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病理状态下小鼠抑郁和焦虑行为的干预作用.方法 CCEE分别以低剂量(50 mg/kg)和高剂量(200 mg/kg)连续灌胃(ig)给予生理状态及STZ病理状态下的小鼠21 d,
1次/d,末次给药后1 h,进行开场实验(OFT)、明暗箱实验(LDT)、高架十字迷宫实
验(EPM)、悬尾试验(TST)和强迫游泳实验(FST)行为学测试.结果 CCEE高剂量(200 mg/kg)对生理状态及STZ病理状态下小鼠在OFT测试中的运动时间均显著升高、在TST和FST的不动时间均显著降低、在EPM的开臂进入次数百分比( OE% )均显著升高;对STZ病理状态下小鼠在OFT测试中的站立次数及在EPM的开臂滞留时间百分比(OT% )均显著升高,而对其在生理状态下均无显著影响;CCEE低剂量(50 mg/kg)显著降低STZ病理状态下小鼠在TST中的不动时间,而对在生理状态下无
显著影响.结论 CCEE高剂量对生理状态及STZ病理状态下小鼠抑郁和焦虑行为均
作用;一定程度上, CCEE对STZ病理状态下的治疗作用较对其在生理状态下的作用更为敏感.%Objective To study the effects of Coptis chinensis Franch. 55% ethanol extract (CCEE) on depression and anxiety be-havior in mice under morphological state and streptozotocin (STZ) pathological state. Methods CCEE was given oral administration at low dose (50 mg/kg) or high dose
(200 mg/kg) for consecutive 21 days, once a day, to mice under morphological state and STZ pathological state. At 1 h after the last administration, open field test (OFT), light-dark test (LDT), behavioral tests including elevated plus maze (EPM), tail suspention test (TST) and forced swimming test (FST) were performed. Results CCEE high dose (CCEE-H, 200 mg/kg) significantly elevated the exercise time in the OFT and the OE% in the EPM test, and reduced the immobility time in the TST and FST in mice under both morphological state and STZ pathological state. CCEE low dose (CCEE-L, 50 mg/kg) significantly increased the standing times in the OFT and the OT% in the EPM under the STZ pathological state instead of the morphological state of mice. Besides, CCEE-L significantly decreased the immobility in the TST only under the STZ pathological state instead of the morphological state of mice. Conclu-sions CCEE-H could improve depression and anxiety behavior in mice under both morphological state and STZ pathological state, while CCEE-L only improve the depression and anxiety behavior under the STZ pathological state instead of the morphological state of mice. These findings suggest that, to a certain extent, the therapeutic effect of CCEE on STZ in the pathophysiological state is more sensitive than that in the physiological state.
【作者单位】河南中医药大学药学院,河南郑州 450046;河南中医药大学药学院,河南郑州 450046;河南中医药大学呼吸疾病诊疗与新药研发河南省协同创新中心;河
南中医药大学药学院,河南郑州 450046;河南中医药大学药学院,河南郑州 450046;河南中医药大学药学院,河南郑州 450046;河南中医药大学呼吸疾病诊疗与新药研发河南省协同创新中心
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2.肉桂提取物对链脲佐菌素致实验性糖尿病小鼠的影响 [J], 张赟赟;李嘉;杨海船;姜平川;黄仁彬
3.解郁怡神茶饮对链脲佐菌素小鼠焦虑和抑郁行为的影响 [J], 王君明;孙云娜;李亚;李金花;崔瑛;李金洋;蔡泓;余洋;卢露;蒋慧
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