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英文主题词:1 Management of psychological (2)Social Security
3、选择检索工具:《美国工程索引》(Ei village2)
4、构建检索策略:Management of psychological+Social Security
选择快速检索,输入检索词:第一、Management of psychological;第二、Social Security 检索结果50篇
Search Results:50 records in Compendex for 1969-2012 ((Management of psychological+Social Security) WN All fields)
1. Gender, residential segregation, psychological well-being and involvement in sustainable urban safety and security management in Ibadan city, Nigeria: A preliminary survey
Asiyanbola, A.R. (Department of Geography, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria) Source: Sustainable World, v 6, p 403-413, 2003, Sustainable Planning and Development
Database: Compendex
Abstract - Detailed
2. Virtual social interactions: Evolutionary, social psychological and technological perspectives
Mahfouz, Ahmed Y. (Prairie View A and M University, Accounting, Finance, and MIS, 1501 Harvey Road, College Station, TX 77840, United States); Philaretou, Andreas G.; Theocharous, Antonis Source: Computers in Human Behavior, v 24, n 6, p 3014-3026, September 17, 2008
Database: Compendex
Abstract - Detailed - Cited by in Scopus (2)
3. Unrealistic optimism on information security management
Rhee, Hyeun-Suk (U. Nations - Asian and Pac. Train. Ctr. for Information and Communication Technology for Development, 7-50 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea, Republic of); Ryu, Young U.; Kim, Cheong-Tag Source: Computers and Security, v 31, n 2, p 221-232, March 2012 Database: Compendex
Abstract - Detailed
Selected Records
1 - 1 of 1 selected records
Remove1. Gender, residential segregation, psychological well-being and involvement in sustainable urban safety and security management in Ibadan city, Nigeria: A preliminary survey
Asiyanbola, A.R.1: Source: Sustainable World, v 6, p 403-413, 2003, Sustainable Planning and Development; ISSN: 14769581; Conference: First International Conference on Sustainable Planning and Development, SUSTAINABLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, October 1, 2003 - October 3, 2003; Sponsor: Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK; University of Thessaly, Greece; Publisher: WITPress
Author affiliation:
1.Department of Geography, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria Abstract: The paper examined the link between residential patterns and the psychological well-being of the Ibadan city residents including the variations between the psychological well-being of women and men as well as the relative involvement of women in the management of security in houses within the residential areas. The result of the cross-sectional survey of 232 households in Ibadan city tends to suggest that the adverse condition in the residential areas affect women more than men. And in terms of urban safety and security, the high-density residential area is the most deplorable, followed by the medium density residential area. The correlation analysis shows a significant relationship between the psychological well-being and the housing and neighbourhood condition whilst a significant variation is found between the psychological well-being of women and men. Although women are now involved in the management of urban security, their proportion is still not significant when compared to that of men and no significant intra-urban variation is found in the involvement of women in the management of security in houses within the residential areas in Ibadan. Policy implications of the findings are highlighted in the paper. (26 refs.)
Main Heading: Urban planning
Controlled terms: Accident prevention - Costs - Electricity - Professional aspects - Public policy - Research - Roads and streets - Security systems - Social aspects - Sustainable development - Transportation - Water supply
Uncontrolled terms: Residential segregation - Transportation costs - Urban safety
Classification Code: 911.2 Industrial Economics - 901.4 Impact of Technology on Society - 901.3 Engineering Research - 901.1 Engineering Professional Aspects - 914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 431
Air Transportation - 406.2 Roads and Streets - 403.1 Urban Planning and Development - 446.1 Water Supply Systems
Treatment: Theoretical (THR)
Database: Compendex
Full-text and Local Holdings Links
Remove 2. Virtual social interactions: Evolutionary, social psychological and technological perspectives Mahfouz, Ahmed Y.1; Philaretou, Andreas G.2; Theocharous, Antonis3 Source: Computers in Human Behavior, v 24, n 6, p 3014-3026, September 17, 2008;
ISSN: 07475632; DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2008.05.008;
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Abstract: This paper represents an exploratory and quantitative investigation into online dating from evolutionary, psychological, and technological points of view. In the past decade, the relatively inexpensive availability of user-friendly, fast, and reliable Internet technology has appealed to millions of consumers who suddenly found themselves engrossed by this sensational medium of communication, information, consumerism, and service. The majority of Internet users tend to be either recreational or utilitarian oriented, using such medium for a wide variety of tasks ranging from corresponding with friends and significant others, information gathering, purchasing goods and services, and, increasingly so, seeking and securing suitable dating and marital partners. The following research questions constitute the driving force for the current investigation: What are the evolutionary and social psychological intricacies of online dating? What are the technological variants or dimensions that render the consumption of online dating services appealing to users? An online survey was administered to 247 subjects to explore these questions and determine the technological dimensions of virtual social interaction. Exploratory factor analysis was then conducted to analyse the data. Eight technological dimensions emerged as a result of the analysis and served as the basis for the study's technological perspectives model of virtual social interactions. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (77 refs.)
Main Heading: Flow interactions
Controlled terms: Computer networks - Sailing vessels
Uncontrolled terms: Evolutionary psychology - Experience - Online dating - Social interaction - Virtual environment
Classification Code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and
Television - 674.1 Small Marine Craft - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General Database: Compendex
Full-text and Local Holdings Links
Remove 3. Unrealistic optimism on information security management Rhee, Hyeun-Suk1; Ryu, Young U.2; Kim, Cheong-Tag3 Source: Computers and Security, v 31, n 2, p 221-232, March 2012;
ISSN: 01674048; DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2011.12.001;
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Abstract: Information security is a critical issue that many firms face these days. While increasing incidents of information security breaches have generated extensive publicity, previous studies repeatedly expose low levels of managerial awareness and commitment, a key obstacle to achieving a good information security posture. The main motivation of our study emanates from this phenomenon that the increased vulnerability to information security breaches is coupled with the low level of managerial awareness and commitment regarding information security threats. We report this dissonance by addressing a cognitive bias called optimistic bias. Using a survey, we study if MIS executives are subject to such a bias in their vulnerability perceptions of information security. We find that they demonstrate optimistic bias in risk perception on information security domain. The extent of this optimistic bias is greater with a distant comparison target with fewer information sharing activities. This optimistic bias is also found to be related to perception of controllability with information security threats. In order to overcome the effects of optimistic bias, firms need more security awareness training and systematic treatments of security threats instead of relying on ad hoc approach to security measure implementation. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (90 refs.)
Main Heading: Security systems
Controlled terms: Industry - Managers - Network security - Risk management - Risk perception - Security of data
Uncontrolled terms: Ad hoc approach - Awareness - Cognitive bias - Critical issues - Information security managements - Information sharing - Low level - Optimistic bias - Security awareness - Security measure - Security threats Classification Code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 911 Cost and Value Engineering; Industrial Economics - 912 Industrial Engineering and Management - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing - 914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention
Database: Compendex
Full-text and Local Holdings Links
一、篇名: Gender, residential segregation, psychological
well-being and involvement in sustainable urban safety and
security management in Ibadan city, Nigeria: A preliminary survey
二、第一责任者:Asiyanbola, A.R.
三、第一责任者单位:Department of Geography, Olabisi Onabanjo
University, Nigeria
四、文献来源:Sustainable World, v 6, p 403-413, 2003, Sustainable
Planning and Development
一、篇名:Virtual social interactions: Evolutionary, social
psychological and technological perspectives
二、第一责任者:Mahfouz, Ahmed Y.
三、第一责任者单位:Prairie View A and M University, Accounting,
Finance, and MIS, 1501 Harvey Road, College Station, TX 77840, United States
四、资料来源:Computers in Human Behavior, v 24, n 6, p 3014-3026,
September 17, 2008
Database: Compendex
一、篇名:Unrealistic optimism on information security management
二、第一责任者:Rhee, Hyeun-Suk
三、第一责任者单位:U. Nations - Asian and Pac. Train. Ctr. for
Information and Communication Technology for Development, 7-50
Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea, Republic of
四、资料来源:Computers and Security, v 31, n 2, p 221-232, March 2012
Database: Compendex。