Hairy root exudates of allelopathic weed Chenopodium murale L.
1. 体感觉(触觉)发生问题象是手脚麻木或是感到刺痛 2. 失去肌肉的强度或是灵敏度 3. 走路,平衡,或协调出现问题 4. 因为是神经发炎所引起的视觉问题
帕金森氏症 (Parkinson's Disease)
是一种慢性的中枢神经系统退化性失调,它会损 害患者的动作技能、语言能力以及其他功能。它 的病因目前仍不明,推测和大脑底部基底核 (basal ganglia)以及黑质(substantial nigra) 脑细胞快速退化,无法制造足够的神经引导物质 多巴胺(Dopamine)和胆碱作用增强有关。脑内需 要多巴胺来指挥肌肉的活动;缺乏足够的多巴胺 就产生各种活动障碍。
• 病理学:
1. 病毒感染学说
2. 中毒学说
3. 自身免疫学说关系
4. 兴奋性氨基酸(EAA)学说
5. 遗传学说
史蒂芬·威廉·霍金,Stephen William Hawking,
共济失调毛细血管扩张症 (Ataxia Telangiectasia,AT)
• 共济失调毛细血管扩张Ⅰ型综合征(ataxia telangiectasia syndrome)又称共济失调性毛细血 管扩张症、共济失调毛细血管扩张免疫缺陷症 (immunodeficiency with ataxia telangiectasia) 、Louis-Bar综合征Boder-Sedgwick综合征等。
早发家族性 1q31-32, PS2基因,12个外显子,448个氨 基酸 14q24.2-24.3, PS1基因 10个外显子 4467个氨基酸 与APP加工转运有关 21q21.1-21.3, APP基因 19个外显子
晚发家族性、散发性 19q13.2, ApoE基因(有2、3、4三个等位基 因)
托福听力词汇之 生物篇
托福听力词汇之生物篇动物分类:门: Phyla (phylum)纲: Classes目: order sub-order科: family种: speciesInvertebrate 无脊椎动物Vertebrate 脊椎动物按食性分:Herbivore 草食动物HerbivorousCarnivoreCarnivorous肉食动物OmnivoreOmnivorous杂食动物按捕食关系:Prey 被捕食者Predator 捕食者ungulate /hoofed animal 蹄生动物按婚姻状况分:Monogamous Polygamous Polyandrous一雌多雄按生活场所arboreal 树上的nocturnal 夜行的marine life动物常见的特性:metabolismmetabolic rate 新陈代谢率symbiotic relationship homotherm 恒温动物endotherm恒温动物warm-blooded恒温动物heterothermic 变温动物poikilotherm变温动物ectotherm 变温动物cold-blooded变温动物dormancy –hibernate estivationfertilization –pollination pollen tropism 向性scent /olfactory 味觉/嗅觉flavor aroma 味道fragrance香味pungent 刺鼻的photosynthesis考过的经典动物:Birds Wolf 狼frog toadHound dog 猎犬Rabbit hare 兔子primate mammaldinosaurPlankton 浮游生物Meerkat 猫鼬Lizard 蜥蜴beaver seahorseguinea pig 豚鼠sloth 树懒sea cucumber海参Bees 蜜蜂waspbatdeer caribou 麋鹿chimpanzee黑猩猩reptilespidertermite 白蚁antChameleon变色龙动物名称Dolphin 海豚Whale 鲸鱼Shark 鲨鱼Scorpion 蝎子Centipede 蜈蚣Cicada 蝉Mantis 螳螂Cockroach 蟑螂Earthworm 蚯蚓Falcon 隼Penguin 企鹅Crane 鹤badger 獾skunk 黄鼠狼snake viper 蛇king snakecobra眼镜蛇fungus 真菌类树种类Evergreen PineRedwood 红杉Elm 榆树Birch 桦树Oak 橡树moss 苔藓moth蛾bio-community 生物群落the great chain of being大生物链microbe 微生物Microbiology 微生物学entomology 昆虫学RespirationOxidation 氧化Digestive enzyme 消化酶CellNucleus 细胞核deoxyribonucleic acid DNAribonucleic acid RNAAmino acid 氨基酸gene genetics 遗传学chromosome 染色体mutation of species 物种变异digestive system 消化reproductive system 生殖circulatory system 循环respiratory system 呼吸hormonal system 激素植物学blossomchlorophyll 叶绿素fiber cellulose 纤维素trunk barkbud seedseedlingpollen petalnectar 花蜜stamen / pistil花蕊ovule 胚珠leaf stemroot air root 气根grove shrub 灌木。
生态学杂志 Chinese Journal of Ecology 2011,30( 12) : 2803-2808
王小兵1,2 骆永明2,3** 刘五星2 李振高2
( 1 扬州大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏扬州 225009; 2 中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室,中国科学院南京土壤研 究所,南京 210008; 3 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,山东烟台 264003)
摘 要 采用改进的根系分泌物循环收集系统收集花生根系分泌物,利用气相色谱 / 质谱 联用仪( GC-MS) 鉴定其结构,并研究了花生根系分泌物对花生青枯病原菌的化感作用。结 果表明,花生根系分泌物中主要含有丙三醇、苯甲酸、3,5-二甲基苯甲醛、苯乙酮、硬脂酸、 棕榈酸和乳酸等 7 种物质。7 种根系分泌物中只有苯乙酮在浓度低于 0. 1 g·L-1 时,对花 生青枯病原菌生长才有明显的促进作用。同时还发现,苯乙酮浓度超过 0. 1 g L-1 后对花生 青枯病原菌有显著的抑制作用。这一结论为利用苯乙酮调控花生青枯病害的发生提供了 可靠的依据。
关键词 花生; 根分泌物; GC-MS; 花生青枯病原菌; 化感作用
中图分类号 Q946. 8 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1000-4890( 2011) 12-2803-06 Identification of peanut root exudates and their allelopathic effects. WANG Xiao-bing1,2 , LUO Yong-ming2,3**,LIU Wu-xing2 ,LI Zhen-gao2 ( 1 College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,Jiangsu,China; 2 Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China; 3 Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ynatai 264003,Shandong,China) . Chinese Journal of Ecology,2011,30( 12) : 2803-2808. Abstract: The root exudates of peanut collected by a modified continuous collecting device and XAD-4 ion exchange resin were identified by GC-MS,and their allelophatic effects on Ralstonia solanacearum were studied. The root exudates mainly contained acetophenone,glycerol,benzoic acid,3,5-dimethyl benzaldehyde,stearic acid,palmitic acid,and lactic acid,among which, only acetophenone had obvious promotion effect on the growth of R. solanacearum at concentration <0. 1 g·L-1 ,and significant inhibitory effect at concentration >0. 1 g·L-1 . These findings could provide a credible basis for using acetophenone to control the occurrence of R. solanacearum.
英语故事-百喻经之四十- 治秃喻
英语故事百喻经之四十: 治秃喻§40 治秃喻(40) to cure baldness昔有一人,头上无毛,冬则大寒,夏则患热,兼为蚊虻之所唼食。
”once upon a time, there was a man who was completely bald. he felt very cold in winter and hot in summer. he was stung by gadflies and mosquitoes. he suffered from his baldness day and night. one day, he went to see a specialist well known for his medical and surgical practice and said, “great master! would you cure my baldness?”时彼医师,亦复头秃,即便脱帽示之,而语之言:“我亦患之,以为痛苦。
”taking off his hat, the doctor revealed to him that he too was bald and said, “i have the same trouble as you. if i could cure it, i would have done so with myself long timeago.”世间之人,亦复如是。
”so are the people at large. suffering from the agonies of birth, old age, sickness and death, people seek for immortality. they hear sramanas, brahmans etc, are the best doctors in the world who know now to cure all kinds of diseases. they go to a brahman and say, “would you release us from the pain of impenitence and transmigration and help us live in happiness and immortality?”时婆罗门等即便报言:“我亦患此无常生、老、病、死,种种求觅长存之处,终不能得。
“Achilles heel”这一表达就源自于《伊利亚特》中阿喀琉斯的弱点,用来形容弱点或易受攻击的部分。
包括“Pandora's box”、“Hydra effect”在内的医学术语也源自于神话中的传说。
【关键词】古希腊罗马神话,医学英语术语,影响,神话人物,神话事件,神话地点,神话元素,重要性1. 引言1.1 古希腊罗马神话与医学的联系古希腊罗马神话与医学术语的联系可以追溯到古代希腊和罗马文明的起源。
2. 正文2.1 古希腊罗马神话对医学英语术语的影响古希腊罗马神话在医学领域中有着深远影响,许多医学术语起源于这些古老的神话故事。
烟草根系分泌的酚酸及自毒效应张克勤;徐婷;沈方科;石保峰;顾明华;首安发;黎晓峰【摘要】对烟草根系分泌的酚酸及其自毒效应进行探讨,旨在为烟草连作障碍问题的解决提供科学依据.研究发现,烟草连作土壤中阿魏酸及肉桂酸含量较高.烟草根系分泌阿魏酸、肉桂酸、苯甲酸、香革酸、对羟基苯甲酸等酚酸,而阿魏酸的分泌速率是其他4种酚酸的6.8 ~365.0倍.阿魏酸(300~600 μg/mL)显著抑制烟草种子的发芽和胚根的伸长.苯甲酸、肉桂酸、对羟基苯甲酸(100 μg/mL)也显著抑制烟草胚根的生长.这些结果表明,根系分泌的酚酸是烟草的连作障碍物之一,而阿魏酸可能起主要作用.【期刊名称】《西南农业学报》【年(卷),期】2013(026)006【总页数】6页(P2552-2557)【关键词】烟草;分泌;酚酸;毒性【作者】张克勤;徐婷;沈方科;石保峰;顾明华;首安发;黎晓峰【作者单位】广西烟草专卖局(公司),广西南宁530023;广西大学农学院,广西南宁530005;广西大学农学院,广西南宁530005;广西区烟草公司贺州市公司,广西贺州542800;广西大学农学院,广西南宁530005;广西区烟草公司贺州市公司,广西贺州542800;广西大学农学院,广西南宁530005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S572烟草是我国重要的经济作物之一,在国民经济中占有重要地位。
据统计,烟草连作每年带来的直接、间接经济损失高达40 亿元[2]。
【托福阅读备考】托福阅读背景知识 头发的作用
A human hair consists mainly of a protein called Keratin. It also containssome moisture and the trace metals and minerals found in the rest of thebody.人类的头发主要由一种叫角朊的蛋白质组成,并含有水分及在身体其他部分也可找到的微量金属和矿物质。
● The only living part of hair is underneath the scalp--when the hair hadgrown through the scalp it is dead tissue.头发唯一有生命的部分是在头皮下面,当它长出头皮时便成为无生命组织。
● Hair’s natural shine is supplied by its own conditioner, sebum, an oilcomposed of waxes and fats and also containing a natural antiseptic that helpsfight infection. Too much sebum results in greasy hair and conversely, toolittle sebum makes dry hair.头发的自然光泽来自它自身的护发素:油脂,它含有蜡和脂肪,还含有抗感染的自然抗菌剂。
● Hair grows about 12 mm per month. If a person never has his hair cut, itwould grow to a length of about 108 cm before falling out. Hair grows faster inthe summer and during sleep. A single strand lives for up to seven years.头发每个月可长12毫米,如果一个人从不剪发,头发会长至108厘米才开始脱落。
Crazy English2024.21 I m Victoria Lee‑Baruffolo, 23, a French student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, completing a master s degreein politicalscience. A few yearsago, as a teenager, I experi‑enced daily migraines (偏头痛) that made me want to bangmy head against a brick wall. I was desperate to find a cure.Unfortunately, nothing worked as a continuous remedy for my unfortunate condition.2 In my hopelessness, my father told me to try acupunc‑ture, which he had undergone once in Hong Kong. With no ex‑pectations, I started my journey of acupuncture, and I soon found myself in a middle‑aged woman s office surrounded by Chinese herbal medicines.3 After I sat myself down on the patient chair, she asked me why I came in. A few mo‑ments later, she placed three fingers on my wrist and silently felt my pulse. I was then taken to a room and told to lie down. Soon, she took out the needles which made me uneasy.4As the doctor delicately twisted the needle in, I did not sense the needle itself, but Ancient acupuncture in the eyesof a French girl法国人眼中的古法针灸重庆 袁 泉主题语境:传播中国传统文化 篇幅:377词 建议用时:7分钟维多利亚·李·巴鲁福洛找到了一种健康的解决偏头痛的方法——针灸。
刺猬 英语作文
The hedgehog,a small,nocturnal mammal,is known for its distinctive appearance and unique defense mechanism.Heres an essay about these fascinating creatures:Title:The Enigmatic HedgehogIntroduction:The hedgehog,a creature that has captured the imagination of many,is not just a common sight in the wild but also a symbol of resilience and adaptability.With its compact body covered in sharp spines,the hedgehog is a testament to natures ingenuity.Physical Characteristics:Hedgehogs are small animals,typically measuring between15to30centimeters in length. They possess a round body with a short,pointed snout and small,shiny eyes.The most notable feature of a hedgehog is its spines,which are modified hairs made of keratin,the same material found in human hair and nails.These spines are used for protection against predators and can be raised when the hedgehog feels threatened.Behavior and Habitat:Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal,meaning they are most active during the night.They spend their days sleeping in nests they create,which can be found in bushes,under piles of leaves,or in small burrows.These animals are solitary,coming together only during the mating season.Hedgehogs are found across Europe,Asia,and Africa,adapting to a variety of habitats including forests,grasslands,and even urban environments.Diet:Omnivorous by nature,hedgehogs have a diet that consists of insects,worms,and sometimes small vertebrates like frogs or mice.They are also known to eat fruits and vegetables,particularly in times when their preferred food sources are scarce.Their keen sense of smell helps them locate food in the dark.Reproduction:Hedgehogs breed once a year,usually between May and July.After a gestation period of about35days,a female hedgehog,or sow,gives birth to a litter of three to seven babies, known as hoglets.The hoglets are born blind and helpless,but they develop quickly, opening their eyes after about two weeks and leaving the nest after a month. Conservation Status:While hedgehogs are not considered endangered,their populations have been declining in some areas due to habitat loss and the use of pesticides,which reduce their food sources. Conservation efforts focus on preserving their natural habitats and raising awarenessabout the importance of these small animals in the ecosystem.Conclusion:The hedgehog,with its unique defense mechanism and adaptability,serves as a reminder of the diversity and resilience of life on Earth.As we continue to coexist with these creatures,it is our responsibility to ensure their survival by protecting their habitats and understanding their role in the environment.Reflection:The hedgehogs story is one of survival and adaptation.It is a reminder that even the smallest creatures have a significant impact on the balance of nature.By learning more about hedgehogs and their needs,we can contribute to the preservation of these charming animals and the ecosystems they inhabit.。
The Death Of The Moth原文及译文知识分享
T h e D e a t h O f T h e M o t h原文及译文THE DEATH OF THE MOTH飞蛾之死Moths that fly by day are not properly to be called moths; they do not excite that pleasant sense of dark autumn nights and ivy–blossom which the commonest yellow–underwing asleep in the shadow of the curtain never fails to rouse in us. They are hybrid creatures, neither gay like butterflies nor sombre like their own species. Nevertheless the present specimen, with his narrow hay–coloured wings, fringed with a tassel of the same colour, seemed to be content with life. It was a pleasant morning, mid–September, mild, benignant, yet with a keener breath than that of the summer months. The plough was already scoring the field opposite the window, and where the share had been, the earth was pressed flat and gleamed with moisture. Such vigour came rolling in from the fields and the down beyond that it was difficult to keep the eyes strictly turned upon the book. The rooks too were keeping one of their annual festivities; soaring round the tree tops until it looked as if a vast net with thousandsof black knots in it had been cast up into the air; which, after a few moments sank slowly down upon the trees until every twig seemed to have a knot at the end of it. Then, suddenly, the net would be thrown into the air again in a wider circle this time, with the utmost clamour and vociferation, as though to be thrown into the air and settle slowly down upon the tree tops were a tremendously exciting experience.真正的蛾子从不在白天活动,比如最常见的黄夜蛾,它们只是栖息在窗帘的阴影里,让人忍不住联想到黑沉沉的秋夜,还有常春藤花。
三种根系分泌脂肪酸对花生生长和土壤酶活性的影响刘苹;赵海军;仲子文;孙明;庞亚群;马征;万书波【摘要】为了探讨花生连作后土壤中脂肪酸类物质的累积与花生连作障碍间的关系,为花生连作障碍机理的研究提供新的理论依据,以田间土壤为介质,采用盆栽试验的方法研究了花生根系分泌物中3种长链脂肪酸,即:豆蔻酸、软脂酸和硬脂酸的混合物,对花生植株生长、产量和土壤酶活性的影响.结果表明,当土壤中脂肪酸的初始含量较低时(80 mg/kg土),对花生植株的生长和产量有微弱的促进作用(P>0.05),当土壤中脂肪酸的初始含量较高时(160 mg/kg土和240 mg/kg土),显著抑制了花生植株的生长和产量(P<0.05).叶片叶绿素含量、根系活力、土壤酶(蔗糖酶、脲酶、磷酸酶)活性在低脂肪酸含量处理下升高,在高脂肪酸含量处理下显著降低(P<0.001).光合产物、根际有效养分的减少和根系养分吸收能力的降低,可能是导致花生植株生长和产量降低的原因之一.花生连作土壤中豆蔻酸、软脂酸和硬脂酸的累积与花生的连作障碍有着密切关系.【期刊名称】《生态学报》【年(卷),期】2013(033)011【总页数】8页(P3332-3339)【关键词】花生;脂肪酸;自毒作用;连作障碍【作者】刘苹;赵海军;仲子文;孙明;庞亚群;马征;万书波【作者单位】山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,济南250100;农业部黄淮海平原农业环境重点实验室,济南250100;山东省农业科学院,济南250100;山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,济南250100;山东省农业面源污染防控重点实验,济南250100;山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,济南250100;黑龙江省肇源县农业技术推广中心,肇源166500;山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,济南250100;山东省农业面源污染防控重点实验,济南250100;山东省农业科学院,济南250100【正文语种】中文在农业生产中,同一种作物在同一地块连续种植多年,通常会导致作物产量和品质下降,这种现象称为连作障碍[1]。
化感水稻抑草圈土壤及提取物的化感作用李家玉;张奇;林志华;彭晓倩;陈丽云;何海斌【摘要】以化感水稻PI312777和非化感水稻Lemont与稗草在自然条件下土壤共培种植产生的抑草圈现象为研究对象,采用土壤三明治法测定了12 cm有效抑草圈处稗草根际土壤以及经水和70%(体积分数)乙醇提取后的土壤对稗草的抑制作用,以及提取物的生物活性.结果表明:与对照相比,化感水稻PI312777抑制圈土壤显著抑制受体稗草根的生长,而该土壤中水和70%(体积分数)乙醇提取物对莴苣的抑制率分别为42.6%和21.4%.表明水稻有效抑草圈的土壤中含有水溶性和醇溶性化感物质,以水为溶剂提取水稻有效抑草圈土壤物质的效率更高.【期刊名称】《福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(043)006【总页数】5页(P632-636)【关键词】水稻;稗草;抑草圈;土壤;化感物质【作者】李家玉;张奇;林志华;彭晓倩;陈丽云;何海斌【作者单位】福建农林大学生命科学学院,福建福州350002;福建农林大学生命科学学院,福建福州350002;福建农林大学生命科学学院,福建福州350002;福建农林大学生命科学学院,福建福州350002;福建农林大学生命科学学院,福建福州350002;福建农林大学生命科学学院,福建福州350002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S181植物化感作用是指一个活体植物(供体植物)通过向环境中释放其产生的某些化学物质,从而影响周围植物(受体植物)的生长和发育的化学生态学现象.这些具有影响作用的化学物质称为化感物质.化感物质可以通过挥发、淋溶、根系分泌和残留物分解等方式释放到环境中去,从而影响周围其它植物的生长[1-2].1985-1986年美国遗传育种学家Dilday首次在田间试验中发现了412个化感水稻品种对水生杂草沼生异蕊花(Heteranthera limosa)具有明显的抑草圈现象(对杂草的抑制圈大于10 cm)[3-4],这一研究结果引起了世界各国政府和研究机构的高度重视.化感物质是引起化感作用现象的源头,因此化感物质的提取分离与鉴定一直是植物化感作用研究的热点.Kim et al[5]采用有机溶剂浸提水稻叶片,对具有抑草活性的组分进行GC-MS检测,结果表明对稗草具有抑草活性的主要化学物质有甾醇、苯甲酸衍生物、长链脂肪酸酯、醛酮和胺类物质.国内外研究[6-10]表明化感物质主要是酚酸类物质.何海斌等[11-13]对水培、沙培条件下的水稻根系分泌物乙醚萃取物的化学组成进行了系统分析,结果表明化感水稻PI312777与非化感水稻Lemont的根系分泌物组成中相同或相似的成分居多,差异主要在含氧萜类化合物上.也有报道称萜类物质、黄酮类物质等是潜在的水稻化感物质[14-15].上述水稻化感作用方面的研究,也存在一些不足之处:一是采用有机溶剂提取水稻植株,提取的物质与水稻种植过程中自然分泌释放到环境的物质在成分和含量上有区别;二是水稻释放的物质经过土壤环境后到达受体杂草,方能起到抑制作用,期间可能发生了物质的分解、转化和异构等化学与生物化学变化,因此抑制受体的物质不等同于水稻释放的物质.由此,本研究以化感水稻有效抑草圈的受体(稗草)的根系土壤为研究对象,对土壤以及经过水、70%(体积分数)乙醇浸提后的土壤进行抑草活性分析,结合提取物的生物测试,评价有效抑草圈的终端土壤及物质的化感作用.1 材料与方法1.1 供试材料以国际上公认的强化感潜力水稻品种PI312777和非化感水稻Lemont为供体[4],以稗草(Echinochloa crus-galli L.)为受体.稗草种子收集于田间并在冰箱4℃存放1 a左右.1.2 水稻与稗草混种试验根据前期试验[16],以抑草圈模式种植,如图1所示.取30 kg已挑除残根、残枝的混匀风干稻田土,置于圆盆中(圆盆直径51 cm,高16 cm),加10 L水并搅匀,静置1 d;挑选长势一致的预萌发的PI312777和Lemont 2种水稻种子各6颗,分别以间距2 cm围绕盆心种植,每天定时添加蒸馏水,保持土壤湿润(至土壤表层有水层出现),手工除去试验过程中生长的杂草;待2种水稻长至5叶期时,挑选长势一致的二叶期稗草距水稻12 cm环绕水稻种植.以单种稗草作为对照,7 d后测定各组稗草株高和干物重[17],试验设3个重复.图1 水稻与稗草混合种植示意图Fig.1 The schematic diagram of the mixed culture of rice and barnyardgrass1.3 水稻根系土壤物质提取与抑草活性测定分别取PI312777和Lemont 2种水稻周围8-12 cm处土壤,将表层有青苔的土壤丢弃,0-4 cm处取样,直至取到稗草根际土壤.以对照组相应位置的稗草根际土壤为空白组.将上述取样土壤的根、叶等残枝清理干净,稍微晾干,磨碎,备用. 称取上述稗草根系土壤1000 g,每份土壤平均分成2份,分别加70%(体积分数)乙醇和蒸馏水浸提48 h,过滤,滤后土壤再用同等体积的70%(体积分数)乙醇和蒸馏水浸提1次,合并滤液;40℃减压浓缩并称重,分别记为PI水提物、PI醇提物、Le水提物和Le醇提物;各提取物用适当体积的甲醇溶解,得到母液25 mg·mL-1,备用;提取完的土壤晾干以充分去除溶剂,备用.采用培养皿滤纸法进行生物测试[18].将莴苣种子用100 g·kg-1H2O2消毒10min,蒸馏水洗净,用1 mol·L-1HNO3处理30 min,蒸馏水洗净,之后将莴苣种子加蒸馏水浸泡,直至种子全部沉到底部为止;在组培瓶底部垫上1张滤纸,分别加入200 μL PI水提物、PI醇提物、Le水提物和Le醇提物;待溶剂挥干后,将5粒露白的莴苣种子播入培养皿中,分别加入0.05%(体积分数)吐温-80水溶液(起助溶作用)5 mL,各样品终浓度为1 mg·mL-1,盖上盖子;于22℃光照培养,每天光照12 h(6:00-18:00).所有试验设4次重复,以0.05%(体积分数)吐温-80水溶液作为对照,5 d后测量莴苣的根长.1.4 抑草圈土壤抑草活性测定参照文献[19]中的方法,采用土壤琼脂三明治法对抑草圈土壤进行抑草活性测试.称取田间抑草圈水稻径向距离12 cm处的稗草根际土壤和采用1.3中的方法提取、晾干的土壤各10 g,置于1.3 cm(高)×6.2 cm(直径)培养皿中;倒出30 mL冷却至约45℃,0.8%(质量分数)的琼脂溶液,充分混匀;待凝固后再加入2 mL 0.5%(质量分数)的琼脂溶液覆盖表面,冷却后往琼脂表面播入10粒预萌发的稗草.以空白土壤为对照,5次重复.25℃光照,每天光照培养12 h(6:00-18:00),3 d后测定稗草的根长和株高.1.5 数据处理采用Origin 8.0软件制图.采用单因素方差分析和Dunnett two-sided test进行显著性差异分析.通过抑制率评价其对受体生长的影响,即受体相对抑制率(IR)的计算公式为:IR=(对照组生长指标-处理组生长指标)/对照组生长指标×100%2 结果与分析2.1 抑草圈试验从图2可看出,化感水稻PI312777对12 cm处稗草的株高和地上部干物重的抑制率分别为50.3%和74.4%,而非化感水稻Lemont对12 cm处稗草的株高和地上部干物重的抑制率分别为18.3%和26.8%.此结果与作者前期的抑草圈试验结果一致[16],表明12 cm可以做为化感水稻抑制稗草的有效距离,可以用此距离的土壤进行下一步土壤及其物质的抑草作用研究.图2 不同化感潜力水稻品种抑草圈试验结果Fig.2 Inhibitory effects of different allelopathic rice on barnyardgrass by inhibitory circle method2.2 抑草圈土壤对稗草的抑制作用采用土壤三明治法得到的结果(表1)表明:化感水稻PI312777抑制圈土壤提取前对受体稗草的根长影响最大(根长最短),达到显著水平;该土壤被水提取后对稗草根长的影响显著减弱,而70%(体积分数)乙醇提取后该土壤对稗草根长的影响介于原土壤与水提土壤之间,仍有一定的影响(表1);非化感水稻Lemont抑制圈土壤处理前后稗草根长差异很小,而抑草圈土壤对稗草的株高影响不大.表1 抑草圈土壤对稗草的抑制作用1)Table 1 The inhibitory effect of soils from inhibitory circle on barnyardgrass1)CK 组稗草的根长和株高分别为(2.43±0.14)cm、(6.19 ±0.35)cm.* 表示 P <0.05.根长/cm株高/cm 1.95 ±0.17 5.64 ±0.72 6.43 ±0.48水提后2.12 ±0.15 1.97 ±0.18 5.57 ±0.23 6.71 ±0.2470%(体积分数)乙醇提取后PI31277 Lemont提取前1.19 ±0.13*PI31277 Lemont 1.76 ±0.15 1.78 ±0.19 6.46 ±0.25 6.43 ±0.472.3 抑草圈土壤提取物对莴苣的抑制作用化感水稻PI312777抑制圈土壤水提液对莴苣根长的抑制率为42.6%,70%(体积分数)乙醇提取液的抑制率为21.4%.而非化感水稻Lemont抑制圈土壤提取液对莴苣根长均无影响(图3).表明采用这2种方法得到的化感水稻PI312777抑制圈土壤提取物对莴苣根长均有抑制作用,而水提取物的抑制作用更强.图3 土壤提取物对莴苣根长的抑制率Fig.3 Inhibitory rates of soil extracts on the root length of lettuce3 讨论为了寻找水稻化感物质,前人研究中大多是对植株提取物、水培溶液或琼脂种植提取液,分析其成分并结合生物测试进行鉴定[5-11].而离开了实际种植环境特别是土壤媒介,研究结果常与实际表现有偏差,因而诸多研究结论还需要进一步用田间试验进行验证.本研究采用前期建立的水稻与稗草土壤共培抑草圈方法,将供、受体同时种植在土壤媒介的自然环境下,因而水稻对稗草的化感抑草作用与实际情况基本一致.抑草圈种植结果表明,化感水稻对12 cm处稗草株高的抑制率达到50%以上,而非化感水稻的抑制率不到20%(图1).在此基础上,采用土壤三明治法对12 cm的有效抑草圈距离的土壤进行进一步研究,结果表明,化感水稻PI312777抑制圈土壤对稗草根长具有显著的抑制作用,经水浸提后土壤抑制作用明显下降(表1),而水浸提液对莴苣的抑制率达到42%(图2).而经70%(体积分数)乙醇提取后土壤对稗草根长的抑制作用也有所下降,但下降幅度小于水浸提土壤(表1),70%(体积分数)乙醇浸提液对莴苣的抑制率只达到水浸提液的一半(图2).显然,与非化感水稻相比,化感水稻12 cm处的抑制圈土壤具有明显的抑草作用,而水浸提液是土壤中主要抑草物质组分,醇提液次之.表明水稻化感物质具有多样性和复杂性.现有报道的水稻化感物质有酚酸类、萜类、脂肪酸、黄酮类,以及潜在的胺类、甾醇、苯甲酸衍生物、长链脂肪酸酯、醛酮等[5-11],这些物质具有水溶性和醇溶性,比较合理地解释了本试验得到的水浸提液、醇浸提液均有抑制作用的结果.针对水稻土壤种植,用水提取化感物质的效率更高.土壤种植环境是一个复杂的生态系统,水稻分泌的物质在土壤中要经历吸附、滞留、转移等过程,发生物质的分解、异构、断裂等生理生化过程[20-21],各类物质的综合作用形成了抑草圈这一特定的生态学现象.因此对化感水稻实际抑草圈距离的土壤进行抑草物质分析,更接近实际过程.水浸提液对莴苣的抑制率达到42%,说明抑草圈土壤中水溶性物质是主体.本研究结果也表明采用70%(体积分数)乙醇提取的方法也可以提取部分化感物质,且同等条件下,该醇提取物的抑制率可以达到21.4%(图2),说明采用醇提取的方法也是可行的.研究[10]表明化感水稻中起作用的化感物质大多是弱极性物质,这些物质在正常情况下在蒸馏水中的溶解度有限,而70%(体积分数)乙醇的溶解范围非常广,可以溶解不同极性的物质.参考文献【相关文献】[1]RICE E L.Allelopathy[M].Drlando:Academic Press,1984:85 -94.[2]林文雄.水稻化感作用[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2005:10-15.[3]DILDAY R H,NASTASIP,SMITH R J J.Allelopathic observation in rice(Oryza sativa L.)to ducksalad(Heteranthera limosa)[J].Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Sciences,1989,43:21 -22.[4]DILDAY R H,MATTICE J D,MOLDENHAUER K A.An overview of rice allelopathy in the USA[C]∥KIM K U,SHIN D H.Rice Allelopathy.Taegu:Kyungpook National University,2000:15-26.[5]KIM K 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托福阅读tpo27R-2原文+译文+题目+答案+背景知识原文 (1)译文 (4)题目 (6)答案 (16)背景知识 (17)原文The Formation of Volcanic Islands①Earth’s surface is not made up of a single sheet of rock that forms a crust but rather a number of “tectonic plates” that fit closely, like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle. Some plates carry islands or continents, others form the seafloor. All are slowly moving because the plates float on a denser semi-liquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth’s core. The plates have edges that are spreading ridges (where two plates are moving apart and new seafloor is being created), subduction zones (where two plates collide and one plunges beneath the other), or transform faults (where two plates neither converge nor diverge but merely move past one another). It is at the boundaries between plates that most of Earth’s volcanism and earthquake activity occur.②Generally speaking, the interiors of plates are geologically uneventful. However, there are exceptions. A glance at a map of the Pacific Ocean reveals that there are many islands far out at sea that are actually volcanoes----many no longer active, some overgrown with coral----that originated from activity at points in the interior of the Pacific Plate that forms the Pacific seafloor.③How can volcanic activity occur so far from a plate boundary? The Hawaiian islands provide a very instructive answer. Like many other island groups, they form a chain. The Hawaiian Islands Chain extends northwest from the island of Hawaii. In the 1840s American geologist James Daly observed that the different Hawaii islands seem to share a similar geologic evolution but are progressively more eroded, and therefore probable older, toward the northwest. Then in 1963, in the early days of the development of the theory of plate tectonics. Canadian geophysicist Tuzo Wilson realized that this age progression could result if the islands were formed on a surface plate moving over a fixed volcanic source in the interior. Wilson suggested that the long chain of volcanoes stretching northwest from Hawaii is simply the surface expression of a long-lived volcanic source located beneath the tectonic plate in the mantle. Today’s most northwest island would have been the first to form. They as the plate moved slowly northwest, new volcanic islands would have forms as the plate moved over the volcanic source. The most recentisland, Hawaii, would be at the end of the chain and is now over the volcanic source.④Although this idea was not immediately accepted, the dating of lavas in the Hawaii (and other) chains showed that their ages increase away from the presently active volcano, just as Daly had suggested. Wilson’s analysis of these data is now a central part of plate tectonics. Most volcanoes that occur in the interiors of plates are believed to be produced by mantle plumes, columns of molten rock that rise from deep within the mantle. A volcano remains an active “hot spot” as long as it is over the plume. The plumes apparently originate at great depths, perhaps as deep as the boundary between the core and the mantle, and many have been active for a very long time. The oldest volcanoes in the Hawaii hot-spot trail have ages close to 80 million years. Other islands, including Tahiti and Easter Islands in the pacific, Reunion and Mauritius in the India Ocean, and indeed most of the large islands in the world’s oceans, owe their existence to mantle plumes.⑤The oceanic volcanic islands and their hot-spot trails are thus especially useful for geologist because they record the past locations of the plate over a fixed source. They therefore permit the reconstruction of the process of seafloor spreading, and consequently of the geography of continents and of ocean basins in the past. For example, given thecurrent position of the Pacific Plate, Hawaii is above the Pacific Ocean hot spot. So the position of The Pacific Plate 50 million years ago can be determined by moving it such that a 50-million-year-old volcano in the hot-spot trail sits at the location of Hawaii today. However because the ocean basins really are short-lived features on geologic times scale, reconstruction the world’s geography by backtracking along the hot-spot trail works only for the last 5 percent or so of geologic time.译文火山岛的形成①地球的外壳并不是由单块岩石形成的,而是许多的"构造板块"严密的组合在一起的,就像是一个巨大的拼图。
如何养护身体毛囊英语作文英文回答:As the sun's golden rays caress my skin, I'm filled with a sense of gratitude for the intricate tapestry that adorns my body—my hair follicles. These tiny portals, each a gateway to a strand of hair, play a vital role in my overall health and well-being. Nurturing these follicles is a sacred ritual, one that I embrace with the utmost care.My journey to healthy hair follicles began with a profound understanding of their delicate nature. Each follicle is a complex ecosystem, composed of a hair shaft, a root, and a sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland secretes sebum, a natural oil that lubricates the hair and protects it from environmental stressors. When this delicate balance is disrupted, hair follicles can become weak, leading to hair loss, dryness, and other ailments.With this knowledge, I embarked on a holistic approach to follicle care. I nourish my body from within by consuming a nutrient-rich diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support healthy hair growth. I also incorporate regular exercise into my routine, as physical activity promotes blood circulation and oxygen delivery to the follicles.Topical treatments play an equally important role in my hair follicle care regimen. I use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that are free of harsh chemicals and sulfates. These products cleanse my hair without stripping away its natural oils. I also indulge in regular deep conditioning treatments to provide my follicles with intense hydration and nourishment.Massage is another essential element of my follicle care routine. Using my fingertips, I gently massage my scalp in circular motions. This stimulates blood flow, promotes relaxation, and helps distribute sebum throughoutthe hair shaft. I find that a few minutes of scalp massage each day leaves my hair feeling invigorated and myfollicles revitalized.Emotional well-being is inextricably linked to the health of my hair follicles. Stress can wreak havoc on my hair, causing it to become brittle and prone to breakage. To combat this, I prioritize self-care practices such as meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature. These activities help me manage stress levels and create a nurturing environment for my hair follicles to thrive.中文回答:当阳光金色的光芒轻抚我的肌肤时,我心中充满了对点缀我身体的精致挂毯——我的毛囊——的感激之情。
In a new study from Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham), researchers have used human pluripotent stem cells to generate new hair. The study represents the first step toward the development of a cell-based treatment for people with hair loss. In the United States alone, more than 40 million men and 21 million women are affected1 by hair loss. The research was published online in PLOS One yesterday. "We have developed a method using human pluripotent stem cells to create new cells capable of initiating2 human hair growth. The method is a marked improvement over current methods that rely on transplanting existing hair follicles from one part of the head to another," said Alexey Terskikh, Ph.D., associate professor in the Development, Aging, and Regeneration Program at Sanford-Burnham. "Our stem cell method provides an unlimited3 source of cells from the patient for transplantation and isn't limited by the availability of existing hair follicles."The research team developed a protocol4 that coaxed5 human pluripotent stem cells to become dermal6 papilla cells. They are a unique population of cells that regulate hair-follicle formation and growth cycle. Human dermal papilla cells on their own are not suitable for hair transplants because they cannot be obtained in necessary amounts and rapidly lose their ability to induce hair-follicle formation in culture."In adults, dermal papilla cells cannot be readily amplified7 outside of the body and they quickly lose their hair-inducing properties," said Terskikh. "We developed a protocol to drive human pluripotent stem cells to differentiate8 into dermal papilla cells and confirmed their ability to induce hair growth when transplanted into mice.""Our next step is to transplant human dermal papilla cells derived9 from human pluripotent stem cells back into human subjects," said Terskikh. "We are currently seeking partnerships10 to implement11 this final step."词汇表:1 affectedadj.不自然的,假装的参考例句:She showed an affected interest in our subject.她假装对我们的课题感到兴趣。
民族的纤毛细胞读后感20字英文版The Cilia of a Nation: A ReflectionThe cilia of a nation are like the delicate hairs on a butterfly's wings, fragile yet essential for movement and growth. Just as cilia help cells navigate through their environment, the cultural and historical roots of a nation guide its people through the complexities of society. Each individual cilia, like each person in a nation, plays a unique role in maintaining balance and harmony.As I reflect on the cilia of my own nation, I am reminded of the diversity and interconnectedness of its people. Just as cilia work together to propel a cell forward, the people of a nation must work together to progress and thrive. It is through this unity and cooperation that a nation can overcome challenges and achieve greatness.In conclusion, the cilia of a nation symbolize the strength and resilience of its people. By embracing our differences and working together towards a common goal, we can create a brighter future for generations to come.民族的纤毛细胞读后感一个国家的纤毛细胞就像蝴蝶翅膀上的细毛一样,脆弱却又对运动和增长至关重要。
浅谈在医学英语术语古希腊罗马神话的影响1. 神的职能(1)mors 死亡希腊神话中的死神塔纳托斯(T hanato s)在罗马神话中对应的是莫斯(M ors),引用到医学术语中,mors就是死亡的意思。
(2)hymen 处女膜婚姻之神许门(H ymen)是太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)与女神缪斯(Muses)的儿子。
(3)aphrodi sia 性欲阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodi te),被奉为爱与美的女神,掌管爱情与性欲,因此她的名字被用来命名性欲。
(4)morphin e吗啡梦境之神墨菲斯(Morpheu s)是睡神许普诺斯(Hypnus)的儿子,临床常用的镇痛剂吗啡就是用他的名字命名的,因为吗啡可以使人产生梦境般的感觉从而解除疼痛。
(5)iris 虹膜彩虹女神伊里斯(Iris)是赫拉(Hera)的随从,每当天后出行的时候,必有彩虹开道。
古希腊的医生用I ris命名眼睛中带有色彩的部分――虹膜,因为虹膜就像彩虹一样可以呈现出各种颜色。
(6)hygiene卫生学和pan acea万灵药健康女神许革亚(Hygieia)和医药女神帕那刻亚(Panacea)都是医药之神阿斯克勒庇厄斯(Asclepi us)的女儿,她们继承了父亲的衣钵,悬壶济世,治病救人。
2. 神的形象(1)priapus阴茎普里阿波斯(Priapus)是爱与美的女神阿佛洛狄忒与商业之神赫尔墨斯(Hermes)的儿子,他天生容貌丑陋,阴茎巨大,在希腊神话中,他是司掌生殖和肉欲之神。
神经科学家伊利诺衣大学的Martha Gillette说:“我们通常不能在单细胞水平上进行衰老的测定。
为了研究这种障碍是来自单个神经元还是来自神经元之间的相互作用,弗吉尼亚大学的神经科学家Gene Block和同事们一起研究了大脑区域中负责每日时间控制的细胞(交叉上核,SCN)。
麻省Northampton的Smith学院的神经科学家Martha Harrington这项研
连作障碍及缓解措施研究进展朱绍坤;赵文东;孙凌俊;高圣华;马丽;赵海亮【摘要】该文概述了连作障碍的危害、产生的原因、缓解措施.连作障碍主要原因是土壤有害微生物增加、土壤养分比例失调及植物的自毒作用;连作障碍的缓解措施包括土壤改良与消毒、优化种植方式、间作等;间作可以优化根际微生物种群结构与功能、改善土壤理化性质、影响根系分泌特性.并探究了间作缓解连作障碍的机制.【期刊名称】《北方果树》【年(卷),期】2018(000)004【总页数】4页(P1-3,11)【关键词】连作障碍;缓解措施;间作;间作机制【作者】朱绍坤;赵文东;孙凌俊;高圣华;马丽;赵海亮【作者单位】辽宁省果树科学研究所,辽宁熊岳 115009;辽宁省果树科学研究所,辽宁熊岳 115009;辽宁省果树科学研究所,辽宁熊岳 115009;辽宁省果树科学研究所,辽宁熊岳 115009;辽宁省果树科学研究所,辽宁熊岳 115009;辽宁省果树科学研究所,辽宁熊岳 115009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S66我国农业由于长期采用粗放式生产模式,盲目追求产量而大量使用化肥,使土壤正常养分比例和生物种类遭受破坏,导致连作障碍等问题突出;同时随着农业精准化、产业化发展,连作障碍波及的作物种类、范围日益增多,如粮油作物中花生[1]、蔬菜中黄瓜[2]、药材中三七[3]、果树类的葡萄[4]、苹果[5]等,连作障碍成为农业现代化振兴道路上的重要阻碍之一。
1 连作障碍产生的原因目前认为,连作障碍的产生是多种因素作用的结果[8],土壤微生态环境的恶化、植物自毒作用是现在公认的造成连作障碍的主要因素[9]。
植物状态可为暂时性的,也可持续存在, 植物状态持续1月以上,即持续性植物状态。 如果植物状态不可恢复,则称为永久性植物状态。
1.认知功能丧失,无意识活动,不能执行指令。 2.保持自主呼吸和血压。 3.有睡眠-觉醒周期。 4.不能理解或表达语言。 5.能自动睁眼,或者刺激下睁眼, 6.可有无目的性 眼球跟踪运动。 7.丘脑下部及脑干功能基本保存
对自身和外界环境的认知功能 已完全丧失, 但能睁眼, 有睡眠-觉醒周期, 丘脑下部与脑干功能基本保存。
爱妻夏沃. 特雷莎. 玛丽,生于1963年12月3日,1990年2月 25日辞世,2005年3月31日归于宁静 。
Hale Waihona Puke Pathophysiology
大脑半球严重损害,皮质功能丧失,而脑干相对完好,处于皮质 下生存的一种临床综合征,是严重脑损伤后有觉醒 但无觉知的 一种特殊的 生存状态。
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ORIGINAL PAPERHairy root exudates of allelopathic weed Chenopodium murale L.induce oxidative stress and down-regulate core cell cycle genes in Arabidopsis and wheat seedlingsSlavica Dmitrovic´•Ana Simonovic ´•Nevena Mitic´•Jelena Savic ´•Aleksandar Cingel •Biljana Filipovic´•Slavica Ninkovic ´Received:13December 2013/Accepted:10July 2014/Published online:19July 2014ÓSpringer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014Abstract The effects of Chenopodium murale root exu-dates,applied as phytotoxic medias (PMs),were tested on Arabidopsis thaliana and Triticum aestivum .The effects of PMs,where wild-type roots (K),hairy roots derived from roots (R clones)or from cotyledons (C clones)were cultured,were different.K medium suppressed Arabidopsis germi-nation,while other PMs reduced root and leaf elongation and the number of rosette leaves.R media were more phytotoxic than C media.Treatment of Arabidopsis with R8down-regulated expression of core cell cycle genes:cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)A1;1,four B-class CDKs,and cyclins CYCA3;1,CYCB2;4,CYCD4;2and CYCH1in root and shoot tips.Only CYCD2;1transcript was elevated in treated shoots,but down-regulated in roots.Wheat Ta -CDC2and Ta -CYCD2genes showed the same expression profiles as their Arabidopsis counterparts,CDKA1;1and CYCD2;1.PMs also caused increase of antioxidative enzyme activities in both plants.Exposure of Arabidopsis to PMs induced one catalase isoform,but repressed another,resulting in no net change of catalase activity.Wheat seedlings treated with PMs had catalase activity significantly elevated in all treat-ments,particularly in shoots.In both plants,PMs induced the activity of different peroxidase isozymes and total peroxi-dase activity.Both plants responded to phytotoxic treatments by induction of CuZn-superoxide dismutase.Thus,thephytotoxicity of C.murale root exudates is,at least partially,based on down-regulation of the cell cycle regulators and on generation of oxidative stress in the affected plants.We propose that C.murale root exudates should be considered as means of biological weed control.Keywords Allelopathy ÁAntioxidative enzymes ÁCyclin ÁCyclin-dependent kinase ÁHairy roots ÁOxidative stress Abbreviations 3-AT 3-Aminotriazole BMBasal mediumC9and C10C.murale hairy root clones derived from cotyledons and corresponding phytotoxic root growth media CAT CatalaseCDK Cyclin-dependent kinase CYC CyclinKPhytotoxic medium from wild-type C.murale root culture PM Phytotoxic medium POXPeroxidaseR1,R2,R3,R5and R8 C.murale hairy root clones derived from roots and corresponding phytotoxic root growth media ROS Reactive oxygen species SOD Superoxide dismutase b -MEb -MercaptoethanolIntroductionAllelopathy comprises chemical interactions among plants (or other sessile organisms,such are algae,fungi or corals),Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10725-014-9959-z )contains supplementary material,which is available to authorized users.S.Dmitrovic´(&)ÁA.Simonovic ´ÁN.Mitic ´ÁJ.Savic ´ÁA.Cingel ÁB.Filipovic´ÁS.Ninkovic ´Department for Plant Physiology,Institute for BiologicalResearch ‘‘Sinisˇa Stankovic ´’’,University of Belgrade,Bul.Despota Stefana 142,11060Belgrade,Serbia Growth Regul (2015)75:365–382DOI 10.1007/s10725-014-9959-zwhere chemicals released by one plant affect the growth, survival and reproduction of plants in the vicinity.The secreted or volatile compounds,root exudates and chemi-cals released to the soil during tissue decay,which are involved in allelopathic interactions,are a subclass of secondary metabolites called allelochemicals.In natural plant communities,allelopathic interactions influence spe-cies distribution,abundance and survival,having a pro-found effect on evolution.From agronomical point, allelopathy has dual implications:detrimental,when weeds’allelochemicals affect the growth of crop plants (Qasem1993,1995;Nishida et al.2005;Batish et al. 2007a,b),or beneficial,as in the case of natural weed control(Fay and Duke1977;Soltys et al.2013).Plant responses to allelochemicals are diverse,but often resemble the responses to pathogens and herbicides,with secondary oxidative stress being a common signature (Golisz et al.2008).The oxidative stress caused by many allelochemicals(Ye et al.2006;Bogatek and Gniazdowska 2007;Golisz et al.2008)may be a consequence of direct involvement of the allelochemicals in the production of reactive oxygen species(ROS,Bais et al.2003),distur-bance of the cell membranes that induces lipid peroxida-tion,or disruption of the organelar electron-transport chains(Weir et al.2004).Namely,one of the best-char-acterized phytotoxic mechanisms is the inhibition of pho-tosynthesis(Yu et al.2003),often through interactions of allelochemicals with photosystem II(Weir et al.2004), while many allelochemicals target mitochondrial respira-tion and ATP synthesis(Weir et al.2004).As a conse-quence,an increased activity of the antioxidative enzymes upon treatment with allelochemicals has been reported in many cases(Yu et al.2003;Weir et al.2004;Ye et al. 2006;Ghareib et al.2010).In addition to causing oxidative stress,allelopathic interactions often involve disturbances in cell divisions in the target plants(Nishida et al.2005;Hallak et al.1999; Sa´nchez-Moreiras et al.2008;Zhang et al.2010;Soltys et al.2011).The allelochemicals may retard cell prolifer-ation through inhibition of DNA synthesis(Nishida et al. 2005),disturbances in cytoskeleton formation(Rudrappa et al.2007;Soltys et al.2011),or by down-regulation of the cell cycle-related genes(Zhang et al.2010).Unlike the cell cycle-related genes,expression of a number of genes increase in the affected tissues,as reported for Arabidopsis treated with(-)catechin from Centaurea maculosa(Bais et al.2003)or with buckwheat allelochemicals(Golisz et al.2008).Induced were genes involved in oxidative stress and the phenylpropanoid and terpenoid pathways (Bais et al.2003),as well as genes related to interaction with the environment,subcellular localization,proteins with binding function or cofactor requirement,cell rescue, defence and virulence,and metabolism(Golisz et al.2008).Although most plants produce allelochemicals,rela-tively few,like buckwheat(Golisz et al.2008),C.macul-osa(Bais et al.2003),black walnut and Chenopodium murale L.or nettle-leaved goosefoot(Chenopodiaceae), have strong allelopathic properties.C.murale is a medic-inal plant,widely used in folk medicine as a potherb, spinach,anthelmintic and laxative(Ibrahim et al.2007), while some isolatedflavonoids showed antihypertensive activity(Gohara and Elmazar1997).However,C.murale is also an allelopathic weed that thrives in a wide range of soil types infesting at least25crops world-wide(Holm et al.1997).Both its allelopathic and pharmaceutical potential C.murale owes to a number of secondary metabolites it produces,including alkaloids,essential oils, lipids,carbohydrates,saponins,coumarins(Ahmad et al. 2003and references therein;Ibrahim et al.2007),flavo-noids(Gohara and Elmazar1997;Ahmad et al.2003;I-brahim et al.2007;),flavonol glycosides(El-Sayed et al. 1999),sterols,steroidal glycosides(Ahmad et al.2003)and phenolic acids(Batish et al.2007a,b;Ghareib et al.2010; Mitic´et al.2012).Allelochemicals can be present in different plants parts the leaves,bark,flowers,fruits or roots(Weir et al. 2004).C.murale and Amaranthus retroflexus dried shoot extracts,as well as residues incorporated in the soil, inhibited or delayed germination of cabbage,carrot,egg-plant,cauliflower,tomato and pepper and reduced shoot dry weights of all tested crops(Qasem1995).Allelopathy is often mediated by secondary metabolites released by the roots(Bais et al.2003).However,the study of plant–plant interactions mediated by roots is aggravated by the com-plexity of soil as a chemical and biological system that affects the availability of allelochemicals through their retention,transformation and transport(El-Khatib et al. 2004a),thus interfering with allelopathic interactions.The bioassays set to elucidate the phytotoxic properties of roots are commonly based on treating target plants with root extracts,but novel tools for sampling root exudates from soil-grown plants(Oburger et al.2013)are promising.C. murale root and shoot aqueous extracts reduced germina-tion and growth in wheat and barley(Qasem1993),as well as various growth parameters and biomass and metabolite production in several other tested species(El-Khatib et al. 2004b).Soils amended with C.murale decomposing tissue, as well as rhizosphere soil,also showed phytotoxic effects (El-Khatib et al.2004a;Batish et al.2007a,b),but in-depth understanding of these effects would require isolating and characterizing metabolites exuded from roots into the soil.The use of in vitro assay systems can overcome limi-tations in studying the root exudates-mediated allelopathy by eliminating soil as a complex factor.Batish et al. (2007a)have demonstrated that early growth of wheat reduced significantly in agar medium where C.muraleseedlings were previously growing.We have established C. murale wild-type root and hairy root in vitro liquid cul-tures,as a new tool for allelopathic assays,and showed that C.murale hairy roots,as an independent system,synthesize bioactive substances with inhibitory activity on wheat and lettuce germination and growth(Mitic´et al.2012).Hereby we present the study of allelopathic effects of C.murale hairy root exudates,applied in the form of root culture media on germination and seedling development of Arabidopsis thaliana.A.thaliana is not only a convenient research object that facilitates the study of genomic responses(Bais et al.2003),but also a very sensitive test species suitable for phytotoxic bioassays(Pennacchio et al. 2005).To elucidate some of the C.murale allelopathic mechanisms,the roots and shoots of in vitro grown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)and Arabidopsis seedlings were treated with C.murale root and hairy root phytotoxic media(PMs)and the changes in the activities of antioxi-dative enzymes—catalases(CAT),peroxidases(POX)and superoxide dismutases(SOD),as well as the expression of the core cell cycle genes—several cyclin-dependent kina-ses(CDKs)and cyclins(CYCs)were investigated. Materials and methodsPlant materialSeeds of A.thaliana(L.)Heynh.ecotype Columbia(Col-8) were purchased from the European Arabidopsis Stock Centre and propagated in the greenhouse.The collected Arabidopsis seeds were surface sterilized in20%comer-cial bleach in ethanol(0.8%active chlorine)for1min and rinsed5times in sterile distilled water.Seeds of wheat(T. aestivum L.,cv.Natasˇa)were obtained from Agricultural Faculty,University of Novi Sad and were also sterilized,as described by Mitic´et al.(2012).C.murale root and hairy root cultures and their growth media(PMs)were obtained as described earlier(Mitic´et al.2012).Experimental designFor all experiments,the seeds or seedlings of the test plants,Arabidopsis and wheat,were grown on,or treated with either basal nutrition medium(BM),containing MS (Murashige and Skoog1962)salts and vitamins and30g/l sucrose or phytotoxic root growth media(PMs),where wild-type C.murale roots(used as control and labeled as K),or hairy roots derived from roots(transgenic clones R1, R2,R3,R5and R8)or from cotyledons(transgenic clones C9and C10)were propagated(Mitic´et al.2012).For evaluation of the C.murale media phytotoxicity on Arabidopsis germination and seedling development,the sterilized Arabidopsis seeds were placed on a double layer offilter paper wetted with4ml of either BM or different PMs.The seeds were stratified at4°C for3days and then transferred to growth chamber at25±2°C under16h light regime.The germination percentage,the longest root length,the longest leaf length,the number of leaves in a rosette and seedling fresh weight were measured after 3weeks.The percentage of inhibition was calculated as %=(1-T/C)9100,where T is parameter of treated variants and C is the parameter of the control variants (Mitic´et al.2012).The experiments were repeated three times,with50seeds in three replicates for each treatment.To study the effect of PMs on activities of antioxidative enzymes,total soluble proteins were extracted from whole Arabidopsis seedlings and from roots and shoots of wheat seedlings grown in vitro on different PMs for24and7days respectively.Seedlings grown on BM or K media were used as controls.The effect of C.murale root exudates on expression of cell cycle-related genes was studied only for R8medium, using BM as a control treatment.Sterilized Arabidopsis seeds were stratified at4°C in50ml BM in100ml Er-lenmayerflasks for3days,and germinated for7days at 25±2°C on rotary shaker at60rpm under16h light regime.Surface-sterilized wheat seeds were germinated for 7days in9-cm Petri dishes on a double layer offilter paper wetted with10ml BM at25±2°C under16h light regime.Both Arabidopsis and wheat seedlings were then transferred into Erlenmayerflasks(25perflask for Arabi-dopsis and15perflask for wheat)containing25ml of either R8or BM medium and incubated for15h on a rotary shaker at60rpm.Arabidopsis roots tips(&7mm) and shoots(hypocotyl,cotyledons and1–2pairs of leaves), as well as wheat root tips and shoot apexes without co-leoptiles(&5mm,both)were excised and transferred to Eppendorf tubes.The tissue samples(&100mg)were frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at-70°C until RNA extraction.For each treatment,the RNA was isolated from three biological replicates.All the experiments were performed for three times.The mean values are presented infigures with SE.The data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) with the STATGRAPHICS Centurion XVI.For analyzing the level of significance among the means,Fisher’s LSD test(germination and enzyme bioassays)and Tukey’s HSD test(expression of cell cycle genes)was performed.Protein extraction and electrophoresisTotal soluble proteins were isolated from&750mg of PM-treated Arabidopsis seedlings and wheat root and shoot tips by grinding the tissue in liquid nitrogen and extracting with 3ml of cold buffer containing50mM Tris pH8,1mMEDTA,30%glycerol,1.5%(w/v)polyvinylpolypyrroli-done,10mM dithiothreitol and1mM phenylmethylsul-fonylfluoride.The homogenates were cleared by centrifugation at12,000g for10min at4°C and the obtained crude extracts were used for enzyme activity assays.The proteins were quantified according to Bradford (1976)using BSA as standard.For the gel assays,soluble proteins were separated on 7%discontinuous nondenaturing polyacrylamide slab 16916cm gels with Tris–glycine system pH8.3(25mM Tris,192mM glycine)as running buffer,using Hoefer SE600unit(Amersham Biosciences,USA),at200V,at 4°C.For SOD and POX,the electrophoresis was run until the dye front reached the bottom of the gel(5–6h),while the CAT isoforms were separated for18h.The gels with developed enzyme activities were recorded by Gel-Doc TM EQ System(Life Science Research,Bio-Rad Co.).The band intensities were measured densitometrically using ImageQuant software(ver. 5.2,Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale,CA)and presented as a percent of the controls.Enzyme assaysThe CAT gel activity assay involved a preincubation of the gels in0.01%H2O2for25min,followed by a brief wash and incubation in a mixture of2%K3FeCN6and2% FeCl3until the appearance of white bands on a dark background,as described by Woodbury et al.(1971).We also tested the sensitivity of the visualized CAT activities to inhibitors b-mercaptoethanol(added directly into the crude protein extracts prior to native-PAGE,at40mM final concentration)and aminotriazole(5mM,included in gel staining solution),according to Prasad(1997).Total CAT activity was assayed spectrophotometrically by measuring the decrease in the H2O2absorbance at240nm (Aebi1984).The reaction mixture contained10l l of crude protein extract and0.2%H2O2in50mM Na–K-phosphate buffer pH7,in a total volume of1.5ml.The absorbance was recorded every20s over3min,at25°C,using Agi-lent8453spectrophotometer(Life Sciences,USA).The results were expressed as specific activity(U/mg), mmol H2O2(e240=0.0436/mM cm)decomposed per min per mg of soluble proteins and presented as means of three measurements.To visualize the POX isozymes separated by native-PAGE,the gels were incubated with universal peroxidase substrates:pyrogallol(1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene,benzene-1,2,3-triol)for Arabidopsis and guaiacol for wheat.The staining solutions contained appropriate substrate and H2O2,10mM each,in100mM citrate buffer pH4(Rothe 2002),so the visualized isoforms are mostly acidic.Red-brown bands of tetrahydroguaiacol or purpurogallin appeared after&20min of staining.The reaction mixture for spectrophotometrical determination of total POX activity contained10l l of crude protein extract,20mM pyrogallol,10mM H2O2and50mM K-phosphate buffer pH6.5in a1.5ml volume.Peroxidases catalyze oxidation and polymerization of pyrogallol to red purpurogallin (e430=2.47/mM cm),so the activity was calculated from the kinetics of absorbance increase at430nm and pre-sented as mmol/min of produced purpurogallin per mg of total soluble proteins.The spec assays were performed in triplicates.The SOD isozymes were visualized by nitroblue tetra-zolium—riboflavin reaction according to Beauchamp and Fridovich(1971).The gels were soaked in50ml of reac-tion buffer(0.1M K-phosphate pH7.8)containing1mM EDTA,0.3mM NBT,0.08mM riboflavin and1.33mM TEMED for30min,in darkness.The gels were then rinsed and illuminated with36Wfluorescent lamp for15min to initiate the photochemical reaction.To identify the SOD isoforms,the gels were,prior to staining,incubated for 30min either in the reaction buffer or in the buffer con-taining1mM KCN,which specifically inhibits CuZn-SOD or5mM H2O2,which inhibits both CuZn-SOD and Fe-SOD,while the Mn-SOD is insensitive to these inhibitors (Michalski1996).Additionally,total SOD activity was determined by measuring the capacity of the enzyme extract to inhibit the photochemical reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium to blue formazan(Beyer and Fridovich1987). One ml of the reaction mixture contained100mM K-phosphate buffer pH7.8,0.1mM EDTA,12mM L-methionine,75l M NBT,2l M riboflavin and0–25l l of crude protein extract.Reaction mixture was exposed to illumination of a36Wfluorescent lamp for15min at 25°C.Absorbance was recorded at540nm using an ELISA microplate reader(LKB Vertriebs GmbH,Austria). Maximal color was obtained in irradiated reaction mixture without enzyme.One SOD unit was defined as the amount of enzyme which reduced the absorbance reading of sam-ples to50%in comparison with tubes lacking enzymes and expressed as units of enzyme activity(U)per mg of total soluble proteins.RNA isolation,RT-PCR and qRT-PCRTotal RNA was isolated from root and shoot tips of Arabidopsis and wheat seedlings treated with BM or R8 medium,using Spectrum Plant Total RNA Kit(Sigma-AldrichÒ).The genomic DNA contamination was removed by DNAse I(Fermentas).Reverse transcription was per-formed using Revert Aid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Fermentas),with oligo(dT)primers.The PCR mixtures contained cDNA corresponding to100ng total RNA, 1l M primers(primer sequences are listed in Supplemen-tary material1),2U of Fermentas Taq(EP0401)andstandard components according to Fermentas protocol in a 25l l volume.Primers specificity was confirmed by BLAST,electrophoretic sizing of the RT-PCR products, and by melting curve analysis.The amplification was carried out in a PEQ STAR thermal cycler,following amplification profile:initial denaturation(95°C/10min), followed by40cycles of denaturation(95°C/15s), annealing(54°C/30s)and extension(72°C/30s),with final extension(72°C/10min).The obtained amplicons were purified electrophoretically,extracted from gel using Gene JET TM Gel Extraction Kit(Fermentas),quantified, and serially diluted in a109–102copies/l l range to be used as standards for absolute qPCR quantification.qPCR reactions were set using12.5l l Maxima SYBR Green/ROX Master Mix(Fermentas),1l l templates (cDNA corresponding to100ng RNA,or standards),and 0.3l M primers in a25l l volume.The qPCR program was the same as for PCR,followed by melting curve analysis. The amplification was performed on Sequence Detection System ABI PRISM7000(Applied Biosystems Co.,Foster City,USA).The results were analyzed and presented using 7000System SDS Software.Constitutive expression of the Arabidopsis actin gene(ACTIN7,NM_121018)and wheat actin(ACT,AB181991)was confirmed in parallel.All reactions were carried out as biological triplicates. Results and discussionC.murale root and hairy root growth media reduce germination and retard development of Arabidopsis seedlingsGermination of Arabidopsis seeds,scored after24days, was completely inhibited by PM derived from wild-type C. murale roots(K),only mildly(up to21%)affected by treatment with R media where root-derived hairy roots were growing,and insensitive to cotyledon-derived hairy root C9and C10media(Table1;Fig.1).None of the BM components affected Arabidopsis germination.In the same experimental setup,the germination of wheat seeds was inhibited only12%by K medium,whereas R media were more inhibitory(Mitic´et al.2012).For example,R5 caused a55%inhibition of wheat germination,but did not affect Arabidopsis seeds at all.It can be argued that Arabidopsis and wheat seeds are sensitive to different C. murale allelochemicals,where Arabidopsis is particularly sensitive to some metabolite(s)produced by wild-type roots only,while wheat is susceptible to allelochemi-cal(s)more abundant in the hairy root cultures.It has been shown that C.murale allelochemicals are potent germina-tion inhibitors,affecting germination of15wheat cultivars, four barley cultivars(Qasem1993),cabbage,carrot,eggplant,pepper(Qasem1995),Melilotus indicus,Trifo-lium alexandrinum,Triticum pyramidal,cucumber and tomato(El-Khatib et al.2004a,b).However,Ghareib et al. (2010)showed that low concentrations of the C.murale acetone fraction,containing vanillic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids,stimulated the germination of tomato.We have also shown that concentrations of phenolic(caffeic,ferulic and p-coumaric)acids in C.murale PMs were too low to be responsible for phytotoxic effects(Mitic´et al.2012).Since the K media fully inhibited Arabidopsis germi-nation,the seedlings’growth parameters were obtained for R and C media only(Table1).The development of Arabidopsis seedlings was significantly inhibited by all PMs,with root elongation being the most sensitive process, inhibited on average by67%(from47%for C10-treat-ment to87%for R1),the leaf elongation and fresh weight gain were inhibited from29–72to34–77%,respectively, while the number of leaves in a rosette was least affected (35%on average,Table1).In experiments with barley and wheat,Qasem(1993)also demonstrated that root growth was inhibited more than shoot growth by C.murale extracts and leachates.The greater sensitivity of roots in comparison to shoots was recorded for some other allelo-pathic interactions as well(Nishida et al.2005).The tested PMs statistically differed in their phytotoxicity and could be arranged from the most to the least potent as: R1[R8[R3[R2=R5[C9[C10,implying stron-ger inhibitory effect of root-derived hairy roots exudats. Unlike the bioassays with Arabidopsis,where C9and C10 were ineffective in germination test and less effective in retarding growth in comparison to R-type media(Table1), the cotyledon-derived hairy root media C9and C11,used in bioassays with wheat,were more phytotoxic for seedling development than any of the tested R-media(Mitic´et al. 2012).This again underlines the difference between the two test species in their sensitivity to specific allelochem-icals present in the PMs.The difference between C-and R-media also implies that the explant type used for hairy root induction influences the metabolic activity and the production of allelopathic chemicals in the transformed cultures.With few exceptions,the test species that were shown to be sensitive to C.murale allelochemicals in germination assays,were also sensitive to the same chemicals at the early developmental stages(Qasem1993, 1995;El-Khatib et al.2004a,b).However,decayed resi-dues of C.murale delayed germination of cauliflower, marrow and tomato but increased their shoot dry weights (Qasem1995),while low concentrations of C.murale phenolic acids stimulated the germination and growth of tomato(Ghareib et al.2010).The most potent PMs,R1an R8,also caused depig-mentation of the tested seedlings(Fig.1).The treatment of several test plants with C.murale root and shoot aqueousextracts (El-Khatib et al.2004b ),as well as with rhizo-sphere and amended soil of C.murale (El-Khatib et al.2004a )also decreased the pigment content in the affected seedlings.Indeed,it is well-established that allelochemi-cals often target the photosynthetic apparatus,particularly photosystem II (Yu et al.2003;Weir et al.2004).Exposure of Arabidopsis and wheat seedlings to R8medium down-regulates the core cell cycle genes in shoot and root tipsSince PMs inhibit germination and leaf and root elongation of Arabidopsis (‘‘C.murale root and hairy root growth media reduce germination and retard development ofArabidopsis seedlings ’’section)and wheat (Mitic´et al.2012),a set of real-time experiments were conducted to elucidate whether this growth retardation is related to the cell cycle regulation.The cell cycle in Arabidopsis is regulated by nearly 200genes,including over 70so-called core cell cycle genes (cyclins,cyclin-dependent kinases,and their direct regulators),augmented with proteins of the anaphase promoting complex,genes involved in DNA replication or repair and other regulators (Menges et al.2005;Van Leene et al.2010).Hereby we have tested the effect of a potent PM,R8,on the expression of ten Arabidopsis and two wheat core cell cycle genes in seed-lings shoot and root tips.Generally,our expression data are consistent with the finding that most core cell cycle regu-lators do not show strong tissue specificity (Menges et al.2005),since comparable expression in shoot and root tips was found for all CDK and CYC genes,with exception of CYCB2;4and CYCD4;2,whose transcripts were about twofold more abundant in roots than in shoot tips (Figs.2,3).Treatment of A.thaliana seedling with R8invariably caused down-regulation of the CDKs in comparison to BM-treated control seedlings,ranging from -35%for CDKA1;1to -77%for CDKB1;1,which in most cases was statistically significant (Fig.2).Among the tested CDKs,only CDKA1;1,the sole member of its class which is constantly expressed to regulate the entrance to the cell cycle,as well as both the G1-to-S and G2-to-M transitions (Vandepoele et al.2002;Van Leene et al.2010),showed higher expression in shoots than in roots and stronger inhibition by R8in roots in comparison to shoots.Its wheat counterpart,Ta -CDC2,explained the same expression profile,with even stronger inhibition by phytotoxic med-ium,of -52%in shoots and -80%in roots.On the contrary,all of the B-class CDKs,that control the G2-to-M checkpoint and exhibit strong cell cycle regulation of expression (Menges et al.2005),had higher expression in roots,while their expression was more inhibited by R8medium in shoots than in roots (Fig.2).CDKs show class-T a b l e 1T h e e f f e c t o f 4-w e e k -o l d P M s o f C .m u r a l e w i l d -t y p e r o o t s (K )a n d h a i r y r o o t c l o n e s (R 1–R 3,R 5,R 8,C 9,a n d C 11)o n g e r m i n a t i o n a n d s e e d l i n g d e v e l o p m e n t o f A r a b i d o p s i sC l o n e sF i n a l g e r m i n a t i o n (%)I n h i b i t i o n (%)T h e l o n g e s t l e a f l e n g t h (m m )I n h i b i t i o n (%)N u m b e r o f l e a v e s i n a r o s e t t eI n h i b i t i o n (%)R o o t l e n g t h (c m )I n h i b i t i o n (%)S e e d l i n g f r e s h w e i g h t (m g )I n h i b i t i o n (%)B M99±0.0d10.2±0.1g10.2±0.1f7.9±0.1f23.7±0.1hK0±0.0a100––––––––R 178±0.3b 212.9±0.1a 725.4±0.1a 471.0±0.0a 875.4±0.1a 77R 290±0.2c95.1±0.1d507.3±0.1d e282.6±0.1c6710.8±0.2d54R 388±0.1c113.6±0.1c656.4±0.1b372.6±0.0c678.1±0.1c66R 5100±0.0d–5.2±0.0d497.2±0.1c d292.4±0.0c7011.7±0.2e51R 881±0.3b 183.1±0.1b 705.4±0.1a 472.1±0.0b 737.0±0.1b 70C 9100±0.0d –6.7±0.1e 347.1±0.1c 303.2±0.1d 5913.1±0.1f 45C 10100±0.0d–7.2±0.1f 297.4±0.0e 274.2±0.1e 4715.6±0.2d 34B M w a s u s e d a s a c o n t r o l t r e a t m e n t .T h e g e r m i n a t i o n p e r c e n t a g e a n d i n d i c a t e d g r o w t h p a r a m e t e r s w e r e r e c o r d e d 3w e e k s a f t e r t h e t r e a t m e n t .P e r c e n t a g e o f i n h i b i t i o n w a s c a l c u l a t e d a s d e s c r i b e d i n m a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s .T h e r e s u l t s r e p r e s e n t t h e m e a n s ±S E f r o m t h r e e r e p l i c a t e s w i t h 70s e e d s p e r t r e a t m e n t .T h e v a l u e s w i t h t h e s a m e l e t t e r b e l o n g t o s t a t i s t i c a l l y h o m o g e n o u s g r o u p s (P B 0.05),a c c o r d i n g t o F i s h e r ’s L S D t e s t。