Julie Andrews
下面就让店铺给大家分享一下英文电影中感人至深的的一些经典台词的知识吧,希望能对你有帮助!感人至深的英文电影经典台词十句1. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it’s called present!昨天已成为历史,明天是未知的,而今天是上天赐予我们的礼物,这就是为我们把它叫做现在!——《功夫熊猫》2. If there’s any kind of magic in the world, it must be the attempt of understanding someone or share something。
——《日出之前》3. I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty,I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you。
——《简·》4. Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish… is the wonderful workings of your mind. Your humor, your kindness… and your moral courage。
——《小妇人》5. I was blessed to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I’ll look and see your face.You were right there for me。
少儿英语必知原版电影歌曲《Do-Re-Mi》-《音乐之声》Do-Re-Mi Julie Andrews;Charmian Carr;Heather Menzies;NicholasHammond - The Sound Of Music《飞越彩虹》-《绿野仙踪》Wizard of Oz Mary Black - Stories from the Steeples《奔放的旋律》-《人鬼情未了》Unchained Melody Maurice Jarre - Ghost (Original Motion PictureSoundtrack)《月亮河》-《蒂芬妮的早餐》Moon River奥黛丽·赫本;Bob Hope - Movie Songs, Vol. 3My Heart Will Go On Céline Dion - Let's Talk About Love《卡萨布兰卡》同名电影插曲Casablanca Various Artists - Oscar Beatles Hotel California Etc《昨日重现》-《生命因你而动听》Yesterday Once More Carpenters - Yesterday Once More《雨中曲》同名电影插曲Singin’ In The Rain Gene Kelly;Robert Rounseville - The Ultimate Show &Soundtrack Collection, Vol. 1《狮子王》-主题曲Can You Feel The Love Tonight Elton John - BillBoard Top 100 Of 1994《美女与野兽》同名电影主题曲Beauty and the Beast Alan Menken - 美女与野兽Take My Breath Away(Love Theme from Berlin - TOPGUN/SOUNDTRACK《阿根廷不要为我哭泣》-《贝隆夫人》Don't Cry For Me Argentina Ray Conniff - Always In My Heart 《我的真爱》-《飘》My Own True Love Jonathan Ansell - Arias Ancora《斯卡布罗集市》-《毕业生》Scarborough Fair Carly Simon - Into White《玫瑰人生》La Vie En Rose Louis Armstrong - Louis Armstrong《以吻封箴》-《蝴蝶梦》Sealed with a kiss Agnetha Faltskog - My Colouring BookLet It Go Demi Lovato - 冰雪奇缘电影原声带[日本版]《雪绒花》-《音乐之声》Edelweiss Bill Lee;Charmian Carr - The Sound of Music (50th AnniversaryEdition)《此情不移》-《廊桥遗梦》Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You George Benson - 20/20以上就是这20首广为传唱,经久不衰的经典歌曲了,这些歌曲时而悠扬、时而悲怆,时而舒缓,时而缠绵,唱尽了人间百态、冷暖沧桑,有这些英文歌曲常伴耳畔,相信你的英语也会大大提升,更上一层楼哦~关于瑞思学科英语2007年进入中国,率先从事学科英语教育培训,3-18岁少儿英语培训专家,其“浸入式学科英语”课程体系涵盖3~6岁幼儿英语、7~12岁儿童英语、13~18岁青少儿英语,并注重培养项目管理、演讲演示和团队合作三大能力。
《音乐之声》的故事发生在1938年的奥地利萨尔兹堡,年轻活泼的修女玛丽亚·任纳尔(Maria Rainer)到退役海军上校冯·特拉普家,照顾他的七个孩子。
《音乐之声》于1959年11月16日在百老汇的鲁德-方特恩剧院(Lunt-Fontanne Theatre)公演,成为五十年代百老汇公演时间第二长的音乐剧。
但是是1965年福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox)拍的电影版《音乐之声》使它登上了世界舞台,受到全世界各个国家数百万观众的喜爱。
1.剧本创意: 皮克斯一向坚持创造属于自己的故事和人物,
而不是照搬老旧的童话或畅销的书籍。《冰河世纪》的 导演克里斯·韦奇说: “皮克斯的伟大之处就在于它的完全独创。不只是一个 创意,而是整个故事,每一个环节——人物、人物关系 等都是原创。那是真正难做的部分。”
2制作《怪物公司》的主角毛怪时,技术团队开发出仿真两百三十万根毛 发飘动的软件程序,以呈现其毛发柔软波动的质感。皮克斯不断更新的 技术使其动画画面表现出巨大的震撼性和极强的视觉冲击力,观众带来 了一场场视觉上的豪华大餐。
短片《跳跳羊》中,跳 跳羊短短的两句话道出 了生活的哲理:生活时 好时坏,并不事事如你 所愿,为何不调整好心 态去接受它,积极面对 一切。
4.精彩的画面: 在动画作品中,精彩的画面往往是吸引观
众的第一要素。皮克斯的动画作品画面非常精 致,一个个角色都有其独特的外在特征,惟妙 惟肖,辨识度很高。
皮克斯的动画作品中表现着普通人的情感:亲情、 友情、爱情……简单却又能触及心灵,能让人细细 品味。
賣花女(戲劇)《賣花女》,原名《皮革馬利翁》(Pygmalion) 是愛爾蘭劇作家蕭伯納的戏剧。
本劇曾於1938年翻拍成黑白電影,由Wendy Hiller 飾演賣花女伊萊莎·杜立德(Eliza Doolittle),莱斯利·霍华德飾演語音學教授亨利·希金斯(Henry Higgins)。
1956年,此劇改編為音樂劇《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady),由朱莉·安德鲁斯(Julie Andrews)飾演伊萊莎,Rex Harrison飾演希金斯教授。
[编辑]故事大綱[编辑]第一幕安斯佛西爾太太 (Mrs Eynsford-Hill) 和女兒克拉拉 (Clara) 正在聖保羅教堂外等待兒子弗雷迪 (Freddy),豈料弗雷迪冒冒失失的撞到了賣花女伊萊莎。
[编辑]第二幕希金斯在前幕認識的上校平克林 (Colonel Pickering) 在位於溫普街 (Womple Street) 的家裡。
Other films
The Rose of Baghdad 《巴格达的玫瑰》 Princess Zeila 泽拉公主
High Tor 《高岩》 Lise 丽斯
The Sound of Music 《音乐之声》 Maria
Hawaii 《夏威夷》 Jerusha Bromley 耶露莎·布罗利
• She is an English film and stage actress, singer, and author. she was discovered as a child to have a freakish but undeniably lovely four-octave singing voice.
On 1 November 1948, Julie Andrews became the youngest solo performer ever to be seen in a Royal Command Variety Performance, at the London Palladium,the Nicholas Brothers and the comedy team George and Bert Bernard for members of King George VI's family. On 30 September 1954 on the eve of her 19th birthday, Julie Andrews made her Broadway debut portraying "Polly Browne" in the already highly successful London musical The Boy Friend.
一、曲目简介:本部电影共包含了多首经典的音乐作品,下面对其中几首进行简要赏析:1、《The Sound of Music》(音乐之声)这是电影的主题曲,由朱利·安德鲁斯(Julie Andrews)演唱。
3、《Edelweiss》(雪绒花)这是一首温柔动人的歌曲,由克里斯托弗·普卢默(Christopher Plummer)演唱。
1、让·西默瑞安(Maria Rner)的音乐才华:作为主角,让·西默瑞安通过她的音乐才华,影响了冯·特拉普家庭的孩子们,并与冯·特拉普上校建立了深厚的感情。
2、音乐授权(Music Licensing):指向他人购买使用音乐作品的许可证。
西部片、歌舞片、喜剧片、剧情片、犯罪(警匪)片、科幻片、 恐怖片和悬疑惊竦片、战争片、动作片、社会政治片、历史传记 片、黑色电影、好莱坞“大片”
类型电影通过表现美国历史特有人物和事件体现美国道德价值观 和伦理冲突的方式,传导了美国的文化传统。好莱坞类型电影削 弱了乃至扼杀了艺术个性,但它在顺应和培育观众欣赏趣味方面 是极具创造性的,可以说,类型片是好莱坞生产方式的最集中、 最成功的体现 。
名片介绍: 《雨中曲》(Singing in the rain,1952年) 《音乐之声》(The sound of music,1965年) 《芝加哥》(Chicago, 2002)
吉恩· 凯利(Gene Kelly,1912—1996)
茱莉· 安德鲁丝 (Julie Andrews)
凯瑟琳· 泽塔· 琼斯(Catherine Zeta Jones)
第四章 西部片
西部片是唯一一种其起源与电影的起源几乎同时的电影类型。它 被认为是美国类型电影中最丰富和最复杂的一种,但也是制作最 滥的一种,其惨重代价就是西部片风光不再,呈衰亡之势。从本 质上讲,西部片具有历史和地理两方面的独特之处,它比其它所 有的艺术形式都更好的再现了美国的文化历史,并帮助塑造了美 国自身的形象。 西部片小史: 经典西部片(传奇史诗)(1939年) 心理西部片(怀疑主义的讽刺小品)(四、五十年代) 职业西部片(宿命冷血的黑色幽默)(六、七十年代)
70年代: 1.《星球大战》(1977) 2.《大白鲨》(1975) 3.《油脂》(1978) 4.《第三类接触》(1977) 5.《驱魔人》(1973) 6.《超人》(1978) 7.《周末狂热》(1977) 8.《大白鲨2》(1978) 9.《007之登月计划》(1979) 10.《007之间谍爱我》(1977)
历史上100位最伟大的英国人(2002年,BBC举行了一个名为“最伟大的100名英国人”的调查)1. 温斯顿·邱吉尔爵士(Sir Winston Churchill,1874-1965):政治家,曾担任联合王国首相(1940-1945、1951-1955),二战“三巨头”之一。
2. 伊赞巴德·金顿·布鲁内尔(Isambard Kingdom Brunel,1806–1859):工程师,英国铁路体系的奠基人。
3. 戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana,1961-1997):王室,威尔士王妃(1981-1996)。
4. 查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin,1809-1882):科学家,《物种起源》作者,“进化论”的创立者。
5. 威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616):剧作家,诗人。
6. 艾萨克·牛顿爵士(Sir Isaac Newton,1643-1727):科学家,经典物理学奠基人。
7. 伊丽莎白一世女王(Queen Elizabeth I,1533-1603):君主(1558-1603在位),启动了英国的近代化,她当政时英国海军击败了西班牙“无敌舰队”。
8. 约翰·列农(John Lennon,1940-1980):音乐家,Beatles乐队成员之一。
9. 荷拉修·纳尔逊(Horatio Nelson,1758-1805):军事家,海军中将,第一代纳尔逊子爵,率领英国舰队在特拉伐尔加海战中击败了拿破仑的法国海军。
10. 奥利弗·克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell,1599-1658):政治家,“护国公”,英国革命的主要领导人。
11. 恩斯特·查克列顿爵士(Sir Ernest Shackleton,1874-1922):探险家,曾经主持向南极极点进军的探险活动。
先让笔者介绍一下音乐剧创作中的几位重量级人物:卡麦隆·麦金托什(Cameron Mackintosh),英国乃至世界音乐剧届头号制作人,当代音乐剧四大名剧《悲惨世界》、《猫》、《西贡小姐》、《歌剧幽灵》全部由他领衔制作,难怪有人评论说“在近百年的人类音乐剧历史上,其业绩和成就以及对这个艺术门类的发展能够发生如此重大而深远影响的制作人,除了麦金托什,再无第二”。
安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber),英国作曲家,世界音乐剧创作的殿堂级人物,他创作的每一部作品几乎都获得世界范围内的成功,大家耳熟能详的歌曲《阿根廷,别为我哭泣》(Don't cry for me, Argentina)、《回忆》(Memory)、《爱改变一切》(Love changes everything)都出自他谱曲的音乐剧。
克劳德·米歇尔·勋伯格(Claude Michel Schonberg),匈裔法国作曲家,与麦金托什和韦伯并称英国音乐剧的“三驾马车”,他并不是一个多产的作曲家,但他在《悲惨世界》和《西贡小姐》中所显示的艺术成就,足以令他流名音乐剧史。
理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rodgers,美国作曲家)和奥斯卡·哈默斯坦二世(Oscar Hammerstein II,美国作词家),简称R和H组合,其代表作有《音乐之声》、《国王与我》、《南太平洋》、《俄克拉荷马》等,他们的作品是百老汇音乐剧的经典。
健听女孩英文观后感English:"The movie 'The Sound of Music' is a timeless classic that captivates audiences with its enchanting story, beautiful scenery, and memorable music. From the opening scene in the picturesque hills of Austria to the heartwarming conclusion, the film is a journey filled with joy, love, and resilience. Julie Andrews delivers a remarkable performance as Maria, the free-spirited governess who brings music and happiness into the lives of the Von Trapp family. Her chemistry with Christopher Plummer's stern yet vulnerable Captain Von Trapp adds depth to their characters' relationship, making their love story all the more poignant. The film's message of following one's dreams, standing up for what is right, and finding strength in adversity resonates with audiences of all ages. Moreover, the musical numbers, including 'Do-Re-Mi' and 'Edelweiss,' are iconic and leave a lasting impression. Overall, 'The Sound of Music' is a masterpiece that continues to inspire and uplift generations."中文翻译:"电影《音乐之声》是一部永恒的经典,以其迷人的故事、美丽的风景和令人难忘的音乐吸引着观众。
doremi歌词完整版下载,doremi原唱歌词中文翻译Julie Andrews、dick powell ========== doremi歌词完整版如下============doremi -Julie Andrews、dick powellLet's start at the very beginning让我们从头开始A very good place to start一个很好的开端When you read you begin with当你学念书你要先学ABCWhen you sing you begin with当你唱歌你要先学Do Re Mi哆唻咪Do Re Mi哆唻咪Do Re Mi哆唻咪The first three notes just happen to be正好是前三个音符Do Re Mi哆唻咪Do Re Mi哆唻咪Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti哆来咪发索拉梯Let's see if I can make it easier让我们看看我能不能让它容易些Do - a deer a female deer哆就是那一只母鹿Re - a drop of golden sun来是太阳光辉Mi - a name I call myself 咪是我是我自己Fa - a long long way to run发是路程跑得远Sol- a needle pulling thread 索是穿针又引线La - a note to follow so拉就跟在索后面Ti - a drink with jam and bread 梯是我们吃茶点That will bring us back to Do 随后我们又回到哆Oh Oh Oh噢噢噢Do - a deer a female deer哆就是那一只母鹿Re - a drop of golden sun来是太阳光辉Mi - a name I call myself咪是我是我自己Fa - a long long way to run发是路程跑得远Sol- a needle pulling thread 索是穿针又引线La - a note to follow so拉就跟在索后面Ti - a drink with jam and bread 梯是我们吃茶点That will bring us back to Do随后我们又回到哆A deer a female deer哆就是那一只母鹿Re - a drop of golden sun来是太阳光辉Mi - a name I call myself咪是我是我自己Fa - a long long way to run发是路程跑得远Sol- a needle pulling thread索是穿针又引线La - a note to follow so拉就跟在索后面Ti - a drink with jam and bread梯是我们吃茶点That will bring us back to Do随后我们又回到哆Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do Sol Do哆来咪发索拉梯哆索哆Now children Do Re Mi Fa Sol and so on are natur'ly the tunes we use 现在孩子们哆来咪发索等等我们用来构成歌曲的唯一工具To build a song once you have these notes in your head you can sing 一旦你学会这些音符你就可以通过把它们组合起来A million diff'rent tune by mixin' them up like this唱出亿万首不同的歌比如Sol Do La Fa Mi Do Re索多拉发米多来Can you do that你会吗Sol Do La Fa Mi Do Re索多拉发米多来Sol Do La Ti Do Re Do索多啦提多来多Sol Do La Ti Do Re Do索多啦提多来多Now let's put it all together 现在我们把它连起来Sol Do La Fa Mi Do Re索多拉发米多来Sol Do La Ti Do Re Do索哆拉提多来多Good好But it doesn't mean anything 但这并没什么含义So we put in words所以我们加入词One word for every note like this 一个字一个音像这样When you know the notes to sing 当你知道音符怎么唱You can sing most anything你就能唱所有东西Together一起来When you know the notes to sing 当你知道音符怎么唱You can sing most anything你就能唱所有东西Do - a deer a female deer哆就是那一只母鹿Re - a drop of golden sun来是太阳光辉Mi - a name I call myself咪是我是我自己Fa - a long long way to run发是路程跑得远Sol- a needle pulling thread 索是穿针又引线La - a note to follow so拉就跟在索后面Ti - a drink with jam and bread 梯是我们吃茶点That will bring us back to Do 随后我们又回到哆Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti哆来咪发索拉梯Do Do Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re哆哆提拉索发咪来Do Mi Mi Mi Sol Sol多米咪咪索索Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti来发发啦提提Do Mi Mi Mi Sol Sol多米咪咪索索Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti来发发啦提提When you know the notes to sing 当你知道音符怎么唱You can sing most anything你就能唱所有东西Do - a deer a female deer哆就是那一只母鹿Re - a drop of golden sun来是太阳光辉Mi - a name I call myself咪是我是我自己Fa - a long long way to run发是路程跑得远Sol- a needle pulling thread索是穿针又引线La - a note to follow so拉就跟在索后面Ti - a drink with jam and bread梯是我们吃茶点That will bring us back to随后我们又回到哆Sol Do La Fa Mi Do Re索多拉发米多来Sol Do La Fa La Sol Fa Ti Re Ti Do索哆啦发啦索发提来提哆Sol Do嗦哆Julie Andrews、dick powell - doremiThe Cast Of The Sound Of Music - Do-Re-Me========== doremi歌词中文翻译结束End =======。
响亮的号角电影观后感300字English: "The Sound of Music" is a captivating film that beautifully combines music, romance, and history. Set in Austria during the Nazi occupation, the story follows Maria, a free-spirited young woman who becomes a governess for the seven Von Trapp children. Through her love for music and her unconventional teaching methods, Maria brings joy and harmony to the Von Trapp family, ultimately leading them to escape from the clutches of the Nazis. The film is filled with memorable songs, such as "Do-Re-Mi" and "My Favorite Things," which add an enchanting quality to the story. The performances are outstanding, particularly that of Julie Andrews as Maria, whose voice and charm captivate the audience. The cinematography showcases the breathtaking landscapes of Austria, adding another layer of beauty to the film. What makes "The Sound of Music" truly remarkable is the way it combines lightheartedness with important historical events. While it is a romantic and feel-good movie, it also explores themes of bravery, resistance, and the power of music as a form of expression. It reminds us of the strength of the human spirit and the way art can bring people together in times of adversity. Overall, "The Sound of Music" is a timeless classic thatcontinues to resonate with audiences of all ages, reminding us of the importance of love, joy, and the pursuit of our dreams.中文翻译: 《音乐之声》是一部扣人心弦的电影,它精美地融合了音乐、浪漫和历史。
安妮杰奎琳·哈撒韦(1982年11月12日出生)是一个美 国女演员。 她在1999年的电视剧“Get Real”中首次亮 相,但她的第一个主要角色是在迪斯尼的家庭喜剧“公 主日记”(2001)中与朱莉·安德鲁斯(Julie Andrews) 她在未来三年继续出现在家庭影片中,她在Ella Enchanted和The Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement(2004年)担任主角。
Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress. She made her acting debut in the 1999 television series Get Real, but her first prominent role was in Disney's family comedy The Princess Diaries (2001) starring opposite Julie Andrews, which established her career. She continued to appear in family films over the next three years, and she had the lead roles in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (both 2004).
《音乐之声》是一部在美国百老汇经久不衰的音乐剧,1965年被好莱坞导演罗伯特·怀斯搬上荧幕,由朱莉·安德鲁斯(Julie Andrews)和克里斯托弗·普鲁默(Christopher Plummer)主演,获第三十八届奥斯卡最佳导演、最佳影片、最佳配乐、最佳剪辑、最佳录音五项大奖,成为电影史上传颂最广的一部活泼、温馨的音乐电影,好莱坞音乐歌舞片经典中的经典艺术与娱乐最成功的平衡之作,人类最珍贵的永恒佳品。
1.The Prelude and The Sound Of Music 序曲及音乐之声/音乐/音乐之声.mp3/wma/othercd/bmg2704201.wma影片一开始以这首歌曲为背景,展现了奥地利山峦起伏、森林茂密的美丽自然风光。
The hills are aliveWith the sound of musicWith songs they have sungFor a thousand yearsThe hills fill my heartWith the sound of musicMy heart wants to singEverything it hearsEvery song that it hearsMy heart wants to beatLike the wings of the birds that riseFrom the lake to the treeMy heart wants to sighLike a chime that fliesFrom a church on a breezeTo laugh like a brookWhen it trips and fallsOver stones on its wayTo sing through the nightLike a ark who’s learning to p rayI go to the hillWhen my heart is lonelyI know I will hearWhat I’ve heard beforeMy heart will be blessedWith the sound of musicAnd I’ll sing once more2.Morning 早晨镜头从野外转到修道院,这是Hymn Alleluia(修女合唱团在演唱。
biographyThe daughter of a stage actress and an attorney, Anne Hathaway was born on November 12th, 1982 in Brooklyn, New York. She and her two brothers were raised in New Jersey, where she led a tomboyish childhood and broke many bones.In high school, though, she fully embraced her love and affinity for singing and acting. She remains the only teen to ever be accepted in the prestigious Barrow Group, an acting workshop in New York. She performed at Carnegie Hall in 1998 with the All Eastern U.S. High School Honors Chorus. Three days later, she was cast in the TV series Get Real, and her career was off and rolling.Though short-lived, the family comedy-drama Get Real won a legion of committed fans, especially for Hathaway's character "Meghan Green." The young cast was nominated for a Young Star Artist Award (ensemble). Despite the minor successes, though, the show was cancelled after one season. Hathaway simply shrugged and got on with her life, enrolling at Vassar College.becoming royaltyBut acting remained an important part of her life. She filmed her first movie, The Other Side of Heaven, in 2000. In it she played "Jean Sabin," the love interest of a conflicted member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints. The role didn't propel her into the spotlight, but it did give her valuable experience in film, which, in turn, probably helped her win her next role.During her audition for 2001's The Princess Diaries, Anne won the lead role, in part, by accidentally falling off her chair. Since the role demanded a klutsy-yet-charming lead actress, Anne's handling of the mishap convinced director Garry Marshall to hire her on the spot. She filmed in England with legend Julie Andrews and promoted the film all overEurope and North America. The role brought her a lot of mainstream attention and earned her nominations for a Teen Choice Award and an MTV Movie Award.stage, screen, studies, star传记舞台演员和律师的女儿,安妮·海瑟薇出生于11月12日,在纽约布鲁克林区1982年。
Hello, I’m Julie Andrews. In March of 1964, I arrived here at the Twentieth Century Fox studio lot to begin my every first day of rehearsals for The Sound of Music. Like Maria on her first day at the von Trapp villa I had no idea what lay in store. No one could have predicted the extraordinary popularity and reach of this movie.Within a year of the film’s release in March of 1965, it replaced Gone With the Wind as the number one box-office champ of all time. One report claimed that in a town of 65,000 people...there were over 80,000 tickets bought for its premier engagement. I’m often asked why this film has remained so astonishingly popular after all these years. I don’t think there is any one answer. Perhaps it’s because The Sound of Music is, first and last, about a family. Perhaps it’s about faith or that the values that the film embraces are so decent. Perhaps it’s the scenery. Perhaps it’s simply the breathtaking craftsmanship brought to bear on a movie musical of unprecedented scope and complexity. And surely it has a lot to do with the glorious music and words of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein whose tunes soar above the peaks of Salzburg and into the hearts of audiences everywhere. The Sound of Music lives on because it offers a promise that if you have faith and persevere you can follow every rainbow till you find your dream. I hope the film brings you as much joy as it has brought me. So now let’s start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.。
音乐之声的背景英语短文《音乐之声》的英语介绍和翻译:"The Sound of Music" is an impressive musical that stands above other films of the genre because of interesting characters, top-notch direction, and a truly inspired screenplay. Julie Andrews (Oscar-nominated) stars as the young nun who leaves the convent to become the governess to a large family. She is instantly at odds with the children's father (Christopher Plummer), but they soon fall in love and get married. However, evil forces lurk overhead as the Nazis invade their homeland of Austria. Somewhat based on a true story, "The Sound of Music" is one of those rare musicals that works because there is a sense of fear and drama in the film's final act. This makes the film believable and none of the musical numbers take away from the story or the film's direction.“音乐之声“是一个令人印象深刻的音乐,站在上面的其他电影流派,因为有趣的人物,争创一流的方向,一个真正的启发剧本。