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Book Two
track down: find sb./ sth. by searching
eg: It was not long before I tracked down the lost watch不久我就找到了遗失的手表
The terrorists have been tracked down and arrested in Hong Kong哈希恐怖分子已在香港被追查逮捕
Spring up: appear, develop, grow, ect. Quickly and suddenly迅速地或突然发现出现,发展; leap or jump up跃起,跳起; grow up quickly迅速生长
Eg: New houses are springing up all over the town全镇各处很快盖起了新房子
So many ideas sprang up within me as I thought of it在我考虑这件事时,脑子了出现了许多想法
She sprang up from her seat to greet us她从座位上跳起身来迎接我们
Tom sprang up and rushed to the door.汤姆跳起身跑到了门口
The wheat is beginning to spring up麦子开始往上长了
The girl has really sprung up这女孩长得真快
At the sight of: on seeing一看间…..就
Eg: At the sight of the police officer the men ran off见到警察那些人就跑开了
They all laughed at the sight of old Lear dancing with a girl of sixteen当看到老李尔王与一位16月的女孩跳舞时,他们都笑了
Feel like: have a desire for; feel in the mood for想要(后接名词或动明词形式); feel as if one is sth. or sb.有…..感觉; seem like (sth.)to the touch摸起来如同
Eg: I don’t feel like going out tonight今晚我不想外出
I feel like (having) a cup of tea我想喝杯茶
I feel like catching cold我感觉象是感冒了
I feel like a fool when I realize what a stupid mistake I had made当我意识到自己犯了一个多么愚蠢的错误时,我觉得自己象个傻瓜
This feels like velvet这东西摸上去向丝绒
It feels like silk它摸上去象丝绸
Make over: go forward, start in the direction of;走向,驶向;contribute to有助于,促进
Eg: Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the cobra emerge and make for the bowl of milk.从眼角处看到那条眼镜蛇钻了出来,向那碗牛奶爬去
It’s late; let’s make for home时间不早了,我们回家把。

Does early rising make for good health?早起对健康有益吗?
Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding文化交流有助于互相了解
Ring out : sound loudly and cleary发出响亮而清晰的声音
Eg: Shots rang out. And two people were killed枪声响起,两个人身亡
Cheers rang out from the assembly hall大会堂里响起了欢呼声
Cheers rang out, and ring in the New Year鸣钟送旧岁迎新年
Light up: cause to become more cheerful; 使欢呼,快乐make brighter 照亮
Eg: Her face lit up with joy when she heard the good news当她听到这个消息时,露出了高兴的笑脸
A smile of triumph lit up her face她的脸上露出了胜利的微笑
These new lamps light up the room much better这些新灯把房照得更亮了
The red sun lights up the sky and the earth红太阳照亮了天空和大地
go out of one’s way: take particular trouble; make a special effort特意做某事,专门做某事
eg: They went out of their way to make her feel at home他们为使她不受拘束而费了一番心血
We go out of our way to serve the customers我们不怕麻烦,想方设法为顾客服务
Act on/upon: behave according to; take action as a result of (sth.)按….行事; have an effect on (sth.)对….发生作用;对….产生影响
Eg: The police are acting on information received警察正根据得到的情况采取行动
If your idea is good, we will act on it如果你的想法好,我们就照办
Heats acts on solids and causes them to expand热对固体起作用,使它们膨胀
This medicine acted upon his fever at once这药立刻使他退烧了
Leave…to : leave sth. for sb. to decide, settle or deal with把某事交经某人决定,处理解决
Eg: You can leave the matter to me你可以把这事交给我来办
I will leave the choice to you我将让你选择
Leave behind: cause to lag behind把….丢在后面; abandon, fail to take or bring 丢弃,留下,忘带
Eg: I steer my ship with hope, leaving fear behind我满怀希望地驾驶这自己的航船,而把恐惧抛在后面
The young man soon left the others far behind那位年轻人很快就把其他选手远远抛在后面
Take care not to leave anything behind当心别忘丢东西
The plane is about to leave, and I’ve left my ticket behind!飞机马上就要起飞了,我把机票给丢了
Above all : most important of all最重要的是,尤其是,首先
Eg: He was above all a good and tireless writer他首先是优秀的、不知疲倦的作家
Never waste anything , but above all never waste time任何东西都不可浪费,尤其是不可浪费时间
Above all, he is reliable首要的一点,他是可以信赖的
The political, social and, above all, economic pressures are growing政治压力、社会压力、尤其是经济压力都在不断增加
be short of : be in want of ; not having enough缺少;不足
eg: The problem is that we are short of experience问题是我们缺乏经验
I have to rest for a while, I’m short of breath我得歇一回,我喘不过气来
We can’t lend you any sugar, we’re a bit short of it ourselves我们无法借给你糖,我们自己的(糖)也不太够
Smell of: give out the smell of有….的气味; have a suggestion带有….的意味
Eg: The narrow, sunless hall smelled unpleasantly of stale cabbage. 那狭窄的、不见阳光的走廊里发出一股腐烂的卷心菜味,闻上去很不舒服
You must have drunk somewhere here; your breath smells of wine你肯定在那里喝过酒,你呼出的气有酒味
The plan smells of trickery那个方案是个圈套
His offer smells strongly of shady dealing他的建议明显带有不正当交易的意味
Judging by: form an idea or opinion based on根据…..做出判断
Eg: His study, judging by the crumbs on the carpet, was also his dining room根据地毯上的面包屑来看,他的书房也是他的餐室
Judging by his appearance, the teacher must be over sixty从外表判断,那位教师准是年逾花甲了
Fix…with: look at someone; direct one’s gaze at sb.凝视某人;注视某人
Eg: Then he fixed me suddenly with his bloodshot eyes然后他突然用他那双充满血丝的眼盯住我
Fixed the boy with a steady look, the police forced him to tell the truth警察一动不动地盯住这个男孩迫使他讲明真相Have in common : share together or equally共有,共同之处
Eg: The headmaster and I obviously had very little in common校长和我显然没有多少共同之处
Though they are brothers, they have nothing in common虽然他们是兄弟,但却没有什么共同之处
Consist of : be composed of; be made up of由…构成;由….组成
Eg: A football team consists of eleven payers一个足球队由11名球员组成
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen水由氢和氧组成
In turn: in proper order, one after another依次,轮流
Eg: I should have to divide the class into three groups and teach then in turn at three different levels我得把全部学生分成三个组,按三种不同的程度轮流给他们上课
The three sons in turn looked after their sick mother三个儿子轮流照顾他们生病的母亲
point out: show; make clear; draw attention to指出;指明;解释
eg: Would you please point out my mistakes in reading text?你能指出我读课文时犯的错误吗?
Please point out to me where I went wrong请指出来,我错在那里
I pointed out to him where I used to live我指给他看我以前住过的地方
I should point out that if we don’t leave now we shall miss the bus我得说如果我们现在不走,会吴误车的
Come to terms with: arrive at or reach an agreement with, accept sth. and deal with it in the best way与….达到妥协;接受、适应某事
Eg: At last the boss had to come to terms with the workers on strike老板最后只得与罢工工人达成妥协
In less than a year, he had come th terms with these difficulties不足一年他已能应付这些困难了
Man will have to come to terms with his environment人类要学会适应环境
Be immune to(be immune from; be immune against): not affected by sth.不受…..影响的;可以避免的; be unable to be harmed because of special power in oneself免疫的
Eg: He seemed immune to these emotions他似乎不为这些感情所影响
It seems to me that he is immune to the bitter criticism在我看来他好像对这类尖刻的批评不在意
This medicine can make people immune to cough这种药可以使人不咳嗽
He is immune to measles because he had it several years ago几年前他患过麻疹,因而他对麻疹有免疫力
Meaning nothing : be of no importance or value to对….毫无意义;对….毫无价值
Eg: material thing meant nothing to Einstein物质的东西对爱因斯坦毫无意义
The high cost of living means nothing to some people对某些人来说,高昂的生活费算不了什么
Mean everything to意为“对….非常重要”
So much so that: to such an extent that到如此程度以至于
Eg: He believed in simplicity, so much so that be used only a safety razor and water to shave他信奉简朴,甚至之用一把保安剃须刀和清水刮胡子
The old man was so tired when he returned from the walk, so much so that he could not sit up那位老人走了一趟回来,如此疲倦,以至于连坐都坐不住了
Beam with : smile brightly and happily微笑
Eg: He was beaming with the pleasure of a new great discovery他因为这一新奇的重大发现而高兴得满脸含笑
Our teacher beamed with satisfaction at the prizes the students won看到学生们获奖,我们的老师露出了满意的微笑Revert to : return to; go back to 回到;回复(后接名词或动名词)
Eg: Then he reverted to using plain water然后他又恢复只用水刮胡子了
After his death, his lands will revert to the government他死后,他的土地将归还政府
The conversation reverted to the original topic again谈话又回到原题上
Take apart : separate (a small machine, clock, etc.) into pieces拆开;拆卸
Eg: The old master took the machine apart to show every detail of its operation老师傅把及其拆开,让大家看操作的每个细节
It’s easy to take a watch apart but difficult to put it together again拆开一块表是容易的,但要再装起来就难了
He took his bike apart to clean and oil the parts他拆开自行车,把所有的部件都擦干净,并上了油
Work out: solve, find an answer to解决;算出;想出; devise, plan or decide制定;拟定;设计
Eg: He never did work out the solution他一直没有研究出这个问题的答案
Mary had trouble getting along with her roommates, but they work it out玛丽和她的室友不太和睦,但他们已经设法解决了It wasn’t too long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all没多久我们就制订出一个大家都能接受的计划
They formed a special group to work out a development plan他们成立了一个特别小组来制订发展规划
Single out : select from others; choose from a group挑出;选出
Eg: He could never understand why he received this attention, why he was singled out as something special他一直不理解,为什么他会这样引人注目,为什么单单把他挑出来当作特殊人物对待
Jim was singled out for special training吉姆被桃选出来接受专门训练
They all did wrong; why did single him out for punishment?他们都错了,为什么单单惩罚他?
Which would you single out as the best?你将挑出那个为最佳者
do (sb.) harm: cause damage or injury to (sb.)对(某人)造成损害(或伤害)
eg: What she said did me harm.
serve as: be used for a particular purpose起…作用,被用作
eg: There was an old temple that served as a school for the kids.
from year to year: every year for many years年复一年地,每年
eg: She always does the job from year to year.
in all likelihood: almost certainly十之八九,极有可能
eg: Dad must have been back home in all likelihood
come about: take place; happen发生
eg: The accident came about in the street
go up: rise; increase上升,增长
eg: The cost of meat have gone up since last year.
make up: constitute; form组成,构成
eg: The chair was make up wood.
first of all: most importantly首先,第一
eg: First of all, you must learn from here.
to make matters worse: with the result that a bad situation is made worse 使情况更糟糕
eg: What you did is to make matters worse
at first: at the beginning起先,开始时
eg: At first, what I did is right, but after that, is wrong.
by itself: unaided; alone自动地,独自地
eg: I often learn by myself
cut down: fell砍倒
eg: The old man cut down the big tree.
most of all: more than anything else 最,尤其是
eg: Most of all, I like apple.
object to: oppose; express displeasure at反对,不喜欢
eg: I object to what he did yesterday.
live with : learn to accept sth. unpleasant; put up with; tolerate接受;顺从;容忍
eg: He must live with the fact he is no longer as young as was他必须接受这一事实,他不像以前那样年轻了
The noise was terrible, but I have to live with it这噪声太可怕了,我只好忍着
Dwell on/upon : think, speak or write a lot about多想;讲述;研究
Eg: So, once I had made a considered decision, I no long dwelt on it因此,我一旦经过深思熟虑做出某个决定,就不再去多想它了
Joe dwelt on his mistakes long after the test was over考试早已过去,可是乔还在讨论他的错误
The speaker dwelt especially upon the great need for teacher演讲者特别谈了教师奇缺问题
Don’t dwelt your mind on past failures别老想这过去的失败
Be bound to : be sure to; be certain to肯定;一定
Eg: You are bound to succeed if you keep on trying如果坚持努力,你一定会成功
Great as she is, she is bound to make a mistake虽然她了不起,但仍免不了会犯错误
Be/have butterflies in one’s stomach: feelings of nervousness紧张
Eg: Every time the shy student is asked to answer a question, she has butterflies in her stomach.每次叫这个害羞的女同学回答问题时,她都感到忐忑不安
I had butterflies in my stomach when I first taught in front of my students我第一次站在学生面前教书时心里兴奋而紧张
In advance : before doing or getting sth.预先;提前;事先
Eg: If you intend to go to the picture, you had better get the ticket in advance如果你打算看电影,最好预先订票
It’s impossible to know in advance what will happen预知未来发生的事情是不可能的
Open up: make open打开;开通; make possible the development of 开辟;开展
Eg: There were no more butterflies in my stomach when I opened up an abdomen or a chest在给病人的腹部或胸腔开刀时,我不再紧张得瑟瑟发抖了
They opened up his stomach to get at the source of the trouble他们给他的胃开了刀,以便找出病根
The company has decided to open up this area for housing这个公司决定在这块土地上进行房地产开发
The river survey is the first step in opening up the area’s forest resources河流的勘察工作是开发这个地区森林资源的第一步
Sit on: neglect to deal with; do nothing about; delay忽视而不做处理;搁置;延误;Stop sb’s bad behavior 制止某人的不良行为;批评
Eg: They’ve been sitting on my application for a month他们把我的申请搁置一个月了
For weeks they did nothing about my case, they just sat on it几周来他们对我的
I have to sit on the class when the students got too noisy班上学生太闹时,我得管一管
She think she knows nothing , and needs sitting on她认为她什么都不懂,需要管束
At one time or another: some time or other早晚;说不定什么时候
Eg: He hopes to go to Spain at one time or another他希望有一天会去西班牙
I shall be seeing him at one time or another我早晚会见到他的
right off/ away: immediately立即
eg: You must do it right away.
move in: start living in a new house搬入新家
eg:Next week, we will move in a new house.
shoot up: put an illegal drug into one’s body with a needle(用针向体内)注射毒品
eg: Two boys are using heroin addicts to shoot up
eg: They don’t go to school, so they always hang out in the street.
rise to :find the strength or ability to deal successfully with奋起应付
eg: We rose to what they wanted to do
be addicted to: be unable to stop taking an illegal or harmful drug对(毒品等)有瘾
eg: He is addicted to smoking.
turn over: roll, tip or turn from one side to the other翻转
eg: She turned over the fish this morning.
check (in) on: look at (sb.) so as to make sure they are safe or in good condition看望
eg: Stephen checked (in) on her several times during the night.take to: begin to do (sth.) as a habit; start to like (sb. or sth.) 逐渐习惯于做某事,开始喜欢
eg:Don’t take to bad habits.别染上恶习。

talk back: reply rudely to sth. said by a parent or sb. in authority 顶嘴,回嘴
eg: He is a naughty boy, always talks back his mother.
take a stand: publicly express an opinion about sth., esp. to say whether you are for or against it表明立场
While he was still in prison, Nelson Mandela took a stand for the liberation of all races, all people. set…on fire/ set fire to: make (sth.)start burning放火烧,使燃烧
eg: Yesterday, the bad man set his mother’s house on fire
step up: increase the amount, speed or intensity of增加,加快,加强
eg: Our trade with foreign countries is stepping up.我们和外国的贸易正在逐步增加。

run into: meet by chance偶然遇见
eg: Last week, I ran into him in the street
get through to sb.: make sb. understand what you are trying to say 使某人懂得,使某人明白
eg: They have to use body languages to get messages through
go/be out style: go out of fashion; be longer go be fashionable不合时宜;不流行
eg: Is honesty going out of style?难道诚实正变得不合时宜吗?
This kind of skirt has gone out of style.这种裙已变得不再时髦了
According to : as stated or shown by; a way that agree with按照;依据
Eg: You’ve been six times in prison according to our records根据我们的记录你曾入狱6次
The work was done according to her instructions那工作是依照她的指示做的
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs各尽所能,按需分配
According to him this is quite unexpected.在他看来,这事出乎意料之外的
According as取决于; in accordance with按照;依据
Be hard on : be strict with; treat severely对…..严格要求;苛刻
Eg: And students can be hard on themselves in judging such behavior并且学生在评价此类行为时,会使自己极为难堪
He is very hard on his children他对孩子们很严厉
Our teacher is very hard on us我们的老师对我们要求很严格
On the rise: increasing在上涨;在增长
Eg: However, there are other indications that high school cheating maybe on the rise然而,还有一些迹象表明中学里的作弊可能在上升
The cost of living is on the rise生活费在上涨
The number of students in our school is on the rise我们学校里的学生人数在增加
Track down: find or discover by hunting or searching跟踪;找到;追捕到
Eg: The police have tracked down the escaped prisoner警察已追捕到逃犯
We finally tracked him down in the library我们最后在图书馆里找到他
All but: all, everyone or everything except除….都; nearly几乎;差一点
Eg: As 409 students filed out of their exam, they found all but one exit blocked当409名学生离开考场时,他们发现除了一个出口外,所有的出口都被堵住了
All but one were present除了一个人外全部到场了
He is all but blind他差点瞎了
The work all but finished工作几乎完成了
Lie in : exist in; be found in在于
Eg: Happiness lies in contentment知足常乐
All our hope lies in him, but he disappointed us我们的希望都在他身上,而他令我们失望
His greatness lies in the fact that he was always able to make the correct decisions他的伟大在于他总能做出正确的决定
At one’s best: in one’s best condition or state处于最佳状态
Eg: Perhaps this tells us that people need to know one another to be at their honest best也许这就告诉我们,如果要到达最诚实的境界,人们需要相互了解
You may come in May to see this part of the countryside at its best你可5月份来看这一地区最美的景色
Tomatoes are at their best in early summer初夏时西红柿最好
In telling story Jack is at his best杰克最善于讲故事
In the case of: as far as sb./ sth. is concerned 就….而言;至于
Eg: In the case of population, China is the largest nation in the world就人口而言,中国是世界上最大的国家
In the case of learning English, we must practise a lot就学习英语来说,我们必须大量实践
make a fuss over / about: have lots of talk plus excitement or wonder对….大家吹捧,大惊小怪
eg: Please don’t make a fuss over such a small thing.别为这点小事大惊小怪
Aunt Mary always makes a great fuss over her sister’s daughter玛丽阿姨总是对姐姐的女儿大夸特夸
Newspapers make such a fuss about this sort of thing报纸对此类事情大加渲染
It’s not that serious. Don’t make a fuss事情没那么严重,别大惊小怪的
Be worthy of: deserving值得
His behavior is worthy of praise他的行为值得表彰
If you ask me, I don’t think it’s worthy of notice如果你问我,我觉得这不屑一顾
These old churches are worthy of being visited这些古老的教堂颇值得参观
It’s difficult to find words worthy of the occasion很难找到适合于那种场合的言辞
Make up: invent; think or say sth. that is new or not true编造;虚构; make a loss, make complete补偿,弥补; form; compose; put together组成,构成; to make one look more attractive by using chemical powder化妆
Eg: She made up an excuse to explain her absence她编了一套理由说明自己为什么没来
He must make up the story, I can’t believe that it’s true这故事一定是他虚构的,我才不信是真的
By hard work they make up the loss of time他们努力工作,补回了失去的时间
I have to make up the test I missed last week我要补上上星期缺的考试
Peasants make up over 80 percent of the Chinese population农民占中国人口的80%以上
Our university is made up of fifteen departments我们大学由15个系组成
She spent an hour making herself up before the party她在聚会前化妆用了一个小时
The actress made up her face before going on the stage那位女演员在登台前进行了化妆
Take sth. for granted: regard sth. as true or as certain to happen认为某事想当然
Eg: He took it for granted that they would approve of the idea他想当然地认为他们一定会同意这个想法的
We shouldn’t take it for granted that all the decisions they have made are right我们不要想当然地认为他们所做的决定都是对的
Foist on : force sth. on把….强加于
Eg: The salesman foisted the faulty machine on the lady那位销售员硬把一台劣质机器塞给这位女士
We didn’t invite Jack to go swimming, but he foisted himself on us我们没邀请杰克去游泳,电脑他硬要跟我们一起去He’s religious but he doesn’t try to foist his beliefs on everyone他是教徒,但不想把自己的信仰强加于人
(常见搭配)foise one’s ideas and views on sb.把自己的意见和观点强加给别人
pick out: choose; select挑选;选出
eg: It took Komer a long time to pick out a dress at the store科默在店里花了很长时间才选购一件衣服
They picked out the best bananas for the children他们把最好的香蕉跳出来留给孩子们吃
They have picked out the best items on the menu他们从菜单上选出最好的菜
Try on: attempt sth./ sb. to see if it will be accepted施计于某人;玩弄花招; Put on (clothes) to see if it fits试穿
Eg: I’ve been trying this question on all my customers today今天我用这个问题把我所有的主顾都考了一下
It’s no use trying on that old trick with me想对我耍那老花招是没有用的
Try on the shoes before you buy them买鞋先穿上试试再买
The tailor asked the girl to try on the new dress裁缝让那女孩试穿一下那件新衣服
For sure: for certain; certainly肯定;有把握的
Eg: It’s raining hard, but I think our teacher will come for sure虽说雨下得很大,但是我想老师一定会来的
I could tell for sure whether he had left or not我不能肯定地说他是否已经走了
make out: write out, fill in填写,开出; succeed in seeing, reading, etc.看清楚,看出; understand了解,理解
eg: The professor made out a list of reference books教授开列了一份参考书单
The boss made out a check $10,000. 老板填写了张1万美元的支票
It was difficult to make out his handwriting很难辨认出他的笔迹
They tried to make out the expression on her face他们努力想看清她脸的表情
I can’t make out the meaning of the poem我搞不懂这首诗的意思
He couldn’t quite make out what it was all about他不太能理解这都是怎么回事
Only too: very, extremely非常,极其
Eg: The boy was only too happy to get home这孩子能回家去非常高兴
The red flowers are only too beautiful这些红花太漂亮了
Most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism我们大多数人动不动就对别人出冷风、泼凉水Not much of a : not a very good不是很好的,并非了不起的
Eg: He is not much of a doctor他并不是一个高明的医生
That book was a bestseller last year. But in opinion , it is not much of a novel那本书是去年的畅销书,但我认为,它算不上一本很好的小说
Fist out: draw or pull out掏出,拖出
Eg: Several old cars are fished out of the canal every month每月都从运河打捞出几辆旧汽车来
He only fished out two coins from his pocket他从口袋里只找到两个硬币
At last my mother fished key to the door out of her bag最后,我母亲从包里找到了开门的钥匙
He fished out a notebook from his pocket他从口袋里掏出一个笔记本
Shrug off : dismiss sth. as not deserving one’s attention or as unimportant耸肩表示对….不屑理睬,拒绝; get rid of (sth. such as a feeling)摆脱
Eg: Instead, we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are so glad to hear相反,听到我们实际上非常乐意听的话我们往往会不知所措,或往往耸耸肩不屑一顾
This problem deserves our full attention. It’s not to be shrugged off这个问题十分值得我们关注,决不可等闲视之
How can you simply shrug off a feeling of helplessness?你怎么能完全摆脱这种绝望的心情呢?
It takes me a long time in the morning to shrug off sleep我经常在早晨要花很长时间才能摆脱睡意
Pat on the back: words or gesture of praise or encouragement拍拍背(以示鼓励),赞扬
Eg: Yet the latter are the very youngsters who, in most schools, failed to get the pat on the back然而后者恰恰是在大多数学校里得不到赞扬的孩子
Pats on the back will encourage the boy work harder受到表扬会激励这孩子更加刻苦学习
I think everyone needs a pat on the back now and then我认为每个人都需要不时给予鼓励
Pass on: convey, tell把….传给(另一人),转告; go further, continue继续
Eg: This is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which come to us indirectly, in a letter or passed on by a friend这就是为什么一些最宝贵的赞许鼓励之词,是通过写信或通过朋友间接地传达给我们的原因
Read the paper and pass it on to the other teachers把这文件看一下,然后传给其他老师
Let’s pass on to the important business of the meeting 让我们继续进行会议的重要议题
If there’s no further discussion, perhaps we can pass on如果没有更多要说的了,或许我们可以转入下一个题目
Live on: feed on靠…..生活,以….维生; continue to live or exist继续生活活存在
Eg: I can live for two months on a good compliment一句赞美的话便可让我活上两个月
Most of the Chinese workers still live on their wages绝大部分中国工人仍然靠工资生活
Now our monthly income is more than enough to live on现在我们的月收入,除了维持生活外,还有节余
She lived on many years after her husband died丈夫死后她继续活了多年
Muzart is dead but his music莫扎特人已作古,但他的音乐作品却万世流传
Be aware of : having knowledge or realization of sb./sth.对…..知道,觉察到
Eg: Are you aware of danger?你意识到危险了吗?
It happened without my awaring of it事情在我不知不觉中发生了
They were not aware of difficulties他们没有意识到这些困难
React to : behave differently or change as a result of sth.; respond做出反应,回应
Eg: People can react badly to certain food additives有些人对食物添加剂产生严重反应
She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him她受侮辱之后就不理睬他了
1.Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.
2.The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.
3.Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.
4.While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling leave the plane.
5.The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.
6.While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.
7.What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?
8.The hunter’s face (was) lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and make for
the trap he had laid.
1.It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution.
2.By making on-the-spot observations, these young scientists obtained first-hand materials they needed for their
research work.
3.It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his poor eyesight
4.The committee members have conflicting opinions as to the best location of the new airport
5.Henry’s works of art are superior to those of his brother’s in many respects.
6.The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment.
7.Jim would have felt like acting on his own judgment, but he didn’t because as a soldier he had to obey the order.
8.Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one without cars, I should not hesitate a
moment to prefer the latter
1.She got a post as a cashier at a local bank. But she was soon fired because she proved incompetent.
2.It is obviously his young assistant who is running the bookstore.
3.No sooner had the proposal been announced at the meeting than she got to her feet to protest.
4.Bill has applied to Harvard University for a teaching assistantship, but his chances of getting it are slim.
5.Being short of funds, they are trying to attract foreign capital.
6.The room smells of stale air. It must have been vacant for a long time.
7.As far as hobbies are concerned , Jane and her sister have little in common.
8.It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.
1.The little girl ran so fast that she was thrown off balance and fell over.
2.I was impressed by his devotion to his research but I did not have the slightest interest in his profound theories.
3.Be sure not to say anything capable of being misunderstood.
4.I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not know how to act.
5.At first this complicated problem frustrated them, but after thinking it over carefully they finally worked out a
6.The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers.
7.I really don’t see why our English teacher should single out our monitor for praise since we have all done quite well
this term.
8.I believe in the theory the higher animals developed from the lower ones0
1.If the rich countries spent more money on green industries, instead of on building up military machines and nuclear
weapons, many of today’s widespread pollution problems would gradually disappear.
2.The burning of coal not only consumes the oxygen in the house but also gives out poisonous gases.
3.Apparently, finding alternative energy sources is essential to the steady development of our economy.
4.Solar cells can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.
5.If the temperature on the Earth continues to go up from year to year, the polar ice caps will begin to melt and, in all
likelihood, half of the buildings in coastal cities will disappear beneath splashing sea waves.
6.Because these creatures are small and tend to hide beneath leafy plants, they are not always visible to the naked eye.
7.As a result of exposure to atomic radiation, he finally collapsed at work.
8.There is distinct evidence of the connection between heavy pressure of work and some disorders of the body
1.As long as you keep trying, you will able to resolve this difficult problem sooner or later.
2.We anticipate encountering resistance to your plan.
3.Jim’s friends said that the noise pollution in their city was terrible, but they had to live with it.
4.At first Tom thought that with his knowledge, skill and experience he was bound to find a satisfactory job.
5.It would be wise to handle this delicate problem with calmness and patience.
6.Dick thought that if he wasn’t able to take the machine apart, chances were that no other worker in the plant could,
7.Do you think bus drivers should take full responsibility for the passengers’ safety?
8.You needn’t dwell on your mistakes in judgment any more. What’s important is to try your best to avoid repeating
1.Under the leadership of the local government, the villagers rose to the serious food crisis caused by the floods.
2.The exhibition is very popular and is attracting a steady stream of visitors.
3.When Mom came upstairs to check on us kids, I turned over and pretended to be asleep.
4.Waging a battle against the drug pushers was a challenge to Armstead. She felt rather nervous but she decided to
confront them.
5.The old lady told me to be cautious and not to talk to the guys hanging out on the street corner.
6. A health organization prompted the local government to raise a three-million-dollar fund for a new hospital.
7.Opening the door, the man who had set fire to the church found himself confronted by a dozen policemen with guns.
8.It is reported that the fir which raged for more than two hours started in an abandoned warehouse.
