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Chocolate can enhance the immune system and is good for heart health.
It represents that love is forever. It makes you feel you are being loved all the time.
1. Each of the Ferrero Rocher choose independent gold foil packing.
3. New unique thoughts, elegant decoration showily.
2.Displayed in a transparent box .
Varieties of
② Raffaello
It has four layers, coconut, wafer surface layer, cream sauce, almond sandwich layer
Varieties of
③ Rondnoir
The outer package with crispy chocolate particles
费列罗巧克力英文完整版.ppt group:speaker:陈雯静郑婷婷 translator:莫济莹 ppt:郑鸿杰 chinese name: englishname: ferrerorocher origin: italy create time: 1964 initiator: pietro ferrero caneffectively complement energy.everyone have filled sweetiewhen taste chocolatemeans "myheart youchocolate can enhance immunesystem hearthealth. makesyou feel you beingloved all ferrerorocher choose independent gold foil packing. newunique thoughts, elegant decoration showily. 2.displayed transparentbox 4.thelid must printedclearly labeledhot stamping "ferrero rocher". varieties outerlayer innerlayer has completehazelnut. varieties hasfour layers, coconut, wafer surface layer, cream sauce, almond sandwich layer rondnoirvarieties outerpackage crispychocolate particles varieties collectioncovered chocolatenuts, outside waferhazelnut chocolate, providing multiple taste enjoyment 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 2012 2013 2014 2015 rapidlymelting yourmouth canquickly replenish energy loveourslogan: ferrero, givesyoueternal love. thank you 21175908ee 分享于 2020-03
Varieties of
④ Collection
Covered with chocolate nuts, outside with wafer hazelnut chocolate, providing multiple taste enjoyment
60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 费列罗 德芙 好时
The taste of it is fantastic. It can effectively complement the energy. Everyone have filled with sweetie when taste of it. Chocolate means that “my heart is care of you
Members of the group: Speaker:陈雯静 郑婷婷 Translator:莫济莹 PPT:郑鸿杰
Chinese Name: 费列罗榛果威化巧克力 English Name: Ferrero Rocher Origin: Italy Create time: 1964 Initiator: Pietro Ferrero
4.The lid must be printed clearly and labeled hot stamping “Ferrero Rocher”.
Varieties of
Varieties of
① Rocher
The outer layer of chocolate is covered with pieces and nuts, The inner layer has a coRapidly melting in your mouth and delicious 2. Can quickly replenish energy 3. An expression of love
OUR SLOGAN: Ferrero, gives you eternal love.