Numbers and money handout汉语数字
这是因为中英文数字的表达,在 5 个 digit(数位)以上就不对应了,简单的一个例子:1万,英文的表达是10 thousand 。
一、英译中如果你听到下面一群复杂的数字,你该怎么记录呢?例:It covers a total of five hundred forty-nine million nine hundred forty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight square meters.可能会有这样的几种记录方法:第一种:5 h 49 m 9 h 46 th 7 h 68 sqm第二种:549 m 946 th 768 sqm如果在英译中时这么记录的话,恐怕等到规定翻译的时间过了你还没搞清究竟这堆数字是多少,翻成中文该怎么说。
这时,我们就要考虑是否有简单易做的方法呢?答应肯定是 YES。
记住:英文表达数字时可以从右往左,三位一逗号,例如前面记录的数字就是: 549,946 ,768英文:三位一逗号,逗号从右往左,每个逗号的位置分别对应的是:thousand, million, billion。
刚才例举的数字:549,946,768 可以这么添上记号转换成中文的表达法: 5 │49,94│6,768中文:四位一竖,每个竖线位置从右往左分别对应的是:万,亿所以上面的数字经划线后可以轻松的读成:五亿 //四千九百九十四万//六千七百六十八二、中译英有了上面中译英竖线和逗号的数字的记录和表达方法,相信数字的翻译会变得比较简单。
(1)等值翻译:a drop in the ocean沧海一粟within a stone's throw一箭之遥ki11 two birds with one stone一箭双雕A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit..吃一堑,长一智。
(2)不等值翻译:at sixes and sevens乱七八糟on second thoughts再三考虑by ones and twos两两地,零零落落地Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。
Can you come down a little? --Sorry, it's one price for all.你能便宜一点卖吗?对不起,不二价.He had one over the eight after be drank only half bottle of the wine。
(3)不必译出One man's meat is another man's poison.人各有所好。
I'll love you three score and ten.我会一辈子爱你的。
Ten to one he has forgotten it.很可能他已经忘了。
His mark in math is second to none in the class. 他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的。
She is a second Lei Feng。
I always believe my sixth sense。
Tips: 数字的记录
亿”记录,不要用多位零记录。 eg: 一万记录为:1万,而不是:10000 一亿记录为:1亿,而不是:100000000 2、英译中时,“k” 代表 “thousand”,“m” 代表“million”,“b” 代表 “ billion”。
Translation for Numbers 数字的翻译
英汉对于四位数以上数字的表达,有不 同的段位概念和分段方法。
英语数字的表达每三位数为一段位 第一段位 one ten hundred 第二段位 thousand ten thousand hundred thousand 第三段位 million ten million hundred million 第四段位 billion ten billion hundred billion 第五段位 trillion
seven m eight hundred and ninety two thousand, seven hundred and eighty-six 七百八十九万二千七百八十六
Asia-the biggest continent on earth
occupies 26% of the global surface and supports some 58% of the total world population. Of the 71 million child birth each year, 46 million take place in Asia. It is a continent of extremes as is evident from a sample of following statistics...
如1,001,000读作one million and one thousand;10,010,000则读作ten million and ten thousand。
三、接表达方式,“万”只能被译作ten thousand,“十万”译作one hundredthousand;“一百万”译作one mil—lion。
同样汉语的“亿”由one hundred million 来表示,而汉语的“十亿”在英语中为billion。
模糊数字在语言交际中少不了,如“几个”“十几个”“几十个”等等,这些模糊数字的表达法需要平时熟“大于某数”表达为“more than/over/above+某数”,或用“or more”,例如:a little over thirty;above 10degrees;Twenty girls or more.“小于某数”:“less than/under /below/nearly/almost/up to+某数”,或用“.or less”,例如:less than twenty weeks;under five years old;nearly five years old;up to ten boys and girls.大约数字的表示法则为:“.or. ;or so;about;around”等等。
Indefinite Numbers
• • • • • • • • • • • 几个 some, a few, several, a number of 十几个 more than/over a dozen, less than twenty 几十个 dozens of 几十年 decades of 七十好几 well over seventy 好几百个 hundreds of 数以百计 by the hundred(s) 成千上万 thousands of 好几万 tens of thousands 几十万 hundreds of thousands of 数亿 hundreds of millions of
• 第一段位: 个 十 百 千 第二段位: 个 十 百 千 万万万万 第三段位: 个 十 百 千 亿亿亿亿 第四段位: 兆
Reading Numbers
• 以一组13位数字为单位的阿拉伯数字1234567891234为位, 以一组13位数字为单位的阿拉伯数字1234567891234为位, 13位数字为单位的阿拉伯数字1234567891234为位 面用英语和汉语表达时,前者按下标分段记号(,) (,)为单位 面用英语和汉语表达时,前者按下标分段记号(,)为单位 朗读,后者按上标分段记号( 为单位朗读。 朗读,后者按上标分段记号(‘)为单位朗读。 • 英语朗读法: 英语朗读法: 1,234,567,891,234 one trillion two hundred and thirty-four billion five hundred and sixty-seven million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and thirty-four • 汉语朗读法: 汉语朗读法: 1'2345'6789'1234 一兆/万亿 二千三百四十五亿 六千七百八十九万 一千二百三十四
3. 表 示 “ 高 于 ” 、 “ 多 于 ” : more than, odd, over, above, long, past, or more, upwards of, higher than, in excess of , exceed等 Never spend in excess of your income.
1.Definite numbers 2.Approximate numbers 3. Modifier of numbers 4.Numbers in multiples
1.Definite numbers 英语中表示绝对数或精准数的时候,可用阿拉伯数字或文字( 即数词)表示 (一)用数字表示的数量 1. At -275℃ by 2007 580kW-hr A4 paper is 297X210 mm.
在 9· 11恐怖袭击中,死伤者多达3 000多人。
They covered all of ten miles.
6. 表示数目、数量少:only, merely, barely, scarcely, but, at most, no more than, scant 等 There is at most / only room for one person.
It is nearly / toward (s) 4 o‟clock. It is somewhere about 4 o‟clock.
现在将近四点了。 现在四点左右。
The price of this new machine is on the border of/ in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars.
合同金额数字的表达Expression of Amount in Contract英文中金额的大写,由三个部分组成:“SAY + 货币”+ 大写数字(amount in words)+ ONLY(相当于我们的“整”)。
如:1 146 725.00 美元SAY US DOLLARS ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE ONLYHKD12 176SAY HONG KONG DOLLARS TWELVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX ONLY.18,800,000美金Eighteen million eight hundred thousand U.S. Dollars如果金额有小数,常见的有三种表达方法:1. ...AND CENTS…(cents in words) ONLY, 如:USD 100.25 可以写成SAY US DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED AND CENTS TWENTY FIVE ONLY2. …AND POINT…(cents in words) ONLY. 如:JPY1 100.55 可以写成JAPANESE YUAN ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND POINT FIFTY FIVE ONLY3 EUD 13 658.85可以写成EURO DOLLARS THIRTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT 85/100 ONLY英文金额表达式中,小数点前每三位必须有一个逗号,靠近小数点的第一个逗号是Thousand (千), 以此类推,第二个逗号是Million (百万),第三个逗号是Billion(十亿);而且英文中小数点后面的数字都是按单个数字来读,不连在一起读。
合同金额数字的表达Expression of Amount in Contract英文中金额的大写,由三个部分组成:“SAY + 货币”+ 大写数字(amount in words)+ ONLY(相当于我们的“整”)。
如:1 146 725.00 美元SAY US DOLLARS ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE ONLYHKD12 176SAY HONG KONG DOLLARS TWELVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX ONLY.18,800,000美金Eighteen million eight hundred thousand U.S. Dollars如果金额有小数,常见的有三种表达方法:1. ...AND CENTS…(cents in words) ONLY, 如:USD 100.25 可以写成SAY US DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED AND CENTS TWENTY FIVE ONLY2. …AND POINT…(cents in words) ONLY. 如:JPY1 100.55 可以写成JAPANESE YUAN ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND POINT FIFTY FIVE ONLY3 EUD 13 658.85可以写成EURO DOLLARS THIRTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT 85/100 ONLY英文金额表达式中,小数点前每三位必须有一个逗号,靠近小数点的第一个逗号是Thousand (千), 以此类推,第二个逗号是Million (百万),第三个逗号是Billion(十亿);而且英文中小数点后面的数字都是按单个数字来读,不连在一起读。
Numbers and translation(1)(1)
1.A是B的N倍大 长…(或者 比B大/长…N-1倍) 是 的 倍大 倍大/长 或者 或者A比 大 长 倍 • Asia is four times as large as Europe. • Asia is four times larger than Europe. • Asia is four times the size of Europe.
(2)通俗性原则 在英汉两种语言中,存在着大量模糊性 的数字表达(成语、俗语、谚语、歇后语 等),翻译时需特别注意用词的通俗性, 以习惯性为准则,不强求其字面对等。如: • One after another 接二连三 • Multicoloured; of great variety 五光十色 • No risk at all 万无一失 • A fall into the pit ,a gain in your wit 吃一堑, 长一智。
Her face lost color within twenty seconds. 译:她的脸色一下子就变了。 这里的within twenty seconds只是表示时间的 短暂,并没有实际的数字意义,因此,只 要译为“很快”,“一下子”等表示时间 短暂的汉语意义就可以了。
温总理引用《离骚》诗句“亦余心之所善兮, 九死其犹未悔”,张璐的翻译有很巧妙的地方, “汉语习惯说‘九死’,英语一般要死上 thousand times(一千次)才够。”张璐把 “九”翻译成“thousand times”非常贴切。 “亦余心之所善兮,虽九死 其犹未悔。 ” 张璐译文 : For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I ’d not regret a thousand times to die.
下面是一些关于数字的用法和中英文对照例句:1. 数字(shù zì) - number- 请告诉我你的电话数字。
(Qǐng gàosu wǒ nǐ de diànhuà shùzì.)Please tell me your phone number.2. 数字化(shù zì huà) - digitalization- 这个公司正在进行数字化转型。
(Zhège gōngsī zhèngzài jìnxíng shùzìhuà zhuǎnxíng.)The company is undergoing digitalization transformation.3. 数数(shǔ shǔ) - count- 孩子们在课堂上一起数数。
(Háizimen zài kètáng shàng yīqǐ shǔshǔ.)The children are counting together in the classroom.4. 数字键盘(shù zì jiàn pán) - numeric keypad- 这个手机上有一个方便的数字键盘。
(Zhège shǒujī shàng yǒu yīgè fāngbiàn de shùzì jiànpán.) This phone has a convenient numeric keypad.5. 数字化学(shù zì huà xué) - digital chemistry- 数字化学是研究计算机模拟和分析化学现象的领域。
Numbers 数字:数学课上的⽼师与同学的英语对话,学了这么多年英语,你知道奇数、偶数、加减乘除、⼩数、分数、四舍五⼊等数学中最简单的⼊门英语词怎么说吗?看完今天的英语对话你就会了。
Teacher:Today we’ll study numbers. What’s this number?今天我们来学习数字。
这个数字是多少?Student:It’s one hundred and forty。
Teacher:Yes. Is it an even number or an odd number?对。
那它是偶数还是奇数?Student:Well, a number that can be divided by two is an even number, so it’s an even number。
Teacher:OK. Let’s look at the next one。
Student:This figure is zero point five. It’s a decimal number。
Teacher:Do you know how to change the decimal into a fraction?你知道怎么把这个⼩数转化为分数吗?Student:Yes. The number is one half。
Teacher:Now pick two numbers between one and ten, including decimal numbers and fractions, then add, subtract, multiply or divide them as you like. If there are decimals in your answer, round them up to the nearest whole number。
Cardinals and Ordinals 基数和序数(1)100以内的数词基数序数Roman ArabicNumerals Numerals罗马数字阿拉伯数字读法数码读法I 1 one 1st the firstII 2 two 2nd the secondIII 3 three 3rd the thirdIV 4 four 4th the fourthV 5 five 5th the fifthVI 6 six 6th the sixthVII 7 seven 7th the seventhVIII 8 eight 8th the eighthIX 9 nine 9th the ninthX 10 ten 10th the tenthXI 11 eleven 11th the eleventhXII 12 twelve 12th the twelfthXIII 13 thirteen 13th the thirteenthXIV 14 fourteen 14th the fourteenthXV 15 fifteen 15th the fifteenthXVI 16 sixteen 16th the sixteenthXVII 17 seventeen 17th the seventeenth XVIII 18 eighteen 18th the eighteenthXIX 19 nineteen 19th the nineteenthXX 20 twenty 20th the twentiethXXI 21 twenty-one 21st the twenty-firstXXV 25 twenty-five 25th the twenty—fifth XXX 30 thirty 30th the thirtiethXL 40 forty 40th the fortiethL 50 fifty 50th the fiftiethLX 60 sixty 60th the sixtiethLXX 70 seventy 70th the seventiethLXXX 80 eighty 80th the eightiethXC 90 ninety 90th the ninetiethIC 99 ninety—nine 99th the ninety—ninthC 100 one hundred 100th the hundredthCII 102 a hundred 102nd the (one) hundred and two and second246 two hundred and forty—six751 seven hundred and fifty—one(2)1000以上的数词1,000 = one thousand 一千10,000 = ten thousand 一万100,000 = one hundred thousand 十万1,000,000 = one million 一百万10,000,000 = ten million 一千万100,000,000=one hundred million 一亿(3)十亿以上的大数,英美有不同的读法:英国美国十亿one thousand million = one billion百亿ten thousand million = ten billion千亿one hundred thousand million = one hundred billion万亿one billion = one trillion2。
对初任口译的人来说,数字的口译往往是 一大难点。造成汉英数字互译困难的原因 有几个方面:一是汉语和英语的数字表达 方式和四位以上数字的数位分段法不同。 英语以个十百每三位数为一个段位,每一 个段位由低到高依次用thousand, million, billion, trillion表示,而汉语以个十百千每四 位数为一个段位,每一个段位由低到高依 次用万、亿、万亿等词表示。试比较汉英 数字段位的不同。
3亿9650万:396.5 million 以此类推,十亿以上的数字也如此,如:
129亿:12.9 billion
526 million
53 thousand 600
4.517 million:
87.55 billion:
65080180 65million 80 thousand 180 6508万零180
80402608 80million 402thousand 608 8040万2608
上百万的数字最简单的方法就是将百万以 后的数字用小数点表示,如:396万可以表 达为:3.96 million
2/4561/3246/5798 234/3579/1024/3576 82/1354 9687/9097/3002 1843/0123/4095/4165 102/2708/9638/7498
3/5196/0282/3727 46/4753/8649 5084/1932 608/1472/5636 7005/4765/8769 808/7098/1793 678/9004/9244/5623
Numbers 英语 数字学习 - 基数词,序数词,小数,分数,百分数,千分数知识总结
第一百以上的多位序数词,有基数词的形式 变结尾部分为序数词形式来表示
第一 第二 第三 第四 第五 第六 第七 第八
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth
one two three four five six seven eight
1.3 one point three
10.1 ten point one 100.1 one hundred point one 1000.1 one thousand point one 1.23 one point two three 100.11 one hundred point one one
21st(twenty-first),22nd(twenty-second),23rd(twenty-third) • • • • • • • • • 其余的数+th 如:11th ,12th, 13th ... ... 第一 1st: (the) first 第二 2nd: (the) second 第三 3rd: (the) third 第四 4th: (the) fourth 第二十 20th: (the) twentieth 第二十一 21st: (the) twenty-first 第二是二 22nd: (the) twenty-second 第二十三 23rd: (the) twenty-third 第一百二十一 121st (the) one hundred and twenty-first
Numbers 数字
自然数/基数 1至12逐个记 13至19 teen 结尾 20至90整十数,ty结尾是后缀 若要表示几十几,连字符十位连个位 若要表示几百几, hundred 之后and立
基数(cardinal numbers)一到十一到十都是单个音节:onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten几十20、30(tens)是在1-10基数后面加上“ty”(=×10):20 = twenty30 = thirty40 = forty50 = fifty60 = sixty70 = seventy80 = eighty90 = ninety[编辑]十几“十几”(teens)在数字后加个“teen”,代表+10 例:4 = four14 = fourteen6 = six16 = sixteen(加了个“teen”,代表+10)不规则但是,11和12的不符合以上规则:1 = one11 = eleven2 = two12 = twelve有些的拼法有改变,要注意:3 = three13 = thirteen30 = thirty4 = four40 = forty(没有“u”)但是fourteen(14)正常8 = eight18 = eighteen(一个t而已)二十几、三十几在数字前加个“twenty-”,代表+20(见#×10)注意,一定要在twenty 和单数之间写个连字符(-)。
例:4 = four24 = twenty-four6 = six26 = twenty-six同样的,在数字前加个“thirty”,代表+30(见#×10)例:4 = four34 = thirty-four(加了个“thirty”,代表+30)6 = six36 = thirty-six(加了个“thirty”,代表+30)加“forty”,代表+40,等等大的数字一百多的数前面加上“one hundred and”“a hundred and”比较口语。
表示时间、距离时,使用含数词的名词 所有格形式作定语。
“加”用plus,and或add表示;“等 于”用is,make,equal等词表示
• Two plus three is five. • Two and three is equal to five. • Two and three make five. • Two added to three equals five.
在日常生活中,常用下列简单方法表示时间。 以小时、分种为单位分别读出数字。
• 6:31 读作 six thirty-one • 10:26 读作 ten twenty-six • 14:03 读作 fourteen o three • 16:15 读作 sixteen fifteen • 18:30 读作 eighteen thirty • 23:55 读作 twenty-three fifty-five • 注:时刻表上的时间大多采用24小时表示法,这 样就不需要用a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午了。
• A.年份用基数词表示,一般写为阿拉伯数 字,读时可以以hundred为单位,也可以 以世纪、年代为单分别来读。
• 1949 读作 nineteen hundred and forty-nine 或 nineteen forty-nine • 1800 读作 eighteen hundred • 253 读作 two hundred and fifty-three或two fiftythree • 1902 读作 nineteen hundred and two或 nineteen o two
不过,英语数字的口语表达绝不是杂乱无章,也不是如教科书那般死板复杂的,其中到底有哪些规律章法可循呢?同样是1999,年份与数字的念法有何不同?都是0,但为什么007和0.07发音不一样?汉语中的万:10,000该如何正确表达?口语中如何表达数字?1. 个位数:说法很简单,就一个数字。
onetwothreefour...没有比这更简单的了吧?2. 两位数:说法也挺简单,除了11-20是eleven、twelve、thirteen…之外,20以上就是“几十+几”的构成方式(和汉语一样),比如:21 = twenty one40 = forty88 = eighty eight99 = ninety nine.那么现在问题来了,三位数的英文怎么说?3. 三位数:传统的教学中,老师肯定和你说是用“多少hundred and加上两位数”的说法。
比如250就是two hundred and fifty。
不过这只是正式的说法,但实际生活中需要这么正式吗?老外其实也觉得麻烦,所以实际生活中你会发现老外很多人其实是这么说的:two fifty简单吧?人家老外用的是“百位数的单个数字+两位数”的说法来简化的(当然整百的就不用简化了),比如250就分成2和50来说。
我们来看看更多例子: 123 = one twenty three240 = two forty567 = five sixty seven666 = six sixty six…4. 四位数:在传统的教学中,老师也会和你说要用thousand,比如“多少thousand加上多少hundred and加上两位数”。
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0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
líng, yī èr sān sì wǔliù qī bā jiǔ shí
100 - 一百yī bǎi
101- 一百零一yī bǎi líng yī(When there is a zero
in a number, it must be stated)
1000 –一千yì qiān
1001 –一千零一yì qiān líng yī
两Special number “2- liǎng ” – when used to count or measure.
Numbers such as two-hundred, two-thousand, and twenty-thousand take the liǎng form.“二èr” is used as a digit at the end of a number.
200 –两百liǎng bǎi
2000- 两千liǎng qiān
20,000 –两万liǎng wàn
(I thirty four age)
In Chinese there are different measure word for items depending on the shape of
of cake) “Ge” is the most common measure
Shopping and money
I want –我要wǒyāo
I don’t want –我不要wǒ bùyāo
Give me one –给我一个géi wǒ yí ge
How much? 多少钱?duō shǎo qián (钱qián – money)
Or 几块钱?jǐ kuài qián (how many pieces of money?)
It’s too expansive! 太贵了!tài guì le (贵guì– expensive)
Do you need (want) a bag? 要袋子吗?yào dài zi ma?Exercise: At the fruit stand
Put these sentences in the correct order with numbers.
Wā! (wow) tài guì le!
yī gè píngguǒduōshǎo qián?
Búyào, xièxiè.
Nǐhǎo! yào shénme?
Hǎoba, wǒ yào yī gè.
qī kuài qián
bú guì, zhè shì FUJI píngguǒ,hěn hǎo chī de.
yào dàizi ma?
Exercise 2:
Listen to the teacher’s dialogue and answer these questions.
1.How many apples did she want?
2.How many watermelons did she want?
3.How many mandarins did she want?
4.How much was the total?
5.Did she need a bag?
一斤多少钱?yì jīn duō shǎo qián (How much is it for 500grams?)
One jin how much
斤–jīn – 500g
公斤–gōng jīn – 1 kilo (kg)
这个一斤多少?zhè ge yì jīn duō shǎo (How is this by the jin?)
甜吗? - tián ma?(Is it sweet?)
甜!- tián!(It’s sweet!)
好吃吗?- hǎo chī mā?(Is it tasty?)
很好吃! - hěn hǎo chī! (It’s very tasty!)
这个叫什么?- zhè ge jiào shé me?(What is this called?)
Now do a rule play between fruit seller and buyer.
∙Learn your pinyin and numbers!
∙Write 1-10 ten times in Chinese characters on a page.
∙Go and buy some fruit and record the dialogue! I want you to note down:
1.The conversation (even if you didn’t understand everything, try to record it
with your cell phone and later write down the sentences in pinyin)
2.The price per 500gram and the name for the fruit that you’ve purchased!
e or ask a Chinese friend to try and figure out the meaning of one
unknown sentence.
4.Next lesson I’ll pick 2 random students to share his/her findings with us.。