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[4000元主流台式配置单推荐]2022电脑主流配置推荐此套配置单中选择的是散片的Inteli5处理器,搭配的主板为H81规格产品,这样的平台功能上中规中矩,并且在性介比也是非常高的,内存则是一条8G的配置,在存储方面也是非常主流的SSD+HDD的搭配,120G 容量作为系统盘能够保证超快的开机速度,1TB的机械硬盘也可让你装满心中的“女神”。
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End Thank you
Azalia/ AC97, depends on price Internal Microphone Two speakers with chamber
1.5W(2W better)
VGA RAM UMA/64/128M, 128MB/256MB for
external VGA RAM PCMCIA PC card 95 supported with 1x Type II
12.7mm Combo or DVD-Dual, slot in (option) 14.0W” WXGA Glare
VGA chip UMA or ATI M54
Super I/O Yes
IEEE 1394 Support
Keyboard Support Windows keys and
0MB DDR RAM on board Two DDR2 SODIMM slots Maximum memory up to 2GB (with
two 1G MB SODIMM) Dual Channel 9.5mm height, 2.5" HDD SATA Support active HDD protection (study)
PCI card bus New card ready
Security BIOS
Kensington Lock Legacy, later upgrade to EFI to support Longhorn
联想天逸F41A高性价比升级ssd 本人小“Y”已用5年,近来总觉得运行太慢,看着打开一个程序那硬盘灯吃力的闪烁,用着着急,于是在网上查阅大量资料后决定先升级ssd固态硬盘。
挑来选去,综合平衡性价比,最终决定用性价比较高的闪迪sandisk SATA3 Msata 24G SSD固态硬盘,总投资200元,还是值得的。
(bios升级有风险,请读者慎重,后果自负)二、修改缓存中的bios数据,打开AHCI并激活硬盘SATA模式(XP系统)1. 检查bios版本已升级至3.13版;2. 用“DiskGenius4.5.0”在硬盘上分出一个AFT32分区(如果硬盘有AFT32分区,可省略这一步),以便在dos环境下使用“矮人dos工具箱4.2”和“symcmos.exe”。
3. 安装“矮人dos工具箱4.2”。
4. 重新启动计算机,进入“矮人dos工具箱4.2”进入工具箱后选第一项,确定进入。
5. 进入DOS后首先要定位到symcomos.exe所在的文件夹,例如我放在D盘的cmos目录下,那么输入“D:”,然后回车,进入D盘根目录。
14英寸FHD IPS /锐龙7 4800U/16GB/512GB/1.43kg/5499元看点:机型质感不错,配置齐全+高色域屏,电池容量较大联想旗下有多款机型搭载了8核16线程的锐龙7 4800U,而这里牛叔点评的是其中各项最为均衡的一款——YOGA 14S。
YOGA 14S是一款14英寸大小、重量约1.4kg的轻薄本,该机的配置比较齐全,有16GB LPDDR4X 4266MHz内存、512GB PCIe SSD以及100%sRGB色域全高清IPS屏,配合8核16线程处理器,轻松搞定各种日常办公学习应用。
YOGA 14S不仅有高规格的硬件配置,它的性能释放也比较强,在野兽模式下,该机的Cinebench R15测试成绩为1682cb——比一般8核8线程U处理器1000cb出头的成绩强得多,实测单考处理器可以稳定在26.5W上(爆发性能可达38W),高负载下C面有热感但不明显。
另外值得一提的是,YOGA 14S支持扩展第二块M.2固态硬盘,不过需要注意,其规格为M.2 2242。
15.硬盘/光驱指示灯 显示目前是处于 HDD 或者 ODD 读写状态,或者闲置状态
16.TFT 彩色液晶屏 本机采用 14.1 英寸 16:10 TFT 彩色高亮液晶显示屏(约等于
35.8CM),最高支持分辨率为 1280*800,32bit 彩色。并且 LCD 采用磁 铁吸附式开关,当将 LCD 手动关闭到成 30 度角度时可自动关上,打开 时可以直接打开显示屏。 17.电池模组
4. 网络(LAN)/调制解调器接口 A:网络(LAN) 支持 RJ-45 标准接口的网络(LAN)接口, 使您可以将此计算机通
过网线连接到本地局域网 (LAN)。 注意:请不要将电话线插入网络(LAN)接口中。由于电话线路 电压比网络线路的电压高,将会导致主机内部电路短路, 引起主机故障。 B.调制解调器接口 调制解调器接口, 使您可以通过带有 RJ-11 标准接头的电话线,将
长按: 当位于二级以下菜单(含二级菜单)时长按——快速跳回到一级菜单 当操作位于主界面的情况下长按——退出ShuttleCenter媒体软件
2. Windows 操作系统中:
1)如果安装了联想媒体中心---Lenovo Shuttle Center: • 进入前:上下键为音量调节功能,
1. 联想媒体中心---Lenovo Shuttle Center
单击或长按或双击——单击向上移动光标;长按快速移动; 在非主界面下,双击——向右
单击或长按或双击——单击向下移动光标;长按快速移动; 在非主界面下,双击——向左
单击: 进入菜单前单击——进入菜单 进入菜单后单击——确认(ok)
双击: 当位于二级以下菜单(含二级菜单)时双击——返回到上一级菜单 当位于主界面的情况下双击——无效
联想lenovo 天逸F40商务笔记本详细拆机过程
联想lenovo 天逸F40商务笔记本详细拆解评测天逸F40笔记本电脑是07年联想推出的一款定位高端商务系列的笔记本电脑,外观设计上走的是日韩路线。
联想天逸F40所采用的Mini_Card插槽和硬盘均位于硬盘舱盖板下,用户可以非常轻松的升级,F40出厂标配Mini_Card接口的Intel 3945ABG无线网卡模块,对一般用而言无需升级。
对于A+A 组合游戏本,AMD锐龙处理器大家很熟悉,从锐龙4000H处理器到如今的锐龙5000H处理器,在7nm制程工艺下进一步升级到了ZEN3架构,为所有锐龙游戏本带来了更高能效比的处理器核心,表现不俗。
而AMD推出的基于RDNA 2架构的RadeonRX 6000M 移动平台显卡亦相当有看点,目前从甜品级的RX 6600M到旗舰级的RX 6800M均有对应游戏本在售,在1080P/2K分辨率下都有不错的性能表现。
本期牛叔就盘点分析四款A+A组合的游戏本,感受一波游戏本“AMD YES”的力量!锐龙7 5800H/RX 6600M 8GB/16GB/512GB/FHD 165Hz参考价格:8299元联想拯救者R7000P是近期才上市的一款A+A组合游戏本,该机搭载的是锐龙75800H+RX 6600M的1080P甜品级配置。
造成这个现象的主要原因有三:其一是该系列产品的性能释放狂暴,基本可以释放出所搭载硬件的全部功耗,比如该机的RX 6600M就是100W高功耗设计,在3DMark Time Spy中可以跑到7700左右,略胜95W款的RTX 3060,应对1080P最高画质毫无问题。
而锐龙7 5800H可运行在75W下,在Cinebench R20中多核性能突破了5000pts,非常强力。
4 © 2006 Lenovo
Modem LAN
V.90/V.92, WWDAA MDC1.5
10/100, 1000M(Option) Dual layout, PCI and PCIe compatible
12.7mm Combo or DVD-Dual, slot in (option)
14.0W” WXGA Glare
VGA chip UMA or ATI M54
Super I/O Yes
IEEE 1394 Support
Keyboard Support Windows keys and
0MB DDR RAM on board Two DDR2 SODIMM slots Maximum memory up to 2GB (with
two 1G MB SODIMM) Dual Channel 9.5mm height, 2.5" HDD SATA Support active HDD protection (study)
Mini PCI-E Mini PCI-E x1, for Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN
Manufacturing option : mini-PCI-E , 802.11a/b/g Built-in 2 Antenna
Bluetooth Support (Option), Option is better Mini-USB connector
Application keys
Standard pitch, 2.5 mm travel length
1、外置麦克风接口 可以连接外置的麦克风,进行语音输入工作。
2、外置耳机接口 可以连接耳机或外置扬声器等音频输出设备。当有设备接入该接
3、USB 接口
可以使用此端口连接 USB 2.0 或 USB1.1 设备,如鼠标、全尺寸 外接键盘、U 盘存储器或打印机等。
像或视频聊天等功能(由于内置摄像头响应速度限制,建议不要连续 的快速开关切换)。如果您购买的机器是外置摄像头请参照附件说明书 的使用说明正确使用。
头的打开与关闭。 2. 内置麦克风
可为用户提供语音输入。 3. TFT 彩色液晶屏
本机采用 13.3 英寸宽屏 TFT 彩色液晶显示屏,最高支持分辨率为 1280*800,32bit 彩色。当将 LCD 手动关闭到成 30 度角度时可自动关 上,打开时可以直接打开显示屏。 4. 内置扬声器
统盘恢复到出厂时的系统和驱动程序。 9. 键盘
标准 84 键 Windows 键盘(内嵌数字小键盘、功能键,与[Fn]键 组合,可以实现部分功能的快捷应用),详细介绍请参见使用键盘。 10. 触控板(Touch Pad)
用来控制光标的移动,相当于鼠标控制光标的移动,触控板下方 左右两个按键相当于鼠标左右键。在安装其驱动程序后,还有一些增 强功能,详细介绍请参见使用触控板(Touch Pad)。 11. 触控板(Touch Pad)指示灯
3G 功能指示灯
:指示灯蓝色,表示 3G 卡正在工作;指示灯
未被点亮,表示 3G 卡不可使用或没有 3G 卡。
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刻 录 光 驱 和
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芯 锂 电池 供 电
官 方 标 称 续 航 时 间可 达
Lenovo Smart Frame 用户手册 (CD-3L501F)说明书
Lenovo Smart Frame User GuideLenovo CD-3L501FBasicsNote:All pictures and illustrations in this document are for reference only.The Lenovo Smart Frame app supports both Android TM and iOS systems. This document uses the Android system as an illustrative example.Because the Lenovo Smart Frame app will regularly be updated, refer to the latest version for the actual procedure and screenshots.Keep the network stable during use of the Lenovo Smart Frame.The Lenovo smart app referred to in this manual is a phone app.Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the following: Safety, Warranty & Quick Start GuideRegulatory Notice"Important safety and handling information" in "Appendix".The Safety, Warranty & Quick Start Guide and the Regulatory Notice are available at:Lenovo HelpLooking for help? The Lenovo Help app can offer you support with direct access to Lenovo's web assistance and forums*, frequent Q&A*, system upgrades*, hardware function tests, warranty status checks*, service requests**, and repair status**.1.Open the app and log in with your account.2.Enter Home screen, tap>Support to get more help.Note:*requires data network access.** is not available in some countries.Privacy protectionTo protect your privacy, you can delete the device data by removing the Smart Frame device or performing a factory reset in the app.1.Open the app and log in with your account.2.Enter Device home screen, tap.Tap Remove Device to remove the existing Smart Frame devices.Enter About Device, tap Factory Reset Device to factory reset.Technical specificationsModel Lenovo CD-3L501F Dimension21.5"Resolution1920 x 1080Wireless communication Bluetooth 5.0;WLAN 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n, 2.4GHz/5GHzGetting startedGetting the appSearch for and download the Lenovo Smart Frame App from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to begin the setup process.Connecting to deviceYou’ll need to connect your Lenovo Smart Frame to the Internet before using it.1.Open the Lenovo Smart Frame app.2.Log in to the app with your Lenovo ID. You can also sign up using email, or use your google orfacebook accounts to login in.Note: You will need a Lenovo ID to log in to the app if using an IOS system.3.Turn on Bluetooth. In the app's Home screen, tap Add New Device to find a device. Once a deviceis found, you can follow the instructions to confirm that it is the right device by matching the numbers displayed on both screens, and select Connect to continue.4.Connect to a WLAN network for your Smart Frame device.5.Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your Lenovo Smart Frame and connect your Googleaccount.Using the Lenovo Smart Frame appHome screenAfter signing up on your app, enter the Home screen . Pull down from anywhere on the screen to refresh.1.Add device and manage rooms4.The Lenovo Smart Frame device image, tap it to enter the Device Home screen 2.Include App Settings, Voice Control, Support ,Contact Us and About5.Display connectivity status of device3.Display room name Device home screen1.Display default or user-specified device name 5.Go to previous item, such as previous photo and previous artwork2.Settings include General Settings, Device Settings, More and Remove Device 6.Go to next item, such as next photo and next artwork3.Click on the "star" icon to save a photo tofavorites7.Current channel4.Display what the connected device is showing 8.Include Brightness, Photo Settings and ChannelsChannel listThe Smart Frame device includes several channels to display different content. You can edit the channel, select a default or optional channel, or create a new channel.Selected photos: Allows you to select album(s) from your existing Google Photos account.Art gallery: Displays a pre-composed collection of artwork.Recommendation: Curates photos from your entire Google Photos library randomly based on an intelligent algorithm using criteria such as this week in history and recent events.If there are items that you may not want the frame to show, be sure to archive them directly from your Google Photos account before displaying this channel.Clock: Displays a full screen clock face of your choice.Manage your channel1.Open the app, enter the Device home screen, tap Channels.2.Tap Edit Channels.3.Remove channels from the channel list or add channels to the channel list and then tap Save. Create channel1.Open the app, enter the Device home screen, go to Channels>Edit Channels.2.Tap Create Channel, select album to create your custom channel and then tap Create.Function displayDisplay your photosSelect an album from your existing Google Photos account and choose which photos within are listed.1.Open the app, enter Device home screen.2.Tap Channels, select the Selected Photos channel and select an album from Google photos.3.Go to >Photo Display Settings, and set up the photo display style.The Show Pair switch is set to on by default and needs be turned off to display single photos.Turn on the Lock Orientation switch and the Smart Frame device will only show photos in the locked orientation.Tap Slideshow Speed and select the speed at which your photo slideshow plays. During theslideshow, you can pause and play the photos.Turn on Curated Collage Display switch and the Smart Frame device will auto-curate and dispaly collages.Show photo created date and show time1.Open the app, enter the Device home screen.2.Go to>Photo Display Settings, and set up the date and time.Tap Show Time and select 12-Hour time or 24-Hour time.The Display Photo Created Date switch is set to on by default.View clockThe clock channel displays a full screen clock face of your choice.1.Open the app and enter Device home screen.2.Tap Channels, select Clock channel, and select a clock face.Motion controlItem transition1.Open the app, enter Device home screen.2.Go to>Motion Control, the Motion Control switch is set to on by default and needs be turnedoff to disable the gesture for your Smart Frame device.3.Swipe left for the next item (photo, artwork), swipe right for the previous item (photo, artwork). Channel transition1.Open the app, enter the Device home screen.2.Go to>Motion Control, the Motion Control switch is set to on by default and needs be turnedoff to disable the gesture for your Smart Frame device.3.Swipe up for the next channel.Motion sensor failureThe motion sensor cannot work properly under the below conditions:The light in the room is too bright, such as direct sunlight shining on the frame.The frame is put on a table and the gesture sensor is close to the table surface.Hand movement is not horizontally level with the motion sensor position.Note: We suggest you stand closer to the frame and wait until the keys on the frame light up before starting a motion command.Voice controlControl the Smart Frame device with your voice. According to different commands, the Smart Frame device performs different actions.1.Open the app, enter the Home screen.2.Tap>Voice Control. Follow the instructions to enable Alexa and Google Assistant voicecommand for your Smart Frame device.3.You can control the Smart Frame device with existing Alexa or Google Assistant devices.For example:You can say "OK Google, turn on Lenovo Smart Frame" or "Alexa, turn on Lenovo Smart Frame".Auto-Brightness &Sleep modeThe frame display adjusts brightness based on your environment and turns off after being in a dark environment for a moment at the preset time when sleep mode is enabled. The frame will exit sleep mode if the preset exit time arrives or the environment becomes brighter again.Manage Sleep mode and set a preset time1.Open the app and enter Device home screen.2.Go to>Brightness & Sleep Mode, the Sleep Mode switch is set to on by default and needsbe turned off to disable the sleep mode preset.3.Set a preset time.Manage Auto-Brightness1.Open the app and enter Device home screen.2.Go to>Brightness & Sleep Mode, the Auto-Brightness switch is set to on by default andneeds be turned off to disable the auto-brightness preset.Note: When manually adjusting brightness settings, the brightness will still automatically revert back to auto-brightness presets when a preset time arrives.AppendixImportant safety and handling informationTo avoid personal injury, property damage, or accidental damage to the product, read all of the information in this section before using the product. For additional tips to help you operate your device safely, go to /safety.Handle your device with careDo not drop, bend, or puncture your device; do not insert foreign objects into or place heavy objects on your device. Sensitive components inside might become damaged.Your device screen is made of glass. The glass might break if the device is dropped on a hard surface, is subjected to a high impact, or is crushed by a heavy object. If the glass chips or cracks, do not touch the broken glass or attempt to remove it from the device. Stop using the device immediately and contact Lenovo technical support for repair, replacement, or disposal information.When using your device, keep it away from hot or high-voltage environments, such as electrical appliances, electrical heating equipment, or electrical cooking equipment. Use your device only in the temperature range of 0°C (32°F) to 40°C (104°F) (storage -20°C (-4°F) to 60 °C (140°F)) to avoid damage.Don't expose your device to water, rain, extreme humidity, sweat or other liquids.Do not disassemble or modify your deviceYour device is a sealed unit. There are no end-user serviceable parts inside. All internal repairs must be done by a Lenovo-authorized repair facility or a Lenovo-authorized technician. Attempting to open or modify your device will void the warranty.Plastic bag noticeDANGER:Plastic bags can be dangerous. Keep plastic bags away from babies and children to avoid danger of suffocation.Adapter informationPrevent your device and AC adapter from getting wet.Do not immerse your device in water or leave your device in a location where it can come into contact with water or other liquids.Use approved charging methods only.Note: Please only use standard Lenovo power adapters. The use of third-party power adapters will affect the charging speed, resulting in abnormal charging and potential damage to the equipment.Connect a standard power adapter to a suitable power outlet.Charging devices might become warm during normal use. Ensure that you have adequate ventilation around the charging device. Unplug the charging device if any of the following occurs: The charging device has been exposed to rain, liquid, or excessive moisture.The charging device shows signs of physical damage.You want to clean the charging device.Warning:Lenovo is not responsible for the performance or safety of products not manufactured orapproved by Lenovo. Use only approved Lenovo ac adapters.Dispose according to local laws and regulationsWhen your device reaches the end of its useful life, do not crush, incinerate, immerse in water, or dispose of your device in any manner contrary to local laws and regulations. Some internal parts contain substances that can explode, leak, or have an adverse environmental effects if disposed of incorrectly. See “Recycling and environmental information” for additional information.Keep your device and accessories away from small childrenYour device contains small parts that can be a choking hazard to small children. Additionally, the glass screen can break or crack if dropped on or thrown against a hard surface.Be aware of heat generated by your deviceWhen your device is turned on, some parts might become hot. The temperature that they reach depends on the amount of system activity. Extended contact with your body, even through clothing, could cause discomfort. Avoid keeping your hands, your lap, or any other part of your body in contact with a hot section of the device for any extended time.Electronic emission noticesFCC Compliance StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.Consult an authorized dealer or service representative for help.Lenovo is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Responsible Party:Lenovo (United States) Incorporated1009 Think Place - Building OneMorrisville, NC 27560Telephone: 1-919-294-5900ISED CautionThis device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Environmental, recycling, and disposal informationGeneral recycling statementLenovo encourages owners of information technology (IT) equipment to responsibly recycle their equipment when it is no longer needed. Lenovo offers a variety of programs and services to assist equipment owners in recycling their IT products. For information on recycling Lenovo products, go to /recycling.Important WEEE informationElectrical and electronic equipment marked with the symbol of a crossed-out wheeled bin may not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste. Batteries and waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) shall be treated separately using the collection framework available to customers for the return, recycling, and treatment of batteries and WEEE. When possible, remove and isolate batteries from WEEE prior to placing WEEE in the waste collection stream.Country-specific information is available at /recycling.Recycling information for JapanRecycling and disposal information for Japan is available at /recycling/japan.Recycling information for IndiaRecycling and disposal information for India is available at/social_responsibility/us/en/sustainability/ptb_india.html.Export classification noticeThis product is subject to the United States Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and has an Export Classification Control Number (ECCN) of 5A992.c. It can be re-exported except to any of the embargoed countries in the EAR E1 country list.TroubleshootingUnable to pair to smart phone1. Make sure that the frame is not connected to any other smart phone. The Frame can only connect toone smart phone at a time.2. Make sure the Bluetooth function on your smart phone is working properly. You may test your smartphone Bluetooth function by pairing it to other smart phones.3. On the frame, long press both the star and volume down key at the same time for 5 seconds to goback to the pair interface, and try to pair again.4. If you still cannot pair the smart phone, please call customer service.Fail to log into Google Photo1. Make sure your smart phone is connected to the Internet.2. Make sure Google Photo is available at the time and region you are using it.3. Make sure your Lenovo Smart Frame app is the latest version. Reinstall if needed.4. Make sure the network remains stable when you log in with your Google ID.5. If you still cannot log in, please call customer service.Why Google ID may require re-loginThis is part of the Google security mechanism where you are required to log in to your Google ID after a period of time.Cannot connect to WLAN1. If your frame cannot connect to WLAN, please try to reconfigure your frame and pair to your deviceagain. During the pairing you will be asked to select the WLAN network the frame will be connected to.2. If the above does not solve the issue, please call customer service.The Frame is unresponsive1. Please unplug and plug back in the power cable.2. Long press the star and volume down key at the same time for 5 seconds to go back to the pairinterface, and then retry.3. If it still cannot be resolved, please call customer service.。
1.联想商用电脑获2002‘“Innovative Pc”年度国际大奖—联想开天6800商用电脑携大奖全新亮相 [J],
2.特别的爱,献给特别的你——祝贺《中国金融电脑》杂志创刊20周年 [J], 张保
3.一见倾心——联想商用功能电脑之奔月4000 [J],
4.二见钟情——联想商用功能电脑之奔月4000 [J],
5.特别的爱,给特别的你——捷豹XJ改德国海螺Z系三分频汇隆特别版 [J], 梓因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Lenovo新圆梦F系列 电脑家电下乡使用指南
五:在查杀病毒后,病毒检查报告被保 存在 C 盘文件夹下,可随时查阅。
3.2 声音
1. 在前置音频输出接口接耳机时,后面连接的音箱会没有声音
前置音频输出口是为了使用方便而特定设置的,优先于后置的音频输出口,因此若音箱、耳 机等连接在前置音频输出口上,声音会通过前置音频输出口输出,此时连接在后置的音频输 出接口的声音设备将不发出声音。
危险:对高度危险要警惕 警告:对中度危险要警惕 注意:对轻微危险要关注
1.1 电脑前部接口
读卡器接口 ( 部分机型配备 )
USB 接口
注意: 1) 部分机型不配置光驱。 2) 部分机型不配置读卡器。
1.3 连接电脑
连接电脑时,请使用以下信息 • 在电脑背面找到接口的小图标,使接口与图标匹配 • 如果您的电脑连线和接口面板的接口都有颜色标记,请按颜色把连线接头和接口进行配对连接。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
按照提示开始安装。 点击【确定】开始安装,重启系统, 进入 Windows 操作系统。 系统重新启动后,将继续自动安装 过程,直到最终完成。
在 Windows 系统中,点击【开始】 →【所有程序】→【Lenovo】→【驱 动与软件安装】。 程序启动后,根据提示,手动安装 相应的驱动和随机软件。 进行软件安装时, 在软件列表中勾 选需要的软件,进行安装。
2) 正确安装和卸载程序
正确安装程序 尽量不要在安装过程中非法停止安装(比如切断电源等),容易引起系统程序混乱甚至不能正常 进入系统。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
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雪 山 之巅
溃浸和时 尚是M看见硅扼 五连F 0 4A 自的
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它 昔} 几 , 清 着 、
版 没有太 善托啃抢强的设 计 逸 r 曲基 础 蚰A 版
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计 量 来源于 壳韵鞋 想撮 感 s n日c ~ 蔫 畦 z 计 接{… ) 成为 联想i逢系列 笔记本 脯嚣显 扭希望 堡过这个红 色半弧形谊 目 事
联想 天逸F 0 4 A雪…版配备 T A式光 咂 中更川竟
心 中的 8 0 0 0米
联想天逸F 口 雪山版 L . f
“ 在每个人的心中都 有一个 80 米 在面对目 的时 00 标 候有些是一时的 . 有些是一生的.生 中 命 总有许多 目 , 标 静静地等待
营 你. 注视着你. 仿佛千万年 寐形成的 最高的目 雪山 标在这里.最高 的目 标在脚下. 最高的目 标在心里 都市的 年轻 人. 抛下束缚 勇于面对 挑战 寻求内 心的真正自 抛酒青春汗 我 水. 真正付出后才知道幸糟的甜美,在 都市的繁忙节奏 中. 一成不变的生活臣嚷 被打破 放 下矜持. 放下优雅 去他的… ・ 我们无须浪费太多的文 ” 字.送些话 似乎已 经粮 好地 诠 了 释 联想设计联想天逸 F O 4A雪山 版的初衷 用简单的笔画和线 条 联想让每个使用它的用户 能 中 _都 从 得到极大的激励, 荠 赋予了 独特的内 联想天逸F0 雪山 涵 4A 版就像是神秘的珠穆朗 玛峰. 神秘中的神秘 啦我们有探求其奥秘的冲动。
PC M ̄k0 5对 产 进 试
鞋1 鼍 月 r
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在层与谖 色硅想^
加人 TI 尚的 白 H 色兀 印登
的运动越 自 并通过点j 线的勾勒是就 7 I 的雪
这发联想 邀请京 利 蒋名世r 桌兰 L 版顶盖 的 形 并 红字着重标示 8 5 朱 I 鹰 80
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时司A7也 币含有过时之癌 幕 在位 于芈托的位置上 设 与登 相 关的 日 一 案 并在键盘 的£侧位置标 也害见到尝似 的设计 ’ 关可 竞屏幕曲 薄 天 逢 0 A 宽大韵撵作 生间 夏艘 =为 一 越造就T 司选 台电脑 掌礁 有任何约 但是 使 示灯标 簿7顶盖 龄开辟 也不 忘庄此谊计 背后五座 世 高峰 0 我
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T 大 好 值蒋 荐 极 的 评 推 培太 口 皋
扭码 20 13 Q 71 2
联螈加 忸7发甫艰量 笔 奉 电 封步伐 脑 最近 十月 女 联博 有 了事款限毒笔 l 牟 小熊 碗 笔1 本 鞋慧笔记矗 恼 产 盥碴版 在
计 用P在多媒体 方面律到极大 的方便和乐趣
简 的 三个按钮是香日 选 预 齄的效 亲自使自迂才 晓