湖北归元寺—英文导游词Guiyuan TempleChinese Buddhist temples are never single buildings. They alw ays consist of a group buildings following a fundamental pat ter, which can, however, be modified. The main buildings and their symmetrically corresponding secondary buildings form in dividual groups and courtyards. The entire temple complex is spacious. The building inside the complex are usually singl e-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a d ouble roof. The towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The Chinese temple complex has been subject to great structu ral changes throughout the centuries. But temple architects f ollow the basic principles of secular structures from the Ta ng Dynasty onwards. The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception. (Guiyuan Temple is just the very exception.) The main buildings are strung along this centra l axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented building ins ide a Buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, t he bell and drum towers, the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, t he Hall of the Buddha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century BC by Siddatha Gautama (BC565 –BC486), the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriya caste near the present borders of India and Nepal. Buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system of Brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC. At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch. About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist s criptures began to appear, and thus, Buddhist doctrines began to emerge wi th traditional Chinese religious thought. From 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and research of Buddhist sect s with Chinese characteristics were becoming more and more p opular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in Sui Dynasty (581AD-617AD) and Tang Dynasty (618-907). Some Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics came i nto being. Buddhism exerts a great influence on Chinese phil osophy, literature, art and folk customs.What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in Hynayana Buddhism. Bodhisattva is a t ittle which is only next to Buddha. This statue is the ima ge of Avalokitesvara, which has been popular with Chinese pe ople or more than 1,000 years. She is called the Goddess o f Mercy cordially by Chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence. When we visit the Aval okitesvara Pavilion after a while, I will give a detailed i ntroduction about her. This copper statue was sent to Guiyuan Temple by Taiwan Buddhists in September 1990. It shows th at all Chinese, whether in the mainland or in Taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the country, even including religio n believers.The building we see now is the Buddha Hall where one certa in Buddha and his two assistant bodhisattvases are worshiped. This Buddha is Amitabha Buddha. Amitabha means incomparable brightness. According to Buddhism, time and space is limitl ess and thus there are many many Buddhas in different space s and times. But in a certain space or in a certain perio d of time, there is only one certain Buddha who is in cha rge of instructing all living creatures. Amitabha Buddha is the Buddha who presides over the Land of Ultimate Bliss in the west, which will come in the future. Buddhist s cript ures describe the Land of Ultimate Bliss as a wonderland, i n which no pain exists and the people enjoy their lives. I n one word, it’s very attractive. Some people will think i t must be very difficult to enter such a world. How can I go to such a paradise? Maybe I have to work hard and be ar a lot of sufferings. In fact, it’s very easy to enter the world. He only need often murmur ‘May Buddha preserve us’sincerely. It’s enough.You see, the statue in the middle is the very Buddha. On his left is the Goddess of Mercy. On his right is the oth er bodhisattva who follows the Buddha. It is said that he can save all the living creatures from three kinds of terri ble disasters.Now, let’s step into the Buddhist s criptures Pavilion wher e the s criptures of Buddhism are kept. But I ‘m afraid what attracts our attention at the first sight must be this snow-white statue. It is a statue of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. This statue was carved out of a big piece of jad e which is 2-meter-tall and weighs 3 tons. It was carved by Myanmar handicraft smen and donated to the temple by the Rangoon Buddhists in 1935.If we watch the statue, we may sense that the peaceful exp ression on the Buddha’s face has brought us to a quiet an d harmonious state.The last building we will visit is the Avalokitesvara Pavili on in the north yard. When we entered the yard just now w e saw a statue of her. Now I’d like to introduce her car efully.As a goddess, she swore that she would not become a Buddha until all the living creatures suffering from pains were s aved. So she became a bodhisattva who is most popular among the people and attracts the most believers of all the god s and goddesses in Buddhism. It was said that one would be saved from trouble and disaster as long as he (she) chant ed her name and if it was heard by her. Thus she is call ed Guanshiyin, which means ‘hearing or looking on the voice s of the suffering’.Because of her kind heart and benevol ence she got another title ‘the Goddess of Mercy’.According to Buddhism, bodhisattvases have no distinction of sex, that is, they are neither male nor female, because the y are immortals. But it’s very strange and interesting that most of bodhisattvases were engraved or carved in the imag es of various kinds of men in human society. Changes didn’t take place until an emperor’s mother thought it was inco nvenient to worship a male bodhisattva in her bedroom. From then on, Guanshiyin, the bodhisattvas began to appear befor e her believers in the image of a beautiful and elegant la dy.We’ll pay a visit to a very serious, sacred place. General ly, the place is regarded as the most holy by Buddhists. I t is the Grand Hall, where the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamu ni is worshiped. It is always the center of a Buddhist tem ple in construction and in Buddhists’mind.The statue in the middle is Sakyamuni. According to Buddhism his mother gave birth to him in a garden. He belonged to Kshatreya Caste. He married his cousin when he was 16 or 17 years old. At the age of 29, he was confronted with the sights of an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a wa ndering ascetic. With eyes opened to aspects of life newly revealed to him, he broke from the material world and becam e an ascetic. Six years later, he gave up mystic concentrat ion that at last brought him enlightenment under a bo tree. He then founded an order of mendicants and spent his next 45 years preaching his ideas until his death.These two statue beside the Buddha are his two disciples. T he one on the right was said to be Sakyamuni’s cousin and he had good memory so that he could remember all the Bud dha told his disciples. The one on the left was said to b e the lord of Brahmnism and he once was Sakyamuni’s tutor. But afterwards he was convinced by Buddhism after long-term debate between Buddhism and other religions and he acce pted Sakyamuni as his tutor. Thus he became the eldest one of all Sakyamuni’s disciples.Next, we’ll pay a visit to the Ahrat Hall in the south c ourt.The Ahrat Hall is an important structure in a Buddhist temp le. But not all temples have an Ahrat Hall, especially, wel l-kept Ahrat Halls are very rare in China. This one is among them, and what’s more, it has its own unique characterist ics.Generally, an Ahrat Hall is a square building. The building is subdivided into four small square courts so that the h all can get enough sunlight. This kind of structure show so me lucky implies in Chinese Buddhist culture.Another characteristic about the hall lies in these sculpture s themselves. They were neither made up of wood, nor stone, nor clay. A special way was taken in making them, which could prevents them from being burned, being soaked or being eaten by insects. All the sculptures were floating in water while Wuhan was flooded in 1954, but, surprisingly, they were sound and safe after the flood had receded. It was re ally a wonder.Ahrats are the immortals in Buddhism. But when you have a look around the sculptures, you may find from the expression s on their faces that they are so familiar to you. That’s only because they were molded on the basis of the people in the reality, so they are human beings in our daily li fe rather than immortals.Ahrats are the symbols of harmony, happiness, and good luck, so the Wuhan natives have got used to counting ahrats sin ce ancient time to pray for peace. There are a few ways o f counting ahrats. We can count from the first ahrat from left to right or from right to left, when we just enter t he hall. We can also choose any ahrat as our starting poin t, and count in the same way, left to right or right to left. We should base counting on our own ages whatever we take. For example, I’m25, so I should stop in front of the 25th ahrat from the starting ahrat. The sculpture in fr ont of which I stop is my lucky ahrat. My lucky ahrat wil l accompany me to spend a peaceful and lucky year. Wouldn’t you like to have a try now? If you need, I can explain connotation of some ahrats.That’s all for the explanation to Guiyuan Temple. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. You will have anoth er 30 minutes to have a look around the temple. If you ha。
湖北-省博物馆英文导游辞各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢Good morning ladies and gentlemen,Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the way to the museum, I’d like to show a present to express my warmest welcome to you. You may wonder what the present is. Well let me introduce it to you. The music you are going to listen to is the very gift. Now, please enjoy the music.Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrument is used to play the beautiful melody? That’s the serial bells, a wonder in the world. Indeed a wonder in the world. Every year tourists from all over the world continuously come to visit them and appreciate the programs played by it. Each year they return with unforgettable memory.The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum, Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museum is the center for collecting, studying, preserving and displaying historical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history, archaeology, art etc. These relics provide precious material data for studying the development of history, culture, art, science and technology in ancient China.Situated in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, Hubei has a long history and rich land. As early as 2,000,000 years ago, our ancestors lived and worked here and gradually they began to create their own civilization. The relics unearthed from Zenghouyi Tomb are good proofs to the civilization. The relics displayed in the museum are most from the tomb. Serialbells are the most precious and greatest of them all.Are you familiar with the history of the serial bells?It is said that it is the oldest musical instrument kept in the world. You see, our ancestors already knew how to use music to enrich their lives so long ago.&nbs[1] [2] 下一页各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢。
湖北归元寺英文导游词 Corporation standardization office #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8湖北归元寺英文导游词Guiyuan TempleChinese Buddhist temples are never single buildings. They always consist of a group buildings following a fundamental patter, which can, however, be modified. The main buildings and their symmetrically corresponding secondary buildings form individual groups and courtyards. The entire temple complex is spacious. The building inside the complex are usually single-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a double roof. The towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The Chinese temple complex has been subject to great structural changes throughout the centuries. But temple architects follow the basic principles of secular structures from the Tang Dynasty onwards. The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception. (Guiyuan Temple is just the very exception.) The main buildings are strungalong this central axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented building inside a Buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, the bell and drum towers, the Hallof the Heavenly Kings, the Hall of the Buddha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century BC by Siddatha Gautama (BC565 –BC486), the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriyacaste near the present borders of India and Nepal. Buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system of Brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC. At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch. About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist s criptures began to appear, and thus, Buddhist doctrines began to emerge withtraditional Chinese religious thought. From 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and research of Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics were becoming more and more popular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in Sui Dynasty (581AD-617AD) and Tang Dynasty (618-907). Some Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics came into being. Buddhism exerts a great influence on Chinese philosophy, literature, art and folk customs.What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in Hynayana Buddhism. Bodhisattva is a tittle which is only next to Buddha. This statue is the image of Avalokitesvara, which has been popular with Chinese people or more than 1,000 years. She is called the Goddess of Mercy cordiallyby Chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence. When we visit the Avalokitesvara Pavilion after a while, I will give a detailed introduction about her. This copper statue was sent to Guiyuan Temple by Taiwan Buddhists in September 1990. It shows that all Chinese, whether in the mainland or in Taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the country, even including religion believers.The building we see now is the Buddha Hall where one certain Buddha and his two assistant bodhisattvases are worshiped. This Buddha is Amitabha Buddha. Amitabha means incomparable brightness. According to Buddhism, time and spaceis limitless and thus there are many many Buddhas in different spaces and times. But in a certain space or in a certain period of time, there is only onecertain Buddha who is in charge of instructing all living creatures. Amitabha Buddha is the Buddha who presides over the Land of Ultimate Bliss in the west, which will come in the future. Buddhist s criptures describe the Land of Ultimate Bliss as a wonderland, in which no pain exists and the people enjoy their lives. In one word, it’s very attractive. Some people will think it must be very difficult to enter such a world. How can I go to such a paradise MaybeI have to work hard and bear a lot of sufferings. In fact, it’s very easy toenter the world. He only need often murmur ‘May Buddha preserve us’ sincerely. It’s enough.You see, the statue in the middle is the very Buddha. On his left is the Goddess of Mercy. On his right is the other bodhisattva who follows the Buddha. It is said that he can save all the living creatures from three kinds ofterrible disasters.Now, let’s step into the Bu ddhist s criptures Pavilion where the s cripturesof Buddhism are kept. But I ‘m afraid what attracts our attention at the first sight must be this snow-white statue. It is a statue of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. This statue was carved out of a big piece of jade which is 2-meter-tall and weighs 3 tons. It was carved by Myanmar handicraftsmen and donated to the temple by the Rangoon Buddhists in 1935.If we watch the statue, we may sense that the peaceful expression on the Buddha’s face has brought u s to a quiet and harmonious state.The last building we will visit is the Avalokitesvara Pavilion in the north yard. When we entered the yard just now we saw a statue of her. Now I’d liketo introduce her carefully.As a goddess, she swore that she would not become a Buddha until all the living creatures suffering from pains were saved. So she became a bodhisattva who is most popular among the people and attracts the most believers of all the gods and goddesses in Buddhism. It was said that one would be saved from trouble and disaster as long as he (she) chanted her name and if it was heard by her. Thus she is called Guanshiyin, which means ‘hearing or looking on the voices of the suffering’. Because of her kind heart and benevolence she got another title‘the Goddess of Mercy’.According to Buddhism, bodhisattvases have no distinction of sex, that is, they are neither male nor female, because they are immortals. But it’s very strange and interesting that most of bodhisattvases were engraved or carved in the images of various kinds of men in human society. Changes didn’t take place until an emperor’s mother thought it was inconvenient to worship a male bodhisattva in her bedroom. From then on, Guanshiyin, the bodhisattvas began to appear before her believers in the image of a beautiful and elegant lady.We’ll pay a visit to a very serious, sacred place. Generally, the place is regarded as the most holy by Buddhists. It is the Grand Hall, where the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni is worshiped. It is always the center of a Buddhist temple in construction and in Buddhists’ mind.The statue in the middle is Sakyamuni. According to Buddhism his mother gave birth to him in a garden. He belonged to Kshatreya Caste. He married his cousin when he was 16 or 17 years old. At the age of 29, he was confronted with the sights of an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a wandering ascetic. With eyes opened to aspects of life newly revealed to him, he broke from the material world and became an ascetic. Six years later, he gave up mystic concentration that at last brought him enlightenment under a bo tree. He then founded an order of mendicants and spent his next 45 years preaching his ideas until his death.These two statue beside the Buddha are his two disciples. The one on the right was said to be Sakyamuni’s cousin and he had good memory so that he could remember all the Buddha told his disciples. The one on the left was said to be the lord of Brahmnism and he once was Sakyamuni’s tutor. But afterwards he was convinced by Buddhism after long-term debate between Buddhism and other religions and he accepted Sakyamuni as his tutor. Thus he became the eldest one of all Sakyamuni’s disciples.Next, we’ll pay a visit to the Ahrat Hall in the south court.The Ahrat Hall is an important structure in a Buddhist temple. But not all temples have an Ahrat Hall, especially, well-kept Ahrat Halls are very rare in China. This one is among them, and what’s more, it has its own unique characteristics.Generally, an Ahrat Hall is a square building. The building is subdivided into four small square courts so that the hall can get enough sunlight. This kind of structure show some lucky implies in Chinese Buddhist culture.Another characteristic about the hall lies in these sculptures themselves. They were neither made up of wood, nor stone, nor clay. A special way was taken in making them, which could prevents them from being burned, being soaked or being eaten by insects. All the sculptures were floating in water while Wuhan was flooded in 1954, but, surprisingly, they were sound and safe after the flood had receded. It was really a wonder.Ahrats are the immortals in Buddhism. But when you have a look around the sculptures, you may find from the expressions on their faces that they are so familiar to you. That’s only because they were molded on the basis of the people in the reality, so they are human beings in our daily life rather than immortals.Ahrats are the symbols of harmony, happiness, and good luck, so the Wuhan natives have got used to counting ahrats since ancient time to pray for peace. There are a few ways of counting ahrats. We can count from the first ahrat from left to right or from right to left, when we just enter the hall. We can also choose any ahrat as our starting point, and count in the same way, left toright or right to left. We should base counting on our own ages whatever we take. For example, I’m 25, so I should stop in front of the 25th ahrat from the starting ahrat. The sculpture in front of which I stop is my lucky ahrat. M y lucky ahrat will accompany me to spend a peaceful and lucky year. Wouldn’tyou like to have a try now If you need, I can explain connotation of some ahrats.That’s all for the explanation to Guiyuan Temple. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. You will have another 30 minutes to have a look around the temple. If you have any problems, do let me know. I would like to repeat our bus number, A3074. Please don’t forget. See you later.。
湖北三峡英文导游词Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province!Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River.At first I’ll have a brief introduction of Yangtze River, the Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, the third longest in the World, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River, next only to the Amazon and the Nile, is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation.When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side, creating one of nature's most fantastic sights. The Three Gorges---Qutang, wuxia and xiling----start just after Fengjie and end near Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300metres at their widest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest.Qutang Gorge is the smallest and shortest Gorge, but grandest of the three. The Yangtze River, mighty and rapid here is suddenly contained like a thousand seas poured into one cup, as the Song Dynasty poet SU Tungpo described the spectacle. High on the both bank, at a place called Bellows Gorge, are a series of crevices. This area is said to have been the home of an ancient tribe whose custom was to place the coffins of their crevices, some containing bronze swords, armour and other artifacts, but the coffins are believed to date back as far as the Warring States Period (475bc----221BC)Wu Gorge extends 40 kilometers along which the river snakes between based strange-shaped mountain peaks, each of which has a reputation based on a beautiful legend. The story of the 12 Peaks of Wushan goes like this: 12 nymphs once descended to enjoy themselves in the secular world. Finding how perilous Wushan Gorge was, they decided to stay there to protect ships. As time went by, they transformed themselves into 12 peaks. The Goddess Peak, the most graceful of the 12, is said to have been yaoji, the youngest daughter of the Queen mother of the Western Heaven .Goddess Peak stands out from the other peaks on the northern bank to be the first to greet the morning sun and the last to bid it farewell, hence its another name, Viewing the glow Peak. Seen at a distance, it resembles the silhouette of a beautiful young lady.Down stream from the zigzagging Wuxia Gorge is Xiling Gorge which stretches 78 kilometers eastward and the cliffs on either side rise to just over 900 meters. Xiling Gorge is awesome with its dangerous rapids, shoals, reefs, sharp turns, billowy whirlpools. The water at one point is so turbulent that it seems to be boiling during the flood season. Xiling Gorge in the east consists of several small gorges. On the top of another is a rock that looks like a sword. On the crag of the north bank are two pieces of brown rock, which are named Bull's Liver and Horse' Lung, whose shape they take. Next does the Lantern Shadow Gorge, which has four rocks, resemble Monk Xuan Zang and his three disciples---Monkey, Piggy and Sandy in the classic Chinese adventures of the four on their way to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures.Around the last bend of Xiling Gorge stretches a vast plain. The river suddenly becomes wide here. Travelers on the Yangtze cruise may also visit many sites of historical and scenic interestalong the river banks including the ruined of baidi Town and Precious Stone Village.Everyone knows that the Yangtze Gorges are changing since the well-known Three Gorges Dam Project is being built at Sabdouping, Yichang, Hubei Province. The dam is 181 meters in height. Its construction investment comes up to 203.9 billion rmb, equals to 24.65 billion U.S. dollars. The installed power generation capacity is expected to be 18.2 million kilo watts. With the dam built, the flood in the Yangtze River valley will be controlled, navigation improved besides the economic benefits. Tourism will be little affected. Many cultural and historical relics are now being removed to a higher ground before the rise of the water level approaches.Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has gone very quickly and your trip is drawing to a close. It’s a pity that you cannot stay here any longer. Please allow me, then, take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and if you come back in the future, I hope to see you again and be your guide again.女士们先生们,早上好,欢迎来到中国!欢迎您到湖北来!今天我很高兴地向大家展示长江三峡三。
湖北归元寺—英文导游词湖北归元寺—英文导游词Guiyuan ;Temple ;Chinese ;Buddhist ;temples ;are ;never ;single ;buildings. ;T hey ;always ;consist ;of ;a ;group ;buildings ;following ;a ; fundamental ;patter, ;which ;can, ;however, ;be ;modified. ;T he ;main ;buildings ;and ;their ;symmetrically ;corresponding ;secondary ;buildings ;form ;individual ;groups ;and ;courty ards. ;The ;entire ;temple ;complex ;is ;spacious. ;The ;buil ding ;inside ;the ;complex ;are ;usually ;single-storied ;and ;the ;main ;halls ;are ;sometimes ;decorated ;wi th ;a ;double ;roof. ;The ;towers, ;pavilions ;and ;halls ;ca n ;be ;multi-storied ;structures. ;The ;Chinese ;temple ;complex ;has ;been ;subject ;to ;great ;structural ;changes ;throughout ;the ;centuries. ;But ;templ e ;architects ;follow ;the ;basic ;principles ;of ;secular ;s tructures ;from ;the ;Tang ;Dynasty ;onwards. ;The ;complexes ;stand ;on ;a ;central ;axis, ;usually ;a ;north-south ;axis: ;east-west ;only ;as ;an ;exception. ;(Guiyuan ;Temple ;is ;just ;t he ;very ;exception.) ;The ;main ;buildings ;are ;strung ;alo ng ;this ;central ;axis, ;their ;broadest ;sides ;facing ;sou th ;or ;east. ;The ;most ;important ;and ;most ;frequently ;presented ;build ing ;inside ;a ;Buddhist ;temple ;complex ;are ;the ;main ;entrance ;gate, ;the ;bell ;and ;drum ;towers, ;the ;Hall ;of ; the ;Heavenly ;Kings, ;the ;Hall ;of ;the ;Buddha ;and ;a ;pa goda. ;Buddhism ;is ;said ;to ;be ;founded ;in ;India ;in ;the ;6th ;century ;BC ;by ;Siddatha ;Gautama ;(BC565 ;–BC486), ;the ;son ;of ;a ;nobleman ;and ;member ;of ;the ;Ksh atriya ;caste ;near ;the ;present ;borders ;of ;India ;and ;N epal. ;Buddhism ;advocates ;that ;all ;the ;people ;are ;crea ted ;equal ;and ;turns ;against ;the ;caste ;system ;of ;Brah manism, ;so ;it ;was ;popular ;with ;the ; ;people. ;It ;was ;said ;that ;Buddhism ;was ;spread ;to ;China ;in ;2 ;BC. ;At ;the ;beginning, ;it ;was ;only ;regarded ;as ;a ;ki nd ;of ;witch. ;About ;200 ;AD, ;Chinese ;version ;of ;Buddhi st ;s ;criptures ;began ;to ;appear, ;and ;thus, ;Buddhist ;d octrines ;began ;to ;emerge ;with ;traditional ;Chinese ;reli gious ;thought. ;From ;2nd ;century ;to ;late ;6th ;century, ;translation ;and ;research ;of ;Buddhist ;sects ;with ;Chine se ;characteristics ;were ;becoming ;more ;and ;more ;popular ;and ;many ;temples ;were ;built, ;which ;reached ;its ;peak ;in ;Sui ;Dynasty ;(581AD-617AD) ;and ;Tang ;Dynasty ;(618-907). ;Some ;Buddhist ;sects ;with ;Chinese ;characteristics ;came ;into ;being. ;Buddhism ;exerts ;a ;great ;influence ;o n ;Chinese ;philosophy, ;literature, ;art ;and ;folk ;customs . ;What ;is ;presented ;before ;our ;eyes ;is ;a ;copper ;statue ;of ;a ;famous ;bodhisattva ;in ;Hynayana ;Buddhism. ;Bodhis attva ;is ;a ;tittle ;which ;is ;only ;next ;to ;Buddha. ;Thi s ;statue ;is ;the ;image ;of ;Avalokitesvara, ;which ;has ;been ;popular ;with ;Chinese ;people ;or ;more ;than ;1,000 ;y ears. ;She ;is ;called ;the ;Goddess ;of ;Mercy ;cordially ;b y ;Chinese ;and ;is ;regarded ;as ;the ;symbol ;of ;kindness, ;mercy ;and ;benevolence. ;When ;we ;visit ;the ;Avalokitesv ara ;Pavilion ;after ;a ;while, ;I ;will ;give ;a ;detailed ; introduction ;about ;her. ;This ;copper ;statue ;was ;sent ;t o ;Guiyuan ;Temple ;by ;Taiwan ;Buddhists ;in ;September ;2021. ;It ;shows ;that ;all ;Chinese, ;whether ;in ;the ;mainland ;or ;in ;Taiwan, ;are ;eager ;for ;the ;reunion ;of ;the ;c ountry, ;even ;including ;religion ;believers. ;The ;building ;we ;see ;now ;is ;the ;Buddha ;Hall ;where ;on e ;certain ;Buddha ;and ;his ;two ;assistant ;bodhisattvases ;are ;worshiped. ;This ;Buddha ;is ;Amitabha ;Buddha. ;Amitab ha ;means ;incomparable ;brightness. ;According ;to ;Buddhism , ;time ;and ;space ;is ;limitless ;and ;thus ;there ;are ;ma ny ;many ;Buddhas ;in ;different ;spaces ;and ;times. ;But ;i n ;a ;certain ;space ;or ;in ;a ;certain ;period ;of ;time, ; there ;is ;only ;one ;certain ;Buddha ;who ;is ;in ;charge ;o f ;instructing ;all ;living ;creatures. ;Amitabha ;Buddha ;is ;the ;Buddha ;who ;presides ;over ;the ;Land ;of ;Ultimate ; Bliss ;in ;the ;west, ;which ;will ;come ;in ;the ;future. ;B uddhist ;s ;criptures ;describe ;the ;Land ;of ;Ultimate ;Bli ss ;as ;a ;wonderland, ;in ;which ;no ;pain ;exists ;and ;the ;people ;enjoy ;their ;lives. ;In ;one ;word, ;it’s ;very ; attractive. ;Some ;people ;will ;think ;it ;must ;be ;very ;d ifficult ;to ;enter ;such ;a ;world. ;How ;can ;I ;go ;to ;su ch ;a ;paradise? ;Maybe ;I ;have ;to ;work ;hard ;and ;bear ;a ;lot ;of ;sufferings. ;In ;fact, ;it’s ;very ;easy ;to ;en ter ;the ;world. ;He ;only ;need ;often ;murmur ;‘May ;Buddh a ;preserve ;us’ ;sincerely. ;It’s ;enough. ;You ;see, ;the ;statue ;in ;the ;middle ;is ;the ;very ;Buddh a. ;On ;his ;left ;is ;the ;Goddess ;of ;Mercy. ;On ;his ;rig ht ;is ;the ;other ;bodhisattva ;who ;follows ;the ;Buddha. ; It ;is ;said ;that ;he ;can ;save ;all ;the ;living ;creature s ;from ;three ;kinds ;of ;terrible ;disasters. ;Now, ;let’s ;step ;into ;the ;Buddhist ;s ;criptures ;Pavili on ;where ;the ;s ;criptures ;of ;Buddhism ;are ;kept. ;But ;I ;‘m ;afraid ;what ;attracts ;our ;attention ;at ;the ;firs t ;sight ;must ;be ;this ;snow-white ;statue. ;It ;is ;a ;statue ;of ;Sakyamuni, ;the ;found er ;of ;Buddhism. ;This ;statue ;was ;carved ;out ;of ;a ;big ;piece ;of ;jade ;which ;is ;2-meter-tall ;and ;weighs ;3 ;tons. ;It ;was ;carved ;by ;Myanmar ;ha ndicraftsmen ;and ;donated ;to ;the ;temple ;by ;the ;Rangoon ;Buddhists ;in ;1935. ;If ;we ;watch ;the ;statue, ;we ;may ;sense ;that ;the ;peace ful ;expression ;on ;the ;Buddha’s ;face ;has ;brought ;us ; to ;a ;quiet ;and ;harmonious ;state. ;The ;last ;building ;we ;will ;visit ;is ;the ;Avalokitesvara ;Pavilion ;in ;the ;north ;yard. ;When ;we ;entered ;the ;ya rd ;just ;now ;we ;saw ;a ;statue ;of ;her. ;Now ;I’d ;like ;to ;introduce ;her ;carefully. ;As ;a ;goddess, ;she ;swore ;that ;she ;would ;not ;become ;a ;Buddha ;until ;all ;the ;living ;creatures ;suffering ;from ;pains ;were ;saved. ;So ;she ;became ;a ;bodhisattva ;who ; is ;most ;popular ;among ;the ;people ;and ;attracts ;the ;most ;believers ;of ;all ;the ;gods ;and ;goddesses ;in ;Buddhi sm. ;It ;was ;said ;that ;one ;would ;be ;saved ;from ;troubl e ;and ;disaster ;as ;long ;as ;he ;(she) ;chanted ;her ;name ;and ;if ;it ;was ;heard ;by ;her. ;Thus ;she ;is ;called ;G uanshiyin, ;which ;means ;‘hearing ;or ;looking ;on ;the ;vo ices ;of ;the ;suffering’. ;Be cause ;of ;her ;kind ;heart ;a nd ;benevolence ;she ;got ;another ;title ;‘the ;Goddess ;of ;Mercy’. ;According ;to ;Buddhism, ;bodhisattvases ;have ;no ;distincti on ;of ;sex, ;that ;is, ;they ;are ;neither ;male ;nor ;femal e, ;because ;they ;are ;imm ortals. ;But ;it’s ;very ;strange ;and ;interesting ;that ;most ;of ;bodhisattvases ;were ;eng raved ;or ;carved ;in ;the ;images ;of ;various ;kinds ;of ;m en ;in ;human ;society. ;Changes ;didn’t ;take ;place ;until ;an ;emperor’s ;mother ;thought ;it ;was ;inconvenient ;to ;worship ;a ;male ;bodhisattva ;in ;her ;bedroom. ;From ;then ;on, ;Guanshiyin, ;the ;bodhisattvas ;began ;to ;appear ;bef ore ;her ;believers ;in ;the ;image ;of ;a ;beautiful ;and ;e legant ;lady. ;We’ll ;pay ;a ;visit ;to ;a ;very ;serious, ;sacred ;place. ;Generally, ;the ;place ;is ;regarded ;as ;the ;most ;holy ;b y ;Buddhists. ;It ;is ;the ;Grand ;Hall, ;where ;the ;founder ;of ;Buddhism, ;Sakyamuni ;is ;worshiped. ;It ;is ;always ;t he ;center ;of ;a ;Buddhist ;temple ;in ;construction ;and ;i n ;Buddhists’ ;mind. ;The ;statue ;in ;the ;middle ;is ;Sakyamuni. ;According ;to ; Buddhism ;his ;mother ;gave ;birth ;to ;him ;in ;a ;garden. ; He ;belonged ;to ;Kshatreya ;Caste. ;He ;married ;his ;cousin;when ;he ;was ;16 ;or ;17 ;years ;old. ;At ;the ;age ;of ;2 9, ;he ;was ;confronted ;with ;the ;sights ;of ;an ;old ;man, ;a ;sick ;man, ;a ;corpse, ;and ;a ;wandering ;ascetic. ;Wit h ;eyes ;opened ;to ;aspects ;of ;life ;newly ;revealed ;to ; him, ;he ;broke ;from ;the ;material ;world ;and ;became ;an ;ascetic. ;Six ;years ;later, ;he ;gave ;up ;mystic ;concentr ation ;that ;at ;last ;brought ;him ;enlightenment ;under ;a ;bo ;tree. ;He ;then ;founded ;an ;order ;of ;mendicants ;and ;spent ;his ;next ;45 ;years ;preaching ;his ;ideas ;until ; his ;death. ;These ;two ;statue ;beside ;the ;Buddha ;are ;his ;two ;disci ples. ;The ;one ;on ;the ;right ;was ;said ;to ;be ;Sakyamuni ’s ;cousin ;and ;he ;had ;good ;memory ;so ;that ;he ;could ;remember ;all ;the ;Buddha ;told ;his ;disciples. ;The ;one ;on ;the ;left ;was ;said ;to ;be ;the ;lord ;of ;Brahmnism ; and ;he ;once ;was ;Sakyamuni’s ;tutor. ;But ;afterwards ;he ;was ;convinced ;by ;Buddhism ;after ;long-term ;debate ;between ;Buddhism ;and ;other ;religions ;and ; he ;accepted ;Sakyamuni ;as ;his ;tutor. ;Thus ;he ;became ;t he ;eldest ;one ;of ;all ;Sakyamuni’s ;disciples. ;Next, ;we’ll ;pay ;a ;visit ;to ;the ;Ahrat ;Hall ;in ;the ; south ;court. ;The ;Ahrat ;Hall ;is ;an ;important ;structure ;in ;a ;Buddhi st ;temple. ;But ;not ;all ;temples ;have ;an ;Ahrat ;Hall, ; especially, ;well-kept ;Ahrat ;Halls ;are ;very ;rare ;in ;China. ;This ;one ;i s ;among ;them, ;and ;what’s ;more, ;it ;has ;its ;own ;uniq ue ;characteristics. ;Generally, ;an ;Ahrat ;Hall ;is ;a ;square ;building. ;The ;b uilding ;is ;subdivided ;into ;four ;small ;square ;courts ;s o ;that ;the ;hall ;can ;get ;enough ;sunlight. ;This ;kind ; of ;structure ;show ;some ;lucky ;implies ;in ;Chinese ;Buddh ist ;culture. ;Another ;characteristic ;about ;the ;hall ;lies ;in ;these ;s culptures ;themselves. ;They ;were ;neither ;made ;up ;of ;wo od, ;nor ;stone, ;nor ;clay. ;A ;special ;way ;was ;taken ;in ;making ;them, ;which ;could ;prevents ;them ;from ;being ;b urned, ;being ;soaked ;or ;being ;eaten ;by ;insects. ;All ;t he ;sculptures ;were ;floating ;in ;water ;while ;Wuhan ;was ;flooded ;in ;1954, ;but, ;surprisingly, ;they ;were ;sound ; and ;safe ;after ;the ;flood ;had ;receded. ;It ;was ;really ;a ;wonder. ;Ahrats ;are ;the ;immortals ;in ;Buddhism. ;But ;when ;you ;h ave ;a ;look ;around ;the ;sculptures, ;you ;may ;find ;from ;the ;expressions ;on ;their ;faces ;that ;they ;are ;so ;fam iliar ;to ;you. ;That’s ;only ;because ;they ;were ;molded ; on ;the ;basis ;of ;the ;people ;in ;the ;reality, ;so ;they ;are ;human ;beings ;in ;our ;daily ;life ;rather ;than ;immo rtals. ;Ahrats ;are ;the ;symbols ;of ;harmony, ;happiness, ;and ;goo d ;luck, ;so ;the ;Wuhan ;natives ;have ;got ;used ;to ;count ing ;ahrats ;since ;ancient ;time ;to ;pray ;for ;peace. ;The re ;are ;a ;few ;ways ;of ;counting ;ahrats. ;We ;can ;count ;from ;the ;first ;ahrat ;from ;left ;to ;right ;or ;from ;ri ght ;to ;left, ;when ;we ;just ;enter ;the ;hall. ;We ;can ;also ;choose ;any ;ahrat ;as ;our ;starting ;point, ;and ;coun t ;in ;the ;same ;way, ;left ;to ;right ;or ;right ;to ;left. ;We ;should ;base ;counting ;on ;our ;own ;ages ;whatever ;w e ;take. ;For ;example, ;I’m ;25, ;so ;I ;should ;stop ;in ; front ;of ;the ;25th ;ahrat ;from ;the ;starting ;ahrat. ;The ;sculpture ;in ;front ;of ;which ;I ;stop ;is ;my ;lucky ;ah rat. ;My ;lucky ;ahrat ;will ;accompany ;me ;to ;spend ;a ;pe aceful ;and ;lucky ;year. ;Wouldn’t ;you ;like ;to ;have ;a ;try ;now? ;If ;you ;need, ;I ;can ;explain ;tation ;of ;some ;ahrats. ;That’s ;all ;for ;the ;explanation ;to ;Guiyuan ;Temple. ;Th ank ;you ;for ;your ;cooperation ;and ;understanding. ;You ;w ill ;have ;another ;30 ;minutes ;to ;have ;a ;look ;around ;t he ;temple. ;If ;you ;have ;any ;problems, ;do ;let ;me ;know . ;I ;would ;like ;to ;repeat ;our ;bus ;number, ;A3074. ;Ple ase ;don’t ;forget. ;See ;you ;later. ;。
武汉旅游英文导游词English:Welcome to Wuhan, known as the "thoroughfare to nine provinces" and a city with a history of over 3,500 years. As your guide, I will take you on a journey to explore the rich culture, picturesque scenery, and diverse attractions of this vibrant city. Our first stop is the iconic Yellow Crane Tower, a symbol of Wuhan and a must-see landmark. From there, we will visit the Hubei Provincial Museum, home to a vast collection of ancient artifacts and cultural treasures. After indulging in the city's history, we will embark on a relaxing cruise along the Yangtze River and the Han River, offering breathtaking views of the city's skyline and its surrounding natural beauty. Our journey will continue to the charming East Lake, the largest lake within a city in China, where we can enjoy serene strolls, picturesque gardens, and peaceful surroundings. As the day comes to an end, we will conclude our tour with a visit to the bustling and vibrant Jianghan Road, a popular shopping and entertainment district, where you can experience the local culture, sample delicious street food,and shop for unique souvenirs. Come, let's explore this dynamic city together and create unforgettable memories along the way.中文翻译:欢迎来到武汉,这座有着3500多年历史的"九省通衢"。
湖北省博物馆英文导游词Good morning ladies and gentlemen;Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the w ay to the museum, I ‘d like to show a present to express my warm est welcome to you. You may wonder what the present is. Well let m e introduce it to you. The music you are going to listen to is th e very gift. Now, please enjoy the music.Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrum ent is used to play the beautiful melody?That’s the serial bells, a wonder in the world. Indeed a wo nder in the world. Every year tourists from all over the world cont inuously come to visit them and appreciate the programs played by it . Each year they return with unforgetable memory.The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum, Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museu m is the center for collecting, studying, preserving and displaying h istorical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient rel ics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history, archaeology, art etc. These relics provide precious material data for studying the development of history, culture, art, science and technology in ancient China.Situated in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, Hubei has a long history and rich land. As early as 2,000,000 years ago, ou r ancestors lived and worked here and gradually they began to create their own civilization. The relics unearthed from Zenghouyi Tomb are good proofs to the civilization. The relics displayed in the museumare most from the tomb. Serial bells are the most precious and gr eatest of them all.Are you familiar with the history of the serial bells?It is said that it is the oldest musical instrument kept in the world. You see, our ancestors already knew how to use music t o enrich their lives so long ago.Luckily indeed, our archaeologists discovered it by accident an d thus displayed the marvelous ancient civilization of Chu State in front us.In 1978, a soldier discovered a large tomb when building his house. It was really a great surprise to discover it at that time . Afterwards, archaeologists excavated these serial bells on the same spot. This was appraised to be the tomb of Zenghouyi. It was220 s quare meters, 20 metros deep, consisting of 4 tombs. The main coffin was made up of huge internal and external coffins. The man in it died at the age of 45. Those buried alive with the dead were all female, aged from 13 to 25. They were in 21 coffins.Besides the serial bells, more than 7,000 other historical cul tural relics have been unearthed, such as bronze ware, ancient musica l instrument, weapons, golden ware, jade ware, painted ware, wooden w are, and bamboo ware. Most of them are unique art treasure and they were deliberately made.What is especially worth mentioning is the ancient musical ins trument, such as serial bells, stone chimes, drums, 25-stringed plucked zither, and bamboo flute. They are totally 8 types, including 124 pieces. The entire musical instrument is placed perfectly among the bronze serial bells. They make the tomb look like an ancient concert hall.Today the underground concert hall has come back to life. As a major instrument, 64 serial bells are put in the middle room, l ined along the north and west wall. It can be concluded that serial bells are Zenhouyi’s favorite, for his body was placed in the wes t room.As wee see, these big bells are shaped like round-bottomed baskets; small ones are like warming pots. They are hung in 3 layers from the winding bell shelf that is 13 meters long, 2.7 meters high. The whole bell shelf is supported by 6 human-shape objects. It is as strong as newly cast.Ok, let me give you a brief introduction about the elegant a ncient serial bells. All the bells have been played. They are all c arved with inscription about musical melody. Each bell can produce 2 pitches. After many years of research, we find that its amplitude approached the international level of today. The combined scale is the 7 notes in C major of today. Its compasses very side, including5 and a half octaves. The whole sound may be adjusted. Its wooden shelf is quite exquisite. Although buried for 2,400 years, the serial bells are well played. It not only can be used to play with to produce scores with the same melody, but also can produce mixed soun ds though harmony and repeat tunes. Chinese musical pieces, such as Intoning Three Times Before Leaving Yang Pass, The Moon On The Sprin g River, and foreign pieces, such as Christmas Eve, can be played o n it, even Beethoven’s Ode to Joy in the Ninth Symphony can be. F oreign tourists are usually attracted by the fascinating music when l istening to the Chinese song The Night On The Prairie. When foreignsongs cut in, they are shocked by the old civilization of Chu Sta te. As the famous violinist, Menuin praised it, ‘The grand Greek mu sic is accepted by the world. However, the musical instruments in an cient Greece were made of wood, what’s more, not a single instrumen t is kept till today. Here we are able to enjoy the sound of the instrument of 2,000 years\\\\\\\' history from the tomb of Chu Stat e.Actually, whoever enjoys the music played on the serial bells will be surprised at the great achievement made by the people of Chu State in the fields of music, culture, smelting, and casting.According to the history, Chu State was called the state of rites and music at that time. People in Chu State love dancing. The y danced in the palace and sang in the room. They knew how to enj oy dancing and singing. We can imagine the following scene. The host of the bomb was seated in his palace and watched the girls dancin g. On both his sides sat his followers. They sat on the floor. A table with short legs was placed in front of them. They put one ha nd on the table that is used to hold arms. This can be proved by the relics in the tomb.Do you know, in China, a male and a female mandarin ducks a re the symbol of love, for they often play together in the water a nd live together. Can you see the box here? This box was found in the tomb. The box was painted. It was empty in it. But there are some pictures. They describe a very vivid situation; some people ar e striking bells, beating drums and dancing. This picture is very pr ecious, for we can know how these instruments should be played, espe cially the serial bells.I wonder if you have noticed that there is only one mandarin duck on the box. Do you know why? Oh, he is abandoned by his lo ver. But he found a new company—music. He didn’t heed the other mandarin duck, for what he really loved was music.Well, I have a question. What is the tourists’favorite?The music played on the serial bells.。
湖北归元寺 英文导游词
湖北归元寺—英文导游词Guiyuan TempleChinese Buddhist temples are never single buildings. They alway s consist of a group buildings following a fundamental patter, which can, however, be modified. The main buildings and their symmetricall y corresponding secondary buildings form individual groups and courtyar ds. The entire temple complex is spacious. The building inside the c omplex are usually single-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a double roo f. The towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The Chinese temple complex has been subject to great structura l changes throughout the centuries. But temple architects follow the basic principles of secular structures from the Tang Dynasty onwards. The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception. (Guiyuan Temple is just the very exceptio n.) The main buildings are strung along this central axis, their bro adest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented building insid e a Buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, the bell an d drum towers, the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, the Hall of the Bud dha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century BC by Siddatha Gautama (BC565 –BC486), the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriya caste nea r the present borders of India and Nepal. Buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system o f Brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC. At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch. About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist s criptures began to appear, and thu s, Buddhist doctrines began to emerge with traditional Chinese religio us thought. From 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and re search of Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics were becoming mo re and more popular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in Sui Dynasty (581AD-617AD) and Tang Dynasty (618-907). Some Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics came into being . Buddhism exerts a great influence on Chinese philosophy, literature, art and folk customs.What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a f amous bodhisattva in Hynayana Buddhism. Bodhisattva is a tittle which is only next to Buddha. This statue is the image of Avalokitesvara , which has been popular with Chinese people or more than 1,000 yea rs. She is called the Goddess of Mercy cordially by Chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence. When we visit the Avalokitesvara Pavilion after a while, I will give a det ailed introduction about her. This copper statue was sent to Guiyuan Temple by Taiwan Buddhists in September 1990. It shows that all Ch inese, whether in the mainland or in Taiwan, are eager for the reun ion of the country, even including religion believers.The building we see now is the Buddha Hall where one certain Buddha and his two assistant bodhisattvases are worshiped. This Budd ha is Amitabha Buddha. Amitabha means incomparable brightness. Accordin g to Buddhism, time and space is limitless and thus there are manymany Buddhas in different spaces and times. But in a certain space or in a certain period of time, there is only one certain Buddha who is in charge of instructing all living creatures. Amitabha Budd ha is the Buddha who presides over the Land of Ultimate Bliss in t he west, which will come in the future. Buddhist s criptures describ e the Land of Ultimate Bliss as a wonderland, in which no pain exi sts and the people enjoy their lives. In one word, it’s very attra ctive. Some people will think it must be very difficult to enter su ch a world. How can I go to such a paradise? Maybe I have to wor k hard and bear a lot of sufferings. In fact, it’s very easy to enter the world. He only need often murmur ‘May Buddha preserve us ’sincerely. It’s enough.You see, the statue in the middle is the very Buddha. On hi s left is the Goddess of Mercy. On his right is the other bodhisat tva who follows the Buddha. It is said that he can save all the l iving creatures from three kinds of terrible disasters.Now, let’s step into the Buddhist s criptures Pavilion where the s criptures of Buddhism are kept. But I ‘m afraid what attra cts our attention at the first sight must be this snow-white statue. It is a statue of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. This statue was carved out of a big piece of jade which is 2-meter-tall and weighs 3 tons. It was carved by Myanmar handicraftsmen and donated to the temple by the Rangoon Buddhists in 1935.If we watch the statue, we may sense that the peaceful expre ssion on the Buddha’s face has brought us to a quiet and harmoniou s state.The last building we will visit is the Avalokitesvara Pavilion in the north yard. When we entered the yard just now we saw a s tatue of her. Now I’d like to introduce her carefully.As a goddess, she swore that she would not become a Buddha until all the living creatures suffering from pains were saved. So s he became a bodhisattva who is most popular among the people and at tracts the most believers of all the gods and goddesses in Buddhism. It was said that one would be saved from trouble and disaster as long as he (she) chanted her name and if it was heard by her. T hus she is called Guanshiyin, which means ‘hearing or looking on th e voices of the suffering’.Because of her kind heart and benevolen ce she got another title ‘the Goddess of Mercy’.According to Buddhism, bodhisattvases have no distinction of se x, that is, they are neither male nor female, because they are immo rtals. But it’s very strange and interesting that most of bodhisattv ases were engraved or carved in the images of various kinds of men in human society. Changes didn’t take place until an emperor’s mo ther thought it was inconvenient to worship a male bodhisattva in he r bedroom. From then on, Guanshiyin, the bodhisattvas began to appear before her believers in the image of a beautiful and elegant lady.We’ll pay a visit to a very serious, sacred place. Generally , the place is regarded as the most holy by Buddhists. It is the Grand Hall, where the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni is worshiped. It is always the center of a Buddhist temple in construction and in Buddhists’mind.The statue in the middle is Sakyamuni. According to Buddhism his mother gave birth to him in a garden. He belonged to Kshatreya Caste. He married his cousin when he was 16 or 17 years old. Atthe age of 29, he was confronted with the sights of an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a wandering ascetic. With eyes opened t o aspects of life newly revealed to him, he broke from the material world and became an ascetic. Six years later, he gave up mystic c oncentration that at last brought him enlightenment under a bo tree. He then founded an order of mendicants and spent his next 45 year s preaching his ideas until his death.These two statue beside the Buddha are his two disciples. The one on the right was said to be Sakyamuni’s cousin and he had g ood memory so that he could remember all the Buddha told his discip les. The one on the left was said to be the lord of Brahmnism and he once was Sakyamuni’s tutor. But afterwards he was convinced by Buddhism after long-term debate between Buddhism and other religions and he accepted Saky amuni as his tutor. Thus he became the eldest one of all Sakyamuni ’s disciples.Next, we’ll pay a visit to the Ahrat Hall in the south cou rt.The Ahrat Hall is an important structure in a Buddhist temple . But not all temples have an Ahrat Hall, especially, well-kept Ahrat Halls are very rare in China. This one is among them, a nd what’s more, it has its own unique characteristics.Generally, an Ahrat Hall is a square building. The building i s subdivided into four small square courts so that the hall can get enough sunlight. This kind of structure show some lucky implies in Chinese Buddhist culture.Another characteristic about the hall lies in these sculptures themselves. They were neither made up of wood, nor stone, nor clay . A special way was taken in making them, which could prevents them from being burned, being soaked or being eaten by insects. All the sculptures were floating in water while Wuhan was flooded in 1954, but, surprisingly, they were sound and safe after the flood had re ceded. It was really a wonder.Ahrats are the immortals in Buddhism. But when you have a lo ok around the sculptures, you may find from the expressions on their faces that they are so familiar to you. That’s only because they were molded on the basis of the people in the reality, so they a re human beings in our daily life rather than immortals.Ahrats are the symbols of harmony, happiness, and good luck, so the Wuhan natives have got used to counting ahrats since ancient time to pray for peace. There are a few ways of counting ahrats. We can count from the first ahrat from left to right or from rig ht to left, when we just enter the hall. We can also choose any a hrat as our starting point, and count in the same way, left to rig ht or right to left. We should base counting on our own ages whate ver we take. For example, I’m25, so I should stop in front of t he 25th ahrat from the starting ahrat. The sculpture in front of wh ich I stop is my lucky ahrat. My lucky ahrat will accompany me to spend a peaceful and lucky year. Wouldn’t you like to have a try now? If you need, I can explain connotation of some ahrats.That’s all for the explanation to Guiyuan Temple. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. You will have another 30 minu tes to have a look around the temple. If you have any problems, dolet me know. I would like to repeat our bus number, A3074. Please don’t forget. See you later.。
Chinese buddhist temples are never single buildings. they always consist of a group buildings following a fundamental patter, which can, however, be modified. the main buildings and their symmetrically corresponding secondary buildings form individual groups and courtyards. the entire temple complex is spacious. the building inside the complex are usually single-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a double roof. the towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The chinese temple complex has been subject to great structural changes throughout the centuries. but temple architects follow the basic principles of secular structures from the tang dynasty onwards. the complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception. (guiyuan temple is just the very exception.) the main buildings are strung along this central axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented building inside a buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, the bell and drum towers, the hall of the heavenly kings, the hall of the buddha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in india in the 6th century bc by siddatha gautama (bc565 –bc486), the son of a nobleman and member of the kshatriya caste near the present borders ofindia and nepal. buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system of brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that buddhism was spread to china in 2 bc. at the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch. about 200 ad, chinese version of buddhist s criptures began to appear, and thus, buddhist doctrines began to emerge with traditional chinese religious thought. from 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and research of buddhist sects with chinese characteristics were becoming more and more popular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in sui dynasty (581ad-617ad) and tang dynasty (618-907). some buddhist sects with chinese characteristics came into being. buddhism exerts a great influence on chinese philosophy, literature, art and folk customs.What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in hynayana buddhism. bodhisattva is a tittle which is only next to buddha. this statue is the image of avalokitesvara, which has been popular with chinese people or more than 1,000 years. she is called the goddess of mercy cordially by chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence. when we visit the avalokitesvara pavilion after a while, i will give a detailed introduction about her. this copper statue was sent to guiyuan temple by taiwan buddhists in september 1990. it shows that all chinese, whether in the mainland or in taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the country, even including religion believers.。
湖北-归元寺英文导游辞各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢Guiyuan TempleChinese Buddhist temples are never single buildings. They always consist of a group buildings following a fundamental patter, which can, however, be modified. The main buildings and their symmetrically corresponding secondary buildings form individual groups and courtyards. The entire temple complex is spacious. The buildings inside the complex are usually single-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a double roof. The towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The Chinese temple complex has been subject to great structural changes throughout the centuries. But temple architects follow the basic principles ofsecular structures from the Tang Dynasty onwards. The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception. (Guiyuan Temple is just the very exception.) The main buildings are strung along this central axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented building inside a Buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, the bell and drum towers, the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, the Hall of the Buddha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century BC by Siddatha Gautama (BC565 –BC486), the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriya caste near the present borders of India and Nepal. Buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system of Brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC. At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch. About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist s scriptures began to appear, and thus, Buddhist doctrines began to emerge with traditional Chinese religious thought. From 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and research o[1] [2] 下一页各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢。
Good morning everyone! As we all know Hubei province is located in the middle of Yangtze river, in central China hinterland, is one of the most important cradles of the splendid Chinese national culture, today I will introduce a famous scenic-spot-- Yellow Crane Tower to you in Chinese: Huang helou According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature. Cui Hao, a famous poet during the Tang dynasty (618-907), made the tower well known throughout China with his poem "Yellow Crane Tower". It is said that there are more than10000 poems about Yellow Crane Tower in total.Although destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt time and again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to ashes. The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1981.the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower is 51.4 meters high and is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars .Each year the flow of the travelers reaches about 22o,ooo .They marvel at the splendidscenery around Welcome to my Hubei Welcome to the Yellow Crane Towel! Thanks for your listening !。
湖北省博物馆英文导游词尧利省英文导游词Good ;morning ;ladies ;and ;gentlemen; ;Today, ;we ;will ;go ;to ;visit ;Hubei ;Provincial ;Museum. ; On ;the ;way ;to ;the ;museum, ;I ;‘d ;like ;to ;show ;a ;pr esent ;to ;express ;my ;warmest ;welcome ;to ;you. ;You ;may ;wonder ;what ;the ;present ;is. ;Well ;let ;me ;introduce ;i t ;to ;you. ;The ;music ;you ;are ;going ;to ;listen ;to ;is ;the ;very ;gift. ;Now, ;please ;enjoy ;the ;music. ;Have ;you ;ever ;listened ;to ;the ;music? ;And ;what ;musica l ;instrument ;is ;used ;to ;play ;the ;beautiful ;melody? ;That’s ;the ;s erial ;bells, ;a ;wonder ;in ;the ;world. ;Ind eed ;a ;wonder ;in ;the ;world. ;Every ;year ;tourists ;from ;all ;over ;the ;world ;continuously ;come ;to ;visit ;them ; and ;appreciate ;the ;programs ;played ;by ;it. ;Each ;year ; they ;return ;with ;unforgetable ;memory. ;The ;building ;with ;red ;wall ;and ;green ;tiers ;before ;us ;is ;the ;very ;museum, ;Hubei ;Provincial ;Museum. ;Constru cted ;in ;1953, ;the ;museum ;is ;the ;center ;for ;collectin g, ;studying, ;preserving ;and ;displaying ;historical ;and ; cultural ;relics ;in ;Hubei. ;More ;than ;700,000 ;ancient ;r elics ;are ;stored ;up ;in ;it. ;There ;is ;a ;collection ;of ;100,000 ;books ;on ;history, ;archaeology, ;art ;etc. ;Thes e ;relics ;provide ;precious ;material ;data ;for ;studying ;the ;development ;of ;history, ;culture, ;art, ;science ;and;technology ;in ;ancient ;China. ;Situated ;in ;the ;middle ;reach ;of ;the ;Yangtze ;River, ;H ubei ;has ;a ;long ;history ;and ;rich ;land. ;As ;early ;as;2,000,000 ;years ;ago, ;our ;ancestors ;lived ;and ;worked ; here ;and ;gradually ;they ;began ;to ;create ;their ;own ;ci vilization. ;The ;relics ;unearthed ;from ;Zenghouyi ;Tomb ;are ;good ;proofs ;to ;the ;civilization. ;The ;relics ;displa yed ;in ;the ;museum ;are ;most ;from ;the ;tomb. ;Serial ;bells ;are ;the ;most ;precious ;and ;greatest ;of ;them ;all. ;Are ;you ;familiar ;with ;the ;history ;of ;the ;serial ;bells? ;It ;is ;said ;that ;it ;is ;the ;oldest ;musical ;instrument;kept ;in ;the ;world. ;You ;see, ;our ;ancestors ;already ;k new ;how ;to ;use ;music ;to ;enrich ;their ;lives ;so ;long;ago. ;Luckily ;indeed, ;our ;archaeologists ;discovered ;it ;by ;ac cident ;and ;thus ;displayed ;the ;marvelous ;ancient ;civili zation ;of ;Chu ;State ;in ;front ;us. ;In ;1978, ;a ;soldier ;discovered ;a ;large ;tomb ;when ;buil ding ;his ;house. ;It ;was ;really ;a ;great ;surprise ;to ;d iscover ;it ;at ;that ;time. ;Afterwards, ;archaeologists ;ex cavated ;these ;serial ;bells ;on ;the ;same ;spot. ;This ;was ;appraised ;to ;be ;the ;tomb ;of ;Zenghouyi. ;It ;was220 ; square ;meters, ;20 ;metros ;deep, ;consisting ;of ;4 ;tombs. ;The ;main ;coffin ;was ;made ;up ;of ;huge ;internal ;and ;external ;coffins. ;The ;man ;in ;it ;died ;at ;the ;age ;of ;45. ;Those ;buried ;alive ;with ;the ;dead ;were ;all ;femal e, ;aged ;from ;13 ;to ;25. ;They ;were ;in ;21 ;coffins. ;Besides ;the ;serial ;bells, ;more ;than ;7,000 ;other ;histo rical ;cultural ;relics ;have ;been ;unearthed, ;such ;as ;br onze ;ware, ;ancient ;musical ;instrument, ;weapons, ;golden ;ware, ;jade ;ware, ;painted ;ware, ;wooden ;ware, ;and ;bamb oo ;ware. ;Most ;of ;them ;are ;unique ;art ;treasure ;and ;t hey ;were ;deliberately ;made. ;What ;is ;especially ;worth ;mentioning ;is ;the ;ancient ;mu sical ;instrument, ;such ;as ;serial ;bells, ;stone ;chimes, ;drums, ;25-stringed ;plucked ;zither, ;and ;bamboo ;flute. ;They ;are ;t otally ;8 ;types, ;including ;124 ;pieces. ;The ;entire ;musi cal ;instrument ;is ;placed ;perfectly ;among ;the ;bronze ;s erial ;bells. ;They ;make ;the ;tomb ;look ;like ;an ;ancient ;concert ;hall. ;Today ;the ;underground ;concert ;hall ;has ;come ;back ;to ; life. ;As ;a ;major ;instrument, ;64 ;serial ;bells ;are ;put ;in ;the ;middle ;room, ;lined ;along ;the ;north ;and ;west ;wall. ;It ;can ;be ;concluded ;that ;serial ;bells ;are ;Ze nhouyi’s ;favorite, ;for ;his ;body ;was ;placed ;in ;the ;w est ;room. ;As ;wee ;see, ;these ;big ;bells ;are ;shaped ;like ;round-bottomed ;baskets; ;small ;ones ;are ;like ;warming ;pots. ;T hey ;are ;hung ;in ;3 ;layers ;from ;the ;winding ;bell ;shel f ;that ;is ;13 ;meters ;long, ;2.7 ;meters ;high. ;The ;whole ;bell ;shelf ;is ;supported ;by ;6 ;human-shape ;objects. ;It ;is ;as ;strong ;as ;newly ;cast. ;Ok, ;let ;me ;give ;you ;a ;brief ;introduction ;about ;the ; elegant ;ancient ;serial ;bells. ;All ;the ;bells ;have ;been ;played. ;They ;are ;all ;carved ;with ;inscription ;about ; musical ;melody. ;Each ;bell ;can ;produce ;2 ;pitches. ;Afte r ;many ;years ;of ;research, ;we ;find ;that ;its ;amplitude ;approached ;the ;international ;level ;of ;today. ;The ;com bined ;scale ;is ;the ;7 ;notes ;in ;C ;major ;of ;today. ;It s ;compasses ;very ;side, ;including ;5 ;and ;a ;half ;octave s. ;The ;whole ;sound ;may ;be ;adjusted. ;Its ;wooden ;shelf ;is ;quite ;exquisite. ;Although ;buried ;for ;2,400 ;years, ;the ;serial ;bells ;are ;well ;played. ;It ;not ;only ;can ;be ;used ;to ;play ;with ;to ;produce ;scores ;with ;the ;sa me ;melody, ;but ;also ;can ;produce ;mixed ;sounds ;though ; harmony ;and ;repeat ;tunes. ;Chinese ;musical ;pieces, ;such ;as ;Intoning ;Three ;Times ;Before ;Leaving ;Yang ;Pass, ;T he ;Moon ;On ;The ;Spring ;River, ;and ;foreign ;pieces, ;suc h ;as ;Christmas ;Eve, ;can ;be ;played ;on ;it, ;even ;Beeth oven’s ;Ode ;to ;Joy ;in ;the ;Ninth ;Symphony ;can ;be. ;Fo reign ;tourists ;are ;usually ;attracted ;by ;the ;fascinatin g ;music ;when ;listening ;to ;the ;Chinese ;song ;The ;Night ;On ;The ;Prairie. ;When ;foreign ;songs ;cut ;in, ;they ;ar e ;shocked ;by ;the ;old ;civilization ;of ;Chu ;State. ;As ; the ;famous ;violinist, ;Menuin ;praised ;it, ;‘The ;grand ; Greek ;music ;is ;accepted ;by ;the ;world. ;However, ;the ;m usical ;instruments ;in ;ancient ;Greece ;were ;made ;of ;woo d, ;what’s ;mor e, ;not ;a ;single ;instrument ;is ;kept ;til l ;today. ;Here ;we ;are ;able ;to ;enjoy ;the ;sound ;of ;th e ;instrument ;of ;2,000 ;years\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' ;history ;from ;the ;tomb ;of ;Chu ;State. ;Actually, ;whoever ;enjoys ;the ;music ;played ;on ;the ;seri al ;bells ;will ;be ;surprised ;at ;the ;great ;achievement ; made ;by ;the ;people ;of ;Chu ;State ;in ;the ;fields ;of ;m usic, ;culture, ;smelting, ;and ;casting. ;According ;to ;the ;history, ;Chu ;State ;was ;called ;the ;s tate ;of ;rites ;and ;music ;at ;that ;time. ;People ;in ;Chu ;State ;love ;dancing. ;They ;danced ;in ;the ;palace ;and ; sang ;in ;the ;room. ;They ;knew ;how ;to ;enjoy ;dancing ;an d ;singing. ;We ;can ;imagine ;the ;following ;scene. ;The ;h ost ;of ;the ;bomb ;was ;seated ;in ;his ;palace ;and ;watche d ;the ;girls ;dancing. ;On ;both ;his ;sides ;sat ;his ;foll owers. ;They ;sat ;on ;the ;floor. ;A ;table ;with ;short ;le gs ;was ;placed ;in ;front ;of ;them. ;They ;put ;one ;hand ; on ;the ;table ;that ;is ;used ;to ;hold ;arms. ;This ;can ;b e ;proved ;by ;the ;relics ;in ;the ;tomb. ;Do ;you ;know, ;in ;China, ;a ;male ;and ;a ;female ;mandarin ;ducks ;are ;the ;symbol ;of ;love, ;for ;they ;often ;play ;together ;in ;the ;water ;and ;live ;together. ;Can ;you ;se e ;the ;box ;here? ;This ;box ;was ;found ;in ;the ;tomb. ;Th e ;box ;was ;painted. ;It ;was ;empty ;in ;it. ;But ;there ;a re ;some ;pictures. ;They ;describe ;a ;very ;vivid ;situatio n; ;some ;people ;are ;striking ;bells, ;beating ;drums ;and ;dancing. ;This ;picture ;is ;very ;precious, ;for ;we ;can ; know ;how ;these ;instruments ;should ;be ;played, ;especiall y ;the ;serial ;bells. ;I ;wonder ;if ;you ;have ;noticed ;that ;there ;is ;only ;one;mandarin ;duck ;on ;the ;box. ;Do ;you ;know ;why? ;Oh, ;he ;is ;abandoned ;by ;his ;lover. ;But ;he ;found ;a ;new ;com pany—music. ;He ;didn’t ;heed ;the ;other ;mandarin ;duck, ;for ; what ;he ;really ;loved ;was ;music. ;Well, ;I ;have ;a ;question. ;What ;is ;the ;tourists’favori te? ;The ;music ;played ;on ;the ;serial ;bells. ;。
1:宜昌导游词英文版Dear visitors:Everybody is good! On behalf of overseas travel service to welcome everyone to my dream home, car folk tourist sightseeing. After a long journey, everyone hard all the way. My name is * *, I'm your guide, you can call me little *. This is the driver zhao masters, he drove for many years, has a wealth of experience, in his car, you may rest assured. If you have any requirements please do not hesitate to put forward, we will do all we can solve for you. Hope our service can let everybody through a happy happy journey. Car creek adjacent to the three gorges, is located in yichang in jiangnan TuCheng Township, named because of its many mills. Wading, along the way there are eight major scenic spots: Shi Xiangu, bachu home garden, farm museum, wintersweet gorge, pagoda valley, cloud dragon wat, wind tunnel and lotus valley. Been to car stream of people, regard her as his dream home. Here water spirit mountains, folkway of primitive simplicity, natural landscape and human resources together.Car creek, beautiful natural landscape strange, for 3 km long micro valley, still holds the quaternary glacial period remains down, of the world rare denizens of wintersweet community of more than 3000 acres, is known as the "three gorges plant wonders". Dragon cloud wat is car creek natural landscape, especially the lotus cave in the natural formation of the lotus petals, "the three gorges special skill". Car creek accumulate richhistorical culture, is the adaptation of the ba culture and chu culture area, in order to display past tujia customs, restored the bachu home garden scenic area, launched the first peasant museum, the three gorges region carrying paper mill, the mill, distillery had, tao fang, water trucks and agricultural production and living appliances. You can see the "bamboo into paper, clay into pottery, corn into wine," the whole process of, still can try, the beauty of own experience working. Endless agrestic breath like clear spring and moisten your heart to your heart, let you across time and space, back to the old age. Stream into the car, went into a quiet fairyland arcadia.Stream into the car, he walked into the period of the past.Faint stream into the car, he walked into the dream home. In the interest of time, we mainly visit the cottage museum today, look at the customs of a vehicle stream; To cloud dragon in wat, appreciate the natural beauty car creek. First of all, we come to is the museum of peasant, in the form of "home", to "agriculture" as the theme, reflecting the tujia culture, is the first in the province to reflect rural daily life daily life, the plot of the grain farming as a museum, as well as the province's first museum organized by civil society groups, and therefore has a very high value of art appreciation and historical research.Car culture is the aggregation of bachu culture, she is extensive and profound, has a long history. The year of the millennium, build "cottage museum", in this to condense the bachu amorous feelings of the mountains, pure water, heavy mining, sorting, protection and development of car culture.Keep a period of time, frames a piece of history, is our mission and responsibility. Car creek ancestors thousands of years of breeding, leaving children successors rich culturalheritage. "Cottage museum" in unique novel proposition, complete, original car creek ancients production life history and a splendid culture collect cars on show in front of your eyes, and reproduce the historical pictures, give you the most appropriate, the most real feeling."Cottage museum" built in accordance with the early style car creek people dwelling, display car creek ancients LaoGeng grain and living supplies. Local GuQing, forever is the theme of human sentiment. To go back to my dream home, agrestic breath smell strong mountains, is a trend also look forward to!Thought the vernacular of love now we came to the grandeur of the wat is dragon cloud.Dragon cloud wat is the belly car creek, natural scenery, is a veritable treasure trove of traditional Chinese medicines. In more than 1000 square meters, within the scope of the distribution of more than 100 kinds of plants, including all kinds of Chinese herbal medicine for more than a third.Present landscape called small waterfall cave, "a small waterfall cave" due to the hole above a row of water such as bead curtain hanging the name. Hole has a huge dragon taking off, all-powerful. In a small waterfall cave is also a hidden dragon, an earthworm, individual wave put tail, patches of green light scales, like the echo hole day dragon. Bypass the earthworm, visible and seven stocks drop in a row like pearls scattered on stone curtain, ding dong, said "the lyre." Nearby slopes around the humanoid stone pile, this is Luo Hanlin. The ocean's here, after the number, says there are 500, also someone says there are 800, height or size, stand sit line down, expression, living a Luo Hantu.Now you see is the long-awaited lotus cave. Lotus hole hole had spring is very strange, it that perennial water. Through thegeological department test, it contains a variety of elements beneficial to human body, is a kind of natural high quality mineral water high strontium low sodium, called "eight qualities of water". The shape of the hole has many deep yellow like lotus petals, there are many shows the distribution of the trapezoidal small pool, this is the rare geological wonders - lotus pond in the country. It is actually a kind of chemical sediment, the formation of lotus petals began 1 million years ago. Deep in the lotus pond, like da-zhai terraced layers, orderly. Filled with green water "the field", shades, shallow ruler xu, deep zhangs, each layer of "terrace", Tian Kan from natural stalactite bricks, dark yellow, Tian Kan modelling is like lotus petals, small petals about seven or eight meters, large petals 20 or 30 m, no matter look from down to up or looked down from the top, like thousands of lotus. Amazing.Good time always let a person feel short, our car creek journey was over. Thank you very much for my work support and cooperation. What do I have the place with bad also please comment more. The last hope that this visit will give you leave a good unforgettable memories, I once again, thank you. Wish everyone healthy body, all the best. See you later.2:宜昌导游词英文版Double cease day, mom and dad is going to take my children to play in the park in yichang, I was very happy.Today, we all got up early. Wash and dress up, ate breakfast, and set off. My mom and dad to sit for an hour of car, finally arrived yichang, my parents and I got off the bus saw the wide parking lot and parked inside the large and small car, walked to the parking lot outside, I see the broad road, the road with beautiful flowers, neat, sidewalk no garbage, clean.We came to children's park gate, the center of the park with lots of the flowers, colorful, very beautiful; Carries out my name on both sides of the trees, grown very lush, lush.Walk to the park, I saw pigeons at a glance, with white, black, pink... Looking at a lot of children in there to feed the pigeons, I also. Dad met, bought a bag of corn and gave it to my, I took a few, from corn bag in hand, a few dove coming towards me, with a sharp beak pecking at the corn son, I feel itchy, this is fun.After feeding pigeons, we walked forward, suddenly, I saw a tall and big ferris wheel, I told mom and dad said: "I want to go to the ferris wheel, you can accompany me to play?""Yes!" father said.Mother bought three tickets, before we go to the ferris wheel, have the staff took us to the trunk, we sat in the trunk, trunk up slowly, I looked in the window, "good high!" I called to get up, and I looked down on, see the lawn, a lot of people play on the lawn, trunk up to the highest, I can't look down, heart all quick to drop out, I grabbed my dad's hand tightly, afraid to fall, also good, trunk and slowly down, we walked out of the trunk, I could hardly stand, dizzy, but I think a lot of fun. I think: if again, I will also play the ferris wheel.We also played sand painting, a balloon, bumper car... The park there are a lot of a lot of fun!A day passed quickly, in the evening, I reluctantly left the park.Today is a happy day.3:宜昌导游词英文版Today, my mother and I came to yichang.First of all, we live in the longquan mountain villa. The scenery here is good, is across the Yangtze river and the lowerLaoXi, xiling gorge.The next day, we went to the gezhouba dam. Let me introduce the Yangtze river gezhouba: Yangtze river gezhouba water conservancy hub project, is the first river in our country, the first large scale hydropower projects built on the Yangtze river. The project and its permanent equipment all by our country.the design, construction, manufacturing and installation.The gezhouba project is located in the Yangtze river three gorges export, in yichang, hubei province. After the Yangtze river the three gorges ends at nanjinguan, suddenly open, river by broadening abruptly three hundred meters to three hundred meters. The gezhouba and by the river on the river xiba two island is divided into three shares, from right to left, referred to as the great river, jiang and the sanjiang, respectively. Great river is the main channel of the Yangtze river, navigable all the year round, two jiang and the sanjiang only in the flood water. Gezhouba water conservancy hub is built in which.The gezhouba project is mainly composed of locks, power plants and discharging sluices, sluice and the water retaining structure.Dam, the dam, 47 meters high total length of 2595 meters, control river basin area of 100 square kilometers, the total capacity of 1.58 billion cubic meters. Excavation backfilling conditions of 111.3 million cubic meters, the whole project of eleven million one hundred and thirty thousand cubic meters of concrete, the installation of metal structure of 77500 tons.The gezhouba project building three locks in the three rivers and river, in one way through capacity of 20 million tons recently, forward is up to 50 million tons. 2, no. 3 shiplock head bay bridge set activity. Crest road and rail. In rivers and two each a massiverunoff hydropower station, a total of 21 sets, total capacity of 2.71 million kilowatts, the average annual output of 14.1 billion degrees. A discharge sluice in two massive, three rivers and river each building a sluice, all open, is safe to vent in the history of the Yangtze river flood largest 110000 cubic.Gezhouba dam construction in two phases.First phase of the gezhouba water conservancy construction in the three rivers and two river. One phase of the project includes two river power plant, discharge sluice and sanjiang 2, 3 two locks, sluice and so on five big buildings and other water retaining structure.Yangtze river gezhouba water conservancy construction, not only for industrial and agricultural production to provide strong power in central China, and effectively improve familiar gorge channel, at the same time for the construction of the Yangtze river three gorges water conservancy hub project, China's largest accumulation of test, improve technology, training team.On the third day, we visited the world's largest water conservancy hub project, the three gorges.The three gorges project mainly include blocking river dam, hydropower station, such as lock composed of three parts.We went to visit the Yangtze river three gorges project target figure and original geomorphological map to recognize the three gorges dam site of three gorges project being built at zhongbaodao island as "hard granite rock mass", is the most ideal to build the dam dam site.And I looked at the three gorges project night scene graph, the three gorges of the night view is very beautiful!We really great, even the waves of the Yangtze river can be under control.。
Guiyuan TempleChinese Buddhist temples are never single buildings. They alw ays consist of a group buildings following a fundamental pat ter, which can, however, be modified. The main buildings and their symmetrically corresponding secondary buildings form in dividual groups and courtyards. The entire temple complex is spacious. The building inside the complex are usually singl e-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a d ouble roof. The towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The Chinese temple complex has been subject to great structu ral changes throughout the centuries. But temple architects f ollow the basic principles of secular structures from the Ta ng Dynasty onwards. The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception. (Guiyuan Temple is just the very exception.) The main buildings are strung along this centra l axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented building ins ide a Buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, t he bell and drum towers, the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, t he Hall of the Buddha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century BC by Siddatha Gautama (BC565 –BC486), the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriya caste near the present borders of India and Nepal. Buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system of Brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC. At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch. About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist s criptures began to appear, and thus, Buddhist doctrines began to emerge wi th traditional Chinese religious thought. From 2nd century tolate 6th century, translation and research of Buddhist sect s with Chinese characteristics were becoming more and more p opular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in Sui Dynasty (581AD-617AD) and Tang Dynasty (618-907). Some Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics came i nto being. Buddhism exerts a great influence on Chinese phil osophy, literature, art and folk customs.What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in Hynayana Buddhism. Bodhisattva is a t ittle which is only next to Buddha. This statue is the ima ge of Avalokitesvara, which has been popular with Chinese pe ople or more than 1,000 years. She is called the Goddess o f Mercy cordially by Chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence. When we visit the Aval okitesvara Pavilion after a while, I will give a detailed i ntroduction about her. This copper statue was sent to Guiyua n Temple by Taiwan Buddhists in September 1990. It shows th at all Chinese, whether in the mainland or in Taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the country, even including religio n believers.。
Three Gorges of Yangtze RiverGood morning,ladies and gentlemen,welcome to China! Welcome to Hubei Province!My name is ,you can call me ruth. I’m your tour guide from Wuhan。
On behalf of our travel service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all and best wishes for the success of your travel on the Yangtze River。
if you have any special interests or needs,please do not hesitate to let me know , I will try my best to accommodate your needs . Today I am very pleased to show you Three Gorges of Yangtze River.like to Yangtze River, theand the Nile,starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World -Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,takes in countless rivers,and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers,the Yangtze River is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation.When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China,it cuts through the Wushan Mountain。
湖北-省博物馆英文导游辞Good morning ladies and gentlemen,Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the way to the museum, I'd like to show a present to express my warmest welcome to you. You may wonder what the present is. Well let me introduce it to you. The music you are going to listen to is the very gift. Now, please enjoy the music.Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrument is used to play the beautiful melody? That's the serial bells, a wonder in the world. Indeed a wonder in the world. Every year tourists from all over the world continuously come to visit them and appreciate the programs played by it. Each year they return with unforgettable memory.The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum, Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museum is the center for collecting, studying, preserving and displaying historical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history, archaeology, art etc. These relics provide precious material data for studying the development of history, culture, art, science and technology in ancient China.Situated in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, Hubei has a long history and rich land. As early as 2,000,000 years ago, our ancestors lived and worked here and gradually they began to create their own civilization. The relics unearthed from Zenghouyi Tomb are good proofs to the civilization. The relics displayed in the museum are most from the tomb. Serial bells are the most precious and greatest of them all.Are you familiar with the history of the serial bells?It is said that it is the oldest musical instrument kept in the world. You see, our ancestors already knew how to use music to enrich their lives so long ago.Luckily indeed, our archaeologists discovered it by accident and thus displayed the marvelous ancient civilization of Chu State in front us.In 1978, a soldier discovered a large tomb when building his house. It was really a great surprise to discover it at that time. Afterwards, archaeologists excavated these serial bells on the same spot. This was appraised to be the tomb of Zenghouyi. It was220 square meters, 20 metros deep, consisting of 4 tombs. The main coffin was made up of huge internal and external coffins. The man in it died at the age of 45. Those buried alive with the dead were all female, aged from 13 to 25. They were in 21 coffins.Besides the serial bells, more than 7,000 other historical cultural relics have been unearthed, such as bronze ware, ancient musical instrument, weapons, golden ware, jade ware, painted ware, woodenware, and bamboo ware. Most of them are unique art treasure and they were deliberately made.What is especially worth mentioning is the ancient musical instrument, such as serial bells, stone chimes, drums, 25-stringed plucked zither, and bamboo flute. They are totally 8 types, including 124 pieces. The entire musical instrument is placed perfectly among the bronze serial bells. They make the tomb look like an ancient concert hall.本共3页,当前在第1页 1 2 3。
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归元寺英文导游词Guiyuan TempleChinese Buddhist temples are never single buildings. They always consist of a group buildings following a fundamental patter, which can, however, be modified. The main buildings and their symmetrically corresponding secondary buildings form individual groups and courtyards. The entire temple complex is spacious. The building inside the complex are usually single-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a double roof. The towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The Chinese temple complex has been subject to great structural changes throughout the centuries. But temple architects follow the basic principles of secular structures from the Tang Dynasty onwards. The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception. (Guiyuan Temple is just the very exception.) The main buildings are strung along this central axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented buildinginside a Buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, the bell and drum towers, the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, the Hall of the Buddha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century BC by Siddatha Gautama (BC565 –BC486), the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriya caste near the present borders of India and Nepal. Buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system of Brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC. At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch. About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist s criptures began to appear, and thus, Buddhist doctrines began to emerge with traditional Chinese religious thought. From 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and research of Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics were becoming more and more popular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in Sui Dynasty (581AD-617AD) and Tang Dynasty (618-907). Some Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics came into being. Buddhism exerts a great influence on Chinese philosophy, literature, art and folk customs.What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in Hynayana Buddhism. Bodhisattva is a tittlewhich is only next to Buddha. This statue is the image of Avalokitesvara, which has been popular with Chinese people or more than 1,000 years. She is called the Goddess of Mercy cordially by Chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence. When we visit the Avalokitesvara Pavilion after a while, I will give a detailed introduction about her. This copper statue was sent to Guiyuan Temple by Taiwan Buddhists in September 1990. It shows that all Chinese, whether in the mainland or in Taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the country, even including religion believers.The building we see now is the Buddha Hall where one certain Buddha and his two assistant bodhisattvases are worshiped. This Buddha is Amitabha Buddha. Amitabha means incomparable brightness. According to Buddhism, time and space is limitless and thus there are many many Buddhas in different spaces and times. But in a certain space or in a certain period of time, there is only one certain Buddha who is in charge of instructing all living creatures. Amitabha Buddha is the Buddha who presides over the Land of Ultimate Bliss in the west, which will come in the future. Buddhist s criptures describe the Land of Ultimate Bliss as a wonderland, in which no pain exists and the people enjoy their lives. In one word, it’s very attractive. Some people will think it must be very difficultto enter such a world. How can I go to such a paradise? Maybe I have to work hard and bear a lot of sufferings. In fact, it’s very easy to enter the world. He only need often murmur ‘May Buddha preserve us’ sincerely. It’s enough.You see, the statue in the middle is the very Buddha. On his left is the Goddess of Mercy. On his right is the other bodhisattva who follows the Buddha. It is said that he can save all the living creatures from three kinds of terrible disasters.Now, let’s step into the Buddhist s criptures Pavilion where the s criptures of Buddhism are kept. But I ‘m afraid what attracts our attention at the first sight must be this snow-white statue. It is a statue of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. This statue was carved out of a big piece of jade which is 2-meter-tall and weighs 3 tons. It was carved by Myanmar handicraftsmen and donated to the temple by the Rangoon Buddhists in 1935.If we watch the statue, we may sense that the peaceful expression on the Buddha’s face has brought us to a quiet and harmonious state.The last building we will visit is the Avalokitesvara Pavilion in the north yard. When we entered the yard just now we saw a statue of her. Now I’d like to introduce her carefully.As a goddess, she swore that she would not become a Buddha until all the living creatures suffering from pains were saved. So she became a bodhisattva who is most popular among the people and attracts the most believers of all the gods and goddesses in Buddhism. It was said that one would be saved from trouble and disaster as long as he (she) chanted her name and if it was heard by her. Thus she is called Guanshiyin, which means ‘hearing or looking on the voices of the suffering’. Because of her kind heart and benevolence she got another title ‘the Goddess ofMercy’.According to Buddhism, bodhisattvases have no distinction of sex, that is, they are neither male nor female, because they are immortals. But it’s very strange and interesting that most of bodhisattvases were engraved or carved in the images of various kinds of men in human society. Changes didn’t take place until an emperor’s mother thought it was inconvenient to worship a male bodhisattva in her bedroom. From then on, Guanshiyin, the bodhisattvas began to appear before her believers in the image of a beautiful and elegant lady.We’ll pay a visit to a very serious, sacred place. Generally, the place is regarded as the most holy by Buddhists. It is the Grand Hall, where the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni isworshiped. It is always the center of a Buddhist temple in construction and in Buddhists’ mind.The statue in the middle is Sakyamuni. According to Buddhism his mother gave birth to him in a garden. He belonged to Kshatreya Caste. He married his cousin when he was 16 or 17 years old. At the age of 29, he was confronted with the sights of an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a wandering ascetic. With eyes opened to aspects of life newly revealed to him, he broke from the material world and became an ascetic. Six years later, he gave up mystic concentration that at last brought him enlightenment under a bo tree. He then founded an order of mendicants and spent his next 45 years preaching his ideas until his death.These two statue beside the Buddha are his two disciples. The one on the right was said to be Sakyamuni’s cousin and he had good memory so that he could remember all the Buddha told his disciples. The one on the left was said to be the lord of Brahmnism and he once was Sakyamuni’s tutor. But afterwards he was convinced by Buddhism after long-term debate between Buddhism and other religions and he accepted Sakyamuni as his tutor. Thus he became the eldest one of all Sakyamuni’s disciples.Next, we’ll pay a visit to the Ahrat Hall in the south court.The Ahrat Hall is an important structure in a Buddhist temple. But not all temples have an Ahrat Hall, especially, well-kept Ahrat Halls are very rare in China. This one is among them, andwhat’s more, it has its own unique characteristics.Generally, an Ahrat Hall is a square building. The building is subdivided into four small square courts so that the hall can get enough sunlight. This kind of structure show some lucky implies in Chinese Buddhist culture.Another characteristic about the hall lies in these sculptures themselves. They were neither made up of wood, nor stone, nor clay. A special way was taken in making them, which could prevents them from being burned, being soaked or being eaten by insects. All the sculptures were floating in water while Wuhan was flooded in 1954, but, surprisingly, they were sound and safe after the flood had receded. It was really a wonder.Ahrats are the immortals in Buddhism. But when you have a look around the sculptures, you may find from the expressions on their faces that they are so familiar to you. That’s only because they were molded on the basis of the people in the reality, so they are human beings in our daily life rather than immortals.Ahrats are the symbols of harmony, happiness, and good luck, so the Wuhan natives have got used to counting ahrats since ancienttime to pray for peace. There are a few ways of counting ahrats. We can count from the first ahrat from left to right or from right to left, when we just enter the hall. We can also choose any ahrat as our starting point, and count in the same way, left to right or right to left. We should base counting on our own ages whatever we take. For example, I’m 25, so I should stop in front of the 25th ahrat from the starting ahrat. The sculpture in front of whichI stop is my lucky ahrat. My lucky ahrat will accompany me to spenda peaceful and lucky year. Wouldn’t you like to have a try now? If you need, I can explain connotation of some ahrats.That’s all for the explanation to Guiyuan Temple. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. You will have another 30 minutes to have a look around the temple. If you have any problems, do let me know. I would like to repeat our bus number, A3074. Please don’t forget. See you later.湖北省博物馆英文导游词Good morning ladies and gentlemen;Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the way to the museum, I ‘d like to show a present to express my warmest welcome to you. You may wonder what the present is. Well let me introduce it to you. The music you are going to listen to is the very gift. Now, please enjoy the music.Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrument is used to play the beautiful melody?That’s the serial bells, a wonder in the world. Indeed a wonder in the world. Every year tourists from all over the world continuously come to visit them and appreciate the programs played by it. Each year they return with unforgetable memory.The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum, Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museum is the center for collecting, studying, preserving and displaying historical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history, archaeology, art etc. These relics provide precious material data for studying the development of history, culture, art, science and technology in ancient China.Situated in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, Hubei has a long history and rich land. As early as 2,000,000 years ago, our ancestors lived and worked here and gradually they began to create their own civilization. The relics unearthed from Zenghouyi Tomb are good proofs to the civilization. The relics displayed in the museum are most from the tomb. Serial bells are the most precious and greatest of them all.Are you familiar with the history of the serial bells?It is said that it is the oldest musical instrument kept in the world. You see, our ancestors already knew how to use music to enrich their lives so long ago.Luckily indeed, our archaeologists discovered it by accident and thus displayed the marvelous ancient civilization of Chu State in front us.In 1978, a soldier discovered a large tomb when building his house. It was really a great surprise to discover it at that time. Afterwards, archaeologists excavated these serial bells on the same spot. This was appraised to be the tomb of Zenghouyi. It was220 square meters, 20 metros deep, consisting of 4 tombs. The main coffin was made up of huge internal and external coffins. The man in it died at the age of 45. Those buried alive with the dead were all female, aged from 13 to 25. They were in 21 coffins.Besides the serial bells, more than 7,000 other historical cultural relics have been unearthed, such as bronze ware, ancient musical instrument, weapons, golden ware, jade ware, painted ware, wooden ware, and bamboo ware. Most of them are unique art treasure and they were deliberately made.What is especially worth mentioning is the ancient musical instrument, such as serial bells, stone chimes, drums, 25-stringed plucked zither, and bamboo flute. They are totally 8 types,including 4 pieces. The entire musical instrument is placed perfectly among the bronze serial bells. They make the tomb look like an ancient concert hall.Today the underground concert hall has come back to life. As a major instrument, 64 serial bells are put in the middle room, lined along the north and west wall. It can be concluded that serial bells are Zenhouyi’s favorite, for his body was placed in the west room.As wee see, these big bells are shaped like round-bottomed baskets; small ones are like warming pots. They are hung in 3 layers from the winding bell shelf that is 13 meters long, 2.7 meters high. The whole bell shelf is supported by 6 human-shape objects. It is as strong as newly cast.Ok, let me give you a brief introduction about the elegant ancient serial bells. All the bells have been played. They are all carved with inscription about musical melody. Each bell can produce 2 pitches. After many years of research, we find that its amplitude approached the international level of today. The combined scale is the 7 notes in C major of today. Its compasses very side, including 5 and a half octaves. The whole sound may be adjusted. Its wooden shelf is quite exquisite. Although buried for 2,400 years, the serial bells are well played. It not only can be used to play withto produce scores with the same melody, but also can produce mixed sounds though harmony and repeat tunes. Chinese musical pieces, such as Intoning Three Times Before Leaving Yang Pass, The Moon On The Spring River, and foreign pieces, such as Christmas Eve, can be played on it, even Beethoven’s Ode to Joy in the Ninth Symphony can be. Foreign tourists are usually attracted by the fascinating music when listening to the Chinese song The Night On The Prairie. When foreign songs cut in, they are shocked by the old civilization of Chu State. As the famous violinist, Menuin praised it, ‘The grand Greek music is accepted by the world. However, the musical instruments in ancient Greece were made of wood, what’s more, not a single instrument is kept till today. Here we are able to enjoy the sound of the instrument of 2,000 years\\\\\\\' history from the tomb of Chu State.Actually, whoever enjoys the music played on the serial bells will be surprised at the great achievement made by the people of Chu State in the fields of music, culture, smelting, and casting.According to the history, Chu State was called the state of rites and music at that time. People in Chu State love dancing. They danced in the palace and sang in the room. They knew how to enjoy dancing and singing. We can imagine the following scene. The host of the bomb was seated in his palace and watched the girls dancing.On both his sides sat his followers. They sat on the floor. A table with short legs was placed in front of them. They put one hand on the table that is used to hold arms. This can be proved by the relics in the tomb.Do you know, in China, a male and a female mandarin ducks are the symbol of love, for they often play together in the water and live together. Can you see the box here? This box was found in the tomb. The box was painted. It was empty in it. But there are some pictures. They describe a very vivid situation; some people are striking bells, beating drums and dancing. This picture is very precious, for we can know how these instruments should be played, especially the serial bells.I wonder if you have noticed that there is only one mandarin duck on the box. Do you know why? Oh, he is abandoned by his lover. But he found a new company—music. He didn’t heed the other mandarin duck, for what he really loved was music.Well, I have a question. What is the tourists’favorite?The music played on the serial bells.。