Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module Review优质课课件


教学设计整合-MODULE 5 A Lesson in a Lab

教学设计整合-MODULE  5 A Lesson in a Lab
Grammar+Function+Cultural Corner
Task of period5:
Writing +Module File
结合前几节课所学的知识,做一个简单的实验报告,向全班做报告。就所写的a report on a simple scientific experiment 进行小组评价,并总结后在全班汇报,就自己在本模块中的学习进行自我评价反思自己的学习。最后整合本模块重点内容,归纳小结。
Numbers ,fractions and percentages

外研版必修一Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab grammar教案

外研版必修一Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab grammar教案
1.Lead the students to be active in class.
2.Helpthe studentsto improve their speaking ability.
1.the multimedia
2.the blackboard
Байду номын сангаас教法
Step 4. Practice
Step 5. Homework
1.Finish the exercises 2, 3 & 4 on page91-92 in their workbook.
2.Preview the rest of this module.
I know you better than he.我比他更了解你
a most interesting film(一部很有趣的电影) / the most interesting film(最有趣的电影)
Jack speak English as fluently as Tom.
This school is better than that one.
This book is more interesting than that one.
He works (the) hardest in his class.

Module 5—A lesson in a lab课文翻译解析

Module 5—A lesson in a lab课文翻译解析

铁在无空气的水中 方法:(1)把试管中加入一半水; (2)将水烧开保持3分钟(这样可以保证 水中无 空气); (3)在水中放2~3枚洁净的铁钉; (4)在水中加些油,这样做可以防止空气进入水 中; (5)把试管放置一周。 结果:铁钉在没有空气的水中未生锈。 结论:铁在没有空气的水中不生锈。 铁在普通的水中 方法:(1)在试管中加入一半水,并在水中放2~3枚洁 净的铁钉; (2)把试管放置一周。 结果:铁钉在含有普通水的试管中生锈。 结论:铁在普通的水中会生锈。
Translation B
一个简单的科学实验 下面是对一个简单科学实验的描述。它向我们表明了铁是 怎样与空气和水反应的。 目的: 弄清铁是否在下列状态下生锈:(a)在干燥的空气中;(b) 在没有空气的水中(没有空气的水);(c)在普通的水中。 仪器: 3颗洁净的铁钉、试管、试管夹、棉花、油、本生灯(即煤气灯 或是喷灯) 铁在干燥的空气中 方法:(1)把若干铁钉置于试管底部; (2)顺着试管塞入一些棉花;(3)把试管放置一周。 结果:一周后,铁钉未生锈。 结论:铁在干燥的空气中不生锈。
• • • • •
• • •

Leave sth+地点 把某物落在某地 Leave sth. With sb. 把某事/某物委托给某人 Leave sth. behind 把某事/某物抛在后面 Conclusion n. 结论 Come to a conclusion = reach a conclusion =draw a conclusion 得出结论 in conclusion 最后 boil vt. 煮;煮沸 boiling water 正沸腾的水;boiled water 烧开的水 类似的还有:the rising sun 正升起的太阳 the rised sun 升起的太阳 a developing country 发展中国家 a developed country 发达国家

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Grammar精品 外研版必修1

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Grammar精品 外研版必修1
I. 比较级的修饰语。这些修饰语通常为 副词或短语,置于比较级前面, 说 明比较级的程度。这些词有:a little, little, a bit, bit, a lot, a great deal, much, far, rather, slightly, by far, even, still, nearly, almost, any, just, (…)times等。如:
The moon is much smaller than the earth. The result of the experiment turned out to be even better than expected. Speak a bit more slowly, please. The output of the paper mill is three times higher than it was last year.
2)比较级: A. 表示A超过B。此时使用形容词和副
词的比较等级。如: Our classroom is brighter than yours. Dogs run faster than rabbits. I don’t think math is more important than physics.
外研版 高一年级 (必修1)
Module 5
1)原级比较:表示两者程度相同。用句 型as+形容词/副词+as表示, 否定名式 为: not as/so+形容词/副词as。 如: Dick is as tall as his brother. Tom speaks as quickly as his cousin. I have never seen a person as / so clever as he is.

【学习实践】Module5 a lesson in a lab教案

【学习实践】Module5 a lesson in a lab教案

Module5 a lesson in a lab教案本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址module5 ALessoninaLabⅠ.TheGeneralIdeaofThismoduleThismodulemainlyintroducesscientificknowledgeandthe operationandreportofbasicexperimentstostudents.Ques tionscanoftenleadtoinquiryandphenomenonusuallymakes peoplethinkdeeply.Thus,studentscanvoluntarilypracti ceandseekthetruthontheirown.Inthismodule,wearegoing tolearnsomecommonlyusedvocabularyandsentencepattern saboutscientificexperiments.Intermsofgrammar,we’regoingtolearntheexpressingwaysofDegreesofcompariso n.Besides,studentsshouldalsolearntousetheformsofmod ifierofDegreesofcomparison.Inpronunciation,students areaskedtolearntheintonationofgeneralquestionsandsp ecialquestions.Atthesametime,afterlearningthismodul e,studentsarerequiredtoimprovetheirabilitiesofliste ning,speaking,readingandwritingaswellassomestrategi esoflearning.INTRoDUcTIoNSomevocabularyonscienceandtechnology, experimentsareenumeratedinthissection. Threeactivitieshavebeen designed. Studentsoughttogetfamiliarwiththemeaningsoftheusefu lwordsandexpressionssothattheycangetreadyforthestud yactivities.VocABULARyANDSPEAkINGThispartintroducesvocabularyofnumerals. Besides, fiveactivitieshavebeendesignedhereforthestudentstodistinguishandcalculatethenumbersandpe rcentage.GRAmmAR1Inthispart, wewilllearndegreesofcomparisonoftheadjectives. Itmainlydealswiththeexpressingwaysofmultiple.READINGANDVocABULARyThissectionleadstosomewordsandusefulexpressionsconc erningthetopicofthismodule. Italsointroducesoxidereactionofmetals.Theexercisesdesignedaccordingtothereadingtextenable thestudentstolearntousetherelevantvocabularybydoing theexercises.VocABULARyThissectionsuppliesvocabularyonexperimentalapparatu sandgivesusthereadingmethodoffractions. Italsosuppliesussomerelevantactivities.LISTENINGANDwRITINGThelisteningmaterialisadialogueofteachersandstudent swhoaredoinganexperiment. Itgivesustheactivityonrelevantexperimentaswell.GRAmmAR2Thissectionmainlyintroducesthreekindsofusageofdegre esofcomparisonofthe adjectives.PRoNUNcIATIoNInthispart, thestudentsarerequiredtomastertheintonationofgenera lquestionsand special questions.EVERyDAyENGLISHInthispart, thestudentsshalllearnseveralusefulexpressionsofdail yEnglish.Thatis:“wheredowegofromhere?”“keepthenoisedown.”“you’vegotit.”“It’syourturn.”“Goahead!”FUNcTIoNInwriting, thestudentsareaskedtograsptheuseoffirst,next, afterthat,lastlyandsooninaparagraph. Theyarealsorequiredtolearntheusageofcomma.cULTURALcoRNERThestudentsmustlearntheteachingconditionsofseniorhi ghschooleducationofcanadabyreadingthispassage.TASkItrequiresstudentstoworkinpairs. Furthermore, thestudentsareaskedtowriteanexperimentalreportbyrec allingthe experiments carriedoutinclassandgoing over thecontentofreading.moDULEFILEThissectionsummarizesthewordsandexpressions,grammar, pronunciationandeverydayEgnlishlearntinthismodule.Ⅱ.Three-DimensionalGoals.knowledgeandskillsBeabletomasterthekeyvocabularyandreadthetextfluentl y.Gettoknowsomethingaboutscienceandtechnology, experimentalreports.Thestudentsarerequiredtounderstandandmastertheusage oftractionsanddegreesofcomparisonofadverbs.2.ProcessandmethodsLearnindependently, undertheteacher’sguidance. Trytogettoknowknowledge concerningexperimentsonscienceandtechnology.Inquiryandactivity.Studentsarerequiredtounderstanditsimportanceofscien tificknowledge. Thestudentswillbearousedtheenthusiasmforobservingan danalyzingproblems.3.EmotionandvaluesThematerialsinthispartcanhelpstudentschangetheiratt itudetowardsstudyandarousetheirinterestoflearningso thattheycanformtheirowngoalsofstudy.Ⅲ.TeachingImportantPointsStudentsshouldgettoknowsomescientificknowledgeanddr awaconclusionbydoingsomeexperiments.masterrelevant vocabularyandphrasesandimprovethestudents’abilitiesoflistening,speaking,readingandwriting.Ⅳ.TeachingDifficultPointHowtoimprovethestudents’abilityofwritingeffectively.Ⅴ.PreparationofTeachingAidsataperecorder,multimedia, acomputerandaslideprojectorⅥ.TeachingTimefiveperiodsThefirstperiod:Introduction, VocabularyandSpeakingThesecondandthethirdperiod: ReadingandVocabularyThefourthperiod:Vocabulary, Listeningandwriting, Grammar1-2Thefifthperiod:PronunciationEverydayEnglish, FunctionandculturalcornerTheFirstPeriodTheGeneralIdeaofThisPeriodInthisperiod, wearegoingtolearntosaysomelargenumbersquicklyandcor rectly.Andwewilllearntousesomenewwords.TeachingAims.Learnandmasterthefollowing:Learnthemeaningofthefollowingwords:liquid, expand,contract,substance,mixture,oxygen, electricity.LearntosaythelargenumbersinEnglish.2.Developthestudents’speakingabilitybylisteningandspeaking.TeachingImportantPoints.Trainthestudents’abilitiesoflisteningandspeaking.2.EnabletheSstorecognizethenumbers, fractionsandpercentages.TeachingDifficultPointHowtoimprovethestudents’speakingability.TeachingmethodsIndividualandpairwork.TeachingAids. acomputer2. aprojector3. theblackboardTeachingProceduresStep1GreetingsandLead-inT: Hello, everyone.Ss: Hello, mrLi.T:Sitdown, please.Nowinthisunitwearegoingtolearnsomethingabout generalscienceandlearnhowto expressthenumbers.Firstofall, let’slearnthenewwords.liquid液体expand膨胀contract收缩substance物质mixture混合物oxygen氧气electricity电T: ok.Pleasereadthenewwordsandfindthechinesemeaningfor eachworD.Step2choosethecorrectanswerstothequiz.TeacheraskstheSstolookthroughPartoneandjudgewhichst atementsaretrue.TheSsreadandtickthepossiblerightsentences.T: Nowlistenandcheckyouranswers.TheSschecktheanswersinpairs..a 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.bT: Nowlistenagainandcheckyour answers.Step3PracticeT: Putthewordsinpairsorgroupsindividually.T: comparetheanswersinpairs..air—oxygen 2.contract——sun—moon4.gas—liquid—solidStep4PracticeTeachershowsthewordsonthescreen.Havetheclassrepeatt hem.electricity iron metal steel air glassT: canyoufindthesethingsinourclassroom?whichoftheabovearenatural?whichareman-made?whichcanbeboth?T: workinpairsorgroups..Electricity,iron, somemetalsandairarenatural.2. Steel, somemetalsandglassareman-made.3.Electricityandsomemetalscanbeman-madeandnaturally.Step5Vocabularyandspeaking. Lookatthenumbers.76 seventy-six876 eighthundredandseventy-six2876 twothousand, eighthundredandseventy-six32876thirty-twothousand, eighthundredandseventy-six432876fourhundredandthirty-twothousand, eighthundredandseventy-six2. LookandlearnSBP42Part1Bythistime,theSsshouldknowthemeaningof “million”.T: Readthenumbers.Andfindthetwomistakes.ThisisagoodtimetheSslearnhowtosaythelargenumbers.Th eteacherwalksaroundtheclassandoffershelpwhennecessa ry.S:I’vefoundtheerrors.Thefirsttwonumbersaremisread.T: you’reright.Buthowcanyousaythenumbers?S:Thefirstoneshouldbefifty-twomillion, fourhundredandseventythousand, threehundredandeighty-three.T: Great!whataboutthesecond?S: It’sonehundredmillion.T: Goodjob!3. LookandsayLookatthefollowingbignumbersandsaytheminEnglishquic kly.555556555557555505875555009875555000000000004. ListenandwriteT: ListentothefollowingnumbersinEnglishandwritethemdow n.threethousand, fivehundredandforty-sixthirty-threethousand, sevenhundredandninety-sixfivehundredandtwenty-twothousand, fourhundredandeighty-fivethreemillion,twohundredandthirty-fivethousandTheSswriteintheArabletter.Theteachercollectssomeoftheirworkandshowsitontherea lobjectobjector.5. LookatthesefractionsSB, P42Part2T: NowpleasesaythesefractionsinEnglish.S: Twofifth.T: Isitright?S: No, it’stwofifths.T: Good!Next?S: Fiveeighths.S: Ninetenths.S: Threeeighths.S: Fivesixths.T: whocandescribethefractionsinActivity2aspercentages?S: I’lltry.onethirdisthesameas33.33%.S: Four-fifthsisthesameas80%.S: one-tenthisthesameas10%.S: Three-quartersisthesameas75%.S: onehalfisthesameas50%.S: Two-thirdsisthesameas66.66%.S: Two-fifthsisthesameas40%.S: Five-eighthsisthesameas62.5%.S: Nine-tenthsisthesameas90%.S: Three-eighthsisthesameas37.5%.S: Five-sixthsisthesameas83.33%.T: Good!yourmathematicsisexcellent! 6. PracticeT: Let’sturntoP43,Part4Readthesequestionsaloudandsaythenumbers.3000000480460005000000026569309675037500080000000Step6PracticeT: workinpairs.Giveyourenumbersoveramillion.yourpartnerm ustfindtheanswers.workouttheanswersandthensaythemin words.Step7Assignment. masterthenewwordswehavelearnedinthisclass.2.workinpairs.Look,listen, speakandwritethelargernumbers, fractionsandpercentages.Step8Thedesignofthewritingontheblackboard module5 ALessoninaLabTheFirstPeriodliquid 55555expand 655555contract 7555505substance 87555500mixture 987555500oxygen 1000000000electricityStep9ActivityandInquiryStepsStudents’ActingTeacher’sorganizing Thestudentsareaskedtouseamixtureof percentages, additionsandfractions, asinthepreviousactivity. Thenworkout thequestionsontheirownfirst, butleave theanswersoffthepapertheywritethequestionson. Askthestudentstoworkoutthe answersindependently.2Thestudentsshouldexchangequestionsandwrite theanswersoutonpaperastheywouldsaythem.Theteacherlooksaroundtheclass, inspectingthestudents’activity.3Takeitinturnstoaskandanswereachother’squestion. Askthestudentstocarryouttheactivity seriously.。

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab教案1 外研版必修1-外研版高一必修1

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab教案1 外研版必修1-外研版高一必修1

Module 5 A Lesson in a LabThe Second Period Listening and SpeakingTeaching goals1. Target language:English numbers2. Ability goalsHelp the students to read and write some English numbers correctly.Help the students find the main parts of an experiment while they are listening.3. Learning ability goalsHelp the students know the rules of expressing numbers.Help the students guess the main parts of a listening material from the tips. Teaching important pointsLet the students pay attention to the key words in the materials about Aim, Equipment, Method, Result, and Conclusion.Teaching difficult pointsHelp the students read some large English numbers.Teaching methods:Listening and discussion.Teaching aids:A projector and a recorder.Teaching procedures & waysStep Ⅰ RevisionCheck the students’ homework. For Exercises 6 and 7, give them answer sheet. For Exercise 8, ask 10 students to read out the plete sentences one by one. They should pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.Step Ⅱ Listening and WritingThis is a continued part to the reading material. The students can get more familiar with some new words and expressions, and also get familiar with the description of an experiment. Ask the students to scan the three activities in LISTENING AND WRITINGon P46, so that they know what they are going to do, and try to get ready to catch the key words or key sentences when they are listening.T: Now, please turn to page 46. We are going to have a listening. At first, scan the three instructions to know what you are going to do.Several minutes later.T: Do you know what you are going to do?T: What’s the first one?T: What is your prediction?T: Good, this is a correct attitude towards science. Now, we’ll listen to the conversation to find the result. So please listen carefully and write down the key words.Play the recorder for the students to have a first listening. After that, let the students write down their answers using the key words. If possible, ask them to write the whole sentences.T: Now let’s listen and plete the description of the scientific experiment. We’ve known the Aim and Result. What we should focus on is Apparatus, Method and Conclusion. And for Method, we should pay attention to the function words: first, then, next, after that, and lastly. Do you remember?T: OK, let’s listen again.Play the tape recorder again. The students listen to the recorder and plete their sentences. At last, collect the answers.Step Ⅲ Listening and Speaking (P95)This is another experiment for the students to have a listening. The purpose of the listening is the same as the above one. Ask the students to read the exercises before listening, including Exercises 13, 14 and 15, so that they know clearly what they are going to do.T: Now, we’ll have another listening. Are you clear about what you are going todo?T: OK, for Exercise 13, we have to decide what the aim of the experiment is. And then decide the correct order of the stages. So, first look at the pictures, work in pairs to describe what the boy is doing.Let the students do the job, and then collect their descriptions.T: Well, just now, I collected some of your descriptions about what the boy is doing. T: All of these descriptions are very good. Now let’s listen to the tape to find the aim and put the stages in the correct order.T: Well, it’s time for us to have a speaking. Look at Exercise 15. Take it in turns to describe the experiment. Use these words and phrases in the box.Give the students some time to do the job. And then ask one or two of them to read out their descriptions. Teacher can also leave this part as homework.Step Ⅳ Vocabulary and SpeakingIn this part help the students master the rules of reading English numbers. There are 3 tasks in this step: Task 1, Activity 1; Task 2, Activity 2; Task 3, Activities 3 and 4.T: Now, look at Activity 4. Read these questions aloud and say the answers. Work in pairs to take turns asking and answering the questions.Give them some help, if some of them have any trouble in doing this. After a while, check the answers with the whole class.If time permits, finish Activity 5. If not, leave it as homework.Step Ⅴ HomeworkT: In this class we listened to two materials and learned to read some numbers in English. It’s hard, but you have mastered all of them. You are terrific! Now, pay attention to our homework: One is to preview Vocabulary on page 46; The other is to finish Exercise 9 on page 93 and Exercise 15 on page 95. For Exercise 15, you’d better write them down, so that we can show them out on the screen. Next time, I’llcheck your answers to these exercises. OK, class is over, see you tomorrow.。



Book I Module 5 Periods 2Teaching aims and demands:(目标和要求)⒈ To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments⒉ To know about some metals and get to know their main uses in our lives⒊ To make the students know how to do a simple experiment andwrite the report about it in English4. To develop students’expression ability as well as readingability by practicing these two passages5 To raise students’interests in science and form therigorous scientific attitude.Teaching key points:(教学要点)⒈ To make the students understand and grasp the vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments⒉ To enable the students to know how to read some passages about simple scientific experimentsTeaching difficulties:(难点)To enable the students to know how to read some passages about simple scientific experimentsTeaching methods:(教学方法)⒈ Communicative Approach⒉ Task-based Approach⒊Aural-oral Approach with the help of the multi-media computer and the recorderTeaching aids:(教具)Multi-media computer; PowerPoint; some scientific equipmentTeaching procedures:(教学过程)Step 1 Revision(复习)Teacher: Are you interested in doing scientific experiments? Students: Yes!Teacher: Do you still remember what we have learnt yesterday? .(I type out some pictures about some metals on the screen with the help of the computer )As I type out each of the above pictures, I can ask the students like this: What’s this?(此处设计是为了复习上节课学过的金属名称,并为本节课的实验做准备)Step 2: Lead-in (导入)Teacher :Look at the pictures. Do you know the names of the equipment?At the same time I can type out some pictures about some equipment on the screen with the help of the computer as followsstudent 1: test tubestudent 2: test tube holderstudent 3: tongsstudent 4: cruciblestudent 5: balancestudent 6: Bunsen burnerThen I will lead them to read the English names of the equipment to make sure that everyone master them(此处设计目的是让学生掌握实验室中常用的实验设备,了解其用法及用途)Teacher: Is there any volunteer who will come to the front to tell us the English names of all the equipment.(此处设计目的是检测学生对实验室中常用的实验设备的掌握情况,但用真正的实验设备更能激发学生的兴趣,更形象生动,便于理解记忆)This step is to warm up the students and raise their interests to speak English in class and arouse their interests in reading passage B(这一部分的总体目的是为了激起学生在课堂上说英语的兴趣以及对要学的文章的兴趣)Step 2:Pre-reading(阅读引入)Teacher: Now look through passage B and find out the equipment that we will use in this experiment?Student: We will use nails , test tube, test tube holder,cotton wool, oil. Bunsen burner and water(让学生到讲台前将本节课中用到的实验设备找出,并用英语表达出来,这能让学生巩固刚学过的实验设备并激发他们用英语表达的积极性)Teacher: How many stages are there in a scientific experiment report?Ask the Ss to look at the passage and give them about 2 minutes to discuss it. Then collect the answers from them. At the same time type out the correct answer on the screen with the computer as follows:(此处是为了让学生大致了解实验报告的要素)Step 3: Key words and phases (重点词语)Question them about the Chinese meaning of the words andphrasesRe ading them aloud and then give them some time to remember (解决重点词汇,为细读扫清障碍)Step 4 Careful-Reading(细读)T: Now, let’s come to see “ A simple scientificexperiment”! Read it and try to fill in the blanksStage A(startingexperiment)(此处是为了让学生了解实验的大体步骤及基本结果)Read the passage again and complete the sentences.1. In the first part of the experiment, the ___ is dry, not wet.2. It shows that iron __________ when the air is dry.3. In the second part of the experiment, you must ____ the waterto make sure there is no ____ in it.4. You add _________ to the water because this keeps ____ outof it.5. It shows that ____ does not rust in water that has no ____in it.ConclusionIron rusts in____________Iron doesn’t rust in _____ and___________(通过这一部分的练习学生会更清楚地了解实验的方式和结果)Step 5 Explanation1. Conclusion:Iron does not rust in dry air.结论:铁在干燥的空气中不会生锈。

高中英语 Module5 A Lesson in a Lab period 外研版必修1 教案

高中英语 Module5 A Lesson in a Lab  period 外研版必修1 教案

Module 5 A Lesson in a LabⅠ.The General Idea of This ModuleThis module mainly introduces scientific knowledge and the operation and report of basic experiments to students.Questions can often lead to inquiry and phenomenon usually makes people think deeply.Thus,students can voluntarily practice and seek the truth on their own.In this module,we are going to learn some monly used vocabulary and sentence patterns about scientific experiments.In terms of grammar,we’re going to learn the expressing ways of Degrees of parison.Besides,students should also learn to use the forms of modifier of Degrees of parison.In pronunciation,students are asked to learn the intonation of general questions and special questions.At the same time,after learning this module,students are required to improve their abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing as well as some strategies of learning.INTRODUCTIONSome vocabulary on science and technology,experiments are enumerated(列举) in this section.Three activities have been designed. Students ought to get familiar with the meanings of the useful words and expressions so that they can get ready for the study activities.VOCABULARY AND SPEAKINGThis part introduces vocabulary of numerals.Besides,five activities have been designed here for the students to distinguish and calculate the numbers and percentage.GRAMMAR 1In this part,we will learn degrees of parison of the adjectives.It mainly deals with the expressing ways of multiple.READING AND VOCABULARYThis section leads to some words and useful expressions concerning the topic ofthis module.It also introduces oxide reaction of metals.The exercises designed according to the reading text enable the students to learn to use the relevant vocabulary by doing the exercises.VOCABULARYThis section supplies vocabulary on experimental apparatus and gives us the reading method of fractions.It also supplies us some relevant activities.LISTENING AND WRITINGThe listening material is a dialogue of teachers and students who are doing an experiment.It gives us the activity on relevant experiment as well.GRAMMAR 2This section mainly introduces three kinds of usage of degrees of parison of the adjectives.PRONUNCIATIONIn this part,the students are required to master the intonation of general questions and special questions.EVERYDAY ENGLISHIn this part,the students shall learn several useful expressions of daily English.That is:“Where do we go from here?”“Keep the noise down.”“You’ve got it.”“It’s your turn.”“Go ahead!”FUNCTIONIn writing,the students are asked to grasp the use of first,next,after that,lastly and so on in a paragraph.They are also required to learn the usage of ma.CULTURAL CORNERThe students must learn the teaching conditions of senior high school education of Canada by reading this passage.TASKIt requires students to work in pairs.Furthermore,the students are asked to writean experimental report by recalling the experiments carried out in class and going over the content of reading.MODULE FILEThis section summarizes the words and expressions,grammar,pronunciation and everyday Egnlish learnt in this module.Ⅱ.Three-Dimensional Goals1.Knowledge and skills(1)Be able to master the key vocabulary and read the text fluently.Get to know something about science and technology,experimental reports.(2)The students are required to understand and master the usage of tractions and degrees of parison of adverbs.2.Process and methods(1)Learn independently,under the teacher’s guidance.Try to get to know knowledgeconcerning experiments on science and technology.(2)Inquiry and activity.Students are required to understand its importance of scientific knowledge.The students will be aroused the enthusiasm for observing and analyzing problems.3.Emotion and valuesThe materials in this part can help students change their attitude towards study and arouse their interest of learning so that they can form their own goals of study. Ⅲ.Teaching Important PointsStudents should get to know some scientific knowledge and draw a conclusion by doing some experiments.Master relevant vocabulary and phrases and improve the students’ abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing.Ⅳ.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve the students’ ability of writing effectively.Ⅴ.Preparation of Teaching Aidsa tape recorder,multimedia,a puter and a slide projectorⅥ.Teaching Timefive periodsThe first period:Introduction,Vocabulary and SpeakingThe second and the third period:Reading and VocabularyThe fourth period:Vocabulary,Listening and Writing,Grammar 1-2The fifth period:Pronunciation Everyday English,Function and Cultural CornerThe First PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period,we are going to learn to say some large numbers quickly and correctly. And we will learn to use some new words.Teaching Aims1.Learn and master the following:Learn the meaning of the following words:liquid,expand,contract,substance,mixture,oxygen,electricity.Learn to say the large numbers in English.2.Develop the students’ speaking ability by listening and speaking.Teaching Important Points1.Train the students’ abilities of listening and speaking.2.Enable the Ss to recognize the numbers,fractions and percentages.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve the students’ speaking ability.Teaching MethodsIndividual and pair work.Teaching Aids1.a puter2.a projector3.the blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Greetings and Lead-inT:Hello,everyone.Ss:Hello,Mr Li.T:Sit down,please. Now in this unit we are going to learn something about general science and learn how to express the numbers. First of all,let’s learn the new words. (Show the new words on the screen.)liquid 液体expand 膨胀contract 收缩substance 物质mixture 混合物oxygen 氧气electricity 电T:OK. Please read the new words and find the Chinese meaning for each worD.(The Ss read and look up the words in the vocabulary individually.Teacher makes sure the Ss know the new words. Read the words after you.) Step 2 Choose the correct answers to the quiz.Teacher asks the Ss to look through Part one and judge which statements are true. The Ss read and tick the possible right sentences.T:Now listen and check your answers.The Ss check the answers in pairs.1.a2.a3.a4.a5.b6.b7.bT:Now listen again and check your answers.Step 3 PracticeT:Put the words in pairs or groups individually.(The Ss work on their own.)T:pare the answers in pairs.1.air—oxygen2.contract——sun—moon4.gas—liquid—solidStep 4 PracticeTeacher shows the words on the screen. Have the class repeat them.electricity iron metal steel air glassT:Can you find these things in our classroom?(Further questions for them to answer)Which of the above are natural?Which are man-made?Which can be both?T:Work in pairs or groups.(Call back the answers from the class.)1.Electricity,iron,some metals and air are natural.2.Steel,some metals and glass are man-made.3.Electricity and some metals (alloys for example) can be man-made and naturally.Step 5 Vocabulary and speaking1.Look at the numbers.(Show these numbers on the screen. Ask them to say the numbers. The English expression will be given when a student makes the answer.)76 seventy-six876 eight hundred and seventy-six2876 two thousand,eight hundred and seventy-six32 876 thirty-two thousand,eight hundred and seventy-six432 876 four hundred and thirty-two thousand,eight hundred and seventy-six2.Look and learn SB P42 Part 1By this time,the Ss should kn ow the meaning of “million”.T:Read the numbers. And find the two mistakes.This is a good time the Ss learn how to say the large numbers. The teacher walks aroundthe class and offers help when necessary.S:I’ve found the errors. The first two numbers are misread.T:You’re right. But how can you say the numbers?S:The first one should be fifty-two million,four hundred and seventy thousand,three hundred and eighty-three.T:Great! What about the second?S:It’s one hundred million.T:Good job!3.Look and sayLook at the following big numbers and say them in English quickly.55 555655 5557 555 50587 555 500987 555 5001 000 000 0004.Listen and writeT:Listen to the following numbers in English and write them down.three thousand,five hundred and forty-sixthirty-three thousand,seven hundred and ninety-sixfive hundred and twenty-two thousand,four hundred and eighty-fivethree million,two hundred and thirty-five thousandThe Ss write in the Arab letter.The teacher collects some of their work and shows it on the real object objector. 5.Look at these fractions SB,P42 Part 2T:Now please say these fractions in English.S:Two fifth.T:Is it right?S:No,it’s two fifths.T:Good! Next?S:Five eighths.S:Nine tenths.S:Three eighths.S:Five sixths.T:Who can describe the fractions in Activity 2 as percentages?S:I’ll try. One third is the same as 33.33%.S:Four-fifths is the same as 80%.S:One-tenth is the same as 10%.S:Three-quarters is the same as 75%.S:One half is the same as 50%.S:Two-thirds is the same as 66.66%.S:Two-fifths is the same as 40%.S:Five-eighths is the same as 62.5%.S:Nine-tenths is the same as 90%.S:Three-eighths is the same as 37.5%.S:Five-sixths is the same as 83.33%.T:Good! Your mathematics is excellent!6.PracticeT:Let’s turn to P43,Part 4Read these questions aloud and say the numbers.(Put the Ss into pairs to take turns asking and answering the questions. Circulate,monitor and help where necessary. Call back the answers from the class.)(1)3 000 000 (2)48 046 000(3)50 000 000(4)265 693 096(5)750 375 000(6)80 000 000Step 6 PracticeT:Work in pairs. Give your partner five sums. Use numbers over a million. Your partner must find the answers. Work out the answers and then say them in words.Step 7 Assignment1.Master the new words we have learned in this class.2.Work in pairs. Look,listen,speak and write the larger numbers,fractions and percentages.Step 8 The design of the writing on the blackboardModule 5 A Lesson in a LabTheFirstPeriodliquid55 555expand655 555contract7 555 505substance87 555 500mixture987 555 500oxygen1 000 000 000electricityStep 9 Activity and InquirySteps Students’ Acting Teacher’s Organizing1 The students are asked to use a mixture ofpercentages,additions and fractions,as in the previous activity.Then work outthe questions on their own first,but leavethe answers off the paper they write thequestions on. Ask the students to work out the answers independently.Ask the students to carry out the activity seriously.。

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab(第三课时)教案 外研版必修1

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab(第三课时)教案 外研版必修1

Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab第三课时一、教学目标1. 知识与技能a. 重点词汇和短语used to, in the area of, be proud of, be supposed to, facility, crucible, balance, tongs, react, stage, mixture, set upb. 重点句式The hotter the mixture, the quicker the reaction. P94Continue to heat the mixture until the water evaporates, leaving the salt in the crucible. P94Using tongs to hold the test tube, he heated it over the Bunsen burner. P94 That’s when things started to go wrong. P94... as the lecturers are people who have made real discoveries in their area of science. P49I’m becoming more and more interested in physics. P492. 态度与方法Enable the students to describe an incident in a science class.3.情感态度与价值观Help the students learn how to describe an incident.Help the students learn how to write a description of an experiment according to the outline.二、Teaching important and difficult points 教学重点和难点Help the students discuss incidents that have happened in their science classes.三、Teaching methods 教学方法Discussion and pair work.四、Teaching aids 教具准备A computer and a projector.五、Teaching procedures &ways 教学过程与方式StepⅠ RevisionCheck the students’ homework.For these two exercises, ask the students to read out the complete sentences. T: From Exercise 4, we know that we can use much, a bit, a lot, a little to modify the comparative expressions. Besides these, we have other words to do this. Now please look at the sentences on the screen. Read the sentences and pay attention to the bold face.You have far more imagination than I have.It’s slightly warmer today.She’s actually a good deal older than she looks.Do you feel any better today?She was no older than Zilla.You must go and get some more milk.He is fat, but his brother is still fatter.This book is even more useful than that one.My sister is ten years younger than me.You’re a head taller than Jane.It was one-fourth cheaper than the market price.After the students have finished reading, ask them to make a conclusion of the words to modify the comparative degree.T: By now we’ve learned many words that can modify the comparative degree. What are they?S1: They are much, a lot, far, a bit, a little, slightly, any, no, some, even, still, a head, ten years and so on.T: Yeah, that’s right. Now, that’s all for the home-work. Let’s come to Reading. Step Ⅱ Lead-inT: Do you know this man?S1: He is Ting Zhaozhong, a world-famous Chinese scientist. He once won the Nobel Physics Prize.T: That’s right. He is a top-class scientist. Many outstanding scientists think it is an honor to work with him. What he often says is “I don’t know”. We know science is a serious thing. You can’t be too careful in it. I think this is the real spirit that a scientist and the person who aims to be a scientist should have. Step Ⅲ Reading (P94)Task 1: Fast readingT: Now let’s turn to page 94 to see what happened in the chemistry lab. First, read the three summaries about this passage on page 93. After reading the passage quickly, choose the best one.Give the students some time to read the passage.T: Which one do you think can be the best summary of the passage?S1: No. 1 is the best summary, I think.T: Good.Task 2: Careful readingThe purpose of this task is to answer the eight questions in Exercise 11, and let the students get familiar with some new words in this Module.T: Now, let’s read the questions in Exercise 11, so that you can know what you should do when you are reading. Now read the passage carefully and find the answer to each question. Mark where the answers are and then number them. So that you can find them quickly when you need these answers.Let the students do the job in pairs. One asks the questions and the other answersthem. While the students are asking and answering the questions, walk around the classroom to see if they need any help. And at the same time, collect the answers. Step Ⅳ DiscussionT: Well, you often do some experiments in your science lessons, right? Did any incidents happen? Now I’ll give you some time to discuss the incidents that have happened in your science lessons.After a while.T: Who would like to report an incident that happened before?S1: I’d like to. One morning, we were doing a chemical experiment in the school lab. We fetched some solution(溶液) from the cupboard, including oil of vitriol(浓硫酸), and put them on the table. Wang Hua and Ding Ding were in the front row. Xiao Ming and I were in the second row. Suddenly, Wang Hua turned to say something to me, and turned over the bottle with oil of vitriol by accident. The bottle was not covered! The oil of vitriol splashed. Soon a hole was burned in Xiao Ming’s coat. And his hand was burned to black. He screamed. We were so worried. The teacher ran over to send Xiao Ming to the nearest hospital.Fortunately, nobody else was injured in the incident. However, it taught us a good lesson. Never leave a bottle uncovered on the table.S2: I’d like to tell you about one of the incidents in our chemical experiment. In the experiment, we used Bunsen burner. After the experiment, one of my classmates forgot to cover it. About ten minutes later, a teacher passed the laboratory and smelt the odd smelling. She immediately entered the lab and put out the fire. Fortunately, no further incident was caused. After that all the teachers and students were gathered to have a meeting. The headmaster gave a talk to em-phasize the importance of safety in lab. That’s a good lesson.T: Yeah, if the teacher didn’t notice the incident, it would have been a terrible fire. We often think it’s impossible to make an accident. But as a saying goes, “It’s not too careful to do a thing.” We should always keep the saying in mind. Step Ⅴ Cultural CornerT: In this Module, we’ve learned many things about scientific experiment. Maybesome of you find it interesting, because you are interested in science; while others may find it’s dull, because they prefer art lessons. In our class, who enjoy study-ing science? And why?S1: I like studying science. I like maths best. When I work out a problem, I feel very happy.S2: I like chemistry. It’s very interesting to see that you add one substance to another, and they react and change into a new substance. That is fantastic!T: Knowledge is power. Whatever subjects you enjoy learning, you should devote yourselves to them. Or you won’t make any achievement. Now let’s turn to page 49. Read the passage and answer this question: Why has Mark become more interested in science?Give the students some time to do this in pairs, and then check the answers. T: Are you ready to answer the question?Ss: Yeah!T: Why has Mark become more interested in science?S3: I think there are two reasons. One is that the science facilities are very good in the new school, with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. The other is that they have four chances each term to public science lectures, and the lecturers are people who have made real discoveries in their area of science. I think Mark is a lucky person.T: Yeah. Situations can change a person. In fact, we also have the same chance to learn some knowledge outside class. Channel 10 on CCTV offers a lot of lectures about science and art. Some are given by famous professors. One of my favorite programs is “百家讲坛”. If you often watch it, I believe you’ll benefit from it. Step Ⅵ Summary and HomeworkT: We have learned a lot about scientific experiments. Nowadays, it seems that most people prefer science, because they think science can bring financial benefits, while they do not pay much attention to morality, ethics and love. As a result, there are many disasters and wars in the world. So when we are learning science, we should also pay attention to morality, ethics and love. Today’s homework is to previewPRONUNCIATION and EVERYDAY ENGLISH. OK, time is up. So long, everyone.Ss: So long, teacher.六、板书设计重点词汇:used to, in the area of, be proud of, be supposed to, facility, crucible, balance, tongs, react, stage, mixture, set up重点句式:The hotter the mixture, the quicker the reaction. P94Continue to heat the mixture until the water evaporates, leaving the salt in the crucible.重点语法:used to七、教学反思:这节课的学习,不仅达到了生生互动的效果,也体现了师生互动的优势。

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Grammar and us

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Grammar and us
C. fewer; older
B. less; elder D. fewer; elder
4. ---Did you enjoy yourself at the party? (2006四川) --- Yes. I’ve never been to ____ one before. A. a more excited B. the most excited
1.The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.
2.The earth is forty-nine times as large as the moon.
3.The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon.
2) not as/so + adj./ adv. +as The bedroom is not as big as the sitting room. 3) the -er form + than Most people think detective stories are more interesting than science fiction. 4) the + -est form This is the largest supermarket in our neighborhood.
D. much less than
3. This washing machine ibecause it
uses ___ water and electricity than
____ models. (2006北京)
√A. less; older
D. a good one


higher than Mount Tai. Mount Qumolangma is about six times as high as Mount Tai.
3. My aunt’s house is twice as large as
my house. My aunt’s house is twice larger than my
4. Tom weighs over twice as heavy as Lily.
Tom is over twice heavier than Lily.
12 years old
119 years old
The old woman is about __t_e_n__t_im__es
earth. (far)
Can you write more senten3页。
Diameter 直径(zhíjìng)
Earth=1 Jupiter=11
A: Jupiter is eleven times
as big as the earth .
heavy is object B?
400 kilogrammes.
Grammar 1 – 3.Rules First study the sentences and make a conclusion of the comparative structure of adjectives.
A: The Yangtze River is about three
times as long as the Songhua River.

高中英语:Module5 A lesson in a lab-grammar学案(2)(外研版必修1)

高中英语:Module5 A lesson in a lab-grammar学案(2)(外研版必修1)

Module5 A Lesson in a Lab- Grammar2学案Degrees of Comparison 2【使用说明】请先完成学案的知识链接部分然后对照课本47页的内容完成自主学习,然后完成学案上的知识反馈部分。

【学习目标】通过本节学习,学生能够:1. 学习比较级的两个句型:“越来越……”,“越……越……”。

2. 先自主学习,必要时再进行小组讨论。

3. 通过对比较级的几种形式的进一步学习,能更熟练运用比较级的两个句型:“越来越……”,“越……越……”。



【知识链接】翻译下列句子:1. You are growing taller and taller.2. English is becoming more and more important.3. Our country is getting more and more powerful.4. The closer you are, the more you will see.5. The more books I read, the more information I learn.【自主学习】比较级的特殊结构(1)“the+比较级,the+比较级”的结构,表示“越…就越…”的意思。

Eg: The busier he is, the happier he feels.(2)“比较级+and+比较级”结构(两个同义形容词的比较级),表示“越来越…”。

Eg: It is getting warmer and warmer.(3) the + 比较级+ of the two (+n),表示两者中较…的一个。

Eg: He is the taller of the two.(4)“not + 比较级+ than”表示“A不像B那样…;A不如B…”。

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module Review课件 外研

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module Review课件 外研
Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module Review
Ⅰ. 单词(dāncí)串记(根据构词法完成下面空格) 1. ~(元音)de (v. )→~(元音)sion (n. ) conclude( v. )得出结论→__c_o_n_c_lu_s_io_n_(n. )结论 【类记】 decide( v. )→__d_ec_i_si_o_n ( n. ) 决定 include( v. )→__in_c_lu_s_i_o_n( n. ) 包括 explode( v. )→__e_x_p_lo_s_io_n_( n. ) 爆炸 expand( v. )→_e_x_p_a_n_s_i_o_n( n. ) 扩张
【思路点拨】 本题考查的是倍数表达法, 即:
as +adj. 原级+as the +名词(size, weight, depth, width,
倍数(bèishù)h+eight, length, etc. )+of
adj. 比较级+than 套用该句式, 可判断(pànduàn)出上面哪个句子是正确的。
The hydrogen ______ with _______ to produce _________ and water.
4. 关于这种混合物, 我们还没有达到可以得出最后结论的阶段。
We haven’t reached the _____swtahgeere we can come to a final __________
词的单复数要依其后的主语而定。该句中的前半句中, 主语为a temple,

外研版必修一Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Reading教案

外研版必修一Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Reading教案
T: Well, from passage A we can see how interesting the experiment about the reaction of metals is! But do you know how we can carry out a chemical experiment in a lab successfully? And what is the correct order to describe a scientific experiment?
2.Reaout the words the students can’t read.
Then in order to make the Ss consolidate what they read in passage B and check if they have understood the experiment very well, Do Activity 5 on page 46
Ask the Ss to look at Activity 1 on page 44 and give them about 2 minutes to discuss it. Then collect the answers from them.
Ask them to read the passage quickly and finish Activity 4 on page 44. then check the answers.Then ask them to answer:
Module 5 ALesson in a Lab教案
Module 5ALesson in a LabReading and vocabulary



Module5 A Lesson in a Lab-grammar教案Teaching content and aims:1. Learn the expressions about the degrees of comparison.2. Learn some adverbs which can put in front of the comparative expressions of adjectives and adverbs.3. Write out these sentence patterns.Teaching Design:Task: Learn the comparative expressions.Pre-task RevisionA. Revise what we have learned last lesson.B. Lead-inThe earth is the moon.=The earth is forty-nine times the moon.Today, we’ll learn the degrees of comparison.Cycle-taskActivity 1:Instruction1. 形容词和副词的比较等级的用法:1 原级比较:表示两者程度相同。

用句型表示:(倍数 +as+adj./adv.原级+ as …, 否定句式:not +(倍数 +as/so+ adj./adv.原级+as…, 如 :e.g. Dick is as tall as his brother.I have never seen a person as/so clever as he is.2 比较级:A. 表示 A 超过 B 。

此时使用句型:A is (倍数 +形容词和副词的比较等级+than+B如: Our classroon is brighter than yours.Dogs run faster than rabbits.I don’t think maths is more important than physics.B. 表示 A 不如 B 。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Ⅲ. 句式点拨 1. 地球是月球的49倍大。(True or False) (1)The earth is forty-nine times as larger as the moon. ( F ) (2)The earth is forty-nine times the size with the moon. ( F ) (3)The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon. ( T )
2. 山上有座庙, 庙里有几个老和尚。(True or False)
(1)On the top of the mountain stands a temple, and in the
temple live several old monks. ( T ) (2)On the top of the mountain stand a temple, and in the temple lives several old monks. ( F ) 【思路点拨】 本题考查完全倒装句中的主谓一致问题。完全倒装句中, 其谓 语动词的单复数要依其后的主语而定。该句中的前半句中, 主
forms (is _______) formed when water _____. boils Steam ______
9. 他成功的另一部分原因是他懂得如何平衡学习与娱乐 (entertainment) 的关系。 partial reason for his success is that he knows how to Another ______ balance study and entertainment. _______
enjoyment n. )享受; 乐趣 enjoy( v. )→__________(
encouragement n. )鼓励; 激励 encourage( v. )→______________( astonishment n. )吃 astonish( v. )→____________( employment n. )雇用; 职业 employ( v. )→___________(
4. 关于这种混合物, 我们还没有达到可以得出最后结论的阶段。 stage where we can come to a final We haven’t reached the _____
conclusion about this _______. mixture __________ 5. 当它们在水面浮起后, 继续用小火煮大约一分钟。
amusement n. )娱乐; 消遣 amuse( v. )→__________( movement n. )活动; 移动 move( v. )→_________(
agreement n. )同意 agree( v. )→__________(
judgement n. )判断(力) judge( v. )→__________(
Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Module Review
Ⅰ. 单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格)
1. ~(元音)de (v. )→~(元音)sion (n. )
conclusion n. )结论 conclude( v. )得出结论→__________( 【类记】 decision ( n. ) 决定 decide( v. )→_______ inclusion n. ) 包括 include( v. )→________( explosion n. ) 爆炸 explode( v. )→_________(
【思路点拨】 本题考查的是倍数表达法, 即: as +adj. 原级+as
the +名词(size, weight, depth, width,
height, length, etc. )+of
adj. 比较级+than
套用该句式, 可判断出上面哪个句子是正确的。
【句式训练】 我家距离学校比你家距离学校远三倍。 My home is four times farther from our school than yours.
expansion n. ) 扩张 expand( v. )→_________(
2. (v. ) +-ment→ n.
equipment n. )设备, 装备 equip( v. )配备, 装备→__________(
【类记】 achievement n. )成就; 完成 achieve( v. )→___________(
7. 这门课的目的是教给孩子们如何正确使用电子设备。 aim of the course is to teach children how to use ________ electrical The ____ equipment correctly. __________ 8. 水一沸腾, 蒸汽就形成了。
disappointment n. )失望 disappoint( v. )→______________(
Ⅱ. 连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子, 每空一词) 1. 固体像液体和气体一样也会膨胀和收缩。 expand and ________ contract as liquids and gases do. Solids _______ 2. 当你在本系的演讲厅里看见一些人不得不坐在窗台上时, 别惊 讶。 astonished when you see that in some ______ lecture halls of Don’t feel __________ department some people have to sit on the window sills. the ___________ 3. 氢气(hydrogen)与氧气反应产生电和水。 reacts with _______ oxygen to produce _________ electricity and The hydrogen ______ water.
float on the water, continue to ____ boil for about one When they ____
flame minute with low _____.
6. 两种物质都不溶于水。 substances ________ dissolves in water. Neither of the __________
good talk with our parents. ( T )
(2)We got to the stage which we should sit down and have a good talk with our parents. ( F )
【思路点拨】 考查定语从句。先行词stage在此意为“状态, 阶段”, 表示抽 象的地点 , 因此用关系副词 where 引导定语从句。除 stage 外 , 这种模式的地点词还有point, situation, case等。
我已经到了应该为自己做决定的那个时刻了。 I have reached the point where I am supposed to make a decision of my own.
语为 a temple, 故谓语动词应该用 stands; 后半句中 , 主语为
several old monks, 故谓语动词应该用live。
On the wall hangs a beautiful picture.
3. 我们到了应该坐下来和父母好好谈谈的阶段了。(True or False) (1)We got to the stage where we should sit down and have a