第八步 取下隔音屏后饰板
第九步 取下隔音屏后舱上饰板(螺丝从前舱拆解)
第十步 拆隔音屏后舱喇叭(两个)
第十一步 拆隔音屏支架
第十二步 拆隔音屏支架线束
第十三步 拆隔音屏支架底座螺栓
第十四步 抬下隔音屏
• 左侧滑门无自动滑开的功能
第一步 拆卸驾驶室左右座椅
第二步 拆解如图四个螺栓(共八个)
第三步 拆解B柱饰板
第四步 拆解B柱下饰板
第五步 拆解前舱隔音屏下ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ板
第六步 拆解前舱隔音屏上饰板
第七步 拆解后舱隔音屏下饰板螺栓(在前舱拆解八颗螺帽)
1 右下角钥匙捡起,怎么开门就不用说了吧2 捡起两块绿立方,对应门上的位置这么好,开门3 向左滑门4 右边打开找到螺丝刀,用螺丝刀打开左边,按下红色按键,开门5 手机照门上的图横放6 先向左滑,再向右滑,门向上滑7 手机向右倾斜,对应的数字就是下面对应的方块,开门8 打开右边箱子拿到十字架,绿灯到箭头时点开门,拿出十字架,走你9 如图,试出来的,解释不了10 滑门吧,总能滑出去11 来回移动左边的球,打开恐龙嘴,拿出灭火器,灭火,走你12 右边打开,如图颜色13 两个手指上下,不解释14 来回滚动球,后面的小红球会滚出来,捡起,后面不解释15 捡起左边的棍,使用,按顶部按键,由小到大输入,241316 螺丝刀去掉门上的螺丝,两手一起按按钮,后面不解释17 捡起扫把扫地,后面不解释18 手机倒立,不解释19 把十字架放白人马手上,不解释20 水池左边找到游泳眼镜,戴上,点水池,扫把扫墙,后面不解释21 两个手指向右滑门22 手指按出烟孔,颜色改成如图,解释不了23 很明显,不解释24 第2个道具插到右边,掰下,后面真不想解释,2874,上面分别是1234567825 让绿球落下,红球不能落下,自己想办法26 扫把把墙先打扫一下,熊猫当然在天朝,海龟?在南美洲左边的上面那个按钮27 右边拿到火柴,左边的往下滑,然后使用火柴和灭火器,然后就没有然后了28 点开调酒瓶,做死的摇手机29 如图,解释不了30 按蹦床,不解释了31 点右边酒桶,用螺丝刀打开,眼镜戴上,下去拿把刀,后面不解释了32 手机按图做圆周运动33 三个手指头一起按34 左边接出来,右边拉出来,加减法会的吧35 按大小换颜色,不解释36 第1个和第5个道具放秤上称一下,后面不解释了37 关灯,看颜色,输入对应颜色方块数量38 扫把卡住齿轮,两边接通就好了,难得截图了39 头朝下,是手机的头,左右慢慢的晃动手机,绿色的与白色的合并后就不解释了40 向右拉玻璃门,刀上。
汽车电动滑门设计研讨崔炳林;赵云聪【摘要】Automobile Power sliding doors (PSD) system is advanced sliding door system which integrated electronic intelligent control technology and sensor technology based on the sliding door system,and which is widely used in luxury commercial car, and which is more and more popular for consumers because of both the opening convenience of sliding side door and human-machine intelligent controlling.Refer to JAC M6 item,this article describes the technical components and theory of the automotive power sliding door subsystem, and achieves the innovative development of the power sliding door system.%汽车电动滑门(PSD)系统是在滑门系统的基础上,集成电子智能控制技术和传感器防夹技术的高级滑门系统,广泛应用于高档豪华商务车,兼具了滑门侧开启方便性和人机智能控制性,越来越受到消费者的青睐。
【期刊名称】《汽车实用技术》【年(卷),期】2014(000)008【总页数】3页(P19-21)【关键词】电动滑门(PSD);驱动系统;供电系统;驱动电机;霍尔传感器;控制单元【作者】崔炳林;赵云聪【作者单位】江淮汽车技术中心,安徽合肥 230601;江淮汽车技术中心,安徽合肥 230601【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U463CLC NO.:U463Document Code:AArticle ID:1671-7988(2014)08-19-03汽车电动滑门系统是在机械滑门系统的基础上,集成智能控制和执行技术的高级滑门系统,包括除车门本体系统、车门运动导向系统(铰链、导轨、限位组件)、机械门锁系统等机械滑门子系统外,还包括车门驱动系统、车门门锁系统、车门供电系统、安全防夹系统、车门控制单元等电动滑门子系统。
《极限脱出3》全密室解密图⽂流程攻略 游戏介绍 《极限脱出3:零时困境》为备受玩家好评的“极限脱出”的最新作,将会延续该系列⼀贯的探索和压抑风格。
界⾯操作 移动⿏标:选择; ⿏标左键:确认; 点击后退按钮:返回;%{p a g e-b r e a k|游戏介绍&界⾯操作|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第⼀章:掷硬币 剧情:(2028年12⽉31⽇)D c o m在D e v a d a沙漠的防空洞内,9名被困少年苏醒过来,他们⼿上都被带上了⼿铐,他们分别三⼈为⼀组被囚禁在三个禁闭室内。
s t e p1.第⼀次猜就选择蓝⾊,是正确答案,那么就可以开启游戏当中最快达成的解决。
剧情:(C Q D:E N D1)零⼆世表⽰会释放所有⼈,但需要所有⼈都睡去,在频临晕厥时,卡洛斯似乎意识到零⼆世是何许⼈也。
s t e p2.重新选择掷硬币,就随意选择Q、C、D任意⼀队,然后在选择⽚段中重新选择掷硬币,选择错误那个就可以正式开启游戏。
比亚迪M6电动滑动门原理与维修(可编辑)比亚迪M6电动滑动门原理与维修M6电动滑动门技术??品质??责任1 滑门简介2 滑门结构及原理3 电动滑门诊断系统4 滑门拆装5 滑门保养6 滑门常见故障检修技术??品质??责任一、滑门简介手动滑门? 车门的开度相比与一般的铰链式车门开度更大;? 滑动门的开启过程是先往车外移动200mm左右,然后往车后移动,车身宽度方向占用空间小,在比较狭窄的地方也方便乘客上下车;? 机械结构制造,成本较低,便于维修;? 与普通滑动门相比,M6滑动门开启时呈三维方向,滑动过程较平稳、省力。
技术??品质??责任电动滑门车型的市场应用技术??品质??责任二、滑门结构及原理1、手动滑门的组成? 车门钣金? 滑轮? 导轨? 耐磨板及踏板技术??品质??责任2、各部件工作原理?上滑轮上滑轮由滑轮页板、安装板、导正销及弹簧组成。
? 中滑轮中滑轮有两种滑轮:1、一种是绕Y向转动的支撑轮,与耐磨板配合,主要作用是车门开启过程中支撑后部车门;2、一种是绕Z向转动的导向轮,与中导轨配合,主要作用是车门开闭过程中引导车门运动。
技术??品质??责任? 上导轨上导轨的形状比较复杂,除了Y方向的圆弧以外,在Z向还有一定程度的抬升。
? 下导轨下导轨的作用比较简单,给下滑轮的导向轮作为导向槽,约束下滑轮的运动轨迹。
Important notes for the client prior to use.Please note a video guide is available on our website at /installation-services/installation-guides WARNINGRead these instructions prior to installation and operation of the folding-sliding doors. Please ensure that while opening and closing the folding sliding doors you do not get your fingers trapped between the panels. REMOVE KEYS AFTER UNLOCKING THE DOORS AND BEFORE FOLDING THE DOORS!BASIC OPERATION OF FOLDING-SLIDING DOOR WITH TRAFFIC DOORTO OPEN1. Unlock the traffic door and open it 180 degrees. This door will thenclose on to the next door via a magnetic panel catch (supplied in theparts box).2. Unlock the remaining intermediate door panels using theintermediate handle (you do this by turning it nearly 180 degreesfrom pointing down (locked) to pointing up (unlocked).3. Fold panels pair-by-pair sliding all of the panels carefully over to theside so they are all stacked together.TO CLOSEAs described previously but in reverse order;1. Slide the pairs of intermediate door panels one-by-one back in tothe frame so they are shut.2. Lock each of these pairs off as you close them in to the frame.3. The traffic door should remain open and be the last door you close.4. Pull the traffic door closed and lift the handle upwards to engagethe locking system in to the frame.so they are all stacked together.123BASIC OPERATION OF FOLDING-SLIDING DOOR WITHOUT TRAFFIC DOORTO OPEN1. Unlock all internal handles.2. Slide the panels pair-by-pair slowly to the side so that they are allstacked together.TO CLOSE1. Pull the handle between the panels closed so that you are workingfrom the final set of opening panels to the first set of opening panels.Once these panels are pulled back tight against the frame, turn thehandle to secure.2. Pull the second pair of panels closed and lockin to the frame and turn the handle to secure.PREPARATION OF THE OPENINGMake the aperture 15mm wider and 15mm higher than the outside frame size of the unit ordered.Please note that the outside frame height of the required unit is meas-ured from the underside of the sill and NOT FROM THE FINISHED FLOOR LEVEL.IMPORTANT - Due to the large opening sizes, weight and movement of the panels, any application should take into consideration the following;1. The rough opening should be level, plumb and square at all points. There should be no unevenness or bowing. Make sure that the header is not twisted. There should be no bumps on the floor. The sides should be in the same vertical plane and not offset from each other.A telescopic rule and other similar precise measuring equipment should be used to make these determinations.2. The structural integrity of the header is critical for the proper operation. Deflection of the header should be limited to L/720th under full live and dead loads with a maximum deflection limit of 9mm.3. A qualified engineer or architect should be used to determine the proper construction details and header to be used in your particular application.TO AVOID FUTURE PROBLEMS, DO NOT INSTALL THE UNIT UNTIL THE ROUGH OPENING HAS BEEN CORRECTLY PREPARED.HANDLING OF COMPONENTS1. Upon receipt of the products, please carry out a thorough inspection to ensure that all items have been delivered in good suitable condition.2. Store the products in a secure, clean and dry environment and protect against defacement or damage.3. Mark sure that the parts box supplied is not mislaid.ON SITE ASSEMBLYANY DOOR SUPPLIED WITH 4 PANELS OR MORE WILL BE SUPPLIED WITH THE FRAME COMPLETE BUT THE DOOR PANELS SEPERATEANY DOOR SUPPLIED WITH 3 PANELS OR LESS WILL BE SUPPLIED WITH THE DOOR PANELS ALREADY FITTED TO THE OUTER FRAMEGLASS UNITS WILL ALWAYS BY SUPPLIED LOOSEINSTALLATIONS INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT - Please ensure that the instructions are fully read and understood prior to beginning the installation of the door.If the installation guide is not followed properly, this could result in the unit not operating correctly.CAUTION - Regulations governing the use of glazed windows, doors, storefronts and/or partitions vary widely. It is the responsibility of the building owner, architect, contractor or installer to insure that products selected confirm to all applicable codes and regulations. Quickslide Ltd. can assume no obligation or responsibility whatsoever for failure of the building owner, architect, contractor or installer to comply with all applicable laws and ordinances and safety and building codes with the exception of CE Marking.PARTS & ANCILLARIES BOX CHECKLISTQUANTITYINSTALLING THE OUTER FRAME (REQUIRES MIN. 2 PEOPLE)1. Remove all door panels from outer frame making a note of each one’s location in the frame. 2 people should lift the outer frame in to the aperture and on to the sill.2. If there is no sill applicable to your order then please refer to the instructions below; a. Create a silicone bed on the masonry for the outer frame to sit on. b. Temporarily secure the frame to the rough opening with clamps.c. Make sure that the frame threshold is packed underneath to make it level and plumb (packers not supplied).3. Pre-drill all fixing points first then fix through the thermal break of the outer frame in to the masonry using suitable frame fixings (not supplied).4. Fix through the thermal break of the outer frame in to the sill at 100mm from each end and 600mm between.5. Before fixing the sides and head, the outer frame should again be packed suitably to ensure it is square and plumb.6. Fixing points should be set 100mm from each corner of the outer frame and then every 600mm between.7. Once the outer frame is fixed in place, it should be level, square and plumb, this should be checked at every 600mm in both width and height using a suitable measuring device.NAME OF PART1 x per hinge (excluding wheels and guides) At least 3 x keys supplied2 x per hinge (including wheels and guide)8 x per glass unit1 x traffic door (supplied with own instructions and fixings)1 x per traffic door 1 x per box 1 x per box 1 x per box 1 x pair per sillSuitable quantity for all panelsKeysFirst fix screwsFinal fixing screws (25mm)Toe and Heel glazing packersMagnetic panel catch (for masters only)Lifting block and screw (traffic door only)Toe and Heel diagram Sill and caps (if applicable)Glazing gasket (attached to the door or sill)FOR ALL SYSTEMS USE APPROPRIATE SCREW OR OTHER EQUIVALENT ANCHORAGE DEVICES DEPENDING ON THE HEADER MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION. ANCHORAGE DEVICES SHOULD PENETRATE OR HOLD SUFFICIENTLY TO THE HEADER TO WITHSTAND NECESSARY STRUCTURAL LOADING.INSTALLING THE SILL1. If the bi-fold has a projecting sill (150, 190 or 225mm) fill the ends with silicone before the end caps go on to prevent a potential leak.2. Fit the sill end caps to the sill using a suitable silicone (not supplied).3. Make a silicone bed on the masonry, sit the sill in to the aperture and pack underneath to make it level, then fix through the thermal break of the sill into the masonry. (Fig 1)4. If the thermal break of the sill sits over a cavity, then you are able to put a fixing through any point of the sill providing that it is covered by the outer frame. We would suggest that you use the thermal break as the first choice fixing point where possible.5. You must ensure that you apply additional silicone sealant to the ends of the sill where it meets the masonry as this will always be the most susceptible point for water ingress.6. When you are ready to sit the outer frame on to the installed sill, you should first run a line of silicone across the internal up-stand of the sill. (Fig 2)12INSTALLING THE DOOR PANELS1. All loose door panels will carry a numerical label which stipulates the order in which they should be fitted in to the outer frame.2. Door ‘1’ will have hinges on one side only which will then connect to the outer frame using the ‘first fix’ screws and external hinge plates.3. The external hinge plates are first to be located on top of the hinge, as shown (Fig. 1)4. This should be repeated on the remaining hinges on door 1.5. Repeat the above steps fixing door 2 to door 1 etc...Hinge plate, fitted ontop of the main bodyof the hingeMain body of thehinge INSTALLING A DOOR PANEL1. The sliding post will always be hinges to a door panel so this itemdoes not require any additional construction.2. This type of door panel is hinged the same way as a standardpanel but should be fitted in to the outer frame on an angle so thatthe guides are able to clear the outer frame and sit in to the rebatedchannels at the top and bottom of the outer frame.INSTALLING A DOOR PANELWITH WHEELS AND GUIDES1. The wheels and guides will always be attached to the relevant doorpanel and are part of the top and bottom hinge assembly.2. These require hinges unlike the standard ones DO NOT requirehinge plates to be fitted.3. This door panel should be fitted in to the outer frame on an angle sothat the guides and wheels attached to the sliding post are able able toclear the outer frame and sit in to the rebated channels at the top andbottom of the outer frame.Bottom Roller Hinge Top Guide Hinge123FINAL FIXING SCREWS1. Once all of the door panels have been fitted, you should ensure that all of the heads of the door panels ‘line-through’ with each other. (Fig 1)2. Assuming the panels do line-through then you can fit the ‘final fixing screws’ to the centre hole of ALL hinges including rollers and guides. (Fig 2) The final fixing screws need to go in prior to glazing due to the weight of the glass.Final Fixing Screws GLAZINGALL GLAZING SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT BYA COMPETENT GLAZIER. GLAZING PACKERSAS WELL AS A TOE AND HEEL GUIDE HAVEBEEN INCLUDED.1. Remove the pre-glazed beading (4 per sash)keeping track of which bead goes where.2. Follow the toe and heel glazing guide fordetails on packer locations.3. Fit the bottom packers only prior to the glassunits being installed.4. Lift the glass units into the door panel (2people required).5. Fit remaining toe and heel wedge packers.6. Install glazing beads in the relevantlocations.7. Once all 4 sides of the glaz glazing bead havebeen fitted, you will then use the ‘glazing gasket’which will be push-fit between the bead andglass on all 4 sides.8. Repeat on all remaining door panels.FINAL CHECKS1. After installation of the glass units, you shouldcheck the operation of the door to ensure thatit is smooth with no catching door panels. If youfind that a panel is catching you will need toadjust the toe and heel of the relevant glass unit.2. You should have an llmm gap between theedge of the door panel and the edge of the outerframe (gasket line). This is applicable to all 4sides of the outer frame. (Fig 1)3. You should ensure that all lockingmechanisms operate correctly (traffic doors andintermediate doors).4. There should be no debris or residue in thebottom channel of the outer frame where theroller-bearing wheels are located.ADJUST HINGES1. The hinges can be adjusted up and down usinga 2.5mm Allen key. This is done via a grub screwlocated on the internal of the hinge. In order forthe adjustment to be effective, the final fixingscrews will need to be removed and the first fixscrews loosened.2. Toe and heel glass units foradjustment on the intermediate doors.12435TOE & HEEL GLAZING GUIDETo stop a door sash dropping it needs to be braced diagonally corner to corner by the Toe and Heeler devices or glazing packers between the glass and the frame. On the hingeside of the sash the devices go at the bottom corner, whilst on the lock side they go at the top (opposite corner).Below is an example of where to fit the Toe and Heeler devices, you should use the same principle when glazing other door configurations.A step-by-step installation video is available on our website at /installation-services/installation-guides/Please note: Failure to install all of the parts willinvalidate the guarantee and could potentiallyshatter the glass unit.Step 1: Parts BoxIf your bi-folding doors have been supplied in kit form, you will receive a parts box which include the following:4 x silver tensions blocks per corner (total of 16 per panel)2 x final fixing screw per hinge 8 x packers per panels4 x 50mm screws if you’ve opted for a low thresholdLifting block(s) if specifiedFRAME ASSEMBLY FROM KIT FORMIf you’ve requested the frame to be supplied in kit form, you are encouraged to carefully read the below instructions to correctly assemble the outer frame.Step 2: Remove PackagingRemove the outer frame from it’s packaging and lay out the frame on a flat surface working area. The working area should twice the height and width of the door.The bottom of the frame will feature a drainage and steel track.Step 3: Assemble Outer Frame2 of the frame pieces will have 2 metal cleats (see illustration 1). Before assembling the pieces together, you will need to use silicone around the edges to weatherseal the frame. The pieces should then be inserted into the channels. Once inserted place the silver tension blocks in the pre-punched holes.Step 4: GasketThe outer frame will come with a flipper gasket attached. This will need to be pushed in to the groves all the way round the frame.Once the silver tension blocks have been inserted use the 2.5mm Allen key to tighten grub screws making sure surfaces are level.1234。
1. 安全性要求:汽车电动侧滑门必须满足相关的安全性要求,确保在使用过程中不会对乘车人员及周围行人造成伤害。
2. 控制系统要求:汽车电动侧滑门的控制系统必须可靠,确保门能够按照预定的方式开启和关闭。
3. 电气安全要求:汽车电动侧滑门的电气系统必须符合相关的安全标准,确保电气设备的正常运行。
4. 材料和制造要求:汽车电动侧滑门的制造过程必须符合相关的材料和制造要求。
查看左侧滑移门的电路图(图7),结合左侧滑移门的数据异常,再加上更换过左侧电动滑移门的前门锁总成和左图1 遥控器和车内的滑移门开关图2 左侧滑移门前门锁总成和驱动机构总成图3 左侧滑移门供电装置总成位置图4 左侧滑移门控制原理图图5 左侧滑移门外把手异常数据图6 目测检查外把手开关图7 左侧滑移门电路图图8 测量LD12-4号端子与BD54-3号端子之间线路是否断路图9 测量LD12-6号端子与BD54-17号端子之间线路是否断路用表显示导通(图8),可以排除LD12-4号端子与BD54-3号线之间存在断路的可能性。
再次分别③新换的左侧滑移门前门④新换的左侧滑移门关闭点火开关,拆下左侧滑移门内饰板和左侧滑移门驱动机构总成外饰板,断开左侧滑移门内把手控制器的LD12插接器以及左侧滑移门驱动机构总成的分别用专用的插针插入号端子(灰色线)和BD54-3号用万用表测量LD12-4号端子之间的电阻,万图10 插接器插孔松旷门外拉手和左侧滑移门内拉手对左侧滑移门进行多次测试,左侧滑移门功能始终保持正常。
1. 宽度:滑门的宽度通常在600毫米到1200毫米之间。
2. 高度:滑门的高度通常在1800毫米到2400毫米之间。
3. 厚度:滑门的厚度通常在35毫米到50毫米之间。
4. 玻璃厚度:如果滑门使用玻璃作为材料,则玻璃厚度通常在5毫米到10毫米之间。
5. 框架材料:滑门框架材料可以是木材、铝合金、钢材或塑料等。
6. 颜色和表面处理:滑门的颜色和表面处理可以根据个人喜好选择。
汽车电动滑门系统PSD(Power Slide Door)是在机械滑门的基础上,集成智能控制和执行技术的高级滑门系统,主要技术难点为:(1)电动滑门ECU控制系统与车外遥控系统、车内控制系统、整车电子控制系统的集成。
1 电动滑门系统主要构成电动滑门系统主要包括以下子系统,如图1所示:(1)车门本体系统;(2)车门运动导向系统(铰链、滑轨、限位组件)(3)车门驱动系统;(4)锁系统;(5)车门供电系统;(6)车门控制系统;(7)安全防夹系统。
图1 电动滑门系统构成2 电动滑门系统设计开发2.1 运动导向系统的开发滑门运动导向系统包括滑门铰链、滑门滑轨、滑门限位组件,涉及运动轨迹、力学性能、操作平顺性、附件布置、耐久疲劳等,具体如下。
2.1.1 滑门铰链及滑轨设计要点(1)滑门铰链的布置形式常用的滑门按铰链形式有两种:A.上铰链为旋转式,中铰链为旋转式,下铰链为固定式;B.上铰链为固定式,中铰链为旋转式,下铰链为旋转式。
(图片及文字)资料表明: 2000年以来,全国年均发生一次死亡10人以上的特大火灾4起左右,截至8月,今年已经发生8起特大火灾,年均火灾死亡人数为2000人左右。
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左滑门总成 左滑门中滑道总成 六角法兰面螺栓 六角法兰面螺母
滑门中滑道耐磨不锈钢条 下滑道弹簧片 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈
3701255 RY47R2ZM040700000RN-B00
左滑门锁盖板 左滑门中滑道末端固定块总成 左滑门中滑道末端固定块总成(长轴) 左滑门前上凹限位器总成 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 左滑门后上凹限位器 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 左滑门后上凹限位器支架总成 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 滑门凸限位器总成 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 滑门凹限位器总成 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 左滑门下滑轮机构总成 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 左滑门中滑轮机构总成 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 左滑门上滑轮机构总成 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈
62Z15-07001 62015-07002 RY00R2MHB30100601RL-B00 RY00R2MHB30100800RL-B00 RY00R2MHB30100700RL-B00 320800009 320800001 320800003 320800004 380500048
滑门一号密封条 滑门防水膜 R2左侧滑门上护板总成 R2左侧滑门下护板总成 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 R2左侧滑门立柱护板总成 滑门上缓冲块 滑门中缓冲块 六角头螺栓+平、弹组合垫圈 滑门下缓冲块 滑门后缓冲块 滑门后堵盖
左滑门附件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 单独采购标准件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 单独采购标准件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 左滑门附件 M6×16 黑锌 右舵 右舵 ST4.2×13 右舵 彩锌 M8×20 黑锌 M8×20 黑锌 M8×20(大平垫) 黑锌 M6×20 黑锌 M6×20(大平垫) 黑锌 (防止滚轮脱轨) M6×16 M6×16 M6×16 右舵 轴距3110 轴距3720 右舵 M6×20(大平垫) 右舵 M6×20 右舵 M6×20 黑锌 黑锌 黑锌 右舵 右舵 黑锌 黑锌 黑锌 右舵 M8×16 M8 彩锌 彩锌
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