4.Would you afford a poor child a temporary ________?A.securityB.shelterC.preservationD.conservation 正确答案:B5.I stood still, trying to ________ a reasonable excuse.A.discoverB.solveC.inventD.create 正确答案:C6.She woke him for his medicines at ________ throughout the night.A.intervalsB.intervalC.occasionD.occasions 正确答案:A7.He showed good judgment in deciding not to ________ in the project.A.devoteB.giveC.inventD.invest正确答案:D8.He can’t spend too much time arguing with you about the matter. He ________.A.TrueB.False 正确答案:A9.The author’s mother thought Chinese women gained less than men in 1973.A.TrueB.False 正确答案:B10.The author pursued her career knowing that she could do anything she wanted.A.TrueB.False 正确答案:A11.The author doesn’t think that everything was possible.A.TrueB.False 正确答案:B12.No one could _________ how he got to be so wealthy.A.work outB.figure oute overD.think of 正确答案:B13.You can always _________ him when you are in difficulties.A.appeal toB.turn towardsC.depend inD.fall back on 正确答案:D14.Sometimes you have to learn to _________ and work harder.A.put your head upB.sink your heart belowC.put your heart downD.put your head down 正确答案:D15.She proudly displayed her degree _________ to her parents.A.certificateB.centigradeC.thesisD.proof 正确答案:A16.They will receive their awards at a _________ in Stockholm.A.meetingB.conferenceC.ceremonyD.appointment 正确答案:C17.If your talent combines with diligence, you can excel in your _________.A.pursueB.chasingC.processD.pursuit 正确答案:D二、多选题 (共15.00分)1.What did the writer think of her mother?A.Mother for she was always adventurous.B.She was afraid of the nature.C.Her mother was not an entirely traditional wife.D.She just wanted to act well as a mother and wife. 正确答案:A C2.What is the writer’s opinion of a woman’s roles?A.A woman should be fearless by nature.B.A woman should not confine herself merely to a wife and mother.C.A woman should get a nursing degree or a teaching certificate or learn cooking skills.D.A woman also can be successful in career.正确答案:B D3.What lesson did the mother teach her daughter at last?A.Just to do the things as you are told to.B.Everything is possible.C.If you try your best, you can do anything you want to do.D.To ignore everything and just do yourself. 正确答案:B C。
1. 盐炙法中盐的用量是每100Kg药物,用食盐: [1分]A.1.5KgB.4KgC.1KgD.2KgE.5Kg2. 炮制时宜采用先炒药后加酒的操作方法的药物是: [1分]A.车前子B.五灵脂C.乳香D.百合E.白芍3. 胃热呕吐宜选用的饮片是: [1分]A.姜黄连B.吴萸连C.黄连D.酒黄连E.黄连炭4. 砂炒后便于去毛的药物是: [1分]A.石韦B.枇杷叶C.马钱子D.鸡内金E.金樱子5. 麦芽的质量要求是: [1分]A.出芽率不得少于85%B.出芽率不得少于90%C.出芽率不得少于75%D.出芽率不得少于80%E.出芽率不得少于95%6. 炮制水蛭时,每100Kg水蛭用滑石粉的量为: [1分]A.30KgB.40KgC.10KgD.20KgE.50Kg7. 先炒药后加盐水的操作方法适用于哪类药物: [1分]A.动物粪便类药物B.质地坚实致密的药物C.含粘液质较多的药物D.树脂类药物E.含有机酸较多的药物8. 将100Kg半夏炮制为法半夏,需要的辅料及用量为: [1分]A.甘草25Kg,白矾10KgB.生姜20Kg,生石灰12.5KgC.生姜25Kg,白矾12.5KgD.甘草15Kg,生石灰10KgE.白矾10Kg,生石灰10Kg9. 煅自然铜,每100Kg药物用醋的量是: [1分]A.20KgB.30KgC.5KgD.10KgE.50Kg10. 中药炮制的历史可追溯到: [1分]A.秦朝B.春秋战国C.刘宋时代D.汉朝E.原始社会11. 宜用明煅法炮制,且含结晶水的药物是: [1分]A.石膏B.牡蛎C.炉甘石D.石决明E.钟乳石12. 属于液体辅料的是: [1分]A.蛤粉B.食盐C.豆腐D.河砂E.麦麸13. 以下属相反为制的是: [1分]A.蜜百合B.吴茱萸制黄连C.姜半夏D.麸枳壳E.盐知母14. 宜采用滑石粉煨制的药物是: [1分]A.葛根B.乌梅C.木香D.肉豆蔻E.水蛭15. 蜜炙可缓和药性的药物是: [1分]A.麻黄B.甘草C.马兜铃D.百合E.党参16. 甘草汁制吴茱萸的目的是: [1分]A.缓和药性,提高疗效B.消除副作用C.降低毒性,缓和燥性D.降低毒性,改变药性E.矫臭矫味17. 麸炒苍术的目的是: [1分]A.矫嗅矫味B.降低毒性C.缓和燥性,增强健脾和胃的作用D.增强固肠止泻作用E.易于粉碎18. 黄芩软化的最佳方法是: [1分]A.蒸10分钟B.蒸至“圆汽”后半小时C.少泡多润D.煮半小时E.减压浸润19. 蛤粉常用作炮制的药材种类是: [1分]A.动物类B.矿物类C.树脂类D.动物胶类E.贝壳类20. 提净芒硝所用辅料是: [1分]A.萝卜B.盐水C.水D.醋E.蜜水B型题:下列每组题有多个备选答案,每个备选答案可以使用一次或重复使用,也可以不选,请选择正确答案A.水蛭B.苍术C.白术D.阿胶E.马钱子1. 常用滑石粉炒的药物是: [1分]A B C D E2. 常用砂炒的药物是: [1分]A B C D EA.皮壳B.果瓤C.残茎D.枝梗E.残根3. 枳壳的非药用部位是: [1分]A B C D E4. 巴豆的非药用部位是: [1分]A B C D EA.去皮B.去枝梗C.去毛D.去头、足、鳞片E.去核5. 蛤蚧的净制方法是: [1分]A B C D E6. 金樱子的净制方法是: [1分]A B C D EA.矫臭矫味B.利于贮存保管C.降低毒性D.缓和药性E.便于调剂制剂7. 清蒸桑螵蛸的主要目的是: [1分]A B C D E8. 斑蝥米炒的主要目的是: [1分]A B C D EA.20KgB.30KgC.5KgD.10KgE.50Kg9. 磁石煅淬时,每100Kg药用醋的量为: [1分]A B C D E10. 炮制醋鳖甲时,每100Kg药物用醋的量为: [1分]A B C D E。
《护理心理学B(2008版)》第4次作业A型题:请从备选答案中选取一个最佳答案1. 符合完全不匹配模式的护士个体占护士群体的() [1分]A.5%B.10%C.15%D.20%E.25%2. 护理伦理学护士角色人格是()的特定概念 [1分]A.护理伦理学B.护理心理学C.护理管理学D.护理教育学E.社会心理学3. 符合重合匹配模式的护士个体占护士群体的() [1分]A.5%B.10%C.15%D.20%E.25%4. “情人眼里出西施”属社会认知偏差是() [1分]A.光环效应B.社会刻板印象C.印象整饰D.近因效应E.首因效应5. “一个已经适应病人角色的人,由于种种原因,迫使他放弃病人角色而去承担其他社会角色。
”属于下列哪种患者角色行为偏差: [1分]A.患者角色冲突B.患者角色缺如C.患者角色减退D.患者角色强化E.患者角色恐惧6. 临终患者所经历的5个心理反应阶段中()反应是一种心理防御机制 [1分]A.忧郁期B.协议期C.否认期D.愤怒期E.接受期7. 常见的社会认知偏差不包括() [1分]A.晕轮效应B.社会刻板印象C.印象整饰D.近因效应E.首因效应8. 心理学中人格与职业的匹配性研究,较多涉及()对职业的影响 [1分]A.气质B.特质C.性格D.动机E.兴趣9. 某患者,一次行路时被助动车撞倒,当时有意识丧失约10分钟,送至医院行头颅CT等检查没有异常,予口头道歉后回家休息,后出现头痛、头晕、头胀、记忆力减退等症状,四处求医,行多项检查均无异常,多次接受心理治疗亦无效。
问此属于哪一类患者角色? [1分]A.患者角色冲突B.患者角色缺如C.患者角色减退D.患者角色强化E.患者角色恐惧10. “患者意识不到或不承认自己患病”属于下列哪种患者角色行为偏差: [1分]A.患者角色冲突B.患者角色缺如C.患者角色减退D.患者角色强化E.患者角色恐惧11. “是一种较强烈的因个体与挫折或威胁抗争而产生的情绪反应。
计算机网络第四次参考答案4.一大群ALOHA 用户每秒钟产生50个请求,包括原始请求和重传请求。
(a )试问:第一次发送成功的机会是多少?(b )试问:恰好K 次冲突之后 概率是多少?(c )试问:所需传输次数的期望值是多少?解:(a )取G = 2,根据泊松分布公式!]Pr[k e G k Gk -=,可得几率为2-e (b )k G k G e e 865.0135.0)1(⨯=---(c )传输次数的期望值:4.7==Ge E6.试问在下列两种情况下CSMA/CD 的竞争时间槽是多少?(a )一个2千米的双导线电缆(twin-lead cable )(信号传播速度是信号在真空中传播速度的82%)?(b )40千米长的多模光纤(信号传播速度是信号在真空中传播速度的65%)? 解:(a )信号传播速度在双导线电缆中是s m /1046.28⨯。
则信号在其中传播2km 时间是s μ13.8。
所以, 竞争时间槽是 s μ26.16(b )信号传播速度在多模光纤中是s m /1095.18⨯。
则信号在其中传播40km 时间是s μ13.205。
所以, 竞争时间槽是 s μ26.4108.在二进制倒计数协议中,试问为什么一个编号较低的站有可能得不到发送数据报的机会。
解:这里低-高电平跳变表示0, 高-低的电平跳变表示1。
15.一个1千米长、10Mbps 的CSMA/CD LAN(不是802.3),其传播速度为200米/微秒。
第四次作业Remark批改第4次作业(注明日期Apr.11),发现全班45位同学都交了本次作业,赞一个!并希望保持下去!本次作业的质量普遍很高!很多同学得到了A 级评定,存在问题主要有几个小细节没有说理到位.参考解答习题1.4 .5351.-P10. 设A ,B 是两事件,31)()(==B P A P ,61)(=B A P ,求61)(=B A P .解 先由乘法公式,得1816131)()()(=⨯==B A P B P AB P . 再由概率的加法公式得)()()()(AB P B P A P B A P -+=⋃18111813131=-+=, 于是 )()()(B P B A P B A P =12731118111)(1)(=--=-⋃=B P B A P.16. 两台车床加工同样的零件,第一台出现不合格品的概率是0.03,第二台出现不合格品的概率是0.06,加工出来的零件放在一起,并且已知第一台加工的零件数比第二台加工的零件数多一倍.(1)求任取一个零件是合格品的概率;(2)如果取出的零件是不合格品,求它是第二台车床加工的概率.解 记A =“任取一个零件是合格品”,B =“零件是第一台车床加工的”.则由已知有32)(=B P ,31)(=B P , 97.003.01)(=-=B A P ,94.006.01)(=-=B A P ,(1)利用全概率公式,得)()()()()(B A P B P B A P B P A P +=94.03197.032⨯+⨯= 96.0=.(2)利用贝叶斯公式得,如果取出的零件是不合格品,它是第二台车床加工的概率为)()()()()()()(B A P B P B A P B P B A P B P A B P +=06.03103.03206.031⨯+⨯⨯= 5.0=.32. 设p A P =)(,ε-=1)(B P ,证明:εεε-≤≤--1)(1p B A P p .证 由于A AB ⊂,Ω⊂⋃B A ,利用概率的单调性得()()P AB P A ≤,1))(≤⋃B A P .于是,一方面,由条件概率定义得ε-=≤=1)()()()()(p B P A P B P AB P B A P .另一方面,利用条件概率定义和乘法公式得 εε--=-+≥⋃-+==1)(1)()()()()()()()()(p B P B P A P B P B A P B P A P B P AB P B A P . 所以εεε-≤≤--1)(1p B A P p .习题1.5 .6059.-P2. 有甲、乙两批种子,发芽率分别为0.8和0.9,在两批种子中各任取一粒,求:(1)两粒种子都能发芽的概率;(2)至少有一粒种子能发芽的概率;(3)恰好有一粒种子能发芽的概率.解 记A =“从甲批取的一粒种子能发芽”,B =“从乙批取的一粒种子能发芽”,易见A 与B 独立,且由已知有8.0)(=A P ,9.0)(=B P ,于是(1)记 C =“两粒种子都能发芽”则()(A )P P B =C)()(B P A P =⨯=;(2)))A ()(B P P ⋃=至少有一粒种子能发芽)()()(AB P B P A P -=+()()()()P A P B P A P B =-+⨯-+=98.0=;(3))B A ()(B A P P ⋃=恰好有一粒种子能发芽)()()()(B P A P B P A P += 9.0)8.01()9.01(8.0⨯-+-⨯= 26.0=.12. 每门高射炮击中飞机的概率为0.3,独立同时射击时,要以99%的把握击中飞机,需要几门高射炮?解 设需要n 门高射炮才能以99%的把握击中飞机,又记i A =“第i 门高射炮击中飞机”,n i ,,2,1 = 易见,1A ,2A ,…,n A 独立,且由已知有 3.0)(=i A P ,n i ,,2,1 =.于是,依题意,要99.0)(21≥n A A A P , 即 99.0)(121≥-n A A A P , 也即99.0)3.01(1≥--n , 01.07.0≤n ,验证可知,当13≥n 时能符合要求,故至少需要13门高射炮才能以99%的把握击中飞机.。
第1次作业案例1 某县电器商场新进了一批新型DVD,定价为每台3600元,售货员在制作价格标牌时,误将3600元标为2600元。
根据案情,回答下列问题:1.商场同曹某的买卖行为属于什么样的民事行为?2.商场是否有权要求撤销这一民事行为?为什么?3.本案如何处理?案例2 M经济咨询事务所系甲个人在某市投资设立的个人独资企业,营业执照的签发日期为2000年 5月3日。
问题:1.在2000年5月3日前,M经济咨询事务所可否从事经营活动?为什么? 2.该所可以设立分支机构吗?其民事责任由谁承担?3.如果该所的经营范围为:“主营经济咨询,兼营电脑硬件设备、文化用品”,那么该所可否适当经营五金建材业务?为什么?4.如果甲委托乙管理企业,应办什么手续?在企业的经营管理活动中,乙不得有哪些行为?案例3 某个人独资企业开头几年由投资人甲自行经营,盈利1000万元。
问题:1.甲可否决定解散企业?2.该个人独资企业解散应由谁清算?3.企业解散后的1500万元债务应由甲承担,还是乙承担?为什么?4.企业解散的财产应按什么顺序清偿?5.如果该个人独资企业财产不足以清偿债务,怎么办?第2次作业案例1 王某与甲、乙、丙三人合伙成立了一个汽车修理部,由王某、甲、乙各出资l万元,丙提供技术入伙,四人平均分配盈余。
商法-第4次任务_0040一、判断题(共30 道试题,共15 分。
A. 错误B. 正确2. 汇票在出票时有三个当事人:出票人,收款人,付款人。
A. 错误B. 正确3. 本票的基本当事人有出票人与收款人。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:0.5 分4. 背书指在票据背面或粘单上记载有关事项并签章的票据行为。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:0.5 分5. 追索权是指汇票到期不获付款或期前不获承兑、或者有其他法定原因出现时,持票人在履行了保全手续后,向其前手请求偿还汇票金额、利息及费用的一种票据上的权利。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:0.5 分6. 承兑是汇票付款人明确表示于到期日支付汇票金额的一种票据行为,表示愿意承担票据义务的行为。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:0.5 分7. 支票禁止记载事项包括无益记载事项和有害记载事项。
A. 错误B. 正确8. 支票就是出票人委托银行或其他法定金融机构于见票时无条件支付一定金额给收款人的票据。
A. 错误B. 正确9. 汇票就是出票人委托他人于到期日无条件支付一定金额给收款人的票据。
A. 错误B. 正确10. 票据法禁止记载的事项,一般是指附条件的委托支付文句的记载,若有此记载便会使票据归于无效。
A. 错误B. 正确11. 票据权利是指持票人为取得票据金额,依法所附予的可以对票据债务人行使的权利。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:0.5 分12. 支票在出票时有三个当事人:出票人,收款人,付款人。
A. 错误B. 正确13. 空白票据是出票人在签发票据时,有意将票据上应记载的事项不记完全,留持票人以后补充的票据。
A. 错误B. 正确14. 无民事行为能力人在票据上签章的,其签章无效,而且因此影响其他签章的效力。
A. 错误B. 正确满分:0.5 分15. 票据法上的非票据关系是由票据法直接规定的、与票据行为相联系但又不是由票据行为本身所发生的权利义务关系。
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A1990年 B1991 C1992 D1993
A基本 B辅助 C补充 D主要
A28.5% B38.5% C48.5% D58.5%
A200 B250 C300 D350
A书画 B陶瓷 C古典家具 D古钱币
A企业投资者 B国有企业 C政府所属有关机构 D私人收藏家
A财产税类 B资源税类 C行为税类 D关税
A5% B10% C15% D20%
A国债利息 B保险赔款 C中国铁路建设债券