Object Oriented Programming in C




面向对象的编程名词解释面向对象编程(Object-oriented programming,简称OOP)是一种编程范式,它将程序结构化为对象的集合,每个对象都可以接受消息、处理数据以及与其他对象进行交互。


以下是一些与面向对象编程相关的常见名词解释:1. 类(Class):类是面向对象编程中的模板,它定义了对象的属性和方法。


2. 对象(Object):对象是类的实例化,它具有类定义的属性和方法。

3. 属性(Property):属性是对象的特征或数据,可以是基本类型(如整数、字符串等)或其他对象。

4. 方法(Method):方法是类中定义的操作或行为,它可以访问和修改对象的属性。

5. 继承(Inheritance):继承是面向对象编程的一个重要概念,它允许一个类继承另一个类的属性和方法。


6. 多态(Polymorphism):多态是指同一个方法可以在不同的类中具有不同的实现。


7. 封装(Encapsulation):封装是将数据和对数据的操作封装在对象中,通过访问器方法来控制对属性的访问和修改。


8. 抽象(Abstraction):抽象是将复杂的现实世界问题简化为模型或类的过程。


9. 接口(Interface):接口是一种抽象类型,它定义了类应该实现的方法。


10. 消息传递(Message Passing):消息传递是对象之间进行通信的一种方式,一个对象通过向另一个对象发送消息来请求执行某个操作。




美国计算机考试题型及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is an example of a high-level programming language?A) HTMLB) Assembly languageC) Machine codeD) Python答案:D) Python2. What is the purpose of an operating system?A) To provide physical protection for the computerB) To manage computer hardware and software resourcesC) To execute application programsD) To generate output for the user答案:B) To manage computer hardware and software resources3. Which of the following is NOT a data type in Python?A) IntegerB) StringC) BooleanD) FloatE) Array答案:E) Array4. What does RAM stand for?A) Random Access MemoryB) Read-Only MemoryC) Run-As-ManagedD) Remote Access Module答案:A) Random Access Memory5. What is the purpose of a firewall?A) To prevent unauthorized access to a networkB) To store and organize dataC) To connect multiple computers togetherD) To create and edit documents答案:A) To prevent unauthorized access to a network二、填空题1. The process of converting source code into machine code is called _________.答案:compilation2. The term __________ refers to a single executable unit of a program.答案:function3. In object-oriented programming, _________ is the process of creatinga new instance of a class.答案:instantiation4. The _________ command is used in the command line interface to change the current directory.答案:cd5. A __________ is a collection of related data items that can be accessed individually or as a whole.答案:array三、编程题题目:写一个函数,接受一个整数参数n,返回从1到n的所有偶数。




面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种编程范式,它将计算机程序模块化,以对象作为程序设计的基本单元进行组织和设计。















面向对象编程的设计和实现分析面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种编程范式,它由一个或多个对象组成,对象之间相互协作来实现一定的功能。



一、面向对象编程的特点面向对象编程具有以下特点:1. 抽象:面向对象编程将对象抽象为一种概念或实体,与具体实例相对应。


2. 封装:面向对象编程将对象的数据和方法封装在一个类中,从而实现数据的保护和程序的安全性。


3. 继承:面向对象编程通过继承来实现代码的重用和功能的扩展,使得程序更加灵活和易于维护。

4. 多态:面向对象编程的多态能力使得不同的对象能够调用相同的方法,从而实现了更加灵活和易于扩展的程序设计和实现。

二、面向对象编程的优势面向对象编程具有以下优势:1. 代码的重用性:面向对象编程通过继承和多态的方式实现了代码的重用,使得程序更加灵活和易于维护。

2. 代码的可扩展性:面向对象编程的多态和封装能力使得程序更加易于扩展和修改,从而减少了代码的维护成本。

3. 代码的安全性:面向对象编程的封装能力可以保护数据的安全性,使得程序更加安全可靠。

4. 程序的可读性:面向对象编程的抽象能力使得代码更加简洁,易于阅读和理解。

三、面向对象编程的实现面向对象编程的实现需要遵循以下步骤:1. 建立对象模型:首先需要分析程序的需求,建立一个对象模型。

2. 设计类和接口:在建立对象模型的基础上,需要设计具体的类和接口,在类和接口中定义对象的数据和方法。

3. 实现类和接口:设计完类和接口之后,需要具体实现类和接口,从而完成程序的实现。

4. 调试和测试:完成具体的程序实现之后,需要进行调试和测试,以确保程序的正确性和有效性。



Object- Oriented ProgrammingC++主讲成长生东华大学计算机科学与技术学院第一章概述§1.1 面向对象程序设计的基本思想C++是基于C语言发展的, 又冲破C语言局限的面向对象的程序设计语言。

它与Java语言都作为当前计算机科学的主流语言, 越来越受到用户的欢迎。

要弄清楚什么是面向对象的程序设计, 首先了解和回顾传统的( Pascal( 或C) ) 结构化程序设计方法及其设计思想、程序结构及特点。

SP(Structure Programming)是60年代诞生的针对当时爆发的所谓”软件危机”, 为此发展形成了现代软件工程学的基础。

SP的总的设计思想是:.自顶向下、层次化.逐步求精、精细化程序结构是按功能划分基本模块的树型结构, 使模块间的关系尽可能简单独立。

因此SP的程序的基本特点是:.按层次组织模块( 战略上划分战役).每一模块只有一个入口, 一个出口.代码和数据分离( 程序=数据结构+算法)归纳得到: SP把数据和过程( 代码、函数) 分离为相互独立的实体, 用数据代表问题空间中的客体借以表示实际问题中的信息; 程序代码则用来处理加工这些数据。

程序员在编程时, 必须时刻考虑所要处理的数据结构和类型。

对不同的数据格式即使要作同样的处理计算, 或者要对相同的数据格式作不同的处理都必须编写不同的程序( 如两个整型数和两个浮点数相加) 。

这样的编程方法, 即传统的SP方法设计出来的程序或系统其可重用的成分很少。

其次把数据和代码作为不同的分离实体时, 总存在着用错误的数据调用正确的程序模块, 或用正确的数据调用错误的程序模块的危险, 从而使数据与程序始终保持兼容, 已成为程序员的一个沉重的负担。

在开发一个大型软件课题中, 当工程进入到后期若用户改变了方案要求, 很容易使技术人员的前期工作受到摧毁性的打击, 使其前功尽弃。

为克服以上的弊端或者该SP方法难以控制处理的矛盾而产生了面向对象程序设计方法, 即Object -Oriented Programming――OOP。



C语言面向对象编程及其实现方法在计算机编程领域,面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种常用的编程范式。
















通过使用函数指针和回调函数,可以在C语言中实现类似于虚函数(virtual function)和多态的功能。







面向对象程序设计思想面向对象程序设计(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种以对象为中心的编程范式,它将现实世界中的事物抽象为对象,并通过对象之间的交互来实现程序的运行。
























面向对象程序设计面向对象程序设计(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种编程范式,它使用“对象”来设计软件。



















面向对象的优势- 代码重用:通过继承和多态性,可以减少代码重复。

- 易于维护:封装和抽象使得修改系统的一部分不会影响其他部分。

- 模块化:系统被分解为独立的模块,每个模块负责特定的功能。

- 可扩展性:系统可以容易地扩展新功能,而不需要重写现有代码。



面向对象编程与面向过程编程的比较面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)和面向过程编程(Procedural Programming)是两种主流的编程范式。
























国外将c面向对象的书以下是一些关于C语言面向对象编程的书籍推荐:1. "Object-Oriented Programming in C" by Robert Lafore - 这本书介绍了如何在C语言中实现面向对象的编程范式,涵盖了类、对象、继承、多态等概念。

2. "Programming in C++ for Engineering and Science" by Larry Nyhoff - 这本书不仅介绍了C++语言的基本概念和语法,还重点关注了面向对象编程的应用,涵盖了类、对象、继承、多态等主题。

3. "C++ Primer" by Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, and BarbaraE. Moo - 这本书是C++语言的经典教材,其中包含了丰富的面向对象编程的内容,从基础概念到高级特性都有覆盖。

4. "Object-Oriented Programming in ANSI-C" by Axel-Tobias Schreiner - 这本书是针对C语言编程者的面向对象编程入门指南,教授如何在C语言中使用结构体、指针和函数指针等技术实现面向对象编程。

5. "Data Structures and Algorithms in C++" by Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, and David M. Mount - 这本书主要关注数据结构和算法,但也涵盖了C++语言中的面向对象编程概念和实践。





面向对象程序设计(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)是一种编程范式,它主张将现实世界的对象抽象为具有数据和行为的程序实体。

C++ 是一种广泛使用的面向对象编程语言,其特点是将 C 语言的程序结构扩展为包含面向对象的特性。

C++ 的面向对象编程核心概念包括:1. 类(Class):类是对象的抽象表示,定义了一组包括数据和方法的结构。


class MyClass {// 成员变量和成员函数的声明};1. 对象(Object):是类的一个实例,具有由类定义的数据和方法。


MyClass obj1;MyClass obj2;1. 封装(Encapsulation):封装是将对象的内部结构(数据和方法)与外部环境隔离,提供一种访问和修改对象数据的安全机制。

// 使用 private 和 public 限定符实现封装class MyClass {private:int data;public:void setData(int d) {data = d;}int getData() {return data;}};1. 继承(Inheritance):继承是面向对象编程中重用代码的一种方法,通过继承,一个类可以从另一个类派生出子类,并从基类继承成员变量和成员函数。

class Parent {// 基类(父类)的定义};class Child : public Parent {// 派生类(子类)的定义};1. 多态(Polymorphism):多态是指基类的指针或引用可以指向派生类的对象,并调用派生类重写的虚函数。

class Base {public:virtual void func() {std::cout << "Base::func()" << std::endl;}};class Derived : public Base {public:void func() override {std::cout << "Derived::func()" << std::endl;}};Base* pObj = new Derived;pObj->func(); // 输出 "Derived::func()"以上简要介绍了 C++ 中面向对象程序设计的几个核心概念。



面向对象程序设计基础知识面向对象程序设计(Object-oriented programming,简称OOP)是一种让计算机程序更具可维护性、可扩展性和可重用性的编程范式。

























面向对象程序设计(Object-Oriented Programming, OOP)是一种程序设计思想,它强调将运行时环境中的对象与抽象出来的对象类型(或称为类)进行结合,以此来节约编程的工作量并提高程序的可操作性。












推荐一些C++的好书:1、《The C Programming language》(Keinighan & Dennis Ritchie 1988)2、《The C++ Programming Languague》特别版(Bjarne Stroustrup)3、《C++ primer》第三版(Stanley Lippmans)4、《Inside The C++ Object Model》(同上)5、《Effective C++》(Scott Meyers)6、《More Effective C++》(同上)7、《Exceptional C++》(Herb Sutter)8、《 C++标准程序库》(Nicolai M.Josuttis))9、《Exceptional C++ Style》(Herb Sutter)10、《C++面向对象高效编程》(C++ Effective Object-Oriented Software Construction)11、《面向对象软件构造(Object-Oriented Software Construction)》12、《设计模式》(Design Patterns)13、看《Thinking In C++》不要看《C++变成死相》;14、一定要看《Thinking In C++》第二卷;15、《 C++ FAQs》(Marshall Cline, Greg Lomow)16、《 C++ Templates》(David Vandevoorde , Nicolai M.Josuttis)17、读《The Standard C++ Bible》(中文版:标准C++宝典),掌握C++标准;21、《深入浅出MFC》(侯捷)22、《STL 源码剖析》(侯捷)23、《高质量程序设计指南——C++/C 》2nd (林锐韩永泉)24、《C++ 程序设计教程》2nd(钱能)25、《The Design and Evolution of C++》(Bjarne Stroustrup)26、《面向对象编程C++和Java比较教程》(Aviansh C Kak)27、《Essential COM 》28、《COM 技术内幕》29、《软件需求》30、《Object-Oriented Programming in C++》(Nicolai M.Josuttis)31、《泛型编程与STL》 Matthew H.Austern 著侯捷译34、看《程序设计实践》,并严格的按照其要求去做;总之,《深入C++系列》、《图灵丛书》和《C和C++实务精选》,这三套丛书,本本精彩.充分利用MSDN,因为它胜过任何一本编程参考书;MSDN是Microsoft提供的有关编程信息的最全面的资源,它包含微软最新的技术数据库,加上易学易用的全文检索功能,让您迅速找到任何您需要的技术参考数据,让您随时拥有与全世界菁英同步的技术,掌握最丰富的程序开发资源。






一、面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)面向对象编程是一种将程序中的操作与数据进行组合的编程范式。




面向对象编程的主要特点包括:1. 封装:将数据和操作封装在对象中,防止外部直接访问和修改。

2. 继承:通过继承机制,一个类可以继承另一个类的属性和方法,提高代码的复用性。

3. 多态:同一方法在不同的对象上可以有不同的实现,提供了更灵活的代码设计方式。


二、函数式编程(Functional Programming,简称FP)函数式编程是一种以函数为主要构造单元的编程模式。




函数式编程的主要特点包括:1. 不可变性:函数式编程中的数据是不可变的,函数只会返回新的数据,而不会改变原始数据。

2. 引用透明性:同样的输入得到同样的输出,函数没有副作用。

3. 高阶函数:函数可以作为参数传递给其他函数,也可以作为返回值返回。




Object-Oriented ProgrammingObject-oriented programming is based on three fundamental concepts: data abstraction, inheritance, and dynamic binding. In C++ we use classes for data abstraction and class derivation to inherit one class from another: A derived class inherits the members of its base class(es). Dynamic binding lets the compiler determine at run time whether to use a function defined in the base or derived class.Inheritance and dynamic binding streamline our programs in two ways: They make it easier to define new classes that are similar, but not identical, to other classes, and they make it easier for us to write programs that can ignore the details of how those similar types differ.。

Many applications are characterized by concepts that are related but slightly different. For example, our bookstore might offer different pricing strategies for different books. Some books might be sold only at a given price. Others might be sold subject to some kind of discount strategy. We might give a discount to purchasers who buy a specified number of copies of the book. Or we might give a discount for only the first few copies purchased but charge full price for any bought beyond a given limit.Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a good match to this kind of application. Through inheritance we can define types that model the different kinds of books. Through dynamic binding we can write applications that use these types but that can ignore the type-dependent differences.The ideas of inheritance and dynamic binding are conceptually simple but have profound implications for how we build our applications and for the features that programming languages must support. Before covering how C++ supports OOP, we'll look at the concepts that are fundamental to this style of programming.An OverviewThe key idea behind OOP is polymorphism. Polymorphism is derived from a Greek word meaning "many forms." We speak of types related by inheritance as polymorphic types, because in many cases we can use the "many forms" of a derived or base type interchangeably. As we'll see, in C++, polymorphism applies only to references or pointers to types related by inheritance.InheritanceInheritance lets us define classes that model relationships among types, sharing what is common and specializing only that which is inherently different. Members defined by the base class are inherited by its derived classes. The derived class can use, without change, those operations that do not depend on the specifics of the derived type. It can redefine those member functions that do depend on its type, specializing the function to take into account the peculiarities of the derived type. Finally, a derived class may define additional members beyond those it inherits from its base class.Classes related by inheritance are often described as forming an inheritance hierarchy. There is one class, referred to as the root, from which all the other classes inherit, directly or indirectly. In our bookstore example, we will define a base class, which we'll name Item_base, to represent undiscounted books. From Item_base we will inherit a second class, which we'll name Bulk_item, to represent books sold with a quantity discount.At a minimum, these classes will define the following operations:● an operation named book that will return the ISBN● an operation named net_price that returns the price for purchasinga specified number of copies of a bookClasses derived from Item_base will inherit the book function without change: The derived classes have no need to redefine what it means to fetch the ISBN. On the other hand, each derived class will need to define its own version of the net_price function to implement an appropriate discount pricing strategy.In C++, a base class must indicate which of its functions it intends for its derived classes to redefine. Functions defined as virtual are ones that the base expects its derived classes to redefine. Functions that the base class intends its children to inherit are not defined as virtual.Given this discussion, we can see that our classes will define three (const) member functions:• A nonvirtual function, std::string book(), that returns the ISBN.It will be defined by Item_base and inherited by Bulk_item.•Two versions of the virtual function, double net_price(size_t), to return the total price for a given number of copies of a specificbook. Both Item_base and Bulk_item will define their own versions of this function.Dynamic BindingDynamic binding lets us write programs that use objects of any type in an inheritance hierarchy without caring about the objects' specific types. Programs that use these classes need not distinguish between functions defined in the base or in a derived class.For example, our bookstore application would let a customer select several books in a single sale. When the customer was done shopping, the application would calculate the total due. One part of figuring the final bill would be to print for each book purchased a line reporting the total quantity and sales price for that portion of the purchase.We might define a function named print_total to manage this part of the application. The print_total function, given an item and a count, should print the ISBN and the total price for purchasing the given number of copies of that particular book. The output of this function should look like:ISBN: 0-201-54848-8 number sold: 3 total price: 98ISBN: 0-201-82470-1 number sold: 5 total price: 202.5Our print_total function might look something like the following:// calculate and print price for given number of copies, applying any discountsvoid print_total(ostream &os,const Item_base &item, size_t n){os << "ISBN: " << item.book() // calls Item_base::book<< "\tnumber sold: " << n << "\ttotal price: "// virtual call: which version of net_price to call is resolved at run time<< _price(n) << endl;}The function's work is trivial: It prints the results of calling book and net_price on its item parameter. There are two interesting things about this function.First, even though its second parameter is a reference to Item_base, we can pass either an Item_base object or a Bulk_item object to this function.Second, because the parameter is a reference and the net_price function is virtual, the call to net_price will be resolved at run time. The version of net_price that is called will depend on the type of the argument passed to print_total. When the argument to print_total is a Bulk_item, the version of net_price that is run will be the one defined in Bulk_item that applies a discount. If the argument is an Item_base object, then the call will be to the version defined by Item_base.C++, dynamic binding happens when a virtual function is called through a reference (or a pointer) to a base class. The fact that a reference (or pointer) might refer to either a base- or a derived-class object is the key to dynamic binding. Calls to virtual functions made through a reference (or pointer) are resolved at run time: The function that is called is the one defined by the actual type of the object to which the reference (or pointer) refers.Defining Base and Derived ClassesIn many ways, base and derived classes are defined like other classes we have already seen. However, there are some additional features that are required when defining classes in an inheritance hierarchy. This section will present those features. Subsequent sections will see how use of these features impacts classes and the programs we write using inherited classes.Defining a Base ClassLike any other class, a base class has data and function members that define its interface and implementation. In the case of our (very simplified) bookstore pricing application, our Item_base class defines the book and net_price functions and needs to store an ISBN and the standard price for the book:// Item sold at an undiscounted price// derived classes will define various discount strategiesclass Item_base {public:Item_base(const std::string &book = "",double sales_price = 0.0):isbn(book), price(sales_price) { }std::string book() const { return isbn; }// returns total sales price for a specified number of items // derived classes will override and apply different discount algorithmsvirtual double net_price(std::size_t n) const{ return n * price; }virtual ~Item_base() { }private:std::string isbn; // identifier for the itemprotected:double price; // normal, undiscounted price};For the most part, this class looks like others we have seen. It defines a constructor along with the functions we have already described. That constructor uses default arguments (Section 7.4.1, p. 253), which allows it to be called with zero, one, or two arguments. It initializes the data members from these arguments.The new parts are the protected access label and the use of the virtual keyword on the destructor and the net_price function. We'll explain virtual destructors in Section 15.4.4 (p. 587), but for now it is worth noting that classes used as the root class of an inheritance hierarchy generally define a virtual destructor.Base-Class Member FunctionsThe Item_base class defines two functions, one of which is preceded by the keyword virtual. The purpose of the virtual keyword is to enable dynamic binding. By default, member functions are nonvirtual. Calls to nonvirtual functions are resolved at compile time. To specify that a function is virtual, we precede its return type by the keyword virtual. Any nonstatic member function, other than a constructor, may be virtual. The virtual keyword appears only on the member-function declaration inside the class. The virtual keyword may not be used on a function definition that appears outside the class body.Access Control and InheritanceIn a base class, the public and private labels have their ordinary meanings: User code may access the public members and may not access theprivate members of the class. The private members are accessible only to the members and friends of the base class. A derived class has the same access as any other part of the program to the public and private members of its base class: It may access the public members and has no access to the private members.Sometimes a class used as a base class has members that it wants to allow its derived classes to access, while still prohibiting access to those same members by other users. The protected access label is used for such members. A protected member may be accessed by a derived object but may not be accessed by general users of the type.Our Item_base class expects its derived classes to redefine the net_price function. To do so, those classes will need access to the price member. Derived classes are expected to access isbn in the same way as ordinary users: through the book access function. Hence, the isbn member is private and is inaccessible to classes that inherit from Item_base.protected MembersThe protected access label can be thought of as a blend of private and public:●Like private members, protected members are inaccessible to usersof the class.●Like public members, the protected members are accessible to classesderived from this class.In addition, protected has another important property:A derived object may access the protected members of its base class only through a derived object. The derived class has no special access to the protected members of base type objects.As an example, let's assume that Bulk_item defines a member function that takes a reference to a Bulk_item object and a reference to an Item_base object. This function may access the protected members of its own object as well as those of its Bulk_item parameter. However, it has no special access to the protected members in its Item_base parameter:void Bulk_item::memfcn(const Bulk_item &d, const Item_base &b){// attempt to use protected memberdouble ret = price; // ok: uses this->priceret = d.price; // ok: uses price from a Bulk_item objectret = b.price; // error: no access to price from an Item_base }The use of d.price is okay, because the reference to price is through an object of type Bulk_item. The use of b.price is illegal because Bulk_item has no special access to objects of type Item_base.Derived ClassesTo define a derived class, we use a class derivation list to specify the base class(es). A class derivation list names one or more base classes and has the formclass classname: access-label base-classwhere access-label is one of public, protected, or private, and base-class is the name of a previously defined class. As we'll see, a derivation list might name more than one base class. Inheritance from a single base class is most common and is the topic of this chapter.We'll have more to say about the access label used in a derivation list in Section 15.2.5 (p. 570). For now, what's useful to know is that the access label determines the access to the inherited members. When we want to inherit the interface of a base class, then the derivation should be public.A derived class inherits the members of its base class and may define additional members of its own. Each derived object contains two parts: those members that it inherits from its base and those it defines itself. Typically, a derived class (re)defines only those aspects that differ from or extend the behavior of the base.Defining a Derived ClassIn our bookstore application, we will derive Bulk_item from Item_base, so Bulk_item will inherit the book, isbn, and price members. Bulk_item must redefine its net_price function and define the data members needed for that operation:// discount kicks in when a specified number of copies of same book are sold// the discount is expressed as a fraction used to reduce the normal priceclass Bulk_item : public Item_base {public:// redefines base version so as to implement bulk purchase discount policydouble net_price(std::size_t) const;private:std::size_t min_qty; // minimum purchase for discount to apply double discount; // fractional discount to apply};Each Bulk_item object contains four data elements: It inherits isbn and price from Item_base and defines min_qty and discount. These latter two members specify the minimum quantity and the discount to apply once that number of copies are purchased.Derived Classes and virtual FunctionsOrdinarily, derived classes redefine the virtual functions that they inherit, although they are not requried to do so. If a derived class does not redefine a virtual, then the version it uses is the one defined in its base class.A derived type must include a declaration for each inherited member it intends to redefine. Our Bulk_item class says that it will redefine the net_price function but will use the inherited version of book.Public, Private, and Protected InheritanceAccess to members defined within a derived class is controlled in exactly the same way as access is handled for any other class (Section 12.1.2, p. 432). A derived class may define zero or more access labels that specify the access level of the members following that label. Access to the members the class inherits is controlled by a combination of the access level of the member in the base class and the access label used in the derived class' derivation list.The base class itself specifies the minimal access control for its own members. If a member is private in the base class, then only the base class and its friends may access that member. The derived class has no access to the private members of its base class, nor can it make thosemembers accessible to its own users. If a base class member is public or protected, then the access label used in the derivation list determines the access level of that member in the derived class:•In public inheritance, the members of the base retain their access levels: The public members of the base are public members of the derived and the protected members of the base are protected in the derived.•In protected inheritance, the public and protected members of the base class are protected members in the derived class.•In private inheritance, all the members of the base class are private in the derived class.As an example, consider the following hierarchy:class Base {public:void basemem(); // public memberprotected:int i; // protected member// ...};struct Public_derived : public Base {int use_base() { return i; } // ok: derived classes can access i// ...};struct Private_derived : private Base {int use_base() { return i; } // ok: derived classes can access i};All classes that inherit from Base have the same access to the members in Base, regardless of the access label in their derivation lists. The derivation access label controls the access that users of the derived class have to the members inherited from Base:Base b;Public_derived d1;Private_derived d2;b.basemem(); // ok: basemem is publicd1.basemem(); // ok: basemem is public in the derived classd2.basemem(); // error: basemem is private in the derived classBoth Public_derived and Private_derived inherit the basemem function. That member retains its access level when the inheritance is public, so d1 can call basemem. In Private_derived, the members of Base are private; users of Private_derived may not call basemem.The derivation access label also controls access from indirectly derived classes:struct Derived_from Private : public Private_derived {// error: Base::i is private in Private_derivedint use_base() { return i; }};struct Derived_from_Public : public Public_derived {// ok: Base::i remains protected in Public_derivedint use_base() { return i; }};Classes derived from Public_derived may access i from the Base class because that member remains a protected member in Public_derived. Classes derived from Private_derived have no such access. To them all the members that Private_base inherited from Base are private.Interface versus Implementation InheritanceA publicly derived class inherits the interface of its base class; it has the same interface as its base class. In well-designed class hierarchies, objects of a publicly derived class can be used wherever an object of the base class is expected.Classes derived using either private or protected do not inherit the base-class interface. Instead, these derivations are often referred to as implementation inheritance. The derived class uses the inherited class in its implementation but does not expose the fact of the inheritance as part of its interface.As we'll see in before, whether a class uses interface or implementation inheritance has important implications for users of the derived class.Constructors and Copy ControlThe fact that each derived object consists of the (nonstatic) members defined in the derived class plus one or more base-class subobjectsaffects how derived-type objects are constructed, copied, assigned, and destroyed. When we construct, copy, assign, or destroy an object of derived type, we also construct, copy, assign, or destroy those base-class subobjects.Constructors and the copy-control members are not inherited; each class defines its own constructor(s) and copy-control members. As is the case for any class, synthesized versions of the default constructor and the copy-control members will be used if the class does not define its own versions.Base-Class Constructors and Copy ControlConstructors and copy control for base classes that are not themselves a derived class are largely unaffected by inheritance. Our Item_base constructor looks like many we've seen before:Item_base(const std::string &book = "",double sales_price = 0.0):isbn(book), price(sales_price) { }The only impact inheritance has on base-class constructors is that there is a new kind of user that must be considered when deciding which constructors to offer. Like any other member, constructors can be made protected or private. Some classes need special constructors that are intended only for their derived classes to use. Such constructors should be made protected. protected。



[转]OOPC:Object-OrientedProgramminginC OOPC是指OOP(Object-Oriented Programming)与C语⾔的结合,它是⼀个⾯向对象C语⾔编程框架。

它是⼀套C语⾔的宏,定义了OOP 概念的关键字,借助于这⼀套宏,实现⾯向对象的特性,如类、对象、继承、接⼝、多态、消息等。








虽然OOPC语法不如C++那么简洁,但是OOPC也有亮丽的特⾊,就是编译后的程序所占的内存空间⽐C++⼩的多,执⾏效率⾼,适⽤于Embedded System。

Axel-Tobias Schreiner阐述了利⽤普通ANSI-C同样可以实现⾯向对象思想,1993年10⽉出版图书《Object-oriented Programming with ANSI-C》阐述了利⽤ANSI-C实现⾯向对象编程思想的基础。

LW_OOPC(Light Weight Object-oriented Programming with C,2010.1.24开源)轻量级的⾯向对象C编程框架是由台湾⾼焕堂先⽣以及他的MISOO团队创作了第⼀个版本之后,⼜由⾦永华改进优化,再以LGPL协议开源出来的。



OOP方案引言在软件开发中,面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)是一种常用的编程范式。





















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Object Oriented Programming in C Embedded software development is slowly moving towards object oriented analysis, design and programming. The introduction of object oriented technologies in some systems has not happened due to lack of C++ support on some platforms.This article focuses on platforms where C++ compilers are not available. The developers working on these platforms should still be able to use object oriented analysis and design. When it comes to final code development they can use C.The following sections cover an example of C++ code and its implementation in C.∙C++ Source Code: C++ source files implementing TerminalManager and Terminal classes.∙ C Source Code: TerminalManager and Terminal implemented in C for a platform that does not support C++.C++ Source CodeTerminal Manager and Terminal C++ header and source files are shown below:Terminal ManagerTerminalManager.hpp// TerminalManager header file. We will be using this class// as an example for Object Oriented Programming in C.#include "Terminal.hpp"class TerminalManager{private:enum {MAX_TERMINALS=500};Terminal terminals[MAX_TERMINALS];Terminal *FindTerminal(int terminalId);public:TerminalManager();~TerminalManager();void HandleMessage(Msg* pMsg);};TerminalManager.cpp// TerminalManager source file. We will be using this class// as an example for Object Oriented Programming in C.#include <stdio.h>#include "TerminalManager.hpp"#include "Msg.hpp"TerminalManager::TerminalManager(){//...}TerminalManager::~TerminalManager(){}void TerminalManager::HandleMessage(Msg* pMsg){int status, status1;int terminalId = pMsg->GetTerminalId();Terminal *pTerm = FindTerminal(terminalId);Terminal *pOtherTerm = NULL;if (pTerm != NULL){switch (pMsg->GetType()){case CREATE_TERMINAL:pTerm->Activate((const TerminalCreateMsg *)pMsg);break;case DELETE_TERMINAL:pTerm->Deactivate((const TerminalDeleteMsg *) pMsg);break;case RUN_DIAGNOSTICS:status = pTerm->HandleRunDiagnostics((const RunDiagnosticsMsg *) pMsg);break;case PERFORM_SWITCHOVER:pOtherTerm = FindTerminal(pMsg->GetOtherTerminalId());status = pTerm->HandleOutOfService();status1 = pOtherTerm->HandleInService();break;}}delete pMsg;}Terminal *TerminalManager::FindTerminal(int terminalId){if (terminalId < MAX_TERMINALS){return (&terminals[terminalId]);}else{return NULL;}}TerminalTerminal.hpp// Terminal class header file.// Forward declaration for messagesclass TerminalCreateMsg;class TerminalDeleteMsg;class RunDiagnosticsMsg;class Msg;// Terminal classclass Terminal{enum { UNKNOWN = 0 };enum {OUT_OF_SERVICE=1, INSERVICE=2};//...int terminalId;int terminalType;int terminalStatus;void SendMessage(Msg *pMsg);public:void Activate(const TerminalCreateMsg *pMsg);void Deactivate(const TerminalDeleteMsg *pMsg);int HandleRunDiagnostics(const RunDiagnosticsMsg *pMsg);int HandleOutOfService();int HandleInService();Terminal();~Terminal();};Terminal.cpp// Terminal class source file.#include "Terminal.hpp"#include "Msg.hpp"void Terminal::SendMessage(Msg *pMsg){//...}Terminal::Terminal(){terminalId = UNKNOWN;terminalType = UNKNOWN;terminalStatus = UNKNOWN;}Terminal::~Terminal(){//...}int Terminal::HandleRunDiagnostics(const RunDiagnosticsMsg *pMsg) {int status = 1;//...return status;}int Terminal::HandleOutOfService(){int status = 1;terminalStatus = OUT_OF_SERVICE;//...return status;}int Terminal::HandleInService(){int status = 1;terminalStatus = INSERVICE;//...return status;}void Terminal::Activate(const TerminalCreateMsg *pMsg){terminalId = pMsg->GetTerminalId();terminalType = pMsg->GetTerminalType();terminalStatus = pMsg->GetTerminalStatus();//...TerminalCreateAck *pAck = new TerminalCreateAck(terminalId, terminalStatus);SendMessage(pAck);}void Terminal::Deactivate(const TerminalDeleteMsg *pMsg){//...terminalId = UNKNOWN;terminalType = UNKNOWN;terminalStatus = UNKNOWN;//...}Msg.hpp// Messages used by the Terminal and TerminalManager classes.enum MsgType{CREATE_TERMINAL,DELETE_TERMINAL,RUN_DIAGNOSTICS,PERFORM_SWITCHOVER};class Msg{//...int msgType;int terminalType;int terminalId;int otherTerminalId;int terminalStatus;public:MsgType GetType() const;int GetTerminalId() const;int GetOtherTerminalId() const;int GetTerminalType() const;};// Message used to create a terminalclass TerminalCreateMsg : public Msg{public:int GetTerminalStatus() const;};// Acknowledgement to Terminal Create message.class TerminalCreateAck : public Msg{public:TerminalCreateAck(int terminalId, int terminalStatus); };// Terminal Delete messageclass TerminalDeleteMsg : public Msg{};C Source CodeTerminal Manager and Terminal C header and source files are shown below. The important points to note are:∙Data members of a class map to C structures∙Methods of a class map to C functions with the "data member" structure pointer as the first parameter.TerminalManagerTerminalManager.h/*TerminalManager header file. We will be using this classas an example for Object Oriented Programming in C.*/#include "Terminal.h"#define MAX_TERMINALS 500/* Structure contains all data used by the Terminal Manager. */typedef struct{Terminal terminals[MAX_TERMINALS];} TerminalManager;/*ANSI C Function prototypes of all functions that operateon the TerminalManager structure.*/void TerminalManager_Construct(TerminalManager *pMgr);void TerminalManager_Destroy(TerminalManager *pMgr);void TerminalManager_HandleMessage(TerminalManager *pMgr, Msg* pMsg);Terminal Manager.c/*TerminalManager source file. We will be using this classas an example for Object Oriented Programming in C.*/#include <stdio.h>#include "TerminalManager.h"#include "Msg.h"#include <stdlib.h>Terminal *TerminalManager_FindTerminal(TerminalManager *pMgr, int terminalId) {if (terminalId < MAX_TERMINALS){return (&(pMgr->terminals[terminalId]));}else{return NULL;}}void TerminalManager_Construct(TerminalManager *pMgr){int i;/*C will not call construction functions, so loop through all call theconstruction functions for all terminals.*/for (i=0; i < MAX_TERMINALS; i++){Terminal_Construct(&(pMgr->terminals[i]));}}void TerminalManager_Destroy(TerminalManager *pMgr){int i;/*C will not call destruction functions, so loop through all call thedestruction functions for all terminals.*/for (i=0; i < MAX_TERMINALS; i++){Terminal_Destroy(&(pMgr->terminals[i]));}}void TerminalManager_HandleMessage(TerminalManager *pMgr, Msg* pMsg){int status, status1;int terminalId = pMsg->terminalId;Terminal *pTerm = TerminalManager_FindTerminal(pMgr, terminalId);Terminal *pOtherTerm = NULL;/*Switch on the message type and invoke the Terminal's message handlers forthe terminal specified in the message. Here the terminal manager takescare of indexing into the terminal structure and it passes the pointerto the terminal handler functions. Due to this design, implementationof the terminal handler functions just focus on handling the specifiedterminal.*/if (pTerm != NULL){switch (pMsg->msgType){case CREATE_TERMINAL:Terminal_Activate(pTerm, (const TerminalCreateMsg *)pMsg);break;case DELETE_TERMINAL:Terminal_Deactivate(pTerm, (const TerminalDeleteMsg *) pMsg);break;case RUN_DIAGNOSTICS:status = Terminal_HandleRunDiagnostics(pTerm, (const RunDiagnosticsMsg *) break;case PERFORM_SWITCHOVER:pOtherTerm = TerminalManager_FindTerminal(pMgr, pMsg->otherTerminalId); status = Terminal_HandleOutOfService(pTerm);status1 = Terminal_HandleInService(pOtherTerm);break;}}free(pMsg);}TerminalTerminal.h/* Terminal struct header file. */#include "Msg.h"#define UNKNOWN 0#define OUT_OF_SERVICE 1#define INSERVICE 2/* Terminal struct */typedef struct{/*...*/int terminalId;int terminalType;int terminalStatus;} Terminal;/*Prototypes for Terminal structure related functions. Helperfunctions needed by these functions are marked static are notincluded here.*/void Terminal_Activate(Terminal *pTerm, const TerminalCreateMsg *pMsg);void Terminal_Deactivate(Terminal *pTerm, const TerminalDeleteMsg *pMsg);int Terminal_HandleRunDiagnostics(Terminal *pTerm, const RunDiagnosticsMsg *pMsg); int Terminal_HandleOutOfService(Terminal *pTerm);int Terminal_HandleInService(Terminal *pTerm);void Terminal_Construct(Terminal *pTerm);void Terminal_Destroy(Terminal *pTerm);Terminal.c/* Terminal struct source file. */#include "Terminal.h"#include "Msg.h"#include <stdlib.h>/*Terminal_SendMessage is not visible to outside the Terminal.c file.This is equivalent to a private method in C++.*/static void Terminal_SendMessage(Terminal *pTerm, Msg *pMsg){/*...*/}void Terminal_Construct(Terminal *pTerm){pTerm->terminalId = UNKNOWN;pTerm->terminalType = UNKNOWN;pTerm->terminalStatus = UNKNOWN;}void Terminal_Destroy(Terminal *pTerm){/*...*/}int Terminal_HandleRunDiagnostics(Terminal *pTerm, const RunDiagnosticsMsg *pMsg){int status = 1;/*...*/return status;}int Terminal_HandleOutOfService(Terminal *pTerm){int status = 1;pTerm->terminalStatus = OUT_OF_SERVICE;/*...*/return status;}int Terminal_HandleInService(Terminal *pTerm){int status = 1;pTerm->terminalStatus = INSERVICE;/*...*/return status;}void Terminal_Activate(Terminal *pTerm, const TerminalCreateMsg *pMsg){TerminalCreateAck *pAck;pTerm->terminalId = pMsg->header.terminalId;pTerm->terminalType = pMsg->header.terminalType;pTerm->terminalStatus = pMsg->header.terminalStatus;/*...*/pAck = (TerminalCreateAck *)malloc(sizeof(TerminalCreateAck));pAck->header.terminalId = pTerm->terminalId;pAck->header.terminalStatus = pTerm->terminalStatus;Terminal_SendMessage(pTerm, (Msg *)pAck);}void Terminal_Deactivate(Terminal *pTerm, const TerminalDeleteMsg *pMsg) {/*...*/pTerm->terminalId = UNKNOWN;pTerm->terminalType = UNKNOWN;pTerm->terminalStatus = UNKNOWN;/*...*/}Msg.h/* Messages used by the Terminal and TerminalManager classes. */#ifndef MSG_H#define MSG_Henum MsgType{CREATE_TERMINAL,DELETE_TERMINAL,RUN_DIAGNOSTICS,PERFORM_SWITCHOVER};typedef struct{/*...*/int msgType;int terminalType;int terminalId;int otherTerminalId;int terminalStatus;} Msg;/* Message used to create a terminal. */typedef struct{Msg header;}TerminalCreateMsg;/* Acknowledgement to Terminal Create message. */typedef struct{Msg header;} TerminalCreateAck;/* Terminal Delete message */typedef struct{Msg header;} TerminalDeleteMsg;typedef struct{Msg header;} RunDiagnosticsMsg;#endifExplore More∙Compare C++ and the equivalent C code for class declarations and method invocation∙Compare C++ and the equivalent C code for inheritance and virtual functions.。
