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汪子翔 等·抗菌材料及抗菌剂的研究现状及前景展望
2021年 第47卷
2007(09):1 237-1 242.
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The present situation and prospect of antibacterial materials and
antimicrobial agents
Wang Zixiang, Zhang Kun, Wei Jinhao, Zhai Siguang, Su Mingxue, Liang Jianrong, Wang Liyan*
(College of Petrochemical Industry, Shenyang University of Technology, Liaoyang 111003, Liaoning, China)Abstract: In this paper, the development process and research status of antibacterial agents and antibacterial materials at home and abroad are introduced, and the existing antibacterial agents are classified and summarized. The types, characteristics, antibacterial mechanism and research progress of inorganic, organic and composite antibacterial agents are mainly described, and the existing problems of different types of antibacterial agents are pointed out. The development direction of antibacterial agents in the future is prospected.
Key words: antibacterial agent; antibacterial material; antibacterial mechanism; research status; prospect
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