三、台湾 WKF 密封件:
臺灣 WKF 密封創立於 20 世紀 80 年代,是專業的油封、密封件制造商,對於各種油封、密封件制品上我們擁有獨立開 發設計與制模的能力。 全廠產品均采用 ISO9001 及 TS16949 之品保系統,品質嚴格監控,使之皆能符合 ASTM、DIN、BS、JIS、SAE 等國際標 準,我們始終秉承品質第壹、客護至上、用心服務的經營理念。持續對我們的產品制程、研發以及服務質量進行改進, 提高產品的市場競爭力。同時以客護至上、用心服務的態度來解抉客護的密封系統問題,獲得客護的信任,創造雙贏 的未來。 公司成立以來,我們不斷把誠信和客護利益放在優先位置,不斷加強服務與管理來提升公司的信譽。 我們也可以依您的圖面客至您要的產品,如果您對密封件有任何的問題,請隨時與我們聯系。 台湾 WKF 油封产品型号: TC 型双唇口外包胶骨架油封、SC 型单唇口外包胶骨架油封、TB 型双唇口外铁壳油封、SB 型单唇口外铁壳油封、TA 型 双唇口加强型外铁壳油封、SA 型单唇口加强型外铁壳油封、VC 型无弹簧骨架油封、VB 型油封、EC/CAP 型端盖油封、 VA 型水封、VS 型水封、TCV 型耐压油封、TCN 型耐高压油封、DKB 型铁壳防尘油封、GA 型铁壳防尘油封、DC 型双面油
七、美国 Garlock 密封密封件:
Garlock 是一家着重于安全性、产品寿命和生产效率的高性能流体密封件及管道解决方案跨国制造商。我们与客户、行业协会和政 府机构合作,了解他们独特的密封挑战并采取创新的解决方案,以便在提高盈利能力的同时确保人员的安全。 他们的解决方案为以下行业提供业界领先的密封完整性和性能: 化工、工程、采购和建设、食品和饮料、海事、采矿、核能、石油与天然气、制药、发电、原生金属、纸浆和造纸、水和废水、 OEM Garlock 的历史可以追溯到 125 年前,目前在全球范围内拥有制造和分销机构,从而使他们可以快速满足客户的需求。 他们还运营着最先进的研究、开发和测试机构,以继续推进密封行业的现状,从而满足工业客户快速变化的需求。 通过将最具创新性的产品与无与伦比的服务和强烈的环保承诺相结合,他们提供可提高工厂生产率、降低成本并符合日益严格的环 保法规的解决方案。
o型密封圈圈孔与轴的密封间隙计算 特瑞堡
在计算O型密封圈圈孔与轴的密封间隙时,需要考虑以下几个因素:1. O型密封圈的尺寸:O型密封圈通常由橡胶或聚氨酯等材料制成,其尺寸通常按照国际标准进行设计。
2. 轴和孔的公差:轴和孔的公差是指允许的尺寸偏差范围。
3. O型密封圈的压缩量:O型密封圈在装配时需要被压缩,以填充轴和孔之间的间隙。
4. 密封材料的选择:根据具体的工作环境和要求,选择适合的O型密封圈材料非常重要。
5. 密封间隙的计算:根据以上几个因素,可以通过计算得到O型密封圈圈孔与轴的密封间隙。
图 2 DF型机械端面密封件
密封件从内径至密封表面具有楔形间隙,以便于润滑剂 进入并到达密封表面,密封表面间必须始终存有润滑剂。 通过毛细作用和离心力,润滑剂在滑动表面之间形成一 层薄油膜。
最新资料请访问www. 2009年4月版本
< 0.04 < 0.04 16.00 - 19.00 2.00 - 4.00
— 其余
根据密封件的类型,使用下列的标准弹性体: - DO型-合金铸铁
- DO型-轴承钢(1.3505) 丁腈橡胶(NBR)
对于更高的热负载或者其他参数,也可以提供其它适用 的橡胶材料。
表 II 可替换的橡胶材料
特瑞堡密封系统公司的工程师们基于50多年的设计和研 发经验,使用当代最先进的设计工具竭诚为客户提供方 案设计、工程样件生产测试以及安装指导。特瑞堡密 封系统在全球拥有超过70家机构的国际网络,其中包括 30多家制造工厂、战略布局的研发中心、包括材料和研 发及专门从事设计及应用的机构。
由于自主研发材料,因此我们能充分利用自身的材料数 据库资源,其中包括2000多种拥有专利权的材料配方和 一系列的专有产品。
轴承钢密封件 NBR 邵A 60-65 >12.0 >280 -20ºC至+100ºC
在使用期间,机械端面密封件不仅需要承受物理应力和 热应力的作用,而且必须承受恶劣环境工况所引起的极 限应力的作用。
材料的耐腐蚀性至关重要,例如:接触海水、处于海洋 气候中、在盐场或冬季撒盐道路上使用时,机械端面密 封件必须承受这些恶劣工况。特瑞堡密封系统公司通过 在严苛的海水试验条件下的测试结果表明:特种高合金 铸铁材料非常适用于上述各种环境。
特瑞堡 o型圈计算
特瑞堡 o型圈计算
1. 确定O型圈的内径(ID)和横截面直径(CS):根据所需的密封应用,测量或确定机械零件的内孔直径和O型圈的所需CS。
2. 计算O型圈的截面直径(OD):根据所需的压缩率或封口力,使用下面的公式计算OD。
OD = ID + (2 x CS)
OD = ID + (2 x 预压缩量)
3. 根据所需的O型圈截面厚度(C/S)确定O型圈的尺寸。
C/S = OD - ID
C/S = 2 x CS
C/S = OD + ID - 2 x CS
4. 确定O型圈的材料和硬度:根据所需的工作环境和要求,选择合适的O型圈材料和硬度。
5. 考虑额外因素:根据所需的密封性能和应用要求,还需要考虑O型圈的抗化学性能、温度范围和压力等级。
最新资料请访问 www. 2012年9月版本
活塞杆密封件 Rod Seals
对液压油缸、气缸及液压系统来说,密封件的优劣对于 其设计、功能、以及使用寿命等具有决定性的影响。
为了满足工业界对实用密封解决方案的需要,要求活塞 杆密封件能均匀作用在密封区域、耐磨损、抗间隙挤出、 良好的介质相容性、耐高低温、摩擦小、结构紧凑并且 安装方便。
T型特康®格来圈 Turcon® Glyd Ring® T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
特康®双三角密封 Turcon® Double Delta® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
CH/G5型夹布 V 型圈 POLYPAC® -Veepac CH/G5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
SM型杆密封 POLYPAC® -Selemaster SM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2005年四月版 3
重载密封圈使用的标准材料是一种特殊的壳模铸铁。这 种材料是针对极限工况下的密封圈而特别研发的。这是 一种高合金的耐腐蚀铸铁。这种材料在铸造后,其自然 硬度可以直接达到58 HRc;经热处理后,其硬度至少 可以增大至65 HRc。
铸铁: 3m/s(含润滑油时) 100Cr6 1 m/s(含润滑油时)
1400 1200 1000
800 600 400 200
50 100 200 400 800 直径(mm)
1 m/s 3 m/s
图3 圆周线速度与直径和转速的关系
表II 丁腈橡胶(NBR)
密封圈类型 材料名 硬度 抗拉强度 拉断伸长率 温度范围*
合金铸铁密封圈 NBR 65 65+5 Shore A >12.0 >250 -30°C ~ +100°C
轴承钢密封圈 NBR 60 60+5 Shore A >12.0 >280 -20°C ~ +100°C
2.00 - 4.00
< 0.30
根据密封圈类型的不同,所使用的标准合成橡胶如下: - DO型 – 合金铸铁丁腈橡胶(NBR),硬度: 65+-5
三、美国奥赛罗(OTHELLO)美国奥赛罗(OTHELLO)集团位于美国内华达州(NEV ADA),亚太地区总部设在香港湾仔庄土敦道。
是专业从事密封材料行业以研发、生产和销售为一体的跨国公司四、美国派克汉尼汾(Parker Hannifin)派克汉尼汾(Parker Hannifin)简称为派克或者帕克,是一家全球性的流体控制产品供应商,派克汉尼汾的电磁阀及气动膜片阀被广泛地应用于众多领域:石油化工,橡胶,汽车,火车,电力,液压气动,食品机械,机器人,控制阀门等。
德国 德国 英国 日本 美国 美国 日本
7 8 9
前10位市场份额已由 1999年的15%增至2006年的30%
•包括已收购的CRP集团,但不包括2006年 收购的Reeves和其它公司
2000-2006年平均增长率: 12 %
Invensys AVS
Metzeler Automotive Hose
▼ 全球领先的近海/基建解决方案 ▼ 工业胶管欧洲第一 ▼ 全球领先的工程纤维 ▼ 北欧领先的防水产品/全球领先的 密封型面产品
▼ AVS全球第一 ▼ 快速发展的消音材料 ▼ 欧洲领先的流体系统
▼ 工业应用-欧洲领导者 ▼ 航天航空业-欧洲第一/美国第二 ▼ 汽车业-特定优势
0 0 500 500 1000
2500 2500
以客为尊 绩效
通过以下各项工作,在具有持久发 展潜力的领域中占据领导地位: 卓越经营
在要求严格的工业环境中,特瑞堡集团凭借先进的聚合 物技术和独特的应用经验,提供减振、密封和防护系统解 决方案。
Seal, Damp and Protect in Harsh Environments
Application knowledge
• Polymers • Properties • Processes • Procurement
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions ...
General Manager
Local Slide!
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Quality Management
Sales Industrial
Sales Automotive
Supplementary Solutions
Engineered Systems Automotive Sealing Solutions Wheel Systems
Seal Damp Protect
Selected segments
Agriculture Transportation equipment Automotive
Cost effective sealing solutions
Qualified technical support
Mission Statement
“We will be the supply partner of first choice within our chosen markets, working Globally through our Local Teams.
特瑞堡工业系统 是管道系统、工业抗震系统和既 定的工业密封系统等领域具体应 用的市场领导者。
特瑞堡海上建设 是能够在极其严苛环境下提供聚 合物关键解决方案的全球领先供 应商。
特瑞堡轮胎系统 是 为 农 业 和 林 业 机 械,叉 车 和 另 一 些材料搬运车辆提供轮胎解决方 案的全球领先供应商。
特瑞堡密封系统 是一家全球领先的精密密封件的开发商、 生 产 商 和 供 应 商 , 它 通 过 全 球2 0多 个 生 产 基地和 50多家市场公司为航天航空、工 业和汽车等领域的客户提供业务支持。
特瑞堡密封系统的宗旨是帮助客户在取得成本效益基础上,提 供符合他们特殊业务需求的可持续方案。作为全球聚合物密封 技术的资深专家之一,我们在不断开发、生产和供应安全的聚 合物精密密封件、轴承和模压部件。
4 物流中心 24 生产基地
减震系统 5 汽车中心 8 航空中心
5 研发中心 21 市场公司
1 物流中心 14 生产基地
减震系统 1 汽车中心 2 航空中心
1 研发中心 15 市场公司
2 物流中心 4 生产基地
减震系统 2 汽车中心 2 航空中心
O型 圈
液态硅胶产品 (LSR)
刹车垫片,Tunad 吸收器和Rubore® Seals
合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed 合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting 合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting 合成纤维 synthetic fibre 合金 alloy 合金钢 alloy steel 合金化 alloyage; alloying 宏观硬度 macro hardness 后角 clearance angle 滑动轴承 sliding bearing 划痕 scuffing 化铁炉 cupola 画法几何 descriptive geometry 还原 reproduction 黄铜 brass 回火 temper I J 机床 machine tool 机床夹具 jig 机电一体化 mechanotronics; mechanical-electrical integration
粗钢 crude steel 粗加工 rough machining 脆性 brittleness 脆性材料 brittleness material 淬火 hardening; quench, quenching 淬火层 quench hardened case ; quenched case 淬火冷却 quench 淬火深度 hardness penetration; depth of hardening 淬水 hardening 淬透性 hardenability; hardening capacity
D 打桩锤 pile hammer 带状薄板 coiled sheet 挡板 orifice plate; baffle plate 刀尖 nose of tool 刀具 cutter 导轨 lead rail 导数 differential coefficient 导卫板 fore plate 倒角 rounding chamfer 低碳钢 mild steel, soft steel
您的 封技术伙伴®Orkot 用轴承用于 轴承 水润 进 轴承最新资料请访问www. 2006年7月版本Orkot®船用轴承适用于舵轴承及水润滑推进装置轴承目录关于本手册 (2)全球网络 (2)Orkot®船用轴承 (2)管理体系及船级社认证 (2)材料特性 (3)服务及支持 (5)网址 (5)全球网络 (5)船用库存管材规格表 (5)标准产品规格 (6)舵轴承 (7)轴承载荷 (7)材料选择 (7)润滑 (7)轴承座和轴的要求 (7)轴承座 (7)轴 (7)设计 (8)壁厚 (8)轴承过盈量 (8)轴承间隙 (9)加工公差 (9)水润滑艉管轴承 (10)轴承设计载荷 (10)材料选择 (10)轴 (10)设计 (10)多槽轴承 (10)双槽轴承 (10)特殊设计 (10)板条 (11)水流量 (11)轴承过盈量和间隙 (12)加工公差 (13)装配方法 (14)冷冻装配 (14)使用液压或千斤顶方式压入装配 (15)粘结装配 (16)加工说明 (17)健康与安全指标 (19)12Orkot ® 船用轴承适用于舵轴承及水润滑推进装置轴承本设计指南提供的信息便于用户正确地设计轴承,以及作为加工和安装的指导。
设计Orkot ®船用轴承时,需要考虑符合相关船级社的规定。
全球网络在船舶及海运领域,Orkot ®是世界领先的轴承生产商及产品提供者。
得益于由工厂,代理商和分销商组成的强大全球网络,在船舶领域Orkot ®可以向客户提供最优质的服务。
作为特瑞堡集团的一部分,Orkot ®船用轴承在船舶及海运领域已经具有超过25年的成功应用。
Orkot ®船用轴承在商船和军船方面广泛的应用,使得我们在船舶制造及海洋工程方面积累了丰富的经验。
关于本手册最新资料请访问www. 2006年7月版本Orkot ®船用轴承Orkot ®船用轴承由独特的复合成分以及固体润滑颗粒组成。
p.s. converter 卧式转炉p/m forging 粉末冶金锻造p/m high speed steel 粉末冶金高速钢p/m superalloys 粉末冶金超级合金pack 板叠pack annealing 装箱退火pack boriding 填充渗硼pack hardening 固体渗碳pack rolling 叠轧package 捆packaging machine 打包机packed column 填充塔packed tower 填充塔packing 衬垫;打包packing machine 打包机packing material 填充料packing ring 密封环padding 填料paddle mixer 桨叶式混合机paddle wheel agitator 桨叶式搅拌机paint coat 涂漆palladium 钯palladium sponge 海绵钯pallet 台车pantal 潘塔尔铝合金parachor 等张比容parallel connection 并联parallel growth 平行生长parallel pore filter 平行孔过滤器paramagnetic material 顺磁性材料paramagnetic substance 顺磁性材料paramagnetism 顺磁性parameter 参数parameter ratio 轴率parametral plane 坐标轴晶面parametral ratio 轴率paramorphism 同质假象现象parent metal 基底金属;母体金属parent metal test specimen 母体金属试样parent phase 母相parent plate 母板parkerization 磷酸盐处理parkerized steel 磷酸盐处理钢parkerizing 磷酸盐处理parkes process 怕克斯炼铅法partial annealing 局部退火partial austenitizing 部分奥氏体化partial condensation 不完全冷凝partial dislocation 部分位错partial entropy 偏熵partial heat treatment 局部热处理partial pressure 分压力partial pyritic smelting 半自热熔炼partial quenching 局部淬火partial radiation pyrometer 部分辐射高温计partial roasting 部分焙烧partial solid solubility 有限固溶度partial solubility 有限溶解度partial volume 分容积partially alloyed powder 部分合金化粉particle 粒子particle shape 颗粒形状particle size 粒度particle size distribution 粒度分布particle size fraction 粒度级particle size range 粒度范围particle strengthening 颗粒强化parting line 分型线parting sand 分型砂parting saw 分切锯partition chromatography 分配色层法partition curve 分配曲线partition law 分配定律partition ratio 分配系数partition wall 隔墙pass 道pass contour 孔型外形pass height 孔型高度pass line 轧制线pass over mill 二辊不可逆式轧机pass schedule 轧制表pass sequence 轧制表passivating dip 钝化溶液passivation 钝化passivation potential 钝化电位passive film 钝化膜passive state 钝态passivity 钝态paste process 糊膏挤压成型法patching 炉底修补patented wire 铅淬火钢丝patenting 铅淬火patenting furnace 铅淬火炉patina 铜绿patina finish 表面绿锈处理patronite 绿硫钒矿pattern draft 拔模斜度pattern metal 制模金属pattern plate 模板patternmaking 制模pauli's exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理pay off reel 开卷机pea iron ore 豆状铁矿pearl spar 白云石peat 泥炭pebble mill 碎石磨机pebbles 桔皮表面pebbling 桔皮效应pectolite 针钠钙石peel 皮peel test 剥离试验peeling 剥落peeling and straightening machine 剥皮矫直机peeling machine 钢锭修整机床peening shot 喷丸用钢丸peg 钉peg rammer 手工捣锤peierls stress 佩尔斯应力pellet 球团矿pellet burden 粒状装料pelleted charge 粒状装料pelletization 成球pelletized ore 粒化矿石pelletizer 制粒机pelletizing 成球pelletizing plant 球团矿厂pencil gate 淋雨式浇口pencil glide 铅笔状滑移pencil gliding 铅笔状滑移pendulum impact tester 摆式冲辉验机pendulum impact testing machine 摆式冲辉验机pendulum saw 摆式锯penetration 焊透penetration depth 熔化层深度pentlandite 镍黄铁矿percent reduction 压缩率percentage of elongation 延伸率percentage reduction of area 断面收缩率perchloric acid 高氯酸percolation 渗滤percolation column 渗滤塔percolation leaching 渗滤浸出percolator 渗滤浸出器percussion cap copper 雷管用铜合金percussion welding 冲桓percussive welding 冲桓perfect black body 绝对黑体perfect combustion 完全燃烧perfect crystal 完整晶体perfect dislocation 完整位错perfect fluid 理想铃perfect gas 理想气体perfectly plastic body 完全塑性体perforated bottom 多孔底perforation 穿孔period 周期periodic law 周期律periodic pass 周期孔型periodic system 周期系periodic table 周期表periodic transformation 周期转变peripheral velocity 圆周速度peritectic 包晶peritectic horizontal 包晶线peritectic line 包晶线peritectic melting 包晶熔化peritectic point 包晶点peritectic reaction 包晶反应peritectic structure 包晶组织peritectic temperature 包晶温度peritectic transformation 包晶转变peritectoid 包析peritectoid point 包析点peritectoid reaction 包析反应perlite 珠光体perlite structure 珠光体组织perlitic cast iron 珠光体铁perlitic ferrite 珠光体型铁素体perlitic range 珠光体区域perlitic steel 珠光体钢perlitic transformation 珠光体转变permalloy 帕马洛依铁镍合金permanent deformation 永久变形permanent electrode 非自耗电极permanent elongation 永久伸长permanent magnet 永久磁铁permanent magnet steel 永久磁钢permanent mold 永久铸型permanent mold casting 金属型铸造permanent set 永久应变permanent strain 永久应变permanganate 高锰酸盐permanganic acid 高锰酸permeability 透过性permeability alloys 导磁合金permeability surface area 透过表面积permeameter 导磁率计permendur 坡曼德合金perminvar 帕眠铁镍钴恒磁合金permissible concentration 容许浓度perovskite 钙钛矿peroxide 过氧化物persistent band 持久滑移带petrographic analysis 岩相分析petrographic parameter 岩相学参数petroleum 石油petroleum burner 石油燃烧器petroleum coke 固体石油petroleum furnace 石油炉petroleum gas 石油气petroleum pitch 石油沥青pewter 白鑜pharmacosiderite 毒铁矿phase 相phase analysis 相分析phase boundary 相界phase change 相变化phase composition 相成分phase contrast 相位对比phase current 相电流phase difference 相位差phase equilibrium 相平衡phase equilibrium diagram 相图phase rule 相律phase transformation 相变phase voltage 相电压phenacite 似晶石phenolic resin 酚醛尸phlogopite 金云母phosgenite 角铅矿phosphate 磷酸盐phosphate coating 磷酸盐处理法phosphatic slag 含磷渣phosphide 磷化物phosphide inclusion 磷化物夹杂phosphor bronze 磷青铜phosphor copper 磷铜phosphoric acid 磷酸phosphoric anhydride 磷酸酐phosphoric pig iron 高磷生铁phosphorized copper 磷脱氧铜phosphorous acid 亚磷酸phosphorus 磷phosphorus bearing slag 含磷渣phosphorus trichloride 三氯化磷phosphuranylite 磷铀矿photochemical equivalence 光化学当量photochemical induction 光化学感应photoelastic method 光弹性法photoelastic stress 光弹性应力photoelasticity 光弹性photoelasticity test 光弹试验photoelectric pyrometer 光电高温计photoelectric spectrophotometer 光电分光计photoelectric spectrophotometry 光电子分光法photoelectricity 光电photomacrograph 宏观照片photomicrograph 显微照片photomicrographic apparatus 显微照相机photomicrography 显微照相术physical adsorption 物理吸附physical chemistry 物理化学physical metallurgy 物理冶金physical properties 物理性质physicochemical property 物理化学性质physics of metals 金属物理piano wire 钢琴丝pickle brittleness 酸洗脆性pickle stain 酸洗蚀斑pickle test 酸浸试验pickler 酸洗装置pickling 酸洗pickling agent 酸洗剂pickling bath 酸洗槽pickling crack 酸洗裂缝pickling division 酸洗埸pickling inhibitor 酸洗阻蚀剂pickling line 酸洗机组pickling machine 酸洗机pickling solution 酸洗液pickling tank 酸洗槽pickling unit 酸洗装置picnometer 比重瓶picotite 铬尖晶石piemontite 红帘石pierce smith converter 卧式转炉pierceability 穿孔性piercer 穿孔机piercer roll 穿孔机轧辊piercing 穿轧piercing die 冲孔模piercing mandrel 芯棒piercing mill 穿孔机piercing press 穿孔压力机pig 生铁块pig and ore process 生铁矿石法pig and scrap process 生铁废钢炼钢法pig breaker 铁块破碎机pig casting machine 铸铁机pig iron 生铁pig lead 粗铅锭pig metal 金属锭pig tin 锡锭pigging back 生铁增碳pigging up 生铁增碳pilbarite 硅铀铅钍矿pile 包piled plate cutting 垛板切断piler 堆垛机pilger mill 周期式轧管机pilger roll 周期式轧管机的轧辊pilger welding 跨步焊法pilgering 皮尔格式轧管pilgrim mill 周期式轧管机piling 堆垛piling bar 钢桩piling scrap 堆积废钢piling table 收集辊道piling up of dislocations 位错塞积pill press 团块压制机pillaring 炉中心冷料柱pilot pin 导销pilot plant 试验工厂pimpling 麻点的形成pin lift 顶杆起模pin metal 销钉用黄铜pin rammer 手工捣锤pinacoid 轴面pinch 折皱pinch effect 箍缩效应pinch pass mill 平整机pinch rolling 平整pinch rolls 张拉辊pinhead blister 细小泡疤pinholed surface 针孔表面pinholes 气孔pinion 传动齿轮pinion stand 齿轮座pinned dislocation 固定位错pipe 管pipe and tube production 管生产pipe bender 弯管机pipe diffusion 位错管扩散pipe expander 扩管装置pipe fittings 管附件pipe forming press 管成形压力机pipe line 管道pipe line steel 管道钢pipe mill machinery 轧管机械pipe rolling plant 轧管车间pipe stove 管式热风炉pipe threading machine 管螺纹机pipe wall 管壁pipe wall gage 管壁厚度测量仪pipe welder 焊管机pipe welding 焊管pipe welding machine 焊管机pipe workpiece 管材piping 管路piston 活塞piston compressor 活塞式压缩机pit 凹坑pit casting 坑铸pit crane 均热炉起重机pit furnace 均热炉pit soaking 均热炉中加热pitch 间距;沥青pitch circle diameter 电极圆直径pitch coke 沥青焦pitch line of groove 轧槽中线pitch of weld 焊缝间距pitch on metal 涂沥青薄钢板pitchblende 沥青铀矿pitot tube 皮托管pitted surface 麻面pitting corrosion 点蚀pitting limit 点蚀极限placer gold 砂金plain carbon steel 普通碳素钢plain cast iron 普通铸铁plain roll 平面轧辊plain specimen 无切口试样plane polarized light 平面偏光plane strain 平面应变plane stress 平面应力planeness 平直度planetary cross rolling mill 行星横轧机planetary mill 行星式轧机planetary rolling 行星轧制planimetric method 测面积法planishing mill 平整轧机plant 装置;厂plasma 等离子plasma arc cutting 等离子电弧切割plasma arc furnace 等离子电弧炉plasma arc remelting 等离子电弧重熔plasma arc welding 等离子电弧焊接plasma carburizing 等离子渗碳plasma cutting 等离子切割plasma electron beam remelting 等离子电子束重熔plasma furnace 等离子体炉plasma fusion cutting torch 等离子熔切火炬plasma heating 等离子加热plasma induction furnace 等离子感应炉plasma induction remelting 等离子感应重熔plasma jet remelting 等离子霖熔plasma melting 等离子熔炼plasma metallurgy 等离子冶金plasma refining 等离子精炼plasma slag remelting 等离子渣重熔plasma smelting reduction 等离子熔融还原plasma spraying 等离子体喷镀plasma torch 等离子枪plasmamelt process 等离子熔炼法plasmared process 等离子还原熔炼法plasmatron 等离子枪plaster molding 石膏铸型法plaster pattern 石膏模型plastic brittle transition 塑性脆性转变plastic bronze 塑性高铅轴承青铜plastic coat 塑料涂覆plastic deformation 塑性变形plastic flow 塑性怜plastic fracture 塑性断裂plastic limit 塑性极限plastic material 塑性材料plastic metal 锡基轴承合金plastic properties 塑性特性plastic state 塑性状态plastic working 塑性加工plasticity 塑性plasticity condition 塑性条件plasticizer 增塑剂plasticizing agent 增塑剂plate 厚板;片状粉末plate cooler 板式冷却器plate iron 铁板plate leveler 钢板矫正机plate leveling machine 钢板矫正机plate mill 厚板轧机plate molding 模板造型plate rolling 中厚钢板轧制plate shears 剪板机plate steel 中厚钢板plate thickness 金属板厚度plate turnover 翻板机platelet 薄片plating 电镀plating bath 电镀槽platinic chloride 氯化铂platinic compound 正铂化合物platiniridium 铂铱矿platinite 玻璃焊封铁镍合金platinized asbestos 铂石棉platinizing 镀铂platinous chloride 氯化亚铂platinous compound 亚铂化合物platinum 铂platinum black 铂黑platinum catalysts 铂催化剂platinum chloride 氯化铂platinum crucible 铂坩埚platinum iridium alloy 铂铱合金platinum metals 铂系金属platinum plating 镀铂platinum platinum rhodium thermocouple 铂铂铑合金热电偶platinum sponge 海绵铂platinum wire 铂丝plug changer 换顶头装置plug drawing 短芯棒拉拔plug lines 芯棒划痕plug mill 自动轧管机plug nose 尖头plug ramming machine 捣固机plug scratch 芯棒划痕plug welding 塞焊plugging 堵塞;加盖plugless rolling 无顶头轧管plumbago 粉状石墨plumbago crucible 石墨坩埚plumbeous compound 二价铅化合物plumber's solder 管工用焊料plumbic compound 四价铅化合物plus sieve 筛上物plutonium 钚ply steel 复合钢plymetal 涂金属层板pneumatic concentration 风选pneumatic conveying 气龄送pneumatic hammer 空气锤pneumatic rammer 风动捣锤pneumatic separation 风选pneumatic steelmaking process 空气转炉炼钢法point corrosion 点蚀point defect 点缺陷point graphite 点状石墨point group 点群point imperfection 点缺陷pointed end 压尖端pointing 轧尖poisson's ratio 泊松比polar solvent 极性溶剂polarimeter 偏光计polarimetry 测偏振术polariscope 偏振光镜polarity 极性polarizability 极化度polarization 偏光polarization capacity 极化容量polarization curve 极化曲线polarization effect 极化效应polarization plane 偏光面polarization potential 极化电势polarization resistance 极化电阻polarized light 偏光polarized light microscope 偏光显微镜polarizing microscope 偏光显微镜polarogram 极谱polarographic analysis 极谱分析法polarography 极谱法pole 极pole dislocation 极位错polianite 锰矿poling 插使原polish 研磨;抛光;研磨剂polish attack 抛光腐蚀polish etch 抛光腐蚀polished section 抛光磨片polishing 磨光polishing machine 磨光机polishing powder 抛光粉polishing roll 抛光轧辊pollucite 铯榴石polonium 钋polybasite 硫锑铜银矿polycrystal 多晶体polycrystalline material 多晶物质polycrystalline particle 多晶颗粒polydymite 辉铁镍矿polygonization 多边化polygonized structure 多边形结构polymorphic transformation 多晶转变polymorphic transition change 多晶转变polymorphism 多晶型现象polynary system 多元系polyphase alloy 多相合金polyphase structure 多相组织polysize powder 多尺寸粉末polysulfide 多硫化物polythionate 连多硫酸盐pony rougher 粗轧机架pony roughing mill 粗轧机架pool depth 熔池深度poor ore 贫矿pop gate 淋雨式浇口pop up 暗冒口porcelain 瓷器pore forming material 起泡剂porosimeter 孔隙计porosity 孔率porous bearing 多孔轴承porous brick 多孔砖porous chrome hardening 多孔性硬镀铬porous metal 多孔金属porous pellets 多孔球团矿porous structure 多孔构造porpezite 钯金矿port 平炉炉头portland cement 波特兰水泥positional entropy 配位熵positioner 定位器positive adsorption 正吸附positive bar 阳极母线positive catalyst 正催化剂positive edge dislocation 正刃型位错positive electrode 阳极positive element 阳性元素positive ion 阳离子positive pressure 正压力positive terminal 正极端子positive tolerance 正容差postheating 后热pot 桶pot furnace 坩埚炉pot melting process 坩埚炼钢法pot steel 坩埚钢potash feldspar 正长石potassium 钾potassium alum 钾盐茂potassium chloride 氯化钾potassium cyanide 氰化钾potassium oxide 氧化钾potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾potential 势potential barrier 位垒potential difference 电位差potential energy 位能potential gradient 电位梯度potential hill 位垒potential ph diagram ph 电位图potentiometer 电位差计potentiometric titration 电位滴定potentiometry 电位差测定法potentiostat 稳压器potter's clay 陶土pottery clay 陶土pouring 浇铸pouring aisle 浇注跨pouring ladle 浇铸桶pouring nozzle 浇钢水口pouring pit 浇注坑pouring platform 浇铸台pouring practice 浇铸法pouring reel 加勒特式线材卷取机pouring stand 浇铸台pouring temperature 浇注温度powder 粉powder coal 粉煤powder cutting 氧熔剂切割powder extraction metallurgy 粉末提取冶金powder extraction technique 粉末提取冶金powder forging 粉末锻造powder frictional material 粉末摩擦材料powder injection 喷粉powder material 粉状材料powder metallography 粉末金属学powder metallurgy 粉末冶金powder method 粉末法powder part 粉末零件powder rolling 粉末轧制powdered fuel 粉状燃料powdered lime 粉末石灰power consumption 动力消耗量power hammer 动力锤power source of electric welding 电源power supply 供电power yield 电璃率praseodymium 镨pre precipitation 预沉淀prealloyed powder 预制合金粉末precious metal 贵金属precipitant 沉淀剂precipitated copper 沉淀铜precipitated powder 沉淀粉precipitating agent 沉淀剂precipitation 析出;沉淀precipitation by electrolysis 电解沉淀precipitation hardening 沉淀硬化precipitation hardening alloy 沉淀硬化合金precipitation process 沉淀熔炼法precipitation tank 沉淀槽precipitator 沉淀剂precision casting 精密铸造precision ground tube 精密磨光管precision molding 精密造型precision welding 精密焊接preferential deformation 择优取向变形preferential orientation 优先定位preferred orientation 优先定位prefinishing diamond 精轧前菱孔型prefinishing oval 预精加工的椭圆prefinishing pass 精轧前孔型prefinishing stand 预精轧机座preform 预成型坯preforming 预成型preheat 预热preheat furnace 预热炉preheat temperature 预热温度preheated air 预热空气preheater 预热器preheating 预热preheating chamber 预热室preheating zone 预热区prehnite 葡萄石preliminary alloy 中间合金preliminary leaching 初步浸出preliminary reduction process 预还原法preliminary roasting 预焙烧preliminary sintering 初步烧结preliminary treatment 预处理premixed powder 预混合粉preparation 选矿prepared edge 坡口加工面prepared scrap 备好的废钢prereduced briquette 预还原团块prereduced burden 金属化炉料prereduced sinter 预还原烧结矿prereduction 预还原prereduction of iron ore 矿石预还原preroasting 预焙烧preselected scrap 备好的废钢presintering 初步烧结press 压机press forging 压锻press power 压制力press quenching 压力淬火pressed air 压缩空气pressed bar 压制棒坯pressed density 生跑度pressed electrode 机械压涂的焊条pressed scrap 压缩废钢pressed volume 压佩积pressing 压制pressing additive 压制添加剂pressing crack 夹层pressing disk 挤压垫pressing in method 压痕法pressing skin 压制壳层pressing with oblique punch 用倾斜压头挤压pressure 压力pressure blasting 加压鼓风pressure cast pattern 压铸模型pressure casting 压铸pressure die 压模pressure digestion 高压溶出pressure distribution 压力分布pressure drop 压力降pressure fall 压力降pressure filter 压滤机pressure filtration 可压过滤pressure gage 压力计pressure leaching 加压浸出pressure pad 挤压垫pressure pipe 高压管pressure plate 支架pressure pouring 压力浇注pressure precipitation 压力沉淀pressure reduction 加压还原pressure regulator 压力第器pressure resistance 压差阻力pressure screw 压下螺丝pressure sintering 加压烧结pressure test 压力试验pressure thermit welding 铝热压焊pressure tube 高压管pressure vessel steel 高压容浦pressure welding 加压焊接pressureless compacting 无压成形pressureless sintering 无压烧结prestrain 预应变prestressed forming 预应力成形prestressed mill stand 预应力机座prestressed wire 预应力钢丝pretreatment 预处理prewelding 预焊primary air 一次空气primary austenite 初生奥氏体primary carbide 初生碳化物primary cementite 初生渗碳体primary cooling 一次冷却primary creep 初蠕变primary crystal 初生晶体primary crystallization 初次结晶primary dislocation 一次位错primary grain 初生晶粒primary graphite 初生石墨primary mill 开毗机primary particle 初次颗粒primary pipe 初次缩孔primary reaction 知反应primary recrystallization 一次再结晶primary slag 一次渣primary sorbite 一次讼体primary structure 初生组织prime sheet 优质薄板principal direction 纸向principal reaction 知反应principal strain 枝变principal stress 枝力principle of similitude 相似法则printer's metal 印刷金属prior structure 初生组织prismatic dislocation 棱柱位错prismatic plane 棱柱面prismatic slip 棱柱状滑移probability 概率probe 探针process 程序process annealing 中间退火process computer 过程控制计算机process concatenation 工艺连锁process lubricant 工序润滑剂process metallurgy 冶金工艺学processing 加工processing properties 工艺性能producer 生产者;煤气发生炉producer gas 发生炉煤气product of roasting 焙烧产物production process 生产过程production program 生产计划productivity 生产率proeutectoid 先共析体proeutectoid cementite 先共析渗碳体proeutectoid ferrite 先共析铁泰体profile 轮廓profiled bar 型钢profiled roll 有槽轧辊profiled wire 异形钢丝profilometer 表面光度仪program control 程序控制program controlled heating 程序控制加热progressive aging 渐进时效progressive forming 顺次成形projection welding 凸焊prolong 延伸器promethium 钷promoted sintering 加速烧结prompt industrial scrap 工共过程废料prompt tempering 即速回火proof 验证proof bar 试杆proof bend test 抗弯试验proof stress 条件屈服极限proof test 验收试验propagation velocity 传播速度propeller agitator 螺旋桨搅拌器properties dispersion 特性分散proportion by weight 重量比proportional limit 比例极限proportionality range 比例范围protactinium 镤protecting film 保护膜protection film 保护膜protection tube 保护管protective alkali 保护碱protective atmosphere 保护气氛protective atmosphere annealing 保护气氛退火protective coat 保护涂层protective colloid 保护胶体protective film 保护膜protective gas 保护气体protective layer 保护层protective medium 保护介质protective potential 保护电位protoxide 低氧化物proustite 淡红银矿proximate analysis 近似分析prussiate 氰化物pseudo alloy 假合金pseudoalloy 假合金pseudobinary alloy 伪二元合金pseudobinary system 伪二元系pseudocarburizing 假渗炭pseudoeutectic 伪共晶体pseudonitriding 假氮化psilomelane 硬锰矿pucker 皱纹puddle ball 搅炼炉熟铁块puddle process 搅炼法pull 拉力pull crack 收缩裂缝pull test 拉伸试验pull test machine 拉伸试验机pullers 张力辊pulling reel 张力卷取机pulp 矿浆pulp density 矿浆浓度pulp feed line 泥浆供给管线pulp reservoir 矿浆槽pulp tank 矿浆槽pulp thickener 矿浆浓缩机pulsating bending stress 脉动弯曲应力pulsating mixing 脉动混合pulsating stress 脉动应力pulsation welding 脉冲焊接pulsator jig 脉动跳汰机pulse echo technique 脉冲反射探伤法pulse heating 脉冲加热pulsed arc welding 脉冲弧焊pulverization 粉碎;喷雾pulverized coal 粉煤pulverized powder 粉碎粉末pulverized silica 微粉状硅石pulverizer 喷雾器雾化器;粉碎器细粒磨碎机pump 泵punch 凸模;冲杆punch piercing 凸模穿孔punch press 穿孔机punching 冲孔punching bear 小型穿孔机pure iron 纯铁pure metal 纯金属pure shear 纯剪切purification 净化purified coke oven gas 洗净炼焦炉煤气purifier 净化器净化剂purifying agent 净化剂puring basin 浇口杯purity 纯度push bench 顶管机push mill 进给机座push rolls 送进辊pusher furnace 推送式炉pusher machine 推焦机pusher side 推焦侧pushing device 推料机putting in blast 开始送风pycnometer 比重瓶pyramidal slip 锥形滑移pyramidal system 锥体晶系pyrargyrite 深红银矿pyrite 黄铁矿pyrites cinder 黄铁矿烧渣pyritic smelting 自热熔炼pyrochlore 黄绿石pyrolusite 软锰矿pyrolysis 热解pyrolytic graphite 热解石墨pyrometallurgy 火法冶金pyrometer 高温计pyrometry 高温测定法pyromorphite 磷氯铅矿pyrophoric alloy 发火合金pyrophorisity 自燃性pyrophosphite 焦亚磷酸盐pyrorefining 火法精炼pyrrhosiderite 针铁矿pyrrhotite 磁黄铁矿。
t bar t 形梁t beam t 形钢t iron 丁字钢t joint 丁字接头t steel 丁字钢t t t curve 等温转变曲线table 台;辊道tachometer 转速表tack welding 定位焊tag 压尖端tagging 锻尖tail end 尾端tail puller 带卷直头装置tail stripper 带卷直头装置tailing device 成卷带材端头扳直装置tailing pond 尾矿池tails 尾矿tainton process 泰因通法take up block 收线卷take up reel 绕线机talbot process 塔尔伯特平炉炼钢法talc 滑石tamped lining 打结炉衬tamped refractory 捣制耐火材料tamping 捣固tamping bar 捣锤tandem drawing 串列式拉拔tandem furnace 串联平炉tandem mill 串列式轧机tangential force 切向力tangential slip 切线滑移tangential stress 切向应力tank 槽tank voltage 槽电压tannin 丹宁tantalic acid 钽酸tantalite 钽铁矿tantalum 钽tantalum carbide 碳化钽tantalum chloride 氯化钽tap cinder 搅炼炉的铁口渣;高炉下渣tap degassing 出钢真空脱气法tap density 振实密度tap out bar 开口钎tap to tap time 冶炼时间tap volume 振实体积taper 锥度taper of groove 轧槽侧壁斜度taper of ingot 钢锭锥度tapered roll 锥形轧辊tapered roller 锥形辊taphole clay 堵口泥taphole drilling 铁口钻taphole drilling machine 开口机tapiolite 重钽铁矿tapping 出铁tapping bar 开口钎tapping sample 出铁试样tapping spout 出钢槽tapping temperature 出钢温度tar 焦油tar dolomite brick 焦油白云石砖tarnish 无光泽表面;氧化膜tarnish resisting alloy 抗变色合金tartaric acid 酒石酸tea lead 包茶铅箔tear 划伤tear test 撕裂试验technetium 锝technical analysis 工业分析technically pure iron 工业纯铁technological process 工艺过程technological properties 工艺性能teeming 浇铸teeming crane 浇注起重机teeming lap 浇注重皮teeming platform 浇铸台teeming practice 浇铸法teeming speed 浇注速率teeming temperature 浇注温度telecontrol 遥控telluric acid 碲酸telluride 碲化物tellurite 黄碲矿tellurium 碲tellurobismuthite 碲铋矿temper 回火temper brittleness 回火脆性temper carbon 退火碳temper graphite 退火碳temper hardening 回火硬化temper mill 平整机temper rolled sheet 平整冷轧的薄板temperability 回火性temperature 温度temperature coefficient 温度系数temperature control 温度第temperature difference 温度差temperature distribution 温度分布temperature equalizing 温度均衡temperature fall 温度下降temperature field 温度场temperature gradient 热梯度temperature indicator 温度指示器temperature interval 温度间距temperature of sintering 烧结温度temperature resistance coefficient 电阻温度系数temperature scale 温度标temperature stress 温差应力tempered martensite 回火马氏体tempered steel 回火钢tempered structure 回火组织tempered troostite 回火屈氏体tempering 回火tempering bath 回火浴tempering color 回火色tempering furnace 回火炉tempering hardness 回火硬度tempering resistance 耐回火性tempering sorbite 回火讼体tempering temperature 回火温度tempering troostite 回火屈氏体tempilstick 示温色笔template 刮板template molding 刮板造型templet 刮板tenacity 韧性tendency to cracking 碎裂瞧tengerite 水菱钇矿tennantite 砷铜矿tenorite 黑铜矿tensile force 拉力tensile impact test 抗拉冲辉验tensile load 拉伸载荷tensile strain 拉伸变形tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile stress 拉应力tensile test 拉力试验tensile test piece 拉伸试样tensile test specimen 拉伸试样tensile testing machine 拉伸试验机tension 拉紧tension device 张紧装置tension leveling 拉伸矫直tension load 拉伸载荷tension ph diagram 波度指数电位图tension test 拉力试验tensometer 变形测定器张力计tephroite 锰橄榄石terbium 铽ternary alloy 三元合金ternary compound 三元化合物ternary diagram 三元系状态图ternary eutectic 三元共晶体ternary system 三元系terne metal 铅锡合金terne plate 镀铅锡合金钢板tertiary cementite 三次渗碳体tertiary creep 加速蠕变tertiary metallurgy 再熔冶金test bar 试样棒test conditions 试验条件test furnace 试验炉test lead 试铅test piece 试样test rod 试样棒test sample 试样test specimen 试样test tube 试管testing of materials 材料试验tetrachloride 四氯化物tetradymite 辉碲铋矿tetrafluoride 四氟化物tetragonal crystal 正方晶体tetragonal lattice 正方晶格tetragonal martensite 正方晶格马氏体tetragonal system 正方晶系tetragonality 正方性tetrahedrite 铜矿tetravacancy 四空位tetroxide 四氧化物texture 织构textured alloy 织构合金tfs 无锡镀层薄板thalenite 红钇石thallium 铊thallium oxide 氧化铊theisen cleaner 泰森式洗涤机theisen rotary disintegrator 泰森式洗涤机theisen washer 泰森式洗涤机theoretical density 理论密度thermal activation process 热活化过程thermal agitation 热搅动thermal analysis 热分析thermal arrest 热转变点thermal balance 热平衡thermal black 热裂炭黑thermal capacity 热容量thermal conduction 热传导thermal conductivity 导热率thermal conductor 导热体thermal contraction 热收缩thermal convection 热对流thermal crack 热裂纹thermal cycle 热循环thermal decomposition 热解thermal dendrite 热枝晶体thermal diffusion 热扩散thermal diffusivity 热扩散性thermal dilatation 热膨胀thermal dissociation 热离解thermal efficiency 热效率thermal energy 热能thermal equilibrium 热平衡thermal equivalent 热当量thermal expansion 热膨胀thermal expansion coefficient 热膨胀系数thermal extension 热伸长thermal fatigue 热疲劳thermal flow 热流thermal gradient 热梯度thermal hysteresis 热滞后thermal inertia 热惰性thermal insulation 绝热thermal insulator 绝热材料thermal lag 热惰性thermal load 热负荷thermal losses 热损失thermal probe 热探针thermal radiation 热辐射thermal refining 热凳thermal resistance 热阻thermal shock 热冲击thermal shock resistance 抗热冲辉thermal spalling 热剥落thermal spike 温度峰值thermal stress 热应力thermal treatment 热处理thermal vacancy 热空位thermal vibration 热振动thermalloy 萨马洛依合金thermion 热离子thermistor 热敏电阻thermistor thermometer 热变电阻温度计thermit 铝热剂thermit fusion welding 铝热熔焊thermit mold 铝热铸型thermit process 铝热法thermit welding 铝热焊thermobalance 高温天平thermochemical equation 热化学方程式thermochemical treatment 热化学处理thermocouple 热电偶thermocouple gauge 热电偶真空计thermocurrent 热电流thermodiffusion 热扩散thermodynamic activity 热力学活度thermodynamic equilibrium constant 热力学平衡常数thermodynamic function 热力学函数thermodynamic parameter 热力学参数thermodynamic potential 热力势thermodynamic quantity 热力学量thermodynamic state 热力学状态thermodynamic variable 热力学参数thermodynamical equilibrium 热力学平衡thermodynamics 热力学thermoelastic coefficient 热弹性系数thermoelectric couple 热电偶thermoelectric current 热电流thermoelectric effect 热电效应thermoelectric power 热电动力thermoelectric pyrometer 热电高温计thermoelectric thermometer 热电温度计thermoelectricity 热电thermoelectromotive force 热电动力thermoelectron 热电子thermogram 温度自记曲线thermography 热量图示测量法thermogravimetric analysis 热解重量分析thermolysis 热解thermomagnetic analysis 热磁分析thermomagnetic treatment 热磁处理thermomechanical process 形变热处理法thermomechanical rolling 形变轧制thermomechanical treatment 形变热处理thermometallurgy 火法冶金学thermometer 温度计thermopile 热电堆thermoregulator 温度第器thermostability 热稳定性thermostat 恒温器thermostat metal 恒温泼复合金属thick covered stick electrode 涂药厚层单根焊条thick plate 厚板thick wall pipe 厚壁管thick walled tube 厚壁管thickener 浓缩机thickening 浓缩thickness deviation 厚度公差thickness gage 测厚计thin coated electrode 薄涂料焊条thin foil 薄箔thin plate 薄板thin sheet 薄板thin sheet mill 薄板轧机thin wall pipe 薄壁管thin walled blast furnace 薄炉身高炉thin walled tube 薄壁管thinner 稀释剂thinning 稀释thiocyanate 硫代氰酸盐thionic acid 硫羰酸third order reaction 三级反应thomas converter 托马斯转炉thomas iron 托马斯生铁thomas process 碱性转炉炼钢法thomas slag 碱性转炉炉渣thomas steel 碱性转炉钢thoria 氧化钍thorianite 方钍石thoriated tungsten electrode 加有氧化钍的钨电极thorite 钍石thorium 钍thorium nitrate 硝酸钍thorium oxalate 草酸钍thorium oxide 氧化钍thorium reactor 钍堆thorogummite 脂铅钍铀矿thorough repair 大修thortveitite 钪钇石thread rolling 螺旋滚压成形threaded pipe 螺纹管three axial deformation 多轴变形three component alloy 三元合金three component system 三元系three fold axis 三次轴three furnace process 三联法three high mill 三辊式轧机three high rolling stand 三辊机座three o'clock welding 横向立焊three part alloy 三元合金three part box 三开箱three phase region 三相区域three roll pass 三辊孔型three roll piercer 三辊穿孔机three roll piercing 三辊穿孔three stand mill 三机座轧机throat 炉顶throat diameter 炉喉直径throat opening 炉口throat platform 炉顶平台throat temperature 炉顶温度throat thickness 焊缝厚度through carburizing 穿透渗碳through hardening 穿透硬化through heating 穿透加热;热透through hole 穿孔throwing power 均一电镀能力thrust 轴向推力thrust bearing 止推轴承thrust shaft 止推轴thulium 铥tie line 两平衡相成分点间连线tie plate 钢轨垫板tie rod 拉杆tig spot welding 钨极惰性气体保护点焊tig welding 惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊tight rolling 叠轧tilt boundary 倾斜晶界tilt hammer 杵锤tilt table 摆动升降台tilting furnace 倾动式炉tilting gear 翻钢机tilting lever 倾斜杠杆tilting mechanism 倾动机构tilting open hearth furnace 倾动式平炉time quenching 限时淬火time temperature transformation curve 等温转变曲线time to failure 破坏时间time to rupture 破坏时间tin 白铁板tin alloy 锡合金tin amalgam 锡汞齐tin bar 锡棒tin base alloy 锡基合金tin bath 锡浴tin bronze 锡青铜tin chloride 氯化锡tin cry 锡呜tin disease 锡病tin foil 锡箔tin free steel 无锡镀层薄板tin leaf 锡箔tin ore 锡矿tin oxide 氧化锡tin pest 锡病tin plating 镀锡tin solder 焊锡tin sweat 锡珠tincal 原硼砂tinned plate 白铁板tinned steel sheet 白铁板tinned wire 镀锡线tinning 镀锡tinplate 白铁板tinplate mill 镀锡薄钢板轧机tiny crack 毛细裂纹tip 电极端tipper 翻转机tipping wagon 翻斗车tire 轮箍tire mill 轮箍轧机tire steel 轮箍钢titanate 钛酸盐titania 二氧化钛titanic acid 钛酸titanic anhydride 钛酸酐titaniferous pig iron 含钛生铁titanite 榍石titanium 钛titanium alloy 钛合金titanium aluminum alloy 钛铝合金titanium base alloy 钛基合金titanium bronze 钛青铜titanium carbide 碳化钛titanium chloride 氯化钛titanium dioxide 二氧化钛titanium oxide 二氧化钛titanium sponge 海绵钛titanium sulfate 硫酸钛titanium tetrachloride 四氯化钛titanium trichloride 三氯化钛titanium white 钛白titanizing 镀钛titanomagnetite 钛磁铁矿titration 滴定tn process 硅钙喷吹精炼法toe crack 焊缝边裂纹toe of weld 焊跳toggle press 肘杆压机tolerance 公差tombac 顿巴克黄铜tongs 夹钳tonnage steel 普通钢tool 工具tool steel 工具钢tooling quality 可切显toothed wheel 齿轮top 顶层top and bottom blowing 顶底吹炼top and bottom blown converter 顶底吹转炉top and bottom process 奥辐德顶底分层炼镍法top arrangement 炉顶装置top blowing 顶吹top blown converter 顶吹转炉top casting 上铸top charger 炉顶装料装置top charging device 炉顶装料装置top closing device 炉顶封闭装置top die 上模top discard 锭头废料top flask 上型箱top gas 炉顶媒气top gas energy 炉顶媒气能top gate 顶浇口top guide 上卫板top hat 钢壳凹帽头top hoist 炉顶卷扬机top housing separat 机座上横梁top mill separator 机座上横梁top molding box 上型箱top opening 顶部口top part 上型箱top pouring 上铸top pressure 炉顶压力top roll 上辊top throat 炉顶喉topping 切除头部tops 上层torbernite 铜铀云母torch 喷灯torch brazing 焰炬加热断焊torch hardening 火焰淬火torch head 割炬烧喷嘴torn edge 撕裂边torpedo ladle 混铁炉式盛铁桶torque 扭转力矩torquemeter 扭矩测定器torsiometer 扭力计torsion 扭转torsion impact test 扭转冲辉验torsion moment 扭矩torsion strength 抗扭强度torsion test 扭转试验torsional deformation 扭转变形torsional elasticity 扭转弹性torsional force 扭力torsional resistance 抗扭强度torsional rigidity 抗扭刚度torsional strain 扭变形torsional stress 扭应力total analysis 全分析total carbon 总碳量total corrosion 全面腐蚀total iron 总铁total porosity 总气孔率total pressure 总压力total radiation pyrometer 全辐射高温计total yield 总回收率tough metal 韧性金属tough pitch copper 紫铜toughener 增强剂toughening 韧化toughness 韧性tourmaline 电气石tower type accumulator 贮料塔tower type furnace 塔式炉tracer 同位素指示剂transcrystalline corrosion 穿晶腐蚀transcrystalline fracture 穿晶断裂transfer 传达transfer bed 移送机transformation 转变transformation point 转变点transformation range 转变区域transformation temperature 转变温度transformer 变压器transformer sheet 变压浦板transgranular corrosion 穿晶腐蚀transgranular fracture 穿晶断裂transgranular stress corrosion cracking 穿晶应力腐蚀开裂transient creep 过渡蠕变transient phase 过渡相transition 转移transition element 过渡元素transition heat 转变热transition lattice 过渡晶格transition metal 过渡金属transition phase 过渡相transition point 转变点transition state 转变状态transition temperature 转变温度transition zone 过渡区translation lattice 平移点阵transmission 透过transmission method 透射法transpiration cooling 蒸发冷却transporter 搬运机transuranic element 超铀元素transval mill 可控供给角的三辊式辗轧机transverse bending test 横向弯曲试验transverse crack 横裂transverse cutting unit 横切机transverse deformation 横向形变transverse ductility 横向延性transverse force 横向力transverse rolling 横向轧制transverse seam welding 横缝滚焊transverse section 横断面trap 捕集器travel crane 移动起重机traveling roller table 移动式辊道trechmannite 硫砷银矿tree dislocation 林位错triad axis 三次轴trial load 试验荷载tribonucleation 摩擦成核trichloride 三氯化物triclinic lattice 三斜晶格triclinic system 三斜晶系tridymite 鳞石英trigonal lattice 三方晶格trigonal system 三方晶系trimmed edge 切断边缘trimming 切边trimming shears 剪边机trioxide 三氧化物triphane 锂辉石triple bond 三键triple point 三相点triplex process 三联法tripper 翻料机;自动倾卸车trisilicate 三硅酸盐trivacancy 三空位trommel screen 圆筒筛trona 天然矿troostite 屈氏体tropenas converter 特罗彭纳斯侧吹转炉trough 沟true annealing 完全退火true limiting creep stress 真极限蠕变应力true stress 真实应力true tensile stress 真实抗张应力trumpet 中心周trunnion of converter 转炉耳轴trunnion ring 支圈tube 管tube bender 弯管机tube drawbench 拉管机tube drawing 拔管tube drawing bench 拉管机tube extrusion press 管挤压机tube forming mill 管材成型机tube furnace 管式炉tube pointing 管端压尖tube push mill 顶管机tube reducing mill 管材减径机tube rolling 轧管tube rolling mill 轧管机tube skelp 有缝管坯tube stock 管材tube strip 焊管坯tube type mold 管式结晶器tube upset 管端镦粗tube wall 管壁tube welding 焊管tube welding mill 焊管机tubular billet 毛管tubular condenser 管式冷凝器tubular mold 管式结晶器tumbler index 转鼓试验强度tumbler strength 转鼓强度tumbling 滚筒清理tumbling mixer 滚动混合机tundish 中间罐tundish capacity 中间罐容量tundish car 中间包小车tundish casting 中间罐浇注tundish lid 中间包罩tundish lining 中间罐内衬tundish preheating station 中间罐预热站tundish superheat 中间罐过热tungstate 钨酸盐tungsten 钨tungsten alloy 钨合金tungsten arc inert gas welding 惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊tungsten brass 钨黄铜tungsten bronze 钨青铜tungsten carbide 碳化钨tungsten cobalt alloy 钨钴合金tungsten filament 钨丝tungsten impregnation 钨浸透法tungsten inert gas spot welding 钨极惰性气体保护点焊tungsten ore 钨矿tungsten powder 钨粉tungsten steel 钨钢tungsten trioxide 三氧化钨tungsten wire 钨丝tungstenite 硫钨矿tungstic acid 钨酸tungstic anhydride 钨酸酐tungstite 钨华tunnel drier 隧道式干燥器tunnel effect 隧道效应tunnel furnace 隧道式炉tunnel kiln reduction 隧道窑还原tup 锤头turanite 羟钒铜矿turbidimeter 浊度计turbidimetry 比浊法turbidity 混浊度turbo blower 透平鼓风机turbo compressor 涡轮压缩机turbulence 紊流turbulent burner 紊琳嘴turbulent flow 乱流turn around table 回转台turn over cooling bed 翻转冷床turndown 倾炉turning 翻转turnover device 翻钢装置tuyere 风口tuyere apparatus 风嘴设备tuyere cap 风口冒盖tuyere cooler 风口冷却器tuyere gas 风口煤气tuyere hole 风口tuyere nose 风口嘴tuyere nose flame temperature 风口嘴火焰温度tuyere notch 风口tuyere nozzle 风口喷嘴tuyere zone 风口区twelve high rolling mill 十二辊轧机twelve high stand 十二辊机座twenty high rolling mill 二十辊轧机twenty high stand 二十辊式机座twin 双晶twin axis 双晶轴twin band 双晶带twin boundary 双晶间界twin chambered furnace 双室炉twin fault 孪晶层错twin hearth furnace 双床平炉twinned crystal 孪晶体twinning 双晶形成twinning plane 双晶面twist 扭转twist boundary 扭转晶界twist guide 扭转导板twist rollers 翻转辊twisted strip 扭曲带钢twisting force 扭力twisting resistance 抗扭强度twisting strain 扭变形twisting strength 抗扭强度twisting stress 扭应力twisting test 扭转试验two compartment furnace 双室炉two component alloy 二元合金two component eutectic 二元共晶two component system 二元系two dimensional nucleus 二维晶核two high blooming mill 二辊式初轧机two high mill 二辊式轧机two high mill stand 二辊机座two high plate mill 二辊式中厚板轧机two high reversing mill 可逆式二辊轧机two high sheet rolling mill 二辊式薄板轧机two high universal mill 万能二辊式轧机two phase region 两相区域two phase structure 两相结构two piece pattern 对合箱模型two roll pass 二辊孔型two roll piercing 二辊轧管机上穿孔two stepped quenching 二步淬火two strand mill 双线轧机type metal 印刷金属tyre 轮箍tyre mill 轮箍轧机tyre steel 轮箍钢tyre wire 轮胎钢丝。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告特瑞堡密封系统(中国)有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:特瑞堡密封系统(中国)有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分特瑞堡密封系统(中国)有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业专业技术服务业-工业与专业设计及其他专业技术服务资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务料、特种密封材料及制品的研发、生产,销售1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
Theprocess ofcontinuouscasting连铸工艺设备材料名称Equipment description高炉设备BF equipment炼铁工艺设备Technological equipment for iron making 储矿槽Stock bunkers运矿胶带机Iron ore belt conveyer碎矿胶带机Crushed iron ore belt conveyer大倾角返矿胶带机Big-inclining angle belt conveyer for returning iron ore振动筛Vibrator screen3料坑漏斗3 hopper in skip car pit矿石焦炭称量漏斗Iron ore, Coke weighing hopper碎矿、碎焦仓电液推杆扇形闸门Electrical/hydraulic pushing rod type sector valve for crushed iron ore and coke breeze振动给料机Vibrator feeder炉顶系统及上料系统BF top system and charging system 无料钟装料设备Bell-less charging equipment料车卷扬机Skip car winch料车skip car探尺卷扬〔直流〕Probe winch〔DC〕¢1200绳轮¢1200 rope wheel炉顶及槽下液压站Hydraulic station for BF top and equipment below stock bunkers7.5t manual single rail car7.5tn Ring chain manual hoist煤气自动分析仪Automatic gas analyzing instrument 高炉炉体系统BF proper system炉喉钢砖BF throat amour steel bricksDN600炉顶人孔DN600 BF top manhole风口设备Tuyere equipment铁口Tap hole探孔Probing hole球墨铸铁镶砖冷却壁Nodular cast iron staves with lining bricks inserted炉缸冷却壁Staves for BF hearth高炉炉体给排水系统Water supply and draining system for BF proper高炉进风装置BF blast blow-in unit热风围管吊挂Hanger for BF bustle煤气取样装置Gas sampling unit风口平台、出铁场Tuyere and platform, cast house 10t单梁起重机10t single-beam hopistKD75液压泥炮〔含液压站〕KD75 hydraulic mud gun (including hydraulic station)液动开铁口机Hydraulic tap hole driller渣沟铁槽Slag runner iron chute轴流风机Axial flow fan炉前液压站Hydraulic station for the cast house 渣处理系统Slag treatment system水渣沟Water quenched slag ditch底滤沉淀池Bottom filtering settling pool水循环系统Water circulation system5t抓斗吊5t crab bucket crane煤气净化系统Gas cleaning system布袋除尘器Bag filter dust catcher粉尘加湿搅拌机Dust wetting stirring machine刮板输送机Scraper conveyer斗提机Bucket hoist气动卸灰球阀Pneumatic dust discharging ball valve 刚性叶轮给料机Rigid impeller feeder中间灰斗Intermediate dust hopper波纹补偿器Bellow expansion joint卸爆阀Explosion relief valve人孔manhole电动蝶阀Electrical butterfly valve电动盲板阀Electrical blind plate valve放散阀Bleeding valve氮气储气罐Nitrogen storing tank铸铁机系统设备Pig Casting Machine单链带滚轮固定式铸铁机Single-chain with rolling wheel fixed type caster3t电动葫芦3t motor driven hoist铁水流槽(包括耐火材料)Hot metal runner (including refractory)铁块溜槽Pig iron chute扇形包Segment ladle鼓风机站Blower station电动离心式三元流鼓风机Electric centrifugal three-element flow blower附电动机attached motor变速器〔增速器〕transmitter〔speed accelerator〕油站Oil station节流门Gate throttle旋启式止回阀Rotary-starting check valve旋启式调节阀Rotary-starting regulating valve 高位油箱Overhead oil tank电动放风阀Electrical air bleeding valve自清式空气过滤装置Self-cleaning air filter鼓风机进口消声器Blower inlet silencer鼓风机出口消Blower outlet silencer声器放风消声器Air bleeding silencer鼓风机进口橡胶柔性接头Blower inlet rubber flexible connect鼓风机出口橡胶柔性接头Blower outlet rubber flexible connect吊钩桥式起重机Hook bridge crane通风除尘Ventilation and dedusting电除尘器Electrostatic precipitator (ESP)分室脉动大布袋除尘器Impulse big bag filter in separate chamber 离心通风机Centrifugal ventilation fan配电机Attached motor刮板输送机Scraper conveyer粉尘加湿搅拌机Dust wetting stirring machine大气回转反吹袋式除尘器Atmosphere rotary back-blowing bag filter for dust collection锅炉离心鼓风机Boiler centrifugal fan 配电机Attached motor消声器silencer轴流通风机Axial flow ventilation fan高炉净环水泵站BF clean circulation water pump station净环高压水泵Clean circulation water high-pressure pump净环中压供水泵Clean circulation water medium-pressure pump净环上塔水泵Clean circulation water cooling tower pump 潜污泵Submerged sewage pump柴油机应急泵组Diesel engine driven emergency pump set逆流式玻璃钢冷却塔Inverse flow fiber glass reinforced plastic cooling tower电动单梁悬挂式起重机Motorized single-beam suspension hoist 加药装置Chemical dosing unitTGLS过滤器TGLS filter冲渣水泵站Slag quenching water pump station冲渣供水泵Slag quenching water supply pump潜污泵Submerged sewage pump铸铁机水泵站Caster water pump station铸铁机供水泵Caster water supply pump潜污泵Submerged sewage pump电动葫芦Motor driven hoist氧氮设施Oxygen facilities螺杆式空气压缩机组Screw air compressor setPSA空气制氮机组PSA Nitrogen making machine set 氧气汇流排Oxygen main电气设备Electrics电力变压器Power transformer高压配电柜High-voltage distribution cabinets 高压软起动设备High-voltage soft starter高压软起动设备High-voltage soft starter高频开关直流屏High-frequency switchgear DC panel 自动化仪表Instruments and automation高炉本体BF proper柜式斜立面操作台Cabinet inclining front face pulpit柜式仪表盘Cabinet instrument panel料位料速仪Material level and material feeding speed detection instrument数显变送仪Digital display transducer智能操作器Intelligent operator隔离配电器Insulation power distributor直流电源DC power supply手持终端Hand operated terminal热电偶thermocouple热电阻Thermal resistor压力变送器Pressure transmitter差压变送器Differential pressure transmitter电磁流量计Electromagnetic flow rate meterr料位计Material level detector电子式调节蝶阀Electronic regulation butterfly valve自力式差压调节阀Self-powered differential pressure regulation valve仪表保护箱Instrument protection box热风炉Hot stovesK热电偶K thermocouple红外测温仪Infrared temperature measuring instrument 热电阻Thermal resistor压力变送器Pressure transducer差压变送器Differential pressure transducer电磁流量计Electromagnetic flow rate meter亚音速复式文丘里管Subsonic compound Venturi tube 电子式调节蝶阀Electronic regulation butterfly valve 差压开关Differential pressure switch仪表保护箱Instrument protection box智能伺服操作器Intelligent servo operator隔离配电器Insulation power distributor直流电源DC power supply交流稳压电源AC stabilized voltage power supply 柜式仪表盘Cabinet shape instrument panel refining plant 二次精练厂Ladle 钢包tundish 中间包mold 结晶器scendary 二次secdondary cooling zone 二次冷却区Strand 流Straighten 把..弄直Straightening unit 矫直Cut 切割Condition 精整Roller 辊Apron 挡板Roller apron 轧辊挡板Torch 火焰Cutter 切割机Torch cutter 火焰切割机Mold level control结晶器液面控制Secondary colling control 二次冷却控制Soft reduction control 轻压下控制Quality 质量Slab quality control 板坯质量控制Slab cutting control 板坯切割控制Slab marking control 板坯做记号控制Runout area 精整区Inspection 检查On line inspection 在线检查Scarf 清理Hand scarf 在线清理Machine scarf 火焰清理Air cooling 空冷Weigh 称量Turret 转台Crane 行车Tundish 中间包Distribute 分配Arc shape 弧形Spray 喷Solidifition 凝固Straighten 把….弄直Rectangular 矩形Square 正方形Figure 数字Ladle tare 钢包扣除皮重钢包ladle浇注料castables浇注内衬casted lining渣线slag line镁碳砖magnesia carbon brick 尖晶石砖spinel brick工作衬working lining喷涂料spraying material座砖seating brick透气砖 brick with porous plug水口nozzle定径水口nonswirl nozzle下水口collector nozzle复合水口combined nozzle组合水口composite nozzle熔融石英水fused silica nozzle长水口elongated nozzle浸入式水口submerged nozzle铝碳浸入式水口alunina-graphite submerged nozzle 塞棒column of saggar滑板sliding plate复合滑板compound sliding plate滑动水口sliding gate nozzle快速更换装置 rapied replace device中间包tundish涂抹料coating镁质涂抹料magnesia coating美钙质涂抹料magnesia--calcium coating永久层backing layer永久衬safety lining冲击impact冲击板 impacting plate冲击磨损impact abrasion干式捣动料dry vibrated mass免烘烤non-baking滑板火泥mortar with sliding plate 耐火纤维refractory fibers档渣堰baffle wall过滤器filter绝热板adiabatic plate剥落chipping侵蚀corrosion浸蚀impregnation杂质inclusion夹杂物inclusions impurity热震thermal shock温差temperature difference温度分布temperature distribution 升温曲线temperature rising curve 水化hydrate水化产物hydration product水硬性hydraulical property亲水性hydrophilicity氧化钙水化hydration of calcium oxide1) 烧结Sintering抽风机exhausting fan除尘集灰斗dust hopper除尘设备dedusting equipment带式焙烧机travelling grate ( induration ) machine带式烧结机continuous-strand sinter machine点火器igniter垫底料给料机bedding burden feeder多管除尘器multi-tube extractor二次混料机secondary mixing machine返矿仓return ore bunker废品率reject rate粉矿fines富矿rich ore鼓风机blower含铁品位grade of iron合格率percent of pass合格烧结矿qualified sinter回转窑rotary kiln混合料仓mixing bunker混合料给料机mixed burden feeder 碱度basicity焦末coke breeze精矿粉concentrate fines链蓖机grate, chain-type grate 炉尘dust盘式烧结机disk sinter machine破碎机breaker, crusher球团pellet燃料fuel燃烧器burner熔剂flux筛分设备screening equipment 烧结sintering烧结车间sintering plant烧结矿sinter烧结矿返矿率sinter return ratio烧结矿品位grade of sinter生球fresh ( green ) pellet石灰石limestone熟料clinker竖炉shaft furnace台车pallet无烟煤anthracite, anthracitic coal压块briquette氧化铁皮scale萤石fluorite圆盘给料机disk-type feeder圆盘造球机disc-type pelletizing machine圆筒造球机cylinderical pelletizer造球机pelletizer, pelletizing machine转鼓指数drum index, tumbler index自熔性烧结矿self-fluxing sinter作业率operability(2) 焦化及耐火Coking and refractory氨ammonia氨工段ammonia plant耙焦机coke-drawing machine白云石dolomite白云石砖dolomite brick苯benzole肥煤fat coal, bituminous coal 副产品by-product干熄焦coke dry quenching-CDQ高铝砖high-alumina brick铬镁砖chromo-magnesite brick 铬砖chromite brick硅石silica灰粉ash content挥发物volatile matter-VM焦化厂coking plant/coke oven plant焦炉coke oven焦炉煤气coke oven gas-COG焦煤coking coal焦炭转鼓试验coke drum test焦油tar抗渣性slag resistance炼焦coking炼焦炉组coke oven battery(其中焦炉孔叫Cell)晾焦台coke wharf炉门框door frame铝镁砖aluminum-magnesia brick镁石magnesite镁砖magnesia brick磨煤机coal pulverizer耐火材料refractory material或者简单说refractories耐火度refractoriness耐火粘土refractory clay, fire clay 配煤mixing coal平煤机coal levelling machine启炉门机door-extracting machine 气孔率porosity气煤gas coal轻质膨胀粘土骨料light weight expanded clay aggregate燃烧室combustion chamber瘦煤lean coal碳砖carbon brick炭化室(炉孔) coking chamber/cell推焦杆pushing ram脱苯塔benzole scrubber熄焦机coke quenching machine 洗氨塔ammonia scrubber洗氨塔ammonia washer洗煤coal wash(主要是把煤里面灰份去掉)洗萘塔naphthalene scrubber烟煤bituminous coal, bituminite粘土砖clay brick装煤孔coal charging hole(3)炼铁Iron making白云石dolomite崩料,坐料slipping布料器distributor称量车weighing car出铁场cast house出铁沟tapping channel/runner 出铁口iron notch, tap-hole出铁口喷火blowing on taphole出渣沟slagging channel吹慢风slack-wind blowing磁铁矿magnetite大料钟large bell低品位矿石low grade ore电动泥炮motor operated mud gun 电子秤electronic weigher吊挂保护板hanging protective plate 堵铁口机taphole stopping machine放灰阀dust discharging valve废气总管waste gas main duct风口tuyere风口大套tuyere-cooler casing风口管blast pipe风口镜tuyere glass风口弯管penstock damper风量blast volume风量控制器blast volume controller风速blast velocity富矿rich ore, premiun ore高炉blast furnace-简写成BF 高炉鼓风机blast furnace blower(BF blower)高炉骨架frame of furnace高炉利用系数utilization coefficient-productivity用比拟多高炉煤气BF gas高炉外壳shell of furnace高品位烧结矿high grade sinter ore高压炉顶high pressure furnace top格砖checker brick鼓风机站blower station褐铁矿limonite换热式热风炉Heat exchange hot blast stove荒煤气crude gas黄铁矿, 赤铁矿hematite混风阀mixed air valve方案休风scheduled down-time焦比coke ratio焦炭coke紧急休风emergency blowing-down静电除尘器electrostatic precipitator 卷扬机室hoist room均压阀equalizer valve开铁口机iron notch drill/taphole drill块矿lump ore矿槽bunker矿粉fine ore冷风阀cold blast valve冷风总管cold blast main duct冷却水箱cooling water box立式冷却壁cooling stave料车skip car料线,料面高度stockline料钟bell料柱stock column硫酸渣purple ore炉衬lining炉底bottom炉顶furnace top炉顶卷扬机top hoist炉顶平台top platform炉顶温度top temperature炉顶压力top pressure炉腹furnace bosh炉缸furnace hearth炉缸压力hearth pressure炉喉(护)板stock line armor炉喉throat炉况不顺blast wandering炉前工, 高炉工人blast furnace operator 炉身stack炉身冷却壁stock cooling plate炉腰waist, straight section 螺旋推进式泥炮spiral type mud gun 慢风slow-wind blowing煤气调节阀gas regulating valve 煤气阀gas valve煤气放散阀bleeder valve煤气换向阀gas reversing valve煤气净化gas cleaning (purifying)煤气总管gas main duct泥炮mud gun泥炮mud, clay皮带秤belt scale皮带运输机belt conveyer撇渣器skimmer贫矿lean, low grade ore砌体brick work气缸式泥炮cylinder type mud gun切断闸板cut-off damper球团矿pellet燃烧器burner燃烧室combustion chamber热风阀hot blast valve热风炉hot blast stove-HBS热风炉穿插并联透风staggered parallel blowing热风围管hot blast circular duct热风温度hot blast temperature热风总管hot blast main duct熔剂flux上升管uptake duct烧结矿sinter石灰石limestone水冲渣granulation双料钟double bell死铁层deadman探尺,料尺stock rod探尺卷扬机stock rod winch铁精矿concentrate铁矿石iron ore铁水罐hot metal ladle铁水罐车hot metal ladle car铁渣比iron and slag ratio透风期on blast透平发电机turbo-generator透平鼓风机turbo-blower外燃式热风炉external combustion type stove外燃室external combustion chamber文氏管洗涤器venturi scrubber无料钟炉顶bell-less top下降管downcomer duct小料钟small bell斜桥skip bridge, hoist bridge 休风blowing-down休风率downtime percentage蓄热式热风炉,考伯式热风炉cowper stove蓄热室checker chamber旋风除尘器cyclone extractor旋转布料器rotary burden distributor烟道阀duct damper移动保护板movable protective plate 有效利用系数effective productivity有效面积effective volume鱼雷罐车torpedo ladle car造渣slag-making造渣厂富氧鼓风oxygen-enriched blast造渣填加剂slag-making addition渣场slag yard渣罐slag pot, slag ladle渣罐车slag pot car渣罐车备用停车线slag tapping stand-bytrack渣坑slag pocket, slag pit渣口, 出渣口slag notch渣口slag notch渣口大套slag notch cooler渣口喷火blowing on the monkey 渣口水箱monkey jacket渣口小套, 小渣口monkey渣口小套slag (notch) tuyere渣盘slag pan整粒矿石sized ore重力除尘器gravity dust collector主沟main channel柱塞式泥炮plunger type clay gun铸铁机pig casting machine-PCM铸铁块, 锭pig ingot装料漏斗charging hopper自熔性矿石self-fluxing ore(4)炼钢Steel making奥式体钢Austenitic steel八角钢材octagon bar板坯连铸机slab casting machine半封闭型电炉semi-closed type EAF(Electric Arch Furnace,又叫电弧炉)保护渣casting powder补炉机fettling machine不锈钢stainless steel敞开固定型电炉open stationary type EAF敞开回转型电炉open rotating type EAF敞开斜动型电炉open tilting type EAF超低头方坯连铸机extra low head caster(ELH)for bloom超高功率电炉UHP electrical furnace车屑chip车铸bogie (buggy,car) casting称量weighing出钢tapping出钢盘tapping pan出渣slagging除渣器deslagger储槽storage bunker吹氧转炉basic oxygen furnace-BOF大密封罩dog house带卷strip coil带型连铸机belt type CCM(continuous casting machine)单炉浇铸batch cast捣固料ramming compound捣糊pound to paste捣炉机stoking machine底吹氧气转炉bottom blown oxygen converter 底注, 下注uphill casting, uphill teeming底电极bottom electrode地下料仓underground bunker电极electrode电极压放slip, slipping电极接长系统electrode jointing system电极把持器electrode holder电极柱electrode mast电极糊electrode paste电极套壳electrode casing电极压放装置electrode slipping device电炉electrical arc-furnace (EAF)电炉钢electric arc furnace (EAF) steel顶吹氧气转炉top blown oxygen converter顶底复合吹转炉top and bottom combined blownconverter多流连铸机multi-strand CCM多炉连铸continuous continuous casting二次精炼secondary refining矾土, 氧化铝alumina方坯连铸机billet cast machine非铁合金non ferro-alloy废钢scrap废钢跨scrap bay废铁iron scrap沸腾钢unkilled steel分类料仓classification bin封闭固定型电炉closed stationary type EAF封闭回转型电炉closed rotating type EAF付枪, 付氧枪sub-lance负偏差negative deviation富氧鼓风oxygen-enriched blowing钢包, 盛钢桶ladle钢包加热炉ladle heating furnace钢包旋转台turret钢锭ingot钢锭模ingot mould钢筋reinforcing bar, rebar钢坯清理间billet conditioning yard 钢种kinds of steel高位料仓overhead bunker高压炉顶high pressure top铬铁ferro-chromium给料feeding工具钢tool steel工业纯铁armco-iron固定碳fix carbon content硅锰合金silicon manganese alloy 硅铁ferro-silicon合金钢alloy steel化学成份chemical composition弧型连铸机bow type CCM滑动水口slide gate复原剂reductant复原剂reduction agent, reductant 灰份ash挥发物volatile matter/VM混料mixed material混铁炉mixer火焰切割机torch cutting machine火焰清理flame deseaming, hot scarfing 夹杂物impurity加料管charging chute碱性渣basic slag构造钢structural steel结晶器mould焦比coke rate焦炭coke交流电弧炉AC electrical arc furnace浇铸吊车casting crane浇铸机casting machine浇铸坑casting pit浇铸平台casting platform浇铸周期casting cycle浇注casting浇注底板pouring bottom plate金属硅silicon metal浸入式水口sub-merged nozzle开浇cast-on开铁口机taphole drill可浇注性castability可逆皮带运输机reversable belt conveyer坑铸pit-casting孔型设计groove design矿石mineral拉矫机straightening and withdral machine拉坯机withdrawal device冷轧带卷cold-rolled coil冷轧钢cold-rolled steel立弯型连铸机vertical type CCM, straight mould bent run-out plant粒度grain size溜槽,溜管chute六角钢材hexahedral bar炉壁结瘤wall accretion炉衬furnace lining炉顶料仓top bin炉盖furnace cover炉缸结瘤hearth accretion炉龄campaign炉体furnace body炉子跨furnace bay漏钢breakout铝块aluminium block马式体钢Martensitic steel埋弧电炉submerged electric furnace煤粉pulverized coal锰铁ferro-manganese磨煤机coal pulverizer模铸mold casting镍铁ferro-nickel喷煤 pulverized coal injection 简称(PCI)偏差deviation平炉open hearth furnace(OHF)平炉钢open hearth furnace (OHF) steel 破碎crush全连铸sequence casting热轧带卷hot-rolled coil热轧钢hot-rolled steel熔剂flux塞棒stopper rod筛分screen筛分机screening machine烧结锰矿sintered manganese ore渗碳carbon penetration生铁pig iron石灰石limestone石英quartz石墨电极graphite electrode竖炉, 竖式电炉shaft electrical arc furnace酸性渣acidic slag双壳电炉twin-shell electrical arc furnace 顺行smooth working四流连铸机four-strand CCM碳化钙calcium carbide碳素钢carbon steel碳素电极carbon electrode炭砖 carbon brick特殊钢special steel铜瓦copper content element添加剂additive铁合金ferro-alloy脱锭机, 脱模机ingot stripper脱磷dephosphorise脱硫desulphurise脱气degassing脱气剂degassing agent脱碳decarburization脱氧deoxidising脱引锭杆装置dummy bar disconnection device 弯曲辊bending roll弯曲应力bending stress弯曲装置bending device无烟煤anthracite coal下降烟罩操作法declined hood operation process 悬挂支架suspension frame旋转浇铸台rotating casting table压下率screw-down rate氩氧脱碳argon-oxygen decarburization ACD氧枪oxygen lance冶炼设备melting equipment冶炼周期tap-to-tap cycle一炉钢one heat steel乙炔切割acetylene cutting异型钢材shaped bar引锭杆dummy bar引锭杆架dummy bar tilter引锭杆坑dummy bar pit引锭杆头dummy bar head萤石fluorite优质钢high-grade steel有效容积effective volume鱼尾板splice bar原料raw material原料跨raw material bay增碳carburize渣罐cinder pot渣铁比slag rate轧辊孔型设计roll pass design轧屑mill scale轧制道次pass轧制周期rolling cycle真空电弧精炼vacuum arc refining VAR 真空脱气vacuum arc degassing VAD 振动管运输机vibrating pipe conveyer镇静钢killed steel正偏差positive deviation支架辊back-up roll, supporting roll直流电弧炉DC electrical arc furnace中间罐tundish中间料仓intermediate bin中心铸管, 塞棒袖砖central pouring pipe, sleeve brick珠光体钢pearlite steel铸模casting mould铸坯导辊strand guide roller转炉钢basic oxygen converter steel自耗电极consumable electrode自焙电极self-baked electrode综合冶炼强度comprehensive rate of driving足辊foot roll钻孔机driller。
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Global Operations Global SCM Elastomers
Business Philosophy
“To be a marketing-driven organization by providing our customers with the most appropriate, cost effective sealing solutions”
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Trelleborg Sealing Solutions ...
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General Manager
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Trelleborg Wheel Systems 11
37 33
Sales: $ 3.9 billion / € 2.9 billion Employees: 24,000 *Q3 R12 2006 incl. acquisitions Operations: 40 Countries
Trelleborg Engineered Systems
Marketing driven product portfolio with relaible quality
Local coverage via dealer network
Industry leading logistics Specific solutions for key customers
Facts Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Global Resources ‘Local’ Key Customers and Key Applications Product Range Proprietary Materials and Pioneering Products Services Applications Examples by Industry
Quality Management
Sales Industrial
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Your Partner for Sealing Technology
Business Concept Trelleborg Business Areas Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Wheel Systems
Trelleborg Business Areas
Trelleborg Engineered Systems
Share of Sales, %*
Trelleborg Automotive
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Automotive Seals Market
Market drivers
Environmental legislation Car and light truck production volumes Reliability of OEM equipment Extended product life New applications Material development and processing skills
Palmer Chenard Polypac SF Medical Shamban
Impervia Nordex Orkot
Skega Stefa Wills
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in a Nutshell
Engineering solutions Industrial Fluid control
Sales: ~ $ 1.36 billion / ~ €1.0 billion (incl. recent acquisitions, proforma) Employees: ~7,000 (incl. recent ain 31 plants in 17 countries
President Claus Barsoe
Business Development
Product Management
Human Resources
Marketing Europe
Marketing Americas
Marketing Asia
Global Operations Engineered Plastics
Sales: $ 790 million – € 580 million Employees: 5,700 Manufacturing in 27 plants in 14 countries
More About Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Business Concept
Trelleborg seals, damps and protects in demanding industrial environments worldwide. We offer our customers designed solutions based on leading polymer technology and unique applications expertise.
Marketing Driven Organization
Customer driven and innovative R&D
Customer Focus
On key-customers (OEM„s)
Development partnership and material competence
Trelleborg Automotive
Noise & vibration dampening Fluid Systems Antivibration systems for vehicles and industrial apllications
Sales: ~ $ 1.4 billion / ~ € 1.0 billion Employees: ~ 9,500 Manufacturing in 38 plants in 16 countries