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Institute Cargo Clauses (A) (1/1/09) / Institute Cargo Clauses (B) (1/1/09) / Institute Cargo Clauses (C) (1/1/09)


事实上,更重要的改变是早在1982年的协会货物条款已经有,这已经在本书第一版有所介绍。这就是从几百年来英国一直援用的劳合社S.G.保单,一下变了去使用1982年的协会货物条款(A)、(B)与(C)。这一个主要的改变可以说是海上保险的革命,主要的推动是来自联合国1975年的报告对S.G保单与海上保险作出严厉批评与其他一连串的建议,例如要以联合国的保险条款替代伦敦的保险条款等,所带来。而伦敦以前一直以来坚持要保持S.G保单的做法是为了防止新的条款会带来不稳定,会带来很多的诉讼,要去对有关新的条款作出权威性的解释,等。而S.G保单由于历史的原因,可以说它上面差不多每一个字都有先例给与了权威性的解释。不论历史是怎样,事实上在有了1982年的协会货物条款后,并被国际上大量使用,但现实上所带来的诉讼是寥寥可数,可见伦敦保险市场较早时的忧虑根本是多余。也可以印证了保险条款的改变是不需要害怕的,只要是改变了的条款是有一班高水平的人士去拟定得好、清楚明了与全面。而现在到了20年以后,有了新的条款,但这再也谈不上是革命,而只是应酬式地作出一点点地改变而已,甚至是两条款的各条款编号都是一样的。而各条款是可以分为8大类去作出不同的针对,其中第1-3条款归类为“承保风险”(risks covered);第4-7条款归类为“除外/豁免条款”(exclusions);第8-10条款归类为“承保期限”(duration);第11-14条款归类为“索赔”(claims);第15条款归类为“保险利益”(benefit of insurance);第16-17条款归类为“减少损失或施救责任”(minimising losses);第18条款归类为“避免延误”(avoidance of delay);第19条款归类为“适用法”(law and practice)。而这新的条款大家是可以在网上找到,网址是:。

以下就主要去针对2009年1月1日所拟定的协会货物条款(A)(Institute Cargo Clauses [A] [1/1/09])的一些主要的地方作出介绍。至于为什么针对(A)条款来解释,是因为(B)条款是在实际业务中绝少被使用的,而(C)条款只被使用在运载货物的船舶发生事故,例如是沉没或者是发生碰撞


首先是一般性的解释1982年条款与2009年条款的无伤大雅的只是一些一般性更新的文字上的改变,例如是:(1)“货物”以前是用“goods”或“cargo”,而现在用“subject matter insured”;(2)“保险人”以前是用“underwriters”,而现在用“insurers”;(3)以前针对被保险人的“仆人”(servant),显然是一个过时的措辞,而现在用“雇员”(employee),这里可去看2009年条款之第5.1.2条;(4)以前的“续保”(held cover)现在改成很长的一句把它的意思充分表达出来,这在2009年条款之第10.1条,稍后会比较详细地作出介绍;(5)以前的“不允许放弃保险利益”(not to inure)不明确的英文文字也被改为更清楚的英文,这是在2009年条款之第15条款。



针对一切险的举证责任是不存在或者很轻微,主要的先例是贵族院的British and Foreign Marine Insurance Co Ltd v Gauet (1912) 2 AC 41。案情是有关一批羊毛的货物,保的是一切险从Patagonia到Punta Arenas再直航去欧洲。有一些羊毛在装船之前已经浸水,但浸水的原因根本是没有人知道。诉讼中的争议是到底是不是一个事故引致该损失的,这就涉及是“意外”(fortuity)的问题,因为没有任何意外性的话就不会是保险的范围。贵族院判货方胜诉,原因是浸水本身就不是一个在正常运输中可以预见会发生的事情,所以可以去推断是由于一些事故与不正常的情况所导致。而其中Birkenhead勋爵是这样说:
“The damage proved was such as did not occur and could not be expected to o

ccur in the course of a normal transit. The inference remains, that it was due to some abnormal circumstance, some accident or casualty. We are, of course, to give effect to the rule that the plaintiff must establish his case that he must show that the loss comes within the terms of his policies; but where all risks are covered by the policy and not merely risks of a specified class or classes. The plaintiff discharges his special onus when he has proved that the loss was caused by some event covered by the general expression and he is not bound to go further to prove the exact nature of the accident or casualty which, in fact, occasioned his loss.”。

但即使是投保了一切险,被保险人的货方还是要证明货物有损失或是损坏,这表示经常会发生的一些货物短缺,很多时候只是属于一种纸面上的损失(paper loss)。换言之,由于不少货物例如是燃油或是大宗货,都会有测量的困难与不准确。这经常会导致装港与卸港的测量结果显示货物有短缺,但实际上航次中什么事情都没发生过。在Coven SPA v Hong Kong Chinese Insurance Co (1998) EWCA Civ 1573,涉及了一船的大豆,投保的是(A)条款,但它另去加上了一条款说是超过1% 的短缺才被承保(shortage in weight but subject to an excess of 1% in the whole shipment)。结果在航次中,有一批货物的短缺是大概有14%,而双方接受这一个短缺是由于测量上的错误导致。被保险人的货方要求保险人赔偿超过了1%的短缺,所依据的就是被加上去的条款。去了上诉庭,判是货方的要求不被接受。Clarke大法官认为即使是加上了条款,它本质上还是要求货物有损失或损坏。Clarke大法官认为无法接受双方约定保险合同的时候会有任何意图去承保一些从来不存在的货物(因为纸面损失就表示根本没有该货物装上过船舶),而且货方也无法去证明他对任何货物有保险利益。上诉庭也没有说死不能对这种纸面损失决定不能去投保,但显然双方所约定的文字作为承保风险恐怕要比现在使用的文字要更加清楚才有希望能够成功。

另一个贵族院先例也显示了货物的损失或损坏必须是可能会在运输途中发生,即使是很大的可能性。反之,如果是一定会发生,就变了根本不是保险了。这一个精神也完全适用在(A)条款的一切险。该先例就是Soya G.m.b.H. v White (1983) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 122,案情是有关大豆从印尼以CIF价格运去安特卫普与鹿特丹。在第一艘船舶“Teviotbank”,船上运载的2,000吨大豆发热并造成损坏。这导致了保险人对接下去的货物运输不敢怠慢,马上去保险市场加保了一种叫“heating,sweating and spontaneous combustion”或简称HSSC险,所针对的就是货物发热、出汗与自燃的风险。由于1906年《英国海上保险法》之

Section 55(2)(c)是说明除非保单另有规定,否则保险人是不承保内在缺陷或货物的本质:“Unless the policy otherwise provides, the insurer is not liable for…inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured.”。这表示即使是保一切险,如货物有发热、出汗与自燃的风险也是要加保HSSC险。但即使是加保了HSSC险,还是要求它带来的损失或损坏并不是一定会发生。在Soya G.m.b.H. v White,继“Teviotbank”后的两个航次,第一批是5,500吨的大豆,船舶是“Corfu Island”;第二批是3,200吨大豆,船舶是“Welsh City”。但两批货物都有损坏,原因是货物发热。第一批所带来货物的损坏是12.5%,另二批是45%,总共损失的金额高达73万美元。但保险人拒赔,其中一个最主要的理由就是这些货物由于运输的情况是一定会有这种损坏。这里就涉及了根据双方专家证据,就是他们同意如果运输时的大豆水份含量是低于某一个百分比的话,就不会发生这些发热的情况,但超出14%的话并且针对有关的航次是45天与装货时的温度是摄氏30度的话,就变了是一定会在航次中发热的情况。在第一审,Lloyd大法官接受货方的专家证人所说的,就是水份含量间于12%-14%的话,就是属于灰色地带,即在运输途中可能会发热也可能不会发热。而Lloyd大法官也根据证据(主要是根据一个在装货时的样品证明)判“Corfu Island”与 “Welsh City”在装货的时候大豆水份含量是低于13%,显示运输途中的发热并不是一定会发生,所以判保险人败诉。第一审的判决受到上诉庭与贵族院的支持。在贵族院Diplock勋爵并没有对一种情况说死就是装货时的大豆水份高到发热现象是一定会发生的时候可否获得赔付,但答案显然是明确的,Diplock勋爵是这样说的:
“In conclusion I should make it clear that since in your Lordship’s House the concurrent findings of fact that the moisture content of the soya beans fell within a grey area was accepted so that deterioration from heat and sweat in the course of the voyage was not inevitable, it has not been necessary for your Lordships to consider whether the insurers would have been liable under HSSC policy if, unknown to the assured, the moisture content of the beans on shipment had been so high as to make such deterioration inevitable. On that question, on which we have heard no argument, I express no opinion.”。

“Inevitability of loss is not mentioned in s. 55 of the Marine Insurance Act, because it operates at a much more f

undamental level than the rule that underwriters are only liable for losses proximately caused by perils insured against. Underwriters can rely upon inevitability of loss, because the whole concept of insurance is about risks, not certainties. In a sense the use of the term ‘inevitability’ misleads. In practical terms there is as much a risk if the inevitability of a loss is not known as if the loss itself may or may not occur. Overdue ships and cargo can be insured, notwithstanding that the whole basis of the insurance is that their loss may not only be inevitable, but already have occurred. I would therefore prefer to use the term ‘known certainty’ instead of ‘inevitability’. This has to be conjoined with the words ‘of the loss or of the particular extent of the loss’ to take account of the fact that in some cases the whole loss may be certain, but in others only part.

I regard this defence as stemming from the nature of a contract of insurance, although if the certainty of the loss is known to the assured and not to the underwriter, other defences will be open, e.g. fraud, non-disclosure or, possibly, loss by the act of the assured in knowingly exposing the subject matter to certain loss. However where the certainty of loss is known to both assured and underwriter, as for example is the case with cargoes which always lose some weight or volume in transit, other than that insurance is about risks and not known certainties, it is difficult to see any basis for exemption from liability. This is not to say that known certain losses cannot be the subject matter of a contract of indemnity; merely that very clear words will be required since it is highly improbable contract for someone to make in the course of his business as an insurance underwriter.”。

最后想去节录的就是在Mayban General Assurance Bhd v Alstom Power Plants Ltd (2004) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 609,Moore-Bick大法官有谈到(A)条款的一切险承保的风险是十分广泛,但还是有三个后果。第一个就是被保险人要去证明这个损失是一个意外,而不是肯定会发生的后果;第二个就是被保险人不需要去进一步说明这一个意外到底是怎样的意外与它的本质;第三个就是一切险也不承保因为是自然损耗或内在缺陷,这基本上还是与第一个后果是一致。Moore-Bick大法官是这样说:
“The expression ‘all risks’ is used in policies of insurance as a convenient way of encompassing all insurable risks to which the property in question may be exposed without attempting to identify them individually. The contract nonetheless remains one under which the insurer accepts the risk of loss occurring through the occurrence of some peril acting on the property insured. A number of consequences follow from this. The first is that in order to recover under the policy the insured must prove that the loss was caused by an accident or casualty of some kind. Insurers accept

the risk, although the insured must prove a loss by an accident of some kind, it is not necessary for him to go further and establish the exact nature of the accident by which it occurred. The third is that the policy does not cover the insured against loss due to wear and tear or the inherent vice of the thing insured, whether that loss was bound to occur or was fortuitous in the sense that its occurrence depended on the particular circumstances to which the goods happened to be exposed in the course of the voyage.”。


该条款实际上是去重复1906年《英国海上保险法》之Section 55(2)的规定,而且在1982年条款与该2009年条款的规定文字上没有分别,如果涉及被保险人货方的蓄意恶行,保险人是不会作出赔付。什么叫蓄意恶行在最近的一个案例中名为Thomas Cook v Air Malta (1997) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 399作出定义,可以节录如下:
“What does amount to wilful misconduct? A person willfully misconducts himself if he knows and appreciates that it is misconduct on his part in the circumstances to do or fail to do something and yet (a) intentionally does or fails or omits to do it or (b) persists in the act, failure or omission regardless of the consequences or (c) acts with reckless carelessness, not caring what the results of his carelessness may be. (A person acts with reckless carelessness if, aware of a risk that goods in his care may be lost or damaged, he deliberately goes ahead and takes the risk, when it is unreasonable in all the circumstances for him to do so.)”。

至于较早的先例,例如说明是蓄意恶行并不等于是疏忽或者是不小心,即使是到了十分严重的程度。而是要涉及被保险人有意图的、蓄意的而且知道是错误的,才构成蓄意恶行。其中一个先例是Horabin v British Overseas Airways Corp (1952) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 450,Barry大法官这样说:
“Wilful misconduct, to put it most shortly, as it has often been put in the past, is misconduct to which the will is a party, and it is something which is wholly different in kind from mere negligence or carelessness, however gross that negligence or carelessness maybe. I think the first thing for you to remember is that the wil

l must be a party to the misconduct, and not merely a party to the conduct or which complaint is made. Let us take this example: if the pilot of an aircraft knowingly does something which subsequently a jury find amounted to misconduct, those facts alone do not show that he was guilty of wilful misconduct. To establish wilful misconduct on the part of this imaginary pilot, it must be shown not only that he knowingly (and in that sense willfully) did the wrongful act, but also that when he did it he was aware that it was a wrongful act—that it is to say that he was aware that he was committing a misconduct.
It is of no avail to the plaintiff in this case to establish wilful misconduct unless he can also establish that the wilful misconduct caused the accident.”。

另一个先例是Rustenberg Platinum Mines Ltd v South African Airway (1977) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 564中Ackner大法官说:
“It is common ground that ‘wilful misconduct’ is far beyond negligence even gross or culpable negligence, and involves a person doing or omitting to do that which is not negligent but which he knows and appreciates is wrong, and is done or omitted regardless of the consequences, not caring what the result of his carelessness may be.”。



“1982 – 4.3
Loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured (for the purpose of this Clause 4.3 ‘packing’ shall be deemed to include stowage in a container or liftvan but only when such stowage is carried out prior to attachment of this insura

nce or by the Assured or their servants)

2009 – 4.3
Loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured to withstand the ordinary incidents of the insured transit where such packing or preparation is carried out by the Assured or their employees or prior to the attachment of this insurance (for the purpose of these Clauses ‘packing’ shall be deemed to include stowage in a container and ‘employees’ shall not include independent contractors )”

包装通常会被视为被承保的范围内,即如果货物没有损坏而只是包装有损坏,保险人也要负责赔偿。在Brown Bros v Fleming (1902) 7 Com Cas 245,威士忌酒本身没有损坏,但包装包括酒的标签与瓶塞都受到损坏,被判是属于承保的范围。包装不被包括在承保范围的情况就是保单没有去说明,换言之这还是一个解释保险合同的问题:Vacuum Oil Co v Union Insurance Society of Canton Ltd (1925) 24 Lloyd’s Rep 188。

虽然货物包装通常会被包括在承保范围,但要小心的是如果包装本身是有缺陷,这就会带来保险人拒赔,而根据的就是1906年《英国海上保险法》之Section 55(2)(c)的规定,即货物的内在缺陷是不承保的。这里的默示地位可去看先例:Berk (FW) & Co Ltd v Style (1956) 1 QB 180;Gee & Garnham Ltd v Whittall (1955) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 562;Soya GmbH v White (1982) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 136之149页。在本条,可以说只是去以明示条款重复说包装如果是不足或者是不适的话就会被排除在2009年条款的(A)条款外。

注意是包装不包括装货或堆货在船舱内,这些作业如果有缺陷的话在(A)条款还是会对损失或者损坏承保的。这里可举Helicopter Resources Pty Ltd v Sun Alliance Australia Ltd (The Icebird) (1991) 312 MLN,Ormiston大法官说:“to those steps which are necessary to prepared the cargo for the loading process, not to the very acts which result in the cargo being stowed on board.”。


新包装后才能继续运输到目的地,这一来如果包装有缺陷而造成新的或更严重的损坏,是被承保的。针对这方面可以去举一个案件来说明,它是有关一批包装了的货物二氧化钛(Titanium Dioxide)。它在岸上的运输终结后,在装上船舶前要在仓库内把它放到货盘(pallet)上,然后再用叉车堆放在集装箱内。但问题出在货盘的木材潮湿,这导致了最后装在密不通风的集装箱内发潮而导致货物的损坏。幸亏这一个把货物放到货盘的工作是货方包了给独立承包商负责,他不属于货方的雇员,所以最后获得赔偿。但如果这一个把货物放到货盘的工作是在离开仓库前已经做好,特别是被保险人的货方自己去负责,这样的话就赔不到了。

相比2009年条款,除了把已经过时的“仆人”改为“雇员”外,它也在最后的一句话(括号里)去说明独立承包商(independent contractors)并不属于被保险人的雇员。另在2009年条款,也去把1982年条款的一个模糊的措辞“lift-van”(升降货车)去删除。最后一个改变是去把什么叫“足够”与“合适”的包装去给了一个标准,就是包装本身必须足以承受一般在承保运输上的事故(to withstand the ordinary incidents of the insured transit)。这就表示要看怎样的运输(岸上与海上)与需要一些什么准备,包装就应该达到怎样的程度。这种争议在Mayban General Assurance Bhd v Alstom Power Plants Ltd (2004) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 609有针对,案情是有关一座大的电力变压器(electrical transformer),承保的是1982年(A)条款,从利物浦到马来西亚,途中由于风浪的影响导致机器的接合处(joint)受到损坏。虽然曾经遇到的风浪是8级风或以上,但在该条航线尤其是在冬天的时候这种风浪是可以预见。Moore-Bick大法官认为,虽然该损坏不是必然会发生,但如果发生是由于货物本身例如是不足以包装去面对这些一般性的与可以预见的运输风险的话,保险人就不需要作出赔付即使保的是一切险,如下:
“In many cases the ability of the goods to withstand the incidents of the voyage will depend on the extent to which they are protected by packing. This is a matter which is expressly covered by Cl. 4.3 of the Institute Cargo Clauses, but inadequate packing, where packing is required to enable the goods to withstand the ordinary incidents of the voyage, can probably be regarded as an aspect of inherent vice. The insurer is entitle to assume that the goods as presented for shipment are packed in a way that will enable them to withstand the ordinary incident of carriage and, unless he expressly agreed otherwise, does not accept the risks of loss caused by inadequate packing. For some kinds of goods packing may extend to bracing necessary to prevent the movement of int

ernal parts.

It was not suggested that the damage during the course of the voyage was inevitable, an indeed such evidence as there is a previous successful shipment of similar times of transformers makes it clear that it was not, but it does not follow that the damage was proximately caused by an external fortuitous event. The point is well illustrated by the case of Noten BV v Harding (1990) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 283 which concerned a consignment of leather glove damaged by moisture that had evaporated from the goods and condensed on the vessel’s steelwork before dropping onto them causing them to become mouldy and mildewed. Damages caused in that way was not inevitable, as previous successful shipment of similar goods demonstrated, but when it did occur it was properly to be regarded as having be caused by the nature of the goods themselves rather than by an external cause. The case also provides a useful reminder that issues of causation should normally be determined by applying common sense rather than too refined an analysis.”。

“In the light of the evidence as a whole I am satisfied the loss in the present case was caused by the inability of the transformer to withstand the ordinary conditions of the voyage rather than by the occurrence of conditions which it could not reasonably have been expected to encounter. It follows that the insurers are not liable to indemnify Alstom(被保险人)in respect of the damage it suffered.”。

这一条也是在2009年条款没有作出什么改变,而这一条明示条款实际上也是去重复1906年《英国海上保险法》之Section 55(2)(c)的规定。反正是在保单没有去另外明示规定的情况下,由于内在缺陷或货物本质的损失或损坏是保险人不负责去赔付的,不论这是肯定会发生的后果(certainty)或是意外的(fortuitous)。这一点Moore-Bick大法官在Mayban General Assurance Bhd v Alstom Power Plants Ltd (2004) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 609中说的就是一切险也不承保货物的内在缺陷,不论是肯定还是意外的(“whether that loss was bound to occur or was fortuitous”)。但1906年《英国海上保险法》说明保单可以去另外同意,毕竟这不涉及非法或是违反公共政策。所以,已经介绍过的Soya G.m.b.H. v White (1983) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 122先例,它涉及了大豆的货物去投保了HSSC险,这就是典型的例子去投保内在缺陷或货物本质所造成的损失或损坏。但正如所介绍的那样,即使去这样加保,保险人要赔付的也只是意外的损失或损坏,而不是肯定会发生的后果。当然,如果不去加保的话,就是两种情况都不能获得赔偿。


“The phrase where it is used in section 55(2)(c) refers to a peril by which a loss is proximately caused; it is not descriptive of the loss itself. It means the risk of deterioration of the goods shipped as a result of their natural behaviour in the ordinary course of the contemplated voyage without the intervention of any fortuitous external accident or casualty.”。

这条在2009年条款中并没有作出改变,除了去把由于延误作为“近因”(proximately)一词删除。本来,1982年条款的说法只是为了去跟从1906年《英国海上保险法》强调近因与远因的说法外,但去把近因加在本条款,有说法是带来了一定的混乱,所以在2009年条款把这词删除。至于延误会带来的损失或损坏,会是实质性的,例如是一船香蕉因为发生海上事故(碰撞或搁浅),虽然没有对香蕉造成任何损坏,但由于航次的延误而导致一船的香蕉变了全损。延误带来的损失也会在经济方面,这特别是在今天的集装箱运输带来了很多情况下收货人都会将物料的储备减到很低,而靠的是源源不绝的物流运输与供应。所以当遇到延误的话就会可能带来很大的经济损失。所以在(A)条款,针对延误的豁免也是尽可能写得很广泛以免保险会面对类似直接或间接的损失或损坏。在很大的程度上,这条款也是去重复默示的地位,就是1906年《英国海上保险法》之Section 55(2)(b)。

“1982 – 4.6
Loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charterers or operators of the vessel.

2009 – 4.6
Loss damage or expense caused by insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charterers or operators of the vessel where, at the time of loading of the subject-matter insured on board the vessel, the Assured are aware, or in the ordinary course of business should be aware, that such insolvency or financial default could prevent the normal prosecution of the voyage.

This exclusion shall not apply where the contract of insurance has been assigned to the party claiming hereunder who has bought or agreed to buy the subject-matter insured in good faith under a binding contract.”




很不幸的是今天的国际外贸很多时候就是CIF或CFR买卖,这表示运费基本上已经在装完货就全部被支付。当然,在这种情况下提单通常会是著名的运费预付提单(freight prepaid)。所以在法律上,船东是没有办法去要求货方或提单持有人再去多作出一个运费的支付。这方面的法律地位十分清楚,例如是Cho Yang Shipping v Coral (1997) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 641,上诉庭曾经提到一审的Hallgarten大法官所说的如下:
“the basic commercial function of a ‘freight prepaid’ clause was to assure the notify party or other consignee that as between himself and the shipowner no liability for freight could be asserted; the expression ‘freight prepaid’ served in no way to affect the basic liability of the shipper if freight had not in fact been prepaid.”。

但法律地位是一回事,在船东山穷水尽的时候,实在是没有钱去完成航次的时候,他是不会关心的。所以,即使是签发了运费已经预付的提单,船东在航次半途要求多给一笔运费的情况在航运低迷的时候是经常会听到的,就像是The “Alev” (1989) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 138。




在2009年条款中拟定得不是很好的是,它针对的时间就是装货的时间(time of loading)。这带来的困难就是被保险人通常是在装货前已经订立了运输合同(不论是租约还是订舱单),如果在那时没有办法合理知道船东或者承运人或面临清盘或者经济不善,而这个消息只是在装货前才暴露出来,被保险人就会非常矛盾。原因是合同的一方发生经济不善甚至是清盘,除非合同有明示规定,并不是另一方可以去中断合同的合法理由。这一来,被保险人的矛盾就是去装货的话,出了事故货物保险是不赔的。如果不装货的话,就会面临船东或者承运人违约的指控以及索赔有关的损失。




“1982 – 4.7
Loss damage or expense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction of radioactive force or matter.

2009 – 4.7
Loss damage or expense directly or indirectly caused by or arising from the use of any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction of radioactive force or matter.”。

从1982年以来,世界变得更加危险与不稳定。看来,2009年条款虽然作出不多的改变,但总的来说是去把本条的豁免范围去扩大。第一是在1982年条款的“源于”(arising from)战争武器所导致的损失/损坏或费用去豁免,但在2009年就去多加了几个字变了是“直接或间接导致或源于”(directly or indirectly caused by or arising from)。第二是“战争武器”(any weapon of war)被扩大为“任何武器或装置”(any weapon or device),看来是试图去包括像是声称恐怖分子会使用的“肮脏炸弹”(dirty bomb)。

“1982 – 5
5.1 In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense arising from, Unseaworthiness of vessel or craft,
Unfitness of vessel craft conveyance container or liftvan for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured,
Where the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness, at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded therein.
5.2 The Underwriters waive any breach of the implied warranties of seaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-matter insured to destination, unless the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness.

2009 – 5
5.1 In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense arising from
5.1.1 unseaworthiness of vess

el or craft or unfitness of vessel or craft for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured, where the Assured are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness, at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded therein

5.1.2 unfitness of container or conveyance for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured, where loading therein or thereon is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or by the Assured or their employees and they are privy to such unfitness at the time of loading.

5.2 Exclusion 5.1.1 above shall not apply where the contract of insurance has been assigned to the party claiming hereunder who has bought or agreed to buy the subject-matter insured in good faith under a binding contract.

5.3 The Insurers waive any breach of the implied warranties of seaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-matter insured to destination.。”

在1982年条款的本条,主要目的是为了去改变法律的默示地位。这一个默示地位就是指1906年《英国海上保险法》之Section 40(2):
“In a voyage policy on goods or other movables there is an implied warranty that at the commencement of the voyage the ship is not only seaworthy as a ship, but also that she is reasonable fit to carry the goods or other movables to the destination contemplated by the policy.”。

换言之,立法是强加在货方头上一个默示的保证,就是有关的船舶在启航前必须绝对适航与适货。如果违反了保险合同的保证,严重的后果已经在本书其他地方有介绍,就是保险人可以根据1906年立法的Section 33(3)去让保险人在破坏保证的一天中断保险合同。但显然,这对货方不公道,也不现实,因为今天的货方根本无法知道运载他货物的船舶是否适航,更加是无法去控制。这与1906年立法前的时代是很不一样的,当时会有很多货物与船舶的拥有者是同一人士,投保也就是S.G保单把船货一起保。所以,要求保证船舶在启航的时候要绝对适航还是可以讲得通。这导致了一直以来货物保险合同就去加上一条明示条款去超越这一个默示的地位,内容就是说明保险人放弃货方对船舶适航与适货的默示保证的要求。这就是1982年条款之第5.2条的内容,并在后一句说明唯一的例外就是被保险人的货方或他的仆人是对船舶不适航或不适货有私谋(privy)的情况。这种情况在今天的国际货物买卖当然很少会出现,除非货方拥有自己的船队去运输他的货物,就像The “Lady Gwendolen” (1965) 1 Lloyd’s Rep 335先例一样。该船舶是由Guinness啤酒公司拥有,船舶装运的就是该公司的啤酒。该船舶在大雾中发生碰撞,并被发现该船长以前经常在大雾中超速航行,但船东与他的总管没有去作出纠正,也没有去好好的教育他使用雷达。结果判船东对这种不适航的情况

“有错与知情”(actual fault and privity),不允许船东去限制赔偿责任。如果涉及了货物保险,由于该船舶也是货方拥有,就会有危险被指控说他对船长的不适航有私谋而会遭受保险人拒赔了。






“2009 – 6
6. In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense caused by
6.1 war civil war revolution rebellion insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power
6.2 capture seizure arrest restraint or detainment (piracy excepted), and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
6.3 derelict mines torpedoes bombs or other derelict weapons of war.”

这一条战争豁免条款应该不需要多作介绍,因为该条款与历史的原因在2003年国际船舶保险条款中之第29条款有清楚的介绍为什么水险与战争险要分开投保,不在此重复。换言之,2009年的(A)条款只是承保货物运输的水险一切险,而战争险与罢工险就要另外去投保Institute War Clauses (CARGO) 1/1/09与Institute Strikes Clauses (CARGO) 1/1/09。

唯一要一提的是在第6.2条的有关捕获风险条款,在括号中说明不包括海盗。换言之,如果船舶与船上的货物被索马里海盗捕获,并最后遭受损失或需要付赎金作为施救费用或共同海损费用才能取回这些货物的话,这是不属于战争险范围。但要说明这些海盗险只是在(A)条款才是承保范围,因为保的是一切险。但在(B)条款及(C)条款,这个风险就不能被承保。不清楚的地方就是在2009年,伦敦保险市场已经在1983年协会船舶保险条款与2003年国际保险条款中把海盗险从水险搬回战争险,并且拟定了背书条款(endorsement clause)。照理说,针对货物保险也应该有同样的变动,只是目前还没有看到。

“1982 – 7
7. In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense
7.1 caused by strikers, locked-out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions
7.2 resulting from strikes, look-outs, labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions
7.3 caused by any terror

ist or any person acting from a political motive.

2009 – 7
7. In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense
7.1 caused by strikers, locked-out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions
7.2 resulting from strikes, look-outs, labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions
7.3 caused by any act of terrorism being an act of any person acting on behalf of, or in connection with, any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing, by force or violence, of any government whether or not legally constituted
7.4 caused by any person acting from a political, ideological or religious motive.”

已经提到1982年条款与2009年条款的本条款本质上基本相同,就是把罢工等的风险去豁免在(A)条款,被保险人如果有这个需要是另去以Institute Strikes Clauses (CARGO) 1/1/09投保或者加保。但在2009年条款中,明显就在第7.3条把恐怖行为的风险扩大,特别是他们作出袭击的意图也去尽量去包罗万有。这一来,在Institute Strikes Clauses (CARGO) 1/1/09也作出相应的修改,如果需要去承保的话就可以获得保障。但要注意的是承保的只是属于一些实质的损失或损坏,以及为了避免或减少该损失的施救费用。不包括因为罢工或者恐怖行为导致货物运输的延误带来的损失。

“1982 – 8
8. 8.1 This insurance attaches from the time the goods leave the warehouse or place of storage at the place named herein for the commencement of the transit, continues during the ordinary course of transit and terminates either
8.1.1 on delivery to the Consignees' or other final warehouse or place of storage at the destination named herein,
8.1.2 on delivery to any other warehouse or place of storage, whether prior to or at the destination named herein, which the Assured elect to use either for storage other than in the ordinary course of transit or for allocation or distribution, or
8.1.3 on the expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge overside of the goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of discharge, whichever shall first occur.

2009 – 8
8. 8.1 Subject to Clause 11 below, this insurance attaches from the time the subject-matter insured is first moved in the warehouse or at the place of storage (at the place named in the contract of insurance) for the purpose of the immediate loading into or onto the carrying vehicle or other conveyance for the commencement of transit, continues during the ordinary course of transit and terminates either
8.1.1 on completion of unloading from the carrying vehicle or other conveyance in or at the final warehouse or place of storag

e at the destination named in the contract of insurance,
8.1.2 on completion of unloading from the carrying vehicle or other conveyance in or at any other warehouse or place of storage, whether prior to or at the destination named in the contract of insurance, which the Assured or their employees elect to use either for storage other than in the ordinary course of transit or for allocation or distribution, or
8.1.3 when the Assured or their employees elect to use any carrying vehicle or other conveyance or any container for storage other than in the ordinary course of transit or
8.1.4 on the expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge overside of the subject-matter insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of discharge,
whichever shall first occur.”。

这是一条很重要的条款去说明保险人承保的期限,而且该条款是很具争议的。这一个期限最早只承保海上运输的那段时间,所以保单只规定开始从哪一个装港直至安全在卸港着陆(safely landed),再去加上小船要把货物运送去远洋船舶的风险(craft risks)。正如Byles大法官在Lane v Nixon (1866) LR 1 Cp 412所说的,如下:
“The general rule in the law of insurance, that the policy covers not only the voyage from port to port, but also the transit of the goods to and from the ship.”。

发展下去是货物保险伸延到整个运输过程,不论是海上还是岸上。这个最初的做法是根据一条“仓库到仓库条款”(warehouse to warehouse clause),而到了1982年条款就变了是第8条款的“运送条款”(transit clause),开始是“从为了开始运送货物而离开仓库或储存地”(This insurance attaches from the time the goods leave the warehouse or place of storage at the place named herein for the commencement of the transit…),而终结的时间就不光是在货物从运输的船舶卸下与安全着陆,而是根据1982年条款之第8.1.1条—8.1.3条中的3种情况其中一种最早发生的来确定是否终结。

有关1982年条款中的本条运送条款(transit clause),在本书第一版已经有了很详细的介绍,不去重复。只去说,承保的期限已经是整个运输的过程,所谓从卖方的仓库到买方的仓库,只要货物在运送,就受到(A)条款的一切险保障。但有部分被保险人的货方认为光是运输期间受到保障还是不足够,并去寻求加保在装货与卸货期间(例如在卖方的仓库去把货物堆装在集装箱内)会发生的风险。所以,在2009年条款,就去作出相应的改变把承保的时间延伸去装货与卸货。所以在第8.1条就从1982年条款中的措辞说“从货物离开仓库的时候”(from the time the goods leave the warehouse)变了2009年条款的措辞说“从被保险货物在仓库或在储藏的地方首次被移动为

了把货物马上装上运输工具的时候”(from the time the subject-matter insured is first moved in the warehouse or at the place of storage … for the purpose of the immediate loading into or onto the carrying vehicle…)。这样的措辞仍是不承保较早时货物暂时放在仓库或储存地等待开始运输那段时间的风险,例如期间仓库发生火灾。至于去到目的地,措辞也有了改变。在1982年条款之第8.1.1条,要货物去到交给收货人或者最后仓库或列名的储存地。但到了2009年条款之第8.1.1条与8.1.2条就改成是完成从运输工具的卸货(on completion of unloading)。其他的条款也有相应的改变,例如是在2009年条款之第9条款,针对运输合同的终结。


最后要去介绍一个相关的案例,以显示由于双方在保险合同中加上了不清楚的附加条款针对承保风险什么时候开始与什么时候结束的争议,就是Wunsche v Tai Ping Insurance (1998) 2 Lloyd’s Rep 8。这一个先例除了与中国有关系外,也是笔者之一的杨良宜先生的一个已故的朋友梁志辉先生手中的的一个不幸的先例。案情涉及了Wunsche是一批中国生产的罐头蘑菇与罐头芦笋的CIF买方,所以由中国卖方向太平保险投保的一切险保险合同也就在结汇的时候转让给了Wunsche。该保单保的航次是从中国深圳经过香港转运去汉堡(from ShenZhen China to Hamburg with transhipment from Hong Kong)。但保险合同另去加了以下的一条说明是从离开中国的工厂到汉堡的仓库:“Including from ex factory in P.R. of China to warehouse Hamburg subject to warehouse to warehouse clause incorporated in the People’s Insurance Co Of China Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses (All Risks)…”

