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• FAS/Free Alongside Ship(named port of
shipment),船边交货(指定装运港)。其是指卖 方在装运港将已清关的货物送到指定的装运港船 边,即完成交货。
FAS Free Alongside Ship (. . . named port of shipment)
(International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms) 国际贸易术语解释通则
• 1812年,世界上第一个贸易术语FOB诞生 在英国的利物浦,即装运港船上交货。
• 当时所谓的FOB,是指“买方事先在装运港口租 订一条船,并要求卖方将其售出的货物交到买方 租好的船上,买方自始至终在船上监督交货的情 况,并对货物进行检查,如果他认为货物与他先 前看到的样品相符,就在当时当地偿付货款”。 这就是现代FOB的雏形。
• 为了解决这些问题,国际商会(ICC)于1936年首次公布 了一套解释贸易术语的国际规则,名为Incoterms1936,以 后又于1953年,1967年,1976年,1980年,1990年和 2000年做出补充和修订,以便使这些规则适应当前国际贸 易实践的发展。
• 最有影响力的是1990年版本,它把13条国际贸易术语分 成了四组。
FOB Free On Board (. . . named port of shipment)
• In Free On Board, the seller/exporter/manufacturer clears the goods for export and is responsible for the costs and risks of delivering the goods past the
• Examples
• EXW Paris, France • EXW Singapore
FCA Free Carrier (. . . named place)
• In Free Carrier, the seller/exporter/manufacturer clears the goods for export and delivers them to the carrier specified by the buyer at the named place.
ship's rail at the named port of shipment.
• 装运港船上交货(指定装运港)。其是指当货物在 指定装运港越过船舷时,卖方即完成交货。而买方 必须自该交货点起负担一切费用和货物灭失和损失 的风险。
FOB Free On Board (. . . named port of shipment)
• 货交承运人(…指定地点)。其是指卖方在指定
地点将经出口清关的货物交给买方指定的承运人, 即完成了交货。
FCA Free Carrier (. . . named place)
FCA Free Carrier (. . . named place)
• The seller’s obligation is to hand over the goods, cleared for export, into the charge of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point.
Incoterms 2010
INCOTERMS International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 国际贸易术语解释通则
➢11 Incoterms divided into four basic groups:
What do they mean?
贸易术语又称贸易条件、价格条件,是进出口 商品价格的一个重要组成部分,它是用一个简短 的概念或三个字母的缩写,来说明交货地点、商 品的价格和买卖双方有关风险、责任和费用的划 分,以确定卖方交货和买方接货过程中应尽的义 务。
Why Do They Exist?
贸易术语是在国际贸易的长期实践中形成的。 a. 简化交易磋商的过程 b. 有利于解决履约当中的争议 c. 有利于其他有关机构(航运公司、保险公司、
• This term should only be used for sea or inland waterway transport.
• Examples • FAS Port Elizabeth South Africa • FAS Le Havre France
• FAS术语起初用于北欧与北美的木材交易,尤其 是将原木编成木筏,从产地沿河运至装运港,再 将这些木筏横靠船边,以便于装船,即采用FAS 术语交易。此外,一些大宗货物(如铁矿石)的 交易,尤其美国出口的原棉,也常以FAS术语交 易。总之,当货物在装船方面有某些特殊困难时 ,Seller往往采用FAS术语,而使自己不承担此项 义务。
• The buyer is responsible for all costs and risks of loss or damage to the goods from that moment. The buyer is also required to clear the goods for export.
“E组” 仅包括EXW(工厂交货)。当卖方在其所 在地或其他指定的地点(工厂、仓库等)将货物交 给买方处置时,即完成交货。
EXW, Ex Works (d place)
EXW, Ex Works (d place)
➢ The buyer bears all costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the seller’s premises to the desired destination.
FCA Free Carrier FAS Free Alongside Ship FOB Free On Board CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight CPT Carriage Paid To CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To DAT Delivered At Terminal DAP Delivered At Place DDP Delivered Duty Paid
• 目前最新的版本是Incoterms 2010,于2011年1月1日开始 启用,共11条。
What do they mean?
• Incoterms define at the minimum level:
- The division of costs between buyers and sellers - The point at which delivery occurs, i.e., the point at which the risk of loss or damage transfers from the seller to the buyer. - Which party is responsible for export and import clearance
FAS Free Alongside Ship (. . . named port of
• In Free Alongside Ship, the seller/exporter/manufacturer clears the goods for export and then places them alongside the vessel at the "named port of shipment."
旧 金 Supermarket 山
International Trade Transaction
• 1. Responsibilities and Associated Cost • 2. Place of Delivery • 3. Documents and Expense • 4. Title to Goods
• 到了19世纪中叶,国际贸易出现了一些新的变化 :为国际贸易服务的轮船公司、保险公司纷纷成 立,银行参与到国际贸易结算业务中。1862年又 产生了新的贸易术语——CIF,之后以CIF为代表的 票据买卖方式逐渐成为国际贸易中最常用的贸易 做法。
• 合同双方当事人之间互不了解对方国家的贸易习惯的情况 时常出现,这就会引起误解、争议和诉讼,从而浪费时间 和费用。
➢ The seller’s obligation is to make the goods available at his premises (works, factory, warehouse) .
➢ This term represents minimum obligation for the seller. This term can be used across all modes of transport.
Who Uses Them?
• Buyers and Sellers, directly 买方和卖方,直接 • And indirectly 间接 • Banks 银行 • Insurers 保险公司 • Carriers/Forwarding Agents 承运人/运输代理
FOB Free On Board (. . . named port of shipment)
• This term can be used across all modes of transport.
• Examples • FCA ABC Shipping Hamburg Germany • FCA XYZ Air Lines SFO (San Francisco
International Airport) • FCA AZ Freight Forwarders Tokyo Japan • FCA Supplier's Facility Bogata, Colombia
– E-terms – F-terms – C-terms – D-terms
Incoterms 2010
Group E Departure Group F Main Carriage Unpaid
Group C Main Carrigae Paid
Group D Arrival
EXW Ex Works
International Trade Terms
International Trade Transaction


The Pacific Ocean
Numerous procedures: Shipping Insurance Customs entry Import or export duties
EXW, Ex Works (d place)
In Ex Works, the seller/exporter/manufacturer merely makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller's "named place" of business.
FAS Free Alongside Ship (. . . named port of
• The seller has fulfilled his obligation when goods have been placed alongside the vessel at the port of shipment.