Lattice calculation of the strangeness and electromagnetic nucleon form factors




这是个奇怪的世界英语作文英文回答:In the labyrinthine tapestry of existence, we find ourselves navigating a world that, at times, can seem utterly bizarre. From the peculiar quirks of human behavior to the seemingly inexplicable laws of nature, there are countless instances that defy our expectations and prompt us to question the very fabric of reality.One of the most striking aspects of our strange world is the sheer diversity of life. From the microscopic organisms that teem in a drop of water to the colossal whales that traverse the vast oceans, we are surrounded by a breathtaking array of creatures, each with its own unique adaptations and characteristics. How is it possible that such a staggering variety of life could have evolved through mere chance?Another aspect of our world that often strikes me asbizarre is the human capacity for creativity and innovation. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of knowledge, developing new technologies, and creating works of art that redefine what is possible. Yet, where does this creativity come from? Is it a spark of divine inspiration, or is it simply a byproduct of our complex brains?The laws of physics can also seem downright strange at times. Take, for instance, the concept of quantum entanglement. This phenomenon, in which two particles can become linked in such a way that they share the same fate, regardless of the distance between them, seems to defy all common sense. How can two objects be connected in such an intimate manner, even when separated by vast distances?Beyond the physical world, the realm of human consciousness also presents its own set of bizarre mysteries. Dreams, for example, are a fascinating and enigmatic experience. We enter a world of our own creation, where the laws of reality seem to be suspended. We can fly, talk to animals, and experience events that defy all logic. Where do these dreams come from, and what purpose do theyserve?Another strange aspect of human consciousness is the phenomenon of deja vu. That eerie feeling of having experienced a moment before, even though we know it is impossible, is a common experience that has puzzled philosophers and scientists alike. Is it a glitch in our memory, or is it a glimpse into a parallel universe?The more we learn about the world around us, the more we realize that there is still so much that we do not know. The strange and inexplicable is all around us, waiting to be discovered. It is this sense of mystery and wonder that keeps us curious, keeps us exploring, and ultimately makes life such a fascinating journey.中文回答:这个世界真是个奇怪的地方。



Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)蜘蛛侠:英雄归来Things are never gonna be the same now. 世界真的是大变样了I mean, look at this.你看看这幅画You got aliens.画中有外星人You got big green guys tearing down buildings.还有这个绿色的大家伙拆毁了不少大楼When I was a kid, I used to draw cowboys and Indians.我小的时候画的还是牛仔和印第安人Actually, it's native American, but whatever.应该把他们叫做"美洲土着居民" 但是...Yeah. Tell you what, though.嗯不管怎么说It ain't bad, is it?画的还可以吧No. Yeah.是啊还行Kid's got a future.这孩子挺有前途的Yeah, well,嗯..we'll see, I guess.也许吧No, hey! Ah!嘿You can't saw through that stuff.你这样是锯不开那玩意的These alien bastards are tough.这些外星垃圾很难搞的You gotta use the stuff they use.你要用他们用的工具- See? All right. - All right.- 看到了没就这样搞 - 明白了Oh, hey!嘿Glad you could join us. Afternoon.这都下午了可算把你盼来了- Yeah. My alarm didn't go off. - Yeah, your alarm.- 我的闹钟没响 - 是啊是啊你闹钟的问题Look, just go stack that armor plating like I asked you.听着按我说的那样把那些装甲堆起来就好This is a huge deal for us.这可是很大的一单生意Attention, please!请注意In accordance with executive order 396b,根据行政令396-Ball post-battle cleanup operations所有的战后清理行动are now under our jurisdiction.现在由我们负责Thank you for your service. We'll take it from here.多谢你们的劳动从今以后这就归我们管了Who the hell are you?你是谁啊?Qualified personnel.我们是有资格的处理人员Look, I have a city contract听着我是签了合同的to salvage all this, okay, with the city, so--负责清理城市里的这些玩意我和市政府签了合同的I apologize, Mr. Toomes, but all salvage operations抱歉图姆斯先生但是现在所有的城市清理工作are now under our jurisdiction.都由我们负责了Please turn over any and all exotic materials请交出你们所有收集的外星材料that you've collected or you will be prosecuted.否则你会受到起诉Ma'am, what am--?女士你...Please. Come here. Hey, lady, come on. 请等一下Look...听我说I bought trucks for this job.为了干这活我买了卡车I brought in a whole new crew.还雇了一伙人These guys have a family. I have a family.他们都要养家糊口我也要养活自己的家人I'm all in on this. I could lose my house.我已经在这上面投入了一切我不能就这么丢了房子I'm sorry, sir. There's nothing I can do.很抱歉先生对此我无能为力Maybe next time, don't overextend yourself.下次别这么不自量力了What'd you say?你说什么?Yeah.是啊He's right. I overextended myself.他说得对我是不自量力- Hey, hey, hey. - Don't do it.- 嘿 - 别乱来Ah-ah-ah-ah. Put 'em down.把枪放下If you have a grievance,如果你有什么意见you may take it up with my superiors. 可以去找我的上级Your superiors. Who the hell are they?你的上级?你他妈的上级是谁啊?A joint venture between stark industries史塔克工业与联邦政府共同建立的合资企业and the federal government, the department灾害控制部of damage control, will oversee the collection将会监督外星及其它特殊材料的and storage of alien and other exotic materials.收集与存储过程Now the assholes who made this mess are paid to clean it up.所以现在政府让这个搞出烂摊子的混蛋来收拾残局还付钱给他?Yeah, it's all rigged.是啊都被他操纵了Experts estimate there are专家估计有超过1500吨的over 1500 tons of exotic material外星材料scattered throughout the tri-state area.分布在三州地区Hey, chief!头儿We still have another load from yesterday.我这还有一车昨天留下的东西We're supposed to turn this in, right? 我们是不是应该把这些上交?- I ain't hauling it. - It's too bad. - 我是不打算搬过去了 - 真是太可惜了We could have made some cool stuff from all that alien junk.咱可以用这些外星垃圾造很多不错的玩意I tell you what.要我说Let's keep it.咱们就把它们留下来吧The world's changing.世界在改变It's time we change too.我们也是时候改变了八年后There you go, Mason.成功了梅森Yeah!是啊Business is good.生意不错New York. Queens. It's a rough borough, 纽约皇后区这个街区治安不好- but, hey, it's home. - Who you talking to?- 但那是我的家 - 你在跟谁说话?No one. Just making a little video of the trip.没呢只是录一些这次旅行的短视频- You can't show it to anyone. - Yeah, I know.- 你应该知道你不能把它给别人看吧 - 我知道的Then why are you narrating in that voice?那你为什么还要给视频作解说呢- Uh, because it's fun. - Fun.- 因为这挺有意思的 - "挺有意思"So why do they call you happy?为什么他们都叫你"哈皮"呢Come on. I'm not carrying your bags. Let's go.快点我不会帮你扛包的我们走Hey, should I go to the bathroom before?嘿坐飞机前我是不是得先上个厕所There's a bathroom on it.飞机上有厕所Whoa. No pilot? That's awesome.哇无人驾驶?这么酷啊- Is that where you're gonna sit? - Yeah. - 你就打算坐这么? - 对This is your first time on a private plane?你这是第一次坐私人飞机么My first time on any plane.这是我第一次坐飞机Should it--? Should it be--? Should it be making that noise?这个声音正常么? Shh, shh, shh.嘘No one has actually told me其实现在还没人跟我说清楚why I'm in Berlin or what I'm doing. 为什么要我来柏林要我来干什么Something about captain America going crazy.好像是什么美国队长发疯了- This is you. - Oh, we're neighbors? - 你住这间 - 你住我隔壁啊?We're not roommates. Suit up.我们不住一起去把装备穿上Okay, Peter, you got this.放松彼得你能搞定的What the hell are you wearing?你这是穿的啥呢?It's my suit.我的装备啊- Where's the case? - What case?- 那个箱子呢? - 什么箱子?What? I thought that was a closet. 这不是我...我还以为这是个衣橱呢- This is still my room? - Go. Please. - 那边也是我的房间么 - 快进去- My room is way bigger than-- - there. - 我的房间比我想象的要大... - 在那呢I found the case.I found the case.我找到他说的那个箱子了"A minor upgrade"?"一点小升级"?Whoa.哇Oh, my god.我的天Put it on. What the--?穿上啊This is the coolest thing I've ever seen--这是我见过的最酷的东西!- Let's go. - But I don't understand. - 动作快点 - 我不明白...Is it for me? Happy. Happy, wait.这是给我的么?哈皮哈皮等等我This is insane. Insane.这简直太疯狂了!太疯狂了!Look at this thing. Look. Look at the eyes.看看这玩意!看看这眼睛!- The greatest day of my life. - Let's go. Come on.- 这是我人生中最棒的一天 - 快走吧Okay, there's captain America,iron man, black widow.那里是美国队长钢铁侠黑寡妇- Whoa. Who's that new guy? - Underoos! - 哇那个新人是谁? - 小蜘蛛!Oh, that's me. I gotta go. I gotta go. 叫我了我要走了我要上场了Hey, everyone. 嘿各位Okay, so the craziest thing just happened.刚刚的事简直太疯狂了I just had a fight with captain America.我和美国队长打起来了I stole his shield. I threw it at him--我偷了他的盾牌然后把它扔向了他what the hell? He's big now. I gotta go. Hang on.什么情况..他变大了我要走了待会继续It was the most amazing thing!刚刚发生的事简直太惊人了Mr. stark was like, "hey, underoos!" 史塔克先生叫道"嘿小蜘蛛"I flipped in and stole cap's shield. 我就一个跟头翻过去把美国队长的盾给偷了I was like, "what's up, everybody?" 然后我就说 "嘿大家好啊"And then-- hey, just a second!等一下Coming!来了Hey.嘿We have thin walls here.这里的墙不隔音What are you doing, a little videodiary?你在干什么做视频日记么- Yeah. - It's all right.- 对 - 好吧- I'd do the same thing. - I told him not to.- 我会做同样的事 - 我跟他说过不要录He was filming. I'm gonna wipe the chip.但他还是一直在录我要把那些玩意都删了Okay. Hey. You know what?其实We should make an alibi video我们也应该给你姨妈for your aunt anyway. You ready?录一个证明你不在场的视频准备好了么钢铁侠脸上淤青是《美国队长3:内战》中所留已有明显愈合- An alibi? Sure. Okay. - We rolling? Get in the frame.- 行当然可以 - 靠近点我们俩都上镜Hey, may. How you doing?嘿梅在忙什么What are you wearing? Something skimpy, I hope.你穿的是什么呢这么暴露Peter, that's inappropriate.彼得之前这段不太合适Let's start over. You can edit it. 再来一次把前面的删掉Three, two, one. Hey, may.三二一开始嘿梅My gosh, I wanted to tell you我的天.. 就是想告诉你what an incredible job your nephew did你的外甥周末this weekend at the stark internship retreat.在史塔克工业实习表现出色Everyone was impressed.给大家留下了深刻印象- Come on! - It's a freaking merge. Sorry.- 我靠 - 刚刚经过了个岔道抱歉Because you're not on queens boulevard.因为你没走皇后大道所以才有这么多情况See, happy is hoping哈皮的梦想就是to get bumped up to asset management. 当上资产管理人He was forehead of security, before that he was a driver.他原来是安保人员再之前当过一段时间的司机That was a private conversation.那是我们之间的私人谈话I don't like joking about this. It was hard to talk about that.我不喜欢拿这个开玩笑我考虑了很久才告诉你的...No, seriously, was he snoring a bunch?说真的他在飞机上打呼噜了么Here we are. End of the line.Whoops. 好了我们到了...- Can you give us a moment? - Want me to leave the car?- 哈皮能让我们单独待一会么 - 你想让我下车?Grab Peter's case out of the trunk. 去把彼得的东西从行李箱拿出来I can keep the suit?我能留着那套装备?Yes, we were just talking about it.是啊我刚刚才跟你说的Do me a favor, though.我跟你说Happy's kind of your point guy on this. 哈皮就算你的联系人了Don't stress him out. Don't do anything stupid.别让他太紧张别做什么傻事I've seen his cardiogram.我看过他的心电图- All right? - Yes.- 好么 - 好Don't do anything I would do,别做什么我会去做的事and don't do anything i wouldn't do. 当然我不做的事你千万别做There's a little gray area in there. Where you operate.你所做的那些事处于灰色地带Wait, does that mean I'm an avenger? 等下是不是我这就加入了复仇者联盟?No.不是- This it? - Seventh floor.- 他住几楼? - 七楼I can take that. You don't have to.我能自己拿上去不用麻烦你了- You'll take it? - Yeah, I can take that.- 你要自己拿上去么 - 嗯我自己拿Thank you.谢谢你So when's our next--?所以我下一次...When's our next "retreat," you know? 下一次"实习"是什么时候你懂的What, next mission?什么?你说的是下次任务么Yeah, the mission. The missions.是的任务任务- We'll call you. - Do you have my numbers?- 我会联系你的 - 那你有我的电话号码么No, I mean, we'll call you.不我的意思是我们会联系你Like, someone will call you. All right?就像其他人打电话给你也是联系你明白了吧- From your team. - Okay. All right. - 以后我们就是一队的了 - 好的That's not a hug. I'm just grabbing这不是拥抱我只是帮你打开车门the door for you. We're not there yet. 我们的关系还没到那么亲密呢Bye.再见!彼得T恤图案是《生活大爆炸》中桌游"理论物理实验室"的游戏标语They're gonna call me.他们会联系我的两个月后████████████████哈皮就是跟你汇报一下我2:45放学█████████████已经准备好参加下次任务了████████顺便说一句我是彼得我是彼得████帕克What's up, penis Parker? 你好啊屁颠儿帕克Rise and shine, midtown science and technology.市科技中学的同学们大家早上好Students, don't forget about your homecoming tickets.大家别忘记带校友返校日活动的门票哟Do you have a date for homecoming? 你有约好一起参加活动的人么?Thanks, Jason, but I already have a date.谢谢杰森我已经有伴了- Okay. - Yeah.- 好吧 - 嗯钢铁侠的父亲霍华德·史塔克Damn it. You, in my office right now. 你马上来我的办公室Join me, and together咱们一起we'll build my new loge death star.用乐高积木搭一个新的死星模型吧- What? - So lame.- 你说什么? - 真蹩脚No way. That's awesome. How many pieces? 不会吧这么牛总共要多少块积木?Three thousand eight hundred and three. 3803块- That's insane. - I know.- 真是太疯狂了 -是的You want to build it tonight?我们今晚一起搭么?No, I can't tonight. I've got the stark--今晚没空啊我要去史塔克工业实习- mm-hm. Stark internship. - Yeah, exactly.- 去实习啊 - 是啊没错Always got that internship.哥们你都找到实习了Yeah, well, hopefully,不久后soon it'll lead to a real job with them. 还有希望转为正式工作呢That would be so sweet. Right?那是很棒He'd be all, "good job on those spreadsheets, Peter.你的老板会这么说 "彼得表格做的不错Here's a gold coin."这是给你的金币"- I don't know how jobs work. - That's exactly how they work.- 开个玩笑我不知道你做的是什么工作 - 我干的就是你说的那些活I'll knock out the basic bones of the death star at my place.我在家先把死星的基本框架搭好I'll come by afterwards.然后再去找你For the most part, the difficult thing is the base of it. 因为一般情况下框架是最难拼的The top half we can knock out in two hours, tops.最上面的部分肯定两个小时就能搞定That'd be great.那就这么定了I'm gonna be late!我们要迟到了Okay, so how do we calculate好那么我们要怎么计算linear acceleration between points a and b?从A点到B点的加速度Flash.闪电请讲It's the product of sine of the angle 重力乘上夹角的正弦值and gravity divided by the mass.除以质量Nope. Peter.回答错误彼得"绿巨人"布鲁斯·班纳博士You still with us?你在听课么Uh, uh, yeah, yeah.在的在的Mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sine.抵消质量用重力乘上夹角的正弦值就可以了Right. See, flash, being the fastest 正确闪电你看回答的最快isn't always the best if you are wrong. 不一定是最好的因为可能会答错You're dead.你完蛋了Today we're talking about Danish physicist Niels Bohr,今天我们来谈谈丹麦物理学家尼尔斯·玻尔but trust me, there's nothing boring 相信我他所提出的量子理论about his discoveries regarding quantum theory.并不是你们想象中的那么无聊- Did Liz get a new top? - No.- 丽兹穿的是新上衣么 - 不返校舞会快要到啦!你准备好了吗?We've seen that before, but never with that skirt.我们以前就见过她就穿过这件的但是从来没搭配过那条短裙- Liz, hey. That looks so good. - Hi! - 丽兹嘿看起来很不错 - 嗨We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy.咱们别一直盯着人家看了挺诡异的Too late. You guys are losers.我早就注意到你们两个屌丝啦Well, then why do you sit with us?那你为啥还坐在那边呢Because I don't have any friends.因为我没朋友啊███████████全国赛10月13-15号华盛顿特区██████████学术Let's move to the next question.下一个问题What is the heaviest naturally-occurring element?最重的天然元素是什么Hydrogen's the lightest.氢是最轻的That's not the question. Okay. Yeah. 不对你问的不是这个Uranium.铀That is correct. Thank you, Abraham. 回答正确谢谢亚伯拉罕Yes. Open your books to page 10.请打开课本翻到第十页Peter, it's nationals.彼得这可是一次国家级的活动Is there no way you could take one weekend off?你就请周末两天的假不行么I can't go to Washington. If Mr. stark needs me,我不能去华盛顿因为史塔克先生需要我I have to make sure I'm here.我得保证他能在这找到我You've never been in the same room as Tony stark.你甚至都没见过托尼·史塔克本人Wait. What's happening?等等什么情况Peter's not going to Washington.彼得不去华盛顿了- No. No, no, no. - Why not?- 不会吧 - 为什么不去?Really? Right before nationals?确定不参加这么重要的活动么?He already quit marching band and robotics lab.你已经退出了行进乐队和机器人小组了I'm not obsessed with him. Just very observant.我没有特别关注他只是善于观察罢了Flash, you're in for Peter.闪电你来顶替彼得的位置吧I don't know.I gotta check my calendar first.噢我不确定我得看看我的安排表I got a hot date with black widow coming up.我和黑寡妇有个约会呢That is false. 这是不可能的What'd I tell you about using the bell for comedic purposes?我是不是说过那个铃不是用来敲着玩的- Hey, what's up? - Hey, man.- 嘿哥们 - 嘿What's up, Mr. Delmar?德尔马先生你好Hey, Mr. Parker.嘿帕克Number five, right?五号套餐对吧Yeah, and with pickles,是的加点泡菜and can you smash it down real flat? Thanks.能不能把它压的扁一点谢谢You got it, boss.没问题How's your aunt?你的婶婶过的怎么样?Yeah, she's all right.她挺好的他婶婶是个很性感的意大利美女那你女儿呢- Ten dollars. - It's $5.- 付钱吧一共10块 - 明明是5块啊For that comment, $10.冲你刚刚说的那句话你得付10块Hey, come on. I'm joking. I'm joking. 嘿我是开玩笑的Here's $5.给你5块What's up, Murph?你过的怎么样默夫How you doing, buddy?过的怎么样伙计So how's school?在学校怎么样Ah, you know. It's boring. Got better things to do.你知道的还是一样的无聊我有更重要的事情要做Stay in school, kid. Stay in school. 在学校好好学习吧孩子Otherwise, you're gonna end up like me. 要不然你就要过上我这样的日子了- This is great. - Best sandwiches in queens.- 你过的挺好的啊 - 给你这可是皇后区最好吃的三明治Finally.终于有目标了- Excuse me. - What's the matter with you?- 抱歉 - 你脑子有问题吧Could you hold this for a second? Thanks.嘿帮我拿一下这个好么谢了Hey, is this anybody's bike? No?嘿这是谁的自行车- Hey, buddy, is this your bike? - I have no change.- 嘿伙计这是你的自行车么 - 不是Does anyone have a pen? Do you have a pen?有人带笔了么能借我支笔么蜘蛛侠如果不是的话别偷车哟这是您的自行车么Everybody good?大家好啊Hey!嘿You're that spider guy on YouTube, right?嘿你是油管(YouTube)上的那个蜘蛛男吧Call me spider-man!叫我蜘蛛侠!Okay, spider-man. Do a flip.好的蜘蛛侠来个空翻- Yeah! - Not bad.- 耶! - 不错Hey, buddy.嘿伙计- Shouldn't steal cars, it's bad. - It's my car, dumbass!- 你不该来偷车这可不太好 - 那是我的车白痴Hey! Shut that off!嘿把警报声关掉- Can you tell him it's my car? - I was just--- 能不能麻烦你告诉他那是我的车 - 我刚刚正试图..- yo! I work at nights. Come on. - That's not your car!- 喂我还要上晚班别闹了哥们 - 那不是你的车- That's his car. - How was I supposed to know?- 那是他的车 - 我怎么知道那是他的车- He put that in the window! - Every day with these alarms!- 他干嘛撬车窗呢 - 天天都有这些烦人的警报Turn it off! Don't make me come down there.把它关掉别逼我下去找你的麻烦你个小混混Hey, Gary! How you doing?嘿盖瑞你过的怎么样Marjorie, how are you? How's your mother?玛乔丽你好啊你妈妈还好么I'm good, I'm good.我没事我没事You have reached the voice-mail box of:这里是哈皮·霍根的Happy hogan.语音邮箱Hey, happy. Here's my report for tonight.嘿哈皮这是我今晚所做的报告I stopped a grand theft bicycle.我阻止了一个自行车大盗Couldn't find the owner, so I just left a note.但我找不到失主所以就留了张字条Um...嗯..I helped this lost, old Dominican lady. 我还帮助了一个迷路的老婆婆她来自多米尼加She was really nice and bought me a churro.她人很不错给我买了个油炸饼I just feel like i could be doing more. 我感觉我还能做更多的事You know? Just curious when the next 我很好奇我们的下次任务real mission's gonna be.是什么So, yeah, just call me back.就这样记得回我电话It's Peter. Parker.我是彼得·帕克Why would I tell him about the churro? 我为什么要跟他说油炸饼的事Finally, something good.终于可以干点大事了Yo, this high-tech stuff makes it too easy.这个高科技武器真是太好用了- Told you it was worth it. - Okay, go, go, go.- 跟你说吧这个买的不亏 - 快快快在复联1中洛基使用过类似的道具用强吸力挖出眼球此处为强化版Oh, heh, nice.漂亮We can hit, like, five more places tonight.我们今晚可以再抢五次了身份被盗?我们来帮您搞定Ahem. What's up, guys?伙计们咋回事呢You forget your pin number?忘记取款密码了?Whoa! You're the avengers.你们是复仇者啊What are you guys doing here?你们在这干什么呢Thor. Hulk. Good to finally meet you guys.雷神浩克终于见到你们俩了I thought you'd be more handsome in person. Iron man.还以为你们本人会更帅气一些呢钢铁侠!Hey, what are you doing robbing a bank? You're a billionaire. 你怎么在抢银行呢?你可是百万富翁啊Hey--我...oh, this feels so weird.感觉好奇怪啊What is that thing?那是什么玩意?I'm starting...To think... You're not...The avengers.我开始觉得你们不是复仇者了911. What's your emergency?911 有什么紧急情况?Uh, spider-man is fighting the avengers 蜘蛛侠和复仇者们in a bank on 21st street.在21街的银行里打斗All right, let's wrap this up.It's a school night.伙计们别闹了今晚还要上学呢So how do jerks like you get tech like this?你们这些混蛋是怎么搞到这种高科技武器的呢No. Wait, wait, wait! Ah!不...Mr. Delmar.德尔马先生Hey, Mr. Delmar, you in here? Is anybody in here? Hello?嘿德尔马先生你在里面么里面有人么Oh, come on.我靠I gotta--我拿着它呢here, here. Good, yeah.拿着吧Okay. Good. Yes.好可以不行Yes-- no. No, put that down.放下这个That's worth more than you or me. Yeah? 把我们俩给卖了都买不起这个什么事Happy, the craziest thing just happened to me.哈皮刚刚出大事了These guys were robbing an ATM有一伙人在用- with high-tech weapons-- - take a breath. I don't have time- 高科技武器抢劫自动取款机然后.. - 嘿喘口气吧for ATM robberies yeah, but--我可没时间管什么取款机抢劫犯or the notes you leave behind.或者是你留下的什么贴心字条I have moving day to worry about.我还有搬家的事要操心呢Everything's gotta be out by next week.下周前所有东西都要搬走Wait, wait. You're moving? Who's moving? 什么?搬家的事?谁要搬家了?Yeah, don't you watch the news?伙计你从来不看新闻的么Tony sold avengers tower.托尼把复仇者大厦给卖了We're relocating to a new facility upstate我们要搬到纽约北部一个新的基地去where hopefully the cell service is much worse.估计那边的手机信号会更差一些- But what about me? - What about you? - 那我怎么办? - 什么你怎么办?Well, what if Mr. stark needs me or something big goes down?那如果史塔克先生需要我或者什么大事发生了我要怎么办呢?Can I just please talk to Mr. stark? 能不能让我和史塔克先生谈谈?Stay away from anything dangerous.远离那些太危险的事I'm responsible for making sure you're responsible, okay?我的责任是确保你别搞出什么大乱子I am responsible. I-- oh, crap.我是个可靠的人靠...- My backpack's gone. - That doesn't sound responsible.- 我的书包不见了 - 你这听起来可不靠谱啊- I'll call you back. - Feel free not to.- 我回头再打给你 - 要是不打给我就更好了What was that?什么情况Uh, it's nothing. Nothing.没什么没什么You're the spider-man.你就是那个蜘蛛侠?- From YouTube. - I'm not. I'm not. - 油管上的那个? - 我不是我不是- You were on the ceiling. - What are you doing in my room?- 你刚刚还趴在天花板上呢 - 内德你怎么会在我的房间里呢May let me in. We were gonna finish the death star.你婶婶让我进来的啊你说过的我们要一起把死星模型拼完的You can't just bust into my room!你不能就这么进我的房间That Turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster.那个火鸡肉卷菜单简直糟透了Let's go to dinner. Thai? Ned, you want Thai?我们出去吃吧泰国餐怎么样?内德你想吃么?- Yes. - No. He's got a thing.- 想 - 不他有点事要忙A thing to do after.做事之前可以...Okay. 好吧Maybe put on some clothes.还是把衣服穿上吧- Oh, she doesn't know? - Nobody knows. - 她不知道吧? - 没人知道这事啊Mr. stark knows because he made my suit. That's it.只有史塔克先生知道因为这套装备是他做的除他以外没人知道啊Tony stark made you that? Are you an avenger?托尼·史塔克给你做的?你加入了复仇者联盟么?Yeah, basically.基本上算是吧Oh, Geez. You can't tell anybody.你不能告诉别人这事You gotta keep it a secret.你要保密- Secret? Why? - You know what she's like.- 为什么是个秘密啊? - 如果我婶婶发现If she finds out people try and kill me 我每天都冒着生命危险做事every night, she won't let me do this. 她肯定不会让我干了啊Come on, Ned, please.求你了内德Okay, okay, okay.好吧好吧I'll level with you.我跟你直说吧I can't keep this a secret.我不敢保证我能严守这个秘密It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.这是我听说过的最酷的事啊Ned, may cannot know. I cannot do that to her right now.内德绝对不能让我婶婶知道现在还不能告诉她You know? I mean, everything你知道吧她身上that's happened with her, i-- please. 经历了这么多事我...求求你了- Okay. - Just swear it, okay?- 好的 - 你要发誓绝不说出去I swear.我发誓- Thank you. - Yeah.- 谢谢 - 真是难以置信I can't believe this is happening now. 我居然还是被人发现了- Can I try the suit on? - No.- 我能试试那个装备么 - 不行How's it work? Magnets? How do you shoot the strings?它的工作原理是什么它是不是带磁性你怎么发射蜘蛛丝的- I'm gonna tell you tomorrow. - Great. - 明天去学校再说吧 - 好Okay, well, wait, then. 好吧等等..How do you do this and the stark internship?你是如何同时兼顾这事和在史塔克工业的实习的?This is the stark internship.这就是我在史塔克工业的实习内容Ohh...哦..Just get out of here.快走吧What's the matter?怎么了Thought you loved larb.我还以为你喜欢泰餐呢阿斯加德教会阿斯加德教会:雷神、洛基等被部分人类当作神来崇拜形成宗教It's too larby?是太有泰国特色了么?Not larby enough.还是泰国特色不足?How many times do I have to say "larb" before...我还得跟你说多少句话You talk to me?你才肯回答我?You know I larb you.你知道的我很关心你I'm just stressed. The internship, and I'm tired.我很焦虑实习搞得我太累了A lot of work.太多活要干了The stark internship.在史塔克工业的实习么?I have to tell you, not a fan of that Tony stark.我跟你说我个人可不看好托尼·史塔克You're distracted all the time. He's got you in your head.一直让我心烦意乱在脑中挥之不去Delmar's sandwiches destroyed...本地新闻皇后区深受欢迎的德尔马三明治店今晚早些时候发生爆炸What does he have you doing?他平时让你做什么呢You need to use your instincts.你要运用你的直觉...after an ATM robbery was thwarted 店面受损严重此前皇后区的皇后区自助提款机抢劫案by queens' own crime stopper, what?罪犯阻止者The spider-man.蜘蛛侠As the spider-man attempted to foil their heist, 试图阻止一伙劫匪抢劫自动取款机打斗过程中a powerful blast was set off,突然出现了一道强力的冲击波slicing through the bodega across the street.直接穿过马路引发爆炸Miraculously, no one was harmed.万幸的是无人受伤If you spot something like that happening,要是看到了这样的事you turn and you run the other way.你要掉头就跑Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course.是的当然Six blocks away from us.那就发生在离我们六条街的地方!I need a new backpack.我要换一个新背包- What? - I need a new backpack.- 你说什么? - 我要一个新背包That's five.你都换了五个了- Sticky rice pudding. - We didn't order that.- 这是糯米补丁 - 我们没点这个菜It's on the house.这是本店赠送的Oh. Thanks.谢谢That's nice of him.他真是个好人I think he larbs you.我觉得他也很关心你You got bit by a spider?你被蜘蛛咬了一口?Can it bite me?它能咬我一口么Well, it probably would've hurt, right? 应该不会太疼吧Whatever. Even if it did hurt, I'd let it bite me.算了无论疼不疼我都愿意让它咬我Maybe. How much did it hurt?我不确定那得有多疼啊The spider's dead, Ned.那个蜘蛛已经死了内德You were here?你当时在场?Yeah.是啊You could've died.你当时可能会丢命的Do you lay eggs?你会产卵么?What? No.你这问的...当然不会啊- Can you spit venom? - No.- 你会喷射毒液么? - 不会啊Can you summon an army of spiders?你能召集蜘蛛大军么?No, Ned.不能内德The Sokovia accords were put into place...索科维亚协议生效了索科维亚协议:由联合国在内战中制定用来约束复联成员How far can you shoot your webs?你的网能射多远It's unknown. Shut up.不知道闭嘴吧别问了To begin regulating...开始监管...If I was you, i would stand on a building 如果我是你我就站在一栋高楼楼顶- and shoot as far as I could-- shut up, Ned.- 用力射出去看看有多远 - 闭嘴内德Hi. I'm captain America.嗨我是美国队长Whether you're in the classroom or on the battlefield...无论你是在课堂里还是在战场上《人性的枷锁》- Do you know him too? - Yeah, we met. - 你也认识他么 - 是啊我见过他I stole his shield. What?。



微积分英语单词Absolute convergence :绝对收敛Absolute extreme values :绝对极值Absolute maximum and minimum :绝对极大与极小Absolute value :绝对值Absolute value function :绝对值函数Acceleration :加速度Antiderivative :反导数Approximate integration :近似积分Approximation :逼近法Arc length :弧长Area :面积Asymptote :渐近线Average speed :平均速率Average velocity :平均速度Axes, coordinate :坐标轴Axes of ellipse :椭圆之轴at a point :在一点处之连续性as the slope of a tangent :导数看成切线之斜率by differentials :用微分逼近between curves :曲线间之面积Binomial series :二项级数Cartesian coordinates :笛卡儿坐标一般指直角坐标Cartesian coordinates system :笛卡儿坐标系Cauch’s Mean Value Theorem :柯西均值定理Chain Rule :连锁律Change of variables :变数变换Circle :圆Circular cylinder :圆柱Closed interval :封闭区间Coefficient :系数Composition of function :函数之合成Compound interest :复利Concavity :凹性Conchoid :蚌线Cone :圆锥Constant function :常数函数Constant of integration :积分常数Continuity :连续性Continuous function :连续函数Convergence :收敛Coordinate :s :坐标Cartesian :笛卡儿坐标cylindrical :柱面坐标Coordinate axes :坐标轴Coordinate planes :坐标平面Cosine function :余弦函数Critical point :临界点Cubic function :三次函数Curve :曲线Cylinder :圆柱Cylindrical Coordinates :圆柱坐标Distance :距离Divergence :发散Domain :定义域Dot product :点积Double integral :二重积分Decreasing function :递减函数Decreasing sequence :递减数列Definite integral :定积分Degree of a polynomial :多项式之次数Density :密度Derivative :导数Determinant :行列式Differentiable function :可导函数Differential :微分Differential equation :微分方程Differentiation :求导法Directional derivatives :方向导数Discontinuity :不连续性Disk method :圆盘法domain of :导数之定义域differential :微分学Ellipse :椭圆Ellipsoid :椭圆体Epicycloid :外摆线Equation :方程式Even function :偶函数Expected Valued :期望值Exponential Function :指数函数Exponents , laws of :指数率Extreme value :极值Extreme Value Theorem :极值定理Factorial :阶乘First Derivative Test :一阶导数试验法First octant :第一卦限Focus :焦点Fractions :分式Function :函数Fundamental Theorem of Calculus :微积分基本定理from the left :左连续from the right :右连续Geometric series :几何级数Gradient :梯度Graph :图形Green Formula :格林公式Half-angle formulas :半角公式Harmonic series :调和级数Helix :螺旋线Higher Derivative :高阶导数Horizontal asymptote :水平渐近线Horizontal line :水平线Hyperbola :双曲线Hyperboloid :双曲面horizontal :水平渐近线Implicit differentiation :隐求导法Implicit function :隐函数Improper integral :瑕积分Increasing/Decreasing Test :递增或递减试验法Increment :增量Increasing Function :增函数Indefinite integral :不定积分Independent variable :自变数Indeterminate from :不定型Inequality :不等式Infinite point :无穷极限Infinite series :无穷级数Inflection point :反曲点Instantaneous velocity :瞬时速度Integer :整数Integral :积分Integrand :被积分式Integration :积分Integration by part :分部积分法Intercepts :截距Intermediate value of Theorem :中间值定理Interval :区间Inverse function :反函数Inverse trigonometric function :反三角函数Iterated integral :逐次积分integral :积分学implicit :隐求导法Laplace transform :Leplace 变换Law of Cosines :余弦定理Least upper bound :最小上界Left-hand derivative :左导数Left-hand limit :左极限Lemniscate :双钮线Length :长度Level curve :等高线L'Hospital's rule :洛必达法则Limacon :蚶线Limit :极限Linear approximation:线性近似Linear equation :线性方程式Linear function :线性函数Linearity :线性Linearization :线性化Line in the plane :平面上之直线Line in space :空间之直线Lobachevski geometry :罗巴切夫斯基几何Local extremum :局部极值Local maximum and minimum :局部极大值与极小值Logarithm :对数Logarithmic function :对数函数linear :线性逼近法Maximum and minimum values :极大与极小值Mean Value Theorem :均值定理Multiple integrals :重积分Multiplier :乘子Natural exponential function :自然指数函数Natural logarithm function :自然对数函数Natural number :自然数Normal line :法线Normal vector :法向量Number :数of a function :函数之连续性on an interval :在区间之连续性Octant :卦限Odd function :奇函数One-sided limit :单边极限Open interval :开区间Optimization problems :最佳化问题Order :阶Ordinary differential equation :常微分方程 Origin :原点Orthogonal :正交的Parabola :拋物线Parabolic cylinder :抛物柱面Paraboloid :抛物面Parallelepiped :平行六面体Parallel lines :并行线Parameter :参数Partial derivative :偏导数Partial differential equation :偏微分方程 Partial fractions :部分分式Partial integration :部分积分Partiton :分割Period :周期Periodic function :周期函数Perpendicular lines :垂直线Piecewise defined function :分段定义函数 Plane :平面Point of inflection :反曲点Polar axis :极轴Polar coordinate :极坐标Polar equation :极方程式Pole :极点Polynomial :多项式Positive angle :正角Point-slope form :点斜式Power function :幂函数Product :积polar :极坐标partial :偏导数partial :偏微分方程partial :偏微分法Quadrant :象限Quotient Law of limit :极限的商定律Quotient Rule :商定律rectangular :直角坐标Radius of convergence :收敛半径Range of a function :函数的值域Rate of change :变化率Rational function :有理函数Rationalizing substitution :有理代换法Rationalizing substitution :有理代换法Rational number :有理数Real number :实数Rectangular coordinates :直角坐标Rectangular coordinate system :直角坐标系Relative maximum and minimum :相对极大值与极小值Revenue function :收入函数Revolution, solid of :旋转体Revolution, surface of :旋转曲面Riemann Sum :黎曼和Riemannian geometry :黎曼几何Right-hand derivative :右导数Right-hand limit :右极限Root :根Saddle point :鞍点Scalar :纯量Secant line :割线Second derivative :二阶导数Second Derivative Test :二阶导数试验法Second partial derivative :二阶偏导数Sector :扇形Sequence :数列Series :级数Set :集合Shell method :剥壳法Sine function :正弦函数Singularity :奇点Slant asymptote :斜渐近线Slope :斜率Slope-intercept equation of a line :直线的斜截式Smooth curve :平滑曲线Smooth surface :平滑曲面Solid of revolution :旋转体Space :空间Speed :速率Spherical coordinates :球面坐标Squeeze Theorem :夹挤定理Step function :阶梯函数Strictly decreasing :严格递减Strictly increasing :严格递增Sum :和Surface :曲面Surface integral :面积分Surface of revolution :旋转曲面Symmetry :对称slant :斜渐近线spherical :球面坐标Tangent function :正切函数Tangent line :切线Tangent plane :切平面Tangent vector :切向量Total differential :全微分Trigonometric function :三角函数Trigonometric integrals :三角积分Trigonometric substitutions :三角代换法Tripe integrals :三重积分term by term :逐项求导法under a curve :曲线下方之面积vertical :垂直渐近线Value of function :函数值Variable :变数Vector :向量Velocity :速度Vertical asymptote :垂直渐近线Volume :体积X-axis :x 轴x-coordinate :x 坐标x-intercept :x 截距Zero vector :函数的零点Zeros of a polynomial :多项式的零点。



Season 1◎Episode 1: Extreme Aggressor(2005.09.22)●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad【约瑟夫·康拉德(波兰出生的英国作家):将邪恶的产生归结于超自然的因素是没有必要的,人类自身就足以实施每一种恶行。

】(Gideon)●Try again. Fail again. Fail better.——Samuel Beckett【Samuel Beckett(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。

】(Gideon剧中台词)●Try not. Do or do not.——Yoda【尤达大师(『星球大战』中的主角):别试。


】(Morgan剧中台词)●All is riddle,and the key to a riddle... is another riddle.——Emerson【爱默生(美国诗人、散文家、哲学家):所有的事物都是谜团,而解开一个谜的钥匙……是另一个谜。

】(Gideon)●The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill【温斯顿·邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。

】(Gideon)●When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche【尼采:当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。

】(Gideon)◎Episode 2: Compulsion(2005.09.28)●There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined. How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?——Dr. James T. Reese【詹姆斯·瑞斯博士(美国精神创伤压力处理方面的专家):犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。



As a high school student, Ive always found myself in a lovehate relationship with mathematics. Its a subject that has both fascinated and frustrated me in equal measure. The beauty of math lies in its precision and logic, yet the complexity of its problems often leaves me feeling like Im lost in a maze without a map.My journey with math started in elementary school, where the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division were introduced. I remember feeling a sense of accomplishment as I mastered these fundamental skills. However, as I progressed to middle school, the introduction of algebra and geometry added a layer of complexity that I hadnt anticipated. The abstract nature of variables and the visual challenges of geometric proofs were a stark contrast to the straightforward arithmetic I had grown comfortable with.Entering high school, the difficulty ramped up even further. The world of calculus, trigonometry, and advanced algebra opened up, and with it came a whole new set of challenges. I found myself struggling to grasp the concepts of derivatives and integrals, which seemed to defy the logic I had come to rely on. The abstract nature of these topics made it difficult for me to visualize the problems, and as a result, I often felt overwhelmed.One of the most significant obstacles I faced was the fear of failure. The pressure to perform well in math, not just for my own satisfaction but also to meet the expectations of my teachers and parents, weighed heavily on me. This fear often led to anxiety, which in turn affected my ability to concentrate and solve problems effectively.To overcome these difficulties, I realized that I needed to change my approach to learning math. I started by breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This allowed me to tackle each piece individually, making the overall problem seem less daunting. I also sought help from my teachers and classmates, who were often more than willing to explain concepts that I found challenging.Moreover, I began to appreciate the beauty of math by exploring its applications in reallife situations. From the physics of a bouncing ball to the economics of supply and demand, I discovered that math is not just a collection of abstract formulas but a powerful tool for understanding the world around us.One of the turning points in my relationship with math was when I participated in a math competition. The experience was both exhilarating and humbling. It pushed me to think creatively and work collaboratively with my peers to solve complex problems. Although we didnt win, the process of working through those challenges and learning from my mistakes was incredibly rewarding.As I continued to engage with math, I started to notice patterns and connections between different concepts. This realization helped me to build a more solid foundation in the subject and made learning new material less intimidating. I also began to appreciate the importance of practice and perseverance. Just like learning a new language or a musical instrument, mastering math requires consistent effort and patience.In conclusion, my experience with math has been a journey of ups and downs. It has taught me the value of resilience, curiosity, and the importance of seeking help when needed. While I still encounter challenges, I no longer view them as insurmountable obstacles but rather as opportunities for growth and learning. Math, with all its complexities, has become a subject that I respect and, in many ways, enjoy.。





标签:翻译的哲学理论纯语言阐释学通天塔一、本雅明的纯语言翻译观翻译的纯语言哲学观于1923年由德国犹太裔思想家沃尔特·本雅明(Walter Benjamin,1892~1940)首次提出。

他在自己翻译的法国诗人波德莱尔(Boudelaire)的诗歌集《巴黎画景》(Tableau Parisiens)中写了一篇题为《译者的任务》(The Task of the Translator)的序言。

就是在这篇文章中,本雅明阐述了他的纯语言(pure language)的语言哲学观。

文中他将纯语言定义为:“…all suprahistorical kinship of languages rests in the intention underlying each language as a whole——an intention,however,which no single language can attain by itself but which is realized only by the totality of their intentions supplementing each other:pure language.”[1]意为:每一种语言的意指之间都互相存在着超历史的亲缘关系,但是任何语言都无法单独体现所有语言的整体意指,只有将各语言的意指全部相互补充才能完整地体现出这种整体意指,带有这种整体意指的语言即为“纯语言”。

这种对纯语言的定义很自然会让人联想到圣经中“亚当的语言”(Adamite language)或是“通天塔”之前的语言(pre-Babelian language),这可能是由于本雅明出生于德国犹太家庭,受犹太教神秘哲学的影响,致使他的翻译观带有浓厚的宗教色彩。



关于金字塔未解之谜的英语作文The Enigmatic Allure of the Pyramids: Unraveling the Mysteries of an Ancient WonderThe majestic pyramids of Egypt have captivated the human imagination for millennia, standing as silent sentinels of a bygone era. These colossal structures, hewn from stone and imbued with an aura of mystery, have long been the subject of intense fascination and speculation. From the grandeur of their design to the enigmatic purpose behind their construction, the pyramids continue to challenge our understanding of the past, inviting us to delve deeper into the secrets they hold.One of the most intriguing aspects of the pyramids is the sheer scale and precision of their construction. The Great Pyramid of Giza, for instance, is a testament to the engineering prowess of the ancient Egyptians, standing at a towering height of 481 feet and covering an area of over 13 acres. The precision with which these massive structures were built is truly astounding, with each block of stone weighing several tons and fitting together with remarkable accuracy. This level of engineering achievement has left scholars and researchers alike in awe, prompting countless theories andhypotheses about the methods and technologies employed by the ancient builders.Another enduring mystery surrounding the pyramids is their purpose. While it is widely accepted that they served as elaborate tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, the deeper significance and symbolic meaning of these structures remain elusive. Some scholars have proposed that the pyramids were not merely burial sites, but rather complex monuments imbued with religious and astronomical significance. The precise alignment of the pyramids with the stars and the sun, for instance, has led some to believe that they were designed to serve as celestial observatories, allowing the ancient Egyptians to track the movements of the heavenly bodies and maintain their sophisticated calendars.Furthermore, the intricate network of passageways and chambers within the pyramids has fueled speculation about their use as sites of ritual and spiritual practice. The presence of elaborate hieroglyphic inscriptions, symbolic imagery, and artifacts discovered within the pyramids suggest that they may have served as centers of religious and mystical significance, perhaps even housing the remains of the pharaohs and their prized possessions in the afterlife.The enigmatic nature of the pyramids has also led to a proliferation of alternative theories and speculations, some more plausible thanothers. From claims of extraterrestrial involvement in their construction to hypotheses about their use as ancient power plants or even time machines, the pyramids have become a fertile ground for the imagination of scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts alike.One particularly intriguing theory suggests that the pyramids may have been built with the aid of advanced technologies that have since been lost to time. The sheer size and weight of the individual blocks used in their construction, as well as the precision with which they were assembled, have led some to question whether the ancient Egyptians possessed technological capabilities that surpassed our current understanding of their civilization. The use of advanced tools, or even the possibility of ancient power sources or levitation techniques, has been proposed as a means of explaining the seemingly impossible feat of pyramid building.Despite the wealth of research and investigation that has been conducted over the centuries, the mysteries of the pyramids continue to elude us. Each new discovery or technological advancement seems to open up new avenues of inquiry, challenging our preconceptions and pushing the boundaries of our understanding. As we continue to explore and study these ancient wonders, we may ultimately uncover the true purpose and significance of the pyramids, shedding light on the remarkable achievements of the ancient Egyptians and the enduring allure of thepast.In the end, the pyramids stand as a testament to the enduring human desire to understand the mysteries of our world and our past. Whether through scientific inquiry, archaeological exploration, or the power of the imagination, the search for the answers hidden within these colossal structures will undoubtedly continue to captivate and inspire generations to come.。

我心目中的科学家英语作文 范文

我心目中的科学家英语作文 范文

我心目中的科学家英语作文范文In my view, scientists are akin to modern-day alchemists, weaving intricate narratives of discovery within the fabric of the universe. They are the navigators of the unknown, wielding curiosity as their compass and reason as their sail. Let me take you on a journey through the corridors of my mind, where the portrait of a scientist unfolds in vibrant hues of intellect and ingenuity.Imagine a world where equations dance across chalkboards like cosmic ballets, where the language of atoms whispers secrets only the keenest ears can decipher. This is the realm of the scientist, where every question is a breadcrumb leading to the banquet of knowledge. They are the architects of understanding, building bridges between the tangible and the intangible.At the heart of scientific inquiry lies a relentlesspursuit of truth. It is a quest fueled not by ego, but by an insatiable hunger to unravel the mysteries of existence. From the microscopic dance of particles to the grandorchestration of galaxies, scientists peer through the veil of ignorance, seeking to illuminate the darkness with the torch of reason.Yet, amidst the chaos of experimentation and the labyrinth of data, there exists a quiet humility. For every answer uncovered reveals a dozen new questions, each more tantalizing than the last. The scientist is a humble pilgrim, journeying ever deeper into the unknown, guided by the twin beacons of curiosity and skepticism.But make no mistake, theirs is not a solitary endeavor. Science is a tapestry woven from the threads of collaboration and cooperation. Across continents and disciplines, scientists join hands in a symphony of discovery, harmonizing their efforts to conquer the frontiers of knowledge. In this global chorus, no voice is too small, no contribution too insignificant. For it is in diversity that the true power of science resides, drawing strength from the myriad perspectives that illuminate the path forward.And yet, for all their brilliance, scientists are not immune to the foibles of humanity. Egos clash like tectonic plates, and dogma can obscure the light of reason. But in the crucible of debate and discourse, truth emerges triumphant, tempered by the fire of scrutiny.So, what then defines the essence of a scientist? Is it the accolades adorning their walls or the equations etched in their minds? Perhaps it is neither, but rather the spark of curiosity that ignites their soul. For in the end, it isnot the destination that defines us, but the journey we undertake in pursuit of understanding.In my eyes, the scientist is more than a mere mortal; they are the custodians of curiosity, the stewards of skepticism, and the architects of enlightenment. They are the poets of the cosmos, crafting verses of truth in the language of the universe. And as long as there are questions left unanswered, their quest shall endure, a testament to the indomitable spirit of human intellect.。



第十五天象形词line /lain/ n.1.线条,界线2.条纹,皱纹3.方针,路线4.线路,电话线5.线,绳6.排,行7.(行走)路线,航线,铁路线8.行业,专长vt.1.使排成一行2.用线标出,划线于vi.排队,排齐liner /'lainə/n.1.衬垫 2.大客轮3.划线者linear /'liniə/a.1.线的,直线的,线状的2.长度的3.线性的linen /'linin/n.1.日用织品,亚麻织品2.亚麻布alignment /ə'lainmənt/n.1.直线排列队列2.结盟3.校正,调整4.平面图long /lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ/a.1.长的2.长时间的,长期的ad.长久,长期地vi.(for)渴望longevity /lɔn'dʒevəti/ n.长命,寿命,持久逻辑辨证记忆提示:拉丁文aevum=age longitude /'lɔndʒitju:d, -tu:d/n.经度lounge /laundʒ/ n.休息厅,休息室vi.1.(懒洋洋地)依,(懒散地)躺 2.闲逛,闲荡lag /læɡ/vi.走得慢,落后n.滞后,(时间上的)间隔lame /leim/ a.1.跛的,瘸的2.站不住脚的,差劲的,蹩脚的n.重叠金属片lance /lɑ:ns, læns/ n.标枪,长矛,矛状器具,捕鲸枪vt.&vi.切开lap /læp/n.1.膝上2.(跑道的)一圈3.(旅程的)一段vt.&vi.1.(动物)舔,舔食2.(波浪等)拍打la s h /l æʃ/ v t . & v i . 1 .(用绳索等)将(物品)系牢击 3.猛烈抨击,严厉斥责n.1.鞭打2.眼睫毛3.鞭梢lace /leis/n.1.饰带,花边2.缎带,鞋带,系带 3.网眼织物vt.1.通过网眼或围绕着钩状物穿线2.扎带子,扎,系3.饰以花边4.编织vi.1.缚带子2.以系带系紧last /lɑ:st, læst/a.1.刚过去的,紧接前面的2.最后的,最后剩下的3.最不可能的,最不适合的4.最终的,结论性的ad.1.上一次,最近一次2.最后vi.持续,维持lasting /'lɑ:stiŋ, 'læstiŋ/ a.持久的,永久的,永恒的,耐久的n.厚实斜纹织物(作鞋帮等用),斜纹呢late /leit/ a.1.迟的,晚的2.末期的,晚期的3.最近的,新近的4.已故的,以前的ad.迟,晚lately /'leitli / ad.最近,新近,近来,不久前latent /'leitənt/ a.潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的逻辑辨证记忆提示:latelater /'leitə/ad.1.后来2.过一会儿a.1.后来的,以后的,后面的2.新近的3.晚年的latter /'lætə/n.后者a.1.后者的2.后一半的,末了的lateral /'lætərəl/n.1.侧部,位于侧面的东西2.支线2.边音,侧音a.横(向)的,侧面的vt.&vi.横向穿越latitude /'lætitju:d/n.纬度,纬线law /lɔ:/n.1.法律,法规,法2.法学3.律师行业4.规律,法则,定律5.[the~]警方lay /lei/vt.1.置放,放下2.铺,砌,敷设3.下(蛋),产(卵)4.设置,布置5.使处于(某种状态)6.提出,主张vi.下蛋,产卵layer /'leiə/n.层,层次layout /'leiaut/n.布局,安排,设计lead /li:d/vt.1.为…带路,指引2.领导,引导3.诱使,致使4.过(某种生活)vi.1.领路,带路2.(to)导致,通向3.领先n.1.领先,领导,榜样2.主角,主要演员lead /li:d/n.铅leader /'li:də/n.领袖,领导者leadership /'li:dəʃip/n.领导,领导层leading /'li:diŋ/a.1.最重要的,主要的2.首位的,带头的,领衔的lean /li:n/vi.1.倾斜,屈身2.靠,倚,依靠vt.使倾斜,使倚靠a.1.瘦的,少脂肪的2.贫乏的,贫瘠的,收益少的length /leŋθ, leŋkθ/n.1.长,长度,距离2.一段,一节lengthen /'leŋθən/ vt.&vi.延长,(使)变长lenient(拉丁文lenis soft,mild)/'li:njənt/ a.宽大的,仁慈的逻辑辨证记忆提示:lengthlens /lenz/ n.透镜,镜头,镜片逻辑辨证记忆提示:len=longlevel /'levəl/ n.1.水平面,水平线2.高度3.水平,等级a.1.平的,水平的2.同高度的,同程度的3.平稳的,冷静的vt.&vi.(使)平坦lid /lid/n.盖,盖子逻辑辨证记忆提示:古德文hlit=coverlie /lai/vi.1.躺,平放2.位于3.处于(某种状态)4.展现,伸5.(in,with)(问题、事情等)在于 6.说谎n.谎话,假话belie /bi'lai/vt.1.掩饰,遮盖,给人以假象2.显示不正确,证实错误life /laif/n.1.生命,性命2.一生,寿命3.生活,生存,人生4.生物5.生气,活力lifetime /'laiftaim/n.一生,终身lightning /'laitniŋ/n.闪电lighthouse /'laithaus/ n.灯塔lantern /'læntən/n.灯笼,提灯lamp /læmp/n.灯limb /lim/n.1.肢,臂,腿2.树枝lumber /'lʌmbə/vi.笨拙的移动,缓慢吃力的移动vt.拖累,使陷入困境n.1.(堆放着的)家用废旧杂物2.木材,木料,锯制板lump /lʌmp/n.块,小方块,肿块vt.将…归并在一起vi.1.结块2.沉重地移动link /liŋk/vt.&vi.连接,联系n.环节,联系,纽带live /liv/vi.1.居住2.活,生存,生活3.(回忆等)留存,难忘vt.过(生活)a.1.活的,有生命的,充满活力的2.现场直播的,现场演出的3.通电的,随时可用的4.当前大家谈论得ad.以现场直播(或表演)方式lively /'laivli/a.1.充满活力的,活泼的轻快的2.热烈的令人激动的3.逼真的,栩栩如生的liver /'livə/n.肝living /'liviŋ/a.1.活(着),生活的2.有生命力的,生动活泼的3.在使用中的,现行的4.生动的,逼真的n.生计,生活living-room /'liviŋ'ru:m/n.起居室,客厅loaf /ləuf/n.(一个)面包vi.游荡,闲逛,虚度光阴lobby /'lɔbi/n.1.(旅馆、戏院等的)大厅,休息室2.院外活动集团vt.&vi.向(议员等)进行游说(或疏通)逻辑辨证记忆提示:拉丁文lobium=gallerylinger /'liŋɡə/vi.1.(因不愿离开)继续逗留,留恋徘徊2.(on)继续存留,缓慢消失lorry /'lɔ:ri, 'lɔ:-/n.运货汽车,卡车逻辑辨证记忆提示:carryallure /ə'ljuə / n.诱惑力,魅力vt.诱惑,引诱,吸引lure /ljuə/vt.吸引,引诱,诱惑n.1.吸引力,诱惑物2.诱饵,鱼饵逻辑辨证记忆提示:以字母l开头的很多单词有“线形的;线形的不同方向;线状物:某事物在时间、空间、尺寸、逻辑等之上的延续”的含义,即都由字母l的形状演化而来。




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了不起的盖茨比第七章英语单词知乎全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Vocabulary of Chapter 7 in The Great Gatsby: A Student's In-Depth AnalysisWhat's up, fellow literature lovers and word nerds? Today, we're diving deep into the rich and symbolic vocabulary found in Chapter 7 of F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, The Great Gatsby. As a student who adores dissecting literary works, I'm thrilled to share my insights and personal interpretations of the language used in this pivotal chapter.First things first, let's set the stage. Chapter 7 is the climax of the novel, where tensions reach a boiling point, and the illusions surrounding Gatsby's persona and his pursuit of Daisy begin to unravel. The atmosphere is thick with dramatic irony, and Fitzgerald masterfully employs evocative diction to convey the underlying emotions and thematic elements.One word that immediately caught my attention is "inexplicable." Fitzgerald describes the "inexplicable certified confusion" surrounding Gatsby's background and wealth. Thisword not only highlights the mystery and ambiguity surrounding Gatsby but also foreshadows the eventual revelation of his shady past and the disillusionment that follows.Moving on, we encounter the phrase "fantastic conceits." This phrase perfectly encapsulates the grandiose delusions and unrealistic expectations that have driven the characters' actions throughout the novel. It's a poignant reminder of the theme of disillusionment and the harsh reality that often shatters our idealized dreams.Another standout word is "appalling." Used to describe Gatsby's reaction to Tom's revelations about his past, it conveys the profound sense of shock and dismay that overwhelms him as his carefully crafted persona crumbles. The intensity of this word mirrors the devastating impact of the truth on Gatsby's psyche.Let's not forget the word "colossal." Fitzgerald employs this adjective to depict the sheer magnitude of Gatsby's illusions and the scale of his dreams. It's a testament to the grandiose nature of his aspirations, which ultimately prove to be his undoing.Shifting gears, the phrase "grotesque, circumstantial" caught my eye. Fitzgerald uses it to describe the evidence Tom presents against Gatsby, hinting at the sordid and unsavory details of his past. This phrase adds a sense of ugliness and distortion to therevelations, further emphasizing the stark contrast between Gatsby's idealized persona and the harsh realities of his life.One word that struck me as particularly powerful is "holocaust." Fitzgerald employs this term to describe the intense emotional turmoil and devastation that Gatsby experiences as his dreams are shattered. The word's connotations of complete destruction and sacrifice resonate deeply with the theme of disillusionment and the sacrifices Gatsby made in pursuit of his dreams.Finally, let's explore the phrase "obscurity borne once more in line of sight." This poetic line refers to the resurfacing of Gatsby's obscure past, which had been carefully concealed until this point. It's a haunting reminder that no matter how hard we try to reinvent ourselves, our pasts have a way of catching up with us, and the truth ultimately prevails.In conclusion, the vocabulary employed by Fitzgerald in Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby is a masterclass in literary craftsmanship. Each word and phrase is meticulously chosen to convey deeper meanings, symbolism, and thematic elements. From the sense of mystery and ambiguity to the harsh realities of disillusionment, the diction in this chapter is a powerful tool thatenhances the emotional impact of the narrative and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.So, there you have it, my fellow word enthusiasts – a deep dive into the vocabulary of Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby. I hope this analysis has piqued your interest and inspired you to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of language woven by Fitzgerald in this literary masterpiece.篇2Vocabulary Gems from Chapter 7 of The Great GatsbyHey fellow bookworms! As an avid reader and lover of literature, I always look forward to diving deep into the linguistic riches found in classic novels. Today, I want to share some of the juiciest vocabulary morsels from Chapter 7 of F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, The Great Gatsby.Let's kick things off with a word that perfectly encapsulates the lavish lifestyle portrayed in the novel: "sumptuous." When Gatsby's house is described as "a solemn, haunting house, broodingly immense among its fringed and sumptuous gardens," the word "sumptuous" conjures up images of extravagant opulence and luxurious splendor. It's a word that screams "over-the-top" and "no expense spared."Speaking of lavish parties, the word "revelers" caught my eye. It refers to the raucous, carefree merrymakers who attended Gatsby's legendary bashes. Can't you just picture a horde of revelers, decked out in their finest threads, dancing the night away with reckless abandon?Now, let's delve into a word that carries a more ominous undertone: "sinister." When Nick describes Gatsby's smile as having "a quality of eternal reassurance in that conclusive smile, the vigorous promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing," the word "sinister" is used to describe the smile's "sinister resilience." This word choice hints at something darker lurking beneath the surface, foreshadowing the tragic events to come.Moving on, we have the delightfully whimsical word "oblivious." When the narrative states that Gatsby was "oblivious of the sunshine," it paints a vivid picture of someone so lost in their own thoughts and preoccupations that they fail to notice the world around them. It's a relatable feeling we've all experienced at one point or another.Next up is a word that evokes a sense of mystique and intrigue: "inscrutable." When Nick observes Gatsby's "inscrutable vision," it suggests a depth and complexity to Gatsby's characterthat defies easy comprehension. It's a tantalizing hint at the layers of mystery surrounding this enigmatic figure.Let's not forget the deliciously descriptive word "grotesque." When Nick describes the "grotesque, fascinating brightness" of Gatsby's wealth and possessions, it simultaneously conveys a sense of awe and repulsion. It's a word that perfectly captures the allure and excess of the Gatsby lifestyle while hinting at its inherent ugliness.Moving on, we have the evocative word "haunt." When Nick mentions Gatsby's "haunting loneliness," it conjures up images of a specter-like figure, forever trapped in a state of melancholic solitude. It's a word that adds a haunting, ethereal quality to Gatsby's character.Finally, let's explore the word "permeate." When Nick describes the "permeating scent" of Gatsby's house, it creates a vivid sensory experience, as if the reader can smell the rich, lingering aromas wafting through the air. It's a word that adds depth and texture to the descriptive passages.Well, there you have it, fellow word nerds! A tantalizing glimpse into the rich vocabulary that permeates Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby. Whether you're a seasoned literary connoisseur or a budding bibliophile, these words are sure to add somelinguistic sparkle to your reading experience. Happy reading, and may the words dance off the page and into your heart!篇3The Dazzling Vocabulary of Gatsby's ReunionChapter 7 of The Great Gatsby is a pivotal moment in the novel, where the long-awaited reunion between Gatsby and Daisy finally occurs. As a student of literature, I was struck by the masterful way Fitzgerald uses language to convey the intense emotions and tensions at play during this climactic scene. The vocabulary he employs is rich, evocative, and at times, dazzlingly complex, adding layers of depth and nuance to the narrative. Let's delve into some of the most captivating words and phrases from this chapter.One word that immediately caught my attention was "colossal," used to describe Gatsby's dreams and aspirations. This adjective conjures up images of something vast, monumental, and awe-inspiring, perfectly capturing the grandiose nature of Gatsby's pursuit of Daisy. The word's etymological roots in Greek further emphasize its magnitude, lending a sense of timelessness and universality to Gatsby's desires.Another striking word is "feign," which Fitzgerald employs when describing Gatsby's attempts to appear casual and nonchalant in Daisy's presence. The term "feign" suggests a deliberate act of deception or pretense, hinting at the complex web of emotions and facades that Gatsby has woven around himself. This word choice skillfully underscores the deep vulnerability and insecurity that lie beneath Gatsby's carefully constructed persona.Fitzgerald's use of the word "ineffable" is particularly noteworthy, as he applies it to describe the quality of Gatsby's smile when he finally reunites with Daisy. "Ineffable" suggests something that is too profound or too sublime to be adequately expressed in words, perfectly capturing the depth of Gatsby's emotional state in that moment. This word choice elevates the scene to a level of almost spiritual transcendence, reflecting the intensity of Gatsby's long-held dreams and desires.The phrase "furnace of vitriol" is another evocative turn of phrase that caught my eye. Fitzgerald uses this vivid metaphor to describe Tom Buchanan's simmering anger and hostility towards Gatsby. The word "vitriol" conjures up images of a highly corrosive and toxic substance, while "furnace" implies an intense and uncontrollable heat, together painting a powerful picture ofTom's barely contained rage. This metaphor foreshadows the explosive confrontation that ultimately erupts between the two men, heightening the sense of tension and impending conflict.Fitzgerald's use of the word "appalling" is particularly interesting, as it carries a dual meaning. On one level, it suggests something that is shocking or horrifying, reflecting the profound emotional turmoil and disillusionment that Gatsby experiences as his dreams begin to unravel. However, the word "appalling" can also mean "causing dismay or disappointment," which aptly describes the sense of disenchantment that Gatsby must feel as he realizes the true nature of Daisy's character and the insurmountable challenges standing in the way of their reunion.The phrase "grotesque and fantastic conceits" is another standout example of Fitzgerald's rich vocabulary. "Conceits" refers to fanciful or imaginative notions, while "grotesque" and "fantastic" suggest something that is both distorted and whimsical. This phrase is used to describe the extravagant and over-the-top decorations adorning Gatsby's mansion, reflecting the grandiose and almost absurd lengths to which he has gone in his pursuit of wealth and status – all in an effort to win over Daisy. This vivid description not only paints a striking visualpicture but also serves as a metaphor for the distorted and fantastical nature of Gatsby's dreams and aspirations.Throughout Chapter 7, Fitzgerald employs a multitude of evocative and richly descriptive words and phrases, such as "riotous," "curtains of azaleas," "vanished trees," and "ecstatic caress." These word choices not only create a vivid and immersive reading experience but also serve to reinforce the overarching themes of the novel, such as the futility of pursuing the past, the corrupting influence of wealth and materialism, and the disillusionment that often accompanies the pursuit of idealized dreams.As a student of literature, I am in awe of Fitzgerald's masterful command of language and his ability to weave together words in a way that not only tells a compelling story but also resonates on a deeper, emotional level. The vocabulary he employs in Chapter 7, with its rich tapestry of evocative and nuanced terms, is a testament to his literary genius and his profound understanding of the human condition.In conclusion, the dazzling vocabulary and artful use of language in Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby are a true hallmark of Fitzgerald's literary prowess. From the grandiose "colossal" to the sublime "ineffable," and the vivid "furnace of vitriol," eachword is carefully chosen and expertly woven into the narrative, adding depth, nuance, and emotional resonance to this pivotal moment in the novel. As a student, exploring and unpacking the meanings and connotations of these words has not only enriched my understanding of the text but has also deepened my appreciation for the power of language and the craft of great literary works.。


布劳威尔(Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer 1881-1996) 荷兰数学家、哲学家
阿贝尔(Niels Henrik Abel 1802-1829) 挪威数学家
阿尔布斯纳特(John Arbuthnot 1667-1735) 英国文学家、数学家
No matter how correct a mathematical theorem may appear to be, one ought never to be satisfied that there was not something imperfect about it until it also gives the impression of being beautiful.
In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.
我看到了,但我简直不能相信它! 《康托尔给狄特金的信》
卡当(Elie Cartan 1869-1951) 法国数学家
玻尔(Niels Bohr 1885-1962) 丹麦物理学家

玻尔兹曼大脑悖论 中英互译

玻尔兹曼大脑悖论 中英互译

How do you know you’re a person who has lived your life, rather than a just-formed brain full of artificial memories, momentarily hallucinating a reality that doesn't actually exist? That may sound absurd, but it’s kept several generations of top cosmologists up at night.你如何能知道自己是拥有现有人生的一个人,而不是一个装满人工记忆的初生大脑,被其实并不存在的现实暂时迷惑?这听起来可能有些荒谬,但它让好几代顶级宇宙学家彻夜难眠。

They call it the Boltzmann brain paradox. Its namesake, Ludwig Boltzmann, was a 19th century physicist operating in a period when scientists were passionately debating whether the universe had existed for an infinite or finite time.他们称之为玻尔兹曼大脑悖论。



Boltzmann’s main claim to fame was revolutionizing thermodynamics, the branch of physics that studies energy. He put forward a new interpretation of entropy, which is a measure of the disorder of a system.玻尔兹曼赖以成名的主要成就是为热力学带来了革命性突破,热力学是物理学中研究能量的分支。

Fantastic Piece of Logic译文翻译

Fantastic Piece of Logic译文翻译

Fantastic Piece of Logic荒谬的的逻辑Sydney J. Harries One of the most fantastic pieces of logic I’ve ever seen in print is the rationale of capital punishment recently offered by Dr.George Crane, the only syndicated columnist who signs himself, “Ph.D., M.D.”我曾经在出版物中见过最荒谬的逻辑之一,是乔治克莱恩博士最近提出来的关于死刑的逻辑依据。


He writes:”Clergymen should stress the fact that without capital punishment, there would be Christianity at all. If Jesus had not been sentenced to death on the cross, how could there be any Catholic or Protestant churches today? So Christianity owes its very existence to capital punishment.”他写道:“牧师应该强调这样一个事实,如果没有死刑,那么怎会有基督教呢。


”With the use of this tremendous reasoning device, what cannot be justified in history? For instance, without the madness and despotism of King George I, there would have been no American Revolution and no United States of America.运用这种强大的推理方法,历史上还有什么不能被认定为是合理的?比如,没有国王乔治一世疯狂和专制,就不会有美国革命和美利坚合众国。



奇异的想象的英语作文高中标题,Exploring the Realm of Imagination: A Journey Through the Extraordinary。

In the vast expanse of the human mind lies a realm unbounded by the constraints of reality—a realm where the fantastical takes form, and the extraordinary becomes ordinary. This realm is the playground of imagination, a sanctuary where creativity reigns supreme and possibilities know no bounds.As we embark on our journey through the labyrinthine corridors of imagination, we find ourselves traversing landscapes both familiar and alien. We encounter towering castles nestled amidst ethereal clouds, their spires reaching towards the heavens like fingers of the gods. We wander through enchanted forests, where trees whisper secrets of times long forgotten, and magical creatures roam freely under the moonlit sky.But imagination is not merely a passive observer ofthis fantastical world; it is the architect, the sculptor, and the storyteller all rolled into one. With a mere thought, we can reshape the very fabric of reality, bending it to our will and giving rise to wonders beyond comprehension. In the realm of imagination, the laws of physics hold no sway, and the boundaries of logic blur into insignificance.Yet, for all its boundless potential, the realm of imagination is not without its dangers. Just as light casts shadows, so too does the brilliance of creativity give rise to darkness. We must tread carefully, for every dream has its nightmares, and every fantasy its horrors. But it is in confronting these shadows that we truly come to understand the power of imagination—to transform fear into courage, despair into hope, and darkness into light.And so, as we emerge from the depths of our reverie, we find ourselves changed, our minds expanded and our spirits uplifted. For in the realm of imagination, we have discovered not only the infinite possibilities of the humanmind but also the boundless potential of the human spirit. And though we may return to the mundane world of reality, we carry with us the seeds of creativity, ready to bloom and flourish in the fertile soil of our imagination.In conclusion, the journey through the realm of imagination is not merely an escape from reality but a transcendence of it—a testament to the power of the human mind to create, to innovate, and to dream. So let us embrace the extraordinary, for it is in the realm of imagination that we find true freedom and limitless potential.。

Strangeness Enhancement Scenarios Fireball or Independent Strings

Strangeness Enhancement Scenarios Fireball or Independent Strings
A. CapellaAb Nhomakorabeatract
Due to the long-standing discrepancy between NA35 and NA36 data on production, two drastically di erent scenarios of strangeness enhancement are still possible. Independent string models, such as the dual parton model, lead to results close to the NA36 data. On the contrary, the NA35 results can only be described by introducing full nal state rescattering of the produced particles. The corresponding predictions for central Pb-Pb collisions at CERN energies di er by a factor 3 to 4. Preliminary data on the net proton (p-p) rapidity distribution in Pb-Pb collisions favor the independent string scenario.
3 work where the reball scenario has been explicitly dismissed 8], uses, in order to describe the data, the VENUS Monte Carlo 7] which actually contains nal state rescattering. The HIJING Monte Carlo also used by the authors of 8], which has no nal state interaction, does not describe either the NA35 18] or the NA36 data 19] (see g. 1c of ref. 8]). In most analysis, the NA36 data on production are not considered. This is due in part to their limited coverage in p? . At present, NA36 data have been fully corrected for s acceptance, e ciency and decay via unseen channels 19]. (Corrected and K0 data are not given). Moreover, they can be extrapolated to the full p? range, or, alternatively, the NA35 data can be restricted to the p? range of the NA36 experiment so that a comparison of the two data sets is possible. It turns out that there is a discrepancy between them which exceeds a factor two 19]. The purpose of this letter is to show that the NA36 data on production can be described in the strict framework of DPM with independent strings. An important ingredient in achieving this goal is the novel mechanism of baryon stopping introduced in ref. 20] which increases substantially the yield at mid-rapidities. No nal state rescattering is needed. When such rescattering is introduced, the yield is increased by a factor 2 2.5 and agreement with the NA35 data is then achieved. It is also shown that the predictions of these two scenarios for central Pb Pb collisions are dramatically di erent and thus a clear experimental distinction will be possible. Moreover, recent preliminary data on the net proton yield (p-p) in central Pb-Pb collisions 21] give some indirect evidence in favor of the independent string scenario. Indeed, the DPM prediction for this di erence, with no nal state interaction 20], is in good agreement with these data. The nal state interaction + N ! K + , which is mainly responsible for the increase of the yield, produces a corresponding decrease in the N one which destroys the agreement between theory and experiment. We turn now to the calculation of the rapidity distribution in pp, central SS and central Pb-Pb collisions at CERN energies. We proceed in the framework of the dual



Once upon a time in a small town,there occurred an event that was so peculiar it left the residents both bewildered and intrigued.It was a sunny afternoon when the townsfolk noticed something unusual happening in the sky.The clouds began to swirl in a pattern that was not only mesmerizing but also seemed to defy the natural order of things.It was as if an invisible hand was painting the sky with a palette of grays and whites.The swirling motion was so captivating that people stopped whatever they were doing to watch the spectacle.As the clouds continued their dance,a faint humming sound filled the air.It was a sound that was almost melodic,yet it carried an undertone of something unfamiliar.The humming grew louder,and the clouds began to take on a more defined shape.It was then that the townspeople realized that the clouds were forming the outline of a giant face. The face was serene,with closed eyes and a gentle smile.It was as if the sky itself was smiling down upon the town.The townspeople were both amazed and terrified by this phenomenon.Some believed it to be a sign from the heavens,while others thought it was a trick of the light or perhaps a natural phenomenon that had never been observed before. As the sun began to set,the face in the clouds slowly faded away,leaving behind a sky painted with hues of pink and orange.The townspeople returned to their homes,still discussing the strange event that had unfolded before their eyes.In the days that followed,the townspeople tried to make sense of what they had witnessed.Some sought answers from the local scholars,while others turned to their religious leaders for guidance.But no one could provide a definitive explanation for the strange occurrence.The story of the face in the clouds spread far and wide,attracting the attention of scientists and researchers from all over the world.They flocked to the town,eager to study the phenomenon and find answers to the many questions it raised.As the researchers delved deeper into the mystery,they discovered that the town was situated on a unique geological formation that could potentially explain the strange behavior of the clouds.The combination of the towns location and the specific atmospheric conditions on that particular day had created the perfect environment for the clouds to form the unusual shape.While the scientific explanation provided some clarity,the townspeople still found comfort in their own interpretations of the event.For some,it remained a divine message,while for others,it was a reminder of the beauty and mystery of nature.The strange event became a part of the towns folklore,a tale passed down from generation to generation.It served as a reminder that there are still wonders in the world that defy explanation,and that sometimes,the most extraordinary things can happen in the most ordinary of places.。














Nature’s great book is written in mathematical symbol.自然这一巨著是用数学符号写成的??伽里略Mathematics is the king of Science.数学是科学之王??高斯Number rules the universe.数统治着宇宙??毕达哥拉斯unlimited! There is no other question so deeply touched by the human mind.无限!再也没有其他问题如此深刻地打动过人类的心灵??希尔伯特Give me five coefficients, I will draw an elephant; give me six coefficients, the elephant will shake the tail.给我五个系数,我将画出一头大象;给我六个系数,大象将会摇动尾巴??柯西Mathematics is a creative art because mathematicians create beautiful new concepts;it is a creative art because mathematicians live,act,and think live artists; and it is a creative art because mathematicians regard it so.数学是创造性的艺术,因为数学家创造了美好的新概念;数学是创造性的艺术,因为数学家的生活、言行如同艺术家一样;数学是创造性的艺术,因为数学家就是这样认为的??哈尔莫斯We must know that we will know.我们必须知道,我们必将知道??希尔伯特In the world of mathematics, it is not what we know, but how we know what.在数学的天地里,重要的不是我们知道什么,而是我们怎么知道什么??毕达哥拉斯Do not understand the geometry do not come!不懂几何者免进??柏拉图感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

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a r X i v :h e p -l a t /9809029v 1 6 S e p 19981Lattice calculation of the strangeness and electromagnetic nucleon form factorsA.G.Williamsa ∗aCSSM and Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics,University of Adelaide,Australia 5005We report on recent lattice QCD calculations of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon and the nucleon electromagnetic form factors,when we allow the electromagnetic current to connect to quark loops as well as to the valence quarks.Our result for the strangeness magnetic moment is G s M (0)=−0.36±0.20.The sea contributions from the u and d quarks are about 80%larger.However,they cancel to a large extent due to their electric charges,resulting in a smaller net sea contribution of −0.097±0.037µN to the nucleon magnetic moment.As far as the neutron to proton magnetic moment ratio is concerned,this sea contribution tends to cancel out the cloud-quark effect from the Z-graphs and result in a ratio of −0.68±0.04which is close to the SU(6)relationand the experiment.The strangeness Sachs electric mean-square radius r 2s E is found to be small and negative and the total sea contributes substantially to the neutron electric form factor.We summarize some recent results [1]on nu-cleon electromagentic form factors,including the strangeness electric and magnetic form factors.The strangeness content of the nucleon has been a topic of considerable recent interest for a vari-ety of reasons.The studies of nucleon spin struc-ture functions in polarized deep inelastic scatter-ing experiments at CERN and SLAC [2],com-bined with neutron and hyperon βdecays,have turned up a surprisingly large and negative po-larization from the strange quark.In addition,there is a well-known long-standing discrepancy between the pion-nucleon sigma term extracted from the low energy pion-nucleon scattering [3]and that from the octect baryon masses [4].This discrepancy can be reconciled if a significant ¯s s content in the nucleon [4,5]is admitted.To address some of these issues,an experiment to measure the neutral weak magnetic form factor G Z M via elastic parity-violating electron scattering was recently carried out by the SAMPLE collab-oration [6].The strangeness magnetic form factor is obtained by subtracting out the nucleon mag-netic form factors G p M and G nM .The reportedvalue is G s M (Q 2=0.1GeV 2)=+0.23±0.37±0.15±0.19.Future experiments have the promise2tributes.In the Euclidean formulation,the Sachs EM form factors can be obtained by the combi-nation of two-and three-point functionsGααNN(t, p)= x e−i p· x 0|χα(x)¯χα(0)|0 (1)GαβNVµN (t f, p,t, q)=x f, xe−i p· x f+i q· x 0|χα(x f)Vµ(x)¯χβ(0)|0 ,(2)whereχαis the nucleon interpolatingfield and Vµ(x)the vector current.With large Euclidean time separation,i.e.t f−t>>a and t>>a, where a is the lattice spacing,Γβαi GαβNV j N(t f, 0,t, q)GααNN(t, q)−→εijk q kGααNN (t f, 0)GααNN(t, 0)ˆm+m s whereˆm is theaverage u and d quark mass and m s the strangequark mass to reflect the m K dependence.Thisis the same form adopted for extracting N|¯s s|Nin Ref.[14],which also involves a kaon loop in thechiral perturbation theory.We obtain the extrapolated G s M(q2)at4nonzero q2values.The errors are again obtainedby jackknifing the extrapolation procedure withthe covariance matrix used to include the corre-lation among the three valenceκ’s.In view ofthe fact that the scalar current exhibits a verysoft form factor for the sea quark(i.e.g S,dis(q2))which has beenfitted well with a monopoleform[14],we shall similarly use a monopole formto extrapolate G s M(q2)with nonzero q2to G s M(0).Wefind G s M(0)=−0.36±0.20.Again,the cor-relation among the4q2are taken into accountand the error is from jackknifing thefitting pro-cedure.This is consistent with the recent experi-mental value within errors(see Table1).We alsofind G u/dM,dis(0)=−0.65±0.30,which is about1.8times the size of G s M(0).The sea contribu-tion from the u,d,and s quarks G u,dM,dis(q2)andG s M(q2)are added to the connected contributionsto give the full G p M(q2)and G n M(q2).A similar analysis is done for the strange Sachselectric form factor G s E(q2).We see that G s E(0)is consistent with zero as it should be and wefind that the electric mean-square radius r2s E=−6dG s E(q2)/dq2|q2=0=−0.061±0.003fm2.In summary,we have calculated the s and u,d contributions to the electric and magnetic formfactors of the nucleon.The individual m.m.andelectric form factors from the differentflavors in3 Table1Strangeness and proton-neutron m.m.and charge radii in comparison with experiments.Lattice Experimentsthe sea are not small,however there are large can-cellations among themselves due to the electric charges of the u,d,and s quarks.Wefind that a negative G s M(0)leads to a total negative sea contribution to the nucleon make the µn/µp ratio consistent with the experiment.We alsofind G s E(q2)positive which leads to a positive total sea contribution to the neutron electric form factor G n E(q2).Future calculations are needed to investigate the systematic errors associated with thefinite volume and lattice spacing as well as the quenched approximation. Acknowledgments:This work is partially sup-ported by DOE Grant DE-FG05-84ER40154and by the Australian Research Council. REFERENCES1.S.J.Dong,K.F.Liu,and A.G.Williams,hep-ph/9712483,to appear in Phys.Rev.D.2.J.Ashman et al.,Nucl.Phys.B328,1(1989);B.Adeva et al.,Phys.Lett.B329,399(1994);K.Abe et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.74, 346(1995).3.J.Gasser,H.Leutwyler,and M.E.Sainio,Phys.Lett.B253,252,260(1991).4.T.P.Cheng,Phys.Rev.D13,2161(1976);D38,2869(1988).5.J.Gasser and H.Leutwyler,Phys.Rep.87,77(1982).6. B.Mueller et al.,SAMPLE Collaboration,Phys.Rev.Lett.78,3824(1997).7. D. 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