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Opera)、 秦腔(Shanxi Opera)、黄梅戏 (Huangmei Opera) 。
Colourful masks and various roles
White: Sinister, evil, crafty, treacherous, and suspicious. Anyone wearing a white mask is usually the villain. Green: Impulsive, violent, no self restraint or self control. Red: Brave, loyal. Black: Rough, fierce, or impartial. Yellow: Ambitious, fierce, coolheaded. Blue: Steadfast, someone who is loyal and sticks to one side no matter what.
Introduction of operas in different period
Yuan Dynasty
1、Definition: Yuan zaju(元杂剧) were poetic and musical dramas,
in four (or, occasionally, five) acts, with the "act" defined as a set of songs following and completing a certain musical modal progression The zaju featured particular specialized roles for performers, such as Dan (旦, dàn, female), Sheng (生, shēng, male), Hua (花, huā, painted-face) and Chou (丑, chŏu, clown).
The Development of Chineห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e Opera
Heyday: In the late Ming and early Qing dynasty, Chinese Opera welcomed a prosperous time with Beijing Opera coming up.
Colourful masks and various roles
1.生是戏曲表演行当的主要类型之一,扮演男性人物。 (分为老生、小生,武生。) 2.旦:正旦——主要扮演娴静庄重的青年、中年妇女。重 唱功,多用韵白。因常穿青素褶子,故又名“青衣”。
花旦——多扮演性格明快活泼的青年女性。 此外,还有武旦,老旦等。 3.净:俗称花脸。以面部化妆运用各种色彩和图案勾勒脸 谱为突出标志,扮演性格、气质、相貌上有特异之点的男 性角色。 4.丑:丑戏曲表演行当主要类型之一,喜剧角色。 。扮演 人物种类繁多,有的心地善良,幽默滑稽;有的奸诈刁恶, 悭吝卑鄙。
Introduction of Chinese opera and music
中国戏曲主要是由民间歌舞、说唱和滑稽戏三种不 同艺术形式综合而成。它起源于原始歌舞,是一种 历史悠久的综合舞台艺术样式。经过汉、唐到宋、 金才形成比较完整的戏曲艺术,它由文学、音乐、 舞蹈、美术、武术、杂技以及表演艺术综合而成, 约有三百六十多个种类。它的特点是将众多艺术形 式以一种标准聚合在一起,在共同具有的性质中体 现其各自的个性。比较著名的戏曲种类有:京剧 (Beijing Opera)、昆曲(Kunqu)、越剧(Shaoxing
The Development of Chinese Opera
Famous works: 窦娥冤(关汉 卿)、汉宫秋(马致远)
Extension phase: In Ming dynasty, Kunqu grew up on the regions south of Yangtze River(江南).
The Development of Chinese Opera
Forming stage: Primitive society (to satisfy people’s spiritual need)
Booming period: In Yuan dynasty, commercial and professional performing group emerged.
2 、 Reason : (1) art development—— Chinese Opera has developed for a long time, so it became more mature in interior structure and external performance; (2)Social reality—— the traditional poetry has been declining, so scholars treated the dramas as a new land to exploit; and under the control of Mongol nationality, scholars had to make a living by writing dramas for the theatres because of the abolishment of Imperial Competitive Examination(科举考试).
Introduction of operas in different period
Yuan Dynasty
3、Famous playwrights and Representatives: Guan Hanqing关汉卿 The Injustice to Dou E(窦娥冤) Wang Shifu王实甫Romance of the West Chamber(西厢记)