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Lesson 1 Greetings
Core Sentences
1. Good morning Mrs. Brown. How are your doing?
2. I am doing well, thank you. And you?
3. How is your husband?
4. Alan was sick last week. But now he feels better.
5. Please give my regards to him.
6. Jenny, I havn't seen you an ages. You look great today.
7. Thanks John. It's really been a long time.
8. How is everything going?
9. Not bad, Thanks.
10. What's going on with you study?
11. I'm working on my English now.
12. What's up, body?
13. Not much, how about you?
14 I'm going to an browd next week.
Dialog Exercises
Number One
A. Hello Bill, long time no see. How are you?
B. I'm fine. Thank you, and you.
A. I'm fine, too. Thank you. How is your wife?
B. She was sick last week, but she is much better now. Thank you.
A. Please give my regards to her.
Number Two
A. Hi, Jerry, is that you? Long time no see.
B. Yes, it's been long. How is your study?
A. I'm working on my final paper. And you?
B. I'm working on English. I work real hard.
Number Three
A. Hi Sandra, long time now see.
B. Oh, morning Linda. It’s nice to see you. You look great today.
A. How has thing been these days?
B. Can't be better. I got better pay job last week.
A. That's wonderful, how is your husband?
B. Jerry had a headache yesterday, but now he feels much better.
A. I hope he wills recovers soon. Please give my regards to him.
B. I sure will. Thanks.
Lesson 2: What is your name
Core Sentences
1. What is your name?
2. My name is Alexander, Smith. Just call me Alex.
3. Is Lee your first name?
4. It is my family name. In China, we put our surname first.
5. Jiang is one of the most common surnames in China.
6. Her name is Susan n Armstrong. N is an abbreviation of her middle name.
7. May I have your name, Miss?
8. I'm Gary, Rice. I'd like to be called Gary. And yours?
9. My name is Linda, Wilson. I was named after my grandmother. How do you spell your first name?
10. My first name is spelled G A R Y. How do your pronounce your last name?
11. It is pronounced Gary.
12. Sorry. What did you say your name was?
13. You must be Mr. John, Kennedy. You name proceeds your.
Dialog Exercises.
Number one: Meeting a new classmate.
A. Good morning, how are you?
B. Fine, thank you. And you?
A. I'm fine. Are you a new comer to the class?
B. Yes, I am. I am Hans.
A. What is your surname?
B. My surname is Wilhelm. I'm Hans, Wilhelm.
A. Will you spell your surname?
B. Wilhelm, W I L H E L M.
A. Nice to meet you Hans.
B. Nice to meet you Henry.
Number two. At the hotel receptionist
A. Good morning, I'm Eric, Leaner. I made a reservation.
B. Sorry, what did you say what's your name?
A. I'm Eric, Lerner.
B. Is Leaner your surname?
A. Yes, my surname is Leaner, and my given name is Eric.
B. Will you spell your surname?
A. Leaner, L E H N E R.
B. Wait a moment, please. I'm browsing the computer record. Yes, Mr. Leaner, you have a reservation. This is the key and the room card of room 404.
Number Three. What is your name?
A. Excuse me, is this seat taken?
B. No, you can sit here.
A. Thank you.
B. So, are you new here? I seem not match you before
A. I just came from Japan last week. I'm an exchange student.
B. Nice to meet you. My name is Judge, Mores. Call me Judge.
A. Hello, Judge, My name is Terrance, Honami.
B. Shall I call you Miss Terrance or Miss Honami?
A. Miss Terrance. Or Terrance San in Japanese.
B. So Honami is your given name?
A. Right, and Terrance is a very popular Japanese surname. In Japan, we put our surname first.
B. How is Honami spelled?
A. H O N A M I. But I preferred to be called Alice, my English name.
B. That's easier to remember. One day, I'll learn Japanese from you
Lesson 3 Introduction
Core Sentences
1. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Dennis' birthday party, nice having you here.
Hope you have a good time.
2. Mrs. Edison, Please allow me to introduce Mr. Smith, our manager.
3. How do you do, it is pleasure to meet you.
4. The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith.
5. Tony, I want you to meet a old friend of mine. Here is David, White David, Tony, Park.
6. Let me introduce myself. I'm Susan Macdonald.
7. Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?
8. Sorry, I don't think we have.
9. Hi, is you again. Is this a or a what?
10. You are Susan, what a pleasent surprice!
11. I never thought I will see you here.
12. I'm afraid I have to leave now.
13. Nice talking with you.
Dialog Exercises
Number one In a Bar.
A. Hey Annie, what's up?
B. Nothing, and you?
A. Not much, just coming to relax a bit after school. Annie, I'd like you to meet my old friend, Paul. Paul,this is Annie.
B. Paul, nice to meet you here.
C. An.. I'm Paul, Wilcox. Actually, I.. I danced to you Ben's Birday Party.
B. Is that you? I didn't think I can meet you here. Small world.
C. You too, Oh it's already nine. I have to go now. So nice meeting you tonight.
C. Bye, Annie.
B. Bye, see you.
Number Two: At the airport.
A. Hi, are you ?
B. Yes, and you are?
A. Hello, Pill, welcome come to Los Angeles. I'm Joanna, .
B. Hello, Mrs. Betis. It is nice to meet you.
A. Just call me Joanna. May I help with you suitcase?
B. No, thank you. It is ok.
They walk to the car.
A. , this is my husband, Robert. Robert, this is .
C. Nice to meet you, Phill.
B. Hello, Mr. Beits.
C. Please call me Robert. Let me get your baggage into the car, Pill.
B. Thank you, Robert.
Lesson 4 Identify Objects
Core Sentences
1. What is this?
2. It's a cocktakl.
3. Pardon?
4. It's a mixed alcoholic drink.
5. Whose notebook is that?
6. It is not mine. It may belongs to Jessie.
7. Up to now, nobody has cleaned the suitcase.
8. Where is your umbrella?
9. It's behind the door.
10. I looked for my wallet everywhere. But I couldn't find it.
11. You must have left it in your office.
12. Please look for it in the hotel lost and found office.
13. Can you describe your blouse?
14. It is a green one with a high neck.
15. Do you remember where you misplaced it?
Dialog Exercises.
Number one Your rooms are mess.
A. Tide, it's time to get up. You are going to be late for school.
B. Mum, where is my white shirt?
A. It's in the wash machine.
B. Dammit, I can only have have the blue shirt on. Where my new tier and belt?
A. On the chair.
B. Where is cap?
A. Behide the door.
B. I looked for but cannot find it.
A. Isn't this black cap yours?
B. This is not mine. Mine is blue. This might be Michael's.
A. You must have left it in your classroom.
B. I'll go have a look. Mum, where is my overcoat?
A. Tide, it is on your bed. Look, your room is mess.
Number two, At the lost and found office of a hotel.
A. Good morning, Sir?
B. Good morning, Miss! I'm worry because I have lost my suitcase this morning.
A. Where did you lose it?
B. I still had it when I got off the taxi. And I just couldn't remember where I misplaced it.
A. Can you describe it?
B. Sure, it is brown medium size suitcase on wheels.
A. M.., I'm afraid we've got nothing like that, sorry.
B. Oh, I made a mistake. I carried the black one today. It must be very like because there is nothing but a Cousu in it.
A. A cousu?
B. Where, a cousu is a sort of toy music instrument like flute. I will play at night at the Halloween parade.
A. Let me see.Yeh, we do have a black suitcase. Do you have the key?
The customer hands over the key, and the clerk opens the suitcase.
A. You are right, Sir. This is your cousu.
The clerk takes out a notebook.
A. Please sign your name here, Sir.
B. Ok, thank you for you help.
A. Welcome, enjoy yourself tonight.
Lesson 5 Describing Objects
Core Sentences
1. What color is your phonebook?
2. The book has a red cover.
3. What kind of computer do you have?
4. It is a desktop computer.
5. How much does your laptop weigh?
6. It weighs only two kilos. And it's easy to carry.
7. What size auto mobile do you want?
8. I like a small one, but my husband prefers a big one.
9. What table shape do you take?
10. I like a round table that can sit ten.
11. What is the weights of the bookcase?
12. The cabinet is four meters long.
13. Will you measure the store?
14. How big is this department?
15. It's about one hundred twenty square meters.
Dialog Exercises
Number one Buying a TV set.
A. Honey, what brand TV do you prefer?
B. What about Conca? It is a named brand.
A. How much is it?
B. What size TV do you have?
A. I want a big one.
B. But it cost more. Besides, the smaller one is a new model.
A. What color do you prefer?
B. I like a blue one. It looks real .
A. But it doesn't go with the furniture in our house. I want a pink one.
B. Why can we never see eye to eye to each other.
Number two
A. I got from the loanly hard call that you are looking for a parter?
B. Yeh, are you interested? Your voice sounds sweet.
A. Thank you, you said in the ad you have a car.What brand is it?
B. It's B&W seven series ?
A. What color is it?
B. Silver, I like it very much. It goes to my skin.
A. My favored color, too. And you have a house. How big is it?
B. One hundred and twenty squere meters. My parents left me the house and the farm when passed away two years ago.
A. Oh, that's wonderful. Sorry, I mean, I really sorry to hear that.
B. How about you? What color is your skin?
A. Wait, why?
B. Nothing, I want to imagine how you look like? How tall are you?
A. One seventy, actually, I don't think you are been polite to..
B. It's ok. But I do prefer taller woman. What is your weigh?
A. Pardon, are you looking for a girlfriend or a model?
B. Are you looking for a boy friend or a house and a car?
Lesson 6 Identify People
Core Sentences
1. Who are you?
2. I am Sally, a new secretary with your firm.
3. You are the English teacher, arn't you?
4. Are you Mr. Green, the office manager?
5. Who is that madam over there?
6. Do you know, he might be the spoker man of today's press conference?
7. Who cares.
8. Where do you come from?
9. I'm from Shanghai. How about you?
10. Toronto is Michelle's hometown.
11. What do you do for living?
12. I work for the goverment.
13. Who is the girl in his school uniform?
14. It's Betty, and she is from New Zealand.
15. These guys are all Allen's classmates.
Dialog Exercise
Number one In a party.
A. Who is that lady over there?
B. It's Henry's mother. She is a actor.
A. And the tall man beside her is Henry's father?
B. No, he is an engineer from Germany.
A. He works for the goverment.
B. So, the shortm man beside her is Henry's father?
A. No, He is a famous producer.
B. Then the man in uniform must be his father?
A. No, he is the camera man.
B. Where is his father then? Especially, when his mother is sorounded by so many man?
A. Come on, Who cares.
Number Two, Woman Boss.
A. See Ivon, my boss is on today's newspaper.
B. Who? You mean the man in the ?
A. No, that's her husband. He is a parter of .
B. Wo, it's she. Angela, don't you mind have a woman boss?
A. Why should be. She is a smart woman and good at her job. She is man, but is more senstive.
B. Ok, ok. Who is the girl beside her? her daughter?
A. I think so, I hear she is top student of her class. She is just back from her university in New York.
B. I can see that's a lovely family. Your boss is a victor of life.
Lesson 7 Appearance
Core Sentences
1. What does Sandy look like?
2. She has big blue eyes and brown hair.
3. What is Phillipes?
4. He is a big guy.
5. V oll is tall and quite lank. From her appearane, I would she is Asian.
6. She takes after her mother.
7. V oll looks exactly like his father. He has his father's blue eyes and his mother's round face.
8. Tracy is a typical with her high cheek bones.
9. Ray is popular with parents because he is very polite.
10. Tom is quiet man, but his wife is extremy talk to him.
11. My brother has good personality.
12. Trim always wears a brown overcoat these days.
13. The short and gentelman over there is a new director.
Dialog Exercise
Number one: My idea husband
A. I dreamed my idea husband again last night. It's so exciting.
B. What does your idea husband look like? Jane.
A. He is a typical Asian with black hair, yellow skin and dark eyes.
B. What sort of does he?
A. He is lanky.
B. And how is his personality?
A. Right, he is quite polite. So much shine, glasses and a suit.
B. Don't you think you are describing our boss, Jane. No wonder you are so late these days.
Number Two Talking about a girl
A. See the girl in the blue over there, I keep catch her at school. She is really sharp.
B. Which one? They are all in the blue uniforms.
A. The one wearing a polling tail. From her appearance, I would guss she is from China.
B. Right, she has yellow skin and black hair.
A. And she is always smiling, so I guess she has a good personality.
B. Come on, Daniel, are you falling in love with her?
A. Get out here, I just think she looks a lot like my grandma, you know when she was young. Lesson 8 Age
Core Sentences
1. Can I ask how old you are?
2. Guess how old I am?
3. I say you are about twenty.
4. I just turn twenty three.
5. I was thirty on my last birthday.
6. You look younger than your age.
7. I'd rather not tell your my age.
8. She is going to be eighteen, but she still acts like a kid.
9. I am two years (old--older )than she is.
10. My mother retired at the age of fifty five.
11. --singer)looks maturer for his age.
12. Grandfather is geting in years.
13. Joanna is in her sixties.But she is aging well.
14. The baby (可能是pumas) are all grown ups now.
15. I'm too old to learn computer.
Dialog Exercises.
Number one Do you beleive (in-an )age gaps?
A. Hans, what are you up to?
B. I'm reading a letter from home. This is a picture of my family.
A. Is the one with gray hair your grandma?
B. Yes, she is in her seventies.
A. Really, she is aging well. She looks like in (a--her )sixties.
B. But she is always (forget --forgetful). And we don't see eye to eye with each other on many things. She doesn't like the pop music. She hates me to surf Internet all the evening and she (is)always repeating stories of her life. Sometimes, I'm (fade up--fed up).
A. This is (cal--called) generation gap.
Number two Sugar (Dady--daddy).
A. You know what? Maria got married last week.
B. So, she finally married her sugar daddy.
A. Right, he never tells his age. But I know that his youngest daughter just turn thirty. She works with my sister.
B. My . I guss he is in his sixties. And Maria?
A. Maria is only two years older than his daughter.
B. Fortunately, he is aging well. He looks much younger than his age.
A. Nothing to blame, love is blind.
B. But Maria is by no means (to-/) blind to money.
Lesson 9 Daily Activities.
Core Sentences
1. What is a typical day for you?
2. I usually wake up at six thirty.My husband gets up later than I do. It takes time to get the kids dressed. We have milk and toast for breakfast.
3. Susan drives the children to school in the morning, and picks them up after school.
4. It is time to go to school, hurry up.
5. Davide leaves for work at eight o'clock every morning. And go shopping in a supermarket after geting off work.
6. Grandma prepares a big dinner for us every time visit her house.
7. After lunch, I usually take a nap and then watch a soap opera.
8. Jerry often does his homework to midnight.
9. I am used to going to bed at around eleven, and I fall fast sleep.
10. Lisa enjoys housekeeping, and her husband also helps around the house.
11. I like reading magzines in my spare time.
Dialog Exercises.
Number one Interview with the star sells girl.
A. Good morning, Amender. You are only twenty three, and you are the star sells girl in your store.
B. Thank you.
A. Can you tell us the secret of your success?
B. The secret as you call it. It's work. I get up very early every morning. I walk to work. I work very hard. I'm doing real well in sells and get large amounts of comission. I save every penny to attend a evening class. When I get home after class, I think of the day's work and I make a plan for the next day. I'm tired and crash out soon after I go to bed.
A. Do you like your job?
B. Yes, I like it. It's hard, but I'm used to it.
Number Two Interview with the house wife.
A. So, Linda, what is a typical day for you?
B. I usually get up at around six o'clock. When breakfast is ready, I wake my husband up. Then I dressed the kids up. After breakfast, my husband drives the older kids to school. I stay at home with my baby daughter. I take care of the baby and do the cleaning for most of the morning. In the after noon, when the baby is sleep, I am free to the garden, go shopping or visit some friends. Dinner is usually big and takes time to prepare. After dinner, I play with the kids or watch TV with my husband. I go to bed at around eleven o'clock.
A. Are you used to this kind of life, Linda?
B. I once thought it boring and I found a job. You know what happened? The house was in a mess. My husband and I were too tired to do the house and take care of the kids. So we . It cost more. I quite my job and I realize the house work is also important to work.
Lesson 10 Past activities
Core Sentences
1.What did you do last Saturday?
2.Pills went to the cham to work out yesteday.
3.Dans stayed up watching the world cup last night and over slept this morning.
4.I running to an old friend of mine on the street this morning. She didn't recognize me.
5.There were before he got this job.
6.Where is John? John was here a minute ago.
7.Jodie invited some friends to visit her new hourse.
8.Yesterday, we had a good time at David's birthday party.
9.Professor Smith retired two years ago.
10.Mary used to be a diplomat, but now she works in a company.
11.Mr. Couper started a company at the age of twenty-eight.
12.I majored in finance when I was in college.
13.John returned to his hometown five years later.
14.I told you so.
Dialog Excercise
Number one Memories of the past
Jerry and his wife Lin came to the bar when they matched thirty years ago.
Jerry:I used to come here a lot. It was so fun at the time.
Lin:I met you twice here.And you invited me to dance.
Jerry:But you did not recognized me, until I bought you a drink.
Lin: Speaking of drinks, the beers just like water. They are not as fun as before.
Jerry:Sure, this bar was a good palce when we were young.
Number two Yesterday Once More.'
A:Mary, I was superised to read your .
B:Why, because I lost myself. I feel so bad.
Actually not,You are doing the best in the company.You have a stable customer group.
You get higher and higher salary, and you have just become the manager.
You are promising, I hope you can think it over.
A:Shall I put it this way. Two years ago, When I just came here, I really enjoy the job.
I enjoyed trading with my customers. unerstanding their needs, and offerring the best
services and I dreamed for the position I have now.The challendge, the salary, the travelling
all the time, I really wanted to be what I am. But I used to live in a happy family. Every weekend I had time to share with my wife and my kids. I was crasy about soccer and I had time to stay up
for the games. See now, I'm too busy for always.The kids don't love me as before, my wife is unhappy to ,
. Now I want to be what I was.news:/s/
B:I see, you are really stressed. I had similar experence.When I was just raised to your position. How about to take several days off and take a trip with your family.See me after that.
Lesson 11 Furture Acitivities.
Core Sentences
1. What will you do when you grow up? I will open a bar when I have enougth money.
2. Alan is going back to the US during the summer vocation.He will be back in four weeks.
3. She is about to leave for Paris.
4. What you going to do tommorow?
5. A Professor will lecture at the school auditor. He will forcus on the ladys development of Canada.
6. I am going to buy a ticket for the rocking roll concert.
7. There will be an international conference in Beijing next month.I will be pride to a volunteer translator.
8. Did you know what you going to do before your graduated?
9. I never imagined that I will become a teacher.
10. It is going to rain,take your rain coat with you.
11. I am leaving, thank you for having us here tonight.
Dialog Excercises
Number One Busy weekends
A. It's Saturday tomorrow, did you have any plans?
B. Busy as usual, I will send Ani to her piano class at nigh tomorrow morning. And then take my to hospital.Besides, I will make a birthday cake for Lin. Tomorrow is her fifth year birthday.
A. Why isn't Jhon give your hand?
B. An International meeting is going to be held in Beijing next week. He is leaving for Beijin tomorrow. And will be back in two weeks.
A. I see,give me a call if you need any help.
Number two Plans for the weekend.
A. Wendy, any plan for the coming weekend?
B. Yes, I've been working so hard the whole week.So I'm going to take a trip to boston.
A. Why are you going there?
B. Where, one of my best friends is getting married the Sunday.I'm going to be her bridsmaid. I'll go shoping right after work. I'll buy some clothes and . Will you go with me and give me some advice?
A. Ok, but first I'll have to finish the document here.
Lesson 12, Weather
Core Sentences
1. Nice day, isn't it.
2. What a louse day.
3. How do you like the weather today?
4. It is and hot. It looks like a stormy is coming.
5. How was it yesterday? It was blowing hard.
6. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
7. The weather forecaster says that it is going to rain tomorrow.
8. The weather man said that a thunder storm is hiting us these days.
9. It has been cloudy all morning, and now it is raining cats and dogs.
10. It will probably clear up tomorrow.
11. What's the temperature today?
12. The lowest temperature can drop to thirty degrees Celsius below zero. It's several degrees lower in the evening that in the daytime.
Dialog Exerciese
Number one Temperature
A. It is hot inside, isn't it.
B. Sure, the thermometer is on the wall by your side. What's the temperature?
A. Around thirty.
B. How is the weather outside?
A. It's sunny and warm. It's a good day for a pinic.
B. But the weather forecaster says it will rain this afternoon.
Number two A Snow Day.
Jaims is knocking at the door of Theresa's room.
A. Theresa, wake up. It is snowing heavily outside.
B. Stop me, Jaims. I told you I did my homework till midnight.
A. I know, but the snow is so thick, then we can go make a snow man.
B. That's no superise. The wheather man said last night that a is hitting us these days.
A. See, I've got a carrier, two black buttons, a and a , all is ready.
B. Ok, let's go. I need to relax for a while anyway.
A. it is nice in cold today.
B. Wait, Jaims. The temperature has dropped to twelve degrees below zero today. Mum told me not let you paly out on such a cold day. Let's go back or I'll tell mama.
Lesson 13. Family
Core Sentences.
1. How many people are there in your family?
2. I've got two sisters and one brother.
3. Sam and Tony are twins.
4. Robert was up in a single parent household.
5. Richard comes from well family.
6. I have a close family.we love each other.
7. His parents always quarrel with each other.
8. My father is a and he is very strict with us.
9. There are more and more families in big cities.
10. What do your parents do?
11. My father is the bread owner.
12. Rick is an only child. Her great grandpa is still living.
13. My parents grew up in the countryside. We moved to the city when I was just five. Dialog Exercise
Number one Talks about family.
A. How many people are there in your family?
B. Four, my father, my mother, my brother and I. We are geting on very well.
A. What do you parents do?
B. My father is professor, he is strict with us. My mother works in a hotel, and she loves us a lot.
A. How old is your borther?
B. He is twenty five, three years older than I am.He is a soldier.
A. Do you have any grandparents?
B. My grandpa on my father side is still living. But he dosen't live with us.
Number Two Introduction of the Family
A. How many are there in your family, Eleen?
B. There are three of us in my family.
A. So you are the only child in your family.
B. Yes, and you?
A. There are fives in my family.
B. Are you the youngest?
A. No, I'm not. My brother Jaims is the oldest, and my sister Cleo is the youngest.
B. So you are the second child of your family. How old is your brother?
A. He is going to be twenty tomorrow.
B. Please tell him Happy Birthday.
A. Thank you, I'll tell him.
Lesson 14 Date
Core Sentences
1. What day is today?
2. It is Monday.
3. What is the date today?
4. Today is Oct. 31, 2002.
5. The American day of independence is on July 1.
6. Mother's day is the second Sunday in May.
7. In what month will the meeting be held?
8. It will be held in the later half of June.
9. When were you born?
10. I was born on Oct. 1, 1981.
11. Hollowing starts on the evening of Oct. 31.
12. We were together at school at this time last year.
13. Where will you be at this time next year?
14. I think I'll be spending my holiday in Australia next month.
15. I took a trip to Hongkong in 1980.
16. The spring festival is the first day of the first month in a lunar year.
Dialog Exercise
Number one How time flies
A. What day is today?
B. Is Monday. Yesterday was the weekend.
A. What is the date today?
B. Yesterday was the independence day. The independence day is on July 4. So today is July 5.
A. It is already July. I was not here this time half a year ago.
B. Right, you have been here New York for six months.Where will you be this time next year? Number Two Anniversary
A. Wow, that's a big dinner. Anything special, honey?
B. Look at the calendar, ? Today is..
A. Today is Tuesday. I have another days to hand on?
B. No, no no. I mean what is the date today?
A. Let's see. Today is November 11. Hollowing is Oct. 31. Christmas is Dec. 25, and your birthday is Dec. 15. No, I can't figure it out.
B. Well, what did you do at this time last year?
A. I was take a vocation to Miami beach.
B. What did you do there?
A. I had a good time with all of hot girls. Oh, I met you there.
B. We kissed each other this time last year.
A. Oh yeah. So today is another anniversay , besides the first , hand-in-hand and the other anniversarys.
B. You got it, darling. Today is our first kiss anniversary.
Lesson 15 Time
Core Sentences
1. Excuse me, what time do you have? I want set my watch.
2. It's two o'clock Britsh summer time.
3. My brother is already seven years old, but he can't tell time yet.
4. You watch is fast, and my watch is big slow.
5. The clock keeps very good time.
6. It's a few minutes after seven.
7. You must have reset your watch.
8. Excuse me, but do you have the correct time, please?
9. Sure thing, it is nearly seven thirty.
10. It is very important to be .
11. I was late for school because my watch was broken yesterday.
12. You need an alarm clock to wake you up tomorrow.
13. United fly number 7076 will take off at ten ten AM.
14. The Cafe is open from ten AM to eleven PM.
15. Come on, the train will leave in fifteen minutes.
Dialog Exercises
Number one What time is it?
A. I'm hungery, it must super time.
B. I could eat a horse. What time is it? I don't have a watch with me.
A. It is only half past five.
B. Is your watch slow?
A. Oh, my watch stopped. I must have forgotten to it last night.
B. Check you mobile phone.
A. Ok, mine, it's already six thirty.
B. Is this the correct time?。