0409 Qing Ming
作者简介:李梅清(1977.10—),硕士,研究方向为临床兽医学,E-mail :。
科研动态激光又称镭射(laser ),被描述为“通过受激辐射产生的光”,具有单色性纯、高亮度、方向性好的特点,激光所释放的光子能量不容易发散,可以很精准地到达需要治疗的部位;激光理疗就是利用激光的这种优势,通过使用特定波长的光源直接照射生物组织,产生一系列的生物效应从而达到治疗疾病的目的。
当激光照射到生物组织上时会产生生物化学反应,使细胞线粒体合成细胞能量物质(ATP )的功能增强;同时,激光疗法还可改善血液循环,调节新陈代谢,释放神经传导素缓解疼痛,使动物全身症状得到改善。
汉之殇人物代码caosong 曹嵩J-1914-LiuXun 刘勋J-0820-PangXi 庞羲tanxiong谭雄luzhi 卢植gaorou高柔jiangji蒋济chenggongying成公英liufu刘馥guoyuan国渊mushun穆顺baoxin鲍信qiaomao桥瑁yuanyi袁遗lougui娄圭huanjie桓阶liangxi梁习wenhui温恢wangling王凌wangkuang王匡wangji王基wangchang 王昶yushe俞涉wuanguo武安国panfeng潘凤yanxing阎行xurong徐荣zhangyang张扬zhangmiao张邈xizhicai戏志才xunshen荀谌xinpi辛毗kongxiu孔岫yanrou阎柔weiyou魏攸xumiao徐邈liuyu刘虞zhouang周昂dongwen董旻zhangyang张杨liubian刘辨liuxie刘协lvlingqi吕玲琦dongzhuo 董卓huaxiong华雄TaiShiCifuzhi 太史慈ZhangLiaofuzhi 张辽ZhangHefuzhi 张郃XuHuangfuzhi 徐晃HuangZhongfuzhi 黄忠WeiYanfuzhi 魏延PangDefuzhi 庞德MaDaifuzhi 马岱MaChaofuzhi 马超ZhaoYunfuzhi 赵云SunJian 孙坚J-0101-CaoCao 曹操J-0102-CaoRen 曹仁J-0103-CaoHong 曹洪J-0104-XiaHouDun 夏侯惇J-0105-XiaHouYuan 夏侯渊J-0106-DianWei 典韦J-0107-XuChu 许褚J-0108-YuJin 于禁J-0109-YueJin 乐进J-0110-XunYi 荀彧J-0111-XunYou 荀攸J-0112-GuoJia 郭嘉J-0113-ChengYu 程昱J-0114-LiuYe 刘晔J-0115-ManChong 满宠J-0116-LvQian 吕虔J-0117-MaoJie 毛玠J-0118-LiDian 李典J-0119-SiMaLang 司马朗J-0120-SiMaYi 司马懿J-0121-SiMaShi 司马师J-0122-SiMaZhao 司马昭J-0123-CaoChun 曹纯J-0124-CaoAng 曹昂J-0125-CaoZhang 曹彰J-0126-CaoZhi 曹植J-0127-CaoXiu 曹休J-0128-CaoZhen 曹真J-0129-CaoPi 曹丕J-0130-CaoRui 曹睿J-0131-CaoYu 曹宇J-0132-CaoShuang 曹爽J-0133-CaoXun 曹训J-0134-CaoXi 曹羲J-0135-XiaHouShang 夏侯尚J-0136-XiaHouBa 夏侯霸J-0137-XiaHouWei 夏侯威J-0138-XiaHouHui 夏侯惠J-0139-XiaHouMao 夏候懋J-0140-SiMaFu 司马孚J-0201-LiuBei 刘备J-0202-GuanYu 关羽J-0203-ZhangFei 张飞J-0204-JianYong 简雍J-0205-SunQian 孙乾J-0206-LiaoHua 廖化J-0207-ZhouCang 周仓J-0208-ChenDao 陈到J-0209-MiZhu 麋竺J-0210-MiFang 麋芳J-0211-LiuShan 刘禅J-0212-LiuFeng 刘封J-0213-GuanPing 关平J-0214-GuanXing 关兴J-0215-GuanSuo 关索J-0216-ZhangBao 张苞J-0217-ZhangShao 张绍J-0218-LiuYong 刘永J-0219-LiuLi 刘理J-0301-SunCe 孙策J-0302-ZhouYu 周瑜J-0303-ChengPu 程普J-0304-HuangGai 黄盖J-0305-HanDang 韩当J-0306-JiangQin 蒋钦J-0307-ZhouTai 周泰J-0308-ZhuZhi 朱治J-0309-ZhangZhao 张昭J-0310-ZhangHong 张紘J-0311-SunJing 孙静J-0312-SunQuan 孙权J-0313-SunYi 孙翊J-0314-SunDeng 孙登J-0315-SunHe 孙和J-0316-SunXiu 孙休J-0317-SunLiang 孙亮J-0318-ZhouXun 周循J-0319-ZhouYing 周胤J-0320-SunKuang 孙匡J-0321-LuXun 陆逊J-0322-LuKang 陆抗J-0323-SunYu 孙瑜J-0324-SunJun 孙峻J-0325-SunLin 孙綝J-0326-SunHe 孙河J-0327-SunShao 孙韶J-0328-SunHuan 孙桓J-0329-GanNing 甘宁J-0330-LingTong凌统J-0331-LvMeng 吕蒙J-0401-LvBu 吕布J-0402-GaoShun 高顺J-0403-ZhangLiao 张辽J-0404-HaoMeng 郝萌J-0405-CaoXing 曹性J-0406-ChengLian 成廉J-0407-WeiXu 魏续J-0408-SongXian 宋宪J-0409-HouCheng 侯成J-0410-ChenGong 陈宫J-0411-ZhangHu 张虎J-0501-YuanShao 袁绍J-0502-YuanTan 袁谭J-0503-YuanXi 袁熙J-0504-YuanShang 袁尚J-0505-GaoGan 高干J-0506-YanLiang 颜良J-0507-WenChou 文丑J-0508-ZhangHe 张郃J-0509-GaoLan 高览J-0510-TianFeng 田丰J-0511-JuShou 沮授J-0512-FengJi 逢纪J-0513-ShenPei 审配J-0514-ShenRong审荣J-0515-GuoTu 郭图J-0516-XuYou 许攸J-0517-XunChen 荀谌J-0518-XinPi 辛毗J-0519-XinPing 辛评J-0520-ChenLin 陈琳J-0521-JuYi 麴义J-0522-CunYuQiong 淳于琼J-0523-HanMeng 韩猛J-0524-LvKuang 吕旷J-0525-LvXiang 吕翔J-0526-ChenZhen 陈震J-0601-GongSunZan 公孙瓒J-0602-GongSunYue 公孙越J-0603-GongSunFan 公孙范J-0604-GongSunXu 公孙续J-0605-YanGang 严纲J-0606-TianKai 田楷J-0607-SanJin 单经J-0608-GuanJing 关靖J-0609-TianYu 田豫J-0610-ZhaoYun 赵云J-0611-GongSunDu 公孙度J-0612-GongSunKang 公孙康J-0613-GongSunGong 公孙恭J-0614-GongSunYuan 公孙渊J-0701-MaTeng 马腾J-0702-MaChao 马超J-0703-PangDe 庞德J-0704-MaXiu 马休J-0705-MaWan 马玩J-0706-MaDai 马岱J-0707-MaTie 马铁J-0708-ChengYin 程银J-0709-LiangXin 梁兴J-0710-HouXuan 侯选J-0711-HangShui 韩遂J-0712-YangQiu 杨秋J-0713-ChengYi 成宜J-0714-ZhangHeng 张横J-0801-LiuZhang 刘璋J-0802-ZhangRen 张任J-0803-YanYan 严颜J-0804-ZhangSong 张松J-0805-GaoPei 高沛J-0806-YangHuai 杨怀J-0807-LeiTong 雷铜J-0808-LiHui 李恢J-0809-HuangQuan 黄权J-0810-WuLan 吴兰J-0811-DengXian 邓贤J-0812-DongHe 董和J-0813-ZhouJing 邹靖J-0814-WuYi 吴懿J-0815-LiuBa 刘巴J-0816-FeiSi 费诗J-0817-DongYun 董允J-0818-LiuXun 刘循J-0819-LiuChan 刘阐J-0901-ZhangXiu 张绣J-0902-ZhangQuan 张泉J-0903-JiaXu 贾诩J-0904-HuCheEr 胡车儿J-1001-YanBaiHu 严白虎J-1002-YanYu 严舆J-1003-LiuYou 刘繇J-1004-TaiShiCi 太史慈J-1005-ZuoRong 笮融J-1006-Xueli 薛礼J-1007-ZhangYing 张英J-1008-Chenheng 陈横J-1009-WangLang 王朗J-1010-WangShu 王肃J-1011-ZhouXin 周昕J-1012-XuGong 许贡J-1013-YuFan 虞翻J-1014-LuJi 陆绩J-1101-LiJue 李傕J-1102-GuoSi 郭汜J-1103-ZhangJi 张济J-1104-FanChou 樊稠J-1105-YangBiao 杨彪J-1106-YangXiu 杨修J-1107-ZhongYao 钟繇J-1108-ZhuJuan 朱隽J-1109-DongCheng 董承J-1110-HuangPuSong 皇甫嵩J-1111-YangFeng 杨奉J-1112-HanXian 韩暹J-1113-HuCai 胡才J-1114-LiLe 李乐J-1115-XuHuang 徐晃J-1116-ZhongHui 钟会J-1201-LiuBiao 刘表J-1202-LiuQi 刘琦J-1203-LiuCong 刘琮J-1204-LiuPang 刘磐J-1205-CaiMao 蔡瑁J-1206-HuangZhu 黄祖J-1207-SuFei 苏飞J-1208-KuanLiang 蒯良J-1209-KuanYue 蒯越J-1210-WenPin 文聘J-1211-HanSong 韩嵩J-1212-ZhangYun 张允J-1213-HuoJun 霍峻J-1214-YiJi 伊籍J-1215-CaiZhong 蔡中J-1216-CaiHe 蔡和J-1301-KongRong 孔融J-1302-MiHeng 弥衡J-1303-WangXiu 王修J-1401-ZhangYan 张燕J-1402-ZhangFang 张方J-1403-SunQing 孙轻J-1404-WangDang 王当J-1405-DuChang 杜长J-1406-LiuShi 刘石J-1407-QingNiuJiao 青牛角J-1408-HuangLong 黄龙J-1409-ZuoXiao 左校J-1410-GuoDaXian 郭大贤J-1411-LiDaMu 李大目J-1412-YuDiGen 于羝根J-1413-BianXi 卞喜J-1501-MengHuo 孟获J-1502-ZhuRongFuRen 祝融夫人J-1503-AHuiNan 阿会喃J-1504-JinHuanSanJie 金环三节J-1505-WuTuGu 兀突骨J-1506-DuoSiDaWang 朵思大王J-1507-MangYaZhang 忙牙长J-1508-MuLuDaWang 木鹿大王J-1509-DaiLaiDongZhu 带来洞主J-1510-DongTuNa 董荼那J-1511-MengYou 孟优J-1601-HanXuan 韩玄J-1602-HuangZhong 黄忠J-1603-WeiYan 魏延J-1604-HanHao 韩浩J-1605-JinXuan 金旋J-1606-LiuDu 刘度J-1607-GongZhi 巩志J-1608-ChenYing 陈应J-1609-ZhaoFan 赵范J-1610-BaoLong鲍隆J-1611-XinDaoRong 邢道荣J-1612-LiuXian 刘贤J-1613-YangLing 杨龄J-1701-ZhangLu 张鲁J-1702-ZhangWei 张卫J-1703-ZhangFu 张富J-1704-YianPu 阎圃J-1705-YangAng 杨昂J-1706-YangSong 杨松J-1707-YangRen 杨任J-1708-YangBai 杨柏J-1801-TaoQian 陶谦J-1802-ChenKui 陈珪J-1803-ChenDeng 陈登J-1804-ZhangBa 臧霸J-1805-CaoBao 曹豹J-1901-YuanShu 袁术J-1902-YuanYing 袁胤J-1903-YuanYao 袁耀J-1904-YangHong 杨弘J-1905-YianXiang 阎象J-1906-ZhangXun 张勋J-1907-JiLing 纪灵J-1908-QiaoRui 桥蕤J-1909-ChenJi 陈纪J-1910-LeiBo 雷薄J-1911-ChenLan 陈兰J-1912-LeJiu 乐就J-1913-HanYing 韩胤三国在野人士J-3001-ZuoCi 左慈J-3002-SiMaHui 司马徽J-3101-DongZhao 董昭J-3102-ChenQun 陈群J-3103-HuaQin 华歆J-3104-ChenQiao 陈矫J-3105-LiTong 李通J-3106-ZhuLing 朱灵J-3107-CheZhou 车胄J-3108-NiuJin 牛金J-3109-HaoZhao 郝昭J-3110-JiangGan 蒋干J-3111-YangFu 杨阜J-3112-WangShuang 王双J-3113-DengAi 邓艾J-3114-YangHu 羊祜J-3115-DuJi 杜畿J-3116-DuSu 杜恕J-3117-DuYu 杜预J-3118-WangRui 王浚J-3119-SunLi 孙礼J-3120-JiaKui 贾逵J-3121-JiaChong 贾充J-3122-GuoHuai 郭淮J-3123-WangDan 王琰J-3124-TianChou 田畴J-3125-CuiDan 崔琰J-3126-HuZun 胡遵J-3127-HuFen 胡奋J-3128-ZhangJi 张既J-3129-HanHao 韩浩J-3130-HanDe 韩德J-3131-KongXiu 孔秀J-3132-WangCan 王粲J-3133-JiangWei 姜维J-3201-ZhuGeLiang 诸葛亮J-3202-ZhuGeZhan 诸葛瞻J-3203-PangTong 庞统J-3204-XuShu 徐庶J-3205-MaLiang 马良J-3206-MaShu 马谡J-3207-YangYi 杨仪J-3208-JiangWan 蒋琬J-3209-FeiYi 费禕J-3210-WangFu 王甫J-3211-WuBan 吴班J-3212-FaZheng 法正J-3213-MengDa 孟达J-3214-LiYan 李严J-3215-XuJing 许靖J-3216-PengYang 彭羕J-3217-LiaoLi 廖立J-3218-WangPing 王平J-3219-ZhangYi 张翼J-3220-ZhangNi 张嶷J-3221-GaoXiang 高翔J-3222-ChenShi 陈式J-3223-FuTong 傅彤J-3224-FuJian 傅佥J-3225-XiangLang 向朗J-3226-GuoYouZhi 郭攸之J-3227-DengZhi 邓芝J-3228-LvKai 吕凯J-3229-WangKang 王伉J-3230-YongKang 雍闓J-3231-ZhuBao 朱褒J-3232-GaoDing 高定J-3233-Ehuan 鄂焕J-3234-FengXi 冯习J-3235-ZhangNan 张南J-3236-FuShiRen 傅士仁J-3237-MaZhong 马忠J-3238-ShaMoKe 沙摩柯J-3239-YangFeng 杨锋J-3301-GuYong 顾雍J-3302-ZhugeJin 诸葛瑾J-3303-ZhugeKe 诸葛恪J-3304-LuShu 鲁肃J-3305-XuSheng 徐盛J-3306-DingFeng 丁奉J-3307-HuoQi 贺齐J-3308-ZhuYi朱异J-3309-ZhuRan 朱然J-3310-WenQin 文钦J-3311-WenYang 文鸯J-3312-PanZhang 潘璋J-3313-DongXi 董袭J-3314-ZhuHeng 朱桓J-3315-QuanZhong 全琮J-3316-ZhuGeXian 诸葛诞J-3317-XueZhong 薛综J-3318-BuZhi 步骘J-3319-SongQian 宋谦J-3320-ChenWu 陈武J-3321-ChenBiao陈表J-3322-GangZe 阚泽J-3323-LvFan 吕范J-3324-YanJun 严畯J-3325-PanJun 潘浚J-3326-ZhouFang 周鲂J-3327-TengYing 滕胤J-3328-ChenBing 程秉J-3329-LvDai 吕岱J-3330-LuoTong 骆统J-3331-MaZhong 马忠J-3332-LiYi 李异J-3333-GuiLan 妫览J-3401-LiKan 李堪J-3402-XuShi 许汜J-3403-WangKai 王楷J-3404-LiFeng 李封J-3405-XueLan 薛兰J-3406-KuiGu 眭固J-3501-ShiXie 士燮J-3502-ShiYi 士壹J-3503-ShiHui 士徽J-3504-Shidi 士袛J-3505-ShiKuang 士匡GuoGong郭贡ChangXi昌豨GanNing甘宁LiuXiongMing刘雄鸣GuanCheng管承SongJian宋建GongDou龚都LiuPi刘辟HeYi何仪HeMan何曼HuangShao黄邵XuHe徐和SiMaJu司马俱GuanHai管亥J-4305-SuLi 素利J-4306-MiJia 弥加J-4307-JueJi 厥机J-4301-BuDuGen 步度根J-4302-FuLuoHan 扶罗韩J-4303-XieGuiNi 泄归泥J-4304-KeBiNeng 轲比能JuLuoHou 苴罗侯WangTong 王同WangJi 王寄PuTou 蒲头ChengLvGui 成律归ShaMoHan 沙末汗SuoNu 琐奴YuZhuJian 郁筑鞬DaiHuALangNi 戴胡阿狼泥chanshihuai 檀石槐helian 和连shaman 骞曼kuitou 魁头yumenmohuai宇文莫槐mohuba莫户跋murongshegui慕容涉归murongmuyan慕容木延muronghuang慕容皝muronggui慕容廆murongjun慕容俊murongwei慕容喡murongke慕容恪murongchui慕容垂murongba慕容霸murongshaozong慕容绍宗murongping慕容评muronghang慕容翰murongzhao慕容昭murongbiao慕容彪murongchen慕容尘murongjiang慕容疆murongli慕容厉murongzun慕容遵muronghuan慕容桓murongyi慕容宜muronglong慕容龙muronghui慕容徽murongla慕容纳murongxiu 慕容秀murongde慕容德murongyan慕容渊murongzhong慕容忠murongqian慕容虔muronglan慕容兰murongye慕容晔muronghong慕容泓murongwen慕容温murongliang慕容亮murongzang慕容臧murongchong慕容冲murongshe慕容涉murongkai慕容楷murongshu慕容肃murongling慕容令murongnong慕容隆muronglin慕容麟murongxi慕容熙muronglang慕容朗murongjian慕容鉴murongtao慕容韬murongyi慕容懿murongzhang慕容章murongshang慕容尚murongfei慕容惠murongyao慕容瑶murongcong慕容崇murongbao慕容宝YuQiuTai尉仇台JianWei简位SuFuWan速附丸NanLou难楼NengChenDi能臣氐BoGu伯固BaQi拔奇YiYiMo伊夷模XiuWuLu修武卢KouLouDun寇娄敦ALuoPan阿罗盘PuFuLu普富卢kuruguan库辱官rilujuan 日陆眷wuhuchen务勿尘pidan匹磾douni都泥mopo末波jiulujuan就陆眷huliao护辽yulan郁兰haodan郝旦chendeng 审登xueyun 薛云mohechuke 莫贺咄科J-4101-QiuLiJu 丘力居J-4102-TaDun 蹋顿J-4103-LouBan 楼班J-4104-SuPuYan 苏仆延J-4105-WuYan 乌延J-4106-GuJin 骨进J-4107-YanRou 阎柔MangZhong芒中ZhuYi注诣KeWu柯吾EZheSai蛾遮塞FaTong伐同TangTi唐蹏PiTi辟蹏LinDai邻戴J-4401-CheLiJi 彻里吉J-4402-YueJi 越吉J-4403-YaDan 雅丹J-4404-MiDang 迷当J-4405-EHeShaoGe 俄何烧戈HuBoJuZiZhi胡薄居姿职QuBei刘去卑YiJianJiQie伊健妓妾ZhiYuanDuo治元多FengShang封赏BaiHuWen 白虎文ZhiWuDai治无戴LiangYuanBi梁元碧J-4201-YuFuLuo 于夫罗J-4202-HuChuQuan 呼厨泉J-4203-LiuBao 刘豹liuyuan 刘渊liucong 刘聪liuyao 刘曜wuli 乌利J-4501-Agui 阿贵J-4502-YangQianWan 杨千万J-4503-DouMao 窦茂J-4504-QiangDuan 强端J-4505-FuJian 苻健yangfeilong 杨飞龙JinQi金奇MaoGan毛甘ChenPu陈仆ZuShan祖山zulang祖郎pengshi彭式penghu彭虎pengqi彭绮pengdan彭旦J-4601-HuangLongLuo 黄龙罗J-4602-ZhouBo 周勃J-4603-YouTu 尤突J-4604-PanLin 潘临J-4605-FeiZhan 费栈J-4606-HuangLuan 黄乱J-4607-ChangJu 常俱J-4701-ShiBao 石豹三国补充将军M-01-0001-Xm 曹艾M-01-000.。
2024年3月第39卷第2期西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)JournalofXi’anShiyouUniversity(NaturalScienceEdition)Mar.2024Vol.39No.2收稿日期:2023 06 03基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于频变信息的流体识别及流体可动性预测”(41774142);四川省重点研发项目“工业互联网安全与智能管理平台关键技术研究与应用”(2023YFG0112);四川省自然科学基金资助项目“基于超分辨感知方法的密集神经图像分割”(2022NSFSC0964)第一作者:曹凯奇(1998 ),男,硕士,研究方向:遥感图像标注。
E mail:819088338@qq.com通讯作者:文武(1979 ),男,博士,研究方向:人工智能在地球科学的应用、高性能计算。
E mail:wenwu@cuit.edu.cnDOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673 064X.2024.02.016中图分类号:TE19文章编号:1673 064X(2024)02 0128 15文献标识码:A基于改进DeepLabV3+的引导式道路提取方法及在震源点位优化中的应用曹凯奇1,张凌浩2,徐虹1,吴蔚3,文武1,周航1(1.成都信息工程大学计算机学院,四川成都610225;2.国网四川省电力公司电力科学研究院,四川成都610094;3.中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司采集技术中心,河北涿州072750)摘要:为解决自动识别方法在道路提取时存在漏提、错提现象,提出一种引导式道路提取方法提高修正效率。
清明节的英语作文篇1Qingming Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in our country. It is not only the people of the worship of ancestors, cherish the memory of their ancestors Festival, is also the Chinese nation renjieguizong ties. The Tang Dynasty poet Du Mus poem "Qingming": "Qingming, the pedestrian on the road. I ask where there are restaurants nestling amidst Xinghuacun. "Write the special atmosphere of the Qing Ming Festival. People with bright fruit, paper money was.Go up the mountain and sweep the grave. On the day of the Qing Ming Festival, every family door is plugged in willow branches to tell people the Qingming Festival arrived. The most interesting thing is to eat eggs and cut the hair. On the day of the Qing Ming Festival, you must eat eggs, and there should be some onion in the egg. Because the onions and tcong are homophones, so the egg in the onion people called "clever egg" is also a clever egg. There is also the Qing Ming Festival must be cut on the day, cut the hair will become smart, so people call the "smart head". Its strange that you say it.This is our Qingming Festival, and I love the history of the 2500 and the unique Qingming Festival.清明节的英语作文篇2Qingming Festival, a sad day full of nostalgia, I came to themartyr cemetery with a heavy and reverent mood with my teacher and my classmates.We came to the high monument to mourn to the martyrs. The monument of great momentum, tall and magnificent, write eight characters: "vigorous life to the revolutionary martyrs!" Behind the monument is the lush pine and cypress, the ancient trees are all over the sky, and a glorious martyr is resting in the woods of the economy. Standing in front of the martyrs tomb, it is not caused by deep meditation and nostalgia for them.They are in a time of war, in order to protect our homes and defend our country, to people from the mire in life, dont shed, shed blood...... It is the comfortable living environment they exchanged for us. Todays peace is their life, and todays happiness is what they expect.In fact, the people did not forget them, put them buried here, is to be able to see them often, let more people remember them, so we can remember their generation after generation of descendants.Reverence is a dialogue, remembering the shock and indelible memory of the history of a baptism of blood and fire. The spirit of their hard work and the quality of their dedication will be our most valuable spiritual wealth, and will encourage our continuous efforts."The heaven and the earth have a positive atmosphere, and a mixed flow form. It is special, it is Sunstar." From our martyrs who, we can see the development of our Chengcheng, bones and spirit of these players and our passion, inspiration and vitality.Students, let us cherish the time, in front of the study hard, grow up to serve the motherland, let our martyrs in the lower in the rest! Let us hand martyrs passed the baton, for the future ofthe motherland and often new, not to look back, one after another!清明节的英语作文篇3The Qingming Festival is a Chinese holidays. In solar term, it is one of 24 solar term.In China 2000 years ago during the Qin and Han Dynasties has basically formed the 24 solar terms. 24 solar astronomy and meteorology etc. comprehensive knowledge, arranged a "spring cleaning day at spring, summer manwang summer. Autumn dew autumn frost, snow snow winter chill "ballad. The Qingming Festival is ranked in the fifth songs. Is lunar calendar in fifth solar term.At this time, the weather gets warmer, Spring returns to the earth, the recovery of all things, a vibrant, every door willow, sweep tombs and in the countryside. Farmers proverb there is "clear and bright in favor of millet" argument. Huaxinfeng as marked by florescence. The flower is a Hou Aegiceras, Rohmer spent two, three Hou Liu Hua pointed out, full flowering and Flower Festival air. "When the hundred year old question" that "all things are growing at the same time, clean and bright and clean, so that the Qingming festival".清明节的英语作文篇4On the qingming festival, as the poet said, "when the rain falls, the people on the road want to be broken... "Thinking of this, tears welled up in my eyes...My heart thought of the good and love of my grandparents, and I remembered the sacrifice of some revolutionary fighters in exchange for our happy new China.The revolutionary fighters gave their lives for national independence and national dignity. Some to bury the old worldcompletely, fight bravely, throw off the head, sprinkle blood; Some have sacrificed their youth for the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland during the peacebuilding period.Revolutionary fighters, in the face of the danger of life and death for the Chinese nation, you built the Great Wall with your own flesh and blood, and fought with the Japanese imperialist aggressors. You fall, but thousands of "people who do not want to be slaves" stand up, singing "march of the volunteers" and taking over your unfinished business; Soldiers, it is your spirit and strength to fight with the enemy in the love of the country and the people of the labor force, without fear of sacrifice and courage, and establish the new China, which is in charge of the peoples life. The soldiers. In socialist construction needs the most time, it is you go to the families and individuals of all, without hesitation, stand up, the precious life selflessly dedicate to the motherland and the people, the burning hot all over the motherland.We will always remember you, will cherish you to bring us a happy life!清明节的英语作文篇5The qingming festival comes once a year in spring. Because it is spring grass green, apricot blossom, my mother and I decided to go "outing".My mother and I went to the ecological park, and after we arrived at the ecological park, the beauty of spring attracted us deeply. We walked and enjoyed the Spring Festival.Then an apricot blossoms of flowers, it led me to the apricot flowers under the tree, I looked up and happened to be a apricot blossom in the breeze fluttered in my nose, above a few tree full of flowers, the ground under the tree, with countless apricotflowers, flowers here became a sea of flowers, I picked up in your hands the apricot flowers on the floor, apricot blossom like the white butterflies flying down.There was a spring breeze, and I was blown to the low shrubs that had just sprouted, and the bushes had been pruned by the gardener, some like little towers, some like cuboids, and all shapes and shapes.I looked up at the distance, and the sky was full of different kites, some like parachutes; Some are like butterflies; Some like the phoenix... . Of course I didnt want to fall behind. I quickly took out my kite and flew it, and the kite flew smoothly into the blue sky, flying higher and higher. .My kite is the highest flying, they all look at me and my kite with envious eyes. All of a sudden, the wind dropped their kite, and my kite flew high in the sky, and I enjoyed the feeling of pride.It was the happiest time I was born.清明节的英语作文篇6Today is Tomb-sweeping Day, families back home to the grave. Because it raining, so the road was slippery, but we went up the mountain.After a mountain road, we came to the tomb of "Tai Ye". My father and uncle cut off the weeds on the grave. Mother put the good food in front of the grave. My dear grandparents are healthy and long! " After that, grandma burned a pile of gold, yellow and yellow paper, and put out a string of long firecrackers. We collected things, went underground happily and went home.Although there was a lot of rain in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, we didn't feel tired at all.清明节的英语作文篇7the major custom in qingming festival is tomb sweeping.according to folk religion, the spirits of deceased ancestors still live underground and look after the family; the tombs are said to be their houses; thus it is very important to keep the tombs clean.the qingming festival is spent honoring the dead, which is one of many ways good confucians demonstrate filial piety. on this day, people visit their family graves to remove any underbrush that has grown. they would uproot weeds near the gravesites, wipe the tombstones and decorate the tombstones with fresh flowers. and then they will set out offerings of food and paper money.清明节的英语作文篇8Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qingming Festival was called Arbor Day. But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money.Unlike the sacrifices at a familys home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.清明节的英语作文篇9In some provinces of China people use different activities to commemorate this day for instance spring-outing swinging tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan but its colour is green. Mix the ay tsao juice with the rice powder then make it into small balls. The Ay Tsao rice ball is done. People believe that eating ay tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will gosmoothly. Other activities such as spring outing tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing we do hope our ancestor rest in peace. 清明节的英语作文篇10Today, my father and I went to visit the grave, and I went to the mountain with my father's car.On the way, I looked out of the window. The scenery outside the window is beautiful, flowers and trees, green trees shade."It's raining during the tomb-sweeping day." We stepped on the muddy mountain road, and went to the mountain. At last, we arrived at the tomb of tai-gong, the great-grandmother, and grandpa ordered a handful of incense, giving each of us three incense sticks, and we worshipped the tomb of the taichung.When we had finished, we began to give to taigong, who burned the money and the gold and silver in the underworld. When we had finished, we worshiped again and left.清明节的英语作文篇11The Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival,which falls on April 5. With most trees turning green,spring comes,and the Qingming Festival approaches,too.The holiday is often marked by Chinese people paying respects to their ancestors.People often hold some ceremonies at grave sietes by bringing some flowers and sweeping the tomb.Then all the familly members sit together to talk about the family history and share traditional meals. The Qingming Festival gives all of us an opportunity to show gratitude to our ancestors.It is because of their achievements that we have a happy life today.清明节的英语作文篇12It"s one of the traditional Festivals of Chinese. And it"s a dayin honour to Quyuan,who is one of the greatest poet in China. Qingming is also one of the 24seasonal division points in China.It is may 5th on April in every year. On that day, people will free of work or school that in memory of their ancestors. Besides parents will take their children to the countryside, where they may have a picinc. As the festival is in spring, It"s warm and comfortable, families often go to parks to fly the kites.This is the Qingming Festival, I hope you can come here next year during Qingming Festival.清明节的英语作文篇13Today is one of the 24 solar terms. It"s sunny. I went to the grave for an outing with my grandparents.When I arrived at Nanshan cemetery, I saw the tombs of Tai Gong and Tai Po. We first set out the sacrificial things, lit candles and began to burn yellow paper and toilet paper, which are necessary for tomb sweeping. After a while, we each worshipped three times, so we finished sweeping the tomb. Then we walk and enjoy the scenery. There are many camellias and tea trees nearby. Its branches are soft, and its branches and leaves are tender, green and very beautiful.Qingming Festival is a day to worship our ancestors and a good time for outing. I really benefited a lot from this tomb sweeping.清明节的英语作文篇14In some provinces of China people use different activities to commemorate this day for instance spring-outing swinging tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan but its colour is green. Mix the ay tsao juice with the rice powder then make it into small balls.The Ay Tsao rice ball is done. People believe that eating aytsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing we do hope our ancestor rest in peace. 清明节的英语作文篇15On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed.The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.清明节的英语作文篇16In classical Chinese poetry, I like to read a poem written by Du Mu, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty. It's called Qingming.I ask where there are restaurants? The shepherd shakes Xinghuacun. " Because this poem describes my hometown.My hometown is in Chizhou, Anhui province. Chizhou is a beautiful place. The most beautiful is Xinghuacun.Listen to mom, every year to the Qingming Festival, there are all kinds of rape, golden, golden and yellow flowers in Xinghuacun. In the sea of flowers, you can also contribute, people sweep their tombs, cherish their ancestors, fly kites, go outing, enjoy the good time.I feel very proud and proud of my hometown.清明节的英语作文篇17On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed. The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.清明节的英语作文篇18Today is the Tomb Sweeping Day. It is a traditional festival in China and the most important festival for sacrifice. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.I can"t wait to go with my father to burn paper for Grandpa. Dad"s hometown is Dongda. There are many people selling burning paper on both sides of the road today. Dad bought some burning money, some paper clothes and candles on the way.Grandpa"s graveyard is in a peach garden. The peach blossoms are pink and dazzling. Dad"s uncles, and aunts came to the cemetery one after another. Everyone put the sacrificial items they bought in front of the tombstone.清明节的英语作文篇19Today is T omb Sweeping Day. It"s drizzling in the sky. I went to visit the grave with my father, grandfather, uncle and brother. We climbed many mountains, walked many roads, and finally reached the first stop. Everyone began to get busy. I was too young to stand and watch. After cleaning, we set off for thesecond stop.At the second stop, I saw that the grave was full of wild flowers and trees, and the grave was black and dirty. Dad came forward and cut up wild trees, uncle and Grandpa were pulling weeds, and brother was sweeping leaves. After a while, after cleaning, I saw that the grave was clean. I quickly put flowers in front of the grave.清明节的英语作文篇20Today is the Qingming Festival, a traditional festival in China, and the most important festival of sacrifice. It is the day of ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.I can't wait to go with my father to burn paper for Grandpa. Dad's hometown is Dongda. There are many people selling burning paper on both sides of the road today. Dad bought some burning money, some paper clothes and candles on the way.Grandpa's graveyard is in a peach garden. The peach blossoms are pink and dazzling. Dad's uncles, and aunts came to the cemetery one after another. Everyone put the sacrificial items they bought in front of the tombstone. There are fruits, cakes and candles. Then put the burning paper together and light it. There was an aunt lying in front of the tomb crying sadly. I think she must miss her relatives.清明节的英语作文篇21April 4th is the Tomb-sweeping Day in China, which is one of the most important traditional festivals. The young people will come back home and sweep tomb with their families. The meaning of Tomb-sweeping Day is to honor the ancestors and it has more than 2500 years' history. Chinese people pay special attention to remember their ancestors, so no matter how far they are, they always know where they are from. When they are old,they will return to the place where they are from. It is a good tradition. The sense of belonging makes people feel safe. What's more, the relationship between relatives makes the whole family become stronger, because people are united by the same ancestors. Thus, they treat each other as families and give support all the time. What a great tradition it is.清明节的英语作文篇22Today is April 5, the Tomb Sweeping Day. On that day, I went back to my hometown to go to my grandmother's grave.It's already more than 4:00 p.m. when I got there, I went to the cemetery with my father, mother, aunt, second grandfather and second grandmother. When we got there, we first went to the grave of the deceased grandfather and grandmother, and then to the grave of the deceased grandfather and my grandmother. I felt very sad to see the sad faces of the adults.Tomb Sweeping Day is a day to remember our ancestors. Through this experience, I found that it is a custom in my hometown that people should bring wine, food, fruits, paper money and other things to the cemetery. Offer food to his relatives' graves, burn paper money to him, cultivate new soil for the cemetery, and then kowtow to worship.清明节的英语作文篇23My hometown is in the beautiful scenery, pleasant climate of the Yellow Sea coast and Lingshan Bay. When the warm spring breeze blows the green land, Qingming Festival is also coming quietly.Qingming rain have, the pedestrian on the road". Qingming is a tradition of thinking of the ancestors of the festival, in the past, in the Qing Ming Festival, people in hometown will burn incense and burn paper before the ancestors' grave, in order toexpress their memory. In the new era, people's ideas are also changing, discarding stereotypes, now more flowers instead of burning incense and burning paper, both environmental and new civilized social atmosphere.In remembering our ancestors' festivals, we should not only recall the brilliant achievements of our ancestors, but also carry them forward.清明节的英语作文篇24Tomb-sweeping Day that day, my mother and I went to the wild side of the river for the passing of Grandpa paper money.Along the way, the Grandpa courteous and accessible face always appeared in my eyes, remember there is a Grandpa take me to the sea fishing boat to play, as I have fun when suddenly a few big wasp, in my head around, I burst into tears, Grandpa see. No, the hands are dry, ran, waving his hands as I drive wasps, finally the Hornet is away, but Grandpa face was stung several... But now you are away from us. Grandpa, I really miss you.After the sacrifice, I picked up a little flower and put it in the river. I wish the little flower would bring endless thoughts to me, hoping that Grandpa would walk in the heaven and grandpa will always live in our hearts.清明节的英语作文篇25April 4th is the Tomb-sweeping Day in China, which is one of the most important traditional festivals. The young people will come back home and sweep tomb with their families. The meaning of Tomb-sweeping Day is to honor the ancestors and it has more than 2500 years' history. Chinese people pay special attention to remember their ancestors, so no matter how far they are, they always know where they are from. When they are old, they will return to the place where they are from. It is a goodtradition.The sense of belonging makes people feel safe. What's more, the relationship between relatives makes the whole family become stronger, because people are united by the same ancestors. Thus, they treat each other as families and give support all the time. What a great tradition it is.清明节的英语作文篇26On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries bees extremely jammed. The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead,then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.清明节的英语作文篇27Qing Ming Jie(All Souls' Day) Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival. Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after清明节的英语作文篇28In April 5th, the sunny calendar is the Qingming Festival in April 5th. Qingming Festival is a festival for us to remember and honor our ancestors. This year, I celebrated my ancestors with my family.First, Grandpa and dad dug two cemetery hats on the grave, my mother and I were responsible for burning paper money. Grandma's task was to cut down the weeds around the grave. Then, my mother and mother marked the clear paper, mother told me to it with clear paper or put it on it with stone, so that the family had come. Finally, we all stand in a row, standing in front of our ancestors' grave, silently praying.I think it's good today! One side can also go outing. Next year's Qingming Festival, I have to come again!清明节的英语作文篇29joozone editors note: qing ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. more important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to ones deceased ancestors and family members. because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, qing ming is a major chinese festival.literally meaning "clear" (qing) and "bright" (ming), this chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. it is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears.chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an etended period, that is, 10 days before and after qing ming day.among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated. 清明节的英语作文篇30Qing Ming Jie(All Souls Day)Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearlydeparted. More imnt, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to ones deceased ancestors anily members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a majornese festival.Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls rly spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, ans an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the gravesheir forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is gin extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among soalect groups a whole month is allocated.清明节的英语作文篇31Joozone Editor"s Note: Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one"s deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day.Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.清明节的英语作文篇32On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed. The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites ofthe dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.清明节的英语作文篇33Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed。
第42卷 第1期吉林大学学报(信息科学版)Vol.42 No.12024年1月Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)Jan.2024文章编号:1671⁃5896(2024)01⁃0137⁃06泛化迁移深度学习下的跨模态图像行人识别算法收稿日期:2022⁃10⁃13基金项目:西安明德理工学院科研基金资助项目(2021XY01L09)作者简介:蔡现龙(1976 ),男,陕西渭南人,西安明德理工学院讲师,主要从事计算机科学与技术研究,(Tel)86⁃189****7386(E⁃mail)2631069053@㊂蔡现龙,李 阳,陈 曦(西安明德理工学院信息工程学院,西安710124)摘要:针对由于受光照条件变化㊁行人身高差异等影响,致使监控视频图像在不同时刻的成像存在较大的跨模态差异问题,为准确识别跨模态图像中的行人,提出基于泛化迁移深度学习的跨模态图像行人识别算法㊂通过循环生成对抗网络(Cyele GAN:Cycle Generative Adversarial Network)形成跨模态图像,采用单目标图像处理对基准图分割处理,得到人体候选区域,在匹配图中搜索和其匹配的区域,得到人体区域的视差,通过视差提取人体区域的深度和透视特征㊂将注意力机制和跨模态行人识别相结合,分析两种不同类型图像的差异,将两个子空间映射到同一个特征空间,同时引入泛化迁移深度学习算法对损失函数度量学习,自动筛选跨模态图像的行人特征,最终通过模态融合模块将筛选的特征融合处理完成行人识别㊂实验结果表明,所提算法可以快速㊁准确地提取不同模态图像中的行人,识别效果较好㊂关键词:泛化迁移深度学习;跨模态图像;行人识别;特征提取中图分类号:TP311文献标志码:APedestrian Recognition Algorithm of Cross⁃Modal Image under Generalized Transfer Deep LearningCAI Xianlong,LI Yang,CHEN Xi(School of Information Engineering,Xi’an Mingde Institute of Technology,Xi’an 710124,China)Abstract :Due to the influence of changes in lighting conditions and pedestrian height differences,there are large cross modal differences in surveillance video images at different times.In order to accurately identify pedestrians in cross modal images,a pedestrian recognition algorithm based on generalized transfer depth learning is proposed.The cross modal image is formed through Cyele GAN(Cycle Generative Adversarial Network),and the reference map is segmented using single object image processing to obtain candidate human body regions.The matching regions are searched in the matching map to obtain the disparity of human body regions,and the depth and perspective features of human body regions are extracted through the disparity.The attention mechanism and cross modal pedestrian recognition are combined to analyze the differences between the two types of images.The two subspaces are mapped to the same feature space.And the generalized migration depth learning algorithm is introduced to learn the loss function measurement,automatically screen the pedestrian features of the cross modal images,and finally complete pedestrian recognition through the modal fusion module to fuse the filtered features.The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can quickly and accurately extract pedestrians from different modal images,and the recognition effect is good.Key words :generalization transfer deep learning;cross⁃modal images;pedestrian recognition;feature extraction0 引 言由于在光照条件较差的环境中对单模态行人识别,无法满足相关领域对行人识别效果的预期要求,因此人们将深度学习技术应用于行人识别[1⁃2]中,并在对应的数据集中取得了较高的识别率㊂由于昼夜光照差异比较明显,导致跨模态的行人识别面临巨大挑战㊂目前人们针对跨模态行人识别方面的研究已有许多报道,如王留洋等[3]优先组建双模态特征提取网络,通过构建的网络对图像深度特征实行提取操作,增强处理全部特征后融合图像的全部像素信息,完成行人识别㊂Oh 等[4]利用多个图像区域(头部㊁身体等)的convnet 特征构建了行人识别框架,从时间和视点两方面分析了不同特征的重要性,利用人脸识别器实现了行人人脸识别㊂郑爱华等[5]采用双路模型提取不同模态下的全局特征,对其实行局部精细化处理,挖掘行人的结构化局部信息;通过标签和预测信息构建跨模态局部信息之间的关联,完成跨模态融合处理,确保各个特征之间相互补充,最终实现行人识别㊂为降低光照等因素引起的图像模态差异对行人识别效果的影响,笔者引入泛化迁移深度学习,提出一种跨模态图像行人识别算法㊂经实验测试结果表明,所提算法能有效降低行人识别时间,提升行人识别结果的准确性㊂1 跨模态图像行人识别模型设计1.1 跨模态图像行人特征提取由于受摄像机角度㊁外部环境等因素影响,使行人视频监控图像产生了较大的模态差异,为此需要将识别的行人视频设定为一个图像集,利用Cyele GAN 生成跨模态图像㊂由于人体的轮廓在图像集中近似为矩形,所以可借助矩形目标检测方法得到人体候选区域㊂优先采用Hough变换方法提取行人的主要图1 人体候选区域获取流程图Fig.1 Flow chart of human body candidate region acquisition 特征信息,通过视知觉分组的灰度分类器和共圆分类器将人体候选区域虚假信息剔除㊂图1给出了人体候选区域获取的详细操作流程图㊂为得到人体候选区域不同区域的特征信息,优先需要获取不同区域的视差㊂在实际操作过程中,采用基于局部约束的像素点区域匹配算法㊂以基准图中待匹配像素点为中心构建一个窗口,通过窗口内相邻像素的灰度值描述图像中的像素特征㊂将基准图中随机一个像素点设定为中心,同时创建多个大小完全一致的滑动窗口,引入搜索策略获取像点图在对准图中对应的像素点,两者之间的差值即为视差㊂块匹配方法[6⁃7]的核心是将基准图待匹配的窗口设定为模板图像,对准图像作为目标图像,对两者实行模板匹配㊂在匹配过程中,主要通过人体候选区域每个灰度间的相关测度描述不同视图间的相关性,如下:D p SSD (h )=∑(u ,w )∈R p R (u ,v )-I m R (u ,v ),(1)其中D p SSD (h )表示视图之间的相关性;R (u ,v )表示跨模态图像的水平偏移量;I m 表示基准图像;R p 表示随机像素对应的块状邻域㊂由于每个候选区域的相关性保持不变,所以需要将目标区域中区域相关性设定为式(1)的形式,进而获取目标区域对应的距离测度,如下:D T SAD (h )=∑(u ,w )∈R p 1R (u ,v )-I m R (u ,v ),(2)其中D T SAD (h )表示各个目标区域之间的距离测度㊂在实际应用过程中,需要消除左右两个视图之间由于光照亮度产生的差异,为此引入零均值方法,将其应用目标匹配过程中,进而获取零均值视图相关性D T ZSAD (h ),如下:831吉林大学学报(信息科学版)第42卷D T ZSAD (h )=∑(u ,w )∈R p R (u ,v )-I m -1R (u ,v )-I m R (u ,v )㊂(3) 通过候选人体区域取代式(2)和式(3)中的目标区域,而候选人体区域的视差可根据外极线约束在经过校正处理后的左右视图中,沿外极线方向搜索目标最小视图相关性D T ZSAD (h ),如下:[D T SAD (h )]min =arg min (u ,w )∈R p [D p SSD (h )-D T ZSAD (h )]㊂(4) 在跨模态图像中,人体和其他物体之间存在明显差异,则跨模态图像可能出现的行人身高最小值为h min ,如下:h min =H -b D T ZSAD (h ),(5)其中H 表示人体候选区域内的深度特征㊂设定人体区域在空间中的真实长度为l ,在采集人体图像的过程中,可通过小孔透视比例得到不同轮廓的特征提取结果:W (u ,v )=(z -h )h 1R (u ,v ),(6)其中z 表示人体候选区域的深度㊂由于跨模态图像中人体候选区域的视差半径和真实人体身高之间存在密切关联,而人体的真实身高可看做是行人的固有特征,设定行人身高的变化范围,则有h min ≤h ≤h max ㊂通过上述分析,利用图2给出跨模态图像行人特征提取流程图㊂图2 跨模态图像行人特征提取流程Fig.2 Flow chart of pedestrian feature extraction from cross⁃modal images 通过人体视觉[8⁃9]可得到人体区域的深度和透视特征,如下:S (u ,v )=1[D T SAD (h )]min R (u ,v )I m ,T (u ,v )={W (u ,v )(z -h )}2I m ìîíïïï,(7)其中S (u ,v )和T (u ,v )分别表示人体区域的深度特征和透视特征㊂1.2 泛化迁移深度学习下的跨模态图像行人识别深度学习中的注意力机制是指重点关注图像的细节信息,忽略没有利用价值的信息,使其在图像领域得到广泛应用,取得了十分显著的成果㊂将通道域思想应用于跨模态图像行人识别中,可以快速获取红绿蓝(RGB:Red,Green and Blue)和相对照度(RI:Relative Illumination)图像两者之间的差异性,进而准确区分不同类型的行人㊂通过SeNet 网络的思想全面引入压缩激活神经网络,其中压缩激活模块主要是利用每个通道之间的关系,学习特征权重,有效增强特征图关键信息的权重比例㊂设定输入特征为F ={f 1,f 2, ,f n },大小为F ∈E (h ,w ,c ),优先对1.1小节得到的特征压缩处理,通过全局池化的方式,将特征图转换为大小完全相同的向量,即全局通道描述符b (u ,v ),如下:b (u ,v )=F (sp )(u ,v ),1W (u ,v )∑m =1∑n =1f n (i ,j {),(8)931第1期蔡现龙,等:泛化迁移深度学习下的跨模态图像行人识别算法其中F (sp )(㊃)表示压缩操作;f n (i ,j )表示通道总数㊂通过两个全连接层得到特征向量u 的计算如下:u =H (u ,v )(i ,j ),β(g (u ,v {)),(9)其中H (u ,v )(㊃)表示激励操作;β表示激活函数;g (u ,v )表示两个全连接层对应的权值矩阵㊂将注意力机制应用于跨模态图像行人识别中,构建基于压缩激活机制的双路径跨模态模型,模型中融入了压缩激活模块,方便后续学习更加具有鲁棒性的特征㊂学习不同模态下的特征,将其映射到对应的子空间中㊂通过上述分析,优先计算行人各个特征之间的欧氏距离,并基于其再次计算即可获取三元组损失函数,如下:K chtri =1F (sp )(u ,v )∑m =1∑n =1f n (i ,j )[max(D (u ,v )-min D (u ,v ))+β],(10)其中K chtri 表示三元组损失函数;D (u ,v )表示相同跨模态图像之间的特征距离㊂将三元组损失函数和身份损失函数两者结合,最终获取综合损失函数如下:K tocal =K chtri +K id ,(11)其中K tocal 表示综合损失函数;K id 表示身份损失函数㊂经上述分析,引入泛化迁移深度学习算法对综合损失函数度量学习,则有:K tocal (u ,v )=(k a ,p -β)K chtri +K id ,(12)其中K tocal (u ,v )表示综合损失函数的度量学习结果;k a ,p 表示超参数㊂对输入的原始图像,通过测试集形成的跨模态图像集并没有得到充分应用,所以需要借助模态融合模块将两种筛选后的特征融合处理,同时将融合后的结果输入到全连接层中,采用SoftMax 损失展开有监督的训练㊂模态融合[10]模块的主要目的是将原始图像和跨模态图像两者有效融合,在设定条件下可利用RGB 图得到丰富的颜色特征,采用RI 图像可得到丰富的纹理特征,如下:L lsr =(1-β)lg{p (k )}-1/K chtri (k a ,p -β),(13)其中L lsr 表示跨模态图像的纹理特征;p (k )表示平滑参数㊂采用模态融合模块融合处理上述提取的特征和式(13)提取的纹理特征,以实现跨模态图像行人识别,如下:Q (u ,v )=1/(1-β){(k a ,p -β)K tocal (u ,v )}f n (i ,j ),(14)其中Q (u ,v )表示跨模态图像的行人识别结果㊂至此,实现跨模态图像行人识别㊂2 实验分析为验证所提泛化迁移深度学习下的跨模态图像行人识别算法的有效性,实验在INRIA Person Dataset 图像库(http:∥pascal.inrialpes.fr /data /human /)中随机选择200幅跨模态图像作为测试图像集,设定图像的大小为256×256像素,优先利用图3给出部分测试图像㊂图3 部分行人测试图像集Fig.3 Part of the pedestrian test image set 041吉林大学学报(信息科学版)第42卷将文献[3⁃4]算法作为所提方法的对比方法,从不同角度对图3所示的行人图像进行测试㊂2.1 实验流程实验计算机配备IntelXeon 6230(2.10GHz)CPU 和32GByte 视频内存的NVIDIA Tesla V100视频卡㊂实验中,文献[3⁃4]算法行人识别流程和参数设置依照其实验最佳参数进行设定㊂笔者算法具体的实验流程如图4所示㊂图4 所提算法识别流程Fig.4 Identification process of the proposed algorithm 2.2 实验结果分析在图3所示的测试图像集上进行实验测试,分析不同算法的识别效果,实验测试结果如图5所示㊂图5 不同算法的跨模态图像行人识别结果对比Fig.5 Comparison of pedestrian recognition results incross⁃modal images by different algorithms 从图5可看出,无论白天还是夜晚,采用所提算法均可准确识别行人,而另外两种算法在比较复杂的场景下只能识别出行人的局部特征信息,出现了漏识和误识现象㊂由此可见,所提算法利用模态融合模块能更好地完成行人识别,且受光照差异造成的模态差异影响较小㊂以相同数据集中不同光照强度的图像作为测试对象,将识别时间作为测试指标,表1给出了具体实验分析结果㊂表1 不同算法的跨模态图像行人识别时间测试结果对比 平均识别时间为1.732s,分别低于另外两种算法的1.79s 和1.85s,全面验证了笔者算法的优势,同时可以更快的速度完成行人识别,受光照影响较小㊂141第1期蔡现龙,等:泛化迁移深度学习下的跨模态图像行人识别算法图6 图像不同视差距离下峰值信噪比数值Fig.6 Peak signal to noise ratio values of images at different parallax distances 以峰值信噪比(PSNR:Peak Singal⁃Noise Ratio)为指标,测试在图像不同视差距离下行人识别的峰值信噪比数值,结果如图6所示㊂从图6可看出,随着视差距离的增大,行人识别图像峰值信噪比数值虽然呈现降低趋势,但降低幅度很小㊂其中笔者方法的峰值信噪比数值始终高于两种对比算法㊂上述结果说明笔者方法将泛化迁移深度学习引入到行人识别中,获取的行人识别结果较完整,表明识别能力较好㊂3 结 语针对行人识别方法受光照㊁视差距离影响产生的模态差异造成识别时间较长以及识别结果不准确的问题,笔者提出一种泛化迁移深度学习下的跨模态图像行人识别算法㊂通过和另外两种算法对比可知,笔者算法可以全面降低行人识别所用时间,同时还能增加识别结果准确性,为后续开展此方面研究提供了重要的策略和理论依据㊂参考文献:[1]祁磊,于沛泽,高阳.弱监督场景下的行人重识别研究综述[J].软件学报,2020,31(9):2883⁃2902.QI L,YU P Z,GAO Y.Research on Weak⁃Supervised Person Re⁃Identification [J].Journal of 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&Testing Technology,2022,48(5):108⁃115.(责任编辑:刘东亮)241吉林大学学报(信息科学版)第42卷。
qing ming英语作文
qing ming英语作文Title: The Significance of Qingming FestivalQingming Festival, also known as Tomb Sweeping Day, is a traditional Chinese holiday deeply rooted in the cultural soil of our nation. It falls on the fifth day of the fourth lunar month, marking the transition from winter to spring and serving as a time for remembering our ancestors and honoring their memory.The festival has a rich historical background. It originated from the ancient custom of ancestor worship, which was a way for the descendants to express their respect and gratitude to their ancestors. On this day, people would visit their ancestors' graves, clean up the tombs, offer sacrifices, and pray for their ancestors' peace and blessings.In addition to ancestor worship, Qingming Festival is also a time for enjoying the beauty of spring. The festival coincides with the blooming of flowers and the budding of new leaves, making it a perfect opportunity for outdoor activities. People often go for spring outings, picnicking, and flying paper lanterns, all of which symbolize the renewal of life and the hope for a better future.Moreover, Qingming Festival is a time for reflection and contemplation. It reminds us of our ancestors' wisdom, virtues, and contributions to our society. It is a time to learn from their examples and carry forward their spirit of hard work, perseverance, and patriotism.In conclusion, Qingming Festival is a unique cultural phenomenon that combines ancestor worship, appreciation of nature, and reflection on life. It is a time for us to honor our ancestors, appreciate the beauty of spring, and reflect on our own lives. As we celebrate this festival, let us remember our ancestors' wisdom and virtues, cherish the beauty of nature, and strive to create a better future for ourselves and our descendants.。
qing ming英语作文
qing ming英语作文英文回答:Qing Ming, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is a traditional Chinese festival that is observed on the 15th day of the 4th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar. The festival is a time to honor and remember deceased ancestors and loved ones.On Qing Ming, people typically visit the graves oftheir deceased family members and friends. They clean the graves, offer food and drink, and burn incense. They also plant flowers and trees around the graves. In some areas, people also release paper lanterns into the sky as a way to guide the spirits of the dead.Qing Ming is a time for reflection and remembrance. It is a time to think about the lives of those who have passed away and to appreciate the memories that they have left behind. It is also a time to celebrate the renewal of lifeand the coming of spring.中文回答:清明节,又称扫墓节,是中国传统节日,在农历四月十五日举行。
Qing Ming Festival
The Qing Ming festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Qing Ming Festival 清明节时节阳光明媚,树和草变成绿 色,自然恢复活力。
Qing Ming Festival
This day is devoted to honoring relatives who died. The graves of deceased relatives are swept and tended. The memory of the dead is cherished and offering of food may be made.
Qing Ming Festival
牧借路清︵清 童问上明唐 遥指 酒 行 时 ︶ 明 杏 家 人 节 杜牧 花 何 欲断 雨 村 处 魂 纷︐ ︒有︒ ︖
Qing Ming Festival
1.重点词汇及短语 2.文章导读
重点词汇及短语(Key words and phrases)
1.falls on(在,落在) 2.it is known as(它被称为) Qing Ming Festival 3.is devoted to (致力于) 4.In contrast to(与……相反) 5.spring outings(春游)
《清明》 --(唐)杜牧 清明时节雨纷纷 ,
文章导读(Article introduction)
中国人民大学2003年统考硕士生复试基本要求学科门类复试线120%01哲学310,50,9002经济学330,54,81,9003法学(一)法学院、国关学院340,55,9003法学(二)社会学系330,54,9003法学(三)党史、人口、马列320,54,9004教育学330,55,9005文学(一)0503新闻学350,57,9005文学(二)中文系340,54,9005文学(三)外语、对外语言学院320,54,9006历史学310,50,9007理学310,50,75,9008工学310,50,75,9009管理学320,54,81,90MBA290,230,50,100法硕330,55,90中国人民大学2004年统考、联考硕士生复试基本要求学科门类考生分数线01哲学50,50,100,100,33502经济学(一)经济、劳人、商学、人口55,55,90,90,335(二)国管、财金、统计、国关、公管、土管、信息、环境、区域55,55,85,90,33003法学(一)[0301]法学(两线皆可)(一)60,60,90,90,340(二)55,55,90,90,360(二)[0302]国关、档案,不含030203、030204、03020560,60,90,90,350(三)[0303]、030203(科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动)、030204(中共党史)、030205(马克思主义理论与思想政治教育)55,55,90,90,34504教育学55,55,90,90,33505文学(一)0501中文0503新闻55,55,90,90,345(二)0502外语60,60,90,90,350(三)0504艺术学50,44,90,90,31006历史学50,50,90,90,34007理学50,50,75,90,31008工学50,50,75,90,310含管理科学与工程12管理学(不含管理科学与工程)(一)档案55,55,90,90,345(二)劳人、土管、公管、环境、商学、农经、行政、教科55,55,90,90,330法硕55,55,90,90,335MBA50,50,100,50,240,300中国人民大学2005硕士研究生复试分数线学科门类政治外语专业一专业二总分01哲学60551001003406055909035002经济学6055901003356055909036503法学、政治学606010010035060609090365社会学6055909035004教育学605590903200501中文学605690903500502外文学606090903300503新闻学6065100100365606090903700504艺术学5550909034006历史学605090 9033007理学6050759031008工学5550758030012管理学(不含管理科学与工程)606090100340和60609090355120100管理科学与工程55507580300法硕60559090340MBA55115180中国人民大学2006年硕士生入学考试复试分数线学科门类一级学科分数(政治,外语,专一,专二)总分01哲学60,55,90,9035002经济学60,60,90,9035503法学60,60,90,9036004教育学60,60,90,9035005文学60,60,90,903500504文学艺术学60,50,90,9034006历史学60,55,90,9035007理学60,50,90,9032008工学60,50,90,9032012管理学60,60,90,90365法律硕士60,60,90,90355MBA115,551902007年中国人民大学硕士生入学考试复试分数线学科门类分数(政治,外语,专一,专二)总分01哲学50,50,90,9032002经济学56,56,90,9034503法学53,53,90,9034004教育学50,50,18031005文学50,50,90,9034006历史学50,50,18031007理学45,45,90,9030508工学45,45,90,9030510医学50,50,18031012管理学56,56,90,90345MPA50,50,180300MBA115,55190西部线:110,50185法硕57,57,90,90340中国人民大学2008年硕士生入学考试复试基本要求学科门类分数线(政治,外语,专一,专二,总分)01哲学5555909034002经济学6060909036003法学6060909034504教育学606018034505艺术学50509090330文学6060909034506历史学505018031007理学4545909030508工学4545909030510医学505018031012管理学60609090355MBA12060190法硕60609090360MPA5555180320西藏单考汉族:35355050少数民族:30304040少数民族骨干计划线:30304545240文件规定:非在职不超过50%汉族不超过10%硕士留学生分数线:5080802402008年中国人民大学考研复试复试分数线学科门类分数线(政治,外语,专一,专二,总分)01哲学5555909034002经济学6060909036003法学6060909034504教育学606018034505艺术学50509090330文学6060909034506历史学5050180310 07理学45459090305 08工学45459090305 10医学5050180310 12管理学60609090355 MBA12060190法硕60609090360MPA5555180320西藏单考汉族:35355050少数民族:30304040少数民族骨干计划线:30304545240文件规定:非在职不超过50%汉族不超过10%硕士留学生分数线:5080802420020099年中国人民大学考研复试复试分数线说明:1、各院系可根据生源情况上调分数线。
关键词:《日本灵异记》;食人鬼;夜叉;食人蛮族中图分类号:I106文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-0438(2019)08-0064-04(渤海大学外国语学院辽宁锦州121013)虽说,中日两国对《日本灵异记》(后简称为《灵异记》)的考证取得了重要进展,但与中卷第卅三缘相关的研究仍不多,对其进行专门论述的文章则要更少。
During the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Ho traveled to India and even Arabia.
E. Napp
Zheng Ho
• Early Ming rulers sponsored great naval expeditions. • Zheng Ho was an admiral of the Chinese navy.
• This ethnocentric attitude eventually led to a policy of isolationism. • Due to ethnocentrism, Chinese emperors eventually halted naval expeditions.
• The Mings restored Chinese rule to the Chinese. The Mings replaced the Mongol rulers. • Chinese art and literature flourished.
E. Napp
Ming rulers constructed a magnificent Imperial Palace in Beijing.
E. Napp
• He even traveled to India and Arabia.
E. Napp
Compare Zheng Ho’s ship to Columbus’ ship.
E. Napp
Chinese Ethnocentrism
• However, the Chinese looked down upon Europeans as barbarians, lacking the civilized ways of the “Middle Kingdom”.
清明节的一天英语作文50字英文回答:Clear and Bright Day (Qing Ming Festival)。
The Chinese Qing Ming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day or Ancestors' Day, is a time to honor and remember our deceased loved ones. It is a day to visittheir graves, tidy up their tombstones, and make offerings of food, flowers, and incense.Qing Ming Festival is observed on the 15th day of the third month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, which usually falls in early April. This year, Qing Ming Festival will be celebrated on April 5th.The origins of Qing Ming Festival can be traced back to ancient Chinese traditions of ancestor worship and nature worship. During the Han Dynasty (206 BCE 220 CE), the festival was known as "Hanshi," or "Cold Food Day." On thisday, people were forbidden from lighting fires, and instead ate cold food as a form of mourning.Over time, Qing Ming Festival evolved into a day of both mourning and celebration. It is a time to remember our departed loved ones, but also to celebrate the beauty of spring and the renewal of life.On Qing Ming Festival, people typically visit the graves of their ancestors. They will clean the gravesites, offer food and flowers, and burn incense. Some people may also leave paper money or other offerings as a way to show respect and remember their loved ones.In addition to visiting graves, people may also participate in other activities on Qing Ming Festival, such as flying kites, playing tug-of-war, or eating traditional Qing Ming foods.Qing Ming Festival is an important holiday in China, and it is a time for families and communities to come together to honor their ancestors and celebrate the arrivalof spring.中文回答:清明节。
78SEPTEMBER · 2O13EXHIBITHailing from Qingtian, a county known as the “home of stone carving,” Ye Keqing, now chairman of the SwedenChinese Association, has been immersed in stone carving culture since childhood. After Lin Rukui, a stone carving master, became his father-in-law, Ye became an even more qualified candidate to inherit Qingtian stone carving art.One of China’s four best stones for seals, Qingtian rock is mainly produced in Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province. Char-acterized by elaborate designs and delicate craftsmanship, Qingtian stone carvings are widely acclaimed, often referred to as embroidery on stone.Ye left for Sweden in 1979. Starting as a busser in a restaurant, he made 20 years of unremitting efforts which culminated in the founding of Ye Industrial Corporation, which now encompasses trade companies, retail chain stores and real estate firms. Armed with ample money and overflow -ing passion for stone carvings, Ye became a collector of the art form. He returns to Qingtian several times every year. When-ever he returns, he makes a b-line for the county’s stone carving stores and work-shops. When he sets eyes on work he likes, Ye purchases it at once. He also befriends carvers and discusses the skills with them. Ye has become so popular among the art-ists for his sincerity and generosity thatSet in StoneText by Wu Ping and Yao Xudongthey started recommending top-of-the-line work to enhance his collection. After decades of collecting, Ye now owns over 1,500 stone carvings, including some price-less pieces such as Good Harvest , Cradle of the Spring and Spring Returns .Despite his age passing 70, Ye contin-ues sparing no efforts to promote Qingtian stone carving culture. This September, Ye exhibited some of Qingtian’s best stone carving work in Stockholm’s Millesgarden for the 2013 Sweden China Festival. Ye plans to build a stone carving museum to house his collection, with hopes that such a museum would provide a platform to draw members of the younger generation to Qingtian stone carving.Two Dragons Playing with a Ball , in-spired by a popular Chinese design.Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.Temple Hidden in the MountainCharm of AutumnGrapeCopyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.79C H I N A P I C T O R I A L。
第38卷 第1期Vol.38 No.1 中州大学学报JOURNAL OF ZHONGZHOU UNIVERSITY 2021年2月Feb.2021 基于大数据架构的智能交通可视化平台设计于志青(河南警察学院交通管理工程系,河南郑州450046)收稿日期:2020-11-28基金项目:2019年度河南警察学院院级科研项目“公安大数据在交通管理中的应用研究”(HNJY-2019-35);2018年度河南省科技攻关项目“基于视频图像特征的人脸模拟画像检索技术及应用”(182102210040)作者简介:于志青(1970—),女,河南巩义人,硕士,河南警察学院交通管理工程系副教授,研究方向为:交通管理与安全。
摘 要:利用大数据技术、地理信息技术、数据可视化技术等,构建智能交通可视化平台,给出平台的总体架构、技术架构,并对平台的功能进行了设计。
关键词:大数据;智能交通;可视化DOI:10.13783/j.cnki.cn41-1275/g4.2021.01.022中图分类号:U495;TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-3715(2021)01-0120-041 引言随着社会经济的发展,机动车保有量不断上升,城市交通路网、高速公路及其他公路不断扩展,公安交通管理部门的任务日益繁重,需要处理的信息量越来越大。
今天小编就与大家分享清明节英语,仅供大家参考!篇一:英语作文清明节Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.去年清明节,我回家拜访我的祖父。
基于大数据的燃机电厂性能诊断与设备预警系统发布时间:2021-12-15T08:59:20.848Z 来源:《中国电气工程学报》2021年8期作者:罗肖1,赖菲2,吴涛2[导读] 研发大数据燃机电厂性能诊断与设备预警系统,可对现场采集到的燃气发电机组原始生产运行参数及设备管理信息进行数据融合与大数据分罗肖1,赖菲2,吴涛2国家电投集团广东电力有限公司,广东广州,510710 西安热工研究院有限公司,陕西西安 710054摘要:研发大数据燃机电厂性能诊断与设备预警系统,可对现场采集到的燃气发电机组原始生产运行参数及设备管理信息进行数据融合与大数据分析,给出燃机机组性能诊断与设备状态预警模型及算法。
关键词:燃机机组;性能诊断;设备预警0 引言目前,国内对燃机机组进行性能诊断时,主要参考机组额定工况的设计参数或根据机组历史的运行经验,但实际运行中,机组大部份时间处于非额定工况,参数偏离、设备劣化等因素对机组性能的影响将随负荷状况、运行工况、气象参数变化而变化,目前尚缺乏有效评价燃机机组运行水平和能量损失的定量诊断技术方法。
1 系统应用功能基于大数据的燃机电站性能诊断及设备预警系统需要实现的主要功能有:性能计算、性能分析、性能诊断、设备预警等。
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