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Metaphor You could say that I am a banana
Metaphor But while I don ’ t believe our roots necessarily define us, I
do believe there are racially inflected assumptions wired into our neural circuitry.
Artithesis A conspicuous person standing apart from the crowd and yet devoid of any individuality.
Metaphor China becomes the destination for our industrial base and the banker controlling our burgeoning debt.
Metaphor I feel like I ’ mjumping the gun a generation or two too early. ”Metaphor Who can seriously claim that a Harvard University that was 72 percent Asian would deliver the same grooming for elite status its students had gone there to receive
Metaphor Before having heard from Mao, I had considered myself at worst lightly singed by the last embers of Asian alienation.
Oxymoron It was a big, squarish frame house that had on ce been white, decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolle d balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies,
set on what had once been our most select Personification
Only Miss Emily's house was left,
mps-an eyesore among eyesores.
street. lifting its stubborn and
coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pu
It smelled of dust and disuse--a close, dank smell.
That night the Board of Aldermen met--three graybeards and o ne younger man, a member of the rising generation.
Metaphor She carried her head high enough--even when we believed that she was fallen.
Then we knew that this was to be expected too; as if that quality of her father which had thwarted her woman's life so many times had been too virulent and too furious to d ie.
They held the funeral on the second day, with the town com ing to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers ,
a diminishing road but, instead, a huge meadow which no win ter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years.
The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an em
brace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conq uers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him. What was left of him,
Metaphor 前/simle 后There was a tin mug hanging on the pump, and when I drank from it on a burning day, I thought of black rocks where the water
ran sparkling like black diamonds .
Metaphor These grew so thick they looked as if they must be rooted on islands, on dry land, but they were actually growing out of river muck, and trapped ( trapping ) our legs in their snaky roots.
Metonymy There was a keen alarm whenthe cry came, a wire zinging through your whole body, a fanatic feeling of devotion.
Metaphor 前/simle 后How all my own territory would be altered, as if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike.
Simle My heart was beating in big thumps, like howls happening in my chest.
Metaphor She swept me into her life as she had always done, telling me that she had thought she was going to be late because Claire had got a bug in her ear that morning and had to be taken to the hospital to have it flushed out, Metonymy和alliteration And I had moved for the newfangled reason that was approved of mightily but fleetingly and only in somespecial circles
- leaving husband and house and all the things acquired during the marriage Metaphor I was happy with all this - it made me feel as if I had made a true change, a long necessary voyage from the house of marriage.
Metaphor And I did more or less the same thing every time I thought of them - I snapped my mind shut.
Transfered epithet 移就 All afternoon while the men were gone I was full of happy energy.
Metaphor the water was steel gray, and looked to be rolling,
Metaphor something coming, from the direction of the midnight clouds. Metaphor Curtains of rain - not veils but really thick and wildly slapping curtains - were driven ahead of it.
Metaphor So close together that wecould
around our feet,
Metaphor It had a weight to it, a warning
apology. Parallelism 排比 I thought of the momentwhen he got out of the car. The noise he must have made. The momentwhen the child ’ s mother came running out of the house.
Metaphor A person who knew - as I did not know, did not comenear knowing
not look at each other - wecould only look down, at the miniature
rivers already breaking up the earth
determination edged with
一exactly what rock bottom was like.
Solar radiation-largely visible and ultraviolet light-is a vas
t stream of energy that bathes the Earth's surface, fluctuat ing from day to night and season to season.
Metaphor noxious fumes of smog blanket every major city;
the natural ecosphere, the thin global skin of air, water, and soil and the plants and animals that live in it,
A free lunch is really a debt. In the technosphere, a debt is an acknowledged
but unmet Cost-the mortgage on a factor
y building, for example.
It is not so much a battle cry for one side or the other
, as a design for negotiating an end to this suicidal war- for making peace with the planet.
Metaphor An imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of republics.
Synecdoche It is then argued that the government is inherently incompetent, except as regards weapons design and procurement and the overall management of the Pentagon.
Metaphor Belief can be the servant of truth - but even more of convenience.
Metaphor It causes us to avoid thinking about death. It causes a great many people to avoid thought of the arms race and the consequent rush toward a highly probable extinction.
Metaphor Cut the knot , for there is no way to untie it.
Metontmy In the record of this conflict, ideology has attracted someof the strongest intelligences mankind has produced —those whom Sir Isaiah Berlin, termed the “hedgehogs” , who knows one big thing,
Metonymy After all, the American mind was conditioned by one of the noblest and most formidable structures of analysis ever devised,
Parallel There have been hedgehogs throughout American history whohave attempted to endow America with an all-inclusive creed, to translate Americanism into a set of binding propositions, and to construe the national tradition in terms of one or another ultimate law.
Parallel The ideologist contends that the mysteries of history can be understood in terms of a clear-cut, absolute, social creed which explains the past and forecasts the future. Ideology thus presupposes a closed universe whose history is determined, whose principles are fixed, whose values and objectives are deducible from a central body of social dogma and often whose central dogmais confided to the custody of an infallible priesthood.
Allteration These empirical instincts, the preference for fact over logic, for deed over dogma,
Ironic against the notion that all answers to political and social problems can be found in the back of some sacred book 圣书, against the deterministic interpretation of history, against the closed universe,
Personification /metonymy the world is coming to understand that the mixed economy offered the instrumentalities through which one can unite social control with individual freedom.
Metaphor But ideology is a drug; no matter how much it is exposed by experience, the craving for it still persists.。
