1.1.2设备参数,使用时间见下表:序号设备名称型号台数制造厂使用时间1连铸连轧铝杆生产线Y 型1四川德阳机械厂 6 年2拉丝机FLD81北方通用机械厂 5 年3拉丝机FLD102北方通用机械厂 3 年1四川德阳机械厂 1 年4高速拉丝机HTD-630/131上海鸿得利 2 年5叉绞机500/541北方电工总厂 3 年6叉绞机500/302长乐机械厂 5 年7框绞机KJ-500/542上海鸿得利 2 年8框绞机KJ-630/542上海鸿得利 2 年9冷焊机LW3E/T6上海电缆研究所 2 年10拉力试验机LJ-5000A1广州试验仪器厂 5 年11拉力试验机LJ-500A1广州试验仪器厂 5 年12拉力试验机XL-50A1广州试验仪器厂 4 年13拉力试验机XL-50A1广州试验仪器厂 2 年14锌层重、附着性试验设备1 6 年15分析天平TG328B1上海天平厂 4 年16分析天平TG328A1上海天平厂 4 年17千分尺40上海机械进出口公司 5 年18游标卡尺40上海机械进出口公司 5 年19砝码 4 级2上海天平厂 6 年20高阻计ZC46A1上海第六电表厂 6 年21直流电桥QJ-361上海电工仪器厂 6 年22直流电桥QJ-441上海电工仪器厂 6 年23导体电阻测试仪QJ-571上海电工仪器厂 6 年24卷绕机1 6 年25钢皮尺126计米器11.1.3产品业绩见附表1.1.4我公司满足国家经贸委关于发布全国城乡电网建设与改造所需主要设备产品及生产企业推荐目录通知中对产品和厂家的要求,产品型号使用证书、质量体系认证证书及计量合格证书见附表1.1.5稀土铝导线鉴定证书见附表1.1.6产品型式试验报告见附表1.1.7差异表见附表2.遵循标准序号标准号标准名称1GB/T 1179-1999圆线同心绞架空导线2GB 3955-83电工圆铝线3GB/T 3428-1997钢芯铝绞线用镀锌钢丝4GB 1179-83铝绞线及钢芯铝绞线5GB 1200-88镀锌钢绞线6GB 2973.2-82镀锌钢丝锌层重量试验方法气体法7GB 2972-82镀锌钢丝锌层硫酸铜试验方法8GB 2976-82金属线材缠绕、松懈试验方法9GB 238-82金属线材反复弯曲试验方法10GB 4005.1-83电线电缆交货盘形式尺寸11GB 4005.2-83电线电缆交货盘技术要求3.主要技术要求3.1环境条件导线使用的工作环境满足下表的要求序号项目内容1安装地点广东省内2海拔高度( m)小于 10003环境温度(℃)-10 —+45425m/s)2日照( W/cm, 风速 0.0.1W/cm5覆冰厚度( mm)10mm 6最大风速( m/s)不小于 357累年平均相对湿度( %)903.2 技术参数表,见下表:型号 钢芯铝绞钢芯铝绞钢芯铝绞 钢芯铝绞 钢芯铝绞钢芯铝绞 钢芯铝绞 钢芯铝绞 参数LGJ-10/2LGJ-16/3LGJ-25/4LGJ-35/6LGJ-50/8LGJ-50/30 LGJ-70/10LGJ-70/40结构铝 6/1.50 6/1.85 6/2.32 6/2.72 6/3.20 12/2.32 7/3.80 12/2.72根数 /直径 n/mm )钢 1/1.50 1/1.85 1/2.32 1/2.72 1/3.20 7/2.32 1/3.80 7/2.72计算截面积铝 10.60 16.1325.36 34.8648.25 50.73 68.05 69.73钢 1.77 2.694.235.818.01 29.59 11.34 40.67 mm2总计12.37 18.8229.59 40.6756.29 80.32 79.39 110.40导体外径( mm )铝 4.50 5.556.96 8.169.60 11.60 11.40 13.60 钢 1.50 1.852.32 2.723.20 6.96 3.80 8.16铝 29.2 44.3 69.7 95.8 132.5 140.6 187.0 193.3 计算重量( kg/km )钢 13.7 20.9 32.9 45.2 62.6 231.4 88.2 318总计42.9 65.2102.6 141.0 195.1 372.0 275.2 511.3 20℃直流电阻( Ω/km ) 2.706 1.7791.131 0.8280 0.5946 0.5692 0.4217 0.4141 计算拉断力( N )4120 61309290 1263016870 42620 23390 58300 最终弹性系数( N/mm 2) 790007900079000790007900010500079000105000线膨胀系数( 1/℃)19.1 ×10-6× -6-6× -6× -6× -6 × -6 -619.1 1019.1 ×1019.1 1019.1 1018.5 1019.1 1018.3 ×10圆铝线绞后抗拉强度不小于 N/mm 2) 183 176 168 160 157 168 152 160镀锌(锌铝合金镀层) 钢绞线绞后抗 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 拉强度不小于( N/mm 2)钢丝镀层重量不小于( g/m 2)183 214229 229 244229 259 229 绞捻方向(最外层) 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 交货长度不小于( m ) 3000 3000300030002000 300020002000适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83 GB1179-83 GB1179-83 GB1179-83GB1179-83 GB1179-83 GB1179-83型号 钢芯铝绞 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线参数LGJ-95/15LGJ-95/20 LGJ-95/55 LGJ-120/7 LGJ-120/20 LGJ-120/25 LGJ-120/70 LGJ-150/8结构铝 26/2.15 7/4.16 12/3.20 18/2.90 26/2.38 7/4.72 12/3.60 18/3.20 根数 /直径( n/mm )钢 7/1.67 7/1.85 7/3.20 1/2.90 7/1.85 7/2.10 7/3.60 1/3.20计算截面积铝 94.39 95.14 96.51 118.89 115.67 122.48 122.15 144.76钢 15.33 18.82 56.30 6.61 18.82 24.25 71.25 8.04 mm2总计 109.72 113.96 152.81 125.50 134.49 146.73 193.40 152.80导体外径( mm )成品 13.61 13.87 16.00 14.50 15.07 15.74 18.00 16.00钢芯 5.01 5.55 9.60 2.90 5.55 6.30 10.80 3.20铝 260.9 261.8 267.5 327.6 319.7 337.4 339.9 398.8计算重量( kg/km )钢 119.9 147.1 440.2 51.4 147.1 189.2 555.7 62.6总计380.8 408.9 707.7 379.0 466.8 526.6 895.6 461.4 20℃直流电阻( Ω/km ) 0.3058 0.03019 0.2992 0.2422 0.2496 0.2345 0.2364 0.1989 计算拉断力( N )35000 37200 78110 27570 41000 47880 98370 32860 最终弹性系数( N/mm 2) 760007600010500066000760007600010500066000 线膨胀系数( 1/℃)18.9 ×10-6× -6 × -6 × -6 -6-6× -6 × -618.5 1018.3 1021.2 1018.9 ×1018.3 ×1018.3 10 21.2 10圆铝线绞后抗拉强度不小于 (N/mm 2) 172 152 157 160 168 151 154 156 镀锌(锌铝合金镀层)钢绞线绞后 1244124412441244124412441244 1244抗拉强度不小于( N/mm 2)钢丝镀层重量不小于( g/m 2)198 214 244 244 214 214 259244 最外层绞向右 右 右 右 右 右右 交货长度不小于( m ) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 20002000适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83 GB1179-83型号钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线参数LGJ-150/20LGJ-150/25 LGJ-150/35LGJ-185/10 LGJ-185/25LGJ-185/30LGJ-185/45结构铝 24/2.78 26/2.70 30/2.50 18/3.60 24/3.15 26/2.98 30/2.80 根数 /直径( n/mm )钢 7/1.85 7/2.10 7/2.50 1/3.60 7/2.10 7/2.32 7/2.80 计算截面积铝 145.68 148.86 147.26 183.22 187.04 181.34 184.73 钢 18.82 24.25 34.36 10.18 24.25 29.59 43.10 mm2总计 164.50 173.11 181.62 193.40 211.29 210.93 227.83导体外径( mm )成品 16.67 17.10 17.50 18.00 18.90 18.88 19.60 钢芯 5.55 6.30 7.50 3.60 6.30 6.96 8.4铝 402.6 411.8 408.2 504.8 516.9 501.2 512.0 计算重量( kg/km )钢 147.1 189.2 268.0 79.2 189.2 231.4 336.2总计549.4 601.0 676.2 584.0 706.10 732.6 848.2 20℃直流电阻( Ω/km ) 0.1980 0.1939 0.1962 0.1572 0.1542 0.1592 0.1564 计算拉断力( N )46630 54110 65020 40880 59420 64320 80190 最终弹性系数( N/mm 2) 73000760008000066000730007600080000线膨胀系数( 1/℃)19.6 ×10-6× -6 -6× -6 -6× -6 × -618.9 1017.8 ×1021.2 1019.6 ×1018.9 1017.8 10圆铝线绞后抗拉强度不小于( N/mm 2) 160 164 168 154 157 160 160镀锌(锌铝合金镀层)钢绞线绞后抗拉 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 强度不小于( N/mm 2)钢丝镀层重量不小于( g/m 2)214 214 229 259 214 229 244 最外层绞向右 右 右 右 右 右 右 交货长度不小于( m ) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83型号钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线参数LGJ-210/10LGJ-210/25 LGJ-210/35LGJ-210/50 LGJ-240/30LGJ-240/40LGJ-240/55结构铝 18/3.80 24/3.33 26/3.22 30/2.98 24/3.60 26/3.42 30/3.20 根数 /直径( n/mm )钢 1/3.80 7/2.22 7/2.50 7/2.98 7/2.40 7/2.66 7/3.20计算截面积铝 204.14 209.02 211.73 209.24 244.29 238.85 241.27钢 11.34 27.10 34.36 48.82 31.67 38.90 56.30 mm2总计 215.48 236.12 246.09 258.06 275.96 277.75 297.57导体外径( mm )成品 19.00 19.98 20.38 20.86 21.60 21.66 22.40 钢芯 3.80 6.66 7.50 8.94 7.20 7.98 9.60铝 562.5 577.7 585.9 580.0 675.2 660.9 667.8 计算重量( kg/km )钢 88.2 211.4 268.0 380.8 247.0 303.4 440.2总计650.7 789.10 853.9 960.8 922.2 964.3 1108 20℃直流电阻( Ω/km ) 0.1411 0.1380 0.1363 0.1381 0.1181 0.1209 0.1198 计算拉断力( N )45140 65990 74250 90830 75620 83370 102100 最终弹性系数( N/mm 2) 66000730007600080000730007600080000线膨胀系数( 1/℃)21.2 ×10-6× -6 -6× -6 -6× -6 × -619.6 1018.9 ×1017.8 1019.6 ×1018.9 1017.8 10圆铝线绞后抗拉强度不小于 (N/mm 2) 152 156 157 160 154 156 157 镀锌(锌铝合金镀层)钢绞线绞后抗 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 拉强度不小于( N/mm 2)钢丝镀层重量不小于( g/m 2)259 214 229 259 229 229 244 最外层绞向右 右 右 右 右 右 右 交货长度不小于( m ) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83型号钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线参数LGJ-300/15LGJ-300/20 LGJ-300/25LGJ-300/40 LGJ-300/50LGJ-300/70LGJ-400/20结构铝 42/3.00 45/2.93 48/2.85 24/3.99 26/3.83 30/3.60 42/3.51 根数 /直径( n/mm )钢 7/1.67 7/1.95 7/2.22 7/2.66 7/2.98 7/3.60 7/1.95计算截面积铝 296.88 303.42 306.21 300.09 299.54 305.36 406.40钢 15.33 20.91 27.10 38.90 48.82 71.25 20.91 mm2总计 312.21 324.33 333.31 338.99 348.36 376.61 427.31导体外径( mm )成品 23.01 23.43 23.76 23.94 24.26 25.20 26.91 钢芯 5.01 5.85 6.66 6.66 8.94 10.80 5.85铝 818.9 838.9 846.6 829.6 829.2 846.3 1122.9 计算重量( kg/km )钢 119.9 163.1 211.4 303.4 380.8 555.7 163.1总计938.8 1002 1058 1133 1210 1402 1286 20℃直流电阻( Ω/km ) 0.09724 0.09520 0.09433 0.09614 0.09636 0.09463 0.07104 计算拉断力( N )68060 75680 83410 92220 103400 128000 88850 最终弹性系数( N/mm 2) 61000630006500073000760008000061000线膨胀系数( 1/℃)21.4 ×10-6× -6 -6× -6 -6× -6 × -620.9 1020.5 ×1019.6 1018.9 ×1017.8 1021.4 10圆铝线绞后抗拉强度不小于 (N/mm 2) 160 160 160 154 152 154 154 镀锌(锌铝合金镀层)钢绞线绞后抗 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 拉强度不小于( N/mm 2)钢丝镀层重量不小于( g/m 2)198 214 214 229 244 259 214 最外层绞向右 右 右 右 右 右 右 交货长度不小于( m ) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83型号钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线参数LGJ-400/25LGJ-400/35 LGJ-400/50LGJ-400/65 LGJ-400/95LGJ-500/35LGJ-500/45结构铝 45/3.33 48/3.22 54/3.07 26/4.42 30/4.15 45/3.75 48/3.60 根数 /直径( n/mm )钢 7/2.22 7/2.50 7/3.07 7/3.44 19/2.50 7/2.50 7/2.80 计算截面积铝 391.91 390.88 399.73 398.94 407.75 497.01 488.58钢 27.10 34.36 51.82 65.06 93.27 34.36 43.10 mm2总计 419.01 425.24 451.55 464.00 501.02 531.37 531.68导体外径( mm )成品 26.64 26.82 27.63 23.00 29.14 30.00 30.00 钢芯 6.66 7.50 9.21 10.32 12.5 7.50 8.40铝 1083.6 1081 1106.8 1103.5 1132.5 1374 1351.8 计算重量( kg/km )钢 211.4 268.0 404.2 507.5 727.5 268.0 336.2总计1295 1349 1511 1611 1860 1642 1688 20℃直流电阻( Ω/km ) 0.07370 0.07389 0.07232 0.07232 0.07087 0.05812 0.05912 计算拉断力( N )95940 103900 123400 135200 171300 119500 128100 最终弹性系数( N/mm 2) 63000650006900076000780006300065000线膨胀系数( 1/℃)20.9 ×10-6× -6 -6× -6 -6× -6 × -620.5 1019.3 ×1018.9 1018.0 ×1020.9 1020.5 10圆铝线绞后抗拉强度不小于 (N/mm 2) 156 157 157 151 152 154 154 镀锌(锌铝合金镀层)钢绞线绞后抗 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 拉强度不小于( N/mm 2)钢丝镀层重量不小于( g/m 2)214 229 244 244 229 229 244 最外层绞向右 右 右 右 右 右 右 交货长度不小于( m ) 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83钢芯铝绞线技术参数表七型号 钢芯铝绞线钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线 钢芯铝绞线参数LGJ-500/65 LGJ-630/45 LGJ-630/55 LGJ-630/80 LGJ-800/55 LGJ-800/70 LGJ-800/100结构铝 54/3.44 45/4.20 48/4.12 54/3.87 45/4.80 48/4.63 54/4.33根数 /直径( n/mm )钢 7/3.44 7/2.80 7/3.20 19/2.32 7/3.20 7/3.60 19/2.60计算截面积铝 501.88 623.45 639.92 635.19 814.30 808.15 795.17钢 65.06 43.10 56.30 80.32 56.30 71.25 100.88 mm2总计 566.94 666.55 696.22 715.51 870.60 879.40 896.05导体外径( mm )成品 30.96 33.60 34.32 34.82 38.40 38.58 38.98 钢芯 10.32 8.40 9.60 6.96 9.60 10.80 7.80铝 1389.5 1723.8 1768.8 1761.5 2249.8 2235.3 2204.1 计算重量(kg/km )钢 507.5 336.2 440.2 626.5 440.2 555.7 786.9总计1897 2060 2209 2388 2690 2791 2991 20℃直流电阻( Ω/km ) 0.05760 0.04633 0.04514 0.04551 0.03547 0.03574 0.03635计算拉断力( N )161000 148700 164400 192900 191500 207000 241100 最终弹性系数( N/mm 2) 69000630006500067000630006500067000线膨胀系数( 1/℃)19.3 ×10-6-6× -6 × -6 -6× -6 -620.9 ×1020.5 1019.4 1020.9 ×1020.5 1019.4 ×10圆铝线绞后抗拉强度不小于 (N/mm 2) 156 152 152 152 151 151 151镀锌(锌铝合金镀层)钢绞线绞后抗 12441244 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244 拉强度不小于( N/mm 2)钢丝镀层重量不小于( g/m 2)244 244 244 229 244 259 229 最外层绞向右 右 右 右 右 右 右 交货长度不小于( m ) 1500 1200 1200 1200 1000 1000 1000 适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83铝绞线技术参数表一型参数结构根数 /直径( n/mm)计算截面积mm2导体外径( mm)计算重量( kg/km)20℃直流电阻(Ω/km)计算拉断力( N)最终弹性系数( N/mm 2)线膨胀系数( 1/℃)圆铝线绞后抗拉强度不小于( N/mm 2)最外层绞向号铝绞线铝绞线铝绞线铝绞线铝绞线铝绞线铝绞线铝绞线LJ-25LJ-35LJ-50LJ-70LJ-95LJ-120LJ-150LJ-1857/2.157/2.507/3.007/3.607/4.1619/2.8519/3.1519/3.5025.4134.3649.4871.2595.14121.21148.07182.806.457.509.0010.8012.4814.2515.7517.5069.694.1135.5195.1260.5333.5407.4503.01.1270.83320.57860.40180.30090.23730.19430.15744355576079301095014450194202331028440 590005900059000590005900056000560005600023.0 ×10-6-6×-6×-6-6× -6-6× -623.0 ×1023.0 1023.0 1023.0 ×1023.0 1023.0 ×1023.0 10172168160154152160157156右右右右右右右右交货长度不小于( m)30002000150012501000150012501000适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83铝绞线技术参数表二型号铝绞线 铝绞线 铝绞线 铝绞线 铝绞线 铝绞线 铝绞线 参数 L J-210 LJ-240 LJ-300 LJ-400 LJ-500 LJ-630 LJ-800结构 19/3.7519/4.0037/3.2037/3.7037/4.1661/3.6361/4.10根数 /直径( n/mm )计算截面积209.85238.76297.57397.83502.90631.30 805.36mm2导体外径( mm ) 18.75 20.00 22.40 25.90 29.12 32.67 36.90 计算重量( kg/km )577.4 656.9 820.4 1097 1387 1744 2225 20℃直流电阻( Ω/km ) 0.1371 0.1205 0.096890.07247 0.05733 0.04577 0.03588 计算拉断力( N )32260 36260 46850 61150 76370 91940 115900 最终弹性系数( N/mm 2) 56000 5600056000 56000 56000 54000 54000线膨胀系数( 1/℃)23.0 ×10-6× -6× -6× -6× -6× -6× -623.0 10 23.0 10 23.0 10 23.0 10 23.0 10 23.0 10圆铝线绞后抗拉强度 154152157154152 154152 不小于( N/mm 2)最外层绞向右 右 右 右 右 右 右交货长度不小于( m )1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800800适用标准GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-83GB1179-833.3导体铝导体材料为Aοο铝。
串联电源防雷器技术参数资料目录前言 (1)一、产品用途 (1)二、型号说明 (1)三、产品特点 (1)第一章串联电源防雷器技术参数 (2)一、防雷插座 (2)二、单相两级联动串联式防雷箱 (3)三、三相两级联动串联式防雷箱 (4)四、串联端子低压防雷器 (5)第二章安装说明 (6)第三章包装、运输、储存 (7)前言长沙市雷立行电子科技有限公司是集防雷产品研制、生产及服务于一体的专业防雷公司。
二、型号说明LKX □□ /□10:防雷插座最大通流容量Imax(kA);C+D:串联防雷箱二、三级联动;B+C:串联防雷箱一、二级联动;12,24,48,220:串联端子低压防雷器工作电压;4PT:4口串联端子低压防雷器4PT:电源防雷插座4插孔;6PT:电源防雷插座6插孔或机架式防雷插座6插孔;4PT-12V、4PT-24V:4口串联端子低压防雷器12V、24V;3k、6k、12k、10k、20k、30k:串联式防雷箱额定功率(W);2P:串联端子低压防雷器接口类型E220(Electric outlet):电源防雷插座;P220(Power):单相两级联动串联式防雷箱;P380(Power):三相两级联动串联式防雷箱;AC/DC:交、直流串联端子低压防雷器雷科星三、产品特点●防雷插座特点:适用于设备端末级电源过电压保护;残压低,通流容量大;共模、差模全方位保护;节能、环保,可适用于16种不同的插头;非机架式防雷插座内置10A过载保护器,具备短路保护功能,不会因为超负荷而发生火灾;非机架式防雷插座具有保护活门设计,可防止误触电。
IN1 1 D1 2 S1 3 V- 4 GND 5 S4 6 D4 7 IN4 8
16 IN2 15 D2 14 S2 13 V+ 12 VL 11 S3 10 D3 9 IN3
Ordering Information
Maximum Junction Temperature (Plastic Packages) . . . . . . . .150oC
Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . -65oC to 150oC
Maximum Lead Temperature (Soldering 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . 300oC
Schematic Diagram (1 Channel)
Pin Descriptions
Whichever Occurs First Continuous Current (Any Terminal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30mA Peak Current, S or D (Pulsed 1ms, 10% Duty Cycle Max) . . 100mA
产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31180903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050660BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0903082 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030383 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030418 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31090903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050669BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030384 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31060903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050657BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030578 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030577 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31070903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050658BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904255 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030370 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311040903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050655BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904260 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030591 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311050903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050656BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030399 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030572 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311020903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050653BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030594 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030592 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311030903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050654BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904252 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030400 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030593 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31100903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050661BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030431 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030432 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31110903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050662BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030425 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030426 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31120903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050663BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030436 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030435 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#4单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31130903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050664BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904263 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110280 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110281河北东方机械厂制造7#4单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人。
J D I G I T A L C D 控制器操作手册说明书
Read carefully!ENGLISH VersionThis manual contains important safety informations about installation and use of this equipment. Ignoring this informations could result in injuries or damages.It is strictly forbidden to use this equipment withradioactive chemicals!IndexIndexGENERAL DESCRIPTION (4)CONTROL PANEL (4)ELECTRICAL WIRINGS: (5)VIEW ON MENU (6)SETTING SETPOINTS: 1)SETPN (6)Out mA (7)CALIBRATION: 2)CALIB (8)DELAY: 3) Delay (9)RESERVED: 4) Reserv (9)PASSWORD SETUP: 1) New Pw (10)STANDBY SETUP: 2) Stand (10)MANUAL WORKING MODE: 3) Serv (11)ERROR MESSAGES (11)3100 uS1on 2--UP” key“DOWN” key5ELECTRICAL WIRINGS:1 - 2: Power Supply (24VAC* or 115VAC* or 230VAC*). * See instrument's label 3-4: Setpoint 1 output - free contact.5-6: Setpoint2 output - free contact.7-8: Conductivity probe.9-10: Temperature compensation probe. 9 (GND) ; 10 (NTC).11-12: Current output (0÷20mA o 4÷20mA) proportional to read value. 11(-) ; 12 (+).13-14-15-16: See the following paragraph.Note : POWER SUPPLY FUSE PROTECTED (0,2A)Conductivity probes with built in temperature compensation (for example ECDCC/1) have 4 wires +shield.Connect red and black wires to conductivity blocks.Connect white and green wires to temperarure blocks.Connect shield to ground 9 (GND). “SEPR” CONFIGURATION.The instrument is set to work without a proximity sensor. If needed, proximity sensor turns the instrument into stand-by mode if there isn’t flow. Instrument’s display shows “NO FLOW”.Connect “SEPR” to blocks 13(blue), 15(black), 16(brown). Connect together block 14 with block 13.To work without a “SEPR” and with the same functionality use blocks 15 and 16 as a free contact.Connect together block 14 with block 13.Using “SEPR” or the free contact, two instruments can be controlled. Connect block 14 and 15 from master instrument to another instrument “J Digital” (slave). Finally follows the previous described connections for the master instrument.Installation1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16InstallationVIEW ON MENUMake connections and plug the instrument. Instrument’s version message on display confirms that the instrument is on. The display shows also the probe reading status and if setpoints are active. Press “E” for about 4 seconds to enter into setup menu.Note: During setup the instrument is in “Stand-by” mode. If user doesn’t press any key for one minute the instrument will return to normal working mode.To enter into setup menu, a password is needed. If this the first time that user enters into this menu or if the password is not changed, simply press “E”. Use “UP” and “DOWN” keys to scroll.“MAIN” menu is configured as follows:1)Setup: This menu is divided into 1)Setpn ; 2)Calib ; 3)Delay.2)Param: This menu is divided into 1)New Pw ; 2)Stand.3)Serv.: service mode.SETTING SETPOINTS: 1)SETPN“Out 1” and “Out 2” are relay’s driven outputs. The instrument can be programmed to operate in “On/ Off” mode or “Proportional” mode.“Proportional” mode can be selected in % between 10 and 100.Select “SETUP” from “MAIN” menu. Select “SETPN” and press “E”. The display shows:Setpoint1) Out 1Pressing “UP” or “DOWN” key the display will show in succession:Setpoint1) Out 1Setpoint2) Out 2Setpoint3) Out mASelect the setpoint to set (Out 1 or Out 2) using “UP” and “DOWN” keys, press “E” to confirm. “Out mA” allows to set the current output based on two Conductivity values. In the next example setpoint 1 (Out 1) has been set.6SETUP The instrument shows:1a) ->OFF1100uSPressing twice “RIGHT” key the display will show:1b) ->ON1000uS“1a)” and “1b)” are working range values. Every range is set by a value that operates relay output. Using default values, the setpoint 1 will drive a pump that will increase the conductivity value. The pump will switch on for uS values minor than 1000uS and switch off when reaches 1100uS: this is the ON/OFF working mode. The difference between the two uS (1100 e 1000) is called HYSTERESIS. T o avoid damaging the relay do not set Hysteresis under 100uS.PROPORTIONAL mode. The output relay is modulated (ON/OFF) depending on uS values set in 1a) and 1b). Ex.: Proportional mode between 1100uS (0%) and 1000uS (100%). In this way the relay will be on for values between 0 and 1000uS, it will be on for values higher than 1100uS. For values between 1000uS and 1100uS the relay will be on or off depending on calculated percentage.The calculation is based on a 100 seconds time. If Conductivity reaches 1030uS the relay will be on for 70 seconds and off for 30 seconds. To set the PROPORTIONAL functioning mode substitute percentual value to “ON” and “OFF”.It is not possible to enter mixed values (ex.: 100% for SP1 and ON for SP2). In this case it will not possible save them.In proportional mode the instrument doesn’t show % values for setpoints status but only if they are on or off.It is possible modify setpoint status (on,off, %) and setpoint values with RIGHT key on the function to modify and using “UP” and “DOWN” key to change the value. Enter the value and save by pressing “E” to save.Repeat sequence for setpoint 2 (OUT2).Press “E” key to exit from setpoint setting. The display will show “SetPoint Saved” and it return to the previous menu.Out mAThis function allows to program the current output for driving a metering pump or a chart recorder. It is possible to program in 0÷20mA mode or 4÷20mA mode in the working range between 0 and 2000uS. The current output and the working range may be modified. Ex.: it is possible to set 4mA at 0uS and 20mA at 1000uS. In this case, if you connect a metering pump it will dose at the maximum flow at 0uS. The pump will reduce the flow when Conductivity decrease and it will stop at 1000uS. If you connect a chart recorder, a graphic curve will be printed. Use “UP” and “DOWN” keys to change these settings. Press “RIGHT” key to scroll through the options. Press “E” to confirm.7SETUPCALIBRATION: 2)CALIBChoose “CALIB” from “Setup”. Display shows:Calib1)ZeroPress “UP” key. Display shows:Calib2) SlopeZero calibration.When display shows “1) Zero” press “E” to enter into zero calbration procedure. Display shows: R --.--uSC 0.00uSTo calibrate probes (K1) as mod. ECDIC/1 remove it from probe holder and calibrate it to air. Wait until “R” value is stable. ATTENTION: IT IS NOT NECESSARY THAT “R” VALUE WILL BE THE SAME OF “C” VALUE. Press “E” to confirm. Display shows:Calibr.Success.Slope calibration.When display shows “2) Slope” press “E” to enter into slope calbration procedure. Display shows: Temp Cal25°CThis is the buffer solution or the plant temperature. It is not possible modify this value. Press “E” to continue. The instrument will show:Comp.3%This is the temperature compensation coefficient. Modify this value according with the table on the buffer solution / chemical product bottle, using “UP” and “DOWN” keys. Press “E” to confirm. The instrument will show:R --.-- uSC 84uSIf you are using a 84 uS (or a different one compatible with working range) buffer solution press “E”otherwise enter the buffer solution value used by “UP” and “DOWN” keys and press “E”. Connect the probe to the instrument. Insert the probe tip into the 84 uS buffer solution and wait until R value (read value) is stablized and then press “E” to confirm the calibration.ATTENTION: IT IS NOT NECESSARY THAT “R” VALUE WILL BE THE SAME OF “C” VALUE.If the procedure is correct the instrument will show a confirmation message otherwise a numbered error message will be displayed (see table on page 10). Is an error occurred, repeat the procedure.8SETUP DELAY: 3) DelayIt’s possible to set an activation delay for each output when the instrument reaches the setpoint values. Default value is set to 0. Select “DELAY” from “SETUP” menu. The instrument will show:OUT110 Sec.Press “RIGHT” key. The instrument will show:OUT25 Sec.Delay time can be set from 0 (no delay) to 60 seconds. Press “E” to confirm. The display will show the confirmation message “DELAYS SAVED”.9PARAMPASSWORD SETUP: 1) New PwTo avoid undesired access to the instrument a 4 number password may be set. Using “UP” or “DOWN” keys, from “Param” menu choose “1) New Pw”, press “E” to confirm. The display shows: NEW PW-> 0 0 0 0Use “UP” and “DOWN” keys to modify th first digit. Use “RIGHT” key to go on the next digit. Press “E” to confirm. The instrument will show the new password for 2 seconds and then will return to the main menu.STANDBY SETUP: 2) StandFor a good electrodes polarization a delayed startup (every time the instrument is powered) may be set. Select “2)STAND” from “Param” menu. The display will show:STANDBY-> 02 Sec.It is possible to set the delay using “UP” and “DOWN” keys. The time can be set between 0 (no delay) to 60 seconds. Press “E” to confirm. The display will show the confirmation message “Stand-by Saved”for 2 seconds.10SERV. MANUAL WORKING MODE: 3) Serv.This function allows to manual control the external relays contact (SP1 / SP2).The display will show 1 or 2 to show the selected setpoint/output. The output status can be set “ON”or “OFF” using “UP” key for SP1 and “DOWN” key for SP2. “ON” is the status of N.O contact closed and N.C. contact open. “OFF” is the status of N.O. contact open and N.C. contact closed.ERROR MESSAGESIf the display shows an error message, use the following table:ERROR 1:Buffer solution error during calibration. Try again using adifferent buffer solution.ERROR 2:Buffer solution read error during calibration. Try again using adifferent buffer solution.ERROR 3:N/AERROR 4:Offset error. Verify sample and repeat procedure.11When dismantling an instrument please separate material types and send them according to local recycling disposal。
15 AMP, 350 VOLT, 230 WATT
• Thermally Matched Bias Diode • Instant Thermal Bias Tracking • Absolute Thermal Integrity • High Safe Operating Area • Pb−Free Packages are Available*
NJL4281D (NPN) NJL4302D (PNP)
Complementary ThermalTrakt Transistors
The ThermalTrak family of devices has been designed to eliminate thermal equilibrium lag time and bias trimming in audio amplifier applications. They can also be used in other applications as transistor die protection devices.
1.1 0.93
10 100
MHz pF V mA ns
NJL4281D (NPN) NJL4302D (PNP)
TJ = 100°C
Maximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur. Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits are exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 5 ms, Duty Cycle < 10%.
Collector Current − Continuous Collector Current − Peak (Note 1)
Base Current − Continuous Total Power Dissipation @ TC = 25°C
Derate Above 25°C
MJL4281A (NPN) MJL4302A (PNP)
Preferred Device
Complementary NPN−PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistors
The MJL4281A and MJL4302A are PowerBaset power transistors for high power audio.
DescriptionThe single output DGP30 Series is designed to accept an extended 2:1 input voltage range for use in industrial and telecom applications. The output of the converter is electrically isolated,thereby allowing the output to be configured as a positive or negative output voltage. For additional system utility, output Trim and Remote On/Off are featured. Overcurrent protection,overtemperature protection, and output overvoltage transient protection allow safe, reliable operation.Features•RoHS lead solder exemption compliant •Remote On/Off and trim •Low Off current•Overcurrent and overtemperature protection •Efficiencies to 86%•Transient output overvoltage protection •1544 V isolation•Five-sided, shielded case •Extended range input (2:1)Mechanical tolerances unless otherwise noted:X.XX dimensions: ±0.020 inches X.XXX dimensions: ±0.005 inchesn i P n o i t c n u F 1T U P N I +2T U P N I -3F F O /N O 4N I P O N 5T U O +6T U O -7MI R T s n o i t a c i f i c e p S l a r e n e G )1(sl e d o M l l A st i n U )2(n o i t c n u F F F O /N O l e v e L c i g o L N O n e p O n i P r o N I M 0.8C D V l e v e L c i g o L F F O X A M 0.2C D V ec n a t s i s e R t u p n I P Y T 001s m h o K t n e rr u C e l d I r e t r e v n o C w o L n i P F F O /N O PY T 1<Am n (3)o i t a l o s I e g a t l o V n o i t a l o s I 01μe g a k a e L A t u p t u O -t u p n I N I M 4451C D V t u p t u O o t t u p n I ec n a t i c ap a C P Y T 003F p n (4)o it c n uF m i r T t u p t u O e c n a t s i s e R t u p n I P Y T 02s m h o K e g n a R g n i m m a r g o r P N I M ±5%la t n e m n o r i v n E c T ,e g n a R g n i t a r e p O e s a C g n i t a r e D o N N I M X A M 04-09+°C e g n a R e g a r o t S N I M X A M 55-501°C )5(e c n a d e p m I l a m r e h T P Y T 01°t t a W /C n w o d t u h S l a m r e h T e r u t a r e p m e T e s a C P Y T 001°Cla r e n e G )d e t a l u c l a C (F B T M P Y T 000,008S R H th g i e W t i n U PY T 45/9.1mg /z o ti K g n i t n u o M s i s s a h C 2A1M C NOTES(1)All parameters measured at Tc = 25 °C, nominal input voltage and full ratedload unless otherwise noted.(2)ON/OFF pin is referenced to pin 2, -Input. See DGP30 Series ApplicationNotes for the specific requirements of this feature.(3)The Case is electrically connected to Pin 1, +Input.(4)Full output trim range may not be available at minimum input voltage andfull load. Full trim is guaranteed from minimum input voltage, plus 5%, and full load.(5)The case thermal impedance is specified as the case temperature rise overambient per package watt dissipated.Model numbers highlighted in yellow or shaded are not recommended for new designs.NOTES(1)All parameters measured at Tc=25 °C case temperature, nominal input voltage andfull rated load unless otherwise noted.(2)Minimum load required for rated regulation only. Module will not be damaged ifrun at less than minimum load.(3)Short term stability is specified after a 30 minute warm-up at full load, and withconstant line, load and ambient conditions.(4)The input ripple rejection is specified for DC to 120 Hz ripple with a modulationamplitude of 1% Vin.(5)Noise is measured per Technical R eference Section. Output noise is measuredwith a 1 µF tantalum capacitor connected 1” from the output pins.DGP30 SERIES APPLICATION NOTES:External Capacitance RequirementsNo external capacitance is required for operation of the DGP30 Series. However, it is recommended that the DGP30 Series use a capacitor of sufficient ripple current capacity connected across the input pins if a capacitive input source is farther than 1” from the converter. To meet the reflected ripple requirements of the converter, an input impedance of less than 0.05 Ohms from DC to 200 kHz is required. External output capacitance is not required for operation, however it is recommended that 1 μF to 10 μF of tantalum and 0.001 to 0.1 μF ceramic capacitance be selected for reduced system noise. Additional output capacitance may be added for increased filtering, but should not exceed 400 μF. Negative OutputsA negative output voltage may be obtained by connecting the +OUT to circuit ground and connecting -OUT as the negative output.Remote ON/OFF OperationThe remote ON/OFF pin may be left floating if this function is not used. It is recommended to drive this pin with an open collector arrangement or a relay contact. When the ON/OFF pin is pulled low with respect to the -INPUT, the converter is placed in a low power drain state. Since the ON/OFF pin is driven by a 9 volt internal source via a 100 kOhm resistor, the pin should not be driven by TTL logic. Attempts to drive this circuit with logic circuits may result in damage to user circuitry.Output TRIMThe TRIM pin may be used to adjust the output ±5% from the nominal setting. This function allows adjustment for voltage drops in the system wiring, as well 5.2 volt outputs for ECL applications. Figure 1 shows the proper connections to use this function. A trimpot value of 10 kOhm should be used for the 5 volt output. A trimpot value of 20 kOhm should be used for 12 and 15 volt outputs. If the TRIM function is not required, the pin may be left floating.Figure 1.T ypical Performance:(Tc=25°C, Vin=Nom VDC, Rated Load)NUCLEAR AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS - Power-One products are not designed, intended for use in, or authorized for use as critical components in life support systems, equipment used in hazardous environments, or nuclear control systems without the express written consent of the respective divisional president of Power-One, Inc.TECHNICAL REVISIONS - The appearance of products, including safety agency certifications pictured on labels, may change depending on the date manufactured. Specifications are subject to change without notice.。
TJ, Tstg VR
1.5 200 1.43
− 65 to +150 200 1.0
Adc W W/°C °C V A
Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Case
Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. 1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 5 ms, Duty Cycle < 10%.
25 Units / Rail 25 Units / Rail
Publication Order Number: NJL3281D/D
NJL3281D (NPN) NJL1302D (PNP)
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Rating
Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current (Note 2) (Rated dc Voltage, TJ = 25°C) (Rated dc Voltage, TJ = 150°C)
注塑机用超级单元(大金) 说明书
指令分解能 1.0%
光耦合绝缘DC+24V(最大27V) 5mA/ch
使用说明 Help 流量 Flowmeter液位 Level开关 SwitchWE77继电器安全栅 Barier流量积算仪附件 Accessories 产品型号说明2003VL01声明1:此型号说明是承德热河克罗尼仪表有限公司制造产品代码编制规则。
单击返回首页单击图标返回上一级产品型号说明2003VL01浮子流量计 VA meter DK32、DK34DK37、DK38H250H256H257H54插入式电磁流量计 MID DWM2000吹扫装置 Purge meter KPT1KPT3涡街流量计 Vortex VFM1091VFM5090VFM3100产品型号说明2003VL01电浮筒液位计 Level meter BW25BM51LT100磁翻版液位计Level gauge BM26BM710产品型号说明2003VL01流量开关 Flow switch DW181DW182DW183DW184DWM1000液位开关 Levek switch BW17BM34产品型号说明2003VL01H250 材质 Material A 1Cr18Ni9TiS 316Ti,1.4571L 316LC Hastelloy-C4,B2T TitaniumF PTFE衬里9 特殊要求产品型号说明2003VL01A 1Cr18Ni9TiH250 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN1009 特殊要求产品型号说明2003VL01S 316Ti,1.4571H250 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN1009 特殊要求产品型号说明2003VL01L 316LH250 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN1009 特殊要求产品型号说明2003VL01C Hastelloy-C4,B2 H250 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN1009 特殊要求产品型号说明2003VL01T TitaniumH250 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN1009 特殊要求产品型号说明2003VL01F PTFE衬里H250 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN1009 特殊要求产品型号说明2003VL01H256 材质 Material A 1Cr18Ni9TiS 316Ti,1.4571产品型号说明2003VL01A 1Cr18Ni9TiH256 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN100产品型号说明2003VL01S 316Ti,1.4571H256 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN100产品型号说明2003VL01H257 材质 Material A 1Cr18Ni9TiS 316Ti,1.4571产品型号说明2003VL01A 1Cr18Ni9TiH257 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN100产品型号说明2003VL01S 316Ti,1.4571H257 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN100产品型号说明2003VL01H54 材质 Material S 316Ti,1.4571F PTFE衬里产品型号说明2003VL01S 316Ti,1.4571H54 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN100C DN125D DN150产品型号说明2003VL01F PTFE衬里H54 口径 Size 2 DN154 DN257 DN50A DN80B DN100C DN125特殊D DN150特殊产品型号说明2003VL01VFM1091连接 Connetion F 法兰式连接S 夹持式连接产品型号说明2003VL01VFM5090连接 Connetion F 法兰式连接S 夹持式连接产品型号说明2003VL01VFM3100连接 Connetion F 法兰式连接S 夹持式连接产品型号说明2003VL01BM26 材质 MaterialA 3041Cr18Ni9TiL 316L00Cr17Ni12Mo2TiTTitinium钛 FPTFE衬里PPVC塑料产品型号说明2003VL01附件accessoriesH系列附件1091系列附件5090系列附件3100系列附件BW、BM外腔体精度:4%精度:2.5%量程:水:2.5 l/h-1000l/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):0.07-28m3/h量程:水:0.63-6.3m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):14-170m3/h量程:水:6.3-25m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):80-600m3/h量程:水:25-40m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):350-1200m3/h量程:水:63-100m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):1800-3000m3/h量程:水:2.5 l/h-1000l/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):0.07-28m3/h量程:水:0.63-6.3m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):14-170m3/h量程:水:6.3-25m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):80-600m3/h量程:水:25-40m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):350-1200m3/h量程:水:63-100m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):1800-3000m3/h量程:水:2.5 l/h-1000l/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):0.07-28m3/h量程:水:0.63-6.3m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):14-170m3/h量程:水:6.3-25m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):80-600m3/h量程:水:25-40m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):350-1200m3/h量程:水:63-100m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):1800-3000m3/h量程:水:2.5 l/h-1000l/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):0.07-28m3/h量程:水:0.63-6.3m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):14-170m3/h量程:水:6.3-25m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):80-600m3/h量程:水:25-40m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):350-1200m3/h量程:水:63-100m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):1800-3000m3/h量程:水:2.5 l/h-1000l/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):0.07-28m3/h量程:水:0.63-6.3m3/h;空气(20 C,0.1013MPa)):14-170m3/h。
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Green products are RoHS-Compliant (i.e Pb-free finish on leads and suitable for Pb-free soldering according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020).Please specify the package needed (e.g. green package) when placing an orderYou can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in ourInfineon Internet Page “Products”: /products.Dimensions in mmRevision HistoryVersion Date ChangesV1.12007-05-29Creation of the green datasheet.First page :Adding the green logo and the AEC qualifiedAdding the bullet AEC qualified and the RoHS compliant featuresPackage pageModification of the package to be green.Edition 2007-05-29Published byInfineon Technologies AG81726 Munich, Germany© Infineon Technologies AG 5/29/07.All Rights Reserved.Legal DisclaimerThe information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics (“Beschaffenheitsgarantie”). With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation warranties ofnon-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party.InformationFor further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office ().WarningsDue to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office.Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.。
CAT4280 CAT4280G 1 REV 操作手册说明书
OPERATING MANUAL • WARNING INFORMATION • PARTS LISTWARNINGSome dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and otherconstruction activities contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm. Some examples of these chemicals are: crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonryarsenic and chromium from chemically-treated lumber.Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this typeof work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals: work in a well ventilatedarea, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles.SPECIFICATIONS WARNING ALWAYS READFAILURE TO OBSERVE THESE WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN INJURY THIS INSTR UCTION MAN U A L CON T AINSIM P OR T ANT SAFE T Y INFOR MATION.R EAD THIS IN S TR UC T ION MANUAL CAR E F UL L YAND UN D ER S TAND ALL IN F OR M A T ION BE F OR EOP E R A T I NG THIS TOOL.• It is the responsibility of the owner to make sure allpersonnel read this manual prior to using this air tool.It is also the responsibility of the air tool owner to keepthis manual intact and in a convenient location for allto see and read. If the manual or product labels arelost or not legible, contact Cornwell for replacements.If the operator is not fluent in English, the product andsafety instructions shall be read to and discussedwith the operator in the operator's native language by the purchaser/owner or his designee, making surethat the operator comprehends its contents.• Al w ays op e r a te, in s pect and main t ain this tool in ac c or d ance with Amer i c an Na t ion a l Stan d ardsIn s ti t ute Safe t y Code of Por t a b le Air Tools (ANSIB186.1) and any oth e r ap p li c a b le safe t y codesand reg u l a t ions.• For safety, top per f or m ance and max i m um du r a b il i t y of parts, op e r a te this tool at 90 psig: 6.2 bar max airpres s ure with 3/8" di a m e t er air sup p ly hose.• Always wear im p act-re s is t ant eye pro t ec t ion when op e r a t i ng or per f orm i ng main t e n ance on this tool(users and bystanders).• Al w ays wear hear i ng pro t ec t ion when us i ng this tool (users and bystanders). High sound levels can cause per m a n ent hear i ng loss. Use hear i ng pro t ec t ion asrec o m m end e d by your em p loy e r or OSHA reg u l a t ion.• K eep the tool in ef f i c ient op e r a t i ng con d i t ion.• Operators and main t e n ance per s on n el must be phys i c al l y able to han d le the bulk, weight andpow e r of this tool.• Keep tool out of reach of children.Air un d er pres s ure can cause se v ere in j u r y. Nev e rdi r ect air at your s elf or oth e rs. Al w ays turn off theair sup p ly, drain hose of air pres s ure and de t achtool from air sup p ly bef ore in s tall i ng, re m ov i ng orad j ust i ng any ac c es s o r y on this tool, or be f oreper f orm i ng any main t e n ance on this tool. Fail u reto do so could re s ult in in j u r y. Whip hos e s can causese r i o us in j u r y. Al w ays check for dam a ged, frayed orloose hos e s and fit t ings, and re p lace im m e d i a te l y.Do not use quick de t ach cou p lings at tool. Seein s truc t ions for cor r ect set-up on page 4.Air powered tools can vi b rate during use. Vi b ra t ion,re p et i t ive mo t ions or un c om f ort a ble po s i t ions overex t end e d pe r i o ds of time may be harm f ul to yourhands and arms. Dis c on t in u e use of tool if dis c om f ort,tin g ling feel i ng or pain oc c urs. Seek med i c al ad v icebe f ore re s um i ng use.Place the tool on the work before starting the tool.Do not point or indulge in any horseplay with this tool.• Slip p ing, tripping and/or falling while op e r a t i ng air toolscan be a ma j or cause of se r i o us in j u r y or death. Be awareof ex c ess hose left on the walk i ng or work sur f ace.• Keep body work i ng stance bal a nced and firm. Do notover r each when op e r a t i ng the tool.• Anticipate and be alert for sud d en chang e s in mo t iondur i ng start up and op e r a t ion of any pow e r tool.• Do not carry tool by the hose. Pro t ect the hosefrom sharp ob j ects and heat.• Tool shaft may continue to rotate briefly after throttleis released. Avoid direct contact with accessoriesduring and after use. Gloves will reduce the risk ofcuts or burns.• Keep away from rotating end of tool. Do not wearjewelry or loose clothing. Secure long hair. Scalpingcan occur if hair is not kept away from tool andaccessories. Choking can occur if neckwear is notkept away from tool and accessories.• Impact wrenches are not torque control devices.Fasteners with specific torque requirements mustbe checked with suitable torque measuringdevices after installation with an impact wrench.• Do not lu b ri c ate tools with flam m a b le or vol a t ileliq u ids such as ker o s ene, die s el or jet fuel.• This tool is not insulated against electric shock.• This tool must not be used in explosive atmospheres.• Do not force tool be y ond its rat e d capacity.•Use only impact sockets and accessories on thistool. Do not use hand sockets or accessories.• Use accessories recommended by Cornwell Tools.• Do not use (or modify) the tool for any otherpurpose than that for which it was designedwithout consulting the manufacturer's authorizedrepresentative.• Do not remove any labels. Re p lace any damaged la b els.• Failure to heed these warnings may result in serious orfatal personal injury and/or property damage.WARNING: This product can expose you tochemicals including phthalates, which is known tothe State of California to cause cancer and birthdefects or other reproductive harm. For moreinformation go to .AIR SUPPLYTools operate on a wide range of air pressures. It is recommended that air pressure of these tools measures 90 psig at the tool with the trigger fully depressed and no load applied to the tool. Higher pressure (over 90 psig; 6.2 bar) raises performance beyond the rated capacity of the tool, which will shorten tool life and could cause injury.Always use clean, dry air. Dust, corrosive fumes and/or water in the air line will cause damage to the tool. Drain water from air lines and compressor prior to running tool. Clean the air inlet filter screen weekly. The recommended hookup procedure can be viewed in the above figure.The air inlet used for connecting air supply has standard 1/4" NPT. Line pressure should be increased to compensate for unusually long air hoses (over 25 feet). Minimum hose diameter should be 3/8" I.D. and fittings should have the same inside dimensions and be tightly secured.Ensure an accessible emergency shut off valve has been installed in the air supply line and make others aware of its location. LUBRICATIONLubricate the air motor daily with high quality air tool oil. If no air line oiler is used, run 1/2 oz. of oil through the tool. The oil can be squirted into the tool air inlet or into the hose at the nearest connection to the air supply, then run the tool. A rust inhibitive oil is acceptable for air tools.WARNING: After an air tool has been lubricated, oil will discharge through the exhaust port during the first few seconds of operation. The exhaust port must be covered with a towel before applying air pressure to prevent serious injury.OPERATIONThis tool is an impacting tool and not a torque meter. When specific torque is required, it must be checked with a torque meter after fitting the fastener with the impact. This impact wrench is rated at 7/8" SAE bolt size. Rating must be downgraded for spring U bolts, tie bolts, long cap screws, double depth nuts, badly rusted conditions and spring fastener, as they absorb much of the impact power. When possible, clamp or wedge the bolt to prevent spring back.Soak rusted nuts in penetrating oil and break rust seal before removing with impact wrench. If nut does not start to move in three to five seconds, use a larger size impact wrench. Do not use impact wrench beyond rated capacity as this will drastically reduce tool life. The reversing valve is used to change the direction of the tool. When the valve is out, the tool is in forward or right hand direction. When the valve is pushed in, the tool is in reverse or left hand direction.NOTE: Always turn off the air supply, drain hose of air pressure and detach tool from air supply before installing, removing or adjusting any accessory on this tool, or before performing any maintenance on this tool.NOTE: Actual torque on a fastener is directly related to joint hardness, tool speed, condition of socket and the time the tool is allowed to impact. Use the simplest possible tool to socket hook up. Every condition absorbs energy and reduces power.NOTE: During operation, safety goggles must always be worn to guard against flying debris (users and bystanders). TROUBLESHOOTINGOther factors outside the tool may cause loss of power or erratic action. Reduced compressor output, excessive drain on the air line, moisture or restrictions in air pipes or the use of hose connections of improper size or poor conditions may reduce air supply. Grit or gum deposits in the tool may cut power and may be corrected by cleaning the air strainer and flushing out the tool with gum solvent oil or an equal mixture of SAE #10 and kerosene. If outside conditions are in order, disconnect tool from hose andtake tool to your nearest authorized service center.WARRANTY COVERAGECornwell Quality Tools Company (“Cornwell”) warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship for a period of TWO (2) YEARS from the date of original retail purchase. Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth below, Cornwell will, at its option, either repair or replace any part of the product(s) that proves defective by reason of improper workmanship or materials.This warranty does not cover any damage to this product that results from accident, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassembly, repair, or modification. Repairs, disassembly and modification are only authorized to be made by Cornwell or a Cornwell Authorized Warranty Center.WARRANTY SERVICEIn order to have your tool repaired, return the tool to any Cornwell Au t ho r ized Warranty Center, freight pre p aid. Please include a copy of your proof of pur c hase and a briefde s crip t ion of the prob l em. The tool will be inspected and if any part or parts are found to be de f ec t ive in ma t e r i a l or work m an s hip, they will be re p aired free of charge, and the re p aired tool will be re t urned to you freight pre p aid.EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONSTHIS WARRANTY AND THE REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, REMEDIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. CORNWELL SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IF CORNWELL CANNOT LAWFULLY DISCLAIM IMPLIED WARRANTIES UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ALL SUCH IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY.IN NO EVENT SHALL CORNWELL BE LIABLE TO THE PURCHASER OR TO THE USER OF A CORNWELL PRODUCT FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES BASED UPON BREACH OF WARRANTY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. SUCH DAMAGES INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, EXPENSES, LOST REVENUES, LOST SAVINGS, LOST PROFITS, OR ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE PURCHASE, USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE CORNWELL PRODUCT.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or exclusions or limitation on the duration of implied warranties or conditions, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary by state.Repair kits and replacement parts are available for many Cornwell products, regardless of whether or not the product is still covered by a warranty plan.Cornwell Quality Tools Company667 Seville Road • Wadsworth, OH 44281-1094Item Part No Parts Name Qty 101 RS428201 HAMMER CASE (incl. 102 and 109) 1 102 RS428202 ANVIL BUSHING (incl. with 101) 1 103 RS428203 SOCKET RETAINER (incl. with 105) 1 104 RS428204 O-RING (7x2) (incl. with 105) 1 105 RS428001 ANVIL ASSEMBLY (incl. 103 and 104) 1 106 RS428206 HAMMER PIN (2 Pack) 1 107 RS428207 HAMMER (2 Pack) 1 108 RS428208 HAMMER FRAME 1 109 RS223809 GREASE FITTING (6x6Lx1.8) (incl. with 101) 1 201 RS428209 SCREW (M3x12) 2 202 RS428210 FRONT END PLATE 1 203 RS428211 BALL BEARING (6002ZZ) 1 204 RS428212 ROTOR 1 205 RS428213 ROTOR BLADE (6 Pack) 1 206 RS428214 CYLINDER ASSEMBLY 1 207 RS223812 SPRING PIN (2.5x8) 1 208 RS322515 BALL BEARING (6001ZZ) 1 301 RS428215C HOUSING - BLUE 1 RS428215CG HOUSING - GREEN 1 302 RS428216 MUFFLER 1 303 RS223820 PIN (2.6mm) 1 304 * O-RING (16.18x2.53) 1 305 * REVERSE VALVE 1 306 * O-RING (17.8x1.9) 1 307 RS223824 EXHAUST DEFLECTOR 1Item Part No Parts Name Qty 309 * RS223826 C-RING (RTW#16) 1 310 * VALVE STEM SEAL 1 311 * VALVE STEM BUSHING 1 312 * VALVE STEM 1 313 * RS223830 SPRING (14x8x20L) 1 314 RS223831 O-RING (17x2) 2 315 RS428218 AIR INLET 1 316 RS223833 E-RING (2.5) 1 401 RS428219 GAS K ET 1 402 RS223835 SPRING (2.5x5.2L) 1 403 RS223836 STEEL BALL (2.5MM) 1 404 RS223837 REGULATOR 1 405 RS223838 O-RING (42x2) 1 406 RS223839 TRIGGER 1 407 RS223840 O-RING (3.5x1.6) 1 408 RS428220 REVERSE BUTTON 1 409 RS428221 FORWARD BUTTON 1 410 RS428222 NYLOK SCREW (M4x90) 4 411 RS223844 SUPPORT BAR LEFT 1 412 RS223845 SUPPORT BAR RIGHT 1 RSCAT4280WL PRODUCT WARNING LABEL 1RSCAT4280GWL PRODUCT WARNING LABEL (GREEN) 1 * RS223846 THROTTLE REVERSE VALVE ASSEMBLY 1PARTS LIST。
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Collector Cutoff Current (VCB = 350 Vdc, IE = 0)
Emitter Cutoff Current (VEB = 5.0 Vdc, IC = 0)
NJL4281D (NPN) NJL4302D (PNP)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Collector Emitter Sustaining Voltage (IC = 50 mA, IB = 0)
Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (Note 2) (iF = 1.0 A, TJ = 25°C) (iF = 1.0 A, TJ = 150°C)
Maximum Instantaneous Reverse Current (Note 2) (Rated dc Voltage, TJ = 25°C) (Rated dc Voltage, TJ = 150°C)
NJL4281D (NPN) NJL4302D (PNP)
Complementary ThermalTrakt Transistors
The ThermalTrak family of devices has been designed to eliminate thermal equilibrium lag time and bias trimming in audio amplifier applications. They can also be used in other applications as transistor die protection devices.
• Thermally Matched Bias Diode • Instant Thermal Bias Tracking • Absolute Thermal Integrity • High Safe Operating Area • Pb−Free Packages are Available*
TO−264 (Pb−Free)
Shipping 25 Units / Rail 25 Units / Rail
25 Units / Rail 25 Units / Rail
Publication Order Number: NJL4281D/D
NJL4281D (NPN) NJL4302D (PNP)
DC Current Gain (IC = 100 mAdc, VCE = 5.0 Vdc) (IC = 1.0 Adc, VCE = 5.0 Vdc) (IC = 3.0 Adc, VCE = 5.0 Vdc) (IC = 5.0 Adc, VCE = 5.0 Vdc) (IC = 8.0 Adc, VCE = 5.0 Vdc) (IC = 15 Adc, VCE = 5.0 Vdc)
Second Breakdown Collector with Base Forward Biased (VCE = 50 Vdc, t = 1.0 s (non−repetitive) (VCE = 100 Vdc, t = 1.0 s (non−repetitive)
• Eliminates Thermal Equilibrium Lag Time and Bias Trimming • Superior Sound Quality Through Improved Dynamic Temperature
• Significantly Improved Bias Stability • Simplified Assembly
ATTRIBUTES ESD Protection Flammability Rating
Human Body Model Machine Model
>8000 V > 400 V
UL 94 V−0 @ 0.125 in
Collector−Emitter Saturation Voltage (IC = 8.0 Adc, IB = 0.8 Adc)
Emitter−Base Saturation Voltage (IC = 8.0 Adc, IB = 0.8 A)
Base−Emitter ON Voltage (IC = 8.0 Adc, VCE = 5.0 Vdc)
1.1 0.93
10 100
MHz pF V mA ns
NJL4281D (NPN) NJL4302D (PNP)
TJ = 100°C
TJ = 25°C
Figure 4. DC Current Gain, VCE = 20 V, PNP NJL4302D
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Rating
Collector−Emitter Voltage
Collector−Base Voltage
Emitter−Base Voltage
Collector−Emitter Voltage − 1.5 V
VCE(sat) VBE(sat) VBE(on)
fT Cob vF iR trr
♦ Reduced Labor Costs ♦ Reduced Component Count
• High Reliability
• High−End Consumer Audio Products
♦ Home Amplifiers ♦ Home Receivers
• Professional Audio Amt
− Continuous − Peak (Note 1)
Base Current − Continuous Total Power Dissipation @ TC = 25°C Derate Above 25°C
Current−Gain − Bandwidth Product (IC = 1.0 Adc, VCE = 5.0 Vdc, ftest = 1.0 MHz)
Output Capacitance (VCB = 10 Vdc, IE = 0, ftest = 1.0 MHz)
TJ = 100°C
TJ = 25°C
10 0.01
Figure 1. DC Current Gain, VCE = 5 V, NPN NJL4281D
Figure 3. DC Current Gain, VCE = 20 V, NPN NJL4281D
10 0.01
Maximum Reverse Recovery Time (iF = 1.0 A, di/dt = 50 A/ms)
2. Diode Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 300 ms, Duty Cycle v 2.0%.
Symbol VCE(sus)
Figure 2. DC Current Gain, VCE = 5 V, PNP NJL4302D
TJ = 100°C TJ = 25°C
TJ = 100°C
TJ = 25°C