A Prospective Incidence Study of Febrile Convulsions
学术英语写作智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下天津外国语大学天津外国语大学第一章测试1.What steps are involved in writing? ()A:PrewritingB:Revising and editingC:Writing the first draftD:Rewriting答案:Prewriting;Revising and editing;Writing the first draft2.The objectives of the course include ()A:To improve students’ thinking ability via choosing a topic, sourcinginformation, writing different parts of a project paper including introduction, literature review, methods, findings, discussions and conclusionB:To improve students’ writing and reading proficiency in EnglishC:To improve students’ capability of carrying out research by going through the process of writing a project paperD:To improve students’ cultural competence through learning western ways of thinking in English writing答案:To improve students’ thinking ability via choosing a topic,sourcing information, writing different parts of a project paperincluding introduction, literature review, methods, findings,discussions and conclusion;To im prove students’ writing and reading proficiency in English;To improve students’ capability of carrying out research by goingthrough the process of writing a project paper;To improve students’ cultural competence through learning westernways of thinking in English writing3.In freewriting, the writer needs to make everything perfect.()A:错 B:对答案:错4.The relationship between reading and writing can be described as()A:When you start learning writing, you will read differently.B:Reading is the input, while writing is the output of language.C:When you start learning writing, you will improve the awareness ofaccumulating language, information and idea for various topics, which will consequently change the way you read.D:Reading and writing are reciprocal activities; the outcome of a readingactivity can serve as input for writing, and writing can lead a student tofurther reading resources.答案:When you start learning writing, you will read differently.;Reading is the input, while writing is the output of language.;When you start learning writing, you will improve the awareness ofaccumulating language, information and idea for various topics, which will consequently change the way you read.;Reading and writing are reciprocal activities; the outcome of a reading activity can serve as input for writing, and writing can lead a student to further reading resources.5.The functions of writing include ()A:The discipline of writing will strengthen your skills as a reader and listener B:Writing will make you a strong thinker and writing allows you to organize your thoughts in clear and logical waysC:Writing encourages you to seek worthwhile questionsD:Writing helps you refine and enrich your ideas based on feedback fromreaders答案:The discipline of writing will strengthen your skills as a readerand listener;Writing will make you a strong thinker and writing allows you toorganize your thoughts in clear and logical ways;Writing encourages you to seek worthwhile questions;Writing helps you refine and enrich your ideas based on feedback fromreaders第二章测试1. A thesis statement should be one single sentence, including only one idea. ( )A:对 B:错答案:对2.An essay should include at least three specific details to be well-developed. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错3.The topic sentence for each body paragraph should be fairly specific becauseeach body paragraph deals with only one of the many things stated in thethesis statement. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对4.Living with my ex-roommate was unbearable. First, she thought everythingshe owned was the best. Secondly, she possessed numerators filthy habits.Finally, she constantly exhibited immature behavior.Read this paragraph and decide which statement is NOT TRUE? ()。
第一章测试1【判断题】(5分) Peopledoresearchinordertohaveabetterunderstandingofourworld.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分)Wedon’tneedtobecreativeinresearchasanyresearchisbasedonevidences.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分)Goodresearchquestionsareimportantinresearch.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) Literaturereviewisneededinsomeresearchpapers.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Agoodresearchpaperneedscarefulrevisingandproofreading.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Unintentionalplagiarismcanbeexcusedasitisnotcommitteddeliberately.A.对B.错7【判断题】(5分) Academicfalsificationisonecommontypeofacademicdishonesty.A.对B.错8【多选题】(5分) Whatroledoesaliteraturereviewplayinaresearchpaper?A.Itenhancesthecredibilityofyourpaper.B.Itprovestheexistenceofaresearchgap.C.Itsynthesizestheexistingstudiesinyourarea.D.Itprovidesevidencesforyourargument.9【单选题】(5分) WhichofthefollowingisNOTanessentialstepinaresearchpaperwriting?A.ChoosingatopicB.ConsultinginstructorsC.LocatingsourcesD.OutliningthePaper10【多选题】(5分) Whichofthefollowingmayleadtoacademicdishonesty?A.AcademicplagiarismB.AcademicpromotionC.AcademicinterestD.Academicfabrication第二章测试1【多选题】(5分)Inchoosingaresearchtopic,whichofthefollowingdoweneedtoconsider?A.PublicationpossibilitiesB.AcademicimportanceC.OurresearchinterestD.Ourmanageability2【判断题】(5分)Tocheckthevalidityofaresearchtopic,weneedtobecriticalenough.A.对B.错3【判断题】(5分) Itisanactofplagiarismifonesimplyparaphrasesabookforaresearchpaper.A.对B.错4【判断题】(5分) StudentsshouldbebraveenoughtotrychallengingissuesfortheirBAtheses.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Carefulreadingofliterarytextisimportantinliterarystudies.A.对B.错6【判断题】(5分) Literarytheoriestakepriorityoverliterarytextsinliteraryanalysis.A.错B.对7【判断题】(5分) ICstudycanbechallengingbutinterestingandpracticalinlife.A.错B.对8【判断题】(5分) Expertssharesimilarunderstandingsoverthestandardsoftranslation.A.错B.对9【判断题】(5分) Translationstrategiesandtranslationtechniquesaredifferentconceptsintranslation.A.对B.错10【判断题】(5分) Sociolinguisticsisoneofthebranchesofappliedlinguistics.A.对B.错第三章测试1【判断题】(5分) Aworkingbibliographyincludesthesourceswehavesofarcollectedforaresearchproject.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分) Knowingwhatsourcesyouneedisofvitalimportanceinevaluatingyoursources.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Sourcesfromleadingscholarscanbeveryusefultoyourresearch.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分)Inreadingsources,weneedtobecriticalandformourpersonalresponses.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分) Theplanforanempiricalresearchshouldcoveritspurpose,method,subjects,andprocedure.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Itiswisefortheobservernottotakepartintheactivityobservedatalltime.A.错B.对7【多选题】(5分)InBooleanLogic,ifonewantstosearchonlyforsourcesrelevantwithcomputervirus,thesearchformul ashouldbe_______.A.computernotvirusB.computernearvirusC.computerorvirusD.computerandvirus8【多选题】(5分) Theannotationofasourceinanannotatedbibliographymayhaveyour____:A.reflectionofthesourceB.adaptationofthesourceC.summaryofthesourceD.assessmentofthesource9【单选题】(5分)Inaquestionnaireentitled“ASurveyontheThirdYearEnglishMajors’EnglishVocabularyinXXUniv ersity”,the“thethirdyearEnglishmajors”shouldbe:A.ThetimeofthesurveyB.ThesubjectofthesurveyC.ThecontentofthesurveyD.Themodeofthesurvey10【单选题】(5分)Inanexperimententitled“AStudyontheEffectsofWriting-after-ReadingActivityonEnglishMajors EnglishVocabulary”,students’languageproficiencyshouldbe:A.IrrelevantvariableB.dependentvariableC.Independentvariable第四章测试1【判断题】(5分)Aresearchproposalshouldbepersuasiveinnature.A.错B.对2【判断题】(5分) Wecanaskforsuggestionsfromtheexpertsforourresearchinourproposal.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Weneedtoputforwardourresearchquestionsinourresearchproposals.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) Aresearchproposaldemonstratesthesignificanceofourproposedresearch.A.错B.对5【判断题】(5分) Theliteraturereviewsectioninaproposalprovestheexistenceofaresearchgap.A.对B.错6【判断题】(5分)The“ApplicationoftheResearch”tellshowyourresearchwillbenefitinpractice.A.对B.错7【判断题】(5分)A“PreliminaryBibliography”isalistofthesourcesyouhavecitedinyourproposal.A.错B.对8【判断题】(5分) Thesignificanceofyourresearchemphasizespossibleresearchcontributions.A.对B.错9【判断题】(5分)Simpleasitis,aBAthesisproposalincludesalltheelementsinagrantresearchproposal.A.错B.对10【多选题】(5分)WhichofthefollowingisNOTincludedinthree-moveschemeoftheproposalsummary?A.researchneedB.potentialcontributionsC.possiblelimitationsD.researchmethod第五章测试1【判断题】(5分) Theuseofsignalphrasesincitationcanenhancethefluencyofwriting.A.对B.错2【判断题】(5分) Theintegrationofthesourcesmustfitourwritinginstructureandgrammar.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分) Researchlimitationisacompulsoryelementinallresearchpapers.A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分) CARSModelisapatternforintroductionwritinginresearchpapers.A.对B.错5【判断题】(5分)Inrevising,weneedtofocusontheerrorslikegrammarandspelling.A.错B.对6【判断题】(5分) Aliteraturereviewmainlypresentsasummaryofeachsourceinchronologicalorder.A.错B.对7【单选题】(5分) Characteristicsofacademicwritingincludesallthefollowingexcept________.A.thefirst-personviewB.aformaltoneC.aclearfocusD.precisewordchoice8【单选题】(5分) Itisessentialtoalwaysacknowledgethesourceofborrowedideasinyourpaper.Todootherwiseisconsi dered_________.A.IgnoranceB.CarelessnessC.Plagiarism9【单选题】(5分)Whichofthefollowingarefeaturesofagoodtitle?A.ClearB.AlloftheaboveC.Attractive.D.Direct10【单选题】(5分)Abstractscanbedividedintotwotypes accordingto their_________.A.functionsB.length第六章测试1【判断题】(5分)MLAin-textcitationrequiresthattheauthorinformationshouldbeputeitherinthetextofthepaperorint heparentheticalcitation.A.错B.对2【判断题】(5分)InMLAdocumentation,parentheticalcitationinthetextofthepapermustalwaysincludetheauthor’sn ameandthework’stitle.A.错B.对3【判断题】(5分)MLAworkscitedlistisorganizedalphabeticallybytheauthor’slastnames(orbytitleforaworkwithnoa uthor).A.错B.对4【判断题】(5分)Whenawork’sauthorisunknown,theworkislistedunder“Anonymous”inthelistofMLAworkscited.A.错B.对5【单选题】(5分)Lee(2007)stated,“Theabilitytothinkcriticallyisneededinthisrevolutionaryageoftechnologicalcha nge”(p.82).Thein-textcitationusedhereis__________.A.integratedB.non-integrated6【多选题】(5分)WhatarethefunctionsofAPAdocumentation?A.Tociteothers’ideasandinformationusedwithinyourpaperB.TodemonstratethetypeofresearchconductedC.ToindicatethesourcesintheReferenceslist7【单选题】(5分)Writethelistofworkscited,usingtheAPAformat.Aparaphraseofanideafrompage121ofWritingSpace:TheComputer;Hypertext,andtheHistoryofWr iting,byJayDavidBolter.This1991bookwaspublishedbyLawrenceErlbaumAssociatesofHillsdale, NewJersey.Whichofthefollowingiscorrectfortheauthor’sname?A.Bolter,J.DB.J.D.BolterC.Jay,D.BolterD.Bolter,JayDavid【单选题】(5分)Writethelistofworkscited,usingtheAPAformat.Aquotationfrompage78ofanarticlebyBartKoskoandSatornIsakafromtheJuly1993issueofScientifi cAmerican,amonthlypublication.Thearticleisentitled"FuzzyLogic"andappearsonpages76to81in volume239,ofthejournal. Whichofthefollowingisthecorrectformatforthevolumeandpagernumber?A.ScientificAmerican,239,78B.ScientificAmerican,239,76-81C.ScientificAmerican,239:76-81D.ScientificAmerican,239,76-81.9【多选题】(5分)Bohren,M.A.,G.J.Hofmeyr,C.Sakala,R.K.Fukuzawa,andA.Cuthbert.(2017).Continuoussupportf orwomenduringchildbirth.CochraneDatabaseofSystematicReviews,2017(7).https:///10.1 002/14651858.CD003766.pub6Errorsmadeinthisentryinclude_________.A.authors’namesB.issuenumberC.theword“and”D.doinumber10【单选题】(5分)Perrey,S.(2017).Doweperformbetterwhenweincreaseredbloodcells?TheLancetHaematology,17, 2352-3026.https:///10.1016/S2352-3026(17)30123-0.RetrievedAugust23,2018.Whatinfo rmationisNOTneededinthisentry?A.ThedateofretrievalB.ThepagerangeC.Thedoinumber。
2025年研究生考试考研英语(一201)模拟试卷与参考答案一、完型填空(10分)Section ARead the following passage and fill in each blank with ONE word that best fits the context. Each blank has four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should read the passage through carefully before making your choices.In the past, a typical student at a university in the United States was a white, middle-class male, usually between the ages of 18 and 22. He entered college directly from high school, majored in a technical subject, and had a clear idea of what he wanted to do after graduation. Now, the typical student is different. Today’s university students are diverse in terms of race, gender, age, and background. They come from all walks of life and bring with them a variety of experiences and perspectives.The diversity of today’s university students is a reflection of the changing society in which they live. The population of the United States is increasingly multicultural, and universities are responding to this trend by becoming more inclusive. This shift in demographics has had a significant impact on the curriculum and the teaching methods used in universities.1.The passage begins by describing the_of a typical student in the past.A) ageB) backgroundC) genderD) major2.The word “he” in the second sentence refers to the _.A) universityB) studentC) teacherD) high school3.According to the passage, today’s university students are _.A) mostly whiteB) of similar ageC) diverseD) all male4.The phrase “all walks of life” in the second paragraph means _.A) different levels of societyB) various interestsC) different jobsD) various backgrounds5.The passage suggests that universities are_in response to the multicultural society.A) becoming exclusiveB) segregating studentsC) adaptingD) resisting change6.The author implies that the curriculum at universities has_due to the demographic changes.A) become more technicalB) become more diverseC) remained the sameD) become more restrictive7.The teaching methods used in universities have_to accommodate the diverse student population.A) changedB) remained unchangedC) become more rigidD) been abandoned8.The passage indicates that the population of the United States is _.A) becoming more homogeneousB) decreasing in sizeC) increasingly multiculturalD) declining9.The author uses the word “trend” to describe the _.A) increasing number of studentsB) growing diversity in societyC) decline of traditional universitiesD) changing demographics10.The author suggests that the shift in demographics has_on universities.A) had no impactB) caused problemsC) had a significant impactD) been unnoticed11.The word “inclusive” in the third paragraph can be best replaced by _.A) exclusiveB) diverseC) variedD) broad12.The author mentions that the diversity of students has led to _.A) a more homogeneous curriculumB) a more diverse curriculumC) a more restrictive curriculumD) a more exclusive curriculum13.The author implies that the teaching methods used in universities are _.A) being updatedB) becoming outdatedC) becoming more standardizedD) becoming more traditional14.The passage indicates that the population of the United States is _.A) becoming more homogeneousB) decreasing in sizeC) increasingly multiculturalD) declining15.The author suggests that the shift in demographics has_on universities.A) had no impactB) caused problemsC) had a significant impactD) been unnoticed16.The author uses the word “trend” to describe the _.A) increasing number of studentsB) growing diversity in societyC) decline of traditional universitiesD) changing demographics17.The passage indicates that the population of the United States is _.A) becoming more homogeneousB) decreasing in sizeC) increasingly multiculturalD) declining18.The author suggests that the shift in demographics has_on universities.A) had no impactB) caused problemsC) had a significant impactD) been unnoticed19.The author uses the word “trend” to describe the _.A) increasing number of studentsB) growing diversity in societyC) decline of traditional universitiesD) changing demographics20.The author implies that the teaching methods used in universities are _.A) being updatedB) becoming outdatedC) becoming more standardizedD) becoming more traditionalAnswers:1.B) background2.B) student3.C) diverse4.D) various backgrounds5.C) adapting6.B) become more diverse7.A) changed8.C) increasingly multicultural9.B) growing diversity in society10.C) had a significant impact11.B) diverse12.B) a more diverse curriculum13.A) being updated14.C) increasingly multicultural15.C) had a significant impact16.B) growing diversity in society17.C) increasingly multicultural18.C) had a significant impact19.B) growing diversity in society20.A) being updated二、传统阅读理解(本部分有4大题,每大题10分,共40分)第一题Passage:The digital age has brought about significant changes in the way we communicate, work, and live. With the advent of the internet, social media, andvarious digital devices, our lives have become more connected than ever before. However, this digital revolution has also raised concerns about the impact it has on our mental health. One of the most prevalent issues is the rise in social isolation and loneliness, particularly among young adults.A recent study conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health found that young adults are more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety compared to previous generations. The study attributes this to the excessive use of digital devices and social media, which can lead to a lack of face-to-face interaction and a decline in social skills. According to the study, young adults who spend more time on social media are more likely to report feelings of loneliness and social isolation.The study also highlights the negative effects of social isolation on mental health. Social isolation has been linked to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and even cardiovascular disease. Moreover, individuals who feel socially isolated may experience a decline in their overall well-being and quality of life.To address these concerns, experts recommend several strategies to mitigate the negative effects of social isolation in the digital age. Firstly, they emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between digital and face-to-face interactions. This means reducing the amount of time spent on digital devices and making an effort to engage in real-life social activities. Secondly, experts suggest that individuals should be more mindful of theironline behavior and avoid excessive use of social media, especially during stressful or challenging times. Lastly, building a strong support network of friends, family, and community can help combat feelings of social isolation.The digital age has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits, but it is crucial to be aware of the potential negative effects it can have on our mental health. By adopting healthy habits and being proactive in fostering social connections, we can better navigate this digital landscape and maintain our mentalwell-being.Questions:1、What is the main topic of the passage?A. The benefits of the digital ageB. The negative effects of social isolationC. The role of social media in mental healthD. The importance of maintaining a healthy balance between digital and face-to-face interactions2、According to the passage, what is the primary cause of the rise in social isolation and loneliness among young adults?A. Excessive use of digital devices and social mediaB. The decline in social skillsC. The negative effects of social isolation on mental healthD. A lack of face-to-face interaction3、What are the negative effects of social isolation on mental health,according to the passage?A. Increased risk of depression and anxietyB. A decline in overall well-being and quality of lifeC. Cardiovascular diseaseD. All of the above4、What strategies are recommended by experts to mitigate the negative effects of social isolation in the digital age?A. Reducing the amount of time spent on digital devicesB. Engaging in real-life social activitiesC. Being more mindful of online behaviorD. Building a strong support networkE. All of the above5、What is the main message of the passage?A. The digital age has brought about significant changes in the way we communicate, work, and live.B. Social isolation and loneliness are prevalent issues in the digital age.C. The negative effects of social isolation on mental health are significant.D. By adopting healthy habits and fostering social connections, we can maintain our mental well-being.Answers:1、B2、A3、D4、E5、D第二题Reading PassageThe following passage is followed by some questions. For each question, four answers are given. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.In the 19th century, the development of the steam engine and the expansion of the railway network revolutionized transportation and industry. The steam engine, invented by James Watt in the late 18th century, provided a powerful source of energy that could be harnessed to drive machinery and power locomotives. This innovation led to the Industrial Revolution, which transformed societies and economies across the world.The steam engine was a remarkable piece of engineering, as it converted heat energy into mechanical work. The engine worked by using steam pressure to move a piston, which in turn drove the machinery. The invention of the steam engine had a profound impact on various sectors of society, including agriculture, mining, and manufacturing.1.What was the primary innovation of James Watt in the late 18th century?A. The steam engineB. The railway networkC. The steam turbineD. The internal combustion engine2.What was the main purpose of the steam engine?A. To generate electricityB. To power locomotivesC. To heat homesD. To produce steam3.How did the steam engine work?A. By using wind pressure to move a turbineB. By using steam pressure to move a pistonC. By using hydraulic pressure to move a pumpD. By using nuclear energy to create steam4.What was the most significant impact of the steam engine on society?A. It improved agricultural productivityB. It led to the development of new forms of transportationC. It increased the availability of clean waterD. It reduced the need for manual labor5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a sector of society affected by the steam engine?A. AgricultureB. EducationC. MiningD. ManufacturingAnswers:1.A. The steam engine2.B. To power locomotives3.B. By using steam pressure to move a piston4.B. It led to the development of new forms of transportation5.B. EducationThird Question: Traditional Reading ComprehensionReading Passage:In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, scientists have discovered a previously unknown species of frog, which they have named “Callimico mexicanus.” This frog, with its iridescent green skin and distinctive call, has been a mystery to biologists for decades. The discovery of this species has sparkeda new wave of research into the biodiversity of the Amazon and the potential impact of climate change on its delicate ecosystem.The Amazon rainforest is one of the most complex and diverse ecosystems on Earth, home to thousands of plant and animal species. However, human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, have put immense pressure on this vital ecosystem. The new species of frog, with its unique characteristics, could provide valuable insights into the health of the Amazon’s biodiversity.1.The main purpose of this passage is to:a) Describe the discovery of a new species of frog.b) Discuss the impact of climate change on the Amazon rainforest.c) Analyze the biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest.d) Explain the role of humans in the conservation of the Amazon rainforest.2.The word “iridescent” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to:a) Transparentb) Varying in colorc) Hardd) Smaller3.The author mentions “thousands of plant and animal species” to:a) Emphasize the diversity of the Amazon rainforest.b) Highlight the new species of frog.c) Criticize the impact of human activities on the Amazon.d) Compare the Amazon rainforest to other ecosystems.4.It can be inferred from the passage that:a) The new species of frog is the most diverse species in the Amazon.b) The discovery of the new species has led to a significant reduction in deforestation.c) Scientists are studying the new species to understand the effects of climate change.d) The Amazon rainforest is not as important as other ecosystems.5.The author’s tone throughout the passage can be described as:a) Skepticalb) Excitedc) Boredd) IndifferentAnswers:1.b2.b3.a4.c5.b第四题Reading PassageIn the world of science, the greatest discoveries often come from unexpected sources. The case of the discovery of penicillin is no exception. This remarkable story begins with a curious incident involving a moldy bread and the observations of a young Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming.One day, Alexander Fleming returned to his laboratory after a holiday, only to find that one of his cultures had become contaminated with a strange mold. Rather than discarding the culture, he decided to examine it further. He noticed that the mold was killing the bacteria in the culture. Intrigued, Fleming began to study the mold and its properties. He discovered that it produced a substance that had antibacterial properties. This substance, which he named penicillin, was the first antibiotic and would revolutionize the treatment of bacterial infections.1、What is the main topic of the reading passage?A、The discovery of penicillinB、The importance of scientific observationC、The history of antibioticsD、The life of Alexander Fleming2、Why did Alexander Fleming decide to examine the moldy bread culture?A、He wanted to discard it.B、He was interested in the mold’s antibacterial properties.C、He was on a holiday.D、He didn’t care about the contamination.3、What did Alexander Fleming discover about the mold?A、It was killing the bacteria in the culture.B、It was a common type of mold.C、It was the cause of the contamination.D、It was beneficial for bacterial growth.4、What is the significance of the discovery of penicillin?A、It showed that mold can kill bacteria.B、It helped to improve the quality of bread.C、It led to the development of new antibiotics.D、It helped to prevent contamination in laboratories.5、What is the name of the substance that Fleming named after discovering its antibacterial properties?A、MoldB、BacteriaC、PenicillinD、Antibiotic答案:1、A2、B3、A4、D5、C三、阅读理解新题型(10分)PassageThe rise of the Internet has dramatically transformed the way people communicate and access information. One of the most significant changes brought about by the Internet is the emergence of online social networks. These networks allow individuals to connect with others, share information, and collaborate on various projects. However, this transformation has also raised concerns about the impact on face-to-face interactions and the potential risks associated with online communication.Online social networks offer numerous benefits. They provide a platform for people to maintain and strengthen existing relationships, as well as toestablish new connections with like-minded individuals. Moreover, these networks enable users to access a wealth of information, resources, and opportunities. For instance, students can join online study groups, professionals can network with peers in their field, and job seekers can find employment opportunities.Despite these benefits, there are potential drawbacks to online social networks. One major concern is the decline in face-to-face interactions. As people become more reliant on digital communication, they may find themselves less inclined to engage in face-to-face conversations, which can hinder the development of interpersonal skills. Additionally, online social networks can expose individuals to various risks, such as cyberbullying, privacy breaches, and identity theft.Online social networks also have the potential to impact mental health. Excessive use of these networks can lead to social isolation, anxiety, and depression. The constant comparison with others’ seemingly perfect lives on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Furthermore, the rapid spread of false information and misinformation on these platforms can contribute to confusion, polarization, and even violence in society.In order to mitigate the potential negative impacts of online social networks, it is essential to strike a balance between digital and face-to-face interactions. Individuals should be encouraged to maintain and nurture their relationships both online and offline. Additionally, efforts should be made toeducate users about the risks associated with online communication and to promote responsible use of social media platforms.Questions:1.What is the main topic of the passage?A. The benefits of online social networksB. The risks associated with online social networksC. The impact of online social networks on mental healthD. The balance between digital and face-to-face interactions2.According to the passage, which of the following is a potential benefit of online social networks?A. Decrease in face-to-face interactionsB. Improved access to information and resourcesC. Increased risk of cyberbullyingD. Decline in mental health3.What is one concern raised by the passage regarding the decline in face-to-face interactions?A. The loss of interpersonal skillsB. The reduction in access to informationC. The increase in social isolationD. The enhancement of privacy4.How can individuals mitigate the potential negative impacts of online social networks?A. By reducing their usage of social media platformsB. By maintaining and nurturing their relationships both online and offlineC. By avoiding online communication altogetherD. By seeking professional help for mental health issues5.What is the author’s main suggestion to address the risks associated with online social networks?A. To ban the use of social media platformsB. To promote responsible use of social mediaC. To encourage face-to-face interactions onlyD. To limit access to social media for young peopleAnswers:1.B2.B3.A4.B5.B四、翻译(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)第一题中文:“随着互联网的普及,网络信息已经成为人们获取知识、学习新技能的重要途径。
流行病学题库实习指导答案实习一疾病频率测量的常用指标五练习题(一)名词解释:答案见课本P16-22 (二)单选题1 B2 B3 E4 C5 B(三)论述题:答案见课本P17-18实习二疾病分布五练习题(一)名词解释:答案见课本P16-22 (二)单选题1 B2 C(三)多选题1 ABD2 ABD3 ABDE4 ABCD5 BCDE(四)论述题:1. 答案见课本P262. 答案见课本P33-343. 答案见课本P35-364. 答案见课本P28实习三现况研究课题一问题:现况研究是描述性研究中的一种,此研究属于现况研究中的抽样调查,常用的抽样方法主要有单纯随机抽样、系统抽样、分层抽样、整群抽样和分级抽样。
课题四问题1:性别年龄别分布特点:糖尿病的年龄别患病率均随年龄增长而上升, 30 岁以上人群的糖尿病患病率明显增高。
在45 岁以前,男性糖尿病的患病率明显高于女性, 而45 岁以上女性糖尿病的患病率上升较快,60~65 岁期间达到高峰。
关键词:生物质,吸附,染料,有机污染物,皮胶原中图分类号:TQ028文献标识码:Adsorption of dyes and other organic pollutants on biomassmaterials from aqueous solutionsGU Ying-chun 1,ZHENG Jing 2,SHI Bi 1(1.National Engineering Laboratory for Clean Technology of Leather Manufacture,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China;2.Library of Chengdu University of Information andTechnology,Chengdu,610225,China)Abstract :A large number of researches have indicated that the adsorption capacities of dyes on cellulose-based biomass,chitin and microbe were lower than those on commercial activated carbons from aqueous solutions.Al -though the adsorption capacities of some anionic dyes on chitosan were great considerably,the properties of chitosan were not stable enough to acquire the industrial application on large scale.The relatively fewer reports illustrate that there should be more profound and extended research concerned with the adsorption characteristics of other organic pollutants on biomass.Waste hide collagen is a type of very abundant biomass.The recent investigation has found that a novel adsorbent based on hide collagen had the effective removal of anionic dyes and organic acids from aqueous solutions and might have the potential usefulness on the treatment of dye and organic wastewater.Key words :biomass,adsorption,dyes,organic pollutions,hide collagen收稿日期:2008-12-07*基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题(No.2006BAC02A09);四川省重点科学与技术研究项目(04SG012-009);四川大学青年科学基金(200452)[通讯作者]石碧,E-mail:shibi@ or sibitannin@ ,Tel:(028)85405508第17卷第1期中国医学工程Vol.17No.12009年3月China Medical EngineeringMar.2009对水体中染料和其他有机污染物吸附性能的研究的主要目的是对染料和有机废水进行脱色和净化处理。
英语拔高试题及答案一、阅读理解(共20分,每题4分)1. According to the passage, what is the main reason for the decline in the number of honeybees?A) The use of pesticides in agriculture.B) The destruction of their natural habitats.C) The spread of a disease affecting bees.D) The impact of climate change.2. What does the author suggest as a solution to the problem of declining bee populations?A) Banning the use of certain pesticides.B) Planting more flowers to provide food for bees.C) Encouraging the growth of wild habitats.D) All of the above.3. What is the role of bees in the ecosystem according to the text?A) They are the primary pollinators of many plants.B) They are responsible for the spread of diseases.C) They compete with other insects for food.D) They are a major food source for other animals.4. What is the significance of the study mentioned in the passage?A) It provides evidence of the long-term effects of pesticides on bees.B) It identifies a new disease affecting bee populations.C) It quantifies the economic impact of bees on agriculture.D) It shows a direct link between habitat loss and bee decline.5. What can be inferred from the passage about the future of honeybees?A) The situation is improving due to recent conservation efforts.B) The decline is expected to continue without significant intervention.C) The bees are adapting to the changes in their environment.D) There is no immediate threat to their survival.二、完形填空(共15分,每题3分)[文章略]6. The word "catastrophic" in the first sentence is closest in meaning to:A) PredictableB) DevastatingC) InevitableD) Minor7. The author suggests that the decline in bee populations is primarily due to:A) Natural causesB) Human activitiesC) Uncontrollable factorsD) Unforeseen events8. The term "pollination" refers to the process of:A) Plant growthB) Seed dispersalC) FloweringD) Transfer of pollen from one plant to another9. The passage implies that bees are important because they:A) Are a source of honeyB) Contribute to the food chainC) Help in the reproduction of plantsD) Are a symbol of nature10. The author's tone throughout the passage can be best described as:A) OptimisticB) AlarmistC) NeutralD) Pessimistic三、翻译(共15分,每题5分)11. 将以下句子从英语翻译成中文:"The alarming decline in bee populations has sparked a global concern."12. 将以下句子从中文翻译成英语:"蜜蜂数量的惊人下降引起了全球的关注。
如何预防近视呀英语作文英文:As a student who has been struggling with myopia for years, I have been actively seeking ways to prevent it from worsening. Here are some effective methods that I have found helpful in preventing myopia.First and foremost, it is crucial to take regular breaks from screens and books. As a student, I spend a significant amount of time studying and using electronic devices. However, I have learned that taking short breaks every 30 minutes can greatly reduce eye strain and prevent myopia. During these breaks, I like to go for a short walk, do some eye exercises, or simply look into the distance to relax my eyes.In addition to taking regular breaks, I have also found that maintaining a balanced diet and getting enough outdoor activities are essential in preventing myopia. Foods richin vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, are beneficial for eye health. Therefore, I make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fish in my diet. Furthermore, spending time outdoors, especially in natural sunlight, has been proven to reduce the risk of myopia. Therefore, I try to spend at least 2 hours outdoors every day, whether it's for sports, walking, or simply enjoying nature.Moreover, I have also made it a habit to maintain good posture and proper lighting when studying or using electronic devices. Sitting up straight and positioning the screen at eye level can prevent unnecessary strain on the eyes. Additionally, ensuring that the room is well-lit can also help reduce eye fatigue and prevent myopia.In conclusion, preventing myopia requires a combination of good habits, such as taking regular breaks, maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough outdoor activities, and practicing proper posture and lighting. By incorporating these methods into my daily routine, I have seen a significant improvement in my eye health and a reduction inmyopia progression.中文:作为一个多年来一直在与近视作斗争的学生,我一直在积极寻找方法来防止近视恶化。
你在大学里最珍惜的资源英语作文The Most Precious Thing at UniversityWhen I think about going to university one day, I get really excited! I can't wait to live in the dorms, eat crazy late-night snacks, and stay up way past my bedtime. But most of all, I'm looking forward to learning a ton of new things from the greatest resource of all - the professors!You see, professors are like superhero teachers. They have spent their whole lives studying really hard subjects and becoming experts. That's why they get to be called "Professor" - because they are true professors of their fields. How cool is that?At university, you get to learn directly from these professor superheroes. In elementary school, we learned the basics like reading, writing, and arithmetic. But professors take that learning to the next level with advanced classes on every topic you can imagine.Maybe you want to study dinosaurs and dig for ancient bones. Well, there are paleontology professors for that! Or if you're really into stars and planets, there are astronomy professors who can teach you all about the cosmos. Literally ANY subject your heart desires, there is a professor superhero for it.And these aren't just regular teachers either. Professors are constantly discovering brand new things through their tireless research. So when you learn from them, you are getting the latest and greatest knowledge fresh from the source. It's like getting the new video game on release day instead of waiting months later.But why stop at just taking their classes? The truly awesome part is that you can actually work one-on-one with professors as their assistant! It's like being the trusty sidekick to their superhero. You get to help them on their latest earth-shattering research while they mentor you along the way. Talk about a sweet gig!I dream of the day when I can roll up to a professor's office, shake their hand firmly, and ask to join their latest project. Then I'll put on my mini lab coat and safety goggles to help make the next big breakthrough. Who knows? If I play my cards right, I could get a souvenir autograph from the professor at the end!For example, my older cousin is taking an economics class now. At first, he thought it would be a huge snoozefest. But his professor showed him how economics impacts everything from video game pricing to NFL team salaries. Suddenly, economics became a lot more intriguing!That's the magic of university - the professors can renovate your brain to get excited about literally any subject through their passion and wisdom. And with thousands of professors under one roof, you'll be swimming in an ocean of mind-expanding opportunities.Honestly, I can't wait to soak up as much knowledge as I can from these real-life superhero professors. I have a lot of growing up to do before then, but it will be worth every second of the wait. Eating all my vegetables, getting good grades, and staying out of trouble is going to get me to professor superhero land!University is still years away, but I'm already daydreaming about which professors I'll want to be mentored by. Will it be the paleontologist for my dinosaur obsession? The astro-professor to feed my cosmic curiosities? Or maybe the biochemistry professor if I decide to cook up some crazy concoctions in their labs? Whichever ones I choose, I know they will change my life forever.The professors are absolutely the most precious resource that university has to offer. They are the gatekeepers of knowledge, the guardians of wisdom, and the suppliers of invaluable mentorship. I can't wait to be their wide-eyed sidekick, fighting for truth and enlightenment alongside the daringprofessors of academia! University, here I come - hopefully in just a decade or so!。
202304自考英语二The 202304 self-taught English exam is a significant challenge for many students. It requires a high level of proficiency in the English language and a strong understanding of various aspects of English, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Many students may feel overwhelmed by the amount of material they need to study and the pressure to perform well on the exam. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress, which can negatively impact their ability to prepare effectively and perform at their best on the exam.One of the main challenges of the 202304 self-taught English exam is the breadth of material that students need to cover. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills. This requires students to have a deep understanding of the English language and the ability to apply their knowledge in a variety of contexts. Additionally, the exam is timed, which adds an extra layer of pressure forstudents to perform well under a strict time constraint.In addition to the breadth of material covered on the exam, another challenge for students is the level of proficiency required to pass. The exam is designed to assess students' ability to understand and use the English language at an advanced level. This means that students need to have a strong grasp of grammar, a wide-ranging vocabulary, and the ability to comprehend complex written passages. For many students, reaching this level of proficiency can be a daunting task that requires a significant amount of time and effort to achieve.Furthermore, the 202304 self-taught English exam requires students to not only understand the English language but also to be able to effectively communicate their ideas through writing. This can be a significant challenge for many students, as it requires them to be able to organize their thoughts, use proper grammar and vocabulary, and convey their ideas in a clear and coherent manner. Additionally, students need to be able to do this under time constraints, which can add an extra layer ofdifficulty to the writing portion of the exam.Another challenge of the 202304 self-taught English exam is the pressure that students may feel to perform well. The exam is an important assessment of students' English language skills, and the results can have a significant impact on their future academic and professional opportunities. This can create a high level of stress and anxiety for students, which can negatively impact their ability to prepare effectively and perform well on the exam. Additionally, the fear of failure can be a significant barrier for students, leading them to doubt their abilities and struggle with self-confidence as they prepare for the exam.In conclusion, the 202304 self-taught English exam presents a number of challenges for students. From the breadth of material covered to the level of proficiency required, the pressure to perform well, and the writing component, there are many aspects of the exam that can be difficult for students to navigate. However, with the right preparation and support, students can overcome thesechallenges and perform at their best on the exam. It is important for students to seek out resources and support to help them prepare effectively and to approach the exam with confidence and determination.。
The Power of Perseverance: A Journeytowards SuccessIn the annals of history, the stories of success are often filled with tales of perseverance and determination. The journey towards achieving our goals is never smooth, yet it is these challenges that shape our character andtest our resolve. This essay explores the essence of perseverance, examining its role in personal and academic success.Perseverance is the steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. It is the driving force that keeps us going when faced with obstacles and setbacks. In the world of academics, perseverance is particularly crucial. It is the invisible force that propels students to push beyond their limitations, to persevere in the face of challenges, and to emerge victorious in their academic pursuits.One of the most striking examples of perseverance is Thomas Edison's journey in inventing the light bulb. He faced numerous failures and setbacks, yet he never gave up. His famous quote, "I have not failed. I've just found10,000 ways that won't work," encapsulates the essence of perseverance. It is this unwavering determination andrefusal to give up that ultimately led to his groundbreaking invention.In the context of high school academics, perseveranceis equally important. It is the driving force that helps students overcome challenges, master difficult concepts,and excel in their studies. Students who persevere are more likely to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter, to retain information longer, and to apply their knowledge effectively in real-world scenarios.Moreover, perseverance is not just about achieving success; it is also about the personal growth and development that occurs along the way. The challenges and obstacles that we overcome in the process of persevering help us to grow as individuals, to develop resilience and adaptability, and to become more confident and self-reliant. However, perseverance does not come easily. It requires a strong willpower and a determination to stay the course despite difficulties. It also involves learning from failures, adapting to new situations, and staying focusedon the long-term goal. It is about finding the balance between pushing oneself and taking breaks when necessary, between staying focused and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, perseverance is a critical component of success, both personally and academically. It is theinvisible force that propels us towards our goals, helps us overcome challenges, and shapes us into resilient and determined individuals. As students, it is important to cultivate this quality of perseverance, to stay focused on our goals, and to never give up in the face of difficulties. After all, as Edison's quote reminds us, "the greatestglory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."**毅力的力量:走向成功的旅程**在历史的长河中,成功的故事往往充满了毅力和决心的篇章。
EASL酒精肝防治指南 欧洲肝病学会
EASL Clinical Practical Guidelines:Management of AlcoholicLiver DiseaseEuropean Association for the Study of the Liver⇑,IntroductionAlcoholic liver disease(ALD)is the most prevalent cause of advanced liver disease in Europe.However,there has been lim-ited research investment into ALD despite its significant burden on the health of Europeans.This disparity is reflected by the ETOh score–the ratio of the estimated population mortality rate to the number of trials focused on a particular disease.The ETOh score for ALD is358,compared with1.4for hepatitis B,4.9for hepatitis C,and15.2for primary biliary cirrhosis[1].In recent years however,the mechanisms driving disease pro-gression and the natural history of ALD have been better defined and novel targets for therapy have been identified[2].In addition, significant clinical research has produced a clear framework for the evaluation of new therapies in particular in patients with alcoholic steatohepatitis(ASH).ALD is a complex disease,the successful management of which hinges on the integration of all the competences in public health,epidemiology,addiction behavior and alcohol-induced organ injury.Both primary intervention to reduce alcohol abuse and secondary intervention to prevent alcohol-associated mor-bidity and mortality rely on the coordinated action of multidisci-plinary teams established at local,national,and international levels.These guidelines are largely based on the issues raised during the EASL monothematic conference on ALD held in Athens in 2010.The guidelines have three main aims:(1)to provide physi-cians with clinical recommendations;(2)to emphasize the fact that alcohol can cause several liver diseases(steatosis,steatohep-atitis,cirrhosis),all of which may coexist in the same patient;(3) to identify areas of interest for future research,including clinical trials.The evidence and recommendations in these guidelines have been graded according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation(GRADE)system[3]. The strength of recommendations thus reflects the quality of underlying evidence.The principles of the GRADE system have been enunciated.The quality of the evidence in these clinical practical guidelines(CPGs)has been classified into one of three levels:high(A),moderate(B)or low(C).The GRADE system offers two grades of recommendation:strong(1)or weak(2) (Table1).The CPGs thus consider the quality of evidence:the higher the quality of evidence,the more likely a strong recom-mendation is warranted;the greater the variability in values and preferences,or the greater the uncertainty,the more likely a weaker recommendation is warranted.Burden of ALDBurden of alcohol-related disease and injuryAlcohol consumption is responsible for3.8%of global mortality and4.6%of disability-adjusted life-years(DALYs)lost due to pre-mature death[4].The attributable burden in Europe,with6.5%of all deaths and11.6%of DALYs attributable to alcohol,is the high-est proportion of total ill health and premature deaths due to alcohol of all WHO regions[4,5].Europe shows particularly large sex differences in burden:the deaths attributable to alcohol being11.0%and 1.8%for men and women,respectively.The young account for a disproportionate amount of this disease bur-den,with an alcohol-associated mortality over10%and25%of female and male youth,respectively[6].Burden of ALD in EuropeThe burden of compensated alcohol cirrhosis among the general population and heavy drinkers is not well known.The develop-ment of non-invasive methods to detect significant liverfibrosis (e.g.,elastography,serum markers)should help in elucidating this issue.A recent study in France indicates that alcohol abuse accounts for up to one third of liverfibrosis cases[7].The best comparative proxy for the burden of ALD is mortality from liver cirrhosis as a whole,although as discussed later this has its lim-itations.Mortality rates from liver cirrhosis vary considerably between European countries[8]with a15-fold variation between the highest and lowest national rates[9].However,Europe is essentially divided into two,with Eastern European states tend-ing to have higher rates than the others[8].Time trends in liver cirrhosis mortality over the past30years show very heterogeneous patterns between countries.AbouthalfJournal of Hepatology2012vol.57j399–420Keywords:Alcoholic liver disease;EASL guidelines;Pathogenesis;Diagnosis;Treatment.Received4April2012;accepted4April2012⇑Correspondence:EASL Office,7rue des Battoirs,CH1205Geneva,Switzerland.Tel.:+41228070360;fax:+41223280724.E-mail address:easloffice@easloffice.eu.Contributors:Chairmen:Philippe Mathurin;Antoine Hadengue;RamonBataller.Clinical Practice Guidelines Members:Giovanni Addolorato;PatriziaBurra;Alastair Burt;Juan Caballeria;Helena Cortez-Pinto;Chris P.Day;Ewan H.Forrest;Antoni Gual;David A.Leon;Anna Lligoña;Peter Jepsen;Sebastian Mueller;Georges-Philippe Pageaux;Tania Roskams;Helmut K.Seitz;Felix Stickel.EASLGoverning Board Representative:Mark Thursz.Reviewers:Sylvie Naveau;TimMorgan;FrederikNevens.Clinical Practical Guidelinesthe countries of Europe,including Austria,France,Germany,Italy,Portugal,and Spain as well as two Eastern European countries (Hungary and Romania)have experienced sharp declines in liver cirrhosis mortality [9],whereas the Western countries of Finland,Ireland,and the United Kingdom [10],as well as a larger number of Eastern European countries including Estonia [11],Lithuania,Poland,and Russia have increasing rates.In terms of alcohol-related hospital admissions,for example,parallel to the upward trend in liver cirrhosis mortality,general hospital admissions [12],and admissions to intensive care units with ALD have risen sharply in the United Kingdom [13].Limitations to estimate the burden of ALD The extent of international variation and trends in ALD is difficult to determine.Mortality data from liver disease is available formost countries,and to this extent liver cirrhosis mortality is fre-quently used as the indicator of choice.However,it is not possi-ble to reliably separate out alcoholic from non-alcoholic cirrhosis mortality.In an undetermined proportion of deaths in which alcohol is the key factor,the certifying doctor may choose not to explicitly mention alcohol on the death certificate [14].The extent of this bias is unknown,but it is likely to vary by country,sex,age,and era.For this reason,emphasis is usually given to analyzing mortality from liver cirrhosis regardless of whether it is specified as alcoholic or not [15].These factors,taken together,mean that at the present time our best estimates about the inter-national variation in the burden of ALD,based on mortality from liver cirrhosis as a whole,need to be interpreted with caution.There is a clear need to perform large-scale epidemiological stud-ies to determine the prevalence of compensated ALD in the gen-eral population and the weight of ALD as a cause of cirrhosis.Types of alcohol and patterns of consumption European countries vary considerably in terms of per capita alco-hol consumption,predominant beverage type,and the extent to which drinkers imbibe substantial quantities on single occasions (binge drinking)[6].In order to propose a consensual definition,the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking episodes as consumption of five or more drinks (male)or four or more drinks (female)in the space of about 2h [16].These differences in type and pattern of consumption tend to fall along an East–West divide [17].While per capita alcohol consumption is strongly correlated with liver cirrhosis mortality rates across countries [18],there remains uncertainty about whether these other dimensions of drinking behavior in a popu-lation are related to risk [19,20].There are several aspects to this.Firstly,does beverage type matter above and beyond volume of ethanol consumed [21]?Secondly,does drinking to intoxication (sometimes referred to as binge drinking)confer a particular risk?Thirdly,what is the contribution to the burden of ALDinduced by the consumption of substances that may contain hep-atotoxic substances in addition to ethanol [20,22,23]?This latterclass of drink includes fruit brandies,which are frequently con-sumed in Hungary,for example [24]as well as home brewedalcohols that are drunk in Russia [25]and other parts of the for-mer Soviet Union [26].Risk threshold of alcohol consumption for liver cirrhosis An important aspect of public health policy concerning alcohol has been the attempt to establish a safe threshold for consump-tion.This revolves primarily around the extent to which moder-ate alcohol consumption is cardioprotective [27,28].This positive effect of alcohol,if real,can then offset the large array of negative health consequences of even moderate alcohol consumption.For many individual diseases such as liver cirrhosis;however,there is no a priori reason to believe a threshold effect exists,as risk appears to increase steeply with the amount of alcohol con-sumed.In a meta-analysis of daily consumption levels in relation to cirrhosis,patients taking 25g of ethanol a day were at higher risk of cirrhosis than non-drinkers [29].A more recent meta-analysis found increased risks of mortality from liver cirrhosis among men and women drinking 12–24g of ethanol per day[30].Indeed,among women,a significant increase was also seenfor those drinking up to 12g/day.These levels of consumption(<25g/day)are appreciably lower than most public health rec-ommendations for overall safe levels of consumption.The human evidence to date therefore suggests that if a threshold exists,it is very low,and may in fact be difficult to detect because of limitations in measuring consumption below 10–12g per day.It should be noted that neither meta-analysis was able to dis-tinguish between the effects of daily consumption from theeffects of ‘‘binge’’drinking.To this extent little is known about Table 1.Grading of evidence and recommendations (adapted from the GRADEsystem).recommendation is warrantedRecommendation is made with less certainty; higher cost or resource consumptionClinical Practical Guidelines400Journal of Hepatology 2012vol.57j 399–420thresholds as applied to ‘‘binge’’drinking.Further clinical and experimental studies are required to define the role of ‘‘binge’’in the pathogenesis of ALD and the underlying mechanisms.Finally,risk of cirrhosis is almost certainly related to the length of time over which an individual has drunk regularly and not simply to the usual amount consumed.Conversely,there is some clinical evidence that cessation of drinking at any point in the natural history of the disease reduces the risks of disease progression and occurrence of complicationsfrom cirrhosis.Public health implicationsEven though there remain uncertainties about the precise burden of and trends in ALD in Europe,there is no doubt that in many countries it is very substantial and or increasing.While improve-ments in treatment are essential,developing population-based policies to reduce levels of harmful and hazardous consumption are a priority.More broadly,there is increasing recognition of the heavy social,health,and economic burdens imposed by heavy alcohol drinking and the policies to reduce harm caused by alco-hol,need to be urgently implemented [31].Several meta-analyses have evaluated the efficacy and cost efficacy of different policy targeted areas [32].The most cost-effective policies are those that reduce availability of alcohol,either through the pricing policies or the hours and places of sale,as well as implementation of min-imum age purchase laws.Statements (1)Alcohol abuse is a major cause of preventable liver disease worldwide.(2)Per capita alcohol consumption is strongly correlated with liver cirrhosis mortality rates across countries.Any evi-dence based policy in Europe need to implement preven-tive measures aimed at reducing alcohol consumption atthe population level.(3)The binge drinking pattern is becoming increasingly preva-lent,mainly among young individuals,but its impact on liver disease is unknown.Recommendations Suggestions for future studies(1)Large epidemiological studies using non-invasive methods should establish the prevalence of all forms of alcoholic liver disease in the general population.(2)Studies evaluating the short and long-term impact of binge drinking in the development and severity of ALD are par-ticularly needed.Management of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependenceA large number of European citizens drink alcohol.Europe hasthe highest per capita alcohol consumption (11L of pure alcohol per year in population P 15years old).Fifteen percent of Europe-ans (58million citizens)drink excessively (>40g per day in men,and >20g per day in women),with a higher proportion among males and young people.Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence must be seen as differ-ent forms of the same disorder,as it is recognized in the new DSM-V draft.Alcohol abuse is not recognized as a disorder in the ICD-10,and in fact the WHO uses the terms hazardous and harmful alcohol use instead of alcohol abuse.The term ‘risky drinker’is commonly used to define people who drink excessively.Drinking habits of patients need to be routinely screened in patients with liver diseases,and this must be done with toolsthat have proven its reliability [16].There is a common trendto measure alcohol intake in grams per day or grams per week.Calculations are usually made counting standard drink units[33].The content of a standard drink may differ from countryto country,but in Europe most of the countries have fixed their standard drink unit to an ethanol content of 8–10g.Eventhough measurements in standard drinks may lose accuracy,they are reliable,save time,and are particularly useful in busy clinical settings.Screening tools to detect alcohol abuse and dependenceQuantity-frequency questionnaires and retrospective diaries (time-line follow back)can be used to calculate patients’drinkinghabits.The former are usually preferred for their simplicity,butthey must include data on both working and weekend days.Agood alternative to quantity frequency questionnaires is the useof screening instruments to screen risky drinking and alcoholdependence.There are many tools that have been validated andtranslated into many languages,but the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Dis-orders Inventory Test)remains the ‘gold standard’.Developed by the WHO in 1982,it has proven to have good sensitivity andspecificity in clinical settings across different countries [34].The AUDIT has 10questions that explore consumption (1–3),dependence (4–6),and alcohol related problems (7–10)(Table 2).There are two cut-off points,one for dependence and one for risky drinking.Shorter versions have been developed.The AUDIT C includes just the first three questions of the AUDIT and is reliable for the screening of ‘risky drinking’[35,36].TheNIAAA (National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)rec-ommends using the third question of the AUDIT (How often do you have six or more drinks in one occasion?)as a single screen-ing question,which should be followed by the whole AUDIT incase the answer is rated positive[16].JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGYJournal of Hepatology 2012vol.57j 399–420401Screening of patients with psychiatric disordersAlcoholics have a high psychiatric co-morbidity.In general,pop-ulation surveys of alcoholics show high prevalence of anxiety dis-orders,affective disorders,and schizophrenia[37].Anxiety and affective disorders may be independent or concurrent with alco-hol dependence.Independent disorders will need specific treat-ment,while concurrent disorders may disappear once the patient is weaned off alcohol.Alcoholics have a higher risk of developing other addictions, including nicotine.Alcoholics tend to be heavier smokers and the treatment of nicotine dependence requires more intensive support[38].Alcoholics who are polydrug users are difficult to manage and should be systematically referred to specialized treatment.Data suggest that alcohol dependence appears within5years before the patient is referred to specialist treatment.Special attention should be paid to the coordination between hepatolo-gists and addiction specialists(psychiatrists,psychologists,and social workers)in order to reduce the gap between the signs of alcohol dependence appearing and referral.Because cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse are synergistic in causing cardiovas-cular diseases and cancer,including HCC,hepatologists are encouraged to promote and assist smoking cessation among patients with ALD[39].Management of alcohol withdrawal syndromeAlcohol withdrawal syndrome(AWS)is a severe medical condi-tion affecting alcohol-dependent patients who suddenly discon-tinue or decrease alcohol consumption.Light or moderate AWS usually develops within6–24h after the last drink and symptoms may include increase in blood pressure and pulse rate,tremors, hyperreflexia,irritability,anxiety,headache,nausea,and vomit-ing.These symptoms may progress to more severe forms of AWS,characterized by delirium tremens,seizures,coma,cardiac arrest,and death[40].Severity scores for AWS are potentially useful in the management of patients.However,these scores are insufficiently validated at this time,especially in the setting of ALD.Benzodiazepines are considered the‘gold standard’treat-ment for AWS,given their efficacy to reduce both withdrawal symptoms and the risk of seizures and/or delirium tremens [41,42].Long-acting benzodiazepines(e.g.diazepam,chlordiaz-epoxide)provide more protection against seizures and delirium, but short and intermediate-acting benzodiazepines(e.g.loraze-pam,oxazepam)are safer in elderly patients and those with hepatic dysfunction[43].In Europe,clomethiazole is also used to treat AWS[44].Given the side-effects of benzodiazepines in patients with advanced liver disease and potential for abuse,preliminary research has been conducted to identify new medications for AWS,such as clonidine,atenolol,carbamazepine,valproic acid, gamma-hydroxybutyrate,topiramate,baclofen,gabapentin,and pregabalin[45].Whilst sufficient evidence in favor of their use is lacking,topiramate and baclofen have promise given their potential to be used for AWSfirst[46,47],and then to prevent relapse.Medical therapy of alcohol dependence in patients with ALD Alcohol abstinence represents a critical goal in patients with ALD since abstinence improves the clinical outcomes of all stages of ALD.In the past,disulfiram was the only drug available forTable2.AUDIT questionnaire[36].To score the AUDIT questionnaire,sum the scores for each of the10questions.A total P8for men up to age60,or P4for women, adolescents,or men over age60is considered a positive screeningtest.worker been concerned about your drinking or sug-gested you cut down?last year yearClinical Practical Guidelines402Journal of Hepatology2012vol.57j399–420alcoholism.Disulfiram represents an effective alcohol pharmaco-therapy[48];however,disulfiram should be avoided in patients with severe ALD because of possible hepatotoxicity[49].More recently,the growing understanding of the neurobiology of alco-holism has led to the development of effective pharmacologic agents that can complement psychosocial treatments,in particu-lar naltrexone[50]and acamprosate[51].Both naltrexone and acamprosate are approved to treat alcoholism;however,these drugs have not been tested in patients with cirrhosis.The opioid antagonist naltrexone has been intensively evaluated,especially the oral formulation[52].A large trial also showed the efficacy of an intramuscular formulation of naltrexone in alcoholism [53].Given the potential for hepatotoxicity,naltrexone has not been tested in patients with ALD,and its use in this population is not recommended.Acamprosate is a modulator of the glutama-tergic receptor system and a meta-analysis of24randomized controlled trials confirmed its efficacy as an alcohol pharmaco-therapy[54].Based on some clinical trials,gamma-hydroxybu-tyric acid was approved in some European countries(Italy and Austria)to treat alcoholism,but more research is needed,consid-ering the risk of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid abuse[55].Amongst other compounds,topiramate,ondansetron,and baclofen seem the most promising pharmacotherapies for alco-holism[56].Topiramate is an anticonvulsant medication,which has demonstrated safety and efficacy in reducing heavy drinking [57].There was also a decrease in liver enzyme levels in patients treated with topiramate[58];however,topiramate has not been tested in patients with ALD.The5-HT3antagonist ondansetron has been shown to reduce drinking,but this effect was limited to‘early onset’alcoholics[59].Some studies suggest that baclo-fen,a GABA B receptor agonist,increases abstinence rate and pre-vents relapse in alcohol-dependent patients[60].Moreover,to date,baclofen represents the only alcohol pharmacotherapy tested in alcoholics with significant liver disease.Baclofen may represent a promising pharmacotherapy for alcohol-dependent patients with ALD.A clinical trial demonstrated the safety and efficacy of baclofen in promoting alcohol abstinence in alcoholic cirrhotics patients[61],but confirmatory studies in cirrhotic patients are warranted.The effect of brief interventionsBrief interventions are often performed through motivational interviewing[62].Motivational interviewing is a technique, which aims to be both non-judgmental and non-confrontational. Its success depends largely on the presentation of objective feed-back based on information provided by the physician.The tech-nique involves acknowledgement that individuals who attend a counseling session,assessment or prevention program may be at different levels of readiness to change their alcohol consump-tion patterns.The technique attempts to increase a patient’s awareness of the potential problems caused,consequences expe-rienced,and risks faced as a result of patterns of alcohol consump-tion.A meta-analysis found evidence for the positive impact of brief interventions on alcohol consumption and alcohol related morbidity and mortality[62].The most recent Cochrane review shows that brief interventions are effective to reduce drinking by an average of57g per week in men[63].Evidence is less con-clusive in women and populations under16years of age.A brief intervention should at least have the components defined in the five As’model:Ask about use,Advice to quit or reduce,Assess willingness,Assist to quit or reduce and Arrange follow-up.When a motivational component is added to brief interven-tions its efficacy improves[64].Essential components of a moti-vational approach are an empathic attitude and a collaborative approach that respects the patients’autonomy and evoques from them ways to reach the goals agreed.RecommendationsSuggestions for futures studies(1)Collaborative studies by multidisciplinary teams com-posed of epidemiologists,addiction specialists,and hepa-tologists are strongly encouraged.(2)The impact of brief interventions on the prognosis ofadvanced ALD should be evaluated.(3)More studies testing anti-craving drugs in the setting ofadvanced ALD are required.Pathogenesis of ALDThe spectrum of ALD includes simple steatosis,alcoholic steato-hepatitis(ASH),progressivefibrosis,cirrhosis,and the develop-ment of hepatocellular cancer(HCC).Although many individuals consuming more than60g of alcohol per day(e.g. 1/2a bottle of wine or more than1L of beer)developsteatosis, JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGYJournal of Hepatology2012vol.57j399–420403only a minority of the patients with steatosis progress to ASH and 10–20%eventually develop cirrhosis[65].Genetic and non-genetic factors modify both the individual susceptibility and the clinical course of ALD[2].The mechanisms of ALD are not completely understood.Most studies have been performed in rodents with chronic alcohol intake(e.g.Tsukamoto-French model or Lieber–DiCarli diet).However,these models basically induce moderate liver disease and non-severefibrosis or liver damage develops.Few studies have been performed so far in liv-ers from patients with ALD.These translational studies are needed to develop novel targeted therapies for these patients [2].The pathogenesis varies in different stages of the disease. Alcoholic fatty liverThere are four main pathogenic factors:(1)Increased generation of NADH caused by alcohol oxidation,favouring fatty acid and tri-glyceride synthesis,and inhibiting mitochondrial b-oxidation of fatty acids[66].(2)Enhanced hepatic influx of free fatty acids from adipose tissue and of chylomicrons from the intestinal mucosa[66].(3)Ethanol-mediated inhibition of adenosine monophosphate activated kinase(AMPK)activity[67]resulting in increased lipogenesis and decreased lipolysis by inhibiting per-oxisome proliferating-activated receptor a(PPARa)[68]and stimulating sterol regulatory element binding protein1c (SREBP1c)[69].(4)Damage to mitochondria and microtubules by acetaldehyde,results in a reduction of NADH oxidation and the accumulation of VLDL,respectively[66].Alcoholic steatohepatitisAlcoholic fatty livers can develop parenchymal inflammation (mainly by PMN cells)and hepatocellular damage,a prerequisite for progress tofibrosis and cirrhosis.In cases of severe ASH epi-sodes in patients with an advanced disease,ASH may cause pro-found liver damage,increased resistance to bloodflow and it is also associated with a poor prognosis[70].Various factors may contribute to the development of ASH(1)Acetaldehyde-induced toxic effects.It binds to proteins[71]and to DNA[72]resulting in functional alterations and protein adducts,which activate the immune system by forming autoantigens.It also induces mito-chondria damage and impairs glutathione function,leading to oxi-dative stress and apoptosis[73].(2)Reactive oxygen species(ROS) generation and the resulting lipid peroxidation with DNA adduct formation[74].Main sources of ROS include CYP2E1-dependent MEOS,mitochondrial electron transport system of the respiratory chain,NADH-dependent cytochrome reductase,and xanthine oxi-dase[75,76].Moreover,chronic alcohol intake markedly up-regu-lates CYP2E1,which metabolizes ethanol to acetaldehyde and parallels the generation of ROS and hydroxyl–ethyl radicals[77].(3)Pro-inflammatory cytokines.Alcohol metabolites and ROS stimulate signaling pathways such as NF j B,STAT-JAK,and JNK in hepatic resident cells,leading to the local synthesis of inflam-matory mediators such as TNF a and CXC chemokines(e.g.inter-leukin-8),as well as osteopontin[78].Alcohol abuse also results in changes in the colonic microbiota and increased intestinal per-meability,leading to elevated serum levels of lipopolysaccharides [79]that induce inflammatory actions in Kupffer cells via CD14/ TLR4[80].The resulting inflammatory milieu in the alcoholic liver leads to PMN infiltration,ROS formation and hepatocellular damage.(4)Impaired ubiquitin–proteasome pathway leading to hepatocellular injury and hepatic inclusions of aggregated cyto-keratins(i.e.Mallory–Denk bodies)[81].Fibrosis progressionPatients with ASH may develop progressivefibrosis[82].In ALD, thefibrotic tissue is typically located in pericentral and perisinu-soidal areas.In advanced stages,collagen bands are evident and bridgingfibrosis develops.This condition precedes the develop-ment of regeneration nodules and liver cirrhosis.The cellular and molecular mechanisms offibrosis in ALD are not completely understood[83].Alcohol metabolites such as acetaldehyde can directly activate hepatic stellate cells(HSC),the main collagen-producing cells in the injured liver.HSC can also be activated paracrinally by damaged hepatocytes,activated Kupffer cells and infiltrating PMN cells.These cells releasefibrogenic media-tors such as growth factors(TGF b1,PDGF),cytokines(leptin, angiotensin II,interleukin-8,and TNF a),soluble mediators(nitric oxide),and ROS.Importantly,ROS stimulate pro-fibrogenic intra-cellular signaling pathways in HSC including ERK,PI3K/AKT,and JNK[84].They also up-regulate TIMP-1and decrease the actions of metalloproteinases,thereby promoting collagen accumulation. Cells other than HSC can also synthesize collagen in ALD.They include portalfibroblasts and bone-marrow derived cells. Whether other novel mechanisms such as epithelia-to-mesen-chymal transition of hepatocytes also play a role in liverfibrosis is under investigation[85].Suggestions for futures studies(1)Experimental models of severe ALD with hepatocellulardamage andfibrosis are needed.(2)Translational studies with human samples of patients atdifferent stages of ALD are required to identify new thera-peutic targets.(3)Studies assessing liver regeneration in severe ALD shouldbe performed.Risk factors for disease progression in alcoholic liver disease Risk factors forfibrosis progression in ALD have been evaluated in two types of approaches:(1)comparisons of the prevalence of risk factors in patients with and withoutfibrotic ALD;(2)lon-gitudinal evaluation using sequential histology.Risk factors for fibrosis progression can be thought of as host and environmental or genetic and non-genetic.Non-genetic or environmental factors that potentially modulate the development of ALD include the amount and type of alcoholic beverage,the duration of abuse and patterns of drinking.Gender,ethnicity,coexisting conditions such as metabolic syndrome,iron overload,and infection with chronic hepatitis viruses are important genetic or host factors, respectively(Fig.1).Increasingly,the contribution of host genetic factors to the risk of ALD is being acknowledged.There is a clear dose-relationship between the amount of alco-hol and the likelihood of developing ALD.Alcoholic steatosis can be found in60%of individuals who drink>60g of alcohol per day and the risk of developing cirrhosis is highest in those with a daily consumption of above120g of alcohol per day[86,87]. However,lower daily amounts of alcohol may also lead to signif-icant liver injury in some individuals.The consumption of>40g Clinical Practical Guidelines404Journal of Hepatology2012vol.57j399–420。
prehistoric公共英语Prehistoric Times: Unveiling the Mysteries of our Ancient WorldIntroductionPrehistoric times refer to the period in human history before the invention of writing. It is a fascinating era that spans millions of years, during which our ancestors gradually evolved into the beings we are today. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of prehistoric times, including the origins of human life, the emergence of early civilizations, and the advancements that paved the way for our modern society.1. The Origins of Human LifeThe study of prehistoric times begins with understanding the origins of human life. It is believed that the first human-like creatures, called hominids, appeared in Africa around 7 million years ago. These early hominids, such as Australopithecus, walked upright and had the ability to use simple tools. Over time, they evolved into different species, including Homo habilis and Homo erectus, who were more advanced in their tool-making abilities.2. The Stone AgeThe Stone Age is a significant period in prehistoric times, characterized by the use of stone tools. It is divided into three distinct stages: the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic. During the Paleolithic era, which lasted from around 2.6 million to 10,000 years ago, early humans were primarily hunter-gatherers, relying on the natural resources around them for survival. They crafted simple tools, such as hand axes and spears, which allowed them to hunt animals and gather food more efficiently.The Mesolithic era, spanning from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago, witnessed the transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled communities. Humans began to domesticate animals, cultivate crops, and develop more sophisticated tools, including the bow andarrow. This period also witnessed the first examples of cave art, providing us with a glimpse into the spiritual and artistic expressions of our prehistoric ancestors.The Neolithic era, which followed the Mesolithic around 5,000 years ago, marked a significant shift in human civilization. It was during this time that agriculture became the primary means of subsistence, leading to the development of permanent settlements and the establishment of complex societies. Humans began to construct megalithic structures, such as Stonehenge, showcasing their advanced knowledge of astronomy and engineering.3. Ancient CivilizationsPrehistoric times also witnessed the emergence of early civilizations in various parts of the world. These civilizations, such as the Sumerians in Mesopotamia and the Egyptians along the Nile River, developed sophisticated social, political, and economic systems. They built monumental structures, developed writing systems, and excelled in various fields, including mathematics, architecture, and medicine.The Sumerians, for example, invented the earliest known form of writing, called cuneiform, and created one of the world's first urban societies in the city of Uruk. The Egyptians, on the other hand, constructed the pyramids, developed a complex system of hieroglyphic writing, and made significant advancements in agriculture and medicine.4. Art and ReligionArt and religion played integral roles in the lives of prehistoric humans. Cave paintings, as mentioned earlier, provide evidence of the artistic abilities of our ancient ancestors. These paintings depicted animals, hunting scenes, and various symbols, giving us insights into their beliefs, rituals, and everyday lives.Religion, in prehistoric times, revolved around the worship of natural forces and the spirits of ancestors. Humans believed in the power of the sun, moon, and other celestial bodies, and created rituals and ceremonies to honor and appease these forces. The construction of megalithic structures, such as Stonehenge, is believed to have been linked to religious and astronomical practices.ConclusionPrehistoric times are a captivating chapter in human history, offering us glimpses into the lives, beliefs, and accomplishments of our ancient ancestors. From the origins of human life to the rise of early civilizations, the advancements made during this era laid the foundation for the world we live in today. By studying prehistoric times, we gain a deeper understanding of our shared heritage and the remarkable journey that led us to where we are now.。
The Power of Perseverance in the Age ofChangeIn the rapidly evolving world of 2023, the significance of perseverance stands out as a beacon of success. TheApril English proficiency exam, a critical milestone for many students, highlights the importance of this enduring quality. As students prepare for this exam, they are reminded that perseverance, combined with smart strategies and a growth mindset, is the key to overcoming challenges and achieving academic excellence.The exam, known for its rigorous testing of language proficiency, requires students to demonstrate not onlytheir knowledge of the language but also their ability to apply it in real-world contexts. This demands a level of perseverance that goes beyond mere memorization. It requires students to think critically, analyze complex texts, and communicate effectively in both written and spoken form.Perseverance, in this context, is not just about stubbornly sticking to one approach. It involves adapting to new strategies, seeking help when needed, andcontinuously refining one's skills. It is about staying focused and motivated despite setbacks and challenges. Itis about finding the balance between hard work and smart work, between perseverance and innovation.Moreover, perseverance is not a solitary endeavor. It thrives in communities that support and encourage each other. In the weeks leading up to the exam, students form study groups, share resources, and offer each other encouragement. This collective perseverance creates a powerful momentum that propels individuals forward.The April English proficiency exam, therefore, is not just a test of language skills. It is a test of character, of perseverance in the face of adversity. It is a reminder that success is not always immediate or easy, but it is always worth the effort. As students prepare for this exam, they are reminded that with perseverance, they can overcome any obstacle and achieve their academic goals.In conclusion, the power of perseverance is evident in the lives of every successful individual. As we navigate the changing landscape of 2023, it is this enduring quality that will help us overcome challenges, adapt to newsituations, and achieve our dreams. The April English proficiency exam, with its focus on perseverance and innovation, serves as a powerful reminder of this truth.**坚持不懈在变革时代的力量**在2023年这个日新月异的世界里,坚持不懈的力量如同指引成功的灯塔。
人教英语选择性必修二 第四单元作文
Title: The Power of Perseverance in the Faceof ChallengeIn the journey of life, we are constantly faced with various challenges that test our resolve and perseverance. As we delve into the depths of the fourth unit of the Selective Compulsory English Textbook for High School, we encounter a theme that resonates deeply with our lives: the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.Perseverance is the steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. It is the driving force that propels us forward when the path ahead seems fraught with obstacles. The stories we read in this unit paint a vivid picture of individuals who, throughtheir unwavering determination and perseverance, overcame insurmountable challenges to achieve remarkable success.One such individual is Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb. His journey to creating this life-changing invention was fraught with failures. However, instead of giving up, Edison persevered, learning from his mistakes, and ultimately succeeded. His story teaches us that successis not the result of a single stroke of genius, but the culmination of numerous attempts, failures, and learnings. Similarly, the life of Jane Goodall, the renowned primatologist, is a testament to the power of perseverance. Her dedication to studying chimpanzees in their natural habitat, despite initial doubts and difficulties, has not only enriched our understanding of these animals but also served as an inspiration to many.The lessons from these stories are not just applicable to individuals like Edison and Goodall, but to every one of us. In our daily lives, whether it is学术studying for exams, training for a sport, or pursuing a passion, perseverance is the key to overcoming the challenges we encounter. It is the invisible force that propels us towards our goals, even when the road ahead seems arduous. Moreover, perseverance does not mean stubbornlysticking to one path. It also involves adapting to changing circumstances and learning from our failures. As we persevere, we become more resilient, more adaptable, and ultimately, more successful.In conclusion, the fourth unit of the Selective Compulsory English Textbook for High School reminds us of the importance of perseverance in the face of challenge. Through the lives of individuals like Thomas Edison and Jane Goodall, we learn that success is not the result of a single stroke of genius, but the culmination of numerous attempts, failures, and learnings. As we forge ahead in our lives, let us remember that perseverance is the key to unlocking our full potential and achieving our dreams.**坚持的力量:挑战面前的毅力**在人生的旅途中,我们不断面临着各种挑战,这些挑战考验着我们的决心和毅力。
对过早接触化妆品的看法英语作文英文回答:The Impact of Early Exposure to Cosmetics.In the modern world, cosmetics have become an integral part of our lives, particularly for women. However, the use of cosmetics at an early age has become a subject of concern, with many experts expressing忧虑 over its potential health and developmental consequences.One of the primary concerns is the presence of harmful chemicals in cosmetics. Studies have shown that many cosmetics, especially those marketed towards children, contain potentially toxic ingredients such as phthalates, parabens, and heavy metals. These chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and have been linked to various health issues, including endocrine disruption, skin irritation, and reproductive problems.Furthermore, the use of cosmetics at an early age can interfere with normal skin development. The skin ofchildren is thinner and more delicate than that of adults, making it more susceptible to damage from harsh chemicals and the sun's rays. Cosmetics can clog pores, block hair follicles, and disrupt the skin's natural pH balance, potentially leading to skin problems such as acne, eczema, and premature aging.In addition to the physical health risks, early exposure to cosmetics can also have psychological effects. The use of makeup can create unrealistic beauty standardsfor young girls, leading to body image issues and low self-esteem. Moreover, it can send the message that a girl's worth is tied to her appearance, rather than her qualities as a person.Given these concerns, it is recommended that parentslimit their children's exposure to cosmetics, particularly during the early developmental years. If cosmetics are used, they should be selected carefully, with a focus on natural and organic ingredients. It is also important to teachchildren about the importance of skin care and encourage them to value their own natural beauty.中文回答:过早接触化妆品的影响。
选择性必修第二册英语第四单元作文英文回答:In the realm of education, the topic of whether students should be permitted to choose their own elective courses has sparked considerable debate. Proponents argue that granting students autonomy over their curriculum fosters independence, cultivates passion, and prepares them for future decision-making. Opponents, on the other hand, assert that unrestricted choice may lead to imbalances in knowledge acquisition, exacerbate existing disparities, and undermine the integrity of a well-rounded education.Empowering students with the freedom to tailor their learning experiences can foster a sense of self-determination and responsibility. When students areactively involved in shaping their educational path, they become more engaged and motivated to delve deeply into the subjects that pique their interest. This self-directed approach encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, anda lifelong love of learning. Moreover, it aligns with the contemporary emphasis on personalized learning and student-centered education. By granting students agency over their elective choices, educators can nurture their uniquetalents and aspirations.Furthermore, allowing students to pursue their passions can ignite intellectual curiosity and lay the foundationfor future success. When students are genuinely interested in the subjects they study, they are more likely to excel academically and retain the knowledge they acquire. This passion can transcend the classroom, driving students towards extracurricular activities, internships, and career paths that align with their interests. By embracingelective choices, students can explore their potential and discover fields that inspire them.Opponents of student choice argue that it may result in imbalances in knowledge acquisition. They contend that students who prioritize certain subjects over others may develop gaps in their foundational knowledge. This concern is particularly salient in subjects like mathematics,science, and history, which are considered essential for a comprehensive education. Without a solid grounding in these core areas, students may face challenges in highereducation or future employment.Another concern raised by critics is the potential for elective choices to exacerbate existing disparities. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have access to the same resources or support systems as their more affluent peers. This could lead to a situation where students from wealthier families are able to take advantage of elite elective programs, while students from underrepresented groups are left behind. To address this concern, it is essential to ensure that all students have equitable opportunities to participate in elective courses.Finally, some educators argue that unrestricted student choice undermines the integrity of a well-rounded education. They assert that a standardized curriculum ensures that all students receive a comprehensive foundation in essential subjects. By allowing students to pick and choose their courses, the argument goes, they may miss out on valuablelearning experiences that contribute to their overall intellectual development. This perspective emphasizes the need for a balanced curriculum that exposes students to a diverse range of disciplines and prepares them for the challenges of the 21st-century workforce.In conclusion, the debate over whether students should be permitted to choose their own elective courses presents compelling arguments on both sides. While granting students autonomy over their curriculum fosters independence, cultivates passion, and prepares them for future decision-making, it may also lead to imbalances in knowledge acquisition, exacerbate existing disparities, and undermine the integrity of a well-rounded education. The decision of whether to allow student choice should be carefully considered, taking into account these competing perspectives and the unique needs of each individual student.中文回答:是否允许学生选择选修课。
河北省张家口宣化一中2025届高三英语上学期阶段测试试题(三)一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分)ASummer Leadership Programs for High School Students Do you see yourself as a leader ?Strong leadership skills are a great way to set yourself apart on a college application as well as in your future career.Below are four summer programs that will give you a head start on improving your leadership abilities. The Brown Leadership InstituteBrown University's pre-college summer programming includes The Brown Leadership Institute,a month-long leadership training session for high school students. The program aims to apply leadership skills to social issues.Through case studies, discussions and debates,students examine complicated global issues and learn to come up with effective solutions.Students Today Leaders ForeverStudents Today Leaders Forever,a national non-profit student leadership association,offers this live-in summer experience for high school students.Students participate in leadership workshops and team-building activities with a focus on organization,teamwork,communication,and an overall commitment to effecting positive change.There are two six-day sessions hosted on the campuses of Hamline University.Leadership in the Business WorldRising high school seniors interested in exploring undergraduate business administration and leadership are encouraged to apply to this program,sponsored every summer by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.The two-week program is offered at both of Wharton's campuses in San Francisco and Philadelphia. National Student Leadership ConferenceThis program offers a five-day course on Mastering Leadership.It includes a series of workshops that emphasize the "Pillars of EffectiveLeadership" ,including goal-setting,group brainstorming,team building,people-convincing communication,and community service,as well as taking field trips,meeting with leadership professionals, and completing a day of service in the local community.Dates and locations vary.1.What can students do in the program offered by BrownUniversity ? ______A. Meet with leadership professionals.B. Participate in community service.C. Analyze difficult world issues.D. Take several field trips.2.Which program is located at Hamline University's campuses ?______A. Students Today Leaders Forever.B. The Brown Leadership Institute.C. Leadership in the Business World.D. National Student Leadership Conference.3.How long does the program focusing on business administrationlast ? ______A. Five days.B. Twelve days.C. Two weeks.D. One month.BThe gender gap in maths-related subjects is obvious.In almost all countries,far fewer women than men choose STEM (理工科)careers. It's not that girls and women are bad at maths.In the UK in2024 ,for example, 39% of 18-year-old girls who studied maths at A-level achieved an A or A* ,compared to 42% of boys.For A-level physics,29% of girls achieved the top two grades, compared to 28% of boys.But in both subjects,boys heavily outnumbered girls-by more than3 :1 in the case of physics.So why are so many girls turning their backs on these subjects ?A study published recently in the journal PNAS suggests that the answer may in factlie in male-female differences in academic ability,but the ability in question is reading, not maths.ThomasBreda ,at Paris School of Economics,and Clotilde Napp,at Paris Dauphine University,wondered whether this male-female difference in reading could help explain the gender gap in STEM careers.Every three years,hundreds of thousands of 15-year-olds in more than 60 countries take part in the PISA study.Students complete tests in maths,reading and science,and answer questions about their future career intentions.When Breda and Napp looked at the data from PISA2012,they realized they were on to something."There were small gender gaps in maths performance at 15 years old,but these gaps were too small to explain the huge gender segregation(隔离)in STEM ," says Breda.But for reading,the tables were turned ;the girls were much better than the boys.As a result,when a boy and a girl had similar scores in maths,the girl usually had an even better score in reading.When Breda and Napp compared each student's scores in reading and maths,they found the greater a student's advantage in reading,the less likely they were to plan a career in maths,even when their maths score was also high.Notably,this was true for both boys and girls."It makes a lot of sense," says Sarah Cattan,of the Institute for Fiscal Studies."It shows that what matters most when boys and girls choose their field of study is not how good they are in maths or in reading,but how good they are in maths relative to reading."4.What do the data in Paragraph 2 show ? ______A. The average gender difference in maths performance is small.B. Those who are good at maths are also good at physics.C. Physics tends to be easier for girls than maths.D. Girls are not better than boys at maths.5.According to Breda and Napp,who is most likely to plan a career inmaths ? ______A. Tom whose maths is worse than reading.B. Lisa whose maths is better than reading.C. Lily whose reading is better than maths.D. Jack whose reading is as good as maths.6.According to Sarah Cattan,what do students value much when making further studychoices ? ______A. Their comparative strength instead of absolute ability.B. Their gender advantages in a specific academic field.C. Their future job landing possibility in an industry.D. Their particular interest in a certain subject.7.What is the best title for the text ? ______A. Why are we drawn to STEM careers ?B. Are boys worse at reading and writing ?C. Why are girls bad at maths-related subjects ?D. Are good readers more likely to give up maths ?CIt's hard for doctors to do a thorough eye exam on small children.But a new smartphone app takes advantage of parents' fondness for taking pictures of their children to look for signs that a child might be developing an eye disease.The app is the result of a father's five-year quest to find a way to catch the earliest signs of eye diseases,and prevent loss of vision.Five years ago,doctors diagnosed (诊断)Noah Shaw's retinoblastoma- a rare type of eye cancer-when he was 4 months old.To make the diagnosis,the doctors shined a light into Noah's eye,and got a pale reflection from the back of the eyeball,an indication that there was something wrong there.Noah's father Bryan,a scientist,wondered if he could see that same pale reflection in pictures of his baby son.Sure enough,he saw the reflection,which doctors call "whiteeye",in a picture taken right after Noah was born.Then Bryan decided to create an app that could scan photos for signs of this reflection.Now,that app exists,calledCRADLE .To test the app,Bryan and his colleagues analyzed more than 50 ,000 pictures taken of 40 children.Half had no eye disease and half had."On average,the app detected 'white eye' in pictures collected 1.3 years before diagnosis," says Bryan.The app isn't perfect.It sometimes misses "white eye" when it's there,and sometimes says it's there when it's not.That latter condition is a problem.Even though the so-called false positive occurs less than 1% of the time,that's not good enough.There are about 4 million children born in theU.S.each year.A 1% false positive rate would mean tens of thousands of children showing up at the doctor unnecessarily.Still,Bryan is upbeatabout the promise of the app."This is exciting new technology,and this is how I think we're going to go about screening for a number of diseases in the future," he says.8.What inspired Bryan to create CRADLE ? ______A. His son's diagnosis.B. His family photos.C. His hobby of taking pictures.D. His working experience as a scientist.9.What do we know about "white eye" ? ______A. It is a sign of some eye diseases.B. It hardly causes serious loss of vision.C. It refers to the white part of an eyeball.D. It occurs when no light is reflected from the eye.10.Why is a 1% false positive rate still a problem ? ______A. It may delay the treatment of a patient.B. It may badly affect the future of the app.C. It may raise serious doubts about doctors.D. It may cause a waste of medical resources.11.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word "upbeat" in the lastparagraph ? ______A. Curious.B. Cautious.C. Optimistic.D. Worried.DAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)(孤独症)is a disability that can cause serious social,communication and behavioral problems.There is often nothing about how people with ASD look that makes them different from other people,but people with ASD may communicate,interact,behave,and learn in ways that are different from most other people.The learning,thinking,and problem-solving abilities of people with ASD can range from pretty good to extremely bad.Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their dailylives;others need less. People with ASD often have problems with social,emotional,and communication skills.They might repeat certain behaviors and might not want change in their daily activities.Many people with ASD may also have difficulties learning,paying attention, or reacting to things.Signs of ASD begin during early childhood and probably last throughout a person's life.Diagnosing (诊断)ASD can be difficult since there is no medical test,like a blood test,to assess the disorders.Doctors look at the child's behavior and development to make a judgement.ASD can sometimes be diagnosed at 18 months or younger.By age 2 ,an experienced doctor can be considered very reliable in diagnosingASD .However, many children may not see a doctor until much older. There is currently no cure for ASD .However,research shows that early treatment services can improve a child's development.Early treatment services helpchildren from birth to 3 years old (36 months)learn important skills.Therefore,it is important to talk to your child's doctor as soon as possible if you think your child has ASD or other developmental problems. We do not know all of the causes of ASD .However,most scientists agree that genes are one of the highest risk factors that can make a person more likely to develop ASD .If you think your child might have ASD or you think there could be a problem with the way your child plays,learns,speaks,or acts,contact your child's doctor,and share your concerns.If you're not sure who to contact,call the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center(ECTA)at 919-962-2001.Or visit the ECTA website : s://.12.Which of the following behaviors may NOT belong to the children or adults withASD ? ______A. Repeating actions over and over again.B. Having trouble expressing their needs.C. Avoiding eye contact and want to be alone.D. Being happy to make changes.13.What can we infer from the article ? ______A. The earlier an ASD kid is diagnosed,the better it is for his(her)treatment.B. Doctors simply have no way to diagnose an ASD kid at all.C. Doctors can diagnose ASD by blood testing.D. Doctors can diagnose ASD with the help of machines.14.Who is most likely to be an ASD patient of the followingpeople ? ______A. Someone who prefers to talk a lot in daily life.B. Someone who has got an ASD brother.C. Someone who wants to hug you in public.D. Someone who sings in a strange voice.15.Where is this article possibly from ? ______A. A guidebook for new parents.B. Education section of a newspaper.C. A student's diary.D. A medical magazine.二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共12.5分)Here's an imaginary question for you :would you rather leave your home country and never be allowed to return,or never leave your home country ever again ?It's a difficult one! Let's consider the beauty of being at home and the thrill of travelling.I left my home country,Germany,when I was seven to move to England with my family.Now at the age of21 ,I've left my second home country,England,to work as an English language assistant in Switzerland. (1)●New friends.I don't know about you,but I love getting to know new people.Moving abroad is the perfect opportunity to extend your friendship circle and make it global. (2) They'll also be able to give you a new perspective on life as they share their view of the world-which is likely to be very different from your own!Time to open your mind and see the world anew.● (3)You may learn a language in the classroom environment and learn it well,but nothing compares to fully burying yourself into a foreign language,participating inreal-life conversations and picking up authentic slang and sayings from the locals.(4)●Food,glorious food!The world has so much to offer when it comes to food,so make the most of this new cultural experience and let your stomach guide you.Why not try something completely new ?Tingle those taste buds. (5) Perhaps you can surprise your friends back home with your new-foundcooking skills when you see them next.A.The opportunity to master a new language.B.The advantage of mastering a new language.C.Is it always an exciting experience moving abroad ?D.Even better still,let the locals teach you how to make it.E.You also fully experience the culture tied to the language.F.These new friends will show you the most fun things to do in your new home. G.What are the benefits of leaving the home country for a new adventureabroad ?16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G.G17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G.G18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G.G19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G.G20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G.G三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)It's "BABY DAY" at the Chartwell Riverpark seniors' residence (居处)in Ottawa. Eulah Johnson,90 ,never(21) the twice-monthly event.Today,Johnson sits on a sofa and smiles at a baby sitting on the seat of her walker. After a few moments,the girl(22) to play with the dozen or so other small children(23) together with 20 of Johnson's fellow residents.As the(24) eat snacks and drink tea or coffee,their young guests crawl (爬行)around,draw in colouring books, bat balloons back and forth or sleep in the arms of delighted residents. Babies Who Volunteer,bringing these(25) together,is the inspired idea of Jessica Turner.During a (n)(26) with her baby daughter Amelia to a friend'smother,who was living in a long-term-care center,people gathered around Amelia, wanting to play with her.She was most(27) by the response of her friend's mother :she hadn't spoken in two years,but with Amelia in her lap,she began singing.Turner went home and immediately put out a(28) on a moms' Facebook group :would anyone be interested in(29) seniors' residences with their babies ?One hundred Women quickly said yes.A year later,there are now 1 ,500 volunteers.Everyone benefits from intergenerational programmes. This playgroup is(30) for the mothers,too.They're giving something to the community,which provides a(31) of purpose and belonging.It can really(32) someone who is feeling alone.Local(33) is growing :the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation,(34),has donated $25 ,000.With the help of charitable donations,Turner hopes to expand programming from baby visits to having school kids communicating with(35) pen friends,and seniors teaching kids how to bake.21. A. affords B. selects C. creates D. misses22. A. turns up B. skips off C. makes up D. shows off23. A. mixed B. replaced C. covered D. compared24. A. guests B. waiters C. seniors D. kids25. A. prediction B. generations C. evidence D. organizations26. A. interview B. argument C. visit D. move27. A. surprised B. embarrassed C. scared D. disappointed28. A. signal B. story C. call D. policy29. A. setting up B. dropping by C. cleaning up D. taking over30. A. free B. ready C. true D. good31. A. list B. system C. sense D. copy32. A. help B. reward C. find D. warn33. A. demand B. pressure C. economy D. interest34. A. at times B. for example C. after all D. by chance35. A. awkward B. hungry C. elderly D. innocent四、语法填空(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)36.Dust storms on Mars aren't all about dust-they are also full (1) water.Asatellite orbiting Mars has taken the most (2) (detail)measurements yet of how these rare events trap water,which may help explain (3) happened to the water that used to be abundant on the Red Planet.In 2024 ,the largest recorded dust storm circled the entire Martian globe so thickly that it (4) (hide)the surface from the sun.The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter watched this storm from orbit.Just before sunset and just after sunrise on Mars,it examined the atmosphere (5) (determine)how the dust storm absorbed sunlight.By (6) (analyse)the data,scientists found that just before the storm,there were water-ice clouds in the atmosphere,but no water vapour(水蒸气)more than 40 kilometres above the surface.This changed a few days later(7) water vapour appeared at (8) (altitude)of 40 and 80 kilometres,seeminglyreplacing the water-ice clouds.This (9) (probable)occurs because the dust absorbs heat,warming up the atmosphere and making it circulate more strongly,which (10) (prevent)the formation of ice clouds.The dust storms puff up (使膨胀)the atmosphere,making it easier for gases including water vapour to escape into space,so this could help to explain how Mars became so dry.五、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共40.0分)37.假定你是学生会主席李华,你校将实行"用英语讲中国故事"竞赛,请你给留学生Mike写一封电子邮件邀请他参与,内容包括:1.竞赛的时间和地点;2.竞赛的意义;3.报名方式.留意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.可以适当增加细微环节,以使行文连贯;3.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.Dear Mike,----------Yours,Li Hua38.阅读下面材料,依据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.The young boy saw me,or rather,he saw the car and quickly ran up to me,eager to sell his bunches of bananas and bags of peanuts.Though he appeared to be about twelve,he seemed to have already known the bitterness of life."Bananas 300 naira (a unit of currency in Nigeria ).Peanuts 200 naira." He said in a low voice.I bargained him down to 200 totals for the fruit and nuts.When he agreed,I handed him a 500 naira bill.He didn't have change,so I told him not to worry.He said thanks and smiled a row of perfect teeth.When,two weeks later,I saw the boy again,I was more aware of my position in a society where it's not that uncommon to see a little boy who should be in school standing on the corner selling fruit in the burning sun.My parents had raised me to be aware of the advantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to us.I pulled over and rolled down my window.He had a bunch of bananas and a bag ofpeanuts ready.I waved them away."What'sup ?" I asked him."I …I don't have money to buy books for school." I reached into my pocket and handed him two fresh 500 naira bills."Will thishelp ?" I asked.He looked around nervously before taking the money.One thousand naira was a lot of money to someone whose family probably made about5 ,000 naira or less eachyear."Thank you,sir." he said."Thank you very much!"When driving home,I wondered if my little friend actually used the money for schoolbooks.What if he's a cheat ?And then I wondered why I did it.Did I do it to make myself feelbetter ?Was I using him ?留意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.Later,I realized that I didn't know his name or the least bit about him,nor didI think to ask. ---------A silence fell as we looked at each other. ----------答案1.【答案】【解析】(1)C.细微环节理解题。
As a high school student, Ive always been fascinated by the diverse subjects we study, but one that stands out is the unique experience of being tested in English by a PE Physical Education teacher. Its not something you hear about every day, and it certainly added an interesting twist to my academic journey.I remember the day vividly it was a warm, sunny afternoon, and we were all gathered in the schools auditorium, a place usually reserved for school assemblies and performances. But today, it was transformed into an examination hall. The air was thick with anticipation, and the usual chatter was replaced by the sound of nervous shuffling and lastminute cramming.Our PE teacher, Mr. Thompson, was known for his unconventional methods. He was a tall, athletic man with a booming voice that could echo across the football field. But today, he was holding a stack of English test papers, a sight that was as unexpected as it was amusing. He started by explaining the format of the test, which included multiplechoice questions, short answers, and an essay. The topics ranged from sportsrelated vocabulary to the analysis of a famous sports quote.The multiplechoice section was a breeze for me. Ive always been good with vocabulary, and the sports context made it even more engaging. It was like a game, matching the right term to the right sport or action. I could almost see the soccer ball curving into the net as I selected the correct term for a bicycle kick.The short answer section was a bit trickier. It required not just knowledgeof the vocabulary but also an understanding of the context in which it was used. I had to think on my feet, drawing from my own experiences on the sports field to answer questions like, What does it mean to play through the pain in a highpressure game?The essay part was the most challenging. The prompt was to analyze a famous sports quote in English and discuss its relevance to both sports and life in general. I chose the quote, Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog, often attributed to Mark Twain. I discussed how this quote encapsulates the spirit of resilience and determination, not just in sports but in all aspects of life. I talked about how it inspired me during tough training sessions and how it could motivate anyone facing adversity.As I handed in my test paper, I couldnt help but feel a sense of accomplishment. It wasnt just about scoring well it was about the unique learning experience. Mr. Thompsons innovative approach to teaching had made English more than just a subject to be studied it was a tool to understand and appreciate the world of sports better.This experience taught me that learning can be fun and engaging when its related to something youre passionate about. It also showed me that subjects arent isolated islands they can intersect and enrich each other. English, for instance, isnt just about literature and grammar its a means to express ideas, tell stories, and understand different cultures and contexts.In conclusion, being tested in English by a PE teacher was an unforgettableexperience. It was a reminder that learning can be dynamic and interdisciplinary. It was a lesson in adaptability, creativity, and the joy of learning outside the box. And most importantly, it was a testament to the fact that sometimes, the most effective teaching methods come from the most unexpected places.。
高中英语经典模拟试卷 (2)
Model Test TwoPart I Writing (30minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to the dining hall of your college about its unstable tables. You should write at least120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)An invention made by architects and engineers.B)A new device gathering information about buildings.C)A n introduction of a three-dimensional model.D)New ways of building structures.2.A)The accurate shape of rooms in the building.B)The size and position of heating and cooling equipment.C)The size and position of windows and doors.D)The placement of electrical outlets.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)Kids should spend more time outdoors. B) Kids all like trees and flowers.C) Kids may learn better in green nature. D) Kids should learn to protect nature.4.A)They can distract a child’s attention. B) They are easy to be accepted.C) They can hurt a child’s health. D) They will affect a child’s schooling.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)Permanent loss of eyesight of pilots. C) Tragic results of air accidents.B)Loss of consciousness of passengers. D) Blackouts of jet fighter pilots.6.A) When the airplane slows down very quickly.B)When the airplane is making a sharp turn.C)When the pilots have a heart disease.D)When the pilots lose consciousness.7.A)It is required by the laws and the government.B)The air pressure is rather low above the Earth’s surface.C)The passengers will lose consciousness in the planes.D)Lack of oxygen can affect anyone at extreme heights.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hearfour questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A) Brentwood in America. B) London.C)Essex in England. D)Scotland.9.A)It is a small town next to London. B) It is a large population.C) It is in the southeast of Scotland. D) It is a poor city.10.A) It’s a relatively small town. B) The people living there are very rich.C) Houses are scarce there. D) It’s close to London.11.A)The woman is not satisfied with the recreation there.B)The man thinks highly of the recreation there.C)All kinds of recreations are available there.D)The man thinks little of the recreation there.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A) He worked in a painting store.B)He worked in a painting factory.C)He worked in a gas stand.D)He worked in a bookstore.13.A) To print the TV guides.B)To edit the TV guides.C)To sell the TV guides.D)To prepare the TV guides for distribution.14.A)High pay and short work hours.B)Friendly environment and teamwork spirit.C)R elaxed atmosphere and valuable experience.D)Good friends he made in the factory.15.A)Delightful.B) Meaningless.C)Terrible.D) Cruel.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A) They think it looks like flowers. B) They think it is full of passion.C) They use it to show respect to Christ. D) They think it is beautiful.17.A) France. B) The Caribbean.C) England. D) Canada.18.A)It is about the size of an egg. C) It is full of yellow seeds.B) It is with a brown skin. D) It is about the size of an orange.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)A book . B) A clock. C) A shirt. D) A suitcase.20.A)Fastening her seat belts. C) Enjoying the beauty of the evening sky.B) Listening to the music. D) Sitting in a smoke filled room.21.A)She lost her ticket. C) She made some mistakes.B) She was thought bringing a time bomb. D) She passport had some problems.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A) They have unwritten regulations. C) They have the promising prospects.B) They never punish the violators. D) They have strict rules.23.A) He will be perceived as a successful person.B)He will be less likely to get promotion.C)He will be more successful.D)He will be pushed aside by his colleagues.24.A)Try to modify it. C) Don’t judge it.B)Criticize it directly. D) Shoot it down.25.A)He who creates the idea deserves the credit himself.B)It doesn’t matter if a business owner borrows his employee’s idea.C)You can borrow other people’s idea if you work as a team.D)The victims will forget soon if you borrow his idea.Part ⅢReading Comprehension ( 40 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.New research shows girls who regularly have family meals are much less 26 to adopt all kinds of extreme weight control 27 ,such as vomiting(催吐),using laxatives (泻药)or diet pills. A study surveying more than 2,500 American high school students found that girls who ate five or more family meals a week had a much healthier relationship with food in later life.The research, published in international journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, polled students aged 13 to 17 in 1999 who were 28 up five years later. Regular family meals were found to have a protective effect 29 of the girls’ age, weight, socio-economic status, dieting 30 or relationship with her family.Experts say doctors should encourage families to have dinner at the table instead of on the couch in front of the television to 31 against serious eating disorders.Belinda Dalton, director of eating disorders clinic The Oak House, said eating with family helped “normalize(正常化)”young people’s relationship with food.“When adolescents are feeling that they’re not coping they turn to something that they can control and food is something 32 and accessible for them to control. Clearly, if they’re sitting with their family on a regular basis then their family can be more in control of their eating,” Ms. Dalton said.“It’s about young people feeling connected with their family and that builds self-esteem and sense of worth and that can 33 very actively against someone developing an eating disorder.”An eating disorders expert, Kir sty Greenwood, said meal times were often difficult for sufferers. “It is 34 that they feel very ashamed of their eating habits and often won’t eat with other people. Perhaps it’s because they haven’t 35 the importance of the family meal in their growing up,” she said.Section BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Media Selection for Advertisements[A]After determining the target audience for a product or service, advertising agencies must select the appropriate media for the advertisement. We discuss here the major types of media used in advertising. We focus our attention on seven types of advertising: television, newspapers, radio, magazines, out-of-home, Internet, and direct mail.[B]Television is an attractive medium for advertising because it delivers mass audiences to advertisers. When you consider that nearly three out of four Americans have seen the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, you can understand the power of television to communicate with a large audience. When advertisers create a brand, for example, they want to impress consumers with the brand and its image. Television provides an ideal vehicle for this type of communication. But television is expensive medium, and not all advertisers can afford to use it.[C]Television’s influence on advertising is fourfold. First, narrowcasting means that television channels are seen by an increasingly narrow segment of the audience. The Golf Channel, for instance, is watched by people who play golf; Home and Garden Television is seen by those interested in household improvement projects. Thus, audiences are smaller and more homogeneous than they have been in the past. Second, there is an increase in the number of television channels available to viewers, and thus, advertisers. This has also resulted in an increase in the sheer number of advertisements to which audiences are exposed. Third, digital recording devices allow audience members more control over which commercials they watch. Fourth, control over programming is being passed from the networks to local cable operators and satellite programmers.[D]After television, the medium attracting the next largest annual ad revenue is newspapers. The New York Times, which reaches a national audience, accounts for $ 1 billion in ad revenue annually. It has increased its national circulation(发行量)by 40% and is now available for home delivery in 168 cities. Locally, newspapers are the largest advertising medium.[E]Newspapers are a less expensive advertising medium than television and provide a way for advertisers to communicate a longer, more detailed message to their audience than they can through television. Given new production techniques, advertisements can be printed in newspapers in about 48 hours, meaning newspapers are also a quick way of getting the message out. Newspapers are often the most important form of news for a local community, and they develop a high degree of loyalty from local readers.[F]Advertising on radio continues to grow. Radio is often used in conjunction with outdoor billboards( 广告牌)and the Internet to reach even more customers than television. Advertisers are likely to use radio because it is a less expensive medium than television, which means advertisers can afford to repeat their ads often. Internet companies are also turning to radio advertising. Radio provides a way for advertisers to communicate with audience members at all tines of the day. Consumers listen to radio on their way to school or work, at work, on the way home, and in the evening hours.[G]Two major changer—satellite and Internet radio—will force radio advertisers to adapt their methods. Both of these radio forms allow listeners to tune in stations that are more distant than the local stations they could receive in the past. As a result, radio will increasingly attract target audiences who live many miles apart.[H]Newsweeklies, women’s titles, and business magazines ha ve all seen increases in advertising because they attract the high-end market. Magazines are popular with advertisers because of the narrow market that they deliver.A broadcast medium such as network television attracts all types of audience members, but magazine audiences are more homogeneous. If you read Sports Illustrated, for example, you have much in common with the magazine’s other readers. Advertisers see magazines as an efficient way of reaching target audience members.[I]Advertisers using the print media—magazines and newspapers—will need to adapt to two main changes. First, the Internet will bring larger audiences to local newspaper. These audiences will be more diverse and geographically dispersed( 分散)than in the past. Second, advertisers will have to understand how to use an increasing number of magazines for their target audiences. Although some magazines will maintain national audiences, a large number of magazines will entertain narrower audiences.[J]Out-of-home advertising, also called place-based advertising, has become an increasingly effective way of reaching consumers, who are more active than ever before. Many consumers today do not sit at home and watch television. Using billboards, newsstands, and bus shelters for advertising is an effective way of reaching these on-the-go consumers. More consumers travel longer distances to and from work, which also makes out-of-home advertising effective. Technology has changed the nature of the billboard business, making it a more effective medium than in the past. Using digital printing, billboard companies can print a bill board in 2 hours, compared with 6 days previously. This allows advertisers more variety in the types of messages they create because they can change their messages more quickly.[K]As consumers become more comfortable with online shopping, advertisers will seek to reach this market. As consumers get more of their news and information from the Internet, the ability of television and radio to get the word out to consumers will decrease. The challenge to Internet advertisers is to create ads that audience members remember.[L]Internet advertising will play a more prominent role in organizations’ advertising in the near future. Internet audiences tend to be quite homogeneous, but small. Advertisers will have to adjust their methods to reach these audiences and will have to adapt their persuasive strategies to the online medium as well.[M]A final advertising medium is direct mail, which uses mailings to consumers to consumers to communicate a client’s message. Direct mail includes newsletters postcards and special promotions. Dir ect mail is an effective way to build relationships with consumers. For many businesses, direct mail is the most effective form of advertising.36. A newspaper may gain large ad revenue annually if it can reach lots of audience.37.Television is an attractive advertising medium in that it has large audiences.38.Advertising on radio continues to grow because it provides easy access to consumers.39.Internet advertisers will have to adjust their methods to reach audiences that tend to be quite homogenous,but amall.40.Magazines have much advantages in getting to target customers.41.With the increase of the number of TV channels, the number of TV ads people can see has i ncreased.42.Out-of-home advertising has become more effective because consumers travel more now than ever before.43.Direct mail is an effective form of advertising for businesses to develop relationships with consumers.44.Conpared with television, newspapers as an advertising medium convey more detailed messages.45.The challenge to Internet advertisers is to create ads that can easily leave impression on customers.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.New evidence of a sick, deprived population working under harsh conditions contradicts earlier images of wealth and abundance from the art records of the ancient Egyptian city of Tell el- Amarna, a study has found.Tell el- Amarna was the capital of ancient Egypt during the reign of the pharaoh( 法老)Akhenaten, who abandoned most of Egypt’s old gods in favor of the Aten sun disk and brought in a new and more expressive style of art. Akhenaten, who ruled Egypt between 1379 and 1362 BC, built and lived in Tell el- Amarna in central Egypt for 15 years. The city was largely abandoned shortly after his death and the ascendance of the famous boy king Tutankhamun to the throne.Studies on the remains of ordinary ancient Egyptians in a cemetery in Tell el- Amarna showed that many of them suffered from anemia(贫血症),fractured bones, stunted growth and high juvenile mortality rates, according to professors Barry Kemp and Jerome Rose, who led the research.Rose, a professor of anthropology( 人类学)in the University of Arkansas in the United States, said adults buried in the cemetery were probably brought there from other parts of Egypt.“This means that we have a period of deprivation in Egypt prior to the Amarna phase. So maybe things were not so good for the average Egyptian and maybe Akhenaten said we have to change to make things better,” he said.Kemp, director of the Amarna Project which seeks in part to increase public knowledge of Tell el-Amama and surrounding region, said little attention has been given to the cemeteries of ordinary ancient Egyptians.Pose displayed pictures showing spinal(脊柱)injuries among teenagers, probably because of accidents during construction work to build the city.The study showed that anemia ran at 74 percent among children and teenagers, and at 44 percent among adults, Rose said. The average height of men was 159cm(5 feet 2 inches)and 153cm among women. “Adult heights are used as an indicator for overall st andard of living,” he said. “Short statures reflect a diet deficient in protein… People were not growing to their full potential.”46.What is the findings of the study mentioned in the passage?A)The ancient Tell el- Amarna was famous for its art r ecords.B)The artistic exhibition of ancient Tell el- Amarna was trustworthy.C)The art records of Tell el- Amarna showed ancient Egyptians’ real l ife.D)The was really tough for average Egyptians in ancient Tell el- Amarna.47.According to the passage, we can learn that Akhenaten .A. brought the ancient Egypt to a period of the greatest prosperity.B)mainly held the reins of the ancient government in central Egupt.C)worshiped Egypt’s old gods, especially favored the sun God AtenD)asked his men to create an original pattern of artistic representation48.What’s the researchers’ attitude towards the ordinary ancient Egyptians’l ife?A)Indifferent.B)Sympathetic.C)Sorrowful.D)Admiring.49.According to the passage, what is the aim of the Amarna Project?A)To assist the public to obtain more detailed information about ancient Egyptians.B)To attract people’s attention to the tombs of common people in ancient Egypt.C)To unveil the brilliant cultures of the ancient Egyptian city of Tell el-Amarna.D)To help people understand a certain capital of ancient Egypt and its neighborhood b etter.50.Why does the author mention ancient Egyptian adult heights in the last part of the p assage?A)To realistically describe common people’s physical conditio ns at that time.B)To reveal the oppressive working pressure faced with ordinary Egyptians.C)To illustrate the fact that the quality of common life was truly low of the day.D)To demonstrate the average Egyptian’s unhealthy diet habits in ancient times.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Drink from plastic bottles can raise the body’s levels of a controversial “gendeer-bending” chemical by more than two thirds, according to tests.Experts have been concerned about the possible health effects of bisphenol A(BPA)—an everyday chemical used in many plastic food and drink containers and tins as well as clear baby bottles—which is officially classified as toxic in some countries.A study found that participants who drank for a week from polycarbonate( 聚碳酸酯)bottles showed a 69 percent increase in their urine of BPA.Researchers did not say how much liquid was drunk per day. Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health studied 77 students, who had first undergone a seven-day “washout” phase in which they drank all cold beverages from stainless steel bottles in order to minimise BPA exposure.They were then given two polycarbonate bottles and asked to drink all cold beverages from them during the week. Previous studies have suggested that high levels of BPA consumption are linked to birth defects, growth problems and an increased risk of heart disease. In particular there are fears that heating the bottles, as parents would do when warming their baby’s milk, causes the chemical to leak in potentially dangerous quantities into the liquid contained within.“If you heat those bottles, as is the case with baby bottles, we would expect the levels to be considerably higher. This would be of concern since infants may be particularly susceptible to BPA’s hormone gland-disrupting(扰乱腺体激素分泌)potential.” said the senior author of the latest study, Karin B. Michels.Most adults carry BPA in their bodies but expert opinion on the risks is divided. The European Food Safety Authority believes that people naturally convert the chemical into less harmful substances in the body.Previous studies had found that BPA could leach from polycarbonate bottles into their contents, but this study is the first to show the size of the corresponding increase in urinary BPA concentrations in humans.Harvard researcher Jenny Carwile said, “While previous studies have demonstrated that BPA is linked to adverse health effects, this study fills in a missing piece of the puzzle—whether or not polycarbonate plastic bottles are an important contributor to the amount of BPA in the body.”51.What to we know about bisphenol A(BPA)from the beginning of the passage?A)It is certain substance taken in by human beings every day.B)It is a component contained in a number of plastic products.C)It is an element that plays a decisive role in people’s gender.D)It is a kind of chemical that is universally regarded poisonous.52.According to Paragraph 4, the “washout” phase was designed to .A)make the research be accomplished with a result as satisfying as possibleB)obtain references for the possible health effects of stainless steel b ottlesC)eliminate substances in bodies that may affect the result of the r esearchD)limit the sort of beverages taken in by participants to the minimum level53.What result can be expected if baby bottles containing polycarbonate are heated?A)The liquid in the bottles would absorb limited amount of converted BPA.B)The infants should be seriously bothered by such disease as heart attack.C)Babies would consume more BPA if they drink the liquid in the bottles.D)The infants would undoubtedly refuse to drink the liquid in the bottles.54.How do experts evaluate the hazard that can be caused by BPA?A)They think it is so common in bodies that it isn’t hazardous material.B)Different groups hold different viewpoints on this issue.C)They believe it will be transformed into other safe materials.D)They consider the amount of BPA in bodies decides its harmfulness.55.What is the significance of the study talked about in this passage?A)It proved the assumption on BPA that studies previously.B)It clarified the high risks that BPA may pose to people’s health.C)It confirmed the principal source of the substance BPA.D)It showed what’s responsible for the rising level of BPA in humans.Part ⅣTranslation (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese intoEnglish. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.ZG的传统节庆膳食在数量和质量上都与平时有所不同。
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ABSTRACT. Forsgren, L., Sidenvall, R . , Blomquist, H. Kson and Heijbel, J. (Departments of Neurology and Paediatrics, University Hospital, Umei, Sweden). A prospective incidence study of febrile convulsions. Acta Paediatr Scand 79: 550,1990. A prospective epidemiologicalstudy of febrile convulsions (FC) was performed during a 20-month period. 128 children with FCs were identified. The annual first attendance rate and annual incidence rate were 500/100000 and 460/100 000 respectively, in the age group 0-4 years. The cumulative incidence was 4.1 %. FCs were more common among boys, with a male to female ratio of 1.72 to 1. The median and mean age for first FC was for boys 16 and 19.9 months respectively, and for girls 18 and 19.7 months respectively. During an average follow-up period of 20 months, 18% had another FC and 10 I had two or more FCs. 8.6 % had an initial complicated FC. Four children had FCs within two weeks after being vaccinated by combined vaccine against morbilli, rubella and parotitis. Three of these had earlier had an FC. Key words; febrile convulsion,epidemiology, incidence,prospective, age-distribution, sex-distribution.
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Acta Paediatr Scand 79
Prospective incidence study of febrile convulsions 55 1
divided into three districts, each with one hospital. Two of the hospitals have departments of paediatrics and one hospital has a paediatric out-patient clinic. Throughout the county, even in the sparsely populated areas, there are local health stations, staffed with one or more general practitioners and district-nurses. Definitions. All children below the age of 5 who developed their first seizure, focal or generalized, during a febrile illness were considered to have FCs. Children who had a FC before the investigation period, but whose parents did not contact the medical community until the child had a second FC, are also included if the second FC occurred during the investigation period. Children who had earlier had one or several afebrile seizures and children with signs of cerebral infection or intoxication, were excluded. A febrile convulsion was considered as complicated if ( a )the duration of the convulsion was 30 min or longer; or (6) if there were focal (partial) components of the convulsion; or (c) if there were postictal phenomena which either indicated a focal seizure (e.g. Todd’s paralysis) or a more symmetrical affection of the central nervous system (e.g. cerebellar ataxia); or (d)if there were repeated convulsions during the 24 hours following the first FC. Incidence was defined as the number of cases with a first FC during the study period per 1OOOOO individuals at risk per year. The first attendance rate was defined as the number of new cases with FC diagnosed (includes incident cases and cases with first convulsions prior to the study period but who were first diagnosed during study period) per 100000 individuals at risk per year. Since the period of investigation was 20 months, there were 4 months that only occurred once during the period. Therefore, a rate of first FC for each month was calculated by dividing the number of children registered during a particular month with the total days of that month studied. Sources. All district nurses in the county and all physicians who were anticipated to come into contact with seizures in the area studied, were requested to report or refer all patients, in all age groups, with a newly diagnosed or suspected seizure disorder. It was explicitly stated that this also included children with FCs. This information as well as a brief background and the reasons for performing the study were given in a letter two weeks before the start of the study and every fourth month during the study period. Additional oral information was given in lectures or in personal contacts with paediatricians, internists, neurologists and general practitioners. Another source for identification of cases was the only neurophysiological laboratory in the county where all EEGs from the whole county are evaluated. Approximately 2500 EEG investigations are carried out yearly on 2 200-2 300 different persons. The EEG files were evaluated for all individuals, where the indication for performing an EEG had been classified by the neurophysiologist as due to seizure or suspicion of seizure. Further, a random sample of the EEGs of 2 15 persons who had not been so classified was also evaluated. Altogether, EEG files for 1250 individuals were evaluated, which accounts for 1/3 of the EEGs performed during the period of investigation. All children reported were examined by specialists in paediatrics, trained in neurology. Statistics. Data were analysed with the x2 test (with Yates’ correction). Difference in mean age between boys with simple and complicated FCs was estimated with the Mann-Whitney Utest.