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【摘要】Objective To compare the influence of conventional in v itro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injec-tion technique on pregnancy outcome in patients with poor ovarian response of oocyte. Methods 200 patients with poor ovarian response of oocyte were selected and divided into the two groups,and there were 100 cases in each group.The observation group was given intracytoplasmic sperm injection technique,the control group was given conventional in vit-ro fertilization technique,then transplant results and continue pregnancy situation and pregnancy outcome followed-up for 1 year in the two groups were compared. Results Fertilization rate,embryo transplantation
rate,implantation rate and ongoing pregnancy rate in the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group respectively (P<0.05);the pregnancy rate with single fetus in the observation group was higher than that in the control group,the twin pregnancy rate,ectopic pregnancy rate in the observation group was lower than that in the control group respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion Compared with the conventional in vitro fertilization,intracytoplasmic sperm injection technique con-ducted
in infertility patients with poor ovarian response of oocyte has higher cleavage rate and ongoing pregnancy rate to provide the selected basis for patients with poor ovarian response of oocyte using what kind of fertilization method.%目的:比较卵巢低反应获卵患者常规体外受精与卵胞浆单精子注射技术对妊娠结局的影响。
【作者单位】江西省妇幼保健院妇产科,南昌 330006
1.精子来源与数量对单精子卵胞浆内注射术妊娠结局的影响 [J], 许张晔;叶碧绿;林文琴;林金菊;赵军招;黄学峰
2.子宫内膜异位症对常规体外受精、单精子卵胞浆内注射与胚胎移植的影响 [J], 林文琴;林金菊;叶碧绿;赵军招;周颖;黄学锋;郑菊芬
3.同周期同胞卵实施卵胞浆内单精子注射和常规体外受精增加受孕机会 [J], 张凤英;张云山;高企贤;张莹;张美姿;王小茹;李媛
4.单卵患者体外受精与卵胞浆内单精子注射授精方式的比较 [J], 马龙;蔡令波;冯婷;严正杰;刘嘉茵
5.获单卵周期体外受精和单精子胞浆内注射对IVF-ET结局的影响 [J], 胡频;曹云霞;周平;章志国;赵济华;邢琼