
































在一般情况下,海缸钙镁KH的标准值应该在7-12 dKH之间。









980年 1981年 1982年 1983年 1984年 1985年
长曲棍球-3雷达成像照相侦查卫星 长曲棍球-4雷达成像照相侦查卫星 UFO系列特高频通信卫星 UFO-1特高频通信卫星 UFO-2特高频通信卫星 UFO-3特高频通信卫星 UFO-4特高频通信卫星 UFO-5特高频通信卫星 UFO-6特高频通信卫星 UFO-7特高频通信卫星 UFO-8特高频通信卫星 UFO-9特高频通信卫星 UFO-10特高频通信卫星 UFO-11特高频通信卫星 UFO-12特高频通信卫星 UFO-13特高频通信卫星 DSCS系列美国国防卫星通信系统 DSCS-1美国国防卫星通信系统 DSCS-2美国国防卫星通信系统 DSCS-3美国国防卫星通信系统 DSCS-4美国国防卫星通信系统 DSCS-5美国国防卫星通信系统 跟踪和数据中继卫星 子午仪卫星导航系统 GPS全球定位系统
锁眼系列照相侦察卫星 KH-1型是第1代普查型照相侦察卫星 KH-4型第1代详查型照相侦察卫星 KH-5型第2代普查型照相侦察卫星 KH-6型第2代详查型照相侦察卫星 KH-7型第3代普查型照相侦察卫星 KH-8型第3代详查型照相侦察卫星。 KH-9型第4代普查兼详查型照相侦察卫星 KH-11型第5代普查型照相侦察卫星 KH-12型第5代普查型照相侦察卫星 地球静止轨道环境业务卫星(GOES) GOES-8第3代地球静止轨道环境业务卫星 GOES-9第3代地球静止轨道环境业务卫星 GOES-10第3代地球静止轨道环境业务卫星 GOES-11第3代地球静止轨道环境业务卫星 GOES-12第3代地球静止轨道环境业务卫星 GOES-1第1代业务静止气象卫星 GOES-2第1代业务静止气象卫星 GOES-3第1代业务静止气象卫星 GOES-4第2代业务静止气象卫星 GOES-5第2代业务静止气象卫星 GOES-6第2代业务静止气象卫星 GOES-7第2代业务静止气象卫星 泰罗斯N/诺阿卫星系列太阳同步轨道气象卫星 诺阿1号 诺阿2号 诺阿3号 诺阿4号 诺阿5号 诺阿6号 诺阿7号 诺阿8号 NPOESS系列国家极轨环境业务卫星 NPOESS-1 NPOESS-2 NPOESS-3 NPOESS-4 NPOESS-5 NPOESS-6 DMSP系列国防气象卫星 DMSP-1 DMSP-2 DMSP-3 DMSP-4 DMSP-5 长曲棍球系列雷达成像照相侦查卫星 长曲棍球-1雷达成像照相侦查卫星 长曲棍球-2雷达成像照相侦查卫星






1. 成像侦察卫星(1) KH-12侦察卫星KH-12卫星是1990午2月28日开始发射的,至今已经发射了4颗。
















美军的侦察器材在使用的波段上已经覆盖了可见光、热红外和雷达波等全部频谱,能够 根据战场条件和作战的需要随时选择所需波段,或者同时使用,互相融合,也可以相互协同, 相互补充。由于使用的波段全,侦察器材抗自然干扰能力增强,可以全天时、全天候发挥作 用。美国在科索沃战争期间使用的3颗KH一12第六代照相侦察卫星,带有先进的光电遥感 器,采用热成像和自适应光学技术,进一步提高了夜间侦察能力和情报信息的准确性,还使 用了2颗“长曲棍球”雷达成像侦察卫星,该卫星采用合成孔径雷达技术,克服了可见光照 相侦察卫星夜间和阴天无法照相的缺点,可全天时和全天候实施侦察。
无线电技术侦察又称为信号侦察,被称为除了陆、海、空、天之外的“第五维侦察空间”。 无线电技术侦察通常是通过设在全球各地的固定侦听站和测向站来实现对无线电信号的侦 听和测向的。
卫星 类型
照相 侦察 卫星
卫星 圄别
型号 大鸟
俄国 宇宙号
轨道 高度 (千米)
月光下:6000 星光下:4000
星光下: 对人250 探测:2400 识别:600 对坦克: 月光下2000 星光下1200 l矿勒克斯时: 对人:1000 对车:1700 对坦克:4000 10.3勒克斯三代 管坦克:1400 二代管坦克:
1000(典型值), 600(10-3勒克斯
物镜f=210mm,视场40x5 50,照度范围10-4—10-3 (夜闯)102.103(白天加滤光镜),尺寸 700x340x240mm3,电源24V100W,重量加kg 物镜有效直径 200ram,槐场4.50。调焦范围 50-60,分辨率600线.最低照度10-4LX,电源 24V40W,尺寸中200x445mm,重量1.85kg 视频带宽9MHZ,视场3.050(16ram增强器) -4.770(25ram增强器),电源28V,尺寸 dp260×568mm,重量23kg 灵敏度8xlO.5Lx,极限分辨率570电视线,视频 带宽15Mhz(+3db)S/N36db,电源12V或24V. 直流1A,尺寸120x130x370mm3,重量20kg






关键词:卫星军事发展战争一:军用卫星的概念军用卫星(military satellite):专门用于各种军事目的的人造地球卫星。

























航天光学有效载荷分类航天光学有效载荷天文卫星军事卫星资源卫星气象卫星海洋卫星空间望远镜侦察相机测绘相机多光谱CCD 相机多光谱光机扫描仪多通道扫描成像仪扫描成像大气探测仪CCD 成像仪海洋水色仪超光谱成像光谱仪导弹预警相机对天观测对地观测深空探测月球探测有效载荷火星探测有效载荷二、国内外发展概况——国外现状侦察相机航天光学有效载荷起源于军事应用。




国家卫星分辨率美国KH-120.1m俄罗斯阿尔康优于0.5m法国太阳神0.5m以色列EROSA 1.8m美国至今已研制6代,前四代为胶片型相机,后两代为为CCD传输型相机(KH-11,KH-12)可分为三个发展阶段1、前三代相机以提高空间分辨率为主要目标;2、第四代开始以提高单星的综合侦察能力为主,实现普查和详查的有机结合;3、从60年代至今已经形成了可见光和微波成像侦察的结合体系。


拥有大规模杀伤性武器的 借口,在联合国没有授权的情况下,悍然 攻打了一个主权国家。树立了美国喜欢使 用武力的形象。 这次军事行动受到美国国内和国际的共同 谴责。 伊拉克战争,是一场侵略战争,是美国为了 控制伊拉克石油而发动的一场侵略战争, 是美国为了控制整个中东,而发动的第一 场战争。
照相侦察卫星──它是装有光学成像的空间遥感设备进行侦察,获取军事情报的人造地球卫星,常用的 遥感设备有可见光照相机、电视摄像机、红外照相机、多光谱照照相机和微波遥感设备等。 电子侦察卫星──它是装有电子侦察设备,用于侦察雷达和其它无线电设备的位置与特性,截收对方遥 测和通信等机密信息的侦察卫星。 预警卫星──它是用于监视和发现敌方来袭的战略导弹,并发出警报的侦察卫星。它能延长预警时间, 便于及时组织战略防御和反击。 海洋监视卫星──它是用于监视海上舰只潜艇活动、侦察舰艇雷达信号和无线电通信的侦察卫星。世界 上第一颗海洋监视卫星是苏联于1967年12月27日发射的 “宇宙”198号卫星 ,这是一颗试验卫星。苏联的 海洋监视卫星自1973年后进入实用阶段。 军用导航卫星──它是通过发射无线电信号,为地面、海洋和空中军事用户导航定位的人造地球卫星。 军用导航卫星原先主要为核潜艇提供在各种气象条件下的全球定位服务,现在也能为地面战车、空中飞机 、水面舰艇、地面部队及单兵提供精确的所处位置、时间的信息。 军用气象卫星──它是为军事需要提供气象资料的卫星。它可提供全球范围的战略地区和任何战场上空 的实时气象资料,具有保密性强和图像分辨率高的特点。世界上第一颗气象卫星是美国1960年4月1日发射 的 “泰罗斯”1号卫星,这是一颗军民合用的试验卫星。 军用测地卫星──它是为军事目的而进行大地测量的人造地球卫星。地球的真实形状及大小,重力场和 磁力场分布情况、地球表面诸点的精确地理坐标及相关位置等,对战略导弹的弹道计算和制导关系甚大, 测地卫星就是用于探测上述参数的航天器,它可测定地球上任何一点的坐标和地面及海上目标的坐标。









瞬时观测幅度:40km~50km地面重复周期:2天(一对)轨道:太阳同步轨道IMPROVED CRYSTAL-KH12The IMPROVED CRYSTAL can be imagined as a Hubble Space Telescope, with a large rocket engine attached to provide maneuverability. Like the Space Telescope, the IMPROVED CRYSTAL is about 4.5 meters (15 feet) in diameter, and with addition of its maneuvering module, is over 15 meters (50 feet) long (compared to the 13 meter Space Telescope). Contractors on the IMPROVED CRYSTAL include TRW and Lockheed. The dry weight (minus fuel) of the IMPROVED CRYSTAL is about 10 metric tons, about the same as the total weight, including fuel, of the KH-11. The total weight of the IMPROVED CRYSTAL has grown significantly, from the original 14 tons, to the current 18 tons. The additional fuel-carrying capacity accounts for most of the increase, and the IMPROVED CRYSTAL now can carry up to 7 tons of fuel. The primary difference between the 28,000 pound KH-11 and the heavier KH-12 is that the additional amount of maneuvering propellant carried on the IMPROVED CRYSTAL. This additional propellant can be used to prolong the operating life of the IMPROVED CRYSTAL, to maneuver to improve coverage of areas on the Earth of particular interest, and to maneuver to evade Soviet anti-satellite interceptors. Although the KH-12 was originally designed to be place into orbit (and perhaps serviced and refueled in orbit) by the Shuttle, the Titan 4 is now the primary launch vehicle for the IMPROVED CRYSTAL.The optical sensors on the IMPROVED CRYSTAL are similar to the those of theKH-11. These electronic cameras provide real-time transmission of images to ground stations via Milstar relay satellites. The IMPROVED CRYSTAL sensors operate in visible and near infrared light, as well as thermal infrared to detect heat sources. These sensors probably incorporate low-light-level image intensifiers to provide night-time images. The KH-12's have an infrared capability superior to that of the IMPROVED CRYSTAL, with the advantage in infrared primarily for camouflage detection, for looking at buried structures, for looking at differential thermal inertia in the target area, for trying to determine which factories are operating and which factories are not.The IMPROVED CRYSTAL's sophisticated electronics provides sharper images than the KH-11, comparable in quality to the best of the film return satellites, with a resolution approaching ten centimeters. A periscope-like rotating mirror reflects images onto the primary mirror, enabling the KH-12 to take pictures at very high angles of obliquity, imaging objects hundreds of kilometers away from its flight path.Assembling the International Space Station [ISS] requires cooperation among the United States and its four international partners during 44 Space Shuttle flights commencing in late 1998. A Russian Service Module is required to support the ISS's initial assembly process and on-orbit development. Continued delays in Russian funding of the RSM, required for the third assembly phase of the ISS, raised considerable concern throughout the ISS community. NASA funded feasibility studies to provide alternate solutions and these studies identified a relatively low-cost and low-risk approach for an Interim Control Module (ICM), referred to as the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Bus. This concept offers a flight-proven design, initially developed as the Bus for the IMPROVED CRYSTAL, capable of delivery within the timeframe needed to maintain ISS schedules. The ICM will provide reboost and attitude control for the ISS from assembly phase 2A-7A, and possibly 8A. The ICM is deployed from the Space Shuttle and mated with the ISS at the Russian Node (called the FGB). The ICM provides at least one year of propellant operation with a goal of three years of operation.KH-12 /1 was launched on 28 November 1992 by a Titan-4 from Vandenberg.KH-12 /2 was launched on 05 December 1995 by a Titan-4 from Vandenberg.KH-12 /3 was launched on 20 December 1996 by a Titan-4 from Vandenberg.The spacecraft's mirror is believed to be as large as or larger than that of the KH-11, believed to have a 2.3 meter diameter. It may be as large as 4 meters. As a point of comparison, the HST's mirror is 2.4 m in size. Jane's Defence Weekly indicates that the secondary mirror in theCassegrain reflecting telescope A reflecting telescope reflector is an optical telescope which uses mirrors, rather than lenses, to reflect light. The British scientist Sir Isaac Newton designed the first reflector circa 1670. He designed the reflector in order to solve the problem of c system can be moved significantly, allowing images to be taken from angles unusual for a satellite. Also, there are indications that the satellite can take images every 5 second This article is about the unit of time. See second (disambiguation) for other uses The second (symbol s is a unit for time, and one of seven SI base units. It is defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transis. Sources vary on how the KH-12 communicates with ground stations. Several different clusters of relay satellites are available, so the birds may use the Satellite Data System The Satellite Data System SDS is a system of United States military communications satellites. At least two generations have been used: SDS-1 from July 1976 to November 1995, and SDS-2 from 1989 to the present. SDS satellites have a highly elliptical orbi (SDS), MILSTAR , or Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) networks.KH-11:Then, in 1977, the fifth generation dawned with the launch of the KH-11. This was a major breakthrough, as canisters were no longer needed and resolution was such that objects 70mm (a few inches) in size could be identified from 200 kilometers up via digital photos. The KH-11 telescopic cameras operated like a high resolution TV camera. Images were captured continuously and transmitted to earth stations. Computers were used to finish the process and produce photos identical to those taken by a conventional film camera. You could even have motion pictures, as well as indications of heat and the nature of the various items. KH-11 could often tell what kind of metal an object on the ground was made of. This did not come cheap, these birds cost over $400 million each and lasted three or four years, depending on fuel usage. Moreover, you needed two of them up at the same time in order to guarantee coverage and save the birds from having to change orbit too frequently.The most recent KH-11, the 15th, was launched in 2011. There have been at least four models of the KH-11, since the first of five "Block 1s" was launched in 1976. Name KH-11Block [35] Launch date ID NROL numberOrbit Plan e [35] Orbital decay date OPS 5705 1-1 19 December 1976 1976-125A [36]N/A 247 km × 533 km, i=96.9° West 28 January 1979 OPS 4515 1–2 14 June 1978 1978-060A [37]276 km × 509 km, i=96.8° West 23 August 1981 OPS 2581 1–3 7 February 1980 1980-010A [38]309 km × 501 km, i=97.1° East 30 October 1982 OPS 3984 1–4 3 September 1981 1981-085A [39]244 km × 526 km, i=96.9° West 23 November 1984 OPS 9627 1–5 17 November 1982 1982-111A [40]280 km × 522 km, i=96.9° East 13 August 1985 USA-6 2-1 4 December 1984 1984-122A [41] 335 km × 758 km, i=98°[26] West 10 November 1994 Unknown 2-2 28 August 1985 N/AFailed to orbit East N/A USA-27 2–3 26 October 1987 1987-090A [42] 300 km × 1000 km, i=98°[26] East 11 June 1992 USA-33 2–4 6 November 1988 1988-099A [43] 300 km × 1000 km, i=98°[26] West 12 May 1996 USA-86 3-1 28 November 1992 1992-083A [44] 408 km × 931 km, i=97.7°[45] East 5 June 2000 USA-116 3-2 5 December 1995 1995-066A [46] 405 km × 834 km, i=97.7°[47] East 19 November 2008 USA-129 3-3 20 December 1996 1996-072A [48] NROL-2 292 km × 894 km, i=97.7°[49] West USA-161 4-1 5 October 2001 2001-044A [50] NROL-14 309 km × 965 km, i=97.9°[51] East USA-186 3–4 19 October 2005 2005-042A [52] NROL-20 256 km × 1006 km, i=97.9°[53] West USA-224 4-2 20 January 2011 2011-002A [54]NROL-49 290 km × 985 km, Easti=97.9°[55]The KH-11 KENNAN (KENNEN according to other sources[1][2][3]), renamed CRYSTAL in 1982[4]and also referenced by the codenames 1010,[5] and "Key Hole"[5]), is a type of reconnaissance satellite launched by the American National Reconnaissance Office since December 1976. Manufactured by Lockheed in Sunnyvale, California, the KH-11 was the first American spy satellite to utilize electro-optical digital imaging, and create a real-time optical observation capability.[6]Later KH-11 satellites have been referred to by outside observers as KH-11B or KH-12, and by the names "Advanced KENNAN", "Improved Crystal" and "Ikon". The Key Hole series was officially discontinued in favour of a random numbering scheme after repeated public references to KH-8 Gambit, KH-9 Hexagon, and KH-11 satellites.[7] KH-11 satellites are believed to have been the source of some imagery of the Soviet Union and China made public in 1997, as well as images of Sudan and Afghanistan made public in 1998 that were related to the response to the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings.Program history and logisticsThe Film Read-Out GAMBIT (FROG) served as NRO Program A's competitor to NRO Program B's initial electro-optical imagery (EOI) satellite.[8]Data is transmitted through a network of communications satellites; the Satellite Data System.[4] The initial ground station for the processing of the electro-optical imaging was a secret National Reconnaissance Office facility in Area 58, located in the continental United States according to the NRO,[9]and more precisely in Fort Belvoir according to other sources.[10]In 1999, NRO selected Boeing as the prime contractor for the Future Imagery Architecture (FIA) program, aimed at replacing the KH-11 satellites by a more cost effective constellation of smaller, and also more capable reconnaissance satellites. After the failure of the FIA in 2005, NRO ordered from Lockheed two additional legacy hardware KH-11s.[11]USA-224, the first of these two, was launched in early 2011 two years ahead of the initial schedule estimate.[12]In January 2011 NRO offered NASA two space optical systems with 2.4 m diameter primary mirrors, similar to the Hubble Space Telescope, yet with steerable secondary mirrors and shorter focal length resulting a wider field of view. These could either be spare hardware from the KH-11 program, or optics from the cancelled FIA program.[13][14]The satellites were reportedly stored in a clean room facility at ITT Exelis in Rochester, NY.[15][16]DesignIt is believed to resemble the Hubble Space Telescope in size and shape, as the satellites were shipped in similar containers. Furthermore, a NASA history of the Hubble,[17]in discussing the reasons for switching from a 3-meter main mirror to a 2.4-meter design, states: "In addition, changing to a 2.4-meter mirror would lessen fabrication costs by using manufacturing technologies developed for military spy satellites." A CIA history states that the primary mirror on the first KH-11s measured 2.34 meters, but sizes increased in later versions.[4]NRO led the development of a computer controlled mirror polishing technique, which was subsequently also used for the polishing of the primary mirror of the Hubble Space Telescope.[18]Assuming a 2.4-meter mirror, the theoretical ground resolution with no atmospheric degradation and 50% MTF would be roughly 15 cm (6 inches). Operational resolution would be worse due to effects of the atmosphere. Different versions of the KH-11 vary in mass, with earlier blocks ranging from 13,000 to 13,500 kilograms, whilst later blocks have a mass of around 19,600 kg. Its length is believed to be 19.5 meters, and diameter is 3 meters or less.[4][19]The two optical telescope assemblies (OTAs only, not full satellites) offered to NASA from the NRO in January 2011 are suspected, but not confirmed, to be KH-11 series "extra hardware." The OTA's are of a three-mirror anastigmat(TMA) optical design (sans the 3rd "tertiary" mirror). The f/1.2 primary has a diameter of 2.4 m, and is refocused by the secondary to give an overall f/8 focal ratio, making the optical telescope assembly shorter than that of HST. With the addition of the tertiary mirror, this will produce a much wider field than Hubble's 2-mirror f/24 Ritchey–Chrétien optical design, making it an potential ideal observatory for Dark Energy or other astrophysics surveys. The secondary mirror is mounted on a hexapod to increase the side-viewing and ground scanning ability for the originally intended reconnaissance mission.[15][16][20]KH-11 was the first reconnaissance satellite equipped with charge-coupled device (CCD) array technology for imaging which had a resolution of 800 x 800 pixels.[21] Later block satellites may include signals intelligence capabilities and greater sensitivity in broader light spectrums (probably into infrared).[22]Later satellites had larger mirrors, with a diameter of around 2.9–3.1 m.[23] Jane's Defence Weekly indicates that the secondary mirror in the Cassegrain reflecting telescope system could be moved, allowing images to be taken from angles unusual for a satellite. Also, there are indications that the satellite can take images every five seconds.Four generations of U.S. electro-optical reconnaissance have been identified:[24][25]Block IBlock I refers to the original KH-11 satellite, of which five were launched between 19 December 1976 and 17 November 1982.Block IIThe three Block II satellites are in the open literature referred to as KH-11B, the alleged DRAGON codename, or Crystal, and are believed to be capable of taking infrared images in addition to optical observations.[26]The first or second Block II satellite was lost in a launch failure.[25]Block IIIFour Block III satellites, commonly called KH-12 or Improved Crystal were launched between November 1992 and October 2001. The name "Improved Crystal" refers to the "Improved Metric CRYSTAL System" (IMCS), which adds reference markings for accurate mapping to images obtained by the satellite.[27]Block IVTwo electro-optical satellites launched in October 2005 and January 2011 are attributed to Block IV.DerivativesThe Misty satellite is believed to have been derived from the KH-11, but modified to make it invisible to radar, and hard to detect visually. The first Misty satellite, USA-53, was released by the Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-36. The USA-144 satellite, launched on 22 May 1999 by a Titan IV B from Vandenberg Air Force Base may have been a second Misty satellite,[28]or an Enhanced Imaging System spacecraft. The satellites are sometimes identified as KH-12s.CompromiseKH-11 image of the construction of a Kiev-class aircraft carrier, as published by Jane's in 1984.In 1978, a young CIA employee named William Kampiles was accused of selling a KH-11 System Technical Manual describing design and operation to the Soviets. Kampiles was convicted of espionage and initially sentenced to 40 years in prison.[29] Later, this term was reduced, and after serving 18 years, Kampiles was released in 1996.[30][31]In 1984 Samuel Loring Morison, an intelligence analyst at the Naval Intelligence Support Center, forwarded three classified images taken by KH-11 to the publication Jane's Fighting Ships. In 1985, Morison was convicted in Federal Court on two counts of espionage and two counts of theft of government property, and was sentenced to two years in prison.[32]He was pardoned by President Clinton in 2001.[33]KH-11 missionsOrbital constellation of the KH-11 satellites currently in orbit (situation August 2011)Nine KH-11 satellites were launched between 1976 and 1990 aboard Titan-3D and −34D rockets, with one launch failure. For the following five satellite launches between 1992 and 2005, a Titan IV launch vehicle was used. The most recent launch in 2011 was carried out by a Delta IV Heavy rocket. The KH-11 replaced the KH-9 film return satellite, among others, the last of which was lost in a liftoff explosion in 1986.KH-11 satellites are in either of two standard planes in Sun-synchronous orbits. As shadows help to discern ground features, satellites in a standard plane east of a noon/midnight orbit observe the ground at local afternoon hours, while satellites in a western plane observe the ground at local morning hours.[34][35] Historically launches have therefore been timed to occur either about two hours before or one hour after local noon (or midnight), respectively.[25]Dynamical Test Unit of KH-11 (unconfirmed) Three Mirror AssemblyKH-12 最终没有发射美国空间成像公司的“伊科诺斯”卫星和法国“斯波特”卫星图像的利用率。









瞬时观测幅度:40km~50km地面重复周期:2天(一对)轨道:太阳同步轨道IMPROVED CRYSTAL-KH12The IMPROVED CRYSTAL can be imagined as a Hubble Space Telescope, with a large rocket engine attached to provide maneuverability. Like the Space Telescope, the IMPROVED CRYSTAL is about 4.5 meters (15 feet) in diameter, and with addition of its maneuvering module, is over 15 meters (50 feet) long (compared to the 13 meter Space Telescope). Contractors on the IMPROVED CRYSTAL include TRW and Lockheed. The dry weight (minus fuel) of the IMPROVED CRYSTAL is about 10 metric tons, about the same as the total weight, including fuel, of the KH-11. The total weight of the IMPROVED CRYSTAL has grown significantly, from the original 14 tons, to the current 18 tons. The additional fuel-carrying capacity accounts for most of the increase, and the IMPROVED CRYSTAL now can carry up to 7 tons of fuel. The primary difference between the 28,000 pound KH-11 and the heavier KH-12 is that the additional amount of maneuvering propellant carried on the IMPROVED CRYSTAL. This additional propellant can be used to prolong the operating life of the IMPROVED CRYSTAL, to maneuver to improve coverage of areas on the Earth of particular interest, and to maneuver to evade Soviet anti-satellite interceptors. Although the KH-12 was originally designed to be place into orbit (and perhaps serviced and refueled in orbit) by the Shuttle, the Titan 4 is now the primary launch vehicle for the IMPROVED CRYSTAL.The optical sensors on the IMPROVED CRYSTAL are similar to the those of theKH-11. These electronic cameras provide real-time transmission of images to ground stations via Milstar relay satellites. The IMPROVED CRYSTAL sensors operate in visible and near infrared light, as well as thermal infrared to detect heat sources. These sensors probably incorporate low-light-level image intensifiers to provide night-time images. The KH-12's have an infrared capability superior to that of the IMPROVED CRYSTAL, with the advantage in infrared primarily for camouflage detection, for looking at buried structures, for looking at differential thermal inertia in the target area, for trying to determine which factories are operating and which factories are not.The IMPROVED CRYSTAL's sophisticated electronics provides sharper images than the KH-11, comparable in quality to the best of the film return satellites, with a resolution approaching ten centimeters. A periscope-like rotating mirror reflects images onto the primary mirror, enabling the KH-12 to take pictures at very high angles of obliquity, imaging objects hundreds of kilometers away from its flight path.Assembling the International Space Station [ISS] requires cooperation among the United States and its four international partners during 44 Space Shuttle flights commencing in late 1998. A Russian Service Module is required to support the ISS's initial assembly process and on-orbit development. Continued delays in Russian funding of the RSM, required for the third assembly phase of the ISS, raised considerable concern throughout the ISS community. NASA funded feasibility studies to provide alternate solutions and these studies identified a relatively low-cost and low-risk approach for an Interim Control Module (ICM), referred to as the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Bus. This concept offers a flight-proven design, initially developed as the Bus for the IMPROVED CRYSTAL, capable of delivery within the timeframe needed to maintain ISS schedules. The ICM will provide reboost and attitude control for the ISS from assembly phase 2A-7A, and possibly 8A. The ICM is deployed from the Space Shuttle and mated with the ISS at the Russian Node (called the FGB). The ICM provides at least one year of propellant operation with a goal of three years of operation.KH-12 /1 was launched on 28 November 1992 by a Titan-4 from Vandenberg.KH-12 /2 was launched on 05 December 1995 by a Titan-4 from Vandenberg.KH-12 /3 was launched on 20 December 1996 by a Titan-4 from Vandenberg.The spacecraft's mirror is believed to be as large as or larger than that of the KH-11, believed to have a 2.3 meter diameter. It may be as large as 4 meters. As a point of comparison, the HST's mirror is 2.4 m in size. Jane's Defence Weekly indicates that the secondary mirror in theCassegrain reflecting telescope A reflecting telescope reflector is an optical telescope which uses mirrors, rather than lenses, to reflect light. The British scientist Sir Isaac Newton designed the first reflector circa 1670. He designed the reflector in order to solve the problem of c system can be moved significantly, allowing images to be taken from angles unusual for a satellite. Also, there are indications that the satellite can take images every 5 second This article is about the unit of time. See second (disambiguation) for other uses The second (symbol s is a unit for time, and one of seven SI base units. It is defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transis. Sources vary on how the KH-12 communicates with ground stations. Several different clusters of relay satellites are available, so the birds may use the Satellite Data System The Satellite Data System SDS is a system of United States military communications satellites. At least two generations have been used: SDS-1 from July 1976 to November 1995, and SDS-2 from 1989 to the present. SDS satellites have a highly elliptical orbi (SDS), MILSTAR , or Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) networks.KH-11:Then, in 1977, the fifth generation dawned with the launch of the KH-11. This was a major breakthrough, as canisters were no longer needed and resolution was such that objects 70mm (a few inches) in size could be identified from 200 kilometers up via digital photos. The KH-11 telescopic cameras operated like a high resolution TV camera. Images were captured continuously and transmitted to earth stations. Computers were used to finish the process and produce photos identical to those taken by a conventional film camera. You could even have motion pictures, as well as indications of heat and the nature of the various items. KH-11 could often tell what kind of metal an object on the ground was made of. This did not come cheap, these birds cost over $400 million each and lasted three or four years, depending on fuel usage. Moreover, you needed two of them up at the same time in order to guarantee coverage and save the birds from having to change orbit too frequently.The most recent KH-11, the 15th, was launched in 2011. There have been at least four models of the KH-11, since the first of five "Block 1s" was launched in 1976. Name KH-11Block [35] Launch date ID NROL numberOrbit Plan e [35] Orbital decay date OPS 5705 1-1 19 December 1976 1976-125A [36]N/A 247 km × 533 km, i=96.9° West 28 January 1979 OPS 4515 1–2 14 June 1978 1978-060A [37]276 km × 509 km, i=96.8° West 23 August 1981 OPS 2581 1–3 7 February 1980 1980-010A [38]309 km × 501 km, i=97.1° East 30 October 1982 OPS 3984 1–4 3 September 1981 1981-085A [39]244 km × 526 km, i=96.9° West 23 November 1984 OPS 9627 1–5 17 November 1982 1982-111A [40]280 km × 522 km, i=96.9° East 13 August 1985 USA-6 2-1 4 December 1984 1984-122A [41] 335 km × 758 km, i=98°[26] West 10 November 1994 Unknown 2-2 28 August 1985 N/AFailed to orbit East N/A USA-27 2–3 26 October 1987 1987-090A [42] 300 km × 1000 km, i=98°[26] East 11 June 1992 USA-33 2–4 6 November 1988 1988-099A [43] 300 km × 1000 km, i=98°[26] West 12 May 1996 USA-86 3-1 28 November 1992 1992-083A [44] 408 km × 931 km, i=97.7°[45] East 5 June 2000 USA-116 3-2 5 December 1995 1995-066A [46] 405 km × 834 km, i=97.7°[47] East 19 November 2008 USA-129 3-3 20 December 1996 1996-072A [48] NROL-2 292 km × 894 km, i=97.7°[49] West USA-161 4-1 5 October 2001 2001-044A [50] NROL-14 309 km × 965 km, i=97.9°[51] East USA-186 3–4 19 October 2005 2005-042A [52] NROL-20 256 km × 1006 km, i=97.9°[53] West USA-224 4-2 20 January 2011 2011-002A [54]NROL-49 290 km × 985 km, Easti=97.9°[55]The KH-11 KENNAN (KENNEN according to other sources[1][2][3]), renamed CRYSTAL in 1982[4]and also referenced by the codenames 1010,[5] and "Key Hole"[5]), is a type of reconnaissance satellite launched by the American National Reconnaissance Office since December 1976. Manufactured by Lockheed in Sunnyvale, California, the KH-11 was the first American spy satellite to utilize electro-optical digital imaging, and create a real-time optical observation capability.[6]Later KH-11 satellites have been referred to by outside observers as KH-11B or KH-12, and by the names "Advanced KENNAN", "Improved Crystal" and "Ikon". The Key Hole series was officially discontinued in favour of a random numbering scheme after repeated public references to KH-8 Gambit, KH-9 Hexagon, and KH-11 satellites.[7] KH-11 satellites are believed to have been the source of some imagery of the Soviet Union and China made public in 1997, as well as images of Sudan and Afghanistan made public in 1998 that were related to the response to the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings.Program history and logisticsThe Film Read-Out GAMBIT (FROG) served as NRO Program A's competitor to NRO Program B's initial electro-optical imagery (EOI) satellite.[8]Data is transmitted through a network of communications satellites; the Satellite Data System.[4] The initial ground station for the processing of the electro-optical imaging was a secret National Reconnaissance Office facility in Area 58, located in the continental United States according to the NRO,[9]and more precisely in Fort Belvoir according to other sources.[10]In 1999, NRO selected Boeing as the prime contractor for the Future Imagery Architecture (FIA) program, aimed at replacing the KH-11 satellites by a more cost effective constellation of smaller, and also more capable reconnaissance satellites. After the failure of the FIA in 2005, NRO ordered from Lockheed two additional legacy hardware KH-11s.[11]USA-224, the first of these two, was launched in early 2011 two years ahead of the initial schedule estimate.[12]In January 2011 NRO offered NASA two space optical systems with 2.4 m diameter primary mirrors, similar to the Hubble Space Telescope, yet with steerable secondary mirrors and shorter focal length resulting a wider field of view. These could either be spare hardware from the KH-11 program, or optics from the cancelled FIA program.[13][14]The satellites were reportedly stored in a clean room facility at ITT Exelis in Rochester, NY.[15][16]DesignIt is believed to resemble the Hubble Space Telescope in size and shape, as the satellites were shipped in similar containers. Furthermore, a NASA history of the Hubble,[17]in discussing the reasons for switching from a 3-meter main mirror to a 2.4-meter design, states: "In addition, changing to a 2.4-meter mirror would lessen fabrication costs by using manufacturing technologies developed for military spy satellites." A CIA history states that the primary mirror on the first KH-11s measured 2.34 meters, but sizes increased in later versions.[4]NRO led the development of a computer controlled mirror polishing technique, which was subsequently also used for the polishing of the primary mirror of the Hubble Space Telescope.[18]Assuming a 2.4-meter mirror, the theoretical ground resolution with no atmospheric degradation and 50% MTF would be roughly 15 cm (6 inches). Operational resolution would be worse due to effects of the atmosphere. Different versions of the KH-11 vary in mass, with earlier blocks ranging from 13,000 to 13,500 kilograms, whilst later blocks have a mass of around 19,600 kg. Its length is believed to be 19.5 meters, and diameter is 3 meters or less.[4][19]The two optical telescope assemblies (OTAs only, not full satellites) offered to NASA from the NRO in January 2011 are suspected, but not confirmed, to be KH-11 series "extra hardware." The OTA's are of a three-mirror anastigmat(TMA) optical design (sans the 3rd "tertiary" mirror). The f/1.2 primary has a diameter of 2.4 m, and is refocused by the secondary to give an overall f/8 focal ratio, making the optical telescope assembly shorter than that of HST. With the addition of the tertiary mirror, this will produce a much wider field than Hubble's 2-mirror f/24 Ritchey–Chrétien optical design, making it an potential ideal observatory for Dark Energy or other astrophysics surveys. The secondary mirror is mounted on a hexapod to increase the side-viewing and ground scanning ability for the originally intended reconnaissance mission.[15][16][20]KH-11 was the first reconnaissance satellite equipped with charge-coupled device (CCD) array technology for imaging which had a resolution of 800 x 800 pixels.[21] Later block satellites may include signals intelligence capabilities and greater sensitivity in broader light spectrums (probably into infrared).[22]Later satellites had larger mirrors, with a diameter of around 2.9–3.1 m.[23] Jane's Defence Weekly indicates that the secondary mirror in the Cassegrain reflecting telescope system could be moved, allowing images to be taken from angles unusual for a satellite. Also, there are indications that the satellite can take images every five seconds.Four generations of U.S. electro-optical reconnaissance have been identified:[24][25]Block IBlock I refers to the original KH-11 satellite, of which five were launched between 19 December 1976 and 17 November 1982.Block IIThe three Block II satellites are in the open literature referred to as KH-11B, the alleged DRAGON codename, or Crystal, and are believed to be capable of taking infrared images in addition to optical observations.[26]The first or second Block II satellite was lost in a launch failure.[25]Block IIIFour Block III satellites, commonly called KH-12 or Improved Crystal were launched between November 1992 and October 2001. The name "Improved Crystal" refers to the "Improved Metric CRYSTAL System" (IMCS), which adds reference markings for accurate mapping to images obtained by the satellite.[27]Block IVTwo electro-optical satellites launched in October 2005 and January 2011 are attributed to Block IV.DerivativesThe Misty satellite is believed to have been derived from the KH-11, but modified to make it invisible to radar, and hard to detect visually. The first Misty satellite, USA-53, was released by the Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-36. The USA-144 satellite, launched on 22 May 1999 by a Titan IV B from Vandenberg Air Force Base may have been a second Misty satellite,[28]or an Enhanced Imaging System spacecraft. The satellites are sometimes identified as KH-12s.CompromiseKH-11 image of the construction of a Kiev-class aircraft carrier, as published by Jane's in 1984.In 1978, a young CIA employee named William Kampiles was accused of selling a KH-11 System Technical Manual describing design and operation to the Soviets. Kampiles was convicted of espionage and initially sentenced to 40 years in prison.[29] Later, this term was reduced, and after serving 18 years, Kampiles was released in 1996.[30][31]In 1984 Samuel Loring Morison, an intelligence analyst at the Naval Intelligence Support Center, forwarded three classified images taken by KH-11 to the publication Jane's Fighting Ships. In 1985, Morison was convicted in Federal Court on two counts of espionage and two counts of theft of government property, and was sentenced to two years in prison.[32]He was pardoned by President Clinton in 2001.[33]KH-11 missionsOrbital constellation of the KH-11 satellites currently in orbit (situation August 2011)Nine KH-11 satellites were launched between 1976 and 1990 aboard Titan-3D and −34D rockets, with one launch failure. For the following five satellite launches between 1992 and 2005, a Titan IV launch vehicle was used. The most recent launch in 2011 was carried out by a Delta IV Heavy rocket. The KH-11 replaced the KH-9 film return satellite, among others, the last of which was lost in a liftoff explosion in 1986.KH-11 satellites are in either of two standard planes in Sun-synchronous orbits. As shadows help to discern ground features, satellites in a standard plane east of a noon/midnight orbit observe the ground at local afternoon hours, while satellites in a western plane observe the ground at local morning hours.[34][35] Historically launches have therefore been timed to occur either about two hours before or one hour after local noon (or midnight), respectively.[25]Dynamical Test Unit of KH-11 (unconfirmed) Three Mirror AssemblyKH-12 最终没有发射美国空间成像公司的“伊科诺斯”卫星和法国“斯波特”卫星图像的利用率。


























1. 成像侦察卫星(1) KH-12侦察卫星KH-12卫星是1990午2月28日开始发射的,至今已经发射了4颗。












DK UK15-A+和KH12系列音箱

DK UK15-A+和KH12系列音箱

DK UK15-A+和KH12系列音箱
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1.DK UK10-A系列音箱 [J], 帝肯音响实业有限公司/DK
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如何对付卫星侦察?美国KH-12"锁眼"4光学侦察卫星,有"极限轨道平台"之称,是当今分辨力最高的光学侦察卫星,但在伪装和干扰的双重保护下"锁眼"那一端还能洞悉一切么?提问:Google Earth于2006年6月9日进行了一次重大的更新,卫星照片数量一下扩大了四倍,也由此引发了围绕卫星侦察和反侦察的讨论。










更早的时候美国还部署过诸如"折叠椅"的大椭圆轨道卫星,轨道高度大致在1 000~30 000公里之间,但现在地球同步轨道是发展趋势,"折叠椅"也逐步被淘汰。




37 QMS-KH-37 工程变更管理控制程序

39 QMS-KH-39 产前会议控制程序
40 QMS-KH-40 搬运,存储,防护和客户财产控制程序
41 QMS-KH-41 产品安全管理控制程序
42 QMS-KH-42 顾客品牌保护管理控制程序
19 QMS-KH-19 法律法规控制程序
20 QMS-KH-20 产品标识和可追溯性标识控制程序
21 QMS-KH-21 仓库管理控制程序
22 QMS-KH-22 紧急采购控制程序
23 QMS-KH-23 先进先出作业控制程序
24 QMS-KH-24 产品召回程序
a) 管理性文件:包括质量手册、程序文件和与质量管理体系及产品质量有关的各种管理制度、外来文件,以 及适用的国家政策、法律法规等。
b) 技术性文件:包括产品标准、工艺规定、操作规程、检验规范、技术图纸、外来技术文件等。 c) 质量文件:可以是针对特定产品、项目、过程或合同编制的质量计划、规范等,包括各种与质量活动有关 的记录。 4.1.2 文件的编号: a)文件编号规则: 质量手册/程序文件 QM/QMS-KH-××
31 QMS-KH-31 质量策划控制程序
32 QMS-KH-32 设计和开发控制程序
33 QMS-KH-33 产品认证一致性控制程序
34 QMS-KH-34 产品风险评估及风险控制程序
35 QMS-KH-35 化学品和有害物质管理控制程序



共28张 第 8 张 版本
140 50
100 200
25 95
4 x M5 - 6H 10 4.20 12.40
借(通)用件登记 旧底图总号 底图总号 技术要求: 未注倒角为C10
110 10
Q235A 阶段标记 质量 19.554 比例 1:6 更改文件号 签名 标准化 工艺 审核 批准 共28张 第 9 张 版本 替代 年月日
102 98 15°
Q235A 阶段标记 质量 3.616 比例 1:3
更改文件号 签名 标准化 工艺 审核 批准
14料筒 KH-14
共 28 张 第 12 张 版本
2- 5.50
-0.065 20 d9 -0.117 +0.50 16 +0.20
2- 8 42 45
250 78
16 90.05
36 35 34 “图样代号” 00上T形板 “图样代号” 00下T形板 F4球面销 F1-1-982-011-1024-4端头 Rolling bearings 6200 GB 276-94 Rolling bearings 6201 GB 276-94 垫片 8-A140 螺母 M8 弹性档圈80 KH-36 KH-35 KH-34 KH-33 KH-32 KH-31 KH-24 KH-23 KH-22 KH-21 KH-20 KH-19 KH-18 KH-17 KH-16 KH-15 KH-14 KH-13 KH-12 KH-11 KH-07 KH-06 KH-05 KH-04 KH-03 KH-02 KH-01 零件编号 36盖板 35挡料杆 34双轮轴 33压紧轮轴 32限位板 31推板 24轴承压盘 23拉杆 22冲头 21上压板 20导套 19撑块 18滑槽轮轴 17弹簧螺栓 16卡簧挡板 15导向块 14料筒 13料筒支架 12收缩套 11卡簧托板 07滑槽板 06V形定位块 05下导柱 04止退板 03下压板 02下定位座 01下安装板 零件名称 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Q235A 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Q235A 45 45 45 45 Q235A 45 Q235A Q235A 45 Q235A 45 Q235A 45 Q235A Q235A 45 Q235 54.986 备注 0.038 0.025 0.712 0.138 3.616 1.530 1.970 19.554 6.742 C 0.014 0.038 0.017 0.556 3.387 0.008 0.330 4.541 10.101 38.76 普通碳钢 普通碳钢 21.614 142.040 0 0 0 0 0 38.76 0 B 标准件


第五代“锁眼”侦察卫星“KH-11”,1976年12月 19日发射第一颗,截至1990年底共发射成功8颗,初期卫星重10.3吨,后来增至13.5吨,长19.5米,宽2米,采用太阳同步轨道,平均轨道高度,近地点240千米,远地点530千米,倾角97”。发展“KH- 11”卫星的主要目的,是增强对目标、特别是活动目标的实时侦察能力,以提高从空间获取侦察情报的时效性。它是一种不用胶卷而用无线电信道实时传输数字图像信息的照相侦察卫星,卫星上装有高分辨率摄像机,采用数字传输方式,还装有具有信息加工处理能力的专用设备。利用这种方法从空间获取一幅侦察照片,比用回收胶卷舱的办法快得多,这在战时特别重要。“KH-11’设计寿命2年,实际平均工作寿命达2 5年,所摄图像的地面分辨率最大达0.15米。
[ 转自铁血社区 / ]
发射载体 哥伦比亚号航天飞机或大力神-4火箭
工作寿命 不少于 6 年
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