NoSQL Architecture


NoSQL 数据库分析(英文)

NoSQL 数据库分析(英文)

Analysis in NoSQL DatabasesCen JianhuAbstract—NoSQL (Not only Structured Query Language) as a prime representative of cloud data management system is widely applied. Many large IT systems all adopt NoSQL as main approach to data management. NoSQL as the substitute for a traditional database is the system collection with similar features rather than some data management system or a database. Thus, a lot of people consider NoSQL as an ecosystem instead of a system. The paper introduces the prevalent system, NoSQL to users for further reference, and makes a comparison between various NoSQL systems.Keywords—NoSQL; Cloud data managem ent; Performance; Database;1.INTRODUCTIONMany organizations collect vast amounts of customer, scientific, sales, and other data for future analysis. Traditionally, most of these organizations have stored structured data in relational databases for subsequent access and analysis. However, a growing number of developers and users have begun turning to various types of non-relational, which now frequently called NoSQL databases.Non-relational databases include hierarchical, graph, and object-oriented databases, which have been around since the late 1960s. However, new types of NoSQL databases are being developed. And only now are they beginning to gain market traction. Different NoSQL databases take different approaches. What they have in common is that they are not relational. Unlike relational databases, they handle unstructured data such as word-processing files, e-mail, multimedia, and social media efficiently. Besides, they are easier to work with for the many developers not familiar with the structured query language.Some NoSQL databases can function in a distributed setting. Users could thus scale a single database by running it across additional inexpensive machines rather than by having to run it on a single more power and costly machine. Moreover, NoSQL databases enable better performance, which is particularly important for applications with large amounts of data.PANIES’ ACTIONS IN NOSQLNumerous companies and organizations have developed NoSQL databases. The approach’s most influential champions are primarily Web 2.0 companies with huge, growing data and infrastructure needs such as Amazon and Google. They developed the Dynamo and Big Table NoSQL databases, which have inspired many of today’s NoSQL applications. It is certain that the NoSQL databases are one of the byproducts of the Web 2.0 era, which were really used only at the time when the designers of web services with very large number of users discovered that the traditional relational database management system are fit either for small but frequent read/write transactions or for large batch transactions with rare write accesses, and not for heave read/write workloads, which is often the case for these large scale web services, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Yahoo and so on.It seems that some of the major relational database management system producers are learning something from this evolution. Therefore, most of them have taken actions to develop the NoSQL databases. For example, Amazon introduced its Dyanamo distributed NoSQL system for internal use. Amazon was one of the first major companies to store muchof its important corporate data in a non-relational database; Microsoft introduced some NOSQL type features such as snapshot isolation, although used at a single table level, into its newer relational database management system product labeled Azure; Oracle 11g is also containing a similar facility called Oracle streams, but this one is limited in the same way as the Microsoft product.3.THE TECHNOLOGY OF NOSQLDATABASESThere are three popular types of NoSQL databases.3.1 Key-value storesAs the name implies, a key-value store is a system that stores values indexed for retrieval by keys. These systems can hold structured or unstructured data. Amazon’s SimpleDB is a Web service that provides core database functions of information indexing and querying in the cloud. It provides a simple API for storage and access. User pay only for the services they use.3.2 Column-oriented databasesRather than store sets of information in a heavily structured table of columns and rows with uniforms-sized fields for each record, as is the case with relational databases, column-oriented databases contain one extendable column of closely related data. For instance, Facebook created the high-performance Cassandra to help power its website; The Apache Software Foundation developed Hbase, a distributed, open source database that emulates Google’s Big Table.3.3 Document-based storesThese databases store and organize data as collections of documents, rather than as structured tables with uniform-sized fields for each record. With these databases, users can add any number of fields of any length to a document. For example, The Apache Software Foundation hosts CouchDB as an open source, scalable database written in Erlang and accessible form any browser; Basho Techonologies’Riak is a distributed, scalable, decentralized, open source database suitable for Web-based applications.4.NOSQL PROS AND CONS4.1 AdvantagesNoSQL databases generally process data faster than relational databases. Relational databases are usually subject all data to the same set of ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) restraints. Atomicity means an update is performed completely or not at all, and consistency means no part of a transaction will be allowed to break a database’s rules. Isolation means each applications operating concurrently, and durability means that completed transactions will persist.Having to perform these restraints on every piece of data makes relational databases slower. Developers usually don’t have their NoSQL databases support ACID in order to increase performance, but this can cause problems when used for applications that require great precision. NoSQL databases are also often faster because their data models are simple. There is a bit of trade-off between speed and model complexity. Because they don’t have all the technical requirements that relational databases have, most major NoSQL systems are flexible enough to better enable developers to use the applications in ways that meet their needs.4.2 ConcernsNoSQL databases face several challenges. Overhead and complexityBecause NoSQL databases don’t work with SQL, they require manual query programming, which can be fast for simple tasks time-consuming for others. In addition, complexquery programming for the databases can be difficult.●ReliabilityRelational databases natively support ACID, while NoSQL databases don’t. NoSQL databases thus don’t natively offer the degree of reliability that ACID provides. If users want NoSQL databases to apply ACID restraints to a data set, they must perform additional programming.●ConsistencyBecause NoSQL databases don’t natively support ACID transaction, they also could compromise consistency enables better performance and scalability but is a problem for certain types of applications and transactions, such as those involved in banking.●Unfamiliarity with the technologyMost organizations are unfamiliar with NoSQL databases and thus may not feel knowledgeable enough to choose one or even to determine to determine that the approach might be better for their purposes.●Limited ecostructureUnlike commercial relational databases, many open source NoSQL applications don’t yet come with customer support or management tools.5.NOSQL COMPARISONS5.1 Qualitative point of viewIn order to be able to compare a set of NoSQL solutions, we can compare some items based on qualitative criteria. As such we will start by comparing what features are available for the NoSQL databases taken into account. The features we searched for are:●Persistence●Replication●High Availability●Transactions●Rack-locality awareness●Implementation Language●Influences/sponsors ●License typeThe results are given in the following table. You can see that the three products offer the same features, the only differences being the ones related to transactions, implementation language and license type. The dual licensing solution available now for MySQL is a result of the series of acquisitions from the last few years. Table1. A comparison with the features of the5.2 Quantitative point of viewThe information used for size related criteria form various sources. There will be no values given for MySQL as the NoSQLproducts are specially designed for large size databases, so there is no point in comparing them with MySQL. There is no official measurement unit for the size of a database installation but we can take several factors into account:●Number of records/rows/documents stored:It is given values of 6 to 450 million records for different installations of HBase, most of them being in the range of 6 to 25 million records; various sources are giving sizes of 2 to 150 million records for diverse installations of Cassandra;●Number of nodes in an installation: It isgiven values of 5 to 110 nodes for Hbase, most of them being in the range of 6 to 20 nodes; 4 to 150 nodes for Cassandra with most installations in the span of 5 to 25 nodes;●Total size of the installations: lessdocumented; some instances are showing maximal sizes for current installations of 140 TB for Hbase and 150 TB for Cassandra.6.CONCLUSIONSNoSQL adoption will be small-scale and only in some niches because relational databases are more mature and represent huge investments by vendors and users. During the next one or two years, users will adopt NoSQL databases primarily for specialized projects, such as those that are distributed, that involve large amounts of data, or that must scale. After that, broader adoption could occur. NoSQL databases won’t replace relational databases, he stated, but instead will become a better option for certain types of projects.REFERENCE[1]范凯.NoSQL 数据库综述[J].程序员.2010(6):76-78.[2]李莉莎.关于NoSQL 的思考[J].中国传媒科技.2010(4):40-41. [3]Jason Baker, Chris Bond and etc. Megastore: Providing Scalable Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services[R].2011[4]Edlich, Stefan, “NoSQL, your ultimate guide to the non - relational universe”, /[5]Agrawal, Rakesh, "The Claremont report on database research", SIGMOD Record (ACM) 37 (3): 9–19. ISSN 0163-5808[6]Bucur, Cristian; Tudorica, Bogdan George, “Solutions for wor king with large data volumes in web applications”, The Proceedings of the IE 2011 “Education, Research & Business Technologies” International Conference, 5-7 May 2011。




1序2思想篇2CAP2最终一致性2变体2BASE2其他2I/O的五分钟法则2不要删除数据2RAM是硬盘,硬盘是磁带2Amdahl定律和Gustafson定律2万兆以太网3手段篇3一致性哈希3亚马逊的现状3算法的选择3Quorum NRW3Vector clock3Virtual node3gossip3Gossip (State Transfer Model)3Gossip (Operation Transfer Model)3Merkle tree3Paxos3背景3DHT3Map Reduce Execution3Handling Deletes3存储实现3节点变化3列存3描述3特点4软件篇4亚数据库4MemCached4特点4内存分配4缓存策略4缓存数据库查询4数据冗余与故障预防4Memcached客户端(mc)4缓存式的Web应用程序架构4性能测试4dbcached4Memcached 和dbcached 在功能上一样吗?4列存系列4Hadoop之Hbase4耶鲁大学之HadoopDB4GreenPlum4FaceBook之Cassandra4Cassandra特点4Keyspace4Column family(CF)4Key4Column4Super column4Sorting4存储4API4Google之BigTable4Yahoo之PNUTS4特点4PNUTS实现4Record-level mastering 记录级别主节点4PNUTS的结构4Tablets寻址与切分4Write调用示意图4PNUTS感悟4微软之SQL数据服务4非云服务竞争者4文档存储4CouchDB4特性4Riak4MongoDB4Terrastore4ThruDB4Key Value / Tuple 存储4Amazon之SimpleDB4Chordless4Redis4Scalaris4Tokyo cabinet / Tyrant4CT.M4Scalien4Berkley DB4MemcacheDB4Mnesia4LightCloud4HamsterDB4Flare4最终一致性Key Value存储4Amazon之Dynamo4功能特色4架构特色4BeansDB4简介4更新4特性4性能4Nuclear4两个设计上的Tips4Voldemort4Dynomite4Kai4未分类4Skynet4Drizzle4比较4可扩展性4数据和查询模型4持久化设计5应用篇5eBay 架构经验5淘宝架构经验5Flickr架构经验5Twitter运维经验5运维经验5Metrics5配置管理5Darkmode5进程管理5硬件5代码协同经验5Review制度5部署管理5团队沟通5Cache5云计算架构5反模式5单点失败(Single Point of Failure)5同步调用5不具备回滚能力5不记录日志5无切分的数据库5无切分的应用5将伸缩性依赖于第三方厂商5OLAP5OLAP报表产品最大的难点在哪里?5NOSQL们背后的共有原则5假设失效是必然发生的5对数据进行分区5保存同一数据的多个副本5动态伸缩5查询支持5使用Map/Reduce 处理汇聚5基于磁盘的和内存中的实现5仅仅是炒作?6附6感谢6版本志6引用序日前国内没有一套比较完整的NoSQL数据库资料,有很多先驱整理发表了很多,但不是很系统。

Oracle NoSQL 数据库企业版 19.5 产品介绍说明书

Oracle NoSQL 数据库企业版 19.5 产品介绍说明书

Oracle NoSQL DatabaseEnterprise Edition, Version 19.5Oracle NoSQL Database is a scalable, distributed NoSQL database, designed to provide highly reliable, flexible and available data management across a configurable set of storage nodes.Data can be modeled as relational-database-style tables, JSON documents or key-value pairs. Oracle NoSQL Database is a sharded (shared-nothing) system which distributes the data uniformly across the multiple shards in the cluster, based on the hashed value of the primary key. Within each shard, storage nodes are replicated to ensure high availability, rapid failover in the event of a node failure and optimal load balancing of queries. NoSQL Database provides Java, C, C#, Python and Node.js drivers and a REST API to simplify application development. Oracle NoSQL Database is integrated with a wide variety of related Oracle and open source applications in order to simplify and streamline the development and deployment of modern big data applications. NoSQL Database is dual-licensed and available as an open-source Apache licensed Community Edition as well as a commercially licensed Enterprise Edition.K E Y B U S I N E S S B E N E F I T S•Hybrid cloud NoSQL database •High throughput•Bounded latency•Near-linear scalability•High availability•Short time to deployment•Smart topology management •Online elastic configuration •Enterprise grade software and support ArchitectureThe Oracle NoSQL Database is built upon the proven Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition high-availability storage engine, which is in widespread use in enterprises across industries. In addition, it adds a layer of services for use in distributed environments.The resulting solution provides distributed, highly available key/value storage that is well suited to large-volume, latency-sensitive applications.K E Y F E A T U R E S•Single common application programming interface•Native JSON data type•JSON data type queries with SQL •Java, Python, Node.js,C, C# APIs •Fast, index Btree storage •Dynamic partitioning (sharding) •Transparent load balancing •Streaming Large Object support •Multi data models•GeoJSON support•Secondary index support•Streams support•ACID compliant transactions •Replication for HA, fault tolerance, fail-over, read scalability•JMX for system monitoring•Online rolling upgrade•Efficient multi-zone support•Wire level data encryption using SSL •Node level backup and restore •Integrated with Apache Hadoop •Secure full text search •Aggregation•Parent child joins•Zone affinity High Availability and No SinglePoint of FailureEach shard in the Oracle NoSQL Databaseprovides dynamically elected leader nodes(masters) and multi-replica databasereplication. Transactional data is delivered toall replica nodes in the shard with flexibledurability policies per transaction. In theevent the master replica node of a shard fails,a PAXOS-based automated fail-over election provides a new shard master with minimal affects to write latency. This allows for scalability, high-availability, and low latency read and write operations.High PerformanceThe Oracle NoSQL Database is network topology and latency aware. The Oracle NoSQL Database Driver working in conjunction with highly scalable, fault tolerant, high throughput storage engine enables a more granular distribution of resources and processing, which reduces the incidence of hot spots and provides greater performance on commodity based hardware.Transparent Load BalancingThe Oracle NoSQL Database Driver partitions the data in real time and evenly distributes it across the storage nodes. It is network topology and latency-aware, routing read and write operations to the most appropriate storage node in order to optimize load distribution and performance.Configurable Smart TopologySystem administrators indicate how much capacity is available on a given storage node, allowing more capable storage nodes to host multiple replication nodes. Once the system knows about the capacity for the storage nodes in a configuration, it automatically allocates replication nodes intelligently. This results better load balancing for the system, better use of system resources and minimizing system impact in the event of storage node failure. Smart Topology also supports Data Centers, ensuring that a full set of replicas is initially allocated to each data center.Elastic ConfigurationThe Oracle NoSQL Database includes a topology planning feature, with which an administrator can now modify the configuration of a NoSQL database, while the database is still online. This allows the administrator to:•Increase Data Distribution: by increasing number of shards in the cluster, this increases the write throughput.•Increase Replication Factor: by assigning additional replication nodes to each shard, which increases read throughput and system availability.U S E C A S E S•“Last mile” Big Data connectivity •Click-through data capture•High-Throughput event processing •Fraud detection•Metadata storage•Social Network data capture•Online retail customer view•Mobile application back end infrastructure•Real time sensor aggregation •Network device monitoring and management•Scalable authentication•Content management•ArchivingR E L A T E D P R O D U C T SThe following Oracle products are easily used in conjunction with Oracle NoSQL Database:•Oracle Big Data Appliance•Oracle Exadata•Oracle Big Data SQL•Oracle Berkeley DB•Oracle SQL Developer•Oracle Spatial and Graph•Rebalance Data Store: by modifying the capacity of a storage node(s), the system can be rebalanced, re-allocating replication nodes to the availablestorage nodes, as appropriate. The topology rebalance command allows theadministrator to move replication nodes and/or partitions from over utilizednodes onto underutilized storage nodes or vice versa.Easy Administration and Enhanced System MonitoringThe Oracle NoSQL Database provides an administration service, which can be accessed from command-line interface (CLI) interface. This service supports core functionality such as the ability to configure, start, stop and monitor a storage node, without requiring manual effort with configuration files, shell scripts, or explicit database operations.In addition it also allows Java Management Extensions (JMX agents to be available for monitoring. This allows management clients to poll information about the status, performance metrics and operational parameters of the storage node and its managed servicesArbitersThe ability to reduce hardware requirements using fewer replicas per shard instance. Online Rolling UpgradeUpgrade and patching is an important part of any software support cycle. The Oracle NoSQL Database provides facilities to perform a rolling upgrade, allowing a system administrator to upgrade all of the nodes in the Oracle NoSQL Database cluster while the database continues to remain online and available to clients.Multi-Zone DeploymentThe Oracle NoSQL Database supports the definition of multiple zones from within the topology deployment planner. It leverages the definition of these zones internally to intelligently allocate replication of processes and data, ensuring optimal reliability during hardware, network & power related failure scenarios.There are two types of Zones: Primary zones contain nodes that can be served as masters or replicas and are typically connected by fast interconnects. Secondary zones contain nodes which can only be served as replicas. Secondary zones can be used to provide low latency read access to data at a distant location, or to offload read-only workloads, like analytics, report generation, and data exchange for improved workload management. The Oracle NoSQL Database allows users to continue business operations in the event of zone failures. This allows for any planned maintenance that results in the taking of one or more zones offline without impacting business operations. Additionally, with the zone affinity feature it’s possible to place master nodes in primary zones that are in close network proximity to the user applications. This helps to get predictable write latencies.Single Application Programming InterfaceHTTP proxy is a new middle tier component that sits between the client applications and the NoSQL Database server. The HTTP protocols are identical for on-premise Oracle NoSQL Database and Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service. Client applications can connect and move between both products easily. With a single common application programming interface, developers can easily build applications that run and interoperate in a hybrid cloud environment.Table Data ModelA tabular data structure is available, which simplifies application data modeling by leveraging existing schema design core concepts. Table model is layered on top of the distributed key-value structure, inheriting all its advantages and simplifying application design even further by enabling seamless integration with familiar SQL-based applications.Native JSON Data TypeJSON is a first-class citizen making it easy to store data that doesn’t confirm to rigid schema. Only valid JSON documents can be stored providing automatic JSON document validation. JSON documents stored in JSON columns are converted to an internal binary (optimized) format that allows quick read access to document elements. The ability to create JSON indexes on JSON column allows developers access to the nested attributes embedded deep within a JSON document.Secondary IndexPrimary key only based indexing limits number of low latency access paths. Sometime application needs a few non-primary-key based paths to support the whole solution for the real-time system. Being able to define secondary index on any value field dramatically improves performance for queries.SQL for NoSQLOracle NoSQL Database provides a SQL-like interface to Oracle NoSQL Database that can be used from a command line interface, scripts, or from the Oracle NoSQL Database Java Table Driver. The SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database data model supports flat relational data, hierarchical typed (schema-full) data, and schema-less JSON data. SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database is designed to handle all such data in a seamless fashion without any "impedance mismatch" among the different sub models. SQL Path Expression allows to navigate inside complex values and select their nested values using different types of step operations. For JSOC docs, its possible to "introspect" the JSON docs, in case you don't know what is in there.JSON Indexing and QueryCreate indexes on JSON columns to access the nested JSON attributes efficiently. Query your JSON data type with familiar SQL queries. This powerful feature gives developers the ability to use SQL to query schemaless JSON data. NoSQL now offers the flexibility of rich query over schemaless data along -side more structured queries.Partial JSON UpdateDevelopers can update (change, add, remove) a part of JSON document. This update happens on the server side eliminating the need for read-modify-write cycle, is atomic and thread safe.GeoJSON SupportData can be stored in GeoJSON format to represent geographical features, properties, and boundaries. Geometry types supported are Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection. Search functions support queries on geographical data that have a relationship based on a certain geometry. Indexes can be created for optimal search performance.Parent-Child JoinsOracle NoSQL Database includes support for a special kind of join among tables that belong to the same table hierarchy. This is implemented with a NESTED TABLES clause that is semantically equivalent to the LEFT-OUTER-JOINS defined by standard SQL and supported by all RDBMS implementations. The Left Outer Join creates a result set containing pairs of matching rows from the left and right tables and you would see a similar behavior in Oracle NoSQL.Aggregation FunctionsAggregate functions in Oracle NoSQL Database iterate over the rows, evaluate an expression for each row, and aggregate the returned values into a single value. Syntactically Aggregate functions appear in the SELECT clause. Supported Aggregate functions supported are: sum, count, avg, min, max.Simple and Easy to Use APIs in Multiple Programming LanguagesThe Oracle NoSQL Database includes Java, C, Python, C# and Node.js APIs. These simple APIs allow the application developer to perform CRUD operations on the Oracle NoSQL Database. C and Java drivers, also include Avro support, so that developers can serialize key-value records and de-serialize key-value records interchangeably between C and Java applications.Full Text Search (FTS)Gives users the ability to perform very secure fast text and indexed searches on data stored in Oracle NoSQL Database. FTS combines the TABLE interface with ElasticSearch (ES) for a powerful way to find documents that satisfy a query. This provides a high performant, secure full-text search of Tables stored in Oracle NoSQL Database.Streams ProcessingBased on Reactive Streams, streams processing in Oracle NoSQL Database allow for a notification service that permits a user to subscribe to all logical changes (table row putsand deletes) made to an Oracle NoSQL Database store. Applications can be alerted to these changes which allows for asynchronous monitoring of database changes.Time-To-LiveAllows for data to be stored for a specified period of time and then deleted automatically which is a critical requirement for sensor data capture in an Internet Of Things (IoT) service.Oracle Database Integration via External TablesSupport for external table allows fetching from the Oracle NoSQL Database data from Oracle database using SQL statements such as Select, Select Count(*) etc. Once data from the Oracle NoSQL Database is exposed through external tables, one can access the data via standard JDBC drivers and/or visualize it through enterprise Business Intelligence tools.Oracle Big Data SQL and Hive IntegrationOracle Big Data SQL is a common SQL access layer to data stored in Hadoop, HDFS, Hive and the Oracle NoSQL Database. This allows customers to run queries on the Oracle NoSQL Database from a Hive or Oracle Database. Users can also run MapReduce jobs against data stored in the Oracle NoSQL Database that's configured for secure access. The latest release also supports both primitive and complex data types.Integration with Other Oracle ProductsThe integration of Oracle NoSQL Database with OEM primarily takes the form of an EM plug-in. The plug-in allows monitoring through Enterprise Manager of NoSQL Database store components, their availability, performance metrics, and operational parameters.With Oracle SQL Developer integration it’s possible to view (Read-only) the data that’s stored in Oracle NoSQL Database.Oracle Event Processing (OEP) provides read access to the Oracle NoSQL Database via the Oracle NoSQL Database cartridge. Once the cartridge is configured, CQL queries can be used to query the data.The Oracle Semantic Graph has developed a Jena Adapter for the Oracle NoSQL Database to store large volumes of RDF data (as triplets/quadruplets). This adapter enables fast access to graph data stored in the Oracle NoSQL Database via SPARQL queries. An integration with Oracle Coherence has been provided that allows the Oracle NoSQL Database to be used as a cache for Oracle Coherence applications, also allowing applications to directly access cached data from the Oracle NoSQL Database.Large Object SupportStream based APIs are provided in the product to read and write Large Objects (LOBs) such as audio and video files, without having to materialize the value in its entirety inmemory. This permits low latency operations across mixed workloads of objects ofvarying sizes.Apache Hadoop IntegrationKVAvroInputFormat and KVInputFormat classes are available to read data from theOracle NoSQL Database natively into Hadoop Map/Reduce jobs. One use for this classis to read the Oracle NoSQL Database records into Oracle Loader for Hadoop.Import/Export CapabilitiesData can be moved to and from Oracle NoSQL Database using a simple, dataexchange format.Enterprise SecurityOS- OS-independent, cluster-wide password-based user authentication and OracleWallet integration, enables greater protection from unauthorized access to sensitivedata. Additionally, session-level Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and networkport restrictions deliver greater protection from network intrusion. Oracle NoSQLDatabase now can use Kerberos integration for external authentication. This allows forOracle NoSQL Database to be easily integrated with customers' existing applicationwhich are already protected by Kerberos.Commercial Grade Software and SupportThe Oracle NoSQL Database overcomes a significant limitation faced by manyenterprises considering the implementation of NoSQL databases—the need for fullsupportability. The Oracle NoSQL Database is a commercial product fully supported byOracle. This gives organizations the confidence and reduces the risk they need todeploy the Oracle NoSQL Database in the production environments they depend on tomanage their business-critical data.C O N T A C T U SFor more information about Oracle NoSQL Database, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speakto an Oracle representative.C O N N E C T W I T H U S/nosql/oracle/oraclenosqlCopyright © 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and thecontents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any otherwarranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations areformed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license andare trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo aretrademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. 0116 V3。



NoSQL是什么意思今天⼩编带⼤家了解下NoSQL,从⼴义上说,NoSQL指的是⾮关系型数据库,说的其实不是不⽤SQL,⽽是不只是SQL(NOT ONLY SQL)。















程序员需要知道的缩写和专业名词使⽤API应⽤程序接⼝(英语:Application Programming Interface,简称:API),⼜称为应⽤编程接⼝,就是软件系统不同组成部分衔接的约定。





AJAXAJAX即“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”(异步的 JavaScript 与 XML 技术),指的是⼀套综合了多项技术的浏览器端⽹页开发技术。

CAS⽐较并交换(compare and swap, CAS),是原⼦操作的⼀种,可⽤于在多线程编程中实现不被打断的数据交换操作,从⽽避免多线程同时改写某⼀数据时由于执⾏顺序不确定性以及中断的不可预知性产⽣的数据不⼀致问题。


集中式认证服务(英语:Central Authentication Service,缩写CAS)是⼀种针对万维⽹的单点登录协议。




JPAJPA 是 Java Persistence API 的简称,中⽂名 Java 持久层 API,是 JDK 5.0 注解或 XML 描述对象-关系表的映射关系,并将运⾏期的实体对象持久化到数据库中。



NoSQL数据库的特点与应用场景MongoDB、HBase、Redis目录1.NoSQL的四大种类 (3)2.MongoDB (4)3.HBase (6)4.Redis (8)1.NoSQL的四大种类NoSQL数据库在整个数据库领域的江湖地位已经不言而喻。




主流nosql的详解:MongoDB、Hbase、Redis2.MongoDBMongoDB 是一个高性能,开源,无模式的文档型数据库,开发语言是C++。



∙使用许可:AGPL(发起者:Apache)∙协议:Custom, binary(BSON)∙Master/slave复制(支持自动错误恢复,使用sets 复制)∙内建分片机制∙支持javascript表达式查询∙可在服务器端执行任意的javascript函数∙update-in-place支持比CouchDB更好∙在数据存储时采用内存到文件映射∙对性能的关注超过对功能的要求∙建议最好打开日志功能(参数--journal)∙在32位操作系统上,数据库大小限制在约2.5Gb∙空数据库大约占192Mb∙采用GridFS存储大数据或元数据(不是真正的文件系统)2.MongoDB优点:1)更高的写负载,MongoDB拥有更高的插入速度。










二、NoSQL数据库的特点1. 非关系型:NoSQL数据库不需要事先定义数据结构,可以随时添加字段或属性。

2. 灵活的数据模型:NoSQL数据库支持多种数据模型,如键值对、列族、文档等,可以根据实际需求选择合适的数据模型。

3. 高可扩展性:NoSQL数据库设计之初就考虑到了可扩展性,可以通过分片、复制等技术实现分布式处理和高可用性。

4. 大数据量处理:NoSQL数据库适用于大数据场景,可以快速处理海量数据,提高系统性能。

5. 低一致性要求:NoSQL数据库可以根据实际需求选择不同的一致性模型,如最终一致性、强一致性等。

三、NoSQL数据库应用场景1. 大数据处理:NoSQL数据库适用于大数据场景,能够快速处理海量数据,提高系统性能。

2. 高并发场景:NoSQL数据库具有良好的可扩展性和高可用性,能够应对高并发场景的请求压力。

3. 灵活的业务需求:NoSQL数据库的非关系型特点使其能够适应灵活多变的数据需求,降低开发成本和时间。

4. 数据存储量大:对于需要存储大量数据的场景,NoSQL数据库可以轻松应对,提高存储效率。

四、NoSQL数据库实践案例以下是一个简单的MongoDB实践案例:1. 安装MongoDB:首先需要在服务器上安装MongoDB,可以从MongoDB官网下载安装包并按照官方文档进行安装。



nosql数据库的安装和基础操作实验总结NoSQL(Not Only SQL)是一种非关系型数据库,与传统的关系型数据库相比,NoSQL数据库更适用于处理大规模、高并发的数据,具有高可扩展性和灵活性。

下面是安装和基础操作实验的总结:安装:1. 下载NoSQL数据库的安装包,例如MongoDB、Cassandra 等。

2. 解压安装包到指定的目录。

3. 配置环境变量,确保可以在命令行中直接访问安装的NoSQL数据库。

基础操作:1. 启动NoSQL数据库服务。

2. 连接到NoSQL数据库,可以使用命令行工具或客户端程序。

3. 创建数据库,可以使用命令或可视化工具创建一个新的数据库。

4. 创建集合(或表),集合是NoSQL数据库中存储数据的基本单位。

5. 插入数据,可以使用命令或可视化工具向集合中插入一条或多条数据。

6. 查询数据,可以使用命令或可视化工具查询集合中的数据。

7. 更新数据,可以使用命令或可视化工具更新集合中的数据。

8. 删除数据,可以使用命令或可视化工具删除集合中的数据。

9. 索引数据,可以使用命令或可视化工具创建索引来提高查询效率。

10. 导出数据,可以使用命令或可视化工具将集合中的数据导出为文件。

11. 导入数据,可以使用命令或可视化工具将文件中的数据导入到集合中。






NoSQL数据库种类繁多,但是一个共同的特点都是去掉关系数据库的关系型特性。数据之间无关系,这样就 非常容易扩展。无形之间,在架构的层面上带来了可扩展的能力。
NoSQL数据库都具有非常高的读写性能,尤其在大数据量下,同样表现优秀。这得益于它的无关系性,数据 库的结构简单。一般MySQL使用Query Cache。NoSQL的Cache是记录级的,是一种细粒度的Cache,所以NoSQL在 这个层面上来说性能就要高很多。

NoSQL最常见的解释是“non-relational”, “Not Only SQL”也被很多人接受。NoSQL仅仅是一个概念, 泛指非关系型的数据库,区别于关系数据库,它们不保证关系数据的ACID特性。NoSQL是一项全新的数据库革命 性运动,其拥护者们提倡运用非关系型的数据存储,相对于铺天盖地的关系型数据库运用,这一概念无疑是一种 全新的思维的注入。
这部分数据库通常是用来应对分布式存储的海量数据。键仍然存在,但是它们的特点是指向了多个列。这些 列是由列家族来安排的。如:Cassandra, HBase, Riak.
文档型数据库的灵感是来自于Lotus Notes办公软件的,而且它同第一种键值存储相类似。该类型的数据模 型是版本化的文档,半结构化的文档以特定的格式存储,比如JSON。文档型数据库可以看作是键值数据库的升级 版,允许之间嵌套键值,在处理网页等复杂数据时,文档型数据库比传统键值数据库的查询效率更高。如: CouchDB, MongoDb.国内也有文档型数据库SequoiaDB,已经开源。



云计算术语(中英文对照)1. 自由计算free computing2. 弹性可伸缩elastic and scalable3. 主机host / instance4。

硬盘hard disk/ volume5。

密钥key6. 公开密钥public key7. 映像image / mapping8. 负载均衡load balancing9。

对象存储object storage10。

弹性计算elastic computing11。

按秒计费charged by seconds12. 多重实时副本multiple real-time copy13. 安全隔离security isolation14。

异地副本long—distance copy15. 后端系统back—end system16。

前端系统front-end system17. 写时拷贝技术copy-on—write technique18. 控制台console19. 监控台dashboard20。

远程终端remote terminal21. 服务端口service port22。

模拟主机simulation host display 显示器23. 路由器router24. 多路万兆光纤multiple 10000MB optical fiber25. 密码验证登录password authentication login26. 静态IP static IP27. 动态IP dynamic IP28. 混合云hybrid cloud29。

SLA Service Level Agreement服务级别协议30。

分布式存储distributed storage31. 存储柜locker32。

云计算加速器cloud computing accelerator33. NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 美国国家标准技术研究所34。

B 端软件必知 100 个专业名词

B 端软件必知 100 个专业名词

B 端软件必知100 个专业名词B端软件是帮助企业进行运营和管理的工具。

下面是一些常见的B端软件专业词汇,希望对大家有用:1. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) - 企业资源计划,比较基础的信息化系统,帮助企业全面管理进销存、财务、人力资源等各个方面,但是在一些专业领域能力较弱,比如仓储管理、运输管理等。

2. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - 客户关系管理,专注于帮助企业管理从销售线索到销售合同的全过程。

3. HRM (Human Resource Management) - 人力资源管理,帮助企业招聘、培训和管理员工。

4. SCM (Supply Chain Management) - 供应链管理,确保产品从原材料到成品再到客户的整个流程高效运转。

5. BI (Business Intelligence) - 商业智能,通过数据分析帮助企业做出更明智的决策。

6. BPM (Business Process Management) - 业务流程管理,支撑和优化企业的日常工作流程。

7. OA (Office Automation) - 办公自动化,提高办公室工作效率,比如审批、邮件和文档等。

8. SaaS (Software as a Service) - 软件即服务,通过互联网提供软件服务,用户无需安装即可使用,一般按年收费,而不是一次性买断。

目前也存在SaaS 和传统软件的混合体:部署在本地,但是按年收费,而不是买断。

9. PaaS (Platform as a Service) - 平台即服务,提供给开发者一个平台来构建、运行和管理应用程序。


10. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) - 基础设施即服务,提供虚拟化的计算资源,类似于虚拟服务器。


2. "Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement" by Eric Redmond and Jim R. Wilson - 这本书介绍了七种不同类型的 数据库,包括一些主流的NoSQL数据库(如MongoDB、Redis、Neo4j等)。通过实践和 示例,读者可以深入了解每种数据库的特点、使用方法和适用场景。
5. "NoSQL with MongoDB in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself" by Brad Dayley - 这 本书以MongoDB为例,通过24个小时的学习计划,帮助读者快速入门和掌握MongoDB数 据库的基本概念和使用方法。它包含了一些实际的示例和练习,帮助读者通过实践来加深理 解。
以下是一些关于Nostilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence" by Pramod J. Sadalage and Martin Fowler - 这本书介绍了NoSQL数据库的基本概念、不 同类型的NoSQL数据库以及如何选择和使用适合的数据库。它以简洁和易懂的方式解释了 NoSQL的核心概念和原则。
这些教材涵盖了NoSQL数据库的基本概念、不同类型的NoSQL数据库以及如何选择和使 用适合的数据库。根据自己的需求和兴趣,选择适合自己的教材进行学习和深入了解。
3. "NoSQL for Mere Mortals" by Dan Sullivan - 这本书以非技术人员为目标读者,用 简单和易懂的语言解释了NoSQL数据库的基本概念、术语和使用场景。它提供了一种非常适 合初学者入门的方式,帮助读者理解NoSQL的核心概念和原则。



软件学报ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW E-mail: jos@Journal of Software,2013,24(8):1786-1803 [doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2013.04416] +86-10-62562563 ©中国科学院软件研究所版权所有. Tel/Fax:*支持大数据管理的NoSQL系统研究综述申德荣, 于戈, 王习特, 聂铁铮, 寇月(东北大学信息科学与工程学院,辽宁沈阳 110004)通讯作者: 申德荣, E-mail: shenderong@, 摘要: 针对大数据管理的新需求,呈现出了许多面向特定应用的NoSQL数据库系统.针对基于key-value数据模型的NoSQL数据库的相关研究进行综述.首先,介绍了大数据的特点以及支持大数据管理系统面临的关键技术问题;然后,介绍了相关前沿研究和研究挑战,其中典型的包括系统体系结构、数据模型、访问方式、索引技术、事务特性、系统弹性、动态负载均衡、副本策略、数据一致性策略、基于flash的多级缓存机制、基于MapReduce的数据处理策略和新一代数据管理系统等;最后给出了研究展望.关键词: NoSQL;key-value存储;大数据管理中图法分类号: TP311文献标识码: A中文引用格式: 申德荣,于戈,王习特,聂铁铮,寇月.支持大数据管理的NoSQL系统研究综述.软件学报,2013,24(8):1786-1803./1000-9825/4416.htm英文引用格式: Shen DR, Yu G, Wang XT, Nie TZ, Kou Y. Survey on NoSQL for management of big data. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software, 2013,24(8):1786-1803 (in Chinese)./1000-9825/4416.htmSurvey on NoSQL for Management of Big DataSHEN De-Rong, YU Ge, WANG Xi-Te, NIE Tie-Zheng, KOU Yue(College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China)Corresponding author: SHEN De-Rong, E-mail: shenderong@, Abstract: Many specific application oriented NoSQL database systems are developed for satisfying the new requirement of big datamanagement. This paper surveys researches on typical NoSQL database based on key-value data model. First, the characteristics of bigdata, and the key technique issues supporting big data management are introduced. Then frontier efforts and research challenges are given,including system architecture, data model, access mode, index, transaction, system elasticity, load balance, replica strategy, dataconsistency, flash cache, MapReduce based data process and new generation data management system etc. Finally, research prospects aregiven.Key words: NoSQL; key-value storage; big data management大数据[1,2]通常被认为是PB(1 024 terabytes)或EB(1EB=100万TB)或更高数量级的数据,包括结构化的、半结构化的和非结构化的数据,其规模或复杂程度超出了常用传统数据库和软件技术所能管理和处理的数据集范围.随着技术的发展,大数据广泛存在,如企业数据、统计数据、科学数据、医疗数据、互联网数据、移动数据、物联网数据,等等,并且各行各业都可得益于大数据的应用[3,4].按其应用类型,可将大数据分为海量交易数据(企业OLTP应用)、海量交互数据(社网、传感器、GPS、Web信息)和海量处理数据(企业OLAP应用)这3类[5].海量交易数据的应用特点是多为简单的读写操作,访问频繁,数据增长快,一次交易的数据量不大,但要求支持事务特性.其数据的特点是完整性好、实效性强,有强一致性要求.海量处理数据的应用特点是面向海量数*基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)(2012CB316201); 国家自然科学基金(61033007, 61003060)收稿时间:2012-03-28; 修改时间: 2012-10-19; 定稿时间: 2013-03-29; jos在线出版时间: 2013-05-23CNKI网络优先出版:2013-05-23 15:17, /kcms/detail/11.2560.TP.20130523.1517.001.html申德荣等:支持大数据管理的NoSQL系统研究综述1787据分析,操作复杂,往往涉及多次迭代完成,追求数据分析的高效率,但不要求支持事务特性,典型的是采用并行与分布处理框架实现.其数据的典型特点是同构性(如关系数据或文本数据或列模式数据)和较好的稳定性(不存在频繁的写操作).海量交互数据的应用特点是实时交互性强,但不要求支持事务特性.其数据的典型特点是结构异构、不完备、数据增长快,不要求具有强一致性.大数据带来了大机遇[6],同时也为有效管理和利用大数据提出了挑战.尽管不同种类的海量数据存在一定的差异,但总体而言,支持海量数据管理的系统应具有如下特性[7]:高可扩展性(满足数据量增长的需要)、高性能(满足数据读写的实时性和查询处理的高性能)、容错性(保证分布系统的可用性)、可伸缩性(按需分配资源)和尽可能低的运营成本等.然而,由于传统的关系数据库所固有的局限性,如峰值性能、伸缩性、容错性、可扩展性差等特性,很难满足海量数据的柔性管理需求.为此,提出了云环境下面向海量数据管理的新模式,如采用NoSQL存储系统[8,9]或可扩展的数据管理系统[10-12](或称关系云系统)支持海量数据的存储和柔性管理.目前,它们是云环境下所采用的典型的云存储系统.NoSQL是指那些非关系型的、分布式的、不保证遵循ACID原则的数据存储系统[13],并分为key-value存储、文档数据库和图数据库这3类[14].其中,key-value存储备受关注,已成为NoSQL的代名词.典型的NoSQL 产品有Google的BigTable[15]、基于Hadoop HDFS[16]的HBase[17]、Amazon的Dynamo[18]、Apache的Cassandra[19]、Tokyo Cabinet[20]、CouchDB[21]、MongoDB[22]和Redis[23]等.针对key-value数据存储的细微不同,研究者又进一步将key-value存储细分为key-document存储(MongoDB,CouchDB)、key-column存储(Cassandra,Voldemort, Hbase)和key-value存储(Redis,Tokyo Cabinet).NoSQL典型地遵循CAP理论[24]和BASE原则[25].CAP理论可简单描述为:一个分布式系统不能同时满足一致性(consistency)、可用性(availability)和分区容错性(partition tolerance)这3个需求,最多只能同时满足两个.因此,大部分key-value数据库系统都会根据自己的设计目的进行相应的选择,如Cassandra,Dynamo满足AP; BigTable,MongoDB满足CP;而关系数据库,如Mysql和Postgres满足AC.BASE即Basically Available(基本可用)、Soft state(柔性状态)和Eventually consistent(最终一致)的缩写.Basically Available是指可以容忍系统的短期不可用,并不强调全天候服务;Soft state是指状态可以有一段时间不同步,存在异步的情况;Eventually consistent是指最终数据一致,而不是严格的时时一致.因此,目前NoSQL数据库大多是针对其应用场景的特点,遵循BASE设计原则,更加强调读写效率、数据容量以及系统可扩展性.在性能上,NoSQL数据存储系统都具有传统关系数据库所不能满足的特性,是面向应用需求而提出的各具特色的产品.在设计上,它们都关注对数据高并发地读写和对海量数据的存储等,并具有很好的灵活性和性能[26].它们都支持自由的模式定义方式,可实现海量数据的快速访问,灵活的分布式体系结构支持横向可伸缩性和可用性,且对硬件的需求较低.可扩展的数据管理系统(关系云)是侧重扩展数据库系统到云环境下,使关系云支持海量数据管理.典型的系统如微软的SQL Azure[10]和MIT的Relational Cloud[12]等.主要针对事务特性、系统弹性性能、多租户负载均衡技术等进行研究.本文以key-value数据模型的NoSQL数据库系统相关研究为核心进行综述,同时也介绍了与NoSQL相关的关系云系统和MapReduce框架[27]的相关研究和研究挑战.下文将不区分NoSQL数据存储系统和key-value 存储系统.1 关键技术问题尽管大多数NoSQL数据存储系统都已被部署于实际应用中,但归纳其研究现状,还有许多挑战性问题.研究现状:1) 已有key-value数据库产品[15,17,19]大多是面向特定应用自治构建的,缺乏通用性;2) 已有产品支持的功能有限(不支持事务特性),导致其应用具有一定的局限性[28];3) 已有一些研究成果和改进的NoSQL 数据存储系统[29-31],但它们都是针对不同应用需求而提出的相应解决方案,如支持组内事务特性、弹性事务等,很少从全局考虑系统的通用性,也没有形成系列化的研究成果;4) 缺乏类似关系数据库所具有的强有力的理论1788 Journal of Software软件学报 V ol.24, No.8, August 2013(如armstrong公理系统)[32]、技术(如成熟的基于启发式的优化策略、两段封锁协议等)、标准规范(如SQL语言)的支持.研究挑战:随着云计算、互联网等技术的发展,大数据广泛存在,同时也呈现出了许多云环境下的新型应用,如社网、移动服务、协作编辑等.这些新型应用对海量数据管理或称云数据管理系统也提出了新的需求,如事务的支持、系统的弹性等.同时,业界专家也指出,云计算时代海量数据管理系统的设计目标为可扩展性、弹性、容错性、自管理性和“强一致性”.目前,已有系统通过支持可随意增减节点来满足可扩展性;通过副本策略保证系统的容错性;基于监测的状态消息协调实现系统的自管理性.“弹性”的目标是满足Pay-per-use模型,以提高系统资源的利用率.该特性是已有典型NoSQL数据库系统所不完善的,但却是云系统应具有的典型特点;“强一致性”主要是新应用的需求.因此,为有效支持云环境下的海量数据管理,还存在许多挑战性问题[28].典型的关键问题如下:∙海量数据分布存储与局部性海量数据均匀分布存储在各节点上,典型的策略是采用Hash分布存储或连续存储.Hash存储可实现均匀分布,但弱化了数据间的联系,不能很好地支持范围查询;连续存储支持范围查询但影响数据分布存储的均衡性.目前,简单的key-value数据模型为提升可扩展性,弱化了数据间的关联关系,这对于key间不具有关联性的事务是合适的.然而,产生的大数据不是孤立存在的,它们之间存在必然联系,如社网中某一主题的数据、同类产品的销售数据等.另外,为增值海量数据的价值,进行海量数据分析也是必然趋势.因此,在弱化数据关系实现可扩展性的同时,需要考虑数据的局部性,以有效提升海量数据查询与分析的I/O性能.为此,数据模型应兼顾可扩展性和数据间的关联性,基于此研究相应的索引和查询以及相应的支持理论.∙分布式事务特性为了支持分布环境下的事务特性,典型的策略是采用两段提交协议实现.然而,集群环境下节点的动态性很难保证支持事务的节点的及时提交,导致事务代价大.为此,需要研究如何避免采用2PC[33]来支持事务特性的key-value数据库.典型的研究是将事务操作数据分布到一个节点上或动态重组到一个节点上来避开分布环境,但这种策略局限性较大.为此,需要考虑如何避开2PC协议,即回避因单点失败导致整个事务废弃的处理过程,如采用乐观的并发控制方法,并结合副本数据支持云环境下的事务特性.∙负载均衡的自适应性在面向海量数据管理的云环境下,用户访问量、数据变化量或执行任务量都是事先无法精确预见的.随着数据量的增加或应用范围的扩大或应用用户的增加,都可能出现存储热点或应用热点.因此,弹性动态平衡是云环境下分布系统的典型特点.弹性(elasticity),就是随着负载的增加和减少可动态调节,并最小化操作代价.为此,需要有自适应协调方法,保证系统的弹性性能,有效地提高系统资源利用率.目前,典型的研究是:1) 侧重多租户的事务迁移达到动态平衡;2) 事先选择均衡的执行方案,没有考虑自适应性.∙灵活支持复杂查询若按需满足不同用户的查询需求,云环境必须具有更大的灵活性和柔性.目前,已有key-value数据库均支持简单查询,而将复杂查询交由应用层完成.MapReduce是被广泛接受的分布式处理框架,用于实现海量数据的并行处理,通常,应用层基于该框架定制相应的查询视图.尽管MapReduce为海量数据处理提供了灵活的并行处理框架,但如何最优地实现各种复杂查询和数据分析还需要深入研究.希望能提供一种更为灵活的、可优化的复杂查询定义模型,可按需满足不同用户的查询和数据分析需求.∙灵活的副本一致性策略在云环境下,典型的是基于副本策略提高系统的可用性,同时也带来了维护副本一致性的代价.已有系统采用最终一致性策略[34,35]或强一致性策略[36]实现副本同步.然而,无论何种策略都具有一定的局限性,限制了NoSQL数据存储系统的应用范围.如强一致性适用于同时访问数据量不是很大的OLTP应用或在线交易系统,而最终一致性适用于不要求具有实时一致需求的Web查询系统.因此,需要提供一个灵活的、自适应的副本一致性策略模型,按需配置副本一致性策略,并最小代价地满足各种应用需求.申德荣等:支持大数据管理的NoSQL系统研究综述1789针对上述关键问题,目前研究者们侧重研究的内容主要有:针对事务和系统弹性的研究有支持多关键字查询的事务语义研究[10,29,30]、弹性事务的研究[31,37-43]、负载均衡策略的研究[10,44-47]、自适应副本策略的研究[48-51]等;提升数据访问效率的研究有基于flash扩展缓存的研究[52-56];支持新应用需求的新一代数据存储系统的研究[29-31];还有采用MapReduce框架支持海量数据分析的研究[57-59]和NoSQL数据库与MapReduce优势结合的研究[60,61]等.下面简述相关研究和研究挑战.2 系统体系结构尽管目前流行的NoSQL数据存储系统的设计与实现方式各有不同,但是总结起来大体上有两种架构: master-slave结构和P2P环形结构.两者各具特色.2.1 Master-Slave结构与P2P环形结构在采用master-slave结构[15,17]的系统中,master节点负责管理整个系统,监视slave节点的运行状态,同时为其下的每一个slave节点分配存储的范围,是查询和写入的入口.master节点一般全局只有1个,该节点的状态将严重影响整个系统的性能,当master节点宕机时,会引起整个系统的瘫痪.实践中,经常设置多个副本master节点,通过联机热备的方式提高系统的容错性.slave节点是数据存储节点,通常也维护一张本地数据的索引表.系统通过添加slave节点来实现系统的水平扩展.在master-slave框架下,master节点一直处于监听状态,而slave 节点之间尽量避免直接通信以减少通信代价.在运行过程中,salve节点不断地向master节点报告自身的健康状况和负载情况,当某个节点宕机或负载过高时,由master节点统一调度,或者将此节点的数据重新分摊给其他节点,或者通过加入新节点的方式来调节.BigTable,Hbase是典型的master-slave结构的key-value存储系统.在P2P环形结构[18,19]中,系统节点通过分布式哈希算法在逻辑上组成一个环形结构,其中的每个node节点不但存储数据,而且管理自己负责的区域.P2P环形结构没有master节点,可以灵活地添加节点来实现系统扩充,节点加入时只需与相邻的节点进行数据交换,不会给整个系统带来较大的性能抖动.P2P环形结构没有中心点,每个节点必须向全局广播自己的状态信息.例如,目前流行的采用P2P环形结构的Cassandra和Dynamo系统采用Gossip机制[24]来进行高效的消息同步.可见,NoSQL数据存储系统的两种流行的体系结构的框架存在很大的不同,各自所需维护网络运行的协议差别也很大,二者典型的特点如下:1)Master-Slave结构的系统设计简单,可控性好,但master中心节点易成为瓶颈;P2P环形结构的系统无中心节点,自协调性好,扩展方便,但可控性较差,且系统设计比master-slave结构的系统要复杂.2)Master-Slave结构的系统需要维护master服务节点,由master节点维护其管理的slave节点,维护简单、方便;P2P环形结构的系统自协调维护网络,扩展方便,可扩展性好.3)Master-Slave结构的系统将master节点和slave节点的功能分开,可减轻节点的功能负载;P2P环形结构的系统,各节点平等,没有起到功能分布的作用.4)Master-Slave结构的系统通常基于水平分区实现数据分布,方便支持范围查询;P2P环形结构的系统适于基于Hash分布数据,负载均衡性好,但不利于支持范围查询.2.2 两种体系结合的研究由于key-value数据存储系统的两种体系结构差别很大,它们所采用的支持技术存在很大差别,导致了不同体系结构的系统所支持的功能的局限性.Cloudy[62]为用户提供了一个可配置采用master-slave或DHT体系结构的Demo系统,但两种体系结构结合的研究还很少.未来支持key-value数据存储系统的体系结构应结合P2P分布式结构和master-slave集中式结构两者的优势,如Chord和master-slave的结合、CAN与master-slave的结合等,侧重研究面向组件的灵活可配置的体系结构,这样,可以灵活地结合两者的优势,并可以综合考虑数据存储的全局性和局部性.1790 Journal of Software软件学报 V ol.24, No.8, August 2013 3 数据存储的研究Key-Value数据库的目标是支持简单的查询操作,将复杂操作留给应用层实现.在NoSQL数据存储领域,为了提高存储能力和并发读写能力,采用了弱关系的数据模型,典型的是key-value数据模型.本节将介绍key- value数据模型、数据读写方式、索引机制、支持的查询操作以及研究挑战.3.1 Key-Value数据模型Key-Value存储可细分为key-value型、key-document型和key-column型.key-column型是key-value键值对的典型扩充,也是目前业界推崇的数据模型.由于key-document型适于文档型数据,本部分不予介绍.1) Key-Value型Key-Value键值对数据模型实际上是一个映射,即key是查找每条数据地址的唯一关键字,value是该数据实际存储的内容.例如键值对:(“20091234”,“张三”),其key:“20091234”是该数据的唯一入口,而value:“张三”是该数据实际存储的内容.Key-Value数据模型典型的是采用哈希函数实现关键字到值的映射,查询时,基于key的hash 值直接定位到数据所在的点,实现快速查询,并支持大数据量和高并发查询.2) Key-Column型Key-Column型数据模型主要来自Google的BigTable.目前流行的开源项目Hbase和Cassandra也采用了该种模型.Column型数据模型可以理解成一个多维度的映射,主要包含column,row和columnfamily等概念.图1描述了一个column型数据模型的实例.ColumnsKeyName Value Timestampc1 v1 123456k1c2 v2 12345613k2c2v4 123456Fig.1 A columnfamily instance图1 一个columnfamily的实例如图1所示,在key-column型数据模型中,column是数据库中最小的存储单元,它是一个三元组,包括name (如c1,c2),value(如v1,v2)和timestamp(如123456),即一个带有时间戳的key-value键值对.每一个row也是一个key-value对,对于任意一个row,其key是该row下数据的唯一入口(如k1),value是一个column的集合(如column: c1,c2).Columnfamily是一个包含了多个row的结构,相当于关系库中表的概念.简单来说,key-column型数据模型是通过多层的映射模拟了传统表的存储格式,实际上类似于key-value数据模型,需要通过key进行查找.因此,key-column型数据模型是key-value数据模型的一种扩展.3) 支持key-value数据模型的技术研究数据模型是数据管理所关注的核心问题.Key-Value数据模型因其简单以及具有灵活的可扩展性而广泛被云系统所采用.目前,已有一些key-value数据库产品都是面向特定应用构建的,支持的功能以及采用的关键技术都存在很大差别,并没有形成一套系统化的规范准则.因此,需要规范key-value数据模型及其支持理论,主要包括:1) 研究key-value数据模型的规范定义和所支持的基本操作;2) 研究面向应用设计key-value数据组织所遵循的准则,如代价最小化的key-value数据物理组织模型、代价最小化的数据可扩展的启发式准则,为数据最优组织提供遵循准则;3) 研究key-value数据对间的关联关系以及正确性验证规则,为数据组织的合理性和正确性提供一定的依据.3.2 读写方式分析已有key-value数据库,其读写方式可分为面向磁盘的读写方式和面向内存的读写方式两种.后者适合于不要求存储海量的数据但需要对特定的数据进行高速并发访问的场景.采用哪一种读写方式,通常由数据量的大小和对访问速度的要求决定的.本部分只介绍面向磁盘的读写方式.申德荣等:支持大数据管理的NoSQL系统研究综述17911) 面向磁盘的读写方式通常情况下,NoSQL系统中都存储着海量的数据,且无法全部维持在内存中,所以一般都采用面向磁盘的读写方式,图2描述了NoSQL系统中采用的典型的面向磁盘读写的一般过程.磁盘结构Fig.2 Disk-Oriented read and write process图2 面向磁盘的读写过程如图2所示,通常,当写入数据时,数据首先会被写到一个内存结构中,系统返回写入成功.当内存中的数据达到指定大小或存放超过指定时限时,会被批量写入磁盘.当需要读取数据时,首先访问内存结构,如果未命中则需要访问磁盘上的实例化文件.当系统发生意外宕机时,内存结构中的数据将丢失,因此,一般采用日志的方式来帮助进行数据恢复.为了进一步提高写入效率和并发能力,许多系统都采用了Append的方式,即将修改和删除操作都追加写到文件末尾,而读数据时利用时间戳过滤掉旧信息,返回给用户最新版本的数据.因此,数据库需要进行定期的数据合并,将过期的冗余数据删除.此外,在一些面向文档的NoSQL数据库中(例如MongoDB),其主要采用内存文件映射的机制(MMAP)来实现对文档的读写操作,即把磁盘文件的一部分或全部内容直接映射到内存当中,避免了频繁的磁盘IO,通过简单的指针来实现对文件的读写操作,极大地提高了读写效率.2) 基于flash内存扩展缓存的研究为了提高数据的读写速度,提出了基于flash内存扩展缓存的研究,以提高持久化的key-value存储系统的吞吐率,进而提高系统应用性能.由于flash内存在性能和费用上介于DRAM和disk之间,如目前flash内存比硬盘高100倍~1 000倍的访问时间,比DRAM访问时间约低100倍;相反地,flash内存的费用是DRAM的1/10左右,而比disk贵20倍左右,可见,flash内存是自然的选择.为此,为了提高系统的数据处理性能,进行了相关应用flash 内存[52 56]的key-value存储系统的研究,它们混合使用RAM和flash内存,将所有的key-value对存于flash内存中,并将少量的key-value对的元信息存在RAM中支持快速插入和查询.flash内存的容量可远远大于RAM,因此需要减少存在于flash内存中的key-value对所需要的RAM字节数.目前,这方面的研究侧重于如何利用最小RAM存储最多的flash中的key-value对以及恰当的多级存储策略,提供高吞吐率和低延迟的服务.3.3 索引技术目前,大多数云框架基于分布式文件系统(如DFS),通常采用key-value存储模型存储数据,即云系统中的数据组织为key-value对.因此,当前的云系统(如Google’s GFS和Hadoop’s HDFS)只支持keyword查询,即用户只能通过点查询满足用户查询需求.Key-Value数据库典型的是以key索引为主,常见的有hash索引、B-tree索引等.为了提供丰富的查询能力,一些key-value数据库还建有二级索引或称辅助索引(secondary index)[63],同时,为了提高对海量数据的查询效率,一些系统采用了BloomFilter技术.但已有的这些索引都是局部索引.1) 二级索引或辅助索引在key-value数据库中,数据的key是数据的检索入口.为了实现对值的查询,需要对值建立一个有效的索引,称为列值索引或二级索引或辅助索引.下面以Cassandra为实例,介绍二级索引的运作原理.1792 Journal of Software软件学报 V ol.24, No.8, August 2013在基于column数据模型的Cassandra中,column.value上的二级索引实际上是一个新的columnfamily结构.图3(a)为原有的数据表columnfamily cf1,图3(b)为新建的columnfamily,即二级索引cf1-c1.在cf1-c1中,新key是原数据表中column的value值,对应行下的为原columnfamily中的key,column value为空.利用构建的辅助索引,可以实现对column.value的条件查询.例如,对于图3的columnfamily:cf1,若查询满足条件: c1.value=v1的行的数据内容,则其过程是:首先查找cf1中c1的索引cf1-c1,在索引中按key=v1查找到该行数据,读取该行下每一列的列名,即k1,k3;接下来在原数据表cf1中按key=k1,key=k3分别进行查询,得到k1,k3行下的数据.Index on c1我们Fig.3 Index logic structure sketch图3 索引的逻辑结构示意图2) BloomFilter在key-value数据库中经常会遇到如下情况:一个表由数十亿甚至更多行(每行对应一个key-value对)组成,这些数据被实例化到数千个磁盘文件当中.若建立一个统一的索引,则维护代价很大.通常,需要分别对一个或是一组实例化文件建立独立的索引,当检索一条数据时,首先需要快速地判断这条数据是不是在这个或是这组文件当中.key-value数据库中普遍采用BloomFilter技术来解决这个问题.BloomFilter是一种空间效率很高的随机数据结构,它利用位数组简洁地表示一个集合,能够快速地判断一个元素是否属于这个集合.应用BloomFilter 的过滤示意如图4所示,设BFV1,BFV2,…,BFV n是关键字k1,k2,…,k n插入时基于hash函数生成的BFV数组,若查询关键字为k,则应用hash映射数组,基于BFV i确定DataBlock中是否有要读取的k.若在,进一步查找,否则跳过该块.这样,可有效提高查找效率.Fig.4 Filtering sketch using Bloom Filter图4 应用Bloom Filter过滤示意图3) 分布索引研究目前,大多已有key-value存储系统采用局部索引,其“全局索引”典型的是采用Hash直接定位数据所在的节点.目前,有关云环境下用于数据管理的索引结构的典型研究有支持多属性查询或范围查询或K-NN查询而建立的索引结构[64 66]和适用于集群结构的索引结构[67,68].(a) Columnfamily cf1 (b)二级索引cf1-c1。



NoSQL(Not Only SQL)是一种非关系型数据库管理系统的概念,它与传统的关系型数据库不同。







常见的NoSQL数据库包括MongoDB、Cassandra、HBase、Redis和Neo4j 等。




软考高级架构师技术选型40题1. In a large-scale e-commerce project, which of the following cloud computing services is most suitable for handling the peak traffic during the shopping festival?A. IaaSB. PaaSC. SaaSD. Serverless答案:A。

解析:IaaS( 基础设施即服务)提供了最大的灵活性和对底层基础设施的控制,能够根据需求快速扩展资源以应对高峰流量。

PaaS( 平台即服务)侧重于提供平台环境,对于处理突发的大规模流量扩展相对受限。


Serverless 适用于一些特定的短时间、低资源需求的任务,对于持续的高峰流量处理可能不够稳定。

2. For a financial company that needs to ensure high data security and compliance, which cloud computing model is the best choice?A. Public cloudB. Private cloudC. Hybrid cloudD. Community cloud答案:B。

解析:Private cloud(私有云)提供了最高级别的控制和安全性,能够满足金融公司对数据安全和合规性的严格要求。

Public cloud( 公有云)共享资源,安全性和合规性可能难以完全满足金融公司的特殊需求。

Hybrid cloud( 混合云)结合了公有云和私有云,但在数据安全和合规方面仍不如私有云直接和可控。

Community cloud( 社区云)共享程度较高,安全性和定制化程度不如私有云。

3. When choosing a cloud computing provider for a startup with limited budget and rapid growth expectations, which factor should be given the highest priority?A. CostB. ScalabilityC. SecurityD. Support services答案:B。



NoSQL数据库简介Not Only SQL5.1 NoSQL数据库具有以下⼏个特点:(1)灵活的可扩展性(扩容⽅便,关系数据库扩容涉及复杂数据重新划分)(2)灵活的数据模型(关系数据库表结构固定,不能动态扩展。

Hbase中可动态扩展列族和列)(3)与云计算紧密融合(4)列数据库(如Hbase)读效率⾼,适合分析型应⽤场景5.2 NoSQL兴起的原因1、关系数据库已经⽆法满⾜Web2.0(⽤户产⽣多数据类型海量数据)的需求。

主要表现在以下⼏个⽅⾯:(1)⽆法满⾜海量数据的管理需求(访问数据库延时太⼤)(2)⽆法满⾜数据⾼并发的需求(⾼并发时访问数据库效率低)(3)⽆法满⾜⾼可扩展性和⾼可⽤性的需求2、“One size fits all”模式很难适⽤于截然不同的业务场景关系模型作为统⼀的数据模型既被⽤于数据分析,也被⽤于在线业务。



这两个关键特性(完善事务机制和⾼效查询机制),到了Web2.0时代却成了鸡肋,主要表现在以下⼏个⽅⾯:(1)Web2.0⽹站系统为了提⾼性能通常不要求严格的数据库事务(允许操作失败,如发布微博失败)(2)Web2.0并不要求严格的读写实时性(3)Web2.0通常不包含⼤量复杂的SQL查询(去数据结构化,存储空间(数据冗余)换取更好的查询性能)5.3 NoSQL与关系数据库的⽐较(1)关系数据库优势:⽀持事务⼀致性,索引机制可以实现⾼效的查询劣势:可扩展性较差(扩展需要重新划分表),⽆法较好⽀持海量数据存储,数据模型过于死板、⽆法较好⽀持Web2.0应⽤(2)NoSQL数据库优势:具有强⼤的横向扩展能⼒(扩容),可以⽀持超⼤规模数据存储,灵活的数据模型可以很好地⽀持Web2.0应⽤劣势:复杂查询性能不⾼,不能实现事务强⼀致性,很难实现数据完整性,技术尚不成熟,缺乏专业团队的技术⽀持,维护较困难等应⽤场景的差别关系数据库和NoSQL数据库各有优缺点,彼此⽆法取代关系数据库应⽤场景:电信、银⾏等领域的关键业务系统,需要保证强事务⼀致性NoSQL数据库应⽤场景:互联⽹企业、传统企业的⾮关键业务(⽐如数据分析)采⽤混合架构案例:亚马逊公司就使⽤不同类型的数据库来⽀撑它的电⼦商务应⽤对于“购物篮”这种临时性数据,采⽤键值存储会更加⾼效当前的产品和订单信息则适合存放在关系数据库中⼤量的历史订单信息则适合保存在类似MongoDB的⽂档数据库中。



物联网数据收集与处理考试(答案见尾页)一、选择题1. 物联网数据收集的方式有:A. 传感器设备B. 无线网络C. 人工巡检D. 远程监控2. 以下哪些技术可以用来对物联网数据进行预处理?A. 数据清洗B. 数据分析C. 数据压缩D. 数据可视化3. 在物联网数据处理中,下列哪个步骤是可选的?A. 数据采集B. 数据筛选C. 数据分析D. 数据可视化4. 对于实时数据的处理,以下哪种方法最为高效?A. 批处理B. 流处理C. 离线处理D. 线上处理5. 在物联网应用中,为了保证数据的安全性,需要进行以下哪些措施?A. 使用加密算法B. 数据备份C. 访问控制6. 在物联网数据处理中,以下哪种算法最适合对大量数据进行聚类分析?A. K-meansB. DBSCANC. hierarchical clusteringD. decision tree7. 对于物联网数据的存储,以下哪种方式最为合适?A. 关系型数据库B. NoSQL数据库C. 文件系统D. 云存储8. 在物联网数据处理中,以下哪种方法可以有效地降低数据噪声?A. 数据清洗B. 数据压缩C. 特征选择D. 样本抽样9. 在物联网应用中,为了提高系统的可靠性和稳定性,以下哪种设计模式值得采用?A. 单例模式B. 工厂模式C. 观察者模式D. 迭代器模式10. 在物联网项目中,以下哪项技术最适合实现设备之间的远程协同?A. 物聯網协议B. MQTTC. CoAPD. HTTP11. 下面哪种协议不是物联网中的基本协议?B. 802.15.1C. ZigbeeD. DNS12. 下列哪些技术可以实现物联网设备的快速接入网络?A. Wi-FiB.蓝牙C. LoRaWAND. Zigbee13. 在物联网数据处理中,以下哪种方法可以有效地挖掘潜在的关联规则?A. 分类B. 聚类C. 关联规则挖掘D. 决策树14. 在物联网设备中,为了延长设备寿命,以下哪种做法是正确的?A. 定期更新软件版本B. 减少设备资源消耗C. 增加设备存储空间D. 增加设备电池电量15. 物联网设备的数据安全主要包括以下哪些方面?A. 设备密码保护B. 数据加密传输C. 数据权限管理D. 硬件防护16. 在物联网数据收集过程中,以下哪种设备是必需的?A. 传感器B. 路由器C. 数据中心17. 物联网设备通常使用的存储介质包括以下哪些?A. 硬盘B. 闪存C. 光盘D. ROM18. 在物联网数据处理中,以下哪种方法可以有效地降维?A. 主成分分析B. 线性回归C. K-近邻D. 聚类19. 物联网设备通常使用的网络拓扑结构包括以下哪些?A. 星型B. 环型C. 网状D. 树型20. 在物联网项目中,以下哪种架构模式可以帮助实现系统的可扩展性?A. 客户端-服务器模式B. 分布式系统模式C. 面向服务的架构模式D. layered architecture模式21. 在物联网数据收集过程中,以下哪种设备是常用的?A. 温度传感器B. 湿度传感器C. 光照传感器D. 气体传感器22. 物联网数据处理中,以下哪种算法是常用的?B. k-最近邻C. 支持向量机D. 随机森林23. 物联网数据处理中,以下哪项技术是用于将数据从设备传输到云端的?A. MQTTB. CoAPC. AMQPD. HTTP24. 在物联网项目中,以下哪种方法是用于优化物联网应用性能的?A. 设备部署B. 网络优化C. 应用程序优化D. 数据压缩25. 物联网数据处理中,以下哪项技术是用于数据分析和可视化的?A. 数据清洗B. 机器学习C. 大数据处理框架D. 数据可视化26. 物联网设备通常具有以下哪些特点?A. 自适应性B. 可配置性C. 可扩展性D. 高可靠性27. 物联网数据收集过程中,以下哪种技术是用于数据聚合的?A. 数据清洗B. 统计分析C. 数据挖掘28. 物联网数据处理中,以下哪种技术是用于实现实时监测的?A. 流处理B. 批处理C. 离线处理D. 在线处理29. 物联网数据处理中,以下哪种方法是用于降本的?A. 数据压缩B. 特征选择C. 聚类D. 关联规则挖掘30. 在物联网项目中,以下哪种技术是用于实现设备之间远程协作的?A. 云计算B. 边缘计算C. 分布式计算D. 雾计算31. 物联网数据处理中,以下哪种方法是用于处理大量数据的?A. 数据挖掘B. 机器学习C. 大数据处理框架D. 数据聚合32. 在物联网数据收集过程中,以下哪种设备是用于收集人类行为数据的?A. 传感器B. 智能手机C. 智能家居设备D. 车辆传感器33. 在物联网项目中,以下哪种方法是用于测试和验证应用程序的?A. 单元测试B. 集成测试C. 端到端测试D. 压力测试34. 在物联网数据处理中,以下哪种技术是用于实现异构数据融合的?A. 数据转换B. 数据集成C. 数据清洗D. 机器学习35. 物联网数据处理中,以下哪种方法是用于实现实时性的?A. 流处理B. 批处理C. 离线处理D. 在线处理36. 物联网数据处理中,以下哪种技术是用于实现自动化决策的?A. 规则引擎B. 机器学习C. 人工智能D. 数据分析37. 在物联网数据收集过程中,以下哪种技术是用于收集环境数据的?A. 传感器B. 智能手机C. 智能家居设备D. 车辆传感器38. 在物联网数据处理中,以下哪种技术是用于实现设备之间的协同工作的?A. 分布式系统B. 云计算C. 边缘计算D. 物联网协议39. 在物联网数据处理中,以下哪种方法是用于实现数据安全和隐私保护的?A. 数据加密B. 数据脱敏C. 数据水印D. 数据隔离40. 在物联网项目中,以下哪种技术是用于实现物联网设备之间的通信的?A. 物联网协议B. 无线网络C. 传感器网络D. 互联网二、问答题1. 什么是物联网数据收集?有哪些常用的数据收集方式?2. 如何对物联网数据进行处理?常见的数据处理方法有哪些?3. 如何保证物联网数据的安全性?常见的数据安全威胁有哪些?4. 物联网数据有什么应用?可以用来解决哪些问题?5. 物联网数据采集过程中可能遇到哪些问题?如何解决这些问题?6. 如何设计一个基于物联网的数据处理系统?需要考虑哪些因素?7. 如何利用物联网数据进行预测分析?可以采用哪些方法和技术?8. 物联网数据处理中常用的机器学习算法有哪些?如何选择合适的算法?参考答案选择题:1. ABD2. ABC3. D4. B5. ABCD6. B7. B8. A9. C 10. B11. D 12. ABD 13. C 14. B 15. BCD 16. A 17. AB 18. A 19. ABD 20. B21. D 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. ABCD 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. D31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. B 37. A 38. A 39. ABD 40. A问答题:1. 什么是物联网数据收集?有哪些常用的数据收集方式?物联网数据收集是指通过各种传感器、设备等获取物联网设备产生的数据。



MSA数据的基本内容简介MSA(Microservice Architecture,微服务架构)是一种软件架构风格,用于构建大型、复杂的应用程序。



















分布式文件系统分布式文件系统(例如Hadoop HDFS、GlusterFS)是存储大规模数据的理想选择。






A. 软件即服务B. 平台即服务C. 基础设施即服务D. 硬件即服务2、下列不属于Google云计算平台技术架构的是()A. 并行数据处理MapReduceB. 分布式锁ChubbyC. 结构化数据表BigTableD. 弹性云计算EC23、云计算的一大特征是(),没有高效的网络云计算就什么都不是,就不能提供很好的使用体验。

A. 按需自助服务B. 无处不在的网络接入C. 资源池化D. 快速弹性伸缩4、Keystone是OpenStack中的服务之一。


A. 存储服务B. 认证服务C. 计算服务D. 网络服务5、虚拟化技术是将一台物理形态计算机虚拟成多台()。

A. 逻辑形态计算机B.逻辑单元C. 逻辑形态服务器D.块状形态计算机6、2010年8月,上海于推出了(),积极推动云计算产业的创新发展,并推进多个云计算示范项目率先落地,突破云计算应用的难题。

A. “天云计划”B. “祥云工程”C. “云海计划”D. “云端计划”7、以下不是云安全主要考虑的核心技术的是()A. Web信誉服务B. 行为关联分析技术C. 自动反馈机制D. 服务器安全8、BigTable属于哪种技术()A. 分布式计算B. 分布式存储C. 云计算D. 网格计算9、下面关于全虚拟化技术描述不正确的是()A. 也称为原始虚拟化技术B. 指虚拟机模拟了完整的底层硬件C. 使得为原始硬件设计的操作系统或其它系统软件完全不做任何修改就可以在虚拟机中运行D. 虚拟机发出的指令无需经过Hypervisor捕获并处理10、我国政府高度重视云计算产业发展,所制定的政策主要秉承()的理念。

A. “促进为主、重视安全”B. “统一标准,安全监测”C. “政策引导,国家投资和私人资本结合”D. “云优先”二、判断题(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)1、云计算模式中用户不需要了解服务器在哪里,不用关心内部如何运作,通过高速互联网就可以透明地使用各种资源。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Nodes with Properties ► Typed relationships with properties
► ►
Ideal e.g. to model relations in a social network
Easy to find number of followers, degree of relation etc. ► Hard to scale out
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
This is not how Software Architecture works.
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Why not? More is worse! More hardware More Developer Skills Not necessarily bad More Ops Trouble • Installation • Backup • Disaster Recovery • Monitoring • Optimizations

Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Complex Document Processing System
MongoDB Documentoriented Documents
Redis Key/value in memory Meta Data for quick access
High Performance & Scalability No complex queries Shopping Cart Key / Value
Based on friends, their purchases and reviews Recommendation Graph
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Cost Flexibility

Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Financial System

Different financial products Mapping objects / database Inheritance

Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Key / Value
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Just Like the Patterns Game! Points for each Pattern used Extra points if one class implements multiple Pattern
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Key-Value Stores
Key Value Some data
Maps keys to values ► Just a large globally available Map ► i.e. not very powerful data model
NoSQL & Architectures Eberhard Wolff @ewolff
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
About me Eberhard Wolff ► Freelance consultant ► Head technology advisory board at adesso ► Speaker ► Author

No complex queries or indices ► Just access by key ► Might add e.g. full text engine

Redis: Cache + Persistence ► Riak: Massive scale +Solr queries
Type ID
Country Currency
Zero Bond
Interest Rate
Fixed Rate Bond
Interest Rate
… Underlying asset
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
No Object/relational impedance mismatch • NoSQL database are more OO like
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Exponential Data Growth Key Value
Scale Out Wide Column
Semi Structured Data
More Connected Data Graph
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Document-oriented Databases are the best NoSQL database For at least one definition of “best”
Polyglot Persistence in Ecommerce Application
Needs transactions & reports. Data fit well in tables. Financial Data RDBMS Complex document-like data structures and complex queries Product Catalog Document Store

Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Wide Column
Add any "column" you like to a row ► key-(column-value) ► Column families like tables ► E.g. in the "Users" column family
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
But: Polyglot Persistence Has a Point Object-oriented Databases did it wrong ► Strategy: Replace RDBMS ► Enterprises will stick to RDBMS ► Pure technology migration basically never happens ► …only vendors think differently
("email" è"someuser@")
Columns named: indexing possible ► So fast queries possible

Apache Cassandra ► Amazon SimpleDB ► Apache HBase ► All tuned for large data sets
► ►
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
NoSQL Benefits
Costs • Scale out instead of Scale Up • Cheap Hardware • Usually Open Source
Flexibility • Schema in code not in database • Easier to upgrade schema • Easier to handle heterogeneous data
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Document-oriented databases

Offer scale out > Unless you need huge amounts of data Offer a rich and flexible data model > …and queries Other databases have other sweet spots > Huge data sets > Graph structures > Analyzing data Niches or mainstream?

> "someuser" è ("username"è"someuser"),

Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Classic approach for current data Current Data RDBMS Archive
NoSQL for the archive
Document Store
Eberhard Wolff - @ewolff
Archives for Insurances Legacy migration ► Querying and visualizing not migrated data ► i.e. old contracts ► Legacy hard- and software can be switched off ► Flexibility: Host data formats ► Cost: Inexpensively handling large data volumes