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Good morning, interviewers

it’s my great honor to be here to present my teaching ideas; (I’m contestant number___,) and my topic is_________(板). My presentation is composed of five parts; now please allow me to introduce them one by one.

Part One. Analysis of teaching material

Here I will analyze this part from 3 points:

The first point is “Status and functions”

This unit is unit__in term_ _taken from new Standard English book and my lecture is the reading part of it. By learning this passage, the students can master some language points and reading skills.

The second point is “Teaching aims”

Firstly, Knowledge aims: The students should understand all the key words and expressions

Secondly, Ability aim is t o improve the students’ ability of getting the mai n idea and detailed information of this passage.

Thirdly, Emotional aims: to enable the students to develop good manners of learning.

T he third point is “importance and difficulties. The important points are to master usage of key words and phrase s such as__________.The difficult points mainly focus on how to develop the students’ reading ability.

Now let’s come to the next part.

Part Two. Analysis of the learners

As Senior High School students, most of them are very shy and they seldom participate in class activities. So in order to activate my students, I will adopt some teaching and learning approaches in my class. So next, let’s come to Part three.

Part Three. Teaching & learning approaches

In order to realize the principal that students will be centered, I will adopt Task-based Language teaching method; and my students are supposed to apply Cooperative learning method. In addition, I also need some teaching aids including a blackboard, a computer and some PPT files. Now let’s come to the most importa nt part of my lecture.

Part Four. Teaching Procedures

In order to arrange my teaching procedures systematically and logically, I will divide my teaching procedures into 5 steps.

Step one is “Warming up”

At beginning, I will play an English song for my students because it can not only help them relax, but can also bring them into an English atmosphere.

Step Two is “Leading-in”

I will have a free talk with my students about__________________________________________________, thus leading my

students to the topic we’re going to learn.

Step Three is “R eading”it will cost 20 min

First.Class work

Skimming: here I will ask my students to read the passage quickly and loudly, and then give them some T or F questions to see if they have a general understanding of this passage. They will answer it together.

Second. Group work

Scanning: here my students should read the passage very carefully and silently, and work in groups to discuss the following questions. By doing this, I can check whether my students have a detailed understanding of this passage.

Third. Pair work

Learning language points: ask students to work in pairs and pick out the important sentences, and then introduce to others, of course showing the reasons why your pairs choose. I will do example, such as________________________ (板)because this sentence has a important phrase or sentence structure.

Fourth individual work

Consolidation: Here I will show my students a short passage with key words and phrases missing.of course, those words or phrase is taken from this passage we have learnt today. And then ask some students to retell the passage by filling the blanks, finishing them by individual.

Step F our is “summary”Before the class is almost over, I will ask some students to summarize what they have learned in this class, and I will do some commentary in the end. Praising what they did well, correcting what they did wrong. Then the last step, of course, homework.

Step five. Homework As for the homework, the students should read the passage again and again and understand the important language points. Students should finish the part of reading comprehension and single answer in the English weekly paper. Now let’s come to the last part of my lecture: blackboard design.

Part Five. Blackboard Design

In order to make the blackboard design clearly and neatly, I write the sentence on the left. Then I show the sentence structure and example on the right. In the middle, I will use an arrow symbol to connect.

In a word, the whole teaching plan is based on tasks and cooperation which are design from easy to difficult. The students is a agent, the teacher just is a organizer.

Well, that’s all for my presentation, I appreciate your attention very much!
