
旅游景点介绍1. 引言旅游是一项广泛受欢迎的活动,人们通过旅行来放松身心、体验不同的文化和风景、丰富自己的生活经历。
2. 景点一:巴黎塞纳河畔巴黎塞纳河畔被誉为世界上最美的城市之一,其优雅和浪漫吸引了无数游客。
3. 景点二:罗马古迹罗马是一个充满历史和文化的城市,其古迹吸引了无数历史爱好者。
其中最著名的景点包括斗兽场(Colosseum)、圣彼得大教堂(St. Peter’s Basilica)和斗士广场(Piazza Navona)。
4. 景点三:香港维多利亚港香港维多利亚港是一个国际化的都市港口,也是香港的标志之一。
5. 景点四:大堡礁大堡礁是世界上最大的珊瑚礁群,也是澳大利亚最著名的旅游景点之一。
6. 景点五:京都神社寺庙京都是日本传统文化的代表,也是寺庙和神社的聚集地。
7. 结论旅游是一种体验不同文化和风景的方式,通过参观各种旅游景点,我们可以拓宽自己的视野,增长见识。

The Italian capital
小组成员: 魏声慧 陈文静 乐思雨 王 娟 崔 倩
City Information
罗马 Rome
美食 gourmet
The Roman arena
著名景点 attractions
Rome, the capital of Italy, is located in the Tiber River Plain. Italy is the political. historical and cultural and transportation center. It is also splendid culture of ancient Rome and the birthplace of the world. It has more than 2500 years of history. It is a treasure house of art, and cultural city.
Opening hours: 9∶ 00~ 17∶ 00(13∶ 30 Sunday, Monday rest ).
(8) Pantheon(万神殿)
Pantheon is located in the heart of Rome. Pantheon in Pan refers to all, theon is God, to worship God must be the whole of Rome.万神殿坐落在罗马的心脏。万神
(6)Victoria and Pan Feili Museum(多利亚潘菲利美术馆)
Victoria Pan Feili Museum is located in the north of Venice square.It is a fine art gallery and a beautiful private residence.The museum from floor to ceiling is full of all kinds of painting.维多利亚泛飞力博物馆位于威尼斯广场的北面。它是一

(8) Pantheon(万神殿)
Pantheon is located in the heart of Rome. Pantheon in Pan refers to all, theon is God, to worship God must be the whole of Rome.
Rome Pantheon Pantheon in Rome
Construction time: 118 BC - 126 years
Climate: the Mediterranean climate
Style: classical, ancient Rome, Corinth
Admission: Free
Geographical location: Italy Peninsula in central and western.
Area: 1285.306square kilometers Population:2550982
Now,please follow me to visit some attractions in Rome.
பைடு நூலகம்
Admission ticket
Euro 12(including the Palatine Hill )
Opening hours Summer 9∶ 00-19 ∶ 30; winter 9∶ 00-16 ∶ 30
Trevi Fountain(许愿泉)
The Trevi Fountain nickname" girl fountain", but it is the most famous name is "wishing well". This fountain is the last piece of Rome Baroque masterpiece, by Pope Clemens VII (Pope Clemens XII) to build life Nicola Solvi design, took thirty years to complete, it is a symbol of Rome
Italy :ppt旅游英语

Great milestone in the history of the development of human science, academy of fine arts professor science, one of the most famous scientist.
Cosimo DE Medici
Built in 1173 One of the three largest construction The symbol of Pisa World Heritage
History of Pisa
The Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italian: Torre pendente di Pisa) or simply The Tower of Pisa (La Torre di Pisa) is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa. It is situated behind the Cathedral and it is the third structure by time in Pisa's Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square).
City Information: rome the capital of Italy,is located in the River Plain.Rome is the political,historical and cultural and transportation is also splendid culture of ancient rome and the birthplace of the world.It has more than 2500 years of history .it is a treasure house of art and cultural city. 罗马,意大利的首都, 位于台伯河平原。罗马是意大利的政治、经 济、文化和交通中心。它也是古代罗马和世 界灿烂文化的发祥地。它拥有超过2500年的 历史,是一座艺术宝库,文化城市。

Caracalla Baths was built in around AD 200.Now,Roman-style baths are based on it as a prototype.It’s one of the world’s largest beach.It is 375 meters long,wide 363 meters,can accommodate 1600 people.Under the great dome,with a swimming pool,sauna and cold pool,surrounded by exotic plants,exquisite carvings and intricate mosaics.
---i Fountain
2. Baths of Caracalla
Trevi Fountain is a fountain in the Trevi district in Rome, Italy. Standing 26.3 metres high and 49.15 metres wide,it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous fountains in the world. The fountain has appeared in several notable films, including Roman Holiday, and is a popular tourist attraction.
2. The first coin ------ find lover The second coin ------ truly in love each other The third coin------have a happy marriage and could

• 罗马的介绍 • 罗马的起源 • 罗马的文化 • 罗马的大学 • 罗马的建筑
中文名称 罗马 外文名称 英Rome/意Roma ,别 名 :七丘 之城 ,行政区类别 市、 所属地区 、意大利拉齐奥 ,电话区 号 00396, 邮政区码 00185 ,地理位置 :意大利半岛中西 部, 面 积 1285.306平方公里 ,人 口 2,833,560人( 2013年), 方 言:意大利语 ,气候条件: 地中海气候, 著名景点罗马斗兽场,万神庙,罗马国立博物馆 机 场 列奥 纳多· 达芬奇国际机场、洽米皮诺机场 火车站 罗马中央火车 站、罗马蒂泊蒂娜火车站 ,车牌代码 RM ,市 长: 乔瓦尼 · 阿莱马诺 , 地理坐标 :北纬42°,东经12° 罗马被喻为 全球最大的“露天历史博物馆”。世界八大名胜之一的古罗 马露天竞技场,也称斗兽场,建于公元1世纪。这座椭圆形的 建筑物占地约2万平方米,周长527米,是古罗马帝国的象征 。宽阔的帝国大道两旁建有元老院、神殿、贞女祠和一些有 名的庙宇,如万神庙等。
圣彼得教堂,又译为梵蒂冈圣 伯铎大殿,是罗马基督教的中 心教堂,欧洲天主教徒的朝圣 地与梵蒂冈罗马教皇的教廷, 位于梵蒂冈,是全世界第一大 教堂。彼得的名字就是耶稣所 起,含义是“磐石”,意思是 他将成为教会的基石。耶稣升 天后,彼得以耶稣继承人的身 份传道,公元64年,他在罗马 被尼禄皇帝杀害。彼得殉教后 被后人尊为首任教皇,而之后 的天主教皇都作为圣彼得的继 承人,被看成基督在世的代表 。
罗马第三大学,简称罗马三大(另有罗马一 大,罗马二大),成立于1992年,是罗马 最年轻的一所国家公立大学,但就学生人数 、教职工人数和校园占地面积而言,却是罗 马城内规模第二的大学。 罗马三大的诞生,是基于时下意大利希望接 受高等教育的人群猛增这一现状。为了满足 大学教育的巨大需求,十多年来,罗马三大 做出了不懈的努力,注册学生由建校伊始的 7,000人增长到40,000人,教师和行政人 员的人数也在大幅度增加,现有人数分别都 超过了1000名。1999-2000学年度校内师生 人数比率为1:40,略高于全国平均水平1 :33。 作为一所新兴的现代化大学,罗马三大不以 古老的传统历史为铺垫,而是凭借雄厚的竞 争力在众多公立大学中占据一席之地。为了 适应当前大学体制的改革,满足欧洲甚至世 界范围内各种职业市场的需求,该校正不断 提升自身的教学质量,日益完善其学生服务 系统和技术力量,并积极从事各种产业的研 究与互动,以期吸引更多的国内及国际学生 到该校就读。

It has more than 2500 years of history. 意大利是中国的政治,历史,文化和交通中心。
而另外S一t.种V说al法en更ti具ne有, 传a 奇Ro色ma彩n ,wh相o 传wa桑s 特 瓦伦丁
Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying Later,he discovered they loved each other.
罗马,意大利的首都,位于台伯河平原。意大利是 中国的政治,历史,文化和交通中心。它也是古代 罗马和世界灿烂文化的发祥地。它拥有超过2500年 的历史。它是一座艺术宝库,文化城市。
A princess named Ann made a friendly tour of Europe‘s
capitals.She was tired of her duties and left the palace
Trevi Fountain(许愿泉) The Trevi Fountain nickname“ girl fountain”, but it is the most famous name is “wishing well”. It is said that back at the fountain, from the shoulders thrown a coin, if it put into the water, dreams will come true. 特莱维喷泉”的绰号,但女孩喷泉”是最著名的名字是“许愿井”。 这是说,回到喷泉,从肩膀抛硬币,如果放在水里,梦想就会成真。

Introducer:Zhao Jie
I'd like to introduce some places of interest all over the world
• China • America • England • French • India • Italy
symbol of the Chinese nation
. and its culture.
The Palace Museum
This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today.Beijing Forbidden City is the head of the world's top five palace.
• It is a mausoleum located in Agra, India, built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
• The Leaning Tower of Pisa(比 萨斜塔)
the Forbidden City was
recognized a world cultural legac.y
The Statue of Liberty, the a symbol of the United States, is now located in the west of New York City

magazine. T
• 3. Daming watched the interview on
TV yesterday. F • 4. Tony is writing a composition. F
ancient 古老的,远古的
in ancient times 在古代,在远古 ancient civilization 古代文明
pyramid 金字塔 The ancient pyramid of Egypt
• composition 作文
• write a composition • We are writing our compositions.
pupil n.学生 meeting n. 会议 listen up 注意听 call v. 叫做, 打电话 event n. 事件,比赛项目
Listening and vocabulary
ancient band club composition
Listen and check the words you hear. concert pupil band review club wonder pyramid composition grade
Answer the questions.
1. What’s the name of the band? Wonderful World.
• grade n.成绩,年级
• get a good/high grade • Class One Grade Nine
We belong to the golf club.
The City of Pompeii庞贝古城英文介绍ppt

• Food markets were built in Pompeii in the second century b.c., and the remains of the goods sold can still be seen. There is a grain market under construction in the city, which is engulfed by the lava (岩浆) before it is completed. There are a lot of large pottery pots.
• As early as the 8th century BC, Pompeii, a small fishing village based on the natural harbor of the Mediterranean Sea(地中海), gradually developed into a city. After a few decades, it became the second largest city after Rome in Italy.It is 300 km from Rome to the north, bounded by the famous island of Sicily(西西里岛) to the west, Greece and north Africaf Pompeii
presetation Leo
• Pompeii,, is one of the ancient Roman cities. Located on the edge of Italy's fertile little plain(平 原),Campania(坎帕尼亚), near the mouth of the Sarno River(萨尔诺河). It was founded in the 8th century BC and belonged to the Samono people(萨 摩诺人) from the 5th century BC. In the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, after three wars between the Romans and the Samonos, Pompeii became part of the Roman Republic(罗马共和国) and gradually became a typical Roman city. Pompeii was covered in ash from the eruption of mount Vesuvius on August 24, 79.
世界旅游景点的英语介绍 ppt课件

The Food
coupled with the de - Provence in the sun shines whisk
this feature makes Provence became gourmands heaven.(美食者的天堂)
• In Provence ,the most famous decorated flowers are lavender (薰衣草)and sunflower (向日葵)
WWoorrlldd SSoocccceerr CCiittyy
约定终生—— 米兰
世界会展中心 世界时尚之都 世界历史文化名城
歌剧圣地 世界艺术之都
The Austrian capital of Vienna,is a city forever implanted into the international imagination as a dreamy place of cream-filled pastries(奶油馅饼) and
Fruit, ice cream
Desserts and cakes Digestion wine and coffee(消化酒及咖啡)
Made by:丫猫柒 小莹
Rome is the capital and the largest city of Italy, which is located in the Tiber River plain.It is Italian politics,history,culture and transportation center.And it is also the splendid culture of ancient Rome and the birthplace of the world.It is a treasure house of art,culture city,and also the seat

2.The Philippines 菲律宾
One of the most beautiful and best island countries in the world is the Philippines. It’s actually a geographically gorgeous place worth visiting any time of the year. The Philippines contain over 7,000 islands, and all of them are beautiful and unique in their own way.
Not only is the Maldives one of the most beautiful The Maldives 马尔代夫
There are amazing sky-high cliffs to climb, fabulous temples to explore, mysterious hidden coves, and lots of wonderful places to go scuba
澳大利亚是一块奇异的大陆。它经常被视为是一个大型多元化的国 家,因为它拥有丰富的文化,奇异的野生动物,友好的人们而且有很多 好玩有趣的事物让人们观赏和游玩。从壮观的海滩、峡谷到惊险的绿色 森林,澳大利亚几乎所有的一切都值得去探索。
4.The Maldives 马尔代夫
如果你是一个真正的购物狂,那么 是一个你必须参观的地方。
马耳他是一个地处地中海的欧洲南部国家,拥有着丰富的 和文化。 马耳他有惊人的悬崖可供攀爬,也有神话般的庙宇等人探索,还有隐藏 神秘的洞穴和许多可以潜水的美妙的地方。
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A princess named Ann made a friendly tour of Europe‘s
Rome, the capital of Italy, is located in the Tiber River Plain. Italy is the political. historical and cultural and transportation center. It is also splendid culture of ancient Rome and the birthplace of the world. It has more than 2500 years of history. It is a treasure house of art, and cultural city.
Victoria and Pan Feili Museum(多利亚潘菲利美术馆) Rome Opera(罗马歌剧院) Pantheon(万神殿)
The Spanish Square(西班牙广场) Spain square is well-known for the movie" Roman holiday".
Valentine's Day
There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.
Trevi Fountain(许愿泉) The Trevi Fountain nickname“ girl fountain”, but it is the most famous name is “wishing well”. It is said that back at the fountain, from the shoulders thrown a coin, if it put into the water, dreams will come true. 特莱维喷泉”的绰号,但女孩喷泉”是最著名的名字是“许愿井”。 这是说,回到喷泉,从肩膀抛硬币,如果放在水里,梦想就会成真。
capitals.She was tired of her duties and left the palace
A reporter found her and brought her to his
At last,they had to separate,because their
positions were too different.但最后因为他们的地
Rome attractions
The Spanish Square(西班牙广场) Trevi Fountain(许愿泉) The ancient Roma Square(古罗马广场) The Vatican Museums in Rome(梵蒂冈博物馆) the Colosseum(罗马斗兽场)
the Colosseum(罗马斗兽场)
The ancient Roma Square(古罗马广场)
Victoria and Pan FeTihleiVMRauotimsceeaunOmpM(e多ursae利(u罗m亚马s潘歌in菲剧R利o院m美)e(术梵蒂馆冈) 博物馆)
home.The next morning,the reporter knew that
she was a princess.一个记者发现她并把她带回家。
.He wanted to write news about her to get
money.Then they spent a day in the fun
places together.他想写关于她的报道然后赚点
Later,he discovered they loved each other.So he
didn‘t write news about her.后来,他发现他们爱上了
关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。有关人 士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特 瓦伦丁的 人士发起的。他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃 基督教而于公元前269年2月14日惨遭杀害, 这一天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽奖的日子。
Valentine's Day
Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "FromVaYloeunrtiVnael'esntDianye". Other aspects of the storyThsearye tahraet vSaariynitngVaolpeinntiionnes saesrvteod as a priesttheatortihgeinteomfplVealdeunrtiinnge'tsheDarye.igSnomoef EmpereoxrpeCrltasudsituast.e Ctlhaautdiiuts otrhiegninhaatded Valenftrionme Sjta.ilVeadlefnotrindee,fyainRgomhainm.whIon w4a9s6 A.D. mPaorpteyrGeedlafsoirusresfeutsiansgidteo Fgeibvreuaurpy 14 to honouCrhrSits.tiVaanlietnyt.inHee. died on February 而另外14一, 种26说9法A.更D.具,有th传e奇sa色me彩d,ay相t传ha桑t特had瓦伦 丁曾留be下en一d本ev日ot记ed给t了o 狱lo卒ve的l女ot儿te,ri署es名.为“你的 情人”,据说这名狱卒的女儿就是桑特 瓦伦丁的 情人。关还于有情其人它节的的说起法源也有颇许为多有种趣说。法比。如有说关有人人认 为在克士劳认迪为亚情斯人君节王是统一治个时名期叫,桑桑特特瓦瓦伦仑丁丁的曾经 是一名人神士父发,起因的为。公他然是挑罗战马克人劳,迪因亚为斯拒君绝王放的弃权威 身陷囹基圄督。教所而以于公公元元前前429669年年罗2月马1教4日皇惨格遭莱杀西害亚,斯 特意将这2一月天14也日正作好为是一全个城特盛别行的彩日票子抽以奖纪的念日桑子特15。瓦 伦丁。
The capital of Italy
1城市介绍 City
Roman holiday
罗马 Rome
3著名景点 tions
4节日 Festival
5美食、习俗 Gourmet、 foodCulture
The Roman arena