JH104 & JH204 呼叫器使用说明书 V1.1
104型及103型分配阀第五章 104型及103型分配阀103型及104型分配阀是我国于1965年开始,针对三通阀的结构和性能不能适应铁路运输的发展需要,由铁道郡科学研究院与齐齐哈尔车辆⼯⼚研制的新型货车、客车车辆制动分配阀。
第⼀节 104型、103型分配阀结构特点及作⽤原理104型及103型分配阀分别于1975年和1978年先后通过铁道部技术鉴定并批准定型⽣产。
目次1.工前准备 (1)2.配件检查 (3)3.组装 (11)4.完工清理 (26)制动装置检修作业指导书类别:A1、A2、A3级检修系统:制动装置部件:104分配阀主阀104分配阀主阀组装作业指导书适用车型:22、25B、25G 、25K、19K、25T作业人员:制动钳工一名作业时间:30分钟/个工装工具:104阀组装钳台、电动扳手,350㎜及300㎜活动扳手、19及17㎜套筒、19X17㎜呆扳手、T型扳手、一字螺丝刀、孔用挡圈卡钳、剪刀、风枪、标记笔、配件盒、材料篮、托盘作业材料:104分配阀各类橡胶膜板及O型密封圈、104分配阀各型改进的不锈钢弹簧、12*45螺栓、10*40螺栓、12*80螺栓、M10螺帽、M12螺帽、改性甲基硅油、GP-9硅脂或7075高温脂、00号砂纸作业场所:制动室分配阀组装间环境要求:室内地面清洁,无油泥、杂物,各工作台表面目视不得有明显灰尘。
操作规程:参考资料:1.《铁路客车空气制动装置检修规则》铁总运(2014)215号2.《客车制动配件防护技术条件》(运装客车〔2009〕427号)3. 《中国铁路总公司运输局关于印发客车检修规程勘误的通知》(运辆客车函[2016]137号)4. 《中国铁路总公司运输局关于客车104型分配阀优化改进实施有关要求的通知》(运辆客车函[2016]128号)安全防护及注意事项:警告—— 1.职工劳动保护着装规范,穿劳保皮鞋,防止滑倒受伤。
1.联轴器命名原则a 联轴器名称应具有科学性、准确性;b 联轴器名称应简短易记;c 按联轴器的结构特点命名,但要与现有其它类似联轴器有所区别;d 按联轴器中具有特征的主要零件(形状、特点等)命名;e 按联轴器中主要零件特殊材料命名;f 按传统习惯命名;g 按上述综合因素命名;h联轴器品种名称不得重复是联轴器命名最基本的原则。
联轴器新旧标准对照表序号现行标准号产品型号旧标准号1 JB/T8854.1-2001 GCLD JB/T8854.1-1999 ZBJ19012-89 JB/ZQ4380-862 JB/T8854.2-2001GⅠCLJB/T8854.2-1999ZBJ19013-89JB/ZQ4378-86 GⅡCLZ JB/T8854.3-1999ZBJ19014-89 JB/ZQ4379-863 JB/T8854.3-2001GⅠCLJB/T8854.2-1999ZBJ19013-89JB/ZQ4222-86 GⅠCLZJB/T8854.3-1999ZBJ19014-89JB/ZQ4223-864 JB/ZQ4644-1997 NGCL JB/ZQ4644-865 JB/ZQ4645-1997 NGCLZ JB/ZQ4645-866 JB/ZQ4186-1997 WG /7 JB/T7001-1993 WGP /8 JB/T7002-1993 WGC /9 JB/T7003-1993 WGZ /10 JB/T7004-1993 WGT /11 JB/ZQ4218-86 CL Q/ZB104-7312 JB/ZQ4219-86 CLZ Q/ZB105-7313 GB/T5272-2002 LM LMD LMS LMZ-ⅠLMZ-ⅡGB5272-85ML M14 GB/T4323-2002 LT LTZ GB4323-8415 GB/T5014-2003 LX LXZ GB5014-8516 GB/T515-2003 LZ LZJ LZD LZZ GB5015-85 ZL17 GB/T6069-2002 GL GB6069-8618 GB/T5843-2003 GY GYS GYH GB5843-8619 GB/T5844-2002 UL GB5844-8620 JB/ZQ4376-1997 YL JB/ZQ4376-8621 JB/ZQ4384-1997 WHL JB/ZQ4384-8622 JB/ZQ4018-1997 LLA LLB JB/ZQ4018-8623 JB/T5514-1991 TGL /24 JB/ZQ4389-1997 制动轮JB/ZQ4389-86常用联轴器款式及特点2007-12-28常用的联轴器款式有:金属螺旋弹簧联轴器,金属膜片联轴器,免键轴套,波纹管弹性联轴器,十字滑块弹性联轴器,梅花形弹性联轴器,尼无曲面体联轴器。
Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书
RVN4126 3.59100-386-9100-386/T DEVICERVN41772-CD2-3.5MCS/MTSRVN41821-CD2-3.5XTS3000/SABER PORTABLE YES RKN4046KHVN9085 3.51-20 R NO HLN9359 PROG. STAND RVN4057 3.532 X 8 CODEPLUG NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG KITRVN4053 3.5ASTRO DIGITAL INTERFACE NO3080385B23RVN41842-CD RKN4046A (Portable) 2-3.5ASTRO PORTABLE /MOBILE YES3080369B73 or0180300B10 (Mobile) RVN41831-CD3080369B732-3.5ASTRO SPECTRA MOBILE YES(Low / Mid Power)0180300B10 (High Power) RVN4185CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MOBILE NO MANY OPTIONS; SEESERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4186CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MANY OPTIONS;MOBILE/PORTABLE COMB SEE SERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4154 3.5ASTROTAC 3000 COMPAR.3080385B23RVN5003 3.5ASTROTAC COMPARATORS NO3080399E31 Adpt.5880385B34RVN4083 3.5BSC II NO FKN5836ARVN4171 3.5C200RVN4029 3.5CENTRACOM SERIES II NO VARIOUS-SEE MANUAL6881121E49RVN4112 3.5COMMAND PLUS NORVN4149 3.5COMTEGRA YES3082056X02HVN6053CD CT250, 450, 450LS YES AAPMKN4004RVN4079 3.5DESKTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4093 3.5DESKTRAC TRUNKED YES3080070N01RVN4091 3.5DGT 9000 DESKSET YES0180358A22RVN4114 3.5GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS.NO RKN4021AHVN8177 3.5GM/GR300/GR500/GR400M10/M120/130YES3080070N01RVN4159 3.5GP60 SERIES YES PMLN4074AHVN9128 3.5GP300 & GP350RVN4152 3.5GP350 AVSRVN4150 3.5GTX YES HKN9857 (Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) HVN9025CD HT CDM/MTX/EX SERIES YES AARKN4083/AARKN4081RiblessAARKN4075RIBLESS NON-USA RKN4074RVN4098H 3.5HT1000/JT1000-VISAR YES3080371E46(VISAR CONV)RVN4151 3.5HT1000 AVSRVN4098 3.5HT1000/ VISAR CONV’L.YES RKN4035B (HT1000) HVN9084 3.5i750YES HLN-9102ARVN4156 3.5LCS/LTS 2000YES HKN9857(Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) RVN4087 3.5LORAN C LOC. RECV’R.NO RKN4021ARVN4135 3.5M100/M200,M110,M400,R100 includesHVN9173,9177,9646,9774YES3080070N01RVN4023 3.5MARATRAC YES3080070N01RVN4019 3.5MAXTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4139 3.5MAXTRAC LS YES3080070N01RVN4043 3.5MAXTRAC TRK DUPLEX YES3080070N01RVN4178CD MC SERIES, MC2000/2500DDN6124AW/DB25 CONNECTORDDN6367AW/DB9 CONNECTOR RVN41751-CD Rib to MIC connector 1-3.5MCS2000 RKN4062BRVN41131-3.5MCS2000RVN4011 3.5MCX1000YES3000056M01RVN4063 3.5MCX1000 MARINE YES3000056M01RVN4117 3.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESRVN4105 3.5MOBILE PROG. TOOLRVN4119 3.5MOBITEX DEVICESRVN4128 3.5MPT1327-1200 SERIES YES SEE MANUALRVN4025 3.5MSF5000/PURC/ANALOG YES0180355A30RVN4077 3.5MSF5000/10000FLD YES0180355A30RVN4017K 3.5MT 1000YES RTK4205CRVN4148 3.5MTR 2000YES3082056X02RVN4140 3.5MTRI 2000NORVN41761-CD MTS2000, MT2000*, MTX8000, MTX90001-3.5*programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176RVN4131 3.5MTVA CODE PLUG FIXRVN4142 3.5MTVA DOCTOR YES3080070N01RVN4131 3.5MTVA3.EXERVN4013 3.5MTX800 & MTX800S YES RTK4205CRVN4097 1-CD MTX8000/MTX9000,MTS2000,MT2000*,* programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176HVN9067CD MTX850/MTX8250MTX950,MTX925RVN4138 3.5MTX-LS YES RKN4035DRVN4035 3.5MX 1000YES RTK4203CRVN4073 3.5MX 800YES RKN4006BHVN9395 P100, P200 LB, P50+, P210, P500, PR3000RVN4134 3.5P100 (HVN9175)P200 LB (HVN9794)P50+ (HVN9395)P210 (HVN9763)P500 (HVN9941)PR3000 (HVN9586)YES RTK4205HVN9852 3.5P110YES HKN9755A/REX1143 HVN9262 3.5P200 UHF/VHF YES RTK4205RVN4129 3.5PDT220YVN4051 3.5PORTABLE REPEATER Portable rptr.P1820/P1821AXRVN4061C 3.5PP 1000/500NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 RVN5002 3.5QUANTAR/QUANTRO NO3O80369E31RVN4135 3.5R100 (HVN9177)M100/M200/M110/M400YES0180358A52RVN4146 3.5RPM500/660RVN4002 3.5SABER YES RTK4203CRVN4131 3.5SETTLET.EXEHVN9007 3.5SM50 & SM120YESRVN4039 3.5SMART STATUS YES FKN5825AHVN9054 3.5SOFTWARE R03.2 P1225YES3080070N01HVN9001 3.5SOFTWARE R05.00.00 1225LS YES HLN9359AHVN9012 3.5SP50RVN4001N 3.5SPECTRA YES3080369B73 (STANDARD)0180300B10 (HIGH POWER) RVN4099 3.5SPECTRA RAILROAD YES3080369B73RVN4110 3.5STATION ACCESS MODULE NO3080369E31RVN4089A 3.5STX TRANSIT YES0180357A54RVN4051 3.5SYSTEMS SABER YES RTK4203BRVN4075 3.5T5600/T5620 SERIES NO3080385B23HVN9060CD TC3000, TS3000, TR3000RVN4123 3.5VISAR PRIVACY PLUS YES3080371E46FVN4333 3.5VRM 100 TOOLBOX FKN4486A CABLE &ADAPTORRVN4133 3.5VRM 500/600/650/850NORVN4181CD XTS 2500/5000 PORTABLES RKN4105A/RKN4106A RVN41002- 3.5XTS3000 ASTRO PORTABLE/MOBILERVN4170 3.5XTS3500YES RKN4035DRIB SET UPRLN4008E RADIO INTERFACE BOX (RIB)0180357A57RIB AC POWER PACK 120V0180358A56RIB AC POWER PACK 220V3080369B71IBM TO RIB CABLE (25 PIN) (USE WITH XT & PS2)3080369B72IBM TO RIB CABLE (9 PIN)RLN443825 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) ADAPTOR (USE W/3080369B72 FOR AT APPLICATION) 5880385B308 PIN MODULAR TO 25 PIN ”D” ADAPTOR (FOR T5600 ONLY)0180359A29DUPLEX ADAPTOR (MOSTAR/TRAXAR TRNK’D ONLY)Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required Number Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required NumberUtilizing your personal computer, Radio Service Software (RSS)/Customer Programming Software (CPS)/CustomerConfiguration Software (CCS) enables you to add or reprogram features/parameters as your requirements change. RSS/CPS/CCS is compatible with IBM XT, AT, PS/2 models 30, 50, 60 and 80.Requires 640K RAM. DOS 3.1 or later. Consult the RSS users guide for the computer configuration and DOS requirements. (ForHT1000, MT/MTS2000, MTX838/8000/9000, Visar and some newer products —IBM model 386, 4 MEG RAM and DOS 5.0 or higher are recommended.) A Radio Interface Box (RIB) may be required as well as the appropriate cables. The RIB and cables must be ordered separately.Licensing:A license is required before a software (RVN) order is placed. The software license is site specific (customer number and ultimate destination tag). All sites/locations must purchase their own software.Be sure to place subsequent orders using the original customer number and ship-to-tag or other licensed sites; ordering software without a licensed customer number and ultimate tag may result in unnecessary delays. To obtain a no charge license agreement kit, order RPX4719. To place an order in the U.S. call 1-800-422-4210. Outside the U.S., FAX 847-576-3023.Subscription Program:The purchase of Radio ServiceSoftware/Customer Programming/Customer ConfigurationSoftware (RVN & HVN kits) entitles the buyer/subscriber to three years of free upgrades. At the end of these three years, the sub-scriber must purchase the same Radio Service Software kit to receive an additional three years of free upgrades. If the sub-scriber does not elect to purchase the same Radio Service Software kit, no upgrades will be sent. Annually a subscription status report is mailed to inform subscribers of the RSS/CPS/CCS items on our database and their expiration dates.Notes:1)A subscription service is offered on “RVN”-Radio Service Software/Customer Programming/Customer Configuration Software kits only.2)“RVN” software must only be procured through Radio Products and Services Division (RPSD). Software not procured through the RPSD will not be recorded on the subscription database; upgrades will not be mailed.3)Upgrades are mailed to the original buyer (customer number & ultimate tag).4)SP software is available through the radio product groups.The Motorola General Radio Service Software Agreement is now available on Motorola Online. If you need assistance please feel free to submit a “Contact Us” or call 800-422-4210.SMART RIB SET UPRLN1015D SMART RIB0180302E27 AC POWER PACK 120V 2580373E86 AC POWER PACK 220V3080390B49SMARTRIB CABLE (9 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH AT)3080390B48SMARTRIB CABLE (25 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH XT)RLN4488ASMART RIB BATTERY PACKWIRELESS DATA GROUP PRODUTS SOFTWARERVN4126 3.59100-386/9100T DEVICES MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG’TN RVN41173.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESPAGING PRODUCTS MANUALS6881011B54 3.5ADVISOR6881029B90 3.5ADVISOR ELITE 6881023B20 3.5ADVISOR GOLD 6881020B35 3.5ADVISOR PRO FLX 6881032B30 3.5BR8506881032B30 3.5LS3506881032B30 3.5LS5506881032B30 3.5LS7506881033B10 3.5LS9506881035B20 3.5MINITOR III8262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 20008262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 2000X 6881028B10 3.5TALKABOUT T3406881029B35 3.5TIMEPORT P7308262947A15 3.5TIMEPORT P930NLN3548BUNIVERSAL INTERFACE KITItem Disk Radio NumberSize Product。
39 56 74 93 107 127 141 168 558 549 547 545 535 531 521 468
35 51 71 89 104 125 140 669 660 657 654 644 641 628
扭矩 40 Nm 转速 520 RPM
∆ 压力 bar
∆ 压力 bar
28 41 55 69 83 97 110 124 138
33 73
50 72
67 69
85 103 123 141 67 65 61 57
32 149
49 147
67 144
84 142
102 140
122 135
141 131
154 173 125 99
30 224
流量 LPM
流量 LPM
轴配流液压马达 JH系列马达不同工作点的性能参数
∆ 压力 bar
28 41 55 69 83 97 110 124
69 102 135 173 215 252 281 37 35 33 30 27 23 19
70 103 141 177 213 251 280 319 75 73 70 67 62 57 51 49
JS ,JH , 系列 2K / J2K , 6k / J6K 系列
001-02 June 2000
伊顿液压系统(济宁)有限公司是美国伊顿在中国专业制造摆线元件的独资公司,成立于 1994年,座落于山东省济宁市,交通及运输便利。
连接科技Xtreme 104-Express用户指南说明书
Connect Tech Inc.Tel:519-836-129142 Arrow Road Toll: 800-426-8979 (North America only) Guelph, Ontario Fax: 519-836-4878N1K 1S6Email: *********************Xtreme/104-ExpressUsers Guide(XEG005 Pictured Here)Table of ContentsTable of Contents (2)Preface (3)Disclaimer (3)Customer Support Overview (3)Contact Information (3)Limited Lifetime Warranty (4)Copyright Notice (4)Trademark Acknowledgment (4)ESD Warning (5)Revision History (5)Introduction (6)Product Features and Specifications (6)Part Numbers / Ordering Information (6)Product Overview (7)Connector Summary & Locations (7)Figure 1: Xtreme/104-Express Hardware Components (7)Jumper Summary & Locations (7)Detailed Feature Description (8)Port Mode Jumper Block Settings (8)Description (8)Figure 2: Jumper Clock Diagram (8)Electrical Interfaces Descriptions (9)RS-232 Electrical Interface (9)RS-422/485 Electrical Interface (9)Full Duplex Mode (9)Half Duplex Mode (9)Multi-drop Mode (9)Line Bias/Termination (9)Tri-State Operation (9)Auto-485 Mode Jumper (9)Connectors / Pinouts (10)Table 1: I/O Signal Assignments for Xtreme/104-Express (10)P3 contains the signals for Ports 1-4, and P5 contains the signals for Ports 5-8. (10)Table 2: DB-9 Male Pinouts, when using cable CAG8104 (11)Figure 3: RS-422/485 Wiring Diagrams (11)Typical Installation (12)Hardware Installation (12)Installing the Xtreme/104-Express into your system (12)Software/Driver Installation (13)Windows Installation (13)Cables (22)PrefaceDisclaimerThe information contained within this user’s guide, including but not limited to any product specificatio n, is subject to change without notice.Connect Tech assumes no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly from any technical ortypographical errors or omissions contained herein or for discrepancies between the product and the user’s guide.Customer Support OverviewIf you experience difficulties after reading the manual and/or using the product, contact the Connect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties.In the event that the reseller is unable to resolve your problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you.Our support section is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on our website at:/sub/support/support.asp. See the contact information section below for moreinformation on how to contact us directly. Our technical support is always free.Contact InformationMail/CourierConnect Tech Inc.Technical Support42 Arrow RoadGuelph, OntarioCanada N1K 1S6Email/Internet********************************************Telephone/FacsimileTechnical Support representatives are ready to answer your call Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Our numbers for calls are:Toll Free: 800-426-8979 (North America only)Telephone: 519-836-1291 (Live assistance available 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST,Monday to Friday)Facsimile: 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)Limited Lifetime WarrantyConnect Tech Inc. provides a Lifetime Warranty for this product. Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working order during the warranty period, Connect Tech Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace this product at no charge, provided that the product has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non-Connect Tech Inc. authorized modification or repair.You may obtain warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech Inc. business partner or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. Product returned to Connect Tech Inc. must be pre-authorized by Connect Tech Inc. with an RMA (Return Material Authorization) number marked on the outside of the package and sent prepaid, insured and packaged for safe shipment. Connect Tech Inc. will return this product by prepaid ground shipment service.The Connect Tech Inc. Lifetime Warranty is defined as the serviceable life of the product. This is defined as the period during which all components are available. Should the product prove to be irreparable, Connect Tech Inc. reserves the right to substitute an equivalent product if available or to retract the Warranty if no replacement is available.The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. Under no circumstances willConnect Tech Inc. be liable in any way for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or otherincidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, such product. Copyright NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect Tech Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Connect Tech, Inc.Copyright 2014 by Connect Tech, Inc.Trademark AcknowledgmentConnect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners. Not listing all possible trademarks or copyrightacknowledgments does not constitute a lack of acknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in this document.ESD WarningElectronic components and circuits are sensitive toElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). When handling any circuit board assemblies including Connect Tech COM Express carrier assemblies, it is recommended that ESD safety precautions be observed. ESD safe best practices include, but are not limited to:∙ Leaving circuit boards in their antistatic packaginguntil they are ready to be installed.∙ Using a grounded wrist strap when handling circuitboards, at a minimum you should touch a grounded metal object to dissipate any static charge that may be present on you.∙ Only handling circuit boards in ESD safe areas, whichmay include ESD floor and table mats, wrist strap stations and ESD safe lab coats.∙ Avoiding handling circuit boards in carpeted areas. ∙ Try to handle the board by the edges, avoiding contactwith components.Revision HistoryIntroductionConnect Tech's Xtreme/104-Express multi-port serial boards provide a fully compliant PCI/104-Express communications solution for industrial and embedded needs.Xtreme/104-Express features a built-in fractional baud rate divisor allows almost any non-standard baud rate to be matched with a high level of accuracy. The onboard fail-safe 1/8th load transceivers allow up to 256 devices on a multi-drop RS-485 bus.The Xtreme/104-Express is perfect for military, aerospace, medical, instrumentation and industrial control applications, among others. Full industrial temperature range (-40°C to 85°C) operation is standard.Product Features and Specifications●Eight hardware switchable RS-232/422/485 ports●Fully PCI/104-Express compliant●9-bit data support allows for command/data addressing in RS-485 networks●Supports RS-485 full duplex (four wire) with RTS/CTS flow control, half duplex (two wire) with auto TxDecho cancellation and multi-drop (four wire) communication modes●Data communication speeds up to 20 Mbps (in RS-422/485 mode), 1 Mbps (in RS232 mode)●Each port is individually hardware selectable for tri-state on power-up in RS-485 mode●1/8 load RS-485 transceivers allow up to 256 devices on a bus●Industrial temperature range of -40ºC to 85ºC●Plug and play - no jumpers to set for memory or interrupt configurationPart Numbers / Ordering InformationProduct OverviewConnector Summary & LocationsFigure 1: Xtreme/104-Express Hardware ComponentsJumper Summary & LocationsDetailed Feature DescriptionPort Mode Jumper Block SettingsDescriptionThe following jumper block diagram depicts typical settings on an interface-selectable Xtreme/104-Express. (See Figure 1 for location of jumper blocks.). Jumper blocks are labeled JA (Port1) to JH (Port8).Jumper blocks appear on the board as follows. JA through JD are on one side of the board, and JE through JH are on the other side of the board. The positions are A through G on each jumper block, as indicated here.Figure 2: Jumper Clock DiagramNOTE: You must configure your jumper block settings before installing the Xtreme/104-Expressboard into your system.Jumper positions A, B and C work together to establish the Line interface mode.The remaining Jumper positions perform individual functions for RS422/485 Mode only (they must not be installed for RS232 mode). The functions operate independently, and can be used in any combination.Terminations are 150 ohms, Bias resistors prevent tri-stated signals from assuming indeterminate states.Electrical Interfaces DescriptionsRS-232 Electrical InterfaceThis is the default setting for the selectable interface of the Xtreme/104-Express. To operate a port in RS-232 mode, no jumpers are installed on the corresponding jumper block.RS-422/485 Electrical InterfaceXtreme/104-Express models offer three modes of RS-422/485 c ommunication, as outlined here…Full Duplex ModeIn this mode, TxD+/- signals are actively is being driven all the time. This mode is typically used in point-to-point situations much like RS-232. It is the default setting for RS-422/485 mode.Half Duplex ModeIn this mode the TxD+/- line Driver is enabled only when data is transmitted, and RxD+/- is disabled when data is being transmitted. This mode is typically used in either point-to-point 2-wire connections OR in multi-drop 2-wire bus connections. This mode requires software setup in Control Panel –System –Hardware – Device Manager – Ports – CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express UART Serial Port.Multi-drop ModeIn this mode the TxD+/- line Driver is enabled only when data is transmitted and RxD+/- is enabled all the time. This mode is typically used in multi-drop 4-wire connections. This mode requires software setup in Control Panel –System Properties –Hardware –Device Manager –Ports –CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express UART Serial Port.Line Bias/TerminationThe RS-422/485 transceivers can be configured to terminate and produce a line level mark condition on the receiver, and/or terminate the transmitter. These options are enabled through on-board jumper selectable resistors. These options are typically used in multi-drop 4-wire or half duplex 2-wire connections.Tri-State OperationXtreme/104-Express models offer a power-on Tri-State option to ensure glitch-free network operation while the system is powering up. If enabled (via JA JH, positon G), the Xtreme/104-Express will Tri-State the Transmitter until the Driver opens the port. This operation is configurable for any port configured as RS-422/485, regardless of the RS-422/485 mode selected.Auto-485 Mode JumperJumper location J2 has a position labeled “Auto-485” which, if installed, enables RS485 mode for all ports, at power-up. This is useful for situations where there is no Software Driver to setup RS485 mode of operation.Connectors / PinoutsTable 1: I/O Signal Assignments for Xtreme/104-ExpressP3 contains the signals for Ports 1-4, and P5 contains the signals for Ports 5-8.Figure 3: RS-422/485 Wiring DiagramsTypical InstallationHardware InstallationInstalling the Xtreme/104-Express into your system1.Turn off the power to your PCI/104-Express system and open any relevant enclosure to gain access to the stack(consult your system’s documentation for more information on this procedure).2.Mount the Xtreme/104-Express into an available PCI/104- Express stack.NOTE: Ensure that all PCI/104-Express cards are within 6 cards from the CPU and are stacked closest to the CPU. PCI/104-Express cards must stack in only one direction, either on top of or below the CPU, and there must be no more than sixPCI/104-Express cards installed in a given stack without specialized extender circuitry.The Xtreme/104-Express provides support for Windows 2000/XP/XP x64/XPe/Server 2003/Server 2003-x64/Vista/Windows7 and Windows8. Please refer to the readme.txt files found in the appropriate directories on the CD containing Drivers and documentation. These files contain technical tips or release notes concerning installation and configuration of the Device Driver. For further information concerning software installation of Xtreme/104-Express products please visit the Connect Tech website at .If you are interested in a Device Driver for an operating system not listed, please contact the Connect Tech Sales Department. Also, visit the Download Zone of the Support Center on the Connect Tech website for the latest product manuals, installation guides, diagnostic utilities and Device Driver software.Software/Driver InstallationWindows InstallationThe following instructions outline how to install the Xtreme/104-Express to a computer running Windows XP. For other operating system installations, consult the readme.txt and Installation Guides available on the CD shipped with your board(s).1.After inserting the Xtreme/104-Express into your system’s PCI Express slot, turn on your system. A Found NewHardware Wizard will appear. Insert the Xtreme/104-Express CD into your drive as requested. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced). Select Next.2. Choose Select removable media (floppy, CD-ROM) and Include this location in the search and type D:\ Drivers\Win2K-XP,where D is the drive letter of your CD ROM. Now select Next.3. Once you have clickedNext , the Found New Hardware Wizard will begin to install the software.4. Next a window will appear indicating that the software for Xtreme/104-Express has not passed Windows logotesting. Select Continue Anyway .GPIO Adapter5.CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express GPIO Adapter installation is complete. Select Finish.6.Once the software for the CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express GPIO Adapter has been installed, a window will appearto begin the installation for the PCI Serial Port. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced). Select Next.7.Choose Select removable media (floppy, CD-ROM) and Include this location in the search and type D:\ Drivers\Win2K-XP,where D is the drive letter of your CD ROM. Now select Next.8.Once you have clicked Next, the Found New Hardware Wizard will begin to install the software.9.Next a window will appear indicating that the software for Xtreme/104-Express has not passed Windows logotesting. Select Continue Anyway.10.CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express Multiport Serial Adapter installation is complete. Select Finish.11.Once the software for the CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express Multiport Serial Adapter has been installed, a windowwill appear to begin the installation for the Xtreme/104 PCI Express UART Serial Port. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced). Select Next.12.Choose Select removable media (floppy, CD-ROM) and Include this location in the search and type D:\ Drivers\Win2K-XP,where D is the drive letter of your CD ROM. Now select Next.13. Once you have clickedNext , the Found New Hardware Wizard will begin to install the software.14. Next a window will appear indicating that the software for Xtreme/104-Express has not passed Windows logotesting. Select Continue Anyway .UART Serial Port15.CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express UART Serial Port installation is complete. Select Finish.16.Verify the presence of the Xteme/104-Express serial ports in your system by going to Start – Control Panel –System – Hardware – Device Manager. You should see CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express GPIO Adapter, Xtreme/104 PCI Express Multiport Serial Adapter, and Ports.17.Double click on CTI Xtreme/104 PCI Express GPIO Adapter. Click on the General tab to see that your deviceis working properly.NOTE: The Windows Driver provided with your Xtreme/104-Express unit has not beensigned by Microsoft. If you require a signed Driver, please contact Connect Tech.CablesCable CAG8104 can be used with the XEG boards to provide connectivity to DB-9 connectors. See Table 2 for pin assignment information.。
伊顿摆线马达汇总 (样本)
JH系列马达 不同工作点的性能参数
50cc/r 28 41 55
D 压力 bar 69 83 97 110 124 138
16 138
23 136
31 136
39 131
47 123
55 120
16 278
24 274
31 266
40 262
47 255
56 246
63 234
43 690
51 687
61 684
68 681
71 81 676 672
24 30 42 51 60 68 73 84 859 856 853 851 847 844 837 832
流量 LPM
63cc/r 28 41 55
D 压力 bar 69 83 97 110 124 138
35 51 71 89 104 125 140 669 660 657 654 644 641 628
扭矩 40 Nm 转速 520 RPM
流量 LPM
D 压力 bar
28 41 55 69 83 97 115 124
56 46
85 113 141 175 206 45 42 39 37 35
282 167
315 165
56 230
90 228
130 226
164 223
203 219
240 215
271 210
309 208
有机合成厂企业标准JH104.10205.008.01—20051 - 丁烯车间MTBE装置工艺规程页脚内容12005—03—15批准2005—03—31实施中国石油吉林石化分公司有机合成厂发布页脚内容2目录1 产品说明 (1)1.1 生产规模、设计运行时间 (1)1.2 产品名称 (1)1.3 分子式及结构式 (1)1.4 分子量 (1)2 性质与用途 (1)2.1 主要物理及化学性质 (1)2.2 主要用途 (3)2.3 危险性质类别及处理措施 (3)3 产品质量 (3)页脚内容13.1 主要质量指标 (3)3.2 执行的标准及分析方法 (4)4 生产工艺过程 (4)4.1 生产工艺原理 (4)4.2 主要化学反应方程式 (4)4.3 生产工序 (5)4.4 生产工艺简述 (5)4.5 设备材质一览表 (7)4.6 主要设备结构图及开停车要求 (7)4.7 带控制点的工艺流程图附后 (8)5 生产控制指标 (8)5.1 主要工艺参数及指标 (8)页脚内容25.2 主要分析参数及指标 (12)6 催化剂 (14)6.1 名称 (14)6.2 主要成分 (14)6.3 主要技术指标 (14)6.4 充填设备及次充填量 (14)6.5 使用周期及注意事项 (15)7 原材料及动力消耗 (15)7.1 原材料名称 (15)7.2 主要技术质量指标 (15)7.3 单耗及综合能耗(包括设计期望值及设计) (16)8 计量与控制仪表 (16)页脚内容38.1 主要控制仪表 (16)8.2 主要计量仪表 (18)8.3 信号报警的部位及警界规定 (18)8.4 联锁的部位、动作及警界规定 (18)9 安全注意事项 (18)9.1 生产火灾危险性等级及电气防爆等级 (19)9.2 安全生产原则 (19)9.3 紧急停车的规定 (19)9.4 原材料、半成品及成品爆炸范围及事故处理原则 (19)9.5 有毒有害物质的毒性、空间允许浓度及其防护办法 (20)9.6 消防装置及设施 (21)9.7 安全装置 (21)页脚内容410 三废排放及处理 (22)10.1 排放物质名称 (22)10.2 允许排放范围 (22)10.3 排放物质的危害性 (22)10.4 排放量及处理办法 (22)10.5 三废处理设施 (23)11 产品包装与贮运方式 (23)12 生产工艺规程的修改和补充 (24)页脚内容5页脚内容6页脚内容1中国石油天然气股份有限公司吉林石化分公司有机合成厂企业标准MTBE 装置工艺规程JH104.10205.008.01—20051 产品说明1.1 生产规模、设计运行时间生产规模:年产甲基叔丁基醚(简称MTBE )5.0万吨。
通用仪器仪表入N91, 凿岩机械入J84, 通用运输、提升机械入J81。
造纸入Y30/39, 皮革入Y45/49, 食品发酵、酿造入X60/69, 绝缘漆入K15, 食品添加剂入X40/49, 合成饲料添加剂入B46, 建筑胶粘剂入Q27, 胶鞋入Y78。用于生产、流通过程中保证符合文字标准要求的化工标样分别入本类各有关类目。
铁路客车104型空气分配阀作者 王乐雨内容提要:本文叙述了铁路客车104型空气分配阀构造、作用原理及其维护,重点介绍了104型空气分配阀构造和作用原理,对104型空气分配阀的学习了解将有积极的帮助。
※ ※ ※1概述我国自1865年开始创办铁路以来,在解放以前使用的机车、车辆几乎完全依赖进口。
J&H EQUIPMENT INC.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION I INTRODUCTION 3 SECTION II INSTALLATION 4 SECTION III OPERATING OVERVIEW 8 SECTION IV SETUP AND PROGRAMMING 10 SECTION V OPTIMIZATION 17 SECTION VI FAULTS AND MAINTENANCE 18J&H EQUIPMENT INC.SECTION IINTRODUCTIONJ&H Speed Clean is a system that can reduce or eliminate the need to manually clean the wire cloth on your J&H screens. It does this by cycling the drive motors periodically between runs of 3600 RPM (or 3000 RPM for a 50 Hz system) normal operation and a few seconds of a high frequency 4500 RPM (or 3900 RPM) cleaning mode operation. It is important to understand that it is not the high frequency itself that causes the cleaning, but the sudden transition from the normal operating frequency to the higher frequency and back that disrupts the pattern of the vibration modes established in the wire cloth. The high frequency serves to lift the material off of the screen for a few seconds before reestablishing material flow. As long as the material is being bounced above the screen, the screen is unable to filter material. The high frequency cleaning mode can also damage the wire cloth and other components of the screen machine. Therefore, the amount of time that the screen is in the high frequency cleaning mode should never exceed fifteen seconds at a time and should be for the shortest length of time that will allow for the complete transition from the normal run frequency to the cleaning frequency and back. If extra cleaning is required, this can be achieved by reducing the duration of the normal operation run, thereby increasing the average number of the cleanings per hour.This manual will instruct you on how to initially install and set up your J&H Speed Clean system. Following this will be instructions on adjusting the time intervals and frequencies of the J&H Speed Clean to optimize its performance for your particular application. Please read the entire instruction manual carefully.WARNING: The J&H Speed Clean AC Drive Controller uses capacitors to store a charge. Dangerous voltage may exist even after disconnecting the power source. Wait (5) five minutes after disconnecting power supply before proceeding with any electrical work.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.SECTION IIINSTALLATIONOne speed clean is required per screening machine. The J&H Electronic “Speed Clean” is an AC Drive controller that is installed in the high voltage side of the power feed to the screening machine drive motors. The input voltage must not be allowed to fluctuate more than 15% above or below the rated voltage. Voltage above or below the limits will cause the drive to trip with either an overvoltage or undervoltage fault. Fuses and a disconnect switch must be provided according to local electrical code requirements.The J&H Speed Clean control box should be located so that the motor lead cable is no more than fifty (50) feet long. If a longer lead cable is required, the J&H Speed Clean may need to be installed with shielded cables and noise filters. The J&H Speed Clean AC Drive enclosures exceed NEMA 1, 12 and 4X standards.The frame dimensions for the AC Drive Controller is 12.01” (306mm) in height x 8.72” (221 mm) in width, 6.51” (166 mm) in depth, and weighs 14.0 lbs (6.4 kg). Do not install the controller directly onto the screen machines (maximum vibration limits are 1 g @ 57-150 Hz). Do not install the box where it will be exposed to direct heat-radiating elements or in direct sunlight. Allow room for ventilation and heat dissipation. Control box must be installed vertically. Install the control box where the front side of the control box can be easily accessed for installation and setup programming.(4) Four ½” x 3” bolts (or equivalent) should be used to mount the J&H Speed Clean AC Drive box. Four 2” rubber buffers should be used to isolate the control boxes from environmental vibration. The bolt hole pattern is spaced 11.03” (280 mm) vertically and 7.88” (200 mm) horizontally.Remove the four cover screws that secure the front cover of the J&H Speed Clean box. The terminal strip is located at the bottom of the enclosure. Connect the power ground wire to the left ground terminal (GND) of the terminal strip. Connect the three phase power input cable to terminal connections L1/R, L2/S, L3/T. Verify proper line connections according to local wiring conventions for 3-phase service. (See diagram 1).J&H EQUIPMENT INC.Connect the J&H 3600 Drive Motor lead wires to connections T1/U, T2/V, T3/W, and GND. The lead wires must go through a manual starter switch (as shown in diagram 1). The J&H 3600 Drive Motors are 1.5 HP, 3 phase, 9 lead Y-load, 285/575 Volts, 3.6/1.8 Amps, 60 Hz, 3450 RPM, TENV Induction motors. Verify that lead wires are connected to the correct motor terminals T1, T2, and T3.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.If the J&H Speed Clean unit will be operated remotely from a control room or from a DCS control system, then a control cable will need to be connected to the control terminal strip. This is located on the left side of the upper deck and is labeled with the terminals FWD, REV, R/J, DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4, DI5, MOL, and +24V. Use an AWG 14 (1.628 mm diameter) shielded control wire or equivalent, with a 9/32” (7mm) stripped end. Connect the positively energized 24VDC lead of your cable to the terminal +24V on the Speed Clean unit. The other wire of the cable should be connected to the FWD terminal. As long as the control circuit loop is energized with 24 VDC with a source capacity of 150 mA, the sequence programmed into the drive unit will run. Replace front cover and secure with the four cover screws.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.Program Mode: Allows operating parameters and programmed sequences to be input or changed. There are three different levels of the program mode, Level 1, Level 2, and Macro mode. Level 1 is accessed by pressing the PROG input key and gives access to some of the most common operating parameters. Level 2 is accessed by pressing the SHIFT and PROG input keys and provides access to all parameters. Macro mode is accessed by holding the PROG input key for more than 3 seconds and provides access to the most common parameters of the Level 1 group as well as special parameters for activating macro operations, program sequencers, or serial communication. In the instructions below, the parameter number and description will be followed by either [MACRO], [L1], or [L2] to indicate which program mode you are in for each of these commands.In the text of this manual, following a parameter will appear a program mode code [macro], [L1], or [L2] to remind us which programming mode that that particular parameter resides in as described above. This is not anything that you will see on the actual J&H Speed Clean unit screen. As this manual is written to be a step-by-step sequential set of instructions for completely programming the J&H Speed Clean, the program mode instruction may not be directly associated the parameter in this text. The program mode code will be useful if you need to refer back to this manual to adjust a single parameter value. Simply note the program mode code and follow the instructions given in the paragraph above to get to the correct program mode and find the parameter in question. Note that in this text, other than the couple of [macro] level codes at the beginning, you will accessing most of the codes through the Programming Mode Level 2. This is simply so that all codes can be accessed without having to change programming mode levels. However, for the purpose of single parameter access, if a code can simply be accessed at level 1, it will be designated as an [L1] parameter and not [L2]. The parameters that are indicated with the [macro] or [L2] can only be accessed from those levels.Fault Mode: Displays error messages, and may provide corrective active advice. If a fault occurs, the red LED on the STOP input key will flash and one of thirty-three (33) Fault Messages will be displayed. Pressing the SHIFT input key will display an Advanced Fault Code (a number from 0 to 5) that will provide additional information concerning the fault. Pressing the UP or DOWN arrows will cycle through the Drives Status, Fault History, and Last Fault. Contact J&H equipment for support for a particular fault message or for troubleshooting a fault.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.P201 is the default initial parameter for Level 2 programming. If you do not see this parameter, scroll through the parameter selections using the UP and DOWN arrows until 201 Input Mode[L1] is visible in the display window. Although there are several values that this parameter can be set to for different access applications, for the operation of the screens, this parameter should be set for one of two values: “Local Only” or “Remote Only”. The “Local Only” will be used if the screens are not connected to a control room, but are operated locally from the machines, or for setting up the Speed Clean drive system during initial programming and installation test. Otherwise, if you have connected a 24Vdc control cable to the unit per the instruction in the Installation Section above, then this parameter should be set for “Remote Only”, so that it can be operated only from the control room. We will return to this parameter later to determine the final setting, however, for the initial programming of the Speed Clean drive, this parameter must be set to “Local Only”. If this value does not appear, press the SHIFT input key and use the UP and DOWN arrows to correct this value. Press ENTER to accept.IMPORTANT - Check the nameplate on the motors that will be driven by the J&H Speed Clean. The standard motor rating for J&H motors for most locations is 575 Volts / 60 Hz. The motor rating will determine the values that you should input for the next five parameters. Inputting the incorrect value could damage your system or cause it to operate inefficiently.Parameter 503 V/Hz Knee Freq[L2] is used to program into the AC Drive control logic the frequency at full line voltage. The default setting is 60 Hz. If your drive motors are rated for 60 Hz, you may continue on to the next instructions. If your voltage supply is at a different frequency, this value will need to be changed to the value listed on the motor nameplate. For example, if you are at a location that uses a 50 Hz frequency, then 503 will need to be changed from 60 to 50. Hit ENTER to input the new value. Parameter 509 Rated Mtr Volt[L2, macro] is used to program into the AC Drive control logic the full line voltage for your system. The program uses the 503 and 509 parameters to determine the Voltage versus Frequency curve in the program logic. The default setting is 460 Volts for this AC Drive model. The JHV3600 Vibrator motor is rated for 285/575 Volts at 60 Hz for Low voltage and High voltage terminal connections respectively. This value will need to be changed to the 575 V high voltage value listed on the motor nameplate for most applications. For 50 Hz locations that use 380 Volts, then 509 will need to be changed from 460 to 380. Hit ENTER to change this value.Next, use the DOWN arrow to go to parameter 302 Max Frequency [L2]. The default value for this parameter is 60 Hz, which must be changed to an appropriate frequency for your application. The value that should be input into this parameter depends on the value of parameter 503 set above (See the 503V/Hz Knee Freq instructions above). If the motor frequency rating is 60 Hz, then use the SHIFT input key and then the UP arrow to change this value to 75.1 Hz. However, if your motors are rated for 50 Hz, then you should set this parameter for 65.1 Hz. You may press the button once to advance by 0.1 Hz, or you may hold the key down to continuously advance with increasing step size. Press ENTER.Scroll up to 306 Preset Freq 4 [L2]. The default value for this parameter is 30 Hz, which must be changed according to the motor rated frequency. Use the SHIFT input key and then the UP arrow to change this value to 60 Hz or 50 Hz depending on your motor. Press ENTER. This will be the normal run frequency for the J&H 3600 Vibration motors.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.Press the UP arrow once to go to 307 Preset Freq 5 [L2]. The default value for 307 is 40 Hz. Use the SHIFT input key and then the UP arrow to change this value to 75 Hz for a 60 Hz rated motor, or 65 Hz for a 50 Hz rated motor (see 503 above). Press ENTER. This will be the target cleaning frequency for the J&H 3600 Vibration motors.Use the arrows to go to 402 Accel Time 1 [L1]. Hit SHIFT and the DOWN arrow to change the value from the 5 seconds default down to 3 seconds. Hit ENTER. Then repeat with 403 Decel Time 1 [L1], changing from 5 to 3 seconds. Press ENTER. These two commands tell the AC Driver how fast to change from the normal run preset frequency (at 306) to the cleaning preset frequency (at 307). Three seconds is based on the 15 Hz frequency change at 1 sec per 5 Hz frequency change.If the J&H Speed Clean unit will be operating in an environment in which the surrounding air temperature will drop below –7 degrees C (below 20 degrees F), then an arctic mode must be set. Use the UP arrows to go to 410 DB Config [L2]. The default value is DB Internal. Hit the SHIFT key and then use the arrow keys to change the parameter to Int-ARCTIC. When DB Config is configured to “Int-ARCTIC”, dynamic braking becomes active if the drive temperature drops below –7 degrees C. When DB becomes active, an “ARCTIC Mode” warning flashes on the keypad. If the drive drops below –10 degrees C (14 degrees F), the drive will be disabled and not allowed to run. The keypad will indicate a “Not enabled” state at this point. If the drive heats up after being below –10 degrees C, the drive must meet the following criteria before operating again: a) Drive temperature must be above –9 degrees C, and b) Drive temperature must stay above –9 degrees C until a time period has elapsed. The time period is dependent on how far below –10 degrees C the drive was. Each degree below –10 degrees C adds another 4 minutes before restart.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.SECTION VOPTIMIZATIONThere are three adjustments that can be made to optimize the J&H Speed. The first is the duration of the cleaning phase of the Speed Clean operation. Press SHIFT and FWD to run the motors continuously. Listen to the motors during the high frequency phase of the cycle. You should be able to hear a ramp up, a second or two of steady operation at the higher frequency, and then a ramp down to the normal frequency value. It may be necessary to increase the duration of this sequence by a couple of seconds to make the most use of transition disruption caused by the frequency changes. The plateau duration of the clean phase should not be more than three seconds and the overall duration of the cleaning sequence should never exceed fifteen seconds. To change this parameter, adjust 952 – Seq Count 2 up or down in one second increments. The other two adjustments can only be performed after observation of the screens in actual operation in material load conditions.The J&H Speed Clean should maintain the wire cloth relatively clean with about 10% of the cloth blocked by material. If you do not see some blockage of the wire cloth, then this might indicate that the product material is not making as good of contact with the wire cloth as it should be. First check to make sure that the product flow velocity and distribution are good. If less than 10% of the screen is blocked by product from the preceding normal operation run, then the J&H Speed Clean is going into clean mode too often, and the length of the normal running time should be increased. Make this adjustment by increasing the time at 951 – Seq Count 1 by increments of 60 seconds, for instance by changing the value from 900 seconds to 960 seconds. Continue to monitor the screens and adjust the duration of the normal run until you are satisfied that the wire cloth is being maintained at a good level of cleanliness while minimizing the occurrences of the Cleaning Modes.If the wire cloth is accumulating product material, increase the amount of cleaning from the J&H Speed Clean by reducing the duration of the normal operation time. Make this adjustment by decreasing the time at 951 – Seq Count 1 by increments of 60 seconds, for instance by changing the value from 900 seconds to 840 seconds. Increasing the occurrences of the cleaning mode will reduce the efficiency of the screen, therefore you should only decrease the normal run time to provide adequate cleaning. 10% blockage of the wire cloth is considered normal and is a good sign that the screen is operating properly. It may be necessary to repeat the optimization procedure each time that the plant process is changed.If you have reduced the normal operation run to 600 seconds and the material is still accumulating onto the wire cloth, then there may be a more serious problem with the production process. The material may be gluing itself to the wire cloth rather than just getting stuck in the openings, and no reasonable amount of amplitude or shaking frequency will clean it. Contact the Process Designers immediately if you think that this condition exists. Adverse product composition can be disastrous to the life of the wire cloth and the screen machines.J&H EQUIPMENT INC.SECTION VIFAULTS & MAINTENANCEFAULTSThe J&H Speed Clean has the ability to monitor itself for a wide range of problems and parameter faults. If the Speed Clean encounters a problem, the red LED on the STOP input key will flash and a fault message will appear on the display. Write down the Fault Display. Press the SHIFT input key and use the UP and DOWN arrows to cycle through the Fault History, Advance Fault Code, and Status records. Write down all information provided by these records. Sometimes, the J&H Speed Clean will suggest an action to correct the fault. Press SHIFT again to return to the programming mode fault parameter. Contact an engineer at J&H Equipment at (770) 992-1606 or at jhsys@ to get more information or further instructions on handling this particular fault.MAINTENANCEOnce properly set up, the J&H Speed clean is virtually maintenance free. It is recommended to periodically wipe the box with a damp cloth. A mild soap or bleach solution may be used but it is not recommended to use any abrasive cleansers. Care should be taken when wiping the touch pad and display window area to not scratch the surfaces.A month or two after the initial installation, it is recommended to power down the J&H Speed Clean AC drive, open up the enclosure and retighten all of the electrical connections. Then once a year, the connections should again be checked for tightness and inspected for any corrosion. Check the motor lead cables for signs of damage to the insulation or any wearing of the insulation, particularly where the cable is in contact with vibrating equipment. Replace cables if damage or significant wear is observed.Thank you so much for your purchase of the J&H Speed Clean system. By carefully reading these instructions, properly setting up your application, and contacting J&H Equipment for support and new products, your J&H Speed Clean should provide many years of improved J&H Screen performance and life and reduced plant maintenance.。
人民币收藏99版投放冠号一览表99版人民币属于是第五版人民币,也就是现在我们正在使用的这套纸币,第五套人民币共发行了六种面额,有100元、50元、20元、10元、5元、1元,如今99版人民币的行情也在步步高升,那么99版纸币投放的冠号都有哪些?据华夏国礼网的收藏专家介绍,如下所示:99版100元票券投放的冠号共有402种第一大组有:AB AC AD AE AH AI AJBA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BI BJCA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CI CJDA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DI DJEA EB EC ED EE EF EG EH EI EJFA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FI FJGA GB GC GD GE GF GG GH GI GJHA HB HC HD HE HF HG HH HI HJIA IB IC ID IE IF IG IH II IJJA JC JD JE JF JG JH JI JJ第壹大组投放的冠号共有97种,其中使用AH、AI、AJ三种冠号作为补票的冠号。
▪ 限孔Ⅲ--限制紧急室向列车管的逆流速度。
▪ 限孔Ⅳ--限制紧急室的充气速度。
▪ g1一充气限孔,与l4、l5相通。
▪ C、滑阀座:
▪ l2——制动管充气用孔,通制动管L。 ▪ l3——制动管局部减压用孔,通制动管L。 ▪ r2——容积室孔。 ▪ Ju1——局减室孔,通局减室。 ▪ Z1——局减阀孔,通局减阀。 ▪ d2——缓解孔,通大气。
▪ (1)用途:其功用是充气时根据作用部控制的压力风缸的充气速 度实现控制副风缸的充气速度,也即协调副风缸与作用部控制的 压力风缸的充气速度的一致性。
▪ 第六章
▪ 第一节 104型分配阀结构特点及作用原理
▪ 一、103型及104型分配阀的结构特点
▪ 1、间接作用方式
▪ 2、两种压力控制的膜板滑阀结构
▪ 4、局减阀
▪ (1)用途:其功用是在第二段局部减压时,将制动管的部分压 缩空气送入制动缸,使制动管产生局部减压。
▪ (2)结构:由局减阀套、局减阀、密封圈、局减膜板、局减活 塞、压圈、局减活塞螺母、局减阀弹簧、局减阀弹簧垫、毛毡、 局减阀盖等组成。
▪ 5、紧急增压阀
Jh 系列报警主机适用于各种工业报警控制,壁挂式安装,安装简单、操作方便,工作状态稳定、测量精度高。
一、报警控制主机功能及参数�接收标准信号:4-20mA ,二线或三线制探头均可,可为探头提供24V 供电;�可选1,2,4,8四种通道数的主机:每通道接一个探头,定货时说明通道数;�报警点及全部参数可按键设定;�每个通道带有两个报警输出;开关量无源触点输出220V AC ,2A�可设定低限、高限二级报警,或上限、下限报警,具延时报警功能(部分型号);�主机可以对检测探头的数据进行修正,可远程调零点;�可选RS485/232通讯功能,并进行实时监控和通讯。
�工作电压220V AC�温度范围:0~70℃�湿度范围:10~90%RH(非凝结)************51489521/23/37/38************E-mail:*******************.cn �精度:0.2%F.s (单通道为:0.5%F.s )�安装方式:壁挂式安装�重量:约1.2kg (单/双通道)�外形尺寸:200X200X80mm 二、一氧化氮气体探头功能参数三、使用说明将一氧化氮气体检测探头安装于需要监测的地点,可以多点监控,通过二芯屏蔽电缆接入主机,接线时按说明书或示意图中说明,按颜色对接即可。
[List 1] …………………………………………………………. ……. 14
[清单 2] …………………………………………………………15
[List 2] ………………………………………………………….. …….…15
[清单 3] …………………………………………………………17
机油消耗率 12
空气消耗量 13
Air consumption
最低工作稳定转速 14 Lowest continuous speed with load
活塞平均速度 15
Mean speed of piston
平均有效压力 16
Mean effective pressure
压缩比 17
Compression ratio
factory warranty, spare parts, etc. for the 6230ZC-1 (660kW/750r/min) diesel engine.
1.2 柴油机在进行出厂试验时,必须达到本技术条件中规定的技术要求。
1.2 When ex-factory, the engines shall be in accordance with the technical requirements stipulated in
Displacement of lube oil pump
Lube oil filter model
Mesh of lube oil filtering element
4 Supply Scope …………………………….……………………. …….……9
疾病编码疾病名称拼音码1A01.001伤寒sh2A03.901细菌性痢疾 NOS xjxlj nos3A04.805副霍乱fhl4A04.902细菌性肠炎 NOS xjxcy nos5A04.903感染性腹泻grxfx6A05.951食物中毒 NOS swzd nos7A16.202肺结核,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实fjhwtjxjxhzzxdzs8A16.502结核性脓胸,未提及细菌学或组织学的证实jhxnxwtjxjxhzzxdzs 9A27.901钩端螺旋体病 NOS gdlxtb nos10A35.X01破伤风 NOS psf nos11A36.901白喉 NOS bh nos12A37.901百日咳 NOS brk nos13A38.X01猩红热xhr14A39.052+流行性脑膜炎lhxnmy15A41.901败血症 NOS bxz nos16A80.352急性麻痹性脊髓灰质炎,其他和未特指的jxmbxjshzyqthwtzd 17A82.901狂犬病[恐水症] NOS kqb[ksz] nos18A83.001流行性乙型脑炎(日本脑炎)lhxyxny(rbny)19A98.502+流行性出血热lhxcxr20B05.901麻疹 NOS mz nos21B15.901甲型病毒性肝炎jxbdxgy22B54.X02疟疾nj23B65.202血吸虫病xxcb24D50.902缺铁性贫血qtxpx25D61.905再生障碍性贫血 NOS zszaxpx nos26E01.251地方性甲状腺肿dfxjzxz27E05.901甲状腺功能亢进症 NOS jzxgnkjznos28E14.901糖尿病 NOS tnb nos29E46.X03营养不良yybl30E55.001佝偻病glb31E87.802电解质紊乱djzwl32G20.X02帕金森氏病pjssb33G40.901癫痫dx34H60.901外耳道炎wedy35H66.905中耳炎zey36I00.X03风湿性关节炎fsxgjy37I01.901急性风湿性心脏病jxfsxxzb38I10.X02高血压gxy39I20.902心绞痛 NOS xjt nos40I21.951心肌梗塞(急性) NOS xjgs(jx) nos41I25.101冠心病gxb42I49.904心律失常[心律不齐;心律紊乱]xlsc[xlbqxlwl]43I50.911心力衰竭 NOS xlsj nos44I64.X04脑卒中[中风]nzz[zf]45I67.802脑动脉供血不足ndmgxbz46J00.X03感冒gm47J00.X04胃肠型感冒wcxgm48J00.X05急性鼻炎jxby49J01.901急性鼻窦炎jxbdy50J02.909咽炎yy51J03.902扁桃腺炎btxy52J04.102气管炎qgy53J06.903上呼吸道感染shxdgr54J11.101流行性感冒lhxgm55J18.901肺炎fy56J43.903肺气肿 NOS fqz nos57J45.903支气管哮喘zqgxc58K05.301牙周炎yzy59K11.205急性腮腺炎jxsxy60K12.003口疮kc61K27.904胃十二指肠溃疡[消化性溃疡]wsezcky[xhxky] 62K29.502慢性胃炎mxwy63K37.X01阑尾炎lwy64K73.901慢性肝炎mxgy65K74.151肝硬化gyh66K80.203胆囊结石dnjs67K81.901胆囊炎dny68L02.905皮肤疖肿pfjz69L30.901皮炎py70L30.902湿疹sz71M06.991类风湿性关节炎 NOS lfsxgjy nos72M32.901系统性红斑狼疮 NOS xtxhblc nos73M51.207椎间盘脱出zjptc74M51.905腰椎病yzb75M54.381坐骨神经痛zgsjt76M54.475腰腿痛ytt77M54.561腰肌劳损yjls78M86.993骨髓炎 NOS gsy nos79M89.391骨质增生gzzs80N20.051肾结石sjs81N21.001膀胱结石bgjs82N40.X01前列腺肥大(增生)qlxfd(zs)83N41.901前列腺炎 NOS qlxy nos84N61.X07乳腺炎rxy85N62.X03乳腺增生rxzs86N70.951附件炎(输卵管和卵巢炎)fjy(slghlcy)87N72.X02子宫颈炎zgjy88N73.901女性盆腔炎nxpqy89N76.001阴道炎ydy90N81.451子宫脱垂 NOS zgtc nos91N91.201闭经bj92N93.801功能(障碍)性子宫出血gn(za)xzgcx93N94.601痛经tj94N95.101更年期综合征gnqzhz95N96.X01习惯性流产xgxlc96O14.901先兆子痫 NOS xzzx nos97O16.X51妊娠高血压综合征(妊娠中毒症)rsgxyzhz(rszdz) 98O20.001先兆流产xzlc99O46.901产前出血 NOS cqcx nos100O86.401产褥期感染crqgr101P23.901新生儿肺炎 NOS xsefy nos102P38.X51脐带感染qdgr103S06.001脑震荡nzd104S09.905头部外伤tbws105T50.951药品中毒(由于过量)(给错服错药物)ypzd(yygl)(gcfcyw) 106T60.002有机磷中毒yjlzd107T62.001蘑菇类意外中毒 (X49.973)mglywzd (x49.973) 108T67.051中暑和日射病zshrsb109T69.101冻疮dc110T80.951输液反应(致热原反应)syfy(zryfy) 111T88.701药物过敏反应ywgmfy五笔码数字代码wp0001 xanuu nos0002gft0003 xaneo nos0004 dinei0005 wckg nos0006 exsfrbxaiaxxiryp0007 xsneefrbxaiaxxiryp0008 qujywu nos0009 dww nos0010rk nos0011djk nos0012qxr0013 itneeo0014 mtu nos0015 qnounimdrodwtfcrr0016 qdu[aiu] nos0017 itnngeo(jseo)0018 itnbtr0019ou nos0020 lgugneo0021uu0022 tkju0023 tqnwt0024 gtbdnwt nos0025 fynluee0026 luescyf0027 onu nos0028 auiy0029 wwu0030 jqryt0031 mqsqu0032uu0033 qbuo0034 kbo0035 winuao0036 qnwinneu0037ytd0038 nxu nos0039 nesp(qn) nos0040 pnu0041ntti[ntiyntyt]0042 neyu nos0043 eyk[kw]0044 efewtik0045dj0046 legdj0047 qnto0048 qntpo0049ko0050 yseo0051rto0052 hkkudi0053 itndj0054eo0055 ere nos0056 frtkk0057 amo0058 qneeo0059 ku0060 lffreiu[iwniu]0061 nnlo0062 uno0063 nneo0064 edw0065 egxd0066 ego nos0067 heue0068 ho0069 iu0070 owinuao nos0071 txnxgqu nos0072 suteb0073 esu0074 wmpxu0075 eeu0076 eear0077 mmo nos0078 mrft0079 jxd0080 eexd0081 ugeed(ft)0082 ugeo nos0083 eeo0084 eeft0085 bwo(lqttqvo)0086 bpco0087 vnweo0088 buo0089 bpet nos0090 ux0091 ac(bd)nbpbt0092 ux0093 gtdxwt0094 nnniu0095 tibu nos0096 vvytdxwt(vvkgu)0097 tiiu0098 uubt nos0099 upddi0100 utqeo nos0101 egdi0102 efa0103 uuqw0104 akkg(mgfj)(xqeqac)0105 esdkg0106 aaouqkg (x49.973)0107 kjtjtu0108 uu0109liro(grdro)0110 acftro0111。
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JH104 / JH204 呼叫器使用说明书
✧DC 5V供电设计,可以使用电源适配器供电,也可以直接插入到USB口取电;
将呼叫器电源适配器插入220V电源,短按呼叫器上的“开/关”键,直至显示初始文字:“---- 000”,此时说明呼叫器已开机成功。
如果提示“NEED LOGIN”,表示服务器要求登录,请按“登录”键登录。
只有当服务器要求登录的情况下,按“登录”键才有反应,在未登录的情况下,按其它功能键都将提示“NEED LOGIN”,如果服务器不要求登录,则可以直接操作所有功能键,具体由系统管理员决定。
在要求登录的情况下,按“登录”键,呼叫器提示“STAFF ID”(输入工号),此时呼叫器进入输入状态,可以输入任意数字或字母,工号最多输入10个字符,不可以为空,输入完成后按“确认”键,此时呼叫器提示“PASSWORD”(输入密码),输入密码后再按“确认”键,这里密码可以为空,如果登录成功则会提示“OK”,“LOGGED”指示符也会点亮。
例如:要设置当前窗口办理“个人业务”和“VIP业务”,两个业务优先级都为0,则业务设置中应该输入“1020”,然后按“确认”键,成功后该窗口可以呼叫到“个人业务”和“VIP 业务”的票号,排序按取票时间顺序而定。