
Section B
2020湘教版六年级英语下册(湘鲁 版)全册完整课件
Unit 2 Is she your mum's favourite singer?
2020湘教版六年级英语下册(湘鲁 版)全册完整课件
2020湘教版六年级英语下册(湘鲁 版)全册完整课件目录
0002页 0084页 0147页 0180页 0245页 0308页 0370页 0435页 0500页 0562页 0617页 0661页 0736页 0768页 0829页 0861页 0923页
Unit 1 There are four seasons in a year. Section B Section A Unit 3 Who was she? Section B Section A Unit 5 We are going to learn about Chinese festivals. Section A Section B Unit 6 I danced on Children's Day last year. Section B Section A Unit 8 We will be a junior middle school. Section B Section A Unit 10 Goodbye to all our friends. Section B
Unit 1 There are four seasons in a year.
2020湘教版六年级英语下册(湘鲁 版)全册完整课件
Section A
2020湘教版六年级英语下册(湘鲁 版)全册完整课件
Section A
2020湘教版六年级英语下(湘鲁 版)全册完整课件

2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件
Unit 2 Is she your mum's favourite singer?
2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件
2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件目录
0002页 0074页 0123页 0219页 0251页 0283页 0345页 0377页 0439页 0441页 0494页 0558页 0644页 0688页 0762页 0824页 0886页
Unit 1 There are four seasons in a year. Section B Section A Unit 3 Who was she? Section B Section A Unit 5 We are going to learn about Chinese festivals. Section A Section B Unit 6 I dance last year. Section B Section A Unit 8 We will be a junior middle school. Section B Section A Unit 10 Goodbye to all our friends. Section B
Unit 1 There are four seasons in a year.
2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件
Section A
2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件
Section B
Unit 2 Is she your mum's favourite singer?
2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件
2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件目录
0002页 0074页 0123页 0219页 0251页 0283页 0345页 0377页 0439页 0441页 0494页 0558页 0644页 0688页 0762页 0824页 0886页
Unit 1 There are four seasons in a year. Section B Section A Unit 3 Who was she? Section B Section A Unit 5 We are going to learn about Chinese festivals. Section A Section B Unit 6 I dance last year. Section B Section A Unit 8 We will be a junior middle school. Section B Section A Unit 10 Goodbye to all our friends. Section B
Unit 1 There are four seasons in a year.
2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件
Section A
2020最新湘教版六年级英语下册( 湘鲁版)全册完整课件
Section B

• ① I‘m sorry to hear that. 意思是“听到你得病我很难过”,是听到 别人得病时的一句常用语。
• ② Oh dear在这里意思是“哎呀”“哎哟”,表示吃惊、惊讶, 不一定非得按字面翻译。
• ③ very ill意思是“病得很重”。
• 3. 任务2的教学: • ( cou1g)h,教he师ad出ac示heL,ihsteeanr这an几d s个ay单的词教,学或挂让图学,生带齐领声学朗生读朗这读几ill,个fe单ve词r, s。peak, • (2)播放Listen and say的录音,先让学生仔细听,并注意录音中所用
六年级下册英语课件- 第六单元|湘鲁版
• 1. 话题:能用本单元的单词和句型谈论疾病。 • 2. 功能:能听懂并会用教学内容询问和回答 身体患病情况,并学会用英语请假或写病假条。 • 3. 情感:培养学生良好的生活习惯,避免生 病,有病及时治疗,并学会关心他人。
• 1.Target vocabulary • headache 头痛 • stay 停留 • rest 休息 • take care 保重,注意身体 • toothache 牙痛 • take some medicine 吃一些药 • feel well 感到舒服 • shoulder 肩膀 • 2.Target structures • I cannot go to school today. • I'm ill. I have a cough. • Do you have a headache?
受伤情况的句型,出示有关图片。之后,教师可说:“这些都是 外伤。如果去医院,都应当去外科。那么,哪些病要去内科看呢 ?先别急,我们在这节课就要学习有关疾病的词语和句型了。”
六年级下册英语课件- unit1 湘鲁版

3 • beach sea
The seasons There are _______ seasons in a year. They are ________,_______ , _________ and _______. I like ______.Because it’s ______,I can____________. I like ______,too. Because it’s ______, I can _________. But I like ______ best . Because it’s _____. I can _______. Which season do you like best? Please tell me soon .
Practice: 连词成句:
1.in Hunan it is What season (?) What season is it in Hunan?
2.in the south about What the weather (?) What about the weather in the south ?
What season is it?
Do you like it?
What can you do?
After ……comes…….
Example: 春去夏来: After spring comes summer. 夏去秋来 After summer comes autumn. 秋去冬来 After autumn comes winter. 冬去春来 After winter comes spring.
How many seasons in a year?

湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Let's Know More
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本 课件【全册】目录
0002页 0038页 0088页 0126页 0166页 018outing Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves Assessment Ⅰ Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space. Let's Know More Unit 7 I'm not afraid! Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world Assessment Ⅲ
Unit 1 A family outing
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Let's Know More
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Assessment Ⅰ
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space.
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance
Let's Know More
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本 课件【全册】目录
0002页 0038页 0088页 0126页 0166页 018outing Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves Assessment Ⅰ Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space. Let's Know More Unit 7 I'm not afraid! Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world Assessment Ⅲ
Unit 1 A family outing
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Let's Know More
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Assessment Ⅰ
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 5 Our earth looks like this in space.
湘少版六年级英语下册电子课本课 件【全册】
Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance

英 语 全册优质课件
Unit 1 There are four seasons in a year.
Sing Sing a asong song
Free talk How many seasons are there in a year?
Let’ s learn
dry Its weather is _____ cool and _____.
Let’ s learn
After autumn comes ______. winter Its weather is _____ _____. cold and snowy
>> Presentation
Look, listen and act
Does Andy like summer?
No, he doesn’t.
Listen and answer
Why doesn’t Andy like summer? Its weather in the north is hot and dry. What is Andy’s favourite season? Autumn.
四人一组,说说你最喜爱的季节以及该季节的 天气情况吧!
>> Consolidaton
Let’ s sing
>> Summary
英 语 全册优质课件
Unit 1 There are four seasons in a year.
Sing Sing a asong song
Free talk How many seasons are there in a year?
Let’ s learn
dry Its weather is _____ cool and _____.
Let’ s learn
After autumn comes ______. winter Its weather is _____ _____. cold and snowy
>> Presentation
Look, listen and act
Does Andy like summer?
No, he doesn’t.
Listen and answer
Why doesn’t Andy like summer? Its weather in the north is hot and dry. What is Andy’s favourite season? Autumn.
四人一组,说说你最喜爱的季节以及该季节的 天气情况吧!
>> Consolidaton
Let’ s sing
>> Summary

然后,教师可以问学生:“同学们,你们的妈妈爱你们吗?你们爱你们的妈 妈吗?”待学生回答之后,教师可以进一步问:“同学们,你们知道母亲节 吗?母亲节具体是什么时间呀?”这样,随着问题的深入,将话题转移到本 节教学内容上来。
最后,教师可以说:“母亲节”快要到了,下面让我们跟Wang Li和Zhang Jia一起去购物中心给妈妈买一件礼物。
③ 根据英语惯用法,I与其他人称并列时,多位于其他人称代词之后。 Mum and I will go to see that film on Mother ’s Day. He and I will go to the shopping centre.
(1)教师让学生看Listen and say的教学内容,带领学生朗读Mother’s Day, singer, actress, film,good idea, actor这几个单词和短语,或让学生齐声朗读 这几个单词和短语。
(2)教师简单讲解黑板上或多媒体展示出来的生词和句型。然后,教学生认读、跟 读和记忆。
(3)播放Look, listen and act的录音,先让学生听两遍。在听懂大意的基础上, 给 学 生 布 置 “ 任 务 ” , 比 如 : Does Zhang Jia’s mum like music?What will Zhang Jia buy for her mum? What will Wang Li do on Mother’s Day? 等,让 学生带着问题、带着目的去听录音。
Zhang Jia and Amy are talking about their mums. Listen and fill in the form. Choose good gifts for their mums.
最后,教师可以说:“母亲节”快要到了,下面让我们跟Wang Li和Zhang Jia一起去购物中心给妈妈买一件礼物。
③ 根据英语惯用法,I与其他人称并列时,多位于其他人称代词之后。 Mum and I will go to see that film on Mother ’s Day. He and I will go to the shopping centre.
(1)教师让学生看Listen and say的教学内容,带领学生朗读Mother’s Day, singer, actress, film,good idea, actor这几个单词和短语,或让学生齐声朗读 这几个单词和短语。
(2)教师简单讲解黑板上或多媒体展示出来的生词和句型。然后,教学生认读、跟 读和记忆。
(3)播放Look, listen and act的录音,先让学生听两遍。在听懂大意的基础上, 给 学 生 布 置 “ 任 务 ” , 比 如 : Does Zhang Jia’s mum like music?What will Zhang Jia buy for her mum? What will Wang Li do on Mother’s Day? 等,让 学生带着问题、带着目的去听录音。
Zhang Jia and Amy are talking about their mums. Listen and fill in the form. Choose good gifts for their mums.

本节课教学内容为情景对话,侧重语言的交际功能,目的是通过谈论季节及 特点,培养学生的听、说能力。教学中,围绕主题展开教学活动,有利于实 现教学目标。
教学目标 1.能用所学内容谈论季节特点及适宜的活动。 2 . 能 听 懂 并 会 用 Its weather is... What season is it? How do you
9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。21.8.1321.8.13Friday, August 13, 2021
10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。15:19:3915:19:3915:198/13/2021 3:19:39 PM
(4)通过多种形式让学生朗读Look, listen and act的内容,比如:跟录音读,跟 教师读,角色扮演朗读(根据对话角色,让不同的学生扮演)。也可以让学生将课 文内容换成自己的话来进行复述(注意,复述课文应根据学生实际情况选择使用)。
(5)在学生听懂和熟读的基础上,组织学生以小组为单位,进行角色扮演,模仿 Look, listen and act的内容进行对话表演。(在学生进行对话表演时,教师可将 Look, listen and act的内容通过图片或多媒体等方式,向学生适当提供情景,以 便学生模仿对话时参考。)
15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。2021年8月下午3时19分21.8.1315:19August 13, 2021
16、教学的目的是培养学生自己学习,自己研究,用自己的头脑来想,用自己的眼睛看,用自己的手来做这种精神。2021年8月13日星期五3时19分39秒15:19:3913 August 2021

They will go to the park and grandparents’ home.
A Let’s Listen and Say
take a walk ride bicycles They’ll look at the flowers visit grandparents have dinner
My family usually goes to the park at weekends.
E Let’s write
Read and circle
1. What does your family usually do at weekends? My family _____________________________. 2. Where does your family usually do at weekends? My family ______________________________.
visit grandpa and grandma
Free talk
family outing
How many people are there in your family? What do you usually do at weekends with your family? Will you go on a family outing at weekends?
Unit 1 A family outing
• 第一课时
TPR activities Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Stand up. / Sit down. Show me your hands.
A Let’s Listen and Say
take a walk ride bicycles They’ll look at the flowers visit grandparents have dinner
My family usually goes to the park at weekends.
E Let’s write
Read and circle
1. What does your family usually do at weekends? My family _____________________________. 2. Where does your family usually do at weekends? My family ______________________________.
visit grandpa and grandma
Free talk
family outing
How many people are there in your family? What do you usually do at weekends with your family? Will you go on a family outing at weekends?
Unit 1 A family outing
• 第一课时
TPR activities Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Stand up. / Sit down. Show me your hands.
六年级下册英语课件 Unit 4 We went on a science field trip. 湘鲁版

Did you enjoy it? Andy: Yes, we did. It was very interesting. Mr Liu: Good. What did you learn? Li Wei: We learned many things on the science field
>> Summary
c 本课所学的重点句型有: We went on a science trip last week. —What did you learn? —We learned that bees can make honey.
六年级下 册英语 课件 Un it 4 W e went on a scienc e fiel d trip . 湘 鲁版 ( 共37张P PT)
>> Practise
tick and match
a. some birds fly to the south in winter b. bees can tell each other about food c. pandas eat 10- 15 kg of bamboo a day d. snakes sleep in a hole in winter
talk and write
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Tell your partner what you learned.
Draw and talk about something new.
We saw a ____________________________________. We learned that _______________________________. We saw some _________________________________. We learned that _______________________________.
>> Summary
c 本课所学的重点句型有: We went on a science trip last week. —What did you learn? —We learned that bees can make honey.
六年级下 册英语 课件 Un it 4 W e went on a scienc e fiel d trip . 湘 鲁版 ( 共37张P PT)
>> Practise
tick and match
a. some birds fly to the south in winter b. bees can tell each other about food c. pandas eat 10- 15 kg of bamboo a day d. snakes sleep in a hole in winter
talk and write
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Tell your partner what you learned.
Draw and talk about something new.
We saw a ____________________________________. We learned that _______________________________. We saw some _________________________________. We learned that _______________________________.