Flow chart and information (Jabil)





流程图是揭示和掌握封闭系统运动状况的有效方式。作为诊断 工具,它能够辅助决策制定,让管理者清楚地知道,问题可能 出在什么地方,从而确定出可供选择的行动方案。

过程的各个阶段均用图形块表示,不同图形块之间以箭头相连, 代表它们在系统内的流动方向。下一步何去何从,要取决于 上一步的结果,典型做法是用“是”或“否”的逻辑分支加以 判断。
Flow Chart Drawing

流程图主要用来说明某一项任务的管理过程,可以是工艺流程, 变更流程,设计流程等等。
以特定的图形符号加上说明,表示系统的信息流,观点流,任 务流,便直观、快速地了解到整个任务的管理流程。
‣ ‣ ‣


按照流程的顺序进行 考虑支持的流程 理顺所有文件和流程的借口关系
‣ ‣

引用的其他程序文件 引用的作业指导书 标准表格
手册 程序文件 作业指与结束
引用文件 记录文档

QAD flow chart

QAD flow chart
China Supply Chain
Key Concept of QAD System - MRP
Safety Stock
Quantity of the item to be maintained in inventory as protection against fluctuation in demand or supply. When the item quantity on hand falls below the safety stock quantity, MRP plans an order.
Other Other Markets China
China Supply Chain
QAD General Introduction
QAD is a American software company, we use their ERP package MFG/PRO. QAD is a core system of China supply chain, it is implemented in 1996. The QAD version we use currently is eB2,which was upgraded in 2005. In the Avon China system framework, QAD is focuses on MRP ,order processing and inventory transaction management.
Planned Order Finite Schedule Recommended Shipment
CRP Data Production Demand

英文辩论Flow chart

英文辩论Flow chart

英文辩论Flow chart英文回答:As a seasoned debater, I've refined a robust flowchart to guide my preparation and execution during debate rounds. This flowchart has become an invaluable tool, helping me navigate the complexities of debate and emerge victorious.1. Understand the Resolution:Grasp the core meaning and implications of the resolution.Identify the key concepts, assumptions, and values at play.Example: For the resolution "Resolved: The United States should adopt a universal healthcare system," I would thoroughly research the healthcare systems of various countries, their effectiveness, and the potential impact onthe U.S. population.2. Construct Arguments:Develop compelling arguments that support your stance on the resolution.Ensure your arguments are well-reasoned, evidence-based, and anticipate potential counterarguments.Example: I would argue that a universal healthcare system would provide equitable access to healthcare for all Americans, reduce healthcare costs in the long run, and improve overall health outcomes.3. Anticipate Counterarguments:Identify potential counterarguments that opponents may raise.Prepare rebuttals that effectively counter these arguments and strengthen your own position.Example: I would anticipate the counterargument that a universal healthcare system would lead to longer wait times for healthcare services. I would counter by providing evidence from countries with successful universal healthcare systems that demonstrate efficient and timely access to care.4. Craft Effective Delivery:Practice your delivery to ensure clarity, persuasiveness, and engagement.Use persuasive language, body language, and vocal techniques to captivate your audience.Example: I would use rhetorical devices such as metaphors and analogies to make my arguments memorable and relatable. I would also employ strong eye contact and gestures to engage the audience and convey confidence.5. Evaluate and Adjust:Analyze your performance after each round to identify areas for improvement.Seek feedback from coaches or peers to gain valuable insights and refine your approach.Example: After a debate, I would assess my delivery, identify areas where I could have been more persuasive, and adjust my tactics accordingly.6. Maintain a Positive Attitude:Approach debates with a positive mindset and a willingness to learn.Stay calm under pressure and maintain composure throughout the round.Example: I would remind myself that debates are not personal attacks and that the goal is to engage in a respectful exchange of ideas.中文回答:辩论流程图。



Pitfalls of Activity Based Management ABM Implementation Pitfalls DiagnosticPurpose:The purpose of this diagnostic is to help consultants identify areas ofweakness in an ABM implementation.The following diagnostic is comprised of 30 common pitfalls encountered in an ABM implementation.Each pitfall includes examples of the problem and space fordocumenting specific issues relative to the engagement.Treatments for each pitfall are also included.The summary page serves as a checklist an d also contains a “ Project Health Continuum, ” which helps the consultant identify when the project is introuble. Please note that there are 5 Pitfalls that by themselves can kill the project.Pitfalls of Activity Based Management I. Getting Off to the Right StartPitfall #1: Lack of Top Management Buy-InExamples include the following:Lack of enthusiasm or encouragement fromtop management.Difficulty in getting approval for necessaryresources such as full-time team members,funding for equipment, or outside resources.Failure of management to spend timeunderstanding the initiative or failure toattend briefings.Comments:_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________TreatmentLink the initiative to key business objectives. Clearlyarticulate how you will deliver improvement in that area.Find an executive who owns the initiative, who will hold an umbrella over it, help it to develop, and showcase the benefits of using ABM. Then use the benefits to convince more people to buy in and own the approach. Ifsuccessful, this creates a groundswell of support thatoverwhelms ABM opponents.Expose top management to potential benefits ofABM through visits to other successful companiesand via benchmarking reports and anecdotes.Find competitors who are using or experimenting withthe approaches; competition often spurs managementinto action.Pitfall #2: Lack of Clear Objectives Examples include the following:Confusion among project teammembers or management as to the benefitsexpected from ABM.Belief that ABM will simultaneouslyprovide strategic product costing operationaland cost reduction output.Inability to articulate what will be achieved.Confusion over how ABM links to keystrategic goals.Comments:_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________TreatmentAsk management and project teams the “ five whys ” to focus on the project objectivePut the project objectives on paper, circulate them, andreview them until consensus us reached. Include how theinitiative will deliver on key objectives. State thequantifiable benefits that will be achieved.Explicitly state how the project objectives relate toand support key strategic goals.Identify any inherent conflicts in objectives (e.g., thedesign of an ABM system for strategic product costingwill create dysfunctional behavior if also used foroperational cost reductions).Pitfall #3: Failure to Understand the Three Views of CostsExamples include the following:Belief by management that one costsystem is meeting everyone's needs.Belief that the monthly financial statements arewhat everyone needs to manage the business.Lack of understanding of the role of nonfinancial (physical) performance measures.Desire to have an ABM system that efficientlydoes both product costing and processimprovement simultaneously (they seldom do, nomatter what the consultant said).Belief that traditional variance explanations arestill the most efficient way to explain operations.Comments:_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________TreatmentSearch out and identify the other cost systems currentlybeing operated. Identify who uses them, why they exist,and the benefits they provide.Track the amount of time spent on special projectsbecause the financial statements did not provide adequate information.Educate managers on the use of both physicaland financial performance measures.Conduct this exercise: Give management financialstatements for the last four quarters. Ask them to describe what has happened to customer satisfaction, quality, and on-time delivery over that period. Require them to showtheir supporting analysis.Document the mental steps necessary to explain traditional variances then show all the steps eliminated if physicalmeasures are used.Pitfall #4: Financial Person Heading the ProjectExamples include the following:A finance person is chosen to lead the initiative.Sales, marketing, and operations personnelexhibit no interest.Plan fails to address operational orstrategic issues.Team struggles with understanding horizontallinkages of processes.Comments:_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________TreatmentSelect a project leader from operations, engineering,marketing, or some other functional area.Nonfinancial people should comprise the majority ofthe team.Survey personnel in operations, engineering, andmarketing as to what they need. Record their responses, incorporate them, and get their concurrence on the plan.Ensure that the initiative links with and supportskey business initiatives.Use financial people to explain how the tools work. Useoperations people to apply the tools to business problems.Pitfall #5: Lack of Employee InvolvementExamples include the following:Employees are unaware of pilotdevelopment efforts.Employees are aware of but don't supportthe effort.Survey and data requests go unanswered.Review meetings are poorly attended.Employees resist using the pilot systems.Team is criticized for not understanding thebusiness.Comments:_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________TreatmentExplicitly link the objectives to achievement ofkey business goalsSelect employees for the project team who will operatethe system.Use “ rifle group ” meetings instead of surveys to gather data.This involves bringing the people to be interviewed together at the same time.Set specific measurable targets for deadlines andhold people accountable for delivery.Projects should have focused time frames. Some key goalsshould be reached in three months or less.Pitfall #6: Lack of Monetary Support Examples include the following:Top management is reluctant to fundthe project.Manpower, space, and equipment are difficultto acquire.Expansion efforts receive lukewarm support.Company attempts to use only part-timeresources, thus dramatically lengtheningthe timeframe.Comments:_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________TreatmentLink initiatives to key business objectives.Articulate a written cost/benefit statement thatcalculates the cost of permanently lost earnings fromnot moving forward (savings opportunities forgone).If payback is positive, outsource parts of the projector other duties to free up project resources.Seek to determine why management is lukewarm andwhether their concerns can be addressed.Be creative in finding quick hits, low-cost ways to improve (e.g., use off-the-shelf software, cram session pilots, and sample cases).Identify a self-funding approach whereby projectsavings fund further development.。

英文辩论Flow chart

英文辩论Flow chart

英文辩论Flow chart英文回答:Debate Introduction:State the topic of the debate and briefly provide background information.State your position on the topic.Example: "I will argue that the death penalty should be abolished in the United States. The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, it does not deter crime, and it is used disproportionately against the poor and minorities."Debate Flow Chart:Opening Statement:Restate your position and provide a brief overview ofyour arguments.Example: "As I stated in my introduction, I will argue that the death penalty should be abolished in the United States. I will discuss the cruel and unusual nature of the death penalty, its lack of deterrence, and its disproportionate impact on the poor and minorities."Arguments:State your arguments in a logical order, supporting each with evidence and examples.Use statistics, research, and credible sources to support your claims.Example: "The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. Methods of execution such as lethal injection and electrocution have been shown to be inhumane and can cause excruciating pain. Moreover, the conditions on death row are often psychologically torturous, with prisoners living in solitary confinement for years or even decades."Rebuttal:Anticipate and address potential counterarguments to your position.Provide evidence and examples to refute these counterarguments.Example: "Some argue that the death penalty deters crime. However, research has shown that there is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, states that have abolished the death penalty have not seen an increase in crime rates."Closing Statement:Summarize your main arguments.Restate your position and urge the audience to support it.Example: "In conclusion, I have presented compelling evidence to support my position that the death penalty should be abolished in the United States. The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, it does not deter crime, and it is used disproportionately against the poor and minorities. I urge you to join me in opposing this inhumane and unjust practice."Cross-Examination (Optional):Be prepared to answer questions from the opposing side.Provide clear and concise responses, supported by evidence when possible.Example: "You argue that the death penalty does not deter crime. However, the FBI has reported a decline in crime rates in states that have the death penalty."Response: "While it is true that crime rates have declined in some states with the death penalty, it is difficult to attribute this decline solely to the deathpenalty. Many other factors, such as improved policing and social programs, have also contributed to this decline."中文回答:辩论流程图:开场白:重申你的立场,并简要概述你的论点。



本科生毕业论文外文资料翻译专业工商管理(财务管理方向)班级姓名指导教师所在学院附件1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文中小规模的金融数据分析Andreas P. Nawroth, Joachim Peinke物理研究所,Carl-von-Ossietzky奥尔登堡大学,D - 26111奥尔登伯格,德国网上提供2007年3月30日摘要财务数据随机分析已经被提出,特别是我们探讨如何统计在不同时间τ记录返回的变化。



相应的Fokker - Planck方程可以从特定的数据提取,并提供了一个非平衡热力学描述的复杂的财务数据。

关键词:经济物理学;金融市场;随机过程;Fokker - Planck方程1 导言复杂的金融市场的其中一个突出特点是资金数量显示非高斯统计往往被命名为重尾或间歇统计。

描述金融时间序列x(t) 的波动,最常见的就是log函数或价格增量的使用。

在这里我们认为,log函数y(τ)超过一定时间t的统计,被定义为:y(τ)=logx(t+τ)-logx(t) (1)其中x(t)是指在时间t时资产的价格。





目前已有的分析主要是基于1993至2003年的拜耳数据,财务数据集是由Kapitalmarkt Datenbank (KKMDB )提供。

2 小规模分析财务数据的一个突出特点是事实上概率密度函数(pdfs)不是Gaussian,而是展览重尾形状。

Flow Chart Preparation

Flow Chart Preparation
Also, by conveying the information or processes in a step-by-step flow, you can then concentrate more intently on each individual step, without feeling overwhelmed by the bigger picture.
4 Axes confidential
The Extension of your Growth -----
You can trust & rely on
How to use this tools (continue)
Example: The example below shows part of a simple flow chart which helps receptionists route incoming phone calls to the correct department in a company:
4 Axes confidential
The Extension of your Growth -----
You can trust & rely on
Key Points
Flow charts are simple diagrams that map out a process so that it can easily be communicated to other people.
4 Axe your Growth -----
You can trust & rely on
How to use this tools (continue)

Flow Chart

Flow Chart

光从 Functional Map 就想画 UI Flow 常常忽略「使用者操作错误怎麽办」,最后一刻才发现有缺就是 UI 紧急加画漏掉的页面、 RD 苦命塞功能不优雅,提示错误又不是放下一个阶段或是有空再补的东西,页面和程式也不是靠嘴巴在画在写…

实际画起来会发现很多东西在 UI Flow 上很容易忽略没考虑到的部份。



所以 Flow Chart 就变成:。


• 练习:
• 完成一份过程流程图:
• 其中:制订试生产的流程图,产品特性为外径Φ30±0.01,过程特 性为铣面进给量0.03mm/r • OP10 铣面 OP20 精车外径 OP30 清洗 包装入库
问题解答 所有基本内容
--- 是否包括相关部门/人员 --- 是否参考了现有产品的流程图和FMEA --- 是否列出所有的工序(包括装配/检验/包装等) --- 是否描述产品在工序间的流动并符合厂区平面布置和 物流要求?
---是否标识出关键工序和影响关键特性和重要特性的工序 ---是否和特性清单相匹配(CC/SC/HIC) ---操作工培训/是否了解操作失效的后果 ---操作工是否了解上道工序和下道工序 ---是否是当前的产品等级(工程更改时是否更新) ---是否体现持续改进
明确一个产品或产品族的生产过程和方法 与相关部门达成一致(客户/分供方/公司内部) 为PFMEA和控制计划做准备 明确过程和物流安排并以此基础进行改造,用 最小成本生产产品
报价阶段开始 需要时更新(如工序更改/开始新的时间结点) Confirmation Prototype阶段完成
THANKS ! 谢 谢!
天津勤美达工业有限公司 加工技术部培训教材
1) 定义 ) 2) 制定目的 ) 3) 包括内容 ) 4) 检查点 ) 5) 问题解答
• 是对一个特定的产品的制造和装配的流程的描述, (可以是在制品的流程图,或是潜在产品建议性的流 程图),有时称为工艺流程图。

FLOW CHART 编 写 指 南

FLOW CHART 编 写 指 南

FLOW CHART 编写指南Prepared by: F.Y.CaoChecked by: L.D.WangApproved by : X.H.ChenDated: Jan 5,2004流程图(Flow Chart)编写指南一、制作流程图的目的:便于直观、快速地了解到整个产品的生产流程。

二、流程图的结构共分两部分:一部分为封页,由拉流程(Line Procedure) 、项目表 (Table of Content) 、更改历史(Change History) 三页组成。

另一部分为具体内容. 具体内容由总流程(General Flow Chart) 和树枝图 (Flow Tree)两部分组成。

备注:封页中的Document No. 、Rev、Page、No.、Ref.No的填写请参照《W/I编写指南》中的有关描叙。

流程图的正式文件编号类似 W/I的正式文件编号,只不过 Flow Chart 文件代码为 03,W/I的文件代码为 02。


三、流程图常用的符号代表开始与结束的意思 (在SONY公司培训的 SPC”表示 )。

表某一过程或阶段 (在 SONY公司培训的 SPC 方法”表示 )。

”代表判断 (包括接受 /拒收、测试中合格 /失败、持续 /中断 ),同 SONY公司培训的 SPC符号一致。

表运输方式 (如手推车、传输带等 ),在 SONY 公司培训的”表示。

备注;对于 Model的 General Flow Chart,采用目前我们所用的符号; 对于附加段的 Flow Chart,采用 SONY公司培训的 SPC 中的符号。

四、制作流程图时常用的中英文对照及缩写Store;货仓SMT(SMD)----Surface Mount Technology (Device) :表面焊接技术,通常指将一些元件由机器粘贴在板上。

Bonding:绑定Visual (V.S.): 检查VCD -----Variable Center Distance 或A/I---Auto-Insertion:自动插机M/I----Manual Insert: 手工插机W/S---Wave Soldering 波峰焊Touch Up:附加,通常指在附加拉上将一些料手焊在板上。



Flow Chart制作注意事项: Chart制作注意事项 制作注意事项:
1. Flow chart表明某种产品的整个制造流程。 2. 一般来讲,Flow chart跟PFMEA和CP是直接相关的,并且所有的各流程 作业指导书都应该是由Flow chart展开的。 3. 上下工序衔接:产品制造流程按加工的连续性或区域性定义, 产品各组 件组合的流程可用字母或组件名称进行衔接。 4. 工序号编制:工序号由三位数字组成,初始编制工序流程的上下工序号 为流水号,以十位跃进,如从010跳至020,以便留出修改空间,工序 号是制定产品加工成本及排列生产线的基础。 5. 工序名称:由动词加名词组成,能体现整个工序的加工重心。(设定工序 :一个工序可由单一的操作步骤或由多个连续的操作步骤组成,同时要 考虑其对产品加工的重要性)。
FMEA 简介: 简介:
FMEA 之 功 用 階 段 功 用
1.設計階段 設計階段
2.開發階段 開發階段
3.製造階段 製造階段 4.客戶抱怨階段 客戶抱怨階段
1.發掘所有可能之失效模式 2.依固有的技術進行設計變更 3.必要之處,採用可靠性高之零組件 1.明確把握失效原因,並實施適當的改善 2.零件安全之寬放確認 3.壽命、性能、強度等之確認 1.活用工程設計,進而改善製程上之弱點 2.利用FMEA之過程製定必要之製程標準 1.不同環境產生之失效,以FMEA克服 2.不同使用法產生之失效,以FMEA克服
FMEA 填写说明: 填写说明:
(12) 嚴重度(S) 嚴重度(S) 失效模式一旦發生時,對系統或設備以及操作使用的人員所造成的嚴重 程度的評估指標。 嚴重度僅適用於結果,要減少失效的嚴重度等級數字,別無他法,只能 修改設計才能達成。 透過修改設計 修改設計

concept (or mind) maps - KII概念地图,KII-文档资料

concept (or mind) maps - KII概念地图,KII-文档资料
Concept maps
What is a concept map:
• a method to represent information visually • we can better understand information in graphic form • it is easier for our brain to make meaning
“A picture is worth a thousand words”
Types of concept maps
hierarchical map
spider map
Hierarchical map
hierarchical map (allows dividing the problem into levels)
Mind maps
ille g a l
s e p a ra te c o lle c tio n (g la s s , p a p e r, p la s tic s )
L a n fills c o lle c te d
causes p o llu tio n
H o u s e h o ld w aste
H o u s e h o ld w aste
ra is in g p u b lic aw areness
Environmental issues (Pollution, public awareness)
le g a l
re c y c lin g
o rg a n ic in o rg a n ic
Possible structure of a report:
Househlod waste

Flowchart Presentation

Flowchart Presentation

Macro-level Flowchart
Mini-level Flowchart
Micro-level Flowg Flowcharts
Promote process understanding Provide tool for training Identify problem areas and improvement opportunities Depict customer-supplier relationships
Why uses it?
The Flowchart helps you analyze the number of steps and the time required for each step, to detect bottlenecks, unnecessary steps, repetitions, and other obstacles.
A chart that is used to describe how activities interact with one another within an organization as well as with other organization and/or systems.
A basic "How-To" for drawing a flowchart is as follows:
Identify problem areas and opportunities for process improvement.
Once you break down the process steps and diagram them, problem areas become more visible. It is easy to spot opportunities for simplifying and refining your process by analyzing decision points, redundant steps, and rework loops.

Chapter 11 Executive Information and Support Systems

Chapter 11 Executive Information and Support Systems

EIS - Rapid growth Prime Tool for Gaining Competitive Advantage Many Companies - Sizable Increase in Profits with EIS Sometimes the Payback Period is Measured in Hours New Internet / World Wide Web and Corporate Intranets EIS Developments
Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson Copyright 1998, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
EIS and ESS Definitions
11.2 Executive Information Systems: Concepts and Definitions

Tool that can handle the executives ’ many needs for timely and accurate information in a meaningful format (DSS In Focus 11.1) Most Popular EIS Uses

The Problem - How to provide accessibility to this
information and use it effectively
Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson Copyright 1998, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ



Lead-Free Manufacturing Engineering Training module for TechniciansChinese RevTranslated By: HUA-ME Lead Free teamOct, 2004A dvanced M anufacturing E ngineeringLead (Pb) Free’s Background, why to apply Lead free (推行无铅化的背景, 为什么要推行无铅化)Pb is harmful for Human’s health and environment(铅对环境及人体健康是有害的)Marketing and Legislative require to apply Lead (Pb) free, Especially in Electronic and Equipment.(市场及立法机构要求推行无铅化, 尤其是在电子电气设备中.EU (European Union) requires to meet Rohs requirement from Jul.1,2006. Including Pb Free requirement(欧盟要求从2006年7月1日起在电子电气设备中禁止使用包括铅在内的六种有害物质)Industry standard for Lead Free is Less than 0.1% Pb by weight in a products.(无铅的现有工业判定标准是产品中铅含量必须小于产品重量的0.1%.Lead Free’s impact and affect to Electronics industry(无铅化对电子电气工业的冲击与影响)Solder material (焊接材料)Solder material have to change from Sn/Pb alloy to Sn/Ag/Cu or Sn/Cu alloy mainly.(焊接材料不得不从以锡铅合金为主转向以锡银铜合金或锡铜合金为主.)Solder material changing lead to the overall changing and impact in Electronics Industry, due to high solderingtemperature of SAC alloy.(因为锡银铜合金的高焊接温度导致电子工业的全面转变与影响)From Component manufacturing and PCB assembly process, it has to do compatible changing for Lead Free(从元件制造到PCB组装制程, 不得不作出同无铅化相一致与兼容的变更) Viewpoint from different aspect, we can say the root impact and change is sourced from the High soldering temperature(从某种不同的角度看, 我们可以说根本性的冲击与变更来源于焊接高温)EMS PCB Assembly production(电子制造服务PCB组装生产)Conception of PCB Assembly production(PCB组装生产的概念)To solder Component on PCB with solder material at high temperature.(在高温条件下, 用焊接材料将元件焊接到印制电路板上)PCB (print circuit board) (印制电路板)Component (元件)Solder material (焊料)Conception of PCB Assembly production(PCB组装生产的概念)Component (元件)SMD Component(表面贴装元件)THT Component(通孔元件)Conception of PCB Assembly production (PCB组装生产的概念)Solder paste on PCB (印制电路板的焊接材料--锡膏)Conception of PCB Assembly production (PCB组装生产的概念)Soldering (焊接)Conception of PCB Assembly production (PCB组装生产的概念)PCBA (印制电路板组装件)Lead Free’s soldering temperature profile (无铅回流焊接的温度曲线)Lead Free’s reflow soldering temperature profile(无铅回流焊接的温度曲线)Reflow soldering requirement for Sn3~4Ag0.5Cu:(锡银铜类无铅合金锡膏的回流焊接要求)SAC Alloy’s melting point:217C~220C(锡银铜合金的熔点: 217C~220C)Reflow Time above Melting point to peak temperature 235~245C: 45s~120s(高于熔点温度到峰值235C~245C的回流焊接时间: 45~120秒)Reflow Time above 230C for solder joint: Minimum 10s(高于230度的焊点回流焊接时间: 最少维护持10秒)Sn/Pb’s reflow soldering temperature profile (锡铅合金回流焊接的温度曲线)Sn/Pb’s reflow soldering temperature profile(锡铅合金回流焊接的温度曲线)Reflow soldering requirement for Sn63/Pb37 orSn62/36Pb/Ag2:(锡铅类有铅合金锡膏的回流焊接要求)Sn/Pb Alloy’s melting point:183C(锡铅合金的熔点: 183C)Reflow Time above Melting point to peak temperature 210~225C: 30s~90s(高于熔点温度到峰值210C~225C的回流焊接时间: 30~90秒)Compare reflow soldering temperature between Sn/Pb and Sn/Ag/Cu:(比较锡铅合金与锡银铜合金回流焊接的温度曲线)45~120s30~90sReflow timeabove Meltpoint(高于熔的回流焊接时间)Increase 25C (增加25度)235~245C210~225CPeaktemperature(峰值温度)Increase 37C (增加37度)220C183CAlloy melt point(合金熔点)Result(结果)Sn/Ag/Cu(锡银铜合金)Sn/Pb(锡铅合金)Item(项目)Lead Free’s wave soldering temperature profile (无铅波峰焊接的温度曲线)Lead Free’s wave soldering temperature profile(无铅波峰焊接的温度曲线)Wave soldering requirement for Sn3~4Ag0.5Cu:(锡银铜类无铅合金锡膏的回流焊接要求)SAC Alloy’s melting point:217C~220C(锡银铜合金的熔点: 217C~220C)Wave Time above Melting point to peak temperature 250~260C: 2s~4s(高于熔点温度到峰值250C~260C的波峰焊接时间: 2~4秒)Sn/Pb’s wave soldering temperature profile (有铅波峰焊接的温度曲线)Sn/Pb’s wave soldering temperature profile (有铅波峰焊接的温度曲线)Actual wave soldering temperature profile sample245C180s183CSn/Pb’s wave soldering temperature profile(有铅波峰焊接的温度曲线)Wave soldering requirement for Sn63Pb37:(锡铅类含铅合金锡巴的波峰焊接要求)SnPb Alloy’s melting point:183C(锡铅合金的熔点: 183C)Wave Time above Melting point to peak temperature 240~250C: 2s~4s(高于熔点温度到峰值240C~250C的波峰焊接时间: 2~4秒)Compare Wave soldering temperature between Sn/Pb and Sn/Ag/Cu:(比较锡铅合金与锡银铜合金波峰焊接的温度曲线)2~4s2~4sReflow timeabove Meltpoint(高于熔点的回流焊接时间)Increase 10C (增加10度)255~260C250CPeaktemperature(峰值温度)Increase 37C (增加37度)220C183CAlloy melt point(合金熔点)Result(结果)Sn/Ag/Cu(锡银铜合金)Sn/Pb(锡铅合金)Item(项目)Requirement for PCB (无铅化对PCB的要求)Print Circuit Board(印制电路板)surface finishes 可接受的PCB (金属)表面处理 Ni-Au (镍-金)OSP Cu(Organic Solderability Preservative)(铜表面涂有机可焊性保护膜)immersion Silver-Imm Ag (沉银) immersion Tin-Imm Sn (沉锡)Board laminate (PCB 板材)Most Board laminate construction materials are compatible (大部分PCB 的基材是兼容(无铅)制程要求的)Recommended board laminate material for use in “high-end”applications (I.E. severs) to have:(推荐满足高端应用要求的PCB 的基材具有下述性能☺High glass transition temperature (Tg)高玻璃转化温度(Tg))High decomposition temperature (高分解温度(Td))备注: PCB 板材及表面处理的选择是有其应用规范的.Requirement for PCB (无铅化对PCB 的要求)表面处理列表Component Considerations 对元件无铅化方面的考虑Terminal and Ball metallurgies (元件焊接终端与焊球金属要求)Terminal and Ball metallurgies(元件焊接终端与焊球金属要求)元件焊接终端与焊球金属Component package: JEDEC 020C MSL 元件封装要求: 湿度敏感元件级别建议的020C 封装级别相应的温度表4-1 针对锡铅共晶合金制程(Process)---含铅元件封装可耐受的回流焊接峰值温度225+0/-5 C225+0/-5 C>=2.5 mm225+0/-5 C 240+0/-5 C <2.5 mm 体积(mm^3) >=350体积(mm^3) <350元件封装厚度建议的020C 封装级别相应的温度表4-1 针对锡铅共晶合金制程(Process)---元件封装可耐受的回流焊接峰值温度JEDEC 020C 湿度敏感元件级别*公差: 元件制造商/提供商应该确保其元件达到其声明的湿度敏感元件耐高温级别.建议的020C 封装级别相应的温度表4-2 针对无铅合金制程(Process)---元件封装可耐受的回流焊接峰值温度245 C *245 C *250 C *>2.5 mm245 C *250 C *260 C *1.6mm~2.5mm 260 C *260 C *260 C *<1.6 mm 体积(mm^3) >2000体积(mm^3) 350~2000体积(mm^3) <350元件封装厚度不同元件封装的耐高温分类级别当维持最低230C的焊点(solder Joint)温度时, 一些关键重要的元件封装温度将在020C 封装级别相应的温度之上.元件外包装标贴(Label)的考虑在创建回流焊接温度曲线(Profile)之前,确信检查过敏感元件的湿度敏感级别(MSL)元件或许是无铅的, 但是也许其湿度敏感级别(MSL)较低元件外包装标贴(Label)的考虑元件外包装标贴(Label)的考虑在元件外包装标贴上有明显的Pb free 标识元件外包装标贴(Label)的考虑在元件外包装标贴上有明显的Lead free 标识Lead Free identification/symbol in JABIL (JABIL 所采用的无铅识别标志)WI/ VA / PCP and process flow chart(WI/VA/PCP 及制程图表等文件用的无铅标识: )Lead Free identification/symbol in JABIL(JABIL 所采用的无铅识别标志)LF sticker/logo to display and show LF indirect material usage and rework tools: (无铅辅料, 维修工具等用的无铅标识:)Lead Free identification/symbol in JABIL(JABIL 所采用的无铅识别标志)LF logo paper to display on LF Bay area / machine equipment: (无铅生产线, 区域, 机器设备用的无铅标识☺PCB Assembly process requirementPCB 组装生产制程方面的要求Clear identification label/marking for Lead Free Component (清楚明晰的无铅元件标识)Clear identification label/marking for Lead Free process(清楚明晰的无铅生产制程标识)Clear identification label/marking for Lead Free Tooling(清楚明晰的无铅生产工具标识)Operator must have the Operating certification Card.(作业人员必须有上岗操作证)All Production operation must have WI (working instruction) support.(所有的生产运行作业必须有工作指支持)Summary of Lead Free (无铅化要点小结)Assembly/material doesn’t have Lead (Pb) substance, or Pb is Less than 0.1% weight of a products.(产品/物料不含铅,或含铅量小于产品/物料重量的0.1%.)It must have the capability to withstand the high soldering temperature condition, if the Lead Free material need to go through high temperature soldering process.(对于需经高温焊接的无铅物料,该物料必须能承受无铅焊接的高温环境条件)It should build a complete operation system to identify and trace the Lead free process, material, tools, equipments and assembly etc.(必须建立完善的无铅标识系统来区分,识别, 追踪无铅生产过程, 所用设备, 工具, 物料及最终的产品)All employees related to Lead Free project must pass the Lead free training.(所有涉及无铅项目的人员应该经过相关的无铅(Lead Free)知识培训)。

英文辩论Flow chart

英文辩论Flow chart

英文辩论Flow chartTitle: Flow Chart for English Debate。

Debate Topic: Should standardized testing be eliminated in schools?Opening Statements:Affirmative:1. Standardized testing puts unnecessary pressure on students and teachers, leading to increased stress and anxiety.2. Standardized testing does not accurately measure a student's true abilities and potential, as it only tests a limited set of skills.3. Standardized testing promotes teaching to the test, which limits creativity and critical thinking in theclassroom.Negative:1. Standardized testing provides a consistent and objective measure of student achievement, allowing for fair comparisons across schools and districts.2. Standardized testing helps identify areas where students may need additional support and resources, leading to targeted interventions and improvements.3. Standardized testing prepares students for real-world assessments and challenges, such as college entrance exams and job qualifications.Rebuttal:Affirmative:1. Standardized testing creates a narrow focus on academic performance, neglecting the development ofimportant life skills and character traits.2. Standardized testing perpetuates inequality, as students from disadvantaged backgrounds often have less access to resources and test preparation.3. Standardized testing leads to a "one-size-fits-all" approach to education, ignoring the diverse needs and strengths of individual students.Negative:1. Standardized testing provides valuable data for educators and policymakers to make informed decisions about curriculum and instruction.2. Standardized testing holds students and schools accountable for academic progress, ensuring that all students receive a quality education.3. Standardized testing is a necessary tool for measuring student achievement and ensuring educationalstandards are met.Closing Statements:Affirmative:1. Standardized testing is an outdated and ineffective method of assessing student learning and should be replaced with more holistic and authentic forms of assessment.2. Standardized testing perpetuates a culture of competition and comparison, rather than fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.3. Standardized testing fails to capture the full range of student abilities and potential, limiting opportunities for personal and academic growth.Negative:1. Standardized testing is a valuable tool for evaluating student performance and driving improvements ineducation.2. Standardized testing provides a consistent and reliable measure of student achievement, allowing for fair comparisons across diverse student populations.3. Standardized testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that all students receive a high-quality education and are prepared for future success.。



英文辩论Flow-chartIntroduction:Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow debaters, today we gather here to engage in a thought-provoking debate on the topic of flow-charts in the English language. Flow-charts are visual representations used to illustrate a process or decision-making pathway. While some argue that flow-charts are an effective tool for communication, others believe they are limiting and may hinder understanding. Let us delve into the arguments and counterarguments surrounding the use of flow-charts in the English language.Argument 1: Flow-charts enhance clarity and comprehension.1. Flow-charts provide a visual representation that simplifies complex information, making it easier to understand.2. They present a step-by-step approach, aiding in logical thinking and problem-solving.3. Flow-charts allow for quick and efficient communication, especially in situations where language barriers exist.4. They are widely used in various fields, such as software development, project management, and decision-making processes.Counterargument 1: Flow-charts oversimplify complex concepts.1. Flow-charts may overlook important details and nuances, leading to oversimplification of complex concepts.2. The linear nature of flow-charts may not adequately capture the intricacies and interconnectedness of certain processes.3. Flow-charts can be limiting, as they often follow a rigid structure, leaving little room for creativity or alternative approaches.4. Understanding flow-charts requires a certain level of visual literacy, which not everyone possesses.Argument 2: Flow-charts promote consistency and standardization.1. Flow-charts provide a standardized format for presenting information, ensuring consistency across different contexts.2. They enable efficient communication within organizations, as employees can easily follow established flow-charts to complete tasks.3. Flow-charts facilitate the identification of bottlenecks and areas for improvement, leading to increased productivity.Counterargument 2: Flow-charts lack adaptability and flexibility.1. Flow-charts may not accommodate changes or adapt to evolving circumstances, rendering them ineffective in dynamic environments.2. They can be time-consuming to create and update, especially when modifications are required.3. Flow-charts may oversimplify decision-making processes, disregarding the need for critical thinking and analysis.Conclusion:In conclusion, the use of flow-charts in the English language is a topic that elicits diverse opinions. Whileflow-charts can enhance clarity, comprehension, and standardization, they may also oversimplify complexconcepts and lack adaptability. It is essential to strike a balance between the benefits and limitations of flow-charts,considering the context and purpose of their application. As we delve deeper into this debate, let us critically evaluate the role of flow-charts in the English language and determine their true value in our communication and decision-making processes.。

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