Citrix NetScaler VPX_Datasheet


Citrix NetScaler 数据手册_SC

Citrix NetScaler 数据手册_SC

Citrix NetScaler将Web应用性能提高5倍作为Web应用交付设备,Citrix®NetScaler®确保了应用的高可用性和安全性,并通过一系列加速技术将应用的运行速度提升5倍,同时大大降低了成本。


•= 标准•= 可选注:独立购买选项不适用于NetScaler VPX 虚拟设备。

4层-7层流量管理4层负载均衡(LB)•支持的协议TCP,UDP,FTP,HTTP,HTTPS,DNS(TCP and UDP),SIP(over UDP),RTSP,RADIUS, DIAMETER,SQL,RDP•算法:循环算法,最少包,最低带宽,最少连接,响应时间,散列(URL,域,源地址IP,目的IP和CustomID),SNMP协议度量,服务器应用状态协议(SASP)•会话保持:源地址,cookie,服务器,组,SSL会话,SIP CALLID,令牌,JSESSIONID•会话协议:TCP,UDP,SSL_TCP•服务器监控:Ping,TCP,URL,ECV,基于脚本的健康检查,动态服务器响应时间•链路负载均衡•Citrix Branch Repeater负载均衡7层内容交换•策略:URL,URL Q uery,URL通配符,域,源/目的IP,HTTP报头,Custom,HTTP和TCP有效负载值,UDP•基于输入数据包协议的交换请求数据库负载均衡•支持:Microsoft SQL Server 和 MySQL •内容交换算法包括用户和数据库名称等SQL查询参数和命令参数•基于令牌的负载均衡功能,可提供高级配置来支持持久性和容错部署TriScale 群集7•“向外扩展(Scale-Out)”,可将最多32台NetScaler设备群集部署到单一系统镜像中•多种流量分配系统机制•C onfiguration Coordinator节点支持集中管理和同步•可兼容“按需付费(Pay-As-You-Grow)”和Burst Pack性能升级•流量分配机制包括:Equal Cost Multiple Path(ECMP)、Linksets和Cluster Link Aggregation Group(CLAG)•适用于NetScaler MPX和VPX的各种版本基于速率的策略实施•根据每秒连接数、每秒数据包数或使用的带宽触发NetScaler策略•基于报头或有效负载信息的源或目标全局负载均衡(GSLB)•算法:站点健康,地理接近性,网络接近性,连接,带宽,AG-E SSL VPN用户•站点健康状态检查,连接负载,数据包速率,SNMP协议度量内容改写和响应控制•基于策略的HTTP报头和有效负载信息双向改写•基于策略的传入的请求重定向•Body URL改写•Responder模块•定制响应和重定向•策略路由•网络感知策略应用加速TCP优化•连接复用,缓冲,连接Keep-alive,TCP窗口自适应,SACK,Fast RampAppcompress•HTTP压缩5•静态和动态应用内容高速缓存•HTTP GET和POST方法支持•根据HTTP报头和正文值定义策略NetScaler CloudConnectors•现场(On-premise)代理,提供对称TCP优化、数据压缩和重复数据删除功能•在NetScaler MPX、SDX和VPX上提供应用安全性DoS攻击防护•在防止以下攻击的同时继续为合法用户提供服务:SYN Flood,HTTP DoS和Ping ofDeath•ICMP和UDP速率控制浪涌保护和优先队列5•TCP连接和HTTP请求的自适应速率控制•关键应用请求的优先发送DNSSEC•DNS代理•权威DNS•DNS签名数据包过滤•3层和4层访问控制列表(ACL)•网络地址转换(NAT)•IPv4/IPv6网络地址转换(NAT)NetScaler应用防火墙,混合安全模式5•有效的安全模式可防止:缓冲区溢出,CGI-BIN参数处理,表格/隐藏字段处理,强制浏览,信息块或会话中毒,Broken ACL,跨站点脚本编写(XSS),命令注入,SQLInjection,引发敏感信息泄露的错误,不可靠的密码系统应用,Server Misconfiguration,后门和调试选项,基于速率的策略实施,Well-known Platform Vulnerabilities,零时差攻击,跨站请求伪造(CSRF)、信用卡和其它敏感数据泄露防止。



标准文案Citrix NetScaler 全局负载均衡解决方案目录第1章项目概述.................................. 错误!未定义书签。

第2章思杰系统(Citrix)公司简介.. (3)2.1.关于思杰系统(Citrix)公司 (3)2.2.产品与服务 (3)2.3.思杰 NetScaler产品 (5)2.4.成功案例 (7)第3章全局负载均衡技术方案 (10)3.1.设计原则 (10)3.2.详细技术设计 (10)3.3.动态域名解析工作模式 (13)3.4.不同厂商设备的同步与备份 (14)3.5.设备管理与监控 (16)第4章全局负载均衡以外其它技术功能 (18)4.1.利用服务器负载均衡技术实现流量分担 (18)4.2.利用优化功能提高了网站的整体性能 (19)4.3.利用DDOS防范功能确保了网站的安全 (20)第5章设备数据表 (22)第6章设备配置清单 (26)第7章总结 (27)第1章思杰系统(Citrix)公司简介1.1.关于思杰系统(Citrix)公司思杰产品专门解决客户的接入难题。








citrix netscaler 操作手册

citrix netscaler 操作手册

在撰写文章之前,我会先对citrix netscaler进行深入的研究和评估,了解其特点、功能、操作方法和使用场景,以便为您撰写一篇高质量、深度和广度兼具的中文文章。

在我的文章中,我会从citrix netscaler的基本概念和功能入手,逐步向您介绍其操作手册的使用方法和技巧。

我会以清晰易懂的方式阐述相关内容,确保您能够全面理解并掌握使用citrix netscaler的技能。

我会根据您的要求,对citrix netscaler的操作手册进行全面评估,并在文章中进行深入探讨。

我会以从简到繁、由浅入深的方式,逐步展开对citrix netscaler的介绍和解析,确保您能够深入理解其中的每一个细节和功能。

在撰写文章的过程中,我会多次提及citrix netscaler这个主题文字,确保文章内容与您所需的主题紧密相关。

我也会在文章中加入我的个人观点和理解,以便为您呈现出更丰富、多角度的citrix netscaler操作手册。

在文章的结尾部分,我会进行总结和回顾性的内容,帮助您更全面、深刻地理解citrix netscaler操作手册。

我会根据对主题的深入研究和了解,为您提供清晰的结论和建议,以便您在实际应用中能够更加灵活地运用citrix netscaler操作手册。



期待为您撰写一篇有价值的citrix netscaler操作手册文章!在撰写citrix netscaler操作手册文章之前,我会对其进行深入的研究和评估,以了解其特点、功能、操作方法和使用场景。


在我的文章中,我将从citrix netscaler的基本概念和功能入手,逐步向您介绍其操作手册的使用方法和技巧。

Citrix NetScaler功能与性能测试[1]

Citrix NetScaler功能与性能测试[1]

Citrix NetScaler功能与性能测试For 橡果国际最终用户:橡果国际测试设备厂商:CITRIX测试日期:目录1测试项目基本信息 (1)1.1测试内容 (1)1.2测试计划 (2)1.2.1测试人员 (2)1.2.2测试时间 (2)1.2.3测试地点与联系人 (2)2测试环境 (3)2.1测试设备 (3)2.2IP地址分配 (3)3功能测试 (4)3.1基本负载均衡功能测试 (4)3.1.1负载均衡算法测试 (4)3.1.2服务器健康检查测试 (5)3.1.3会话保持功能 (6)3.1.4VIP(虚拟IP)可靠性测试 (7)3.2应用层内容交换测试 (8)3.2.1基于不同URL转发 (8)3.2.2基于不同HTTP Header转发 (9)3.3应用加速功能测试 (10)3.3.1TCP优化功能测试(TCP连接复用) (10)3.3.2HTTP数据压缩功能测试 (11)3.3.3SSL(HTTPS)加速功能测试 (12)3.3.4内容缓存功能测试 (13)3.4安全控制功能测试 (14)3.4.1基于4-7层访问控制 (14)3.4.2HTTP请求速率控制 (15)3.4.3应用内容重写 (16)3.4.4Inbound链路负载 (17)3.4.5MYSQL服务器的负载均衡 (18)3.5管理维护功能测试 (19)3.5.1NAT测试 (19)3.5.2在线服务器维护测试 (20)3.5.3系统升级功能测试 (21)3.5.4日志功能测试 (22)3.6备部署功能测试 (23)3.6.1单臂模式组网测试 (23)3.6.2串接模式组网测试 (24)1测试项目基本信息1.1测试内容在机房内架设Web测试环境,在客户端和服务器端中间安装L4-L7负载均衡系统,测试该设备的功能和性能。



Citrix NetScaler_Datasheet_CN

Citrix NetScaler_Datasheet_CN

Citrix® WANScalerTM 客户端

4 层 DoS 防御

7 层内容过滤


URL 重写

Citrix® Access Gateway™, EE SSL VPN

7 层 DoS 防御

NetScaler Application Firewall™

4 层负载均衡
深度 运行温度 允许相对湿度 安全性认证 电磁辐射认证和敏感度 标准 合规性
● ● ●
8(2 个四核) 32 GB
4×10Gbit 光纤(XFP) 或 2×10Gbit 光纤(XFP) 和 8×1000/100/10Base-T
● ● ●
4(2 个双核) 16 GB
2×10Gbit 光纤(XFP) 和 8×1000/100/10Base-T
域、源地址、目的 IP 和客户 ID)、SNMP 协议度量、服务器应用状态协议 (SASP) · 会话保持:源地址、Cookie、服务器、组、SSL 会话、SIP 呼叫识别、令牌、 JSESSIONID · 会话协议:TCP、UDP、SSL_TCP · 服务器监测:Ping、TCP、URL、ECV、基于脚本的健康检查、动态服务器 响应时间 · 链路负载均衡 7 层内容交换 · 策略:URL、URL 查询、URL 通配符、域、源/目的 IP、HTTP 报头、自定义、 HTTP 和 TCP 有效负载值 基于速率的策略执行 · 根据每秒连接数、每秒分组数或使用的带宽启动 NetScaler 策略 · 基于源地址或目的地址的报头或有效负载信息 广域负载均衡(GSLB) · 算法:站点健康、地理接近性、网络拓扑、AG-E SSL VPN 用户 · 站点健康检查,包括状态、连接负载、数据包速率和 SNMP 协议度量 内容重写 · 基于策略的 HTTP 报头和有效负载的双向重写 · 根据策略重定向接收到的请求 · 正文部分 URL 重写

citrix netscaler 负载均衡设备配置手册101

citrix netscaler 负载均衡设备配置手册101

Citrix负载均衡设备10.1配置手册XXXX-XX-XX发布 XXXX-XX-XX实施目录前言 (V)范围.................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。


1.1安装部署规范示意图 .............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.2负载均衡设备位置及名称 ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3地址分配 .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

第二章环境配置要求 (6)2.1软件版本许可功能要求 (6)2.2相关操作系统版本要求 (6)第三章设备初始化配置规范 (6)3.1前期准备工作 (6)3.2初始化设备连接 (7)3.3安装L ICENSE (12)3.4操作系统升/降级 (15)3.5基本选项配置 (23)3.5.1设备名称设置 (24)3.5.2管理IP(NSIP)地址设置 (26)3.5.3系统时区配置 (28)3.5.4修改系统管理员登录密码 (29)3.6系统功能特性配置 (30)3.7CLI超时时间配置 (35)第四章系统配置规范 (37)4.1高可用配置 (37)4.1.1配置高可用 (37)4.1.2配置同步 (40)4.1.3主备切换 (41)4.2NTP配置规范 (43)4.3SNMP配置规范 (45)4.4SYSLOG配置规范 (49)4.5A UDIT配置 (54)4.6系统用户配置规范 (57)4.6.1 SYSTEM USER配置 (57)4.6.2用户认证服务器配置 (59)4.7配置备份和恢复 (65)第五章网络配置规范 (66)5.1配置管理IP(NSIP)地址 (66)5.2配置SNIP (70)5.3配置缺省路由 (72)5.4配置C HANNELS (73)5.4.1手动配置静态链路聚合 (74)5.4.2接口动态LACP配置 (76)5.5配置端口HA M ONITOR (79)5.6配置VLAN (81)5.7配置静态路由 (85)5.8配置NAT (88)第六章负载均衡虚拟服务器(VS)配置规范 (91)6.1新建/删除LB S ERVER (92)6.2配置LB M ONITOR (94)6.3配置S ERVICE G ROUP (99)6.4配置LB V SERVER (107)6.5V IRTUAL S ERVERS常见参数配置 (116)6.5.1插入客户端IP地址到HTTP头部 (116)6.5.2TCP长连接超时设置 (118)第七章PROFILE配置规范 (119)7.1TCP P ROFILE配置 (119)7.1HTTP P ROFILE配置 (126)7.1N ET P ROFILE配置 (131)参考文献 ........................................................................................错误!未定义书签。



某银行北京数据中心NetScaler设备硬件管理运维手册2012年12月文档修订历史文档维护人员目录1.文档目的................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.硬件维护................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.1.Citrix NetScaler系列设备ESD部分......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2.Citrix NetScaler系列设备Airflow部分 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.常规硬件操作规范 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.1.MPX 9500前面板 ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2.MPX 9500后面板 ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.3.硬件设备安装............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

citrix netscaler 通信流程

citrix netscaler 通信流程

citrix netscaler 通信流程
Citrix NetScaler是一种网络应用交付控制器,旨在提供高性能、可靠的应用传输和安全的通信。

1. 客户端发起请求:客户端发送HTTP请求到NetScaler的虚

2. 负载均衡选择:NetScaler根据负载均衡算法选择一个后端

3. 前端处理:NetScaler执行一系列前端处理操作,例如SSL

4. 刷新并发送请求:NetScaler刷新请求,并将其发送到选定

5. 后端服务器响应:后端服务器接收请求,并生成一个HTTP

6. 后端处理:NetScaler执行一系列后端处理操作,例如SSL

7. 响应返回:NetScaler将处理完成的响应返回给客户端。

8. 部分响应缓存:如果客户端请求的数据已经部分缓存,NetScaler可以通过返回缓存中的数据来加快相应时间。

9. 响应处理:NetScaler执行最终的响应处理操作,例如HTTP 重定向、内容重写和安全检查等。

10. 发送响应:NetScaler将响应发送给客户端。




华为Citrix Netscaler配置手册拟制:钟锐华日期:2012.10.29审核:日期:审核:日期:批准:日期:华成峰实业有限公司版权所有侵权必究2012年10月目录一、什么是Citrix NetScaler (4)二、Citrix NetScaler 安装在网络中的什么位置 (5)三、Citrix NetScaler 如何与客户端和服务器通信 (7)四、Citrix NetScaler 产品系列简介 (14)五、安装Citrix NetScaler 硬件 (15)六、访问和配置Citrix NetScaler (18)七、系统配置 (25)八、IP配置 (31)8.1 配置NSIP (31)8.2 配置SNIP和路由 (31)九、配置HA (34)十、配置Load Balance (37)10.1 配置servers (37)10.2 配置services (37)10.3 配置Vserver (39)十一、配置SSL (41)11.1 配置证书 (41)11.2 配置CRL (42)十二、配置SSL OFFLOAD (45)十三、配置Content Switch (48)13.1 配置CS Vserver (48)13.2 配置policy (50)13.3 policy绑定 (52)十四、配置GSLB (54)14.1 配置ADNS服务器 (54)14.2 配置site节点 (54)14.3 配置GSLB location (55)14.4 配置GSLB service (56)14.5 配置GSLB Vserver (59)十五、设备基本运维 (61)什么是 Citrix NetScalerCitrix NetScaler 是一款智能地分配、优化和保护 Web 应用的 4 层 - 7 层 (L4-L7) 网络流量的应用交换机。

功能包括负载均衡、压缩、安全套接字层 (SSL) 卸载、内置应用防火墙和动态内容缓存。



Citrix配置维护手册1 、IP地址规划 (2)2 、实施步骤 (2)2.1 配置feature (2)2.2 配置系统时间 (4)2.3 IP配置 (5)2.4 配置HA (5)2.5 配置ACL (6)2.6 配置VLAN (7)2.7 配置路由 (8)2.8 配置RNA T (8)2.9 配置ACL (9)2.10 配置Load Balance (10)2.10.1 配置services (10)2.10.2 配置Vserver (11)2.11 配置保存 (12)3 、维护命令 (12)3.1 模式介绍 (12)3.2 查看连接: (12)3.3 观察设备使用情况 (13)3.4 查看license (13)3.5 清空配置 (14)3.6 导入配置 (14)3.7 导出配置 (14)3.8 常规命令 (14)1、说明本文档介绍了NS的常规配置,方便给客户配置及维护使用。

2、IP地址规划3、实施步骤3.1 配置feature启用LB,GSLB,SSL offload,REWRITE,Responder。


如图:进入system菜单,选择setting点击basic feature,选中load blanceing,开启服务器均衡功能。

选用load balanceing 启用均衡特性。

点击advanced feature,选中以下web logging,记录WEB日志。

3.2 配置系统时间用shell命令进入系统的操作系统,然后用date命令修改当前系统时间输入tzsetup命令设置时区。

输入date yymmddhhmm命令修改系统时间,格式为:年月天小时分钟3.3 IP配置配置一个NSIP,保证这个IP不会和其他IP地址发生冲突,这个IP为设备的IP,可以用于管理系统。


在命令行下输入set ns config -ipAddress,然后输入save config来保存配置,最后输入reboot重启,设备重启后NSIP变为192.168.100.2。

Citrix NetScaler_Datasheet

Citrix NetScaler_Datasheet
Citrix NetScaler Datasheet
Citrix NetScaler
作为Web应用交付设备,Citrix® NetScaler®确保了应用的高可用性和安全 性,并通过一系列加速技术将应用的运行速度提升5倍,同时大大降低了成 本。客户只需要确定满足需求的功能版本以及实现性能需求的硬件平台或软 件化虚拟平台,即可轻松选择NetScaler应用交付产品。
UL, TUV-C FCC (Part 15 Class A), DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NES
UL, TUV-C FCC (Part 15 Class A), DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NES
UL, TUV-C FCC (Part 15 Class A), DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NES
UL, TUV-C FCC (Part 15 Class A), DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NES
48 GB 8x 10GBASE-X SFP+
48 GB 8x 10GBASE-X SFP+
48 GB 8x 10GBASE-X SFP+
32 GB
4x 10GBASE-X XFP 或 2x 10GBASE-X XFP 和 8x 10/100/1000 BASE-T

高级 Citrix NetScaler 环境配置和管理说明书

高级 Citrix NetScaler 环境配置和管理说明书

OverviewDesigned for students with previous NetScaler experience, this course is best suited for individuals who will be deploying or managing advanced NetScaler environments.Learn the skills required to configure and manage advanced NetScaler features through hands-on lab exercises. Students will learn how to implement advanced NetScaler components including Application Firewall, Advanced Traffic Management features including Http Callouts, and Troubleshooting. At the end of the course students will be able to configure their NetScaler environments to address advanced traffic delivery and management requirements including application security, optimization, and NetScaler operation management.Recommended pre-requisite courses:∙CNS-205 Citrix NetScaler 11.0 Essentials and NetworkingNote: This course is based on the Citrix NetScaler 11 product, but the skills and fundamental concepts learned are common to earlier product versions.Key Skills∙Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:∙Identify common web attacks and vulnerabilities ∙Write PERL compatible regular expressions ∙Configure Citrix Application Firewall to protect web applications ∙Troubleshoot Citrix Application Firewall ∙Install and configure NetScaler Insight Center to monitor performance ∙Install, configure, and use Citrix Command Center to manage NetScaler devices ∙Configure and use additional advanced features of NetScaler including NetScaler Web Logging,HTTP callout, and AAA authentication for web applicationsAudienceStudents interested in learning how to implement and manage the advanced NetScaler features using leading practices. Specifically:∙Administrators ∙Implementers / Engineers ∙Architects(CNS-301) Citrix NetScaler 11 Advance ImplementationInstructional MethodThis course is offered in instructor-led training (ILT)/virtual instructor-led training (vILT) formats with application of concepts through hands-on exercises in a live lab environment.Course Length5 daysCourse MaterialsAs part of this course, students will receive the following materials:∙Access to a lab environment for the duration of the course∙Lab exercise guide∙Access to final course deliverables once the course is available in general availability including copies of all official materials presented by the instructor with additional notes and references as well as videos with experts throughout Citrix around course topics and lab exercises.Preparatory RecommendationsCitrix recommends students prepare for this course by taking the following course: ∙CNS-205 Citrix NetScaler Essentials and NetworkingIt is also recommended to gain a basic understanding of the following concepts and technologies: ∙Experience configuring NetScaler systems, including an understanding of services, virtual servers, and policies∙Experience with network devices, such as routers and switches, various networking protocols, and aspects of application and site architectures (such as DMZs and VLANs)∙Knowledge of network security threats and site protection concepts such as firewalls, worms, and DDoS attacks∙Understanding of concepts related to monitoring and management including basics of SNMPCertification PreparationIn addition to field experience, this course helps prepares candidates for the 1Y0-351: Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Essentials for Networking exam. By passing the 1Y0-351: Citrix NetScaler 10.5 Essentials for Networking exam, candidates will gain the Citrix Certified Professional – Networking (CCP-N) certification.Topic Outline∙Getting Startedo Introduction to the NetScaler System∙Advanced Troubleshootingo Troubleshooting Resourceso NetScaler System Overviewo nCore Configuration Architectureo Built-In Toolso Real-Time Performance Statisticso Historical Statisticso Third-Party Tools∙Introducing Application Firewallo Application Attackso The Benefits of Application Firewallo Payment Card Industry Data Security Standardo Packet Processing Inspectiono Profiles and Policies∙Profiles and Policieso Profileso Policieso Engine Settings∙Regular Expressionso Forms of Regular Expressionso Using Regular Expressionso Metacharacters and Literal Characterso Metacharacterso Escapeso Quantifierso Back referencingo Look headso Regular Expression Scope∙Attacks and Protectionso Security Checkso HTTPS Web Applicationso Buffer Overflow Exploits and Protectiono Parameter Manipulationo Server Misconfigurationo Deny URL Protectiono SQL Injectiono HTML SQL Injection Protectiono Command Injectiono Field Format Protectiono Cookie Tampering and Poisoningo Cookie Consistency Protectiono Form/Hidden Field Manipulationo Form Field Consistency Protectiono Forceful Browsingo Start URLso Backdoors and Misconfigurationso URL Closureo Identity Theft Attackso Credit Card Protectiono Protecting Credit Cardso Errors Triggering Sensitive Information Leakso Safe Object Protection∙Application Firewall Troubleshootingo Application Firewall ando Configuration Issues∙Queuing and Connection Tuningo HTTP Connectionso HTTP Connection Management and NetScalero HTTP Behavioro TCP Bufferingo Surge Queueo Surge Protectiono Priority Queuingo HTTP Denial-of-Service Protection∙Authentication, Authorization, and Auditingo Users, Groups and Command Policieso External Authentication for System Userso AAA for Traffic Managemento Configurationo Audit Logging∙AppExpert Rate Limiting, HTTP Service Callout, and Policy-based Logging o HTTP Calloutso Configuring HTTP Calloutso HTTP Callout Use Caseso Configuring Rate Controlo Rate Control Policy Scenarioso Policy-based Logging∙Command Centero Command Center Introductiono Command Center Clientso Server Requirementso Port Setting Requirementso Command Center Installationo Command Center Functionalityo Command Center Administration∙Insight Centero Insight Center Overviewo AppFlow on the NetScaler Systemo How Insight Center Collects AppFlow Datao HDX Insighto HTML Injection∙NetScaler Web Loggingo NetScaler Web Logging Introductiono NetScaler System Configurationo NSWL Client Installationo NSWL Client Configurationo Troubleshooting Web Logging。

5.NetScaler VPX

5.NetScaler VPX
Citrix NetScaler VPX Lab V1
一、准备 VPX 虚拟机 从 citrix 官方下载 VPX 的 xva 文件并导入到 XenServer 中。启动 VPX,登录用户/密码: nsroot/nsroot。按向导完成 VPX 的 IP 地址设定。 1、 修改时区 a) 登录到 VPX b) 输入 configns c) 按 4 即 Time zone d) 选择 Asiachinabeijing shanghai 时区 2、 注册 VPX 许可证 a) 获取 VPX 主机的 HostID:登录到 VPX,输入 shell 进行 shell 模式。 b) 输入 lmutil lmhostid
禁止分发和复制 STONE Citrix Consulting Team:LiaoTianyun
创建证书申请文件,在 SSL 中点击 Create Certificate Request,在 request file name 输入 stonesh.csr, 在 Key file name 中点击 Browse 选择 altiris.key, 并设置 key format 中选择 DER。设置 common Name 为 (外网访问域名,如果没有域名请 输入 IP),填写其它必填的项目点击 Create。
五、创建 httphttps 跳转 1、 打开 VPX 控制台,进入 Load balancing; 2、 在 Load balancingVirtual Servers,点击“Add”; 3、 设置 name,输入 IP Address (该 IP 地址与 VPN 地址一样),在 redirect URL 中输入。
4、 应用证书到 VPN a) 打开 VPX 控制台,进入 Access Gatewayvirtual Servers,双击先前创建的 altiris;



Citrix NetScaler 应用防火墙 产品概述Citrix NetScaler 应用防火墙Citrix ® NetScaler 应用防火墙™是一套功能全面、通过ICSA 认证的Web 应用安全解决方案,能够有效防御针对Web 和Web 服务发起的各种已知的及未知的攻击。

NetScaler 应用防火墙采用一种混合安全模式,只允许合法的应用行为,可以高效地扫描并防护已知的应用漏洞。

它能够分析所有双向流量,包括通过SSL 方式加密的通信,化解各种安全威胁而无需对应用进行任何修改。

NetScaler 应用防火墙功能模块已集成至Citrix ® NetScaler ® MPX 和VPX 的铂金版中,也可以作为一个可选的模块添加到运行NetScaler 企业版的NetScaler MPX 设备中。

NetScaler 应用防火墙还可以用作独立解决方案支持在5款NetScaler MPX 设备和符合FIPS-140-2标准的设备上运行。

独立的NetScaler 应用防火墙可以通过软件许可证升级为功能全面的应用交付控制器-NetScalerApplication Delivery Controller (ADC)。

轻松应对安全挑战Web 应用不但易受攻击也是黑客的首选攻击目标,Web 应用直接连接到一个或多个包含敏感的客户及公司信息的数据库。

对Web 应用的攻击威胁通常都是针对特定目标应用而专门策划的,因此基本上不可能通过网络层安全设备(如入侵防护系统和网络防火墙)进行识别;因此Web 应用容易受到已知的和零时差攻击的威胁。

NetScaler 应用防火墙可有效应对这些挑战,为所有Web 应用和Web 服务提供集中的应用层安全性。

混合安全模式NetScaler 应用防火墙同时采用主动和被动安全模式来确保正确的应用行为。


Citrix NetScaler VPX_技术概览

Citrix NetScaler VPX_技术概览

Citrix NetScaler VPX让虚拟设备拥有完整的NetScaler功能Citrix® NetScaler® VPX利用简单的、易于安装的虚拟设备提供了完整的NetScaler功能集,包括Web应用负载均衡、加速、安全和卸载能力。

各种规模的IT机构都可按需在数据中心的任何业界标准服务器上部署NetScaler VPX。

NetScaler VPX以虚拟设备的形式提供传统专用高端网络设备的全部功能,该虚拟设备可方便、动态地部署在单个服务器或整个云数据中心。

NetScaler VPX可针对个别应用单独使用,也可配合NetScaler专用设备使用,以优化整个数据中心。


例如:●为小型Citrix® XenApp TM和Citrix® XenDesktop TM环境提供安全远程访问能力和高可用性。


●为服务提供商和云提供商环境按需提供或撤销NetScaler VPX实例。

●中小型企业可以更低的成本、更高的效益在Web化应用如Microsoft SharePoint和Office Communication Server前部署完整的NetScaler功能。

Citrix NetScaler VPX融合了虚拟化技术和网络功能。

它除了支持基于虚拟服务器和应用的数据中心之外,NetScaler VPX还可对Web应用提供负载均衡、加速、安全和卸载能力,并可按照需要,轻松地部署在数据中心的任何服务器上。


最高性能*HTTP吞吐量 1 Gbps每秒新的SSL请求** 500SSL加密吞吐量** 500 MbpsHTTP压缩吞吐量750 Mbps* NetScaler VPX的实际性能取决于使用的服务器硬件,可随时变化。



Citrix NetScaler Datasheet• Standard • OptionNote: Only TriScale Clustering is available as a separately purchasable option for NetScaler VPX virtual appliances.TCP buffering•••TCP and SQL multiplexing •••SSL offload and acceleration•••Cache redirection including multi-layer support••Citrix NetScalerThe world's most advanced cloud network platformCitrix ® NetScaler ® is the industry's leading web application delivery solution, and maximizes the performance and availability of all applications and data. NetScaler products are easily selected by determining the edition providing functional needs and the appropriate physical or virtual appliance platform to fulfill performance needs.Input voltage and frequency ranges 100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 HzOptional DC power supply Yes Yes Yes YesPower consumption850w 2219 BTU/Hr850w 2219 BTU/Hr850w 2219 BTU/Hr850w 2219 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs49494949Height2U2U2U2UWidth EIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsDepth28" / 71.2 cm28" / 71.2 cm28" / 71.2 cm28" / 71.2 cm Operating temperature0-40C0-40C0-40C0-40CAllowed relative humidity5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing Safety certifications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-CElectromagnetic emissions certifications and susceptibility standards FCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NESCompliance RoHS RoHS RoHS RoHSInput voltage and frequency ranges 100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 HzOptional DC power supply No No NoPower consumption650w 2219 BTU/Hr650w 2219 BTU/Hr650w 2219 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs404040Height2U2U2UWidth EIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack width withmounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsDepth25.4" / 64.5 cm25.4" / 64.5 cm25.4" / 64.5 cm Operating temperature0-40C0-40C0-40CAllowed relative humidity5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing Safety certifications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-CElectromagnetic emissions certifications and susceptibility standards FCC (Part 15 Class A), DoC,CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A), DoC,CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A), DoC,CE, VCCI, CNS, AN/NESCompliance RoHS RoHS RoHSInput voltage and frequency ranges 100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 HzOptional DC power supply Yes Yes Yes YesPower consumption650W 2219 BTU/Hr650W 2219 BTU/Hr650W 2219 BTU/Hr450w 1536 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs45454530Height2U2U2U2UWidth EIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsDepth28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cmOperating temperature0-40C0-40C0-40C0-40CAllowed relative humidity5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing Safety certifications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-CElectromagnetic emissions certifications and susceptibility standards FCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESCompliance RoHS; NEBS Level 3availableRoHS; NEBS Level 3availableRoHS; NEBS Level 3availableRoHSInput voltage and frequency ranges 100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 HzOptional DC power supply Yes Yes Yes YesPower consumption450w 1536 BTU/Hr650W 2219 BTU/Hr650W 2219 BTU/Hr450w 1536 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs30454530Height2U2U2U2UWidth EIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsDepth28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cmOperating temperature0-40C0-40C0-40C0-40CAllowed relative humidity5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing Safety certifications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-CElectromagnetic emissions certifications and susceptibility standards FCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESCompliance RoHS; FIPS 140-2, Level 2RoHS; NEBS Level 3availableRoHS; NEBS Level 3availableRoHSInput voltage and frequency ranges 100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 HzOptional DC power supply Yes Yes Yes YesPower consumption450w 1536 BTU/Hr650W 2219 BTU/Hr450w 1536 BTU/Hr450w 1536 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs30453030Height2U2U2U2UWidth EIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsDepth28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cm28" / 71 cmOperating temperature0-40C0-40C0-40C0-40CAllowed relative humidity5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing Safety certifications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-CElectromagnetic emissions certifications and susceptibility standards FCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESCompliance RoHS; FIPS 140-2, Level 2RoHS; NEBS Level 3availableRoHS RoHS; FIPS 140-2, Level 2Power suppliessecond supply second supply second supplyDualInput voltage and frequency ranges 100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 HzOptional DC power supply Yes Yes Yes YesPower consumption450w 1536 BTU/Hr450w 1536 BTU/Hr450w 1536 BTU/Hr450w 1536 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs32323230Height1U1U1U2UWidth EIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsDepth24" / 61 cm24" / 61 cm24" / 61 cm28” / 71 cmOperating temperature0-40C0-40C0-40C0-40CAllowed relative humidity10%-90%, non-condensing10%-90%, non-condensing10%-90%, non-condensing5%-95%, non-condensing Safety certifications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-CElectromagnetic emissions certifications and susceptibility standards FCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESCompliance RoHS RoHS RoHS RoHS; FIPS 140-2, Level 2Power suppliessecond supply second supplySingle only Single onlyInput voltage and frequency ranges 100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 Hz100-240VAC full range,47-63 HzOptional DC power supply Yes Yes No NoPower consumption450w 1536 BTU/Hr450w 1536 BTU/Hr300w 1110 BTU/Hr300w 1110 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs21213232Height1U1U1U1UWidth EIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsEIA 310-D, IEC 60297, DIN41494 SC48D rack widthwith mounting bracketsDepth21.75” / 55.2 cm21.75” / 55.2 cm24” / 61 cm24” / 61 cm Operating temperature0-40C0-40C0-40C0-40CAllowed relative humidity 10%-90%, non-condensing10%-90%, non-condensing10%-90%, non-condensing10%-90%, non-condensingSafety certifications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-CElectromagnetic emissions certifications and susceptibility standards FCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESFCC (Part 15 Class A),DoC, CE, VCCI, CNS,AN/NESCompliance RoHS RoHS RoHS RoHSTechnical aspectsL4-7 traffic managementLayer 4 load balancing (LB)• Protocols supported: TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, DNS (TCP and UDP), SIP (over UDP), RTSP, RADIUS, DIAMETER, SQL, RDP, IS-IS• Algorithms: Round Robin, Least Packets, Least Bandwidth, Least Connections, Response Time, Hashing (URL, Domain, Source IP, Destination IP, and CustomID), SNMP-provided metric, Server Application State Protocol (SASP)• Session persistence: Source IP, cookie, server, group, SSL session, SIP CALLID, Token-based, JSESSIONID• Session protocols: TCP, UDP, SSL_TCP• Server monitoring: Ping, TCP, URL, ECV, scriptable health checks, Dynamic Server Response Time • Link load balancing• Citrix Branch Repeater load balancingLayer 7 content switching• Policies: URL, URL Query, URL Wildcard, Domain, Source/Destination IP, HTTP Header, Custom, HTTP and TCP Payload Values, UDP • Switch requests based on protocol ofincoming packetsDatabase load balancing• Support for: Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL • Switching algorithms include SQL query parameters such as user and database names and command parameters• Token-based load balancing provides advanced configuration for persistence andfault tolerant deploymentsTriScale clustering7• "Scale-Out" with clustering up to 32 NetScaler appliances into single system image• Multiple traffic distribution system mechanisms • Configuration Coordinator node for centralized management and synchronization• Compatible with Pay-As-You-Grow and Burst Pack performance upgrades• Traffic distribution mechanisms include:Equal Cost Multiple Path (ECMP), Linksets, and Cluster Link Aggregation Group (CLAG)• Available on NetScaler MPX and VPX andwith all editionsRate-based policy enforcement• Trigger NetScaler policies based upon connections per second, packets per second,or bandwidth used• Source or destination-based upon headeror payload information Global server load balancing (GSLB)• Algorithms: site health, geographic proximity,network proximity, connections, bandwidth, AG-ESSL VPN users• Site health checking on status, connection load,packet rate, SNMP-provided metricsSurge protection and priority queuing5• Adaptive rate control for TCP connections andHTTP requests• Prioritized transaction dispatch for criticalapplication requestsApplication accelerationTCP optimization• Multiplexing, Buffering, Connection Keep-alive,Windows Scaling, Selective Acknowledgement,Fast RampAppCompress• Gzip-based compression for HTTPtraffic AppCache5• Caching for static and dynamic application content• HTTP GET and POST method support• Policies defined based upon HTTP headerand body valuesNetScaler CloudConnectors• On-premise proxy providing symmetricTCP optimizations, data compression and datade-duplication• Available on NetScaler MPX, SDX and VPXApplication securityDoS attack defense• Continue service to legitimate users whileprotecting against attacks such as: SYN Flood,HTTP DoS, and Ping of Death• ICMP and UDP rate controlContent rewriting and response control• Policy-based bidirectional rewriting of HTTP headerand payload elements• Policy-based redirection of incoming requests• Body URL rewrite• Responder module• Custom responses and redirects• Policy-based routing• Network aware policiesDNSSEC• DNS proxy• Authoritative DNS• DNS signingPacket filtering• Layer 3 and 4 Access Control Lists (ACL)• Network Address Translation (NAT)• IPv4/IPv6 Network Address Translation (NAT)NetScaler Application Firewall with hybridsecurity model5• Positive security model protects against:Buffer Overflow, CGI-BIN Parameter Manipulation,Form/Hidden Field Manipulation, ForcefulBrowsing, Cookie or Session Poisoning, BrokenACLs, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), CommandInjection, SQL Injection, Error Triggering SensitiveInformation Leak, Insecure Use of Cryptography,Server Misconfiguration, Back Doors and DebugOptions, Rate-based Policy Enforcement, Well-known Platform Vulnerabilities, Zero-day Exploits,Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), credit cardand other sensitive data leakage prevention• Negative security model with signatures to protectagainst L7 and HTTP application vulnerabilities.• Integrates with third party scanning tools• Common event format (CEF) logs• XML security: XML Denial of Service (xDoS)• XML SQL injection and cross site scripting, XMLmessage validation, format checks, WS-I basic profilecompliance, XML, xPath injection attachment check ,XQuery Injection protection• WSDL scan prevention• Attachment checks• URL transformation• Cookie proxying and encryption• SOAP array attack protectionSecure access• Integrated Citrix Access Gateway EnterpriseEdition SSL VPN• Endpoint analysis• Two-factor and client certificate authentication• Client-side cache cleanup• Security certifications• Layer 7 content filtering• AAA traffic management• SAML2 and NTLMv1/2 support for configuringNetScaler with single sign-on (SSO)• Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS +, OCSPNetScaler Cloud Bridge6• Network connectivity protection via IPSec security• D atacenter extension throughGRE-based network bridgingNetwork integration• Static routes, monitored static routes,weighted static routes• OSPF, RIP1/2, BGP5• VLAN 802.1Q• Link Aggregation 802.3ad• IPv6/ IPv4 gatewayHigh availability• Active/Passive• Active/Active• VRRP• ECMP• Connection MirroringAbout CitrixCitrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS) is the company transforming how people, businesses and IT work and collaborate in the cloud era. With market-leading cloud, collaboration, networking and virtualization technologies, Citrix powers mobile workstyles and cloud services, making complex enterprise IT simpler and more accessible for 260,000 enterprises. Citrix touches 75 percent of Internet users each day and partners with more than 10,000 companies in 100 countries. Annual revenue in 2011 was $2.21 billion. Learn more at .©2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Citrix ®, NetScaler ®, CloudConnectors ™, Citrix Access Gateway ™, AppCache ™, AppCompress ™, Branch Repeater ™, AppFlow ™, Citrix Application Firewall ™, XenServer ®, XenApp ™ and Edgesight ® are trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc.and/or one or more of its subsidiaries, and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.110612/PDF Citrix NetScaler Datasheet Technical aspectsSimplified installation and managementUser interface• Graphical application visualizer • Secure web-based GUI • CLI, Telnet, SSH, Console• Real-time performance dashboard• LB, GSLB Application Firewall and EdgeSight for NetScaler configuration wizards • Citrix ® XenApp ™ configuration wizards Policy management• AppExpert Visual Policy Builder• Policy extensibility via HTTP service callouts • AppExpert templates • AppExpert Visualizers Citrix Command Center5• Centralized configuration and management of over 200 NetScaler Scaler AppFlow:• Real-time, end-to-end visibility of application flows • Standards-based NetFlow/IPFIX (Internet Protocol Flow Information Export) solution • Supported by leading performance monitoring and management vendors• Provides transaction level visibility for HTTP, SSL, TCP, and SSL/TCP flows ActionAnalytics• Aggregates real-time traffic statistics and enables their use in setting dynamic policies • Charting and analysis utilitiesEdgeSight for NetScaler 5• Real-time and historical user experience monitoring• Trending and reporting for web application performance service level management Third party management support • SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3: NetScaler MIB and MIB-II support • Microsoft System Center Operations Management (SCOM) support• Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) support • XML/SOAP API for automated application-driven configuration Real-time consolidated logging • Offloads logging from application server to central location Native Web Interface• Integrated Web Interface Server for Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop• Supports JAVA environments with MPX and VPX platforms running NetScaler nCore OS• Authentication methods include: LDAP, RADIUS, NTLM, TACACS+, Client Certificate• Manage HTTPS requests via included SSL VPN • Wizards-based configuration through NetScaler GUI• Login page custimization• Includes Smart Access, smooth roaming, STA server redundancy, and session reliabilityLower total cost of ownershipWeb cache redirection 5• Automatically direct requests with content not cached on NetScaler to cache farm• N-tier multilayer load balancing support of cache serversNotes:1. S DX models ship with a Platinum Edition license and include 5 NetScaler instances. Additional NetScaler packs with 5 instances each areavailable. All instances may be configured for any NetScaler Edition.2. L isted hardware requirements are for NetScler VPX nCore version. NetScaler VPX classic builds are available with a smaller server footprint and a reduced feature set.3. M aximum HTTP throughput for VPX running on XenServer and Hyper-V is less than 3Gbps 4. U sing 3DES algorithm. Up to 1,000 concurrent users using RC4 algorithm.5. A vailable in NetScaler Enterprise and Platinum Editions only.6. I ncluded in Platinum Edition only; not available with Standard or Enterprise Editions.7. A vailable as a license upgrade on all editions and for MPX and VPX appliances.。

citrix 手册

citrix 手册

citrix 手册Citrix 提供了多个产品和解决方案,每个解决方案都有其特定的手册和文档。

以下是一些常见的 Citrix 产品,以及您可以找到相应手册的一般步骤:Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops:Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 提供虚拟化应用程序和桌面的解决方案。

相关手册和文档通常可以在 Citrix 官方网站的文档部分找到。

您可以使用以下链接访问 Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 文档:Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 文档Citrix ADC (formerly NetScaler):Citrix ADC 是一个应用交付和负载均衡解决方案。

您可以在 Citrix 官方网站的文档部分找到 Citrix ADC 的手册:Citrix ADC 文档Citrix Endpoint Management:Citrix Endpoint Management 用于管理移动设备和应用程序。

您可以在 Citrix 官方网站的文档部分找到相关手册:Citrix Endpoint Management 文档Citrix Workspace:Citrix Workspace 是一个统一的工作空间解决方案,整合了应用程序、数据和桌面。

相关手册和文档可以在 Citrix 官方网站找到:Citrix Workspace 文档Citrix Hypervisor:Citrix Hypervisor 是 Citrix 提供的虚拟化平台。

您可以在 Citrix 官方网站的文档部分找到 Citrix Hypervisor 的手册:Citrix Hypervisor 文档请注意,Citrix 的产品和文档可能会有更新,因此建议您访问 Citrix 官方网站以获取最新的手册和文档。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Citrix NetScaler VPX Datasheet 虚拟化高级Web应用交付服务
Citrix NetScaler VPX在一个简单且易于安装的虚拟设备中提供完整的NetScaler Web应用负载均衡、加速、安全和卸载功能集合。

任何规模的IT机构都可以在数据中心任何位置的标准服务器上按需部署NetScaler VPX。


这种需求可能会使IT 部门疲于应付,使他们无法提供足够理想的用户性能;与此同时,公司业务却要求Web 应用随时可用而且安全可靠。

IT 部门需通过部署虚拟化基础架构作为推动设备整合、降低成本并实现按需分配资源,迅速响应业务需求的有效方法。

NetScaler VPX – 打造虚拟化基础架构
Citrix ® NetScaler ® VPX 将虚拟化和网络设备融合在一起。

NetScaler VPX 使通常只有专用高端网络设备才能提供的功能也可以通过虚拟设备提供。


NetScaler VPX 的简便性和灵活性使您可以轻松而经济高效地全面优化所有Web 应用。

• 在小规模Citrix ® XenApp™ 和Citrix ® XenDesktop™ 安装项目中提供安全的远程访问和高可用性
• 在开发、实验室和测试环境中引入Citrix ® NetScaler ®
• 在运营商和云计算提供商环境中按需分配NetScalerVPX 实例• 在基于Web 的应用前经济高效地部署完整的NetScaler 功能,如Microsoft ® SharePoint ® 和Of fice Communication Server
采用NetScaler VPX ,IT 部门可以充分利用现有的虚拟化的服务器及相关资源,并在任何网络或数据中心内任何位置上按需部署应用交付控制器。

NetScaler VPX 并不依赖任何特定的服务器硬件,因此企业可以自由地选择采用低成本商用服务器平台。

此外,多个NetScaler 实例可以部署在同一物理服务器上,有效地利用现有硬件架构。

另一方面,服务提供商现在可以选择利用任何厂商生产、可最好地满足他们需求或符合内部标准的任何专用硬件,如符合NEBS 要求的系统或DC 供电系统。

轻松升级NetScaler VPX 许可证,按需更换硬件平台意味着有效的投资保护,相对专有硬件平台更是如此。


• 降低60%的服务器成本• 提高5倍Web 应用交付速度• 保护Web 应用安全•
NetScaler VPX使企业可以动态地分配关键应用交付服务,支持动态配置的

有了NetScaler VPX,确保高可用性、性能和安全性所需的各应用



具体而言,NetScaler MPX设备可以部署在数据中心边缘,满足全网络
范围的高容量操作需求,而NetScaler VPX可以根据具体需要部署在网络中心
Command Center进行集中管理。



• 调整高级交付功能,满足每种应用的具体要求
• 根据不同组织机构分离应用交付服务
1. 要求4GB的RAM。

1GB RAM时的最大TCP连接数为120万条。

2. 采用3DES。


3. 运行系统管理程序和单一NetScaler VPX VM的最低要求。

4. 建议为系统管理程序配置最少1个内核/1GB的RAM,为每个NetScaler VPX VM配置1个内核/1GB的RAM。

5. 每增加一个NetScaler VPX VM时的最低要求。

思杰系统(Citrix Systems)公司(纳斯达克股票代码:CTXS)是全球领先的虚拟计算解决方案提供




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Citrix®、HDX™、NetScaler™、Workflow Studio™、XenApp™、
XenDesktop™ 和 XenServer™ 是思杰系统公司和/或一个或多个分公司在美国和其它国家的商标或注册


