Requirements Based Testing
data definition C-use pair:数据定义C-use使用对
data definition P-use coverage:数据定义P-use覆盖
data definition P-use pair:数据定义P-use使用对
data definition:数据定义
data definition-use coverage:数据定义使用覆盖
data definition-use pair :数据定义使用对
data definition-use testing:数据定义使用测试
Check In :检入
Check Out :检出
Closeout : 收尾
code audit :代码审计
Code coverage : 代码覆盖
Code Inspection:代码检视
Core team : 核心小组
corrective maintenance:故障检修
correctness :正确性
coverage :覆盖率
coverage item:覆盖项
Beta testing : β测试
Black Box Testing:黑盒测试
Blocking bug : 阻碍性错误
Bottom-up testing : 自底向上测试
boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖
boundary value testing:边界值测试
Bug bash : 错误大扫除
bug fix : 错误修正
Bug report : 错误报告
软件测试常用英语词汇静态测试:Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing代码走查:Walkthrough代码审查:Code Inspection技术评审:Review动态测试:Execution-Based Testing白盒测试:White-Box Testing黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle冒烟测试:Smoke Test回归测试:Regression Test功能测试:Function Testing性能测试:Performance Testing压力测试:Stress Testing负载测试:Volume Testing易用性测试:Usability Testing安装测试:Installation Testing界面测试:UI Testing配置测试:Configuration Testing文档测试:Documentation Testing兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing安全性测试:Security Testing恢复测试:Recovery Testing单元测试:Unit Test集成测试:Integration Test系统测试:System Test验收测试:Acceptance Test测试计划应包括:测试对象:The Test Objectives测试范围: The Test Scope测试策略: The Test Strategy测试方法: The Test Approach;测试过程: The test procedures;测试环境: The Test Environment;测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria 测试用例:The Test Cases测试进度表:The Test Schedules风险:Risks接口:Interface最终用户:The End User正式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment确认需求:Verifying The Requirements有分歧的需求:Ambiguous Requirements运行和维护:Operation and Maintenance.可复用性:Reusability可靠性: Reliability/Availability电机电子工程师协会IEEE:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers正确性:Correctness实用性:Utility健壮性:Robustness可靠性:Reliability软件需求规格说明书:SRS software requirement specification概要设计:HLD high level design详细设计:LLD low level design统一开发流程:RUP rational unified process集成产品开发:IPD integrated product development能力成熟模型:CMM capability maturity model能力成熟模型集成:CMMI capability maturity model integration戴明环:PDCA plan do check act软件工程过程组:SEPG software engineering process group集成测试:IT integration testing系统测试:ST system testing关键过程域:KPA key process area同行评审:PR peer review用户验收测试:UAT user acceptance testing验证和确认:V&V verification & validation控制变更委员会:CCB change control board图形用户界面:GUI graphic user interface配置管理员:CMO configuration management officer 平均失效间隔时间:MTBF mean time between failures 平均修复时间:MTTR mean time to restoration平均失效时间:MTTF mean time to failure工作任务书:SOW statement of workα测试:alpha testingβ测试:beta testing适应性:Adaptability可用性:Availability功能规格说明书:Functional Specification软件开发中常见英文缩写和各类软件开发文档的英文缩写:英文简写文档名称MRD market requirement document 市场需求文档PRD product requirement document 产品需求文档SOW 工作任务说明书PHB Process Handbook 项目过程手册EST Estimation Sheet 估计记录PPL Project Plan 项目计划CMP Software Management Plan 配置管理计划QAP Software Quality Assurance Plan 软件质量保证计划RMP Software Risk Management Plan 软件风险管理计划TST Test Strategy测试策略WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构BRS Business Requirement Specification业务需求说明书SRS Software Requirement Specification软件需求说明书STP System Testing plan 系统测试计划STC System Testing Cases 系统测试用例HLD High Level Design 概要设计说明书ITP Integration Testing plan 集成测试计划ITC Integration Testing Cases 集成测试用例LLD Low Level Design 详细设计说明书UTP Unit Testing Plan 单元测试计划UTC Unit Testing Cases 单元测试用例UTR Unit Testing Report 单元测试报告ITR Integration Testing Report 集成测试报告STR System Testing Report 系统测试报告RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix 需求跟踪矩阵CSA Configuration Status Accounting 配置状态发布CRF Change Request Form 变更申请表WSR Weekly Status Report 项目周报QSR Quality Weekly Status Report 质量工作周报QAR Quality Audit Report质量检查报告QCL Quality Check List质量检查表PAR Phase Assessment Report 阶段评估报告CLR Closure Report 项目总结报告RFF Review Finding Form 评审发现表MOM Minutes of Meeting 会议纪要MTX Metrics Sheet 度量表CCF ConsistanceCheckForm一致性检查表BAF Baseline Audit Form基线审计表PTF Program Trace Form问题跟踪表领测国际科技北京有限公司软件测试中英文对照术语表AAbstract test case High level test case :概要测试用例 Acceptance:验收Acceptance criteria:验收标准Acceptance testing:验收测试Accessibility testing:易用性测试Accuracy:精确性Actual outcome actual result :实际输出/实际结果 Ad hoc review informal review :非正式评审Ad hoc testing:随机测试Adaptability:自适应性Agile testing:敏捷测试Algorithm test branch testing :分支测试Alpha testing:alpha 测试Analyzability:易分析性Analyzer:分析员Anomaly:异常Arc testing:分支测试Attractiveness:吸引力Audit:审计Audit trail:审计跟踪Automated testware:自动测试组件Availability:可用性BBack-to-back testing:对比测试Baseline:基线Basic block:基本块Basis test set:基本测试集Bebugging:错误撒播Behavior:行为Benchmark test:基准测试Bespoke software:定制的软件Best practice:最佳实践Beta testing:Beta 测试领测国际科技北京有限公司Big-bang testing:集成测试Black-box technique:黑盒技术Black-box testing:黑盒测试Black-box test design technique:黑盒测试设计技术Blocked test case:被阻塞的测试用例Bottom-up testing:自底向上测试Boundary value:边界值Boundary value analysis:边界值分析Boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖率Boundary value testing:边界值测试Branch:分支Branch condition:分支条件Branch condition combination coverage:分支条件组合覆盖率 Branch condition combination testing:分支条件组合测试Branch condition coverage:分支条件覆盖率Branch coverage:分支覆盖率Branch testing:分支测试Bug:缺陷Business process-based testing:基于商业流程的测试CCapability Maturity Model CMM :能力成熟度模型Capability Maturity Model Integration CMMI :集成能力成熟度模型Capture/playback tool:捕获/回放工具Capture/replay tool:捕获/重放工具CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering :电脑辅助软件工程 CAST Computer Aided Software Testing :电脑辅助软件测试Cause-effect graph:因果图Cause-effect graphing:因果图技术Cause-effect analysis:因果分析Cause-effect decision table:因果判定表Certification:认证Changeability:可变性Change control:变更控制Change control board:变更控制委员会Checker:检查人员Chow's coverage metrics N-switch coverage :N 切换覆盖率 Classification tree method:分类树方法Code analyzer:代码分析器Code coverage:代码覆盖率领测国际科技北京有限公司Code-based testing:基于代码的测试Co-existence:共存性Commercial off-the-shelf software:商用离岸软件Comparator:比较器Compatibility testing:兼容性测试Compiler:编译器Complete testing:完全测试/穷尽测试Completion criteria:完成标准Complexity:复杂性Compliance:一致性Compliance testing:一致性测试Component:组件Component integration testing:组件集成测试Component specification:组件规格说明Component testing:组件测试Compound condition:组合条件Concrete test case low level test case :详细测试用例Concurrency testing:并发测试Condition:条件表达式Condition combination coverage:条件组合覆盖率Condition coverage:条件覆盖率Condition determination coverage:条件判定覆盖率 Condition determination testing:条件判定测试Condition testing:条件测试Condition outcome:条件结果Confidence test smoke test :信心测试冒烟测试Configuration:配置Configuration auditing:配置审核Configuration control:配置控制Configuration control board CCB :配置控制委员会 Configuration identification:配置标识Configuration item:配置项Configuration management:配置管理Configuration testing:配置测试Confirmation testing:确认测试Conformance testing:一致性测试Consistency:一致性Control flow:控制流Control flow graph:控制流图Control flow path:控制流路径Conversion testing:转换测试COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf software :商业离岸软件 Coverage:覆盖率Coverage analysis:覆盖率分析领测国际科技北京有限公司Coverage item:覆盖项Coverage tool:覆盖率工具Custom software:定制软件Cyclomatic complexity:圈复杂度Cyclomatic number:圈数DDaily build:每日构建Data definition:数据定义Data driven testing:数据驱动测试Data flow:数据流Data flow analysis:数据流分析Data flow coverage:数据流覆盖率Data flow test:数据流测试Data integrity testing:数据完整性测试Database integrity testing:数据库完整性测试Dead code:无效代码Debugger:调试器Debugging:调试Debugging tool:调试工具Decision:判定Decision condition coverage:判定条件覆盖率 Decision condition testing:判定条件测试Decision coverage:判定覆盖率Decision table:判定表Decision table testing:判定表测试Decision testing:判定测试技术Decision outcome:判定结果Defect:缺陷Defect density:缺陷密度Defect Detection Percentage DDP :缺陷发现率 Defect management:缺陷管理Defect management tool:缺陷管理工具Defect masking:缺陷屏蔽Defect report:缺陷报告Defect tracking tool:缺陷跟踪工具Definition-use pair:定义-使用对Deliverable:交付物Design-based testing:基于设计的测试Desk checking:桌面检查领测国际科技北京有限公司Development testing:开发测试Deviation:偏差Deviation report:偏差报告Dirty testing:负面测试Documentation testing:文档测试Domain:域Driver:驱动程序Dynamic analysis:动态分析Dynamic analysis tool:动态分析工具Dynamic comparison:动态比较Dynamic testing:动态测试EEfficiency:效率Efficiency testing:效率测试Elementary comparison testing:基本组合测试 Emulator:仿真器、仿真程序Entry criteria:入口标准Entry point:入口点Equivalence class:等价类Equivalence partition:等价区间Equivalence partition coverage:等价区间覆盖率Equivalence partitioning:等价划分技术Error:错误Error guessing:错误猜测技术Error seeding:错误撒播Error tolerance:错误容限Evaluation:评估Exception handling:异常处理Executable statement:可执行的语句Exercised:可执行的Exhaustive testing:穷尽测试Exit criteria:出口标准Exit point:出口点Expected outcome:预期结果Expected result:预期结果Exploratory testing:探测测试领测国际科技北京有限公司FFail:失败Failure:失败Failure mode:失败模式Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA :失败模式和影响分析Failure rate:失败频率Fault:缺陷Fault density:缺陷密度Fault Detection Percentage FDP :缺陷发现率Fault masking:缺陷屏蔽Fault tolerance:缺陷容限Fault tree analysis:缺陷树分析Feature:特征Field testing:现场测试Finite state machine:有限状态机Finite state testing:有限状态测试Formal review:正式评审Frozen test basis:测试基线Function Point Analysis FPA :功能点分析Functional integration:功能集成Functional requirement:功能需求Functional test design technique:功能测试设计技术 Functional testing:功能测试Functionality:功能性Functionality testing:功能性测试Gglass box testing:白盒测试HHeuristic evaluation:启发式评估High level test case:概要测试用例Horizontal traceability:水平跟踪领测国际科技北京有限公司IImpact analysis:影响分析Incremental development model:增量开发模型 Incremental testing:增量测试Incident:事件Incident management:事件管理Incident management tool:事件管理工具Incident report:事件报告Independence:独立Infeasible path:不可行路径Informal review:非正式评审Input:输入Input domain:输入范围Input value:输入值Inspection:审查Inspection leader:审查组织者Inspector:审查人员Installability:可安装性Installability testing:可安装性测试Installation guide:安装指南Installation wizard:安装向导Instrumentation:插装Instrumenter:插装工具Intake test:入口测试Integration:集成Integration testing:集成测试Integration testing in the large:大范围集成测试 Integration testing in the small:小范围集成测试 Interface testing:接口测试Interoperability:互通性Interoperability testing:互通性测试Invalid testing:无效性测试Isolation testing:隔离测试Item transmittal report:版本发布报告Iterative development model:迭代开发模型KKey performance indicator:关键绩效指标领测国际科技北京有限公司Keyword driven testing:关键字驱动测试LLearnability:易学性Level test plan:等级测试计划Link testing:组件集成测试Load testing:负载测试Logic-coverage testing:逻辑覆盖测试 Logic-driven testing:逻辑驱动测试Logical test case:逻辑测试用例Low level test case:详细测试用例MMaintenance:维护Maintenance testing:维护测试Maintainability:可维护性Maintainability testing:可维护性测试 Management review:管理评审Master test plan:综合测试计划Maturity:成熟度Measure:度量Measurement:度量Measurement scale:度量粒度Memory leak:内存泄漏Metric:度量Migration testing:移植测试Milestone:里程碑Mistake:错误Moderator:仲裁员Modified condition decision coverage:改进的条件判定覆盖率Modified condition decision testing:改进的条件判定测试Modified multiple condition coverage:改进的多重条件判定覆盖率Modified multiple condition testing:改进的多重条件判定测试 Module:模块Module testing:模块测试Monitor:监视器Multiple condition:多重条件Multiple condition coverage:多重条件覆盖率领测国际科技北京有限公司Multiple condition testing:多重条件测试Mutation analysis:变化分析Mutation testing:变化测试NN-switch coverage:N 切换覆盖率N-switch testing:N 切换测试Negative testing:负面测试Non-conformity:不一致Non-functional requirement:非功能需求Non-functional testing:非功能测试Non-functional test design techniques:非功能测试设计技术OOff-the-shelf software:离岸软件Operability:可操作性Operational environment:操作环境Operational profile testing:运行剖面测试Operational testing:操作测试Oracle:标准Outcome:输出/结果Output:输出Output domain:输出范围Output value:输出值PPair programming:结队编程Pair testing:结队测试Partition testing:分割测试Pass:通过Pass/fail criteria:通过/失败标准Path:路径Path coverage:路径覆盖Path sensitizing:路径敏感性Path testing:路径测试领测国际科技北京有限公司Peer review:同行评审Performance:性能Performance indicator:绩效指标Performance testing:性能测试Performance testing tool:性能测试工具 Phase test plan:阶段测试计划Portability:可移植性Portability testing:移植性测试Postcondition:结果条件Post-execution comparison:运行后比较 Precondition:初始条件Predicted outcome:预期结果Pretest:预测试Priority:优先级Probe effect:检测成本Problem:问题Problem management:问题管理Problem report:问题报告Process:流程Process cycle test:处理周期测试Product risk:产品风险Project:项目Project risk:项目风险Program instrumenter:编程工具Program testing:程序测试Project test plan:项目测试计划Pseudo-random:伪随机QQuality:质量Quality assurance:质量保证Quality attribute:质量属性Quality characteristic:质量特征Quality management:质量管理领测国际科技北京有限公司RRandom testing:随机测试Recorder:记录员Record/playback tool:记录/回放工具 Recoverability:可复原性Recoverability testing:可复原性测试Recovery testing:可复原性测试Regression testing:回归测试Regulation testing:一致性测试Release note:版本说明Reliability:可靠性Reliability testing:可靠性测试Replaceability:可替换性Requirement:需求Requirements-based testing:基于需求的测试 Requirements management tool:需求管理工具 Requirements phase:需求阶段Resource utilization:资源利用Resource utilization testing:资源利用测试 Result:结果Resumption criteria:继续测试标准Re-testing:再测试Review:评审Reviewer:评审人员Review tool:评审工具Risk:风险Risk analysis:风险分析Risk-based testing:基于风险的测试Risk control:风险控制Risk identification:风险识别Risk management:风险管理Risk mitigation:风险消减Robustness:健壮性Robustness testing:健壮性测试Root cause:根本原因SSafety:安全领测国际科技北京有限公司Safety testing:安全性测试Sanity test:健全测试Scalability:可测量性Scalability testing:可测量性测试Scenario testing:情景测试Scribe:记录员Scripting language:脚本语言Security:安全性Security testing:安全性测试Serviceability testing:可维护性测试 Severity:严重性Simulation:仿真Simulator:仿真程序、仿真器Site acceptance testing:定点验收测试Smoke test:冒烟测试Software:软件Software feature:软件功能Software quality:软件质量Software quality characteristic:软件质量特征Software test incident:软件测试事件Software test incident report:软件测试事件报告Software Usability Measurement Inventory SUMI :软件可用性调查问卷Source statement:源语句Specification:规格说明Specification-based testing:基于规格说明的测试Specification-based test design technique:基于规格说明的测试设计技术Specified input:特定输入Stability:稳定性Standard software:标准软件Standards testing:标准测试State diagram:状态图State table:状态表State transition:状态迁移State transition testing:状态迁移测试Statement:语句Statement coverage:语句覆盖Statement testing:语句测试Static analysis:静态分析Static analysis tool:静态分析工具Static analyzer:静态分析工具Static code analysis:静态代码分析Static code analyzer:静态代码分析工具Static testing:静态测试Statistical testing:统计测试领测国际科技北京有限公司Status accounting:状态统计Storage:资源利用Storage testing:资源利用测试Stress testing:压力测试Structure-based techniques:基于结构的技术Structural coverage:结构覆盖Structural test design technique:结构测试设计技术 Structural testing:基于结构的测试Structured walkthrough:面向结构的走查Stub: 桩Subpath: 子路径Suitability: 符合性Suspension criteria: 暂停标准Syntax testing: 语法测试System:系统System integration testing:系统集成测试System testing:系统测试TTechnical review:技术评审Test:测试Test approach:测试方法Test automation:测试自动化Test basis:测试基础Test bed:测试环境Test case:测试用例Test case design technique:测试用例设计技术 Test case specification:测试用例规格说明Test case suite:测试用例套Test charter:测试宪章Test closure:测试结束Test comparator:测试比较工具Test comparison:测试比较Test completion criteria:测试比较标准Test condition:测试条件Test control:测试控制Test coverage:测试覆盖率Test cycle:测试周期Test data:测试数据Test data preparation tool:测试数据准备工具领测国际科技北京有限公司Test design:测试设计Test design specification:测试设计规格说明 Test design technique:测试设计技术Test design tool: 测试设计工具Test driver: 测试驱动程序Test driven development: 测试驱动开发Test environment: 测试环境Test evaluation report: 测试评估报告Test execution: 测试执行Test execution automation: 测试执行自动化 Test execution phase: 测试执行阶段Test execution schedule: 测试执行进度表Test execution technique: 测试执行技术Test execution tool: 测试执行工具Test fail: 测试失败Test generator: 测试生成工具Test leader:测试负责人Test harness:测试组件Test incident:测试事件Test incident report:测试事件报告Test infrastructure:测试基础组织Test input:测试输入Test item:测试项Test item transmittal report:测试项移交报告 Test level:测试等级Test log:测试日志Test logging:测试记录Test manager:测试经理Test management:测试管理Test management tool:测试管理工具Test Maturity Model TMM :测试成熟度模型Test monitoring:测试跟踪Test object:测试对象Test objective:测试目的Test oracle:测试标准Test pass:测试通过Test performance indicator:测试绩效指标Test phase:测试阶段Test plan:测试计划Test planning:测试计划Test policy:测试方针Test Point Analysis TPA :测试点分析Test procedure:测试过程领测国际科技北京有限公司Test procedure specification:测试过程规格说明 Test process:测试流程Test Process Improvement TPI :测试流程改进 Test record:测试记录Test recording:测试记录Test reproduceability:测试可重现性Test report:测试报告Test requirement:测试需求Test run:测试运行Test run log:测试运行日志Test result:测试结果Test scenario:测试场景Test set:测试集Test situation:测试条件Test specification:测试规格说明Test specification technique:测试规格说明技术 Test stage:测试阶段Test strategy:测试策略Test suite:测试套Test summary report:测试总结报告Test target:测试目标Test tool:测试工具Test type:测试类型Testability:可测试性Testability review:可测试性评审Testable requirements:需求可测试性Tester:测试人员Testing:测试Testware:测试组件Thread testing:组件集成测试Time behavior:性能Top-down testing:自顶向下的测试Traceability:可跟踪性UUnderstandability:易懂性Unit:单元unit testing:单元测试Unreachable code:执行不到的代码领测国际科技北京有限公司Usability:易用性Usability testing:易用性测试Use case:用户用例Use case testing:用户用例测试User acceptance testing:用户验收测试 User scenario testing:用户场景测试 User test:用户测试VV -model:V 模式Validation:确认Variable:变量Verification:验证Vertical traceability:垂直可跟踪性 Version control:版本控制Volume testing:容量测试WWalkthrough:走查White-box test design technique:白盒测试设计技术 White-box testing:白盒测试Wide Band Delphi:Delphi 估计方法。
Acceptance testing | 验收测试Acceptance Testing|可接受性测试Accessibility test | 软体适用性测试actual outcome|实际结果Ad hoc testing | 随机测试Algorithm analysis | 算法分析algorithm|算法Alpha testing | α测试analysis|分析anomaly|异常application software|应用软件Application under test (AUT) | 所测试的应用程序Architecture | 构架Artifact | 工件ASQ|自动化软件质量(Automated Software Quality)Assertion checking | 断言检查Association | 关联Audit | 审计audit trail|审计跟踪Automated Testing|自动化测试Backus-Naur Form|BNF范式baseline|基线Basic Block|基本块basis test set|基本测试集Behaviour | 行为Bench test | 基准测试benchmark|标杆/指标/基准Best practise | 最佳实践Beta testing | β测试Black Box Testing|黑盒测试Blocking bug | 阻碍性错误Bottom-up testing | 自底向上测试boundary value coverage|边界值覆盖boundary value testing|边界值测试Boundary values | 边界值Boundry Value Analysis|边界值分析branch condition combination coverage|分支条件组合覆盖branch condition combination testing|分支条件组合测试branch condition coverage|分支条件覆盖branch condition testing|分支条件测试branch condition|分支条件Branch coverage | 分支覆盖branch outcome|分支结果branch point|分支点branch testing|分支测试branch|分支Breadth Testing|广度测试Brute force testing| 强力测试Buddy test | 合伙测试Buffer | 缓冲Bug | 错误Bug bash | 错误大扫除bug fix | 错误修正Bug report | 错误报告Bug tracking system| 错误跟踪系统bug|缺陷Build | 工作版本(内部小版本)Build Verfication tests(BVTs)| 版本验证测试Build-in | 内置Capability Maturity Model (CMM)| 能力成熟度模型Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)| 能力成熟度模型整合capture/playback tool|捕获/回放工具Capture/Replay Tool|捕获/回放工具CASE|计算机辅助软件工程(computer aided software engineering)CAST|计算机辅助测试cause-effect graph|因果图certification |证明change control|变更控制Change Management |变更管理Change Request |变更请求Character Set | 字符集Check In |检入Check Out |检出Closeout | 收尾code audit |代码审计Code coverage | 代码覆盖Code Inspection|代码检视Code page | 代码页Code rule | 编码规范Code sytle | 编码风格Code Walkthrough|代码走读code-based testing|基于代码的测试coding standards|编程规范Common sense | 常识Compatibility Testing|兼容性测试complete path testing |完全路径测试completeness|完整性complexity |复杂性Component testing | 组件测试Component|组件computation data use|计算数据使用computer system security|计算机系统安全性Concurrency user | 并发用户Condition coverage | 条件覆盖condition coverage|条件覆盖condition outcome|条件结果condition|条件configuration control|配置控制Configuration item | 配置项configuration management|配置管理Configuration testing | 配置测试conformance criterion| 一致性标准Conformance Testing| 一致性测试consistency | 一致性consistency checker| 一致性检查器Control flow graph | 控制流程图control flow graph|控制流图control flow|控制流conversion testing|转换测试Core team | 核心小组corrective maintenance|故障检修correctness |正确性coverage |覆盖率coverage item|覆盖项crash|崩溃criticality analysis|关键性分析criticality|关键性CRM(change request management)| 变更需求管理Customer-focused mindset | 客户为中心的理念体系Cyclomatic complexity | 圈复杂度data corruption|数据污染data definition C-use pair|数据定义C-use使用对data definition P-use coverage|数据定义P-use覆盖data definition P-use pair|数据定义P-use使用对data definition|数据定义data definition-use coverage|数据定义使用覆盖data definition-use pair |数据定义使用对data definition-use testing|数据定义使用测试data dictionary|数据字典Data Flow Analysis | 数据流分析data flow analysis|数据流分析data flow coverage|数据流覆盖data flow diagram|数据流图data flow testing|数据流测试data integrity|数据完整性data use|数据使用data validation|数据确认dead code|死代码Debug | 调试Debugging|调试Decision condition|判定条件Decision coverage | 判定覆盖decision coverage|判定覆盖decision outcome|判定结果decision table|判定表decision|判定Defect | 缺陷defect density | 缺陷密度Defect Tracking |缺陷跟踪Deployment | 部署Depth Testing|深度测试design for sustainability |可延续性的设计design of experiments|实验设计design-based testing|基于设计的测试Desk checking | 桌前检查desk checking|桌面检查Determine Usage Model | 确定应用模型Determine Potential Risks | 确定潜在风险diagnostic|诊断DIF(decimation in frequency) | 按频率抽取dirty testing|肮脏测试disaster recovery|灾难恢复DIT (decimation in time)| 按时间抽取documentation testing |文档测试domain testing|域测试domain|域DTP DETAIL TEST PLAN详细确认测试计划Dynamic analysis | 动态分析dynamic analysis|动态分析Dynamic Testing|动态测试embedded software|嵌入式软件emulator|仿真End-to-End testing|端到端测试Enhanced Request |增强请求entity relationship diagram|实体关系图Encryption Source Code Base| 加密算法源代码库Entry criteria | 准入条件entry point |入口点Envisioning Phase | 构想阶段Equivalence class | 等价类Equivalence Class|等价类equivalence partition coverage|等价划分覆盖Equivalence partition testing | 等价划分测试equivalence partition testing|参考等价划分测试equivalence partition testing|等价划分测试Equivalence Partitioning|等价划分Error | 错误Error guessing | 错误猜测error seeding|错误播种/错误插值error|错误Event-driven | 事件驱动Exception handlers | 异常处理器exception|异常/例外executable statement|可执行语句Exhaustive Testing|穷尽测试exit point|出口点expected outcome|期望结果Exploratory testing | 探索性测试Failure | 失效Fault | 故障fault|故障feasible path|可达路径feature testing|特性测试Field testing | 现场测试FMEA|失效模型效果分析(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)FMECA|失效模型效果关键性分析(Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis)Framework | 框架FTA|故障树分析(Fault Tree Analysis)functional decomposition|功能分解Functional Specification |功能规格说明书Functional testing | 功能测试Functional Testing|功能测试G11N(Globalization) | 全球化Gap analysis | 差距分析Garbage characters | 乱码字符glass box testing|玻璃盒测试Glass-box testing | 白箱测试或白盒测试Glossary | 术语表GUI(Graphical User Interface)| 图形用户界面Hard-coding | 硬编码Hotfix | 热补丁I18N(Internationalization)| 国际化Identify Exploratory Tests –识别探索性测试IEEE|美国电子与电器工程师学会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)Incident 事故Incremental testing | 渐增测试incremental testing|渐增测试infeasible path|不可达路径input domain|输入域Inspection | 审查inspection|检视installability testing|可安装性测试Installing testing | 安装测试instrumentation|插装instrumenter|插装器Integration |集成Integration testing | 集成测试interface | 接口interface analysis|接口分析interface testing|接口测试interface|接口invalid inputs|无效输入isolation testing|孤立测试Issue | 问题Iteration | 迭代Iterative development| 迭代开发job control language|工作控制语言Job|工作Key concepts | 关键概念Key Process Area | 关键过程区域Keyword driven testing | 关键字驱动测试Kick-off meeting | 动会议L10N(Localization) | 本地化Lag time | 延迟时间LCSAJ|线性代码顺序和跳转(Linear Code Sequence And Jump)LCSAJ coverage|LCSAJ覆盖LCSAJ testing|LCSAJ测试Lead time | 前置时间Load testing | 负载测试Load Testing|负载测试Localizability testing| 本地化能力测试Localization testing | 本地化测试logic analysis|逻辑分析logic-coverage testing|逻辑覆盖测试Maintainability | 可维护性maintainability testing|可维护性测试Maintenance | 维护Master project schedule |总体项目方案Measurement | 度量Memory leak | 内存泄漏Migration testing | 迁移测试Milestone | 里程碑Mock up | 模型,原型modified condition/decision coverage|修改条件/判定覆盖modified condition/decision testing |修改条件/判定测试modular decomposition|参考模块分解Module testing | 模块测试Monkey testing | 跳跃式测试Monkey Testing|跳跃式测试mouse over|鼠标在对象之上mouse leave|鼠标离开对象MTBF|平均失效间隔实际(mean time between failures)MTP MAIN TEST PLAN主确认计划MTTF|平均失效时间(mean time to failure)MTTR|平均修复时间(mean time to repair)multiple condition coverage|多条件覆盖mutation analysis|变体分析N/A(Not applicable) | 不适用的Negative Testing | 逆向测试, 反向测试, 负面测试negative testing|参考负面测试Negative Testing|逆向测试/反向测试/负面测试off by one|缓冲溢出错误non-functional requirements testing|非功能需求测试nominal load|额定负载N-switch coverage|N切换覆盖N-switch testing|N切换测试N-transitions|N转换Off-the-shelf software | 套装软件operational testing|可操作性测试output domain|输出域paper audit|书面审计Pair Programming | 成对编程partition testing|分类测试Path coverage | 路径覆盖path coverage|路径覆盖path sensitizing|路径敏感性path testing|路径测试path|路径Peer review | 同行评审Performance | 性能Performance indicator| 性能(绩效)指标Performance testing | 性能测试Pilot | 试验Pilot testing | 引导测试Portability | 可移植性portability testing|可移植性测试Positive testing | 正向测试Postcondition | 后置条件Precondition | 前提条件precondition|预置条件predicate data use|谓词数据使用predicate|谓词Priority | 优先权program instrumenter|程序插装progressive testing|递进测试Prototype | 原型Pseudo code | 伪代码pseudo-localization testing|伪本地化测试pseudo-random|伪随机QC|质量控制(quality control)Quality assurance(QA)| 质量保证Quality Control(QC) | 质量控制Race Condition|竞争状态Rational Unified Process(以下简称RUP)|瑞理统一工艺recovery testing|恢复性测试Refactoring | 重构regression analysis and testing|回归分析和测试Regression testing | 回归测试Release | 发布Release note | 版本说明release|发布Reliability | 可靠性reliability assessment|可靠性评价reliability|可靠性Requirements management tool| 需求管理工具Requirements-based testing | 基于需求的测试Return of Investment(ROI)| 投资回报率review|评审Risk assessment | 风险评估risk|风险Robustness | 强健性Root Cause Analysis(RCA)| 根本原因分析safety critical|严格的安全性safety|(生命)安全性Sanity Testing|理智测试Schema Repository | 模式库Screen shot | 抓屏、截图SDP|软件开发计划(software development plan)Security testing | 安全性测试security testing|安全性测试security.|(信息)安全性serviceability testing|可服务性测试Severity | 严重性Shipment | 发布simple subpath|简单子路径Simulation | 模拟Simulator | 模拟器SLA(Service level agreement)| 服务级别协议SLA|服务级别协议(service level agreement)Smoke testing | 冒烟测试Software development plan(SDP)| 软件开发计划Software development process| 软件开发过程software development process|软件开发过程software diversity|软件多样性software element|软件元素software engineering environment|软件工程环境software engineering|软件工程Software life cycle | 软件生命周期source code|源代码source statement|源语句Specification | 规格说明书specified input|指定的输入spiral model |螺旋模型SQAP SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURENCE PLAN 软件质量保证计划SQL|结构化查询语句(structured query language)Staged Delivery|分布交付方法state diagram|状态图state transition testing |状态转换测试state transition|状态转换state|状态Statement coverage | 语句覆盖statement testing|语句测试statement|语句Static Analysis|静态分析Static Analyzer|静态分析器Static Testing|静态测试statistical testing|统计测试Stepwise refinement | 逐步优化storage testing|存储测试Stress Testing | 压力测试structural coverage|结构化覆盖structural test case design|结构化测试用例设计structural testing|结构化测试structured basis testing|结构化的基础测试structured design|结构化设计structured programming|结构化编程structured walkthrough|结构化走读stub|桩sub-area|子域Summary| 总结SVVP SOFTWARE Vevification&Validation PLAN| 软件验证和确认计划symbolic evaluation|符号评价symbolic execution|参考符号执行symbolic execution|符号执行symbolic trace|符号轨迹Synchronization | 同步Syntax testing | 语法分析system analysis|系统分析System design | 系统设计system integration|系统集成System Testing | 系统测试TC TEST CASE 测试用例TCS TEST CASE SPECIFICATION 测试用例规格说明TDS TEST DESIGN SPECIFICATION 测试设计规格说明书technical requirements testing|技术需求测试Test | 测试test automation|测试自动化Test case | 测试用例test case design technique|测试用例设计技术test case suite|测试用例套test comparator|测试比较器test completion criterion|测试完成标准test coverage|测试覆盖Test design | 测试设计Test driver | 测试驱动test environment|测试环境test execution technique|测试执行技术test execution|测试执行test generator|测试生成器test harness|测试用具Test infrastructure | 测试基础建设test log|测试日志test measurement technique|测试度量技术Test Metrics |测试度量test procedure|测试规程test records|测试记录test report|测试报告Test scenario | 测试场景Test Script|测试脚本Test Specification|测试规格Test strategy | 测试策略test suite|测试套Test target | 测试目标Test ware | 测试工具Testability | 可测试性testability|可测试性Testing bed | 测试平台Testing coverage | 测试覆盖Testing environment | 测试环境Testing item | 测试项Testing plan | 测试计划Testing procedure | 测试过程Thread testing | 线程测试time sharing|时间共享time-boxed | 固定时间TIR test incident report 测试事故报告ToolTip|控件提示或说明top-down testing|自顶向下测试TPS TEST PEOCESS SPECIFICATION 测试步骤规格说明Traceability | 可跟踪性traceability analysis|跟踪性分析traceability matrix|跟踪矩阵Trade-off | 平衡transaction|事务/处理transaction volume|交易量transform analysis|事务分析trojan horse|特洛伊木马truth table|真值表TST TEST SUMMARY REPORT 测试总结报告Tune System | 调试系统TW TEST WARE |测试件Unit Testing |单元测试Usability Testing|可用性测试Usage scenario | 使用场景User acceptance Test | 用户验收测试User database |用户数据库User interface(UI) | 用户界面User profile | 用户信息User scenario | 用户场景V&V (Verification & Validation) | 验证&确认validation |确认verification |验证version |版本Virtual user | 虚拟用户volume testing|容量测试VSS(visual source safe) |VTP Verification TEST PLAN验证测试计划VTR Verification TEST REPORT验证测试报告Walkthrough | 走读Waterfall model | 瀑布模型Web testing | 网站测试White box testing | 白盒测试Work breakdown structure (WBS) | 任务分解结构Zero bug bounce (ZBB) | 零错误反弹。
Natural Language Processing
Testing against natural language RequirementsHarry M. SneedAnecon GmbH, Vienna, AustriaEmail: Harry.Sneed@t-online.atAbstract:Testing against natural language requirements is the standard approach for system and acceptance testing. This test is often performed by an independent test organization unfamiliar with the application area. The only things the testers have to go by are the written requirements. So it is essential to be able to analyze those requirements and to extract test cases from them. In this paper an automated approach to requirements based testing is presented and illustrated on an industrial application.Keywords: Acceptance Testing, System Testing, Requirements Analysis, Test Case Generation, Natural Language ProcessingA test is always a test against something. According to the current test literature this something can be the code itself, the design documentation, the data interfaces, the requirements or the unwritten expectations of the users [1]. In the first case, one is speaking of code based testing where the test cases are actually extracted from an analysis of the code. In the second case, one is speaking of design based testing where test cases are taken from the design documents, e.g. the UML diagrams. In the third case, we speak of data based testing, where test cases are generated from the data structures, e.g. the SQL schema or the XML schema. In the fourth case, we speak of requirements based testing, where we extract the test cases from the requirements documents. This is also known as functional testing. In the fifth and final case, we speak of user based testing, in which a representative user invents test cases as he goes along. This is also referred to as creative testing [2].Another form of testing is regression testing in which a new version of a previous system is tested against the older version. Here the test cases are taken from the old data or from the behavior of the old system. In both cases one is comparing the new with the old, either entirely or selectively [3].1. Functional testingIn this paper the method of requirements based testing is being described, i.e. testing against the functional and non functional requirements as defined in an official document. This type of testing is used primarily as a final system test or as an acceptance test. Bill Howden referred to this as functional testing [4]. It assumes that other kinds of testing, such as code based unit testing and/or design based integration testing have already taken place so that the software is executable and fairly reliable. It is then the task of the requirements based test to demonstrate that the system does what it should do according to the written agreement between the user organization and the developing organization. Very often this test is performed by an independent test organization so as to eliminate any bias. The test organization is called upon not only to test, but also to interpret the meaning of the requirements. In this respect, the requirements are similar to laws and the testers are performing the roles of a judge, whose job it is to interpret the laws to apply to a particular case [5].What laws and requirements have in common is that they are both written in natural language and they are both fuzzy. Thus, they are subject to multiple interpretations. Judges are trained to interpret laws. Testers are not always prepared to interpret requirements. However, in practice this is the essence of their job. Having an automated tool to dissect the requirement texts and to distinguish between different types of requirement statements is a first step in the direction of automated requirements testing. The Text Analyzer is intended to be such a tool.2. Nature of natural language requirementsBefore examining the functions of a requirement analysis tool, it is first necessary to investigate the nature of requirement documents. There may be certain application areas where requirements are written in a formal notation. There are languages for this, such as VDM, SET and Z, and more recently OCL the object Constraint Language propagated by the OMG [6]. However, in the field of information technology such formal methods havenever really been accepted. There, the bulk of the requirements are still written in prose text.Christof Ebert distinguishes between unstructured text, structured text and semi formal text [7]. In a structured text the requirements are broken down into prescribed chapters and sections with specific meanings. A good example of this is the ANSI/IEEE-830: Guide to Requirements Specification. It prescribes a nested hierarchy of topics including the distinction between functional and non functional requirements [8]. Functional Requirements are defined in terms of their purpose, their sequence, their preconditions and post conditions as well as their inputs and outputs. Inputs are lists of individual arguments and outputs lists of results. Arguments and results may be even defined in respect to their value ranges. This brings the functional specification very close to a functional test case.Non functional requirements are to be defined in terms of their pass and fail criteria. Rather than depicting what flows in and out of a function, a measurable goal is set such as a response time of less than 3 seconds. Each non functional requirement may have one or more criteria which have to be fulfilled in order for the requirement to be fulfilled. In addition to the functional and non functional requirements of the product, the ANSI/IEEE standard also stipulates that constraints, risks and other properties of the projects be defined. The end result is a highly structured document with 7 sections. Provided that standard titles or standard numbering is used, a text analysis tool should easily recognize what is being described even if the description itself is not interpretable. By having such a structured document a tester has an easier job of extracting test cases. The job becomes even easier if the structured requirements are supplemented by acceptance criteria as proposed by Christiana Rupp and others [9]. After every functional and non functional requirement a rule is defined for determining whether the requirement is fulfilled or not. Such a rule could be that in case of a withdrawal from an account, the balance has to be less than the previous balance by the withdrawal amount. Account = Account@pre Withdrawal;An acceptance criterion is equivalent to a post condition assertion so that it can be readily copied into a test case definition.Semi formal requirements go one step further. They have their text content placed in a specific format, such as the use case format. Use cases are typical semi formal descriptions. They have standardized attributes which the requirement writer must fill out, attributes like trigger, rule, precondition, post condition, paths, steps and relations to other use cases. In the text these attributes will always have the same name so that a tool can readily recognize them. Most of the use cases are defined in standard frameworks or boxes which make it even easier to process them [10].A good semi formal requirements document will also have links between the use cases and the functional requirements. Each requirement will consist of a few sentences and will have some kind of number or mnemonic identifier to identify it. This identifier will then be referred to by the use case. One use case can fulfill one or more functional requirements. One attribute of the use case will be a list of such pointers to the requirements it fulfills [11].At the upper end of a semiformal requirement specification arithmetic expressions or logical conditions may be formulated. Within an informal document there can be scattered formal elements. These should be recognizable to an analysis tool.In the current world of information technology, the requirement documents range from structured to semi formal. Even the most backward users will have some form of structured requirements document in which it is possible to distinguish between individual functional requirements as well as between constraints and non functional requirements. More advanced users will have structured, semi formal documents in which individual requirements are numbered, use cases are specified with standardized attributes, and processing rules are defined in tables. Really sophisticated requirement documents such as can be found in requirements engineering tools like Doors and Rational Requisite Pro will also have links between requirements, rules, objects and processes, i.e. use cases [12].3. The Testing StrategyA software system tester in industry is responsible for demonstrating that a system does what it is supposed to do. To accomplish this, he must have an oracle to refer to. The concept of an automated oracle for functional testing was introduced by Howden in 1980 [13]. As foreseen by Howden then,the test oracle was to be a formal specification in terms of pre and post conditions. However the oracle could also be a natural language text provided the text is structured and has some degree of formality. In regression testing the oracle is the input and output data of the previous version. In unit testing it is the pre and post conditions of the methods and the invariant states of the objects. In integration testing it is the specification of the interfaces and in system testing it is the requirements document [14]. Thus, it is the task of the system tester to extract test cases from the functional and non functional requirements. Using this as a starting point, he then proceeds to carry out seven steps on the way to achieving confidence in the functionality of a software system. These seven steps are:identifying the test casescreating a test designspecifying the test casesgenerating the test casessetting up the test environmentexecuting the testevaluating the test.3.1 Identifying the test casesHaving established what it is to be tested against, i.e. the test oracle, it is first up to the tester to analyze that object and to identify the potential test cases. This is done by scanning through the document and selecting all statements about the behavior of the target system which need to be confirmed. These statements can imply actions or states, or they define conditions which have to be fulfilled if an action is to take place or a state is to hold [15].Producing a customer reminder is an action of the system. The fact that the customer account is overdrawn is a state. The rule that when a customer account is overdrawn the system should produce a customer reminder is a condition. All three are candidates for a test case. Testing whether the system produces a customer reminder is one test case. Testing if the customer account can be overdrawn is another test case, and testing whether the system produces a customer reminder when the customer account is overdrawn is a test case which combines the other two.In scanning the requirements document the tester must make sure to recognize each action to be performed, each state which may occur and each condition under which an action is performed or a state occurs. From these statements the functional test cases are extracted. But not only the functional test cases. Statements like the response time must be under 3 seconds and the system must recognize any erroneous input data are non functional requirements which must be tested. Every statement about the system, whether functional or non functional is a potential test case. The tester must recognize and record them [16].3.2. Creating a test designOf course, this is only the beginning of a system test. Once the test cases have been defined they must be ordered by time and place and grouped by test session. A test session encompasses a series of test cases performed within one dialog session or one batch process. In one session several requirements and several related use cases are executed. The test cases can be run sequentially or in parallel. The result of this test case ordering by execution sequence is part of the test design.3.3 Specifying the test casesFollowing the test design is the test case specification. This is where the attributes of the test cases are filled out in detail down to the level of the input and output data ranges. Each test case will already have an identifier, a purpose, a link to the requirements, objects and use cases it tests, as well as a source, a type and a status. It may even have a pre and post condition depending on how exact the requirements are. Now it is up to the tester to design the predecessor test cases, the physical interface or database being tested and to assign data values. Normally the general test case description will be in a master table whereas the input and output values will be in sub tables one for the test inputs and one for the expected outputs. In assigning the data, the tester will employ such techniques as equivalence classes, representative values, boundary values and progression or degression intervals. Which technique is used, depends on the type of data. In the end there will be for each test case a set of arguments and results [17].3.4 Generating the test dataProvided the test data definitions are made with a formal syntax, the test data itself can then be automatically generated. The tester may only have to oversee and guide the test data generation process. The basis for the test data generation will be the interface descriptions such as HTML forms, XML schemas, WSDL specifications and SQL database schemas. The values extracted from the test case, specifications are united with the structuralinformation provided by the data definition formats to create test objects, i.e. GUI instances, maps, records, database tables and other forms of test data [18].3.5 Setting up the test environmentIn the 5th step the test environment is prepared. Test databases must be allocated and filled with the generated data. Test work stations are loaded with the client software and the input test objects. The network is activated. The server software is initialized. The source code may be instrumented for tracing execution and test coverage.3.6 Execution the testNow the actual test can be started, one session at a time or several sessions in parallel depending on the type of system under test. The system tester will be either submitting the input data manually or operating a tool for submitting the data automatically. The latter approach is preferable since it is not only much faster, but also more reliable and above all repeatable. While the test is running the execution paths are being monitored and the test coverage of the code is being measured.3.7 Evaluating the testAfter each test session or test run the tester should perform an analysis of the test results. This entails several sub tasks. One sub task will be to report any incidents which may have occurred during the test session. Another task will be to record and document the functional test coverage. A third and vital task is to confirm the correctness of the data results, i.e. the post conditions. This can and should be done automatically by comparing the actual results with the expected results as specified in the test cases. Any deviations between the actual and the specified data results should be reported. Finally the tester will want to record various test metrics such as the number of test cases executed, the number of requirements tested, the number of data validated, the number of errors recorded and the degree of test coverage achieved [19].4. Automating the requirement analysisAs can be gathered from this summary of the system tester s tasks, there are many tasks which lend themselves to automation. Both test data generation and test data validation can be automated. Automated test execution has been going on for years and there are several tools for performing this. What are weakly automated are the test case specification and the test design. Not automated at all are the activities setting up the test environment and identifying the test cases [20].The focus of this paper is on the latter activity, i.e., identifying and extracting test cases. It is the first and most important task in functional system testing. Since the test we are discussing here is a requirements based test, the test cases must be identified in and extracted from the requirements document.The tool for doing that is the text analyzer developed by the author. The same tool goes on to create a test design, thus covering the first two steps of the system testing process. The Text Analyzer was conceived to do what a tester should do when he begins a requirements based system test. It scans through the requirements text to pick out potential test cases.4.1 Recognizing and selecting essential objects The key to requirements analysis is to have a natural language processor which extracts information from the text based on key words and sentence structure. This is referred to as text mining, a technique used by search engines on the internet. [21] The original purpose of text mining was to automatically index documents for classification and retrieval. The purpose here is to extract test cases from natural language text.Test cases relate to the objects of a system. Objects in a requirement document are either acted upon or their state is checked. Therefore, the first step of the text analysis is to identify the pertinent objects. For this all of the nouns must be identified. This is not an easy task, especially in the English language, since nouns can often be verbs or compound words such as master record. In this respect other languages such as German and Hungarian are more precise. In German nouns begin with a capital letter which makes the object recognition even easier.A pre scanner can examine the text to identify and record all nouns. However, only the human analyst can determine which nouns are potential objects based on the context in which they are used. To this end all of the nouns are displayed in a check box and the user can uncheck all nouns which he perceives to be irrelevant. The result is a list of pertinent nouns which can be recorded as the essential objects. Depending on the scope of the requirementsdocument their number can be anywhere from 100 to 1000.Besides that, object selection is apt to trigger a lengthy and tedious discussion among the potential users about which objects are relevant and which are not. In presenting the list of potential objects it becomes obvious, how arbitrary software systems are. In order to come up with an oracle to test against, the users must first come to a consensus on what the behavior of the system should be. Confronting them with the contradictions in their views helps to establish that consensus. [22]4.2 Defining key words in contextAs a prerequisite for the further text analysis, the user must identify the key words used in the requirement text. These key words can be any string of characters, but they must be assigned a predefined meaning. This is done through a key word table. There are currently some 20 predefined notions which can be assigned to a key word in the text. These are:SKIP= ignore lines beginning with this word REQU= this word indicates a requirementMASK= this word indicates a user interfaceINFA= this word indicates a system interface REPO = this word indicates a reportINPT = this word indicates a system inputOUTP = this word indicates a system outputSERV = this word indicates a web serviceDATA = this word indicates a data storeACT= this word indicates a system actorTRIG= this word indicates a triggerPRE= this word indicates a preconditionPOST= this word indicates a post condition PATH= this word indicates a logical path or sequence of stepsEXCP= this word indicates an exception condition ATTR = this word indicates any user assigned text attributeRULE= this word indicates a business rule PROC = this word indicates a business process GOAL = this word indicates a business goalOBJT= this word is the name of an object.By means of the key words, the analyzer is able to recognize certain requirement elements embedded in the prose text.4.3 Recognizing and extracting potential test cases The next step is for the tool to make a second scan of the document. This time only sentences in which an essential object occurs are processed, the others are skipped over. Each sentence selected is examined whether it is an action, a state query, or a condition. The sentence is an action when the object is the target of a verb. The sentences The customer account is updated daily and The system updates the customer account are both actions. The account is the object and updates is the action. The test case will be to test whether the system really updates the account.The sentence The account is overdrawn when the balance exceeds the credit limit is a state which needs to be tested and the sentence If an account is overdrawn, it should be frozen until a payment comes in is a condition combining an object state with an object action. The object is the account. The state is overdrawn. The action is should be frozen. There are actually two tests here. One is to confirm that an account can become overdrawn. The other is to confirm that an account is frozen when it is overdrawn.To qualify as a statement to be tested, a sentence must contain at least one relevant object. In the sentence If his credit rating is adequate, the customer can order a book. there are three relevant objects - credit, customer and book - so this qualifies the sentence to be processed further. The clause if his credit rating is adequate indicates that this is a condition which needs to be tested. There are many words which can be used to identify a condition. Besides the word if there are other words like should, provided, when, etc. there are also word patterns like in case of and as long as. When they occur the statement is assumed to be a condition.If the sentence is not a condition it may be a state declaration. A state declaration is when a relevant object is declared to be in a given state, i.e.The customer must be registered.The word customer is a selected object and the word pattern be registered indicates a state that the object is in. Predicate verbs such as be, is, are, were, etc denote that this is a state declaration.If the sentence is neither a condition nor a state, it may be an action. An action is indicated by a verb which acts upon a selected object e.g.The system checks the customer order.Here the order is a relevant object and checks is a verb which acts upon it. Normally these verbs will end with an s if they are in present tense and with ed if they are in past tense. So this makes it easier to recognize them. The advantage of requirement texts as opposed to texts in general is that they are almost always written in the third person, thus reducing the number of verb patterns to be checked. Sentences which qualify as a statement to be tested are extracted from the text and stored in the test case table. Assuming that all sentences are embedded in the text of a section,, a requirement or a use case, it is possible to assign test cases to individual requirements, use cases or simply to titled sections. If a test case originates from a requirement it receives the number or title of that requirement. If the test cases are created from a use case, then they bear the title of that use case. If these structural elements are missing the test case is simply assigned to the last text title. Relations are also established between test cases and objects. Test cases extracted from a particular sentence will have a reference to the objects referred to in that sentence.A generated test case will have an id, a purpose, a trigger, a pre-condition and a post-condition. The id of the test case is generated from the system name and a running number. The condition if the customer s credit rating is adequate, he can order a book implies two pre conditions1.the customer s credit rating is adequate2.the customer s credit rating is not adequate There are also two post conditions1.the customer has ordered a book2.the customer has not ordered a bookThis shows that for every conditional clause there should be two test casesone which fulfils the condition, andanother which does not fulfil the condition. They both have the same trigger, namely the customer orders a book.These are samples of functional test cases. Non functional test cases are all either states or conditions. The sentence The system should be able to process at least 2000 transactions per hour is a state denoted by the verb should be. The sentence In case of a system crash, the system has to be restarted within 2 minutes is a condition determined by the predicate In case of, followed by an action restarted. Both requirements must be tested. The tool itself can only distinguish between functional and non functional test cases based on the objects acted on or whose state is checked. Here again the user must interact by marking those objects such as system which are not part of the actual application.4.4 Storing the potential test casesThe result of the text analysis is a table of potential system test cases. If the requirements document is structured so that the individual requirements are recognizable, the test cases will be ordered by requirement. If there are use case definitions, the test cases extracted from a particular use case will be associated with that use case. Otherwise, the test cases will be grouped by subtitles.In the end every test case, whether functional or non-functional will have at least the following attributes:a test case Ida test case purpose = the sentence fromwhich the case was takena test case type = {action | state | condition }a preconditiona post conditiona triggera reference to the objects involveda reference to the requirements being testeda reference to the use case being tested5. Generating a test designIt is not enough to extract potential test cases. The test cases also need to be assigned to an overall test framework. The test framework is derived from the structure of the requirements document. Requirements should be enhanced by events. An event is something which occurs at one place at one time. Use cases are such events. An account withdrawal is an example of a use case event. A money transfer is another event. Printing out an account statement is yet another event. Events are triggered by a user, by the system itself or by some other system.In system testing it is essential to test every event, first independently of the other events and then in conjunction with them. An event will have at least two test cases - a positive and a negative outcome, but it may have many. In the case of an account withdrawal, the user may give in a bad PIN number, he may have an invalid card, the amount to be withdrawn may exceed the daily limit or his account may be frozen. There are usually 4 to 20 test cases for each use case.In generating a test design the text analyzer tool orders the test cases by event. The event is the focus of a testing session. Requirements and essential objects are assigned to an event so that it becomes clear which functions and which objects are tested within a session. If recognizable in the requirements text, the user or system interface for an event is also assigned. This grouping of all relevant information pertaining to an event is then presented in an XML document for viewing and editing by the tester. In so doing, the text analyzer has not only extracted the potential test cases from the requirements, it has also generated a test design based on the events specified.6. Experience with automated requirements analysisThe German language version of the text analyzer was first employed in a web application for the state of Saxony at the beginning of 2005. The requirements of that application were split up among 4 separate documents with 4556 lines of text. Some 677 essential objects were identified. Specified with these objects were 644 actions, 103 states and 114 rules. This led to 1103 potential test cases in 127 use cases. The generated test case table served as a basis for the test case specification. As might be expected, several test cases were added, so in the end there were 1495 test cases to be tested. These test cases revealed 452 errors in the system under test as opposed to the 96 errors discovered in production giving an error discovery rate of 89%. This demonstrated that the automatic extraction of test cases from requirements documents, complemented by manual test case enhancement is a much cheaper and more efficient way of exposing errors than a pure manual test case selection process [23]. Besides that it achieves higher functional test coverage. In this project over 95% of the potential functions were covered.Since this first trial in the Saxon e-Government project the German language version has been employed in no less than 12 projects to generate test cases from the requirements text including a project to automate the administration of the Austrian Game Commission, a project to introduce a standard software package for administering the German water ways, and a project to develop a university web site for employment opportunities.The English language version has only recently been completed, but has already been used in 3 projects once for analyzing the use cases of a mobile phone billing system, secondly for analyzing the requirements of an online betting system, and thirdly to generate test cases for a Coca Cola bottling and distribution system. In the case of the mobile billing system, a subsystem with 7 use cases was analyzed in which there were 78 actions and 71 rules for 68 objects rendering 185 test cases. The online betting system had 111 requirements of which 89 were functional and 22 were non-functional. There were 69 states, 126 actions and 112 rules for 116 specified objects from which 304 test cases were extracted. The specification of the Coca Cola distribution system is particularly interesting because it used neither a list of requirements nor a set of use cases, but instead a table of outputs to a relational database. In the first column of the table was the name of the output data, in the second the data description, in the third the algorithm for creating the data and in the fourth the condition for triggering the algorithm. A typical output specification is depicted in Table 1. Name Definition Source ConditionA400TotalNumber ofBottlesXX20QuantityfromMobileDeviceTranstype<5(Sampling)Transtype >7(Breakage)ARTIDF =1Aor1RTable 1: Output SpecificationFor this one output 6 test cases were generated Transtype <5 & ARTIDF = 1ATranstype <5 & ARTIDF = 1RTranstype <5 & ARTIDF ! = 1A & ARTIDF ! = 1RTranstype > 7 & ARTIDF = 1ATranstype > 7 & ARTIDF = 1ATranstype > 7 & ARTIDF = 1RTranstype > 7 & ARTIDF ! = 1A & ARTIDF ! = 1R。
1.静态测试Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing 代码走查:Walkthrough代码审查:Code Inspection技术评审:Review2.动态测试:Execution-Based Testing3.白盒测试:White-Box Testing4.黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing5.灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing6.软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance7.软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle8.冒烟测试:Smoke Test9.回归测试:Regression Test10.功能测试:Function Testing11.性能测试:Performance Testing12.压力测试:Stress Testing13.负载测试:Volume Testing14.易用性测试:Usability Testing15.安装测试:Installation Testing16.界面测试:UI Testing17.配置测试:Configuration Testing18.文档测试:Documentation Testing19.兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing20.安全性测试:Security Testing21.恢复测试:Recovery Testing22.单元测试:Unit Tes23.集成测试:Integration Test24.系统测试:System Test25.验收测试:Acceptance Test26.测试计划应包括:测试对象:The Test Objectives,测试范围: The Test Scope,测试策略:The Test Strategy测试方法:The Test Approach,测试过程:The test procedures,测试环境: The Test Environment,测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria测试用例:The Test Cases测试进度表:The Test Schedules风险:Risks27.主测试计划: a master test plan28.需求规格说明书:The Test Specifications29.需求分析阶段:The Requirements Phase30.接口:Interface31.最终用户:The End User31.正式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment 32.确认需求:Verifying The Requirements 33.有分歧的需求:Ambiguous Requirements 34.运行和维护:Operation and Maintenance. 35.可复用性:Reusability36.可靠性:Reliability/Availability37.电机电子工程师协会IEEE:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)38.要从以下几方面测试软件:正确性:Correctness实用性:Utility性能:Performance健壮性:Robustness可靠性:Reliability LAMP=Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP本意为灯,组合词。
软件测试常用英语词汇静态测试:Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing 代码走查:Walkthrough代码审查:Code Inspection技术评审:Review动态测试:Execution-Based Testing白盒测试:White-Box Testing黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle冒烟测试:Smoke Test回归测试:Regression Test功能测试:Function Testing性能测试:Performance Testing压力测试:Stress Testing负载测试:Volume Testing易用性测试:Usability Testing安装测试:Installation Testing界面测试:UI Testing配置测试:Configuration Testing文档测试:Documentation Testing兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing安全性测试:Security Testing恢复测试:Recovery Testing单元测试:Unit Test集成测试:Integration Test系统测试:System Test验收测试:Acceptance Test测试计划应包括:测试对象:The Test Objectives测试范围: The Test Scope测试策略: The Test Strategy测试方法: The Test Approach,测试过程: The test procedures,测试环境: The Test Environment,测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria测试用例:The Test Cases测试进度表:The Test Schedules风险:Risks接口:Interface最终用户:The End User正式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment确认需求:Verifying The Requirements有分歧的需求:Ambiguous Requirements运行和维护:Operation and Maintenance.可复用性:Reusability可靠性: Reliability/Availability电机电子工程师协会IEEE:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 正确性:Correctness实用性:Utility健壮性:Robustness可靠性:Reliability软件需求规格说明书:SRS (software requirement specification )概要设计:HLD (high level design )详细设计:LLD (low level design )统一开发流程:RUP (rational unified process )集成产品开发:IPD (integrated product development )能力成熟模型:CMM (capability maturity model )能力成熟模型集成:CMMI (capability maturity model integration )戴明环:PDCA (plan do check act )软件工程过程组:SEPG (software engineering process group )集成测试:IT (integration testing )系统测试:ST (system testing )关键过程域:KPA (key process area )同行评审:PR (peer review )用户验收测试:UAT (user acceptance testing )验证和确认:V&V (verification & validation )控制变更委员会:CCB (change control board )图形用户界面:GUI (graphic user interface )配置管理员:CMO (configuration management officer )平均失效间隔时间:(MTBF mean time between failures )平均修复时间:MTTR (mean time to restoration )平均失效时间:MTTF (mean time to failure )工作任务书:SOW (statement of work )α测试:alpha testingβ测试:beta testing适应性:Adaptability可用性:Availability功能规格说明书:Functional Specification软件开发中常见英文缩写和各类软件开发文档的英文缩写:英文简写文档名称MRD market requirement document (市场需求文档)PRD product requirement document (产品需求文档)SOW 工作任务说明书PHB Process Handbook (项目过程手册)EST Estimation Sheet (估计记录)PPL Project Plan (项目计划)CMP Software Management Plan( 配置管理计划)QAP Software Quality Assurance Plan (软件质量保证计划)RMP Software Risk Management Plan (软件风险管理计划)TST Test Strategy(测试策略)WBS Work Breakdown Structure (工作分解结构)BRS Business Requirement Specification(业务需求说明书)SRS Software Requirement Specification(软件需求说明书)STP System Testing plan (系统测试计划)STC System Testing Cases (系统测试用例)HLD High Level Design (概要设计说明书)ITP Integration Testing plan (集成测试计划)ITC Integration Testing Cases (集成测试用例)LLD Low Level Design (详细设计说明书)UTP Unit Testing Plan ( 单元测试计划)UTC Unit Testing Cases (单元测试用例)UTR Unit Testing Report (单元测试报告)ITR Integration Testing Report (集成测试报告)STR System Testing Report (系统测试报告)RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix (需求跟踪矩阵)CSA Configuration Status Accounting (配置状态发布)CRF Change Request Form (变更申请表)WSR Weekly Status Report (项目周报)QSR Quality Weekly Status Report (质量工作周报)QAR Quality Audit Report(质量检查报告)QCL Quality Check List(质量检查表)PAR Phase Assessment Report (阶段评估报告)CLR Closure Report (项目总结报告)RFF Review Finding Form (评审发现表)MOM Minutes of Meeting (会议纪要)MTX Metrics Sheet (度量表)CCF ConsistanceCheckForm(一致性检查表)BAF Baseline Audit Form(基线审计表)PTF Program Trace Form(问题跟踪表)领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /软件测试中英文对照术语表A• Abstract test case (High level test case) :概要测试用例• Acceptance:验收• Acceptance criteria:验收标准• Acceptance testing:验收测试• Accessibility testing:易用性测试• Accuracy:精确性• Actual outcome (actual result) :实际输出/实际结果• Ad hoc review (informal review) :非正式评审• Ad hoc testing:随机测试• Adaptability:自适应性• Agile testing:敏捷测试• Algorithm test (branch testing) :分支测试• Alpha testing:alpha 测试• Analyzability:易分析性• Analyzer:分析员• Anomaly:异常• Arc testing:分支测试• Attractiveness:吸引力• Audit:审计• Audit trail:审计跟踪• Automated testware:自动测试组件• Availability:可用性B• Back-to-back testing:对比测试• Baseline:基线• Basic block:基本块• Basis test set:基本测试集• Bebugging:错误撒播• Behavior:行为• Benchmark test:基准测试• Bespoke software:定制的软件• Best practice:最佳实践• Beta testing:Beta 测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Big-bang testing:集成测试• Black-box technique:黑盒技术• Black-box testing:黑盒测试• Black-box test design technique:黑盒测试设计技术• Blocked test case:被阻塞的测试用例• Bottom-up testing:自底向上测试• Boundary value:边界值• Boundary value analysis:边界值分析• Boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖率• Boundary value testing:边界值测试• Branch:分支• Branch condition:分支条件• Branch condition combination coverage:分支条件组合覆盖率• Branch condition combination testing:分支条件组合测试• Branch condition coverage:分支条件覆盖率• Branch coverage:分支覆盖率• Branch testing:分支测试• Bug:缺陷• Business process-based testing:基于商业流程的测试C• Capability Maturity Model (CMM) :能力成熟度模型• Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) :集成能力成熟度模型• Capture/playback tool:捕获/回放工具• Capture/replay tool:捕获/重放工具• CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) :电脑辅助软件工程• CAST (Computer Aided Software Testing) :电脑辅助软件测试• Cause-effect graph:因果图• Cause-effect graphing:因果图技术• Cause-effect analysis:因果分析• Cause-effect decision table:因果判定表• Certification:认证• Changeability:可变性• Change control:变更控制• Change control board:变更控制委员会• Checker:检查人员• Chow's coverage metrics (N-switch coverage) :N 切换覆盖率• Classification tree method:分类树方法• Code analyzer:代码分析器• Code coverage:代码覆盖率领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Code-based testing:基于代码的测试• Co-existence:共存性• Commercial off-the-shelf software:商用离岸软件• Comparator:比较器• Compatibility testing:兼容性测试• Compiler:编译器• Complete testing:完全测试/穷尽测试• Completion criteria:完成标准• Complexity:复杂性• Compliance:一致性• Compliance testing:一致性测试• Component:组件• Component integration testing:组件集成测试• Component specification:组件规格说明• Component testing:组件测试• Compound condition:组合条件• Concrete test case (low level test case) :详细测试用例• Concurrency testing:并发测试• Condition:条件表达式• Condition combination coverage:条件组合覆盖率• Condition coverage:条件覆盖率• Condition determination coverage:条件判定覆盖率• Condition determination testing:条件判定测试• Condition testing:条件测试• Condition outcome:条件结果• Confidence test (smoke test) :信心测试(冒烟测试)• Configuration:配置• Configuration auditing:配置审核• Configuration control:配置控制• Configuration control board (CCB) :配置控制委员会• Configuration identification:配置标识• Configuration item:配置项• Configuration management:配置管理• Configuration testing:配置测试• Confirmation testing:确认测试• Conformance testing:一致性测试• Consistency:一致性• Control flow:控制流• Control flow graph:控制流图• Control flow path:控制流路径• Conversion testing:转换测试• COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf software) :商业离岸软件• Coverage:覆盖率• Coverage analysis:覆盖率分析领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Coverage item:覆盖项• Coverage tool:覆盖率工具• Custom software:定制软件• Cyclomatic complexity:圈复杂度• Cyclomatic number:圈数D• Daily build:每日构建• Data definition:数据定义• Data driven testing:数据驱动测试• Data flow:数据流• Data flow analysis:数据流分析• Data flow coverage:数据流覆盖率• Data flow test:数据流测试• Data integrity testing:数据完整性测试• Database integrity testing:数据库完整性测试• Dead code:无效代码• Debugger:调试器• Debugging:调试• Debugging tool:调试工具• Decision:判定• Decision condition coverage:判定条件覆盖率• Decision condition testing:判定条件测试• Decision coverage:判定覆盖率• Decision table:判定表• Decision table testing:判定表测试• Decision testing:判定测试技术• Decision outcome:判定结果• Defect:缺陷• Defect density:缺陷密度• Defect Detection Percentage (DDP) :缺陷发现率• Defect management:缺陷管理• Defect management tool:缺陷管理工具• Defect masking:缺陷屏蔽• Defect report:缺陷报告• Defect tracking tool:缺陷跟踪工具• Definition-use pair:定义-使用对• Deliverable:交付物• Design-based testing:基于设计的测试• Desk checking:桌面检查领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Development testing:开发测试• Deviation:偏差• Deviation report:偏差报告• Dirty testing:负面测试• Documentation testing:文档测试• Domain:域• Driver:驱动程序• Dynamic analysis:动态分析• Dynamic analysis tool:动态分析工具• Dynamic comparison:动态比较• Dynamic testing:动态测试E• Efficiency:效率• Efficiency testing:效率测试• Elementary comparison testing:基本组合测试• Emulator:仿真器、仿真程序• Entry criteria:入口标准• Entry point:入口点• Equivalence class:等价类• Equivalence partition:等价区间• Equivalence partition coverage:等价区间覆盖率• Equivalence partitioning:等价划分技术• Error:错误• Error guessing:错误猜测技术• Error seeding:错误撒播• Error tolerance:错误容限• Evaluation:评估• Exception handling:异常处理• Executable statement:可执行的语句• Exercised:可执行的• Exhaustive testing:穷尽测试• Exit criteria:出口标准• Exit point:出口点• Expected outcome:预期结果• Expected result:预期结果• Exploratory testing:探测测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /F• Fail:失败• Failure:失败• Failure mode:失败模式• Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) :失败模式和影响分析• Failure rate:失败频率• Fault:缺陷• Fault density:缺陷密度• Fault Detection Percentage (FDP) :缺陷发现率• Fault masking:缺陷屏蔽• Fault tolerance:缺陷容限• Fault tree analysis:缺陷树分析• Feature:特征• Field testing:现场测试• Finite state machine:有限状态机• Finite state testing:有限状态测试• Formal review:正式评审• Frozen test basis:测试基线• Function Point Analysis (FPA) :功能点分析• Functional integration:功能集成• Functional requirement:功能需求• Functional test design technique:功能测试设计技术• Functional testing:功能测试• Functionality:功能性• Functionality testing:功能性测试G• glass box testing:白盒测试H• Heuristic evaluation:启发式评估• High level test case:概要测试用例• Horizontal traceability:水平跟踪领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /I• Impact analysis:影响分析• Incremental development model:增量开发模型• Incremental testing:增量测试• Incident:事件• Incident management:事件管理• Incident management tool:事件管理工具• Incident report:事件报告• Independence:独立• Infeasible path:不可行路径• Informal review:非正式评审• Input:输入• Input domain:输入范围• Input value:输入值• Inspection:审查• Inspection leader:审查组织者• Inspector:审查人员• Installability:可安装性• Installability testing:可安装性测试• Installation guide:安装指南• Installation wizard:安装向导• Instrumentation:插装• Instrumenter:插装工具• Intake test:入口测试• Integration:集成• Integration testing:集成测试• Integration testing in the large:大范围集成测试• Integration testing in the small:小范围集成测试• Interface testing:接口测试• Interoperability:互通性• Interoperability testing:互通性测试• Invalid testing:无效性测试• Isolation testing:隔离测试• Item transmittal report:版本发布报告• Iterative development model:迭代开发模型K• Key performance indicator:关键绩效指标领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Keyword driven testing:关键字驱动测试L• Learnability:易学性• Level test plan:等级测试计划• Link testing:组件集成测试• Load testing:负载测试• Logic-coverage testing:逻辑覆盖测试• Logic-driven testing:逻辑驱动测试• Logical test case:逻辑测试用例• Low level test case:详细测试用例M• Maintenance:维护• Maintenance testing:维护测试• Maintainability:可维护性• Maintainability testing:可维护性测试• Management review:管理评审• Master test plan:综合测试计划• Maturity:成熟度• Measure:度量• Measurement:度量• Measurement scale:度量粒度• Memory leak:内存泄漏• Metric:度量• Migration testing:移植测试• Milestone:里程碑• Mistake:错误• Moderator:仲裁员• Modified condition decision coverage:改进的条件判定覆盖率• Modified condition decision testing:改进的条件判定测试• Modified multiple condition coverage:改进的多重条件判定覆盖率• Modified multiple condition testing:改进的多重条件判定测试• Module:模块• Module testing:模块测试• Monitor:监视器• Multiple condition:多重条件• Multiple condition coverage:多重条件覆盖率领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Multiple condition testing:多重条件测试• Mutation analysis:变化分析• Mutation testing:变化测试N• N-switch coverage:N 切换覆盖率• N-switch testing:N 切换测试• Negative testing:负面测试• Non-conformity:不一致• Non-functional requirement:非功能需求• Non-functional testing:非功能测试• Non-functional test design techniques:非功能测试设计技术O• Off-the-shelf software:离岸软件• Operability:可操作性• Operational environment:操作环境• Operational profile testing:运行剖面测试• Operational testing:操作测试• Oracle:标准• Outcome:输出/结果• Output:输出• Output domain:输出范围• Output value:输出值P• Pair programming:结队编程• Pair testing:结队测试• Partition testing:分割测试• Pass:通过• Pass/fail criteria:通过/失败标准• Path:路径• Path coverage:路径覆盖• Path sensitizing:路径敏感性• Path testing:路径测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 / • Peer review:同行评审• Performance:性能• Performance indicator:绩效指标• Performance testing:性能测试• Performance testing tool:性能测试工具• Phase test plan:阶段测试计划• Portability:可移植性• Portability testing:移植性测试• Postcondition:结果条件• Post-execution comparison:运行后比较• Precondition:初始条件• Predicted outcome:预期结果• Pretest:预测试• Priority:优先级• Probe effect:检测成本• Problem:问题• Problem management:问题管理• Problem report:问题报告• Process:流程• Process cycle test:处理周期测试• Product risk:产品风险• Project:项目• Project risk:项目风险• Program instrumenter:编程工具• Program testing:程序测试• Project test plan:项目测试计划• Pseudo-random:伪随机Q• Quality:质量• Quality assurance:质量保证• Quality attribute:质量属性• Quality characteristic:质量特征• Quality management:质量管理领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /R• Random testing:随机测试• Recorder:记录员• Record/playback tool:记录/回放工具• Recoverability:可复原性• Recoverability testing:可复原性测试• Recovery testing:可复原性测试• Regression testing:回归测试• Regulation testing:一致性测试• Release note:版本说明• Reliability:可靠性• Reliability testing:可靠性测试• Replaceability:可替换性• Requirement:需求• Requirements-based testing:基于需求的测试• Requirements management tool:需求管理工具• Requirements phase:需求阶段• Resource utilization:资源利用• Resource utilization testing:资源利用测试• Result:结果• Resumption criteria:继续测试标准• Re-testing:再测试• Review:评审• Reviewer:评审人员• Review tool:评审工具• Risk:风险• Risk analysis:风险分析• Risk-based testing:基于风险的测试• Risk control:风险控制• Risk identification:风险识别• Risk management:风险管理• Risk mitigation:风险消减• Robustness:健壮性• Robustness testing:健壮性测试• Root cause:根本原因S• Safety:安全领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Safety testing:安全性测试• Sanity test:健全测试• Scalability:可测量性• Scalability testing:可测量性测试• Scenario testing:情景测试• Scribe:记录员• Scripting language:脚本语言• Security:安全性• Security testing:安全性测试• Serviceability testing:可维护性测试• Severity:严重性• Simulation:仿真• Simulator:仿真程序、仿真器• Site acceptance testing:定点验收测试• Smoke test:冒烟测试• Software:软件• Software feature:软件功能• Software quality:软件质量• Software quality characteristic:软件质量特征• Software test incident:软件测试事件• Software test incident report:软件测试事件报告• Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) :软件可用性调查问卷• Source statement:源语句• Specification:规格说明• Specification-based testing:基于规格说明的测试• Specification-based test design technique:基于规格说明的测试设计技术• Specified input:特定输入• Stability:稳定性• Standard software:标准软件• Standards testing:标准测试• State diagram:状态图• State table:状态表• State transition:状态迁移• State transition testing:状态迁移测试• Statement:语句• Statement coverage:语句覆盖• Statement testing:语句测试• Static analysis:静态分析• Static analysis tool:静态分析工具• Static analyzer:静态分析工具• Static code analysis:静态代码分析• Static code analyzer:静态代码分析工具• Static testing:静态测试• Statistical testing:统计测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Status accounting:状态统计• Storage:资源利用• Storage testing:资源利用测试• Stress testing:压力测试• Structure-based techniques:基于结构的技术• Structural coverage:结构覆盖• Structural test design technique:结构测试设计技术• Structural testing:基于结构的测试• Structured walkthrough:面向结构的走查• Stub: 桩• Subpath: 子路径• Suitability: 符合性• Suspension criteria: 暂停标准• Syntax testing: 语法测试• System:系统• System integration testing:系统集成测试• System testing:系统测试T• Technical review:技术评审• Test:测试• Test approach:测试方法• Test automation:测试自动化• Test basis:测试基础• Test bed:测试环境• Test case:测试用例• Test case design technique:测试用例设计技术• Test case specification:测试用例规格说明• Test case suite:测试用例套• Test charter:测试宪章• Test closure:测试结束• Test comparator:测试比较工具• Test comparison:测试比较• Test completion criteria:测试比较标准• Test condition:测试条件• Test control:测试控制• Test coverage:测试覆盖率• Test cycle:测试周期• Test data:测试数据• Test data preparation tool:测试数据准备工具领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 / • Test design:测试设计• Test design specification:测试设计规格说明• Test design technique:测试设计技术• Test design tool: 测试设计工具• Test driver: 测试驱动程序• Test driven development: 测试驱动开发• Test environment: 测试环境• Test evaluation report: 测试评估报告• Test execution: 测试执行• Test execution automation: 测试执行自动化• Test execution phase: 测试执行阶段• Test execution schedule: 测试执行进度表• Test execution technique: 测试执行技术• Test execution tool: 测试执行工具• Test fail: 测试失败• Test generator: 测试生成工具• Test leader:测试负责人• Test harness:测试组件• Test incident:测试事件• Test incident report:测试事件报告• Test infrastructure:测试基础组织• Test input:测试输入• Test item:测试项• Test item transmittal report:测试项移交报告• Test level:测试等级• Test log:测试日志• Test logging:测试记录• Test manager:测试经理• Test management:测试管理• Test management tool:测试管理工具• Test Maturity Model (TMM) :测试成熟度模型• Test monitoring:测试跟踪• Test object:测试对象• Test objective:测试目的• Test oracle:测试标准• Test outcome:测试结果• Test pass:测试通过• Test performance indicator:测试绩效指标• Test phase:测试阶段• Test plan:测试计划• Test planning:测试计划• Test policy:测试方针• Test Point Analysis (TPA) :测试点分析• Test procedure:测试过程领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Test procedure specification:测试过程规格说明• Test process:测试流程• Test Process Improvement (TPI) :测试流程改进• Test record:测试记录• Test recording:测试记录• Test reproduceability:测试可重现性• Test report:测试报告• Test requirement:测试需求• Test run:测试运行• Test run log:测试运行日志• Test result:测试结果• Test scenario:测试场景• Test script:测试脚本• Test set:测试集• Test situation:测试条件• Test specification:测试规格说明• Test specification technique:测试规格说明技术• Test stage:测试阶段• Test strategy:测试策略• Test suite:测试套• Test summary report:测试总结报告• Test target:测试目标• Test tool:测试工具• Test type:测试类型• Testability:可测试性• Testability review:可测试性评审• Testable requirements:需求可测试性• Tester:测试人员• Testing:测试• Testware:测试组件• Thread testing:组件集成测试• Time behavior:性能• Top-down testing:自顶向下的测试• Traceability:可跟踪性U• Understandability:易懂性• Unit:单元• unit testing:单元测试• Unreachable code:执行不到的代码领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Usability:易用性• Usability testing:易用性测试• Use case:用户用例• Use case testing:用户用例测试• User acceptance testing:用户验收测试• User scenario testing:用户场景测试• User test:用户测试V• V -model:V 模式• Validation:确认• Variable:变量• Verification:验证• Vertical traceability:垂直可跟踪性• Version control:版本控制• Volume testing:容量测试W• Walkthrough:走查• White-box test design technique:白盒测试设计技术• White-box testing:白盒测试• Wide Band Delphi:Delphi 估计方法。
IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On 安全手册.pd
IBM® Rational® Rhapsody®TestConductor Add OnIBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Safety Manual Version 1.12License AgreementNo part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, BTC Embedded Systems AG. The information in this publication is subject to change without notice, and BTC Embedded Systems AG assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear herein. No warranties, either expressed or implied, are made regarding Rhapsody software including documentation and its fitness for any particular purpose.TrademarksIBM® Rational® Rhapsody®, IBM® Rational® Rhapsody®Automatic Test Generation Add On, and IBM®Rational® Rhapsody®TestConductor Add On are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.All other product or company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.© Copyright 2000-2019 BTC Embedded Systems AG. All rights reserved.Table of Contents1.Purpose (4)2.Introduction (5)3.Validated Features of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On (6)4.Other Features of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On (8)5.Installation Considerations (8)6.Guidelines for using IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On (8)6.1 IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference Workflow (8)6.2 IBM Rational Rhapsody Editions, Target Programming Language, Development Platforms, Code Generation Settings (9)6.3 IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite (9)7.Appendix A: List of Figures (10)8.Appendix B: List of references (11)1. PurposeThis document serves as a brief safety manual when using IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On (1) for testing activities in a model based development process when developing safety-related software. It complements the documents∙IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Reference Workflow Guide (2). It provides information how to safely use IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On when performing model-based testing of safety-related software developed with IBM Rational Rhapsody.∙IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference Workflow Guide(3). The document focuses on the UML model-based development and testing of safety-related software with IBMRational Rhapsody including automatic code generation. To discuss the requirements, available methods, solutions, and tools a so-called IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference Workflow is used.The subsequent sections provide additional information for installing and using IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On in safety-related projects.The main objective for providing all the information as available in the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On standard documentation (e.g. IBM Rational Rhapsdody TestConductor Add On User Guide (4)), the above mentioned documents, and this safety manual is to enable users to work with this model-based testing tool in safety-related projects according to the constraints as defined in DO-178B (7), DO-178C (8), and DO-331 (9). Users shall assess if the provided information addresses all project specific concerns. Also it is important to asses if users can directly leverage from the developed IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On tool validation suite.2. IntroductionIBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On has been systematically verified and validated by developing and running an extensive automated validation suite. In order to safely use IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On it is mandatory to understand ∙which features of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On have been validated.More information about this can be found in section 3.∙which features of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On have not been validated, i.e. standard quality assurance has been applied. More information aboutthis can be found in section 4.∙Installation considerations. More information about this can be found in section 5.∙additional guidelines for using IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On for such purpose. More information about this can be found in section 6.The approach for the validation suite and the meaning in particular for end users is described in section 6.3.3. Validated Features of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductorAdd OnThe IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference Workflow Guide (3) describes model-based development including automatic code generation and model-based testing methods. Figure Figure 1 shows the general elements of processes following this reference workflow. The outline addresses design and implementation together with appropriate test and verification aspects.Figure 1: IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference WorkflowThe IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference Workflow shows in particular some relevant IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On workflow steps:∙Requirements based testing (using Design Model Simulation): this workflow step comprises the features test architecture creation, test definition, test execution, and result reporting and verification.∙Requirements coverage: this workflow step comprises the requirements coverage feature of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On.∙Model coverage: this workflow step comprises the model coverage feature of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On.∙Requirements based testing: this workflow step comprises the features test architecture creation, test definition, test execution, and result reporting andverification.∙Code coverage: this workflow step comprises the code coverage feature of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On.More information about these IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On features can be found in the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On User Guide (4) and in the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Code Coverage Limitations document (5).In order to perform the above listed workflow steps users run and execute specific IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On features. Technically these IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On features have been systematically validated such that they can be safely used to go through the above explained testing workflow. Figure 2 shows a mapping between those workflow steps and the specific IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On features as systematically validated with the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite.Figure 2: Mapping between IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On workflow steps and the specific IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On features as validated with the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite.4. Other Features of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor AddOnIBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On provides other features for test specification, test execution, and test reporting in addition to the validated features. These additional features do not play a significant role in the safety-related reference workflow context, and consequently have not been systematically validated. These non-validated features have been developed following IBM’s standard quality assuranc e processes. Users wanting to use the non-validated features in context can do so provided they complete an individual qualification of those features if they want to use them in such context.5. Installation ConsiderationsAs the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On installation is part of the standard IBM Rational Rhapsody installation, the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On version is always correct for the version of IBM Rational Rhapsody that is installed. When choosing to install IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On, the whole installation procedure is fully automated and does not require further user interaction. After installation has been completed, IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On can be used without further configuration or modification.6. Guidelines for using IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductorAdd On6.1 IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference WorkflowIBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On validation has been performed on top of the mentioned IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Reference Workflow, as described in (2). The IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Reference Workflow complements the IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference Workflow that focuses on the model based development with IBM Rational Rhapsody in safety-related projects, as described in (3). End users have to assess if their workflow is substantially similar to the reference workflow. If this is the case, then IBM Rational Rhapsody and IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On can be applied safely by following the recommended process, methods, and rules as described in those documents. If end user processes deviate from the reference workflow, then additional measures have to be carried out in order to understand if there is additional risk, and how such risk can be minimized, when applying IBM Rational Rhapsody and IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On.6.2 IBM Rational Rhapsody Editions, Target Programming Language, Development Platforms, Code Generation SettingsIBM Rational Rhapsody supports different editions (e.g. IBM Rational Rhapsody Software Architect Edition, IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer Edition), different target programming languages (e.g. C, C++) and different code generation profiles (e.g. MicroC, SXF, SMXF).IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On has been validated for:∙IBM Rational Rhapsody Software Architect Edition and for IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer Edition∙for the target programming languages C and C++∙for the code generation profiles SXF, MicroC and SMXF.For other Editions, target languages, development platforms, and profiles IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On has not been validated. A more detailed description about the supported combinations of IBM Rational Rhapsody editions, etc. can be found in IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite (6).6.3 IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation SuiteNote: the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite is an optional component of the kit.The validation has been achieved by developing and applying a validation suite for IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On. The validation suite verifies correct functioning of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On for several combinations of IBM Rational Rhapsody Editions, target languages, and profiles. Another dimension is the used hardware, operating system versions, and compilers. The validation suite is comprised of a set of detailed feature specifications, test specification, and test scripts. A more detailed description of the validation suite and the validated features can be found in (6).If end users perform their model-based development on other hardware and software configurations, then there is additional risk added. In order to mitigate such risk it is an option to execute the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On validation suite on such a configuration in order to assess the quality of the hardware and software configuration. The IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On validation suite will be provided to IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On users on request in order to verify correct functioning of IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On features in customer specific environments.The IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite is not part of the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On installation. For each Rhapsody major release an appropriate IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite is available. IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On customers can get access to the validation suite through this link:https:///services/forms/ IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite is delivered as a password protected zip file. A valid IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On license is needed to unzip it. The IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite can be opened with the function“Rhapsody->Tools->TestConductor->Help->Open Report to the Certificate”.After invoking this function the tool displays a password to the user. This password should be used to unzip the file.Further distribution of the unprotected IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite is strictly prohibited.Note:Function “Rhapsody->Tools->TestConductor->Help->Open Report to the Certificate” opens a document “Report to the Certificate for IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On”. This certificate and report has meaning for other domains, especially for Automotive, but not for Aerospace. In the context of this kit it is just a function to provide the needed password to open the validation suite.7. Appendix A: List of FiguresFigure 1: IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference Workflow (6)Figure 2: Mapping between IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On workflow steps and the specific IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On features as validated with the IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite. (7)8. Appendix B: List of references1. IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor AddOn. [Online] http://www-/software/awdtools/rhapsody/.2. IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Reference Workflow Guide.3. IBM Rational Rhapsody Reference Workflow Guide.4. IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On User Guide.5. IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Code Coverage Limitations.6. IBM Rational Rhapsody TestConductor Add On Validation Suite.7. Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, RTCA Inc., RTCA DO-178B. 1992.8. Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, RTCA Inc., RTCA DO-178C. 2011.9. Model-Based Development and Verification – Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A , RTCA Inc., RTCA DO-331. 2011.Page 11。
Accessibility test : 软体适用性测试Ad hoc testing : 随机测试Algorithm analysis : 算法分析Alpha testing : α测试Anomaly : 异常Artifact : 工件Automated Testing : 自动化测试Architecture : 构架Assertion checking : 断言检查Audit : 审计Application under test (AUT) : 所测试的应用程序Baseline : 基线Behaviour : 行为Benchmark : 基准Beta testing : β测试Best practise : 最佳实践Black box testing : 黑盒测试Blocking bug : 阻碍性错误Bottom-up testing : 自底向上测试Branch coverage : 分支覆盖Brute force testing : 强力测试Bug : 错误Bug report : 错误报告Bug tracking system : 错误跟踪系统Build : 工作版本(内部小版本)Boundary values : 边界值Buddy test : 合伙测试Buffer : 缓冲Bug bash : 错误大扫除Build-in : 内置Build Verfication tests(BVTs) : 版本验证测试Cause-effect graph : 因果图Capture/Replay Tool : 捕获/ 回放工具Character Set : 字符集Capability Maturity Model (CMM) : 能力成熟度模型Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) : 能力成熟度模型整合Closeout : 收尾Code coverage : 代码覆盖Code page : 代码页Code rule : 编码规范Code sytle : 编码风格Common sense : 常识Compatibility Testing : 兼容性测试Condition coverage : 条件覆盖Configuration testing : 配置测试Control flow graph : 控制流程图Concurrency user : 并发用户Configuration item : 配置项Core team : 核心小组Customer-focused mindset : 客户为中心的理念体系Crash : 崩溃Criticality analysis : 致命度分析Cyclomatic complexity : 圈复杂度Data Flow Analysis : 数据流分析Decision coverage : 判定覆盖Debug : 调试Defect : 缺陷defect density : 缺陷密度Deployment : 部署Desk checking : 桌前检查Dynamic analysis : 动态分析Entry criteria : 准入条件Equivalence class : 等价类Equivalence partition testing : 等价划分测试Error : 错误Error guessing : 错误猜测Error seeding : 错误播种Exception : 异常/ 例外Exception handlers : 异常处理器Exhaustive testing : 穷尽测试Exploratory testing : 探索性测试Event-driven : 事件驱动Envisioning Phase : 构想阶段Failure : 失效Fault : 故障Field testing : 现场测试Framework : 框架Functional testing : 功能测试Hard-coding : 硬编码Hotfix : 热补丁G11N(Globalization) : 全球化Gap analysis : 差距分析Garbage characters : 乱码字符Glossary : 术语表Glass-box testing : 白箱测试或白盒测试GUI(Graphical User Interface) : 图形用户界面I18N(Internationalization) : 国际化Incremental testing : 渐增测试Installing testing : 安装测试Integration testing : 集成测试Interface : 接口Inspection : 审查Issue : 问题Iteration : 迭代Iterative development : 迭代开发Key concepts : 关键概念Key Process Area : 关键过程区域Keyword driven testing : 关键字驱动测试Kick-off meeting : 启动会议Lag time : 延迟时间Lead time : 前置时间L10N(Localization) : 本地化Localizability testing : 本地化能力测试Localization testing : 本地化测试Load testing : 负载测试Maintenance : 维护Maintainability : 可维护性Master project schedule : 总体项目方案Measurement : 度量Memory leak : 内存泄漏Migration testing : 迁移测试Milestone : 里程碑Mock up : 模型,原型Monkey testing : 跳跃式测试Module testing : 模块测试Negative Testing : 逆向测试, 反向测试, 负面测试N/A(Not applicable) : 不适用的Off-the-shelf software : 套装软件Pair Programming : 成对编程Path coverage : 路径覆盖Peer review : 同行评审Performance : 性能Performance indicator : 性能(绩效)指标Performance testing : 性能测试Pilot : 试验Pilot testing : 引导测试Portability : 可移植性Positive testing : 正向测试Postcondition : 后置条件Pseudo code : 伪代码Precondition : 前提条件Priority : 优先权Prototype : 原型Quality assurance(QA) : 质量保证Quality Control(QC) : 质量控制Recovery testing : 恢复测试Refactoring : 重构Regression testing : 回归测试Release : 发布Release note : 版本说明Reliability : 可靠性Return of Investment( ROI ) : 投资回报率Review : 评审Requirements-based testing : 基于需求的测试Requirements management tool : 需求管理工具Risk assessment : 风险评估Root Cause Analysis(RCA) : 根本原因分析Robustness : 强健性Sanity testing : 健全测试Screen shot : 抓屏、截图Severity : 严重性Security testing : 安全性测试Shipment : 发布Smoke testing : 冒烟测试Software life cycle : 软件生命周期Software development plan(SDP) : 软件开发计划Static testing : 静态测试Simulation : 模拟Simulator : 模拟器SLA(Service level agreement) : 服务级别协议Software development process : 软件开发过程Source code : 源代码Specification : 规格说明书Spiral model : 螺旋模型Statement coverage : 语句覆盖Stepwise refinement : 逐步优化Stress Testing : 压力测试Structural coverage : 结构化覆盖Stub : 桩Synchronization : 同步Syntax testing : 语法分析System analysis : 系统分析System design : 系统设计System integration : 系统集成System Testing : 系统测试Test :测试Testing bed: 测试平台Test case : 测试用例Testing coverage : 测试覆盖Test design : 测试设计Test driver : 测试驱动Testing environment : 测试环境Test infrastructure : 测试基础建设Testing item : 测试项Testing plan : 测试计划Testing procedure : 测试过程Test scenario : 测试场景Test script : 测试脚本Test strategy : 测试策略Test suite : 测试包Test target : 测试目标Testability : 可测试性Testware : 测试工具Top-down testing : 自顶向下测试Thread testing : 线程测试Traceability : 可跟踪性Traceability matrix : 跟踪矩阵Trade-off : 平衡Unit testing : 单元测试User interface(UI) : 用户界面Usability testing : 可用性测试Usage scenario : 使用场景User acceptance Test : 用户验收测试User profile : 用户信息User scenario : 用户场景Version : 版本Virtual user : 虚拟用户Volume testing : 容量测试V&V (Verification & Validation) : 验证& 确认Walkthrough : 走读Waterfall model : 瀑布模型White box testing : 白盒测试Work breakdown structure (WBS) : 任务分解结构Web testing : 网站测试Zero bug bounce (ZBB) : 零错误反弹。
软件工程_东北大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1._______ is a discipline whose aim is the production of fault-free software,delivered on time and within budget, that satisfies the client's needs._______是一个学科,其目标是生产出满足客户的需求的、未超出预算的、按时交付的、没有错误的软件。
答案:2.The relationship between whole-class and part-classes is called ______.整体和部分类之间的关系被称为______。
答案:aggregation3.The relationship between super-class and subclasses is called ______.超类和子类之间的关系称为______。
答案:inheritance4.The strategy of inheritance is to use inheritance wherever _______.继承的策略是在_______的情况下使用继承。
答案:appropriate5._____is to encapsulate the attributes and operations in an object, and hides theinternal details of an object as possible. _____是为了在一个对象中封装属性和操作,并尽可能隐藏对象的内部细节。
Data encapsulation6.Two modules are ________ coupled if they have write access to global data.如果两个模块对全局数据具有写访问权限,则是________耦合。
软件测试英语专业词汇1.Software life cycle———软件生命周期开始于一个软件产品的构思,结束于该产品不再被使用的这段期间。
2.Test ———测试执行软件以验证其满足指定的需求并检测错误的过程。
3.Acceptance testing———验收测试,可接受性测试系统开发生命周期方法论的一个阶段,这时相关的用户和/或独立测试人员根据测试计划和结果对系统进行测试和接收。
4.Ad hoc testing———随机测试没有书面测试用例、记录期望结果、检查列表、脚本或指令的测试。
5.Alpha testing———α测试是由一个用户在开发环境下进行的测试,也可以是公司内部的用户在模拟实际操作环境下进行的受控测试,Alpha测试不能由程序员或测试员完成。
6.Automated Testing———自动化测试使用自动化测试工具来进行测试,这类测试一般不需要人干预,通常在GUI、性能等测试中用得较多。
7.Beta testing———β测试测试是软件的多个用户在一个或多个用户的实际使用环境下进行的测试。
8.Black box testing———黑盒测试指测试人员不关心程序具体如何实现的一种测试方法。
9.White box testing ———白盒测试glass box testing ———玻璃盒测试根据软件内部的工作原理分析来进行测试,基于代码的测试,测试人员通过阅读程序代码或者通过使用开发工具中的单步调试来判断软件的质量,一般黑盒测试由项目经理在程序员开发中来实现。
1.软件测试英语专业词汇2.NLV:Nation Language Version 本地化版本3.FVT:Functional Verification Testing 功能验证测试T:Translation Verification Testing 翻译验证测试5.SVT:System Verification Testing 系统验证测试6.fault--故障在软件中一个错误的表现。
7.feasible path--可达路径可以通过一组输入值和条件执行到的一条路径。
8.feature testing--特性测试参考功能测试(Functional Testing)9.FMEA--失效模型效果分析(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)可靠性分析中的一种方法,用于在基本组件级别上确认对系统性能有重大影响的失效10.FMECA--失效模型效果关键性分析(Failure Modes and EffectsCriticality Analysis)FMEA的一个扩展,它分析了失效结果的严重性。
11.FTA--故障树分析(Fault Tree Analysis)引起一个不需要事件产生的条件和因素的确认和分析,通常是严重影响系统性能、经济性、安全性或其它需要特性。
12.functional decomposition--功能分解参考模块分解(modular decomposition)13.Functional Specification --功能规格说明书一个详细描述产品特性的文档。
14.Functional Testing--功能测试测试一个产品的特性和可操作行为以确定它们满足规格。 box testing--玻璃盒测试参考白盒测试(White Box Testing)16.IEEE--美国电子与电器工程师学会(Institute of Electrical andElectronic Engineers)17.incremental testing--渐增测试集成测试的一种,组件逐渐被增加到系统中直到整个系统被集成。
软件测试中英文词汇汇总表2008-04-03 09:36作者:csdn出处:天极网责任编辑:孙蓬阳Acceptance testing : 验收测试Acceptance Testing:可接受性测试Accessibility test : 软体适用性测试actual outcome:实际结果Ad hoc testing : 随机测试Algorithm analysis : 算法分析algorithm:算法Alpha testing : α测试analysis:分析anomaly:异常application software:应用软件Application under test (AUT) : 所测试的应用程序Architecture : 构架Artifact : 工件ASQ:自动化软件质量(Automated Software Quality)Assertion checking : 断言检查Association : 关联Audit : 审计audit trail:审计跟踪Automated Testing:自动化测试Backus-Naur Form:BNF范式baseline:基线Basic Block:基本块basis test set:基本测试集Behaviour : 行为Bench test : 基准测试benchmark:标杆/指标/基准Best practise : 最佳实践Beta testing : β测试Black Box Testing:黑盒测试Blocking bug : 阻碍性错误Bottom-up testing : 自底向上测试boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖boundary value testing:边界值测试Boundary values : 边界值Boundry Value Analysis:边界值分析branch condition combination coverage:分支条件组合覆盖branch condition combination testing:分支条件组合测试branch condition coverage:分支条件覆盖branch condition testing:分支条件测试branch condition:分支条件Branch coverage : 分支覆盖branch outcome:分支结果branch point:分支点branch testing:分支测试branch:分支Breadth Testing:广度测试Brute force testing: 强力测试Buddy test : 合伙测试Buffer : 缓冲Bug : 错误Bug bash : 错误大扫除bug fix : 错误修正Bug report : 错误报告Bug tracking system: 错误跟踪系统bug:缺陷Build : 工作版本(内部小版本)Build Verfication tests(BVTs): 版本验证测试Build-in : 内置Capability Maturity Model (CMM): 能力成熟度模型Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI): 能力成熟度模型整合capture/playback tool:捕获/回放工具Capture/Replay Tool:捕获/回放工具CASE:计算机辅助软件工程(computer aided software engineering)CAST:计算机辅助测试cause-effect graph:因果图certification :证明change control:变更控制Change Management :变更管理Change Request :变更请求Character Set : 字符集Check In :检入Check Out :检出Closeout : 收尾code audit :代码审计Code coverage : 代码覆盖Code Inspection:代码检视Code page : 代码页Code rule : 编码规范Code sytle : 编码风格Code Walkthrough:代码走读code-based testing:基于代码的测试coding standards:编程规范Common sense : 常识Compatibility Testing:兼容性测试complete path testing :完全路径测试completeness:完整性complexity :复杂性Component testing : 组件测试Component:组件computation data use:计算数据使用computer system security:计算机系统安全性Concurrency user : 并发用户Condition coverage : 条件覆盖condition coverage:条件覆盖condition outcome:条件结果condition:条件configuration control:配置控制Configuration item : 配置项configuration management:配置管理Configuration testing : 配置测试conformance criterion:一致性标准Conformance Testing:一致性测试consistency :一致性consistency checker:一致性检查器Control flow graph : 控制流程图control flow graph:控制流图control flow:控制流conversion testing:转换测试Core team : 核心小组corrective maintenance:故障检修correctness :正确性coverage :覆盖率coverage item:覆盖项crash:崩溃criticality analysis:关键性分析criticality:关键性CRM(change request management): 变更需求管理Customer-focused mindset : 客户为中心的理念体系Cyclomatic complexity : 圈复杂度data corruption:数据污染data definition C-use pair:数据定义C-use使用对data definition P-use coverage:数据定义P-use覆盖data definition P-use pair:数据定义P-use使用对data definition:数据定义data definition-use coverage:数据定义使用覆盖data definition-use pair :数据定义使用对data definition-use testing:数据定义使用测试data dictionary:数据字典Data Flow Analysis : 数据流分析data flow analysis:数据流分析data flow coverage:数据流覆盖data flow diagram:数据流图data flow testing:数据流测试data integrity:数据完整性data use:数据使用data validation:数据确认dead code:死代码Debug : 调试Debugging:调试Decision condition:判定条件Decision coverage : 判定覆盖decision coverage:判定覆盖decision outcome:判定结果decision table:判定表decision:判定Defect : 缺陷defect density : 缺陷密度Defect Tracking :缺陷跟踪Deployment : 部署Depth Testing:深度测试design for sustainability :可延续性的设计design of experiments:实验设计design-based testing:基于设计的测试Desk checking : 桌前检查desk checking:桌面检查Determine Usage Model : 确定应用模型Determine Potential Risks : 确定潜在风险diagnostic:诊断DIF(decimation in frequency) : 按频率抽取dirty testing:肮脏测试disaster recovery:灾难恢复DIT (decimation in time): 按时间抽取documentation testing :文档测试domain testing:域测试domain:域DTP DETAIL TEST PLAN详细确认测试计划Dynamic analysis : 动态分析dynamic analysis:动态分析Dynamic Testing:动态测试embedded software:嵌入式软件emulator:仿真End-to-End testing:端到端测试Enhanced Request :增强请求entity relationship diagram:实体关系图Encryption Source Code Base:加密算法源代码库Entry criteria : 准入条件entry point :入口点Envisioning Phase : 构想阶段Equivalence class : 等价类Equivalence Class:等价类equivalence partition coverage:等价划分覆盖Equivalence partition testing : 等价划分测试equivalence partition testing:参考等价划分测试equivalence partition testing:等价划分测试Equivalence Partitioning:等价划分Error : 错误Error guessing : 错误猜测error seeding:错误播种/错误插值error:错误Event-driven : 事件驱动Exception handlers : 异常处理器exception:异常/例外executable statement:可执行语句Exhaustive Testing:穷尽测试exit point:出口点expected outcome:期望结果Exploratory testing : 探索性测试Failure : 失效Fault : 故障fault:故障feasible path:可达路径feature testing:特性测试Field testing : 现场测试FMEA:失效模型效果分析(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)FMECA:失效模型效果关键性分析(Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis) Framework : 框架FTA:故障树分析(Fault Tree Analysis)functional decomposition:功能分解Functional Specification :功能规格说明书Functional testing : 功能测试Functional Testing:功能测试G11N(Globalization) : 全球化Gap analysis : 差距分析Garbage characters : 乱码字符glass box testing:玻璃盒测试Glass-box testing : 白箱测试或白盒测试Glossary : 术语表GUI(Graphical User Interface): 图形用户界面Hard-coding : 硬编码Hotfix : 热补丁I18N(Internationalization): 国际化Identify Exploratory Tests –识别探索性测试IEEE:美国电子与电器工程师学会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)Incident 事故Incremental testing : 渐增测试incremental testing:渐增测试infeasible path:不可达路径input domain:输入域Inspection : 审查inspection:检视installability testing:可安装性测试Installing testing : 安装测试instrumentation:插装instrumenter:插装器Integration :集成Integration testing : 集成测试interface : 接口interface analysis:接口分析interface testing:接口测试interface:接口invalid inputs:无效输入isolation testing:孤立测试Issue : 问题Iteration : 迭代Iterative development: 迭代开发job control language:工作控制语言Job:工作Key concepts : 关键概念Key Process Area : 关键过程区域Keyword driven testing : 关键字驱动测试Kick-off meeting : 动会议L10N(Localization) : 本地化Lag time : 延迟时间LCSAJ:线性代码顺序和跳转(Linear Code Sequence And Jump)LCSAJ coverage:LCSAJ覆盖LCSAJ testing:LCSAJ测试Lead time : 前置时间Load testing : 负载测试Load Testing:负载测试Localizability testing: 本地化能力测试Localization testing : 本地化测试logic analysis:逻辑分析logic-coverage testing:逻辑覆盖测试Maintainability : 可维护性maintainability testing:可维护性测试Maintenance : 维护Master project schedule :总体项目方案Measurement : 度量Memory leak : 内存泄漏Migration testing : 迁移测试Milestone : 里程碑Mock up : 模型,原型modified condition/decision coverage:修改条件/判定覆盖modified condition/decision testing :修改条件/判定测试modular decomposition:参考模块分解Module testing : 模块测试Monkey testing : 跳跃式测试Monkey Testing:跳跃式测试mouse over:鼠标在对象之上mouse leave:鼠标离开对象MTBF:平均失效间隔实际(mean time between failures)MTP MAIN TEST PLAN主确认计划MTTF:平均失效时间(mean time to failure)MTTR:平均修复时间(mean time to repair)multiple condition coverage:多条件覆盖mutation analysis:变体分析N/A(Not applicable) : 不适用的Negative Testing : 逆向测试, 反向测试, 负面测试negative testing:参考负面测试Negative Testing:逆向测试/反向测试/负面测试off by one:缓冲溢出错误non-functional requirements testing:非功能需求测试nominal load:额定负载N-switch coverage:N切换覆盖N-switch testing:N切换测试N-transitions:N转换Off-the-shelf software : 套装软件operational testing:可操作性测试output domain:输出域paper audit:书面审计Pair Programming : 成对编程partition testing:分类测试Path coverage : 路径覆盖path coverage:路径覆盖path sensitizing:路径敏感性path testing:路径测试path:路径Peer review : 同行评审Performance : 性能Performance indicator: 性能(绩效)指标Performance testing : 性能测试Pilot : 试验Pilot testing : 引导测试Portability : 可移植性portability testing:可移植性测试Positive testing : 正向测试Postcondition : 后置条件Precondition : 前提条件precondition:预置条件predicate data use:谓词数据使用predicate:谓词Priority : 优先权program instrumenter:程序插装progressive testing:递进测试Prototype : 原型Pseudo code : 伪代码pseudo-localization testing:伪本地化测试pseudo-random:伪随机QC:质量控制(quality control)Quality assurance(QA): 质量保证Quality Control(QC) : 质量控制Race Condition:竞争状态Rational Unified Process(以下简称RUP):瑞理统一工艺Recovery testing : 恢复测试recovery testing:恢复性测试Refactoring : 重构regression analysis and testing:回归分析和测试Regression testing : 回归测试Release : 发布Release note : 版本说明release:发布Reliability : 可靠性reliability assessment:可靠性评价reliability:可靠性Requirements management tool: 需求管理工具Requirements-based testing : 基于需求的测试Return of Investment(ROI): 投资回报率review:评审Risk assessment : 风险评估risk:风险Robustness : 强健性Root Cause Analysis(RCA): 根本原因分析safety critical:严格的安全性safety:(生命)安全性Sanity testing : 健全测试Sanity Testing:理智测试Schema Repository : 模式库Screen shot : 抓屏、截图SDP:软件开发计划(software development plan)Security testing : 安全性测试security testing:安全性测试security.:(信息)安全性serviceability testing:可服务性测试Severity : 严重性Shipment : 发布simple subpath:简单子路径Simulation : 模拟Simulator : 模拟器SLA(Service level agreement): 服务级别协议SLA:服务级别协议(service level agreement)Smoke testing : 冒烟测试Software development plan(SDP): 软件开发计划Software development process: 软件开发过程software development process:软件开发过程software diversity:软件多样性software element:软件元素software engineering environment:软件工程环境software engineering:软件工程Software life cycle : 软件生命周期source code:源代码source statement:源语句Specification : 规格说明书specified input:指定的输入spiral model :螺旋模型SQAP SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURENCE PLAN 软件质量保证计划SQL:结构化查询语句(structured query language)Staged Delivery:分布交付方法state diagram:状态图state transition testing :状态转换测试state transition:状态转换state:状态Statement coverage : 语句覆盖statement testing:语句测试statement:语句Static Analysis:静态分析Static Analyzer:静态分析器Static Testing:静态测试statistical testing:统计测试Stepwise refinement : 逐步优化storage testing:存储测试Stress Testing : 压力测试structural coverage:结构化覆盖structural test case design:结构化测试用例设计structural testing:结构化测试structured basis testing:结构化的基础测试structured design:结构化设计structured programming:结构化编程structured walkthrough:结构化走读stub:桩sub-area:子域Summary:总结SVVP SOFTWARE Vevification&Validation PLAN:软件验证和确认计划symbolic evaluation:符号评价symbolic execution:参考符号执行symbolic execution:符号执行symbolic trace:符号轨迹Synchronization : 同步Syntax testing : 语法分析system analysis:系统分析System design : 系统设计system integration:系统集成System Testing : 系统测试TC TEST CASE 测试用例TCS TEST CASE SPECIFICATION 测试用例规格说明TDS TEST DESIGN SPECIFICATION 测试设计规格说明书technical requirements testing:技术需求测试Test : 测试test automation:测试自动化Test case : 测试用例test case design technique:测试用例设计技术test case suite:测试用例套test comparator:测试比较器test completion criterion:测试完成标准test coverage:测试覆盖Test design : 测试设计Test driver : 测试驱动test environment:测试环境test execution technique:测试执行技术test execution:测试执行test generator:测试生成器test harness:测试用具Test infrastructure : 测试基础建设test log:测试日志test measurement technique:测试度量技术Test Metrics :测试度量test procedure:测试规程test records:测试记录test report:测试报告Test scenario : 测试场景Test Script.:测试脚本Test Specification:测试规格Test strategy : 测试策略test suite:测试套Test target : 测试目标Test ware : 测试工具Testability : 可测试性testability:可测试性Testing bed : 测试平台Testing coverage : 测试覆盖Testing environment : 测试环境Testing item : 测试项Testing plan : 测试计划Testing procedure : 测试过程Thread testing : 线程测试time sharing:时间共享time-boxed : 固定时间TIR test incident report 测试事故报告ToolTip:控件提示或说明top-down testing:自顶向下测试TPS TEST PEOCESS SPECIFICATION 测试步骤规格说明Traceability : 可跟踪性traceability analysis:跟踪性分析traceability matrix:跟踪矩阵Trade-off : 平衡transaction:事务/处理transaction volume:交易量transform. analysis:事务分析trojan horse:特洛伊木马truth table:真值表TST TEST SUMMARY REPORT 测试总结报告Tune System : 调试系统TW TEST WARE :测试件Unit Testing :单元测试Usability Testing:可用性测试Usage scenario : 使用场景User acceptance Test : 用户验收测试User database :用户数据库User interface(UI) : 用户界面User profile : 用户信息User scenario : 用户场景V&V (Verification & Validation) : 验证&确认validation :确认verification :验证version :版本Virtual user : 虚拟用户volume testing:容量测试VSS(visual source safe):VTP Verification TEST PLAN验证测试计划VTR Verification TEST REPORT验证测试报告Walkthrough : 走读Waterfall model : 瀑布模型Web testing : 网站测试White box testing : 白盒测试Work breakdown structure (WBS) : 任务分解结构Zero bug bounce (ZBB) : 零错误反弹。
测试组采用RBT(Requirements-based testing),基于需求的测试方法会使测试更加有效,因为它使测试专注于质量问题产生的根源。
一项调查(James Marti n (“An Information Systems Manifesto,” Prentice Hall, 1984)表明56%的缺陷其实是在软件需求阶段被引入的。
RBT三大最佳实践1、Test early and often.尽早测试,频繁地测试确认需求的业务价值。
2、Test with your head, not your gut.不要单凭经验测试不要依赖测试人员的经验来设计测试用例,应该采用系统、严格的测试用例设计方法,而不是依赖有经验的测试人员的技巧。
Manual Testing Course Syllabus说明书
Block No: 402, Saptagiri Towers, Begumpet Main Road, Hyderabad - 500 016, TELANGANA, +91 80083 27000, enquiry@,
What is testing? Importance of testing Roles and Responsibilities Principles of software testing What is Quality? How much testing is enough? Differences between Manual and Automation Testing.
Deccansoft Software Services
Manual Testing
Module 5: Levels of Testing In this module you learn about levels of testing are frequently grouped by where they are added in the software development process, or by the level of specificity of the test.
Informal Reviews Walkthroughs Technical Reviews Inspection
Dynamic Techniques: Structural Techniques
软件测试常用英语词汇静态测试:Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing 代码走查:Walkthrough代码审查:Code Inspection技术评审:Review动态测试:Execution-Based Testing白盒测试:White-Box Testing黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle冒烟测试:Smoke Test回归测试:Regression Test功能测试:Function Testing性能测试:Performance Testing压力测试:Stress Testing负载测试:Volume Testing易用性测试:Usability Testing安装测试:Installation Testing界面测试:UI Testing配置测试:Configuration Testing文档测试:Documentation Testing兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing安全性测试:Security Testing恢复测试:Recovery Testing单元测试:Unit Test集成测试:Integration Test系统测试:System Test验收测试:Acceptance Test测试计划应包括:测试对象:The Test Objectives测试范围: The Test Scope测试策略: The Test Strategy测试方法: The Test Approach,测试过程: The test procedures,测试环境: The Test Environment,测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria测试用例:The Test Cases测试进度表:The Test Schedules风险:Risks接口:Interface最终用户:The End User正式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment确认需求:Verifying The Requirements有分歧的需求:Ambiguous Requirements运行和维护:Operation and Maintenance.可复用性:Reusability可靠性: Reliability/Availability电机电子工程师协会IEEE:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 正确性:Correctness实用性:Utility健壮性:Robustness可靠性:Reliability软件需求规格说明书:SRS (software requirement specification )概要设计:HLD (high level design )详细设计:LLD (low level design )统一开发流程:RUP (rational unified process )集成产品开发:IPD (integrated product development )能力成熟模型:CMM (capability maturity model )能力成熟模型集成:CMMI (capability maturity model integration )戴明环:PDCA (plan do check act )软件工程过程组:SEPG (software engineering process group )集成测试:IT (integration testing )系统测试:ST (system testing )关键过程域:KPA (key process area )同行评审:PR (peer review )用户验收测试:UAT (user acceptance testing )验证和确认:V&V (verification & validation )控制变更委员会:CCB (change control board )图形用户界面:GUI (graphic user interface )配置管理员:CMO (configuration management officer )平均失效间隔时间:(MTBF mean time between failures )平均修复时间:MTTR (mean time to restoration )平均失效时间:MTTF (mean time to failure )工作任务书:SOW (statement of work )α测试:alpha testingβ测试:beta testing适应性:Adaptability可用性:Availability功能规格说明书:Functional Specification软件开发中常见英文缩写和各类软件开发文档的英文缩写:英文简写文档名称MRD market requirement document (市场需求文档)PRD product requirement document (产品需求文档)SOW 工作任务说明书PHB Process Handbook (项目过程手册)EST Estimation Sheet (估计记录)PPL Project Plan (项目计划)CMP Software Management Plan( 配置管理计划)QAP Software Quality Assurance Plan (软件质量保证计划)RMP Software Risk Management Plan (软件风险管理计划)TST Test Strategy(测试策略)WBS Work Breakdown Structure (工作分解结构)BRS Business Requirement Specification(业务需求说明书)SRS Software Requirement Specification(软件需求说明书)STP System Testing plan (系统测试计划)STC System Testing Cases (系统测试用例)HLD High Level Design (概要设计说明书)ITP Integration Testing plan (集成测试计划)ITC Integration Testing Cases (集成测试用例)LLD Low Level Design (详细设计说明书)UTP Unit Testing Plan ( 单元测试计划)UTC Unit Testing Cases (单元测试用例)UTR Unit Testing Report (单元测试报告)ITR Integration Testing Report (集成测试报告)STR System Testing Report (系统测试报告)RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix (需求跟踪矩阵)CSA Configuration Status Accounting (配置状态发布)CRF Change Request Form (变更申请表)WSR Weekly Status Report (项目周报)QSR Quality Weekly Status Report (质量工作周报)QAR Quality Audit Report(质量检查报告)QCL Quality Check List(质量检查表)PAR Phase Assessment Report (阶段评估报告)CLR Closure Report (项目总结报告)RFF Review Finding Form (评审发现表)MOM Minutes of Meeting (会议纪要)MTX Metrics Sheet (度量表)CCF ConsistanceCheckForm(一致性检查表)BAF Baseline Audit Form(基线审计表)PTF Program Trace Form(问题跟踪表)领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /软件测试中英文对照术语表A• Abstract test case (High level test case) :概要测试用例• Acceptance:验收• Acceptance criteria:验收标准• Acceptance testing:验收测试• Accessibility testing:易用性测试• Accuracy:精确性• Actual outcome (actual result) :实际输出/实际结果• Ad hoc review (informal review) :非正式评审• Ad hoc testing:随机测试• Adaptability:自适应性• Agile testing:敏捷测试• Algorithm test (branch testing) :分支测试• Alpha testing:alpha 测试• Analyzability:易分析性• Analyzer:分析员• Anomaly:异常• Arc testing:分支测试• Attractiveness:吸引力• Audit:审计• Audit trail:审计跟踪• Automated testware:自动测试组件• Availability:可用性B• Back-to-back testing:对比测试• Baseline:基线• Basic block:基本块• Basis test set:基本测试集• Bebugging:错误撒播• Behavior:行为• Benchmark test:基准测试• Bespoke software:定制的软件• Best practice:最佳实践• Beta testing:Beta 测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Big-bang testing:集成测试• Black-box technique:黑盒技术• Black-box testing:黑盒测试• Black-box test design technique:黑盒测试设计技术• Blocked test case:被阻塞的测试用例• Bottom-up testing:自底向上测试• Boundary value:边界值• Boundary value analysis:边界值分析• Boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖率• Boundary value testing:边界值测试• Branch:分支• Branch condition:分支条件• Branch condition combination coverage:分支条件组合覆盖率• Branch condition combination testing:分支条件组合测试• Branch condition coverage:分支条件覆盖率• Branch coverage:分支覆盖率• Branch testing:分支测试• Bug:缺陷• Business process-based testing:基于商业流程的测试C• Capability Maturity Model (CMM) :能力成熟度模型• Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) :集成能力成熟度模型• Capture/playback tool:捕获/回放工具• Capture/replay tool:捕获/重放工具• CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) :电脑辅助软件工程• CAST (Computer Aided Software Testing) :电脑辅助软件测试• Cause-effect graph:因果图• Cause-effect graphing:因果图技术• Cause-effect analysis:因果分析• Cause-effect decision table:因果判定表• Certification:认证• Changeability:可变性• Change control:变更控制• Change control board:变更控制委员会• Checker:检查人员• Chow's coverage metrics (N-switch coverage) :N 切换覆盖率• Classification tree method:分类树方法• Code analyzer:代码分析器• Code coverage:代码覆盖率领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Code-based testing:基于代码的测试• Co-existence:共存性• Commercial off-the-shelf software:商用离岸软件• Comparator:比较器• Compatibility testing:兼容性测试• Compiler:编译器• Complete testing:完全测试/穷尽测试• Completion criteria:完成标准• Complexity:复杂性• Compliance:一致性• Compliance testing:一致性测试• Component:组件• Component integration testing:组件集成测试• Component specification:组件规格说明• Component testing:组件测试• Compound condition:组合条件• Concrete test case (low level test case) :详细测试用例• Concurrency testing:并发测试• Condition:条件表达式• Condition combination coverage:条件组合覆盖率• Condition coverage:条件覆盖率• Condition determination coverage:条件判定覆盖率• Condition determination testing:条件判定测试• Condition testing:条件测试• Condition outcome:条件结果• Confidence test (smoke test) :信心测试(冒烟测试)• Configuration:配置• Configuration auditing:配置审核• Configuration control:配置控制• Configuration control board (CCB) :配置控制委员会• Configuration identification:配置标识• Configuration item:配置项• Configuration management:配置管理• Configuration testing:配置测试• Confirmation testing:确认测试• Conformance testing:一致性测试• Consistency:一致性• Control flow:控制流• Control flow graph:控制流图• Control flow path:控制流路径• Conversion testing:转换测试• COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf software) :商业离岸软件• Coverage:覆盖率• Coverage analysis:覆盖率分析领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Coverage item:覆盖项• Coverage tool:覆盖率工具• Custom software:定制软件• Cyclomatic complexity:圈复杂度• Cyclomatic number:圈数D• Daily build:每日构建• Data definition:数据定义• Data driven testing:数据驱动测试• Data flow:数据流• Data flow analysis:数据流分析• Data flow coverage:数据流覆盖率• Data flow test:数据流测试• Data integrity testing:数据完整性测试• Database integrity testing:数据库完整性测试• Dead code:无效代码• Debugger:调试器• Debugging:调试• Debugging tool:调试工具• Decision:判定• Decision condition coverage:判定条件覆盖率• Decision condition testing:判定条件测试• Decision coverage:判定覆盖率• Decision table:判定表• Decision table testing:判定表测试• Decision testing:判定测试技术• Decision outcome:判定结果• Defect:缺陷• Defect density:缺陷密度• Defect Detection Percentage (DDP) :缺陷发现率• Defect management:缺陷管理• Defect management tool:缺陷管理工具• Defect masking:缺陷屏蔽• Defect report:缺陷报告• Defect tracking tool:缺陷跟踪工具• Definition-use pair:定义-使用对• Deliverable:交付物• Design-based testing:基于设计的测试• Desk checking:桌面检查领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Development testing:开发测试• Deviation:偏差• Deviation report:偏差报告• Dirty testing:负面测试• Documentation testing:文档测试• Domain:域• Driver:驱动程序• Dynamic analysis:动态分析• Dynamic analysis tool:动态分析工具• Dynamic comparison:动态比较• Dynamic testing:动态测试E• Efficiency:效率• Efficiency testing:效率测试• Elementary comparison testing:基本组合测试• Emulator:仿真器、仿真程序• Entry criteria:入口标准• Entry point:入口点• Equivalence class:等价类• Equivalence partition:等价区间• Equivalence partition coverage:等价区间覆盖率• Equivalence partitioning:等价划分技术• Error:错误• Error guessing:错误猜测技术• Error seeding:错误撒播• Error tolerance:错误容限• Evaluation:评估• Exception handling:异常处理• Executable statement:可执行的语句• Exercised:可执行的• Exhaustive testing:穷尽测试• Exit criteria:出口标准• Exit point:出口点• Expected outcome:预期结果• Expected result:预期结果• Exploratory testing:探测测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /F• Fail:失败• Failure:失败• Failure mode:失败模式• Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) :失败模式和影响分析• Failure rate:失败频率• Fault:缺陷• Fault density:缺陷密度• Fault Detection Percentage (FDP) :缺陷发现率• Fault masking:缺陷屏蔽• Fault tolerance:缺陷容限• Fault tree analysis:缺陷树分析• Feature:特征• Field testing:现场测试• Finite state machine:有限状态机• Finite state testing:有限状态测试• Formal review:正式评审• Frozen test basis:测试基线• Function Point Analysis (FPA) :功能点分析• Functional integration:功能集成• Functional requirement:功能需求• Functional test design technique:功能测试设计技术• Functional testing:功能测试• Functionality:功能性• Functionality testing:功能性测试G• glass box testing:白盒测试H• Heuristic evaluation:启发式评估• High level test case:概要测试用例• Horizontal traceability:水平跟踪领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /I• Impact analysis:影响分析• Incremental development model:增量开发模型• Incremental testing:增量测试• Incident:事件• Incident management:事件管理• Incident management tool:事件管理工具• Incident report:事件报告• Independence:独立• Infeasible path:不可行路径• Informal review:非正式评审• Input:输入• Input domain:输入范围• Input value:输入值• Inspection:审查• Inspection leader:审查组织者• Inspector:审查人员• Installability:可安装性• Installability testing:可安装性测试• Installation guide:安装指南• Installation wizard:安装向导• Instrumentation:插装• Instrumenter:插装工具• Intake test:入口测试• Integration:集成• Integration testing:集成测试• Integration testing in the large:大范围集成测试• Integration testing in the small:小范围集成测试• Interface testing:接口测试• Interoperability:互通性• Interoperability testing:互通性测试• Invalid testing:无效性测试• Isolation testing:隔离测试• Item transmittal report:版本发布报告• Iterative development model:迭代开发模型K• Key performance indicator:关键绩效指标领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Keyword driven testing:关键字驱动测试L• Learnability:易学性• Level test plan:等级测试计划• Link testing:组件集成测试• Load testing:负载测试• Logic-coverage testing:逻辑覆盖测试• Logic-driven testing:逻辑驱动测试• Logical test case:逻辑测试用例• Low level test case:详细测试用例M• Maintenance:维护• Maintenance testing:维护测试• Maintainability:可维护性• Maintainability testing:可维护性测试• Management review:管理评审• Master test plan:综合测试计划• Maturity:成熟度• Measure:度量• Measurement:度量• Measurement scale:度量粒度• Memory leak:内存泄漏• Metric:度量• Migration testing:移植测试• Milestone:里程碑• Mistake:错误• Moderator:仲裁员• Modified condition decision coverage:改进的条件判定覆盖率• Modified condition decision testing:改进的条件判定测试• Modified multiple condition coverage:改进的多重条件判定覆盖率• Modified multiple condition testing:改进的多重条件判定测试• Module:模块• Module testing:模块测试• Monitor:监视器• Multiple condition:多重条件• Multiple condition coverage:多重条件覆盖率领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Multiple condition testing:多重条件测试• Mutation analysis:变化分析• Mutation testing:变化测试N• N-switch coverage:N 切换覆盖率• N-switch testing:N 切换测试• Negative testing:负面测试• Non-conformity:不一致• Non-functional requirement:非功能需求• Non-functional testing:非功能测试• Non-functional test design techniques:非功能测试设计技术O• Off-the-shelf software:离岸软件• Operability:可操作性• Operational environment:操作环境• Operational profile testing:运行剖面测试• Operational testing:操作测试• Oracle:标准• Outcome:输出/结果• Output:输出• Output domain:输出范围• Output value:输出值P• Pair programming:结队编程• Pair testing:结队测试• Partition testing:分割测试• Pass:通过• Pass/fail criteria:通过/失败标准• Path:路径• Path coverage:路径覆盖• Path sensitizing:路径敏感性• Path testing:路径测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 / • Peer review:同行评审• Performance:性能• Performance indicator:绩效指标• Performance testing:性能测试• Performance testing tool:性能测试工具• Phase test plan:阶段测试计划• Portability:可移植性• Portability testing:移植性测试• Postcondition:结果条件• Post-execution comparison:运行后比较• Precondition:初始条件• Predicted outcome:预期结果• Pretest:预测试• Priority:优先级• Probe effect:检测成本• Problem:问题• Problem management:问题管理• Problem report:问题报告• Process:流程• Process cycle test:处理周期测试• Product risk:产品风险• Project:项目• Project risk:项目风险• Program instrumenter:编程工具• Program testing:程序测试• Project test plan:项目测试计划• Pseudo-random:伪随机Q• Quality:质量• Quality assurance:质量保证• Quality attribute:质量属性• Quality characteristic:质量特征• Quality management:质量管理领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /R• Random testing:随机测试• Recorder:记录员• Record/playback tool:记录/回放工具• Recoverability:可复原性• Recoverability testing:可复原性测试• Recovery testing:可复原性测试• Regression testing:回归测试• Regulation testing:一致性测试• Release note:版本说明• Reliability:可靠性• Reliability testing:可靠性测试• Replaceability:可替换性• Requirement:需求• Requirements-based testing:基于需求的测试• Requirements management tool:需求管理工具• Requirements phase:需求阶段• Resource utilization:资源利用• Resource utilization testing:资源利用测试• Result:结果• Resumption criteria:继续测试标准• Re-testing:再测试• Review:评审• Reviewer:评审人员• Review tool:评审工具• Risk:风险• Risk analysis:风险分析• Risk-based testing:基于风险的测试• Risk control:风险控制• Risk identification:风险识别• Risk management:风险管理• Risk mitigation:风险消减• Robustness:健壮性• Robustness testing:健壮性测试• Root cause:根本原因S• Safety:安全领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Safety testing:安全性测试• Sanity test:健全测试• Scalability:可测量性• Scalability testing:可测量性测试• Scenario testing:情景测试• Scribe:记录员• Scripting language:脚本语言• Security:安全性• Security testing:安全性测试• Serviceability testing:可维护性测试• Severity:严重性• Simulation:仿真• Simulator:仿真程序、仿真器• Site acceptance testing:定点验收测试• Smoke test:冒烟测试• Software:软件• Software feature:软件功能• Software quality:软件质量• Software quality characteristic:软件质量特征• Software test incident:软件测试事件• Software test incident report:软件测试事件报告• Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) :软件可用性调查问卷• Source statement:源语句• Specification:规格说明• Specification-based testing:基于规格说明的测试• Specification-based test design technique:基于规格说明的测试设计技术• Specified input:特定输入• Stability:稳定性• Standard software:标准软件• Standards testing:标准测试• State diagram:状态图• State table:状态表• State transition:状态迁移• State transition testing:状态迁移测试• Statement:语句• Statement coverage:语句覆盖• Statement testing:语句测试• Static analysis:静态分析• Static analysis tool:静态分析工具• Static analyzer:静态分析工具• Static code analysis:静态代码分析• Static code analyzer:静态代码分析工具• Static testing:静态测试• Statistical testing:统计测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Status accounting:状态统计• Storage:资源利用• Storage testing:资源利用测试• Stress testing:压力测试• Structure-based techniques:基于结构的技术• Structural coverage:结构覆盖• Structural test design technique:结构测试设计技术• Structural testing:基于结构的测试• Structured walkthrough:面向结构的走查• Stub: 桩• Subpath: 子路径• Suitability: 符合性• Suspension criteria: 暂停标准• Syntax testing: 语法测试• System:系统• System integration testing:系统集成测试• System testing:系统测试T• Technical review:技术评审• Test:测试• Test approach:测试方法• Test automation:测试自动化• Test basis:测试基础• Test bed:测试环境• Test case:测试用例• Test case design technique:测试用例设计技术• Test case specification:测试用例规格说明• Test case suite:测试用例套• Test charter:测试宪章• Test closure:测试结束• Test comparator:测试比较工具• Test comparison:测试比较• Test completion criteria:测试比较标准• Test condition:测试条件• Test control:测试控制• Test coverage:测试覆盖率• Test cycle:测试周期• Test data:测试数据• Test data preparation tool:测试数据准备工具领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 / • Test design:测试设计• Test design specification:测试设计规格说明• Test design technique:测试设计技术• Test design tool: 测试设计工具• Test driver: 测试驱动程序• Test driven development: 测试驱动开发• Test environment: 测试环境• Test evaluation report: 测试评估报告• Test execution: 测试执行• Test execution automation: 测试执行自动化• Test execution phase: 测试执行阶段• Test execution schedule: 测试执行进度表• Test execution technique: 测试执行技术• Test execution tool: 测试执行工具• Test fail: 测试失败• Test generator: 测试生成工具• Test leader:测试负责人• Test harness:测试组件• Test incident:测试事件• Test incident report:测试事件报告• Test infrastructure:测试基础组织• Test input:测试输入• Test item:测试项• Test item transmittal report:测试项移交报告• Test level:测试等级• Test log:测试日志• Test logging:测试记录• Test manager:测试经理• Test management:测试管理• Test management tool:测试管理工具• Test Maturity Model (TMM) :测试成熟度模型• Test monitoring:测试跟踪• Test object:测试对象• Test objective:测试目的• Test oracle:测试标准• Test outcome:测试结果• Test pass:测试通过• Test performance indicator:测试绩效指标• Test phase:测试阶段• Test plan:测试计划• Test planning:测试计划• Test policy:测试方针• Test Point Analysis (TPA) :测试点分析• Test procedure:测试过程领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Test procedure specification:测试过程规格说明• Test process:测试流程• Test Process Improvement (TPI) :测试流程改进• Test record:测试记录• Test recording:测试记录• Test reproduceability:测试可重现性• Test report:测试报告• Test requirement:测试需求• Test run:测试运行• Test run log:测试运行日志• Test result:测试结果• Test scenario:测试场景• Test script:测试脚本• Test set:测试集• Test situation:测试条件• Test specification:测试规格说明• Test specification technique:测试规格说明技术• Test stage:测试阶段• Test strategy:测试策略• Test suite:测试套• Test summary report:测试总结报告• Test target:测试目标• Test tool:测试工具• Test type:测试类型• Testability:可测试性• Testability review:可测试性评审• Testable requirements:需求可测试性• Tester:测试人员• Testing:测试• Testware:测试组件• Thread testing:组件集成测试• Time behavior:性能• Top-down testing:自顶向下的测试• Traceability:可跟踪性U• Understandability:易懂性• Unit:单元• unit testing:单元测试• Unreachable code:执行不到的代码领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Usability:易用性• Usability testing:易用性测试• Use case:用户用例• Use case testing:用户用例测试• User acceptance testing:用户验收测试• User scenario testing:用户场景测试• User test:用户测试V• V -model:V 模式• Validation:确认• Variable:变量• Verification:验证• Vertical traceability:垂直可跟踪性• Version control:版本控制• Volume testing:容量测试W• Walkthrough:走查• White-box test design technique:白盒测试设计技术• White-box testing:白盒测试• Wide Band Delphi:Delphi 估计方法。
4.2.1 软件测试分级
单元(组 件)测 试
4.2.1 软件生命周期的测试分级(续)
• 针对单个软件单元的测试都可以称为单元测试
• 在单元测试过程中ຫໍສະໝຸດ 经常会用到桩、驱动器、模拟器4.1.2 非功能测试介绍
为了测量系统和软件的特征,需要进行的测试这些特征可以用不同尺度 予以量化,比如进行性能测试来检验响应时间。
-软件非功能性说明 书(NonFunctional Requirements)
-黑盒测试技术 (Black Box Testing) -静态测试技术 (Static Testing) -自动化测试工具 (Automation Test Tools)
4.1.2 非功能测试包括(不限于以下类型)
• 压力测试(Stress Test) – Observation of the system behavior when it is overloaded.
• 稳定性测试(Stability Test) – Test during permanent operation (e.g., mean time between failures or failure rate with a given user profile).
黑盒测试技术 (Black Box Testing)
验证功能特征是否 符合软件功能规格 说明书 (”What” the system must be able to do)
软件测试常用英语词汇静态测试:Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing 代码走查:Walkthrough代码审查:Code Inspection技术评审:Review动态测试:Execution-Based Testing白盒测试:White-Box Testing黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle冒烟测试:Smoke Test回归测试:Regression Test功能测试:Function Testing性能测试:Performance Testing压力测试:Stress Testing负载测试:Volume Testing易用性测试:Usability Testing安装测试:Installation Testing界面测试:UI Testing配置测试:Configuration Testing文档测试:Documentation Testing兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing安全性测试:Security Testing恢复测试:Recovery Testing单元测试:Unit Test集成测试:Integration Test系统测试:System Test验收测试:Acceptance Test测试计划应包括:测试对象:The Test Objectives测试范围: The Test Scope测试策略: The Test Strategy测试方法: The Test Approach,测试过程: The test procedures,测试环境: The Test Environment,测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria测试用例:The Test Cases测试进度表:The Test Schedules风险:Risks接口:Interface最终用户:The End User正式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment确认需求:Verifying The Requirements有分歧的需求:Ambiguous Requirements运行和维护:Operation and Maintenance.可复用性:Reusability可靠性: Reliability/Availability电机电子工程师协会IEEE:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 正确性:Correctness实用性:Utility健壮性:Robustness可靠性:Reliability软件需求规格说明书:SRS (software requirement specification )概要设计:HLD (high level design )详细设计:LLD (low level design )统一开发流程:RUP (rational unified process )集成产品开发:IPD (integrated product development )能力成熟模型:CMM (capability maturity model )能力成熟模型集成:CMMI (capability maturity model integration )戴明环:PDCA (plan do check act )软件工程过程组:SEPG (software engineering process group )集成测试:IT (integration testing )系统测试:ST (system testing )关键过程域:KPA (key process area )同行评审:PR (peer review )用户验收测试:UAT (user acceptance testing )验证和确认:V&V (verification & validation )控制变更委员会:CCB (change control board )图形用户界面:GUI (graphic user interface )配置管理员:CMO (configuration management officer )平均失效间隔时间:(MTBF mean time between failures )平均修复时间:MTTR (mean time to restoration )平均失效时间:MTTF (mean time to failure )工作任务书:SOW (statement of work )α测试:alpha testingβ测试:beta testing适应性:Adaptability可用性:Availability功能规格说明书:Functional Specification软件开发中常见英文缩写和各类软件开发文档的英文缩写:英文简写文档名称MRD market requirement document (市场需求文档)PRD product requirement document (产品需求文档)SOW 工作任务说明书PHB Process Handbook (项目过程手册)EST Estimation Sheet (估计记录)PPL Project Plan (项目计划)CMP Software Management Plan( 配置管理计划)QAP Software Quality Assurance Plan (软件质量保证计划)RMP Software Risk Management Plan (软件风险管理计划)TST Test Strategy(测试策略)WBS Work Breakdown Structure (工作分解结构)BRS Business Requirement Specification(业务需求说明书)SRS Software Requirement Specification(软件需求说明书)STP System Testing plan (系统测试计划)STC System Testing Cases (系统测试用例)HLD High Level Design (概要设计说明书)ITP Integration Testing plan (集成测试计划)ITC Integration Testing Cases (集成测试用例)LLD Low Level Design (详细设计说明书)UTP Unit Testing Plan ( 单元测试计划)UTC Unit Testing Cases (单元测试用例)UTR Unit Testing Report (单元测试报告)ITR Integration Testing Report (集成测试报告)STR System Testing Report (系统测试报告)RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix (需求跟踪矩阵)CSA Configuration Status Accounting (配置状态发布)CRF Change Request Form (变更申请表)WSR Weekly Status Report (项目周报)QSR Quality Weekly Status Report (质量工作周报)QAR Quality Audit Report(质量检查报告)QCL Quality Check List(质量检查表)PAR Phase Assessment Report (阶段评估报告)CLR Closure Report (项目总结报告)RFF Review Finding Form (评审发现表)MOM Minutes of Meeting (会议纪要)MTX Metrics Sheet (度量表)CCF ConsistanceCheckForm(一致性检查表)BAF Baseline Audit Form(基线审计表)PTF Program Trace Form(问题跟踪表)领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /软件测试中英文对照术语表A• Abstract test case (High level test case) :概要测试用例• Acceptance:验收• Acceptance criteria:验收标准• Acceptance testing:验收测试• Accessibility testing:易用性测试• Accuracy:精确性• Actual outcome (actual result) :实际输出/实际结果• Ad hoc review (informal review) :非正式评审• Ad hoc testing:随机测试• Adaptability:自适应性• Agile testing:敏捷测试• Algorithm test (branch testing) :分支测试• Alpha testing:alpha 测试• Analyzability:易分析性• Analyzer:分析员• Anomaly:异常• Arc testing:分支测试• Attractiveness:吸引力• Audit:审计• Audit trail:审计跟踪• Automated testware:自动测试组件• Availability:可用性B• Back-to-back testing:对比测试• Baseline:基线• Basic block:基本块• Basis test set:基本测试集• Bebugging:错误撒播• Behavior:行为• Benchmark test:基准测试• Bespoke software:定制的软件• Best practice:最佳实践• Beta testing:Beta 测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Big-bang testing:集成测试• Black-box technique:黑盒技术• Black-box testing:黑盒测试• Black-box test design technique:黑盒测试设计技术• Blocked test case:被阻塞的测试用例• Bottom-up testing:自底向上测试• Boundary value:边界值• Boundary value analysis:边界值分析• Boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖率• Boundary value testing:边界值测试• Branch:分支• Branch condition:分支条件• Branch condition combination coverage:分支条件组合覆盖率• Branch condition combination testing:分支条件组合测试• Branch condition coverage:分支条件覆盖率• Branch coverage:分支覆盖率• Branch testing:分支测试• Bug:缺陷• Business process-based testing:基于商业流程的测试C• Capability Maturity Model (CMM) :能力成熟度模型• Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) :集成能力成熟度模型• Capture/playback tool:捕获/回放工具• Capture/replay tool:捕获/重放工具• CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) :电脑辅助软件工程• CAST (Computer Aided Software Testing) :电脑辅助软件测试• Cause-effect graph:因果图• Cause-effect graphing:因果图技术• Cause-effect analysis:因果分析• Cause-effect decision table:因果判定表• Certification:认证• Changeability:可变性• Change control:变更控制• Change control board:变更控制委员会• Checker:检查人员• Chow's coverage metrics (N-switch coverage) :N 切换覆盖率• Classification tree method:分类树方法• Code analyzer:代码分析器• Code coverage:代码覆盖率领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Code-based testing:基于代码的测试• Co-existence:共存性• Commercial off-the-shelf software:商用离岸软件• Comparator:比较器• Compatibility testing:兼容性测试• Compiler:编译器• Complete testing:完全测试/穷尽测试• Completion criteria:完成标准• Complexity:复杂性• Compliance:一致性• Compliance testing:一致性测试• Component:组件• Component integration testing:组件集成测试• Component specification:组件规格说明• Component testing:组件测试• Compound condition:组合条件• Concrete test case (low level test case) :详细测试用例• Concurrency testing:并发测试• Condition:条件表达式• Condition combination coverage:条件组合覆盖率• Condition coverage:条件覆盖率• Condition determination coverage:条件判定覆盖率• Condition determination testing:条件判定测试• Condition testing:条件测试• Condition outcome:条件结果• Confidence test (smoke test) :信心测试(冒烟测试)• Configuration:配置• Configuration auditing:配置审核• Configuration control:配置控制• Configuration control board (CCB) :配置控制委员会• Configuration identification:配置标识• Configuration item:配置项• Configuration management:配置管理• Configuration testing:配置测试• Confirmation testing:确认测试• Conformance testing:一致性测试• Consistency:一致性• Control flow:控制流• Control flow graph:控制流图• Control flow path:控制流路径• Conversion testing:转换测试• COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf software) :商业离岸软件• Coverage:覆盖率• Coverage analysis:覆盖率分析领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Coverage item:覆盖项• Coverage tool:覆盖率工具• Custom software:定制软件• Cyclomatic complexity:圈复杂度• Cyclomatic number:圈数D• Daily build:每日构建• Data definition:数据定义• Data driven testing:数据驱动测试• Data flow:数据流• Data flow analysis:数据流分析• Data flow coverage:数据流覆盖率• Data flow test:数据流测试• Data integrity testing:数据完整性测试• Database integrity testing:数据库完整性测试• Dead code:无效代码• Debugger:调试器• Debugging:调试• Debugging tool:调试工具• Decision:判定• Decision condition coverage:判定条件覆盖率• Decision condition testing:判定条件测试• Decision coverage:判定覆盖率• Decision table:判定表• Decision table testing:判定表测试• Decision testing:判定测试技术• Decision outcome:判定结果• Defect:缺陷• Defect density:缺陷密度• Defect Detection Percentage (DDP) :缺陷发现率• Defect management:缺陷管理• Defect management tool:缺陷管理工具• Defect masking:缺陷屏蔽• Defect report:缺陷报告• Defect tracking tool:缺陷跟踪工具• Definition-use pair:定义-使用对• Deliverable:交付物• Design-based testing:基于设计的测试• Desk checking:桌面检查领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Development testing:开发测试• Deviation:偏差• Deviation report:偏差报告• Dirty testing:负面测试• Documentation testing:文档测试• Domain:域• Driver:驱动程序• Dynamic analysis:动态分析• Dynamic analysis tool:动态分析工具• Dynamic comparison:动态比较• Dynamic testing:动态测试E• Efficiency:效率• Efficiency testing:效率测试• Elementary comparison testing:基本组合测试• Emulator:仿真器、仿真程序• Entry criteria:入口标准• Entry point:入口点• Equivalence class:等价类• Equivalence partition:等价区间• Equivalence partition coverage:等价区间覆盖率• Equivalence partitioning:等价划分技术• Error:错误• Error guessing:错误猜测技术• Error seeding:错误撒播• Error tolerance:错误容限• Evaluation:评估• Exception handling:异常处理• Executable statement:可执行的语句• Exercised:可执行的• Exhaustive testing:穷尽测试• Exit criteria:出口标准• Exit point:出口点• Expected outcome:预期结果• Expected result:预期结果• Exploratory testing:探测测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /F• Fail:失败• Failure:失败• Failure mode:失败模式• Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) :失败模式和影响分析• Failure rate:失败频率• Fault:缺陷• Fault density:缺陷密度• Fault Detection Percentage (FDP) :缺陷发现率• Fault masking:缺陷屏蔽• Fault tolerance:缺陷容限• Fault tree analysis:缺陷树分析• Feature:特征• Field testing:现场测试• Finite state machine:有限状态机• Finite state testing:有限状态测试• Formal review:正式评审• Frozen test basis:测试基线• Function Point Analysis (FPA) :功能点分析• Functional integration:功能集成• Functional requirement:功能需求• Functional test design technique:功能测试设计技术• Functional testing:功能测试• Functionality:功能性• Functionality testing:功能性测试G• glass box testing:白盒测试H• Heuristic evaluation:启发式评估• High level test case:概要测试用例• Horizontal traceability:水平跟踪领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /I• Impact analysis:影响分析• Incremental development model:增量开发模型• Incremental testing:增量测试• Incident:事件• Incident management:事件管理• Incident management tool:事件管理工具• Incident report:事件报告• Independence:独立• Infeasible path:不可行路径• Informal review:非正式评审• Input:输入• Input domain:输入范围• Input value:输入值• Inspection:审查• Inspection leader:审查组织者• Inspector:审查人员• Installability:可安装性• Installability testing:可安装性测试• Installation guide:安装指南• Installation wizard:安装向导• Instrumentation:插装• Instrumenter:插装工具• Intake test:入口测试• Integration:集成• Integration testing:集成测试• Integration testing in the large:大范围集成测试• Integration testing in the small:小范围集成测试• Interface testing:接口测试• Interoperability:互通性• Interoperability testing:互通性测试• Invalid testing:无效性测试• Isolation testing:隔离测试• Item transmittal report:版本发布报告• Iterative development model:迭代开发模型K• Key performance indicator:关键绩效指标领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Keyword driven testing:关键字驱动测试L• Learnability:易学性• Level test plan:等级测试计划• Link testing:组件集成测试• Load testing:负载测试• Logic-coverage testing:逻辑覆盖测试• Logic-driven testing:逻辑驱动测试• Logical test case:逻辑测试用例• Low level test case:详细测试用例M• Maintenance:维护• Maintenance testing:维护测试• Maintainability:可维护性• Maintainability testing:可维护性测试• Management review:管理评审• Master test plan:综合测试计划• Maturity:成熟度• Measure:度量• Measurement:度量• Measurement scale:度量粒度• Memory leak:内存泄漏• Metric:度量• Migration testing:移植测试• Milestone:里程碑• Mistake:错误• Moderator:仲裁员• Modified condition decision coverage:改进的条件判定覆盖率• Modified condition decision testing:改进的条件判定测试• Modified multiple condition coverage:改进的多重条件判定覆盖率• Modified multiple condition testing:改进的多重条件判定测试• Module:模块• Module testing:模块测试• Monitor:监视器• Multiple condition:多重条件• Multiple condition coverage:多重条件覆盖率领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Multiple condition testing:多重条件测试• Mutation analysis:变化分析• Mutation testing:变化测试N• N-switch coverage:N 切换覆盖率• N-switch testing:N 切换测试• Negative testing:负面测试• Non-conformity:不一致• Non-functional requirement:非功能需求• Non-functional testing:非功能测试• Non-functional test design techniques:非功能测试设计技术O• Off-the-shelf software:离岸软件• Operability:可操作性• Operational environment:操作环境• Operational profile testing:运行剖面测试• Operational testing:操作测试• Oracle:标准• Outcome:输出/结果• Output:输出• Output domain:输出范围• Output value:输出值P• Pair programming:结队编程• Pair testing:结队测试• Partition testing:分割测试• Pass:通过• Pass/fail criteria:通过/失败标准• Path:路径• Path coverage:路径覆盖• Path sensitizing:路径敏感性• Path testing:路径测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 / • Peer review:同行评审• Performance:性能• Performance indicator:绩效指标• Performance testing:性能测试• Performance testing tool:性能测试工具• Phase test plan:阶段测试计划• Portability:可移植性• Portability testing:移植性测试• Postcondition:结果条件• Post-execution comparison:运行后比较• Precondition:初始条件• Predicted outcome:预期结果• Pretest:预测试• Priority:优先级• Probe effect:检测成本• Problem:问题• Problem management:问题管理• Problem report:问题报告• Process:流程• Process cycle test:处理周期测试• Product risk:产品风险• Project:项目• Project risk:项目风险• Program instrumenter:编程工具• Program testing:程序测试• Project test plan:项目测试计划• Pseudo-random:伪随机Q• Quality:质量• Quality assurance:质量保证• Quality attribute:质量属性• Quality characteristic:质量特征• Quality management:质量管理领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /R• Random testing:随机测试• Recorder:记录员• Record/playback tool:记录/回放工具• Recoverability:可复原性• Recoverability testing:可复原性测试• Recovery testing:可复原性测试• Regression testing:回归测试• Regulation testing:一致性测试• Release note:版本说明• Reliability:可靠性• Reliability testing:可靠性测试• Replaceability:可替换性• Requirement:需求• Requirements-based testing:基于需求的测试• Requirements management tool:需求管理工具• Requirements phase:需求阶段• Resource utilization:资源利用• Resource utilization testing:资源利用测试• Result:结果• Resumption criteria:继续测试标准• Re-testing:再测试• Review:评审• Reviewer:评审人员• Review tool:评审工具• Risk:风险• Risk analysis:风险分析• Risk-based testing:基于风险的测试• Risk control:风险控制• Risk identification:风险识别• Risk management:风险管理• Risk mitigation:风险消减• Robustness:健壮性• Robustness testing:健壮性测试• Root cause:根本原因S• Safety:安全领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Safety testing:安全性测试• Sanity test:健全测试• Scalability:可测量性• Scalability testing:可测量性测试• Scenario testing:情景测试• Scribe:记录员• Scripting language:脚本语言• Security:安全性• Security testing:安全性测试• Serviceability testing:可维护性测试• Severity:严重性• Simulation:仿真• Simulator:仿真程序、仿真器• Site acceptance testing:定点验收测试• Smoke test:冒烟测试• Software:软件• Software feature:软件功能• Software quality:软件质量• Software quality characteristic:软件质量特征• Software test incident:软件测试事件• Software test incident report:软件测试事件报告• Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) :软件可用性调查问卷• Source statement:源语句• Specification:规格说明• Specification-based testing:基于规格说明的测试• Specification-based test design technique:基于规格说明的测试设计技术• Specified input:特定输入• Stability:稳定性• Standard software:标准软件• Standards testing:标准测试• State diagram:状态图• State table:状态表• State transition:状态迁移• State transition testing:状态迁移测试• Statement:语句• Statement coverage:语句覆盖• Statement testing:语句测试• Static analysis:静态分析• Static analysis tool:静态分析工具• Static analyzer:静态分析工具• Static code analysis:静态代码分析• Static code analyzer:静态代码分析工具• Static testing:静态测试• Statistical testing:统计测试领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Status accounting:状态统计• Storage:资源利用• Storage testing:资源利用测试• Stress testing:压力测试• Structure-based techniques:基于结构的技术• Structural coverage:结构覆盖• Structural test design technique:结构测试设计技术• Structural testing:基于结构的测试• Structured walkthrough:面向结构的走查• Stub: 桩• Subpath: 子路径• Suitability: 符合性• Suspension criteria: 暂停标准• Syntax testing: 语法测试• System:系统• System integration testing:系统集成测试• System testing:系统测试T• Technical review:技术评审• Test:测试• Test approach:测试方法• Test automation:测试自动化• Test basis:测试基础• Test bed:测试环境• Test case:测试用例• Test case design technique:测试用例设计技术• Test case specification:测试用例规格说明• Test case suite:测试用例套• Test charter:测试宪章• Test closure:测试结束• Test comparator:测试比较工具• Test comparison:测试比较• Test completion criteria:测试比较标准• Test condition:测试条件• Test control:测试控制• Test coverage:测试覆盖率• Test cycle:测试周期• Test data:测试数据• Test data preparation tool:测试数据准备工具领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 / • Test design:测试设计• Test design specification:测试设计规格说明• Test design technique:测试设计技术• Test design tool: 测试设计工具• Test driver: 测试驱动程序• Test driven development: 测试驱动开发• Test environment: 测试环境• Test evaluation report: 测试评估报告• Test execution: 测试执行• Test execution automation: 测试执行自动化• Test execution phase: 测试执行阶段• Test execution schedule: 测试执行进度表• Test execution technique: 测试执行技术• Test execution tool: 测试执行工具• Test fail: 测试失败• Test generator: 测试生成工具• Test leader:测试负责人• Test harness:测试组件• Test incident:测试事件• Test incident report:测试事件报告• Test infrastructure:测试基础组织• Test input:测试输入• Test item:测试项• Test item transmittal report:测试项移交报告• Test level:测试等级• Test log:测试日志• Test logging:测试记录• Test manager:测试经理• Test management:测试管理• Test management tool:测试管理工具• Test Maturity Model (TMM) :测试成熟度模型• Test monitoring:测试跟踪• Test object:测试对象• Test objective:测试目的• Test oracle:测试标准• Test outcome:测试结果• Test pass:测试通过• Test performance indicator:测试绩效指标• Test phase:测试阶段• Test plan:测试计划• Test planning:测试计划• Test policy:测试方针• Test Point Analysis (TPA) :测试点分析• Test procedure:测试过程领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Test procedure specification:测试过程规格说明• Test process:测试流程• Test Process Improvement (TPI) :测试流程改进• Test record:测试记录• Test recording:测试记录• Test reproduceability:测试可重现性• Test report:测试报告• Test requirement:测试需求• Test run:测试运行• Test run log:测试运行日志• Test result:测试结果• Test scenario:测试场景• Test script:测试脚本• Test set:测试集• Test situation:测试条件• Test specification:测试规格说明• Test specification technique:测试规格说明技术• Test stage:测试阶段• Test strategy:测试策略• Test suite:测试套• Test summary report:测试总结报告• Test target:测试目标• Test tool:测试工具• Test type:测试类型• Testability:可测试性• Testability review:可测试性评审• Testable requirements:需求可测试性• Tester:测试人员• Testing:测试• Testware:测试组件• Thread testing:组件集成测试• Time behavior:性能• Top-down testing:自顶向下的测试• Traceability:可跟踪性U• Understandability:易懂性• Unit:单元• unit testing:单元测试• Unreachable code:执行不到的代码领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 /• Usability:易用性• Usability testing:易用性测试• Use case:用户用例• Use case testing:用户用例测试• User acceptance testing:用户验收测试• User scenario testing:用户场景测试• User test:用户测试V• V -model:V 模式• Validation:确认• Variable:变量• Verification:验证• Vertical traceability:垂直可跟踪性• Version control:版本控制• Volume testing:容量测试W• Walkthrough:走查• White-box test design technique:白盒测试设计技术• White-box testing:白盒测试• Wide Band Delphi:Delphi 估计方法。
软件测试常⽤词汇汇总(英⽂版)最近想积累⼀些英语的软件测试词汇,所以就把从⽹上搜到的汇总到本贴⼦,希望能给⼤家提供帮助1.静态测试:Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing代码⾛查:Walkthrough代码审查:Code Inspection技术评审:Review2.动态测试:Execution-Based Testing3.⽩盒测试:White-Box Testing4.⿊盒测试:Black-Box Testing5.灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing6.软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance7.软件开发⽣命周期:Software Development Life Cycle8.冒烟测试:Smoke Test9.回归测试:Regression Test10.功能测试:Function Testing11.性能测试:Performance Testing12.压⼒测试:Stress Testing13.负载测试:Volume Testing14.易⽤性测试:Usability Testing15.安装测试:Installation Testing16.界⾯测试:UI Testing17.配置测试:Configuration Testing18.⽂档测试:Documentation Testing19.兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing20.安全性测试:Security Testing21.恢复测试:Recovery Testing22.单元测试:Unit Tes23.集成测试:Integration Test24.系统测试:System Test25.验收测试:Acceptance Test26.测试计划应包括:测试对象:The Test Objectives,测试范围: The TestScope,测试策略: The TestStrategy测试⽅法: The TestApproach,测试过程: The test procedures,测试环境: The Test Environment,测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria测试⽤例:The Test Cases测试进度表:The Test Schedules风险:RisksEtc27.主测试计划: a master test plan28.需求规格说明书:The Test Specifications29.需求分析阶段:The Requirements Phase30.接⼝:Interface31.最终⽤户:The End User31.正式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment32.确认需求:Verifying The Requirements33.有分歧的需求:Ambiguous Requirements34.运⾏和维护:Operation and Maintenance.35.可复⽤性:Reusability36.可靠性: Reliability/Availability37.电机电⼦⼯程师协会IEEE:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)38.要从以下⼏⽅⾯测试软件:正确性:Correctness实⽤性:Utility性能:Performance健壮性:Robustness健壮性:Robustness可靠性:ReliabilityTOPBugs that are undiscovered or haven't yet been observed are often referred to as latent bugs 没有被发现的或没被观测到的bug就是通常所说的潜在的bug。
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Advanced Technology Center Slide 18
Property Automata Coverage
Cover Accepting State Machine As Opposed to Structure of Property Büchi Coverage – State Coverage, Transition Coverage, Lasso
X(Is_AP_Engaged -> Onside_FD_On))
Property Automata Coverage – Cover a Synchronous Observer Representing the
Requirement (Property)
Structural Property Coverage – Demonstrate Structurally “Interesting” Ways in Which
Advanced Technology Center
Slide 4
Outline of Presentation
Motivation Validation Testing Conformance Testing What’s Next
Advanced Technology Center
Slide 5
SW Design Description Dev. (SW Low-Level Reqs. & SW Arch.
SW Integration Testing
SW Source Code Dev.
SW LowLevel Testing
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
Specification Test – Is the Model Right?
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
Advanced Technology Center
Slide 13
How Much to Test?
State Coverage MC/DC Transition Coverage ?
Slide 19
Alternative Machine
Different synthesis algorithms give different automata – Will affect the test cases
Slide 8
One Solution: Redefine Requirements
SystemDevelopment Processes(ARP 4754) Processes(ARP4754)
System Reqs. Development
HW/SW Integration Testing
The model is the requirements
Validation Testing How do we know our model is Formal Verification correct?
Can we trust Conformance the code Testing generator?
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
Байду номын сангаас
HW/SW Integration Testing
The model is the requirements
Software Model
SW Integration Testing
Use Engineering Judgment when Testing
SoftwareDevelopment Processes(DO-178B)
Slide 1
Outline of Presentation
Motivation Validation Testing Conformance Testing What’s Next
Advanced Technology Center
Slide 2
How We Develop Software
SW High-Level Reqs. Development HW/SW Integration Testing
Advanced Technology Center
Slide 15
Properties are Requirements
Advanced Technology Center
Slide 16
Requirements Based Testing
Objective Measurement of Model Validation Efforts – Requirements Coverage in Model-based Development – Help Identify Missing Requirements • Measure converge of model Basis for Automated Generation of Requirements-based Tests – Even If Properties Are Not Used for Verification, They Can Be
Masking MC/DC? Decision Coverage ? Somethin the Tests g New??
Def-Use Where Do Coverage Come From? ?
Advanced Technology Center Slide 14
Requirements Based Testing
SW High-Level Reqs. Development Properties are Requirements…
Desired Model Properties
Software Model
Cover the Properties!
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
Advanced Technology Center Slide 6
Modeling Process
High-Level Requirements
SW High-Level Reqs. Development
Desired Model Properties
Advanced Computing Systems Rockwell Collins 400 Collins Road NE, MS 108-206 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52498 spmiller@
Advanced Technology Center
Used for Test Automation
How Are Properties “Covered” with Requirements-based Tests?
Advanced Technology Center Slide 17
Property Coverage
“If the onside FD cues are off, the onside FD cues shall be displayed when the AP is engaged” – G(((!Onside_FD_On & !Is_AP_Engaged) ->
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
Advanced Technology Center Slide 10
Testing Does not go Away
System Reqs. Development
HW/SW Integration Testing
Software Model
SW Integration Testing
Extensive Testing (MC/DC)
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
Advanced Technology Center Slide 11
It Simply Moves
Desired Model Properties
Software Model
How do we know the model is “right”? How do we test the model?
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
Advanced Technology Center
System Reqs. Development
HW/SW Integration Testing
Software Model
SW Integration Testing
Extensive Testing (MC/DC)
SW Integration (Executable Code Production)
Advanced Technology Center Slide 9
One Solution: Redefine Requirements
SystemDevelopment Processes(ARP 4754) Processes(ARP4754)
System Reqs. Development
Onside_FD_On 4 S0 Is_AP_Engaged v Onside_FD_On 1 2
not Is_AP_Engaged ^ not Onside_FD_On