



2021学年人教版五年级(下)期末数学试卷(7)一、计算.1.2. 计算下面各题。

2.54×0.25+1.46×0.25;(213−2233÷11)÷13;5 6−14+18;4−(29+827).3. 解方程。






1 7>________>18.1箱糖果有12袋,其中有11袋质量相同,另有1袋质量不足,轻一些。



A.4B.8C.16D.32下面不是正方体的展开图是()A. B. C. D.如图是一个长3厘米、宽与高都是2厘米的长方体。

将它挖掉一个棱长1厘米的小正方体,它的表面积()A.比原来大B.比原来小C.不变将顺时针旋转90∘得到的图形是()A. B. C. D.计算右面长方体的表面积,下面不正确算式是()A.(18×2+2×2+18×2)×2B.18×2×4+2×2×2C.(18×4+2×2)×2D.18×2×2+18×2×2+2×2×2四、解答题(共2小题,满分0分)计算出各图形的体积。


insights barked instincts grabbed
replaced acquaintance represented offender
devoted criminal
at turned me down. After
that, my wife left me and I had to sell all of my stocks and my house.
姓名:___________________________ 班级:____________________________ 学号:___________________________ 日期:____________________________
unit 7 vocabulary & reading
Yesterday, I went to the police station. I was 1.
instructed spotted guided reflected
confused scanned pressure identify
burden connect albums though
cautiously however
to look at a line of men
through a window to recognize the man who stole my wallet. The men stood so stiff against
the wall and looked so serious. The officer asked me if I could 2.
could look through some photo 10. confidence to do so.




治疗应首选A.半夏白术天麻汤B.加味四物汤C.大定风珠D.大补元煎E.六君子汤【答案】B2、阳水水湿浸渍的治法是A.化湿清热,利水消肿B.化湿利水,补脾益气C.运脾化湿,通阳利水D.益气健牌,行气运湿E.温运脾阳,利水化湿【答案】C3、聚证的主要病位在A.肝B.心C.脾D.肾E.肺【答案】A C4、下列各项,属于历代医家对肺痨以其症状特点而命名的是A.急痨B.劳嗽C.伏连D.尸注E.肺痿疾【答案】A B C E5、中风.昏迷.痫证.厥病共同的主要症状为A.语言不利B.口眼歪斜C.突然仆倒D.四肢抽搐E.昏不知人【答案】E6、下列属于痰饮病的辨证要点的是A.辨清部位B.标本虚实C.区分兼夹D.预后转归E.辨伴随症状【答案】A B C D7、下列辩证对应正确的是A.风寒头痛——川芎茶调散B.风热头痛——天麻钩藤饮C.血虚头痛——逍遥散D.肾虚头痛——大补元煎E.瘀血头痛——桃红四物汤【答案】A D8、淋证的发生,主要与下列哪些脏器有关A.肝B.脾C.肾D.膀胱E.小肠【答案】A B C D9、痫病七情失调主要责之于A.喜B.怒C.忧思D.惊恐E.悲伤【答案】D10、癃闭与关格的鉴别点有A.小便不通B.小便减少C.小便无力D.有无伴吐逆E.有无伴小便涩痛【答案】C11、癫狂的病位在A.心B.肝C.脾D.肾E.脑【答案】E12、聚证的主要病位在A.肝B.心C.脾D.肾E.肺【答案】A C13、淋证的发生,主要与下列哪些脏器有关A.肝B.脾C.肾D.膀胱E.小肠【答案】A B C D14、患者,女,30岁。


本病证候的证机概要是A.营卫不和,表卫失司,汗液外泄B.肝郁化火,逼津外泄C.湿热内蕴,逼津外泄D.心血耗伤,心液不藏E.邪热耗阴,逼津外泄【答案】C15、患者突然昏仆,不省人事,肢体软瘫,目合口张,鼻鼾息微,手撒肢冷,汗多.二便自遗,舌萎,脉微欲绝,其中风属A.中经络B.阳闭证C.阴闭证D.脱证E.后遗症【答案】D16、心肾不交所致的不寐,可选用A.六味地黄丸B.济生肾气丸C.交泰丸D.知柏地黄丸E.归脾汤【答案】A C17、患者,男,36岁。





A)存储空间不⼀定连续,且各元素的存储顺序是任意的B)存储空间不⼀定连续,且前件元素⼀定存储在后件元素的前⾯C)存储空间必须连续,且各前件元素⼀定存储在后件元素的前⾯D)存储空间必须连续,且各元素的存储顺序是任意的(3)以下关于栈的描述中错误的是( A )。





A)有且只有1个B)1或多于1 C)0或1D)⾄少有2个(8)需求分析阶段的任务是( C )。



以下选项不属于DBA职责的是( A )。




中医内科学试题及答案1、下列辩证对应正确的是A.风寒头痛——川芎茶调散B.风热头痛——天麻钩藤饮C.血虚头痛——逍遥散D.肾虚头痛——大补元煎E.瘀血头痛——桃红四物汤【答案】A D2、将胸痹的病机归纳为“阳微阴弦”的著作是A.《黄帝内经》B.《难经》C.《中藏经》D.《金匮要略》E.《伤寒论》【答案】D3、呃逆的基本治法是A.疏肝和胃B.降逆止呃C.理气健脾D.理气消噫E.理气和胃【答案】B E4、心悸的诱发因素有A.惊恐B.紧张C.劳倦D.饮酒E.饱食【答案】A B C D E5、患者情感淡漠,不动不语,甚至呆若木鸡,傻笑自语,灵机混乱,面色萎黄,食少便溏,舌淡苔白腻,脉细滑,应该选用何方A.四君子汤B.琥珀养心丹C.二阴煎D.养心汤E.涤痰汤【答案】A E6、眩晕虚证多关乎A.精B.气C.血D.津E.液【答案】A B C7、厥证的主要治疗原则是A.开窍化痰B.回阳救逆C.醒神回厥D.开窍辟秽E.益气回阳【答案】C8、疫毒痢的治疗原则是A.清肠化湿解毒,调气行血B.清热解毒.凉血C.理气止痛止泻D.攻补兼施,先补后泻E.发汗解表清里【答案】A9、关于中风下列说法正确的是A.春秋战国时,称为“偏枯”“仆击”“薄厥”“大厥”B.张仲景始称“中风”C.李东垣认为“痰湿生热”所致D.朱丹溪提出“类中风”E.李中梓将中风重症分闭证和脱证【答案】A B E10、最早提出杀虫补虚的著作是A.《黄帝内经》B.《医学入门》C.《十药神书》D.《丹溪心法》E.《医学正传》【答案】E11、哮病的主要病理因素是A.寒邪B.风邪C.痰邪D.湿邪E.以上都不是【答案】C12、胁痛肝络失养证,若神疲乏力明显者,可加A.太子参B.玄参C.五味子D.女贞子E.麦冬【答案】A13、下列哪些属于肺痿的病因A.久病损肺B.误治津伤C.外感六淫D.情志失调E.药食失宜【答案】A B C D E14、患者肺胀病史20年,咳嗽,痰白泡沫状,少食乏力,自汗怕风,面色少华,腹胀,便溏,舌体胖大,齿痕,舌质淡,苔白,脉细或脉缓或弱。





每题1分,共50分)【A1型题】()1.大多数药物跨膜转运的形式是A.滤过B.简单扩散C.易化扩散D.膜泵转运()2.药物首过消除可能发生于A.PO给药后B.舌下给药后C.皮下给药后D.IV给药后()3.某药物与肝药酶抑制药合用后其效应A.减弱 B.增强 C.不变 D.消失()4.临床上可用丙磺舒以增加青霉素的疗效,原因是A.在杀菌作用上有协同作用B.二者竞争肾小管的分泌通道C.对细菌代谢双重阻断作用D.延缓耐药性产生()5.能使肝药酶活性增强的药物称为A.药酶诱导剂B.受体激动剂C.药酶抑制剂D.受体阻断药()6.激动β受体可呈现A.心脏兴奋、皮肤粘膜和内脏血管收缩B.心脏兴奋、血压下降、瞳孔缩小C.支气管收缩、冠状血管扩张D.心脏兴奋、支气管扩张、糖原分解()7.阿托品的不良反应不包括A.视近物模糊B.口干C.恶心、呕吐D.皮肤潮红()8.治疗过敏性休克宜首选A.肾上腺素B.去甲肾上腺素C.麻黄碱D.酚妥拉明()9.长期应用糖皮质激素的病人不应食用A.高蛋白饮食B.低糖饮食C.高糖饮食D.低盐饮食()10.合理应用抗贫血药的原则不包括A.明确贫血类型B.掌握缺什么补什么原则C.注意病因治疗D.铁剂、叶酸及维生素B12联用以达最大疗效()11.青霉素对下列哪种病原体无效A.脑膜炎奈瑟菌B.螺旋体C.流感嗜血杆菌D.白喉棒状杆菌()12. 支气管哮喘急性发作可用A.肌内注射氨茶碱B.肌内注射麻黄碱C.气雾吸入倍氯米松D.粉末吸入色甘酸钠()13.金黄色葡萄球菌对青霉素G产生抗药性的机制是A.产生钝化酶B.产生β-内酰胺酶C.胞浆膜通透性发生改变D.菌体与药物结合点改变()14.下列何药不需做皮肤过敏试验A.氨苄西林B.苯唑西林C.链霉素D.红霉素()15.红霉素最常见的不良反应是A.胃肠道刺激症状B.肝损害C.过敏反应D.肾损害()16.氨基苷类抗生素的抗菌机制是A.抑制细菌DNA合成B.抑制细菌RNA合成C.抑制菌体蛋白质合成D.影响胞浆膜的通透性()17.治疗双香豆素过量所致的出血宜选用A.血凝酶B.维生素KC.氨甲苯酸D.鱼精蛋白()18.服用磺胺时,同服小苏打的目的是A.增强抗菌活性B.扩大抗菌谱C.促进磺胺的吸收D.碱化尿液,利于药物排出()19.以下对氨基苷类共性的叙述中错误的是A.对革兰氏阴性杆菌作用强B.全身感染注射给药,属静止期杀菌剂C.对耳及肾脏有一定毒性D.本类各药间无交叉耐药性()20.控制疟疾症状的首选药是A.青蒿素B.氯喹C.奎宁D.伯氨喹()21.阴道滴虫病的首选药是A.甲硝唑B.喹碘仿C.乙酰砷胺D.乙胺嗪()22.伴高血压和哮喘的心绞痛患者宜选用A.普萘洛尔B.硝苯地平C.硝酸异山梨酯D.麻黄碱()23.救治新生儿窒息的首选药物是A.咖啡因B.尼可刹米C.洛贝林D.二甲弗林()24.阿司匹林不具有下列那项作用A.解热镇痛B.抗风湿C.抗血小板聚集D.直接抑制体温调解中枢()25.下列哪项不是安定的作用A.抗焦虑B.镇静催眠C.麻醉D.抗惊厥()26.癫痫大发作常首选A.苯妥英钠B.抗癫灵C.卡马西平D.地西泮()27.苯妥英钠与苯巴比妥相比,其抗癫痫的特点是A.治疗量时无镇静催眠作用B.刺激性小、作用强C.对各种癫痫均有效D.不良反应少()28.卡马西平的作用不包括A.抗癫痫B.抗舌咽神经痛C.抗躁狂D.抗抑郁()29.极少发生锥体外系反应的广谱抗精神病药是A.氯丙嗪B.氟哌啶醇C.氯氮平D.奋乃静()30.对各种抑郁症均有效的是A.氟奋乃静B.丙米嗪C.异丙嗪D.氯丙嗪()31.吗啡不宜用于何种情况A.分娩止痛B.外伤剧痛C.恶性肿瘤晚期疼痛D.心梗疼痛()32.哌替啶的临床应用不包括A.心源性哮喘B.麻醉前给药C.人工冬眠D.失眠()33.阿司匹林不宜用于A.预防血栓形成B.风湿热C.类风湿性关节炎D.胃肠绞痛()34.类风湿性关节炎的首选药是A.扑热息痛B.阿司匹林C.吲哚美辛D.萘普生()35.呈现降压效果最快、最强的降压药是A.可乐定B.拉贝洛尔C.硝苯地平D.硝普钠()36.最常用于高血压的钙通道阻滞药是A.硝苯地平B.尼莫地平C.氟桂利嗪D.卡托普利()37.强心苷应用期间禁忌A.钾盐口服B.钙盐静注C.钠盐静滴D.镁盐静滴()38.强心苷中毒引起快速型心律失常应首选A.利多卡因B.普罗帕酮C.苯妥英钠D.维拉帕米()39.普萘洛尔治疗心绞痛的主要作用机制A.扩张冠脉,增加心肌供血B.阻断心肌β受体,降低心肌耗氧量C.收缩冠状动脉,减轻心脏负荷D.扩张外周血管,降低心肌耗氧()40.利尿作用最强的是A.氢氯噻嗪B.呋塞米C.螺内酯D.布美他尼【A2型题】()41.丁某,女,26岁,因咳嗽、发烧入院,医生诊断为支原体肺炎,医嘱为红霉素静滴,应选用下列哪种溶媒为宜A.0.9%NaCl注射液B.5%葡萄糖注射液C.等渗葡萄糖NaCl注射液D.蒸馏水()42.一男孩,5岁,腹痛,脐周较重,医生诊断为蛔虫症,为促进排出虫体,应使用A.液状石蜡 B.酚酞 C.硫酸镁 D.甘油()43.欧某,女,36岁,患糖尿病多年,临床诊断为胰岛素依赖性糖尿病,为减少胰岛素的用量,选用下列哪个方案更为合理A.普通胰岛素 + 甲苯磺丁脲B.普通胰岛素 + 格列本脲C.普通胰岛素 + 格列齐特D.普通胰岛素 + 苯乙双胍()44.郑某,女,23岁,患癫痫大发作三年余,某日大发作后持续处于惊厥、全身肌肉强直、抽搐昏迷状态,医生诊断为癫痫持续状态,宜选用下列何药治疗A.口服地西泮B.口服氯硝西泮C.静注地西泮D.口服劳拉西泮()45.高某,男,43岁,患精神分裂症,曾先后服用氯丙嗪等药物,但疗效欠佳,且锥体外系反应严重,宜换用何药治疗A.丙咪嗪B.氯普噻吨C.氯氮平D.碳酸锂()46.刘某,男,31岁,患风湿性关节炎多年,长期服用下列某一抗风湿药,近来渐感疲乏无力、心悸等,医生诊断为抗风湿药引起的消化性溃疡伴慢性失血性贫血,请分析是下列哪个药物所致A.阿司匹林B.贝诺酯C.布洛芬D.对乙酰氨基酚()47.丁某,男,68岁,长期患高血压病,近来渐感无力、心悸,并出现下肢水肿,医生诊断为高血压性心脏病慢性心功能不全,请分析选用下列哪个方案为宜A.毒毛花苷K + 硝苯地平B.洋地黄毒苷 + 氢氯噻嗪C.地高辛 + 氢氯噻嗪 + 氯化钾D.心得安 + 地高辛()48.胡某,男,36岁,患胆结石1年余,近来出现明显的腹痛、腹胀和黄疸,并伴有牙龈出血等,医生诊断为胆道阻塞引起的凝血障碍,应选择以下哪种药物治疗A.氨甲苯酸B.凝血酶C.酚磺乙胺D.维生素 K1肌注()49.成某,女,21岁,因故服用农药3911,被急送医院,医生立即予洗胃清除毒物外,还应选择下列哪组药物急救为佳A.氯解磷定 + 阿托品B.碘解磷定 + 阿托品C.大剂量阿托品D.速尿 + 阿托品()50.于某,女,3岁,因不慎将暖水瓶踢倒,被开水烫伤,因入院延迟,创面已经感染,医生应选用哪种外用抗感染药物A.磺胺嘧啶银B.磺胺嘧啶锌C.诺氟沙星D.磺胺甲噁唑三、简答题(每题5分,共15分)1.有机磷中毒时为什么将氯磷定和阿托品联合应用?2.简述硝酸甘油和普萘洛尔合用有何优点。



大学英语四级模拟试卷7Part Ⅰ Writing1、Directions: For this part, you are allowed30 minutes to write a composition of at least 120 words on Can Money Buy Happiness?Part Ⅱ Listening ComprehensionSection A2、A. Islamist militants are still in control of the town.B. French forces have entered the town.C. Islamist militants are attacking the airport.D. French forces are going to land at the airport.3、A. To control Kidal airport.B. To protect the capital Bamako.C. To protect the town.D. To fight against Islamist militants.4、A. 20%. B. 70%. C. 80%. D. 17%.5、A. Decreasing the stock for food.B. Adjusting the food production scale.C. Cultivating more lands to grow.D. Encouraging speculation in the food market.6、A. Chances of guessing the correct lotto numbers.B. Rossi's dreams about winning the lotto.C. People's madness for lotto games in Italy.D. Foreigners' visit to Italy for the lotto drawings.7、A. A huge amount of money. B. Free flights to Italy. C. A free tour in Europe.D. Tickets for the lotto games.Section B8、A. A physics exam. B. A lecture they plan to attend.C. An assignment.D. Their favorite poets.9、A. Listen to the woman's talk. B. Study for a test.C. Go to class.D. Prepare his presentation.10、A. In the library. B. In the woman's dormitoryC. In an empty classroom.D. In the dining hall.11、A. The space is big enough. B. There are many students there.C. It is much quieter than other places.D. It is more close.12、A. Garbage.B. Plastic meal-boxes.C. Used batteries.D. Disposable wooden chopsticks.13、A. They are describing a new dustbin.B. They are discussing the protection of environment.C. They are collecting used batteries.D. They are looking forward to attending a lecture.14、A. To make full use of the metals left.B. To protect the forest resources from being destroyed.C. To call for stopping using plastic meal-boxes.D. To awaken people to the environmental problems.15、A. She will attend the lecture.B. She will draw up a program.C. She will join the "Green Movement".D. She is not sure what she will do.Section C16、A. Summer vacation.B. The housing office.C. Resident advisers.D. Check-out procedures.17、A. Register for summer school.B. Repair holes in room walls.C. Remove personal property.D. Call the housing office.18、A. Their summer addresses.B. Any damage to their rooms.C. When they plan to leave.D. Questions for the housing office.19、A. The head of the Alumni Office.B. A doctor.C. A professor of business administration.D. A student from last year's program.20、A. Medical interns.B. Undergraduate students.C. Local business executives.D. Alumni sponsors.21、A. They give money to sponsor the program.B. They write letters of recommendation.C. They provide job opportunities.D. They work for the Alumni Office.22、A. Pot using. B. Wet cloth. C. Sand. D. Temperature.23、A. People who eat spoiled food may get sick.B. Farmers have to throw away spoiled products.C. Farmers have to sell the spoiled products quickly at a low price.D. People need money to dispose of the spoiled food.24、A. By electricity.B. Through an evaporation process.C. Through a freezing process.D. With the help of some special bacteria.25、A. He sold his invention to make money.B. He preferred invention to teaching.C. He was honored with an award for his teaching methods.D. He financed 5000 pot-in-pot systems to help people.Part Ⅲ Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.One in six. Believe it or not, that's the number of Americans who struggle with hunger. To make tomorrow a little better, Feeding America, the nation's largest 26 hunger-relief organization has chosen September as Hunger Action Month. As part of its 30 Ways in 30 Days program, it's asking 27 across the country to help the more than 200 food banks and 61,000 agencies in its network provide low-income individuals and families with the fuel they needto 28 .It's the kind of work that's done every day at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in San Antonio. People who 29 at its front door on the first and third Thursdays of each month aren't looking for God—they're there for something to eat, St. Andrew's runs a food pantry (食品堂) that 30 thecity and several of the 31 towns. Janet Drane is its manager.In the wake of the 32 , the number of families in need of food assistance began to grow. It is 33 that 49 million Americans are unsure of where they will find their next meal. What's most surprising is that 36% of them live in 34 where at least one adult is working. "It used to be that one job was all you needed," says St. Andrew's Drane. "The people we see now have three or four part-time jobs and they're still right on the edge 35 ."A. surviveB. surroundingC. servesD. reviewedE. reportedF. recessionG. householdsH. gatherI. formally J. financially K. domestic L. competitionM. communities N. circling O. accumulateSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Want to Learn Quicker? Use Your BodyA. Ever dealt with a problem? Picked up a new skill? Grasped a difficult concept? The language of learning is full of references to parts of the body outside the brain. Researchers discover that learning is easier, quicker and more long-lasting if lessons involve the body as well as the mind—whether it's gesturing with the arms or moving around a room. Can these insights enhance teaching and learning in the future? And should it inform the way technology is employed in the classroom?B. "In the past, people have argued that as we learn we become more able to think abstractly," says Andrew Manches, a psychologist at the University of Edinburgh in the UK. Conventional thinking might suggest that teachers should help children get rid of physical objects and body gestures to prepare them for the adult world. But in truth, the physical world never really leaves our thinking. For example, when we process verbs such as lick, kick and pick, medical scanners show that the parts of our brain that control the muscles in our face, legs and hands, respectively, light up with activity. And even the most abstract of concepts may have grounding in the real world.C. Body and mind—This theory is called embodied cognition(体验认知), and it suggests that what goes on in our minds stems from our actions and interactions with the world around us. It means that encouraging children to think and learn in a purely abstract way might actually make lessons harder for them to understand and remember. Science is beginning to back up the idea that actions really might speak louder than words in the classroom.D. Spencer Kelly, a psychologist at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, has found that people spend three times as much time gesturing when they think it is particularly important that they get a message across, suggesting that even at the subconscious level, we appreciate the communicative value of our body language. Studies show that young children learn more if their teacher uses gestures when explaining a concept.E. Meanwhile, Susan Wagner Cook, a psychologist at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, has found that children pick up new concepts more effectively if they are taught to mirror and repeat the gestures their teacher uses, and that lessons involving words and gestures live longer in a student's memory than lessons using words alone.F. There's a place for technology—particularly with the rise of gesture-recognition devices like the Nintendo Wii (任天堂游戏机), Microsoft's Kinect add-on (外设设备) for the Xbox and touchscreen tablet PCs. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, turned two Wii-mote video game controllers into a device that helps children visualize equivalence ratios (等值比)—for instance, understanding how if one plant grows twice as fast as another, the difference between their respective heights will become larger over time. This can be a tricky concept for children to understand. When asked to use their hands to represent the different growth rates, some students will place one hand slightly higher than the other, but then raise both hands at the same speed. The Berkeley team's device gives the children instant feedback, helping them work out when their hand gestures correctly match what would happen as the two plants grow. Afterwards, almost allstudents say that they actually understand why moving their hands at different speeds is the correct response.G. The Kinect sensor, meanwhile, is being used in studies to help children learn to more accurately map numbers onto physical space—a simple skill but one that is fundamental to our understanding of mathematics. Most people know, for instance, to place the number 50 exactly midway along a line marked "0" at one end and "100" at the other. Researchers at Eberhard Karls University in Tuebingen, Germany, found that seven-year-olds can place numbers along such a line more accurately if they physically walk the line on the floor—with their motion captured and analysed by the Kinect sensor-than if they use a mouse to interact with a computer screen representation of the line. Manches has begun exploring whether Kinect offers a way to re-imagine traditional children's blocks(积木). The technology allows children to pick up and manipulate virtual blocks on the screen using the same gestures they would use to play with real blocks—but the virtual blocks can do new things like change colour as they are pulled apart into smaller units, giving children fresh ideas about the way numbers can be broken down.H. In light of all this, it's tempting to conclude that teachers, and their students, should be jumping up and down, or waving their arms about during lessons. Manches, however, advises caution. The trouble is, science has not quite worked out exactly how the relationship between body and mind effects work. "You can't jump into the prediction and intervention stage too early," says Manches.I. This isn't to say there aren't working theories for what's going on, particularly when it comes to understanding why gesturing helps store information more firmly in the mind, says Cook. The lessons we learn at school usually involve declarative memory(陈述性记忆)—these are the facts that we can consciously recall or "declare" at a later date. But some of our memories arenon-declarative—things we can remember without really being able to explain why.J. The classic example is how we never really forget how to ride a bike. Physical movements seem to be particularly suitable fodder(素材) for making non-declarative memories, and so by both speaking and gesturing, we may encourage our brains to make two independent memories of an event, boosting our chances of remembering the event later.K. Even though researchers like Manches and Cook remain reluctant to set out prescriptive guidelines for teachers, their caution is beginning to weaken. "Five years ago I might have said there's potential for real harm in giving teachers instructions from this research," says Cook. Today, she is less worried of the potential to do damage—in part because none of her studies to-date has uncovered any evidence of side effects.36、Based on the theory of embodied cognition, science is starting to pay more attention to the importance of actions in the classroom.37、Researchers find that the involvement of both the mind and the body can make learning easier and quicker.38、The knowledge we get from school often has to do with declarative memories.39、Contrary to conventional thinking, the physical world is closely linked with our thinking.40、Our brain can make two independent memories of an event through language and action.41、Young students can learn more if their teacher uses gestures when explaining a concept.42、Seven-year-olds can put numbers along a certain line more accurately if they actually walk the line.43、Up to now, Cook's studies have not shown any evidence of side effects.44、Manches warns that we should enter prediction and intervention stage when it is the right time.45、A student can remember for a longer time lessons using words and gestures than lessons involving words alone.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneSalt is a principal wicked substance. Salt, sodium chloride(氯化钠), 40 percent of which is sodium(钠), is an element essential to human body. But sodium also boosts blood pressure. It makes the body retain fluids; greater fluid retention increases total blood volume, and this increase raises blood pressure. Where salt is used freely, a large proportion of the population develops chronic high blood pressure, which is a primary factor in heart disease and stroke. Farmers in northern Japan traditionally preserve their food with salt. They consume as much as six teaspoons a day—and 40 percent of them have high blood pressure. Among the Eskimos of Greenland, however, who consume little salt, high blood pressure is almost unheard of.The body of an adult needs only about 200 milligrams of sodium a day—the amount in 500 milligrams, or 1/10 of teaspoon, of salt. But the average American consumes about 12,000 milligrams, or more than two teaspoons, of salt a day—which supplies 24times as much sodium as necessary; Germans consume an average 5,300 milligrams of salt a day. A sharp reduction is recommended by authorities everywhere—to about 8,000milligrams of salt per day for healthy people. For those who already suffer from high blood pressure, the normally suggested maximum is about 2,000 milligrams per day;more drastic restrictions—to about 200 milligrams—are required in special cases.However, if this recommendation is adopted, food will become almost insufferably bland for most Americans and Europeans. So some physicians prescribe as a replacement seasoning potassium chloride (氯化钾), which tastes salty but contains no sodium. Meanwhile, it should also be taken into account that extremely heavy use of potassium unlikely because of its unpleasant taste in large doses—can cause death. Hence, the substitution of one chloride for the other should be undertaken only on the advice of a doctor.46、Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? ______A. The difference between sodium chloride and potassium chloride.B. The function of slat in daily life.C. A comparative study of slat consumption habits in some countries.D. The relationship between salt consumption and high blood pressure.47、According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the function and nature of slat? ______A. It is composed of sodium and chloride.B. It helps the body to keep fluid substance.C. Too much salt consumed can lead to high blood pressure.D. It is the direct cause of heart diseases.48、According to the passage, how much sodium do farmers in northern Japan consume each day? ______A. 8000 milligrams.B. 30000 milligrams.C. 12000 milligrams.D. 5000 milligrams.49、What does the underlined word "bland" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following words? ______A. saltyB. tastelessC. deliciousD. dull50、What is the major reason why some doctors give patients potassium chloride? ______A. It is used as medicine.B. It contains no sodium.C. It makes food tasty.D. Human body can easily absorb potassium chloride.Passage TwoWhat are feelings for? Most non-scientists will find it a strange question. Feelings .justify themselves. They need serve no other purpose in order to exist. On the other hand, many evolutionary biologists, in contrast to animal behaviorists, acknowledge some emotions areprimarily for their survival function. For both animals and humans, fear motivates the avoidance of danger, love is necessary to care for young, and anger prepares one to hold ground. But the fact that a behavior functions to serve survival need not mean that; that is why it is done. Other scientists have attributed the same behavior to conditioning, to learned responses. Certain reflexes and fixed action patterns can occur without feelings or conscious thought. A gull chick pecks at a red spot above it. The parent has a red spot on its bill (喙); the chick pecks the parent's bill. The gull parent feeds its chick when pecked on the bill. The baby gets fed. The interaction need have no emotional content.At the same time, there is no reason why such actions cannot have emotional content. In mammals—including humans—that have given birth, milk is often released automatically when a new baby cries. This is not under voluntary control; it is reflex. Yet this does not mean that feeding a new baby is exclusively reflex and expresses no feeling like love. Humans have feelings about their behavior even if it is conditioned or reflexive. Yet since reflexes exist, and conditioned behavior is widespread, measurable, and observable, most scientists try to explain animal behavior using only these concepts. It is simpler.Preferring to explain behavior in ways that fit scientific methods most easily, scientists have refused to consider any causes for animal behavior other than reflexive and conditioned ones. Scientific orthodoxy (_正统观念) holds that what cannot be readily measured or tested cannot exist, or is unworthy of serious attention. But emotional explanations for animal behavior need not be impossibly complex or unstable. They are just more difficult for the scientific method to verify in the usual ways, cleverer and more sophisticated approaches are called for. Most branches of science are more willing to make successive approximations (近似值) to what may prove ultimately unknowable, rather than ignoring it altogether.51、What do many evolutionary biologists believe?A. Some emotions do not exist.B. Emotions are helpful for people's survival.C. Emotions give meaning and depth to life.D. Only humans have emotions.52、What can we learn from the example of a gull chick pecking the parent's bill?A. Behaviors can be learned and have no emotional content.B. It is the innate characteristic for adults to look after the young.C. It takes time for animals to be conditioned.D. Emotions are very important to survival.53、Why does the author think most scientists explain animal behavior in terms of reflexes and conditioning?A. They are the most essential factors for animals to surviveB. They are important for animals to develop learned and emotional behaviorsC. They are convenient for scientists to explain animals' behaviorD. They will lead to a better understanding of animal emotions54、What should scientists do to study animal emotions?A. They should set up improved and refined skillful experiments.B. They should analyze human emotions.C. They should distinguish what is emotional and what is conditioned.D. They should learn from animal behaviorists.55、What is the author's main purpose of writing this passage?A. To make the point that emotions are worth our attention.B. To explain what reflexive behavior is.C. To compare human emotions with animal emotions.D. To discuss the importance of emotions.Part Ⅳ TranslationDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.56、泰山位于山东省西部。



2024-2025学年统编版语文七年级(上)第一次月考模拟试卷(7)试卷满分:100分考试时间:120分钟日期:2024.10 姓名:班级:得分:一、积累运用(30分)1.(4分)给下列语段填上适合的汉字或拼音。

(1)鸟儿将窠巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆 hóu 咙。


(3)四面都还是严冬的肃杀,而久经 jué别的故多的久经逝去的春天,却就在这天空中荡漾了。

















上海小升初英语试卷7附答案二、笔试部分(80分)I. 单词拼音(将划线部分读音不同的单词的符号填入题号前括号内)(1×10)( )1. A. man B. stand C. Kate( )2. A. not B. no C. go( )3. A. pen B. these C. desk( )4. A. this B. sit C. nice( )5. A. student B. under C. cup( )6. A. sweater B. please C. teacher( )7. A. now B. yellow C. How( )8. A. they B. three C. mother( )9. A. bags B. classes C. maps( )10. A. yes B. your C. myⅡ. 单词分类(将不同类型的单词的符号填入前面括号内)(1×10)( )1. A. bus B. car C. cup( )2. A. ten B. there C. thirteen( )3. A. shoe B. shirt C. bed( )4. A. bird B. boy C. girl( )5. A. brother B. sister C. family( )6. A. are B. in C. under( )7. A. China B. American C. Japanese( )8. A. teacher B. student C. school( )9. A. please B. sit C. stand( )10. A. red B. apple C. greenⅢ. 选择填空(将正确选项的符号填入题号前括号内)(1×10)( )1. Are you Mrs. Read? Yes, I _______.A. isB. amC. are( )2. This is a map _______ Wuhan.A. ofB. onC. in( )3. These bananas are _______.A. youB. yourC. yours( )4. The twins _______.A. look sameB. look the sameC. look after( )5. It's time _______.A. go to bedB. to go to bedC. to go to the bed( )6. Who's that? Is it Lucy _______Lily?A. orB. andC. but( )7. Whose bag is this? I think it's _______.A. Jim'sB. JimC. Jims'( )8. That's his watch,Give it to _______Please.A. heB. himC. his( )9. I have a new bike. _______bike is under the tree.A. TheB. AC. An( )10. Are you friends? Yes,_______ .A. I amB. they areC. we areⅣ. 情景反应(将正确答案的编号填入前括号内)(1×10)( )1. 一Is everyone here? - _______.A. Yes,I am.B. No. you aren't.C. Yes,we are all here. ( )2. -This is a new student,Ann. - _______.A. What's your name?B. How do you do?C. Are you Ann? ( )3. -Good afternoon,class. - , _______teacher.A. Good morningB. Good afternoonC. Goodbye( )4. -Hello,Bill? 一No,_______.A. this is SamB. I am SamC. I'm Sam( )5. -This is your eraser. Here you are.-Thank you,Mr. Hu.- _______.A. Thank you,tooB. That's all rightC. All right( )6. - _______, where is the toilet? -Over there.A. Excuse meB. SorryC. How are you( )7. -Sit down and have a cup of tea. _______- .A. I sit downB. I have a cup of teaC. Thank you( )8. 一Can I see your watch? _______- .A. That's OKB. OKC. OK. It's not here( )9. -What's the time? 一_______ .A. Yes,it's a clockB. It's the timeC. It's eight o'clock( )10. -_______ . -It's an egg.A. What's this in English?B. Is this your egg?C. Can you speak English? Ⅴ. 选错(将错误选项的符号填入题号前括号内)(1×10)( )1. They are in the same classes.A B C( )2. Can you look the broom behind the door?A B C( )3. We aren't know his name.A B C( )4. Who is this blouse? It's mine.A B C( )5. What colour is her coats?A B C( )6. Class three has a map of China.A B C( )7. Can he sing a song? No,he isn't.A B C( )8. This is my a classroom.A B C( )9. These are your books. Please put they there.A B C( )10. He isn't a old policeman.A B CⅥ. 句型转换(按括号内要求完成镇空,一空一问)(1×10)1. Are you in Row One,Kate? (肯定回答)Yes, .2. They are in Grade Two. (改成否定句)in Grade Two.3. She can spell her name. (改成一般疑问句)spell her name?4. Their bags are black. (对划线部分提问)are their bags?5. This is a boat. (变复数)are .Ⅶ. 看图填空完成句子(一空一词)(1×10)1. this a bus a car?a .2. Where the ?They're the .3. Mr. White's is under the .Ⅷ. 完型填空(将选项的符号填入题号前面括号内)(1×10)Look ①the picture,please. We can see Green's ②in it. They are ③ . Mr.④Mrs. Green are here. Kate ⑤there. ⑥is Jim? Oh,⑦is behind the chair. Wh at's that? It ⑧like a hat. But it's a cat. It's on ⑨floor. Do you know ⑩name?( )1. A. at B. like C. after( )2. A. family B. father C. mother( )3. A. English girls B. English C. English boys( )4. A. or B. and C. of( )5. A. am B. is C. are( )6. A. Who B. How C. Where( )7. A. he B. He C. His( )8. A. look B. looks C. is looking( )9. A. the B. a C. an( )10. A. it's B. is C. itsB卷Ⅰ. 选择填空(将正确答案的代号填入题前括号内)(2×10)( )1. are the man and the woman the bike?A. Whose,onB. What,inC. Who,onD. Who's,in( )2. It's not shirt is in the bag.A. her,HerB. mine,MyC. your,YourD. his,His( )3. The brothers don't look the same. But they are eleven.A. twins,allB. twin's,bothC. twin,bothD. twin,all( )4. Your sister is very . You must her at home.A small,look like B. young,look afterC. short,look atD. nice,look( )5. Do you know the name your English teacher? I think Mr Wang.A. of, it'sB. of, hersC. in, She'sD. of, She's( )6. Can you the school bag to Lucy? She to take it.A. put,forgetsB. give,forgetsC. give,putsD. forget,has( )7. That's the bell. It's time to classroom.A. to go,aB. go,theC. to go,theD. go,a( )8. I can see books. books are on the table.A. a,TheB. some,TheC. the,SomeD. the,The( )9. He his pen in his bag,but he can't it now.A. puts,findB. looks,seeC. has,findsD. looks,find( )10. The coat is . Don't .A. your father, put on itB. Jim's, put them onC. your father's,put it onD. Jim,put it onⅡ. 补全对话(选用所给词语补全对话,一空一词,每词只能使用一次)(2×10)(Yes 、under 、they 、them、hers、aren't 、are、Whose、Excuse me、skirts )A: 1 skirts are these 2 the desk? Are 3 yours?B: Let me see,Oh,no,they 4 mine. Mine 5 blue,and those are red. I think they are 6 .A: Whose?B: Lily's.A: 7 Lily!Are those red 8 yours?B: Oh,9 ,they are mine.A: Put 10 in your bag,please.B: OK. Thanks very much.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .Ⅲ. 单词拼写(根据句子意思写出完整的词,其首字母已给出,拼写时不得重复)(2×10)1. Li Lei isn't at school today. Not e is here.2. Is that 8287645? No. That's a w number.3. Can you g the name of the girl in the red hat?4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are in China now. But their d ,Rose,is in England. She is too young.5. These are the s books. They are on the desk.6. This book is y . You must look after it.7. Now it's 4 in the afternoon. It's time to go and play g .8. What colour is your kite? It's o .9. W father is a teacher? Li Lei's.10. The girl in a red coat is Lucy's s .Ⅳ. 连词成句(选择能连成正确句子的答案)(2×1O)( )1. A. is B. my C. That D. girl E. friendA. BACED+句号B. CDABE+句号C. CABDE+句号( )2. A. behind B. is C. the one D. the tree E. bike F. MyA. FEBCAD+句号B. FEBADC+句号C. FEADBC+句号( )3. A. What B. car C. the D. is E. colourA. AECBD+问号B. ABDCE+问号C. AEDCB+问号( )4. A. are B. These C. long D. theirs E. pencilsA. BACDE+句号B. BCEAD+句号C. BADCE+句号( )5. A. Han Meimei's B. is C. it D. deskA. BCAD+问号B. BADC+问号C. BDCA+问号( )6. A. Grade B. am C. I D. not E. Three F. inA. CBDFAE+句号B. CDBFAE+句号C. CBDFEA+句号( )7. A. green B. isn't C. yours D. Mine E. is F. butA. DEAFBC+句号B. DBAFCE+句号C. DECFBA+句号( )8. A. Which B. Who's C. man D. the manA. AD+问号BC+问号B. BC+问号AD+问号C. BD+问号AC+问号( )9. A. know B. you C. the time D. I E. thinkA. DABEC+句号B. DEBAC+句号C. DEABC+句号( )10. A. can't B. watch C. I D. find E. hisA. CABDE+句号B. CDAEB+句号C. CADEB+句号Ⅴ. 阅读理解(根据短文内容选择正确答案,并将其代号填写在题前的括号内)(2×5)My name is Li Lei. I'm Chinese. I'm twelve. This is a picture of my family at h ome. You can see my father. My mother,my sister一Li Hua and me. I have a nic e bedroom. There is a photo on the wall. It's old. Who is that one behind the doll? Is it my sister? No,it's me. I look young. How old am I in the photo? I think one. My mother is a worker. My father is a teacher of English. He has an American fri end,Mr Green. His family are in China. His son, Jims is a student. We are in the same school,but different classes. We are good friends,too.( )1. I have .A. one sisterB. one brotherC. two friends.( )2. The baby in the old picture is .A. Li HuaB. Li LeiC. Jim( )3. Mr. Green is good friend.A. myB. my mother'sC. my father's( )4. My father is .A. a workerB. an English teacherC. a teacher of Chinese( )5. Jim and I are not in different .A. schoolsB. classesC. gradesⅥ. 阅读填词(补全空白处单词,使短文意思完整正确,单词的第一个字母已给出)(2×5)Tom and Mary are brother and sister. They are n students in Jim's class. Jim l after them at school. They are his good f . Today Jim is on duty. It's his t to cle an the b and the classroom.1. n2. l3. f4. t5. b .答案A卷一、略二、笔试部分Ⅰ. 1-5 CABCA 6-10 ABBCCⅡ. 1-5 CBCAC 6-10 AACABⅢ. 1-5 BACBB 6-10 AABACⅣ. 1-5 CBBCB 6-10 ACBCAⅤ. 1-5 CBAAC 6-10 ACBCBⅥ. 1. I am 2. They aren't 3. Can she 4. What colour 5. These,boatsⅦ. 1. Is,or,It's,bus 2. are,students in,classroom 3. bike,tree.Ⅷ. 1-5 AABBB 6-10 CBBACB卷Ⅰ. 1-5 CDCBA 6一10 BCBACⅡ. 1. Whose 2. under 3. they 4. aren't 5. are 6. hers 7. Excuse me 8. skirts 9. Yes 10. themⅢ. 1. everyone 2. wrong 3. guess 4. daughter 5. students'6. yours7. games8. orange9. Whose 10. sisterⅣ. 1-5 CACBA 6-10 ABCBCⅤ. 1-5 ABCBAⅥ. 1. new 2. looks 3. friends 4. turn 5. blackboard。




A、5msB、10msC、1msD、100ms【答案】C【第5题】S-NSSAI哪部分可以由运营商自定义A、SSTB、SDC、SST或SDD、都不允许【答案】B【第6题】5G SA归属地接入需要新增A、SGW、PGW分离部署B、I-SMF、I-UPFC、特殊切片D、特殊配置【答案】B【第7题】5G GUTI是由以下哪个网元分配的临时标识?A、A.AMFB、B.UDMD、D.PCF【答案】A【第8题】以下哪个不是5G SA核心网SM的特点A、A.按需会话建立,网络可以根据应用需求,UE的位置触发会话建立B、B.异步会话模式,在IDLE状态下缓存会话状态修改以减少寻呼C、C.基于会话粒度的用户面连接激活机制D、D.用户注册时将创建一个PDU会话【答案】D【第9题】LTE-Advanced是由3GPP的哪个版本推出的?A、R6B、R8C、R10D、R15【答案】C【第10题】5G在28GHz高频组网时,主要是用哪种双工方式?A、FDDB、TDDC、HD-FDDD、CDD【答案】B【第11题】在5G中PDCCH共有多少种DCI格式()A、4B、8C、16D、24【答案】B【第12题】以下()信道没有DMRS信号?A、PBCHB、PUCCHC、PRACHD、PDSCH【答案】C【第13题】5G UE在IDLE模式下发给gNB的第一条RRC消息是?A、RRC Restablishment RequestB、RRC Connection RequestC、RRC Resume RequestD、RRC Setup Request【答案】D【第14题】LTE测量NR的RS类型是?A、SSBB、CSI-RSC、Mix of SSB and CSI-RSD、CRS【第15题】每个RO上可用的Preamble个数是()A、16个B、32个C、64个D、128个【答案】C【第16题】以下哪种SRS的资源仅用于高频组网?A、Beam managementB、Code bookC、Non code bookD、Antenna switching【答案】C【第17题】如果小区最大发射功率为100W,SCS=30kHz,带宽为100MHz,采用64T64R 的AUU,那么小区基准功率为多少?A、-3.3dBmB、0dBmC、31.9dBmD、34dBm【答案】A【第18题】PUCCH的功率控制包括msg3的功率和普通PUSCH的功率,关于两者的差异,以下描述错误的是哪一项?A、Msg3 PUCCH功率控制中可以设置额外的偏置B、Msg3 PUCCH 功控中的路损结果比普通PUSCH功控中的路损结果要小C、两个算法中对于调整量的计算原理是相同的D、Msg3功率控制的路损计算结果和PRACH功控时的计算结果是一样的【答案】B【第19题】NR系统竞争随机接入在哪条消息中解决()A、1)msg1B、2)msg2C、3)msg3D、4)msg4【答案】D【第20题】以下哪种业务属于uRLLC场景应用?A、物流跟踪B、车载多媒体C、3D全息D、远程驾驶【答案】D二、多选题(共20题,每题2分,共40分)【第1题】5G的基本特征包括()A、高移动性B、低时延D、大带宽【答案】ABCD【第2题】5G连续组网场景,方位角规划主要遵循如下原则A、天线方位角的设计应从整个网络的角度考虑,满足覆盖要求。



教科版六年级上册期末考试科学试卷(7)(含解析)姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 当兔子处于警觉状态时,它的耳朵会()A.左右移动B.前后移动C.上下竖起2 . 左脑支配()身体的运动A.右侧B.左侧C.中间3 . 鱼和鸽子的身体呈纺锤形是为了()。

A.美观B.减少阻力C.便于隐蔽4 . 2018年10月23日,港珠澳大桥正式开通,它是世界上最长的跨海大桥。


A.拱桥B.钢索桥C.平桥5 . 学校举行萝卜牙签搭高比赛,提供的材料有已经切好的胡萝卜颗粒和牙签。


A.把大的萝卜颗粒放在底层,小的放在上层B.塔身尽量要上下一样大小C.牙签尽量组成三角形的形状6 . 下面的()是磁力的特点。

A.必须直接和物体接触才能产生作用B.可以让所有的金属都动起来C.施力者不是人7 . 生活在草原上的动物是()A.狮子B.老虎C.骆驼8 . 如图,两滑轮相同、甲乙两重物重量相等。

F1、F2为拉力,则下面说法正确的是()A.F1大于F2B.F1小于F2C.F1等于F29 . 研究“电磁铁磁力大小与线圈多少的关系”时,需要改变的条件是()A.电池的节数多少B.线圈的圈数多少C.铁芯的体积大小10 . 如图,在一个等力杠杆的左端放一个50克的重物,那么下面把一个100克的重物放在另一端能使这个杠杆恢复平衡的是()。

A.B.C.11 . 上海世博会地标性建筑世博轴“阳光谷”由许许多多的小三角形结构组成,这样设计是为了()。

A.增强稳定性B.节省材料C.增强采光性12 . 在寒冷的冬天,熊躲在洞里,在昏睡状态下越冬,这是熊对()因素的适应。

A.阳光B.温度C.水D.食物13 . 下列工具中,使用起来一定省力的是()。

A.杠杆B.斜面C.轮轴14 . 阿基米德曾说“只要在宇宙中给我一个支点,我就能用一根长长的棍子把地球撬起来。



机械设计试卷试卷7校名___________ 系名___________ 专业___________姓名___________ 学号___________ 日期___________一、选择题:把正确的选项代号填入()中(200(由选1A.压紧力B.摩擦力C.轴向力D.楔键和半圆键E.平键和切向键F.半圆键和切向键G.楔键和切向键3、一对正交锥齿轮传动的传动比等于______________。


A.FF e1 2=μα B.FF12=μα C.FFe21=μα D.FF21=μα6、确定带传动能传递功率P0的前提条件是__________。





教师专业能力考试试题 初中生物学试卷 (7)

教师专业能力考试试题 初中生物学试卷 (7)


在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.下列不属于生命现象的是A.蜻蜓点水B.蜜蜂采蜜C.桃树开花D.冰雪消融2.使用显微镜观察装片时,放大倍数最大的目镜、物镜组合是A.目镜10×、物镜40×B.目镜5×、物镜10×C.目镜10×、物镜10×D.目镜5×、物镜40×3.下列关于制作人的口腔上皮细胞临时装片的叙述,不正确的是A.滴加碘液染色是为了便于观察B.盖盖玻片时要避免出现气泡C.滴生理盐水是为了维持细胞的正常形态D.用消毒牙签在口腔内侧壁取材时应用力刮4.如图是动物细胞模式图,细胞核是A.①B.②C.③D.④5.根、茎、叶的表皮可以保护内部柔嫩部分,这体现了下列哪种组织的功能A.分生组织B.保护组织C.输导组织D.营养组织6.下列人体结构层次由微观到宏观可以排列为A.细胞→组织→器官→系统→人体 B.人体→系统→器官→组织→细胞C.器官→系统→细胞→组织→人体 D.组织→器官→系统→细胞→人体7.地球上最大的生态系统是A.海洋生态系统B.森林生态系统C.生物圈D.草原生态系统8.气温回升有利于播种后的种子萌发,是因为种子萌发需要A.适宜的温度B.一定的水分C.充足的空气D.足够的无机盐9.幼根的生长一方面需要细胞分裂,另一方面需要细胞体积增大(迅速伸长),说明幼根生长主要依靠A.伸长区、根冠B.分生区、成熟区C.成熟区、根冠D.分生区、伸长区10.番茄花中,能发育成番茄籽(种子)的结构是A.花药B.子房C.胚珠D.花柱11.下列有关“绿叶在光下制造有机物(淀粉)”实验步骤的分析,不正确的是A.暗处理的目的是增加淀粉的含量B.叶片部分遮光是为了形成对照C.叶片放入酒精中隔水加热的目的是溶解叶绿素D.滴加碘液是为了检验有无淀粉产生12.森林涵养的水分一部分供给植物生长,一部分成为地下水,可以说一片森林就是一座绿色的水库。



2021学年苏教版三年级(下)第一次月考数学试卷(7)一、计算.1. 直接写出得数。

2. 用竖式计算,有★的题要验算。

3. 连一连二、填空.(32分)54×21=54×20+________,18×30−18=18×________,25×4×6=25×________.80□÷6的商是________位数,43×64的积是________位数。

















这种行为属于心理防御机制中的()(2分)A:文饰B:幻想C:转移D:升华5、在同一时间研究不同年龄组被试的心理发展水平并对其进行比较,这种研究方法是()(2分) A:横断研究法B:纵向研究法C:群体序列研究法D:微观发生学研究法6、对人的心理状态有重大影响的生物节律是()(2分)A:年节律B:月节律C:日节律D:90分钟节律7、“如果球滚向左边则绿灯亮。







上海政法学院200 —— 200 学年 季学期《知识产权法》试卷 7本科■ 高职□ 开卷□ 闭卷■ A 卷■ B 卷□我是一名上海政法学院的学生,我珍惜自己的信誉。

我郑重承诺将以诚实守信的态度 自愿参加学院组织的考试,自觉遵守考试纪律。

如有违规、违纪行为,愿意按《上海政法 学院学生考试违纪、作弊行为界定及处分规定》处理。

专业 班级 考生签名 学号 成绩一、单项选择题 (本大题共 20 小题, 每小题 1 分,共 20 分,以下各题只有一个 答案符合题意要求,请选出填在括号中)1、下列不属于知识产权范围的是( D )A. 商标权B. 地理标志C. 商业秘密权D. 所有权2、以下哪些主体是知识产权法律关系中的义务人( B )A. 国家知识产权局B. 注册商标的被许可人C. 作品的作者D. 专利申请人3、自然人成为著作权原始主体的主要方式是( C )A 、继承方式B 、受让方式C 、创作方式D 、受赠与方式4、匿名是作者( D )签名 得分题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总计 评卷人 得分A、放弃其署名权的表现C、不愿署名的结果B、疏忽大意的表现D、行使其署名权的一种表现5、甲经乙许可,将乙的小说改编成电影剧本,丙获该剧本手稿后,未征得甲和乙的同意,将该电影剧本改编为电视剧本并予以发表,下列对丙的行为的说法哪项是正确的( D )A.侵犯了甲的著作权,但未侵犯乙的著作权B.侵犯了乙的著作权,但未侵犯甲的著作权C.不构成侵权D.同时侵犯了甲的著作权和乙的著作权6、美术作品原件转移的,则( B )A.著作权也发生转移B. 其展览权由美术作品原件合法所有人行使C.其修改权由美术作品原件合法所有人行使D. 其发行权由美术作品原件合法所有人行使7、著作权集体管理组织( C )A.可以不经登记而成立 B. 可以转让其管理的作品的著作权C.可以以自己的名义起诉应诉 D. 不能申请仲裁8、下列选项中,可作为实用新型获得专利的是( B )A、足球场规划B、乒乓球拍C、建筑物设计图D、踢球技巧9.下列选项中哪项不属于《专利法》所称的执行本单位的任务所完成的职务发明创造( A )A.在职人员在本单位所作的发明创造B.在本职工作中所作出的发明创造C.履行本单位交付的工作之外所作的发明创造D.退休后作出的,与其在原单位承担的工作有关的发明创造答案: A10、外观设计的独占实施权不包括( D )A.制造权 B.销售权C.进口权 D.使用权11、甲、乙、丙均向国家商标局提出了“九阳”文字商标的申请,申请注册的类别都为酒类,甲的申请日是 2003 年 5 月 21 日,甲自 2000 年开始就使用了“九阳”商标,乙的申请日和甲是同一日,丙则是 2003 年的 5 月 30 日提出的申请,但丙也曾经使用了一段时间“九阳”商标,知名度一般,则该商标( A )A.应核准注册给甲C.应核准注册给丙B. 应核准注册给乙D. 协商确定商标权人12、我国商标法规定的商标异议期为( B )A.自初步审定公告日起 6 个月 B. 自初步审定公告日起 3 个月C.自核准注册日起 6 个月 D. 自核准注册日起 3 个月13、某注册商标于 2001 年 3 月 15 日提出注册申请, 2001 年 11 月 6 日被核准注册,则该商标若申请续展,其最早提出续展申请和最晚提出续展申请的时间分别为( B )A. 2011 年 5 月 6 日和 2011 年 9 月 15 日B. 2011 年 5 月 6 日和 2012 年 5 月 6 日C. 2010 年 9 月 15 日和 2011 年 9 月 15 日D. 2010 年 9 月 15 日和 2012 年 5 月 6 日14、有关集体商标的表述,错误的是( A )A.可以转让 B. 以集体名义注册C.供集体成员使用 D.地理标志可以注册为集体商标15、专利实施的强制许可意味着( D )A、取得实施强制许可的单位或个人享有的实施权,即强制许可是独占许可B、取得实施强制许可的单位或个人享有排除第三人使用的权利,即强制许可是排他许可C、取得实施强制许可的单位或个人有权允许他人实施D、取得实施强制许可的单位或个人即不享有独占的实施权,也无权允许他人实施16、甲企业与乙企业就彩电购销协议进行洽谈,其间乙采取了保密措施的市场开发计划被甲得知。







( ) 答案:A3.企业的竞争优势是相对于竞争对手而言的一种绝对优势。







( )答案:A7.同一企业的战略业务单位之间不存在明显的替代可能,所以也就很难有相互的关系。









2.如果企业处于SWOT矩阵的第SO象限,那么宜采取的战略是( )。



2021学年北师大版四年级(下)期末数学试卷(7)一、我会填:(每空1分,共20分)1. 一只蜂鸟约重2.1克,2.1里面有________个0.1.2. 一只麻雀约重0.106克,0.106中的1在________位上,表示________个________,6在________位上,表示________个________.0.106读作:________.3. 把37.6先扩大100倍,再缩小10倍得到的数是________.4. 一个数由4个十,7个十分之一和3个千分之一组成,这个数写作:________.5. 三角形的两个内角之和是85∘,第三个角是________,这个三角形按角分是________三角形。

6. (.一种上衣降价x元后是100元,原价是________.7. 填上“>”“<”或“=”8. 0.□9<0.8,□里可以填________.9. 一个三角形的两条边长度分别是7cm和10cm,第三条边可能是________cm.10. 将0.23230.2030.30.230.302按从大到小的顺序排列为________.11. 一个等腰三角形的底角是35∘,顶角是________.12. 一个正方形的边长是b米,它的周长是________米,面积是________平方米。

13. 按如图方式摆放餐桌和椅子,摆9张餐桌可以坐________人。

14. 用小棒按照如图的方式摆图形(1)摆1个六边形需要________根小棒,摆2个需要________根小棒。





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1、已知(,)sin x f x y e y =,则4
0x y df
π=== 。

2、曲面1xyz =上平行于平面40x y z +++=的切平面方程为 。

(1)n n
x n ∞
=-∑的收敛域为 。

2!n n n
n ∞
的敛散性是 。

5、l 为圆周221x y +=,计算对弧长的曲线积分
y l
e ds +=⎰ 。

1、函数23u xy z xyz =+-在点(1,1,2)处沿方向角/3απ=,/4βπ=,/3γπ=的方向的方向导数是( )
A 、 2
B 、3
C 、 4
D 、5 2、曲面1=z 与22y x z +=的交线的形状为( ) A 、 圆 B 、椭圆 C 、 抛物线 D 、双曲线 3
dx f x y dy ⎰
的积分次序,它等于( )

dx f x y dy ⎰ B
dy f x y dx ⎰

f x y dy ⎰ D
dx f x y dy ⎰
4.下列级数中绝对收敛的是( ) A 、
1n n -∞
=- B 、
1ln n n n
C 、
n n
n ∞

1ln(1n n ∞
5、设∑是z =2
xydydz xdzdx x dxdy ∑
++⎰⎰=( ) A 、π B 、4π C 、8π D 、15π
三、计算题 (每题8分,共40分)
1、已知2ln y z x x ⎛⎫
=+ ⎪⎝
⎭,求(1,1)z x ∂∂,(1,1)
z y
2、设方程2x y z ++=(,)z z x y =,求z x
z y

x y y dxdy +-⎰⎰,其中D 是由,y x =1
y x =2y =围成的闭区域。

I z dS ∑
,其中∑是z =介于1,2z z ==之间侧面。

1x y +≤介于2,0z z ==之间的部分。

x x ++ 展为2x +的幂级数,并给出收敛域。

(,)2f x y x y x =+-在平面闭区域{}
22(,)|1D x y x y +≤=内的最小值和最大值。

33()()x x L
ye y dx e x dy π-+++⎰
,其中L 是在圆周y =上由
(1,0)A 到(1,0)B -的一段弧。

dx dy +2)、3x y z ++= 3)、(-1,1]4)、收敛5)、2e π 二、选择题(每题3分,共15分)
5、 B
三、计算题 (每题8分,共40分)
12/22/2z y x
x y x
x y x
x xy
z x
∂=-∂ ……….. 4分
2/22/2z x y
x y x
x y
z y
∂ ……….. 4分
、解:令(,,)2F x y z x y z =++-……….. 1分
x F yz =- ……….. 1分
2y F xz =-, ……….. 1分
1z F yx =-……….. 1分
x z
z x
F F ∂∂=-
……….. 2分
y z
z y
F F ∂∂=-

……….. 2分
3、解: 积分区域D 可表示为2:02y x y
D y ≤≤≤≤⎧⎨⎩
dy x y y dx =+-⎰⎰ ………..3分
y y dy =-⎰32
x z =
y z =
dS = ………..3分
D I x y dxdy =
d d π
⎰2= ………..2分
5、解:采用柱面坐标,Ω可表示为02,01,02z ρθπ≤≤≤≤≤≤
d dz π

d π

- 由
x +<且21x +<时级数收敛得收敛域为
(83,43)--. …….2分 五
x x
y y
∂⎧=-=⎪∂⎪⎨∂⎪==∂⎪⎩得驻点(1,02),且11,024()f =- …….5分 边界2
1x y +=上,函数为2
(,)()2,(11)f x y g x x x x ==--+-≤≤
x x x --+
++-++-+ …….4分
1(2)x x +-=-⋅-+-+⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ 100123(2)(2)2n n n n
n n x x +∞∞===-⎛⎫-+++ ⎪⎝⎭
∑∑ 11031(2)2n n n n x +∞
- ⎪⎝⎭
∑ …….4分
该函数在11x -≤≤上有最大值19
g -=
,最小值(1)0g = 从而知边界上(,)f x y
f -
=,最小值(1,0)0f = …….5分
令3x P ye y π=-+,3x Q e x =+
()()x x L AB ye y dx e x dy π+-+++⎰D Q P dxdy x y ∂∂=-∂∂⎛⎫ ⎪⎝
⎭⎰⎰ …….3分
x y dxdy =+⎰⎰
d r dr ππθ==
⎰⎰ …….2分

2AB Pdx Qdy dx ππ-+==⎰⎰, …….1分
33()()x x L
ye y dx e x dy π-+++⎰ 3333()()()()x x x x L AB AB ye y dx e x dy ye y dx e x dy ππ+=-+++--+++⎰⎰

于是(,)f x y 在D 内最小值为1
1,024()f =-
f -=。

2、解:设AB 与L 围成区域为D ,由格林公式。
