International Cruise (英文邮轮介绍)




"Viking Cruises" is a cruise line that offers cruises to destinations around the world. The company was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Switzerland. Viking Cruises is known for its luxury cruises, which offer passengers a high level of comfort and service.The ships of Viking Cruises are designed to provide passengers with a comfortable and elegant cruising experience. They offer a variety of cabin types, including suites and verandas, as well as a range of onboard facilities such as restaurants, bars, spas, and theaters.Viking Cruises offers cruises to destinations in Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Antarctica. The company's cruises focus on providing passengers with in-depth cultural and historical experiences, with shore excursions and onboard lectures offered to enhance passengers' understanding of the destinations they visit.In addition to its cruises, Viking Cruises is also committed to environmental and social responsibility. The company has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, including the use of energy-efficient technologies and the promotion of sustainable tourism practices.Overall, Viking Cruises is a luxury cruise line that offers passengers a high level of comfort and service, as well as cultural and historical experiences in destinations around the world.。



交通工具轮船英文作文## Ships: A Vital Mode of Transportation。

Ships have played a crucial role in the development of human civilization, facilitating trade, exploration, and the exchange of ideas across vast oceans. They have enabled the transportation of goods and people between distant lands, shaping global economies and cultural landscapes.The design and capabilities of ships have evolved significantly over the centuries, from simple wooden vessels powered by wind to modern behemoths equipped with cutting-edge technology. Today, ships are classified into various types based on their size, purpose, and functionality.### Cargo Ships。

Cargo ships are designed to transport large quantities of goods between ports. They are typically divided intobulk carriers, tankers, container ships, and specialized carriers. Bulk carriers transport commodities such as grain, coal, and iron ore, while tankers transport liquids like crude oil, natural gas, and chemicals. Container shipscarry standardized containers filled with a wide range of products, enabling efficient loading and unloading. Specialized carriers handle unique cargoes, such as vehicles, livestock, and hazardous materials.### Passenger Ships。


船舶在每航次启航同时,按照规定必须进行救生演习 (Lifeboat Drill),旅客按照规定一律亲自 参加,以便记住个人救生艇编号以及紧急集合点(Muster Station)。
行李于上船当天搬进各人客舱后,就不需要再搬上搬下。直到离船前一晚,切记取出次日准备 穿着的“备用衣物”一套,并悬挂船公司提供的行李牌,并于规定时间将行李摆出舱房门外, 以利于深夜行李员的搬运。
Report Person:
邮轮,也叫邮船。过去洲际间或水上长距离间传送邮件,通常是委托航 行在这些航线上航速高的那些大型客船来承运的,这类大型客船通常是航行 在固定航线上并定期启航和按时到达 的,于是这类大型客船便常被称为邮船。 邮船主要服务对象是长途旅客。随着航空技术的发展,洲际航线和远距离水 上航行很快就被飞机取代了,旅客们只要花几个小时、十几个小时就可以越 洋作洲际旅行,不愿几天、几十天坐船旅行,于是邮船逐渐完成历史使命, 退出了历史舞台,取而代之的是大型豪华游船。大型豪华游船主要服务对象 是游客,而不是旅客,是那些喜欢享受海风、日光,喜爱广袤的大洋,喜爱 到世界各地大城 市观光,喜欢体会船上的五星级宾馆的服务和海上生活情趣 的游客。这类大型豪华游船可以带点货,但承运邮件已不是它的重要任务了。 所以习惯上把大型的豪华游船还是称为邮轮。
这是一场令人目眩的灯光喷泉秀, 配以不同主题音乐与视频,每晚于 甲板上呈现。高达10米的灯光喷泉 带来华丽水景与独特的浪漫记忆。
Princesses Cruises
少年活动中心 (适合13至17岁少年)
配备可创作音乐和制作播放列 表的DJ台的专属休息区域,少 年朋友们可以在这里交友畅聊, 共同参与滑雪球、桌上足球、 电子游戏、电影之夜和舞蹈课 等项目。



去日本游轮攻略一、选择游轮公司和船只类型1.1 游轮公司选择在计划去日本乘坐游轮旅行之前,首先需要选择一个可信赖的游轮公司。

以下是几个在日本海域经营的游轮公司推荐:•Princess Cruises(公主邮轮):该公司拥有丰富的邮轮船队和全球领先的服务水平,是不错的选择之一。

•Royal Caribbean International(皇家加勒比邮轮):这家公司以其豪华的游轮设施和丰富多样的娱乐活动而闻名。

•Carnival Cruise Line(嘉年华邮轮):作为全球最大游轮公司之一,嘉年华邮轮提供各种各样的航线选择和乘客设施。

1.2 船只类型选择不同的游轮船只提供不同的设施和航线选择。







二、日本游轮旅行准备2.1 签证和文件准备在计划去日本游轮旅行前,确保你已经办理了有效的日本签证。

除此之外,还需要准备以下文件:•护照和签证复印件•游轮预订确认单•保险证明•联系方式备忘录2.2 行李准备在准备行李时,需要考虑以下几个方面:•季节和天气:根据游轮旅行的季节和地点,准备相应的衣物。





2.3 财务准备在日本游轮旅行中,有几个费用需要考虑:•游轮票价:确保提前支付游轮票价,并带上确认单据。




邮轮旅游产业概述邮轮旅游(Cruise Tour)是指以轮船作为交通载具、旅馆住宿,餐饮供应以及休闲场所之多功能工具,进行相关观光、旅游、观赏风景文物等活动的称谓。



邮轮不但本身具备「浮动渡假旅店Floating Resort」,雇用多种族文化背景员工、贴心温馨服务旅客等多元素特色,旅客同时也得以办妥一次登船手续后,即可全程悠闲享受食衣住行育乐等高级享受。







1.1900-1910年代:史上第一艘地中海邮轮Prinzessin Victoria Luise,于二十世纪初之1901年至1914年间,每年冬季以「避寒航行」方式,于地中海海域营运了十四年之久。





Commercial in confidence
By Oceanic Group
QE2 –As a Floating Hotel in Hong Kong
价值主张 Value Proposition
Value proposition to Hong Kong
In June2011, Hong Kong had 184 hotels with 61,828 rooms,an Increase of room supply to June 2010. The average occupancy Rate increase by 4% points as compared to June 2010. Average length of stay was 3.6 nights. Average room rate was HK$1,800. In 2011, Hong Kong received a record number of 42 million visitors. Hotels and Guesthouses average 89% occupancy rate and during peak periods like school holidays and exhibition season, the demand for hotel rooms is push higher. All these re ect a massive demand for hotel rooms and Hong Kong needs to have more hotel rooms in the right locations to meet the requirements of tourists and businessmen. Shortage of land in HK is one factor that restricts the building of new hotels. (Annex1) The Government continues to develop a wide range of diversi-fied tourist attractions in Hong Kong with a view to enhance HongKong’s overall attractiveness as a premier tourist destina-Tion added increased demand for hotel rooms.But with record high number of visitors and shortage of hotel rooms, this will Stified Hong Kong ambition to be Asia’s premier international city. (Annexign owned by Government of Dubai


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UnCruise Adventures
UnCruise Adventures 也属于游艇类的探险品牌。主要 航线集中在美国阿拉斯加、夏威夷、墨西哥西海岸。总部 分别设在阿拉斯加的朱诺和美国本土的西雅图。
专为寻求私密性高、探险活动的体能消耗相对低、注 重丰富历史人文、动植物、地理科学知识的客人而设计。 专业的当地向导,让你免去所有后顾之忧,并能根据旅途 需要进行专业讲解。选择 UnCruise Adventures,可能你的 旅途会由近距离地观赏阿拉斯加亿万年的古老冰川开始, 在午夜绚烂的北极光下,轻划橡皮艇结束。
它的航线有北欧、峡湾、西欧、伊比利亚半岛、亚平 宁半岛、爱琴海、西地中海、摩洛哥、加那利群岛、北大 西洋、跨大西洋、加勒比海、中美洲、哥斯达黎加、古巴、 巴拿马运河。真正的远航者,跨越大洋大洲,足以满足你 对碧海蓝天的所有想象。如果你向往自由水手的生活,喜 爱中世纪复古风情,那么一定要尝试一次 Sea Cloud 的假期。
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Sea Cloud Cruises
来自德国汉堡的 Sea Cloud Cruises,以复古的手工操作 风帆来掌舵帆船游艇而出名。该公司的两艘船定位精致奢 华,堪称目前世界上高度最高的奢华帆船。
其中的 Sea Cloud 原建于 1931 年,发展到今天,其历 史非常具有传奇色彩。当时华尔街金融风暴,一代大亨 Kiel 宣布破产。而他的夫人,也是他之前财产的继承人 Marjorie Merriweather Post,在那时临危建造了这艘帆船, 一家人逃亡海上。然而经过战争与和平的历史变迁,到了 1978 年,Sea Cloud 经过整修,又重新焕发出生命的光彩。



国际邮轮乘务管理专业中英文自我介绍(中英文版)Title: International Cruise Crew Management Major Self-Introduction Hi there! I am delighted to introduce myself as a dedicated student majoring in International Cruise Crew Management. This fascinating field has opened doors to a world filled with adventure, cultural diversity, and excellent service. With a passion for the sea and a desire to excel in customer service, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the thriving cruise industry.大家好!我非常荣幸地介绍自己,我是一名专注于国际邮轮乘务管理专业的学生。



My academic journey in this major has equipped me with a solid foundation in areas such as hospitality management, maritime regulations, and intercultural communication. I thrive on challenges and constantly seek opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills. Moreover, being an active team player and a great communicator, I am ready to adapt to the dynamic environment of a cruise ship.在专业学习过程中,我打下了坚实的知识基础,涵盖了酒店管理、海事法规以及跨文化交流等领域。



邮轮自我介绍英语加汉语English:The cruise ship I am introducing is the luxurious and grandiose Royal Caribbean Symphony of the Seas. This magnificent vessel holds the title of being the largest cruise ship in the world, offering an unparalleled experience for passengers of all ages. With a capacity to accommodate over 6,000 guests, Symphony of the Seas boasts a variety of amenities including multiple pools, luxurious spas, Broadway-style entertainment, diverse dining options, and thrilling activities such as zip lining and surf simulators. The ship also features impressive technological advancements, ensuring that guests have a seamless and enjoyable journey from start to finish. Whether you are looking to relax and unwind or seek adventure and excitement, Symphony of the Seas has something for everyone to enjoy, making it the perfect choice for a memorable and unforgettable cruise vacation.中文翻译:我要介绍的邮轮是豪华而宏伟的皇家加勒比海洋交响乐团号。



邮轮服务英语作文150Here is an essay on the topic of "Cruise Ship Services in English" with more than 1000 words, written entirely in English without any additional title or punctuation marks in the main body.Cruise ship services play a vital role in providing an exceptional experience for passengers embarking on their maritime adventures. From the moment guests step aboard, they are immersed in a world of luxury, convenience, and personalized attention. The cruise industry has evolved significantly, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of travelers from all walks of life.One of the hallmarks of cruise ship services is the emphasis on hospitality. The staff, often referred to as the "crew," are trained to deliver exceptional customer service, anticipating the needs and desires of passengers. Whether it's the attentive stateroom attendants who ensure the cabins are meticulously maintained, the friendly waiters who cater to diners' culinary preferences, or the knowledgeable tour guides who lead excursions ashore, the crew's dedication to creating a memorable experience is unparalleled.Dining is a central component of the cruise experience, and cruiselines have elevated their culinary offerings to cater to the discerning palates of their guests. From gourmet specialty restaurants featuring world-class chefs to casual buffets offering a diverse array of international cuisines, the dining options on board are both diverse and delectable. Passengers can indulge in exquisite fine dining experiences, savor local delicacies from the destinations they visit, or simply enjoy a casual poolside snack, all while surrounded by the breathtaking vistas of the open sea.Beyond dining, cruise ship services encompass a wide range of recreational and entertainment options. Guests can enjoy a plethora of activities, from relaxing in the spa and fitness center to engaging in sports and games, such as rock climbing, mini-golf, and basketball. The onboard entertainment is equally impressive, with elaborate stage productions, live music performances, comedy shows, and interactive activities that cater to guests of all ages.One of the unique aspects of cruise ship services is the ability to seamlessly blend relaxation and exploration. Passengers can choose to spend their days lounging by the pool, reading a book, or simply taking in the stunning ocean views, while also having the opportunity to disembark and explore the various ports of call along the itinerary. Cruise lines offer a wide range of shore excursions, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the local culture, history, and natural wonders of the destinations they visit.Technological advancements have also played a significant role in enhancing the cruise ship experience. Many cruise lines have implemented innovative digital solutions, such as mobile apps and touch-screen interfaces, to streamline the booking process, provide real-time information about onboard activities, and even enable contactless payments and room access. These technological innovations not only improve the overall efficiency of the cruise operations but also contribute to the seamless and personalized service that guests have come to expect.Ensuring the safety and security of passengers is another crucial aspect of cruise ship services. Cruise lines have stringent safety protocols in place, including emergency response procedures, advanced navigation systems, and comprehensive medical facilities. The crew is extensively trained in emergency preparedness and first aid, providing a sense of reassurance and confidence to guests throughout their voyage.Sustainability and environmental responsibility have also become increasingly important in the cruise industry. Many cruise lines have implemented eco-friendly initiatives, such as the use of renewable energy sources, waste management systems, and the reduction of single-use plastics. These efforts not only contribute to the protection of the marine environment but also align with thegrowing demand from eco-conscious travelers.In conclusion, cruise ship services have evolved into a multifaceted and comprehensive offering that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of modern travelers. From the exceptional hospitality and culinary experiences to the wide range of recreational and entertainment options, the cruise industry continues to raise the bar in delivering unforgettable maritime adventures. As the industry continues to evolve, the focus on innovation, sustainability, and personalized service will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of cruise ship services, ensuring that passengers embark on journeys that exceed their expectations.。



英文邮轮介绍作文初一英文,I went on a cruise last summer and it was an amazing experience. The cruise ship was huge and had so many amenities. There were multiple pools, a spa, a gym,and even a theater for live shows. The food on the cruise was also incredible. There were so many different restaurants to choose from, and the buffet had a widevariety of dishes from around the world. One of my favorite things about the cruise was the shore excursions. I got to go snorkeling in the Caribbean, visit ancient ruins in Mexico, and even go zip-lining in Honduras. The staff onthe cruise were also very friendly and helpful. They always made sure that I was having a great time and were quick to assist with anything I needed. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience and I can't wait to go on another cruise in the future.中文,去年夏天我去了一次邮轮旅行,这是一次非常棒的体验。



英语国际邮轮自我介绍范文Hello, everyone! I'm thrilled to be part of this amazing international cruise experience. My name is Emily, and I'm originally from the bustling city of New York, but I've always had a heart for exploring the world.I love meeting new people from different cultures.You'll often find me in the ship's lounge, chatting with passengers from all over the globe. It's always fascinating to hear their stories and learn about their traditions.As for hobbies, I'm a big fan of photography. I bring my camera everywhere I go, capturing the beauty of each port we visit. I even have a small photo exhibition in my room, showcasing some of my favorite shots.Onboard, I love to take part in the various activities. Whether it's a dance class, a cooking workshop, or a game of pool, I'm always ready to have fun. And don't be surprised if you catch me singing my heart out at thekaraoke night!Of course, no cruise is complete without the delicious food. I'm a foodie at heart and always look forward to trying out the different cuisines served in the ship's restaurants. I especially love the seafood and the variety of desserts.Lastly, I'm here to make.。



国际邮轮乘务管理单招英语自我介绍Hello, my name is John and I am interested in applying for the International Cruise Crew Management position. 你好,我叫John,我对国际邮轮乘务管理岗位很感兴趣。

As a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual, I believe that my strong communication and organizational skills make me a great fit for this role. 作为一个积极主动、热情洋溢的个人,我相信我的良好的沟通和组织能力使我非常适合这个岗位。

During my previous roles, I have gained valuable experience in working in fast-paced and high-pressure environments, which I believe has prepared me well for the challenges of working on a cruise ship. 在之前的工作中,我获得了在快节奏和高压力环境下工作的宝贵经验,相信这能为我在邮轮工作中应对挑战做好准备。

I am confident in my ability to provide excellent customer service and to ensure that all passengers have a memorable and enjoyable experience on board. 我有信心能够提供出色的客户服务,并确保所有乘客在船上有一个难忘而愉快的经历。

In addition to my professional skills, I am also fluent in both English and Mandarin, which I believe will enable me to effectively communicate with passengers from diverse cultural backgrounds. 除了我的专业技能,我还流利地掌握英语和普通话,我相信这将使我能够有效地与来自不同文化背景的乘客进行交流。


An Introduction to English Cruise Ships
become an increasingly popular form of travel in recent years, and the English cruise ship industry is no exception. With numerous options available to travelers, it can be overwhelming to choose the right cruise for your needs. In this article, we will provide an introduction to English cruise ships, including an overview of the different types of ships available, the amenities they offer, and some popular destinations.
When it comes to destinations, English cruise ships sail to all corners of the globe. Some popular itineraries include Mediterranean cruises, which visit ports in Italy, Greece, Spain, and France, and Northern European cruises, which may include stops in Scandinavia, Russia, and the Baltic states. For those looking for warmer climates, Caribbean cruises are a perennial favorite, offering sunny beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant local cultures. Other popular destinations for English cruise ships include the Norwegian Fjords, the Canary Islands, and the British Isles.




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!A cruise ship is like a floating city on the sea. It'sa place where people can escape from their everyday lives and indulge in relaxation and luxury. The moment you stepon board, you are greeted by a grand entrance withsparkling chandeliers and marble floors. The ship is filled with amenities and activities to keep you entertained throughout your journey.The cabins on a cruise ship are like small hotel rooms, but with an ocean view. You can choose from a variety of options, from cozy interior cabins to spacious suites with private balconies. Each cabin is equipped with all the comforts of home, including a comfortable bed, a television, and a private bathroom. It's your own little oasis on the sea.One of the highlights of a cruise ship is the dining experience. There are multiple restaurants on board,offering a wide range of cuisines to suit every palate.From fine dining establishments with gourmet meals to casual buffet-style eateries, there is something for everyone. You can indulge in delicious food while enjoying panoramic views of the ocean.Entertainment is never lacking on a cruise ship. There are live shows and performances every night, featuring talented singers, dancers, and acrobats. You can also try your luck at the onboard casino or dance the night away at the nightclub. During the day, you can relax by the pool, participate in fitness classes, or pamper yourself at the spa. There is never a dull moment on a cruise ship.One of the most exciting aspects of a cruise ship is the opportunity to explore different destinations. The ship stops at various ports of call, allowing passengers to disembark and explore new places. Whether it's lounging on a beautiful beach, exploring historical landmarks, or shopping for souvenirs, there is always something to do and see. It's like going on multiple vacations in one trip.A cruise ship is not just a mode of transportation, buta destination in itself. It offers a unique and unforgettable experience for travelers. Whether you are seeking relaxation, adventure, or a little bit of both, a cruise ship has it all. So why not embark on a journey of a lifetime and see the world from the comfort of a luxurious floating city?一艘邮轮就像是一座漂浮在海上的城市。



外滩观光游轮英语介绍作文Title: A Journey Along the Bund: An Introduction to the Sightseeing Cruise。

The Bund, a renowned waterfront area in Shanghai, stands as a testament to the city's rich history andvibrant culture. To truly immerse oneself in the beauty and grandeur of this iconic location, one must embark on a sightseeing cruise along the Huangpu River. Here, we delve into an exploration of what awaits passengers aboard this captivating journey.Introduction to the Cruise:The Bund sightseeing cruise offers an unparalleled experience to witness the juxtaposition of Shanghai's past and present. Passengers are treated to panoramic views of the city's skyline, which seamlessly blends historic European architecture with modern skyscrapers.Embarkation Point:The journey typically begins at one of the various embarkation points along the Huangpu River, with the most popular being the Shiliupu Wharf. Here, passengers board the luxurious cruise ship and prepare for an unforgettable voyage.Scenic Highlights:As the cruise sets sail, passengers are greeted by the mesmerizing sight of the Oriental Pearl Tower, a symbol of Shanghai's modernity, towering over the historic buildings of the Bund. The cruise then navigates past landmarks such as the Shanghai Tower and the Jin Mao Tower, offering unparalleled views of these architectural marvels.Historical Insights:Throughout the journey, informative commentary provides passengers with fascinating insights into the history and significance of the sites along the Huangpu River. From thecolonial history of the Bund to the rapid urban development that has transformed Shanghai into a global metropolis, passengers gain a deeper understanding of the city's evolution.Cultural Immersion:In addition to its architectural splendor, the cruise also offers opportunities for cultural immersion. Passengers can enjoy traditional Chinese performances onboard, ranging from graceful dance performances tosoulful music recitals, further enriching the experience.Culinary Delights:No journey along the Huangpu River would be complete without indulging in Shanghai's delectable cuisine. The cruise offers a selection of gourmet dishes, allowing passengers to savor the flavors of local delicacies while enjoying the scenic views.Conclusion:In conclusion, the Bund sightseeing cruise is a must-do experience for anyone visiting Shanghai. From its breathtaking vistas to its rich cultural offerings, the cruise offers a journey that is as educational as it is enchanting. So come aboard and embark on a voyage through time and tradition along the majestic Huangpu River.。




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The cruise sector
Dining room(餐厅) Guest room(客房) Well-being(康乐) Entertainment(娱乐)
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International Cruise
12International cruise ship crew Yao kaihang Student ID:37
What is International Curise?
Cruise ship is sailing in the waters and are equipped with a living and entertainment facilities are complete, dedicated to luxury ship tourism leisure vacation.