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【英文摘要】The May 4th Movement is an important period in Chinese history. At that time whether the social conditions or culture of China were all in a transitional period. In this period, it witnessed another climax of translation in China and it also contributed to the development of drama. Through the translation and presentation of foreign plays, the dramas of China both in the selection of texts and writing skills have changed and it gradually matures.This thesis studies the dramatic translation of the May 4th Movement---mainly the drama translated from English into Chinese. Taking system theory〔Polysystem Theory, norms and rewriting theory〕 as its theoretical framework, this thesis describes and explains the
selection of the texts and different translators’choice of translation strategies in this period. Polysystem Theory, norms and rewriting theory are all target-oriented, which emphasize the impacts and constrains of various factors of the target system on the translation and the influences of translation on the target literary system. According to these theories, like other literary types of translation, drama translation is also dominated by the forces of target culture and society. So the target environment and the drama system of the May 4th Movement exerted great impact on the translation of foreign dramas regarding the selection of texts and the choice of translation strategies in the process..A large number of foreign dramas were translated into Chinese during the May 4th Movement. According to incomplete statistics, about 170 play texts were translated and published, involving nearly 70 writers of 20 countries. This study shows that there are two standards for the selection of the script in this period: one is“art for art sake〞which is for the pure art; the other is the reality service. Drama is able to reflect social problems and criticizes the reality.The study shows that the factors which influence the translation strategies are various, but there is always one factor in the dominant position in a
special case of translation, for example, Hong Shen’s adaptation of Wilde’s Lady Windermere’s Fan analyzed in this thesis, the main translation strategy used is adaptation and domestication. This translation met the ideology of the society and the expectations of the audiences of that time, so the performance of this play was a great success. However, in the time of the May 4th Movement, the dramatic literature of China was in a transition period. In order to import new styles and skills of drama, some scripts were translated literally, like Tian Han’s translation of Wilde’s Salome. Through the investigation of these two translation scripts, it shows that the main factors which influenced the choice of the translation strategies were: the social situation and ideology of the target system, the norms and development and changes of drama in the subsystem of the target system, the intentions of the translator and the expectations of the audiences etc. No matter what translation strategies the translators used, their translations were restricted to some extent by target literature literary system, yet their translation also made great influence on the target literature system especially the theater subsystem.
【英文关键词】the May 4th drama translation translation strategy
【目录】系统理论视角下对“五四〞时期戏剧翻译的研究Acknowledgements4-5Abstract5-6摘要7-11Chapter One Introduction11-13Chapter Two Drama and Drama
Translation13-212.1 Definition of Drama132.2 Features df Drama13-152.3 Duality of Drama Translation15-162.4 Studies on Drama Translation in China16-172.5 Studies on Drama Translation in the West17-182.6 An Overview of Drama Translation Around the May 4th Movement18-21 Classification of translated drama18-19 Translators and number of translated drama19-21Chapter Three Systems Theories21-293.1 Polysystem Theory22-24 The origin of the Polysystem Theory22-23 Main ideas of Polysystem Theory23-243.2 Norm Theory24-253.3 Rewriting Theory25-263.4 Summary26-29Chapter Four Factors Affecting the Selection of Scripts Around the May 4~(th) Movement29-374.1 The Selection of Texts for the Pure
Art29-304.2 The Selection of Text for Social Evolution30-35 The social background of this period30-32 The outbreak of drama revolution32-33 For the sake of social evolution33-354.3 Other
Factors That Affecting the Selection of the Texts354.4 Summary35-37Chapter Five Strategies Adopted for Translating the Dramatic Texts Around the May 4~(th) Movemen37-525.1 Analysis of Tian Han’S Translation Of Salome37-445.1.1 A brief introduction to Tian Han37-38 Synopsis of Salome38-40 Translation strategies adopted by Tian Han and factors affecting his choice40-43 Influence of Tian Han’S translation on early Chinese drama43-445.2 Analysis of Hong Shen’S Translation of Lady Windermere’S Fan44-505.2.1 A brief introduction to Hong Shen44-45 Synopsis of Lady Windermere’S Fan45-46 Strategies used by Hong Shen46-505.3
Summary50-52Chapter Six Conclusion52-56Bibliography56-60攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录60-61。
