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final product inspection management procedure
1.目的 Objective

Ensure the warehoused final products and delivering products can meet the related inspection regulations and customer requirements.
2.适用范围 Applicable Scope

Be applied to the inspection of warehoused final products and delivering products.
3. 职责Responsibilities
3.1. 计划部:负责出货计划的安排与下达,跟踪与监督执行。

PMC: in charge of the delivery plan arranging and implementation tracking and monitoring.
3.2. 相关部门:负责本部门成品入库的送检、不合格批的返工及参与返工中发现的不良的分析与改进。

Related departments:Send the finished products to be inspected, rework
the nonconforming products, and do the related nonconformities analysis and improvement.
3.3. 工程部:负责组织成品不良问题的分析与改善。

Engineering department:Analyze and improve the nonconformities in the finished products.
3.4. 品质部:负责成品检验标准的制定,成品入库检验、出货产品的检验,检验完成后产品的标示,检验过程的记录,检验记录的保存,不合格品改善效果的确认,长期在库成品的重检。

Quality department: make the final product inspection standards, inspect warehoused final products and delivering products, label the inspected products, record the inspection process and keep the records, validate the nonconforming products improvement effectiveness, re-inspect the final products which have been stored for a long time.
3.5. 仓管部:负责库存合格品与不合格品的管理,成品的入库、成品的保管与状态标识,出货产品、客户退回不合格品的送检,长期在库品的重新送检。

Warehouse department: manage the products in the warehouse, warehouse the final products and keep them and label their status, send the delivering products and customer returned nonconforming products and products which have been warehoused for a long time to inspect.
4.程序内容Procedure Contents
4.1.入库检验 warehousing inspection

Inspection preparation: the quality department shall prepare the related <___inspection standards>, test fixtures, inspection instruments and so on according to and issued by the PMC.
4.1.2.检验培训:如果产品为新机种,品质工程师应在实施检验前制定适当的检验规范,并将检验规范、产品要达到的功能、客户的资料和特定要求等相关信息给 FQC 进行讲解,必要时可制定标准样板和参考客户样机。

Inspection training: if the product is a new kind, quality engineer shall make appropriate inspection regulations and give all related information to FQC before inspection implementation, the related information includes inspection standards, the required functions, customer documents and special requirements. The standard sample and customer reference
sample shall be made if necessary.
4.1.3.抽样水准:汽车产品采用C=0 的抽样检验标准,具体要求按照《抽样标准书》执行,如客户有特殊规定则依据客户要求执行。

Sampling standards: auto products shall adopt C=0 sampling inspection standards, refer to . If customer has special requirements, then implement according to customer requirements.
4.1.4.检验实施:FQC 以每一批(LOT)(最大不超过1200PCS)为一检验批进行抽验, 具体参照《FQC 作业规范》、《__检验标准书》等执行作业。

Inspection implementation: FQC shall randomly inspect every lot (not more than 1200 PCS per lot), refer to , <___inspection standards>.
5.送检:一个批(LOT)完成生产后,送检部门将完成品送至待检区,并将相应的《成品送检通知单》交于品质部 FQC 等待检验(如产品有配件时需提供附件清单备查),FQC 在接到单据后应核对相应的项目是否填写完整清楚,如有异常应及时与送检人沟通。

Send to inspect: when a lot is produced, the related department shall send the finished products to the designated area to be inspected, and send the corresponding to the FQC (if the product has accessories, then the accessory list shall be provided for inspection reference). FQC shall check if the corresponding items are filled completely and clearly, if no, contact with the sender timely.
4.1.6.检验内容 Inspection Contents板卡产品检验:FQC 接到《成品送检通知单》后,首先对产品进行以下项目的检验,并将结果记录于《出货检查报告一(PCBA 外观包装)》;FQC 依据抽样计划,对产品外观进行检验,外观检验合格后需依据产品的要求对其进

PCB product inspection: after received , FQC shall inspect the following items, and record the results in ; FQC shall inspect the product appearance, according to the sampling plan,if the appearance is acceptable, inspect its function according to product requirements: Product function inspection refers to <__inspection standards>, and record the results in the ; .
a. 外箱的尺寸,外观是否符合要求。

If the package box dimensions, appearance can meet the requirements.
b. 外箱的标识内容是否符合相关检验规范和客户要求,当有工程变更发生时,针对首批送检需核对是否注明执行的工程变更单号及“变更初物”字样。

If the identification contents in the package box can meet the related inspection regulations and customer requirements. When the engineering changes occurred, for the first batch sent for inspection, check whether the engineering change number and “the first changed object” are。
